How will the BBC continue to report the ongoing pandemic ? Play the blame game ? Concentrate of failures ? Tell us with glee how other countries are better than us ? Take your pick …meanwhile the consultation on the funding of the BBC has about 2 weeks to go – here is the link to the Government site .
And these are the questions in the suggested ‘structured ‘ reply
( which you will find if you go through the consultation );
Why do you consider that the TV licence evasion should no longer be criminal offence?
If you have a view, what alternative enforcement scheme models do you consider to be most appropriate? Why?
What steps could the Government take to mitigate any impacts that may result from decriminalisation of TV licence evasion?
Lots of people just want the BBC gone – but this is , perhaps , a first step …
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 4 started at 11am Fri just 1 hour before this new thread
– page 3 started 2:30pm Thu … page 2
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So say the BBC tweeted something stupid … and someone replied pointing out the error ..all you need to do is post that reply tweet here.
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Or try viewing via Inoreader, cos that lets you arrange posts in chronological order and without pics
I don’t believe it….
3rd. No Cigar.
For a bit of light relief – TV licencing has redesigned its threatening letters. It’s now sending out a sort of ‘slip’ like one of those cards which the Post Office put through your door …
The only clue to it being from Capita is the ‘darlington’ address. The recipient is invited to open the slip then you have the threat of ‘escalation’ should a licence not be taken out by a certain date .
I beg to report that the ‘slip’ does not make a satisfactory replacement for the much sought after toilet rolls .
It is hard to imagine that someone somewhere is paid money to come up with such a thing .
I had one of those last week, and commented on it here!
I ‘love’ those ‘handwritten’ boxes, as if the Capita TV Inspector had actually knocked on the door so was ‘in the area’ and likely to pounce at any moment.
You have to give it to these guys, their level of creativity is streets aheads of Nish and his mates!
Surely special measures need to be taken to protect the
thuggish commission salesmen with no additional rights compared to ordinary citizensCapita TV Inspectors so they are not at risk of contracting Covid-19? It is important that the BBC’s revenue stream is protected.Here’s a suggestion:
Why not put a small notice in the window announcing the house is in self quarantine?
That should keep them away for a few months.
It is absurd that the BBC expects viewers to pay for its content that has been broadcast uncoded over the air. Its like me shouting out a story in the public square, and then expecting passersby to pay having listened to it.
If the BBC wants payment, they should code their content as SKY does.
The BBC should be privatised as BT was, with safeguards. Then the BBC can pay a license to the public purse for transmitting over the radio spectrum. Receiving un-coded radio waves should never have a cost attached to it.
Jim – yes I recall the ‘red’ thingy . Maybe the next version will have a free badge with it haven’t got a TV licence ‘on it – to be worn with pride…
Perhaps a pensioner protest outside the Capita Darlington office could be organised. Of course everyone of any age would be invited to show solidarity with the pensioners and over 75’s who are about to be oppressed by the BBC . All Capita employees should be ashamed of acting as the enforcement arm of the foul corporation and their moral bankruptcy must be shown to the world.
No illness here (yet) but I’m going to spend a week or so staying safe inside the house, especially rather than sending the kids to school to do little other than collect disease.
Gotta focus on the positives:
1) Working from home will save a bit of money between the lunches and petrol money saved
2) Buying shares when the FTSE finally dips to 4000 will set you up well for later years
3) Just checked on flights, $180 each way transatlantic. And I’m not a cruise sort of person but I’m tempted to go see Alaska at the prices I’m seeing.
Doodle and more thoughts on the week
Scottish -ha ha – excellent – I’ve been lamenting the lack of virus orientated humour but you’ve shown happy signs of recovery ..
By the way – I definitely agree on point number 2….
For goodness sake, Fed, don’t give Soros ideas!
While the Coronavirus is underway…..
The markets have crashed.
So spare a thought for the millions of private sector workers who have seen their pension funds decimated after years if not decades of saving. Especially those on the verge of retirement whose plans over years are up in smoke over days.
Not so in the cosy public sector. All pensions rock solid safe underwritten by the rest of us. And in the case of e.g. teachers the prospect of a few weeks of extra holiday when the schools close.
Nice if you can get it.
A comparison unlikely to appear on the BBC.
Sluff, I had a weird dream last night (more like this morning before waking up) where for some peculiar reason I was running a small investment or broking firm.
The hilarious moment – as often happens in dreams – was that the main desk was outdoors and the sole, old fashioned, rotary dial telephone pinged off said desk due to an extra springy spiral cord but landed intact, with handset in place, in the middle of the road without any apparent damage. In the dream I was wanting to use it to place a buy order.
I could be very wrong on this, or slightly wrong on this, so please don’t pass it on without those qualifications but I have a suspicion that in about a month or so we may be past the peak of the Covid virus in the UK and that in two months things will be looking much better.
Then the Bull market will start. Stocks and shares may quickly go back above their previous prices at the start of this year.
Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I am absolutely F…….D OUT with the endless questions, questions, questions and the same, same, same f……… answers that the media/news channels ask of everyone who has 2 legs they can get on camera about this virus !
The number of times this morning I’ve heard “we’re getting lots of questions about……” . Well, if there is anyone left in this country who don’t know what to do or use common sense then they deserve to get the bloody virus with knobs on !
Back to an afternoon of Talking Pictures for some sanity.
Brissels, . Talking Pictures is a boon. The old films it shows are so much better than most modern films and certainly better than the Wokist rubbish the BBC produces these days. What an injustice it is that in order to watch the channel legally you have to pay the tele tax and fund the dross that seeps out of every orifice of the BBC.
Thank you, Brissles and Doubles!
Senora O’Blene and I had totally forgotten about this channel, and had been resorting to Chromecast!
Self-isolation is a pretty good way to enjoy real films which were made before the sjw, woke, snowflake ‘inspired’ rubbish, and during daily tinctures, a good laugh, (cry when Carousel comes on) at decent movies will make it all a lot better!
Double – yes I agree on that although some of the old stuff is very old ! Sony movie channel ( free) has a few british gems tucked away as well – there’s a really good one about a british regiment in India made in 1975 – as I watched it I was imagining the BBC updated version ….
Just a thought but since Coronavirus is destroying the global economy and likely to cost the livelihoods of millions in the transport and tourism sectors among others, and since the death rate is around 2% mainly affecting those with pre-existing conditions, then is there a case for just carrying on without all the histrionics and let nature take its course?
I mean, what the hell is the point of saving a person with severe dementia from coronavirus and keeping them going for a further period, incontinent, unable to communicate, with no identifiable quality of life?
In many cases it would be a blessing.
I write with the insight of many years of care experience I really would rather not have had.
I agree Sluff. Maybe this is nature’s way of depopulating an already overcrowded planet. Every so often there has been a global ‘Armageddon’ , and this could be our generation’s “third world war ” !
The moment we start to evaluate people for their utility we start to lose our essential humanity. In this time we have witnessed the huge growth of abortion and so called mercy killing .
Once we start down this road we open a box that nearly all previous civilisations and cultures have kept firmly shut.
We are the inheritors of a Christian civilisation . That civilisation shut it’s face firmly against the notion that we are only worth what our value to the culture is.
Yes I agree -the problem with applying some sort of value to existence and what someone can contribute to the ‘nation ‘ or ‘community ‘ pushes down the road to the requirement to die to ‘save resources ‘.
Im a bit guilty of it me self because I see providing resources for those sent to prison ‘for life’ a waste of resources ( and a form of torture ) because I think they should be killed by the State to save money and effort keeping them alive .
Bravo, DS.
Nock this Malthusian nonsense on the head.
Judging people by their utility is the path already advocated by remain / rejoin – as long as it’s they that determine the definition of utility.
We’ve already got one of the ‘solutions’ on slow-burner…
Pneumonia is ‘The Old Man’s Friend’, and I have actually heard an elderly friend say they’d like it to be that way!
Having watched a relative die from pneumonia – not nice …
TWaTO Watch #1 – Mark Mardell Incentivises Turning Off the BBC
“What can you do when fear and isolation are commonplace?”
Turn off the radio if tuned to BBC R4, I think is a good start. Or find another better newscaster. Wonder what will you suggest, Mark? Going to Naples to sing?
The more I see the BBC coverage of the Coronavirus (actually most of the UK and US coverage) the more contempt I have for them. The main focus is blond man bad and orange man bad. Some basic help in quelling things such as the great toilet paper mountain and the hand wash (not sanitiser) bubble would be far more useful. I suppose they just can’t stop themselves being an bunch of anagram of Newark +s .
TWatO #2 – Mark Mardell Makes Himself Look Like a Complete Idiot
Mark has just asked the question “What can we in the UK learn from how to deal with the virus from Italy?”
Er, no brainer, Mark. Don’t do it like Italy.
Mark thinks Italy shut down quickly. They didn’t. Mardell deliberately misrepresents the truth. There appears to be a BBC desire to have everything in the UK shut down by the government.
I wonder why?
The Italian contributor finishes by saying “Please, learn by our mistake.”
Up2 this is exactly what I’ve said. The journo’s are resorting to asking pathetically stupid questions, because all the ‘common sense’ ones have been asked over and over and over again.
I’ve just got one question. Can dogs get it ?
Well of course they can Briss, as long as they’re intelligent enough. What’s the question?
Bel, LOL x 5!
Na na nana na ! lol !
Brissles, my dear old thing (well it could be the cricket season soon if it isn’t cancelled due to Covid-19) the answer from Chris Smith, the virologist, yesterday was “No.” Apparently it comes from bats or something similar and humans can only send it back to whence it came. Or each other.
Mind you, the Snuffy household had a cat once upon a time. She was quite batty.
To look at her, you would think she was more owl-like but with contra-rotating ears.
Thank You, Up2. It so nice to know there’s at least one person on here I can rely on !
Two people, Brissles. I think you can depend on Chris Smith and Sir Patrick Vallance.
But not Mark Mardell. (Except when he rubbishes the Conservative Party in Government.)
Am I correct in thinking the SARS virus came from bats ? . It’s a bit like the BBC nothing learnt from past mistakes ! . Used to have an employee that had lived in China and Asia …..eating animal brains while the poor thing was still alive was a common practice ugh…..
Yesterdays R4 Adam Rutherford Virtue Signalling show
said that there is something special about bats
the way their immune system is means that they are a prime source of generating such cross over viruses
Charlie, I was looking at some pics of China the other day (cannot remember which city, might have been Wuhan) and the cityscape was taken at dusk. China has started to out-Manhattan Manhattan and out-Los Angeles LA. Incredible advances in just two decades. Yes, Chris Smith did mention bats as well as another animal.
And yet, they have the primitive beliefs that you outline. Tigers and other animals killed and eaten because of strange traditional beliefs that endow said meats with strange powers transfered to the one eating them. Same in Africa, too. The recent ebola epidemics may have had their roots in bushmeat consumption.
I find it peculiar that UK vegans and UK vegetarians should rail and rant about consumption of domesticated farm animals for food here yet they make no noise, no protests, about what is eaten in other countries.
Charlie and Stew, two of my three brain cells must have collided briefly – I have just remembered the other animal that Chris Smith, the virologist, mentioned along with bats during PM yesterday: pangolins.
Apparently their scales are valued in traditional Chinese medicine but in addition their meat is also considered to be a delicacy.
Seems like the Snuffy household could do with a pet pangolin, the old estate has a terrible ant problem with up to one foot tall anthills (both red and black ants) dotted around the place. If there are any refugee Chinese pangolins out there looking for a home and you can bear (ho ho, no pun intended) to sit out quarantine for three months, come on over. There’s a feast waiting.
Ask Captain Corelli. If I heard it right he’s got a pangolin.
🙂 Like it, good one!
“Does he practice his scales?” the music teacher asked of the Capt’s Mum.
Quiz : Vine really really likes his guest
.. It’s someone plugging their new book
.. Diversity should mean actual diversity NOT the same old London mates on all the time
.. The guest insisted on Bob Marley being played at the end.
They rved about their Guyanese parentage
.. They aren’t Diane About, nor Ash
The guest is male
Got it ?
Nope, here’s wild guess – is it the female MP who is hoping to become Labour Party deputy leader when they finally get around to deposing Jezza and Johno. Dawn Butler! Name just pinged into Snuffy’s brain. Do I win?
I fear not. Just checked Wiki.
OK. I give in.
OK, second goes allowed? David Lammy MP.
Stew hates quizzes apparently: here’s some revenge for his one.
What is wrong with the header photograph here:
The quizzes I hate are the ones that waste my time
I really do hate it when people just post a link without explaining their point.
If you have a point then just say it.
It’s the equivalent of Rik Mayall’s character standing with his hands on his hips sneering.
Wot?! Like Mardell? 🙂 *
Stew, you should win my quiz easily!
(Am with you on disliking unexplained links. Would you have a recent bridge builder in mind?)
(* Actually the hands on hips might be a bit of a prob for MM. Sneering, however, would be up to Olympic standard.)
No-one got it yet? It’s dead easy.
Having typed the word ‘green’ in a more recent post on this Thread, I thought I’d check to see if anyone had spotted the BBC booboo. I cannot believe that the RHS made such an obvious mistake, it was probably a BBC Picture Editor.
As you are all sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for the great reveal of the answer to ‘what is wrong with the header photo?’
No? Really?
It is the wrong beetle. The Blue Alder Leaf beetle is indeed blue. The beetle in the photo is almost certainly a Mint Leaf beetle [Chrysolina herbacea (formerly Chrysolina menthastri)] or possibly a Blue Mint beetle (Chrysolina coerulans). Both are different to, or from if you prefer, the Blue Alder Leaf beetle (Agelastica alni). is a wonderful, if occasionally annoyingly incomplete, web-site.
Hasn’t that Alder Leaf beetle got a wonderful Latin name? I like that.
Except I think my personal Agelastica has snapped. Euuuuggghh! I do not like this ageing game. Let’s play a different one.
The glove fallacy
Sure the staff wear gloves when they serve you
Then they take your money that you have just had in your pocket with your dirty handkerchief.
…. Then they move on making the next guys sandwich
and thus pass him your viruses.
See wearing gloves is not a magic alternative for proper handwashing.
… If coins have copper on then bugs don’t survive on them long.
Ha He took one of those genetic ancestry tests
.. but seems he has failed to read the smallprint about them not being very accurate.
He says he feels for the fens cos he was given a Peterborough chorister scholarship.
says that today society is not as safe as it used to be.
Vine fails to ask him if that has something to do with the 10 years of Labour government that Lammy served in in the tail end.
He just suggested that people from Sunderland never mix with other UK people unless they go to university.
Sounding very different to the hatey-race-baiter Lammy on Twitter
He suggested a national youth volunteer service.
He apologised for some bad tweets
like against Laura Kuenessberg
and said such tweets are heavier on women
… em saying that, is not equality is it ?
Oh he said it’s OK to be nasty to Trump and Farage on twitter
cos they can take it
I have seen cafe owners/workers ask a colleague to take money at the till or if none available, take off the sandwich making glove to take the money and work the till one handed. Not always. Not often.
Is it copper that kills germs or silver? Seem to recall silver impregnated socks were ‘a thing’ for all of twenty minutes a couple of years back. Now, I think, it is silver impregnated underwear for cyclists.
AFAIK both copper & silver
..a chemist will explain soon I guess
I remember being told by a bank clerk in a particular branch about one of their customers. She was an old lady customer who always asked for new notes when withdrawing cash. This was before decimalisation and long before ‘plastic’ notes. If she could not be given new notes, she would put on gloves from her handbag before taking the notes and leaving the branch.
Somehow (cannot remember how, now) the Bank got to learn that this old lady would, when she reached home, take the used notes from her bag and wash them and hang them on a line to dry. Then, when dry, she would iron them flat.
Mind you, ten shillings (50p) used to be worth something once upon a time.
I knew a bloke who showed me a way to make a pound note the size of a postage stamp!
All he did was scrunch it in his mitt for a few minutes, and indeed, all the stuffing came out and the note got smaller and smaller!
I didn’t ask him to do that to my pocket money though, I needed that pound for eight pints in 1967…
Having posted the above, I seem to recall that silver was dropped from UK coins in the 1980s when the Royal Mint found a way to give nickel a gloss.
This was mentioned briefly on, I think, LBC early this morning. Has the racist far-left bbc reported that at least one British serviceman has been killed by muslims in iraq:
£700K a year and Vine doesn’t know how to use reverse image search
The image used against Boris Covid19 actions today
is actually from a #ClimateStrike Munich, Sep. 20th 2019,
The thing is that the Government IS taking the advice of those scientists who are paid to give it.
All those touchline internationals at the bbc and elsewhere who are criticising BJ and DT should appreciate that if this country had borders that were completely closed then Covid-19 would not exist here – same for the USA.
As things stand, up until today there were more reported cases on 1 ship then there were in the whole of the UK.
It looks likely that our total number of reported cases will tick over the 1,000 mark either today or tomorrow but we are still a long way behind Italy and Spain which both reported their first case on the same day as the UK and also a long way behind France and Germany who both reported their first cases a few days before us.
As at today cases in each country per 1Million of population were:
USA – 5
UK – 12
Germany – 37
France – 44
Spain – 90
Italy – 250
The figures that I have seen put the worldwide death rate at 7% of closed cases – nowhere near the 40% I’ve seen quoted on here but very worrying nonetheless.
9% of “open” (i.e. neither died nor recovered) cases are classified as serious or critical.
All the above figures ignores cases that haven’t been reported so hopefully that factor dilutes the seriousness to some extent.
The trouble with the lefty critics is that they have neither common sense nor imagination and they think that we are the same. In their ideal world, the Government would be a labour one and it would tell them exactly what to do and ban everything, Corbyn would have us all under house arrest by now.
Contributors to this site would rather use common sense than be told what to do. We will avoid licking door handles, being at close quarters with strangers and coming into contact with elderly or sick friends and relations.
Stay well everyone.
There is a big difference between SCIENCEtist says
and SCIENCE says
The former is the Fallacy of Appeal to Authority
A whole Camel? Those Docs must have had bulging biceps!
That reminded me, as a child when mother took me to the doctors (1950’s) , she would take issue with him that he was sat puffing away in his chair, yet in the waiting room there was a No Smoking sign !!!
Brissles, did you get to peep in the deep bottom drawer of the GP’s desk? See if there was any 12 year old malt or ‘Mothers Ruin’ in there?
When I were a lad we expected the doctor to be tipsy. He just always was, and he stunk of it. It didn’t seem to make him any the less efficacious. He was a marvellously compassionate man.
Many years later my family had an elderly dentist who was an alcoholic. The kids quite liked going to see him because he was such fun. Unfortunately he killed a patient with gas so he packed it in. The replacement was a very young man who suffered from his nerves. He was technically very good but he had to keep nipping out the back for a fag. He didn’t last long.
@Andy from yesterday the basis of the UK case count changed
There was the realworld case count and there was the recognised tested case count.
However, they don’t have the ability to check 40 million people’s blood, so most possible case people are told to isolate themselves for 7 days
As a result the recognised tested case count will diverge massively from the real world case count.
Yesterday they guessed the realworld case count was 10K
It might be 15K or 20K today ..who knows ?
Only when the death count is consistently falling will be sure that the realworld case count is also falling.
“The government has announced that May’s local and mayoral elections in England will be postponed for a year due to the coronavirus outbreak.”
Looks like Rory is gonna miss out for a year .
Good news at last.
“Brexit: EU drafts trade deal ahead of talks with UK”
We should have walked away a long time ago .
Random people chats
The director of the Gloucester Asylum seekers health centre
And a woman from the Congo who got her Asylum here and then brought her twin sons over 8 years later when they were 16
“So I go back to visit my father and mother”
.. OK you need asylum, cos the country is so dangerous
..but then you go back on holiday
..How’s that play out ?
The next thing a trailer “Girl Taken” starts next week on R4
The asylum seeker and the volunteer
“When Rob Lawrie volunteered at the Calais Jungle he didn’t think it would lead to smuggling charges: worse follows when he finds that the man he helped seems to have deceived him.”
On everylunchtime for the next 2 weeks
with omnibus editions also
Maybe connected to the true story of these soldier migrant smugglers
It is no surprise to anyone that 38 Beegees is actually just a lefty front outfit facilitating petitions for the MSM to get excited about, whilst keeping several Londoncentric ‘team’ members in the style to which they have become accustomed.
But this is above and beyond the call of rationality…
It will be interesting if such as the BBC, too often keen to push such things, might ponder their advocacy of such censorious selective holders of power to account as suggesting a bit of an ideological slant of their own?
I also wonder if this outfit gets any public funding, along with all the others doing the exact same thing.
Guest – what a bunch of…..I will be emailing them to complain. It won’t change anything but it needs saying…
This is what happened a few days ago, on 11/12 March.
Robin Priestley’s (Campaigns Director at 38 Degrees) letter to
Caroline Lévesque-Bartlett (@lalionneUK) telling her why they were closing her petition, and her reply.
My petition is not, as you put it “now actively working against a campaign that we’re running”. It’s the other way around. My petition predates the ‘Save our BBC’ petition and the older ‘Protect Our BBC’ petition. You should be supporting me because this a David against Goliath battle.
Ofcom replied
‘go back and fill in the form .. then we will ignore you properly’
Shaz left quite the legacy.
The customer service at John Lewis likely now ‘Never Knowingly Giving a Hoot’.
Some gallows humour.
This is why:
a) There is limited panic buying of toilet roll in Japan
b) We could quell the toilet roll panic with Japanese loos but we are too dumb to use them.
c) Any shortages of loo paper in Japan are caused by westerners who can’t use the loos properly.
I hope that is warm water, gb123. 🙂
I have a bidet. It’s much more hygienic than toilet paper.
These toilets are awesome ! there is even a menu of music while you ‘go’, and when not in use the bowl emits a blue sanitation light, its quite ethereal !
Can somebody tell me why the BBC’S internet default
position on the coronavirus regards to mock up pictures and true life ones is NOT to show anyone with Caucsaion features from the
United Kingdom?
Why is it every time I switch R4 on, no matter what the programme I always hear racism sexism, trans, Islamophobia or of course knock the UK particularly the Govt
Just switched on to hear some young somewhat dumb sounding people opining on corona virus and racism towards Chinese people..might I suggest anyone doing this is an idiot and does not reflect the bulk of the country…how about reflecting that percentage for a change
Does the BBC have checklist of items that must be mentioned at least once a day and shoe-horned into every topic?
May I humbly ask the good folk of China ,from the Government
to the humble peasants to be careful with their dietary habits.
Before” globalization” China was far away and the terrible
diseases they incurred through them eating ANYTHING did not
affect us.
I have been to the far east many times and know that their
dietary habits and particularly food hygiene in China is not
of the highest standard.
Would somebody kindly ask the Chinese if it was possible
for them not to slaughter wild animals like bats in their
markets and then eat them, so they can spread deadly viruses
all over the world. I don’t think that is asking too much.
So it wasn’t a bacteria that ‘escaped’ from a laboratory then ?
Interesting that Twitter pushes this tweet at me
with the words “promoted content”
It calls the papers acting in their simplistic hyperbolic way, as “hate speech” against Muslims
AFAiK .. it wasn’t right to insinuate that the girl is purely Christian cos she is her child .. and is from a family where one of her biological parent is Muslim and therefore under Islamic rules she counts as 100% Muslim.
That simplistic headline was not telling people to HATE all Muslims, but rather to consider if the court was right in placing a child who hadn’t been brought up in a religious Muslim household, .. to place her in a Muslim religious household.
That org is associated by Media Diversity Institute
.. and retweeted by StopFundingHate
which seems to be a Labour front group that uses intimidation to dictate the agendas that biz and the DaIlyMail carry.
I wonder if the money chain goes back to Soros ?
It says the European Network on Religion & Belief is a “partner”
To them questioning the halalification of UK things is “hate speech”
more examples
It goes without saying that we should not be hatey
… but such Labour front groups are often so full of hate .. as they full on black facemasks, carry big sticks, and turn up with smoke bombs to try to other people’s legal demos.demos
typos : as they pull on black facemasks,
carry big sticks,
and turn up with smoke bombs to try to stop other people’s legal demos.
To them questioning Labour trying “to own and manipulate the Muslim vote” is hate speech
An #islamophobic article on T.R. news says that there is a campaign in the UK
which “aims to get the #Muslim demographic mobilised to make sure the Muslim vote does maximum damage to the Conservative Government’.
em such articles are free speech
The reader can decide if tge writer’s evidence is good or not.
What is not desirable is that the writer should self censor and never dare ask such questions.
What do you reckon to voiding the footie season Fedup? Ours has been a mitigated disaster and I can’t wait to see the back of it ✌️
Some might say Jose might have engineered the bug to help spurs ‘ season in order to get Kane , son et al fit again to get 4th place …. do you think the season is voided I could carry on into the summer now that the Euros are gone ?
As a conspiracy theory fan I’m watching the site tonight to see is the gloomsters outdo themselves on the 39 /44/ more fatality rate from infection . I think the next step will be 110%
Also – theleft – you need to be careful with your ‘uns’????
I guess if the worst comes to worst the 2019/2020 footy season will be annulled and re run next year . On that basis Remainers will argue that the Brexit vote should go together with the 2019 General Election ….
Fedup, that conspiracy theory made me chuckle ????
Of course all season, each and every game, we don’t know what we’ve been playing for exactly so a re-run is what should happen ????
Fedup, that conspiracy theory made me chuckle ????
Of course all season, each and every game, we don’t know what we’ve been playing for exactly so a re-run is what should happen ????
The elephant in the room gathering pace is ….do the mass gatherings include Muslim prayers……..over to you Guardian and BBC.
*an unmitigated ????
Updates from Ezra in respect of TR’s multiple court cases, and more ridiculous ‘legal’ shenanigans.
LAWFARE: Tommy Robinson talks about his latest court cases
part of Ezra’s tweets
Plaintiff: Tommy said the Syrian boy isn’t a victim, he was an attacker.
Plaintiff’s lawyer cites Tommy talking about five Muslim boys attacking a teenaged Brit. Plaintiff’s lawyer says it implies the Syrian plaintiff was one of them.
Plaintiff’s lawyer: Tommy Robinson talks about various Muslim gangs in the high school.
Lawyer is arguing that those comments can be associated with Tommy’s description of the plaintiff.
Plaintiff’s lawyer: “the impression” left by Tommy is that the plaintiff was involved with all these Muslim gangs.
Tommy’s lawyer says he relies on three legal precedents that speak to the “meaning” of Tommy’s words.
Tommy’s lawyer: talks about “drilling down” into the meaning of Tommy’s words.
Too many meanings, too many words that aren’t reasonable interpretations, he says.
Tommy’s lawyer says that the Plaintiff’s lawyers have over-explained the meaning of Tommy’s words.
Tommy’s lawyer says that the you can’t import the meaning of one video into a second video.
Judge rephrases Tommy’s lawyer — says no viewer is likely to have a memory so good to import all the meaning from one video to another. Judge sounds like he wants to limit the amount of “context” brought in by the Plaintiffs.
These are fine legal details.
Tommy’s lawyer: Tommy uses very precise language to differentiate between the Syrian migrant plaintiff, and general Muslim violence in the school
. Judge nods and says yes. (Not sure if that means the judge agrees, or that he understands.)
Plaintiff’s lawyer admits there are limits to “context”.
And agrees that Tommy’s first video had many more views than the second one (a point Tommy’s lawyer made.)
I have just learned that the lawyers for the Syrian boy suing Tommy Robinson
billed £33,000 for today’s 45-minute hearing.
I kid you not. And that will be foisted on Tommy if they win.
I think as many of us as possible should donate to Tommy’s legal fund and to Ezra’s travel costs.
These muslims and their lefty apologists cannot be allowed to win.
Even I put twenty quid in.
Forget about Sport Relief.
Help Tommy.
This woman is supposed to be young?
It doesn’t say she is young
It says she’ll talk to a young reporter
Breaking : Denmark bans most foreigners, Poland bans ALL foreigners from Sunday over #coronavirus fears.
Finally governments remember what borders are for.
Trying to step back from the immediate personal threat of the new bug – for those who like borders ( like me ) I think the long term ( plus one year ) when hopefully the infection will have dissipated – will be a push back on the globalisation agenda across nations and even better – really screw the EU.
As I wrote in the preamble – I think the BBC needs to tread very carefully with the way in which it is reporting the HMG response to the bug . They sort of got away with it with Brexit but this time – it really is personal .
BBC News
A 19-year-old Guatemalan woman fell as she tried to climb the steel mesh barrier on the US-Mexico border.
She was also pregnant. Which compounds the tragedy.
That said, the bbc is trying to push this in a direction few are buying.
Guest – strange – I was looking – the other day – about how far the border wall in the states has progressed ; and it’s not that good . However -if you add the re election of Mr Trump on top of the American perception of needing to be extra safe as a result of current events methinks the wall will be finished in the next 4 years .
I was thinking of putting up dual Threads – one relating to the bug and the other relating to the BBC – but then I thought – nah – the bug embraces anything so leave it as it is …. but in ordinary times .. the dismissal of a lady black police superintendent from London’s police might have raised and eyebrow and coverage from the BBC – the guardian reports it as
‘ Police chief sacked over child sexual abuse video despite support’
And goes into a bit of detail about the less than intelligent conduct of a met pin up now looking for a job in the race industry ….
Fed, folk on here never stay on topic on special Threads. We need Pounce back to stand guard. 😉
Yes – I realise that now – I’m guilty of non BBC focus too – especially since I’m avoiding the SMS as much as I can until Easter ….
I do get Fedup /upset by reading doom and gloom comments about the impact of the bug – which I think is not going to be the end of things in the way some predict …
The PPI claims against the Chinese are going to be special , and I’m glad I’m not a bat …
You might think that in the current climate nothing else matters apart from the bug … yet today it was announced that the character who was shot dead by police last Sunday was one ‘ Hassan Yahya’ .
Now we might speculate on why Mr Yahya decided to spend a Sunday evening brandishing knives in Westminster and getting shot – but I’m sure that in BBC World it’s ‘burying bad news ‘ kind of day ….
Well they did put the name in the title
“police have said the incident was not terror-related.”
Repeatedly saying “the incident was not terror-related” will not work in the long term as no one will believe that sound-bite any more. It will become meaningless. In effect it will be ‘like crying wolf’.
No ?
I can’t quite understand our schizophrenic response to this coronavirus hysteria.
On the one hand…washed and sterilised…we’re told not to meet en mass and to avoid intimate contact. Major sporting and political events have been cancelled. We’re supposed to greet each other by touching elbows…a handshake is far too intimate… and they’re even clamouring to close down schools.
Then tonight I have a quick gander at the Beeb and they’re showing Sport Relief. There’s an audience full of lefty virtue signalers, crammed into a tiny theatre, sitting cheek by jowl and all the luvvies are pouring on stage hugging and kissing each other.
How’s that bloody healthy?
If I saw Judge Rinder puckering up to me…
You’re quite right, being anywhere near lefty virtue signallers and luvvies is extremely unhealthy – for the soul.
They should be isolated asap.
Might get a few of them to self isolate,Oh wait that means more tweets from the t wats.
The Guardian has a list of cancelled ‘cultural ‘ events ranging from Cher ( if she could back time ) to Céline Dion ( think twice ) . For those of a type there is Comedy Gold there but we’re still in the serious Phase of the illness before we hit the ‘bored’ phase in a week. …
I wonder what the reaction will be if BoJo tries to prorogue parliament on health grounds ? Enter Gina Miller and the traitors along with the less than Supreme Court …
Another angle on the origins of Coronavirus, that the beeb won’t be telling you about, namely that it escaped from the Chinese top bio-weapons lab which happens to be in… Wuhan!
Starts at 15:51
Thanks Vlad for this from World Over. China has a lot to answer
Had enough of the doom-drenched BBC.
I’ll try to self immolate… 🙂
If I get the Coronavirus I will stay indoors in self isolation . No visitors except TV Licensing who I will welcome with open arms , a good gripped handshake and big hug .
Then off to the Department against Transport , the Home Office and Foreign Office to wish them what we all want for them , then break a rule and do some good works in a Calais migrant camp .
Then to the BBC itself to discuss open borders .
Remember the ‘man’ shot dead by police in Westminster a few days ago? Who had nothing to do with terrorism… but was acting suspiciously and just happened to be carrying two knives?
Turns out his name was Hassan Yahya, the beeb can now reveal. Now that the story’s gone a bit cold, maybe.
See my entry at 2054
Great minds…
The BBC have no idea who to blame this time. Corbyn has been unusually quiet as well so they cannot go running to him either.
For all Jim Acosta fans lol
Surely, based on this, Sweeney! is a shoo-in to be embraced back into the fold?
Views his own.
If this is ‘fun’, much explained.
Tantric sex ?
OT, but XR wins twitter today.
R4. Bring on an ‘expert’ to knock the Government for doing a ‘U turn’
trouble is he didn’t agree…
Shorter than expected discussion…
The BBC are determined to add fuel to an already big fire by undermining the Government response
Why do they think every other country has it right and we are wrong?
Still it might help Boris and Dom shut BBC down quicker…
‘U-turn’ used to be media catnip.
Now few are buying such blatant stirring by pathetic editors.
No wonder the bbc sticks with it.
The BBC journalists, keen to show solidarity with the Schengen Area, are pleased that pressing Trump to include the UK in his travel ban appears to be paying off. Trump accepts that numbers have risen fast in the UK, maybe prompting a revision of his policy.
However infection rates here (12 per million) are still a fraction of those in France (56), Germany (44), Spain (112), Netherlands (47), Denmark(139), Switzerland(132), Italy (292).