I am attaching a link to a survey being conducted by conservativewoman website concerning the bias of the BBC and its’ output .
Start the Week Thread 10 February 2020
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I am attaching a link to a survey being conducted by conservativewoman website concerning the bias of the BBC and its’ output .
It’s a good opportunity:
a) to pitch up first, and,
b) to let MPs know how we feel about the BBC.
Thanks, FedUp2 for both of the above and for moderating the site and Stew for putting up links.
Catchup with previous thread
… some discussions are still ongoing
– page 3 started 4 pm Sunday
– page 2 started 2pm Saturday
And so say all of us !
Hopefully this survey , which is sponsored by the Institute for Ecocnomic Affairs a respected right of centre think tank, will be a coordinating vehicle for all opposition to the BBC in general and to the License Fee in particular. All previous Tory governments have been scared to death of the BBC and this in effect allowed the BBC to exert great influence on policy. There are signs that this government might be willing to take the fight to the BBC but I worry that leftist /Wokist onslaught from the massed ranks of luvviedom and Rejoiners will still frighten them into retreat. The government needs to know that millions of folks want to be freed from the yoke of the foul corporation. This petition might help to do that.
Excellent FedUp2. There are actually 2 relevant links on The Conservative Woman website: one is to a petition to abolish the licence fee; the other is a survey about the beeb.
Both are quick and easy to use. You can go straight there via the links below. Highly recommended!!
I watched a YouTube 30 min interview today with Tommy Robinson and at the end he implied he was in talks about a soon to be released documentary with “two of the worlds top streaming services interested”.
If people on here could keep this site up to date I would appreciate it about it’s release ????
He mentioned it mentioned it might be called ‘the rape of Britain’
Good luck to him. He can expect various authorities, institutions and individuals to do everything in their power to ban it, censor it or close it down one way or another.
The only topic the BBC is interested in at the Oscars is DIVERSITY.
You get the impression that they would absolutely hate it
if 1917 won too many awards . The fact that so many white
males happen to fight in the first World War and that this kind
of war film does not feature ethnic women or in fact only one
women ,is an an anathema to them.
Shoehorning – BBC 1 9pm Agatha Christie
in an English villages 3 mad old witches are supposed to live in a cottage.
..In this BBC edition, one was a black actress.
Of course I’ve every sympathy with black actors in getting jobs, but shoehorning does affect the authenticity of literature.
Breaking : on count 5, Leo Varadkar finally gets a seat
I think that’s their PR system works
I took him that long to get enough second preferences.
Apparently BBC was stuff wrong like misspelling Sinn Féin etc.
The BBC is the mouthpiece of the centre left liberal elites, it belongs to them and promulgates their world view.
If you want a vision of the future imagine a BBC boot stamping on a white British face – forever.
Shots fired.
Lawrence Hurley is a Reuters journo born in Herefordshire
Note Lawrence Hurley’s typo
How dare the BBC *mis*educate British people about the history of the slave trade and colonial India”
Al Beeb have been miseducating the British people for years .
Time to end the fake news channel.
Just don’t pay the Tell Tax !
I always thought Miss Education was a chum of Rita Chevrolet, but I never had the ready cash to find out…
Who is this Hurley guy anyway? Never heard of him!
This is going to so clash with all those ‘we are here to help you spot fake news’ the BBC tweets out, especially to kids.
See BBC News again recycles Syrian regime propaganda at BBCwatch.org
For the benefit of F2 and Stew G (thanks for telling me how to show this ) the bbc reported a few hundred …are they blind ?
Tweets by Darcy28551249
@Darcy em I think you embedded the home timeline URL of twitter.com/Darcy28551249
rather than the specific tweet
which has this url
Excellent video by the way
Hi Darcy, if this was pro eu broadcasting by the eu.bc, there would be millions in the video 🙂
“Tom and Jerry: 80 years of cat v mouse”
How long will it take Al Beeb and the snowflakes to ban the cartoon because of its ‘violence’ ?
The censorship of Tom and Jerry happened a decade ago. Compilation DVDs in the US starting featuring Whoopy Goldberg at the beginning, warning that it portrayed ‘people of color’ (e.g. the maid with the broom who shouts ‘Thamasss…’) in a negative/stereotypical manner. My recollection is that it also portrayed dogs, cats and birds of color in a stereotypical manner. And don’t get me started on how cartoons portrayed characters like Elmer Fudd, Speedy Gonzalez and Olive Oil…
This Observer article has hundreds of tweets universally praising it …but this guy has the truth
#metroliberal #wokemob # bubbleworld
Anyone here of the opinion that the so called storm “Ciara” was not as bad as forecast by the snowflakes at Al Beeb and the MSM ? Has anyone seen signs of them linking “Ciara” to global warming yet?
Well for me it was bad enough to have a neighbours garden fence in my garden in a thousand pieces, and patio furniture upturned. I just keep looking at it through the window, and thinking ‘oh sod it, I’ll sort it tomorrow’. I’m not great at outdoor activities any time of the year.
I’m on no way of the persuasion that climate change is man made. However I can confirm that the Calder valley Hebden Bridge, Sowerby bridge etc are severely flooded. The place is choca full of LGBGT and eco warriers so they will be banging on about “climate change” again yawnnnnn.
Anyone familiar with the area will now that the Calder is a narrow river at this point and is flanked by very high wooded valleys so the water has no where to go…..shame for all the business etc but you’d be stupid to live there as you know that it’s going to flood……this is a bad one the rain just woke me up…..so yes this storm is bad, very bad.
The link to global warming is the very fact that the storm even has a name. This is the thinking by the powers that be:
1. Hurricanes in the Americas and typhoons in Asia have names, because they are serious and exceptional weather events.
2. If we name storms in the UK, people will think they are events akin to hurricanes, rather than just the run of the mill stuff we usually get.
3. People will note that we never used to name storms.
4. People will come to the conclusion that storms in Britain must be a lot more powerful than they were in the past.
5. Ergo, the storms must be more damaging because something has changed. That change must be due to global warming.
6. We don’t need to state it explicitly. It is implied. Let it drip, drip, drip into the propaganda.
Odds are that there are copies of PowerPoint presentations with these or very similar bullet points in the Met Office, University of East Anglia, BBC and Whitehall.
Having taken the advise of some posters on this site to move from Al Beeb and to tune in to LBC , I now find that with exception to Nick Ferrari and Nigel Farage, the radio station is again populated by left wing namby pamby snowflakes. So its over now to Talk Radio.
Radio Al Beeb must be haemorrhaging viewers and listeners?
Here goes ………
OK – so I thought I’d try out Talk Radio.
Must have switched on at the wrong moment as a “beige” comedienne, Shazia Mirza(?) “who ticks all the boxes” (her words) was just telling off the presenter (Matthew Wright) for being white.
He’d commented on her “lovely white shirt with lots of sparkly bits on it” (wtf?) to which she commented “it‘s beige not white … My shirt is beige, I am beige – you are white and therefore irrelevant for the moment”. Suppose it was meant to be funny, but when it’s so close to the truth?
“For brown, muslim women, Oxford-educated there’s always a place for you at the BBC [well, she’s got that right!?!?] but if you’re from Birmingham forget it … It’s more about class than race here …” (or words to that effect).
I suffered another 5 minutes of them drivelling on about diversity at the Oscars and whether Parasite was better than Joker [no idea, haven’t seen either], then:
“You’re saying women can’t be funny?! I’m sitting here with two old white blokes being sexist… They’re trying to be funny, well, they can try but they never succeed.”
Next topics: Conservative political donations scandal / rules for trans children …?!!!
Jeeze – sorry … back to Classic FM :o(((
Frustrated. The mistake you made was Matthew Wright. I can’t stand his limp liberal lefty rubbish either and at 1pm I religiously turn over to TalkSport. From early morning to 1pm you have Julia Hartley Brewer ten Mike Graham neither are perfect but they’re in a different league to the likes of Nicky Campbell assuming he’s still on Radio 5. If Wright is on a day off I’ll check to see who his replacement is, it was Ian Collins on Friday so I stayed tuned as he’s good value. I’ve been told that Matthew Wright might be leaving in which case the 1 until 4 slot might be worth listening to again.
“limp, liberal, lefty rubbish” … exactly Woolwich!
I must admit I did try switching on again and it’s got worse!
Blatantly biased and continuous snide comments about Conservative “free port” plans (“didn’t work for Thatcher – won’t work now”).
Then, “for the sake of balance what did the expert [can’t remember her name] think of John McDonnell’s criticism of the plans” … Yeah, now that’s really balanced.
Thanks for your suggestions – I’ll give TalkRadio another chance and just switch off again if Wright is on!!
“Immigration: Salary threshold set to be lowered”
That means more houses , schools , hospitals , cars on the road, moire infrastructure, more tarmac and more flash floods etc .
Boris, Isn’t it time we trained our home grown, skilled people ?
Great Britain is FULL !
I’m on no way of the persuasion that climate change is man made. However I can confirm that the Calder valley Hebden Bridge, Sowerby bridge etc are severely flooded. The place is choca full of LGBGT and eco warriers so they will be banging on about “climate change” again yawnnnnn.
Anyone familiar with the area will now that the Calder is a narrow river at this point and is flanked by very high wooded valleys so the water has no where to go…..shame for all the business etc but you’d be stupid to live there as you know that it’s going to flood……this is a bad one the rain just woke me up…..so yes this storm is bad, very bad.
Halifax – sympathies – I’m out of the country until the weekend so damage assessment can’t take place until then . I’ll just worry – but being a soft southerner
Many will be moaning that the Waitrose car park is flooded ….. good luck
Watching university challenge. 50% of the questions are about women scientists etc…..it’s great seeing the teams open mouthed thinking…..who?
There is one girl on a team that hasn’t buzzed yet lol
Ten ways that BBC censorship is used to produce BBC Fake News.
(1) Censor Brexit supporters to produce the illusion that most people support Remain.
(2) Censor Tory supporters to produce the illusion that most people support Labour.
(3) Censor Atmospheric Physicists to produce the illusion that nobody has heard of the Arrhenius hypothesis.
(4) Censor French protestors to produce the illusion that nobody has heard of Yellow Vests since the Notre Dame fire.
(5) Censor Heterosexual people to produce the illusion that the Gay population is now very large.
(6) Censor the White working class to produce the illusion that half of them in Victorian London, were Black.
(7) Censor BBC Meteorologists and Engineers to produce the illusion that everyone at the BBC believes in Man-Made Climate change.
(8) Censor the Heartland Institute and Weatheraction to produce the illusion that nobody in Britain knows about the new scientific findings behind Donald Trumps statement about it being a “Hoax”
(9) Censor Paedophiles to produce the illusion that Rotherham is a hideously White working class area.
(10) Censor Reality to produce the illusion that most people love the BBC.
I think that’s a pretty comprehensive analysis of where we are .
I’m playing the propaganda game . Today it is the turn of ‘ storms ‘ . The BBC says that ‘ experts ‘ declare a winter storm as a ‘once in a lifetime / century ‘ event -Dramatic . Next year there is another big storm .
Message – human climate change is causing more storms than ‘ normal ‘ therefore you must change your way of life to the way we choose – no mean , cars, gas fires, flying nonsense .
Day 3 of my BBC avoidance syndrome . But I see a ‘ black comedy ‘ won the oscars . When I saw that I thought “strange – I didn’t know blacks do comedy’ then it turned out the viewing public will be queuing round the block to see some South Korean thing . Really ?
1917 wasn’t a great film – it was ‘ Gallipoli ‘ without the sunshine . The camera bloke deserved recognition though .
‘1917’ must have a more ‘diverse’ list of credits than anything other than a Bollywood blockbuster, (I am not talking about actors here).
And have they declared the criteria by which the storm is classified “storm of the century”? It strikes me as a bog standard winter depression, which has been in exactly the right place to affect the entire British Isles rather than just part.
BBC has picked its 2020 ‘winner’
Just a quickie to the Moderators, but when I post anything (usually drivel), nothing seems to happen like it used to, with the swirly icon showing some activity, so when I re-click I’m told that I’ve duplicated the post!
Now I know that much of my stuff is Castor and Pollux, but I don’t think I need to say it twice – once is bad enough…
What am I doing wrong?
Buqqer, it worked OK this time..:0(
And this…
Yes I know what you mean.
Scrob, if my post doesn’t seem to have loaded, I take a copy, then come right out of the site and back in again. I then look on the right at the recent posts and see if my name is there. No name and I go in and paste my comment for a second attempt. It is a bit time consuming but worth it for my longer musings. Shorter comments may end up just between me and Him upstairs. (Don’t mean Mr D).
Scroblene – I don’t think you are doing any thing wrong . It seems sometimes that the clockwork running the site runs a bit slowly . I’ve noticed the ‘ nothing happening ‘ thingy recently too . So I have duplicated posts but got them down before anyone notices…. I’ll just tidy up a bit more to cut out the duplicates … duplicates …. it’s global warming / Russians / Ukraine/ ofcom ….
Fed et al.
My contribution is minimal but I have also experienced what others say here.
When I post, I watch the ‘clockwork’ timer do its thing. If it spins for an undue length of time, I nip back in to the proposed contribution, block all off and copy ready to paste if necessary. For if the original offering ‘times out’ you’ve lost all the contribution anyway.
Thank you, Fed, I’ll blame the BBBC, like everyone else is doing these days!
I wouldn’t worry about it, Scroblene. The BBC have got away with multiple repeats for years!
Ha ha ha, Dysters!
Luckily for us here, we didn’t even see the stuff the first time it was chucked up on the screen!
We are guilty of buying a lot of DVDs these days, usually from charity shops or Ebay, and I confess that some of them originated from the dreaded Beeb…
“Storm of the century” scream the BBC and some of our tabloid press
Please explain your superlative says Mr AsISeeIt?
BBC : “The headline quotes Met Office meteorologist Helen Roberts, who told the Metro: “I have not seen amber warnings on this scale.”
Just to get this clear in my mind, the severity of the storm is being measured by the scale of pre-arrival warnings put out by the Met.
Ok, if that’s the way you want to do it…
Then the famous Michael Fish incident of 1987 wasn’t much to write home about. Afterall, no serious storm warning must mean that can’t have been a storm of the century.
I ask myself when did these colour coded warnings begin – just so that I can judge for myself how many centuries we are comparing? I google a bit but find it difficult to discover at what date the Met started the system upon which we seem to be measuring the severity of storms.
There is a suggestion that the start date for coloured warnings was as recent as 2008 – I stand to be corrected hereabouts.
But that pharase storm of the century really does confuse me. The calendar century, ie the 2000s? Worst storm for the past century? Or, are we predicting there won’t be another as bad for a century? I tend to think our Met Office spokeswoman is not very scientific in her statement. Unless maybe she has been rather clever in the words chosen?
I conclude it’s all just nonsence tabloid-style superlatives designed in part to soften us up for climate chaos taxation.
Hit the nail on the head. Of course it is. Likewise the naming of largely innocuous Atlantic winter depressions. Everyone will remember a name with dread, once reminded by the BBC et al.
It is all spin, nonsense, a scam.
For that reason, I never watch the broadcast “news” or “weather” media, preferring instead to be better informed on line.
Giving these normal occurrences a ‘name’ is the tabloid bbbc trying to actualise their agenda for identification of globule worming, personalising every little drip of water, or small chunk of ice, and pretending it’s a catastrophe.
It’s just as well they didn’t give the few winds the name ‘Corona’, as that would have got all sorts of people into trouble…
Not exactly bbc related, but has anyone else noticed the films being produced at the moment are mostly rubbish – full of leftist ideas
Much prefer going on youtube and watching some 70s films
With the exception of 1917, I really enjoyed
Spot on, Andy! We do just that, and chums here have helped us in our quest to get a Firestick for exactly that!
There is little originality. Sequels or remakes. For instance, why do they feel the need to make yet another Dr Doolittle? Hasn’t it been done often enough? For goodness sake, find books that have never been dramatised instead of recycling the same dross.
Having said that, I’m very reluctant to put any of my hard-earned the way of Hollywood’s finest these days. They consider me scum and the feeling is reciprocated.
Not exactly bbc related, but has anyone else noticed the films being produced at the moment are mostly rubbish – full of leftist ideas
Much prefer going on youtube and watching some 70s films
With the exception of 1917, I really enjoyed
The BBC must be ecstatic that the white males film 1917 did not
win best film.And do they find the South Korean’s diverse enough
for them? I do hope so. Now for a quota of transgender winners
in the near future. The BBC want’s the film industry to be
like them. Talent and performance being of secondary or
third rate importance.
Some weeks ago I watched something on YT on the subject of ‘Diversity’ being forced on the general public. One comment struck home: So your’e female/black and part of the cabin crew. Just as I’m strapping in for takeoff, I don’t want to learn that you’ve been promoted to pilot for the sake of ‘Diversity’…..
Having listened to the BBC and ITV banging on about diversity in Oscars the South Korean film wins best foreign and best movie…
I have a theory – now called the Woke effect. All the woke Oscar panelists decided that they would vote for a foreign film as best film to be woke – so they could have woke bragging rights at the parties..
but there are so many woke people they all did it and it won – which is not what they really wanted…….
Having just attended – as a guest – the South Northamptonshire Excellence in Double (& Triple) Glazing Sales Awards 2020, I’m somewhat shocked and dismayed. Perhaps the BBC ought to investigate? The reason, of course, was the lack of diversity – need I say more? Come on, it’s 2020!
I’m also upset at the absence of attacks on Trump, Brexit and Boris from award winners in their acceptance speeches.
Something should be done. Clearly the awards judges are too stale male & pale.
Up the uVPC BAME !
Tongue in cheek maybe Asl, but your experience is work reality for hundreds of thousands of people in all industries working to put food on the table. And strange to say, most of us are quite proud of the industries we work in, and the work we do. We are constantly patronised by the BBC who have no clue about the real world of work, and who look down their noses at us whilst focussing on a few multimillionaire actors who like to tell us what to think before retreating to their security-enclosed mansions.
Not BBC, but work related and indicative of the Bubble World.
Last week I spent a day at a meeting for the company I work for that is used as an opportunity to get everyone across the UK into the same room to discuss business, or not as it turned out. It was quickly confirmed to me that on the face of it (I.e until the proverbial hits the fan and grafters with experience and common sense are needed) the workplace I inhabit is no place for old men or women. And I don’t even consider myself to be old, lots of loud voices spouting the sort of dopey non outcomes based ideas one expects to hear on the bbc. A very obviously gay employee who literally, not metaphorically, only used words like diversity and inclusion or talked about his husband (was it me or was it very deliberate on his part)when given a microphone Honestly no other person privately or publicly mentioned their husband, wife or partner in the time I was there except him. In fact at one point after his diversity speech the facilitator said how wonderful he was and she could definitely hear applause as a result of his wonderful words……which meant people then felt forced to clap. Hearteningly many didn’t though. A colleague handing out rainbow lanyards who faced rejection for possibly the first time inhis life when I politely declined his offer. Another colleague in an open session suggesting that as we’re a large company we should be telling BMW and the VW Group to make only electric cars for us or else we’ll take our business elsewhere. And that one got applauded! Honestly it’s like listening to children, and really how big does a company have to be before BMW and VW will acquiesce to such a massive demand? I don’t know the answer but I’m guessing few if any of us on here work for anyone that big and I’m visualising the guy in company car sales chuckling as he puts the phone down and says to his colleagues “you’ll never guess what they want” before filling in the paperwork for a couple of hundred diesel 3 series BMWs for an international car rental firm.
Sorry for the off topic rant but I wanted to share, don’t worry about me I’ll just keep on keeping my head down and working instead of wasting time on blue sky thinking and pie in the sky employee groups
I got sent by my work to a local business “networking” event (i.e. not working). It was a celebration of successful new businesses but it quickly became clear to me that I had actually been sent to a religious service where the god of climate change and Greta the messiah were worshipped. Every speaker had that look of fanaticism on their face whilst wibbling on about what we could do to prevent the climate emergency.
I left before the actual networking because I was sure I had “unbeliever” tattooed on my forehead. Or someone might have spotted my rolling eyeballs during the sermons.
We’ve got another longer event within the next couple of months too. The agenda suggests it’s going to be even less work focussed but due to the fact it’s the company I work for and not me being sent to a meeting I have to at least look engaged and my options for an early exit are slim to none.
The Double Glazing industry’s products are so hideously white too.
I bet they use fossil fuels as well.
BBC Online News:
“Irish general election: Sinn Féin tops first preference poll”
“Ms McDonald (Sinn Fein) said this election was about “change”.”
Not once in this lengthy article have the BBC mentioned the strong historical links between the IRA and Sinn Fein. Note that Sinn Fein policiies are very similar to ‘money tree’ Labour with the addition of unifying Ireland.
I see the media is banging on about the new film “Parasite”.
I have not seen it or any trailer yet , is it an epic work about Al Beeb and the Telly Tax?
It won the ‘who can we vote for to show we’re multicultural’ Oscar.
Absolutely – only commenting because I watched it in the US and it was an absolute wankfest for the BBC. Highly diverse, so the comments about having few women/coloured nominees fell a bit flat. It didn’t seem anywhere near as glitzy/glamourous as usual (that will lose them viewers – it’s already tanking), and I think there were quite a few notable absentees. It is probably normal, but v boring when the same films are nominated in most categories.
They had a DJ, rapping presenter (for da youf), wheelchair using choir member, and ageing rapper Eminem with his trousers hanging half down his arse. Rebel!! The audience clapped and sang along like seals. Not too much virtue signalling but please, no more Oscars for Phoenix! Awkward gaps and fiddling with his face – the trauma he’s going through!
Best moments – one presenter forgot the name of the conductor she was introducing – lol. Penelope Cruz looked beautiful. And best of all Elton and Bernie won the song Oscar – it’s ok cos it ticks a box, but that was the right result and I stood up and cheered. It’s a crime that Rocketman wasn’t nominated for anything…I think maybe it was too gay and debaucherous for Hollywood and America to acknowledge.
So Saturday night, with the appalling weather just starting, I thought I’d enjoy a night in. I loaded the log burner, opened a decent bottle and settled down to watch a recorded edition of Inspector Montalbano.
Now, in my innocence, I thought this was going to be something like Morse, but with nicer weather and some hot Italian totty. What a let down!
It started with Montalbano being called to the coast because a boat load of “refugees” was entering port and one of them had jumped in the drink.
On the beach the Inspector’s oppo’ says something like “We’ll have to find him, he could be ISIS.” This led to a long rant by Montalbano insisting that the poor refugee was only entering Europe to avoid torture, famine and murder and to stop with all this nonsensical far right rhetoric.” Okay, the alarm bells had started to ring, but not loudly enough…
The next scene he’s by the boat and the asylum seekers are being led off when one of them makes a break for it…and this is where the sublime becomes the bleedin’ ridiculous. The bloke’s immediately recaptured and when he’s presented to Montalbano we can see he’s an old fellow and he’s carrying a flute. “Hey” exclaims the inspector, “I remember seeing you in Milan last year. You were the chief flutist in the Milan Philharmonic Orchestra…what happened?” There follows a tragic tale of his brother being taken ill, the flutist returning to Camel Dung Central and being tortured and escaping. Ye gods…
Yes, I should have said to hell with it, however, I didn’t…
In the next scene the body of the lad who jumped in the sea is washed up on the beach and a doctor, Montalbano and (for some reason) Monty’s missus are all standing on the sands by the deceased.
Later Monty’s wife says “I’m so impressed with that doctor. He seems like a really good man.” To which our detective replies, “Good? He’s one of the most wonderful men I’ve ever met. He’s a superb doctor, he’s the finest I’ve ever come across, we’re so lucky to have him. He’s from Tunisia…” Ffs, if you hadn’t got the picture by this time…
In the last scene that I managed to stomach, Monty was in the police station and was met by his desk sergeant. The fellow was sobbing and out of control. Between his choking sobs we heard the tragic tale of a young refugee woman who had come in on the boat and been pregnant. The journey had been so difficult and her treatment so harsh that she lost the baby, despite the heroic efforts of the medical team…and no doubt the Tunisian doctor…
I lasted nearly 25 minutes…so almost a quarter of the way through this utter tripe and In that time there had been no detective story to speak of just a series of PC fables rather clumsily cobbled together and disguised as drama. It was pathetic and an insult to one’s sense of credibility.
The BBC keep telling us they’re strapped for cash and yet they find the money (our money!!) to spend on this puerile and propagandist tosh.
I just don’t understand it…
I totally agree !
I just don’t pay the Telly Tax.
Montalbano is now in its eighth series and I have been watching them for years but I bailed out of the episode you described when the immigrant boat docked as I knew it would be full to the gunnels of Wokist crap. The author of the Montalbano books recently died but he had a pro migrant streak in several of his stories and the inspector was frequently the poor oppressed and exploited migrants best friend but usually not to the extent of the whole story being about migrants.
I used to find the Scandi Noir series much less obsessed with diversity than the BBC but in recent years the Wokist lovecaffair with diversity has ineffected these programmes too. Now they are just as bad as the BBC and not worth watching. Only the recent offering from Norway , I forget the title, was more or less free from Wokism and was a good watch as a result.
Jeff.. I wish you a full recovery from your appalling experience. I hope that you don’t get flashbacks If you find yourself feeling sorry for Swinson getting the boot .Get help immediately…
I hadn’t realised that Montalbano was in its EIGHTH series !! I love scandi thrillers too, but am not averse to sub titled from elsewhere in Europe. I watched half an hour of Montalbano a couple of years ago and gave up, thinking I had switched on to a comedy programme, it was more like Inspector Clouseau , and like Jeff, imagined it was going to be a series detective series. No more.
We have Italian friends and they don’t watch Montalbano because it is so ridiculous.
We do watch it, partly because it occupies the slot used by quality stuff like Spiral and partly because there is nothing better on the whole of Freeview.
Montalbano has many mysteries, like how come in the titles the houses are built on top of each other yet in the story half of it is set in the country and nowhere on the island is there any traffic, apart from Montalbano’s car? How come that Montalbano has worked there for twenty-odd years but has no local knowledge apart from the sea food restaurant that looks like a Blackpool ‘caff’ with its tatty chairs?
The stories are so convoluted that even Montalbano has forgotten what he is looking for, which is probably why half the time the ‘baddy’ escapes!
I understand though that the series has been quite good for attracting tourists to Sicily. The next programme series in this ‘slot’ has been sponsored by Plaid Cymru in an effort to persuade the English that Wales is bleak and overcast and populated by the terminally depressed.
I was in Genoa last year and visited the Maritime Museum. One whole floor was dedicated to telling the story of Italian emigrants going to the United States. Very interesting although aimed at school kids. Then we reached the end of the exhibition when we were asked to imagine new immigrants to Italy, like those Italians going to America and if there were any in ‘our’ class, how did they feel? And if we were newly arrived in Italy, what positive stories did we have to tell? (I don’t think they meant us arriving from Luton airport). I can only guess the whole thing had been funded by Soros or the EU. The BBC would have been proud of the production and far better funded than the rest of the museum.
That’ll be America with the wide open spaces then, and the immigrants embracing the Constitution and opportunities to contribute to a great country. If they didn’t work, they didn’t eat after the first week. Sorry, can’t see the similarity to today’s immigration
Thank you for that Jeff. I’ve never watched it and I now never will.
I have just caught the end of BBC Breakfast. Their correspondent at the Oscars was Sophie Long.
She was wearing an off the shoulder dress. While it looked lovely where did she think she was, the House of Commons !
love to all
What about that Lurch lookalike they sent?
“Vanity Fair – The Oscars 2020 Went Thrillingly Off Script”
They really didn’t, loves…
Another contender for the ‘you can’t make it up’ awards.
At the end of the Toady 8am news, there was a story about some old writings from the 1810s found in Wakefield Library.
Now this does not immediately sound like a major news item, so I wonder why the BBC news team selected it?
Surely must portray BAME, LGBT, disability in a positive light ?
Give that man/woman/indeterminate a banana.
The writings displayed tolerance and understanding of homosexuality. The ‘news’ is we were more enlightened than might be assumed back in the early 19th century.
Yep, that classes as a major news story for the right-on far left BBC.
Voters in Blythe Valley will no doubt instantly want to move back to Jezza.
So last night Mrs Woolwich turned Countryfile on in order to catch their comprehensive weather forecast for the week ahead. Unfortunately she went early so we sat through a couple of articles before the main event. First was a young farmer who had diversified (great use of the word bbc, bravo) his business by setting up a milk round using glass bottles. Why did you do this? asked the presenter. Because I saw David Attenborough (CHECK) talking about plastic (CHECK) and the damage it does to the environment (CHECK) and decided it was a good idea. Not once though did the presenter question the use of a fossil fueled powered van to transport the milk, nor did he comment on the extra fuel that was being burned due to the ratio of glass weight to milk weight being far heavier than if he was delivering lightweight plastic bottles.
We then moved to another farmer who was selling sustainably farmed (CHECK) full English breakfasts in compostable (CHECK) packaging. However that was brushed aside in favour of the granola he produces. His motivation behind it apparently being that it’s the healthy option (CHECK) to the full English. The segment closed with the presenter sat on a fence (there’s a first) eating granola and extolling the virtues of these new businesses as they have been built on the successful use of apps which means they link young people (CHECK) to the farm gate, which can only be a good thing (CHECK).
So in summary, diversity, Attenborough, plastic, environment, sustainability, environment, anti meat, young people, and an opinion (it can surely only be a good thing) presented as fact.
Either I’m getting more paranoid or better at spotting it all or it actually is insidious. Why can’t we have a programme where the presenters just observe and not be obsessed with creating constant links to environmental activism. It’s no longer good enough to see a farmer or country folk doing something because that’s what they do, there always has to be a “reason”, and that reason has to be a 21st Century media bubble cause celebre.
Sadly you must have missed the ‘stalking’, a rare insight into the nitty-gritty of red deer culling – with neither nitty nor gritty involved, in case the children were watching. This in-depth and valued assessment was conducted between the middle-aged woman presenter who actually fired a full-bore rifle – even if fitted with a relatively cheap and entirely unsuitable Japanese scope – at a paper target. Her enterprise was helped by a ghillie who evidently prefers binoculars to the traditional and more precise telescope, and whose gaiters were well past any level of usefulness…..and, after a diligent search, the only female Highland ‘stalker’ who evidently believed that deer would not spot her long hair blowing in the wind.
I live the way they use Dalek Technology to get their special reporter across ploughed fields!
Is Mrs Woolwich black ? if not why not ? makes you a racist
Genuine lol moment there Darcy. I do regularly send texts to a couple of my mates bemoaning the shops and services I can’t use because myself or my wife aren’t the right colour. Latest on the no shop list is Marks And Spencer who it appears don’t want my money if I’m in the market for a pair of jeans.
Woolwich I bet it’s a very long list! Looks like I’m going to have to go to the shops to get Mrs ND’s Valentines card this year as both the main online card providers have gone onto my list.I suppose it was just too good an opportunity for the virtue signalers and the PC brigade in the advertising industry to turn down.
Nodding Dog, yes I had to scratch them off my list last week too 🙂
It is indeed a very long list (Pandora jewellery came off at the weekend, my wife’s the wrong colour, but even if she was the right colour the fact that I’m a man and not her girlfriend means they can’t take my money) and I think i must be sending a minimum of 4 texts a week comprised of my attempts at comedically adding another company to the list of where not to buy. Center Parks did me a favour as their breaks cost many hundreds of pounds anyway.
May I recommend to one and all a company that do beautiful e-
Myself and Mr Kitty use them all the time as we live in France and find cards very expensive here. You pay a fee for one or two years and send as many as you like.
May I recommend to one and all a company that do beautiful e-
Myself and Mr Kitty use them all the time as we live in France and find cards very expensive here. You pay a fee for one or two years and send as many as you like.
Twice as good
You can’t have the types of programme that you describe on the BBC – all their output is about nothing but agendas. You will have to find another broadcaster. All the others in the Former UK (and elsewhere) are much the same. We need a Breitbart, or a Fox that we can tune in to. Most people would, which is why the BBC et al will make darn sure it’ll never happen…
You can’t have the types of programme that you describe on the BBC – all their output is about nothing but agendas. You will have to find another broadcaster. All the others in the Former UK (and elsewhere) are much the same. We need a Breitbart, or a Fox that we can tune in to. Most people would, which is why the BBC et al will make darn sure it’ll never happen…
Update: This website infuriates me – when one posts, it takes ages to do so. Then nothing happens, and you think you’ve failed, so you post again. Sometimes you’re told that “you’ve already said that”, but often not. Then when you refresh you find that you’ve posted twice (or more). I don’t experience this elsewhere…
ITV new channel issurprisingly good at providing news without hiding muslim rapists and promoting black people and hiding them when they stab people
It has long been clear how stupid the bbc likes to pretend the bbc audience is, but they can still impress…
BBC News
“Huawei is a privately-owned company, nothing to do with the Chinese government.”
Nothing quite like running state media #prasnews quotes as headlines to show true impartiality.
Another quote to win the day. One for the petition?
“Without VD, I may have to deal drugs back in Jamaica”
VD so on a roll today. I sense her being put forward for a Baronecessity by Stevo Laurence Snr.
something about those eyes
“Huawei is a privately-owned company, nothing to do with the Chinese government.”
To use a Cathay Newman . What you are saying is It is a little bit like all those privately run casinos and “legit” companies the Mafia used to run in the sixties and seventies.
sorry for repetition, but cannot help but provide clear evidence of bbc reporting a few hundred on Jan 31 Brexit day, I will leave it to you to decide if that was honest reporting
Britain has left the EU, more than three years and three prime ministers after it voted out.
It’s been a political rollercoaster full of twists and turns, and a journey which can be tracked by what people said at the time.
Some have aged better than others, but here are a few of the key quotes from before the referendum until Brexit day.
Getty Images
When your neighbour’s house is on fire, your first impulse should be to help them to put out the flames – not least to stop the flames reaching your own house
David Cameron, October 2011
On a BBC point I accidentally switched on Doctor Who this weekend. It really has got bad. I managed 30 seconds of wokeness with all tick boxed diversity included before thinking where’s the script? Do they just use check lists or five year olds now?
Well. I would not like to be the insurer of the Tardis after her little trip and problems parking
gb123, did you miss out the word ‘scriptwriter’ or ‘producer’ from your final sentence after the word ‘olds’?
If it was written and produced by five year olds, I think you might see an improvement to the current Doctor Who.
It would have lots of monsters, spacecraft, aliens, ‘olden times’, princesses with clever ideas, knights on horseback, cavemen and the good Doctor wondering where he was, which bit of history and ‘trouble’ he and his companions were in and how he could get back to the TARDIS.
Pretty much like Doctor Who was in the ‘olden times’ of the 1960s. 🙂
TARDIS “Transgender And Racial Diversity In Space”
A blue police box used to spread the politically correct woke trademark of the BBC and New Scotland Yard throughout time and space.
Richard! LOL x10!!
Brilliant post.
Sometimes the bias of the BBC really leads to madness . It has a motoring programme on BBC2 which used to yield a big lot of money on overseas sales – I think it may have been as much as £100 million .
Then it sacked the cast and killed it . Now – it’s reported it’s to be moved to BBC 1 to reach younger audiences .
But – the BBC doesn’t like cars – we shouldn’t drive . We should all ride push bikes like proper snowflakes .
So that’s the madness . Like cars – hate cars . But burn that diesel …
What it got rid of was talent and is desperatly trying to replace it withouth the talent how many black people are they trying to recruit ? there are many muzzies selling cars …..I can see a programme here muzzie criminals trying to sell a duff car and then off to the mosque to talk to god
Because we have a minority criminal culture that rape assualt and generally attack us and hide behind “religion” about time this so called religion is categorised as a pilitcal terrtorist organisastion
Plus that constant promoting of their own programmes as they did on Breakfast this morning …..Top Gear presenters ? …don’t even know their names . The original series was becoming pretty dire though must have cost thousands with all the damage the 3 muppets caused ….of course the bottomless pit payed for that !
Must. Resist. Commenting.
Today Propaganda
In his new book Paul Krugman discusses what he refers to as ‘zombie ideas’. These are concepts he says have been proven wrong by experience or science, but still persist.
Globally, what’s the biggest zombie idea in his opinion?
???? https://bbc.in/2w7STQ1
experience and science, they have f’cked up a few times, I prefer werewolves and vampires, there seems to be an appreciation of zombies in the msm which seems to be at odds with their veggie thing, you know the new the veggies that think they can charge you 7 pounds for some beans in some bread because they call it a burger ? F off oh dear its like the homophobic, racist sexist muslims that appear to bo SO offended whllst stabbing brits, stoninnig women to death for hvanfg sex.and throwing homosexuals off buildings hmm oh dear the police and general populatio n should be SO careful not to offend these they bring so much to this country like raping 12 year olds
Guest I heard the interview and what example did the Beeboid want to use….Brexit..to be fair Paul didnt agree..but did add he thought Brexit was stupid idea…so assuring future spots on the BBC
Kids today… what are they li… do they need to know?
Why is the failing BBC trying to lure so many employable youngsters into a dead end?
A fat c=nt and a welsh deprssed fat c@nt well done bbc
Well said …..talentless non entities….they will go far far away hopefully
It would appear that the cowardly useless incompetent Tories do not think their party is far enough to the left and according to David Liddington one of the Marxist Theresa Mays failings was that she did not reach out for some reprochment with Corbyn’s Labour party!
What a prize twonk! If this had happened it is likely Corbyn would have become PM, and although the cowardly useless incompetent Tories would have still been able to enjoy their claret fuelled luncheons in the members dining room they would have sold the rest of us down the river in a heartbeat.
What they should have done given the strength of feeling in the country is to have reached out to Nigel Farage and UKIP before the brexit party was formed. It was as a result of Mays lurch to the far left that the BP came into existance and threatened the Tory majority. It was solely because the Tories knew they would lose the election if they kept Marxist May that they finally had to put down the knives & forks and wine glasses and oust her.
It really does speak volumes about how utterly misguided this party really is.
Aint diversty wonderful?
Livid Good Morning Britain viewers furiously blast Birmingham academic over RAF ‘war crime’ row with Piers Morgan
Antarctica temperatures scary scary
As we mentioned on Saturday
The Times : ‘The peninsula Esperanza Base temp was 18.3 nearby Thwaites glacier which is melting”
“nearby” FFS the two places are a minimum of 2,500Km apart
(BTW the article is sourced from Greenpeace)
Tony Heller has a new video
That is in the comments of Notalot
Nish! And KGM! Together! In one room!
Oh, how no one laughed.
Timing is important.
Not BBC but state broadcaster C4 partly commissioned the Asian David Copperfield ( not a spoof ) which was being plugged by snowflakes …. the trailer was enough to shock me but I’d did laugh out loud in an empty cinema .
Anyway – I checked on it’s’ box office. . So far it has taken 5 million ? Surprised ? Well the hitch is it cost £15 million to make . Get woke go broke .
I suppose the schools dragged their kids too it but I think they don’t have to pay … free brainwashing
Next time it’s davina copperfield
Best news I’ve heard today Fed ! I’m wondering if the director Armando Iannucci has anything to do with the above mentioned Inspector Montalbano – another rubbish production ! Hopefully he’ll have trouble finding backers for his next diversity filled project.
Armando Iannucci is also a behind the new sci fi HBO comedy showing on Sky, Avenue 5. I wasn’t going to watch it as the trailer I saw was very much, man = fool, woman = clever but I took the hit and not only is it drily funny but it’s not nearly as woke as I was expecting. Sure there’s an imbalance of women in positions of power to men, and the men’s characters on the whole are played for laughs more, but it’s not too jarring and everyone Is prone to stupidity and getting things wrong so it’s not a show that leaves that horrible sour taste in the mouth.
I’m sure he’s still very woke but who knows, maybe Armando Ianucci is reigning the agenda in a bit.
Sorry Woolwich, I had high hopes for that too, but I gave up after 15 minutes.
paki copperfield what next ? I will restrain myself….or maybe not, white immigrant grooming gangs abusing 12 year old children?
Guest I heard the interview and what example did the Beeboid want to use….Brexit..to be fair Paul didnt agree..but did add he thought Brexit was stupid idea…so assuring future spots on the BBC
It is informing that C4 is promoting illegal immigrants into Dover with their ad
All come to here no need for a passport just get here,, there is a house here is your money and we will all get onto a train at 6 am and go to work to look after you by paying 25% of our salary and if you can get off your fat lazy arses there is a white girl to rape
I genuinely felt annoyed the first time I saw that between shows ident. Apparently it’s been going for a few years.
BBC R4 Morning topics:
HRT Medicine shortage in the UK but not in the rest of Europe – obviously because of Brexit.
Northern Ireland may decide to Unify with the South and leave the UK so says Tony Blairs ex sidekick – obviously because of Brexit.
If NI leaves the UK then only right to allow Scotland to leave if they want to – obviously because of Brexit.
I’ll leave you all to draw your own conclusions….
Where’s the HRT meds made? The US, Uk, Europe? I’ll bet they didn’t mention it in the show, I’ll bet if it’s either of the former they would deliberately omit the information and if it’s Europe they would have named the company, the city and the plant.
“Syphilis and gonorrhoea infections at an all time high…..”
“Congratulations to the Department for Education! Since the introduction of statutory Sex Education in 1993, they have managed to push STI rates amongst teenagers from almost zero, to accounting now for almost half of all new infections.”
Well, well! how surprising.
Let’s not forget the role of our Marxist State Broadcaster in condoning and cajoling this state of affairs.
I dread to think what the headlines will read in 20/25 years time when the BABC’s current encouragement to ‘transition’ and all the rest of the lies work its way through the lives of current children.
Regrettably, the sort of Marxist poison that the BABC are excellent at disseminating will never come home to roost in their Communist nest.
I couldn’t agree more.
If all else fails he could join the bBC.
(Get ’em while they’re young)
Speak of which…
Ten years ago two out of three schoolchildren weren’t ‘ethnics’?
“Inspired by Street News, a newspaper sold by homeless people in New York, The Big Issue was founded in 1991 by John Bird and Gordon Roddick as a response to the increasing numbers of homeless people in London.”
We have been so successful in ‘getting the homeless off the streets’ (apparently) that we have had to import ‘The Big Issue’ sellers from Eastern Europe. (Who will sell ‘The Big Issue’ post-Brexit? We should be told!)
So ten years ago only 1 child in 3 was ethnic ? that’s 2010 then, what rubbish. Even 20 years ago at the turn of the Millenium, I remember the comments when the BBC would show London schools at the time of A levels being announced, and it was always ethnic children being interviewed. And the ratio was definitely more than 1 in 3 even at that time !
Starmer was preaching to three children, one was a horse and two were dogs born in a stable!
In Starmer’s ‘good old days’ when ‘there were no homeless on the streets’ I can only assume there must have been no dogs displacing horses from the stables.
“Ruby Williams: No child with afro hair should suffer like me”
‘A pupil who was repeatedly sent home from school because of her afro hair wants to make sure it doesn’t happen to any other UK schoolchild.
Ruby Williams received £8,500 in an out-of-court settlement after her family took legal action against The Urswick School in east London.
She was told her hair breached policy, which stated that “afro style hair must be of reasonable size and length”.’
So that’s eight-and-a-half grand of tax payer cash well spent. Did the school (CofE, state-funded & achingly multiculticulty*) imagine for one moment their dress code could be enforced against the race card?
*’We are a Christian school, not just a school for Christians. Christopher Urswick founded free education in Hackney in 1520….
….we have over 200 Muslim students, for example.’
Good grief what complete utter **** and waste of money!
Can you imagine sitting behind something like that in class?
I bet the other pupils really couldn’t see past her and looking at the photos on the school site they are obviously pro-diversity, with plenty of “colourful” pupils and lots of different hairstyles (who cares if someone else’s hair reaches down to their hips – not exactly blocking out the sun is it?)
Photo of last year’s graduation class:
What a happy family:
Only BBC could plug something like this …
I saw ‘a lady of colour’ on TV the other day and she had more hair than would fit on her head – Afro gone mad!
Then the thought struck me, African-African ladies generally have short hair.
It was on Coast.
If you have African hair you can unweave the tight curls and end up massive afro like she has.
At least the show had a few white presenters.