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– page 4 we were still going on posting until Friday night started on Thursday night page 3 started Christmas day morning page 2 started Monday night
Hey Halifax – you’re second as the mod doesn’t count !.
As for a prize – try watching the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture from Thursday where they had a truly distasteful segment on the probability of a a volcano erupting – and even had a working model .
Absolutely beyond bad taste .
Having been busy, I haven’t read through all of the previous thread so excuse me if it has been mentioned previously. I was pleasantly surprised by the PM’s Christmas message. Not OTT or sickly sweet but acknowledging those who must work over the holiday period. The armed forces thanked. Jesus Acknowledged with no liberal “interfaith-diversity” pontificating. And he boldly highlighted the persecution of Christians throughout the world. Something I have heard very few world leaders do. It was brave in our present sociopolitical climate.
The BBC ignored Bojos comments in accordance with its’ anti Christian policy . Bit like the slaughter of Christians going on in Africa at the hands of followers of evil Islam .
Having been advised by the beeb’s nature programmes, I’ve been putting a lot of food out on the bird feeders lately. Possibly too many suet and peanut treats though; my tits are all double Ds now.
Having been advised by the beeb’s nature programmes, I’ve been putting a lot of food out on the bird feeders lately. Possibly too many suet and peanut treats though; my tits are all double Ds now.
There’s a shockingly agenda-driven environmental piece currently on the news page of the BBC webshite – “Climate change: migrant species do well in warm and wet UK in 2019.
The piece details how many of the rarely seen Painted Lady Butterflies were seen this year, but for the Natterjack Toad it was a very poor year. All well and good, for yearly conditions are never entirely equitable for every species, but since when have migratory species, such as the above mentioned butterfly, been called ‘migrant species?’
The article mentions the phrase ‘migrant species’ several times’ but surely the BBC must know that migratory species can in no way be likened to the cause of migrants. Oh wait, this is the BBC…
Many of these organisms are better described as invasive species.
Which are subject to eradication progams in many locations.
The problem is that the BBC and others claim that that the most destructive species, aliens, are part of the same species.
In my opinion Westerners should declare themselves a quasi-new species and declare it is our intention to become an indisputably new species and should use genetic manipulation to achieve this goal as soon as possible.
There will then be no reason to tolerate the destruction caused to our advanced societies by those, less fit biologically, and just eradicate them from our lands.
Muslim apostate Amir Khan, who claims he is still a Muslim, yet annot be so has been getting some stick for posting a photo in front of a Christmas tree with his family from real Muslims.
It’s not reported by the BBC, but how is it that our massively biased media cannot call out this intolerance from the Muslims as some ‘ism’ or fauxbia?
It would appear that according to the Fascist Left only the hated white people can be guilty of one of their myriad of wholly invented transgressions designed to protect Labour supporters.
Quite shocking to see the double standards openly displayed by people who clearly hate us.
Maybe we should all wake up to the fact that we (the people of this nation) are not being informed as we should be- Immigration was one major issue clearly displayed throughout Brexit, yet never once honestly spoken aboout through Westminster or the media especially not the BBC.
Chances are that you probably haven’t heard of the UN Migration Pact? If you haven’t, you’re likely not alone but you may want to ask yourself just why. Not surprisingly, in most Western countries, there’s been a virtual media black-out on the topic. The pact is nothing less than a brazen attempt to expunge the idea of the traditional nation-state, and acts as a blueprint for a 3rd world invasion of Western countries. In short, the pact seeks to normalize mass migration, and to establish migration as a global human right. It will allow migrants from all over the world to be able to go where they want, when they please, and for whatever reason. Madness-but there is more-
The pact claims that 244 million people world-wide wish to migrate. Some claim the pact is not legally binding:however, many of its critics say that the current form of the pact is a merely stepping stone towards implementing these policies as international law. Signatory nations will de facto hand over their sovereignty to the un-elected and unaccountable United Nations. Effectively, these signatory nations will be giving up their “nationhood”. As Trump has famously said, “Without borders, we don’t have a nation.” And, for the countries who signed the pact, they will no longer have borders.That said the USA will not sign up to such a pact.
Further more not only does the sinister UN Migration Pact seek to impose mass migration on the native populations of western countries, but it also seeks to silence any and all dissenting voices. The pact actively seeks to limit any speech that’s critical of migration. With over 79% of European citizens wanting tighter control of Europe’s external border, the only way this supranational agreement can be directly imposed on people of western nations is if the people aren’t completely aware of it. Unfortunately, because the mainstream media hasn’t been reporting on it, many remain in the dark about the UN Migration Pact. For it to be successful, the UN pact must remain hidden from popular view. Come Boris step on the gas-halt unwanted immigration immediately-no nonsence-return all who endeavour to come to the UK illegally and make sure the world knows where we stand on this issue-otherwise we shall drown and be destroyed.
This map is very useful for those western Europeans who want to find a place where they can find refuge over the coming years.
The politicians and the media never mention it but it is the blueprint for the great replacement of the whites in Europe and the destruction of Western Civilisation.
Note: India and China accept the compact, as its unlikely Africans and ME will be headed their way. But it does allow Indians and Chinese to get to the West.
Tarien- I feel this is the most perfect example of our MSM, spearheaded by our Public (interest) Broadcaster, ensuring an almost total ‘black-out’ of coverage of a critical issue.
I remember posting on here that, while we were all focused on Brexit and what the EU was doing, we were not seeing the Migration Compact, and what the UN was doing. There is a LINK, of course – the EU passed the necessary resolution on the Rights of Africans in Europe in March, 2019. This too, has received no publicity in our media. The big con for the gullible was that signing the Compact was OK, as it was not ‘legally binding’, but it looks like the EU will do the dirty work for them.
I remember hoping that Ms May would NOT sign the compact, something I would possibly have expected of a Labour PM. Unfortunately this lady, possibly the most overpromoted Cabinet Minister and then Prime Minister in our history, put her pen to paper. After all, had not that nice Ms Merkel eagerly signed?
Your appeal to Boris is excellent. Will he have the courage? With us ‘leaving’, it would be now or never. The same media who kept the Compact and our signing, nice and quiet, will attempt to tear him to shreds. And Gina Miller will have something to rush to the ‘Supreme Court’ about.
Thanks Fakenewswatcher, in respect to that evil, heinous individual Miller, who should have had her residency in the United Kingdom evoked long ago-her country of birth call for her-please Guyana invite this unimportant creature back to your country and enjoy the fruits of her interference.
Martin Howes QC wrote of the Supreme Court: “This is rule by politicised judges which contradicts and undermines the rule of law”
For a top barrister and Head of Chambers to make the statement he does in this speech is almost unprecedented. Let us hope that,, particular Court set in motion by that T Blair individual will soon be defunct. Britain has its own Court of Justice, far above that so called Supreme Court. OK enough of that !
In this context the Supreme court has no standing in a parliamentary democracy, for the simple reason that parliament is supreme in UK, and not lawyers- see David Starkey. This illegitimate court has been foisted on the the UK by T Blair.
Boris Johnson has a huge majority. If he so wishes he can simply wipe out the supreme court, and while at it, reform the HoL, which is where this “supreme court” sits. It will be washed out with the detritus that has collected over the last 40 years of EU colonial rule.
I think the remedy to this nonsense will come with the second term of President Trump who, I’m sure , has a target list including the democrat FBI and the UN – which if I recall is chiefly funded without American money .
I bet if all those small economy countries had to pay their way we wouldn’t see the bloated UN in its current form for too long .
I hope you are right, Fed. Even as we ‘speak’ the very problem (uncontrolled migration) that we hope President Trump will attend to, may mean he doesn’t get a second term, as Democrats (I refer only to a party, not a principle) try to move as many ‘migrants’ as possible into key ‘rust-belt’ states that he will need for victory.
I remember when Ronald Reagan was (Republican) Governor of California. Now California, with the biggest number of Electoral College votes by far, is Democrat, and will always remain so. We both know why.
Once upon a time the queues for the Sales comprised ladies with headscarves (like the Queen), and chaps in overcoats lined up in an orderly fashion. There are still queues for the Sales with ladies in headscarves, (but NOT like the Queen), and the chaps are from a place where overcoats aren’t worn.
Switched on local news just as Look North was reporting about Guy Martin who used to race motorbikes and has some very enjoyable little programmes on ITV and possibly Channel 5. I believe he is in trouble regarding a driving licence. It may be the short piece of film of Guy walking along may have been recent, but as you know I don’t trust the BBC. Apparently Guy is autistic and is ready to believe what he is told. (Dare I suggest that applies to a lot of remoaners?). But the Guy in the short bit of Look North film, did not look like the Guy we are used to seeing on our screens. He did look unworldly tonight and as though he wouldn’t have understood what was happening. Didn’t seem a very nice thing for the BBC to portray one who appears regularly on a competitor’s channel in that way.
Guy Martin : CPS have dropped their court case against for having an illegal Irish driving licence
After his defence team said they would use his special victimhood status an an autistic
to claim that he “believed he had take a legal test, whilst working in Northern Ireland”
In other local news
The guy with a gun in the Hull street, who got shot in the shoulder by police
…is a Latvian national ethnic Russian
Thanks Stew, my moan was with the film the BBC chose to use of Guy and I don’t think they used film that showed Guy in a complimentary light. Maybe it was what his legal defence team wanted too.
So guy had been given an Eire HGV licence and he’d sent that to the DVLA to get the HGV added to his UK licence
So the DVLA said that Eire licence is a forgery.
SO I agree it was a waste to prosecute him when he seemed to believe it was a genuine licence.
the local paper uses a happy family photo.
SPIDERWOMAN RETURNS! See it tonight, only on BBC TV News at 6pm! Starring: Lady Hale and her political ‘Supreme Court’. Produced by Anthony Blair and Directed by Lord Hall Hall.
I’m sure many of us here will have been pleased to see that impartial paragon of Justice, Lady Hale, with much publicity from our impartial broadcaster, for her triumph over the PM and 17.4 million voters, with plentiful footage of her supporters doing demos, etc. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE PRINCIPLE OF EXTORTING MONEY WITH MENACES.
I’m sure that, although Lady Hale is scurrying off the scene (ostensibly), we will be hearing more from this ‘court’ as soon as Gina Miller has prepared her next act. I’ve become quite the arachnophobe, as I listen for scurrying in the undergrowth…(Although she was careful not to repeat the Obama retirement mistake of telling us she was off to her ‘war room’.)
News “36 year old Swedish national Flamur Beqiri, who was gunned down on his London doorstep
..police believe he might have been involved in organised crime in Sweden” … what like reindeer smuggling ?
Swedes on Twitter use the word “krimigrant,”
what could that mean ? /sarc
He was friends with Naief Adawi, who is believed to have been the target when his common-law wife Karolim Hakim was murdered*.
Naief Adawi was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the Brøndbyrånet theft in 2008.
(60 million were stolen, and most was not recovered)
Interesting that The murderer, Isac Drivhall, was given a stricter sentence on the day before the London murder.
Swedish commenters say “why’s he being called Swedish ? He’s not a Swede, he’s lived in loads of countries and comes from Kosovo
I noticed this and wearily shook my head, you see half my family are Albanian muslims and I can see an Albanian name from a mile away. Because I completely boycott the bbc I rely on you lot to inform me of their far left bias, so I was wondering if they reported at all on the recent very serious earthquakes in Albania, a family member was only slightly hurt fortunately, the media seem more interested in the bush fires in Australia.
Thank you all on here as you but the msm to shame with your excellent articles.
from Coventry, yes they did but the BBC were a bit slow in doing so. I had an e-mail from a friend to tell me about it so I went on the BBC web-site to check. It wasn’t there at first but eventually it came up; first under Europe under NEWS, then it migrated to a full item on the NEWS Page. Don’t recall whether it made it to headline on the BBC Home Page at all.
It was only mentioned on the web-site for about two days.
I did hear a reference to it on both The World at One (BBC R4, TWatO) and The World Tonight (BBC R4, TWiT). Can’t say if TOADY spent any of their three hours on it.
Hope your family, if they have relatives in the ‘quake area are OK.
Tip for R4 Today monitors
I find it useful to first check their Facebook page
cos they often put a running order
And their posts that day , tell you what agendas they are pushing.
They just said there are more Muslims in India than in Pakistan
I checked
Bangadesh 90% Muslim that’s 148m
Pakistan 97% Muslim that’s 211m
India 14% Muslim widely quoted as 200m
So BBC quote seems wrong
DS one has to realise that raw counting of Muslims is a fallacy.
Since everyone born a Muslim is counted as a Muslim
To me the big group is ethnic-Muslim
and the smaller group is practising-Muslim
There are absolutely loads of people who are non-Muslim in their city life, but go back to their village and be a Muslim for Ramadam and at their marriage ceremony
..but they aren’t real Muslims, but most can never never say that.
No the opposite
In a Muslim country , you get documented as a Muslim purely cos your father was.
You leave and become a pastafarian , you could still never get your ID card changed.
In tribal areas it is possible to convert to Muslim (say to get a government job) and then convert back later’s not see as full apostasy.
I was vaguely aware of Japans tight immigration policy due to proximity to China, a quick search reveals some staggering figures.
“ Japan is known for its tight immigration policy. In 2017, the country accepted only 20 of about 20,000 people who applied for refugee status and allowed 45 to stay in the country on humanitarian grounds, according to the Justice Ministry.”
Stew ,
I’ve listened to that programme for probably 30 years or more . It used to have well informed correspondent s who would explain the issues in key areas of the globe . But then like so much else on the BBC -it just became another propaganda source. Until I saw your post I didn’t even know it was on – and there was footy on Amazon Prime …
By the way – Twitter is reporting that Ian Duncan Smith is to get a knighthood . That’s upsetting the Remainers – bigly.
Father Bigly was a character in ‘Father Ted’, wasn’t he?
I suppose that when IDS becomes a Knight, and everyone says ‘Hello SirIDS’, everyone’s mobile or Ipad etc. will chirp up and say some sort of gibberish…
Last years edition
Sopel claimed the wolves were closing in but Trump will make it to 2020
He made a big deal of the Mueller report coming to something
..but we know that came to nothing
and Trump survived Stormy Daniels although his lawyer Michael Cohen didn’t
Steve Rosenberg, said Putin wants Trump to continue .. yet we don’t see Trump as Russias best friend now
None of them predicted the Biden’s problems
Katya Adler kept saying that Trump has an effect on the EU of uniting them
..I think she misses the big divisions in the EU , Poland and Hungary are not united in , nor is Italy
They said that @akk Merkels annointed successor would smoothly move to become Chancellor, but now actually she is not in #1 position.
They predicted that Putin would make a big move in 2019 ..He didn’t
The BBC, now lacking any point in promoting their regular anti Brexit propaganda, has turned its full attention on the climate. I suppose something had to fill the vacuum…
This has reached the point of full on obsession with them. It’s no longer “news” it’s blatant brainwashing.
This morning they began by showing me giant wind turbines. Christ, these monstrosities are massive. Each one looked like the size of the bloody Shard. Apparently some green loonie wants to build millions of these hideous carbuncles and spread them across the country. Lovely!
This was followed by a report about the forest fires in Australia. They questioned some poor random woman, standing looking at the inferno, and asked her if she thought this catastrophe had anything to do with burning fossil fuel. How the hell is she supposed to know? …but of course she gave the right answer.
They then had a segment about the melting ice cap…you know the sort of thing, lots of film of crumbling icebergs and that bleedin’ polar bear sitting on a sliver of floating ice.
Then, just in case we were particularly dense and hadn’t received the message, they showed us the floods in Blighty and we finished with a cheery piece about the typhoon in the Philippines.
Jesus H Christ…
Do you think they’re trying to tell us something?
As ever Maxi misrepresents again
I did not say everyone is surrounded by fire and that is fine
I pointed out there has been bits of rain and more will come
When I lived in Sydney it rained for 3 weeks in January
Those of us ‘of a certain age’ will recall that a constant moan of the early environmentalists was how the countryside was despoiled by electricity pylons.
Well when we go ‘all electric’, heating and cars, we will need about six-times more than we have now – and there won’t be a peep.
“Do you think they’re trying to tell us something?”
They are trying to soften us up ready for taking away our petrol cars and increasing/imposing taxes (to compensate for the loss of fuel duty/VAT). What is worrying is how many seem to be willing to unquestionably swallow without so much as a thought as to the game being played.
I thought I left a comment about Google warning I got earlier ( in Chrome on a PC) that has had a data breach to *all* user IDs and passwords …. it hasn’t shown up here…..
Nothing has come to me as moderator regarding this . I’ve done a google search earlier today to see if “biased BBC’ comes up on the first page . It did . There was no warning attached to it .
This was done on apple kit . Please cut and paste the warning you received and post it here .. I’ll dig a bit …
It was a popup in Google Chrome on Windows. Never saw that before – usually Chrome uses a full page for warnings.
Looked kosher – no button to click, no linked stuff – just a simply formatted warning that user credentials on had been the subject of a data breach and that a password change was recommended.
Sorry – I didn’t save a screenshot.
I’m now reviewing the extensions / plugins on this machine as it would seem it might be a local thing…. a false alarm of sorts…
I think I remember getting one of those some time back!
Soon afterwards, I had some sort of threat from a bloke who said he knew the password, and asked for a load of bitcoins! I think Stew here had the same request!
Funnily enough, he went away soon afterwards! (The bitcoin bloke, not Stew of course)!
The good thing about Chrome is that they have a great spam filter, so all the rubbish gets binned immediately!
As far as I’m concerned, Google can know anything they like as long as Rita Chevrolet is not made aware, as well as Senora O’Blene of course…
Tomo – thank you – I just wondered if the warning was still showing up but I can’t see one . However I have very limited Computer skills …
Different subject
My newly re elected MP had upset the far left by being knighted in the Honours list . I’m no great fan of giving further honours to successful people but he deserves on just for rubbing the hateful lefties who tried to unseat him in their own ‘mess’.
Is nt sad that Bercow didn’t get a mention ? Hope it stays that way …
According to the Mail traitor Bercow is the first Speaker in 230 years not to be automatically offered a peerage. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. He is, however, on my ‘deportation’ (or worse) list.
Our metroliberal overlords are like the Venezuelan socialists
We joke about this but I was talking to my Venezuelan friends, which I never normally do cos it is too heartbreaking what am I supposed to do ..send the whole country medicines
..and I have actually lived in African countries even more screwed up.
Revolution will come eventually
Anyway their Chavez supporters just believed in the Socialist dream and many still do blaming disfunction on US conspiracy.
They are dreamers, like a cult
But I realised that is the same for metroliberal overlords
..they are the same they really BELIEVE their dreams that Greta is a prophet that Trump, Brexit and Boris are devils etc.
For both sets there is their dreamworld vs the reality we know
, but they can’t see the reality cos they are trapped in a cult.
They even have the same mind control
We have the BBC and London bubbleworld media
..and they have all these Chavez supporting propaganda TV. channels
“MBE for Nadiya HUSSAIN For services to Broadcasting and the Culinary Arts!!”
Just what is it about Nadiya Hussain that has caused you to be quite so obsessive in your hatred of her? I haven’t really paid much attention, but she seems to have an attractive personality, is well liked and has carved out a successful career; winning many accolades along the way.
Maxi old chap, I don’t normally reply to your contributions but as it is Christmas
You seem hung up on the Hussain..well actually no , the reason for the incredulity is that she has been around for a relatively short time, cushioned by the BBC, her cooking is limited – she is not a trained chef or baker and exactly what her contribution to broadcasting is – I am still unsure.
As for well liked (by whom? the BBC) – is that a qualification for an MBE? Won accolades (from who? the BBC) carved out a successful career (within confines of BBC)
Now to be fair there are many people who get awards undeservedly but in her case there is without doubt a huge element of virtue signalling….she is a product of the BBC pure and simple and everything she has done is for herself..
Oh!, Oh! Here’s that persistent Summer fly about. Determined to land on the cakes having just come from the local dung heap.
Here, hand me the aerosol spray…………..
Maxi – James A explained the reason for my incredulity, and I suspect so will most people when they hear the news. Nuff said.
Equally unbelievable is the honour awarded to some idiot called Gok Wan – who promotes clothes in Sainsburys and QVC. So I suppose I have something against the ‘Wan’. Giggle !
Maxi, you are right
It is about racist action BY white people
And if you think that is important , then you are way behind the people on this blog who are calling out WHITE metroliberals who choose to over promote certain people based on their brown skin colour, just so they can signal their virtue.
As ever shouting racist at people who are not racist is a dehumanising thing. People here wouldn’t complain loudly if Raheem Kassam got an award, nor if American conservative Thomas Sowell was awarded.
In Britain there are perhaps many unrewarded non whites who deserve awards like soldiers or people working undercover against Islamic terrorists, plus there may be some unknown people who have helped police catch grooming/raping gangs from their own community, but there seem to be a risk to such people if their role becomes public.
There may be some surgeons or scientists who deserves recognition
but giving an award to someone who is fairly newish and already has a massive public platform seems unfair.
I’d like to hear Gordon Ramsey’s (OBE) reaction ! AND Marcus Wareing who has worked his way up to the top of his game, and has been involved with endless charity work, and has NOTHING !! An absolute disgrace.
(if Maxicony reads this, well, sorry you don’t have a leg to stand on with this)
While I don't endorse this, there's no law saying you can't hold up a sign when outlets are filming in public. The contempt with which the U.S. media treats the population (Covingtongage hoax, Jussie Smollett hoax, lying about FISA abuse) means stuff like this will be common.
Started to watch Mary Queen of Scots on Sky. Given up after 20 minutes as it was like watching a cast of the United Nations. Adrien Lester is a fine actor , but as Lord Randolph, an Ambassador in the court of Queen Elizabeth ???? According to records Randolph was white, but here is what the director says…………
“The film, which is written by Beau Willimon (“House of Cards”) and based on a book by John Guy, stars Saoirse Ronan in the titular role as Mary Stuart and Margot Robbie as her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I. It also showcases a number of actors of color in prominent roles in both Mary’s and Elizabeth’s courts, including decorated Shakespearean actor Adrian Lester, who is black; he portrays Elizabeth’s ambassador to the Scottish court, Lord Thomas Randolph.
Rourke told TheWrap that colorblind casting a period drama was important to her, because of the many years black and other people of color were left out of such portrayals and films.
“I was really clear, I would not direct an all-white period drama,” Rourke said. {snip}
There were people of color in England during that time. According to the U.K. national archives, Elizabeth would have employed black servants and musicians, and even had a black chambermaid, though seeing a person of color as high up as Lord Randolph would have been improbable”
Film makers are taking all the enjoyment out of watching a movie. Few people have little intensive historical knowledge, but most of us realise that the UK 500 years ago was 99.9% white, and its crackers to make us believe otherwise.
We might think it fairly important for real people in films and tv to be played by actors who even slightly resemble them, but it doesn’t seem to be a concern shared by film makers. I watched the film Trumbo on telly a few weeks ago – the bloke playing John Wayne was nothing like him. Kirk Douglas was a little closer. At least neither of them was played by Idris Elba.
I see the BBC has made another Profumo dramatisation called The Trial of Christine Keeler. Now, I don’t know what the real drug dealer Johnny Edgecombe looked like but in the 1989 film Scandal he was played by singer Roland Gift, who is rather light-skinned. In the new BBC series he is played by Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, who compared to Gift, looks – well, as black as a Top Hat. They can’t both be right.
Just for the record, if I ever attain enough notoriety to be portrayed in a film, I have a rather sallow complexion. . .
Also, I recently read How It Happened Here, Kevin Brownlow’s account of the making of his and Andrew Mollo’s film about Britain under the Nazis. In it, he remarks that casting faces appropriate to a film’s period setting has become a lost art. No kidding!
I don’t think it’s particularly important that dramas depicting real events get every tiny detail spot on about the person they’re portraying, but you want them to (at least) get their race right.
No one would think it appropriate to have (say) Brian Blessed playing (maybe) Nelson Mandela. There’d be a bloody outcry. Can you imagine The Guardian’s response if Christopher Ecclestone turned up portraying Desmond Tu Tu?
Yes, I know we suffered Ben Kingsley’s portrayal of Ghandi, but he’d never get away with it now.
Keeler’s drug dealing, pimp, sometime boyfriend, was black, though what particular shade I can’t remember. I don’t think it’s important. I do think It would be odd though if he was played by Kenneth Branagh!
These days on the Beeb they deliberately and inappropriately slot BAME actors into roles that are white. It’s just wrong. The worst example I can think of is the ghastly Dan Snow’s depiction of The Battle of Hastings. William’s main lieutenant is black…according to the Beeb. Obviously utter nonsense.
Give the BBC a few years and they’ll have Idris Elba playing Winston Churchill.
I wish I was joking…
I know let’s do a remake of Zulu!….colourblind casting stylee of course..thinks….why not an all female cast too while we’re at it…with all the tribespersons/warriors played by whiteys (no make-up) and all the British army played by BAMEs (p.s.the cooks shall not be “orientals”..too cliched).
I’d go for Nadia Hussain MBE as Lt. John Chard R. E. and Joanna Lumley OBE as Chief Buthelezi…that might work?
It is constantly claimed that there were significant numbers of black people in Elizabethan England, so much so that steps were taken to try and stop their ‘troublesome behaviour’. There is next to no evidence for this and in reality there were probably no more than a few dozen. In the 16th Century, the description of ‘black’ was not used in the same way as the present. The most widely used term for non-whites was ‘blackamoor’, however, the emphasis here is ‘moor’, meaning Moor, muslim and arab. In many cases – although the overall numbers are still very small – these would be North Africans, for instance Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisians, including Christian slaves who had escaped or been liberated. Blackamoor does not imply black, as in negro or sub-Saharan.
There is a group of Morris Dancers that dress in black and cover their skin with black makeup…..not quite Black and White minstrels but very good ….not to be seen on our wonderful BBC for some strange reason ! !
Brissles, I too hate the film Mary Queen of Scots for similar reasons. In my view, multiculti fantasy peddlers like Josie Rourke are a menace to our culture. Not only is she completely wrong-headed about major issues like race, she gets many minor details wrong too. For example, there is a scene with a soldier who is introduced as being from John o’ Groats and who speaks only Gaelic. I have noticed before that some arty-farties from south of the border have the mistaken belief that the further north you go in Scotland, the more Gaelic it must be. The fact is that John o’ Groats was never Gaelic-speaking. On the Caithness coast they spoke Norn (Viking dialect) till the 15th century, then Scots, then standard English today. As well as that, John o’ Groats was always the tiniest of places inhabited by not much more than one family. So this figure of a Gaelic-speaking fighting age male from John o’ Groats is preposterous. The sad thing is that most people get their ideas of history from films rather than history books. With irresponsible, ideological, lazy film-makers like Josie Rourke having no respect for history or the truth, our youth is quite simply being indoctrinated.
Did the Un just declare Diego Garcia not to be ours?
And is that a prelude to the UK being declared not to be ours either?
Ms May signed. We could find that our quota for 2020 is five million Africans, plus a variety of Palestinian, Syrian and Venezuelan ‘freedom fighters’. A few from Hong Kong? Nothing will surprise me any more.
So, that young Muslim lass who bakes cakes on the BBC and gets paid a king’s ransom for doing so, has been mentioned in the latest UK Honours list. I think she’s getting an MBE for…um…baking and…………
Meanwhile the most important, influential and interesting man in British politics for the past three decades has once again been ignored.
I might mention that no other contestant in the Bake Off prog, was ever given so much publicity-of course not, this was the work of the Multicultural propaganda centre propagateing is message to us all. It is an insult to all those other winners of the Bake Off-as well as an insult to all good cooks and Chef’s, knowing that this Husain individual is absolutely not a qualified cook-as my wife has said, who is an excellent cook having run her own catering business and a top class hotel, this Muslim woman has no real experience outside her own home cooking, and that she should have a programme that sent her around the country, apparently telling people (who would listen) how to cook certain very British Dishes what an insult-, and then has a book published on the matter. I ask you, what the H is happening and then can one believe it they honour her with an MBE-we can all think of so many worthy individuals who should be honoured, I’m sure.
Tarien, most right minded people will agree with everything you say. The lady calls herself a chef/presenter/author, but all she did was win a baking competition, oh and made a very wonky and uninspiring birthday cake for the Queen, all of which makes further mockery of the honours system yet again.
My weekend is now complete after hearing that June Sarpong has been upgraded from her MBE to an OBE. (for services to wigs ????)
An Indonesian friend took me to a remote location where he is respected as a spirit-doctor.
Of course he doesn’t believe in such ghosts.
But the manifestation is almost always in teenage girls
You see it’s much easier to say “I need to get out of the village cos I’m possessed by evil spirits”
than say “I need to get out cos uncle has abused me”
.. He arranges for the girls to go to the town boarding school for a couple of years ..and thus the spirits disappear.
Are BBC TV taking the piss? If women news sport reporters
are good at their job ,fair enough. BUT now we have two ,
one brunette and one blond with the strongest of Republic
of Ireland brogues you are ever likely to hear. BBC am
I supposed to understand what they are saying?
The Beeb do like their accents.Not sure if he’s still on but Newsbeat used to have a presenter with the strongest and thickest Welsh accent you could possibly hear I’m sure it was deliberate to rub our English noses in it.
Used to have Radio 1 on at work (not my choice) They had a program on called BBC introducing and would split broadcast around the countries BBC introducing Scotland had a Scottish presenter NI an NI presenter etc England we got a Welsh presenter and if he was off we’d get somebody else but still not English.
The only thing that I got introduced to was anti English bias.Thinking back to it it was just another example that led me to search for BBC bias and see if other people were noticing the same and by judging the comments on this site quite a few are!
Nodding-Do you know what. Could it be that BIG BROTHER at
the diversity dept at the BBC believes that ENGLISH is a
white man’s language . And in time we may even have the
news read in the name of diversity in Urdu and other
The English language originated in darkest Africa over 1000 years ago. Some years later a shipload of white merciaries arrived, stole the language and took it back to England where the uneducated indigenous population had difficulty learning it. Happily in 1997 Tony Blair imported hundreds of thousands of Black and Asian people to improve and enrich the extremely poor version of the English language being spoken by the British up to that point in time.
Jesus..BBC breakfast honours
Gay RAF honour
Female squash player
Muslim female cook
even Click…not a single bloke interviewed in an industry that comprises 90% blokes..and of course Female dart player is being held up as a hero….FFS
Welcome to the Virtue signalling programme of the year award….
I just watched ten minutes of breakfast.Switched on half way through an interview with some bloke on the sofa he was wearing a couple of badges my first thoughts gay yep I was right think he’s got an MBE or something maybe he was the gay RAF James just mentioned.
Next on the sofa two black guys not any two black men but two who have a YouTube channel who do vegan recipies! Beeboid and our ethnic friends both agree veganism is going to be big next year what with climate change etc.
Talking of climate change just a quick opportunity to slip in an advert for something on Iplayer about…climate change.At which point I picked up the remote now watching an On The Buses film.
I’m guessing if I’d stuck around then the next guest would’ve been in a wheelchair just to make sure no box is left unticked.
Vegan/vegetarian, whatever, and each to their own, BUT I DO NOT want it ramming down THIS can carnivore’s throat. So newspaper and magazine editors, tv programming and commissioning editors please take note ! there are more of us than ‘them’ thank you very much.
Thank you Pete noted for future.
They even slipped veganism into their Christmas trailer it had a Toy Turkey giving a lecture wearing a tee shirt which had ‘I love vegans’ on it FFS
Like you say Brissles there’s more of us than them same as there’s more Sun readers than The Guardian maybe if the BBC aimed the output at them instead of the handful of yogurt knitters that read the Guardian you may get a few more people watching and listening!
That’s an idea for you Maxi why don’t you suggest to your colleagues to aim more for the Sun reader maybe get Jeremy Clarkson who writes a column there to do a motoring program I’m sure it would be very popular.
End bit with man child Robinson versus adult Charles Moore . They used the normal tactic of giving insufficient time , interruption , aggression and counter argument as opposed to challenge .
When mr Moore said Roger Harabin was ‘ biased ‘ you could hear the editor screaming to shut him up .
I will force myself to listen to a mentally affected 16 year old foreigner telling us what’s what on Monday . I bet she doesn’t get the ‘ shut down ‘ treatment like Mr Moore .
……..whereas In the immediately following interview lined up to rebut Moore’s climate change scepticism, JustRemainIn Webb gave ample time to allow David King to make all his global warming points with no interruptions and no sarcasm.
I’m also tempted to grit my teeth and listen to hear the ‘treatment’ Greta gets. Though aged only 16 she probably qualifies for child safeguarding measures impacting on harassment and bullying and thus no challenging questions will be asked.
I wish you hadn’t posted that comment because I feel guilty about the warm feeling I experienced knowing that Gavin Esler had a bad time . Snigger .
I stand to be corrected but I believe the LNER franchise was taken back by the government.
So what the photo shows is not the evil private sector creaming off the profits at the expense of the train user but……errrr………a damning commentary on nationalised industries.
Suspect our Gavin may have missed that one.
And maybe Alastair too.
Ha ha ha ha.
The New Years (dis)honours list has been published and I have to say for area in which I live there is an almost total representation of Ethnics and Labour supporters.
If Boris and his crew of idle cowards had anything about them, they would drain this swamp of leftie civil servants who would almost certainly never be able to find gainful employment short of cleaning hotel bedrooms!
Deputy Leader of the Labour Party quit because of the ‘ culture’ of the Labour Party . Unless I missed it / the flagship Toady programme hasn’t interviewed this or commented on it .
If this had been a conservative Tourette’s Robinson would have been shouting out about ‘ refused interviews’ whenever he could .
The BBC is a labour supporter – so it won’t report negative news about its’ Daddy .
In the spirit of doling out arbitrarily attributed and often dubiously deserved New Year baubals….
We ought to consider honouring our intermittent drive-by snarker Maxi.
Afterall, he [preferred pronoun assumed] handily explains something for us, something which has had some of us scratching our heads in bemusement.
Well, in fact two associated recent phenomena.
Suddenly popping out of the bushes in response to local confusion hereabouts as to how come a dodgy amatuer cake baker who happens to wear a tribal headscarf gets to visit Buckingham Palace to have a medal pinned to her hijab, our spasmodic friend provides the clue.
I quote: “Just what is it about Nadiya Hussain that has caused you to be quite so obsessive in your hatred of her?”
The obvious implication – you think there might be something wrong about this unusual turn of events therefore you’re all racialists. The sine qua non for a Leftist to denigrate anything and anyone in the slightist degree conservative.
That’s why the situation is created – to provoke negative response (or rather dare anyone to utter any negative response) so as to condemn.
So it is with all the recent hitherto inappropriate stunt casting (cf Doctor Who) in movies, drama, tv shows, advertising etc. You think there’s something amiss – you’re a bigot of some form, obviously.
The answer, poke your head over the parapet and have it shot off, or suffer in sullen silence – until some secret ballot – well, so long as that option remains available.
‘The Correspondents’ Look Ahead’ was interesting last evening. It’s repeated today on R4 @ 1.10pm. It used to be always followed by an ‘Any Answers’-type version after the Saturday repeat.
Not any more.
For about five years, the public have been shut out.
In the good old days, before AA (ie. before Anita Anand), the public on Any Answers often used to contribute more wisdom on the questions put to the Panel, than the Panel itself had done the night before. I wonder if that is why the Beeb has cancelled the public follow-up to ‘The Correspondents’ Look Ahead’ ?
The programme last night was trailed as “Our hard-working Editors and Senior Correspondents ……. ” but the panel included the BBC Economics Editor.
He has been noticeable by his absences from work since joining the BBC in the Spring of this year.
island – astonishing how little of the really important stuff ever gets mentioned by our Public Broadcaster and other MSM. Yesterday we made the same observation about the UN ‘Migrant Compact’ where, once again, one wonders whether it’s too late.
Keeping us in the dark seems to be the order of the day. And the fingerprints on it always seem to be remarkably similar…
We also wait to see whether government tackles the Human Rights Act, which Prof Richard Ekins says in ‘The Telegraph’ today, is “driving judicial interference in parliamentary democracy and responsible government.” (See the article “Human Rights Law is ‘distorting democracy’.”)
Obstructing governments from taking action in immigration, border control and defence, is a result of the actions of the EU court. And we are waiting and watching.
Strange how the MSM exhibits false news innocence over the award of certain honours.for instance – the ‘resigned ‘ DPP getting a Dame hood ? .
Surely part of the promised retirement package to go quietly . If I’m right now that she has the gong we will hear a bit more from said Dame about being a ‘ victim ‘
By the way – if you’re a bit of an anorak like me and like a political Twitter is repeating the segment of an Andrew Neil show where he asks Angela Raynor – labour PM in waiting about ‘ corporation / capital Gains tax . ‘ it’s 2 minutes of comedy – which is about the most funny stuff you’ll see on the BBC this christmas – if ‘ Nish ‘ has anything to do with it .
The Raynor snippet perfectly illustrated the sorry state of the political interview. Raynor was skewered yet kept on spouting dog whistle slogans like a demented soul regardless – got to make the most of the screen time.
The argument being unwinnable it was more a case of get a sticking plaster for being ill prepared and/or incompetent by talking over the interviewer – defending the vote – there being no hope of winning over thinking support.
It’s worrying that there are places in the UK where the likes of Raynor will ceaselessly win. This reminds me of the old rosette on a sheep joke.
Thank you very much for that, you’re very kind. I had stories, pictures etc direct from relatives, I didn’t ever rely on the msm, as I said I boycott the bbc. Everyone is fine, though property isn’t unfortunately. Where we go, Durres, was one of the worst hit with over 50 dead, places I know well are just gone, very upsetting. Only 2 people I know, 2 Romanians from work, ever spoke to me about it, so I know it wasn’t extensively covered here. They can’t link it to any of this climate change nonsense so aren’t that interested probably.
After decades of hard work as a professional 20 year old Sheku has won an award.
Almost unrewarded apart from winning BBC young musician of the Year Award in 2016
update on the Crawley Down incident
one victim was a 76yo passer by
The perp is in hospital but not named
A good samaratan lost her life when she tried to save a neighbour's life from her demented boy friend. This happened on our doorstep in Crawley Down, West Sussex.
Of course the BBC tells us that the judges such as Lady Hale are impartial… but mentions nothing about the fact that Lady Hale herself gave a presentation saying that she “crushes PM”
Further to other comments about Nadiya Hussain’s MBE:
She is actually getting an MBE for being the acceptable face of islam in the UK.
I remember very soon after winning Bake Off she was on Desert Island Discs. I noticed in the newsagents she had a column in the Times. I noticed in Waitrose she had been invited to contribute in their freebie magazine. Then there were the cookery programmes, the books – both cookery and life story novels etc. She made a cake for the Queen, she’s just cosied up to the Cambridge’s for something or other. I think she’s gone on the Mental Health bandwagon as well.
Don’t forget the cancelled program that was to follow Nadiya on the Haj, which I understand was cancelled because the programme makers (was that going to be a BBC endeavour?) didn’t want to balance it with pilgrimages for any other religion.
Now, apparently, no Christmas is complete without ‘Nadiya’s Festive Food’. How did we ever manage to cook for Chrismas without her?
My main point is that she has not strived and struggled to get into all of these media streams, she has been invited to do things and promoted and supported by others. She was probably selected for bake off in the first place to fill a muslim slot.
She was what finished GBBO for me, as soon as I saw the contestants I knew she would win. The farce of the final with her showstopper had me laughing, never took it seriously after that.
I don’t do broadcast TV so I caught only one episode of Bake Off when she was on, that was round at my mum’s house. I thought the huge hijab and long sleeves down to the wrists should not have been allowed on the grounds of hygiene.
We have sportsmen getting knighthoods, yet a member of the winning 1966 world cup team died without a single honour to his name. We have a baking contest winner from 4 years ago getting the same award as a 94 year old D Day landing veteran who has raised £10,000 for a national memorial.
My memory of Nadiya was the cake she made for the queen which was plain areas of colour and leaned like the tower at Pisa. Frankly it was amateurish. Brendan would have made a much finer cake and it would have been perfect in every detail. He was an older white male so didn’t stand a chance.
I hope that Nadiya has been quietly doing a lot of charity work, unpaid, and that has influenced the decision to give her a gong. If she has, she has done it so modestly the BBC has not publicised it.
Deborah, I don’t see how she’s had the time to make her ‘mark’ in the charity world. She’s been far too busy having a fashion overhaul, doing endless photoshoots, being an author, travelling abroad to find her ancestors coupled with food shows, tv presenting, baking royal cakes, giving statements about her anxiety and panic attacks, then numerous meetings about her cookery columns, oh, and ‘cheffing’. Charity work? perhaps she needs to speak to Marcus Waring to get a real handle on charity – and I make no apologies for saying again, this 2 star Michelin chef does NOT have any honour despite his impressive career path and CV.
If you watched the earlier series of GBBO you would have seen them make hand-raised pork pies in several episodes. For some reason they no longer do that…
It might make an interesting project to list all those who owe their ‘honour’ to free promotion on the BBC over the years.
Honours should be awarded to those who have quietly worked for the benefit of the UK, not a top-up for those who have already been awarded.
Another, shorter, project might be to analyse the Mastermind episode with Samira Ahmed. The contestants were pretty evenly matched, but poor John could hardly get a breath in when it came to feeding Samira with her general knowledge questions compared to the leisurely amble with his fellow white males.
I thought it was only me on the mastermind show . I also notice that the‘ tone ‘ of questions change for certain contestants .
As can be seen by the types awarded gongs – the committee making the decisions must try to put snowflake each other with some deluded group think that if you give gongs to token representatives of races or types you make for some kind of ‘inclusion ‘ when in fact anyone with a bit of common sense would just ‘eye roll’ .
There will always be the direct number 10 awards – as long as this outdated concept runs .
But at least Bercow will have to wait a bit longer for his peerage – perhaps he can wait until hell freezes over . The footage of the speaker processing through the commons and being clapped by the traitor side whilst the Conservative – government – side is empty says it all as a testimony for what that nasty little man did to his office .
MarkyMarkMar 6, 13:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 To Hell With the Archbishop of Canterbury { feb2008} In the midst of this dismal verbiage and euphemism, the plain…
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:12 Midweek 5th March 2025 What do you when you get fired from the ‘sentencing council ‘..?
Fedup2Mar 6, 13:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 World at one Excellent news – following the broadcast by comrade macron Sergei lavrov has told us that any NATO…
tomoMar 6, 12:16 Midweek 5th March 2025
wwfcMar 6, 12:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan asylum seeker raped schoolgirl, 15, after spotting her alone in town centre
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:57 Midweek 5th March 2025 The throat of the animal should be facing the Qiblah. The knife should be adequately sharp to cut the throat…
tomoMar 6, 11:45 Midweek 5th March 2025 It’s traditional thing in Pakistan for the diverse Islamic factions to murder each other., when they aren’t murdering unbelievers…. That…
moggiemooMar 6, 11:27 Midweek 5th March 2025 The UK is nearly a Middle East country and it supposedly already has nukes.
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:23 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Borders are being breached by criminal gangs worldwide. Life-threatening Channel crossings have occurred for years – it is time to…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 11:00 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Border security is national security.” Comment “So strange having a US President AND Vice President that can form sentences and…
First? The best Christmas gift yet
page 4
page 4
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 we were still going on posting until Friday night started on Thursday night
page 3 started Christmas day morning
page 2 started Monday night
Venutius – congratulations- spread the joy – and don’t worry – I’ll only charge the usual fee – not the holiday rate …
Anything for third ?
Hey Halifax – you’re second as the mod doesn’t count !.
As for a prize – try watching the Royal Institution Christmas Lecture from Thursday where they had a truly distasteful segment on the probability of a a volcano erupting – and even had a working model .
Absolutely beyond bad taste .
Having been busy, I haven’t read through all of the previous thread so excuse me if it has been mentioned previously. I was pleasantly surprised by the PM’s Christmas message. Not OTT or sickly sweet but acknowledging those who must work over the holiday period. The armed forces thanked. Jesus Acknowledged with no liberal “interfaith-diversity” pontificating. And he boldly highlighted the persecution of Christians throughout the world. Something I have heard very few world leaders do. It was brave in our present sociopolitical climate.
The BBC ignored Bojos comments in accordance with its’ anti Christian policy . Bit like the slaughter of Christians going on in Africa at the hands of followers of evil Islam .
Find it strange that Christmas time, war movies dominate TV schedules.
Having been advised by the beeb’s nature programmes, I’ve been putting a lot of food out on the bird feeders lately. Possibly too many suet and peanut treats though; my tits are all double Ds now.
Having been advised by the beeb’s nature programmes, I’ve been putting a lot of food out on the bird feeders lately. Possibly too many suet and peanut treats though; my tits are all double Ds now.
Popeye. It was even funnier the second time !
very droll.. now you must try to get back to at minimum a C-cup in the New Year..but for God’s sake don’t try to emulate Olive Oyl!
There’s a shockingly agenda-driven environmental piece currently on the news page of the BBC webshite – “Climate change: migrant species do well in warm and wet UK in 2019.
The piece details how many of the rarely seen Painted Lady Butterflies were seen this year, but for the Natterjack Toad it was a very poor year. All well and good, for yearly conditions are never entirely equitable for every species, but since when have migratory species, such as the above mentioned butterfly, been called ‘migrant species?’
The article mentions the phrase ‘migrant species’ several times’ but surely the BBC must know that migratory species can in no way be likened to the cause of migrants. Oh wait, this is the BBC…
Many of these organisms are better described as invasive species.
Which are subject to eradication progams in many locations.
The problem is that the BBC and others claim that that the most destructive species, aliens, are part of the same species.
In my opinion Westerners should declare themselves a quasi-new species and declare it is our intention to become an indisputably new species and should use genetic manipulation to achieve this goal as soon as possible.
There will then be no reason to tolerate the destruction caused to our advanced societies by those, less fit biologically, and just eradicate them from our lands.
Perhaps it should read, – ““Climate change: migrant species do well in warm, wet and State Benefit ridden UK in 2019.”
Muslim apostate Amir Khan, who claims he is still a Muslim, yet annot be so has been getting some stick for posting a photo in front of a Christmas tree with his family from real Muslims.
It’s not reported by the BBC, but how is it that our massively biased media cannot call out this intolerance from the Muslims as some ‘ism’ or fauxbia?
It would appear that according to the Fascist Left only the hated white people can be guilty of one of their myriad of wholly invented transgressions designed to protect Labour supporters.
Quite shocking to see the double standards openly displayed by people who clearly hate us.
UK: Muslim prisoners chant “Queen is the enemy of Islam and must die”
So far Jihad has been a secret war, but now its coming out in the open.Wonder how long the country can ignore it? Or will the powers simply surrender?
Maybe we should all wake up to the fact that we (the people of this nation) are not being informed as we should be- Immigration was one major issue clearly displayed throughout Brexit, yet never once honestly spoken aboout through Westminster or the media especially not the BBC.
Chances are that you probably haven’t heard of the UN Migration Pact? If you haven’t, you’re likely not alone but you may want to ask yourself just why. Not surprisingly, in most Western countries, there’s been a virtual media black-out on the topic. The pact is nothing less than a brazen attempt to expunge the idea of the traditional nation-state, and acts as a blueprint for a 3rd world invasion of Western countries. In short, the pact seeks to normalize mass migration, and to establish migration as a global human right. It will allow migrants from all over the world to be able to go where they want, when they please, and for whatever reason. Madness-but there is more-
The pact claims that 244 million people world-wide wish to migrate. Some claim the pact is not legally binding:however, many of its critics say that the current form of the pact is a merely stepping stone towards implementing these policies as international law. Signatory nations will de facto hand over their sovereignty to the un-elected and unaccountable United Nations. Effectively, these signatory nations will be giving up their “nationhood”. As Trump has famously said, “Without borders, we don’t have a nation.” And, for the countries who signed the pact, they will no longer have borders.That said the USA will not sign up to such a pact.
Further more not only does the sinister UN Migration Pact seek to impose mass migration on the native populations of western countries, but it also seeks to silence any and all dissenting voices. The pact actively seeks to limit any speech that’s critical of migration. With over 79% of European citizens wanting tighter control of Europe’s external border, the only way this supranational agreement can be directly imposed on people of western nations is if the people aren’t completely aware of it. Unfortunately, because the mainstream media hasn’t been reporting on it, many remain in the dark about the UN Migration Pact. For it to be successful, the UN pact must remain hidden from popular view. Come Boris step on the gas-halt unwanted immigration immediately-no nonsence-return all who endeavour to come to the UK illegally and make sure the world knows where we stand on this issue-otherwise we shall drown and be destroyed.
This map is very useful for those western Europeans who want to find a place where they can find refuge over the coming years.
The politicians and the media never mention it but it is the blueprint for the great replacement of the whites in Europe and the destruction of Western Civilisation.
Note: India and China accept the compact, as its unlikely Africans and ME will be headed their way. But it does allow Indians and Chinese to get to the West.
Tarien- I feel this is the most perfect example of our MSM, spearheaded by our Public (interest) Broadcaster, ensuring an almost total ‘black-out’ of coverage of a critical issue.
I remember posting on here that, while we were all focused on Brexit and what the EU was doing, we were not seeing the Migration Compact, and what the UN was doing. There is a LINK, of course – the EU passed the necessary resolution on the Rights of Africans in Europe in March, 2019. This too, has received no publicity in our media. The big con for the gullible was that signing the Compact was OK, as it was not ‘legally binding’, but it looks like the EU will do the dirty work for them.
I remember hoping that Ms May would NOT sign the compact, something I would possibly have expected of a Labour PM. Unfortunately this lady, possibly the most overpromoted Cabinet Minister and then Prime Minister in our history, put her pen to paper. After all, had not that nice Ms Merkel eagerly signed?
Your appeal to Boris is excellent. Will he have the courage? With us ‘leaving’, it would be now or never. The same media who kept the Compact and our signing, nice and quiet, will attempt to tear him to shreds. And Gina Miller will have something to rush to the ‘Supreme Court’ about.
Thanks Fakenewswatcher, in respect to that evil, heinous individual Miller, who should have had her residency in the United Kingdom evoked long ago-her country of birth call for her-please Guyana invite this unimportant creature back to your country and enjoy the fruits of her interference.
Martin Howes QC wrote of the Supreme Court: “This is rule by politicised judges which contradicts and undermines the rule of law”
For a top barrister and Head of Chambers to make the statement he does in this speech is almost unprecedented. Let us hope that,, particular Court set in motion by that T Blair individual will soon be defunct. Britain has its own Court of Justice, far above that so called Supreme Court. OK enough of that !
But first “kill the lawyers”.
In this context the Supreme court has no standing in a parliamentary democracy, for the simple reason that parliament is supreme in UK, and not lawyers- see David Starkey. This illegitimate court has been foisted on the the UK by T Blair.
Boris Johnson has a huge majority. If he so wishes he can simply wipe out the supreme court, and while at it, reform the HoL, which is where this “supreme court” sits. It will be washed out with the detritus that has collected over the last 40 years of EU colonial rule.
I think the remedy to this nonsense will come with the second term of President Trump who, I’m sure , has a target list including the democrat FBI and the UN – which if I recall is chiefly funded without American money .
I bet if all those small economy countries had to pay their way we wouldn’t see the bloated UN in its current form for too long .
I hope you are right, Fed. Even as we ‘speak’ the very problem (uncontrolled migration) that we hope President Trump will attend to, may mean he doesn’t get a second term, as Democrats (I refer only to a party, not a principle) try to move as many ‘migrants’ as possible into key ‘rust-belt’ states that he will need for victory.
I remember when Ronald Reagan was (Republican) Governor of California. Now California, with the biggest number of Electoral College votes by far, is Democrat, and will always remain so. We both know why.
fnw, a very Democratish California still elected a Republican Governor not so long ago.
I do hope you are right Fed..insidious bunch..particularly the UN
Once upon a time the queues for the Sales comprised ladies with headscarves (like the Queen), and chaps in overcoats lined up in an orderly fashion. There are still queues for the Sales with ladies in headscarves, (but NOT like the Queen), and the chaps are from a place where overcoats aren’t worn.
Switched on local news just as Look North was reporting about Guy Martin who used to race motorbikes and has some very enjoyable little programmes on ITV and possibly Channel 5. I believe he is in trouble regarding a driving licence. It may be the short piece of film of Guy walking along may have been recent, but as you know I don’t trust the BBC. Apparently Guy is autistic and is ready to believe what he is told. (Dare I suggest that applies to a lot of remoaners?). But the Guy in the short bit of Look North film, did not look like the Guy we are used to seeing on our screens. He did look unworldly tonight and as though he wouldn’t have understood what was happening. Didn’t seem a very nice thing for the BBC to portray one who appears regularly on a competitor’s channel in that way.
Guy Martin : CPS have dropped their court case against for having an illegal Irish driving licence
After his defence team said they would use
his special victimhood status an an autistic
to claim that he “believed he had take a legal test, whilst working in Northern Ireland”
In other local news
The guy with a gun in the Hull street, who got shot in the shoulder by police
…is a Latvian national ethnic Russian
Thanks Stew, my moan was with the film the BBC chose to use of Guy and I don’t think they used film that showed Guy in a complimentary light. Maybe it was what his legal defence team wanted too.
So guy had been given an Eire HGV licence and he’d sent that to the DVLA to get the HGV added to his UK licence
So the DVLA said that Eire licence is a forgery.
SO I agree it was a waste to prosecute him when he seemed to believe it was a genuine licence.
the local paper uses a happy family photo.
SPIDERWOMAN RETURNS! See it tonight, only on BBC TV News at 6pm! Starring: Lady Hale and her political ‘Supreme Court’. Produced by Anthony Blair and Directed by Lord Hall Hall.
I’m sure many of us here will have been pleased to see that impartial paragon of Justice, Lady Hale, with much publicity from our impartial broadcaster, for her triumph over the PM and 17.4 million voters, with plentiful footage of her supporters doing demos, etc. PLEASE SUPPORT THIS SHOW AND THE PRINCIPLE OF EXTORTING MONEY WITH MENACES.
I’m sure that, although Lady Hale is scurrying off the scene (ostensibly), we will be hearing more from this ‘court’ as soon as Gina Miller has prepared her next act. I’ve become quite the arachnophobe, as I listen for scurrying in the undergrowth…(Although she was careful not to repeat the Obama retirement mistake of telling us she was off to her ‘war room’.)
This court has to be removed from the land as its a direct challenge to parliament. We elect parliament. No one elected this bunch of lawyers.
News “36 year old Swedish national Flamur Beqiri, who was gunned down on his London doorstep
..police believe he might have been involved in organised crime in Sweden” … what like reindeer smuggling ?
Swedes on Twitter use the word “krimigrant,”
what could that mean ? /sarc
He was friends with Naief Adawi, who is believed to have been the target when his common-law wife Karolim Hakim was murdered*.
Naief Adawi was sentenced to 8 years in prison for the Brøndbyrånet theft in 2008.
(60 million were stolen, and most was not recovered)
Interesting that The murderer, Isac Drivhall, was given a stricter sentence on the day before the London murder.
Swedish commenters say “why’s he being called Swedish ? He’s not a Swede, he’s lived in loads of countries and comes from Kosovo
I noticed this and wearily shook my head, you see half my family are Albanian muslims and I can see an Albanian name from a mile away. Because I completely boycott the bbc I rely on you lot to inform me of their far left bias, so I was wondering if they reported at all on the recent very serious earthquakes in Albania, a family member was only slightly hurt fortunately, the media seem more interested in the bush fires in Australia.
Thank you all on here as you but the msm to shame with your excellent articles.
from Coventry, yes they did but the BBC were a bit slow in doing so. I had an e-mail from a friend to tell me about it so I went on the BBC web-site to check. It wasn’t there at first but eventually it came up; first under Europe under NEWS, then it migrated to a full item on the NEWS Page. Don’t recall whether it made it to headline on the BBC Home Page at all.
It was only mentioned on the web-site for about two days.
I did hear a reference to it on both The World at One (BBC R4, TWatO) and The World Tonight (BBC R4, TWiT). Can’t say if TOADY spent any of their three hours on it.
Hope your family, if they have relatives in the ‘quake area are OK.
Tip for R4 Today monitors
I find it useful to first check their Facebook page
cos they often put a running order
And their posts that day , tell you what agendas they are pushing.
I am sure I will not be listening to Today on Monday. It is Greta day. You have all been warned.
On Radio 4
Sopel has admitted his prediction of Democrat nominee was wrong last year (Beto O’Rourke)
They just said there are more Muslims in India than in Pakistan
I checked
Bangadesh 90% Muslim that’s 148m
Pakistan 97% Muslim that’s 211m
India 14% Muslim widely quoted as 200m
So BBC quote seems wrong
Ha Sopel is arguing with me
..can’t he read or something ?
Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, with approximately 225 million Muslims
And Indonesia suffers very high rates of Islamic Terrorism.
I think it was Delingpole or Murray who said, ‘More Islam, more Terrorism.’ It’s a fact.
Japan has no problem due to it’s almost total exclusion policy as regards Muslims.
“In 2016, Japan accepted 0.3% of refugee applicants, many of whom are Muslim.”
The BBC attitude is that more Islam = less terrorism.
DS one has to realise that raw counting of Muslims is a fallacy.
Since everyone born a Muslim is counted as a Muslim
To me the big group is ethnic-Muslim
and the smaller group is practising-Muslim
There are absolutely loads of people who are non-Muslim in their city life, but go back to their village and be a Muslim for Ramadam and at their marriage ceremony
..but they aren’t real Muslims, but most can never never say that.
Stew, Does that mean that there are more Muslims than are documented?
No the opposite
In a Muslim country , you get documented as a Muslim purely cos your father was.
You leave and become a pastafarian , you could still never get your ID card changed.
In tribal areas it is possible to convert to Muslim (say to get a government job) and then convert back later’s not see as full apostasy.
I was vaguely aware of Japans tight immigration policy due to proximity to China, a quick search reveals some staggering figures.
“ Japan is known for its tight immigration policy. In 2017, the country accepted only 20 of about 20,000 people who applied for refugee status and allowed 45 to stay in the country on humanitarian grounds, according to the Justice Ministry.”
Almost as if Japan is the scientific control in the experiment.
Stew ,
I’ve listened to that programme for probably 30 years or more . It used to have well informed correspondent s who would explain the issues in key areas of the globe . But then like so much else on the BBC -it just became another propaganda source. Until I saw your post I didn’t even know it was on – and there was footy on Amazon Prime …
By the way – Twitter is reporting that Ian Duncan Smith is to get a knighthood . That’s upsetting the Remainers – bigly.
Father Bigly was a character in ‘Father Ted’, wasn’t he?
I suppose that when IDS becomes a Knight, and everyone says ‘Hello SirIDS’, everyone’s mobile or Ipad etc. will chirp up and say some sort of gibberish…
Last years edition
Sopel claimed the wolves were closing in but Trump will make it to 2020
He made a big deal of the Mueller report coming to something
..but we know that came to nothing
and Trump survived Stormy Daniels although his lawyer Michael Cohen didn’t
Steve Rosenberg, said Putin wants Trump to continue .. yet we don’t see Trump as Russias best friend now
None of them predicted the Biden’s problems
Katya Adler kept saying that Trump has an effect on the EU of uniting them
..I think she misses the big divisions in the EU , Poland and Hungary are not united in , nor is Italy
They said that @akk Merkels annointed successor would smoothly move to become Chancellor, but now actually she is not in #1 position.
They predicted that Putin would make a big move in 2019 ..He didn’t
The BBC, now lacking any point in promoting their regular anti Brexit propaganda, has turned its full attention on the climate. I suppose something had to fill the vacuum…
This has reached the point of full on obsession with them. It’s no longer “news” it’s blatant brainwashing.
This morning they began by showing me giant wind turbines. Christ, these monstrosities are massive. Each one looked like the size of the bloody Shard. Apparently some green loonie wants to build millions of these hideous carbuncles and spread them across the country. Lovely!
This was followed by a report about the forest fires in Australia. They questioned some poor random woman, standing looking at the inferno, and asked her if she thought this catastrophe had anything to do with burning fossil fuel. How the hell is she supposed to know? …but of course she gave the right answer.
They then had a segment about the melting ice cap…you know the sort of thing, lots of film of crumbling icebergs and that bleedin’ polar bear sitting on a sliver of floating ice.
Then, just in case we were particularly dense and hadn’t received the message, they showed us the floods in Blighty and we finished with a cheery piece about the typhoon in the Philippines.
Jesus H Christ…
Do you think they’re trying to tell us something?
Widespread rain will come eventually
no big predictions yet , maybe something on Tuesday
but all the time there are small pockets
“Widespread rain will come eventually…”
maxi, where’s that apology you owe me?
As ever Maxi misrepresents again
I did not say everyone is surrounded by fire and that is fine
I pointed out there has been bits of rain and more will come
When I lived in Sydney it rained for 3 weeks in January
Here a touch from today in northern NSW
Those of us ‘of a certain age’ will recall that a constant moan of the early environmentalists was how the countryside was despoiled by electricity pylons.
Well when we go ‘all electric’, heating and cars, we will need about six-times more than we have now – and there won’t be a peep.
Absolutely, Jim!
Being of a similar ‘certain age’, (extremely late twenties), I seem to remember that the gummint introduced a new Cabinet post, ‘Environment’.
Up to then, that particular word was consigned to 23 down on the Times crossword!
“Do you think they’re trying to tell us something?”
They are trying to soften us up ready for taking away our petrol cars and increasing/imposing taxes (to compensate for the loss of fuel duty/VAT). What is worrying is how many seem to be willing to unquestionably swallow without so much as a thought as to the game being played.
Weird ….
I thought I left a comment about Google warning I got earlier ( in Chrome on a PC) that has had a data breach to *all* user IDs and passwords …. it hasn’t shown up here…..
Tomo was that coming up on an advert part of the page ?
BTW never use the same password for this site as for your important accounts like banks etc.
Nothing has come to me as moderator regarding this . I’ve done a google search earlier today to see if “biased BBC’ comes up on the first page . It did . There was no warning attached to it .
This was done on apple kit . Please cut and paste the warning you received and post it here .. I’ll dig a bit …
It was a popup in Google Chrome on Windows. Never saw that before – usually Chrome uses a full page for warnings.
Looked kosher – no button to click, no linked stuff – just a simply formatted warning that user credentials on had been the subject of a data breach and that a password change was recommended.
Sorry – I didn’t save a screenshot.
I’m now reviewing the extensions / plugins on this machine as it would seem it might be a local thing…. a false alarm of sorts…
I think I remember getting one of those some time back!
Soon afterwards, I had some sort of threat from a bloke who said he knew the password, and asked for a load of bitcoins! I think Stew here had the same request!
Funnily enough, he went away soon afterwards! (The bitcoin bloke, not Stew of course)!
The good thing about Chrome is that they have a great spam filter, so all the rubbish gets binned immediately!
As far as I’m concerned, Google can know anything they like as long as Rita Chevrolet is not made aware, as well as Senora O’Blene of course…
Tomo – thank you – I just wondered if the warning was still showing up but I can’t see one . However I have very limited Computer skills …
Different subject
My newly re elected MP had upset the far left by being knighted in the Honours list . I’m no great fan of giving further honours to successful people but he deserves on just for rubbing the hateful lefties who tried to unseat him in their own ‘mess’.
Is nt sad that Bercow didn’t get a mention ? Hope it stays that way …
According to the Mail traitor Bercow is the first Speaker in 230 years not to be automatically offered a peerage. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. He is, however, on my ‘deportation’ (or worse) list.
I understand that this site is hosted in the USA. Not so easy for the UK to officially access as regards information.
As regards hackers, that’s another issue I think.
Our metroliberal overlords are like the Venezuelan socialists
We joke about this but I was talking to my Venezuelan friends, which I never normally do cos it is too heartbreaking what am I supposed to do ..send the whole country medicines
..and I have actually lived in African countries even more screwed up.
Revolution will come eventually
Anyway their Chavez supporters just believed in the Socialist dream and many still do blaming disfunction on US conspiracy.
They are dreamers, like a cult
But I realised that is the same for metroliberal overlords
..they are the same they really BELIEVE their dreams that Greta is a prophet that Trump, Brexit and Boris are devils etc.
For both sets there is their dreamworld vs the reality we know
, but they can’t see the reality cos they are trapped in a cult.
They even have the same mind control
We have the BBC and London bubbleworld media
..and they have all these Chavez supporting propaganda TV. channels
Click to access New-Year-Honours-2020.pdf
MBE for Nadiya HUSSAIN For services to Broadcasting and the Culinary Arts!!
At least IDS got a Knighthood and there’s nothing for Swinson.
Hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas. Keep up the good work.
In this instance, MBE is short for ‘Muslims Before Everything’…
MBE for Nadiya HUSSAIN For services to Broadcasting and the Culinary Arts!!
Is THIS April Fools Day ????? What about the other Bake Off winners then ???? Christ they’ll be giving Tess Daly a damehood next.
“MBE for Nadiya HUSSAIN For services to Broadcasting and the Culinary Arts!!”
Just what is it about Nadiya Hussain that has caused you to be quite so obsessive in your hatred of her? I haven’t really paid much attention, but she seems to have an attractive personality, is well liked and has carved out a successful career; winning many accolades along the way.
So what could it be…
Ah, yes; “HUSSAIN”.
Nuff said.
Maxi old chap, I don’t normally reply to your contributions but as it is Christmas
You seem hung up on the Hussain..well actually no , the reason for the incredulity is that she has been around for a relatively short time, cushioned by the BBC, her cooking is limited – she is not a trained chef or baker and exactly what her contribution to broadcasting is – I am still unsure.
As for well liked (by whom? the BBC) – is that a qualification for an MBE? Won accolades (from who? the BBC) carved out a successful career (within confines of BBC)
Now to be fair there are many people who get awards undeservedly but in her case there is without doubt a huge element of virtue signalling….she is a product of the BBC pure and simple and everything she has done is for herself..
Oh!, Oh! Here’s that persistent Summer fly about. Determined to land on the cakes having just come from the local dung heap.
Here, hand me the aerosol spray…………..
Maxi – James A explained the reason for my incredulity, and I suspect so will most people when they hear the news. Nuff said.
Equally unbelievable is the honour awarded to some idiot called Gok Wan – who promotes clothes in Sainsburys and QVC. So I suppose I have something against the ‘Wan’. Giggle !
Maxi, you are right
It is about racist action BY white people
And if you think that is important , then you are way behind the people on this blog who are calling out WHITE metroliberals who choose to over promote certain people based on their brown skin colour, just so they can signal their virtue.
As ever shouting racist at people who are not racist is a dehumanising thing. People here wouldn’t complain loudly if Raheem Kassam got an award, nor if American conservative Thomas Sowell was awarded.
In Britain there are perhaps many unrewarded non whites who deserve awards like soldiers or people working undercover against Islamic terrorists, plus there may be some unknown people who have helped police catch grooming/raping gangs from their own community, but there seem to be a risk to such people if their role becomes public.
There may be some surgeons or scientists who deserves recognition
but giving an award to someone who is fairly newish and already has a massive public platform seems unfair.
Top post, Stew. Well said.
Hear hear.
(genuinely) sorry in advance up2snuff..
“MBE for Nadiya HUSSAIN For services to Broadcasting and the Culinary Arts!!”
Jesus F Christ!..the world has gone barking (n.b. Jolyon) mad!! ..FFS!!
She is reported to be worth £5 million and is paid just under £1 million per year.
Nigel Slater becomes an OBE, and Nadiya Hussain and Ainsley Harriott MBEs.
alleged fudge-packer-bame bingo award
I’d like to hear Gordon Ramsey’s (OBE) reaction ! AND Marcus Wareing who has worked his way up to the top of his game, and has been involved with endless charity work, and has NOTHING !! An absolute disgrace.
(if Maxicony reads this, well, sorry you don’t have a leg to stand on with this)
Ah…. the BBC discovers The Siege of Mecca
To anybody familiar with this event and the ensuing books and reporting there’s a number of utterly BS/mendacious statements in there ….
Here’s hoping this might catch on in the UK
Started to watch Mary Queen of Scots on Sky. Given up after 20 minutes as it was like watching a cast of the United Nations. Adrien Lester is a fine actor , but as Lord Randolph, an Ambassador in the court of Queen Elizabeth ???? According to records Randolph was white, but here is what the director says…………
“The film, which is written by Beau Willimon (“House of Cards”) and based on a book by John Guy, stars Saoirse Ronan in the titular role as Mary Stuart and Margot Robbie as her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I. It also showcases a number of actors of color in prominent roles in both Mary’s and Elizabeth’s courts, including decorated Shakespearean actor Adrian Lester, who is black; he portrays Elizabeth’s ambassador to the Scottish court, Lord Thomas Randolph.
Rourke told TheWrap that colorblind casting a period drama was important to her, because of the many years black and other people of color were left out of such portrayals and films.
“I was really clear, I would not direct an all-white period drama,” Rourke said. {snip}
There were people of color in England during that time. According to the U.K. national archives, Elizabeth would have employed black servants and musicians, and even had a black chambermaid, though seeing a person of color as high up as Lord Randolph would have been improbable”
Film makers are taking all the enjoyment out of watching a movie. Few people have little intensive historical knowledge, but most of us realise that the UK 500 years ago was 99.9% white, and its crackers to make us believe otherwise.
We might think it fairly important for real people in films and tv to be played by actors who even slightly resemble them, but it doesn’t seem to be a concern shared by film makers. I watched the film Trumbo on telly a few weeks ago – the bloke playing John Wayne was nothing like him. Kirk Douglas was a little closer. At least neither of them was played by Idris Elba.
I see the BBC has made another Profumo dramatisation called The Trial of Christine Keeler. Now, I don’t know what the real drug dealer Johnny Edgecombe looked like but in the 1989 film Scandal he was played by singer Roland Gift, who is rather light-skinned. In the new BBC series he is played by Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, who compared to Gift, looks – well, as black as a Top Hat. They can’t both be right.
Just for the record, if I ever attain enough notoriety to be portrayed in a film, I have a rather sallow complexion. . .
Also, I recently read How It Happened Here, Kevin Brownlow’s account of the making of his and Andrew Mollo’s film about Britain under the Nazis. In it, he remarks that casting faces appropriate to a film’s period setting has become a lost art. No kidding!
A black drug dealer? Surely not?
I don’t think it’s particularly important that dramas depicting real events get every tiny detail spot on about the person they’re portraying, but you want them to (at least) get their race right.
No one would think it appropriate to have (say) Brian Blessed playing (maybe) Nelson Mandela. There’d be a bloody outcry. Can you imagine The Guardian’s response if Christopher Ecclestone turned up portraying Desmond Tu Tu?
Yes, I know we suffered Ben Kingsley’s portrayal of Ghandi, but he’d never get away with it now.
Keeler’s drug dealing, pimp, sometime boyfriend, was black, though what particular shade I can’t remember. I don’t think it’s important. I do think It would be odd though if he was played by Kenneth Branagh!
These days on the Beeb they deliberately and inappropriately slot BAME actors into roles that are white. It’s just wrong. The worst example I can think of is the ghastly Dan Snow’s depiction of The Battle of Hastings. William’s main lieutenant is black…according to the Beeb. Obviously utter nonsense.
Give the BBC a few years and they’ll have Idris Elba playing Winston Churchill.
I wish I was joking…
I know let’s do a remake of Zulu!….colourblind casting stylee of course..thinks….why not an all female cast too while we’re at it…with all the tribespersons/warriors played by whiteys (no make-up) and all the British army played by BAMEs (p.s.the cooks shall not be “orientals”..too cliched).
I’d go for Nadia Hussain MBE as Lt. John Chard R. E. and Joanna Lumley OBE as Chief Buthelezi…that might work?
It was not inappropriate for Ben Kingsley to play Gandhi, his father was Indian, Kingsley is his stage name.
Johnny Edgecombe was 100% black
It is constantly claimed that there were significant numbers of black people in Elizabethan England, so much so that steps were taken to try and stop their ‘troublesome behaviour’. There is next to no evidence for this and in reality there were probably no more than a few dozen. In the 16th Century, the description of ‘black’ was not used in the same way as the present. The most widely used term for non-whites was ‘blackamoor’, however, the emphasis here is ‘moor’, meaning Moor, muslim and arab. In many cases – although the overall numbers are still very small – these would be North Africans, for instance Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisians, including Christian slaves who had escaped or been liberated. Blackamoor does not imply black, as in negro or sub-Saharan.
There’s also a connection with ‘Morris Dancing’, which may well have been ‘Moorish Dancing’, or even ‘Mauri Dancing’!
But don’t tell the BBC that as they’ll start doing wobblies, and get all cross again…
There is a group of Morris Dancers that dress in black and cover their skin with black makeup…..not quite Black and White minstrels but very good ….not to be seen on our wonderful BBC for some strange reason ! !
Brissles, I too hate the film Mary Queen of Scots for similar reasons. In my view, multiculti fantasy peddlers like Josie Rourke are a menace to our culture. Not only is she completely wrong-headed about major issues like race, she gets many minor details wrong too. For example, there is a scene with a soldier who is introduced as being from John o’ Groats and who speaks only Gaelic. I have noticed before that some arty-farties from south of the border have the mistaken belief that the further north you go in Scotland, the more Gaelic it must be. The fact is that John o’ Groats was never Gaelic-speaking. On the Caithness coast they spoke Norn (Viking dialect) till the 15th century, then Scots, then standard English today. As well as that, John o’ Groats was always the tiniest of places inhabited by not much more than one family. So this figure of a Gaelic-speaking fighting age male from John o’ Groats is preposterous. The sad thing is that most people get their ideas of history from films rather than history books. With irresponsible, ideological, lazy film-makers like Josie Rourke having no respect for history or the truth, our youth is quite simply being indoctrinated.
Did the Un just declare Diego Garcia not to be ours?
And is that a prelude to the UK being declared not to be ours either?
Ms May signed. We could find that our quota for 2020 is five million Africans, plus a variety of Palestinian, Syrian and Venezuelan ‘freedom fighters’. A few from Hong Kong? Nothing will surprise me any more.
Diego Garcia was a bloody good guitarist when ‘The Grateful Dead’ were doing their stuff!
No doubt the burgers of Islington will be making room for all the new immigrants; it’s only fair isn’t it!
Radio 4 07:10
Poor old Justin.
2 interviewees and they are both telling the Beeb to change.
The BBC will see themselves as unbiased by allowing Charles Moore to edit and talk about the far. Left bias of the BBC.
He compared the BBC the British empire which had good and bad but was past its’ time.
the other accusation was that the ITV views of people across blighty and just the socialist republic of. Islington.
It was interesting that the BBC ‘defender’ -Patricia Hodgeson – been both a member of OFCOM as well as a. BBC trustee….
Does Jeff read the comments on this site?
“… the Rubicon has now really been crossed”
huh …?
They think they can sell it?
brrr.. brrr… hello … is that the Emir of Qatar’s office?
Very very good ….sums up the BBC completely…..wonder how the rest of the world sees the BBC with its propaganda ?
So, that young Muslim lass who bakes cakes on the BBC and gets paid a king’s ransom for doing so, has been mentioned in the latest UK Honours list. I think she’s getting an MBE for…um…baking and…………
Meanwhile the most important, influential and interesting man in British politics for the past three decades has once again been ignored.
She writes novels as well
… very talented
…oh hang on the novels are ghost written.
I might mention that no other contestant in the Bake Off prog, was ever given so much publicity-of course not, this was the work of the Multicultural propaganda centre propagateing is message to us all. It is an insult to all those other winners of the Bake Off-as well as an insult to all good cooks and Chef’s, knowing that this Husain individual is absolutely not a qualified cook-as my wife has said, who is an excellent cook having run her own catering business and a top class hotel, this Muslim woman has no real experience outside her own home cooking, and that she should have a programme that sent her around the country, apparently telling people (who would listen) how to cook certain very British Dishes what an insult-, and then has a book published on the matter. I ask you, what the H is happening and then can one believe it they honour her with an MBE-we can all think of so many worthy individuals who should be honoured, I’m sure.
Tarien, most right minded people will agree with everything you say. The lady calls herself a chef/presenter/author, but all she did was win a baking competition, oh and made a very wonky and uninspiring birthday cake for the Queen, all of which makes further mockery of the honours system yet again.
My weekend is now complete after hearing that June Sarpong has been upgraded from her MBE to an OBE. (for services to wigs ????)
“…June Sarpong has been upgraded from her MBE to an OBE. (for services to wigs????)”
Blimey, you women… 😉
In the RN we always said the MBE was awarded for services to messdecks, bathrooms and ‘eads, the OBE was for other bastards efforts.
An Indonesian friend took me to a remote location where he is respected as a spirit-doctor.
Of course he doesn’t believe in such ghosts.
But the manifestation is almost always in teenage girls
You see it’s much easier to say “I need to get out of the village cos I’m possessed by evil spirits”
than say “I need to get out cos uncle has abused me”
.. He arranges for the girls to go to the town boarding school for a couple of years ..and thus the spirits disappear.
Are BBC TV taking the piss? If women news sport reporters
are good at their job ,fair enough. BUT now we have two ,
one brunette and one blond with the strongest of Republic
of Ireland brogues you are ever likely to hear. BBC am
I supposed to understand what they are saying?
The Beeb do like their accents.Not sure if he’s still on but Newsbeat used to have a presenter with the strongest and thickest Welsh accent you could possibly hear I’m sure it was deliberate to rub our English noses in it.
Used to have Radio 1 on at work (not my choice) They had a program on called BBC introducing and would split broadcast around the countries BBC introducing Scotland had a Scottish presenter NI an NI presenter etc England we got a Welsh presenter and if he was off we’d get somebody else but still not English.
The only thing that I got introduced to was anti English bias.Thinking back to it it was just another example that led me to search for BBC bias and see if other people were noticing the same and by judging the comments on this site quite a few are!
Nodding-Do you know what. Could it be that BIG BROTHER at
the diversity dept at the BBC believes that ENGLISH is a
white man’s language . And in time we may even have the
news read in the name of diversity in Urdu and other
The English language originated in darkest Africa over 1000 years ago. Some years later a shipload of white merciaries arrived, stole the language and took it back to England where the uneducated indigenous population had difficulty learning it. Happily in 1997 Tony Blair imported hundreds of thousands of Black and Asian people to improve and enrich the extremely poor version of the English language being spoken by the British up to that point in time.
Jesus..BBC breakfast honours
Gay RAF honour
Female squash player
Muslim female cook
even Click…not a single bloke interviewed in an industry that comprises 90% blokes..and of course Female dart player is being held up as a hero….FFS
Welcome to the Virtue signalling programme of the year award….
I just watched ten minutes of breakfast.Switched on half way through an interview with some bloke on the sofa he was wearing a couple of badges my first thoughts gay yep I was right think he’s got an MBE or something maybe he was the gay RAF James just mentioned.
Next on the sofa two black guys not any two black men but two who have a YouTube channel who do vegan recipies! Beeboid and our ethnic friends both agree veganism is going to be big next year what with climate change etc.
Talking of climate change just a quick opportunity to slip in an advert for something on Iplayer about…climate change.At which point I picked up the remote now watching an On The Buses film.
I’m guessing if I’d stuck around then the next guest would’ve been in a wheelchair just to make sure no box is left unticked.
>ND.. wheelchair-bound please!
Vegan/vegetarian, whatever, and each to their own, BUT I DO NOT want it ramming down THIS can carnivore’s throat. So newspaper and magazine editors, tv programming and commissioning editors please take note ! there are more of us than ‘them’ thank you very much.
Thank you Pete noted for future.
They even slipped veganism into their Christmas trailer it had a Toy Turkey giving a lecture wearing a tee shirt which had ‘I love vegans’ on it FFS
Like you say Brissles there’s more of us than them same as there’s more Sun readers than The Guardian maybe if the BBC aimed the output at them instead of the handful of yogurt knitters that read the Guardian you may get a few more people watching and listening!
That’s an idea for you Maxi why don’t you suggest to your colleagues to aim more for the Sun reader maybe get Jeremy Clarkson who writes a column there to do a motoring program I’m sure it would be very popular.
Toady watch
End bit with man child Robinson versus adult Charles Moore . They used the normal tactic of giving insufficient time , interruption , aggression and counter argument as opposed to challenge .
When mr Moore said Roger Harabin was ‘ biased ‘ you could hear the editor screaming to shut him up .
I will force myself to listen to a mentally affected 16 year old foreigner telling us what’s what on Monday . I bet she doesn’t get the ‘ shut down ‘ treatment like Mr Moore .
But that’s the far left biased BBC for you .
……..whereas In the immediately following interview lined up to rebut Moore’s climate change scepticism, JustRemainIn Webb gave ample time to allow David King to make all his global warming points with no interruptions and no sarcasm.
I’m also tempted to grit my teeth and listen to hear the ‘treatment’ Greta gets. Though aged only 16 she probably qualifies for child safeguarding measures impacting on harassment and bullying and thus no challenging questions will be asked.
Wonder if the BBC are going to do a Gavin and Ali special?
I wish you hadn’t posted that comment because I feel guilty about the warm feeling I experienced knowing that Gavin Esler had a bad time . Snigger .
He still sore about the time when the licence payer sent taxis for him too?
In China I took the train at new year
a 40 hour trip where I stood for 38 hours
yes 2 nights
I stand to be corrected but I believe the LNER franchise was taken back by the government.
So what the photo shows is not the evil private sector creaming off the profits at the expense of the train user but……errrr………a damning commentary on nationalised industries.
Suspect our Gavin may have missed that one.
And maybe Alastair too.
Ha ha ha ha.
The New Years (dis)honours list has been published and I have to say for area in which I live there is an almost total representation of Ethnics and Labour supporters.
If Boris and his crew of idle cowards had anything about them, they would drain this swamp of leftie civil servants who would almost certainly never be able to find gainful employment short of cleaning hotel bedrooms!
Deputy Leader of the Labour Party quit because of the ‘ culture’ of the Labour Party . Unless I missed it / the flagship Toady programme hasn’t interviewed this or commented on it .
If this had been a conservative Tourette’s Robinson would have been shouting out about ‘ refused interviews’ whenever he could .
The BBC is a labour supporter – so it won’t report negative news about its’ Daddy .
In the spirit of doling out arbitrarily attributed and often dubiously deserved New Year baubals….
We ought to consider honouring our intermittent drive-by snarker Maxi.
Afterall, he [preferred pronoun assumed] handily explains something for us, something which has had some of us scratching our heads in bemusement.
Well, in fact two associated recent phenomena.
Suddenly popping out of the bushes in response to local confusion hereabouts as to how come a dodgy amatuer cake baker who happens to wear a tribal headscarf gets to visit Buckingham Palace to have a medal pinned to her hijab, our spasmodic friend provides the clue.
I quote: “Just what is it about Nadiya Hussain that has caused you to be quite so obsessive in your hatred of her?”
The obvious implication – you think there might be something wrong about this unusual turn of events therefore you’re all racialists. The sine qua non for a Leftist to denigrate anything and anyone in the slightist degree conservative.
That’s why the situation is created – to provoke negative response (or rather dare anyone to utter any negative response) so as to condemn.
So it is with all the recent hitherto inappropriate stunt casting (cf Doctor Who) in movies, drama, tv shows, advertising etc. You think there’s something amiss – you’re a bigot of some form, obviously.
The answer, poke your head over the parapet and have it shot off, or suffer in sullen silence – until some secret ballot – well, so long as that option remains available.
‘The Correspondents’ Look Ahead’ was interesting last evening. It’s repeated today on R4 @ 1.10pm. It used to be always followed by an ‘Any Answers’-type version after the Saturday repeat.
Not any more.
For about five years, the public have been shut out.
In the good old days, before AA (ie. before Anita Anand), the public on Any Answers often used to contribute more wisdom on the questions put to the Panel, than the Panel itself had done the night before. I wonder if that is why the Beeb has cancelled the public follow-up to ‘The Correspondents’ Look Ahead’ ?
The programme last night was trailed as “Our hard-working Editors and Senior Correspondents ……. ” but the panel included the BBC Economics Editor.
He has been noticeable by his absences from work since joining the BBC in the Spring of this year.
Bring back Steffie!
curses “Sorry, you must be logged in to comment.”
got that error AGAIN
O/T but ignored by the bBC (because it is anti-British).
Please read this excellent short summary (from September) of the defence sell-out under May and Johnson.
Is it too late?
island – astonishing how little of the really important stuff ever gets mentioned by our Public Broadcaster and other MSM. Yesterday we made the same observation about the UN ‘Migrant Compact’ where, once again, one wonders whether it’s too late.
Keeping us in the dark seems to be the order of the day. And the fingerprints on it always seem to be remarkably similar…
We also wait to see whether government tackles the Human Rights Act, which Prof Richard Ekins says in ‘The Telegraph’ today, is “driving judicial interference in parliamentary democracy and responsible government.” (See the article “Human Rights Law is ‘distorting democracy’.”)
Obstructing governments from taking action in immigration, border control and defence, is a result of the actions of the EU court. And we are waiting and watching.
Strange how the MSM exhibits false news innocence over the award of certain honours.for instance – the ‘resigned ‘ DPP getting a Dame hood ? .
Surely part of the promised retirement package to go quietly . If I’m right now that she has the gong we will hear a bit more from said Dame about being a ‘ victim ‘
By the way – if you’re a bit of an anorak like me and like a political Twitter is repeating the segment of an Andrew Neil show where he asks Angela Raynor – labour PM in waiting about ‘ corporation / capital Gains tax . ‘ it’s 2 minutes of comedy – which is about the most funny stuff you’ll see on the BBC this christmas – if ‘ Nish ‘ has anything to do with it .
The Raynor snippet perfectly illustrated the sorry state of the political interview. Raynor was skewered yet kept on spouting dog whistle slogans like a demented soul regardless – got to make the most of the screen time.
The argument being unwinnable it was more a case of get a sticking plaster for being ill prepared and/or incompetent by talking over the interviewer – defending the vote – there being no hope of winning over thinking support.
It’s worrying that there are places in the UK where the likes of Raynor will ceaselessly win. This reminds me of the old rosette on a sheep joke.
Thank you very much for that, you’re very kind. I had stories, pictures etc direct from relatives, I didn’t ever rely on the msm, as I said I boycott the bbc. Everyone is fine, though property isn’t unfortunately. Where we go, Durres, was one of the worst hit with over 50 dead, places I know well are just gone, very upsetting. Only 2 people I know, 2 Romanians from work, ever spoke to me about it, so I know it wasn’t extensively covered here. They can’t link it to any of this climate change nonsense so aren’t that interested probably.
After decades of hard work as a professional 20 year old Sheku has won an award.
Almost unrewarded apart from winning BBC young musician of the Year Award in 2016
update on the Crawley Down incident
one victim was a 76yo passer by
The perp is in hospital but not named
“Michael Howard: Judges sometimes ‘distort’ the law to reach result they want”
Of course the BBC tells us that the judges such as Lady Hale are impartial… but mentions nothing about the fact that Lady Hale herself gave a presentation saying that she “crushes PM”
The common Purpose filth at the BBC are so full of lies and distortions it really beggars belief they way they steal money through the licence fee.
Further to other comments about Nadiya Hussain’s MBE:
She is actually getting an MBE for being the acceptable face of islam in the UK.
I remember very soon after winning Bake Off she was on Desert Island Discs. I noticed in the newsagents she had a column in the Times. I noticed in Waitrose she had been invited to contribute in their freebie magazine. Then there were the cookery programmes, the books – both cookery and life story novels etc. She made a cake for the Queen, she’s just cosied up to the Cambridge’s for something or other. I think she’s gone on the Mental Health bandwagon as well.
Don’t forget the cancelled program that was to follow Nadiya on the Haj, which I understand was cancelled because the programme makers (was that going to be a BBC endeavour?) didn’t want to balance it with pilgrimages for any other religion.
Now, apparently, no Christmas is complete without ‘Nadiya’s Festive Food’. How did we ever manage to cook for Chrismas without her?
My main point is that she has not strived and struggled to get into all of these media streams, she has been invited to do things and promoted and supported by others. She was probably selected for bake off in the first place to fill a muslim slot.
The acceptable face of islam? Not to me.
She was what finished GBBO for me, as soon as I saw the contestants I knew she would win. The farce of the final with her showstopper had me laughing, never took it seriously after that.
I don’t do broadcast TV so I caught only one episode of Bake Off when she was on, that was round at my mum’s house. I thought the huge hijab and long sleeves down to the wrists should not have been allowed on the grounds of hygiene.
Nadia’s award demonstrates that the BBC is in charge.
We have sportsmen getting knighthoods, yet a member of the winning 1966 world cup team died without a single honour to his name. We have a baking contest winner from 4 years ago getting the same award as a 94 year old D Day landing veteran who has raised £10,000 for a national memorial.
Its nothing short of a bloody scandal.
My memory of Nadiya was the cake she made for the queen which was plain areas of colour and leaned like the tower at Pisa. Frankly it was amateurish. Brendan would have made a much finer cake and it would have been perfect in every detail. He was an older white male so didn’t stand a chance.
I hope that Nadiya has been quietly doing a lot of charity work, unpaid, and that has influenced the decision to give her a gong. If she has, she has done it so modestly the BBC has not publicised it.
Deborah, I don’t see how she’s had the time to make her ‘mark’ in the charity world. She’s been far too busy having a fashion overhaul, doing endless photoshoots, being an author, travelling abroad to find her ancestors coupled with food shows, tv presenting, baking royal cakes, giving statements about her anxiety and panic attacks, then numerous meetings about her cookery columns, oh, and ‘cheffing’. Charity work? perhaps she needs to speak to Marcus Waring to get a real handle on charity – and I make no apologies for saying again, this 2 star Michelin chef does NOT have any honour despite his impressive career path and CV.
If you watched the earlier series of GBBO you would have seen them make hand-raised pork pies in several episodes. For some reason they no longer do that…
It might make an interesting project to list all those who owe their ‘honour’ to free promotion on the BBC over the years.
Honours should be awarded to those who have quietly worked for the benefit of the UK, not a top-up for those who have already been awarded.
Another, shorter, project might be to analyse the Mastermind episode with Samira Ahmed. The contestants were pretty evenly matched, but poor John could hardly get a breath in when it came to feeding Samira with her general knowledge questions compared to the leisurely amble with his fellow white males.
I thought it was only me on the mastermind show . I also notice that the‘ tone ‘ of questions change for certain contestants .
As can be seen by the types awarded gongs – the committee making the decisions must try to put snowflake each other with some deluded group think that if you give gongs to token representatives of races or types you make for some kind of ‘inclusion ‘ when in fact anyone with a bit of common sense would just ‘eye roll’ .
There will always be the direct number 10 awards – as long as this outdated concept runs .
But at least Bercow will have to wait a bit longer for his peerage – perhaps he can wait until hell freezes over . The footage of the speaker processing through the commons and being clapped by the traitor side whilst the Conservative – government – side is empty says it all as a testimony for what that nasty little man did to his office .
16, 15, 16, then 18 for Samira
Two words: Appeasing islam.
Yes. Also paving the way for more islam.
Talk about having your cake and eating it!