Parliament returns Tuesday . The Biased BBC will be ready to criticise the PM for either not returning – or returning before he is ready . The continuing lack of support for any government effort is constant across the days . Maybe a few more people are noticing …..
Start the Week Thread 20 April 2020
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That photo looks hideously white.
Am amazed it got past the censors.
The Bame Broadcasting Corporation will have an apoplectic fit.
They disgust me.
Am I killjoy ? so why do I feel uncomfortable at watching NHS staff prancing about for various videos when patients are dying on their wards.
Equally, I’m fed up with endless other videos seeing celebrities/musicians showing off and ‘doing their bit’ for the NHS. None of them can hold a candle to Capt. Tom.
@Brissles it seems that if one wants to control people
one gives them a SIMPLE job to do
thus they feel like teachers pet
So #1 the public have their job “stay at home”
and #2 the TV people have their job “shouting stay at home”
and #3 the celebs have their job “signalling their virtue”
And it’s interesting how they’ve all become like prison guards.
Are the NHS staff under worked
If we look st the <a href=""?graph of New Positive Sever cases
we see it is flat .. so as many enter hospital as leave each day
… nursing homes are a different thing.
panem et circenses
Short term Roman solution to public unrest. It’s precisely what we have.
Excruciating clapping or prancing about across every medium. Virtue signalling no mark celebrities and free cash from St Rishi.
….should keep them quiet until we think of a plan.
Video gone now,
The Tavistock Day Case Theatre in England had so much spare time
that they did a Covid19 Haka dance
I woke up this morning to find that they have deleted their Twitter account.
People said #1 It was appropriating Maori culture
#2 wasted PPE
#3 showed hospital staff had too much free time
3rd ????
Did anyone bother to watch the, I imagine, lefty love-in ‘One World: Together At Home’
Al beeb are so out of touch promoting these celebs at the moment ????
leftwill- When George the ‘poet’ started the bash, I said I kinda knew what was coming. A classic beeb ‘OneWorld’ agenda piece. I know George well from R4, you see.
I’m sure we are all more than grateful for medical assistance when we need it. I’m equally sure we all appreciate good entertainment and impartial information channels.
That’s not quite the same as saying the NHS or the bbc are superlative. You have to finance both, whether you like it or not.
A guaranteed income stream does not usually result in excellence. That is no reflection on the many excellent and dedicated individuals in both organisations.
leftwill- When George the ‘poet’ started the bash, I said I kinda knew what was coming. A classic beeb ‘OneWorld’ agenda piece. I know George well from R4, you see.
I’m sure we are all more than grateful for medical assistance when we need it. I’m equally sure we all appreciate good entertainment and impartial information channels.
That’s not quite the same as saying the NHS or the bbc are superlative. You have to finance both, whether you like it or not. A guaranteed income stream does not usually result in excellence. That is no reflection on the many excellent and dedicated individuals in both organisations.
But, given the cash flow, both could do better. I always get the feeling that both have layers of overpaid managers who actually aren’t contributing much towards the achievement of excellence.
And beeb are light years away from ‘impartial’.
And suddenly the Beckhams are on. Now all the possible ‘celebs’ have been trundled past us, surely? Oh dear, Elton… followed by a trip to Nigeria. Could George be coming to end things?
I looked at the cast list and thought it might have some interesting performances. But not only did George the (soi disant) Poet set the wrong tone but talentless Lady Gagaga and offkey and out of tune McCartney and Stevie Wonder did it for me. Off!!
It’s amazing what these people sound like without a mixing suite and autotune.
I’m proud to say that I’m not totally sure who the Beckhams are, but are they related to this lady? She is a multi-millionairess with a penchant for the finer things in life, but has selflessly decided to avail herself of a handout from the taxpayer to help pay her minions.
Nay fear Ian, I’m sure this lot have had their moment in the sun, and after we come out of this, and when most of the planet’s population will be struggling financially, then the very wealthy will be looked on with scorn, and will be about as popular as a boil on the bum !
I think you meant to say “One World: Celebrities Together At Home”
My wife put it on, the minute we saw the celebrities we knew what was coming and that was it. It took 30 seconds.
Read about it this morning – interestingly the BBCs report into it played down the ‘WHO angle’ (i.e the whole blood point).
I then looked into it a little more but felt too nauseous to continue.
Some are starting to look toward an exit strategy from the Government imposed lockdown but there are some faint echoes of another time.
The BBC’s fake Health Trust Chief Executive explained “Well, the Covid-19 virus also told lies.”
Claims have also been made that the Novel Coronavirus had masqueraded under different names like Covid-19 in order to spend far more of the world’s money than is allowed under the rules.
The Labour activist nurse, with apparently no PPE, said “Ah, but it was the Russians who helped the Covid-19 virus win the infections.”
Meanwhile, on the BBC TODAY programme, John Humphrys said “The statement on the side of the bus to stay at home was a lie, it was far in excess of what was the true figure.”
And finally, with a reduction in Covid-19 infections and the lifting of the lockdown looming closer in the UK, Gina Miller is to make an application to the High Court of Justice, claiming that for Covid-19 infections Parliament must be allowed to have the final case.
snuff – I think the irony of a Miller decree that parliament must have the final say will escape that arrogant, self-important busybody.
fnw, think maybe you need to re-read my post 😉 especially that last line. 🙂
The BBBC love noisy but dim, unpleasant people like Gina Miller, it takes away their fear of having to do anything positive to make Britain Great again.
When all this has blown over, and the lies from the tax-funded stasi in W1aa bollox, are exposed, there will be a huge backlash from normal people trying to make a living.
I despair of our politicians at the moment, I know Boris is still trying to get better, but surely there are a few who may just start to grow a pair and start the good news again?
The BBC should hang their heads in shame, they are utterly useless at the moment.
“they are utterly useless at the moment.”
What do you mean “at the moment”?
Surely, Always !
Taff, you have reinforced my respect for men of the Valleys, and tonight, to celebrate, instead of watching the BBC, I will watch a YouTube of one of the games from Cardiff Arms Park, when Wales actually won…
Boring Sunday stuck in a flat with my wife.As much as I love her, she does watch an awful lot of news.Today I sat quietly reading while she watched BBC,SKY,ITV,CH4,CH5.Usual Tory bashing,not one of these news programmes offered a fair and unbiased report.
Noticed that Keir Starmer is keeping a low profile,but released his attack dog of Shadow Health Secretary to critisise the government.I can imagine if London was hit by a small meteor, all these people would be angry there was no contingency plan in place to deal with it!!
PLEASE BE CAREFUL. “Passive TV News” is a thing and it’s bad for your health.
I am of the opinion that the majority of media presenters and certainly those at the BBC were all taught at the same school of gloom and doom ,or they have been groomed to be ante UK , why do we the British taxpayers continue to accept such bias reporting carbage.?
Re-tweeted by the BBC’s very own lefty mouthpiece, Gary Lineker.
They don’t like their little stunts being found out do they these hypocritical little shysters !!!!!
Forget what the BBC did, attack the outlet who exposes the fraud. They really are something else the left.
Bereft of argument about the FakeNews accusation
Cathcart attacked the personality of the Mail instead
Whatever you may think about the Daily Wail, and I’m ambivalent about it, someone like Harry Cole might look a buffoon but you should remember he learnt his craft at Order Order, and not the Berkovian one.
It’s much easier to understand that if it’s some sort of rubbish spouted by linekkerr and the BBBC, it’s bound to be either wrong/very wrong/untidy/stupid/boring.
Walkers crisps must have taken a pounding from this jerk’s ‘presentation’.
Doobster – Dontcha know that it was all a little ‘misunderstanding’? I think that was what passed for an apology from beeb, and -as far as I know- it didn’t feature on TV. Let alone as the big lead story.
Still, with a guaranteed macro income stream and a nice crisis to speed up same, why should they worry?
Here’s something to make you feel happy, it’s only about 2 minutes long:
Thank you John. Better than anything on the One World bash. Was that David Beckham singing? U know u gotta have a ‘celebrity’, preferably wif tattoos, nasal ring optional?
I am not even bothering reading up on things. The BBC news letters aka the Guardian are running a full on smear against Johnson giving the BBC more biased news reports to spam out
Need a little help here to understand .
We have lots of NHS managers , some of them very highly paid . We have a ” PPE crisis ” , and we have the BBC going on about it .
So at what point did the NHS managers realise they would have a crisis ? Was it before the emergency we have now , or only after the emergency started ?
If it was before , did they contact the BBC at that time ?
And did the BBC broadcast their concerns ? If not why not ?
If they did have grave concerns well before this emergency , and they did not contact the BBC , why didn’t they ?
Basically all these competent (?) managers knew a crisis was coming , and felt that the government was inept , not listening , blasé , callous or whatever failure and contacted the BBC and the BBC failed to see the seriousness of the situation and never brought it into public view .
Or they thought the above about the government but didn’t bother alerting the media . So it’s only now we are made aware of the lethality of this virus .
Or both the NHS managers and the BBC didn’t realise how serious this virus and its effects would have .
The Lansley reforms meant the NHS got autonomy. It got control. It got freedom from political control
Politicians had one job, tax the hell out of us and hand over the cash. They did
NHS spending is at record levels pre covid 19, in cash, real terms, and percentage of GDP.
The NHS (deleted ) up.
I see the Sunday Times has done a hit piece on BoJo implying he was negligent by not attending a number of Cabinet Office Briefing Room ( COBRA) in the early stages of covid spread .
Always kick someone whilst they are down . The government has issued a long rebuttal – Cummings lives – which gives a pretty full counter factual of what the Sunday Times ( apparently ) says . I’m a little bit darkened because I don’t buy newspapers
And judging by the slurs of the Sunday Times – it’s a good call ……
Link to the rebuttal
… Points out basic things like the S Times didn’t even get the week of the Cobra meeting right.
In response libmob tweeters attack the government or Cummings’ personality instead of any errors in the rebuttal.
PMs do not – as a matter of routine – chair all meetings convened in the COBR room – and someone at the Sunday Times didn’t do their research . Part of the problem is that the meetings are classified as secret or above – which is one of the reasons the likes of the Emir of Londonistan Only got a seat at a lower level one once . And even then be broke the rules and blabbed about content. ……
It will be interesting how the Sunday Times and others respond – obviously it will be ‘ attack ‘ again ……
@COLRICHARDKEMP who was former head of the international terrorism team at the UK Joint Intelligence Committee and member of COBR confirms “the PM is represented at Cobras he does not attend. People who use the PM’s attendance or non-attendance at Cobra meetings to bash him do not understand the workings of government & probably don’t want to.”
(Fed, snap)
Island – ha yes – the colonel speaks from the position of authority which the Sunday Times seemed to not do their research . PMs and Department ministers only chair when the stuff gets to national / international level ….., I think even Labour might be a bit quiet on this as they know how it works too …
Retweeted by Starmer
See also
I have to say I’m not surprised that Lammy would make such noises but Starmer should know better since he will be cleared to hear confidential briefings when necessary through the Privy Council .
I suppose the people running Starmer things he must make some noise however false it might be. What that does show is that any ‘ statesman ‘ image he might try to project will be truly false .
Express hyperbole : Germany sends China £130billion bill for ‘coronavirus damages’ – sparks fury in Beijing
Rage is the Chinese way. I used to do business with China way back and for sheer bad manners and anger nothing has come close. Also never expect fair dealing.
DaveS was that Hong Kong ?
The culture there is very rude.
But Taiwan and mainland China are quite different.
Not true: the Chinese authorities’ default mode for any disagreement is to throw an incandescent fit of rage. This might be partly for show as a strategy, but also partly genuine. Rude doesn’t begin to describe them.
Quite ironic that Germany should be sending someone else a bill for reparations when they’ve been getting away with underpaying for decades
But at least it should give an indication to the level of ( revenge?) heading for the Chinese in coming months / years .
They’ll be playing even more dirty than they normally do – at least we ll be finding others to do infrastructure stuff in the UK .
If they carry on it will only mean that they have bunged people who really can’t have the stuff the Chinese have on them made public .
Not only underpaying for NATO but remember we, and other like Greece, gave up our rights to WWII reparations from the Germans. Now that’s a treaty I would happily rip up.
Don’t forget.
Brexit: Don’t Pay That £39 Billion Divorce Bill! Jeff Taylor
The BBC tell us there is now an ‘investigation’ (no less) into why BAMEs are more likely to be infected from COVID 19 than any other group.
Here’s the interesting bit, the Beeb say that BAMEs account for 14% of the population, and 39% who are infected with the virus.
Sooooooo, if, (and of course the Beeb are always right) there is 14% of BAMEs in this country, then someone should relay this figure to the advertising industry, who should then explain as to why we are seeing an almost 50-50 split in their advertising campaigns.
How about the theory that there are more illegals in the country than the lying swamp have admitted to and our taxes are now being used to treat them?
Asylum seekers
Deport all the illegals and all ethnics with a criminal record
And for good measure, get rid of all the commies too.
Give me power for a week and it will be done. Including all the police who protect them. The French terror will be like a picnic compared to what I’d do. And may God forgive them.
john in cheshire
And what about our ‘Border Farce’ ?
I notice none of the #GotchaGang journos ask the question.
How many UK Covid19 cases are connected to people coming in from abroad ?
eg like British passport olders coming in from India on repatriation flights etc.
The trite answer is, of course, that every UK Covid-19 case is connected to someone who brought it in from abroad, that being the only which in which it reached our once green and pleasant land.
But you know that already, of course, and your point is a good one. People continue to flood into the UK from all across the world with nary a health check let alone an enforced period of quarantine. And that is madness, sheer b****y madness.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: m’learned friends will have a field day once this crisis finally comes to an end. It won’t be new hospitals we’ll need then, but new courtrooms…
In all these weeks, not one journalist has asked what can they do to help?
It’s funny that the same journalists who spent the last 4 years telling us they trust “expert and government advice” don’t want to now.
Finally, now they want to know why we let China have PPE when they were in desperate need back in January. This is strange, I thought it was Brexit voters who were uncaring Little Englanders.
Brissles. It’s actually much worse than that. Those from an Afro-Caribbean background only make up around 3% of the total UK population yet seem to account for around 50% of those featured in advertisements.
Those from India/Pakistan make up a much higher proportion of the population but don’t seem to be the mixed marriages constantly featured in ads. Are 100% of British marriages/partnerships really mixed and as the advertising industry seems to think?
I used to enjoy watching the Press Reviews on BBC and Sky, but not anymore. I find it depressing listening to the female author/journo/documentary makers who are blatantly left wingers and take a sneering attitude toward the government. Christina Patterson, Rachel Shabi and Sonia Sodah are those I could give a willing slap to. They must be hell to live with.
Another reason for getting rid of The Welsh Assembly……………….
Welsh government will not reach its previous target of 5,000 tests a day by mid-April.
The daily capacity is currently 1,300 tests but official data shows only 783 tests were carried out on Friday.
Funniest it has been for a while.
BBC weekend OST’s are the best.
The coronavirus lockdown may have created some unintended benefits for the environment – but will these changes last? ????
BBC enviro “news stories” always look like slick ADVERTISEMENTS for the subsidy sucking #GreenBlob corporations
This one is no different.
Brissles….You are so right about Press Previews on BBC/SKY.My own lefty I love to hate is Suzi Boniface of the Daily Mirror.Such an aggressive and hateful woman.
But the Mirror always get things right
50,000 died on Easter Sunday of Covid19 ….. NOT ..only out by a magnitude of 50
Yes Lordy, and another one is Rachel Cunliffe – it would make headlines if that woman ever smiled. The only female who is the exception is Carole Malone, who has been noticeably absent these days.
There’s talk on Al Beeb about the economic crisis that will befall us all when this emergency is over .
Lots of people will be unemployed .
So all the bogus asylum seekers still making their way to our shores , how will they help ?
Why should people that don’t view Al Beeb but watch other broadcasting channels be forced to pay for it ?
Its a good argument that Dominic Cummings could use to rid us of the Biased Corporation .
Any dissenters should be advised that if they like the bloated windbag of an organisation to ‘put their money where their mouth’ is and pay for it themselves. How has it been allowed to go on for so long ?
Just because I shop in Asda’s why should I pay Tesco?
Questions for our BBC .
Did you think this Corvid 19 would reach our shores ?
When did you work out it would ?
Did you think we had enough PPE to deal with it ?
When did you highlight that there wasn’t enough PPE ?
Who should have known that there wasn’t enough PPE , the government or NHS ?
Did anyone from the NHS approach you about lack of PPE before the emergency ?
Did anyone from the NHS tell you that the government was fustrating , ignoring , or callously being blasé about any lack of PPE ?
Did you highlight any such event ? If not why not ?
What innovations have you been shown by the NHS however temporary have there been and have you broadcast them ?
Who is to blame for any lack of preparedness to counter this virus ?
The high ranking staff of the NHS
The goverment ?
Simples .
I seem to recall at the outset of this pandemic our, ‘World’s Most Trusted’ explaining that the Government & NHS had been training for such as an event as the chinese virus. To the extent that if/when it happened, the NHS and their procedures would be, ‘a smooth machine clicking into action’. What went wrong?
I feel a bout of, “lessons will be learnt” coming on.
“More BAME people are dying from coronavirus. We have to know why
Sadiq Khan”
[Easy peasy, the unfit die.
Darwinism, the survival of the fittest.
That’s why, next question.]
“But I want us to be even better and to live up to our British values of fairness, equality and justice for all.”
[ Very kind of you Mr Mayor offering to let one million UK white males gang rape Pakistani girls currently living in the UK. That would be fair, just, and even things up.]
I’m just waiting for the first journo to blame Boris for the high number of BAMEs dying from this virus. I mean to even ask the question is bloody ridiculous – who the HELL KNOWS WHY ? perhaps Sadiq should ask a scientist from his own culture, that would be a start.
Happened long ago.
Still happening as I type, on a HYS in the home of sacred facts.
Guardian HYS I was reading earlier today, they dug up Aneurin Bevan, to describe Conservatives and Brexiteers as vermin.
Bevan and many of his ilk were in love with Uncle Joe at the time, that’s Labour for you. Don’t you just hate the ****s.
That is not a sensible attitude,. We do need to know why as we need to know why men are more at risk. We need to understand this virus to defeat it. With BME it could be the lack of vitamin D in our latitudes. It is much more difficult for a black skin to absorb it. It is much easier for a white skin.
Which then begs the question. Just how important is vitamin D?
We learn by asking questions however off beam they seem.
Dave, that last sentence of yours is so important. It is important in science. It is important in engineering. It is important in business. It is important in econo-politics.
“We learn by asking questions however off beam they seem.”
The the reason for a disproportionate number of BAME people suffer worse when infected for genetic reasons then this cannot be avoided .
BAME is a badge and genetics is too complicated for a layman like me – so if there is something in the genetics of a certain type on non white – which could could produce huge numbers of fatalities in non white countries that can’t be avoided can it ?
and blame him for excluding trans from the body count.
Pre-existing conditions, Brissles, my dear old thing. That’s why I keep telling Stew not to look at the body count. It is misleading.
For example, a West African community is likely to have a high number of carriers, at a low level, of sickle cell anaemia.
An Eastern European, Middle Eastern, North-west Asian and East Asian community is likely to have a far higher proportion of smokers, especially the men, than an indigenous community. We know that Covid-19 is dangerous to smokers – the medical advice is out there – but also to lung cancer patients. Higher proportion of smokers = higher proportion of lung cancer patients. High proportion of BAME as smokers = higher proportion of Covid-19 deaths.
Then there’s the weight and diabetes aspect. I am familiar with various communities in London and there are certain ones that tend to be overweight, sometimes colossally so. (I also know two or three indigenous overweight NHS workers, but that’s another thing) When you are overweight, there is a likelihood that you will develop diabetes. Again, that can happen in the indigenous population but weight and size is prized in some African peoples as a sign of success and prosperity and attractiveness. Diabetes makes a person very vulnerable to Covid-19 and weight can be a factor, too, when struggling for breath if infected.
Then we could talk about other diseases of the lungs, such as TB, which was reduced to low levels in the indigenous population but has now seen a resurgence in the UK. Why? Because of the increase of population via migration into the UK.
Hope I’ve explained accurately and sufficiently.
Exactly Up2
The figures for diabetes in Asians is on average 6 x that of white population and in the Arab states even higher. South Asians more likely to get heart disease..These are facts so it follows that places with higher than average proportion of population from these communities are more likely to be affected by CV19..
So when will the media ever join the dots instead of making it a racist issue
“…..Sadiq should as a scientist from his own culture…..”
I recall hearing on my favourite chinese virus medical channel – MedCram – that it’s all to do with skin colour and resulting decrease in Vit D levels as a result. Some, like MedCram, suggest that it is highly beneficial to take Vit D for help in protecting the upper respiratory system.
That’s a comfort G, I’ve been taking a daily VitD tabby for years !
Not BBC, probably best to pass by on the other side.
By mistake I just found myself on the Guardian Dating page.
Soul Mates as it’s known, Arsehole mates as it’s described elsewhere.
Dating categories.
Mature dating
Professional dating
Single parents dating
Gay dating
Lesbian dating
Most of the normal population not catered for.
Not even a “fat, dim, uneducated, embittered, on the shelf, lefties” section.
UK Dating [A list of cities.]
Dublin [!?]
“Mature dating”. These sort of sites amaze me. You would think that mature people would realise in their maturity that finding a partner of the opposite sex later in life, successfully, is virtually zero. Personally I gave up decades ago and am quite happy. When asked about this, I always reply, “my blood pressure is under control, why would I want to change that?”
Ha ! ha ! G lets get real, ‘mature dating’ is just a code name for ‘potential carers’ !!!!
I agree Brissles, a friend of my sisters met a man ,both were over 60. Like a fool she let him sell his house, and move in with her. then he started showing signs of dementia after a very short time. She became his carer and his children became very hostile with her even not allowing her any part in his funeral and his money disappearing. It was so emotionally overwhelming for her she just let it go and my sister was a good friend to her. It is thought the family knew about his illness and wanted a carer for him. All this happened with 2 years of meeting. I keep hearing of elderly people wanted to meet someone and that’s fine as long its kept at arms length and not trying to recapture young love. Personally my other half lives 15 miles away, were friends and that’s just fine. I enjoy my freedom too much.
Personally, I think the whole reason in 99% of cases is pure loneliness. No way to found a relationship. But if that’s not a problem, you are home and dry.
I used to know a CID Sergeant who admitted to me that he could not handle his own company for more than 30 mins. At that point he had to leave home and visit a supermarket or some such place – where people congregate to at least be in the midst of other humans. Amazing. That episode allowed me to place myself on a scale of 1 to 10. I’m very happy with my position on the scale.
G .. I enjoy my own company also. Spent a lifetime of running around looking after the needs of other people wether at home or work it is quite nice to be able to decide how I want to live my life now. I enjoy my family visiting me but I am quite happy living by myself
Sun 19 Apr 2020 14.17 BST
“Union seeks legal immunity for NHS medics in pandemic
Medical Defence Union says health service could face negligence claims worth billions”
[I cannot read anymore!]
“Register for free and continue reading
The Guardian’s independent journalism is still free to read”
[A Guardian paywall? An astute business move.
What does the hard left Mirror think?]
23 July 2016
NHS sets aside £56 BILLION for compensation claims as payouts for medical blunders soar
Experts say the NHS is sitting on a ‘timebomb’ of future claims and legal reform is needed to tackle the problem
Conservative MP Richard Bacon said: “The Society of Clinical Injury Lawyers say in many cases it is the NHSLA and trusts that drive costs.
They say failure to make early and prompt admissions is a problem and too many valid claims are settled late.”
Other MPs agree. Fellow Tory Sir Edward Garnier said: “Most complainants just want someone to take responsibility.
The defensive failure to apologise often causes more heartache than the negligence. Claimants see they have to sue to get justice.”
[Any other NHS news?]
12 Sep 2019
NHS hospital trusts to pay out further £55bn under PFI scheme
Some spending one-sixth of entire budget on repaying debts from Blair-era policy
[BLAIR ERA POLICY! Most of the compensation claims were also BLAIR ERA.
Those wicked, incompetent Tories.]
Is it me or is the media simply ignoring the fact that the NHS isn’t full of “heros”(used very loosely)..there are many many administrators and managers who have failed to take any responsibility for the failures throughout the CV-19.
It is not the Govt responsibility to plan and buy PPE – it is not the Govt role to see if we have the ability to test people – they are advised by the highly paid NHS people..yet somehow the Media are not looking at the elephant in the country
I really can’t stand the way anyone who challenges this media driven propaganda is immediately the target of the twitterati..and does the BBC or other MSN condemn it – NO
I lasted 5 minutes this morning…
‘The translators giving indigenous migrants a voice’
‘Indigenous migrants’?! The very definition of an oxymoron, one can either be indigenous, or one can be a migrant, but not both, how did that slip past editing, hey Beeb?
I watched the Whitehouse press briefing and unusually Sopel was there.
He asked two questions, the second of which was interesting because he tried to get the President to say that the UK was one of the countries performing very badly with the virus.
For your pleasure – some short videos
The bitterness of Remainers is extreme and they are still determined to rejoin the EU and will stop at nothing to achieve this. We on this site have long known that the BBC was in Labour’s back pocket but the Times has now definitely joined the Labour Remain Alliance and I suspect that DM is following that route. When we hear a BBC report we automatically know the motive behind the way the story is presented and make due allowance for that.
Whilst the Times has been the house journal of Remsinerdom for the past four or five years it was also strongly anti Corbynite Labour . No longer , it is infatuated with Sir Keir Starmer and believes that he is the man to take the UK back into the EU. The Times is going to spend the next four years steadily undermining the Tory government , promoting Arch Europhile Sir Keir Starmer and disparaging the PM. They will provide platforms for any disgruntled civil servant to leak anonymously without worrying about the truth of the leak. Anyone willing to attack the government will be given space safe in the knowledge that the truth of their stories will never be tested.
The Times has put rejoining the EU as its highest priority and everything in its pages must be read with that in mind.i suspect that it soon be offering its support to the BBC on retention of the LF.
Whilst we struggled to escape from the Benn/Berkov/Miller forged shackles of the EU we would often be harangued on Al Beeb by ‘Screaming Lord’ Andrew Adonis. Since we have left (almost) Al Beeb haven’t had to wheel him out, and I for one have been extremely grateful.
But then the lunatic ‘Lord’ says something and you wish Al Beeb had him on every propaganda newscast like they used to. Last week the daft bugger was actually suggesting we should contribute to the EU to bail out its poor member states suffering from Covid 19. Not that we haven’t already gifted the EU £210 billion net during our membership and have our own economic meltdown, he wants us to give them even more money.
If ever a Proposal was needed to firm up Brexiteers morale and conviction this was it, but I suppose with their current campaign of denigrating BoJo and the Tories Al Beeb must think it would be counter productive.
And I’m pretty sure Al Beeb will not have made too much about the statement from the Migration Advisory Committee that applications for residence registration by EU immigrants are already 50% higher than previously accepted figures of the numbers here.
Now that’s a surprise!
TOADY Watch #1 – I lasted eleven minutes
before the OFF switch was activated. The BBC are obviously very, very, frightened. They can see that life in future will be very conservative, very cash constrained, with high levels of taxation and no money available in the hands of an increasing group of young people who now expect their media, if not for free, then at a cost of pennies per year, not pounds.
The BBC are lashing out, like a wounded animal, at the Government and the population. They have already attacked over half their listeners and viewers (over Brexit) and they are now attacking government, knowing – in reality – that a change to a Labour run country would make absolutely no change to the present and likely future situation of the country.
The gravy train for the overpaid BBC is hitting the buffers at a terminal terminus. Before I mix any more metaphors I need a strong cup of tea. Then the wounded animal that is the BBC must be taken to the vets and ‘seen to’.
That’s eleven minutes of your distinguished life which you’ll never get back, Up2!
Like the metaphor of ‘wounded animal’. It suits the mentality of the autocue-readers to a tee.
Up2. I wish that I agreed with your analysis but I don’t. This crisis has put the government on the back foot and after life returns to something like normality the vultures will be circling to , with the benefit of hindsight, pick holes in how the pandemic was handled. The BBC will have a field day and it will control the story and narrative and be able to spin and lie as much as it likes. Many people will have been shocked by the crisis and in my view will be more easily led into backing socialist policies and more likely to vote a Labour and to seek shelter, spurious though it is, inside the EU. The foul corporation can’t be abolished until after the next election and a Labour victory is more likely now than it was pre crisis and a Labour Government will never weaken its propaganda arm of the BBC. The pandemic is bad news for Brexit , The Tories and President Trump.
I am not so sure. Most of the people I know – and I accept I have my bubble- do not listen to the BBC or read newspapers…I think people like Piers Morgaan are the biggest threat..more people listen to him even if what he says is crap….
I sincerely hope Boris sticks to the Brexit plan – he knows if he doesn’t he will lose a lot of support..people will forget CV19 in a few months
The BBC and Unions will just use it to keep bashing Govt about the NHS
What happened to PM Churchill after the War?
Double, you are welcome to disagree but I’m not so sure you are right either. Der Starmer has not got off to a good start. Can’t see his waffle and his appearance appealing to young Labour activists like Lefty Grandad Corbyn.
I don’t think the population at large are believing the BBC coverage. I think it is a turn off for many.
I think most young people – say, the population that is aged under 40yrs – no longer watch terrestrial TV, listen to the radio or buy a newspaper. In future, they may not afford to able to do any of those things, anyway, time-wise and cash-wise. They get their news from the Interwebby via their ‘phones or tablets and are too busy Twittering and Instagramming. The lockdown will have intensified that for them and also the 40-60yr age group as well.
In addition, it’s a long time to December 2023 when the next General Election (GE, Fed) campaign will kick off for the following summer. Three whole years. Who is more likely to vote? Who have better memories?
After three years of recovery under the Conservatives?
On the other hand, it could be we are on the edge of seeing a world government and a Dictator a.k.a. Great Leader emerge.
On the other other hand we might see national barriers go up, sanity prevail, a firm No Deal departure from the EU in two months time and everyone being so busy and working so hard to pay off the debts that economic competence will be the thing at the next GE.
I sincerely hope that you are right and that I’m wrong on this one.
Double, I suppose ‘The Blunderer’ thinks that if it gets up close and dirty with the Keirites and the BBC, it’ll be able to sell it more copies than the Guradian.
Scrobie, “Keirites” – getting a bit Biblical, I like it. All you need now is a campaigner called Ken and we’ll have the Kenites back. Oh, no!
Up2 – ha ha ha – love it!
How about ‘Keirchunken’ – the sound of labour spending everyone’s taxes?
Murdoch employs an editor who is ideologically wedded to the EU and globalism in general. I assume that the more globalised the world becomes the more money Murdoch makes. If this means supporting Starmer and Labour so be it . Once they have us back in the EU they can get back to arguing about how much tax Murdoch ought to pay.
Rather snookered by the BBC commitment to hiring on any basis other than competence.
BBC Health Correspondent since 2014 (Wiki).
No medical qualifications, so ideal for The World’s Most Ignorant Broadcaster.
In the 2001 general election he stood as Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate. Extreme hard lefty.
Who is this guy?
Whilst trying to make some sense of this media frenzy over PPE there is suddenly a moment of clarity.
How seriously should we take NHS medics crying and whinging that they don’t have the equipment and can’t carry on?
Do the media really expect Tory ministers to personally conjure up millions upon millions of bits of additional medical kit out of nowhere?
None of this furore is real. I will tell what is real – fear.
The medics don’t blame the Tories in their desire for better protection for their patients – but in fact for themselves.
Think about this situation from the angle that people are afraid whilst perhaps trying to disguise their fear and you will better understand actions and motivations.
All this Thursday night clapping nonsense – not admiration for others efforts in a crisis but fearful people attempting to expunge their own guilt for sheltering in place whilst others take the risks.
In her livestream Q&A of 16 April – see between 36:00 and 49:00 Anne Marie Waters talks about the Channel invaders fiasco and then the ‘sinister’ UN Global Compact for Migration. She agrees with most of the people who contribute here. She also says that in effect the UN defines ‘indigenous’ as people who have been ‘victims of colonialism’. This applies to e.g. the Maori in NZ, but does not accept the dominant population of any (Western) nation as indigenous.
Perhaps Stew can extract those 13 mins as a clip as I don’t have the expertise?
2020-04-20 07:30
“Canada shooting: Gunman kills at least 16 in Nova Scotia”
Gun, and it is a man. More information than in most headlines from chief mosk at Broadcasting House.
AlBeeb report already has the name, age and a photograph of the person responsible.
Trudeau & Co are ever more keen to get “good” news out and spread it as far and wide as possible, so not a scoop for BBC North America.
Whereas if it had been a “man” with a “Canadian” name and terrorism is definitely, and I do mean definitely, not suspected, we would still have man bites dog headlines.
Part of the problem is that the NHS is viewed as apolitical when of course it is controlled by various pressure groups ranging from the royal college medical mafia to the unions . All share the hostility to conservatives – however much money they throw at it .
All share the exploitation of public emotion for ‘ our angels ‘
All Have the Uncritical support of the BBC MSM which share the same political beliefs.
All of this allows the NHS to dodge the bullet when anything goes wrong and place failure at the feet of the government .
So it leaves it Too big to fail and suffering from moral hazard . So keep clapping.
Agreed. This ability to blame mistakes, errors on the government applies to all nationalised industries . No one who works inside them is held accountable for anything, which is why they are without exception fat, indolent, inefficient and useless and the reason why socialism, let alone communism , is always a very bad idea and in the long run ends in disaster
BBC Waste-site Watch #1 – Run that past me again and I’ll have to …
The BBC tell me on their web-site that Harry and Megan (who?) ‘plan to freeze out tabloids’.
The medical treatments for a nasty sounding condition, especially for a couple who recently told me that “they wish to live quietly, somewhere abroad, in future” are absolutely no concern of mine.
I wish them well, hope the treatment eases their complaint but would respectfully ask that they respect my desire for a quiet life and to not be bothered by them in return for my leaving them alone.
….. refer you to another physician.
We all know the BBC love the NHS but to run two conflicting stories on the news homepage is a bit strange.
Coronavirus: ‘I’m the nurse who switches off the ventilator’
Medical teams face tough decisions about when to stop treatment for patients who aren’t getting better.
Coronavirus: Plasma treatment to be trialled
The hope is that the antibodies they have built up will help to clear the virus in others.
Does make you wonder why the NHS, with plenty of spare capacity, are so quick to turn off ventilators whilst the whole world is seeking better treatments. Reminds me of the Ashya King case where it was the NHS way or no other way.
Anyway, keep clapping every Thursday.
You scratch Amol’s back….
Can’t be one of his kids. Only iPads go ‘missing’.
I bet they paid full price for them and got the top of the range Apple … ( and I wish I could a afford one )
‘ “this comprehensive package” is something that only the broadcaster “would be able to provide” ‘ says Lord Hall-Hall.
I think I’ll let my kids stick to using the Google Classroom app that their teachers have put work on for them this morning and that was in place for them before their school was closed a month ago.
Why do the bBbc think this is needed? Who will use it?
They’ll only be preaching to those already converted, although a ‘Comprehensive’ package does sound ‘just about right’ for the bBbc. The rest of us outside the bubble and the Blob aspire to higher educational standards than that for our children.
Which is why I won’t be letting them near this.
Ebay will soon be your friend ????
Up 2
Hospitals , medical things , all seem as glamouris to the average Jo and aren’t the BBC milking it .
We get loads of hospital dramas , doctors , flying doctors , tense situations , romance , tragedy , even comedy ( there are four Carry On films about hospitals ) .
Not so much of course about the other more essential two services we need , power generation and water &sewage .
So little girls and boys grow up feeling doctors , nurses and hospitals are exciting , and when they have a gap year off to do VSO they want to build hospitals or schools in third world countries , rather than install latrines and dig ditches .
The general population , which is healthy , should fear more that the sewage workers remain healthy than medical staff . Ditto for power workers . And the good old dustman .
The BBC’s search for people being let down by the evil Tory government continues apace on Toady and elsewhere.
They are so desperate to do this they are literally seeking out individual people with unique and complex circumstances.
So today Ric Knobinson showcases a child who needs education but has autism and learning difficulties. How are his needs to be met when the schools are closed? Asks his parents and hence the BBC. FFS.
How I wish someone would have the b**** to state the blindingly obvious. Which is ‘they aren’t!!!!’
And how are we going to prioritise elderly people with severe dementia? Who is going to say ‘we’re not’.
And how are doctors to prioritise when there are too many patients and not enough facilities? Who has the bottle to say ‘to focus on those who will respond best and gain the most by the treatment. Usually the younger, more able-bodies and who have the most to contribute afterwards’
It’s the triage that happens on the battlefield and, shown recently on tv, it’s what they had to do at Belsen to save as many as could be saved.
I suspect most people would realise it’s little more than common sense.
But the BBC is totally dominated by its anti-government agenda and self-obsessed with snowflake sentimentality.
It is totally ‘unfit for purpose’ as a compulsory-fee resourced national broadcaster.
Last week on their grievance programme ‘You and Yours (and they’ll certainly take mine’ they were complaining about the Government grant programme. A gift shop owner from York was complaining that he had had his eligibility for an upper level grant of iirc £25k down to only £15k because he was just over the rateable threshold of £15k pa. He said that Government online advice had previously said the threshold was below £25k, and based on that he had made promises to suppliers and others. A GRANT mind you.
Al Beeb brought on the consultant whom they had engaged to solicit these hard luck stories, who admitted that the Government advice was perhaps contradictory and had perhaps been changed.
My real point is what sort of essential is a tourist tat business which can’t survive without grants of MY money?
Sounds like he’s angry becaue he pretended his income was under 25 K to get the free money, but should have gone under 15k
9am Marr opens his prog with an attack on Oban
“so what you are saying” style.
Did you mean Orban, or have I missed something about Argyll and Bute? 😉
Yes, I heard the trailer in which the Hungarian Gvt was described as “Authoritarian”. No doubt during the programme (not heard), Orban is described as a, “Dictator”.
Here’s the other side of the Orban story that our ‘Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ would not want you to know…………..they being honest and all that.
TVnews Nurse who said that her hospital had no PPE
had somehow got some PPE earlier and donated it to charity.
When people suggested she’d got it from the NHS she locked her Twitter account.
Did she buy them herself or did she liberate them from the oppressive Tory controlled NHS?
If she made them or paid for them
then why did the charity delete the tweet
and why did she lock her account ?
Is her account deleted now?
Guilty as charged my lord..
I think this echoes the discussion here when the BBC pilloried the health sec for telling NHS to be careful with use of PPE.
My interpretation of that was that he was telling the million plus NHS employees to stop stealing the stuff . I bet there are plenty of private practices swimming in hoarded stuff – along with individuals hoarding it for themselves and treating it like toilet rolls .
Funny thing is – by the time this whole thing goes away the country will be swimming in the stuff – which might be useful for the next covid ….
I wonder if that nurse will be investigated for theft …. I guess they are immune ..
Love it when they get found out. They don’t tho …. she lied, cheated and falsified info, was more than happy to do it, now she’s found out, what do the lefties do ???? That’s, it , cry BULLYING !!!! They really are something else
‘Friend’ Marie Edmonds TWATter account includes a post suggesting that when snowflake virtue signallers go outside to clap NHS heroes, those who voted Tory should go out and say ‘sorry’.
I wonder how Marie votes?
Guido points out that Cakeydoll is co-vice chair of her local constituency party.
Guido was late we got the story 5 hours before they did
My snowflake sanctimonious groupthink virtue-signalling diary is filling up fast.
On top of Clap for Carers we are apparently now destined to have a dedicated one minute silence for NHS workers who have died and a dedicated national rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ for Captain Tom’s 100th.
Weird thing is, I might join in the latter but not for the reasons demanded by the snowflakes.
What do we think Captain Tom thinks of his fame? At age 99, probably mild bemusement and mainly apathy. Good for him.
I suspect he represents many many Brits, except of course those at the BBC.
Quietly determined, stoical, sensible, proportionate, taking the rough with the smooth, patriotic.
With great irony, all the things the snowflakes who want to sing for him cannot abide.
An irony which will be totally lost on the BBC.
Sluff – all the best people were born on the 30th of April …..
I wonder what the snowflakes will think if he gets a spitfire flypast?
Better still (more ‘triggering’ for them) would be if the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight kicked off their May-Sept season on Tom’s birthday. The BBMF could fly over a few enemy targets en route.
Why haven’t the bbc and all the other sh*t stirrers gone after the nhs management for the lack of everything and their p*ss poor management.
They are getting a very easy ride out of all this and I suppose when it’s over will settle back down into their highly paid jobs to carry on as before.
At the moment they are invisible.
My take is that all these top jobs are shared out between themselves and it’s sort of like a club where they are all in it together. Fail in one top job and then move on to fail in another top job. We see it all the time.
A Cartel.
Top media bosses will give all their mates like nhs directors, university chancellors and the rest of the old boys no criticism whilst going after the likes of Boris, Nigel and Trump who are the easy targets.
The truth will out eventually but it’s such a shame we have no representation on the tv (such as Fox in America)
When (If ever) will we have even a neutral tv news broadcaster.
The bbc have let us down big time by being so pc and a hard left mouthpiece.
It wasn’t always like that (was it?)
Much truth here. Each NHS trust is in theoretical ‘soft’ competition with each other. Therefore, central procurement coordination, is not something the UK can switch on, like Italy or Poland etc. The NHS is not as ‘national’ as they would like you to believe.
Nevertheless, underfunding and structural inadequacies at management and procurement level for years maintain a health system that’s constantly under financial and resource pressure. However, it’s structurally distant enough from Government so blame can be mitigated away….unfortunately in an emergency the buck stops at central government and the procurement decisions over the last 6 months get no mention, as you rightly highlight.
Ultimately, our health system is unusual in an international sense at one end of a sliding scale of public/insurance systems. America would be at the other end.
Dare I be critical of our system (not the individual Docs/nurses)? Yes. I think it’s a very bad system in a different way to the American one. At the minute, we have no option but to moronically clap it and no political avenue to explore any alternative options. In fact, any dissent will be met with immediate firing squad led by rampant socialists or metro liberals who waving supportive banners behind their wonderful university hospitals paid for by us all though Blairs PFI..aired ad nauseam on repeat across the BBC.
Anyone watch Dateline London at the weekend? This excuse for a programme has a long and proud record of only inviting along those foreign correspondents with left-wing views. Now the programme has taken a further step by only inviting female correspondents with left-wing (and anti-Trump) credentials.
Stephanie Baker tweets
“Looking forward to going on #BBCDateline remotely at 11:30 GMT with @BBCCarrie @bbclysedoucet and @isabelhilton to talk about the coronavirus crisis.”
Today’s #bbcnews Dateline London is Loose Women with ‘A’ Levels. ”
“Stephanie Baker from Bloomberg News on #DatelineLondon
acting like a sheep in suggesting
#Trumps move against the WHO
is to ‘pass on blame for his mishandling’.
There wasn’t a lot else on Twitter,
which indicates that they don’t have many viewers.
One to keep a eye on here with the MSM. They are rightly praising Captain Tom.
However, they are now actively encouraging, thru endless interviews, more old folk to carry out tasks like it.
They now have one old, dithering dear, clearly not good on her feet, on TV, as she is climbing her stairs to the height of some mountain and its going to take her 2 months !!!!
Just look at her she can hardly walk, why is no-one in the media telling her great effort, but come on love, this clearly isn’t the right thing to be doing.
By the looks of tricks, this old dear is going to fall down them stairs bloody soon !!! Irresponsible as hell from the MSM but they don’t care, its Virtue Signalling and that takes precedent over the health of this woman or anything else it seems these days !!!
For the life of me I do not understand why people are praised/ecouraged to engage in these non-productive activities.
As children we used to collect aluminium foil, old wool and knit squares for refugees’ blankets.
The only reason a 90 year-old should be walking around their garden is for the good of their own health.