The Far Left Biased BBC is full on Nanny State using the ‘climate change agenda ‘ to control the way we live to accord with what it approves of . Don’t breed or breath or eat or drink or smoke or bet or drive or fly or speak or be a bloke or free or think .
Weekend Thread 18 January 2020
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TodayWatch : “Alan Dershowitz Selected to Defense Team to Defend Trump at Sham Impeachment”
R4Today brought him on to try to grind him down
… He didn’t flinch basically saying ‘As a Democrat I say the impeachment seems unjust’
“My role is limited to being a constitutional expert on the issue of impeachment”
.. Although only a side lawyer to Trump he was Epstein’s main lawyer.
The prog didn’t ask him if he’d been at the parties etc.
Gateway is pro-Trump
BBC News
“We are seeing the highest global temperatures in the last decade and we will see more of that. As the CO2 continues to grow, we’ll see global temperatures increasing.”
The ‘we’ (so many we’s) here of course being those the bbc will talk to, and know the bbc will listen.
It’s a shame president trump didn’t get the old OJ gang back together again- it’s showbiz after all
A number of odd things occurred during Thursday’s edition of Question Time.
It did seem odd that that the audience member who sparked the racism row happened to be the first picked out to speak on the Meghan Markle topic, particularly as she is known to have been a past guest on the BBC papers review slot.
It also seemed odd that for the second week running a QT debate about Meghan Markle within seconds became a debate about racism.
It was also rather strange that when Shami Chakrabarti started to mention a Buzzfeed piece that apparently backed up claims of media bias against Meghan, Fiona Bruce immediately had that very same Buzzfeed text in front of her to quote from (of all the billions of words written about Meghan in the past fortnight, she happened to have to hand that particular copy implying media racism).
And it did seem very odd that a question about Boris Johnson’s attitude towards Liverpool was chosen for debate – based on something written in The Spectator which he’d edited more than 15 years ago – and Fiona Bruce was already geared up, again, to quote directly from the piece.
It was also bizarre, wasn’t it, that this week’s major news about the Manchester Pakistani rape gangs – happening so close to the show’s Liverpool venue – was not even selected for debate.
Panellist Laurence Fox did bring it up himself, briefly, before our genial hostess quickly moved things on.
You’d almost think these odd coincidences were part of a BBC set-up. Couldn’t be, could it?
Ed – I made some of the same observations – FB gave the game away on numerous occasions. It was clear from those, that she was indeed running a carefully prepared set-up. Nothing that we see on QT is what it seems.
It’s the beeb and it’s QT, so we are NOT surprised by this. Dishonesty in pursuit of their agendas is part of their DNA.
A deceitful and manipulative propaganda channel, which needs the urgent attention of government. FB gets a fat salary for doing this, so if she actually has a conscience, we can work out why it seems to be ‘not bovvered’.
Spot on Ed. It seems likely there had been pre-arranged collusion with the university lecturer / bbc commentator on QT. The beeb need to be called out on their bias, their scheming, their agendas and dishonesty.
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– Samira Ahmed Fallout: BBC Pays £3m to Placate Gender Discrimination Victims
– MPs Press Government on TV Licence Reforms
Grab your free copy of our ebook, TV Licensing Laid Bare.
The 70 page book, which is yours to own with a single click, tells you everything you need to know about the sinister and deceitful tactics employed by the BBC in the name of TV licence fee enforcement.
A very modest but welcome achievement by the European Court of Human Rights. All will admit, long overdue.
And more broadly on the subject:
“So Foscari who is your favourite BBC News Presenter? ” ” Simon
McCoy.” Why not any of the women? ” OK BIG BROTHER ,
any of the the twenty or more women news presenters on BBC TV.”
Is that less sexist, politically correct and virtue signalling for you?”
Did you see Fiona Bruces face when Laurence Fox answered
Shami Chakrabarti sarcastically ?
RT Soros-linked political pressure group Avaaz joins forces with MSM to purge climate skeptics from YouTube
Apartheid in acting?
Who would have thought it! Racism in Hollywood.
Whatever next?
Was Jan 16 Newsnight a special on Grooming Gangs ?
Anyone see it ?
Not long ago there were loads of adverts on tv asking if you’ve been mis-sold some financial product and lawyers would get you large sums of money at no cost if you got in touch with them.
It cost the Banks many millions or even billions.
Why doesn’t some group of lawyers offer a service to the tens of thousands of our little girls who were getting ‘enriched’ by all the rocket scientists and doctors.
(Have you been …….. )
They could get lots of compensation from all these presumably well off people ‘who give more to the system than they take out’ (as the left keep telling us)
Another source would be from all those involved in covering up these ‘enrichings’ (and tortures, murders and injecting them with heroin etc)
These extreme pc police chief constables and those fast tracked to the top of the police ‘service’ who stop any investigations into ‘enriching’ could be targeted for compensation for the thousands of abused children. Same for the other enablers, (politicians, council, social)
Even crowdfunding for lawyers to start proceedings to get justice for these children could see lots of the ‘elite’ taken to court to explain their actions (or non actions)
They could explain to us why they arrested those who told us what was going on (TR, Nick Griffin for examples) whilst turning a blind eye to what was actually happening.
A handful of the enrichers being imprisoned (and a program, 3 girls) doesn’t really show the scale of the mass ‘enriching’ by those who cannot be named.
There should be £millions paid to the thousands of little girls ignored by those who run our country so where are the lawyers.
I found this:
My problem with this is that it’s the council tax payer who is paying the compensation claims and not those responsible for covering up the mass abuse of children by the enrichers.
Put another way, WE are paying for the failings of those supposed to be in charge of law and order and are paying instead of those who actually committed (and are still at it) these crimes.
It’s time those contaminating the police and other institutions were kicked out and replaced by competent officers.
All this pc/woke crap needs removing like a tumour.
over the last couple of days ive heard a few of the Ariana Grande gig bomb attack victims finally speak out in anger
against a tasteless old white rapper who nobodies heard of for over 10 year
no mention of the u know what
but it does manage to do a bit of US gun control lobbying whilst its at it
#AllAboutLabour : almost every sympathetic media about a politician will be about Labour
Here in the Times Mag it’s Brexit accepter Caroline Flint
She blames Remain pusher Keir Starmer for Labour’s mess
Channel4 have a new #MeToo drama coming
Tick your Iranian spotter’s book ..her surname
Today’s outragebus
“Greenpeace, Extinction Rebellion, CND, Socialist Parties, Stop the War Coalition, SUTR, Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Vegan Activists are listed on the counter terrorism policing extremists list with Neo-Nazi Groups”
#1Despite the name Greenpeace are not peaceful
..they nearly knocked their diesel jet boat into a boat of Russian oil workers as they repeatedly tried to come between them and the oil rig.
That is why the oil workers security opened fire on the Greenpeace boat before the GP lot were arrested.
#2 GP do pose a threat of economic damage to this country as they obstruct people going out their normal business.
#3 GP have used strong tactics like intimidation and “we know where you live letters”
#4 GP are very well funded and see themselves as above the law.
The Times page 6
(See page1 half way down our previous page)
Usual BBC agenda pushing by rewriting history.
Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison for fighting for better rights for black people in South Africa.
No mention of the real reason he was jailed which was sabatage and trying to overthrow the state.
Tabs- You are right. However, there is zero (0) chance the beeb is going to research the trial to establish what he was actually imprisoned for.
There is also little chance anyone like Pumla , or the bbc, are going to do a programme on the massive corruption and mismanagement by successive ANC governments.
For beeb, ANC are the good guys. No matter what really happens, this will be the decisive narrative. As for whitey? Obviously bad.
So he ‘owns most of the land’? No beeb analysis of what large amounts of land the state actually owns, that could easily be handed over to aspirant black farmers. That could, however, prevent the true motive (that it would be nice to grab the goodies) from being exposed.
Instead the ANC (and the EFF, much the same thing, but more blatantly anti-white racists, big on what the beeb would call ‘hate speech’) are bringing in EWC (expropriation without compensation).
Not enough that racist legislation (BEE -black economic empowerment) is driving most of the skilled people from the country.
My guess is that the present England cricket team are in SA for the last time. Cricket in SA is already heavily politicized (really only 9% of the team should be white, according to ANC philosophy), but facilities and administrative capacity to host cricket are degenerating.
I suspect if you want to know the future of SA, Zimbabwe is a good guide to look at. (And comrade Managagwa is doing no better than Comrade Mugabe over there.) The ANC/EFF mindset is very similar to that of ZANU/PF. To get at whitey, it won’t rest until the country is down the tubes completely. Cos your objective at all times, is to grab the goodies for yourself and your mates (called cadres by ANC).
And whether Comrade Ramaphosa is in power, or Comrade Zuma, or Comrade Mandela, won’t matter. It’s all about the NDR. Beeb should do a little research on it! Or on what went on in ANC ‘liberation’ camps before 1994 in the line of torture and murder.
But somehow, I think we’re not going to be hearing anything about all of this anytime soon. You see, for the beeb narrative, these are all good guys. Period. So you can “kill the boer, kill the farmer” at your leisure. With a bit of torture, of course, as was much practiced in those camps.
Another page 6 article
A tweeted screenshot of page 6
So there it is at long last, in black and white, front page of the Times:
“Rotherham police chief: we ignored sex abuse of children”.
A big story – a huge story – yet nowhere to be found on Al-Beeb.
Not on the webshite’s Home page, or UK, or England, or Regions, or South Yorkshire. Try typing Rotherham into the search box and you’ll get a page of football news.
In other words THE CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE CONTINUES. The very same mindset that allowed the often violent paedophile abuse of thousands of children for decades is alive and well at Al-Beeb, who are therefore complicit and should be held to account.
One other thing. Read the wording of the report: ‘A senior police officer admitted that his force ignored the sexual abuse of girls by Pakistani grooming gangs for decades because it was afraid of increasing “racial tensions”’.
Was it really afraid of ‘increasing racial tensions’, or was it much more afraid of criticism by the entire politically-correct, liberal-left establishment, starting with the BBC and of course the Guardian, the muslim Council of Britain, the local Labour councils etc etc?
In case you’re paywalled, some extracts:
“After a five-year investigation, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) upheld a complaint that the Rotherham officer told a missing child’s distraught father that the town “would erupt” if it was known that Asian men were routinely having sex with under-age white girls…
The chief inspector is said to have described the abuse as “P*** shagging” and to have said it had been “going on” for 30 years: “With it being Asians, we can’t afford for this to be coming out.”
Until now police forces across the north and the Midlands have consistently denied that concerns about upsetting community sensitivities or accusations of racism were a factor in their past failure to tackle grooming gangs.
An investigation by The Times into child grooming in towns across the north prompted an independent inquiry. Its 2014 report found that between 1997 and 2013 more than 1,400 Rotherham children were exposed to severe levels of sexual abuse and violence by groups of men who were “almost all” of Pakistani heritage. To date, 36 men have been convicted for crimes related to the scandal.”
And finally, just look at the numbers: 1,400 children in one small town.
Multiply that by dozens of towns and you begin to get an idea of the scale of this epidemic.
Hang your heads in shame, BBC, if you have any.
Mate I posted screenshots over on our previous page
PS. I’ve just seen StewGreen’s posts above on same topic.
Doesn’t matter: it needs emphasising.
Is the BBC doing as much as the Times ?
Thursday pg21 and 23 items on the Grooming cover up
Indeed Vlad – If the BBC minimise it this site won’t . Note that the author is Andrew Norfolk – a journo who has put himself on the line to report these obscenities – no doubt the troll – maxi – will come up with another poor ‘list’ to dilute the crimes of these third world racist Muslim paedophile gangs
Six months after the BBC Hull item , the Times does a story about gay rugby on pg 39 with the same guy
How does gay rugby differ from the normal kind?
Back before Christmas I posted quite a few times
that despite the media narrative that
.. “rain doesn’t come for months”
actually it does often rain heavily in January in New South Wales.
I get Fedup with the propaganda instrument the MSM use for ‘once in a lifetime ‘ event ( really ? ) or ‘once in a generation ‘ oh really ?
Then politicians say a vote will be ‘once in a generation ‘ to concentrate minds – eg Scots referendum . Then a couple of years later it’s ‘let’s have another go”. I understand that a ‘generation ‘ is now 14 years but in my mind it’s much longer….
@Fedup2 Australia had a worse fire season and many more deaths in 1973/74
That is within my lifetime.
Stew the point I make is they make occasional events sound like the end of the world is coming .
Planet / geological time works a bit differently from the human memory -in my view .
As for Australia – I was wondering what they have been doing on irrigation of areas to help prevent or deal with Bush fires. I’ve only spent a month working in Australia during their autumn so I know my limit .
Just seems they need a way of managing water better ? Possible ?
Stew. They (BBC news) reported flooding from a theme park in Queensland this morning, emphasising that there were no bush fires in this area. A local said there were bush fires in October, so the rain was irrelevant.
At no time did they report any rainfall in NSW. Although it is up on a news round page.
The Sun:
“Boris Johnson set to open trade talks with US before he begins discussions with the EU”
“The PM wants Cabinet authorisation to open discussions during a visit to Washington next month, US diplomats have revealed.”
“He believes opening talks with the US first will avoid becoming trapped by Brussels negotiators like his predecessor Theresa May.”
“It would also “negate some of the concerns of the EU trying to play the ball in the way they want”.”
Harry Dunn : The Times accuses Boris of deception
cos under UK procedure we don’t allow our citizens to be extradited in that way.
Times says better to get the road markings arranged correctly outside the base
.. and get the woman to serve some community service at home
just like what happened in the similar Edinburgh incident with a France based American driving.
This week we had a perfect illustration of how corrupt the governance of the USA is as Nancy Pelosi manufactured her impeachment souvenir pens on screen.
All we needed to complete the scene was for BBC White House ‘insider’ Jon Sopel to be sitting at a table alongside signing copies of his book A Year At The Circus: Inside Trump’s White House with the same pens.
Don’t give him ideas !!
Jim – I think Sopel would have loved to have got his hands on one of those Pelosi pens! (Who knows what magic powers the old witch bestowed on them? For stupid and infantile gimmicks, her little stunt must rank up there with the top!)
As would Bryant, O’Donoghue, Buckle, Kay – I lose track of all the beeboids living it up in the good ol’ USA under the much despised President Trump. (No problems here like the M. Marklesque philosophy of not living in the US while The Donald is in the White House! Licence fee payers are an ever generous bunch!)
One report said that very soon after these pens were handed out to gangster Pelosi’s rat pack, some of them were already being advertised on eBay. Whether they are the real ones, of course, is open for conjecture.
Times : BBC Studios division is struggling and hasn’t achieved the targeted number of commissions
especially from outside corps.
BBC Studios has fallen well short of its targets for commissions from third-party streamers and broadcasters, and is too reliant on old brands like Doctor Who to prop up its revenue.
That’s the verdict of a detailed 43-page report on the BBC’s commercial production and distribution arm by the National Audit Office (NAO), the UK’s public sector spending watchdog.
And a comedian says they stole his ideas!#.XTF-2LWxhJU.twitter
Bet Emily doesn’t pull a ‘while I have got you here’ with Our Paul on the next Newsnight outing with Champion Ash.
Metroliberals priorities
Most English Nationals can’t play an instrument so will some of them be employed to ‘more fairly reflect our society’?
Ability to play in tune optional.
Surely to goodness recruiting from a BAME background BECAUSE they are BAME is totally racist.
And to paraphrase the bigoted bint on QT, ill-informed and privileged.
It should be shut down until they agree that no white people will be used to play instruments, sing, make the sets and costumes and…. well, have any role in any opera including composing them.
All started with Tony Blair infecting the institutions and making them terrified of ‘racism’ allegations. Careers would end.
It’s still there today. QT was a prime example this week. White-shouty -left-wing-BBC-female playing the race card against a white male. This tactic has worked in the past. It’s days may be numbered….
pug – It could be the first crack in the dam. Thanks to The Brexit Party, Boris has to meet expectations. Other than the Hard left liberals, the country is absolutely fed up with it.
I live in hope!
17.30 R4 Ukraine , Starts off with BBC Propaganda against Trump as usual ……Boris and Brexit not mentioned yet …..turned off !
“Facebook banned the Free Press society…”
That’s it, right there.
Six words that speak volumes.
‘Black academic’ as much as Megs could easily play Winnie Mandela. Sweet she and the bbc are steadfastly ignoring their past relationships to try and keep the deranged faithful from thinking too hard and getting confused.
Daily Express:
“EU on alert: Protests break out in Germany and Ireland amid anger at Brussels regulations”
“PROTESTS have erupted in Germany and Ireland in the last 48 hours amid fury at restrictive EU regulations on the environment and agriculture – prompting farmers to blockade main roads with tractors in both EU member-states.”
Not reported by the Biased Bile Corporation.
Fascist-Green policies not going down too well.
The university lecturer (Edge Hill) who sees everything in Black and White according to the Guardian has suffered on line abuse since her appearance on QT. I am not surprised she is claiming it but suspect she takes her lessons from young Owen Jones. If I would suggest something to her, it would be to keep off social media and then the Trolls couldn’t hurt her. Also if she didn’t look for prejudice everywhere she might not be so sensitive, but of course her salary depends on it.
The BBC could get him and Vicky Pryce to produce inspirational videos. Maybe run paintball sessions.
Awesnome. The BBC has deployed the Billy.
Mr Bragg has clearly not watched the Ricky Gervais speech to his fellow entertainer swamp rats. Obviously I’m stretching the point a lot by calling him an entertainer.
It applies to you too Mr Bragg.
Enjoy your money and the privileges it affords you and do us all a favour; keep your mouth shut and your thoughts to yourself.
In accordance with the BBC’s Yaxley-Lennon rules, can posters please use the correct names for people, so everyone knows who we are talking about it? In this example, the pizza delivery driver was ‘robbed’ by one Michael Ebenazer Kwadjo Omari Owuo Junior. The proposed partner for making videos is Vasiliki Kourmouzi. Thank you.
He’s not ‘confessing’. He’s bragging.
Street cred, bro, innit?
Would that be Billy Bragging?
Looks like she and the BBC have ‘inspired’ the audience they appear to wish to reach.
How it works.
A one time poster here was on staff, iirc.
He was a brave man, but i fear his career may now be put in jeopardy by the thought police at uber-woke Equity. I presume the Ethnic Members Committee is even more inquisitorial.
The pioneers always suffer the most, those who come after will have an easier time because of the actions of people in the Avant guard. Men such as Tommy Robinson, women such as Anne Marie Waters.
I don’t believe they are an aberration, rather I believe they are the first ones over the top in the war against the left.
Thanks to them, and the likes of President Trump, I think we’re going to win. The collectivists and globalists have lost, they just don’t know it yet.
Is that the Spanish Inquisition…..touch of the Monty Python and probably never to be seen on Albeeb ever again …..can’t upset the Snowflakes
BBC News.
UK businesses have warned food prices may rise and jobs may be affected after chancellor Sajid Javid vowed to end alignment with EU rules after Brexit.
Two ‘mays’ in one sentence and vague ‘U.K. businesses’ claim.
The bbc is stuffed.
Feeling the BBC s’ pain having to lead for 100 seconds on the finding by the police complaints outfit that South Yorkshire Plod wouldn’t go after Pakistani paedophilic rape Gangs because the ‘community ‘ might get upset .
This is unpublished report which The Times got hold of and is reported earlier in this Thread . I wonder if the South Yorkshire police will follow up on their corruption by getting an injunction to prevent the report being published . Plenty of senior plod collecting their pensions …..
I can’t see Marr or anyone else following this story or the report .
This evening there was even coverage of the Manchester muslim rapists on the Alex Jones radio station. Curiously these muslims were referred to as asians.
I think, thanks to Tommy Robinson the whole world knows what the swamp rats have been allowing these muslims to do to our children, including murdering them.
However, Marr has this deluded child MP doing the News Review tomorrow.
As David Vance asks (as we all do) “What’s a “hate crime worker”? Is that a euphemism for finder of imaginary crimes?”
hate-crime-worker = witch-finder-general
… the tactics are basically the same
Like the public ducking-stool if the accused doesn’t drown that etc. proves they are guilty etc.
She is “of colour”? I watched the Marr show, and can say that she certainly is not, apart from her violent lipstick.
Tommy Robinson gave a good acceptance speech after accepting the free speech award today in Copenhagen. It’s about an hour and a quarter long and the quality is not the best but it’s still worth the time, mainly because he summarised what the State and the Mainstream Lying Media have been collectively doing to him for over ten years. And of course he names a few of the worst of the swamp rats, including Mr Sweeney.
That reminds me of two global media stories from Hull, not reported by Peter Levy on BBC Look North. One about the above being held as a white working-class political prisoner of the upper middle-class liberal left-wing establishment in Hull Jail. The other was about a Muslim trying to cut peoples heads off in Hull.
Peter, erm Levy we used to call him.
Lewis settling in nicely.
I am delighted to report that the BBC website now has an article on the Rotherham child abuse scandal.
It is very easy to find.
As at the time of writing, simply google bbc news to get to the front page.
And then select
Yorkshire and Lincolnshire
Sheffield and South Yorkshire
And there it is !!!!
You may even see the word ‘Pakistani’ although strangely the word ‘Muslim’ does not appear. That said it appears to be being continuously edited so it is possible it will refer only to ‘men’ very soon.
The beeb are even, finally, beginning to cover the report on the Rotherham ‘Asian’ gangs in their news broadcasts.
Good. Better late than never, even if they were forced to by the sheer magnitude of the story, which even the beeb couldn’t brush under the carpet any more.
But isn’t it time that non-paedophile-rapist Asians got together and said ‘Not in my name, beeb’.
Calling them Asian is comparable to calling Nazis ‘European’.
“6 million Jews murdered by Europeans in death camps”.
Not in my name, beeb.
So playing a musical instrument properly is not going to
be the number one priority for the English National Opera
As an opera lover I am looking forward to a production of
William Tell by Rossini. I expect the overture will go something
like the Portsmouth Sinfonia’s rendering .You can listen to it on
You Tube. It should be fun!!
I also recommend ” Also Sprach Zarathustre by Richard Strauss.
Many of you may not know that this version was used in the film
2001. It’s a little bit more difficult to play than the William Tell
and the ENO with a “mixed” orchestra might struggle like
the lot from Pompy.
I expect it could be just the kind of “thing” the BBC Proms
would like to include.
I can’t think were the cannon noises for the 1812 overture will come from,, maybe the fellows in matching waistcoats!
Click to access wcd-16-10-9lr.pdf
Proof that BBC brainwashing has been responsible for destroying science in Britain.
A global network of 700 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. “There is no climate emergency”
Italy (159) tops the table of scientists who signed this declaration, followed by Australia (102), USA (94), France (68), Netherlands (58) and then Britain with only (38).
Thanks for that, RP.
I’m circulating the link.
Some fodder for the Far Left political shows on the BBC Sunday . Mr and Mrs Windsor – Markle Are no longer HRH .
Not sure how this will affect their Share Price but in the current snowflake climate it will be racist .
In their report on Rotherham, a beeboid laments that ‘the police were aware as early as the mid 90s of suspects committing child abuse’, but did nothing.
Given that the pattern of abuse was common knowledge in the area, the beeb report could equally have read:
‘The BBC were aware as early as the mid 90s of suspects committing child abuse, but did nothing’.
Nick Griffin was sounding the alarm but the racist far-left bbc chose rather to do to him what they have done to Tommy Robinson.
You don’t have to like Mr Griffin, or even Tommy for that matter to acknowledge they have been telling the truth, that the Mainstream Lying Media chose to ignore. And to conspire with the State to destroy them.
‘Suspect’ is the perfect word to describe bbc editorial.
I have my doubts if Harry was ever IN as a proper serving royal! I don’t know what it is maybe it’s the ginger hair? Maybe that’s why he was allowed to bring some ethnicity to the family whatever it is there’s more to this than meets the eye!
Apparently The Queen got Alan Sugar to pass on a message Meghan & Harry
Does that mean we no longer have a BAME in the royal family now the HRH is gone?
That fact was gleefully broadcast on her arrival in the firm…
Really beginning to feel quite nauseous at the mere sight of Meghan (Harry not far behind). Talk about overexposed….
Standing behind, certainly.
The ability for the media to ignore what does not suit, especially bbc complicity, whilst pushing edited propaganda is unsurprising but still annoying.
Being offended does not make her right.
Her ‘academic’ profile, and I use the term loosely, reveals she needs to find racism in order to justify her existence.
‘Rachel has extensive experience of working to promote equality and diversity in education including projects in the United States. Her travels to New York to carry out research into the advancement of African Americans since the civil rights movement is one of her greatest achievements. As part of this trip she interviewed leading civil rights activists including Judge Jawn Sandifer and former Mayor of New York, David Dinkins.
Her main research interest centres around the educational experiences and achievements of black, Asian minority ethnic (BAME) children. She is specifically interested in working to improve the educational experience of pupils and students from BAME backgrounds. Most recently, Rachel’s research has looked at trainee teachers’ perceptions of race and racism within education and its impact upon classroom practice. This work has led to a research led teaching approach here at Edge Hill.’
How amazing that the BBC Question Time team should randomly pick her……….
But what’s seriously worrying is that she is a senior lecturer in primary eduction.
God knows what kind of ‘education’ our children get thanks to people like her.
And all at the taxpayers’ expense.
Maybe she could instead research why females account for 68% of her university’s students and males, privileged or not, only 32%.
The money wasted on this racist bint and her useless courses would have been better spent on training our own doctors and nurses, rather than filling the NHS with imports.
Well she does have to find micro-aggression, which is aggression that can’t be seen or heard by ordinary people. That’s why we have to pay Rachel Boyle a fortune to help us see it.
Here is an example of what she said to The Guardian about a writer she admires:
“She talks about the invisible, weightless knapsack of privilege,” Boyle said. “Within this knapsack there are special provisions, assurances, tools, maps, guides, passports, blank cheques [which] you carry around. You have no idea that it’s there, but you also have no idea of the privilege that whiteness affords you.”
In other words the great British taxpayer is paying her to keep inventing racism everywhere, and to insult them with it.
So, she’s got a bit “hurty feely” about having the piss taken. Oh dear…
Meanwhile Mr Fox has received a text that said it looked forward to seeing him being stabbed. Hmm…
And yet despite the disparity between the two sets of “abuse” The Guardian choose to hi-light her concerns.
You can bet your bottom dollar this will be on the Beeb later.
Can’t wait to hear what Ali Baba thinks…
No comments allowed on that Guardian article, probably wisely.
Bercow nominated for Lords by Corbyn
as he names 8 as his standing down list
A Sunday Times exclusive
You recommend me, I’ll recommend you.
It will get its peerage, no doubt about that.
Lord Bercow of Brexit. That will be another nail in the coffin of the House of Lords.
Also @thesundaytimes
John Humphrys has given up flying to “save the world from climate change”
Apparently Evan Davies had said that he doesn’t fly either and suggested that Humphreys comes *cruising* with him.
It must give him a warm feeling, having the power to save the world. When the time comes he will be depended on to stitch up the San Andreas Fault.
Hank Azaria, the *white* actor who has voiced the Indian character Apu in The Simpsons cartoon for 30 years,
is stepping down from the role after accusations of *racism*
Paul Gambaccini, the BBC radio star, is threatening to stand against Sir Keir Starmer at the next general election in protest at the Labour leadership hopeful’s handling of Operation Yewtree
Fedup2 might want to delete this post for violating site rules, as the video below contains f-bombs aplenty.
The Critical Drinker takes aim at last week’s Doctor Who episode, Orphan 55, and the BBC in general. Posting it as I like his videos and his highlighting of the political bias and excruciatingly poor quality of the Beeb’s “entertainment” output is relevant.
Trick – people don’t have to watch the video – and you have kindly given due warning regarding content go unless some person or a troll – raises objection – I’m not censoring .
Thanks for the reply, and the clarification.
And yet, tomorrow, Groper Marr will be featuring some ‘O’ level reject for high office on their deep insights into white privies. Allegedly.
Also nothing on the BBC about big protests in Iran. But I did catch something on BBC Radio about a sexist “Women Only March” in America, presumably Hillary Clinton supporters marching against vulgar masculine men like Donald Trump using naughty jokes about politically correct feminists, in tweets.
I watched the whole review, in true drunk style he goes on a bit often repeating himself, still amusing though. I’m not a fan and haven’t watched it but wasn’t Doctor Who always a bit of a hokey kids show with cardboardy special effects? Did see this great one liner in the comments section,
“I just wanted Dr Who, not Dr How Dare You”
Vegan kilts for the sartorially woke Scot I spy on the BBC…
Vegan sporrans though? I thought they had to have badger bits?
Isn’t it time for a reprise of Rab C Nesbitt and chums as eco-warriors?
11pm R4 news item#3 literally 20 seconds
“A victim of sexual abuse in Rotherham says she feels vindicated by findings that SYP did not do enough protect her ..grooming by Asian gangs had been ignored for fear of increasing racial tensions”
item#4 about Harry Dunn got longer time
Daily Mail version