So how is the Far Left Biased BBC going to report the second 3 week closure of the UK – courtesy of the People’s Republic of China ? Will worship of the NHS and condemnation of the government intensify ? Or will it find another bone to chew ?
Weekend Thread 18 April 2020
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Have China created this Virus to dominate the World ? , are they at present buying up the the rest of the World’s collapsing businesses for a bargain price ? ….and all with the help of the crap BBC….answers please on a postcard and send to Boris and Dominic at Downing Street !
The West have always been very naïve in their dealings with Communist China. I recall Mao….
At that stage China had about half the present population, and Mao seemed OK with losing half of those to war…
Wonder what mindset Comrade Xi has?
The BBC did a ‘little extra’ story about an 8 yr old BME girl supporting the NHS by making 3D printed PPE gear.
The story could just as easily have been –
‘NHS exploits BAME children to manufacture PPE”
but that would go against the present narrative
Incendiary piece of hacksterism here,
BBC News – Coronavirus cases to be tracked by ethnicity
“”worried personal protective equipment was being “prioritised for white members of staff”.”
Stoking up racial tension at a time of crisis? Evidence? This claim should be thoroughly investigated by the media watchdog.
Same piece contains a quote from
” An undertaker from London, who asked to be anonymous,” anonymous like the NHS ‘boss’ maybe?
Anonymous, as in non-existent?
“This claim should be thoroughly investigated by the media watchdog.”
What media watch dog? Ofcom?
Don’t make me laugh .
Yes, as someone, somewhere, may have said “about as much use a Steven Hawkin’s treadmill”
As with most things BBC, ‘guidelines’ give wiggle room once it gets up the slippery pole the Keith and Gang.
F2 seems like you are spot on, the latest bbc whinge
always the victims, of course playing cricket in parks during lockdown or having a gang fight in a Luton street during lockdown etc etc has nothing to do with this, or having three generations crammed into one house
reaping the consequences of a “cultural need” for their oft quoted “kommuni h ie”
and all the taxi drivers stuck in the ranks together now the childrens homes and schools are closed in Rotherham
Labour , point scoring activist caught out AGAIN !!!!!
That totally non-political nurse has locked down her Twitter account
Maybe cos some people exposed her political history.
Sadly the Daily Mail on line has this nurse’s story without telling their readers that she is a Labour political activist.
I am sure much of these anti government stories are as a result of people voting for the Conservatives and for Brexit. The stupid BBC and mainstream press haven’t realised their propaganda doesn’t work. (Evidence, the last election and Brexit).
Mrs Voter was watching Celebrity Mastermind (not that I recognised one apart from the BAME woman, that played rugby and is now part of the BBC ), anyway during the general knowledge round Humphries asks, Which record failed to make number one during Donald Trump’s visit to the UK. The answer was of course American Idiot, apparently the beeb didn’t ring up often enough.
Since the bbc need to lever into mastermind and, even more bizzarely, countryside programmes, with BAME can we ask why they are not demanding the 100 metre dash and boxing world are not filled with under represented white people ?
looking at their requirements for other occupations there should be at least 50% white people in each 100 metre dash and boxing match regardless of their competence
Regarding competence and ability I am thinking for example of a Naga who is routinely rude and arrogant and opinionated to co presenters and makes derogatory comments about Brexit and the democratically elected president of the USA whilst working for a supposed professional and unbiased national broadcaster
fireproof, of course as many incompetent BAME I have seen in local government and elsewhere, even admitted by their managers as recipients of public complaints about sexism and bullying, so about time we had a fireproof white 100 metre champion ?
It is all about equality is it not..hmmmm
The theory runs that Mexico does not do too well in the Olympics because anyone who can run, jump or swim is now in the USA
Tortoise Media is a creation of an ex-Beeboid, rammed with Beeboids.
This ad just appeared as a sponsored intrusion on my Facebook feed:
Whether it’s with your boss, your family or your neighbour, confrontation is hard.
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Start your free trial of tortoise to book your spot
Because they can?
One year old Sun article
but still good
BBC Scotland being called out by Scottish Tories for SNP bias.
Funny how the BBC giving the locally ruling SNP an easy ride but not the nationally ruling Tories.
It would be interesting if Brexit was followed by Joxit
Let the little gnome get on with it, like Corbyn, very good at sniping from the sidelines
and trying to steal the march on the government by making announcements just before them, pathetic, a national emergency and one can see the true mettle of all, including politicians and the bbc
Gotta be impressed.
So that would be 66% are not essential, and are just going in to make up the numbers, that would be the numbers for diversity, race, religion and sexual bias.
FFS the person most likely to be off sick … a wimmin, the person thst costs the economy millions through maternity leave requiring a company to pay her to have a baby (Why?) and have to pay her salary whilst she has a baby AND employ another person to do her job yet have to allow her to come back if she chooses ?? so can only offer a nine month contract and try and find someone willing to take that on with no guarantee of future employment until the wimmin decides whether she will come back or not which is ONE WEEK before the end of her maternity pay
Darcy, I don’t agree with your comments, but do agree with the outcome. Women should have the right to have babies and a career (just like Loretta from Life of Brian). However, the women’s right lobby have tended to undermine their own position as employers are often reluctant to employ younger women to key posts “just in case”, so it ends up being a no win situation for all parties. They just use an alternative excuse not to employ (e.g. poor interview).
Of course you have the right to agree or disagree, ufortunately though, Its not an opinion you are disagreeing with, it is a fact
Survey Reveals More Women Take Time Off Sick than Men
The European Health Interview Survey has revealed a ‘sickie gender gap’ with results noting 36% of women compared to 27% of men have taken sick leave from work in the last year.
Well said Laurie. Well said ????
They don’t learn, do they?
I’m not on Twitter, but was sent this on WhatsApp…….
As a lorry driver, Thursday I turned up at a hospital 3.45 unable to unload as stores shut 3.30pm They weren’t open Friday when I took it back. A truck load of PPE undelivered cos stores were shut. Suppose that’s Boris fault too.
Stories like this never get reported. Funny that.
Source note it’s date April 12
He’d tweeted the same thing 3 times the day before but got ignored
He seems a genuine lorry driver cos over the years he has mentioned it.
“Coronavirus: Domestic electricity use up during day as nation works from home”……………
The broadcasting outfit is run by kids .
A Non-story . Telling us the bleeding obvious.
They must have had orders to fill any news item and link it with Coronavirus?
Haven’t posted one of these for a while.
But just to remind Roger that 16% renewables leaves a massive shortfall in electricity production even in these testing times.
Where are we supposed to get the other 84% by 2050…
Answers BBC….
Some enterprising person will develop a small generator that can be powered by a person pedalling a bicycle, hang on that’s been done, maybe two people on a tandem would work better. Perhaps jug ears and Cressida (Iwishihada)Dick could do the work.
Why stop at two NV
Is a Shame Tim Brooke=Taylor recently passed away or we could’ve asked The Goodies to get their trandem out.
Bottom left
IC Ned and IC Nem (Belgium Interconnector) are probably sending us *Coal* and gas powered leccy
IC France is mostly nuclear
Why’s Biomass low ?
shouldn’t Drax be doing its normal dirty burning of American logs ?
I know the Immingham train track is under repair, but they have trains from the west coast ports as well
Are the Dutch going through the birth pains of leaving the EU?
Bunter reads the room. Goes worse than usual, even for him.
On twitter libmob are loving the Sunday Times hit piece against Boris
*ONE Downing Street advisor spills all*,
‘ Coronovirus is all the fault of lazy Boris skipping meetings’
“A lot of people are going to suspect that the Sunday Times hit piece on Boris and Covid (will read it in full tomorrow to make a judgment on it) is leftover business from the departure of Sajid Javid and his team from No11 Downing Street.“
Are the MSM so bubble-headed that they think each other fluffing themselves is the least bit convincing or influential as their readerships and audience stats continue to plummet?
The BBC are disgracefully playing the race card with the allegation that BAME people are proportionally harder hit than whiteys.i
What selective memories they have.
They are far more reticent to review transplant and organ donation rates. As given by none other than…….the NHS !!!!
These show BAME offer proportionately fewer donations and receive more transplants than white people.
But just imagine a journalist from the BBC playing that particular race card !!!! It’s never going to happen is it? In BBC la la land, racism is only ever one-way.
Click to access organ-donation-and-transplantation-bame-activity-report-2018-2019.pdf
“Cornish dad bakes pasty the size of his newborn son”
I posted similar earlier . Another non-story published by an outfit run by kids .
Thats what you telly tax payers are funding.
But his grandparents can’t legally come and see the new born..
\\Firms ‘won’t be ready for EU customs exit’//
It looks like ‘Project Fear is back on the agenda.
The story fell apart when Simon Browning put his source Paul Durrands on the news at 1pm Fri, repeated 2pm and 4:30 pm
and some people realised that he wasn’t an NHS Trust manager at all
To see the blocks of transcript move the slider at the bottom of the page to the right
Ha it’s in the Mail
commenter “sky news has done it today
… saying a nurse has had to lie to her child when it comes to PPE yet the trust she works for has denied it”
I see the Indy article based on the BBC Burberry scoop has
The Independent would write anything for a headline
Nobel 2008 virologist Luc Montagnier says “Covid 19” man made …. (given Wuhan lab designed / part built by France it seems a brave thing to do….. )
“I’ve made out this list of natural, good and inclusive things vs. things that are unnatural, wrong and fascist.”
BBC ‘fact checking’
They don’t seem to realise how stupid this looks –
If this is the exact way the fact check was written it deserves to be nit picked a la BBC. the “-” looks like a negative to the casual readers eyes. Are they saying the US has negative deaths? Are they comparing births to deaths?
I am deliberately using the kind of dumb questioning headlines so often used by the BBC. Maybe I could get a job in the headline straw man department.
This week’s doodle and thoughts from the basement. Maybe I should set up a gofundme if anyone wants to sponsor me to walk to the wine rack and back 100 times.
A Guardian opinion piece asserted
“Media scrutiny of No 10’s Covid strategy is more important than ever”
It’s surprising that the Times would do it but apparently it needs headlines to survive
The BBC is also trying to discredit the government even when it is finacially secure
I’m confused, does the BBC really want to be defunded?
Maybe because ratings are falling it thinks it can do better elsewhere?
Ranks have been broken.
And here is Jon-boy’s little helper… not doing irony.
But at least he’s in with a chance with the BS next time she’s on lay-over.
I have a complaint in with the BBC over Nick’s tweets.
However, and I don’t think this is widely known, BBC complaints appear to have suspended the normal procedure, 1a & 1b etc, and are not escalating to ECU quoting staffing problems due to covid.
I’ve asked them that question but haven’t heard back yet
“So, class of ‘20… you have a binary choice of career: NHS Procurement Officer or BBC ECU. Choose wisely”.
Sopel and his friends haven’t a leg to stand on after this 40 year NHS scientist has replied –
[In any case, Prof Neil Ferguson didn’t have the data from Italy until 16 March that, with his models, predicted the looming catastrophe, and caused the UK and US to immediately change their ‘Herd’ strategy saving millions of lives]
[I’m no fan of ‘climate models’, however, in this application of statistical modeling techniques the results of the Italian ‘model’ (or experiment) were observable]
Nick #sourceswhosay Nob finds it ‘powerful’.
I think we should all have a ‘Clap for hypochondriacs’ day next Thursday!
Non-covid admissions have plummeted because a certain crowd of ‘victims’ are scared of going to hospital!
In other news, the BBC still spout fake news, ‘quote’ un-checked statistics, show more rubbishy programmes than they ever did before, and generally make fools of themselves…
So is VD. Apparently.
Charles Moore’s article about Boris has caused lots of libmob to react in their #BeKind way.
Just a thought, but if the bBBC is correct and BAME’s are (statistically) more prone to catch COVID-19 than normal people, then does that mean that we should all avoid BAME’s at all costs from now on?
EG keep 2 metres from them, don’t interract with them, don’t face them in case they breathe the virus onto us, don’t invite them into the house, don’t get into a car with them, don’t let them near our children, and definitely stop auditioning them for TV commercials.
Although I’m sure there must be a down side as well.
whats happened with the black stabbers in London recently ?
They are briefing lobby ‘reporters’ anonymously.
That, unfortunately, is already happening in the US
We all know that the WHO is under the control of China.
But do we know whom exactly controls the BBC ?
We know that whatever disaster overtakes the World the
BBC’S number one priority is still diversity.
From making sure there is at least one diverse contestant
on Celebrity Mastermind . Even if they cant answer questions
on their specialist subject, such as the one times table.
All the way up to not putting the blame on China for hiding
the early stages of the disease to the world.
The more I think about it , the more I believe that those in the
hierarchy of the BBC have similar affiliation to those at the top
of the WHO.
That’s an easy one, Ofcom, who like the media and most institutions have been taken over by leftist activists
Whatever, the BBC’s role is to disrupt and condemn normality by undermining everything. That is the overriding principal goal of Marxism. A handy tool for the chinese communist party, well schooled in those techniques.
The BBC’s latest irony editor in lock down.
F@ck islamophobia whingers:
Prosecutor reveals how one teenage girl was grilled by 11 barristers for six days and called a liar – but refused to back down and laid bare the horror of Asian rape gangs
A car door was flung open and the two girls were pushed out into the darkness. They fell awkwardly on to the moorland heather as the vehicle accelerated away and the tail-lights disappeared into the night.
The girls grabbed each other, huddling together, frozen in fear. After several minutes, when they were sure the car wasn’t coming back, they looked across the barren landscape of Saddleworth Moor towards the lights of civilisation blinking faintly in the distance. Then they began the long 14-mile walk back to town.
It was a little after 8.30 the next morning when Sara Rowbotham parked her car outside the sexual health support service she ran in Rochdale, ten miles north-east of Manchester.
As she stepped out of the vehicle, she saw the two shivering girls sitting on the steps
They had made it back and had been waiting there for hours. Before being dumped on the moors the night before, both had been violently raped by several men.
As a crisis intervention co-ordinator for the NHS, it was Rowbotham’s work with vulnerable young girls that had begun to shed light on a series of horrific crimes happening in the Rochdale area.
The reports she presented to the authorities told of a sickening epidemic of sexual abuse.
She relayed details of teenage girls being plied with alcohol and coerced into unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple men, many of whom were more than 30 years older than them.
She also told of underage girls being threatened and picked up in car parks and taken to houses across the town, where they would be passed around dozens of men.
In one case, a man in his 40s poured petrol on the head of a 14-year-old girl with learning difficulties and threatened to set her alight unless she performed a sex act on him.
Would be nice to know the names of the defence barristers in these cases and whether they are related to the ‘ defendants ‘ wouldn’t it ?
I was shocked at Boris’s ‘police state’ but am now thinking that it was a precursor to silencing the media, the BBC in particular.
Don’t forget, Dominic Cummings, as with Brexit, will have ‘gamed’ this.
Come to think of it, I should have a look at his blog
Is there not already a cross party committe of moderates?
During WW2 wasn’t the national socialist fascist Mosley locked up
How ironic
Remember Cummings –
‘Two hands are a lot’ — we’re hiring data scientists, project managers, policy experts, assorted weirdos…
It’s all beginning to make sense
CM- “He ended his life as a good Socialist”
So this is really the fairy-tale ending beloved by the bbc.
Never mind ‘lived happily ever after’, which is the little one’s version.
The beeb feeds its own little ones fairy tales all the time.
At a cost. Oh, and I suspect that financially, they’re doing rather well right now….
Wimmin! More wimmin!
Guest, the BBC do love promoting wimmin and their rights and their abilities …
… but sometimes it appears to all go a bit wrong.
versus (usual disclaimers)
BBC = FakeNews and FalseFacts?
It would seem so.
Not been a good week in W1a, last week.
This one has not got off to a good start if TWeTW is anything to go by.
BBC QasaHeadline News
Has the coronavirus led to a change in your drinking habits?
Screw tops and wine boxes …..
How many champagne bottles are strewn in the racist far-left bbc corridors? That should give them the answer.
FA fact sheet on Ramadan
We’re supposed to be a Christian country. Why should we even know about Ram Damn let alone care about it?
NHS guide
How can we support colleagues during Ramadan and Eid-ul-Fitr?
How does COVID-19 and social distancing impact Muslims?
Scunthorpe Ramadan preparations ?
Sheep stealing was reported on the early Radio Humberside news. tweet
but then for some reason they dropped it
“The incident came just two days after police discovered an illegal abattoir at a house in the Telford, Shropshire.
Police there arrested seven men, also for theft”
The theft of nearly 10,000 sheep across England and Wales last year has only resulted in one charge by police, the BBC can reveal.
A Freedom of Information request showed 9,635 sheep were stolen in 2018
Ah but if you mis-label an LBGT person they will be round before you can make a cup of tea !!
On the Halal theme – I have to go on the Facebook now because my church is broadcasting mass on it . I have no presence on Facebook other wise and naturally all the details I had to put on it are lies …
Anyway -whilst navigating to my RC mass Facebook sent me to the “halal food exhibition ‘ which apparently is on this weekend . There are pictures of large numbers of people at the festival – presumably watching live unstunned mammals having their throats cut .
A bit alarmed – because twitter is showing plenty of queues of 3rd worlders waiting at the halal supermarkets nearby – I had a look —-
It seems said halal show has been put off until July – there will be full BBC presence with tips is slaughtering animals at home – ( the last bit might be a bit of false news but I don’t watch country tick box file anymore so don’t know… )
The sheep story did get reported on the 12pm news
Did we get any Easter support – apart from don’t buy eggs?
BBC: “Long spell of dry weather set to continue”
I’m inclined to say yeah, that’ll be the summer.
But blimey, that headline does read as oddly portentious. The BBC have got us all into such a state of fearful, resentful, paranoia that even a simple positive statement of a decent weather forecast sounds ominous.
“…set to continue…”
Oh no, is a draught on the way? Is this a trigger to panic buy bottled water?
Christ, what are the social distancing implications of water rationing from standpipes?
What will get us first, global warming or the Chinese virus?
“It is now a full month since Northern Ireland last recorded a single day with more than one centimetre of rain.”
Oh, the humanity…. I really don’t know if I can take it anymore. I may have to jump out of a window. (Don’t worry, I’m on the ground floor).
“Would be revellers at the cancelled St Patrick’s Day parades on 17 March would have been dodging showers as many places across Northern Ireland recorded 10-15mm of rain that day. Since then, almost nothing.”
Cue the theme to the Twilight Zone… it’s a weird little shamrock green mystery. Perhaps the leprechauns have been messing about at their end of the rainbow?
Don’t even think about cracking that old joke about the Irish beating the draught by diluting the stuff.
“February 2020 was the wettest February since 1862.”
Quick, get hold of the Guinness Book of Records! They’ve got plenty of time to look into this claim since they won’t be making much Guinness at the moment.
“A high pressure system is sitting over Scandinavia and building towards Ireland this weekend which means the third week in April looks set to be similarly parched.”
Phew, there’s a scientific explanation – but what if we all get “parched” ? Get me out of here, I don’t want to be parched!
It’s like the Daleks have landed and are imposing fine weather on humans “You will obey the Daleks or you will be parched”
“We may not be able to enjoy the fine weather to the full, but we certainly deserve it.”
Ah there you get it right at the end of the article, that typical old BBC trick of reimposing the primitive ancient way of thinking that there’s a relationship between our moral behaviour and the mood of the weather gods.
Weather at the beginning of Jugears Marr’s propaganda programme today and the (undoubtedly overpaid) presenter tells us that April showers doesn’t seem to be occurring this year. Dopey cow probably can’t recall March, as if a few weeks time shift is unknown. I’m under Southern Water so I looked at their reservoir levels online. They vary between ….wait for it…
99% and 100% so no drought likely yet.
And finally……………………. The BBC has learned that 60 million British people did NOT die from the corona virus this week which for us in the newsroom is something of a disappointment.
World is getting like a Black Mirror episode..
Everyone locked up by a kindly government .,.for their own safety.
Coronavirus: Spanish PM promises to ease confinement of children
Children have been barred from going outside their homes completely.
Spanish children have been kept at home since 14 March
Andrew Marr is interviewing David Attenborough. Usual end of the world is nigh stuff.
Two interesting BBC moments, but you had to wait until 90% of the interview/scare was done.
1. David Attenborough clarified that the nature and the planet will always survive but “we need to protect mankind”. An interesting change of tactics from the “world is on fire” just a few months ago.
2. Marr tried to suggest the planet has a concious and is punishing us with Coronovirus.
Yes.Last year I swore at my roses because the buggers pricked me badly and shortly afterwards they all died. I guess I must have hurt their feelings.So Mr Marr could have a point.
dont remember marr pushing any gods punisment / gaia pushback theories for HIV
2. Marr tried to suggest the planet has a conscience and is punishing us with Coronovirus
On Toady Sunday in the newspaper review at 0810.
The announcer mentioned in terms that the Daily/Sunday Express had chosen a headline to be positive and cheer us up a bit !!!!!
The intense irony of this, the contrast, from a BBC announcer representing an institution that now only seeks to undermine and spread gloom and doom at every turn, must be obvious to all.
Except the BBC management and editors, of course, for whom self-reflection is a non-starter.
Sluff, take it from one who knows: vampires have no reflection, self or otherwise…
One World: Together at Home tonight on the ‘world’s most trusted’ at 19:15 ????
It’ll be pathetic lefty virtue-signalling nonsense implying we’re all in it together ????
These twats, al beeb included, are so out of touch with the general public it is laughable ????
23rd of April will be a year since we binned the telly tax (a date whose irony isn’t lost on this household) ????????????????????????????
Wow – the PPE thing is going so well that Len Deighton has been appointed a ‘czar’ for it -joining the vaccine ‘ task force ‘ set up yesterday and due to meet sometime in 2021 or 2022. ( last bit might be false ) but I’ve lost me trust in them now ..
I’m not affected by the propaganda because I don’t do mainstream ‘news ‘Or newspapers any more …. but – as an aside – HMG is sending out online surveys to assess the behaviour and views of the taxpayer including a little question about whether a government tracking app would be acceptable – as part of a ‘ deal ‘ to reduce the imprisonment they are putting us through .
We’re gonna get a lot of ‘ second wave ‘ propaganda coming along soon to frighten us into staying in until July – or August -or September . …. that’s a lot of clapping ….
It’s Lord Paul Deighton, the chief executive of the 2012 Olympic games (I had to look it up).
Although a spy novelist might be preferable.
Theisland .
Thank you but I knew . My humour was a bit too dry . I don’t use titles as I generally don’t believe in them . So Lenny Deighton it is for me .
I wonder if he is shareholder in PPE companies …..
I’m trying to guess what ‘czar’ is going to be appointed by some government drone at the next ‘ briefing ‘ …
Maybe it’s a “ we re doing all that we can czar “ . Or a “clapping “ czar task force …..
I think Sunday is Dom Raabs ‘ day . “ minister – if there s a lockdown why are there so many planes On finals toward Heathrow or stansted please ? They’re not PPE cargo Because some other country has nicked that …. “
It’s been suggested we may have some education announcements today or tomorrow……..
Sorry Fed – suspected you knew that.
Sophy asked Gove about borders this morning.
Apparently the ‘medics’ have decided it’s ok!!
Priti says (again) she is going to deal with those naughty people smugglers and Channel hoppers.
Yeah right.
Theisland – no worry – I suppose that since the Emir of Londonistan has overseen daily herding of workers onto the tube having a few Italians , Spanish , Americans and Chinese coming into the UK without health checks is good enough .
It does cause the validity of nazi styled plod shouting at people to ‘go home’ you’re killing people to be questioned –
Also – does anyone have much trust in the medics any more ?
I only watch BBC News very occasionally over a weekend, at random times of day, with a cup of tea. But it seems every time I watch it they are always bashing Trump with some woman guest bitching about how bad he is “because he said 47 days ago….which is different to what he said 24 years ago…”.
What is the chances that I seem to catch those Trump bashing moments every time?
Next year are some PPE sales people going to on fancy holidays
whilst the NHS sits on on huge stockpiles of PPE it paid over the odds for
cos stories of scarcity drove prices up ?