THE New Conservative MP for Solihull -Julian Knight- is campaigning to become the new chair of the Parliamentary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee- replacing a BBC remainer fan called Damien Collins . Mr Knight wants a Commons inquiry into the future of the BBC because of its’ bias ; as well as being ‘out of touch ‘ with those who pay for it . It’s worth watching for signs of the real change this site is looking for .
Start the Week Thread 20 January 2020
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First again – second time in a row!
You could see the sneer on Mark Mardell’s face as he covered the Harry & Megan story on BBC R4’s The World This Weekend – it was that obvious, it was leaking out out of the radio speaker and over the kitchen worktop. Yukk!
I wish Harry & Megan lots of love, joy & peace …. and quiet. I hope the media leave them alone and Harry & Megan leave us in peace and quiet, too. Please don’t Kardashian us!
Up2snuff – you are kinder than I am to Harry and Meghan. As far as I am concerned they can do what they like, as long as they don’t trade on the Royal Family’s name. And actually without the Royal Family behind them, they are worth nothing.
Harry is in full ‘pity me’ mode again with a speech given to a friendly audience. Well, sorry, but if he feels the media are awful here, then wait until he gets to Canada ! The Globe & Mail aren’t particularly enamoured with the pair, and without the protection of their HRH then it’ll be open season on them from the press from all over the world. They should be careful what they wish for.
Funny innit? While most working folk strive to “climb the ladder of success” our ‘arry is striving to descend the bugger. Next thing we know he will acquire a dog and sit in the streets of what used to be called London, with a blanket and a begging bowl. NOT.
LW, well, if he gets down to his last 10 million, he can always do like his mate Beckham has done – get bit parts in films, I’m sure his wife can do a bit of touting for him !!!
As I’ve suggested before, these two will eventually morph into Wayne and Waynetta Slob.
They might even be heard singing David Grays song, Night blindness, containing the question ‘ What we gonna do when the money runs out?’
Deborah and Brissles, am guilty as charged. I ask for no other offences to be taken into consideration.
I think the couple have pushed their luck and HM has been wise, and fair but firm … and firm but fair ….. as Chair and Chief Executive of The Firm. If Prince Harry and Mrs Harry want peace & quiet then I think they should have it. But at a price: peace & quiet for them from the media but also peace and quiet from them for us.
Talking of leaks, have the Tories found out who kept leaking stuff to the press in the run up to the election? I may have missed it but have they caught the culprit(s), tortured them to within and inch of their life and then sent them to the Tower yet?
If not…why not?
Could it be a kind of mafia thing? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer???
Deborah, you clearly don’t watch Vera !!!
Backlinks to previous.thread
– page 3 started 11pm Saturday and took us through Sunday
– page 2 ….. page 1
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– BritBox: Joint BBC/ITV Venture Slammed After it Emerges US Viewers Get More for Less
– BBC Pays Sarah Montague £1m in Equal Pay Settlement
Read the TV Licensing Blog’s Quick Guide to learn about the heinous, dishonest tactics employed by the BBC in the name of TV licence fee enforcement.
Putting aside the facts that: (1) BritBox appears to have been named by the IRA’s marketing department; (2) the BBC is the junior partner in the venture; (3) much of the material is available elsewhere, there are two potentially interesting aspects to the BritBox service. Namely, it does not require a TV license in order to use it and it gets the BBC into the subscription marketplace. A potential future for the broadcaster might be with a single, free-to-air channel comprising news and traditional public service broadcasting, with everything else hived off into a BritBox service. This itself could be offered as a free ‘lite’ service emphasising catch-up UK TV and supported by advertising (iPlayer replacement), and as a ‘premium’ service without advertising and with a wider range of programming, potentially on a global basis. Much as the end of the BBC as a state broadcaster is a desirable objective, realistically there is likely to be a period of several decades during which it will continue within a changing political and technological landscape.
Knives out for Laurence Fox
Doesn’t appear to be covered by Al Beeb who started the whole ‘row’ by 1) inviting him onto QT (why? did they expect him to be controversial?) 2) planting the ‘academic’ race ‘researcher’ in the audience and duly choosing her to speak.
This short article in the Telegraph makes a lot of sense (unfortunately) and reinforces what we know – that the ‘blob’ comprises a permanent ruling class that calls the shots whoever happens to be in power.
Islington blocks the Big Ben bong
… but approves the Bercow bung
Islington blocks the Big Ben bong
… but approves the Big Bercow bung
Everyone I speak to is shocked that Brexit tolls cost near a quarter million pounds.
There is something fishy going on here. I’m surprised that the PM, with a thumping majority, has not called the recalcitrants to book. He needs to, or these recalcitrants will take it as a sign of weakness.
Josh new Climate Cartoon
St Georges Day used to be celebrated in the Medieval times .
But how would folk who were very poor , without electricity , in a colder climate after the warm period celebrate the saints day ?
That’s right , it fell into disuse .
Same as Frost Fairs fell into disuse when times warmed up .
Due to the cyclical nature of the solar system, there are cycles within cycles. Fortunately or by design, they are not phase coherent or our goose would have long since burnt or frozen.
The above quasi bar chart very neatly illustrates warming and cooling, on top of long term trend towards cooling. Which is true as we are headed towards a new ice age.
Ice ages are great extinction events. If by deliberately burning hydrocarbon fuels, we raise the temperature even slightly, thus increasing CO2, it will increase vegetation and thus all life forms on land and in the oceans. Life/nature being being life, it will try its best to ensure its survival. With help from us, we might just ameliorate or even postpone a mini ice age. We thus gain time to come up with engineering solutions, working with nature.
Anybody tried to scan this at the Supermarket checkout ?
If they do, they will find it shows a bill of about £50 trillion.
Manchester newspaper finally gets around to an article
how grooming gangs operate and how we can recognise the signs
Well I recognize that article doesn’t contain words beginning with “Pak” or “Musl”
… well at least they did finally do an article
.. why didn’t they do one 20 years ago ?
Forty years too late.
What a tragedy for the nation.
BBC Briefing on Immigration: How do I use it?
What exactly, are they trying to tell (educate) us ?
What ‘we do know’ is that we voted to leave the EU was primarily because of mass immigration .
Thanks taffman
Quote from the link you gave
The BBC’s director of news and current affairs, Fran Unsworth, says: “In a fast-changing world with increasing polarisation and disinformation, it’s hard to understand the big issues of the day, so BBC News is trying a new way to help you make sense of some complex issues.
“BBC Briefing online gives you in-depth insight into some of the biggest challenges facing Britain today.”
The BBC can be relied on to provide their idiotic juvenile “woke” view. To get some of the truth, invert the BBC view, or click to another channel.
2020-01-19 08:00
Guardian Opinion Rochdale child sex abuse ring
The horrible truth is that some female victims are seen as less important than others
Where was the outrage over Manchester’s many abused and betrayed children?
Jennifer Williams is politics and investigations editor for the Manchester Evening News
The horrible truth is that most criminals vote Labour, multiple times.
The horrible truth is that when Nick Griffin publicised the mass rapes nearly twenty years ago he was prosecuted.
The horrible truth is that when Tommy Robinson publicised these crimes again recently he was jailed in the blink of an eye with the connivance of the judiciary.
The horrible truth is the Guardian prints articles about crimes every day without using the word Muslim.
The horrible truth is that lefty senior police officers, lefty local government employees, lefty civil servants covered up for the Muslims and are still doing so.
Who can we thank for the millions of Muslims in the UK raping our daughters?
That would be the Labour Party.
So FOAD with your lying lefty crocodile tears.
How many girls? Numbers please?
The Democrats in the USA are worse then Labour here. If they win, America will be gone in a generation. And with it, so too will the West.
Pres Donald Trump is the last man standing. An ObiOne. A man for these times. Like Churchill in 1930s.
What will happen if America/West falls? I hope Western civilisational values will continue. Possibly China. Chinese already do well in Western classical music. They can only do this , if they have absorbed Western cultural thought patterns in their soul.
Re Jan 17 TR court appearance
video TR vs Danish journo
Tommy Robinsons’s unforgivable crime ?
No idea.
His crime? Speaking truth to power.
Tommy Robinson’s experience testifies that speaking the Truth is very dangerous to life and limb. The police seem to take visceral delight harassing Tommy R. Wonder why
Danish TV with TR
Interviewer ‘my evidence that you incited violence against Muslims on Facebook is that the BBC say that is true, I have no other evidence cos Facebook deleted all your posts’
TR .. ‘ If there was evidence don’t you think some journalist would have conserved it ?
.. now I’d just made a documentary exposing the BBC ‘
Presenter raising arm “Whoa, this is NOT a discussion about the BBC’
Same vid is on the TR channel with a discussion
Lots of new vids out
eg TR doco from Sweden in English
Tommy Robinson in Copenhagen
Tommy Robinson received the prestigious Sappho Award from the Danish Free Press Society in Copenhagen.
The full speech given by Tommy after receiving the award is embedded below. But first, there’s an interview with Tommy from the Danish MSM — an antagonistic one, of course; how could it be otherwise?
No news on the BBC.
No 1 story on the BBC is Harry’s Speech which I ain’t interested in. However No 2 story is THREE people stabbed to death in London in one incident.
Are we so desentisised that 3 people being killed in London in one incident is the second story on the BBC? if it is its a sad inditement of our times.
I think we can safely say that this incident is the same as the hundreds that happen in our capital each year and nothing yet nothing is done about and nobody holds the mayor to account. The mayor is given special status and is untouchable and beyond any criticism from the BBC because he is a muslim that’s a fact and I’d like “whoever ” to challenge that. Can you imagine for one minute the amount of air time the BBC would put into the whole knife crime epidemic in London if Borris was still mayor ??? They would be blaming him simply because he was white and privaliged. Khan, like the Rotherham criminals is given “special” status because he is a Muslim and any criticism of him and the “card” comes out. This magic card trumps all scenarios and is the most valuable hand you can hold if you want to ‘avoid” scrutiny.
Oh hang on a message from the Mayor
Mayor of London Sadiq Khan tweeted: “My thoughts are with their families and the local community at this dreadful time.”
He said extra police enforcement powers had been authorised for the whole of Redbridge borough until 08:00 on Monday.
Standard response ……..disgusting.
BBC do your job hold the Mayor to account….but I guess you never will. You’ll just let it carry on unchallanged in the name of multiculturism and “community” cohesion.
I think I detect a pattern today.
One little word is doing an awful lot of work in this headline sentence from the BBC – do you spot it?
‘How has immigration changed in your area? ‘
Did you spy that single short word which the BBC employs so carefully to do all the heavy lifting to ensure the report remains on message?
That’s right, the word was “in”
Afterall, whenever will you see a BBC article ask simply: How has immigration changed your area?
Hmmmm. That would be a slightly different question potentially opening the door to some very different answers. Ironically enough, being a resident of north east London, I noticed this report on the same BBC on-line page:
‘Seven Kings stabbing: Three killed after disturbance… Three men, aged in their 20s or 30s, were found by emergency services with apparent stab injuries, the Metropolitan Police said. All three were pronounced dead at the scene. No arrests have yet been made, the Met added.’
There’s one example of change.
Coming from – and living in – North East London and waking up to a triple stabbing homicide is normal now . I’m surprised that the number is so low . As you might know I mention the numbers here quite a bit – more than I want – partly because I studied criminology a few years ago . Homicide is seen as s stat. Which can’t be fixed and reflects reality more than any crime stat of political reassurance does .
So a New Year prediction – last year the number was 150 . This year the number will be above that . There’s a killing -on average every 4 days in Londonistan .
The BBC doesn’t seem to want to cover the lastest triple killings in Ilford – which suggests the victims are people it doesn’t care about – meaning they are not ‘ethnic minorities ‘. They might have suffered from white advantage .
Actually they’ll turn out to be Eastern Europeans because there have been a number of fatal/serious incidents involving Third worlders from the East in recent months . We ll see and I will write an apology if proved wrong .
Now let’s get back to an unemployed couple emigrating from the UK to Canada . When I heard a report that a newspaper had written that the couple must be relieved not to visit hospices in Huddersfield any more i thought ‘ouch’.
Ch Supt Steve Clayman said a fight had broken out between two groups who were armed with knives, leaving three men fatally stabbed.
Now remind me please when did the Police last say after an “attack” that it was a Muslim group that was responsible ??? It would appear that mentioning it was Sikh groups is OK.
“We can now say that two arrests have since been made, so there has been progress.
“The parties are believed to be known to each other and the group are within the Sikh community,” he added
Couldn’t help but notice the BBC keen to talk about immigration this morning. Well a bit, and in their own inimitable style. Naturally ‘Anallysis by Mark Easton’ starts off with ‘Enoch Powell’s infamous Rivers of Blood speech in 1968’ as though that is the beginning and the end of the debate.
Juxtaposed with Easton and his reflex invocation of Rivers of Blood today we have Greg Mckenzie, BBC London, poppoing down to Redbridge at the scene of a multiple stabbing:
‘I’ve seen graphic video from a nearby resident that was filmed shortly after the incident. The images show blood on the street.’
Powell is generally regarded as a very bad man and very wrong in his predictions. Draw your own conclusions.
Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood – as opposed to the racist far-left bbc’s gutter of bile and vomit.
Toady watch
Toady is suffering . You can feel it . It doesn’t get the political ‘guests ‘ it once did . Conservative government ministers are staying in bed an hour longer rather than being plonked in a seat to have Tourette’s Robinson shouting at and interrupting them for 4 minutes ( we’re running out of time ).
With a bit of luck listening numbers will continue to fall together with ‘influence ‘. We now know all that poison – propaganda about brexit and ‘vote labour ‘ didn’t have any effect on the outcome .
Toady remains in denial about brexit . There is no discussion about what will happen on the 31 st January and thereafter – such as what will be done to recycle all those EU flags – or will they be sent back to Brussels .?
This would be an interesting reposte by an Interviewee to the Toady4 interviewer:
T4: ‘we’re running out of time’
I: ‘yes, you certainly running out of time’
T4: ‘what do you mean? What are you saying?’
I: ‘we haven’t time now to talk about that’
Spot on, Fed and John!
Haven’t wanted to watch anything the BBC spurt since Christmas, and still feeling greatly happy, disbothered, couldn’tgiveafarque etc…
But I do endure R5dead when I’m sleepless in Kent, so get the nasty crap they spew in the darkest hours.
How has immigration changed in your area?
The “report” shows how the NHS is reliant on staff from abroad – London fairs badly – lets face it the locals have moved out and been replaced
Just to reiterate the importance of this story – partly because it’s local but mainly because we know damn well that the BBC will move on very quickly – afterall this isn’t Stephen Lawrence.
‘Police said they were called at about 19:40 GMT on Sunday to reports of a disturbance in Elmstead Road in Seven Kings, Ilford.
Three men, aged in their 20s or 30s, were found by emergency services with apparent stab injuries, the Metropolitan Police said.
All three were pronounced dead at the scene. No arrests have yet been made, the Met added.
Police said they were in the process of formally identifying the victims…’
Who wants to make a guess at Tom, Dick and Harry?
No one…? Pity, I’m sure I could have made a few bob there.
Asiseeit – Hi neighbour – I saw your post – did you see mine – I’m betting Eastern European or and Johnny Turk again …and Brexit is responsible .
Even if they’d survived the initial stabbings I wouldn’t have given them much of a chance surviving the local A and Es on a Sunday evening ……
The British public are likely to be suffering from Harry/Meghan overdosing soon .
From a BBC point of view the gangs of Pakistani paedophiles is now non news as usual ….
Rival ethnic factions of some sort, would be my guess. Inevitable as the suburban London crime scene becomes increasingly balkanised.
But, as the BBC so proudly points out, at least we can be reassured that when they rush the wounded to A&E there’s a better chance these days there will be some NHS staff on hand to translate. Thank goodness for that.
The Beeb are now claiming it was a fight between two Sikh gangs (note: not described as the usual South Asians by the BBC) although that claim is countered by this and I quote “Jas Athwal, leader of Redbridge Council, said: “An incident like this is unheard of within the Sikh community here in Redbridge.” “.
Whoever it is, ethnically, it is still bad and bad for London.
The normal methodology of news control is not to publish identities for a few days – one by one -after ‘interest ‘ has died away .
Will Sadiq and Priti make a royal visit to outer London ?
I suppose the emir will because he’s looking for votes .
At least we know they were not murdered or even just killed: according to the Emir they simply lost their lives, presumably in the way that one might lose change down the back of a sofa or become lost wandering round a large shopping mall.
“I’m in touch with senior Met police officers and local representatives after a serious incident in Redbridge tonight, where three men have lost their lives.“
It seems the way to really connect with the core is to write in… The Graun.
Plus six more people as a consequence of Newsnight getting her in.
Guest – you have to hand it to the ability of the Socialist to self destruct – they have a bunch of girls and a token bloke . And it looks like the bloke will win – thus proving labour is anti girl .
So no false ‘ unity ‘ to get the shambles ready to take my money after the next election . Plenty of excellent in fighting an plotting to keep them occupied – hopefully with their BBC giving them plenty of air time as the Conservative government – maybe – drifts to the Right …
Well that is Bex and Jess and Lisa and Emily screwed on gigs at W1A, even with boobtastic qualifications.
I don’t know why the Black & Asian Broadcasting Company don’t go all the way and fire all hideously white employees and replace same with Blacks and Asians. They’re ‘half in and half out’ at present so, viewers will notice very little difference if they were to go all the way. And on the radio? it’s only the voice to go on but, there again, the BABC is the BABC so no difference there. The voice gives it away in most instances.
Personally, (and whilst my viewing is zero with minimal listening to radio), I would favour total replacement of white people. That would hasten the BABC’s demise.
G I agree – they should send out ‘blacking up kits ‘ in their application packs …. disgraceful and corrupt .
Meanwhile Lady Brooke has been busily counting the £400000 ‘payout ‘ she got – it wasn’t about the money – yeah right .
Did they ever have intentionally “all-white shortlists”; or do they simply mean shortlists that happened not to have any coloured people. And do ethnic minorities really need boosting in the BBC, of all places? (Pointless of course to ask what relevance a person’s colour is.)
The replacement for the BBC Anti-Brexit campaign is slowly becoming clear. It’s all about the benefits of immigration apparently. BBC website full of articles on how beneficial it has bee and will continue to be if we all stop resisting.
Spookily coinciding with a new UN push on levelling the playing field between the developed World and the Third World with the solution being just hand everything over to make everyone equal.
When the Hollywood luvvies start to get behind this I hope they will realise the massive downward impact on their own lifestyle should it all come to pass!
Johnson and Farage have always been quite explicit that one of the benefits (sic) of Brexit is greater control over immigration policy, allowing us to choose ‘talent’ from across the world, rather than give priority to EU citizens. Far from controlling and limiting immigration, it is likely to increase, and not from culturally-compatible and related countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA. Whilst the zealots at the BBC will enthusiastically promote this without prompting, it is probable that they are simply fulfilling their role as the State broadcaster and pushing the Establishment agenda. Those London offices won’t clean themselves, burgers will not flip themselves and cars won’t wash themselves without it, remember.
Via BBC: “Anyone can request asylum in the UK – but first they have to reach the island […] Until a decision is made, they are supported by the government with housing and a small allowance.”
Why it’s almost as if this has been written as an instruction manual.
Yes, that should help to get the numbers down.
This is the first salvo in making that UN Compact on Immigration; to which that freak, Dancing Terry May, signed us up regardless of a large number of people telling her not to; a legal requirement. The excuse at the time was, it’s only advisory. That’s advisory like the EEC would remain just a trading bloc.
The racist far-left bbc will do its job and promote legislation to ensure we continue to be invaded by undesirables. They’ll probably start a campaign to legalise all the illegals already in our country.
I would guess that the rush of immigration articles on the BBC is down to them not being able to bang the Climate Warming Drum effectively because it’s bloody freezing in the UK. So it will probably go away again once the temperature rises a bit. Either way they are determined to keep kicking us all in the B*llo*x.
“because it’s bloody freezing in the UK”
January is on course to be the mildest ever! Thanks to unbelievably cold temperatures above Greenland the polar vortex is very strong and is forcing the Jet stream to our North keeping us in milder atlantic air.
It’s BBC news mad stat day
1 billionaires are worth all the Wimmin in Africa ( better not mention the girl in Angola )
2 immigrant feel discriminated against because they are immigrants . Well that’s good isn’t it ? I can’t remember writing an invitation letter to come to blighty .
3 the new End of The World sars virus is going viral . It’s everywhere and with a bit of luck – because there are no controls at the UK border – it will be here soon. A shipping container must be an excellent big Petri dish for such bugs .
1 and 2 actually got a laugh out loud job with was worth the licence fee – don’t pay it.
When it comes to Harry Windsor, I do wonder how much of a part the rotten school he attended has played.
It has always been Royal tradition to avoid the more prominent public schools, particularly the rotten one near Windsor.
Other alumni such as Cameron who was far left woke, and Boris who is pretty similar are examples of what this place does to the children of the rich
Who is Harry Windsor? Are we talking about Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor (or Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)? Why do these people find it necessary to use aliases and other names? Why is it okay for them to do so, but Tommy Robinson always has to be qualifed with Yaxley-Lennon? Just asking.
Not many signs of thoughtfulness there.
Home page items side by side showing the absurdity of BBC’s endless anti-racism agitprop:
1. Black hip hop artist mixes Irish rock into his work = ‘a developing scene’
2. White hairstylist mixes cornrows into his work = ‘offensive’
Only one of them has been forced to make the (now obligatory) public grovel and apology for cultural appropriation.
It’s the neo Fascist anti white race hate which has infected the left today.
We all enter a very dangerous place when the left for the second time in the past century decides all the world ills can be left at the feet of one race of people.
I love being white; I never used to think about it but since these collectivist race-baiters have forced me to think about it, I have. And I love being white, I love being English and I love being a Christian Male.
I pity everyone who isn’t white and English and male, because no matter how they try, they never will be.
Oh how great someone else who loves being white, I had been thinking I was the only one that was happy to white. If one studies history, it often repeats itself-as of how immigration, amongst other rapacious gluttony and debauchery that has and is ravishing this world currently, falls apart to the invader. There are, so I am led to believe 9 billion people on this earth, and at least 70plus million residing on these group of Islands off the Nothern coast of Europe, where it appears many millions of the world’s peoples seemingly want to live. Of course these Islands will drown and it will become a pit of human dung. An exaggeration an over magnificaton? Like to hope not, but look at what happened to the Roman Empire, not dissimilar in many ways. Long live the whites!!
…but look at what happened to the Roman Empire
Many similarities: late era Rome’s population was mainly immigrants, with the governing elite detached and living in small enclaves. The mass of the population bribed with cheap food and entertainment (‘bread and circuses’). The Roman army still engaged in large scale military adventures abroad, whilst back home the Barbarians are knocking on the door. But take comfort: the Roman Empire split in two and, whilst the Western Empire collapsed, the Eastern Empire (Byzantine) continued for another 1,000 years. Maybe history will repeat itself: look east to Poland, Hungary, Russia…?
First prize in the lottery of life.
I was thinking today about my relationship with BBC news and current affairs and how it’s changed in roughly three phases over the years.
Phase 1. For many years I considered the BBC to be the world’s finest broadcaster and I trusted their news output on tv and Radio 4 to be the most important stories of the day, delivered in a professional and balanced manner.
Phase 2. Doubts started to creep in. I’m not sure if it was due to the proliferation of news sources, me becoming more aware , the BBC changing, or a combination of 2 or more of these things. I didn’t flat out distrust the BBC but I skimmed their output, paying attention to the headlines alone and often not engaging in their “version” of the events. A bit like reading the news headlines but not picking the newspaper up.
Phase 3. Flat out distrust! Suddenly I found myself using words like “agenda” and “narrative” (I try not to use them in conversation as it may come across as a bit ‘activist’ and ‘tin foil hat brigade’), if I see or hear anything on the BBC my first instinct is to disbelieve it and look around for alternative interpretations often without bothering to see what the BBC’s interpretation is in the first place. Add to this their lies and bias by omission, down playing of events and “relegation” of stories all of which are documented in this Forum on a daily basis, and I’m left thinking that if I acted so fast and loose with the facts in my job I’d have been sacked years ago.
And this Phase 3 has unfortunately coloured my view of the past. In my lifetime, or at least for a portion of it, was the BBC EVER the finest broadcaster that we’ve always been told it was, usually by the BBC, or was it ever thus? Was it always pushing an agenda and a narrative and in effect fooling some of the people some of the time just with agendas that weren’t as overt?
Nothing in particular has made me sit down and write this but the events of the last few days, the Laurence Fox witch hunt after the BBC plan to ruin his reputation with their plant in the Question Time audience, the news that when a BBC long list is distilled to a shortlist then no matter how short that list is it must not contain only white people, and probably other stories that will appear today and tomorrow and the day after, then cumulatively my musings were bound going to appear sooner or later.
“…pushing an agenda and a narrative…”
This hits the nail on the head. Behave like a privately owned newspaper – then be funded like one?
We don’t need a tax funded mouthpiece for chosen causes.
But woolwich -what is phase 5? Cancellation of the licence fee ?
Phase 4 was obviously not just a placid non action but upset / concerned / angry enough to find this site – like me .
Phase 6 must be the campaign to actively end the BBC in its ‘ current form .
I was attending a BBC Trust meeting some years ago. A 30something female from the north repeatedly spouted that ‘BBC drama was the best in the world’. The BBCnicks loved it.
I was tempted to ask what other drama she had seen, was she fluent in other languages that she could appreciate the nuances? But I was outnumbered and felt it politic to keep quiet. It is obvious that the BBC repeats things like ‘the BBC is best in the world for….’ (or indeed the NHS is the best in the world…until they start on waiting lists etc). But these sayings are obviously repeated and repeated until the message subliminally passes into our psyche. Brainwashing at its best.
Excellent point Deborah.
There are very few BBC dramas that I watch, perhaps I’m being as unfair and blinkered as the young lady you came across in the BBC trust meeting by not watching what the BBC makes. But there’s a. Reason and that reason is the benefit of experience that tells me EXACTLY what “woke” messaging will take precedence over plotting, dialogue and casting. Every time I’ve given the BBC the benefit of the doubt they repay me by dishing up precisely what I knew they would.
FWIW I value ITV drama (equally woke) more highly and looking at my Sky Box I get more from Sky Witness and Atlantic than anywhere else. You want drama, try Romanzo Criminale or Gomorrah from Sky Italia, brutal storytelling with no tokenism or wokeness.
So you have met Maxine Peake then?
Maxine “why I’m voting Labour” Peake?
Phew. Sarah Montague, Lady Brooke, has been paid £400K of license fee payers money as compensation because she was only paid £114K where as John Humphreys was paid over £700K.
I guess Division 1 footballers should demand to be paid the same as Gareth Bale, after all they all kick around a ball .
Still, though you may think the World at One is utter dross these days, she has one claim to fame: she says she has lost less listeners than other BBC Radio 4 news programs.
The difference is we don’t have to subscribe to football funding sports channels to watch the rest of TV.
The BBC of course has never had to worry about precedent, but the HR consequences seem at best a smidge fraught.
Next time the long termers (duration and holiday seasoners) sod off with the kids and the work experience drones are dragged in, what then?
Or actual work experience training? Maybe there are some bbc staff with value to add, but if they are working with some clueless herbert from the BBC Young And Gifted By Color via BBC Nothing But Diversity Targets Matter, what then?
One on the right (stage, obvs) might be in with a chance.
For your future reference, the address for complaints to the BBC is given at 9 min 10 seconds on the attached audio clip.
Goodbye Lord Hall, you won’t be missed.
Methinks number 10 gave him his marching orders …
…. and it now seems the three dead men in Ilford were Sikhs …. so I apologise to the Eastern Europeans and Johnny Turk thirdworlders who i wrongly suggested would be involved ….
Family honour or Liverpool v manu ?
A comment further nearer the top of this thread, asked were we, as a society, becoming desensitised to the number of murders taking place every day. Well, I’ll be the first to admit, that, yes, I am.
Mostly they happen in the BAME communities, and unless its a terrorist attack where significant numbers have died, then for me there is no ‘shock factor’ anymore. And I think that the cliché of “thoughts are with the family and friends” by usually politicians, police officers, and the ‘mayor’, is totally meaningless, but its a good PR statement giving the assumption they actually care.
Unless these events have an impact on our personal lives, then its just another item in the news where we shrug our shoulders and move on. Due to years of immigration there has been an increase in the numbers of murders, with honour killings, drug related deaths and community disputes being at the forefront. Of course we have homicides in the larger white population, but its generally an idiot with a shot gun holed up in a house and threatening to do away with himself and his family, but nothing on the scale of the BAME community that we have seen over the last decade, or two.
I think Londoners are more concerned about how long roads are closed so that plod can do the forensic stuff rather than anything else .
The way people find out about serious crime incidents is through traffic news – not the crap London TV news – of any type .
Those who use the phrase ‘ my thoughts etc’ never tell us what these thoughts are, do they? For example, it could be they’re thinking ‘ one down, five million to go’, couldn’t they? Or maybe the thoughts centre around ‘ if you hadn’t come here, you wouldn’t be mourning this death, would you?’.
Just a thought.
BBC director stepping down, is this the start of the end for the BBC.
Hey all, hope all are well…
Astonishing example of bubble-dwelling in the report of this on the BBC website. The fourth sentence reads…
Sir David said the search for a new director general would begin “within the next few weeks”.
…and then goes on to quote him. But who is ‘Sir David’? There is no surname or expansion of the title. Of course not. Everyone who works in the BBC knows who ‘Sir David’ is – no need to explain it for the benefit of anyone outside of the BBC. Just tip your head and continue paying the TV poll tax, peasants.
Note: this is at 1125 GMT. By the time you read it the BBC may have changed it to reduce the arrogance.
And as if by magic, they have changed it. The article now references ‘Sir’ David Clementi, the Chairman of the BBC (PPE at Lincoln College, Oxford).
Yep. Changed 20 mins ago – BBC chairman Sir David Clementi.
I wonder what dirty deed he had to perform for the swamp rats to earn his knighthood?
@IanRushlow actually the first version captured at 11:02:12 used the full name
the second version at 11:34:12 cut it short
later version 11:57:05 12:06:23
archived times from
They are somehow blocking it from appearing on Newssniffer
Many noticing the awesome direction the BBC has continued since he took over from the last Disastrous Goon.
Still, nice pension for failure, though if they keep buying off no name staff of boob they may need to dip into the LF again.
We can be sure that the BBC trust or whatever they call themselves will appoint the wokist of the Woke as his successor. In my view the woker the better because that will accelerate the steady alienation of millions of British people from the foul corporation and ultimately result in freeing us from the yoke of the BBC.
Apparently by resigning now, Lord Hall Hall has made it impossible for Boris to choose the new DG, or so I read. I can’t remember the explanation for why this should be.
shame about lord haw haw going
Laughing at us, all the way to the bank.
Lord Hall is standing down, wonder which black, female will be chosen as his successor.
Step up, Baroness Sarpong…
Scribbling – You forgot LGBTQIA… XYZ (Z for Zulu).
Comrades, the revolution has begun!
A mighty tide is swelling up. The nation is waking up to the lies and propaganda that institutions like the beeb have been peddling for years, and they’re saying: WE’VE HAD ENOUGH!
Two headlines in today’s papers illustrate the point:
The Sun: At last, a nation of sense has awoken and the snowflakes are feeling the heat.
DT: “Liberalism is collapsing under the weight of its own hypocritical intolerance.
From grooming gangs to woke campuses, the liberal left’s double standards are clear for all to see
Many liberals seem utterly baffled by the crises that have enveloped their creed over a decade or more . Yet the events of the past week provide them with the conclusive evidence that their problem is not – as they often like to tell themselves – Tory lies or media bias, but lies much closer to home, in their own beliefs and behaviour.
Last Tuesday, the country learned of yet another grooming gang scandal. After similar and harrowing tales from Oxford, Rochdale, Rotherham and other English towns and cities, we can now add Manchester to the list of places where the authorities watched mainly Asian men systematically abuse vulnerable white, working-class girls for years – and do nothing.
Already, it is clear that these new stories of appalling abuse will fall on deaf ears. Few want to address the issue that everybody knows is most pertinent: the abusers were, once again, mainly South Asian, Muslim men. Eighteen months ago, Sajid Javid, then Home Secretary, commissioned research into the characteristics of grooming gangs to understand what role cultural factors might play in the abuse.
But last week, after a long-running battle with the BBC, Home Office officials confirmed that they would not publish the report. They gave the standard lines – they wanted to avoid disclosing personal information, or disrupting ongoing investigations – but the true motives were obvious. As a senior police officer said of the Rotherham abuse, “with [the perpetrators] being Asians, we can’t afford for this to be coming out.”
With the Home Office silent, we must turn instead to research by one of its agencies. Child sex abusers are not disproportionately likely to be from any one racial or religious group, but according to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre, for gangs that target underage girls because of their vulnerability to exploitation – rather than because of sexual interest in children – 75 per cent of perpetrators are Asian.
And yet this knowledge does not make the authorities more alert to the danger: it appears to make them more nervous about confronting it. The inquiry into the Rotherham scandal concluded that the majority of perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage, but the authorities were “inhibited by the fear of affecting community relations.” A Rotherham social worker reported, “if we mentioned Asian taxi drivers we were told we were racist … the young people were seen [by the authorities] as prostitutes.” And so liberal decision-makers – supposedly believers in universal rights and responsibilities – end up moral relativists, expecting less of some citizens and granting fewer protections to others.
Two days after the Manchester story broke, Equity, the actors’ trade union, called on its members to “unequivocally denounce” Laurence Fox. Among other things, the actor had raised grooming gangs during an appearance on the BBC. His crime was to deny that criticism of Meghan Markle was racist, and to argue that fear of accusations of racism was a factor in the grooming gang cases. Given the evidence accumulated in abuse inquiries to date, he was quite clearly correct. And yet the liberal-left reaction was to shout him down, attack his character and insult his “white privilege”.
This example of illiberal liberalism is not a one-off. Last Tuesday, Sheffield University confirmed it plans to pay students to police behaviour on campus, challenging perceived “microaggressions” deemed to be offensive. Examples of microaggressions provided by the university included students arguing that too many problems are “turned into a race issue”. Restricting free speech, it seems, is not enough: the university’s policy prevents discussion even about the parameters of acceptable speech.
Next up, Rebecca Long-Bailey was attacked for her position on abortion. A practising Roman Catholic, the Labour leadership candidate had questioned whether women should have late-term abortions on the grounds that their babies were disabled. Denying any legitimacy to her argument, and ignoring that abortion has always been a conscience issue in Parliament, meaning MPs are not whipped to vote in any particular way, Long-Bailey’s beliefs were attacked as “absolutely toxic”, and critics suggested her policies would be “dictated by the Vatican.” Of course, the liberal-left would never dream of using such language about other faiths, yet the logic of their position is that Catholics should never hold office…”
Tony Hall is going, but la lutte continue;
“We’ll be working flat out, across the Executive Committee, to implement the priorities I talked to you about last week, and to demonstrate why public service broadcasting — with the BBC at its heart — is an eternal idea.” he says.
This great blog may not have scalped Lord Haw Haw. But claim it. It is a victory but about 22,000 scalps to go. Well done BBBC.
Mike Graham doing a nice bit of BBC bashing over on Talk Radio right now!
“an eternal idea”
Like death and taxes?
“Eternal” – gosh!
“Wetherspoon to cut beer and vodka prices to mark Brexit”
Wetherspoon to cut the price of 12 drinks, including certain beers and vodkas, from January 31 to mark Brexit taking place the same day. Its so-called “Let’s stay friends” offer will cut around 60p off certain drinks which originate in European countries, as well as from across the UK. Tthe promotion will end on February 29.
Estrella Galicia, Beck’s, Peroni, Tyskie, Jameson Irish Whiskey, and Grey Goose Vodka are among the drinks included in the offer – see the box below for the full list.
Prices vary by Wetherspoon with boozers in London and the south east typically having higher prices. But under the deal, 700 branches will offer Beck’s for £1.49, for example, Peroni at £1.99, and a pint of Ruddles (England) for £1.49.
(From GF).
Quote from BBC Lord Hall’s Resignation Letter:
‘We remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth’
Who says the beeb don’t do comedy?
‘We remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth’
The writer is clearly so wrapped up in themselves that they can’t, even for a second, think how ridiculous this is.
State Broadcaster blocks and ignores rather than reflect the full spectrum of opinion.
That’ll be fools gold, Mr Hall. Just to be clear about what you omitted, as is usual with the likes of you.
See this tweet
As a true Marxist fighting reality, Lord Hall will say something that contradicts reality. He says this because his brain is responding to these subliminal thoughts. ‘We remain the bog standard of bias and fake news’
“BIG BROTHER we have been told the three deaths in Ilford
and those arrested come from the Sikh community. Should
we say and write on our BBC bulletins they are Asian men or
Of course say they are Sikhs. It’s only when they are of Pakistani
Muslim heritage that we use the term “Asian.” How many times
have I got to tell you this!!”
A mate of mine has just texted me to register his surprise at the identity of the victims, as a Londoner he had “Albanians nailed on for that area.”
So I texted back noting how if they’d been anything other than Sikh they would be described as “Asian” or “men”. However unlike every other similiar crime the MSM have revealed the identity of them as Sikh with indecent haste. As someone further up the page said, usually they drip out the ethnicity of victims or perpetrators days later when the interest in the story has died down.
The BBC webshite has opened a Have Your Say about Lord Hall Hall stepping down.
Needless to say CCBGB.
Which makes me wonder – what could they be thinking of…
Are they so deluded and out of touch they were expecting writers to be sorrowful and respectful of a great talent?
Or are some of the staff getting their own back?
The first comment l came across could have been more sympathetic to the host…
40. Posted by TonyW590 on Just now
I’ve just read his resignation letter and these phrases struck me: “… without question, our values have never been more relevant to the society we live in.” and “In an era of fake news, we remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth.”. Really? The man is deluded. A fish rots from the head down, never was that phrase more true of the BBC. However, he has put a smile on my face today.
@Sluff photos used on story #1
– Lord Hal ..wil Amol in background
– Samira Ahmed
– Amol Rajan
– June Sarpong
– Lord Hall again
– Lord Hall with Alice Webb, director of BBC Children’s, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
@Sluff here is the comments on that Lord Hall article
More highest and lowest comments
.. The lowest rated comments
are libmob
– are sneery/hatey
– push the myth the BBC is right wing
Not forgetting, though, it was Greg Dyke who labelled the racist far-left bbc as being , ‘hideously white’. So, Mr Hall has just been continuing what had been started by his predecessors.
Which means he’s either a coward or he thinks this foul organisation is doing the correct things.
It’s unreformable just like the EU.
Dominic Cummings in his spare time could do the job as DG.
Wouldn’t take him long…
I just wrote about the main story on the BBC website. The second
feature is headed “Should schools be allowed to ban slang words”
under the Family and Education banner.
Now if this was from the Londonistan section I would have
more understanding .There are only around 20% indigenous
Londoners now. BUT Paige Neil-Holders article just features
ethnic children using slang. Yes BBC I know that diversity,
positive discrimination, virtue signalling is the BBC’S number
one aim in “educating” us. But there a still BBC a few Caucasion
kids scattered over the United Kingdom. Surely on a
feature on education and slang BIG BROTHER from the diversity
department will allow you to use one of these children’s views?
Or maybe not.
This one slipped by silently without being noticed. Not that I would, in any way, expect our Worlds Respected, the BABC to publicise.
“EU ON ALERT! Protests Break Out in Germany and Ireland Against Brussels Regulations!!!”
BBC coverage? ZILCH.
“the visionary leadership of #TonyHall”
June Sarpong whose brown-privilege meant she was parachuted into a high level BBC job, seems to be brown nosing
That didn’t take long …
S.O.R.O.S plain and simple….
Objectives now….
1. Leave the EU (tick)
2. Scrap the BBC License Cash Grab (in progress)
3. Leave the UN (just starting)
“Sarah Montague: Radio presenter confirms £400k pay settlement with BBC”
Because she’s worth it, ha ha.
Privatise the beeb and salaries will rise (or fall) to their market value. Simples.
Meanwhile, hopefully the mega compensations will bankrupt the evil empire.
Well, the Chem Trail season has already started. Today, here near Manchester Airport, we saw the first really clear blue sky of the year. Now it’s crisscrossed with white persistent vapour trails and the sky is turning into that awful milky blue colour.
top comment with 143 Likes
In an era of fake news, we remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth”
My God he really is delusional.
“In an era of fake news, we remain the gold standard
* of bias and virtue signalling*”
The BBC are a founding member of the Fake News club.
“the gold standard of impartiality and truth”
Along with such contenders as Der Stürmer, Völkischer Beobachter, Pravda, Izvestia…
On State Broadcaster’s web article the highest and lowest comments are an interesting read. Clearly different people have differing opinions.
Choice would be a fine thing. The happy could go on paying.
The Lawrence Fox appearance on QT clearly ruffled a few feathers.
@Not Gwent I screenshot the comments and posted some above
StewGreen thank you. Alas sometimes images appear and sometimes they don’t. I can now see the ‘highest rated’ though not the ‘lowest’. I think this has something to do with a slow connection and/or local blocking of TP content.
BBC are the gold standard? The only gold standard they are is the Iron Pyrite standard. Total fools.
Not many of the snowflakes would get that joke, made me choke on my drink laughing.
2018 : Views from the Far side :
Why Andrew Neil, a senior Journalist of the BBC and the leader of the U.K Media journalism, and Tony Hall, the director general of the BBC, must be in Prison for having linked Islam to Terrorism like Nazis linked Jews to all German Political Failure
seemingly mostly paywalled
Montacuties Millions: “We hadn’t intended to cover this story but then Harriet Harman MP got in touch to tell us this.”
Hattie: “The BBC is in great danger. There are some (Conservative) MPs in this majority Government who do not like the BBC.”
Ooops! What a give-away.
Labour MP contacts BBC.
BBC adjusts its news coverage to order.