“JustGiving won’t be charging a platform fee to the charity. Adding a small contribution on top of your donation means we can continue to help more people.
Help us help more people.”
The slider offer you a choice os 5, 10, 15% top up donation
That goes entirely to the profit making corp JustGiving
I guess if you donate £100 the actual processing cost to JG should be £2.50 or less
so on £15 to up they make £12.50 profit !
sure making such a profit helps them to help more people
… poor choice of wording by them.
Do Black (Christian) lives matter to London liberal media ?
The murder by terrorists of 12 Christian hostages in Nigeria has been much ignored over Christmas. With deep sorrow let us pray for them and those close to them, and for God’s judgement on their killers. They are martyrs to Christ.
Enrichment news
another migrant enriching ..himself and impoverishing this country
A man who rented hundreds of properties that he sub-let to criminal gangs running brothels and cannabis farms has been jailed for seven years and four months. Chinese national Feng Xu used several fake identities to secure accommodation, according to the… https://t.co/Uxb9iO6jEkpic.twitter.com/qJnExFT62C
The BBC is bragging about its podcast stats
claiming 49million listeners for the Archers
but they appear to have added up the years entire output
and since there are 300 episodes a year
that means probably 200,000 listeners
given some are downloading the weekly version
Peter Crouch got 12m
They claim 3m/week listen on BBC Sounds
emm that means 95@% of UK population don’t !
Nasty attempts to intimidate @RHarrabin on @BBCr4today by oh-so-polite conservative sceptics Charles Moore and Matt Ridley. Good on @bbcnickrobinson for correcting. BBC may not be perfect but Harrabin’s reporting is exemplary.
Roger Harrabin is ‘liking’ like fury all the clowns who support the bbc no matter what. Quite the collection.
Charles Moore (GWPF) publicly insults @Rharrabin on R4 Today over climate coverage. Seldom is the ex-editor of a national paper so wrong and so biased himself.
Guest- isn’t it astonishing how an ‘interviewer’ enthusiastically denigrates and verbally assaults the person he is supposed to be interviewing? There are no boundaries that cannot be crossed: courtesy, civility, fairness, even common decency, seem to be mean nothing to this man. Nick has -even for a shameless propagandist- completely lost the plot.
For Nick, ‘balance’ is a foreign concept. He has his PC ideology, the key virtue of which seems to be ‘change’, and boy, you’d better not question its merits. His Master’s Voice, so don’t argue…
The left cannot win a general election, their policies are unpopular.
Spiderwoman and ten of her lefty mates (11-0!) are just the latest bunch of lefty infiltrators to try to rig the game.
From Ofcom to the Electoral Commission via most “think-tanks” and every major “charity” the snouts of the lefty moles are in a majority in every unelected QANGO, trying to Communise and Internationalise the UK without the permission of the electorate.
The problem Boris and Co should have is which one of the anti British bodies to shut down first.
The problem traitor May and her lefty “Conservative” conspirators had was how to avoid doing this.
BBC for the chop in 2020 or we need another Conservative party leadership election.
I feel that unless Boris can come to understand what motivated thousands of lifelong Socialists to vote for the Conservative Party and be seen to honour their wishes then their support could just disperse like a fart in a wind tunnel and with it,a Tory Government.
I don’t equate labour ( traditional ) supporters with socialism – the brand Corbyn momentum wanted . Cummings knows that the race to the bottom in labour costs as foreigners are imported to cheat the system is a cause of Brexit – and seeing the characters of towns changing rapidly without consultation .
If the government get control and EU citizens return to their home countries in numbers that will do it . But this might be determined by economics rather than policy . I’m talking years from now though .
The Muslim Council guy tweeted this
4 hours later after talking to his Hatey No Hoper mates he says
‘Hey BF don’t even have 1,000 members’
… It’s all a non-story to me. The Socialist Worker crowd were big enough to take over the Labour Party but it’s not likely that BF would take over the Tories.
More than 5,000 supporters of a far-right extremist group (Britain First) have joined the Conservative party in recent weeks, attracted by what they describe as Boris Johnson’s negative attitude towards Islam. https://t.co/rQn0gRNBqL
@AltNewsMedia tweet Tens of thousands of Muslims have joined Labour,
.. attracted by the endemic antisemitism that’s under investigation from the EHRC.
Of course the BBC’s news and politics output dwarfs ITV’s plus the BBC audiences far bigger. So more viewers have more to complain about. But if you really believe it’s a big moment then why not do a lot more news, politics and current affairs. As ITV used to. https://t.co/9nRhxt3VYQ
There was a discussion about the relative levels of complaints between the BBC and ITV . I did a little net trawl and found an article from 3 years ago in the mail saying that 10 out of 12 complaints are rejected .
I suppose OFCON will have numbers somewhere .
Another developing tactic the BBC seems to be using is boasting about number using podcasts or other non broadcast stuff as a distraction from falling figures – but I’m sure the troll is a fan of something called ‘Stacy and Gary’ …..and will leap to another 3am rant about the comments of others and how he is a fan of ‘Stacy and Gary ‘ which proves the BBC is still popular and therefore not biased and therefore we are all wrong and the troll is right ….
C4 is entirely government owned but gets no funding from the government. C5 gets no government funding either and is privately owned. Like ITV. https://t.co/kMoHn5nzgN
I need to sleep on ‘government owned but gets no funding from the government’ as that also sounds like a unique open to all sorts of jiggery and, possibly, pokery with munny directions.
They should ALL be privatised and made to pay their own way. Then the public should be offered a truly alternative news channel like Fox or Sky Aus. Then let the market decide and may the best man win.
If they (Al Beeb ) are as good as they say they are the parasites may even be able to pay tax on the profit they make to repay all the money they have siphoned off the nation and its people over the years ?
Why hasn’t Boris acted on this ?
The poll must use dumb question
Cos the idea of “trusted source” is a fallacy
The public do not blindly trust sources
.. rather they weigh up the evidence the broadcaster gives them.
Just watching a rather nasty film – the art of self defence with Jesse Eisenberg.
So I thought I’d look up what turns out to be yet another self destructive NY Jewish family.
His mother, Amy (née Fishman), who now teaches cross cultural sensitivity in hospitals, previously worked as a clown at children’s parties and choreographer.
Cross cultural sensitivity ? WTF ???
His father, Barry Eisenberg, drove a taxicab, then worked at a hospital, and later became a college professor, teaching sociology
So you can go from being a taxi driver to being a professor just like that ??
His other sister, Kerri Eisenberg, now Kerry Lea, who also worked as an actress, ran a vegetarianism and animal rights-based children’s theatre troupe
Seems like the Jewish Cabal in NY is making sure that only certain individuals get ahead so long as they are as self destructive and nutty as a fruit cake as this particular lot are.
Ah well (sigh), its back to work then . Hello hello what’s going on here then ?……………….
“Bristol weapons arrest: Bomb unit orders evacuation of homes”
“We can confirm that this is not a terrorist-related incident and the actions taken are precautionary due to some of the items found in the property.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-50936038
“Ivor The Engine: Bagpuss’s cartoon brother on track for comeback” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-50836184
I am sure we can all guess where this is going to go when the ‘PC brigade’ get their hands on it .
How about Ivor the tranny train driver ?
Hang on we already have Bani Moukerjee the elephant keeper.
But will Idris the Dragon be replaced by Puff the Magic Dragon?
Any more ?
Our World Class Broadcaster tells me, earlier, that a knife attack in NY by a, “man” kills a number including a Rabbi. It’s that, “man” again who sure gets around a lot.
Angela Rayner has the calibre to be next Labour Leader
This is a disgraceful lie. And from an MP who wants to be @uklabour leader. IDS RESIGNED because of cuts being made to the welfare budget. I met him the next morning. And he certainly wasn’t laughing. https://t.co/5tjw4KvcQI
BTW Twitter says that AR herself didn’t vote against the cuts but instead abstained.
BTW2 “Rayner left secondary school aged 16 whilst pregnant and without any qualifications.
She later trained as a care worker “
This campaign has been running since the time of the Blair regime. The real objective is to reduce the options for native Britons to connect with their heritage and culture. But here’s some useful suggestions as to how the Lake District ‘must change’:
1. Remove the tens of thousands of signs that read ‘No Blacks, Dogs or Irish’ and the watchtowers, thus creating a more friendly environment for BAMEs.
2. Drain the lakes – all that water makes the place terribly damp.
3. Relocate the Lake District to just outside the M25 motorway, thereby making it more accessible to Londoners (Editor’s Note: a ‘Londoner’ is simply a person residing in London and does not necessarily have any connection with the place).
“Editor’s Note: a ‘Londoner’ is simply a person residing in London and does not necessarily have any connection with the place”
Or a person not yet living in London but who would like to live in London (even more a Londoner than those who just happen to live there). This is called the Trudeau Doctrine, which also insists that ‘the West’ has no native culture.
Recordings of BBC editorial integrity production meetings must be golden.
“So lads, lasses and the rest of you… Christmas is coming and we really need to do something about that little GE propaganda farrago. Who do we make the voice of the big day?”
“Stormy Daniels, of course!”
“Beat me to it, Jon. Done and dusted”.
The Radio 4 Today Bunker.
Sands of Time: “Ok, things are rocking on on the guest editing front. Spider Lady knocked it out of the park. Grayson was a bit off message and the Poet did not appear to know it. Nick did a top job cutting across the token righty. Who do we wheel out Monday to twist that knife?”
Mishal: “Greta! And Meeeeee!”
Sandy Shaw: “Genius…. but, isn’t she, well, not near? And we are a bit short on time…”
Roger: “No problem, take some of my air miles. And this cactus”.
Sandbag: ” Well that sorts out any possible #awks. Nice one Rog. Next… Hogmanay with Nicola and her Jimmy Shand impressions?
Could they not have saved air miles and CO2 discharge by doing the programme from Sweden. I’m sure I recollect a Radio 2 presenter doing a Sunday Lunchtime show from Perthshire. (My wife just told me it was Desmond Carrington).Think of the brownie points they could have earned.
I can go back some 35 years when I was in the Lake District with my then very young children.
There were meeting paces where you could link up with local guides for a talk and possibly a walk. I think you paid a small fee, but it was mostly volunteers and there was some other funding.
There were notices saying as the meetings were not attracting enough (any) ethnic minority groups, they might be discontinued!
There also something about transporting these same groups out to the District from towns and showing them around for free!
That is a spoof piece isn’t it? I’ve never been the sharpest tool in the box and it’s hard to tell anymore.
“Research shows visitors to the Lake District, where the rugged fells inspired the romantic poets and author Beatrix Potter, are too heavily weighted towards older, able-bodied white people.”
The able bodied part I can get, but ‘older’ and ‘white people’ would seem a little harder to quantify. Seems a little like jumping on the agenda train to ensure future funding. Mayhap the ‘researcher’ is an ageist racist with ulterior motive, nah, he used to write for the guardian so that can’t be so.
What Research ?
Rule you can’t make dramatic claims, and then not quote a source
“Richard Leafe @LakesChief
I’m the Chief Executive of the Lake District National Park, England’s largest National Park.”
Sky quotes him “The moment we get into that position I think national parks start to lose their relevance and therefore the very reason for calling it a national park and spending public money.”
\\ Research shows visitors to the Lake District, where the rugged fells inspired the romantic poets and author Beatrix Potter, are too heavily weighted towards older, able-bodied white people. //
FFS Sky if you don’t quote the source of your research it is merely hearsay
After a re read of the, er, research I think I get it now Stew. If the lakes attract mainly older white people then the Lakes themselves are obviously racist, it’s not the people but the very countryside itself to blame. Only one answer, level it. As a youngspeaker I used to visit about twice a year, mainly walking trips with like minded friends. Often cold, windy and damp, not everyones cup of tea, hostels of yesteryear may not suit the yoof of today however. I don’t think the cost was prohibitive, some lads would hitch from Manchester to keep cost down.
Maybe if visiting the countryside is not part of a peoples tradition or culture they might not want to go.
Sathnam Sanghera in 2009 in the Times
rebutted the idea that countryside is racist my 59-year-old Sikh mother has become more religious and correspondingly stricter in her dietary and religious observances (often the same thing). Then there’s the fact that my mother has never actually visited the English countryside in her 40 years of British residency, and also doesn’t speak English, meaning that conveying the concept of a “day trip to the North York Moors” in my rusty Punjabi is a challenge, both culturally and linguistically. https://www.sathnam.com/countryside-racist/
BTW that Sky report got ratioed 600 Likes vs 3,000 replies
Do you need to do anything for Biased BBC ?
No not really cos the worse thing that could ever happen is that someone could match you login name with a known password and start posting in your name.
However for your important logins like your bank or email
you should be using a proper systematic approach to passwords
– Don’t use the same password for different accounts
– Do change your passwords every 3 months or so.
If you have a 100 logins across the internet say British Gas, Hotmail, SuperPorn etc. then over say 1 or 2 years one of them will have a data breach
.. And if you have different passwords for them all it won’t matter cos your other 99 will still be secure
.. And if you did happen to use the same password for another account .. they have only a few weeks window to find that account ..cos you have system of changing passwords every 3 months.
Some people use password manager type apps
That choice is up to you
But it is like putting all your own passwords in same basket.
Password manager companies have been hacked before.
95% of hacks happen cos someone has tricked you into clicking a link in an EMAIL.
So beware of emails that say ” Oh my god something terrible/fantastic has happened,
click here to fix it “
They are often ambush disguised
eg “We are your bank, your account has been hacked
..so quick click here to change your password”
but FFS Google – warnings like this do not help security much – the very least they could do is have a clear (non hijack-able) link to an explanation – an opportunity missed.
She must be getting her excuses from the Gwyneth Paltrow book of dumb phrases. Why don’t the beeb consciously uncouple themselves from the public dosh and go their own sweet way.
I think everyone at ITV, C4 and elsewhere should be very careful about feeling good about this. It may not be that we are doing anything different, nor that the BBC are doing anything different, but just that the attacks on us haven’t started yet. https://t.co/csUmK2RzPZ
Bradby was once impartial but has morphed to become ITV’s Robinson, Peston is simply a vocally deranged Marr and the smug, patronising Robert Moore their very own Sopel.
By short-term comparison a more trusted news source – but not for long. Prejudice is prejudice and bias is bias, the significant change is in the ability of the general public to appreciate these facts and react accordingly.
First big government cock-up (data leak) gleefully reported as lead item on all beeb news bulletins. Just what the doctor ordered after the big Johnson victory. The Cabinet Office appears to have fouled up.
Mistake or…?
The thought simply crossed my mind, as I said recently that I could hear rustling in the undergrowth, so I’m waiting for the first signs of what’s lurking, and what they’re up to. I do feel the data breach was likely a cock up, but it’s convenient for critics, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it was ‘enemy action’.
Make no mistake, they’re out there, they’re busy, busy, and we WILL hear from them.
Two of three ‘guests’ on Paddy’s ‘Broadcasting House’ think it’s THE big story. Surprise. John Sargeant has a go at government over apparent bending of the immigration rules to suit HM. Dear old man, he’s all attack dog this a.m.
Charles Moore is getting it in the neck.
I wonder, do you think the article would be half as sympathetic had it been the other way around with the Tories taking a drubbing instead? Another irritation is when you read what these complainypants keep banging on about – it’s all about themselves, and nothing about their constituents.
I think this is the same as somebody posted yesterday. I have a very fuzzy box appear above some comments saying that I should change my password because of a data breach. I am away from home and only on the iPad so cannot take a screen shot. But I will ignore. The box doesn’t move so I can just scroll beneath it.
I wrote yesterday with a certain amount of tongue in cheek
that we now have Irish Republic women sports reporters on
the BBC talking with an Irish brogue which is difficult to understand ,
especially for us in Londonistan.
But the more I think about it ,and call me paranoid if you like
I believe that BIG BROTHER at the BBC’S diversity department
has decided that ENGLISH the white man’s language is the next
thing ,in the name of diversity the BBC is going to go after.
Of course the fact that ENGLAND with the exception of
Londonistan with indigenous Londoners being in a minority of
something like 30% , was one of the only areas that voted Labour
in the General Election. And of course most of the hierarchy
at the diversity dept at the BBC come or live in the “swamp.”
The Irish brogue and continuity presenters talking in what
sounds like patois is just the beginning.
Foscari – I was listening to a late night programme by ‘George the poet’ on R4, and I think I understood 10% of what was being said/hissed/ ‘sung’. I was trying to figure out WHAT made George a poet, but couldn’t. Then again, there was an occasional attempt to have word endings rhyme at random. Lotsa Rap stuff, Bro.
I recall some beeb producer saying last year that regional accents were “gold dust” for the bbc.
Albeeb News 24 , So Big Ben will be striking the new year in ……then a typical snide comment ( and very quickly moved on from ) that the new Speaker Lesley Hoyle will not object to the January 31st celebration of escaping from EUROPE’S CLUTCHES . Thank our God he is not like Bercow. It seems the BBC editors just cannot stop the constant manipulation to their own left wing agenda
There is some talk of possible plans to split borders and immigration out of the Home Office and transfer it into a separate department.
If so, the military should be in charge of defending our borders, and not a bunch of EU-loving, self-serving, civil service ‘internationalists’.
All these invaders who end up disappearing or trying to claim ‘asylum’ here are (at best) queue jumping criminals.
The island
Yes exactly , I have always thought the Military should be the Border Force , over the years many have been retired early especially after recent conflicts..Iraq and Afghanistan…and quite a few have suffered mentally and become homeless , surely a way to help those gallant troops is give them a purpose again and they would be keeping out some of the bastards who were trying to kill and mame them….nothing like meeting old enemies again for a second chance ! !
Well that means more houses, hospitals, schools and infrastructure needed, but never mind they will be ‘engineers’, ‘doctors’, ‘scientists’ and ‘nurses’ .
Our politicians are still not listening .
A “simple review” would reveal that the Labour Party did not listen to the appeals of the ordinary working people.
They are still not listening. Advice to the Labour Party – Keep it Simple.
We also know where the cowardly useless incompetent Tories stood on Margaret Thatcher as they stabbed her in the back.
Now it’s safe to do so they regard her as some kind of beacon of conservatism, but they are not prepared to follow in her footsteps because they haven’t the sense nor the courage.
They did the same to Winston Churchill too, prefering cowardice incompetence and uselessness when it came to dealing with Hitler.
Lessons learned by the Tories – none what so ever, and if a similar threat arose today Boris the Bottler would probably be even more craven than Chamberlain.
Three-quarters of Britons want the BBC licence fee scrapped as ex-Ofcom chair calls for a Netflix-style subscription model to replace it https://t.co/UiZhjrt8Ma
“General election 2019: Anna Soubry disbands Independent Group for Change” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-50858811
I hear that Anna has a new job in broadcasting ?
Of course , ‘needs must’ .
FFS Anna Soubry has a new job, she is presenting on LBC right now “It is disgraceful that Bercow has not being put into the House of Lords
..We don’t know if he turned it down .. MY good honourable FRIEND Ken Clarke has always said he himself would not work in the House of Lords.”
Well it is panto season
only 19 likes and ratioed 10 to 1 by comments against her
Anna Soubry will be in the studio at 10am. She'll be asking whether the honours system is fit for purpose and discussing how Labour becomes a credible parliamentary opposition?@Anna_Soubry | #annasoubryhttps://t.co/VBfsBkhfzJ
I know we’ve had lots of comments about the recent honours, but…
Harry Billinge, the D Day veteran. “I just did my job, I don’t want any glory. I am choked beyond measure”. He also raised £20,000 for a memorial commemorating his fallen comrades.
He received the MBE.
Nadiya Hussain, bakes cakes, has been given her own TV series, pots of money, a book contract and has endlessly complained about white male privilege and how hard it is being a Muslim in Britain…also received the MBE.
Perhaps Nadiya would have liked to have told her thoughts on white male privilege to some of Harry’s fallen colleagues.
Sadly it’s a bit late…
Indeed Jeff..NH..is nothing more than a BBC apparatchik/star-child. What next? candidacy for a Labour held constituency in London.. then a MP?..she ticks nearly all their usual boxes after all. They missed a trick there had they roped (no pun intended) her in for the recent GE she could have had a pop at the Labour Leadership. Why not!?..they’re not exactly spoiled for choice now are they!?
Jeff, I made the same comparison at the top of this page. Giving this lady ANY award for her limited achievements is beyond scandalous, and can think that it must have been someone at the BBC who put her forward. Perhaps its her reward for not being able to participate in Strictly ???
Anyone else not getting reponses to some BBC complaints? If I complain about bias I get the usual 10 day wait for stock answers of “we beleive we got the balance just right this time”.
But when I complain about a couple of cases where the BBC have been racist towards Orientals and when they show support for paedofiles I just get a 4 week wait for “we are unable to respond to this complaint. Feel free to contact Ofcam.”
“Sanctuary Cities”. In the US these ‘SC’s’ represent all the rapidly failing or already failed cities in the US like Baltimore, which are under Democrat/Marxist control. Both terms are synonymous/interchangeable. It’s so sad to see the beacon of freedom in the Western World being destroyed, intentionally, from within.
I sure hope that The Donald successfully pushes back the increasingly constricting Marxist infestation. But there, it has been a well coordinated conspiracy for decades to bring the US to its knees so he could be forgiven if he eventually fails. One thing’s for sure, if he devotes the rest of his days to exterminating Marxism in the US, he will go down in history as the best POTUS ever. What a legacy if he can achieve that.
“”Out but not down: Tory anti-Brexiters tell where the next battle will be fought””
“” Soubry said that despite the failure of her new party, there was still the potential for a new progressive party to emerge should Labour continue to be embroiled in civil war. “The Tory party will get its comeuppance in due course,” she said. “”
Dover the Remainer zealots won’t accept the UK leaving the EU as a done deal, even when we have left at the end of next month. They are totally committed to our membership of the EU in much the same way religious martyrs believe that they will go to a better place by dying for their faith.
I suspect that they are already plotting with Brussels to try and arrange for the plagues of Egypt to be visited upon the UK economy.
I have no doubt that the BBC, Times, Guardian etc will all be breathlessly reporting how badly the trade negotiations are going for the UK, how weak or position is , what a catastrophe we are facing , how those folks who voted Tory in the north will lose their jobs .
Indeed I will not be surprised if the swamp dwellers actively try to sabotage the UK economy over the next couple of years. The Battle for Brexit May have been won but the civil war will still continue . Boris needs to realise that these diehards will never be reconciled to Brexit and that he must not agree to concessions to try and get them on board. High on his priority list must be to deal with the BBC and so deprive the Remainer/ Rejoiner tendency of its powerful propaganda tool. Then he should move to ruthlessly remove thousands of quanocrats , almost all of whom are leftist Remainer placemen and women. Followed by a purge of the civil service , judiciary, educational blob , otherwise within ten years we will be back in the EU.
In short he needs to join with President Trump in draining the swamp. But does he have the same courage as the President? Could he endure the non stop barrage of lies that the President has weathered? Boris wrote a biography of Churchill he will need some Churchillian courage to see this through.
Double – Indeed, we have entered a new age of politics now, where winning an election with a large majority does not mean you face only a defeated parliamentary opposition.
The Donald found out on day one of his Presidency that, outside the Congress, efforts to get rid of him were starting up. (Once Dems won the midterms, that campaign moved into Congress)
As you rightly say, the EU -who are keen on fleecing us for as long as possible-.won’t down tools just yet. Hence we read that end of 2020 may be too soon to end negotiations, threats to The City, etc etc
The Remainers won’t give up either. They should have learnt their lesson, you would think, but I doubt it.
They are all ‘democrats’ who won’t accept anything other than their own views. Betcha they’re at it right now, conspiring, hatching plots, working on extraparliamentary action etc.
I was wondering what the psychological / emotional effect on UK actually leaving on 31 January would be.
If I were BoJo / Cummings I’d have some trade agreement ready to go on 1 February if that is doable – even if it can only come into effect on 1 January 2021.
There must also be a campaign to get rid of that damned ReichEU flag too .
In true Goebbels Propaganda fashion this self appointed Climate Press Gang is going to teach Journalists how to choose the best Climate photographs to frighten the shit out of their readers and thus justify their own existence.
The Independent are fully signed up to this boot camp and of course they pass everything along to the BBC.
So look out for photos of smoking factory chimneys, car exhausts, etc. and always to show people in the shots. This they claim is better more “persuasive” than for instance pictures of polar bears etc.
And here’s a link to underline the effect on journalism and the BBC.
Yes, fakenews, they are lurking in our very own swamp. But we have it from Lord Kerslake, former head of the swamp, that the swamp beast Sir Mark Sedwill “shouldn’t in my view think about resigning” regarding this minor data breach in the defunct honours system. Read this and many other views about this collapse of government on the Beeb “News Page”. Come back from sunny Mustique with all guns blazing, Boris, and roll a few more heads.
I notice Sedwill’s swamp chum John Manzoni (Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office) has been awarded a KCB. Two of the many cover-uppers that need to go.
The former black rod has accused John Bercow of insulting him "considerably" and does not think he currently deserves a place in the House of Lords.@AndrewCastle63 | #Bercowhttps://t.co/50hckYeiRw
For Black Rod to day anything critical of a former speaker really does lift a stone and see the monster underneath .
There doesn’t seem to be too much public dismay about Bercow not getting a place in the retirement home- so perhaps the decision to not annoint him will hold as opposed to the expected elevation when the dust settles .
It is inevitable for some one as self important as Bercow to land up doing media jobs to keep his ego fed but with a bit of luck public interest in him will disappear and he can spend the rest of his time sulking .
“It is inevitable for some one as self important as Bercow to land up doing media jobs to keep his ego fed but with a bit of luck public interest in him will disappear and he can spend the rest of his time sulking”.
Napoleon complex?
Yes – it’s classic small man bullying those who in anyway challenged him .
There was a tiny bit of me wishing he was still in the chair so that he could be made to suffer as the 80 seat majority rolled over him every day ….
Particularly since so many of his pals are now seeking alternative employment … I suspect a number have EU passports so they’ll get Brussels gravy jobs .
“I suspect a number have EU passports so they’ll get Brussels gravy jobs .”
I suspect that some have been colluding with the EU to undermine the the democratic decision of the people of Great Britain
Now that would be an interesting topic for “Panorama Investigation”
Come on Al Beeb how about it ?
\\The Home Office was accused of “criminalising refugees” after saying it would seek to return anyone who arrived in the UK illegally back to mainland Europe.// https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-50939128
They are criminals .
Who do these so called “accusers” think they are to make up false accusations against our security forces that are protecting the integrity of our nation’s border against criminals.
Perhaps tomorrow I shall cycle all the way to London and attempt to walk, unannounced, through the doors of Broadcasting house and demand that, as a shareholder, I be allowed to wander where I like on the premises, order lunch and dinner and a room and beds for my wife and family. After all, the breaking and entering law seems not to apply to foreign criminals who illegally enter my country.
I fear I shall become the proud possessor of a criminal record.
Has Britain gone completely gaga?
Lefty Wright
“Has Britain gone completely gaga?”
Not Britain , just a minority of shorted sighted Libtards , do gooders and well paid charity NGO’s, all aided by Al Beeb and its propaganda machine .
Correct. But those Libtards are extremely wealthy and occupy positions of immense power and influence so that they determine what we see and hear from the MSM, all of which emit a faux truth. They are swamp dwellers and a power wash is needed to flush them away.
Little Chris Buckler of the bbc reports from Washington that, when you get down to it, the terrorism in NY is basically President Trump’s fault.
Not in that many words, of course, but -if you follow his reasoning carefully, ending up in a pretty explicit statement, that is the gist of it. He hides behind the words of the NY Governor, but it’s transparent.
The beeb shows that- as ever- you can always sink lower, with biased reporting, than previously thought. No doubt, little Chris will get a pat on the back from his Auntie, for this piece of ‘work’. ‘A problem with hate’ says little Chris.
Too true.
“…It would be interesting to know the percentage of foreign inmates that are incarcerated/housed in our jails . It might explain the reason for prison overcrowding ?..”
“Taxpayers faced a bill of more than £140 million last year for criminals from other EU countries in British jails.” https://fullfact.org/crime/eu-prisoners
I thought Rob Burley had carved a tin-eared BBC delusional oblivious defensive bubble niche all of his own, but… [Yoda voice]… another there is…
Enthusiasm? In this toxic climate? Give me strength. It seems both right AND left are keen to push the ‘loss of trust’ narrative to suit their own ends. As I’ve said repeatedly, where mistakes are made we have to acknowledge and learn. @BBCNewshttps://t.co/O0xgMbTTWY
DoublethinkerMar 6, 16:15 Midweek 5th March 2025 One development in recent days that has surprised me is that the number of new members joining the Reform party…
Fedup2Mar 6, 16:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 The child killer on a sports field by a BMW yesterday was aged 10 and has been named . The…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:42 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Between 2019-2020, when Boris Johnson was Prime Minister, taxpayers were charged £141,380 for HOPE not hate charitable trust (which funds…
popeyeMar 6, 15:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Compared to people born in the UK, migrants are more likely to be of working age or have a university…
tomoMar 6, 15:14 Midweek 5th March 2025 Eagle is it seems a graduate of the Dianne Abbott academy? One might’ve hoped that the voters of The Wirral…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 15:11 Midweek 5th March 2025 * What power have you got? • Where did you get it from? • In whose interests do you use…
tomoMar 6, 15:09 Midweek 5th March 2025 home insurance premium? I’d have a read of the policy document
tomoMar 6, 15:05 Midweek 5th March 2025 More law….. EU courts…. – just imagine what TTK would get up to in cahoots with this lot. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1897643947654099325
Richard PinderMar 6, 15:04 Midweek 5th March 2025 [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nKBwlTaz0pU/hq720.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEhCK4FEIIDSFryq4qpAxMIARUAAAAAGAElAADIQj0AgKJD&rs=AOn4CLALPS25eYEednhxOL4f351YJHeshw[/img] Stalinist torture of Tommy Robinson by the nasty socialist state. Political prisoner, Tommy Robinson, has suffered 128+ days so…
MarkyMarkMar 6, 14:58 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Police ‘acted reasonably’ in Pearson hate crime case” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp8y9j7j953o The Essex force has previously defended its since-dropped investigation over an…
“JustGiving won’t be charging a platform fee to the charity. Adding a small contribution on top of your donation means we can continue to help more people.
Help us help more people.”
The slider offer you a choice os 5, 10, 15% top up donation
That goes entirely to the profit making corp JustGiving
I guess if you donate £100 the actual processing cost to JG should be £2.50 or less
so on £15 to up they make £12.50 profit !
sure making such a profit helps them to help more people
… poor choice of wording by them.
Do Black (Christian) lives matter to London liberal media ?
Wrong kind of victims (Christian), wrong kind of killers (black Muslims). So who cares? Certainly not Al-beeb.
Enrichment news
another migrant enriching ..himself and impoverishing this country
The BBC is bragging about its podcast stats
claiming 49million listeners for the Archers
but they appear to have added up the years entire output
and since there are 300 episodes a year
that means probably 200,000 listeners
given some are downloading the weekly version
Peter Crouch got 12m
They claim 3m/week listen on BBC Sounds
emm that means 95@% of UK population don’t !
The BBC are currently in a desperate attempt to fudge all figures across the board as their audience base crashes.
How many listens did ‘George the Poet’ get?
Have you listened to it yet?
A classic Toenails transcript courtesy of ITBB.
He really needs surgical removal.
I am guessing the tonality of Spider Lady was and that for Swedish Munchkin will be less… ‘intrusive’.
The wagons circle.
Rather nice sting in the tail in the comments.
Roger Harrabin is ‘liking’ like fury all the clowns who support the bbc no matter what. Quite the collection.
Guest- isn’t it astonishing how an ‘interviewer’ enthusiastically denigrates and verbally assaults the person he is supposed to be interviewing? There are no boundaries that cannot be crossed: courtesy, civility, fairness, even common decency, seem to be mean nothing to this man. Nick has -even for a shameless propagandist- completely lost the plot.
For Nick, ‘balance’ is a foreign concept. He has his PC ideology, the key virtue of which seems to be ‘change’, and boy, you’d better not question its merits. His Master’s Voice, so don’t argue…
Worth noting how the acolytes in the twitter thread above could see no hint that Toenails was failing badly in the impartiality dept.
Stabbing at Manchester shopping centre. Nothing on BBC yet?
Radio 4
Five major worldwide beauty competition winners are black women. Is this important?
The BBC asks.
Also Radio 4
“If everything gets very bad and overwhelming, just hide in a toilet stall.”
Get the impression no one is actually in charge there?
Why doesn’t the BBC ask why there are no contests for white males?
Guest Who
Maybe the judges forgot to keep their appointments at SpecSavers.
BBC Politics
2019-12-28 14:30
“Michael Howard: Judges sometimes ‘distort’ the law to reach result they want”
The left cannot win a general election, their policies are unpopular.
Spiderwoman and ten of her lefty mates (11-0!) are just the latest bunch of lefty infiltrators to try to rig the game.
From Ofcom to the Electoral Commission via most “think-tanks” and every major “charity” the snouts of the lefty moles are in a majority in every unelected QANGO, trying to Communise and Internationalise the UK without the permission of the electorate.
The problem Boris and Co should have is which one of the anti British bodies to shut down first.
The problem traitor May and her lefty “Conservative” conspirators had was how to avoid doing this.
BBC for the chop in 2020 or we need another Conservative party leadership election.
I feel that unless Boris can come to understand what motivated thousands of lifelong Socialists to vote for the Conservative Party and be seen to honour their wishes then their support could just disperse like a fart in a wind tunnel and with it,a Tory Government.
I don’t equate labour ( traditional ) supporters with socialism – the brand Corbyn momentum wanted . Cummings knows that the race to the bottom in labour costs as foreigners are imported to cheat the system is a cause of Brexit – and seeing the characters of towns changing rapidly without consultation .
If the government get control and EU citizens return to their home countries in numbers that will do it . But this might be determined by economics rather than policy . I’m talking years from now though .
police-speak : IC identity code
IC1 (White), IC3 (Black), IC4 (West Asian), IC5 (East Asian)
How come media don’t differentiate betweem IC4 and IC5 ?
The Muslim Council guy tweeted this
4 hours later after talking to his Hatey No Hoper mates he says
‘Hey BF don’t even have 1,000 members’
… It’s all a non-story to me. The Socialist Worker crowd were big enough to take over the Labour Party but it’s not likely that BF would take over the Tories.
@AltNewsMedia tweet
Tens of thousands of Muslims have joined Labour,
.. attracted by the endemic antisemitism that’s under investigation from the EHRC.
So now to defend your country against radical islam is ‘far-right’.
Just a small tub of popcorn…
There was a discussion about the relative levels of complaints between the BBC and ITV . I did a little net trawl and found an article from 3 years ago in the mail saying that 10 out of 12 complaints are rejected .
I suppose OFCON will have numbers somewhere .
Another developing tactic the BBC seems to be using is boasting about number using podcasts or other non broadcast stuff as a distraction from falling figures – but I’m sure the troll is a fan of something called ‘Stacy and Gary’ …..and will leap to another 3am rant about the comments of others and how he is a fan of ‘Stacy and Gary ‘ which proves the BBC is still popular and therefore not biased and therefore we are all wrong and the troll is right ….
DEVELOPING (nicely):
I need to sleep on ‘government owned but gets no funding from the government’ as that also sounds like a unique open to all sorts of jiggery and, possibly, pokery with munny directions.
They should ALL be privatised and made to pay their own way. Then the public should be offered a truly alternative news channel like Fox or Sky Aus. Then let the market decide and may the best man win.
If they (Al Beeb ) are as good as they say they are the parasites may even be able to pay tax on the profit they make to repay all the money they have siphoned off the nation and its people over the years ?
Why hasn’t Boris acted on this ?
The poll must use dumb question
Cos the idea of “trusted source” is a fallacy
The public do not blindly trust sources
.. rather they weigh up the evidence the broadcaster gives them.
Just watching a rather nasty film – the art of self defence with Jesse Eisenberg.
So I thought I’d look up what turns out to be yet another self destructive NY Jewish family.
His mother, Amy (née Fishman), who now teaches cross cultural sensitivity in hospitals, previously worked as a clown at children’s parties and choreographer.
Cross cultural sensitivity ? WTF ???
His father, Barry Eisenberg, drove a taxicab, then worked at a hospital, and later became a college professor, teaching sociology
So you can go from being a taxi driver to being a professor just like that ??
His other sister, Kerri Eisenberg, now Kerry Lea, who also worked as an actress, ran a vegetarianism and animal rights-based children’s theatre troupe
animal rights-based children’s theatre troupe ??? WTF ???
Seems like the Jewish Cabal in NY is making sure that only certain individuals get ahead so long as they are as self destructive and nutty as a fruit cake as this particular lot are.
The president tweets
And the bbc.
Ah well (sigh), its back to work then . Hello hello what’s going on here then ?……………….
“Bristol weapons arrest: Bomb unit orders evacuation of homes”
“We can confirm that this is not a terrorist-related incident and the actions taken are precautionary due to some of the items found in the property.”
Another of those far-right terrorists that exist only in the minds of beeboids.
“Ivor The Engine: Bagpuss’s cartoon brother on track for comeback”
I am sure we can all guess where this is going to go when the ‘PC brigade’ get their hands on it .
Dai the Station will become Die the Infidel.
How about Ivor the tranny train driver ?
Hang on we already have Bani Moukerjee the elephant keeper.
But will Idris the Dragon be replaced by Puff the Magic Dragon?
Any more ?
Jones the Steam will have retired, to be replaced by his son Jones the Windmill.
Are you sure, won’t it be Idris the Alba(nian?
BBC people who won honours
Sir Jimmy Savile
Rolf Harris CBE
Stuart Hall CBE
Sir Cyril Smith won as well
George the Poet: ” I turned down MBE over ‘evil’ of British Empire”
A taxi driver from Rotherham writes: “I have much in common with those people – where is my MBE?”
The wonderful Religion of Peace strikes again, bless.
Our World Class Broadcaster tells me, earlier, that a knife attack in NY by a, “man” kills a number including a Rabbi. It’s that, “man” again who sure gets around a lot.
Angela Rayner has the calibre to be next Labour Leader
BTW Twitter says that AR herself didn’t vote against the cuts but instead abstained.
BTW2 “Rayner left secondary school aged 16 whilst pregnant and without any qualifications.
She later trained as a care worker “
Love the way the BBC describe rioting inmates of Feltham Young Offenders Prison as “youngsters”. Why not “kiddies”.
Beware, The Libtards at Al Beeb want to give them “youngsters” the vote.
Scary .
Read it and weep
Lake District ‘must change’ to attract more diverse visitors
Not featured on Al Beeb yet, maybe too far away from them and they haven’t heard of it ????
This campaign has been running since the time of the Blair regime. The real objective is to reduce the options for native Britons to connect with their heritage and culture. But here’s some useful suggestions as to how the Lake District ‘must change’:
1. Remove the tens of thousands of signs that read ‘No Blacks, Dogs or Irish’ and the watchtowers, thus creating a more friendly environment for BAMEs.
2. Drain the lakes – all that water makes the place terribly damp.
3. Relocate the Lake District to just outside the M25 motorway, thereby making it more accessible to Londoners (Editor’s Note: a ‘Londoner’ is simply a person residing in London and does not necessarily have any connection with the place).
I’d relocate the lakes to within the M25.
“Editor’s Note: a ‘Londoner’ is simply a person residing in London and does not necessarily have any connection with the place”
Or a person not yet living in London but who would like to live in London (even more a Londoner than those who just happen to live there). This is called the Trudeau Doctrine, which also insists that ‘the West’ has no native culture.
Speaking of relocation….
“Ms Sands said: “Greta is not actually judgmental towards individuals”
How dare you Ms. Sands. And the idiot organisation you and Ms. Husain assume can do as it pleases in face of what you tell others.
Recordings of BBC editorial integrity production meetings must be golden.
“So lads, lasses and the rest of you… Christmas is coming and we really need to do something about that little GE propaganda farrago. Who do we make the voice of the big day?”
“Stormy Daniels, of course!”
“Beat me to it, Jon. Done and dusted”.
The Radio 4 Today Bunker.
Sands of Time: “Ok, things are rocking on on the guest editing front. Spider Lady knocked it out of the park. Grayson was a bit off message and the Poet did not appear to know it. Nick did a top job cutting across the token righty. Who do we wheel out Monday to twist that knife?”
Mishal: “Greta! And Meeeeee!”
Sandy Shaw: “Genius…. but, isn’t she, well, not near? And we are a bit short on time…”
Roger: “No problem, take some of my air miles. And this cactus”.
Sandbag: ” Well that sorts out any possible #awks. Nice one Rog. Next… Hogmanay with Nicola and her Jimmy Shand impressions?
Why would the BBC agonise about flying to interview Greta ?
they o the same for every other foreign interview.
They could have emulated Greta by putting Mishal Husain on a superyacht and then flying the four crewmembers home
and then flew in another crew to pilot Mishal home.
Could they not have saved air miles and CO2 discharge by doing the programme from Sweden. I’m sure I recollect a Radio 2 presenter doing a Sunday Lunchtime show from Perthshire. (My wife just told me it was Desmond Carrington).Think of the brownie points they could have earned.
I can go back some 35 years when I was in the Lake District with my then very young children.
There were meeting paces where you could link up with local guides for a talk and possibly a walk. I think you paid a small fee, but it was mostly volunteers and there was some other funding.
There were notices saying as the meetings were not attracting enough (any) ethnic minority groups, they might be discontinued!
There also something about transporting these same groups out to the District from towns and showing them around for free!
That is a spoof piece isn’t it? I’ve never been the sharpest tool in the box and it’s hard to tell anymore.
“Research shows visitors to the Lake District, where the rugged fells inspired the romantic poets and author Beatrix Potter, are too heavily weighted towards older, able-bodied white people.”
The able bodied part I can get, but ‘older’ and ‘white people’ would seem a little harder to quantify. Seems a little like jumping on the agenda train to ensure future funding. Mayhap the ‘researcher’ is an ageist racist with ulterior motive, nah, he used to write for the guardian so that can’t be so.
\\ Better get a child brothel, some knife crime and pump out gangsta rap to keep the minorities happy. //
– Drugfest Lake District 2020
– Burkafest Lake District 2020
They’ll get Nadiya in I guess
What Research ?
Rule you can’t make dramatic claims, and then not quote a source
“Richard Leafe @LakesChief
I’m the Chief Executive of the Lake District National Park, England’s largest National Park.”
Sky quotes him
“The moment we get into that position I think national parks start to lose their relevance and therefore the very reason for calling it a national park and spending public money.”
\\ Research shows visitors to the Lake District, where the rugged fells inspired the romantic poets and author Beatrix Potter, are too heavily weighted towards older, able-bodied white people. //
FFS Sky if you don’t quote the source of your research it is merely hearsay
Richard Leafe thinks he’s chief of the Snowf-Lake District National Park
“Research shows”
GFY @GerardTubb #SkyNews
It is irresponsible to make GRAND claims
& not give a source of such research
Sky reporter Gerard doesn’t even get his own Twitter name right at the top of the SkyNews page
PJW just said
\\ Imagine being told that visitors to the Great Wall of China were too “Chinese.” //
After a re read of the, er, research I think I get it now Stew. If the lakes attract mainly older white people then the Lakes themselves are obviously racist, it’s not the people but the very countryside itself to blame. Only one answer, level it. As a youngspeaker I used to visit about twice a year, mainly walking trips with like minded friends. Often cold, windy and damp, not everyones cup of tea, hostels of yesteryear may not suit the yoof of today however. I don’t think the cost was prohibitive, some lads would hitch from Manchester to keep cost down.
Maybe if visiting the countryside is not part of a peoples tradition or culture they might not want to go.
Sathnam Sanghera in 2009 in the Times
rebutted the idea that countryside is racist
my 59-year-old Sikh mother has become more religious and correspondingly stricter in her dietary and religious observances (often the same thing).
Then there’s the fact that my mother has never actually visited the English countryside in her 40 years of British residency, and also doesn’t speak English, meaning that conveying the concept of a “day trip to the North York Moors” in my rusty Punjabi is a challenge, both culturally and linguistically.
BTW that Sky report got ratioed 600 Likes vs 3,000 replies
that data breach warning
what’s annoying is the lack of detail.
Is it a compromised app? (Chrome ???)
Is it the site’s admin that has been (purportedly) compromised?
Big difference
“don’t panic Captain Mannering”
Nothing has changed on your side , it is a Chrome update.
It now has a facility to check if the password you use is on a list of hacked passwords but NOT necessarily with your own email/login.
eg If someone else has used the password “123456” on their Myspace account and it appears on a list of hacked passwords
and you happen to use “123456” for your BiasedBBC login
you will get the warning
… even though it’s NOT your personal account that was hacked.
Do you need to do anything for Biased BBC ?
No not really cos the worse thing that could ever happen is that someone could match you login name with a known password and start posting in your name.
However for your important logins like your bank or email
you should be using a proper systematic approach to passwords
– Don’t use the same password for different accounts
– Do change your passwords every 3 months or so.
If you have a 100 logins across the internet say British Gas, Hotmail, SuperPorn etc. then over say 1 or 2 years one of them will have a data breach
.. And if you have different passwords for them all it won’t matter cos your other 99 will still be secure
.. And if you did happen to use the same password for another account .. they have only a few weeks window to find that account ..cos you have system of changing passwords every 3 months.
Some people use password manager type apps
That choice is up to you
But it is like putting all your own passwords in same basket.
Password manager companies have been hacked before.
95% of hacks happen cos someone has tricked you into clicking a link in an EMAIL.
So beware of emails that say
” Oh my god something terrible/fantastic has happened,
click here to fix it “
They are often ambush disguised
eg “We are your bank, your account has been hacked
..so quick click here to change your password”
but FFS Google – warnings like this do not help security much – the very least they could do is have a clear (non hijack-able) link to an explanation – an opportunity missed.
Just how many Confluence of Cock Up Editors does the bbc now employ?
She would say that wouldn’t she?
Why on earth would the million pound a year Emily want to defend the BBC? Oh, wait….
She and Kay Burley. Apparently.
I wonder what Greta has to say, or would dare to?
She must be getting her excuses from the Gwyneth Paltrow book of dumb phrases. Why don’t the beeb consciously uncouple themselves from the public dosh and go their own sweet way.
ITBB amplifies on her bottle blonde latest ‘moment’:
The wagons circle.
Bradby was once impartial but has morphed to become ITV’s Robinson, Peston is simply a vocally deranged Marr and the smug, patronising Robert Moore their very own Sopel.
By short-term comparison a more trusted news source – but not for long. Prejudice is prejudice and bias is bias, the significant change is in the ability of the general public to appreciate these facts and react accordingly.
First big government cock-up (data leak) gleefully reported as lead item on all beeb news bulletins. Just what the doctor ordered after the big Johnson victory. The Cabinet Office appears to have fouled up.
Mistake or…?
The thought simply crossed my mind, as I said recently that I could hear rustling in the undergrowth, so I’m waiting for the first signs of what’s lurking, and what they’re up to. I do feel the data breach was likely a cock up, but it’s convenient for critics, so it wouldn’t surprise me if it was ‘enemy action’.
Make no mistake, they’re out there, they’re busy, busy, and we WILL hear from them.
Two of three ‘guests’ on Paddy’s ‘Broadcasting House’ think it’s THE big story. Surprise. John Sargeant has a go at government over apparent bending of the immigration rules to suit HM. Dear old man, he’s all attack dog this a.m.
Charles Moore is getting it in the neck.
A BBC article that is both interesting and revealing concerning what it’s like find yourself unemployed as a Labour candidate, post election defeat.
I wonder, do you think the article would be half as sympathetic had it been the other way around with the Tories taking a drubbing instead? Another irritation is when you read what these complainypants keep banging on about – it’s all about themselves, and nothing about their constituents.
I think this is the same as somebody posted yesterday. I have a very fuzzy box appear above some comments saying that I should change my password because of a data breach. I am away from home and only on the iPad so cannot take a screen shot. But I will ignore. The box doesn’t move so I can just scroll beneath it.
I wrote yesterday with a certain amount of tongue in cheek
that we now have Irish Republic women sports reporters on
the BBC talking with an Irish brogue which is difficult to understand ,
especially for us in Londonistan.
But the more I think about it ,and call me paranoid if you like
I believe that BIG BROTHER at the BBC’S diversity department
has decided that ENGLISH the white man’s language is the next
thing ,in the name of diversity the BBC is going to go after.
Of course the fact that ENGLAND with the exception of
Londonistan with indigenous Londoners being in a minority of
something like 30% , was one of the only areas that voted Labour
in the General Election. And of course most of the hierarchy
at the diversity dept at the BBC come or live in the “swamp.”
The Irish brogue and continuity presenters talking in what
sounds like patois is just the beginning.
Foscari – I was listening to a late night programme by ‘George the poet’ on R4, and I think I understood 10% of what was being said/hissed/ ‘sung’. I was trying to figure out WHAT made George a poet, but couldn’t. Then again, there was an occasional attempt to have word endings rhyme at random. Lotsa Rap stuff, Bro.
I recall some beeb producer saying last year that regional accents were “gold dust” for the bbc.
Albeeb News 24 , So Big Ben will be striking the new year in ……then a typical snide comment ( and very quickly moved on from ) that the new Speaker Lesley Hoyle will not object to the January 31st celebration of escaping from EUROPE’S CLUTCHES . Thank our God he is not like Bercow. It seems the BBC editors just cannot stop the constant manipulation to their own left wing agenda
More migrants coming in to Dover ….why oh why can’t they be towed back to France ? . Bring back WW2 Mine Fields
There is some talk of possible plans to split borders and immigration out of the Home Office and transfer it into a separate department.
If so, the military should be in charge of defending our borders, and not a bunch of EU-loving, self-serving, civil service ‘internationalists’.
All these invaders who end up disappearing or trying to claim ‘asylum’ here are (at best) queue jumping criminals.
The island
Yes exactly , I have always thought the Military should be the Border Force , over the years many have been retired early especially after recent conflicts..Iraq and Afghanistan…and quite a few have suffered mentally and become homeless , surely a way to help those gallant troops is give them a purpose again and they would be keeping out some of the bastards who were trying to kill and mame them….nothing like meeting old enemies again for a second chance ! !
The military what?
Well that means more houses, hospitals, schools and infrastructure needed, but never mind they will be ‘engineers’, ‘doctors’, ‘scientists’ and ‘nurses’ .
Our politicians are still not listening .
An “unflinching” look at the causes of Labour’s defeat was now needed, they warned, rather than a “simple review”.
A “simple review” would reveal that the Labour Party did not listen to the appeals of the ordinary working people.
They are still not listening. Advice to the Labour Party – Keep it Simple.
Well. We know where the BBC stand on MargretThatcher.
Margaret Thatcher: ‘A shrill and ageing woman’
We also know where the cowardly useless incompetent Tories stood on Margaret Thatcher as they stabbed her in the back.
Now it’s safe to do so they regard her as some kind of beacon of conservatism, but they are not prepared to follow in her footsteps because they haven’t the sense nor the courage.
They did the same to Winston Churchill too, prefering cowardice incompetence and uselessness when it came to dealing with Hitler.
Lessons learned by the Tories – none what so ever, and if a similar threat arose today Boris the Bottler would probably be even more craven than Chamberlain.
75% is more than 25%, isn’t it?
Guest Who
When is this defunct broadcaster going to be consigned to where it belongs . The Dustbin .
Get a move on Boris, or you will be moved on.
“General election 2019: Anna Soubry disbands Independent Group for Change”
I hear that Anna has a new job in broadcasting ?
Of course , ‘needs must’ .
LBC appear to feel she needs another appearance fee.
For some reason.
LBC put up 4 tweets promoting her show
..even One with audio of the entire show
..each tweet is rationed 10 or 15 to 1
Actually I see 10 months ago she stood in for James O’Brien
FFS Anna Soubry has a new job, she is presenting on LBC right now
“It is disgraceful that Bercow has not being put into the House of Lords
..We don’t know if he turned it down .. MY good honourable FRIEND Ken Clarke has always said he himself would not work in the House of Lords.”
Ah GW our posted overlapped I see
Talking about honours
Caller “It shouldn’t be jobs for the boys ”
Soubry “or girls !”
… FFS isn’t the way she suddenly pops up on LBC “jobs for the Remainiac girls/boys” ?
Perhaps she will stand as the leader of The Labour Party next , or worse, work for Al Beeb ?
Why not let Soubry stand for both Labour and the BBC? Both roles are interchangeable.
And she will also ensure the destruction of both.
She gets my vote 🙂
Well it is panto season
only 19 likes and ratioed 10 to 1 by comments against her
Next up… Lammy, Femi and Ali?
Soros’ disciples – US Democrats – banned from Philippines.
I know we’ve had lots of comments about the recent honours, but…
Harry Billinge, the D Day veteran. “I just did my job, I don’t want any glory. I am choked beyond measure”. He also raised £20,000 for a memorial commemorating his fallen comrades.
He received the MBE.
Nadiya Hussain, bakes cakes, has been given her own TV series, pots of money, a book contract and has endlessly complained about white male privilege and how hard it is being a Muslim in Britain…also received the MBE.
Perhaps Nadiya would have liked to have told her thoughts on white male privilege to some of Harry’s fallen colleagues.
Sadly it’s a bit late…
Indeed Jeff..NH..is nothing more than a BBC apparatchik/star-child. What next? candidacy for a Labour held constituency in London.. then a MP?..she ticks nearly all their usual boxes after all. They missed a trick there had they roped (no pun intended) her in for the recent GE she could have had a pop at the Labour Leadership. Why not!?..they’re not exactly spoiled for choice now are they!?
Jeff, I made the same comparison at the top of this page. Giving this lady ANY award for her limited achievements is beyond scandalous, and can think that it must have been someone at the BBC who put her forward. Perhaps its her reward for not being able to participate in Strictly ???
Anyone else not getting reponses to some BBC complaints? If I complain about bias I get the usual 10 day wait for stock answers of “we beleive we got the balance just right this time”.
But when I complain about a couple of cases where the BBC have been racist towards Orientals and when they show support for paedofiles I just get a 4 week wait for “we are unable to respond to this complaint. Feel free to contact Ofcam.”
“Sanctuary Cities”. In the US these ‘SC’s’ represent all the rapidly failing or already failed cities in the US like Baltimore, which are under Democrat/Marxist control. Both terms are synonymous/interchangeable. It’s so sad to see the beacon of freedom in the Western World being destroyed, intentionally, from within.
I sure hope that The Donald successfully pushes back the increasingly constricting Marxist infestation. But there, it has been a well coordinated conspiracy for decades to bring the US to its knees so he could be forgiven if he eventually fails. One thing’s for sure, if he devotes the rest of his days to exterminating Marxism in the US, he will go down in history as the best POTUS ever. What a legacy if he can achieve that.
Daily Mail:
“Tony Blair ‘was bidding for contracts with the EU for his ‘institute for global change’ as he campaigned against Brexit'”
No self-serving conflict of interest there then, for our Tony?
Betcha he lurves the BBC?
Searched “Biased BBC” this morning and got this;
The Guardian (Where else?)
“”Out but not down: Tory anti-Brexiters tell where the next battle will be fought””
“” Soubry said that despite the failure of her new party, there was still the potential for a new progressive party to emerge should Labour continue to be embroiled in civil war. “The Tory party will get its comeuppance in due course,” she said. “”
Betcha Soubry lurves the BBC?
Dover the Remainer zealots won’t accept the UK leaving the EU as a done deal, even when we have left at the end of next month. They are totally committed to our membership of the EU in much the same way religious martyrs believe that they will go to a better place by dying for their faith.
I suspect that they are already plotting with Brussels to try and arrange for the plagues of Egypt to be visited upon the UK economy.
I have no doubt that the BBC, Times, Guardian etc will all be breathlessly reporting how badly the trade negotiations are going for the UK, how weak or position is , what a catastrophe we are facing , how those folks who voted Tory in the north will lose their jobs .
Indeed I will not be surprised if the swamp dwellers actively try to sabotage the UK economy over the next couple of years. The Battle for Brexit May have been won but the civil war will still continue . Boris needs to realise that these diehards will never be reconciled to Brexit and that he must not agree to concessions to try and get them on board. High on his priority list must be to deal with the BBC and so deprive the Remainer/ Rejoiner tendency of its powerful propaganda tool. Then he should move to ruthlessly remove thousands of quanocrats , almost all of whom are leftist Remainer placemen and women. Followed by a purge of the civil service , judiciary, educational blob , otherwise within ten years we will be back in the EU.
In short he needs to join with President Trump in draining the swamp. But does he have the same courage as the President? Could he endure the non stop barrage of lies that the President has weathered? Boris wrote a biography of Churchill he will need some Churchillian courage to see this through.
Double – Indeed, we have entered a new age of politics now, where winning an election with a large majority does not mean you face only a defeated parliamentary opposition.
The Donald found out on day one of his Presidency that, outside the Congress, efforts to get rid of him were starting up. (Once Dems won the midterms, that campaign moved into Congress)
As you rightly say, the EU -who are keen on fleecing us for as long as possible-.won’t down tools just yet. Hence we read that end of 2020 may be too soon to end negotiations, threats to The City, etc etc
The Remainers won’t give up either. They should have learnt their lesson, you would think, but I doubt it.
They are all ‘democrats’ who won’t accept anything other than their own views. Betcha they’re at it right now, conspiring, hatching plots, working on extraparliamentary action etc.
I was wondering what the psychological / emotional effect on UK actually leaving on 31 January would be.
If I were BoJo / Cummings I’d have some trade agreement ready to go on 1 February if that is doable – even if it can only come into effect on 1 January 2021.
There must also be a campaign to get rid of that damned ReichEU flag too .
Looks like we are about to get the full vengeance of the lefty press for losing Brexit and it’s of course going to be all about Climate….
This article explains the tactics.
In true Goebbels Propaganda fashion this self appointed Climate Press Gang is going to teach Journalists how to choose the best Climate photographs to frighten the shit out of their readers and thus justify their own existence.
The Independent are fully signed up to this boot camp and of course they pass everything along to the BBC.
So look out for photos of smoking factory chimneys, car exhausts, etc. and always to show people in the shots. This they claim is better more “persuasive” than for instance pictures of polar bears etc.
And here’s a link to underline the effect on journalism and the BBC.
Can’t wait!
The Graun still uses the steam towers with added ‘noir’.
‘Climate Outreach’ is seeking staff:
‘Finance & Operations Manager’. I guess they’ve got to have someone to liaise with Soros’ Marxist funding organisations.
That sounds about right G, Judging by the staff line-up they are already somehow finding the best part of half a million from somewhere!
Also can’t help but notice a key funder is an outfit called the European Climate Foundation. It all starts fitting together…
Yes, fakenews, they are lurking in our very own swamp. But we have it from Lord Kerslake, former head of the swamp, that the swamp beast Sir Mark Sedwill “shouldn’t in my view think about resigning” regarding this minor data breach in the defunct honours system. Read this and many other views about this collapse of government on the Beeb “News Page”. Come back from sunny Mustique with all guns blazing, Boris, and roll a few more heads.
I notice Sedwill’s swamp chum John Manzoni (Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office) has been awarded a KCB. Two of the many cover-uppers that need to go.
Bercow news
For Black Rod to day anything critical of a former speaker really does lift a stone and see the monster underneath .
There doesn’t seem to be too much public dismay about Bercow not getting a place in the retirement home- so perhaps the decision to not annoint him will hold as opposed to the expected elevation when the dust settles .
It is inevitable for some one as self important as Bercow to land up doing media jobs to keep his ego fed but with a bit of luck public interest in him will disappear and he can spend the rest of his time sulking .
“It is inevitable for some one as self important as Bercow to land up doing media jobs to keep his ego fed but with a bit of luck public interest in him will disappear and he can spend the rest of his time sulking”.
Napoleon complex?
Yes – it’s classic small man bullying those who in anyway challenged him .
There was a tiny bit of me wishing he was still in the chair so that he could be made to suffer as the 80 seat majority rolled over him every day ….
Particularly since so many of his pals are now seeking alternative employment … I suspect a number have EU passports so they’ll get Brussels gravy jobs .
“I suspect a number have EU passports so they’ll get Brussels gravy jobs .”
I suspect that some have been colluding with the EU to undermine the the democratic decision of the people of Great Britain
Now that would be an interesting topic for “Panorama Investigation”
Come on Al Beeb how about it ?
BBC Watch – @BBCWatch – Monitoring BBC coverage of Israel for accuracy and impartiality – New York – bbcwatch.org – Joined May 2012
Keeps a close eye on the subtle (and not so subtle) way that the BBC demonstrates bias against Israel
“The Halo effect” is class
\\The Home Office was accused of “criminalising refugees” after saying it would seek to return anyone who arrived in the UK illegally back to mainland Europe.//
They are criminals .
Who do these so called “accusers” think they are to make up false accusations against our security forces that are protecting the integrity of our nation’s border against criminals.
Perhaps tomorrow I shall cycle all the way to London and attempt to walk, unannounced, through the doors of Broadcasting house and demand that, as a shareholder, I be allowed to wander where I like on the premises, order lunch and dinner and a room and beds for my wife and family. After all, the breaking and entering law seems not to apply to foreign criminals who illegally enter my country.
I fear I shall become the proud possessor of a criminal record.
Has Britain gone completely gaga?
Lefty Wright
“Has Britain gone completely gaga?”
Not Britain , just a minority of shorted sighted Libtards , do gooders and well paid charity NGO’s, all aided by Al Beeb and its propaganda machine .
Correct. But those Libtards are extremely wealthy and occupy positions of immense power and influence so that they determine what we see and hear from the MSM, all of which emit a faux truth. They are swamp dwellers and a power wash is needed to flush them away.
Little Chris Buckler of the bbc reports from Washington that, when you get down to it, the terrorism in NY is basically President Trump’s fault.
Not in that many words, of course, but -if you follow his reasoning carefully, ending up in a pretty explicit statement, that is the gist of it. He hides behind the words of the NY Governor, but it’s transparent.
The beeb shows that- as ever- you can always sink lower, with biased reporting, than previously thought. No doubt, little Chris will get a pat on the back from his Auntie, for this piece of ‘work’. ‘A problem with hate’ says little Chris.
Too true.
Grafton Thomas huh
blame trump hmmm
take a look at grafton
for the stats
The link he mentions
“Men found with fatal stab wounds in Elstree and Barnet named”
The benefits of the EU and its open borders.
It would be interesting to know the percentage of foreign inmates that are incarcerated/housed in our jails . It might explain the reason for prison overcrowding ?
At least we will be celebrating Independence Day at the end of January .
“…It would be interesting to know the percentage of foreign inmates that are incarcerated/housed in our jails . It might explain the reason for prison overcrowding ?..”
Court lists offer a rule of thumb guide.
“Taxpayers faced a bill of more than £140 million last year for criminals from other EU countries in British jails.”
I thought Rob Burley had carved a tin-eared BBC delusional oblivious defensive bubble niche all of his own, but… [Yoda voice]… another there is…
He is TOP value.
Guest Who
Mistakes? Yes we can all make ’em but not, like the BBC,deliberate ones. They should be de-funded.
In Beebworld, Editorial Guidelines a ‘mistake’ can cover many eventualities.
Guest Who
Yes. But does persistent omission and selective truth count as a mistake?