THE New Conservative MP for Solihull -Julian Knight- is campaigning to become the new chair of the Parliamentary Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) select committee- replacing a BBC remainer fan called Damien Collins . Mr Knight wants a Commons inquiry into the future of the BBC because of its’ bias ; as well as being ‘out of touch ‘ with those who pay for it . It’s worth watching for signs of the real change this site is looking for .
Start the Week Thread 20 January 2020
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i doubt any one on the remainers will go back to all news articles & reports of the coming doomsday event of leaving the EU
The England cricket team are doing well in South Africa in part due to the problem that the hosts have in having to ensure that the team they pitch reflects the diversity of the nation. It is noteworthy that the England team in the last two tests has not included any POCs mainly because the express speedster Joffre Archer has been injured when he is fit he will be an automatic choice. But there is a cloud hovering, Moeen Ali claims he has always been scapegoated for every England defeat when he plays. So much so that he doesn’t want to play for England. It can only be a matter of time before racism is being blamed and Moeen is presented as a victim. Calls to force diversity selection are just around the corner.
Dt- Unfortunately, this is true – although BEE has not yet been fully implemented on the cricket pitch in SA. When that happens, you won’t see more than one white face (max) playing for South Africa.
In SA footie, where suddenly the argument is ‘merit’, you won’t be seeing that one face at all, at least when I last looked.
As you say, the obsession with ‘diversity’ will get to our England team selection eventually and – as it is doing in SA- warp everything.
But will diversity apply to the Pakistan team?
No because they have no diversity in Pakistan of colour and almost all non Muslims have disappeared one way or another.
note there is no live coverage of the England test matches on the BBC
.. it’s on Talksport instead
.. I’m talking about the men’s cane of course.
Until I read the avalanche of articles in The Guardian today on the reasons for a rise in school exclusions I had no idea it was all down to Boris and his mates causing it deliberately.
Apparently kids are so pissed off with the lack of support from his Government they have had to resort to carrying knives to school and stabbing each other and Boris doesn’t give a toss.
An imported culture of gang superiority, take what I want attitude, intimidation, drug money filtering down from their peers has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Now we know maybe we should all write to Boris to ask him to stop it!
Two short but biased videos in BBC Ideas, seem to be part of their new immigration push. Titles are misleading — they’re full on propaganda for why globalisation must be embraced.
1. “When globalisation makes you feel like you don’t belong.” Aatish Taseer (Author — London, Delhi, New York); father was a Pakistani politician; mother was an Indian journalist; he “doesn’t really feel at home anywhere”.
2. “What would the UK be like without immigration?” Jonathan Portes (Balliol, Princeton, King’s College; chief economist under Gordon Brown); “only 6% of the UK’s land area is built on”.
Bubble? Wot bubble?
I watched the Aatish Taseer video. He didn’t seem to be a happy man, he didn’t know who he was or where he belonged.
Nevertheless he expected all these unhappy people in the world, like him, to put their memories of happier times in a little mind-box and to embrace this new world of the unknown.
Why? He didn’t provide an answer.
There has to be a better reason to adopt ‘the new’ than just say “we need change”.
Aatish Taseer felt confused because of his mixed heritage and because he lived in more than one place. What about those people who have a single heritage and who live in the same place as several generations of their ancestors yet, without their say-so, now find themselves surrounded by people that don’t look like them, dress like them, speak like them or behave like them?
Why do we all have to become Coca-Cola drinking, McDonald’s eating Muslims?
Misuse by Aatish of the word ‘globalisation’?
I think he means globalism, something very different.
Lord Haw, Haw’s letter to BABC staff and colleagues:
“Second, without question, our values have never been more relevant to the society we live in. As our country enters its next chapter it needs a strong BBC, a BBC that can champion the nation’s creativity at home and abroad, and help play its part in bringing the UK together. In an era of fake news, we remain the gold standard of impartiality and truth. What the BBC is, and what it stands for, is precious for this country. We ignore that at our peril.”
Saint Greta?
Both have been subjected to brainwashing for years. See ‘Brainwashing’ highlights and note the attributes of those brainwashed:
Tells you all anybody needs to know.
Just leaving this here.
“‘Mixed-weight dating’ is a term used to describe a couple with a noticeable difference in body size or shape. Some people see it as a straight-forward description of the couple but others say the phrase is offensive. Steph Yeboah is a plus-size and body positive lifestyle blogger. Ebony Douglas is the CEO of her own marketing and PR agency – and has been in a relationship like this for three years.”
…..because there’s no mix of weights here?
Or because Black lesbian couples are far more commonplace than white heterosexual ones? In the bubble.
The mix of weight would appear to be between fat and obese.
One is grotesquely obese. One is obesely grotesque. But which is which??
Who knows? But guessing Ebony is the one who knows someone at the BBC who knows her and Steph’s awesome career arc, currently in line for the baked potato microwave. Of which there are insufficient number, apparently.
Well everyone knows that the a…..e of a black woman is disproportionately larger than the rest of her.
I wonder if Dr Portes will join the dots?
On previous and current form, the BBC almost certainly will not.
What a heap of shite.
Every BBC talking point made without any evidence.
‘without immigration, lower paid worker’s wages would rise…….but not by much’
I haven’t read Portes’ pile of ordure, but does he mention in it that it was he who advised The Liar Blair back in 2004 that we were likely to be blessed with about 15,000, yes 15k, Eastern European economic migrants per year? Most of the then EU members postponed this bonus offer until 2011 and so didn’t suffer the deluge which we did. They soon learnt how to play the system and build themselves palaces back home.
I haven’t read Portes’ pile of ordure but does he confess in it that he advised The Liar Blair back in 2004 that we would likely get 15,000 E European economic migrants per year when they acceded? Most of the rest of the EU deferred this blessing until 2011, which we could have done, and so the E E’s best and brightest came here to try out our welfare system and tell those back home they could pave the streets of their home towns with British gold.
(Is anyone else finding problems posting here recently, being cut off or whatever? I certainly am.)
The duplication is because I thought I’d lost the post…and the plot!
In its entirety, the BBC website’s Davos coverage comprises:
* Being a teen activist is a lot of responsibility
* Going to Davos is probably reputational suicide (from an environmentalist)
* What is Davos and is it elitist?
* Trump visit exposes Davos as a fraud (from a black activist)
So thank you Faisal Islam, the BBC economics correspondent, who seems to be covering a meeting at Greenham Common rather than the World Economic Forum.
So Franny gets the gig?
What could possible go wr… rig… change?
Guest I’m thinking on the girl who was the deputy DG but left last year and is now on the lucrative charity trustee circuit .
Can’t remember the name but she’s from the North so will be practicing her accent for the ‘interview ‘- although jobs like those are awarded on ‘winks’.
I really want sarpong to get it – to send a message . ….
Not ‘Hugs’?
She was noted for bragging about sending complaints to oblivion, writing idiotic memos and being a key player in the Newsnight/McAlpine disaster.
So, naturally, she was put on highly paid gardening leave, promoted highly paid sideways and probably paid off to make way for a whole new generation of… exactly the same.
Anyone do Snifferthing?
This has ‘despite Brexit’ in the headline until folk laughed at the BBC.
Now it is buried.
Comments are open.
Trump just gave ickle Greta both barrels between the eyes….
I hope this is the start of the end of the climate bandwagon…
There will probably be more outrage from the left over Trump being mean to this child than there is over industrial scale rape of children by certain communities.
The BBC invite Eminent Scientist Jo Haigh on to comment on Trump rubbishing the climate freaks at Davos (of which she could be called one) She was quite obviously very naffed off and couldn’t disguise her absolute hatred for Trump..
So let’s go back to her Wiki page and we find..
“…but later, when Donald Trump became president of the United States, she said: “If Trump does what he said he’d do, and others follow suit, my gut feeling is that I’m scared. Very scared.”
As usual the Beeb find someone on hand with the right kind of form.
The Hive never has a good word to say about anything or anyone who is remotely normal.
The BBC invite Eminent Scientist Jo Haigh on to comment on Trump rubbishing the climate freaks at Davos (of which she could be called one) She was quite obviously very naffed off and couldn’t disguise her absolute hatred for Trump..
So let’s go back to her Wiki page and we find..
“…but later, when Donald Trump became president of the United States, she said: “If Trump does what he said he’d do, and others follow suit, my gut feeling is that I’m scared. Very scared.”
As usual the Beeb find someone on hand with the right kind of form.
“…..the right kind of venom’.
Speaking of venom, Emily and Esme have found a one degree of separation to bat about.
Meanwhile, any relation to Jez?
The BBC created this, btw.
(FWIW I think his critique of 1917 was ill-judged, but suspect the bbc will feel it worthy of much further ‘analysis’).
122 Likes for Emily’s tweet
Just imagine the Likes it would get if she had a daily national TV platform.
I am sure there is a study out there, which says… but it does intrigue that certain people or media or institutions on social media do not command the attention (in the form of reactions) commensurate with their supposed influence and often vast exposure.
For instance, on Facebook Raheem gets a lot. However Graun Environment struggles to reach double figures.
Maybe there a BBC Actual Reality Check Editor who might ponder this?
BBC Online
“Davos: Trump decries climate ‘prophets of doom’ with Thunberg in audience”
“Speaking of climate activists, he said: “These alarmists always demand the same thing – absolute power to dominate, transform and control every aspect of our lives.” ”
And in front of Saint Greta 🙂 🙂
3pm Radio4 news
‘The American President is at Davos saying some really big things
.. but we are instead going to play you a clip of the Greenblob’s Public Relations puppet a 17 year old called Greta ‘
3:30pm *History* prog opened with a load of dodgy maths/claims about NEW electric planes
and praised Greta for taking a yacht
..All about shoehorning in pure virtue signalling cos it has no connection with the topic, history of planes.
VENOM? You ain’t heard nothing until you catch Sopel attacking the US Senate with sarcasm and hatred, on the beeb R4 lunchtime news! We all know WHY! This guy got so carried away, I think he’s seriously lost the plot. This was not just bias, this was something else, that defies description.
Beeb need to bring him home and have men with white coats on standby.
Am I correct in thinking that President Trump has stopped holding press conferences. I know that Sarah Huckabee Sanders stopped hosting them some time ago but I have a vestigial memory that when she left they stopped?
If this is correct then it could explain why Soapy Sopel becomes so discombobulated at the mention of President Trump.
Again, to add some colour, it brings to mind the Blackadder episode where when speaking to a couple of actors, he keeps referring to Macbeth rather than the Scottish play. Apparently it’s tradition among actors not to say Macbeth. So every time he uses the word, these thespians have to perform a little ritual.
I wonder if old Soapy does something similar whenever he hears the words President Trump? Now that would be good entertainment. It would be better than seeing a dog walk on its hind legs or a parrot that can talk.
Stephanie Grisham is the current Press Secretary and, yes, you are right, Sopel’s Sircus has been reined in.
Trump White House hasn’t held a traditional press briefing in 6 months [ABC story dated 11 September 2019]
I like the way Donald Trump deliberately uses the white house helicopter to hold briefings so that mob cannot be heard. Jim Acosta from CNN must be livid he can’t interrupt at will. Maybe Boris could have an interview with Marr in the middle of roadworks or a building site.
“All energy that affects climate change, comes (almost totally) from the Sun”
Prof. Jo Haigh.
If I’m not mistaken, that means that the only solution to stopping the climate from changing, is tampering with the behaviour of the Sun.
Good luck with that………..
But that’s what they are doing. It’s called solar radiation management. It’s a thing and it’s seriously affecting our natural weather.
Maybe they could send little Greta to the sun. With her advanced knowledge of science, I’m sure she could sort it out.
Or some snowflakes who would melt and thereby cool it down.
For her own safety, let’s hope she goes at night.
I noticed an article on the Beeb’s website a couple of days ago rating the various James Bond theme tunes, but this site had posting gremlins at the time and it wouldn’t accept my comment – so I’ll try again. The article is called “James Bond’s greatest hits – and biggest misses” and lists what they consider the five best and five worst of the theme songs over the years. The one thing I noticed was that there was no mention of any of the theme songs from the recent Daniel Craig films – and then I saw the note at the end of the article that gave the game away. It read “This is an updated version of an article that was first published on the BBC news website in 2008.” So now they’re recycling twelve-year-old articles – can you get any lazier? And what’s even worse, they even opened up a HYS for it!
Very sad news about Jess Phillips leaving the labour leadership race . It would have been free comedy – in place of the non existent BBC type – to watch her finish off the socialist party . BBC in mourning again .
We need to get behind Thornberry.
This entire site could, abreast, and still not be visible.
Oh, now you’re talking. We’ll have to start a petition.
Can you just imagine the charming Thornberry as leader and the delectable Diane as her number two.
Blimey, it would be like Laurel and Hardy meets Pinky and Perky.
And at the risk of sounding racist…
Emily would have to be Pinky.
Surely the bBC must issue a polite warning re the Mixed weight dating?
” Please do not come in the bath!”
In its For You section Twitter pushes this at me
#1 World news
Greta Thunberg says ‘pretty much nothing has been done’ on climate change
#2 #Trumpspeech
#3 #Davos2020
All are choc full of HATE towards Trump
..saying stuff like “He’s so negative”
4:30pm R4 GreatLives
Do they celebrate a British person .. who of course by nsture would almost always white ?
Nope they manage to promote a black American again
And clearly learned nothing of value since.
He must think he is really important . Got a good pension coming .
Still got hair like pubes.
Where do you have to be to introduce the next TV prog
Surely in this internet age you could be anywhere with a super reliable connection.
But no Channel4 say that even Leeds City is not good enough
It has to be London.
Not BBC related – however is it not time to clear the HOUSE OF LORDS
Guardian news headline –
“The BBC needs to be defended – or its opponents will destroy it” by Gaby Hinsliff.
They allowed comments . The snowflakes seem to blame the BBC for getting the Conservatives elected because they were nasty to Comrade Corbyn .
A lot of the comments are quite funny in that “ you’ve got to be kidding “ kind of way. I was looking for maxis writing style but it’s limited by his propensity to cut and paste .
I notice he does not defend his BBC – just attack the comments of people on the site . I think , in truth , it’s because the BBC can’t be defended .
I am at a loss to understand why the BBC would want to go against the institution of marriage when protects womens rights , maybe not perfectly but it continues to do so . Yet I,just happened to catch a few lines of dialogue from “The Archers” . Basically a man was trying to suggest to his girlfriend that they didnt need to get married, it was not necessary because he would always love her and wanted to be with her forever . It sounded like she was convinced by what he said.
Because the Cultural Marxists at the Beeb don’t give a fig about women’s rights, they just want to destroy western Judeo-Christian society and its economic model, starting with the family.
“Basically a man was trying to suggest to his girlfriend that they didnt need to get married, it was not necessary because he would always love her and wanted to be with her forever . It sounded like she was convinced by what he said”
Or, as Katie Melua sang, following criticism by Simon Singh:
“We are 13.7 billion light-years from the edge of the observable universe, that’s a good estimate with well-defined error bars, and with the available information, I predict that I will always be with you.“
Trump has the power and ability to destroy the Climate Change nonsense. He won’t change the BBC snowflakes, but he will ensure that other governments (including our own) act accordingly.
The dollar is king and common sense will rule.
He won’t change the cowardly useless incompetent Tories either. I can still remember the photo of the brain removed Gove in drooling admiration of the uneducated Thurnberg, sums up this part of clueless idiots !
The attack on Chinas government carries on, with a complaint the government has been naming and shaming people who go out in public dressed in nightwear.
Apparantly this was seen as a gross invasion of privacy, however I can bet that most Chinese like most here would not approve of the idlers who can’t bothered to get changed nor presumably wash / shower / clean teeth etc.
“What will you tell your children?” asks Greta.
That you allowed an inimical alien ideology to invade your country, rape your daughters and change your nation beyond recognition because you were too scared to speak out?
I would have thought that Greta doesn’t approve of children as they consume resources . Breeding is very bad for the planet . Will she ‘off’ herself to reduce emission of Gases from greenhouses ?
Mr Vance highlights a leak from the West Midlands Fire Service recruitment policy which supports the view that wimmin and ethnic ‘minorities ‘ are better at putting out fires than white men .
So adverts are targeted to places not frequented by white men and the ‘pass mark ‘ of 70 % for men becomes 60% for ‘others ‘ .
I know for a fact that other public bodies ‘ coach’ selected ‘types’ to get through selection processes .
This sort of thing stokes up deep trouble for the near future ….
As in the conversation between JHB and Lozza Fox posted on a previous page to this thread: Lozza: – “Would you be happy flying on a plane piloted by someone chosen only for ‘diversity'”.
Perhaps someone should start ‘Woke Airways’ for exactly that purpose?
No point in fitting passenger seats.
How about woke operating theatres in hospitals whereby you’re wheeled in and a muslim women with one arm in a wheelchair tells you that she will be performing your major operation once you have been put to sleep ????
All in the name of diversity and equal opportunity you’re told ????
Horizon tonight at 9.00
The eco loon Chris Packham investigates the impact of a growing human population.
So much for Brexit disaster! UK economy set to TROUNCE eurozone, IMF report says
Despite the BBC
A quite astonishing piece on PM Radio 4 concerning the number of Chinese students paying for courses at UK universities, which is of course a huge export for the UK.
The BBC lefties are not happy though unbelieveably they claim to be concerned that the Chinese government might be able to restrict freedom of speech! They claim that the amount of money any foreign government spends could leave Universities open to threats of inducement.
Oh yeah? You don’t seem all that bothered that the biggest external funder of UK universities is the non party state run by the murderous Saudi crown Prince !
But then Muslims are the Fascists brown eyed boys and cannot be criticised !
It does make me wonder though, why the BBC has taken against the Chinese government, and it might have something to do with the lunatic Boris the Bottlers decision to allow Huwei to supply 5G equipment in the face of all advice from Western governments concerning the dangers of doing so,
Ratcheting up the negative publicity about the Chinese Communist government will certainly call into question (rightly so) the judgement of the useless Tories and their cowardly leader.
I think all of us had had enough of treacherous MPs selling the country out for various reasons, not least personal financial enrichment. Just because we are being sold out to a different country doesn’t alter the issue one iota.
I see that the ‘world’s finest healthcare system’ has only gone and done it again.
Clinical negligence payouts last year £2.3 bn
Estimate of future liabilities £83 bn
Estimate for legal fees £4.3 bn.
In part this is because of the long drawn out process before the NHS admits liability.
But as with all nationalised industries there is no customer focus and no accountability.
Trying to sweep issues under the carpet and stay in denial is the way to go. As at Shrewsbury, Bristol, mid Staffs.
But hey, it’s only taxpayers.
So much for Corbyn’s mantra to ‘fully fund the NHS’.
Err, I have a friend who has a cast iron case against a chemist for negligence who found the government in most cases doesn’t ever really pay anything for negligence, other to the greedy weasels who also number many of its members.
Clinical negligence compensation is not viewed as compensation at all, the government has decided it’s income so if you get a nice payout it’ll be taxed at 40% plus NI as well !
If you are on benefits, because it’s income they will backdate it for 5 years and claim back all payments made, and they won’t pay any more until the money falls below the £6K threashold ! In other words they’ll seize the lot !
Then on top of that the greedy weasels not only charge the NHS double the fee because it’s no win no fee, but they take 25% of whatever ‘income’ is awarded, plus if you lose you get to pay the other sides costs. If you decide this is a crap deal and pull out you also get the costs !
Most of this is likely to be things like HIV Haemophiliacs, Thalidomide etc and deceased relatives where the ‘income’ can be spread amongst several beneficiaries.
Thoughtful – I remember when I was studying medical negligence – at the same time as the NHS killed my dad – the alternatives were floating about of an independent assessor who would deal with claims outside the legal system faster than now and without a ‘ war of the parties ‘ .
Didn’t get off the ground then – 25 years ago – wouldn’t get off the ground now .
Any residual respect for the ‘medical profession ‘ was extinguished then – and remains .
Chris has a plan.
The attack on Chinas government carries on, with a complaint the government has been naming and shaming people who go out in public dressed in nightwear.
Apparantly this was seen as a gross invasion of privacy, however I can bet that most Chinese like most here would not approve of the idlers who can’t bothered to get changed nor presumably wash / shower / clean teeth etc.
Perhaps someone here can make sense of this piece of gibberish which was written by the anti White race hating Fascist on QT giving Lawrence Fox a hard time because of his unacceptable and wanton whiteness:
“It is suggested that a reconstruction of a teacher/educator subjectivity that fosters self-reflection on values and racial positioning, is needed in teacher education ..”
Just more of the same bullshit from a so called “academic”! Aka equivalent to O- level education 50 years ago.
Apologies if this has already been mentioned.
Funny how the BBC has (as far as I know), omitted to report these stories:
Chief executives say UK is top investment target:
A thousand EU financial firms plan to open UK offices after Brexit:
Strange that? It’s not as if CityAM and Reuters aren’t reputable news sources. Must be an oversight on behalf of the BBC.
My TV viewing is quite limited but at the weekend I saw a bit of Trust Mr, I’m a Doctor.
Just out of interest, is there anyone, doctor or researcher, apart from Dr Moseley, that is an ethnic Briton in this programme, or did I just watch the ‘exception to the rule’?
Time for the new thread . Thank you for your contributions …