From the 1st April the biased BBC licence fee rises to £157.50 Per year . A well chosen day . I’m sure – to celebrate – those those highly paid lefties employed by the BBC and currently doing nothing as a result of the Chinese Virus – will be donating their huge wages to the NHS .Right ?
The formal consultation on compulsory funding of the BBC ends at 5pm on the 1st April 2020 . Anyone can make a submission.
Really ? Pure chance – just logged in to see what was happening.
Breathes on, then polishes nails on sweater….. then goes and washes hands in case I have self-inflicted coronovirus…..
Back links to previous thread
– page 4 started 7pm Saturday finished 3pm Sunday
– page 3 started 8:30pm Friday
To battle this week …
… against the germs ….
and against the BBC, making our views known to Government.
(Per your intro to this thread). They don’t have to give up everything to gain a tiny bit of cred/kudos in this situation, just limit themselves, like the rest of the peons who are paying their wages, to £2,500 per month, and donate the rest to the NHS.
Chances of that happening ?……..ultra-slim to none, I would wager.
Remember the consultation is ONLY about decriminalising the licence, so it is no use banging on about side topics.
The consultation will close at 5pm on 1 April 2020. Please respond by completing a survey in the link below:
Please click here to access the survey.
Alternatively, please email your response to
They give a postal address but it won’t get there in time.
Guidance page
Stew – very grateful indeed . There is an obvious frustration that the consultation is not about the content or bias of the BBC but about the method of funding .
So it is only one line of attack – and a small opportunity to wound the evil beast .
And for those who do not make a submission to the consultation – it s all very well expressing justifiable anger on sites like this – but This gives a rare opportunity to really fight for change ……
The Taxpapers alliance page shows you the survey questions
and has suggested answers
I don’t agree with their answers. Cos saying things like their should be a subscription box implies the BBC should continue as it is.
It is also technically unncessary
cos a media corp could provide content for free by using advertising
and if it wanted provide paid-for premium content on scrambled channels
which most TV already have smart-card slots for.
It was weired that the questioaire didn’t ask for my name and email.
For the last question I said
“The BBC has changed and became the channel of the bourgeoisie, the metro wokemob.
It is infected with groupthink and so acts as a de facto political party pushing its own agendas
Doing so breaks its charter obligations to serve and reflect the whole of the UK and the regulator is unwilling to stand up to it.
So decriminalising the licence fee is the first step to reforming the whole UK media landscape. “
BBC could send it’s army of staff to pick fruit and veg, now the usual cheap and docile labour force is stuck in East Europe.
Anyone notice anything missing from the photographs they have used ?……………………..
Yes, but they could well be lesby friends or transistor sisters.
In the DM they say a supermarket (Waitrose I think) has limited you to buying 1 item such as milk.
This means a trip every day or visiting several supermarkets to get enough milk (to freeze) to be able to stay at home some days.
Looking at the pictures of the empty streets it would be a good time for film companies to get lots of footage for any future disaster movies. An empty Trafalgar Square for instance.
Some film in the future could show these during a pandemic flu type outbreak disaster film or a Chernobyl type of incident.
A friend is buying for me as well as her family. She leaves the food on the doorstep so we don’t meet. Does this mean I have to put myself as risk?
Every breath you take,and everything you touch and everyone you meet may be the death of you, so perhaps it is safer to stay in your bed and die of inactivity and boredom. Not.
Anyone know of any real Covid19 confirmed cases ?
In my region and the adjacent region there have been ZERO deaths
and only 11 confirmed cases.
All we know is the first guy had been on holiday in Italy.
We know nothing about the rest .. they could all be his family and hospital staff.
Local update : not zero deaths now
Last night* the first 2 deaths were announced in my extended region and now another this afternoon.
* (It appears the local NHS had held onto the news for 2 days.)
The newspaper said one of them was from the next region.
.. AFAIK 50% of serious cases don’t normally recover.
Feel free.
My hospital opened a second ITU on Thursday, we have increased our ventilated beds from 18 a month ago to 84 tomorrow (although not yet full). Two friends, also doctors, have tested positive and are at home.
An interesting take on air pollution by Tony Heller. Well worth a watch.
An alternative.
Go onto a war production footing.
Stock up the NHS with ventilators etc. and then go back to normal. All this distancing is only there to flatten the curve and preserve the NHS.
Otherwise, the NHS will survive and the economy will die.
When the economy dies, people die.
We’re all going to get the virus at some time or another. Possibly 50% of us already have it?
I would argue these measures are not just to preserve the NHS but also to save face for the Tories.
If the NHS end up being just 1 critical care bed short at peak demand then Corbyn will be shouting from the roof tops about underfunding and how he was right all along.
The current government will stop at nothing to make sure the NHS can cope even if that means the economy and human rights get destroyed – just to keep Corbyn’s mouth shut up.
“……but also to save face for the Tories.”
Yes, they don’t want the ignominy and label to stick in the public’s memory that they presided over a similar situation to the Black Plague in the 14th Century. Then, it was roughly 8000 deaths per week.
To cheer ourselves up, how about this from forty years ago?
Plus ca change, plus la meme chose.
Question Time- Armageddon and the attitude of the Left.
Ash sarky was white back then …. for a slightly more contemporary version of QT – see ‘Harry and Paul ‘ free on the YouTube . ….. gems which wouldn’t make it now ….
U know she’s a Spurs fan Fedup ????
Left I can’t imagine her ever going to a game -and doing the traditional ‘Zionist chant ‘ ….
Seems like they’ve allowed Son to go home . He ll be fixed soon ….
Nor me Fedup ????
The season’s been a joke but this six week adjournment, which may even get extended, could be a blessing in disguise in our CL race ????
After I watched the vid, they forced at me a Sadiq Khan advert bashing Trump.
Sluff, what was the vid entitled? All I get is a black square. Browser battles …. 🙁
Up2, Its not on youtube, it was an insert into Daily Motion
Try googling Not the Nine o’clock News Question Time
This was mentioned this morning, but I have only just seen the clip.
Groper is a friggin’ disgrace. As is whoever is slipping the early demented coot his notes.
Tried on Twitter as well !!! They are relentless !!
James O’Keefe, Project Veritas, has a video of him visiting hospitals in the new ( fake) epicentre of the virus situation and all he found was one hospital with many cases of people who are infected by it. New York scenes show a city devoid of people.
I’m not saying there isn’t a virus situation but his findings are curious.
Can you imagine the boss in the control room screaming into Marrs’ ear “get rid of her – now for the Jamaican touring band “
When did ‘speaking truth to power’ become ‘seditious shit-stirring to power’?
Stuff ,
It was an evolutionary process, with a long period when the foul corporation tried to stick within the confines of its charter , then when Lady Thatcher was elected it began to distort the truth , usually by omitting good news. Then, when Blair became PM , it graduated to a new stage of spinning leftist propaganda in the most positive light possible whilst undermining the Tories at every opportunity. Then it decided that it would become a campaigning organisation on issues such as Global Warming , multiculturalism , the EU etc. Now it tells outright lies and tries to create as much trouble as it possibly can. As this evolution occurred the contagion spread from news and current affairs throughout the whole of the corporation’s output until now we have drama and documentaries and even sport being used for political propaganda.
If it can believed in the Mail on Sunday .The Chinese are
carrying on with their wet markets. Telling their duped subjects
that the USA caused the pandemic and it has got nothing to do with them.
Could it be that the Chinese have learnt that if the Japanese
had made a second attack on Pearl Harbour they may of knocked
the USA fleet out of the war.
So maybe the Chinese are after giving us a second dose. The
communist Chinese government couldn’t care less about the
health of their own people. They know that their media
stooges in the west ,such as the BBC are never going to condemn
them. So far as the BBC is concerned if the Chinese want to eat
bats, dogs and cats , scorpions, pangolins etc. It’s their diverse
right to do so.
They know instead of asking is the Prime Minister OK. Vicki
Young asks a facetious question to Michael Gove . Just as
Laura Kuensberg has been doing all the time.
Huawei? THe catch phrase in the academy award winning film ARGO
was ” Are go and f–k yourself. This should be told to the
Chinese if they don’t stop their disgusting, filthy eating habits,
diversity or not. They should become a pariah state to the rest
of the world.
Asian Flu, SARS, Covid 19 -ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!!!!
The main issue now is how we live with China when this is over. I am not happy at the prospect. It will be up to them to change and that is doubtful.
Agreed, Dave.
We never eat the slop they call ‘food’ anyway, but it’ll be much easier to free up the takeaway spaces where they serve up their disgusting jollop to the unwary, and at least make space for a few more chippies and British offers…
Isn’t it disgusting that even the Iranian regime releases one of its political prisoners to help her avoid the virus but our rats are keeping Julian Assange in prison despite his fears of being infected.
Shots fired.
I can’t see the other side though.
He’s also having one with Nihal.
Jim is on BBC Radio Shropshire
.. They have the potential to reach 408K adults
Yet during the week only 73K dip in .. that 17%
.. ie 83% DO NOT listen to his station in an average week.
BTW TalkRadio is a digital only station
It would get more listeners if it was on FM
Never heard of him until now, and it is easy to see why.
Yet, oddly, I appear to have been pre-blocked.
This happens a lot with ‘views my own’ BBC staff.
There’s a new tweet
Oh look it’s Shropshires version of Alan Partridge,
… hospital radio attracts more listeners
You must know Jim.
He’s the guy The HateyNoHopers embedded in the BBC Shropshire.
He uses his platform to act as a kind of witch-finder general
“She’s a FAR RIGHT witch !
Here’s Tommy, burn him, burn him” he shouts
Daily stats : deaths FALL to 209 after yesterdays blip up to 260
The daily positive case count didn’t rise for the second day in a row
(actually it was a slight fall Sat 2433, Fri +2546, Thu 2885
Stew, I’m a bit bemused as to why the daily positive count is a relevant figure, as clearly it doesn’t reflect the total number of cases – those with symptoms are being told to self-isolate and not being tested.
@Loobyloo I did explain yesterday
Severe cases are tested, minor are not
But the severe case count is basically a proxy cos the minor case count will be proportionate at about 1 to 9.
And the count is a proxy in another way, a proxy for the trend .
And that trend dictates what death trend we get in a weeks time ..
as I said a steady new case count now
means a non increasing rate of death next week.
I rather fancy that the ratio of minor to serious cases is probably of the order of at least 40:1.
As for mortally rate, my current thinking is that should be no higher than 0.3% of those infected.
Good news from Kent (popn. 1.5m): new infections down to 10% @ 253 but not all possible infections have been tested. Equally, not all those claiming to have the Covid-19 virus will have been tested to prove it is something else, a different affliction.
Rate of change that I have logged:
21 : 32 : 45 : 48 : 64 : 72 : 96 : 112 : 182 : 230 : 253
Prior to 21, I think it was 11 cases. Wish I had noted that down at the time.
So you daily case count is still rising
but the rate of rise has slowed to 10% per day.
If they start testing the minor cases, then that tally needs to be kept separate.
Cos what we have been looking at is the tallies for severe cases.
Italy and France have both seen death rates fall for the last two days, not that this information is easy to find on the BBC. The same with the UK today.
I notice that when a daily death rate falls, the BBC then only gives the running total figure.
Another sleight of hand in reporting terms is deaths with coronavirus symptoms, which may not necessarily be the cause of death.
With dramaqueen voice the newsreaders have been routinely shout
“Today Italy/Spain have recorded the highest number of deaths EVAH ! that count if HIGHER than yesterday”
FFS when you are in exponential growth phase every day will be a new record and of the tally is higher than the previous day
..with the exception of the odd blip.
All they need to say is ” “Today Italy/Spain continue to be in the rising phase of the outbreak”
Stew, the interesting thing is that this Covid-19 thing appears to go in blips. Slowing of cases, then a jump, slowing of cases, then another jump, and so on. You can see this replicated on the JohnsHopkins daily interactive for other nations.
As to the actual count, I’m taking the BBC area tally at face value:
“How many confirmed cases are in your area?
Enter a postcode, English council or Scottish or Welsh NHS area to find out. Northern Ireland does not currently provide localised figures.
Type in 3 or more characters for results.
There are 253 confirmed cases in Kent, out of a local population of 1,568,623
Note: Not all those with the virus will have been tested
Source: UK public health bodies. Figures last updated 09:00 BST, 29 March”
and obviously it doesn’t make that fine distinction that you are after.
I sometimes wonder whether those lefty rats who secretly monitor this website don’t actually adopt some of the words they read here, when preparing their fake news and trollifications. So, to help them along I’m proposing that some perhaps long disused words might be introduced into their limited vocabulary; for example:
Accouchement ( child birth)
Actinotherapy ( use of sunlight to help cure diseases)
Virilism – the racist far-left bbc probably know this one because they must encounter it on a daily basis
j-i-c. you’ll be onto ague, scrofula and pertussis next!
Time for a traditional (male) Doctor Who response to those: “Quick! Run!!”
Truth would certainly be a new word to them.
Bias by omission? The WHO and its leader have shown themselves to be utterly dispicable during this crisis.
Absolutely, it was the WHO that came to China’s defence and criticised President Trump when he pointed the finger at them.
And China and the WHO were backed and praised by the usual lefty suspects. The cacophony of indignation from the permanently outraged talking heads in the liberal media was deafening.
Another couple of vilified political figures who sensibly recommended closing their borders before this ghastly virus got rampaging were Salvini in Italy and Le Pen in France. If only they’d listened…
But no, the virtue signalers were too busy taking selfies as they were hugging Chinese visitors.
Now we’re all suffering.
I see that Sky have reported that a consultant in the Midlands has died with (note: with, not of) Covid-19 but nothing on the Beeb yet; committee still sitting on how best to implicate the Tories no doubt. On that point, I heard many accusations that it was the Government’s fault (austerity etc.) that there was a shortage of PPE. So, the highly paid (and worth every penny I’m sure) NHS management didn’t do any basic contingency planning and expected the Conservative Party in general, and Boris in particular, to micromanage procurement. I wonder how much emergency stock could have been purchased and stored for the costs of a single Diversity Management team?
Coronavirus: Burton consultant Amged El-Hawrani dies
So, am I missing something…this article mentions three doctors, one an organ transplant surgeon, who have died from COVID, or in the last case of a GP suspected COVID. This is very sad for the NHS. But is it a coincidence that all are Arabic sounding? Or are other nationalities/ethnicities not worth mentioning? Are they predisposed to it? Interesting that in neither case was it discussed as to whether they had preexisting conditions or not.
I sound insensitive, but given Al Beebs propensity to propaganda, can’t help feeling they are taking advantage of these deaths.
Re : Dr Amged El-Hawrani, Dr Habib Zaidi, Dr Adil El Tayar .. RIP
New HoC report says the % of BAME among NHS doctors & consultants is about 3 times the working popn %
None of that is a surprise. I expect to be seeing the obituaries of non-ethnic staff soon then…
I am not being cruel or insensitive Maxi, just know that Al Beeb will be prioritising the stories of the chosen ones.
More good news from around the globe (obviously with different rates of testing and differing accuracy of testing, perhaps) :
Both USA, Italy and Germany show small jumps yesterday to today. Belgium have entered the charts at #10, although China should be in the list which would put them, Belgium, down at #11.
Where’s Smashie and Nicey when you need them?
Interesting chart here: for when the BBC are beating certain of their drums. Note: it is a guesstimate for the current year.
I fear a new meme emanating from the BBC .
That old people should be left out if there is a shortage of something , like ventilators or vaccine .
That old people should sigh , say their time has come and because theyve always had it so good and are leaving a mess for future generations , sacrifice their lives so others should live .
Of course not official BBC policy , but words that come from guests like Frederick Forsyth . And discussed on Any Answers .
But its right up the lefty BBCs street . Let the old Brexit voting b^$t^&)$ die .
Well before we kill off the innocent but retired , why not do away with the criminal scum first . After all , these are negative people , the world would be better off without them and we`d save lives and money when they`re gone .
Then after that any foreigner in this country without good reason , like bogus asylum seekers .
Then Gramscians . ( so thats the BBC then ).
Meanwhile, in Israel (popn. 8.5m), they are trying a slightly different policy: keep the oldies shut up tight & safe, fed & watered and let the young adults and kids get Covid-19.
That’s how it should be.
Sunday nights question….
Guess the ethnicity of this lot? (Small clue in description)
AR now is doing its BTF tradition
… Blacks to front.
“China is quickly returning to normality and concentrating on Ventilator production for voracious world markets”.
True? Or fake?
Sea of white faces on Antiques Roadshow on Sunday evening surrounding Fiona as she looked at three gold bracelets; good, better, best. Dead centre was a tall very black man with dreadlocks and looking embarrassed and to the left of him was an Asian lady with her son. Fiona asked three people their opinion. It was predictable.
Antiques Roadshow known for its hideously white audience appears to have strategically placed Muslims and black people in the centre of the camera view.
Must be barely 8 BAME people compared with the 1000’s of white people but the BAME appear always in the centre of the camera view.
Ah you didn’t get my subtle mention of the AR BTF tradition, above
Ah it was a repeat
15 minutes in Bruce starts talking about an eel basket trap
and conveniently there are two chadoor covered students behind her with just their faces showing
so she starts showing it to them
Here’s the part I mentioned
A friend of mine once attended one of these Antique roadshows, and had to queue for EIGHT HOURS before even reaching the entry point and a valuation table. Somehow I cant see any non whites queuing for even half that time. She did say that she was surprised that everyone stayed the pace, as most were over 60. Not something that is advertised.
BTW Tonight’s Dragon’s Den was changed at the last moment
It was supposed to be
“Syrian refugees Razan and Raghid Sandouk bring their British-made alternative to Cypriot halloumi to the Den
then Richard and Samantha, with their cutting-edge virus filtration gadgets.”
I guess the virus thingy has been considered bad taste so the episode will be re-edited or something
Radio 4 news Sunday 6pm. The news started with the news that the Deputy Chief Medical Officer said that things might not return to normal for 6 months. It might have been in response to a question but we were not advised. The real answer is that we don’t know. Next story was the lack of ventilators. Then we had that care homes can’t get protective clothing or sanitizer. All stories were delivered as criticism of government. Lord Haw Haw couldn’t have done a better job.
To be honest Deborah, 6 months is probably optimistic. I’ve had Craft Fair organisers email me, saying that they were hopeful for Fairs to be staged in the Summer.
My own feeling is that people will have little spare money for frivolities, and will still be reticent to be out and about amongst crowds even in 6 months time if the restrictions are lifted.
“The Minister of Health [France], Olivier Véran, further said on Thursday that doctors can now prescribe chloroquine both in hospital and for home usage:
“Hydroxychloroquine and the combination of lopinavir / ritonavir may be prescribed, dispensed and administered under the responsibility of a doctor to patients affected by Covid-19, in the healthcare establishments which take charge of them, as well as for the continuation of their treatment if their condition allows it and with the authorization of the initial prescriber, at home”.
In America considerable politics has developed over chloroquine, but New York should be out with the results on Monday which may lead to a US wide sanctioned usage of treatment.
In UK the government has prohibited its use outside of trial, but that position is probably untenable now as they have to explain why they are not treating patients as France is doing.”
That’s strange – this morning I heard a debate with 2 (French) doctors being questioned on French radio about it and they were both specifically arguing AGAINST prescribing it as it had not yet been proven that advantages outweigh (serious) disadvantages (i.e. even that it might in fact be dangerous for some patients as it could lead to serious heart problems) …
This came after the announcement that Senegal was going to provide hydroxychloroquine to patients (after getting their “consent”!) to keep numbers down and make space for new patients.
Hmmm very convincing? (I suppose it frees up beds either way?)
And if patients “consent” and accept the consequences …
But I would have thought it would be safer to wait for testing results
US, France and India
I wonder if 2020 will be our Jubilee year?
It would certainly solve a lot of problems.
God works in mysterious ways.
Quite right Mr President.
162K Likes .. and the counter keeps spinning upwards
Wow 185k approval and some pretty uncomplementary comments from Americans who have a better memory for history than a lot of British do . For instance they remember that they stopped paying for royalty in 1776 and don’t want to do it now .
I’m sure these former royals will have enough personal cash to buy themselves a gun and body armour .
You make yer bed and yer lie in it .
Stay in pakland, dear, we don’t need you and we don’t want you.
I don’t know if this has been posted before.
BBC propaganda strategy
1 there’s not enough of anything
2 people will die because of that
3 the NHS is wonderful
4 you must be frightened
5 we are all in together but stay apart
6 every other country is better
7 whatever HMG does more must be done
8 there must be certainty
9 don’t blame the Chinese
10 blame president trump
Wanna add any more ?
Stay in your home! But don’t forget to keep fit and have a healthy diet…because NHS …
That was literally on one of the websites, can’t remember which
I think the photo was taken before the snipers shot them for beng in a public park
“Here are images from our super plod drone coupled with anonymous threatening twitter texts from our Department of Public Safety. We know where they live as well as all their relatives and pets and they will be dealt with – as will anyone saying anything bad about plod. Stay safe . By order “
11. Whatever is right and whatever is wrong is what we say it is.
12. But you won’t know what is wrong until you’ve done it. And whether you’ve upset us or not.
13. Viva emotions!
14. Down with facts.
15. Down with truth.
16. Down with compassion.
17. Down with forgiveness.
18. Our experts are better than your ‘experts’
19. We know what the government should have done (but we will only tell you after the event)
20. I’m all right Jack, I’m a ‘key worker’
21. So is Gary Lineker
22. 0% – 80% of earnings is enough for you lot, but we’ll stick to our full salaries and bonuses, however difficult it may be for us
23. ‘Homes under the hammer’ is really great t.v.
24. Without Coronavirus we would have had to cut staff, silver linin’ don’tcha know?
25. Doesn’t, Emily look absolutely terrific on the telly, pity she’s not black.
26. Do you have a story about the way Coronavirus or the British Empire has ruined your life? If you are non-white, a bit queer and feeble of mind, we’d love to get in touch with you and splurge it all over our website.
You’ve missed out Brexit.
Well, gets blamed for everything else…
The MSM.
As retweeted by Adam Boulton.
Whatever they think they are doing, it is clearly not driven by light over heat.
A great list and one of the reasons I have stopped watching all TV and BBC
Thank you James – even the most semi conscious viewer exposed to this BBC poison every day all the time must be realising that the BBC is not there friend . No reassurance , no comfort , no support – just snipe and scare , snipe and scare .
I dread to think what the effect on national morale is and the genuine fear anyone with a malady ( Chinese bug or not ) requiring hospital treatment must think after days of this poison with weeks to come …..
Jon has a new hero.
Fredo’s idiot brother.
See what Sargon says in the Akkad Daily video on YouTube
The media are so anti Trump, yet when Cuomi says the same thing they treat him as if smoke comes out of his ass a prophet
Shouldn’t these price gougers be shot on sight?
The mood of the country is changing as regards the Chinese Virus.
Boris has my vote but he has to be realistic.
Total lock-down in the long run will kill more.
And let us not forget, 20,000 every winter in the UK are killed by seasonal flu.
My instinct is to follow the US and Israel as regards strategy.
The winter flu death stats vary from winter to winter and it’s not 20,000 each and every year.
As far as I can see, the highest recent figure is around 28,000 death and the lowest about 11,800.
When all said and done, I suspect CV will kill far fewer people than an average winter. Yet thousands of businesses will be bankrupted in order to save the NHS.
pies ..
I’m afraid he should be shot.
Society does not need such like this in ‘Peckhaaaaam’ or any where else in this country.
These ethnics cannot control themselves, too many of them lack self-control.
Is it genetic or how they are raised?
“Is it genetic or how they are raised?”
It’s a bit of both, but I think the balance tips in favour of their ethnicity.
You could raise a pig in a palace, but it would still piss on the floor.
Peckham used to be nice…
I used to have my suits made in Peckham, Sydney Fox off the High Street above a billiard hall. Then I got married…..
D&C : Note how this unpleasant and over-aggressive individual thinks that Peckham is HIS territory. This is very revealing. If he has any claims, they may be in Nigeria or Jamaica. Last I looked, Peckham was in London. Types like him need to be disabused of the notion that -once there are a lot of his buddies around- the place suddenly belongs to him, and the police have no say/control!
I’m beginning to believe that I’m the only one who doesn’t have a row of book shelves facing my computer.
I think I have more in common with Matt Hancock, who appeared to have a load of rubbish and odds and sods on his. I bet his wife cursed him when she saw the state when he snuffled his way through his COVID19 confessional !
The BBC TV recently interviewed via Skype at Breakfast time a retired Chief Constable from the north.
Behind him was a couple of rows of books. The most prominent was a ring binder. In bold letters was the word LENIN.
He will certainly get a recall and another BBC cheque.
em if it’s not on video , then it’s not true
oh hang on I got it .. Peter Williams on March 20
He’s a frequently on RT, but the bookshelf is not visible then.
Nice one, Stew ! 🙂
‘LENIN’ nice and clear on the book spine.
Every home has one?
On my right is a book shelf, I can just spot a book called “Can we Trust the BBC? Behind me is the Clock, time to go to bed.
Here’s a thought. Massive hospital areas are quickly being erected with the capacity of housing 4000 beds each. So where are these beds coming from ? Are they currently being manufactured, is there a warehouse stocked to the gunnels with them, or are they being purchased off Amazon ? (I’d like to see the DPD/Hermes driver chuck one of them over the wall of the construction site) and what will happen to them once this madness is over, sold off cheap on Ebay ?
They are kept, along with body bags, at a network of warehouses through the uk.
Along with the tons of PPE which has become time deteriorated and no effing use because overpaid NHS administrators didn’t think to rotate stock, presumably.
Amazing what stupidity comes from a bottomless pit of somebody else’s money in Al Beeb’s favourite cause, our world class NHS!
BBC Online News:
“”Trump says Harry and Meghan must pay for security””
“”Last month, the Canadian government announced that it would stop providing security assistance to the family “in keeping with their change in status”.
“”Now Mr Trump appears to have followed suit.””
“”The family moved again last week to the Los Angeles area where Meghan was raised and where her mother, Doria Ragland, now lives, US media reports say.””
The couple stated that they would never live in the US because of Trump. Lefty Canada decided to reject their security costs. Now they’re stuck with evil Trump 😉
BBC, cry your heart out.
Harry’s status is still sixth in line to be Head of State of Canada. Megan’s status is many millions in line to be Head of State of America. So the couple would prefer to live in Canada because Trump is Head of State of America while Harry’s Grandma is Head of State of Canada. So the Canadians are saying that only the top five members of the Canadian Royal Family are of worthy status.
Also, Victoria, British Columbia is as near as possible to Megan’s home that they can possibly get, while remaining loyal to Grandma, and although California was originally named New Albion, and claimed for England in 1579, by Sir Francis Drake. The claim is no longer internationally recognised, so Harry has no claim to be in line as Head of State of California. So no wonder Harry and Megan don’t like Trump.
However, there are rumours that Charles has been invited by Donald Trump to become the first King of America since George III. Trump would retain real power but be renamed the Governor General. This would solve Megan’s problem and make Harry’s father the official Head of State of California.
Harry and Megan would then be fifth in line to the throne of California. Although I think this is an April fools joke played on Harry Enfield for comedy effect, by Channel 4, in “The Windsors”, one hour and fifteen minutes before April Fools day starts?
Richard – she obviously places herself as a President Trump hater – so as a non royal she will be publicly campaigning for the Democrats .
Her fans ( come on AOC ) will say it’s about colour – when it is about someone who does ‘ royal ‘ but not ‘duty ‘ . And as for the Harry Windsor one – what a waste – but what we chaos do for lurvvve….
On a personal note – added Netflix to prime so really no need for the Far Left Biased BBC any more . £6 a month no contract . Easy join . Easy watch ….
I wish they’d both just phuque off to oblivion , and leave us all in peace.
BBC constructs news
..instead of just reporting it
How’s everyone enjoying their 30 day free trial of communism?
Its worse than Communism. I remember the Communists had to queue up for Bread, but they certainty didn’t have the BBC, prioritise freedom for foreigners, or queue up to buy two toilet rolls. Also the adverts had working class white people in boiler suits, not highly energetic Africans, with golly wog hairstyles and dressed to look like metropolitan left-wing middle-class liberal fascists.
Something I never thought I would see on the BBC…

Sex and Corona Virus – What You Need to know
I guess now that the sofa stores are all shut all those black ‘dads’ in the adverts have gone back to the USA!
There is still the IKEA ad (that drives me nuts !) where the stairs convert to a slide, and an idiot Dad who skips after his kids like a 2 year old.
Not watching much tv at the moment thankfully am still working evenings and Mrs ND has been playing music during the daytime but I did add two more adverts to the list last week!
An advert came on for Vac Pack GO from JML she said we could do with some of those so I looked up from the laptop and muttered to myself no we don’t.
Also Express Bi-Folding Doors not a well known brand so probably won’t be on the screens much but they did manage to squeeze in white grandma at the end (the fathers mother)
The happy family with their JML purchase.

That “Exercise Cygnus uncovered: the pandemic warnings buried by the government” ‘thing’
I wouldn’t give the BBC too much credit for not joining the bandwagon because there are two rival studies ie the Imperial College and a newer one from Oxford
They make very different assumptions and it will be a while before any or neither is proved correct – or even close.
The BBC jumped on board the Imperial College study and as far as I am aware haven’t said much if anything about the Oxford study.
The FT has covered both (registration is free at present) ––in-detail-/
Click to access Imperial-College-COVID19-NPI-modelling-16-03-2020.pdf
Click to access 2020.03.24.20042291v1.full.pdf
Makes for interesting reading – draw your own conclusions
The BBC must have choked writing this –
“The iHeart Living Room Concert for America will take the place of the iHeartRadio Music Awards, which had been scheduled for Sunday evening – also to be screened on Fox – and which was postponed as a result of the pandemic.”
The BBC should have Rebecca on QT
She doesn’t have enough books on her bookshelf to be an expert! (The Brissles Bookshelf Benchmark)
Oooooooh cheeky ! (love it though)
When I was 6 years old I contracted Chicken Pox.
My Mother *could* have over-reacted and asked my younger sister to wear a mask or asked me to self-isolate, but no, she knew the ways of the old ones, the traditional ways to do things.
She made my 3 year-old sister sleep in the same bed as me for a couple of nights until she too had contracted it. Get it over and done with. Get that immune system up and running. Stop being a big jessie. That kind of thing.
Sometimes common sense and traditional ways are the best ways.
Can’t think why I’ve just written that. Maybe I’m delirious with a virus or something.
Just keep drinking the Lucozade Snowy ! (and slapping on the Calamine lotion)
Some in the gay community also have the same attitude “giving the gift”, “bug catching” etc to get AIDs deliberately which then removes the worry about catching it.
We never had the governement demanding a lockdown or arrest of those thought to be spreading AIDs so why is Coronavirus so different especially when the latter spreads you get natural immunity and no need to rely on NHS drugs to keep you alive.
Too wow to be true.
Non Snowflake
I understand that some “experts” have predicted that 4 out of 5 of us will get the Corona virus. Not a nice thought but that could represent one hell of a lot of potential funerals. Trouble is the crematoria will very likely be unable to cope and most of us are ordered not to attend them anyway.
Now let me make a wild assumption. These “experts” may be the same f—–s who predicted that millions of people in the UK would contract HIV/Aids and we would see people dying in the streets,also, that untold numbers of folks would die from Mad Cow Disease as a result of consuming British beef.
These same “experts”probably all went to the same Socialist Uni, with the same Socialist lecturers and copied each other’s homework, including each other’s mistakes.
While I am taking care not to catch the breath of strangers while out on my daily walks and roughly, where at all possible, abiding by the “2 metres apart” instruction. Just in case.
I am,as yet, unconvinced that something rather more sinister is not driving this campaign. Time will tell – hopefully.
Has the BBC run the head WHO bozo taking viral notes from Lady Gaga yet?
I recall when Reuters was not an utter joke.
“ Reuters Morning Digest: Drop in China’s new coronavirus cases; none in Wuhan for sixth day”