So how is the Far Left Biased BBC going to report the second 3 week closure of the UK – courtesy of the People’s Republic of China ? Will worship of the NHS and condemnation of the government intensify ? Or will it find another bone to chew ?
Weekend Thread 18 April 2020
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Maajaz is just starting on the Sunday Times hit job
“I’ve read the article 3 times
and all the way the government followed the expert advice what is the problem ?
Did we want them to do something else ?”
One the 9th of March SAGE advised total lockdown. On the 10-13th March Cheltenham Festival went ahead despite much criticism.
NewportGwent area of S Wales now has the worst deaths/cases per million of CV in the whole UK.
I listened to Maajaz too. Te problem I have with him and the the government is they hide behind only the experts it/they chose. There were many opinions outwith PHE and SAGE strongly advising very different advice. The Lancet for one.
Regardless, on Cheltenham they did not even act on their own expert advice.
Wise/sound governance would diversify expert opinion and take the tough political decisions. They have not done this. For me they have dithered from January, cowardly hiding behind their own brand of scientists. Herd immunity, for example, what a f*&%ing joke.
Equally, though. Expectations must be kept in check. Our entire political class are simply middle management career politicians who have been totally exposed by this crisis. Weak, establishment wonks are not best placed for managing national emergencies.
Personally, I’d support British army input to the whole thing and a change of leadership entirely.
Ven “Regardless, on Cheltenham they did not even act on their own expert advice.”
At the time, ie. pre-passing in Parliament of Lockdown legislation, would that not be down to the Jockey Club or the Tote or both?
They just lacked balls, to me.
Ven, Who? The Government? They would not have done it then because it would not be legal to do so. You can imagine the rush of complainants to the High Court if they had.
Or the Jockey Club and the Tote? Driven by money, they are, so what do you expect?
“Our entire political class are simply middle management career politicians who have been totally exposed by this crisis”
“I’d support British army input to the whole thing and a change of leadership entirely”
Agree – but never Starmer/globalists
As things stand it is clear that civil servants rule the roost (e.g. FCO, HO). They need purging.
Our MPs have been a continuous procession of weak, cowardly, greedy, stupid or (at best) naive individuals.
Yes, we have cabinet ministers too gutless to stand up to their own civil servants and the media – hear that Priti – and fail to speak direct to the public to engage their support. We need politicians with Trump’s courage.
Totally agree
Ven “One the 9th of March SAGE advised total lockdown.”
please show your evidence ?
As Maajid explained, Early in March the government advised social distancing ..and some sporting events were cancelled.
I still went to the pub , cos it is a remote area and with it not being crowded and proper handwashing etc It was safe.
Cheltenham could have implemented rigorous measure to keep people well apart, which is possible if the stands were huge compared to the crowd.
but they’d have to do something about toilets to keep them virus free.
I’m guessing their measures weren’t enough.
The government should have been checking on their measures .
By mid March the gov had decided that voluntary wasn’t good enough and so on 19th Boris said schools will close after the 20th and then suddenly on the 20th he said that’s pubs will close tonight.
Then after everyone went walking on the 21st they decided to go for lockdown
Germany After 4 days of deaths at around 300, it’s dropped to 186
That is kind of expected
.. cos 12 days ago the Germans had a short drop in new daily cases to 3258
and a conversion rate of 6% would make around 190 deaths today.
However in the UK New cases are still running at 5,300-5,600/day
with a 17% rate of conversion to deaths after 7 days
OK not rising
but it will rise a simplistic unlocking of lockdown
So where are the new UK cases coming from ?
I’m guessing not normal locked-down middle class people
… is it other communties ?
…. bad hospitals ?
I suggest you start here!
This is an interesting graph which shows the UK new case count was getting worse
and then turned and the trend is towards less and lass cases.
– I could make a different graph by expanding testing to include less sever cases, and then pick up more positive tests .
NEW STATS : OK that graph just took a blip UP
cos 5,850 new cases today
yesterday 5,525
So the change is +325
new deaths 596 TODAY vs 888 yesterday that s a blip DOWN
One day stuff is often just a blip
Correction re my 3:07pm post
The new severe case cound did got up but by less than I said
This is because the PHE has taken to mixing up 2 sets of tests
by adding in the tests done of key workers and their households
If we look at the Severe-case tests it was 4,399 to 4,467
ie 68 more
Look at that graphed the trend is flat
This is an important point
When the graph was rising until the April 4 the hospitals were getting fuller
When the graph is flat that means new patients coming into hospital are balanced by new patients going out
When it’s sloping down the hospitals are on their way to emptying out.
An interesting and informative graph, thank you.
Presumably as the number of patients decreases the amount of ppe , ventilators, oxygen etc used per day will also decrease as will the immediate need for the Nightingale Emergency Hospitals which thankfully have largely been unused so far. What happens when lockdown is lifted is the next big threat.
All the comparative new cases and death as are here.
Note: we only include hospital data not any community figures. Most estimates suggest around 6k deaths unregistered in the U.K. (care homes mostly).
Care home deaths are irrelevant to this trend spotting of hospital deaths
The true number of care home deaths comes out in 2 weeks
in the ONS death certificate data
– Worlddometer is not a reliable source of data
It’s better to go back to the original source
Oh it’s like the Socialism on Sunday tweeters are campaigning
Right now the UK Politics · Trending hashtags are
Trending with: #BorisOut, #BorisTheLiar, #JohnsonMustGo
SG – I am the antithesis of a socialist but I would like to see them all gone immediately.
I’m not advocating Starmer or any of the other commie librosexuals – I hate them more than Wuhan. But the flights continue, the tubes are full, we do not have the equipment or testing despite claims to the contrary.
But most importantly, the decisions, statements and accountability briefings to this point are inept, reflected perfectly by the worst death and infection stats in Europe.
“I’m not advocating Starmer or any of the other commie librosexuals – I hate them more than Wuhan”
Have you looked at the rates in Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Holland? If you have you know that you are telling lies . If you haven’t you ought before you post this stuff.
Stew – who would have thought that they’d use the pandemic to attack Boris?
Next thing, the lefty Democrats will be doing that to attack Trump!
Big surprise.
You wouldn’t know from the BBC tweet, but, there was MALE artists aswell.
Now if that picture had 3 white males on it, the feminist, #metoo gang would be all over it screaming how it proves the industry is sexist and women artists are being sidelined.
D’78 -The cheapo bbc, which must -I suspect- be awash with money right now, could see its way clear to bringing us only ‘extracts’ and only tonight. As for wimmin, they rule at beeb.
But halt, where is the BAME representation? Something went wrong somewhere. Was listening to R4 at 11.30 last nite, we had lotsa BAME wimmin from Chicago doing ‘poetry’. You can imagine the themes…
Oh BBC2 have replaced Bridge Over The River Kwai with Classic snooker, same tomorrow
The BBC Two season of classic films has been changed
.. but the ones broadcast so far are available on Catchup
Worthy of the bbc:
according to the Express:
Winston Churchill ‘demonised’ in schools as ‘brainwashed’ pupils told he’s a war criminal
SECONDARY school pupils are being taught Winston Churchill was a “war criminal” who wanted to start a Third World War.
Lesson plans shared by thousands of teachers also suggest he made lame, drunken speeches and was less important to British history than Sir Bob Geldof.
A Tes British Values and VE Day education pack of famous figures who best represent “Britishness” does not mention Churchill at all.
Instead, pupils are presented with Irish-born Sir Bob, fellow singer Zayn Malik, boxers Anthony Joshua and Nicola Adams.
Yes, this, ‘War time spirit’ the media often refers to suggesting that they had a leading role.
My uncle (deceased) had a special role in the production of Hurricanes north of Bristol during the war. I recall him recounting that if the workers had no overtime, they simply jumped up and down on the wings to bend same so the planes failed final examination. Overtime! Hey Presto!
Zayn Malik ??? who ??
Ahhh I see…….had to be did it not…
Zain Javadd Malik was born on 12 January 1993 in Bradford, West Yorkshire, England.His father, Yaser Malik, is a British Pakistani;
Malik was raised as a Muslim.
During the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, Malik posted the message “#FreePalestine” on Twitter
Do they both have a dual passports? Most do. If so, is it technically correct to call anyone a, ‘British Pakistani’?
They probably consider themselves Pakistani Muslims first and foremost, the ‘British’ part is used adjectivally and means they have been able to wangle a British passport, which as we know has been progressively devalued courtesy of the HO.
Anybody hear the last 10/15 mins of R4 so-called news?
An extended hit piece on Boris. I’m afraid I had to turn it off, particularly when Frazer Nelson was followed by the fat pakistani woman who is variously described as a ‘comic’. But there, the listener has to realise, that’s the classic Cultural Marxist theory of condemning everything and all in sundry relentlessly, at work.
I couldn’t take the abuse of my intelligence anymore. OFF.
G, I had to turn it off, too. The ‘fat pakistani woman’ (sic) is a Labour MP from Scotland, I think. No political balance on the programme, whatsoever.
Mardell was snidey and sneery right from the start. It was a pure pro-Labour Remain Party Political Broadcast from the beginning (including the way the News was worded) up to when I switched off.
Tony Hall should be, ought to be, inspecting the warp and weave and colour of the Culture Secretary’s carpet before being dismissed with his pension removed without any anaesthetic. Mardell, likewise.
“Coronavirus: UK launches first Bangladesh rescue flights”
A convenient, ‘Road Map’ highlighting the future UK in stages as observed elsewhere in the World.
For utter tosh this
BBCGuardian article takes some beating – ‘Coronavirus:how did Britain get its response so wrong?’Apparently we were all drunk on Brexit.
One other country was just as bad. Guess which one it was.
Oh what a surprise, it’s that one that voted in the wrong president.
Didn’t switch the TV on until about 10.30pm last night couldn’t find much of interest until Top of the Pops at 11pm on BBC4 but kept it on that channel anyway.The program that was currently on was about pioneers of entertainment and was looking at mainly musical hall variety performers so thought we’d stick with that should be interesting.Oh Boy talk about agenda or should that be gender!
The two presenters had to choose an act and do a performance as them at the end of the show.Who does the woman choose? Vesta Tilley a woman performer who went on stage as a man.They did seem rather obsessed with Ms Tilley and gave her much more airtime than other more well known women such as Gracie Fields.
She needed help though she couldn’t understand how a woman can go on stage and perform as a man.She said she needed an expert so went to see a gender expert who just happened to be….a black woman who’s also a drag king who showed her how to ‘man spread’
It didn’t end there she had to choose a song.”I’ve chosen this one it’s a bit of an odd one it’s about how the army is in a mess until this officer comes along which is obviously me”
With both presenters dressed up the woman as a man and the man in a kilt she says as they descend to the stage “I would say ladies first but I don’t know who the lady is” “Yes it’s one big gender mash up isn’t it” he replies.
So the bit of the program that I saw seemed to be one long subliminal message about gender fluidity with a bit of BAME thrown in for good measure.
For pity’s sake just leave the agendas at the door and stop spoiling what could be good and interesting programmes.
The Breitbart current lead article is about the numbers of migrants applying to stay here.
We all know every government lies and they cannot be trusted.
One of the facts given by Breitbart is that 155% of the (government number) Bulgarian immigrants are applying to stay and the other numbers for the likes of Romania are also higher (all well over 100%) than the number the government tells us are here.
No surprise of course, we know that governments lie.
Also, I think this virus affects fatty bum bums more than the seventy year olds. When deciding who to eventually let out a simple seventy and over is the wrong way to go about where to draw the line. Maybe a BMI over 30 would be more sensible. Over seventy year olds with other health conditions are sensible enough (usually) to know when to stay in without the government having to tell them.
….Over seventy year olds with other health conditions are sensible enough (usually) to know when to stay in without the government having to tell them…..
Well said EG. Exactly, its this generation that have more common sense than any other.
Heres a bbc moral quandary from the home page.
“‘Do I still pay my cleaner’?
and other virus questions”
I’ve had to let the scullery maid and one of the footman go (surly chap anyway), anyone else struggling? bbc problems eh.
Journo called Dan, looks about 20. Asks the old chestnut at the Press Briefing, about PPEs and the wearing of them more than once. Shot down a bit when the Dep Chief Med Officer, told him the truth, that there are times when they can be worn twice.
That’s the trouble, these journos have no bloody idea about things, but are only focused on the sodding same old question.
Now another one is one, a female who looks about 14 asking the same sodding question. Give me strength.
Brissles, the Docs & Nurses have all watched ER and Casualty and simla, they’ve seen the TV Docs & Nurses tear off their PPE and chuck it carelessly in a large bin and think they should do the same.
Fastest the ‘off’ button was ever pushed. Radio 4 poetry at 4.30…from black Chicago. AGAIN!
Had enough of the complaining and aggression last week.
On a sunday afternoon I could have done with a little Dylan Thomas, Larkin, Betjeman, Plath, Dickinson, Frost, Heaney, Armitage, Shelley, Byron, Keats, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Milton or even Shakespeare.
If there had to be Roger McGough, Graves, Owen, Sassoon, TS Elliot, WB Yeats, WD Auden, so be it. Better still, Edward Thomas.
But, yet again, ugly ‘poetry’ from …well, I better not say it.
BBC has certain obsessions now, and -with an avalanche of money flowing in and endless repeats. there will only be more.
Bingo ! It took the damp education Secretary 35 minutes to say ‘we’re doing every thing we can ….Dee Dee Dee ‘ which means that Brillo has just thrown a brick through his TV screen – which he promised to do in a tweet earlier today – also wandering aloud what the purpose of these briefings are ….
I force myself to watch them because we deserve to be told a lot more of what’s going on because of the imprisonment we are suffering . They’re still only getting 20 k test done per day . The target of 100k a day by the end of the month won’t be hit .
The state won’t list public hospital mortality rates – a league table would pressure the medics to be better . My local one has traditionally been one of the worst in the country in just about all areas which is quite an achievement .
I’d really hope there’s a journo somewhere finding out why the tonnes of kit due from turkey haven’t got to UK – will it land up somewhere else perhaps ?
And it looks like ventilator numbers don’t seem to matter any more ….
Fed – I didn’t watch. I was watering the garden and waiting for the poetry on R4. The garden was great, but the other…well, dismal and disappointing don’t begin to describe it. Black Chicago. I should have suffered through yet another viral briefing. I’m sure there was more and better poetry there. Our Ministers are so smooth with the gift of the gab, one and all. How many ways are there there to disguise failure? See? Sheer imagination. An answer for everything. Potential poets, the lot of them.
And I was waiting for R4. How stupid am I?
Your entirely valid point about the purpose of the daily briefings was borne out by the inexplicable choice of Uriah Heap to represent the government – his ‘dampness’ can only be explained by being so very recently dug up.
A simply appalling performance, only alleviated by the precision and cogency of Jenny Harries’ replies – and on a day when some of the attacks on the government were in such dire need of forceful and informed rebuttal.
Fed, Whipps Cross was on the radio a couple of days ago.
Somebody was praising it!
You could be worse off: Chase Farm + Barnet?
Spoilt the choice – there’s one near Romford which pretty good at killing people too .
I’m trying to find out if my borough has hit the 1000 official covid cases yet . It was over 600 a few days ago . Imagine what the real number is ….
I see ITN has another bleating doctor:
“I’m having to make sure my toilet break is limited, my prayer break is limited”.
“I never thought I’d be in a developed country, a first world country, wearing plastic aprons.”
When I was working for someone else all my ‘toilet breaks’ were purely determined by need and managed so that the ‘number ones’ were few and the ‘number twos’ non-existent. As for ‘prayer breaks’…
Isn’t it because he is in a ‘first world’ country that he has plastic aprons?
“Prayer breaks”
I’d guess that approx 98% of the people he works with *don’t* get/need those breaks. Or put another way 98% of the people he works with actually do more work than him.
I need a new pair of gardening gloves.
Does anyone have the phone number of the BBC newsroom so I can ring them up to get a number for B and Q?
Sluff – You could potentially come on bbc TV as Head of an NHS Trust and bag the LEAD item. Now, wouldn’t THAT be a ‘first’? Even better than bagging one on this site. And salary, think of the size. Money, no object for them eg Gary L. and Downing Street briefings sold internationally, so the dollars will be flowing in.
Then, tomorrow, beeb will tell us it was just a ‘misunderstanding’, and you can be back to plain, old Sluff, albeit with a feather in your cap.
At 1710 Mischal useless Hussein was talking to a bloke about PPE delivery.
He was giving a reasonable set of answers to questions such that it became obvious Hussein was not going to get the ‘gotcha’ moment the BBC so crave.
So she just abruptly terminated the interview!
They just can’t bear to get good news or even professional opinion that does not fit their anti-government narrative.
I saw madame Hussein giving the interview. What a crock. I noticed her BBC Komrad pronounced her name as Michele.
Sometimes I watch BBC in the company of family members who tend to take it seriously. My technique is to make relevant comments like ‘ Hussein is putting weight on… that red outfit is worn too often’. And regarding the experts with their bookshelves I introduce speculation about their sexual preferences…’Wow, look at her short hair.. I bet she is a lesbian. And most evenings on C 4 John Snow is interviewed in front of his bookshelf and I draw attention to the fact that the yellow book is always in the same place, suggesting that he never reads his books. And I note that David Lammy does not have any books.
Well, you can’t take it seriously, can you?
Sluff. It was like that for Razzia Iqbal reading the late news on R4, trying to sell us Communist China as No1- A- OK, gotta love ’em – in an interview with Tom Tugenhat.
He didn’t sound like a great fan of Comrade Xi, so she cut him off, ever so abruptly.
Actually, Hussein, Iqbal, Ritula Shah….
There almost seems to be a pattern here, but what is it?
BBC News channel about 17:15 had an interview with a female deputy head of a Manchester secondary school.
BBC Interviewer, “How did you feel about the news of free laptops for pupils?”
Carefully selected female deputy head, “It’s good but you have to realise a lot of pupils have no safe space room to study in… moan….moan….”. 10 minutes later, “moan….. moan…. moan….”
What is it with left wing Tory haters who are never ever happy and how does the BBC find them everytime?
speed dial
Al Beeb and the lefty MSM media are worried that President Trump is weaponising the Covid Virus to win the next US elections. IMHO he will win .
On the other hand the same broadcasters are using the Covid Virus to bring our government down. IMHO, unless the The Tories ‘get tough’ with Al Beeb etc, they will lose.
Apologies if someone else had posted this video, 27 minutes, from Computing Forever. It’s about the virus situation, not computers. If suggest watching the first 5 minutes to decide if you want to watch the rest of it ( which I recommend).
The swamp rats are everywhere and need to be flushed out and destroyed:
J-i-C, we know from Scripture that the swampery and rattery will get worse before it gets better. 😉
As a counterbalance, a really good service from Holy Trinity Platt this morning on Radio4. That church has not lost its evangelical way apparently, judging by the whole thing, plus a good sermon from the Rector.
(PS. Some on here will not be able to watch the vid because it is HTML5 format.)
Upto, have you read:
Churchmouse Campanologist website, or watched
John MacArthur sermons on YouTube?
I strongly recommend them.
J McA, I know. Have seen some of his vids. Don’t know Churchmouse.
There used to be a poster on here, Cranmer, (possibly before your time) but he wasn’t the guy running that Blog. That’s quite a good one, as is Ship of Fools.
Just an after thought.
Is anyone else old enough to remember Harold Wilson’s TV speech about devaluation of our pound?
” The pound in your pocket…” etc
This time around they’re going to steal more of our money plus our health and our liberty.
These rats in government, in the judiciary, the police and the media need to be destroyed if we are to retain some semblance of personal liberty.
j-i-c, tax rises are inevitable, I think. Otherwise, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren are going to be mired in debt for their lifetime.
I hope Rishi Sunak will take the opportunity to go for wholesale tax reform.
A Biblical jubilee is inevitable I think.
j-i-c, that would be another option. That would probably need to be agreed on a worldwide scale.
Could of course lead to a One World government 😉 and that appeared to be one of the hints that sneery, snidey, Mark Mardell was dropping this lunchtime on BBC R4.
No. It just needs God.
@JCS those conspiracy theory videos are not entirely useless
but they shouldn’t have said
“Mike Robinson has said that he has spoken to a doctor who said that his Mum’s next door neighbour’s estimate is ”
… they should have started with the official death certificate graph from the ONS
.. which does show that 3,475 of the week14 deaths had Covid19 on the death certificate (bottom right grey line)
So it is not true that 6,000 were unknown
It’s 2,500 of the 6,000 that were of non Covid19 causes
Kent Covid-19 Cases (not all will have been tested yet)
1374 : +116 EASTER SUNDAY + 62 : +137 : +113 : +156 : +150 : +85 : +115 = 2,308
Hopeful signs, maybe. That +85 was an encouraging fall. Could do with a few more like that.
Just a random thought about working from home, especially those brave bbbc presenters. If you think about it, it is the perfect time for a cull. By presenting from home they do not need the plethora of hangers on as they have in a studio. Just think no cameramen, no sound men, no studio floor managers, make up artists et al. The credits would roll past really quickly, ie Presenter Gary Lineker,BBC 2020. That would be great wouldn’t it. I am sure everyone could think of even greater savings they could make. The licence could be dropped to 7s and 6d.
I disagree – there is nothing more valuable to public understanding than a BBC journo standing in an empty Downing Street whilst the PM isn’t there talking to a camera
I’m trying to think of similar stuff – I think a bbc sports reporter used to stand outside a cricket match in Australia whilst Sky had it live .
The DCMS review of the criminal enforcement of the licence fee might give the BBC the ‘ opportunity’ to reduce staff by more than the planned 450 let’s make it a round 1000….
From ITBB.
Usually the bbc gets quite excited by associations with extreme views.
But then , the bbc is unique. Apparently.
Guest – thank you for the link – always good to look in on our ‘sister’ site –
I can feel one of those ‘tabloid speak ‘ competitions coming on – you know – the language no one uses in real life – like ‘backlash ‘ as used to criticise Harry Windsor for inviting Injured IDF Soldiers to his thing …
Can’t beat a good ‘backlash ‘….
I smell a bbc agenda coming on as George the “poet ” introduces the big concert on bbc tv1! One World, you know…
Just when I gave yet another black Chicago poetry session on R4 a miss, there he is, doing his “poetry”. R4 has hyped him up frequently. Pretty desperate stuff.
Keats it is not. Larkin it ain’t. Where is Ted Hughes when you need him? Or even Ms Ted, Sylvia Plath. She did a fab poem about Top Withens. Which makes me think of the Brontes, who could also do poetry.
Lady Gaga I can do without.
Ditto, Little Mix.
Took more than ten minutes to get to Paul Mc Cartney, whose voice has all but gone.
What a crabby old git I am!
Fake – I understand Macca was on an American phone in giving it to the Chinese and their wet market – maybe be he ll do another political tune like he did for Ireland – desperately working on a title – Help!
How come we get shamed for greedily bulk buying bog rolls ( more than 4) but the government hoovers up 400,000 gowns from Turkey and so many masks they’re sold by the tonne?
BBC not questioning this or the “logistics” excuse of why the piled high supermarket trolly hasn’t arrived yet?
Just as a non sequitur, my list of priorities are:
My Lord Jesus Christ
My family
My friends
My neighbors
My country
Immigrants – nah
Politicians – nah
Civil Servants – nah
NHS – nah
Happy Clappers – nah
Commies – nah
Common Purpose graduates – are you for real?
Racist far-left bbc – who?
BBC1, ‘One World:Together At Home’ is supposed to be about singing but it is nothing more than a BBC pro BAME agenda piece. I counted 10 BAME in a row then you get an occasional white female nurse and back to more BAMEs. Not one white male doctor seen yet.
Isn’t everything on the BBC pro-BAME now?
Anders – hey come on – at least we can play ‘spot the white guy ‘
As you watch the ‘we re all in it together clap- a – thon – I’ve sneaked out the new thread ….
Fighting is bad; the very word can trigger vulnerable people. It is what soldiers do – Oh, “soldier”, another bad word!