Spare a thought for those biased BBC employees in departments which no longer exist such as Sport . It’s a pity other branches of the biased organisation are not extinguished as well… instead of spending their time undermining the response to the threat from the Chinese virus .
Long Weekend Thread 20 March 2020
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How the bbc got designated as ‘key’ at anything other than sowing discord is beyond me.
The Newsnight that got away with major errors on McAlpine and Savile
.. it must have major kompramat othe BB C bosses or something.
Illustrated, as ever by a bbc stock photo carefully selected.
That picture was labelled
” man, pulling a trolley filled with bottles of water, crosses a deserted street on in Milan, Italy on Thursday March 12th”
Other articles explain other reasons for drinking bottled water in Milan
“In Milan, Italy, tap water is safe to drink. Nevertheless, there have been some complaints about leeching pipes from residents living in old buildings”
In Italy people who have run out of toilet paper have been using old rags and flushing them down, causing blockages which has led to their drinking water supply becoming contaminated.
Remember this virus can cause dihorrea and you can use a lot of loo roll.
As for the so called ‘panic buying’ it is largely no such thing, and is the result of stupid insulated metropolitan elites failing to understand how ordinary people live their lives.
Many people today keep about 2 – 3 days food in the house, relying on small domestic fridge freezers. they make frequent visit to shops and supermarkets in order to feed themselves and their families. Now they have realised they might be shut in their homes for weeks at a time they have finally decided to increase their food holdings to what most of us would regard as a sensible level.
Bet the bbc still has a bubble ready just for Greta.
Inside its bubble.
That hashtag grates, even as humour.
And Corona is not beer.
Spoof. Has to be. Surely?
The MSM , which I’m pleased to say I am staying socially distant from , seems to be occupying the same ‘ spectator ‘ role it so often does .
So there is no condemnation or discouragement of kidults and pubs staying open to spread the Chinese bug –
And what ever the government does is never enough .- or they switch from pushing one line – achieving it – eg school closures – and then throwing up criticism
Now this game is the normal for normal times . But now it seems – obscene – the editors should be ashamed .
Perhaps the MSM won’t change until a number of them are killed off by the Chinese virus – but even then they’ll be blaming someone – BoJo – even for that .
They just can’t stop themselves .
Hague is a Scottish Unionist businessman
.. and his enemy the SNP have a kind of war with the BBC
The problem, Mr Hague, is that you have, correctly, specified a TRUSTED public service broadcaster.
The BBC is absent from all such lists, ergo the BBC is of no value.
I don’t know about ‘naive’ – uncivilised maybe.
the island
Aw diddums.
Pakistani & Bangladeshis have high rates of diabetes and are likely to be more at risk of fatalities from the virus, in addition more than average smoke and suffer from breathing problems anyway.
No you can’t look to the BBC for reassurance and calm, like the rest of the wretched media-hype up the problems, exagerate the shortages in food supplies-which there are not. Personally I believe that in the very near future this Government will be obliged to bring in a Rationing prog, as per WW2. It is the only way to stop this awful attitude now prevailing through much of the 70 odd million people in the UK. It is now the responsibility of the Supermarkets to impose restrictions on the amount people can purchase-they will have made enormous amounts of fast cash that otherwise would not have come their way. Furthermore they have to ensure that their workers are well cared for and paid without delay. Again I say like many we are WAR and it will not be won easily.
Groups of people defeating the ‘ three items ‘ only rules is one thing – but I think the supermarkets have to get a grip with stock control –
i e – the availability of stuff on shelves . If anyone had more detailed knowledge of this it would be nice to know .
As for ‘ elderly hours’ set aside – I hope the shops ensure stuff is actually available .
I believe only a small minority of feral types are panic buying – but that transmits through to more ‘ responsible ‘ people with the help of the MSM – which – again as per my previous contribution – should be ashamed. .
I fear that when the first food riot occurs it will land up on the BBC triggering off others up and down the country – like the riots of recent years .
This time , however , shooting – killing – a few looters( under emergency powers ) might well suppress the urge of kidults to do it . Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that eh ?
Fed, I suspect the supermarkets have deliberately tried to damp panic buying by slowing the release of goods to shelves.
The closure of pubs, clubs and restaurants will help. I know that when supermarkets do special offers, those establishments pile in and buy as much as they can if its something they can then mark up to customers. I’ve seen it in a local supermarket.
Up2 – I’d certainly hope so . I was thinking of applying for a shelf stacking job but I’m a bit concerned about the effect of the bug on me – I don’t want to occupy an ICU bed which is needed for someone more in need than me – having reduced resistance . And as a kid I used to stack shelves on Saturdays .
As for the MSM – it is so in the habit of being negative – heightened by the Project Fear Brexit campaign – that they cannot report positive aspects – like the industrial level of effort going into producing things needed to save life .
Apparently the minister responsible for shops is leading the 5pm press conference today – Saturday – so perhaps some further powers will be put in to reduce vile panic buying …
Yes Fedup2 agree-as for the elderly hours-one hour from the opening time, getting to the shop at 6.55am is not the best possible alternative-however did it once and as I think we all agree, you shop for what you really need and no more. Thanks to Brexit the warehouses are still quite full. Anything the UK were buying from China we should try and make here as once we used to. Looting, stealing on a big scale-that is why the Army have been brought in, to halt Civil Unrest-that is dependent on the Army not being struck down with the plague. Just hope we do not have to go as far as France are doing under Macron-just over the top, and from our friends who live in France say-is really not necessary outside the main conabations.
tarien, it may come to rationing. The next week or two are key. If the number of confirmed infections falls during that period, we may (emphasise ‘may’) be emerging from this situation after Easter.
Really hope not Up2snuff. People really have to start taking this plague seriously and adhere to the Scientific Medical reports, which are given out Not for fun.
Agree. We have to act responsibly. However there was a significant item on this mornings 7a.m. R4 News reported as from the mouth of the PM. Did you spot it?
I do listen to the Doctors (CMHO, etc.) which is why I wrote the above.
Here’s a joining the dots sort of thought.
Came across a Yougov opinion poll asking how long people thought the coronavirus would last.
What I noticed was the disparity between the answers from the 18-24 age group and all the other age groups.
For the 18-24 group the answers are May 16%, Summer 20%, Autumn 12%, Don’t know 20%.
For over 65s, the answers are, in order, 5, 32, 21,16 and the in between age groups show intermediate results.
Other demographic splits such as sex, social group, regional, Brexit vote, party politics show much narrower and sometimes no differences. The 18-24 group are rather an outlier.
Click to access Internal_CoronaRisk_200317_v2.pdf
I merely note that the Far Left, Jezza, Krankie et al. want to reduce the voting age to 16. One wonders whether that ‘mature, engaged, involved, and intelligent’ group think it will all be over by the time the sweet shop runs out of supplies, sometime next week.
If the Chinese bug hadn’t happened I wonder how much interest there would have been in who the next leader of the ( still ) Labour opposition would be ?
I know party politics is not in people’s minds now for the obvious reason .
But this virus will pass – but politics will go on . And although the landscape is changing other things will remain .
The PM is set to be described as ‘ failing ‘ however well the state performs to minimise the effect of the Chinese virus
The BBC will leap on alleged shortages of this and that – particularly PPE for the saintly medics and hold him personally responsible .
The BBC remains on the offensive against the government because of the Funding Review – and in spite of the daily panic reporting –
This should not be forgotten .
As for people bouncing conspiracy theories about the origins of the Chinese virus – knock yourselves out .
I do hope that amid the delight of big business caretels at the state promise to pay wages, for work not done during the next who knows how long, someone somewhere in BBC news might point out the fact that we are in effect only borrowing from ourselves and will need to pay it back in higher taxes at some future point.
‘The Confederation of British Industry hailed the “landmark” pledge’
Oh, but did I just point out the one major resounding flaw in modern democratic electorial politics and in the big corporation crony state? Gosh, that would explain HS2.
Are all bbc staff deemed ‘key’ to be kept in the manner they all have become accustomed to?
Here’s Amol.
Amol is deemed a key worker. Apparently.
He is actually correct, but saying it on the bbc, which is ‘selective’ in preaching and practice.
And another.
BBC News
There’s lots of fake news spreading about coronavirus, so here’s a look at some of the health advice you should ignore.
Presented by Chris Morris, so ignored it.
Actually Amol is wrong
#1 Fallacy from Authority
Do you dismiss the small boy cos he says the emperor is naked
whereas the AUTHORITY source, the royal tailors say it is the finest suit ever ?
Truth is independent of the messenger
The message must always be tested by interrogation matter the authority of the messenger.
#2 Fallacy of Misrepresentation (Straw Man)
In order to sneer at Tim Martin, Amol has to MISREPRESENT him
TM didn’t say “virologists are wrong”,
He said ‘the people in my pubs CAN . be safer than those in crowded supermarket queues’
If we can glean one positive from this corona crisis it might be the realisation of how utterly useless, impotent and incompetent the EU has become.
During this crisis nations have begun to act independently. Governments that have formerly embraced the open borders philosophy are paying an atrocious price…well, their citizens are.
It was only a couple of months ago that the mayor of Florence was encouraging his townfolk to hug a Chinaman. This was a typical “anti-racist” piece of virtue signalling. As a spectacle is was excruciating. The PC posers took to it like ducks to water. Doesn’t look too clever now, does it?
it’s quite telling that countries like Germany and France are, at long last, awakening from their Shengan induced coma and behaving like nation states and closing their borders.
It’s even more telling that it’s those countries that are trickier to access that have the least casualties of this horrific virus.
God willing in a years time we should have got through the worst of Coronavirus.
Hopefully we’ll also be seeing the end of the EU…
Seem pretty good at stealing stuff that was headed here at customs.
Jeff, if relatives and friends start to say when this is all over “We must rejoin the EU?” just pose the following question to them:
Why pay £20bn+ per annum to join a club that then restricts who you can trade with, imposes tariffs on imported goods and increases the cost of living for its member populations when we have Covid-19 debts to pay off?
Something odd on Sky News at moment, which for years as been a BBC mini-me. There are presently more male journalists than female ones, or maybe an equal number just seems like more as you expect Sky news to be like Loose Women but with less shouting.
Keep it up Sky.
Heard on BBC Third (that dates me) that our favourite wartime broadcaster will run special bulletins on the Chinese flu all day (and night?). And I’d thought I’d found a safe haven to listen to.
Two words to protect your sanity…. Talking Pictures !
We are saved.
All very well paying the wages of the nation, but apart from bills what else are they going to spend it on ? Shops are shut, pubs and theatres shut, food is running out, mortgage holiday, rents restricted. Ah well.
Pandemic, or plain panic?
Some basic facts to remember
Today on an average March day, 1,430 people will die in England
In an average year 123,500 people will have died in England by the first day of spring (today)
In the whole of the UK this year so far, 144 people are reported to have died from the Coronavirus
Good context
with Thursdays data the death count was 177
I’m guessing it could be up by 50 today
(announcement 6pm ish)
But it is all about direction of travel
in a week or two it could be 500/day
but I wouldn’t put money on predictions
Good guess, Stew. Almost exactly right.
The Deodorant Manufacturers Association, representing members who employ 22% of the UK workforce, report a drastic fall in sales due to Covid-19 and ‘social distancing’ measures.
BBC VERSION with solemn face and solemn voice
“The Deodorant Manufacturers Association have reported a drastic fall in sales due to Brexit.”
I would have thought with all the muckraking and all the sh** stirring going on with the media there would be a huge demand for deodorant and air freshener. Barge poles as well.
The sacred cow that is the NHS. Just had a call (Saturday) from a lady friend asking if I fancied going out for a walk as she is on holiday till the end of the month. Nothing unusual there I hear you say ….however the lady in question is HEAD NURSE IN ICU AT A LOCAL HOSPITAL !!! Shouldn’t she be sent to areas experiencing difficulties ?? She said they haven’t got any confirmed cases at her Hospital…….
Halifax, you would have thought so. However, TOADY had a lady Doc (another) from a London Hospital on this morning in order to increase the panic. Good old BBC! Not so good young lady Doc claimed the hospital was about to fail, a Doctor had died from the virus (autopsy report not mentioned or enquired about by BBC), they were overstretched, they didn’t have the right stuff and blah blah.
I hope you said yes, as it will be important for your nurse friend to get some fresh air and exercise on a sunny day so she can get back to work fit and refreshed.
Up2. She is a size 18 , 14 is my limit so I declined. Even in today’s extradinary times one has to retain standards.
Halifax, 🙂 Sounds like the good lady needs ‘some’ exercise. 😉
Carrying on my theme about the MSM basically on full sneer about government action –
The deputy political editor of the Times says that the EU will disrupt Richys support package.
A full on piece of false news because
1 the commission has said nations can do what they need to do ( I’m anti EU)
2 we are an ex member of the EU and can ignore it if we choose . The transition period could be ended in a day in the Commons .
Why are journos doing this ? Habit i suppose . But there seems not much sense of responsibility amongst them –
Similar to the kidults still spreading the virus in pubs and clubs . There is a single 4 letter word suitable for them which is banned on this site . No prizes for guessing ….
Halifax – ……… How the hell do you know she’s a size 18 ????? do you walk around with a tape measure in your pocket or do you ask their size before engaging in conversation ?
It’s my sense of humour I’m afraid , I have no room to talk I’m porky myself. Humour keeps us going the ability to laugh at ourselves and with others is what makes us British….somthing the BBC are trying to smother
Whilst I’m writing have you noticed the kids drawing rainbows as a symbol of hope ??? Nothing to do with getting young kids to see the rainbow flag as a positive ?? Drip drip drip
During the coronavirus lockdown, apart from food and related items, essential travel, rent/mortgage and normal household utility bills, what is there to spend money on?
No holidays, trips out, pubs, restaurants, entertainment, sport, concerts, no commuting costs, school trips, etc etc etc. As the Next guy said, ‘You don’t need a new outfit for staying in’
Guaranteeing payments of 80% of salary seems like overkill.
Meanwhile non-productive public sector workers will be getting 100% for doing next to nothing, paid for ultimately by the rest of us – which makes my suggestion of an income tax surcharge for laid off public sector staff fully justified.
As for the NHS, there are undoubtedly front line A and E, and ICU staff among others that will be working their rocks off, but what about podiatry, physiotherapy, anaesthetics, X rays, colonoscopies etc etc, all manner of outpatient services. Mainly business as usual I suspect. So let them that are really doing the work get a benefit over and above the rest.
Very good points, sluff. One comment….which group of people will not get the benefit of handouts during all of this ?
Well, think about the retired, who have paid all of their lives into the system, get very little back from it for which they have not already paid themselves, and having been prudent enought to save, and invest – in pensions for instance – will continue to have taxes removed from their income through, and after, all of this.
quite how this will work or not be open to fraud is beyond me
should a firm lay off employees now and get 80% wages for them (not bad for not working) if they were going to carry on working
if your staff are working from home should you lay them off for a while at 80% and employ them with with a backhander to carry on, nice little 50 50 split
are various dodgy places now recruiting hundreds of staff at £3125 a month wages so they can lay them all off at £2500
Yes the very same group of people who the governments of all the world want to “protect” by crashing the world’s economy!
Do you think they really care about pensioners?
I don’t.
Just to clarify…I meant that I don’t think that the government care about pensioners…not that I don’t care about pensioners. I do.
Sluff, I made this point on an earlier post. The Government may be paying everyone’s wages, but there’s nothing to spend it on. I just stopped myself from buying a dress online, as there won’t be anywhere to wear it ! – and bought instead a couple of camping lamps for the expected electricity blackouts.
About time the Government just did it’s daily briefings and put a stop to these inane questions from these agenda driven, lefty journalists.
They really are scaremongering scumbags !!!
Update – now a question about looting food !! Nice and calming . Idiots
A propos of simply observing a world of idiocy, I tender (and I know it’s not the BBC, but it is the direction these goons are going in) a list of comparisons received from a friend in the US. They are specifically about the US, but they tell the tale of the rest of the world if you can see beyond the specifics related to the US…i..e. Americanisms, etc. (apologies if it’s been posted here before).
A wry smile or two are permitted at these observations…
If a mentally-ill dude pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.
Russians influencing our elections are bad, but non-citizens voting in our elections are good.
It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.
Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.
Sexualizing children is bad, but 11-year-old drag queens are good.
Illegals aren’t required to show ID, but citizens can’t buy cough medicine without it.
It’s okay for Iran to have nukes, but duck hunters should turn in their shotguns.
People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
Inflammatory rhetoric is outrageous, but harassing people in restaurants is virtuous.
People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for useless degrees.
Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.
Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate Central-American gang-banger who jumps the southern fence is welcome.
We demand that the government be in control of our health care, but then we are outraged when the government makes our health care decisions.
$5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care for illegals is not.
Men are evil misogynists and a hooker named Stormy Daniels is a national treasure.
If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.
Politicians who say that the President is not above the law put illegal immigrants above the law.
People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.
It’s terrible when the President says that Puerto Rico’s politicians are corrupt, but it’s wonderful when Puerto Rico’s politicians are kicked out of office for corruption.
Most Illegals don’t pay taxes, but they get tax refunds.
We are $23 trillion dollars in debt, but we should throw money at every perceived problem like drunken sailors.
We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, and it seems like a great plan to us.
We demand high minimum wages for unskilled labor and we demand unlimited illegal immigration of people who will work for peanuts.
The Association of Chinese Takeaways has reported a significant downturn in customers ordering number 19.
The media are loving this. A good story that keeps on giving, for a (presumed) eager audience.
They are the centre of attention and assume they’re in big demand.
They’re not going to tone down anything for the foreseeable future.
The media are loving this. A good story that keeps on giving, for a (presumed) eager audience.
They are the centre of attention and assume they’re in big demand.
They’re not going to tone down anything for the foreseeable future.
Especially not the beeb…
The media are loving this. A good story that keeps on giving, for a (presumed) eager audience.
They are the centre of attention and assume they’re in big demand.
They’re not going to tone down anything for the foreseeable future.
Especially not the beeb…
‘The media are loving this. A good story that keeps on giving, for a (presumed) eager audience.
They are the centre of attention and assume they’re in big demand.’
I could write a movie script about this. Careers in the media are being established reporting the virus. Easy money interviewing elderly people anticipating imminent death.
But in a small laboratory a lone professor and his attractive neice stumble across an inexpenxive and guaranteed successful cure for the virus.
He is met with skepticism but eventually looks like succeeding in persuading the government and a big pharmaceutical company to produce his drug.
The media feel threatened and try to discredit him, calling him a far right racist etc. Eventually his niece is murdered and he is found dead having taken an overdose of sleeping pills.
“Coronavirus: What could the West learn from Asia?
By Helier Cheung”
BBC News
March 21 2020
What we learn is that BBC is only willing to interview people from Asia who are critical of the manner in which The West has handled the Chinese Virus.
If the BBC can introduce criticism of Donald Trump or anyone associated with the current UK Government, which it does, it is even happier.
Meanwhile my mobile phone provider, EE are introducing helpful changes to their service during the pandemic, with a link to further information.
This EE link shows that some cameras are racist and will not take pictures of white people.
Fortunately these cameras do work with Blacks who are all over the ****ing EE website.
Going with ‘utter bollux’, frankly.
If this is why the bbc is deemed vital….
There seems to be two viruses which have infected some parts of the MSM –
The first is the idea of a ‘government of national unity ‘
On this one twitter idiot named a series of traitors who lost their seats to be brought back into the government because of their ‘talents ‘ – like traitor Gauke. Grieve Rudd et al
The second is to rejoin the EU or extend associate membership again .
They’ll just never give up …..
For Christ’s sake!
discussing food chain with an expert.
2 minutes about the panic buying… And then comes the question that can’t possibly help. Are there any items that could run out of supplies?
Yesterday we had to endure several retired doctors talking to camera about why they won’t be volunteering to help the NHS. Why give them airtime explaining why not?
Our neighbour has carowner virus. Should we practice social distancing?
Are they all visitors self isolating together?
Just one man and his wife and two pre-school children!
The houses with more than two adults use the verges and the road too.
Just to lower the tone a bit RT ( not the BBC for some reasons ) reports a surge of ‘interest’ in a certain well known porn site which acts as a ‘hub’ amongst Spanish French and Italians …
They’ve even offered ‘free premium ‘ what ever that means –
I’m sure other porn sites are available but I really wouldn’t know ….
100% no BBC content.
Advice required on :-
A) Books on home brewed beer production, ebooks preferred.
B) Home brewed beer kits, how to select.
C) Home brewed beer websites.
Thought home brew would make a comeback. I was told a few years ago that it was no longer popular.*
Funny how quickly things can change. Sorry LCS, cannot help.
(* think I had that one on my little list, must check)
The BBC now have a pop-up banner on their News Page: ‘Be responsible when you shop there is plenty to go round.’
There is a tiny wee problem. We just don’t know. The Home Office probably have no idea what the population is in the UK. The ONS do their best and in round figures it is currently 66.5million. Some people scoff at that. Others scribble on the back of envelopes, cross check it with other information and think it may be either reasonable or some way below accurate.
We know that three or four other Government Departments and subsidiary authorities have problems with just 66.5m. The Local Health Authorities have closed too many hospitals and/or removed too many beds from hospitals. School class sizes often expand because school & teacher provision is insufficient. Provision of road space has been inadequate for the number of vehicles. Yes, tram routes and Bus & Cycle Lanes have taken road space out of use and there are constant roadworks for various reasons, but does that account totally for the jams?
Then there’s the lack of housing. OK, so there are less families, growing divorce and alienation (sometimes State sponsored) and more single people needing accommodation (a social trend) but does that explain the shortfall or is 66.5m way below or slightly below the true figure?
BTW If I ran a supermarket I would not keep shelves fully stocked
Instead I’d hold stuff in the stockroom, to the actually shelves make it look like, stuff was just about to run out
.. I might even employ a couple of stooges to push trolleys full of goods like toilet rolls and beer near the entrance doors people got a subliminal message.
My dad just came back with 3 litre container of milk
when we already have 1 litre in the fridge, another one in the freezer and another long life on the shelf.
Stew, LOL X 5, that’s a good ‘un.
I have just had a leaflet through my door from volunteers offering to bring supplies as I am quarantined in a high risk group. So I thought of asking them to fetch four dozen large packs of loo rolls.
The BBC has been at the forefront of bashing anything rural for a generation now. This is typified by ‘Countryfile’; regularly used as a conduit for ‘right on messaging’ from our metro masters.
Masters like Tim Leunig – Economic policy advisor to Chancellor Rishi Sunak.
On 1st March 2020, in a message on National Food Strategy he said, “the food sector isn’t “critically important” to the UK, and agriculture and fish production “certainly isn’t”.
He added: “All I am saying is that, as a logical possibility, a nation or region can import stuff. We see that in many places for many goods and services. Singapore imports (almost) all its food.”
…..Looking like a bit of a Tw@t now eh Tim.
I hope the BBC starts to champion our farmers and fishermen on the other side of this, and our government backs these strategically important industries.
I reckon Tim should apply for one of those shelve stacking jobs available at the minute as I think his views and services might no longer be required
I always had doubts about the ‘ just in time ‘ school .
New : Melanie Phillips on why she left the Guardian
This Sun interview seems very similar to the old one she did with Delingpole
To any who may be interested, I’ve heard on the grapevine that in just under 24 hours, Christians in the UK – unable to worship on Sunday as their churches are closed – will, at home, stop what they are doing to pray.
All Catholic services have been stopped but the churches are open . There are quite a few UK sites running online streaming of Masses .
The Boss will understand …..
Are the mosques closed?
Dyst, I’ve no idea. Yesterday was their big day.
You said you couldn’t get images to embed here
#1 Posts from Twitter/Face/Youtube automatically embed here
You just the post the URL on a fresh line
(you can pick up that URL from a Tweet/FB post by long pressing or right clicking over the time stamp.
#2 You can also similarly pick up the URL of a webpage image
and use the “add images” function that appears below a new post
HOWEVER two types of images don’t work
– when they don’t end in an image format name like .jpg/.gif/.png etc
Or – when the host site doesn’t permit third party embedding the BBC doesn’t permit that.
New UK stats are out
After Thursdays fall the Friday DEATH count continued the pattern of being 50% bigger than the tally 2 days before
Tue 33 new deaths, Wed 40, Thu 33
Friday 56 new … running total 233
As of 9am on 21 March
total of 72,818 have been tested:
67,800 negative. 5,018 positive.
source @DHSCgovuk
“233 patients who tested positive for coronavirus have sadly died”
Note that doesn’t mean that pre-existing cancer or heart disease etc.
wasn’t their MAIN cause of death
That Trends to next week
: Sunday 84 … Tuesday 126, Thursday 189 new deaths per day
Rule “all models are wrong” cos they are guesses
Stew, the media will max their coverage on the deaths but as you have wisely pointed out, many of the early deaths will probably be people with pre-existing conditions. IIRC, the youngest ‘victim’ so far was a diabetic. I have been told that diabetics are very vulnerable if they catch Covid-19.
My favoured stat would be confirmed cases but even that, as you say, is something of a guess as there may be a percentage error margin in the test and the test may be unreliable.
New virus = new playing field on which the tests have to be tested first until proven to be winners.
” confirmed cases” is not reliable stat for totals
Yes if you are confirmed it means it’s active in your body, and not just a cough.
But they only test you if you are bad enough for hospital
so the real world total is guesstimated to be 10 times more
So now it could be 50K cases running
meaning hundreds of coffins need to be ordered just for current untested victims
In my area there is now an extra case, but not really
cos it appears they have reclassified a Grimsby case to our area.
So 2 confirmed cases total in our area.
I can’t yet see todays London deaths
But of 5,000 UK cases 2,000 are in London, and 500 in Southeast
Quite right, hence my choice of stat.. Also, the Governmental concern is the NHS not being overwhelmed. Again, the official confirmed – as in hospital or notified by a GP but well enough to be isolated at home at present (I know of one such) – is the number I’ll tend to watch. Probably better than guesstimates, but no doubt someone who has watched China, S.Korea and, say, Singapore closely may be able to apply an adjustment to the UK confirmed cases figure. That’s a task!
“And Sainsbury’s has asked shoppers to stay 1m away from shop staff if possible, to help keep them safe.”
One mile away from Sainsbury’s’ staff puts a shopper right inside Tesco’s store.
Some good news for a change – it appears some of the ‘panic buying’ has actually been altruistic:
The idiotic elites proving once again they have zero insight into real peoples lives.
Most people have 2 – 3 days food in stock, of course they need and should have more than this. Suddenly they are rudely awoken from their torpor and realise the idiocy of their complacent lives. They ruch to reach the position which they should have been in before their complacent ridiculous comfort placed them, and the idiotic London elites accuse them of ‘panic’.
2020-03-22 00:30
“German police arrest man over high-speed rail tampering”
“A man in Germany has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after allegedly loosening bolts on a high-speed railway track.”
“The 51-year-old man was arrested on Saturday.”
“… the man is “strongly suspected of having removed bolts on 80 metres (260 feet) of the rail on a bridge between Cologne and Frankfurt”.”
WTF? “removed” they were only “loosened” three lines ago, which is it?
“His motive remains unclear however police said on Friday they could not rule out “a possible attack attempt”.”
80 metres of bolts removed, on a bridge, on a high speed track! Motives are “unclear”! Probably to reduce the noise which was disturbing his hamster.
Meanwhile the police in Berlin encouraged everyone to report non crimes after a pork pie fell from a shopping trolley and rolled within eighty kilometres of a mosque.
BBC “Ideas” is, just like BBC “Stories”, an excuse for spending money on propaganda promoting what the
BBC would like to be the truth.
“Debunking modern myths”
13 Videos to date.
17 March 2020 – “Is innate talent a myth?”
The truth is that innate talent exists and is largely inherited.
Galton demonstrated that highly intelligent people often had highly intelligent parents in the nineteenth century.
The second truth is that the Communists at the BBC do not want people or peoples to be unequal, so they will do
their best, with only £4.6 billion pa, to lie about it, 24/7/366.
Tui McClean the BBC female filmmaker asks “what does the science say?”
Tui then ignores all the scientists and produces Anders Ericsson, a psychologist who ticks all the right boxes and is used
because he can be trusted to say exactly what the BBC wants to hear.
Ericsson has a Wikipedia article. You may also watch the video.
One example from this propaganda piece.
Mozart is used as an example by Ericsson, who made two claims :-
a) That Mozart’s ability was due to instruction and encouragement, at a very early age (from his father Leopold Mozart).
It is true that both the Mozart children were so encouraged and instructed.
b) That young musicians today are able, after early instruction, to play more complex music than Mozart did when young.
I do not know whether this claim is true, but even if true, it is irrelevant.
Leopold Mozart was an accomplished musician who graduated magna cum laude aged 16!
What made Mozart jr such an outstanding prodigy was not his keyboard playing (although he impressed everywhere he went)
but his musical compositions, Professor Ericsson ignores this.
Why you cannot trust the BBC.
I cannot format my carefully created and pasted post, the website insists on splitting one line into two.
Are there any reports of Covid-19 within the British Armed Forces?
Radio Lincolnshire staff are proudly tut tutting
.. “People are at Cadwell watching the racing”
… ‘how dare they, we are better than them ..look at us in two different studios’ #Covidsmug
Yes it is a trackday when prebooked people take their car or motor bike to do a few laps of the track
Sure if there was a crash there might be human to contact
but there aren’t normally such crashes
So the risk seems less than a supermarket, as long as you do your social distancing and don’t have bunched crowds
More detailed London stats from @T_Mackintosh of @BBCLondonNews
London which now has 1,965 confirmed cases
– London makes up 39% of all 5,018 UK cases
– 377 new cases of #coronavirus are in London
He tweeted more details like a graph which showed that London has a huge growth rate compared to rest of country
but to me his maths seems wrong.
As does his count per borough
which makes it seem like in Chelsea 1 in each 2,000 have it
(surely people are being brought into that hospital from all over London)
Stew, it’s difficult isn’t it, cross checking stuff. If you key in Greater London, then that BBC count provider doesn’t recognise it. You have to do each of the 32 Boroughs in turn, then total them. I’d have to go look up a list before doing that time-consuming task.
The Kent count went up by 50% on Friday but 40% yesterday (figures are rounded) so I will be interested to see what today’s count is.
@Up2snuff see my tweet
His graph does not agree with the 1,588 cases over 9 million Londoners, it shows a rate double the actual rate.
Friday morning Leicester mosque crowds.
They reduced the length of the service
but they seem close whilst queuing.
Now if the school next door has 2 confirmed cases ..what is there ethnicity.
It does seem that age data is available, but ethnicity data is not.
BBC story
Coronavirus: Muslims repeat calls for mosque closures
I switched on LOCAL news 7am and as ever they seemed to use lax language.
“pubs in Scotland have been HELPING to SPREAD the virus”
.. of course a publican who packs people into a dark bar is reckless
cos he COULD be spreading it
But I would imagine that some pubs might have been less reckless than supermarket
If they were say clearing the last stocks by serving people in the garden in a region so far unaffected.
TWATo today c1.15.
Brave Al Beeb employee interviewing even braver NHS staff putting their lives at risk in the face of overwhelming epidemic. NHS staff who will certainly be placed at the front of the queue for emergency treatment by their concerned colleagues, as was the doctor, one of many who wrote to the Grauniad a year or so ago about the lack of resources for the NHS, who emigrated to Canada some years back but promptly returned to Blighty for immediate treatment by his former colleagues when he was diagnosed, after working in Canada for some years, with a heart condition. I read that if you quit the UK you lose your free NHS treatment status…if you are Joe Public!
I’m now going to hold my breath for as long as it takes for Al Beeb to interview a cohort of our armed forces who are being sent into REAL life-threatening scenarios.
If the BBC do interview members of our armed services they will be ethnics.
Ethnics who will state how much they love the UK.
Ethnics who are members of a barbaric cult who have spent the last 100 years killing non members.
Ethnics who will be awarded decorations for bravery regardless of merit.
Fortunately there are now sufficiently numerous white people who are extremely annoyed at being treated as invisible.
Who are demonised at every opportunity, whilst ethnic crimes like the worst racist mass gang rapes in history are being ignored.
If the government, the armed services and the police are not only not going to protect us but actively conspire with our enemies we need our own armed equivalents with which to protect ourselves.
LCS I thought most members of the armed services were ethnics or woman or both that’s the impression I get from watching their recruitment adverts (I’ll include the latest British Legion advert in that too)
Meanwhile my local council sent a tweet this morning giving examples of exercises you can do with the family whilst stuck indoors.I probably could find out what the make up of the local populus is but with my own eyes I would say very high in the nineties percentage wise white so was rather surprised at the family they used to illustrate the tweet!
The end of Greta’s career?
The BBC tried to suppress this story because of Trump Derangement Syndrome