The Far Left Biased BBC is full on Nanny State using the ‘climate change agenda ‘ to control the way we live to accord with what it approves of . Don’t breed or breath or eat or drink or smoke or bet or drive or fly or speak or be a bloke or free or think .
Weekend Thread 18 January 2020
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– page 4 started 9am Friday and went to 4pm
– page 3 starte 1:30pm Thursday
– page 2
The Guardian. Print Arm of the BBC and Labour:
“Five years of Boris Johnson…
… and Brexit on the way. With a new Conservative government taking office, the Guardian’s independent, measured, authoritative reporting has never been so vital. These are turbulent, decade-defining times. Whatever lies ahead for us all, the Guardian will be with you – investigating, disentangling and interrogating. So our readers can make up their minds based on fact, not fiction.”
Of course, dear. Of course…. 🙂
Don’t breed or breath or eat or drink or smoke or bet or drive or fly or speak or be a bloke or free or think .
Eco-fanatics/A_ Climate Change believers/ AGW believers, are getting very desperate. This desperation is because the main payer for the Climate Change scam, the USA, has withdrawn . As Extinction, they believe, is due in 11 years, and as Pres Trump is likely to be around for five years, it becomes urgent to impeach him by any means – NOW. They genuinely believe that life on earth will cease if Pres Trump is not stopped from not paying up.
When people get desperate, either by propaganda or some ideology or even a do-good cause , they can be persuaded to do wild deeds.
What is strange, is that in a time of plenty, a time when engineering is lifting people out of poverty at remarkable rates, AGW and CC panickers want to stop all this good , and confine poor nations to rely once more on food and charity aid from rich nations in the West.
This is an interesting article about President Trump, iran, the US and UK and Israeli warmongers. If it’s only partly true, it shows that there’s more going on than we can ever know, President Trump is trying his best to avoid war and the bad guys are being wrong-footed by him at every turn.
I suspect President Trump will even turn this impeachment pantomime to his advantage.
\\COP26: Climate summit may cost ‘several hundred million pounds’//
“Scottish ministers say they expect the UK government to cover the “core costs” including emergency services funding.”
How many are flying in ? If they are so concerned about ‘carbon footprint’ why don’t they hold a video conference? Spend the money on training doctors and nurses for the NHS.
I think its just a jolly for the snouts at the top of ‘the climate ladder’?
\\COP26: Climate summit may cost ‘several hundred million pounds’//
How many are they flying in ? If they are so concerned about ‘carbon footprint’ why don’t they hold a video conference?
I think its just a jolly for the snouts at the top of ‘the climate ladder’ trough? Spend the money on training doctors and nurses for our NHS instead.
Agree taffman, so concerned are these Global Warming Alarmists, but apparently forget all about the Carbon Footprint, when it suits! Let us face it there is a credibility crisis going on in Western Governments. I quote from a recent essay: For too many years, their incompetence and deceit have forced ordinary citizens to question whether they produce more harm than good. On both sides of the Atlantic, the governing elite play by a set of rules that separates them from those they govern. They ignore popular discontent while placing themselves above the law. It is in this volatile climate that they push the greatest con game ever concocted: man-made global warming. This is the hubris that brings empires crashing down.
Like any confidence scheme, global warming rests entirely on misdirection and bad faith. While Western governments create hundred-trillion-dollar programs for fighting the weather, they have (1) never scientifically established that man’s use of hydrocarbon energy causally leads to temperature change of any kind, (2) never articulated some baseline climate ideal for the planet, and (3) never produced a cost-benefit analysis detailing the loss in human life and standard of living required in order to impose upon the world the type of global command-and-control economy necessary to restructure all industry and commerce. These three pillars are so fundamental that a normal person could be forgiven for assuming they’ve long ago been calculated. That’s part of the con.
The science still isn’t settled. Nobody has decided whether to green the Sahara or bury Scandinavia in more snow, whether we’re pursuing the Roman Warm Period of two thousand years ago or the Little Ice Age that ended in the nineteenth century. No government has admitted that the Green Dream will destroy populations and make modern conveniences future luxuries for only the wealthiest survivors. How do you convince your citizens you have their best interests at heart when nothing could be farther from the truth? But prey on their weaknesses with a three-tailed hustle on a global scale. If successful, the global warming hustle will reclaim power from the people and return it to the kings and queens, lords and ladies who mean to rule over what’s left of the world they destroy. It will be the greatest con ever executed.
BoJo has appointed Mark Carney as his Finance Advisor for the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow in November.
“Mark will help reshape finance for a sustainable world.”
Remind me – how many days is it to BRINO?
Funny innit – when the recession comes – which will and must – and consumption reduces as unemployment rises – the last thing people will be interested in is ….. climate emergency ( except of course the wealthy cushioned from real life ).
Turning back the clock towards pre-industrial times will not just increase unemployment, but will increase poverty, and then onto food poverty. And no amount of NHS money will stop increasing death rates, year by year.
What has reduced death rates, increased health standards, life expectancy and all that comes from a modern industrial nation, is not doctors and nurses, but electricity. Electricity available everywhere at the flick of a switch. If I didn’t know better, it is magic.
And these AGW believers want to restrict electricity by raising its price.
NCBBC re your comment on electricity, and how right you are.
Even to prove your point more, tonight a new drama started on Sky One called COBRA, and though far fetched, it shows what could happen when all power is shut down. Food for thought that we rely on electricity for everything.
See, just goes to show how wrong you can be when you base certain thoughts on bad and ill thought out reasoning! I had always thought, as given, that the importation of millions of muslims was all to do with our cultural education and boosting the economy. Wrong!
In fact, it is all to do with helping to move us back to the Middle Ages in steps…….
The muslims showing us the way.
Carney only works for one organisation-the major elitist bankers-he will provide information only in respect to the requested financial material that, they decide is best.
It wont matter what Carney does. The main payer for the AGW/ Climate Change scam was to be the USA. They ain’t paying. Neither are China, Japan and Asia in general. Europe cant afford to as they still have to pay for NATO, the long term destruction of industry by raising the cost of energy, and all the millions of engineers they have imported from Africa.
NCBBC, apologies for my addressing you as NCNNC last weekend, a hurried typo on my part. I did watch the whole video that you linked too. Was it the Patrick Moore one?
He presented a scenario for cities when they discover the electric trucks are still stuck on the freeway waiting for either the sun to shine or a mobile recharger to rescue the truck (my words) and there is no food for hungry people in the city centre (his words): it will not be pretty. (his words)
And if they are cold as well as hungry …… ?
It will be even less pretty.
Patrick Moore understates it. Just as increasing engineering civilisation , and the resulting benefit, is an exponential process, so too is the reverse. Worse- decay, degradation and poverty of everything, is a much faster exponential process. It takes intelligence and hard work to go against the force of mature – that is chaos.
It took two centuries for the UK to reach the present level of affluence and human comfort. It will take far less time for it to sink back to Dickensian poverty and decay. To get to this state, intelligence and hard work is not required. All one has to do is nothing.
We are in a worse situation, as politicians have swallowed the AGW hoax. They are under the impression that they can kill the goose and still have eggs for breakfast.
Not sure I’d describe cannibalism as ‘understatement’ – Moore didn’t actually really say the word because the thought was obviously too awful to him – but you make a good point about the decline and the likely speed of it. As a bit of an economist I’d point out that all you need is a ‘perfect storm’ once started on the AGW/CC downward slope. We had a little trial run last year when a chunk of the National Grid and some generators went down. Instant chaos.
It’s kind of ironic that the MentalistEnviros were worried about what would happen when Peak Oil* was reached. They are now worrying about ‘Peak Electricity Demand’. You only need to get a weather event that is unusual (always likely) coinciding with some other factors and it could, as you say, all ‘go south’ very fast, especially in the middle of an economic downturn or full-on recession.
The fact is that you cannot care for the world of nature and the environment except when in a position of affluence. There is ample evidence of that from Communist/Fascist/Maoist/Marxist/Socialist ruled parts of the world in the 20th century.
* Those who know something about the industry know that there is more oil in our planet that we do not know about than, as some claim, has been extracted and used to date.
Yes indeed NCBBC politicians have swallowed the AGW hoax, supported by the idiot BBC, who fawn over every word from Attenborough who has so far given no clear indication as to how the world should go about the so called catastrophe.
Catastrophic Alarmist Climate Change Cult-quote;”It will be the greatest con ever executed. The charade is so vast and so vile that if it comes crashing down, not a single Western government will survive.”…. this will not be allowed to happen by Western Governments… so the exploding of the myth will have to come bit by bit, so that Western Governments can “save face” and carry on… perhaps what has to happen first, is the global climate following it’s natural cyclical fashion, has to cool – which it will. Secondly, honest climate scientists have to band together and create a critical mass of their colleagues and call out the IPCC on every false claim. Thirdly, the mass media have to withdraw its support for this CACCC and they will only do so, when CACC no longer is profitable and they find another topic as profitable to publicize.
Not THE Mark Carney soon to-be ex-Treasury?
This Mark Carney, following his Treasury stint as Chief of Economic UK Doom pre & post Brexit, takes up a role as –
“Mark Carney named United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance”
Expect a lot of balance there then…………
have to wonder if
will help/drive her hubby to “reshape finance for a sustainable world” ?
Nicholas Watt continues the BBC function as EU PR agency.
Some scribbling on goings on in Russia where there’s an actual bad guy president who’s done actual crimes
Nicely balanced intro from Toenails.
Ok, I did smile.
Not clever, nice or a bunch of other stuff, but…
I am reading that the actor who was on QT was stitched up by LBC using selected edits.
Now who would have thought the spiritual home of James O’Brien would stoo… oh.
You will never guess for whom she writes and, of course, trained her in ‘journalism’…
” brown woman in audience”
emm yeh they selected a RANDOM woman who looks almost 100% white
and happens to work on the BBC frequently as a newspaper reviewer
Ha she’s tried to edit away the profile
Amazingly, Fiona Bruce just happened to have to hand, a 15 year old quote from Boris Johnson as a Question Time audience member asked about the future of the North under a Tory Government.
I think the questions are all vetted before hand & the beeb then selects the one’s that push buttons for the agenda they want to promote.
” you’ll never guess for whom she writes”…
Is it Der Sturmer?
Another small sign that the silent majority are sick to death of Wokists and their crackpot world view. I think that we really may be at peak wokism. Perhaps the time is ripe for a new award to be launched , The Wokist Wanker of the Week. TWWW would of course be open to all genders , all 27 of them, and would be entirely inclusive. The only qualification necessary would be that all entrants must be Wokists.
@GuestWho I didn’t find an LBC edit
But Femi is the guy who put out an edited version
Dozens of people called him out
..especially since he edited out grooming gang bit
He mentioned the fact that the Manchester grooming scandal went on,
and on because folk were afraid of a racism accusation …
Why have you posted this heavily edited clip, Femi?
I can only conclude that you have done this solely to suit your narrative that every white person in the UK that has a different opinion to yours is a racist. Shameful race bating yet again. ???? #bbcqt
twitter thread with Femi’s and the unedited version
Ah, Femi then. Using LBC archive. Sorry, LBC for the inference.
Femi does get on a lot of shoes still for some reason.
6pm R4 News – What is important for the Teheran Broadcasting Corporation, oops .. sorry, easy mistake to make, I mean the British Broadcasting Corporation?
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has led Friday prayers in Tehran for the first time in eight years.
The BBC are ecstatic.
It gives them a chance to say Death to America and Death to England and Death to other places and to take another dig at President Trump for ‘offing’ an IRG thug.
If the BBC was linked to Iran I wouldn’t have already stumbled across their staff tweeting something today.
Oh hang on I did
I don’t suppose she mentions that whatever passed as civilisation in Persia was destroyed by muslims. Did she mention that their religion was Zoroastrianism not islam?
Guest on R4 Loose Ends tmw
Yep Anglo-Iranian actor who hates Trump
did the beeb mention that plane that got shot down by “accident” killing all on board?
remember the 24/7 news on –
“MH17: Four charged with shooting down plane over Ukraine”
the beeb & other msm seem strangely silent over this similar murder of innocents.
Glasgow wants to become a zero emission city.
The BBC report that the motorways encourage car use/commuting.
This is a nice example of how totally out of touch the BBC is with the real world.
Because after over 30 years of periodic use of the M8 through Glasgow I can assure them that absolutely no-one is ‘encouraged’ to use their car because of the M8.
People use it because they have to. Because there is no alternative. Because people do not use it for a few simple state-contollable reasons but for thousands of individual reasons.
Just try taking a car load of stuff from East Kilbride to Dumbarton for example.
‘Out of touch’ isn’t even close.
Sluff, the BBC are just being lazy and using a Green Party meme there “motorways encourage car use/commuting”.
The UK Government in its current ‘Green’ mode for the past 15-20 years on the one hand wants people to not use cars but does want to encourage motorway use. Why?
Less accidents iirc (and consequent strain on NHS) and less emissions per vehicle assuming free flowing traffic.
My Dad was watching 6 news probably BBC or Sky
about Glasgow Green plan
and he said some people were in a tower block being interviewed
their heating had been changed from gas to leccy
and bills had skyrocketed.
Where are the BBC’s fact checkers/reality check team?
The answer is that Carbon Neutral can only be done at huge and disproportionate expense,
– and it won’t stop climate change. Next?
stew – your dad was right!!
I caught a very brief part (tv interview) where some residents said there leccy bills where now sky high & they had not been informed/consulted on this.
as usual it got a 5-10 sec slot on the news item about climate change & how Glasgow will lead the way to cool/Sustain the planet.
as for Glasgow in 10yrs, my guess is nothing will have changed.
virtue signalling by nutters –
Not strictly BBC, though not unrelated either in terms of their world view. Further to my above Glasgow post.
Go back around 15 years and councils started to deter us from using our cars by reducing road capacity and removing car park spaces. Some businesses were to be taxed for their car parks.
It didn’t work.
Go back around 10 years ago we were penalised for using our cars because of safety concerns. Section 39 of the 1996 Road Traffic Act gave council traffic departments carte blanche. Thus we had build-outs and speed bumps.
It didn’t work. So around 5 years ago we started being penalised for driving the diesels they wanted us to use in the first place to reduce CO2 emissions, citing pollution and particulates.
Still not enough. Now it is full-on climate change. Hence the attack on car users arising from the Glasgow zero emissions narrative.
What links these things? The socialist imperative to eliminate the individual freedom that the private car represents, and the desire to move us on to collectivist public transport through which they can control us.
I swear that if we all drove zero emissions, particulate free cars and there were no road accidents at all, they would still find some new ways to force us to use the transport of their choice.
In North London there is a small ‘town centre’ with a main road – the Green Lanes – running through it. In their infinite wisdom, when the Boro was Labour controlled (about 25-30 years ago) they installed those strange curb extensions at the bus stops, bang in the centre of ‘town’.
It soon became obvious that not much brain power had been devoted to this ‘improvement’.
The two bus stops were nearly opposite each other.
Occasionally, buses travelling in opposite directions would arrive at their stops at the same time and the previously slow to moderately smoothly running traffic is now brought to a complete standstill, engines running, while the buses disgorge more shoppers and fill up with those wishing to move on elsewhere or go home.
Wood Green, perchance?
Close, Dover, Palmers Green – bang in the centre of the main shopping area.
Wood Green used to be OK because the Green Lanes was wider there. They’ve now gone a bit silly down there, too, in ‘the Socialist Republic of Haringey’, as a friend used to refer to it and it is a nightmare to negotiate. Mayor Khan seems to be causing havoc all over London.
No wonder the vehicle emissions are going up.
Wood Green, in the London Borough of Lammy’s Haringey.
They allegedly have ten times as many staff in their CCTV control room spotting traffic offences than those looking for crime.
Perhaps BBC Panorama would like to investigate? Unlikely. It would be ‘racist’ to do so.
Dover, Wood Green has become increasingly ‘white’ in recent years, judging by my experience. You are just as likely to hear two people speaking Czech or Polish or Kurdish as you are to hear a relaxed, lyrical Carib ‘twang’.
I was a driver in Central London when Livingstone and his henchmen in TFL started narrowing all the roads by putting in unnessercery kerbed cycle lanes and messing about with the traffic light timings( slowing traffic obviously ) then sticking up pollution measuring devices at pinch points . All engineered to get the results that they want.
They have done the same to my old London borough of Walthamstow (thank God Im out of it ) where they have bought traffic to a standstill and then they point at pollution levels . Individual freedom of movement is now under sustained attack.
Was back in Walthamstow recently, Swelter. That was one of my worries – getting round the Khan changes – as I was travelling by car.
I remember the Livingstone traffic light changes. Fortunately Bojo reversed them as soon as he became Mayor. There are now those crossing time indicators on major junctions and that is a great innovation for pedestrians. But generally things go from good to worse to really bad thanks to some political dogmas. The old joke goes ‘The Labour Party hate the motor car because it is a symbol of affluence; the Conservative Party hate the motor car because half the Party miss the age of the horse, the other half of the Conservative Party think we are still in it.’.
The hard fact that the Greenies and Socialists have to face is that two things drove increasing social equality, social mobility and life opportunity in the UK in the late-1940s, 1950s and 1960s: Grammar Schools and the motor car.
“The hard fact that the Greenies and Socialists have to face is that two things drove increasing social equality, social mobility and life opportunity in the UK in the late-1940s, 1950s and 1960s: Grammar Schools and the motor car.”
That’s why they need doing away with Up2, cant have the oiks getting uppity. And with the tenuous link of the motor car I’ll post this.
BBC editorial integrity means there is really only time and space to devote endless hours to Owen Jones.
Katty was of course in the BBC N. America Rangers.
And Obama was in the 101st airborne
There’s me thinking it was the bathhouse battalion.
BBC Hull local news prog : “Hi my name Melanie Onn and I used to be the Labour MP for Great Grimsby
and BBC local news have just given me 3 minutes and a camera crew to make an item about how Labour can win back Grimsby”
In the last 3 days all the tweets to Melanie Onn have been from the BBC except one other
Looks like young Melanie is gonna get a BBC job eh?
By mistake I put the Parliament channel on . It’s currently showing a ‘conference on the future of Europe ‘ in Strasbourg . Obviously the chamber is mainly empty as there is no money for the MEP troughers .
I was preoccupied with seeing whether there is still a Union Flag amongst those behind the Chair -mane I think it’s gone .. what a delight.
Made me wonder whether the BBC is still going to put the idle thoughts of a bunch of foreigners onto the terrestrial British TV once we are no longer involved in it .
Quite a few of the girl MEPs polish up quite well – I bet they get the same ‘expenses ‘ that girl MPs in Britain get ….
Then I thought – since the EU spent the last 3 years trying to undermine the result of the referendum – would nt it be great if the government safe ‘support ‘ to those countries which may be wavering over remaining members . The timing could be good because Frau Merkel holds the ‘chair’ of the EU for the second 6 months of 2020 -and then in 2021 she’s gone – presumably to a job in her ReichEU…
Word on the straße is that Angela is angling for a job at the UN, something to do with the resettlement of refugees. Seems she has some experience in this field.
I’m sure that the Brexit Party MPs who sacrificed their seats will be offered a BBC job very soon. At about the same time as hell freezes over. 🙁
Well, Ed Balls is starting to make a comfortable living at tele presenting after making an arse of himself on Strictly. So it must give comfort to other out of work MPs who don’t have a talent for anything else.
Not for those that the BBC deem to be on the right. Such people are not to allowed to have any sort of platform on the state funded BBC. This despite those who pay for thefoul corporation electing a government which is centrist with at least a few that the BBC would deem on the right.
A little light relief and a chuckle away from climate change, Iran, and QT, Jan Moir in the Mail today wrote a very funny piece about the Duchess of Woke…..
“Meanwhile, Meghan was buzzing around north-west Canada in a seaplane, peering out of the fogged window with her do-good binoculars, searching for worthy causes to promote….
The Duchess of Sussex also popped into the Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre in Vancouver, where she discussed ‘issues affecting women in the community’. The biggest women’s issues in Meghan’s own community are that she is estranged from almost her entire family, that her uncle -in-law has been consorting with a known paedophile and has had to deny charges of sexual misconduct on national television……”
A very witty, and oh so true article.
Her binoculars have a filter on them which only allows light to pass eminating from those causes which will be useful in promoting her brand and career, such as marrying into the royal family.
Roger Harrabin likes a tweet liking Roger Harrabin liking the ‘will of the people’ being overseen by the usual clowns.
If you don’t know, the ECIU above has been headed from the outset by *ex BBC man*, Richard Black
Every night at 11pm in his bedroom he says
“night Roger, sleep well”
and from a foot away Roger H says
“Night, Richard you sleep well too”
That is how close they are.
For those interested – I estimate that the accumulated funding donations for Big Ben is now at least £250 k.
I kind of get the feeling that the £500k will never be properly explained and the bell won’t be rung . Echoes of the long three years of denial of democracy . Shame the Queen won’t order it since the Palace of Westminster really belongs to her ……
And you can imagine the delight the likes mr Edwards , a Dimbleby or one of the Girls on the BBC staff will get from doing the outside broadcast on the 31st without the bell ringing at 11pm followed by the EU flags being pulled down in Cardiff Belfast and best of all Edinburgh …. or … maybe not . ….there may be tears ._
Strange how they removed the expensive temporary flooring for Big Ben after New Year’s Eve, knowing that January 31st was but a month away. Very strange….
But, it will concentrate the nation’s mind as to how warped and bitter the Remainers are.
Cummings is plotting some fiendish retribution as we speak.
DS, I find it both amusing and annoying when the BBC use ‘the country is divided’ meme.
It’s not as divided as they like and the other lead Remainers and Remoaners like to think.
I fancy a peal of bells at St Paul’s Cathedral.
That would be symbolic.
(If only!)
ti, I agree. An excellent suggestion.
Bert Hardy or George Rodger photo?
Nope. Just searched, Herbert Mason of the Daily Mail.
Funny how things change – economically. When I was a child my parents had two daily newspapers delivered: the Daily Sketch and the Daily Telegraph. The Sketch merged with the Mail, in I think the mid/late-1960s. My parents fairly quickly decided, when prices rocketed in the early 1970s that they didn’t like the Mail as much as the Sketch and it was cancelled.
Divided? Interesting thought.
I wonder if the future Tory heartlands will be in the north, provided Boris sticks to his promises? Conservative Central office is apparently moving to a northern town.
The south is infested with Remainers and eco-zealots, who of course hate the Tories.
Boris must stop this zero-carbon nonsense. Glasgow house prices will suffer if they continue with their carbon suicide. That thought will concentrate the minds of home owners.
Dover, I think the substantial Conservative win was also down to Remain voters thinking and deciding to vote for Democracy.
I would not be surprised if the ‘divided Nation’ of which the BBC is so fond is more like 80% pro-UK Democracy and 20% fascistic ‘We will not accept this vote’. Evidence?
The non-success of the Liberal Party and Change UK, especially, coupled with Labour’s loss.
Fed, I was looking at my Millennium pics the other day and it brought back memories of that fake ‘River of Fire’ thing. Funny how none of the Press got a photo of it, all those cameras trained on the celebrations.
Even if the Big Ben thing does go ahead it will done out of malice . As I said in the earlier comment – it would be really great if some brexiters could help out those countries where they are seeing the EU in the same way as the majority in the UK,
And pay back some of the traitorous work of Blair , grieve , letwin et al- which I’m sure will continue as they try to formulate the re joining campaign with serious quantities of Soros cash .
Momentum backed RL-B’s campaign speech to supporters; “We will put power back where it belongs, in your hands”. Yep, that’s a great slogan to win back Middle England
did they mean – make windmills with your arms & we can power the grid?
I, like many I expect ,found Laurence Fox a revelation on
Question Time ,last night. I can’t imagine the BBC ever asking him back again !
Did you see Shami Chakrabarti’s face and in fact Fiona Bruce as
well when he facetiously changed his support for Keir Starmer
to any of the four women ,when Chakrabarti him what was
wrong with the women candidates.
As others have noted the BBC had their usual plant
in the audience and after the plant had inferred that Fox
was a white male racist. Fox apologised sarcastically for being
born white.
The diversity department at the BBC must of been in a state
of shock at his answers to questions, last night. But did not
have the time to edit it out .
Don’t ever expect the BBC to employ Laurence Fox the actor
LBC’s Fogarty tweeted to say she’s done lots on grooming gangs
I don’t know if that is true, but I doubt if she did anything years ago
It’s been said before but needs repeating as long as the filthy beeb continue to use their filthy euphemisms: ‘Asian grooming’ sounds rather exotic, like a Thai manicure salon.
How about the more accurate ‘violent Pakistani muslim paedophile rape and trafficking gangs’?
Not so anodyne now, is it?
We found out in Cologne, we found in Rotherham, we are finding out again and again, and still the religion of Islam avoids blame or even scrutiny. The media, politicians, the commentator class, still insists on smearing an entire continent to shield the real culprit; a religion that teaches contempt for us, our culture, and certainly our women.
The police didn’t prevent child rape in Greater Manchester because the rapists were Muslims. They chose to allow girls to be brutally raped to protect the reputation of Muslims. Meanwhile, the establishment, police and beyond, pursued “racism” at every turn.
The message was clear, shut up about rape gangs or we’ll label you a racist and destroy your life. They set a stark example with their relentless campaign of injustice against Tommy Robinson. Labour led the way politically, turning a blind eye to the rape of girls in its own voting heartlands, and manipulating party selections to elevate Muslims to positions of local authority. Labour is at it again this week; all of its leadership candidates have promised to bow down to the Muslim Council of Britain’s demands to further protect Islam from criticism.
“The media, politicians, the commentator class, still insists on smearing an entire continent to shield the real culprit…”
Yeah, okay.
10th December 2019
Kenneth Eaves, aged 71, of Viscount Evan Drive, Newport, was found guilty by a jury of sexually assaulting a girl.
20th December 2019
David Anthony Allitt, 42, admitted attempting to incite a 14-year-old to engage in sexual activity.
18th December 2019
Ryan Gamble sentenced to two years and eight months in jail after pleading guilty sexually assaulting a girl under the age of 13.
23 December 2019
Craig Hall found guilty of engaging in sexual communication with a child and inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity.
19th December 2019
Callum Martyr, 20, groomed and sexually abused a pre teen girl.
21st December 2019
Headmaster Jonathan Ullmer, sexually groomed a schoolboy at Cecil Jones High School.
20th December 2019
George David Hughes of Whinnie House Road, Carlisle, pleaded guilty to nine counts of sexual activity with a child.
18th December 2019
Jonathan McLean, 31, found guilty of six counts of child sexual abuse.
19 December 2019
David Hudghton found guilty of eight counts of sexual assault on a child under 13.
20th December 2019
Colin Mooney, of Ormskirk Road, Skelmersdale, admitted offences of arranging and facilitating the commission of a child sex offence.
17th December 2019
John Franklyn Williams jailed for two counts of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.
20th December 2019
Kenneth Lewis jailed for 23 years for the vile abuse of two children both aged under 14 at the time.
19th December 2019
Igor Kutsyy jailed for a total of three years for attempting to arrange or facilitate the commission of a child sex offence.
23 December 2019
Adam King who sexually abused an eight-year-old boy while on a residential trip in South Yorkshire has been jailed for four years.
20th December 2019
James Nicholas who posed as a teenage boy to watch underage girls undressing on Skype and MSN video chat has been jailed for two years.
13th December 2019
Liam Stanley Hunter, 25, who had a sexual relationship with a “vulnerable” underage girl despite being warned off by police has been jailed.
24th December 2019
Dean Luckhurst jailed for inciting a 13 yr old child to have sex in Sittingboune.
27th December 2019
Colin Clay from Ellesmere Port caught after grooming what he believed was a schoolgirl online.
16th December 2019
Kieran Carr pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child.
17th December 2019
Taylor Barker, aged 47, admitted six counts of attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity.
16th December 2019
Jeffrey Batty was arrested at a Hampshire service station after arranging to have sex with an 11-year-old girl.
11th December 2019
John Walker who sexually abused his adopted daughter over a ten-year period has been jailed for three and half years.
16th December 2019
Nathan Richards, 30, of Hedon, was sentenced to three years in prison for sexually abusing a teenage girl.
16th December 2019
Danny Antonio Brazier found guilty on four counts of sexual activity with a child.
18th December 2019
Peter Milner, from Shawbury, subjected a vulnerable young girl to years of sickening abuse to satisfy his own “sexual urges”.
16th December 2019
Malcolm Tayler was jailed for 19 years and six months after admitting to a string of child sex offences.
17 December 2019
Shane Upton, 24, faces years in jail for kidnapping boy, eight, from his weekly tennis lesson before abusing him in park toilet.
5th December 2019
Robert Pugh, 75, convicted of sexually abusing three boys.
4 December 2019
Child rapist, Matthew Sinclair, who photographed abuse of toddler jailed for 13 years.
Proves what ?
Poor maxi – trying to deflect condemnation of organised Muslim Pakistani paedo rape gangs from the individual crimes of a ‘diverse ‘ series of men guilty of sexual crimes .
The bit maxi misses is that the reason he can list these criminals is that they have has their cases fully reported – unlike those he is defending .
I wonder if maxi is a Pakistani Muslim – that would explain the lack of contrition like the rest of his ‘community ‘.
Come on maxi – confess …. ( it’s ok I know you won’t ).
I think what concerns here on this forum is BBC & metrolibal media bias creating a fake-picture of the world
eg in the way that some GREAT crimes are UNDER-REPORTED
and DISCUSSION of some ROOT causes is suppressed
We are not really concerned with lower crimes nor crimes that have been proportionately reported.
There are indeed bad people of all types in the UK but NONE should enjoy special protection.
One can go to databases as shown above by Maxi
and use search terms and also try various spellings
But be careful of the fallacy of comparing apples with oranges
eg. a bad guy caught by a paedophile-hunter sting before he hurt real victims
..with a whole set of gangs who groomed/raped/traded/pimps the same child victims for years whilst the police turned a blind eye
“Proves what ?”
When Brown men rape White children it’s because of their ethnicity/religion.
When White men rape White children it… “Proves what ?”
That it’s not their ethnicity or religion .
“One can go to databases as shown above by Maxi like and use search terms and also try various spellings…”
‘One’ could do that, except in this case I did not.
It’s revealing that your immediate response when confronted with the reality of child rape and sexual abuse in this country is to make excuses; “search terms… apples and oranges… ‘real’ victims…”.
Whether it’s Christian Bishops, Muslim taxi drivers, teachers, care workers, film & tv personalities or (in the vast majority of cases) family members; the sexual abuse of children in this country is continually enabled by a society that “makes excuses”.
But never mind confronting any of that; let’s just blame “The Muslims” instead.
Poor maxi – does not grasp the difference between the crimes of individual men and the methodology of third world Pakistani imported Muslim paedophile rape gangs preying on a particular group of victims .
You really are on a loser – perhaps your intellect is challenged by the time of day you are posting . But I suppose you gain some kind of psychological satisfaction by having your existence acknowledged by responses by good people on this site .
Yet to hear you supporting your biased far left BBC recently – you’ve obviously come to the conclusion about its ‘ bias people here have
Maxi misrepresented as is his habit
My comment had this phrase
“There are indeed bad people of all types in the UK but NONE should enjoy special protection”
There is a charity advert (like all the others that ask us for £3 a month), which refers to an 11 year old Indian (Pakistani) girl “who is soon to be married and expected to be aware and do things that children her age should not know about”.
So, if we are asked to contribute to child agencies in protecting them from cultural sexual abuse in 3rd world countries, then don’t tell me that Muslim men who live in the UK aren’t up to the same practices.
Over to you Maxi !!!!
I see charity advert’s like this every day & wonder – where are the parents?
these “charities” need your £’s year after year to give a safe haven for the kids without stopping the root problem.
cynic that I am wonders how the sales team work – “pulling on heart strings brings in good money from the old folk – target met – lets have a pay rise for the hard working charity staff & give the kids what’s left”
all investigated arrested jailed as they should be whats your point
population 100k
muslims 9k
muslim adults lets say 4.5k for arguments sake unlikely as that is
muslim adult males 2250 including pensioners and the infirm
abused children according to the official coverup 1400 figure still rising
29 names from all over the country. About the size of a single grooming gang I would say.
hello maxi, another drive by sniping from you? Where’s that apology you owe me? If only you would deliver that, your posts might have a microgramme of credibility.
Those crimes are publicly reported. But when the moslem crimes come to court, the BBC first hides them away in the depths of its merely local coverage, and in a little while withdraws the report altogether. Blink, and you miss it.
As we fast approach Freedom and Liberty day have a look at the faces and the comments on youtube “The EU Referendum – FULL Results – BBC” Broadcast 26 June 2016.
Much more entertaining than watching live Al Beeb.
Everything the BBC touches…
I think the racist far-left bbc should put all these whiners in a room, tell them there’s an amount of money to cover all their wages but it’s up to them to decide how to divide it up between them.
And they don’t leave the room until they’ve all reached an agreement.
Perhaps the consultancy firm the BBC has hired using taxpayers cash should hire a consultancy firm ….. hire a consultancy firm …….
Have you ever worked with a consultancy firm ? I have . The pattern seems to be thar whoever hires them has a personal relationship with the one selected , very good contract – then the existing people do the work for the consultancy firm which produces a report with recommendations whoever commissioned it wanted in the first place .
And for big organisations it’s like a pebble in a puddle – soon gone and back to life as before ….. minus a few tens of thousands of pounds ….
Will Al Beeb broadcast this clock and join in the celebrations ?
To help them along with their so called “Impartiality”……………….
After it was revealed that an ‘audience ‘ member who accused a panelist of being a ‘racist ‘ because of a comment about an American actress – it dawned on me ( slow thar I am ) that not only does the BBC manipulate opinion by fixing the panel ( ie to majority remainers and snowflakes ) but it also fixes the complexion of the audience – just enough ‘friends of the BBC’ to set the complexion of opinion with the right sort of approved clapping in the right place and the right sort of planted question .
Ordinary people in the audience would modify their non snowflake view after seeing the whole thing is ‘fixed ‘
So when an episode goes ‘off script’ it is noticed – here and on Twitter – because it is so unusual .
The whole think Is just a corrupt ritual aimed at shaping public opinion . Bet the viewing figures are declining ….
She was a BBC plant, a regular correspondent on the BBC morning papers review – NOT a member of the public and they knew her leftist views prior to allowing her to take the mic.
Has happened before… often, so no reason to expect the fallout to be any different, but my social media spidey sense does detect a degree of unease over the degree of stitch to get this one up.
Especially given Mr. Fox is copping it still from the BBC’s clearly deranged groupie section for being invited on by the BBC, politely answering BBC stitch up questions and failing to cower before their BBC ringer. And subsequently in defence elsewhere.
The national broadcaster blatantly targeting a person for catching them out big time seems… disproportionate and gratuitous.
Maybe more than an anonymised bbc drone might be called upon to explain, and someone senior actually get held to account?
State dishonesty and persecution strikes me as un-British.
“After it was revealed that an ‘audience ‘ member who accused a panelist of being a ‘racist‘…”
She did no such thing. Have you actually watched the exchange, Fed; or are you just going on what you’ve been told?
twitter thread with both Femi’s edited version and the unedited version
“twitter thread with both Femi’s edited version and the unedited version”
Neither of those clips show Fox being called a ‘racist’.
she called him a “white male” you do know what a dogwhistle is dont you maxi, you lot invented the term
“she called him a “white male” you do know what a dogwhistle is dont you maxi, you lot invented the term”
Erm no, describing a white male as white male is not “a dogwhistle” no matter how hard you desperately try to strain yourself. Still no evidence of Fox being called a racist on Question Time…
Woof Woof……..
I’m honoured – I saw the clip – in my view I saw her as a racist – she referred to his colour – he was offended by her description of him and said he thought she was racist so that will do for me –
– one of the many weaknesses in the racism industry – in which you may well be employed is the concept that if someone thinks it’s racist – it is .
By the way maxi – I don’t watch QT for the obvious reason thar it is ritualistically biased to those views which the BBC approves of – I watched the clip on twitter and monitored the abuse Mr Fox has been getting from people like you.
Blimey, was that actually a woman ? not only am I embarrassed that she professes to be of the same gender as myself, but she could easily pass as a white male that she so hates.
Exactly what I think. Infact the whole of the BBC output is designed to socially engineer the population of the country into meek acceptance of the Wokist world view.
Does Lord Hall actually watch TV ?
Perhaps maxincony can inform us ?
Yep !
Laurence Fox , bless him , has been fighting his corner on twitter against all comer snowflakes objecting to his opinions and existence . He’d be welcome on this site . I might even force myself to watch a repeat of the QT because apparently – as was mentioned on the previous threat – Shabi the whitewasher had a face made for space …
Baron Shabi, if such a lucky fellow there is, likely knew better than to open the door last night with a “You ok, hun?”.
The BBC formally declared a couple of years ago that it fully supports Climate Change and regards it as ‘Settled Science’ i.e. no debate.
To that extent, it will officially not allow a Denier to have a voice when Climate Change is discussed.
The Biased Bile Corporation thinks that it is in charge of your thoughts.
Don’t blame scientists. The BBC said it was scientists that made this decision, but if that was true then the BBC must have replaced 24 scientists with 24 scientifically unqualified Environmental Activists. I presume what happened was that the BBC replaced them because they found out that they were sceptics, but forgot to tell Helen Boaden about the changes. Fortunately for the BBC, Members of Parliament, the Daily Mail, Telegraph and Express Editors have forgotten about this event, probably due to memory loss. But Delingpole still can remember this incident.
Facebook and Twitter are as bad as each other. Both are infested with eco-loons and ardent Remainers.
I’ve had dealings with both groups on Facebook and it’s been fun. My regular retort re Brexit, ‘So, you are anti-Democracy. What would you replace it with?’
They are seriously deranged out there. And January 31st is not helping. Ha!
The one mighty BBC-More-Or-Less has fallen victim to Guardian-Zombism
..They found a Bloomberg report that says Brexit will be a disaster
so they preached it as if it was Gospel
The number of comments about Guardianised BBC shows is falling as less people listen.
A few comments under bbcmoreorless do point out things like the UK economy is progressing better than much of Europes etc.
\\ Hey guys, to be impartial you might give coverage to the fact that Remain economists were indeed wrong about the Referendum and are likely wrong about #Brexit altogether. //
M Courtney’s long analysis
This week’s More or Less on BBC R4 was very poor, by its standards.
It came close to being genuinely educational.
But it repeatedly confused models with reality.
It didn’t ask if the models were right !
(Remember Feyman
And Modellers have a rule to remember that REALITY is king
“All models are wrong” , cos they never 100% emulate reality in the long run )
Validation ?
It wasn’t really the “Brexit has cost more than our entire EU net contributions” section.
That explained the methodology quite well.
They track the UK ‘s economic growth against a modelled blend of other G7 countries.
The model was tuned to track the UK’s performance and then the divergence post-Brexit was called the “cost of Brexit”.
It’s a good idea. If there was no divergence when the model was stopped being tuned at all other points.
But without discussing that we have no idea how validated the model is.
Exceptional Factors
They ended with Liverpool Football Club’s recent performance.
The statisticians have run 10,000 simulations and in none of them have Liverpool done as well as they have in reality this season.
LFC have lost none, drawn one and won 20 in the league so far.
The models had the best scenario being lost none, drawn three and won 18.
(that’s weird cos 100% wins is really a possible but unlikely scenario)
So the argument was that Liverpool have been incredibly lucky – proven by the number of one goal wins.
But surely we should prioritise reality?
There must be a factor that LFC have that the model fails to include.
LFC aren’t lucky two times more than a 1 in 10,000 chance. The model fails instead.
In fact that is obviously the case.
This paragraph is non-stats talk. BEWARE: sports talk ahead!
LFC have bought the world’s most expensive and best central defender. He beat Messi to FIFA Player of the Year in 2019 despite being in a non-glamourous defensive role. They also have (arguably) Brazil and the world’s best goalkeeper, the world’s most attacking full-backs and a front three who don’t need midfield support to score goals (allowing extra defensive cover). The model does not understand that such an exceptional defence is well down the thin tail of the bell curve.
In truth LFC must be very good as their World Club Cup and European Cup wins show.
Opinion : It was the worst episode of More or Less ever.
Following on from a the worst Dr Who episode ever the BBC is greatly disappointing me this week.
More or Less seems to have forgotten that statistics are a way to describe the world.
Not that the world should obey statistics and must be put on the naughty step if it doesn’t.
As far as I know, the facts support Brexit and BBC dogma supports Remain. BBC Dogma says Customs Union “Good”, WTO rules “Bad”. The Facts say Britain has a Customs Union trade deficit, and a WTO rules trade surplus. So just like Climate Change, its very easy to prove that the BBC uses “Fake News” in most of its stories.
BBC Mosques on Monday show
‘Our mosques’?
Bet Kamal, Mishal, Nish, and gang will be glued to the set.
To be swiftly followed by “How safe are our churches, Temples Synagogues” etc.
anybody know what they do with the dead, grave or other?
“….Our Mosques?” Be damned! Look luv, it ain’t our mosques. They are only frequented by a small number of the population so you’d better not fuss over, “Our” mosques. On the other hand, perhaps you are so useless in your employers eyes, they palmed you off with something to do in order to just keep you occupied and earn your now grossly inflated salary thanks to Samira, your colleague.
They seem thrilled.
R4 never pushes agendas
Hey is the BBC improving ?
Stanley Johnson , father of the Prime Minister , has been on BBC radio 4 a lot lately .
I’m suspicious of Al Beeb and believe them capable of anything ,so where’s the angle .
Well ,
I’m not a Boris fan , I couldn’t read his Telegraph articles and thought him a blusterer and nincompoop .
Others see him differently , perhaps I’m missing something , perhaps he’s up there with President Trump , there’s method in his madness etc .
So why the airtime given to the old man ?
1) Could be because he’s such an old duffer , bigger blusterer then his son , archaic old Etonian that they want to taint by association ?
2) That he is a EUrophile , served in that sham parliament it shows conservatives could be EU supporters ? .
3) They hope to trip him up about something embarrassing to our Prime Minister ?
Or all three ?
I have to switch off when he starts talking ,but then maybe I’m missing something , hidden talents within that family ? If so I won’t learn about them from the BBC .
Newsnight……17 minutes of their Labour party leader election news ……..
.British Bullshit Corporation
“Wife cousin, same thing”
Paul Chowdhry, Ethnic Indian/Pujabi comedian on Dave now doing accent taking the mickey out of Indian restaurants ?
He’s doing gags stereotyping against Africans/Chinese and Cockneys etc.
.. gets away with, even though a white comedian wouldn’t
Yep, Jim Davidson would get absolutely slaughtered on Twatter if he was caught doing this – and it would be a whole lot funnier !!!
It now transpires the man who claimed he had an explosive device in Dukinfield Manchester was one Meysam Cordi – a fine English name – not! It apparantly originates from Iran / Persia, although to date no motive for his odd activities are known.
Some of the Cordis used to ride to hounds in Shropshire. I seem to remember one of them was called Meysam.
Yeh like there is only one person in the world named Robert Shapiro
£4.4bn pa worth of resources and they can’t even get the guest right .
I would like to be a good all round guy .
I would like my employment CV to read
Tyrants toppled
Drug cartels busted
Maidens saved
Bush fires extinguished
Civil wars pacified
Asteroids diverted
All cancers cured
Presiding over a third world country and running it with the wisdom of Solomen that it overtakes Switzerland for the health and wealth of its inhabitants .
Sadly alas I have negative attributes and even I can see that the above is not possible . I know I have limitations .
One of my limitations is that my face is made for radio , and my voice for teaching sign language . So I lower my sights and don’t strive for a job in the broadcast media .
Perhaps I should rethink the norm , as the BBC does every Prosecco lunchtime and insist any job going there is mine by right of social engineering , nepotism and discrimination .
This might seem heartless , but shouldn’t radio presenters be good radio presenters and those that get paid to appear on radio good guests on the shows ?
Heartless again but the ex Labour leader John Smiths daughter is not radio material , is she ?
And the News Quiz had someone with a communication affliction that not just slowed the tempo but was not right for that show ?
The lady guest would be an ideal scriptwriter perhaps ( I’d switched off ) .
Whatever her disability , the social engineering does not excuse the fact that we cannot all attain what we want and we all accept and lower our sights to a job or career that we are proficient at . Otherwise we’d have blind people piloting our planes that Emma Thompson and Caroline Lucas travel in .
“Countdown clock to illuminate Downing Street on Brexit Day”
Boris, as Prime Minister of Great Britain you will go down in infamy if ‘the bell’ aint ringing out for freedom and independence.
Big Ben could be renamed as the “Liberty Bell” to further cement the the special relationship we have with the USA .
Make it so .
BBC Weather forecasters are supposed to be the only scientists employed by the BBC to comment on Climate science. But it seems they no longer talk to other scientists outside of the BBC bubble after being sent for training. So I presume that the training was provided by scientifically ignorant environmental activists, and consisted of Orwellian confirmation bias training to cherry pick all extreme weather events in the World as a change in Climate, even if they contradict the Arrhenius hypothesis. Scientists trampled into the ground by the Politicians, Journalists and Environmental Activists. Just another Liberal left-wing “Project Fear”. The BBC using its Environ Mental Thugs to use the threat of the sack, turning BBC Weather forecasters into the puppets of Environmental Activists. Environmental Activists teaching Scientists to replace scientific language with the moronic language of the Environmental Activist.
The Environmental Activists say the “science is settled”. Atmospheric Physicists said that the science would only be settled if you could calibrate the Greenhouse Effect on Venus. Two Scientists have just done that. So the science is settled. And the sceptics have won. Those sceptics where Scientist not Environmental Activists. So the Environmental Activists at the BBC have already lost.
I heard that there are talks between the Heartland Institute and the Chinese Academy. So its possible that China and the US could blow this fraud out of the water in November. To save British pride, British politicians and newspapers would need to blame Environmental Activists for corrupting our Universities and the BBC for the propaganda. They would also need to investigate BBC training schemes and who did the training. As well as investigating the powerful roll of environmental activists at the BBC and the progressive weakening influence of scientists this has produced.
…But the Maldives are about to drown, again…
Not yet reported on Al-beeb: Open Doors has release its 2020 World Watch List warning that Christian persecution is growing alarmingly.
More than 260 million Christians live in places where they experience high levels of persecution.
This includes murder, rape, torture and false imprisonment; as well as churches, shops and businesses attacked, burned or destroyed.
15 of the worst twenty countries are muslim majority, or having large or militant muslim minorities.
No doubt Al-beeb will get round to reporting this near-genocide in the Middle East, and there will be worldwide outrage.
But for now the Beeb is too busy being outraged at the lack of diversity at the Baftas and Oscars.
Not on the BBC website – not even on its South Yorkshire local page…..
Today’s Times splash that a police chief admitted that South Yorks police ignored the rape of girls by Pakistani gangs for decades through fear of increasing “racial tensions”, says an Independent Office for Police Conduct investigation.
This hugely important Times front page wasn’t even shown on the BBC news channel’s newspaper round-up this morning.
And again, not on the BBC website – not even on its Europe page….
French President Macron had to be evacuated from a packed theatre by armed riot police when a mob of protesters tried to get to him. Now, imagine if that was Trump.
Strange – also that the Toady paper review didn’t mention this article either . Instead it gave a biased mention of the Question Time exchange between an actor on the panel and ‘ a member of the audience over ‘ racism ‘ without mention the audience member was previously on the BBC payroll .
Clear bias by omission
Toady 2
Justin has a chat with some lefty ex chief Constable from Durham saying that violent criminals shouldn’t be prosecuted . Apparently it’s from the Telegraph .
I’m of the ‘ hang em flog em ‘ brigade and want violent retribution on burglars robbers and stabbers .
Labour police chiefs still run the police forces and allow control of city streets go to the yobs .
To be fair to Durham, for a long time they were about the only constabulary that refused to go down the route of mass speed camera installation.
Sluff , ha ha – obviously the camera companies where spending enough on ‘commissions ‘.
Same guy.
Now being a bit of a road casualty anorak, I do happen to know that the kind of training he is talking about is far more likely to reduce overall accidents than issuing speeding tickets.
Back to the point. I thought he was a bit lily livered too, fedup, but when he started talking about randomised control trials (the basis of all clinical effectiveness testing for drugs) then I started to give him the benefit of the doubt. If statistically re-offending rates reduce by 25% then he deserves a hearing, even if we still decide to lock them up. Many crimes are not solved and whether they are or not the impact on the victim should not be underestimated – as my next door neighbour can testify. Reduced re-offending does prevent a future crime and therefore saves a future victim going through a dreadful experience. It should be part of the overall equation.
Repeat re offending is also reduced when they are banged up
When I am the victim of crime again I would get some satisfaction out of knowing the creature who did it suffered even a little bit as opposed to an ‘admin disposal ‘
Fed, ‘fraid not, the statistics are against you. Re-offending has become an epidemic despite the UK jailing a high proportion of its population.
Ed here’s the Times story
This senior police officer should be arrested and put on trial for criminal negligence. His job was to enforce the law, not to make decisions which belong to the remit of the CPS or become a political analyst, free to decide whether he wanted to do his job or not, based on such analysis.
Needless to say he does the police version of ‘playing the race card’, to cover up his negligence and failure to do his job properly (with dire consequences for the people he got paid to protect). Or, to put it a little more harshly: “His was not to reason ‘why’, his was just to do or die.”
And he certainly didn’t ‘do’.
What, I wonder, if everyone in the country chose merely to do those parts of their jobs that were easy and convenient? “Sorry boss, I didn’t do x, y and z today, as I judged the consequences would not be good for us/our community. Will let you know when I feel like doing those things again…”
He needs to be made an example of, if only to stop the message from going out that police can pick and chose which of their duties they feel like doing, and which not! And we know that it is likely that this is still going on!
Probably sitting safely tucked away, on a fat pension.
The Times front page
full size
BTW a BBC staff member tweeted that screenshot last night even if the actual broadcast of it is haram.
In that thread I just posted a close-up
BiasedWhich supermarket survey
Which – wouldn’t trust them as far as I could through them.
once a good go to place/site for impartial opinion, they are now are a bunch of smart asses with bias.
AC Grayling the bitter Remainiac Ultra
So he was in favour of extending the undemocratic seizure of the Commons by Benn, Grieve & Co.. (The cuddly Ian Blackford told the PM, “You are our prisoner”.) There’s no fool like an old fool.
View from the other side
Bitter Labour propaganda rag story says London academic will sue BBC over anti-Corbyn bias
Does this mean that odd bespectacled lady they used to alternate with champion Ash will be less prevalent as a voice of reason on Newsnight?
’Stew – thanks for the link -I like the line in the article I have cited below –
‘The Conservative government showed little respect to the BBC during the election itself. Meanwhile, the BBC has also shown little respect to Labour or the left over the last few years.‘
Whoever wrote it seemed a bit too thick to realise that the first sentence is true whilst the second sentence is frankly a joke . It seems to have forgotten that Corbyn got the leadership of the Labour Party through an accident of process and eventually paid the electoral price . Bringing a degree of sanity despite the conduct of the BBC and the traitors in parliament .
I note that ‘the finest health service in the world’ has gone and done it again.
As prominently shown by the BBC on……..errrrr………the page for Essex.
‘Mother died after unfathomable ineptitude’
Those at fault have presumably been promoted by now and we will only have to wait a few years for enquiry findings.
Strange that the BBC article left out the detail that the consultant haematologist – one Dr Asad Omran refused to approve required blood products when requested to do so . He was as home ‘consulting ‘
And from the Guardian – of all places —
over the Last week, the inquest heard from anaesthetist Dr Tom Hall, who broke down in court when he recounted how haematologist Asad Omran refused to issue more blood-clotting products. Dr Hall told the inquest: “He told me I should not be giving products because of evidence-based practice, it was the wrong thing. He started quoting research papers at me.”
(dr)Hall remembered describing Pintilie’s blood as “looking like water”.
( coroner ) Beasley-Murray said: “The refusal of the consultant haematologist … was completely at odds with guidelines.” She added: “He should have been aware of the protocols for major haemorrhage.”
Fed, “(dr)Hall remembered describing Pintilie’s blood as “looking like water”.” at which point, sadly, she was probably dead.
Labour democracy comrades

Three cheers for The Times.
Their front page main story
‘Police chief: we ignored sex abuse of children’.
And then some damning stuff on page 6.
This is strangely absent from the BBC webshite front page where instead you can read
‘World’s shortest mobile man dies aged 27’
The BBC. World class in story selectivity.