The BBC has a policy line that it is doing ok because it is attacked by left and right . So the challenge is – list those policies of the Right to which the BBC is biased or supports . And I write that as a challenge to readers and users of this site . Who are the right wing BBC journalists ? And explain why they are ‘right wing ‘ Where is the anti left wing bias ? Oh yes – show all ‘workings ‘ in your answers….
Weekend Thread 25 January 2020
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First with the help of Mr D who told me the new thread had been posted!
well done, again !!!
Backlinks to previous thread
.. Friday morning we were halfway down page 3, and just overflowed onto page 4
– page 2 started Wednesday 3pm and ended Thursday 4pm
Bias by omission.
They don’t report on anything that matters.
Because I’m jealous at not being first, and because I posted this as the last one on the last thread, I’m posting it again. So there !
Want to get a fast doctors appointment ? Just mention to the receptionist you have just returned from Wuhan – and see how quickly you get seen !!!
ALSO, its being reported that the Chinese are about to built a 100 bed hospital in SIX DAYS !!! These guys can mend sink holes that appear in roads in hours, so any chance we can get these teams to come over here and …………………
Yes, I am sure the Chinese will help ….. so long as you don’t object to slave labour.
Right, here goes………Ian Wright?
I’m on a roll here.
Just heard Rachel Cunliffe (regular press reviewer and talking head), on the BBC cost cutting, that she would bury Gardener’s Question Time, because……….. her generation doesn’t even know what a garden is.
This is an example of the academics of the future, the generation who rant on about climate change, but don’t realise that our gardens are part of the eco system they keep banging on about. Words fail me.
Tell her a garden is where all the vegan stuff comes from, that’ll do the trick.
She wouldn’t believe you, or anyone with male white privilege for that matter.
I put up the new thread in the hope of finding someone – any one – to list the BBC bias against the left – yet alone Brexit – which they seem in denial about .
I’m figuring the trolls will cut and paste from the many anti British websites there are about . It perfaos the trolls will did up bits from the BBC complaints department highlighting anti left programmes and reporters …..
As I wrote the preamble I tried really hard to think of one programme which supported brexit in the last 3 or indeed 4 years . And just could not find one .
I see the Rasta called Mohammed who tried to kill a copper with a machete got 16 years meaning he could be out in 10. Perhaps next time he uses the gardening machete he ll actually get to kill someone .
I think the trial judge was less than impressed with the muppets in the jury box .
SkyNews just put up a video report about the sentencing
One is sure the BBC will be all over this story, It is on twitter, and has an, admittedly not professional bBC interviewer, asking an aspiring leader what she finds funny.
No time or space?
I’d guess the bBBC think that giving Nigel so much air time over the past few years has paid their dues to UKIP, TBP and any unfortunate need to expose the EU’s multitude of failings, so why go to all the trouble and expense of making a pro-Brexit program? They do tend to illustrate their juvenile attitudes so embarrassingly well.
And since all the anti-bile comes straight from the Guardian and Independent – with the same talking heads involved in many cases – the remainers were always bound to be far more cost effective, bargain price you might say – from the BBC perspective, if not that of democracy.
I did try to suggest Ian Wright who has the correct name to answer your request, if nothing else, but that seems to have fallen on stony ground.
Fed, I have noticed, since the election, that there seem to be a lot of Twitter comments accusing the BBC of bias against the left. I have noticed some of this is directed at Laura Kuensberg. As most on here will know, that is a million miles from the truth. I think the left just cannot blame themselves or their twisted ideology for their loss, so they need someone to blame. Either that or Twitter is being deliberately trolled by BBC supporters, in an attempt to build this narrative that “both sides are complaining so they must be getting it about right”.
The BBC know they are under scrutiny and desperate people take desperate measures. Let’s hope Boris has the balls to follow through and starve them of their funding by abolishing the unfair TV tax.
Beeb countryfile in the olden days was an interesting prog if you lived/farmed in rural area’s (even gave a week ahead weather forecast).
it has now become a “city people enjoy your products, but want eco/sustainable land management everywhere, get with the “the planet is f*cked message”
BBC Taylor Swift headline states that she has developed ‘an unhealthy relationship with food’
Give me strength. You mean she doesn’t eat enough.
I want to get up, go to the window and shout, “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any more!”
you can’t do that unless Beebod’s are filming you & you cry convincingly.
the number of people that are breaking down & crying in interviews is repulsive to me, mental health is the Beeb,s latest
entry into politics.
How dare you?
I like no doubt many will greet the rising sun on the 1st day of February 2020 as we leave the European Union Free at last. BUT shall we be free? Thanks to over four decades of scheming, surrender-treaty-signing politicians we will at best still face almost a year subject to binding EU controls, restrictions and judgements and to the continued payment of huge membership fees to an organisation of which we will no longer be a member and from which we will receive no benefit (if we ever did), plus, at the end of it all, paying thirty-nine billion pounds of ransom money to finally escape its clutches.*
The terms and conditions of this robbery at legal gunpoint are enabled and enforced by the chains those treaties acceded us to. That the ends of those chains are firmly in the hands of an implacable enemy construct across the Channel to which our grovelling governing classes pay obeisance is humiliating and dangerously detrimental to our financial and sovereign future.
And, just to ice the cake of our subservience, the rape and plundering of our fishing grounds by EU Seine Net, Electrification and Beam-Dragging Mega-Trawlers will continue at an accelerating pace to the point where, with their food chains destroyed from the bottom up, those waters will have become near sterile wildernesses, by the time we get them back eleven months later.
There is however a long, uncertain year’s slog ahead of us, a hopefully beneficial progress we might at least be able to sustain for a short span, but only for a short span because the singular triumph of Brexit which succeeded against all odds over this latest attempt to subordinate us to the beat of different drummers is not the linear and forward looking process it would appear to be. It is in actuality a small length of arc on the circumference of the closed circular course of our political affairs where a precession that, if not recognised or accepted with insouciance and thus immediately rejected, always tends to produce another attempt at dominance by inimical entities either from either within or without. Or both.
The acquisitive political classes and the eternal recidivists populating every aspect of our supposed ‘democratic’ nation state will, sooner rather than later, return as the same old tyrants camouflaged in slightly different ideological cloth whilst attempting to grasp the levers of power once again. If we win this one, then the Manichean manipulators lurking deep in our establishment will attempt to impose upon us another dichotomous (division/2 branches) world view as a means of re-achieving dominance. We must watch them very carefully indeed.We shall still have to fight to gain what we may.
Tarien – I was with you but you got me on ‘Manichean ‘ which gave the spell check a stroke !
Someone like Dom Cummings – who seems pretty switched on – must be ‘gaming ‘ next couple of years on how the bubble will respond to our leaving .
I worry a bit that people will expect big changes to blighty soon after we leave when it is obvious that remainers will continue to obstruct and undermine the separation of UK from the Reich .
Perhaps the budget on 11 March will provide a bit of a signal for coming change .
Greenpeace in court argued that their output is OPINION not FACT
(In a case against Resolute Forestry , Greenpeace in court said Their accusations against Resolute were instead “hyperbole,” “heated rhetoric,” and “non-verifiable statements of subjective opinion” that should not be taken “literally” or expose them to any legal liability. )
..yet the BBC rush to cutNpate Greenpeace material as if it is fact
It was settled.
By a few. Speaking for the many. Apparently.
Mind you, that slogan may not be the best to stay with.
That steam looks dirty.
TOADY Watch #1 – Snuff those candles Up2
Minimal exposure to TOADY this a.m. but R4 8a.m. news informs me – if I heard it right – that the Archbishop of Canterbury has decreed the CoE will become Carbon NetZero or Carbon Neutral by some distant date like 2030 or 2040, eschatology notwithstanding.
If you are down at the Catholic end of the Anglican Church (not me) or even swim in the middle then it’s no more candles, hymn singing cut to a minimum, sermons slashed in length and endless battles with English Heritage, The Victorian Society and local residents over putting solar panels all over a Grade 1 or Grade 2 listed building.
The madness steps up a gear. Stock up on popcorn. Someone will soon want to ban the machines that make it – all that heat and CO2 emissions.
Yeah, Stew, back to the good old days. Edify the saints, terrify the sinners – give ’em a taste of Hell!
What about getting local groups to set small fires in the pews during services? I’m sure there’s enough of the UK population now who’d be willing to help.
Get a few bishops and imams together for a photo, call it something like Interfaith Warming and the BBC would be all over it
Archie Bish should, in view of this stance, be required to comment upon what’s best for the agenda of the Globalist/Marxists? – cremated or buried, intact.
Titania McGrath on Terry Jones’ death.
(It’s a spoof on leftist wokeness in case you don’t know Titania, though these days it’s hard to tell the difference between parody and reality.)
QT had an ex chief Constable – of the smallest constabulary in the country – Durham .Population 600000
Number of staff – about 2000. What a pointless exercise in of all places – stoke newington – which has been a war zone as long as I can remember . It is where the programme came from . They might as well put a Martian on the panel .
The EU has formally signed the leaving agreement in a ‘somber ceremony ‘ . Somber because they will be losing 20% of their budget and with a bit of luck others will leave .
I wonder if the BBC will cover this as they didn’t find it important enough to talk about the royal assent .
American spelling there.. for sombre
Stew – I used to miss spell words when I was teeching to check is any one was reeding it ….. when I was corrected I’d apologise and have some recognition that my suffering students were not all asleap…
I have become sympathetic now to grammatical errors. Following a stroke, you kind of get that way…………
With any luck the loss of revenue from UK’s departure, along with all their other problems, will bring down the whole rotten edifice.
It was a very weird audience on QT last night (not counting the idiot in the audience who thought that the people in the north could be brainwashed by the Murdoch press but apparently not people in the south). But it was as though the whole audience had been warned not to clap too loudly (if at all) or were they all activists specially selected by the BBC and after last week’s been outed were all afraid to draw attention to themselves. But they were very subdued. I have to admit this only applies with certainty to the second half as I found the first half so soporific that I slept through it.
Deborah , I hadn’t seen QT for a very long time and just for a change tried it out . At least 2 Labour Party members on the panel- I suspect the ex chief cop might be one as well .
As for the subdued audience – it wouldn’t do to be too outspoken in Stoke Newington as you might well get a slap outside . Particularly on full moons when the crazies really get doing .
As for Northerners ( what dismissive term ) – of course they were brain washed by the likes of The Sun and the Mail . Doesn’t every one know that they put chemicals in the paper to make people vote for brexit and Boris . I know it’s true cos I read it in the Guardian .
Perhaps the demeanour of the audience was caused by the collective shock being experienced because we are finally leaving the EU next week . They’ll pep up when there is no immediate improvement in anything the day after – and when the EU lovers find something to moan about.
Like you given up on QT ….contrived…staged…….trying to list BBC programmes that are worth watching……..still a blank page !
TOADY Watch #2 – I may be risking accusations of racism
My limited exposure to TOADY today did not deprive me of a large part of a wonderful interview that Sarah or Mishal had with Mary Robinson. She has a wonderful Irish brogue does Mary McAleese. Unfortunately the words that she came out with as an ‘Elder’ (and no doubt rubbing shoulders with the mega-rich and global corporate executives in Davos) were pure Irish comedy of the Shamus (Seamus) Android and Father Ted sort.
Mary Robinson was talking about the fact that someone has forgotten to renew the battery in the Doomsday Clock (invented in the time of Mutually Assured – nuclear – Destruction in the 1950s/60s) and so has manually nudged the second hand forward by 20 seconds. A bit of digital manipulation there for the photographers among the readers, ha ha!
We were at 2 minutes to oblivion but I gather we are now just 1m 40s from The End Of The World. Something more for our poor infant, pre-teen and teenage children to develop mental health issues over.
Thanks, Mary.
It was wonderful to listen to, the blarney that Mary Mac came up with and all in that wonderful Irish brogue. Worth the hassle of signing in to BBC Noises (as our Fed calls it – a.k.a. BBC Sounds) just to listen again. It came in the third hour of the TOADY Prog this morning but – apologies – my memory cannot be more specific than that.
I often wonder if Davos has a good railway station because it would need one with so many people like Mary Robinson well and truly on the Gravy Train .
yep..shameless !
What’s going on with this site? I’ve had another 524 or something error message and the duplicate posts are coming up in triplicate and quadruplicate! Eeeeeeeeek!!
No idea on the website – it seems to creak more often so if it disappears – it goes and the fight carries on in other sites . I remove the occasional multiple posts . Will be a shame if the site goes but at least public taxes don’t pay for it .
Fed, I try to spot and remove my own dupes very early on if I can but the time spent hanging around for a post to load up gets a bit frustrating.
When posting and you get a timeout, your post has almost always gone through
You can check by opening up a fresh tab
then in the top right column, you should see that your post DID get through, so you don’t need to send it again, just close the new tab and reload the old one
Stew, yes, I did that but the fresh tab showed my post had not arrived. It was taking ages – TOADY Watch #2 – in the end I posted it in the new tab. Then I started taking down duplicates!
Yes, Trump has a lot to answer for.
Muhammad Rodwan was unbelievably cleared of attempted murder. He slashed a policeman with a machete 6 times around the head and it’s not attempted murder??
I’d love to see the composition of that jury.
And did anyone bother to ask Muham-mad exactly what he used a machete for in his garden? A spot of raking perhaps, or digging holes?
On Toady this morning, I caught that it was, ‘self-defence’.
The jury’s view is extraordinary. he attacked a police officer, not once, but several times, burying his machete deep in the officer’s head. What did they think Muhammad Rodwan was aiming to do?
The fact that Muhammad Rodwan had twice attacked people in the past, once close to severing the hand of his civic, all after he had been released from prison for rape leads me to think that when he is back on the streets he will still be carrying gardening equipment around with him.
I think the jury wanted to go hope and have Friday off ……nice to know I can carry a machete in the car now for gardening purposes …..
The other explanation is that a member of the jury uses a machete for gardening purposes . ……
“….have Friday off….”. Agreed.
What happens in muslim countries on Friday? Probably why they came to the ultra quick conclusion…………….
I suspect some of the jury members were either bro’s of Muhammad, or woke snowflakes of the beeboid variety, terrified of finding a black man called Muhammad guilty of anything worse than illegal gardening.
It’s a wonder the brave cop wasn’t tried for intentionally getting in the way of a gardening tool – racially aggravated.
I am glad that the Met still uses rulers with feet and inches on them.
Obviously, anyone slashing someone about the head with a 25 inch machete must only be trying to ruffle their hair.
Sometimes I like the American system, where jury members can comment on a case. That way we can tell just how stupid they are. This verdict is approaching O J Simpson levels of stupidity.
“Arrogant machete attacker jailed for wounding PC”
Time to arm all our Police Officers, then at the first sign of M trouble they can execute these subhuman organisms.
Saving the time and costs of trials and imprisonment.
Win Win Win.
Yes, if only he’d had a gun instead of a taser!
The implications of beckoning the Middle East to live in your country and be supported by the regular taxpayers. These so-called, ‘Politicians’ from a left/Marxist background should all be prosecuted under the criminal law. Until we have a successful prosecution somewhere in Europe and a number get locked up, the likes of Merkel will continue to destroy their own populations. Ditto, the UK
Yes. It’s a form of forced marriage, which is illegal in the UK.
A marriage not entered into wholly voluntarily is no marriage at all – is what I learnt in my Family Law class – I was the only bloke – all the girls wanted to be divorce lawyers . Truly. If I’d gone on to practice I’d have gone into medical negligence for victims of the NHS .
“Victims of the NHS”
You would have been busy.
Last – yes I agree – once upon a time I would have had moral issues about taking money from the NHS for victims of lazy and negligent ‘health professionals ‘ but the more I hear the more I see civil actions as the right remedy – criminal charges should also be used more often on NHS staff as well ….. might help reduce the ‘god’ complex so many have .
@GolfCharlie just asked me about Lord Hall’s article in December’s Telegraph
“Why did Hall rush to write about the BBC’s impartiality so soon after the General Election?”
There another commentary, with open comments (all against BBC with 1,000 votes)
#1 “the fact criticism came from all sides of the political divide shows to me that we were doing our job without fear or favour.”
#2 “Around 27m people in the UK came to the BBC website to find out about the election results.
It was a reminder of the *trust* people place in the BBC. ”
Don’t be daft he cherrypicked a specific and applied it to the general.
Of course we trust the BBC to report actual results,
just like an atheist might trust the church clock, but not trust the Bible.
And what percentage channel hopped to see if Bradby and Peston had the same figures?
#3 “That’s why I have complete belief in our ability to compete and succeed in the new media age”
.. So you TH are endorsing replacing the licence fee with a subscription
More discussion in the Telegraph Twitter thread
– 30 comments in D Vance’s thread
When it suits, the BBC ensures that it does not claim certainty. e.g. today’s hard survey evidence on the state of the UK economy
UK manufacturing and services saw their best month for more than a year in January, a survey has suggested.
Whereas the bush fires in Australia are, without any doubt, caused by climate change & claims of other causes are “conspiracy theories” & “fake news”
Without ‘could’ or ‘sources say’ BBC ‘reporting’ on uncertain matters would not exist.
Usually, if definitive from any such ‘source’, they just bolt on more one degree of separation disclaimers in the body copy.
Today’s Telegraph opinion
BBC and Police accused of having blood on their hands as yet again the Police involve the BBC in a paedophile sex investigation, proving that no lessons have been learned since the Cliff Richard saga, and why would they need to given the fact that public money is so plentiful ?
“Kent Police’s Detective Constable Darren Bassett explained that they arrived at the home, with a BBC camera crew in tow.
The crew, from the BBC’s standalone production arm BBC studios, were filming a three-part documentary about their investigation team that will be aired on Channel 4.”
Why, Darren? And why, BBC?
Breaking News
SIX Members of one family killed by a gunman in Germany. Nothing on the BBC unless you go onto the Europe tab.
No need to guess the rest.
Interesting thread from Kate Elysia, a survivor of Midlands rape gangs showing how the culture of fear and silence pervades.
She wrote a book about her experiences —her publisher was uncomfortable with calling her attacks racist because “there’s quite a lot of discussion at the moment about whether or not white people can be victims of racism”.
According to the Macpherson report, set up in the aftermath of the killing of Stephen Lawence, a racist incident is “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. This definition has been universally adopted by the police, the courts, local government and so on. Most people – bar the odd Labour MP who thinks rape victims should “shut up for the sake of diversity” – would perceive that all of the victims of the child rape and trafficking gangs are undoubtedly victims of racism. Furthermore, that the racism was ignored and effectively encouraged and condoned by the (in)actions of the authorities from the very top downwards.
Ian R. Strange how everyone knows about the racist murder of Steven Lawrence yet know one sees to know about the racist murder of Kriss Donald. He [Kriss} was 15 years old in 2004 when he was abducted of the streets of Glasgow by a gang of four Pakistani men. He was tortured, stabbed repeatedly and set on fire whilst still alive. The BBC only reported it locally. His mother didn’t become a Baroness
Indeed. The murder of Kriss Donald is the most significant racist murder in British legal history. And whereas the murder of Lawrence is widely deemed to have been racially motivated, the murder of Kriss was unambiguously racist, the perpertrators admitting that they went looking for a White boy – ‘Any White boy from the McCulloch Street area’.
The BBC was widely criticised for its lack of coverage. There were two trials, the first being reported in local news only as SkeptikEye states. The second trial was reported on national news only on 3 occasions, and the first time was 18 days after the trial began. Peter Horrocks of the BBC later ‘apologised’ for this on Newswatch in October 2006. Peter Fahy, former Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police and the then spokesman on race issues for ACPO, stated: “it was a fact that it was harder to get the media interested where murder victims were young white men”.
The Newswatch programme referenced above is no longer available, but these comments made at the time are insightful:
Also, perform the following exercise:
Go to and search for ‘Murder of Stephen Lawrence’. It returns more than 31,000,000 results. Now repeat with ‘Murder of Kriss Donald’ – just 152,000 results, with one of the most prominent being a report from the BBC about how one of his killers won a human rights appeal.
Of course whites people can be victims of racism.
Danny Tetley of X factor (fame???) is undoubtably a despicable, dirty little pervert for paying young boys to send him rude pictures.
He didn’t commit multiple rapes, in fact he didn’t rape, beat, threaten anyone, nor did any of his victims end up missing or in a kebab.
However, he still got 9 years followed by 8 years of monitoring afterwards.
Now compare and contrast with the sentences given to Muslim rapists who have actually raped, threatened, beaten and disappeared multiple young victims.
Also note the difference in the way the media shout about it when a non Muslim paedophile is caught and sentenced.
How many meetings in Frankie Howerd before the bloke in pink was allowed in?
tweet from BBC producer
“So excited to say #BBCMyWorld launches this Sunday around the world!
Our aim is to fill a global gap in *reliable* and *trusted * information for young audiences”
Interesting Charter remit.
Seems to be the next BBC ‘Get ‘em young’ campaign.
Angelina Jolie and BBC launch new show to help children identify fake news
The program will be broadcast on BBC World News, each Sunday at 11:30 a.m. eastern,
and the content will be shared with BBC’s 42 different language services, reported Variety.
BBC My World will also be available on a YouTube channel and the BBC iPlayer in the UK
A nice, ‘representative’ group of the UK population. Lies, deceit and more lies from the Black and Asian Broadcasting Corp.
On the basis of the eleven people shown in this photograph, can we understand that almost 73% of the UK population are from a foreign extract? Cmon’ BABC, we know that you can do it! Go for the full 100% or I, for one will be disappointed, my expectations dashed…….
Goodness-and how can such young people with very little wordly experience as yet, give such a voice to Global issues? They can of course make up their own minds but on what? It looks as though most are only a few years beyond 14/15- we oldies can perhaps say that at that age we knew very little about Politics & Wordly affairs, more interested in the opposite sex, and entertainment such as sport. Sad for them.
93yo Sandringham OAP so disgusted with BBC election coverage that she fakes cold to avoid meeting Huw Edwards.
A member of her security team told waiting photographers and reporters the Queen was ‘not feeling up to it’ around half an hour before she was due to arrive.
Ah well at least her grandson and actress wife can step in when needed ….
Prince Andrew would have stepped in there if it was a teenage girl reporter …….she could have stayed overnight as well…but no pizzas ! !
The BBC currently is running a live ‘what you need to know’ about Chinese bugs with a young lady who looks as if she has hastily been promoted from Ange and Reeta’s talent pool.
I might seek advice elsewhere.
Paging Mrs Merton
“Victoria Derbyshire who is paid
between £215,000 to £219,999 for the year 2018/2019
is devastated”
BBC News – Fergal Keane: BBC Africa editor steps down after PTSD diagnosis
Margate baby hospital deaths : reluctance of consultants to work out of hours.
– Baby Harry Richford’s Margate hospital death ‘wholly avoidable’
Amazing what the BBC does have time for.
Poor Fergal Keane is said to be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He is the BBC’s reporter with the Irish accent that makes Tom ‘we are all doomed’ Heap sound like a laughing hyena.
Has the BBC ever stopped to wonder whether all these years of gloomy reporting might have an effect on its audience?
It is always eager to tell us that 0.01% of nothing will shorten our lives by ten nano-seconds so surely this constant negativity must have some measurable effect on our health? If it harmed Keane to report it then it is likely to harm us to hear it.
A eulogy from Nick, liked by all the clown section.
Beeboid eulogising beeboid
that is unusual … NOT
He made a living out of other people’s misery -now he can write a book about it £ . He had a choice about the places he went to and the things he saw .
Plenty of other soldiers and plod have no choice .
I don’t think they get the sort of treatment mr Keane will be getting on the taxpayer tv licence .
To be a top academic you’d have to be about 60+
that means being born in 1959
I’m guessing the number of British black births was quite low then.
Other media use a more hyperbolic headline
“Number of black academics in top university roles is ‘officially zero’ ”
Chancellor is an honourary position but I easily found one
Another black pong MP.
Took another look at my keyboard, 2 is nowhere hear the g.
No but H is quite close to N. Ha Ha!
Dadabhai Naoroji Dordi was obviously far too pale for Abena Oppong-Asare MP. He became MP for Finsbury Central in London in 1892.
Must have been all that white and grey in his beard that confused her.
Gerald Pillay, Vice Chancellor of Liverpool Hope University
seems to be a South African born ethnic Indian
whose been VC since 2011
SO WHAT. The UK is still a country of white people. Let us stop this nonsence of pretending to marginalise the coloured community, their exposure in nearly every level of this society at present is quite unprecedented. One wonders watching the media as to wether we are still a country of white coloured people?
@PCollinsTimes writes that government would lose a fight with the BBC
cos BBC can deploy Attenborough and luvvies
…hmm not sure the public would agree
Maybe the government is adopting Remain tactics in waiting?
“The Government would lose a fight with the BBC”? WTF? The Government were elected to carry out the wishes of the British voters NOT the wishes of the mass media. If the swamp creatures can totally ignore the wishes of the voters then we have a serious problem in this country. Those that make peaceful change impossible will make violent change inevitable.
I watched TR’s speech in the Danish Parliament to the Danish Free Press Society as linked to on the previous thread.
As usual with him there was some content that probably doesn’t help his case, poor-quality mobile footage, ‘door-stepping’ people etc. but there was much that should concern anyone who believes in a free, open society.
There were national newspapers declaring that once someone’s reputation had been ruined, (falsely), they could libel without limit. Our own MPs were seen to try and instruct Google as to what could be searched for and hosted. Facebook admitted to a Danish broadcaster that they had a hit list of people that it was OK to smear but not to praise.
I didn’t think TR’s film on Panorama/John Sweeney was all that good, (too much of those poor under-cover, hard to hear/see items), but Sweeney’s subsequent attack on TR was clearly exposed. Not only did Sweeney take a clip of a TR speech out of context but it was patched together in a different order.
I wish there was some way to ensure that all our MPs get to see the speech and then questioned on the record immediately afterwards.
@JimS are you sure you mean “Sweeney” ?
I know that SkyNews did a TR interview and used distortion editing
Direct jump to 58 minutes in where John Sweeney is revealed in all his glory.
@JimS ah yes I remember Sweeney did that nasty edited short clip
Jim – I’m an hour through it with another 20 minutes to go. As I watched I could imagine BBC journos watching it to see if they get a mention .
TR presents a powerful case with regard to censorship imposed by Facebook and other social media
As you say – sometimes he doesn’t do himself any favours in confrontations and seems to like them . If he was a footballer he’d be Troy Deeney.
The actual answers of media lies about him is frightening and shows how easy it is for a lie to stick and become ‘true ‘.
France : 16yo Mila in hiding after criticising Islam
It will be interesting to see who falls first to islamic jihad, France… Germany… Sweden?
We’ll be not far behind.
Looks like Sir Boaty is on tour.
I am trying to ascertain what this ‘Climate Assembly’ is all about.
It seems awfully like the ‘Citizen’s Assemblies’ XR was pushing from the off, which seemed just like Animal Farm Mk. 2.
Interestingly… on the… BBC!
“I don’t remember being asked to vote if I wanted to live in a zero carbon country by 2050″
Good point though I wonder if this was in all the main party manifestos in 2019?
A poster made this point.
Interesting when manifesto promises are considered binding or simply for show.
I voted tactically based on the options presented.
One problem at a time. Once my MP grasps he’s in because I wanted him to be held to account, then we’ll get to some realities on science and engineering.
I am already having exchanges with May-created Limp and Green county councillors and local bbc radio about Climate Assemblies, Zero carbon, carbon taxes, ‘affordable’ housing estates, etc.
Zero Carbon by 2050, It will never happen anyway we would all be dead, nothing would grow so we’d starve- idiotic and terrible mis-understanding of what is being dragged around in all riddiculous directions-the reduction of Pullution would be a start to give us cleaner air, cleaner rivers, cleaner seas-that’s what needs to be done not trying to force electic cars upon us all-what the H would done with the old vehicles? Mad
The Zero CarbCON
Is Zero Carbon a PR word or a RealWorld thing ?
Does it look like real world maths has been applied ?
Or is it wishful thinking ?
Yes we want to live in a zero-rape and zero-murder world
If the police said we were going to be zero-murder by 2050 would we take them seriously ?
but if they said with a targeting of better intelligence, social work and better surgery we aim to get the toatl down from the 900s to the 800s in 10 years then that is a serious plan
.. which BTW they did achieve despite London black on black crisis.
If commercial fusion is achieved in 2030 then maybe we might reduce manmade CO2 by 50% or something
Paul Homewood has a new post
Basically a CitizensAssembly is a entryism tactic whereby you put your few activists in power to leverage the entire organisation ..this time government
5h5 hours ago
“Heading to Birmingham soon to observe the UK’s first Parliament-backed citizens’ assembly on climate
I hope it will mark a pivotal moment in our politics”
I wish she would shut up.
How the Climate Assembly works
– “Oh I’ve just received an invitation to be on the Climate Assembly
.. stuff it I’ve got to go to work”
– “Oh I’ve just received an invitation to be on the Climate Assembly
.. I’m a full time green activist on a trust fund/benefits .. of course I’ll go”
I haven’t heard any scientist mention a ‘Climate Assembly’. I doubt anyone with a PhD in Atmospheric Physics has been invited. The nearest thing to an assembly of causational climate scientists in Britain that I know about is half of the members of the GWPF Academic Advisory Council. All other assemblies and seminars in Britain are known to be dominated by scientifically ignorant environmental activists and children. I suppose its just another unelected quango, peopled by morons from the Green Party, selected as ordinary citizens, by Orwellian questions that only thick people would answer, authorised by the Tories, and funded by the taxpayer.
In effect it means that we will have Green Party Communists, posing as ordinary citizens, making moronic decisions for scientifically ignorant Tory MP’s to rubber stamp. It further cuts out the roll of scientists and direct scientific advice for politicians, and means the swamp in Britain is getting deeper and deeper.
On Guido Fawkes today: The BBC’s days are numbered 🙂
“Speaking to Nick Robinson’s Political Thinking podcast this week, Culture Secretary Nicky Morgan hinted that substantial reform for the national broadcaster might be just around the corner.”
“Morgan said that the funding of the BBC is an issue that increasingly comes up on the doorstep: “why do I pay my licence fee, I don’t watch it, I don’t agree with it.” She went on to hint that scrapping the archaic licence fee was on the table going forward…”
“This is the start of a process… people outside politics expect politicians to ask those questions, not just go ‘it’s all fine’”
Popcorn is soooo fattening.
“Fans” and “viewers”?, as in the plural? Now I know it’s fake news.
Trouble in paradise.
Like they care.
What a poisonous woman
Guerin is another typical BBC far leftist:
She left RTÉ to run as an Irish Labour Party candidate in the 1994 European Parliament elections.
Guerin had been hand-picked by then Labour Party leader Dick Spring.
Dick Spring – always thought that was a great name for a leftie !
I, Paddy McShamrock, acting returning office for Peat-Bog South, do hereby declare the number of votes cast for each candidate was as follows:
Spring, Dick……[rest of report inaudible, due to audience laughter]
George Monbiot might have been right if he’d said ‘thirty years time’ after he stops people eating beef and, particularly, lamb and tries to turn everyone in the UK into vegans.
Monbiot seems to have a particular beef against lamb (pun intended) – is that due to a strongly atheistic stance on his part?
“It’s Doctor, Who cares?”
It’s many many moons since the Saturday evening antics of a frilly-shirted Jon Pertwee or an over-long woollen scarfed Tom Baker with their erstwhile alien adversaries, the Daleks, the Cybermen, et al, had me crouching behind the sofa cushions in somewhat feigned childish amazement and terror.
Yet so conicidental in the minds of an audience weened to televisual entertainment in the heyday of such classic shows and indeed broadcaster, this peculiar Tardis traveller and the BBC brand itself, that nowadays one can’t help but notice their shared cachet rapidly slip down the Swanee – and inevitably one asks one’s adult self – how come?
Peronally, having just like an asylum seeker of dubious veracity burnt my papers in hope of a better life – ie cancelled my TV Licence, so needs must I turn to a You Tube sci-fi nerd for the opening quote as to the present popularity of the latest Tardis incumbent and her series. As for the latest dire ratings and trashing of the show’s reputation my nerd maven has this damning summation:
“The BBC doesn’t care. They’re willing to burn down this fifty plus year old franchise for their agenda”
Says it all really.
i agree with your sentiment but for me, the only REAL Dr Who was played by William Hartnell. Haven’t watched it since. I am very much a creature of the last century. OLD.
Under Russel T Davies direction Doctor Who was a major asset for the BBC, and it was sold all over the world, but the hate filled fascists of the BBC squandered all of that.
Davies was smart enough to realise that despite his wish to make homosexuality mainstream, it needed to be kept under control for the childrens Family entertainment but he did weave in some subtle anti PC story lines.
The unquiet dead was a warning about the dangers of refugees who pose as needy but harbour murderous intentions.
The family of blood shows a nostalgic view of England etc.
But then along came Peter Capaldi and with him came such appalling political correctness that saw both Muslim and Christian countries alike so offended by it that they ceased buying it from the BBC.
The only countries which did seem to appreciate it was the ultra woke Canada.
Goodness knows how much income the BBC lost, but it appears that it OK for them to offend the Muslims but not OK for anyone else to do so.
Comrades – wonderful news Lenny McCluskey of the ‘disunite ‘ Union has unanimously announced that the union will be backing numpty and numpty* to lead the Labour Party into oblivion
* Becky wrong -daily and Ricky Burgeon as deputy . A Conservative Dream Team. Prepare your self for wall to wall support from the NUJ comrades of the BBC .
( with apologies to any decent numpties out there ).
I am very, I repeat very disappointed. I was banking on Diane Abbott on getting the job.
Sorry just couldn’t help finding this amusing:
Lucky you haven’t got a BBC radio show – for the Stasi -that’s a career ended.
I’m not sure how, but I have a feeling that’s sexist, racist and trans-phobic. Expect a visit from our finest.
Iv’e been watching the BBC this week, don’t all shout at once, Iv’e been watching the International bowling on BBC2.Not one none white face to be seen, players or audience, it being a predominantly white persons pastime.That is until the interviews after the matches and up pops Rishi. Come on beeb can’t you draft in some persons of colour, you can for QT and other sundry programmes, get with it!
When did MaajidNawaz give TR his Twitter password ?
The Future of the BBC Well I never – who would have thought that some (at least one) BBC directors agree with us that the BBC has lost its mandate! Apart from today’s news about anti-israeli bias (which of course they will strongly deny, much of it mirrors Labour/Guardian rhetoric (as if that makes much factual difference). But I heard on the LBC this morning the BBC had paid £20 million to ‘cover-up’ the last internal report into BBC bias (anti-israel) way back. No bias there then BBC? The report has never been published. Nick Ferrarri (LBC) pondered ‘Why?’ this Friday morning. (I think we all know why, it obvious to all ‘but the BBC’, it seems that as in Labour – its actually a true reflection of its staff). Its happening in the Labour party, which cannot be denied. The BBC is still part of that old world conspiracy that the elite aspire to be.
However (shame) that’s Its unlikely the fringe elements of the BBC read our posts!, although the NUJ (left Whingers all) are very left leading and predominate the BBC, paritcularly NOW costing the BBC zillions when the BBC declared Jeremy Vince was ‘worth it’ and ‘Sameedi whats-her-name’ (the unforgetable) – who’s name (and I agree with the BBC talentless) was not ‘worth it’ 5p. You see the two cannot co-exist in a communal genderless media army of former Guardian employees (all with joint Guardian\, NUJ passports). A no-win situation. It has since been revealed (The Times) that the BBC tried to buy them off with £20 million ‘offer’ and threat with ‘Non-Disclosure-Orders’ and Out-Of-Court settlements. That is now in ruins. Its a free-for-all now in the BBC, just ‘claim what you wil’l and they (still) will still pay for your gender re-assignment. The absurdity is there but apparently not at the BBC. Money being something you ‘have’ (executive) or don’t ‘have’ (plebs). Rewards for ‘excellence’ in the high court of perversions.
Only last week the BBC admitted it was gutted and ‘sick’ that it had lost the Samedi equal pay case. I suspect that Lord Haw Haw, who must be held accountable should indeed go and has since resigned. God riddance, he has been a disaster and not modernised the BBC as he was controlling ‘media; for the next Labour government (which never happened). There is no more future for the liberal elite ‘Jeremys’ and ‘James’s’ to line their own pockets without someone (the plebs now in the BBC) noticing any more. Even the Non-Disclosure-Agreements threats won’t work. Lord Haw Haw only works two days a week at the BBC and many of his ‘fellows’ at the top even less. Still they take home Million plus wages and multiple million pensions. If you ask it can all be for ‘other’ work for .. BBC companies such as ‘BBC WorldWide’ a private firm owned by the BBC. No Freedom of Information requests accepted. Much of it we know already via press leaks. Its a Nation Lottery where the winner takes all. We pay in of course as TV license fee payers (over 75’s mostly).
So when I read this it because they speak from a unique perspective. This week I read a letter to the Editor of The Times. I thought it worth repeating, as it reveals a lot about the BBC that its now inevitable that the BBC must now be a ‘subscription’ model as it cannot go on like this.
Even the BBC agrees And I quote from a BBC ex Director in a letter to The Times (this Thursday)
– – – – – –
‘Sir, On topic of the license fee, most of the correspondents (Jan 22) defend the continuation of the status quo in some form. This is no longer feasible. To survive and compete with commercial rivals BBC Television long ago broadened the concept of “universality” to allow it to make popular programs. These are now the mainstay of its output and very few are made by the BBC itself. (my comment is this implies that ‘awful‘ but popular BBC programs have nothing to do with the BBC, which is stretching credibility.. (…cont). The rivals to the BBC are now so rich and powerful that it is laughable to suppose an organisation funded by the license fee can continue in the same vein. The BBC needs to move to a subscription model. Parliament should then decide whether the rest of the corporation — the radio networks, news and online output — deserves public funding’.
That was a Letter to The Times. by Hugh Williams; a former director of Broadcasting, BBC Worldwide
This is a very brave letter – to admit any problem You can only criticise the BBC when you have ‘left’ the ‘safe’ environment. Many have done so. Nothing changes much.
But I now think that Hugh Williams should (could) replace Lord Hall now Haw Haw he has resigned. Williams seems alert to the immediate problem. But it could all be false. The BBC needs to take some slimming pills and sack a lot of its journo luvvies, drama queens, and upright plonkers. That is a job for Cummins to cut its cash (as well as give parliament to veto its corporate gluttony TV license), it glory days are well and truly over. At least I really hope so.
Is it at all possible that the top staff at Al Beeb are deliberately antagonising the people of Great Britain with its blatant bias in the hope that it is closed down in order to pick up big, fat, redundancy packages and a ‘golden’ pension?
Well lets give them a helping hand…………
I have an idea for a new programme!
It follows the current trend of having some idiot doing a voice-over to tell you the bl**ding obvious, while making sarcastic remarks about the on-screen participants.
My new programme will be called Mock The Mock The Week. In fact I think the BBC ran a pilot for it yesterday but unfortunately missing out the essential voice-over. They ran a November 2019 edition of the programme, (how can you repeat a topical programme?). A pack of smug plonkers ‘mocked’ Farage, Boris, Brexit etc. Oh how they laughed!
Oh how we laughed now! But it would have been so much better to have had a voice-over rubbing it in!
I was thinking that Bjørge Lillelien, (‘your boys took one hell of a beating’), would have been good for the job, but unfortunately he died in 1987. Now Ann Widdecombe, she could do it!
John Humphries writes weekly for the Daily Mail . Today he plays victim by describing how the BBC had dropped him . He does stuff for `classic FM to supplement his state pension ( oh yeah – and his BBC one – maybe £200,000 a year . He does not get the awful naughtie roaming reporter ( yawn) gig .
Humphries also writes about the BBC being cut back – last night the Guardian carried News that both Toady and Newsnight are to have their respective budgets ‘reduced “ – but sadly not to zero.
Meanwhile Humphries laments the purge of ‘older’ BBC staff because BBC managers think they need to get down with the kidults to beat Netflix . I disagree . I think this policy will be excellent to accelerate the public disconnection from the state broadcaster and thus less resistance when the machete is wielded again – in self defence of course .
January 24 2020, 12:00am,
The Times
Theresa May learns to rule . . . her kitchen cabinet
Mrs May, who left office in July after a tumultuous three years in power, named the Queen as the most impressive person she encountered during her tenure. She has lived through so much. Tremendous sense of duty. Always putting country and people first,” she said, to a round of applause.
Theresa, do not be so modest, you had a much stronger sense of duty than ERII.
Unfortunately it was towards the EU and international leftism.
Comedy – a picture of st Greta and her young disciples at the end of the Davros nonsense has cause snowflake outrage as one of the 5 girls photographed had been cropped out of the public version of the picture . So what ?
And the one cropped out was ….. black .
Outrage outrage . And on scanning the Guardian article I think they even misidentified the black girl ( luckily didn’t say she was a cleaner which is the usual storyline ). Popcorn .
Burn that diesel .
BBC : “US Space Force logo looks like one from Star Trek”
Good to see our much respected national broadcaster maintaining a sense of maturity, we wouldn’t want the BBC to dumb-down.
“The newly unveiled logo for US President Donald Trump’s Space Force appears to have boldly gone where Star Trek went before.”
Oh, now I understand, the Beeb are having a poke at that Donald Trump – the US President they don’t approve or respect, at least not in the way they did his predecessor Obama.
“Twitter users noted that the emblem, revealed by the president, bears an uncanny likeness to the insignia from the cult sci-fi TV series.”
Well, blimey, if it’s on Twitter, I guess the BBC are bound to take this nonesense seriously and promote it to a top story on their news page.
“But others online insisted the logo was really based on the US Air Force one.”
So eventually the BBC has to admit this Twitter storm was nothing more than a few motivated anti-Trump people desperate for some excuse to have a moan about a President they don’t like.
Which pretty much is what the BBC are up to in bringing us this non-story.
The CEO of a charity called ‘ combat stress’ has announced that any ex military coming to the charity will be referred to the NHS ( join the queue ). The BBC led with this story – which I would suggest might be a bit on ‘ nes management ‘ to pressure the taxpayer to give more to this charity . I saw that it has a turnover of 18 million quid .
There was no challenge to how this charity is managed . No mention of other charities like the Royal British Legion or Help For Heroes or the other military charities .
Instead Toady went for the ‘ soft ‘ option of reciting the causes and consequences of combat stress PTSD rather than challenging the management of this charity / company on its failure to get enough money –
There’ll be an announcement soon about a ‘whip round’ to fill the gap – probably with the £300k which had been raised to get the bells ringing for Brexit.
As an aside – as moderator – I put up a challenge in the preamble for examples of right wing bias in the BBC . I’ve not spotted any examples yet ….
My first thought
is why would the govt cut funding ?
On Twitter people say the execs get big salaries and some are family members thread with swearing
Stew – being both an anorak and having a general interest in the Charity industry I had a little look at the accounts for ‘combat stress Ltd’ . – looking for clues regarding funding – I noticed £500k is assigned to pension provision ..
But it should also noted that it is a charity industry where there is competition for the money of the sincere and well meaning public . Generosity is exploited but I fear so much generosity becomes syphoned into pay and stuff not directly benefiting those for whom the cash is given .
PTSD is a complex and long term condition / illness so even though we are not involved in nonsense wars ( except at home ) there will still be victims .
Personally I think the government should remove the need for these charities and pick up the tab itself since it got the military involved in the first place .
“The total remuneration costs of the CEO and Executive Directors in 2018/19 was £674k (2018: £665k).
This does not include the costs of Interim Executive Directors paid as consultants. ”
(That’s 4 staff)
Personally if a fundraiser is a superstar and brings in £20m funding I think it’s OK to pay him a £1m if he/she demands it.
And if they fail they go onto the Toady programme to moan about cuts in tax payers money which pays the 100k plus wages and package . And get the soft treatment with a back text of ‘ nasty tories ‘ . Maybe pay it out of the overseas give away money ( borrowed ) since the PTSD was caused overseas …. ( except fighting Corbyn’s IRA of course )
Meanwhile sex tourist charity Oxfam is running a defecit so is cutting jobs
on £434m it has a defecit of £7m in 2018/19
and heading for £9m this year
I guess they spent big last year cos of all their anti-Tory and anti-Brexit political campaigning.
Fed & Stew, how much other taxpayer money goes to ‘charities’ and if these officers and men seeking help are still serving, should not the Forces’ own Doctors look after the patients first? Needless to say, the BBC covered this item on TOADY but did not ask the questions that listeners, I feel sure, would have wanted to be answered.
In the country of lawyers and IP, how this works out will be interesting.
Don will have signed off, but the habit of media to shunt all administrative processes up to one person, selectively, is beyond childish.
Like choices of ra ra music, if Roddenberry is a fan there will be permission, and if their network boss owes Hilary there will be a suit.
“Without the BBC” is trending on Twitter cos of a supportive article from Friedland.
… However some righties are hitting back
and some lefties are in a similar tone saying that there’d be no pro Tory Kuensberg
Is ‘post-truth’ the new ‘most trusted’?
That went so well.
Including ex-staff, twitter is going to be rammed.
Neil is not saying anything stupid.
These two should get a room.