It’s a month to the day that Boris Johnson made his TV appearance announcing the ‘ lockdown ‘ and that ‘ people will die ‘ . Seems a long time ago . Since then the Biased BBC has been unrelenting in broadcasting bad news and criticism of the Government . We can but dread what effect this has had on the mental health of the UK .
Today is a big day for the Far Left BBC . It is Lenin’s birthday . Taxpayer funded Champagne For the comrades in Broadcasting House .
Lucky you then, w@nker, you can carry on making a career out of talking like a pre pubescent 13 year old girl and we will all find it soooo funny cos you is a male geddit ha ha
what wit !!
almost approaches Alan Carrs comedic genius of talking like a girl to make people laugh, lapped up by the bbc
what next ? pakis talking in a paki accent ? wont we laugh, but only if they is black innit
Wheres Lenny ? (clue : bloody everywhere on the bbc) Freddie Starr ? did similar accents, racist innit
Hate reality tv, but I do love a prog where real talent is showcased, Gt Pottery Throwdown, Portrait/Landscape Artist of the Year, yep Repair Shop, but the Beeb were in overdrive with diversity on tonight’s Gt British Sewing Bee (not something you chappies on here are likely to watch), we had a couple of anglo/afro carribeans, a Jamaican Oriental (?), 2 gays, a lesbian, someone who lives in the 1940s, and I’ve yet to work out the transgender competitor. Yer usual mixed bag really.
They do say you reap what you sow, God help us
but, like the country walks I enjoy we never see many people around and those we do NEVER BAME, EVER, in 20 years in Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Buckinghamshire yet our country, and Springwatch and Autumnwatch and gardening programmes all of a sudden they appear everywhere on the TV
Amazing where were they hiding ?
I could understand it if they were instructing their kommunie about acquiring bushmeat, but nature conservation has never been their strongpoint
Lucky we have no elephants around as I suspect there would be a few around with shotguns and tusk saws
My little town is also hideously white (or pink?),as beeb’s Greg Dyke would have put it.
What it tells you is that we are all subject to re-education: a new ‘reality’ is being pushed by the social engineers like Dyke, in order to prepare us for the ‘diverse’ society that has been obsessing them for years.
Until their ilk are cut down to size, it will go on. So, how to achieve it?
“Tonight on The Great British Sewing Bee – making PPE and ‘We Love Our NHS, (But Hate Boris)’, banners.”
“Next week, making brown shirts, party armbands, party flags and bookcase covers”.
Next time I hear “Sir” ubiquitous Lenny do an English accent I will report him as racist hate crime
Saturday : Radio4 21:00 Lenny Henry stars as lifer Frank Watt.
Wednesday : Radio4 23:15 Lenny Henry’s Rogues Gallery
(Tweeters point out the story was plagiarised from Satisfaction Guaranteed by Isaac Asimov )
Radio4 Podcast : Grounded “The preview out now features
jonronson *LennyHenry*Miriam Margolyes and Gailporter”
Thursday BBC1 : special night of TV ,
presented by PaddyMcGuinness . *LennyHenry* , ZoeTheBall , ThisisDavina and #MattBaker,
Darcy – I think we can agree that a knighthood is now a completely meaningless award. Sadly.
I think we’re also going to get rather sick of Sir Keir on beeb over the next few years…
Someone posted a rather interesting piccie of the man, kneeling -actually wearing a suit and tie – up here, which made me smile.
Unlike Lenny.
I know this site is devoted to the bias of the BBC,but take a look at ITV London News at 6 p.m. every day.The usual tedious moan at the Government,followed by endless BAME stories relating to Covid 19 and their suffering.Yesterday they even had a story about Grenfell!
On the laughable who has the biggest bookcase parade of talking heads.On SKY Sports News, the talking heads from the sports world tend to conduct their online interviews from their kitchens.
And as you may have guessed large built in double ovens, and freezers the size of a wardrobe are prominently featured.
Cant say I’m a fan of titanic kitchens, so I don’t have ‘kitchen envy’, the bigger they are the bigger area there is to clean. And they ‘echo’ as there is no sound insulation. I also don’t like sparse sitting rooms with wooden floors. I tend to give them the ‘sickness’ test. I look at them and think “if I’m ill would I feel comfortable snuggled up on the sofa” – and its generally ‘no’.
Weird I know.
lordel- absolutely spot on. It is about a mindset. The big plus is that we aren’t forced to pay for it! I seldom partake anyway.
For PC trash though, try beeb radio4 after 11pm “comedy”. It’s unfunny and quite pathetic, really. Hard to believe it’s actually being broadcast to the public! Use of the ‘off’ switch is now becoming so common on what was once a reasonable news/entertainment station, there is little incentive to even switch on.
What is really sad is what all this says about our society; itv appear to still find advertising revenue. Beeb get away without major protest. At least we try, on this site…
Regrettably the numbers are small, even though the advantage is a tight-knit group of relatively like-minded
people. Not to be underestimated for that current favourite topic, mental health..
These are not right wing white supremacists worrying about being replaced by Muslims
“On February 19, 2017, Robert Allen wrote a piece for the Detroit Free Press,[15] which was republished by USA Today[16] about Voris. The article declared that Voris’ studio in Ferndale was “the nerve center for a growing, religious group hoping the forces that elected President Donald Trump will tear down the wall between church and state.”[16] The article called Voris’ apostolate “a fringe group claiming to be Catholic but denounced by the church, [that] broadcasts pro-life, anti-gay, anti-feminist, Islam-fearing content on its website”.[16] The article held that “Many of Church Militant’s headlines are similar to those on Breitbart News, the far-right news organization that White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon previously ran.”[16] It noted “Many of Breitbart’s articles are cited on the Church Militant website.
But unlike Breitbart, Church Militant is under a Christian, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.”[16]”
Pretty much sums up the BBC……and its apparent hatred for Christians…
@Celtic_Mist you don’t think that headline is hyperbolic
Islamic jihadist cry”
.. I listened to a couple of the pieces
“cry” ..No, there was no Allah Akbar
” jihadist ” no the speakers were like Thought For The Day
So far it’s been a gentle foot in the door
.. but it’s good to keep an eye out for escalation
Does Al Beeb celebrate St George’s Day ?
Good Morning Taffy and all,
Lovely. Flying it proudly in my garden today.
As most days TBH. Some politicians would hate me!
Well done West…
I am pretty sure in liberal owned Cambridge I would be targeted as a right wing white supremacist nationalist xenophobe if I put one up…well that’s how the Brexit poster went down 🙂
Cambridge News seems obsessed with ramdam a ding dong, markedly less so with Easter
with their other obsession, if they could only find a muslim on a bike hit by a car they would be in journo Heaven …sooo sorry is it Jannah ?
I apologise for mentioning Christianity
James, carry on regardless.
My usually normal neighbour (retired engineer) and God fearing gets excercised when he sees my flag flying, so I just double down on it these days.
Will put my St George’s jumper on while cycling…have a good day to everyone
Just waiting for someone, probably a BBC remainer, to point out that St George was not English but was a Greek or something and was therefore an IMMIGRANT.
They do it every year
Eccles-type voice: “Hallooow”
“St George was of Turkic descent but he was no chicken.”
“Oh ha ha.”
“He fought and killed the dragon, y’know.”
Bluebottle-type voice: “Eeeuuu, I like that I do. Have you seen any dragondis, Eccles?”
“No, ‘bottle, I haven’t.”
“Did you killid them?” “I would have killid them with my cardboard sword, I would, if I’d seen some dragonds.”
(Happy St George’s Day everyone. My old granny would have been a one hundred and thirty-something, today.)
An immigrant to where? Surely he never came to England.
Have you been eating both ends of bananas again?
Local radio is playing Jerusalem now
.. “For St George’s Day ”
..that was right after the news did its
“Local Muslims coping with lockdown Ramadan” item
Last year BBCnews did release a St George’s Day story in the mid afternoon
I guess it took them hours to find the pic of a FEMALE St George to use to head the story with
There is no mention of St George’s Day over the BBCnews website
except an item from 3 days ago David Pittam buried away as an embedded paragraph on local news LIVE pages
Nottingham’s St George’s Day celebrations have been cancelled because of coronavirus…..
On the BBC Homepage there is one mention in the middle of a row of items marked BBC-FOOD
“Celebrate St George’s day with classic English dishes”
Which links not to a special page from today , but one from Nov 2019
Cbeebies Radio did do something special
they made a podcast
about A GIRL who becomes a brownie, NO becomes a cub scout
CBeebies: My CBeebies Special Day – St George’s Day
Come along to meet Scarlet and her family
as she becomes a Cub Scout just in time to celebrate St George’s Day!
Newsround put this year’s date on THE SAME page they used last year in 2019
St George’s Day: Who was England’s patron saint?
Today it was tweeted again by the BBC main Twitter account
This could turn out to be ‘the’ scandal of the pandemic
By the time a patient goes on an invasive ventilator in ICU they are as good as dead. Before that, antibiotics are regularly used if there are signs of pneumonia. Tom Hanks’s wife was treated with hydroxychloroquine in Austalia to reduce her fever. In the Australian Guardian the bitch tried to say that it didn’t help and in the UK Guardian she denied it even was hydroxychloroquine saying it must have been chloroquine.
All this is because Trump mentioned it. (Was he aware of the French study?)
Now we have the BBC –
“Is there any evidence that the combination works?”
It goes on to say how it’s used all over the World
What it omits to say is that the French study has now been peer reviewed and published –
Oxford University had this article –
Note it has a disclaimer –
“Disclaimer: the article has not been peer-reviewed; it should not replace individual clinical judgement and the sources cited should be checked. The views expressed in this commentary represent the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the host institution, the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care. The views are not a substitute for professional medical advice.”
Previously, there was this –
“Why France is hiding a cheap, tested virus cure?”
The BBC is so corrupt it can’t move from the liberal left ‘group think’ PC line
Follow the money
While the Rejoiners at Al Beeb are weaponising the pandemic the vegans and vegetarians will jump on the bandwagon shortly.
The Chanel Rion OAN fan club, better than anything on the BBC!
R4 having to walk back ‘it’s’ advice on masks whilst omitting an article it has on the ‘Europe’ on line section
(Never mind the ritual ‘childish’ mocking of Trump)
I find her voice quite irritating
The trend of media to share their essential struggles will hopefully accelerate their journey to anonymity.
Moaning Emole 2. Sarah clearly will be riveted by the last bit.
Locked-down life
One in three of us has been using the enforced time indoors to read more, with 18 to 24-year-olds in particular catching up on books. To mark World Book Night, our arts editor Will Gompertz speaks to authors – including Booker Prize winners Margaret Atwood and Bernardine Evaristo – to discover what’s top of their reading lists. For the UK’s Muslim population, lockdown measures are going to mean a very different sort of Ramadan. We hear from a doctor, a delivery driver and an imam about their preparations.
We have plenty of advice and information on dealing with life under lockdown on our dedicated page, along with another selection of dubious health claims you should ignore. Oh, and if you’re worried about starting to look a bit wild, one hairdresser offers tips on how to cut your own hair.
Good that bbc staff have so many relatives ready to share. their struggle.
The BBC now likes YouTube:
“The platform will now ban any coronavirus-related content that directly contradicts World Health Organization advice.”
They do feel close to media that bans stuff.
“They do feel close to media that bans stuff.”
Deplatforming, a cleaner more clinical distant relative to book burning. Makes the jump to ‘burn the witch’ so much easier. And nobody likes keeping toasty more than a national socialist. There’s clearly a lot of nonsense spouted on YouTube but nanny bbc lobbying to suppress ex bbc man Icke doesn’t help devolop people’s power of critical thinking. Oh, hold on…
If YouTube go by those rules they would have to ban the WHO as they have contradicted their own advice so many times I have lost count.
BBC Moaning Emole
Get ready for a Big Night In
If you’re finding the prospect of yet more time indoors hard to take, you can at least indulge in a little escapism – and do your bit for good causes – this evening. Ten Doctor Who actors who inhabited the Tardis over a period spanning 50 years will unite to celebrate the Big Night In, the BBC’s push to aid the coronavirus response through Children in Need and Comic Relief. Doctors including Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, David Tennant and Matt Smith have recorded a message thanking front-line staff for their work. It will be broadcast just before the weekly Clap For Carers at 20:00 BST.
As well as a Time Lord for (almost) every generation, the three-hour special will see Little Britain, Peter Kay, The Vicar of Dibley and Catherine Tate return to BBC One. Musician Gary Barlow, comic actors Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, Jack Whitehall, Romesh Ranganathan, Miranda Hart and the cast of People Just Do Nothing are among the others expected to appear on the show. Meanwhile, the Strictly Come Dancing professionals have come up with a new routine for people to learn at home.
Ready? Locked and loaded. Netflix and Prime.
With a little off licence down the road, and the current travel restrictions, locked and loaded has a special meaning for me
I’m so glad the Snuffy household doesn’t do telly. Have some boxed sets just unpacked – Hill Street Blues s.1. 🙂
Lots of very depressed voices on Toady this AM as there is a realisation that there will not be a compulsory order to wear masks.
Does not stop the Beeboid female interviewer pushing the line at 07.12 with a health person (Martin Marshall) regarding masks in public and doesn’t really get the answers she wants from him. Quickly changes the subject…
Hahaha, Oh dear that didn’t go as well as hoped then.
Happy St Georges day to all.
Just popping outside to hoist my Cross of St George.
It looks great fluttering in the breeze against a blue sky background.
A day of Vaughn Williams and Elgar on the music device.
Norfolk Rhapsody and Lark Ascending for me
Lark is essential.
Bit of Jerusalem also will be needed.
Then probably the Wurzels later on….
Its bluebell time now, will be off to the woods for a walk and see all the BAMES the bbc puts on in their countryside progs
The dulcet tones of Tupac and Snoop Doggy Stormzy echoing through the glades
Ahh this Engalnd…
Delius, “On hearing the first stabbing in Spring”
Is it a blackbird or is it a diguised police ‘drone’ checking how long people are staying in their gardens?
A bBBC special news item will be reporting that Professor Nutjob of the University of Bedfordshire has detected strong Islamic themes in Elgars music, and it is indeed these that give Elgar’s music it’s unique qualities. The music therefore is not quintessentially English after all, and reflects much wider global influences. (Fact checked by bBBC, Sadiq Khan and the MCB)
So I’ve had the radio on for 35mins.
The AntiBBC have not mentioned the fact it’s St Georges day.
However what’s the feature on Toady now (07.18)
Ramadan and the effect of CVD19 on the Mudslime Kumunihhi.
Apparently they say the Government message may not be getting through as many of the British mud slimes don’t speak English.
And now a piece on the mass gatherering held last year to break the fast in London, wailing and caterwauling in the background . This won’t happen this year. Apparently.
Mudslime women medic explaining things will be a test this year esp, for her 14year old, and how the disease has brought her closer to religion and the true essence of fasting.
My heart bleeds for them. Not.
The Beeb are filth, disgusting. Utterly disgusting, their agenda stinks. Off button smashed.
Cancel your licence fee. Don’t pay for this s****
I have been waiting for the bbc muslim barrage after they paid lip service to Easter with black wimmin choirs and wimmin priests
Darcy, yep that piece earlier on was so blatantly staged.
The are utter vermin.
Fallen angels ? thought they could do no wrong, although soooo many look like they could do with some aerobic exercise, whilst lecturing the rest of us about obesity, just sayin..
Families of cancer patients pan ‘disrespectful’ videos of dancing NHS staff while patients are dying due to cancelled operations
Nurses across the country have posted videos to social platform TikTok
Have been seen dancing around wards and some people have criticised them
Other nurses have used social platforms to highlight the work they are doing
Videos were posted to lift spirits but some people complained about them
It’s not just cancer patients, most general activities have been shelved. I am awaiting a referral for an non life threatening procedure, but one that will improve my current quality of life no end.
Sadly there is no date or forecast as to when this is likely to be as the clinics are not working. The best I may get is phone call.
In the meantime I have to get high on prescription painkillers, hobble around like Quasimodo and try and stave off high BP, increased weight gain due to lack of mobility and possible diabetes.
The problem is, there is no balance in this response by r any chess. It’s the all or nothing ‘don’t panic’ ‘don’t panic’ approach adopted by Corporal Jones.
And yes, to see dancing r any chess employees posting videos and Facebook updates does tend to grate a little.
Sorry to hear about this neglect. We are currently experiencing 2 cases of NHS neglect in my family also. One is a cancelled knee-replacement operation. Bones are literally grinding together. The other is treatment to eliminate brain tumour residue. Despite an increase in symptoms a formerly scheduled MRI scan was cancelled UFN. Even the dentists have cancelled all but “emergency” appointments. Praise The NHS. They have to keep those dance routines going.
Lying in bed enjoying the the first morning cup of good cheer whilst listening to FiveLive. No mention that it’s St George’s Day from any of the presenters. I think the BBC are just ashamed to admit there actually is a country called England.
Now enjoying a hearty bowl of porridge after my morning routine with a pair of Dumb Bells. There names are Belinda and Sarah by the way in case you were going to ask.
If any you aficionados do ‘Pub’ quizzes online here’s a question to throw out there.
What are the three biggest lies of the 21st century?
This Internet connection is secure.
Islam is The Religion of Peace.
The BBC is an unbiased organisation.
A bonus point for three correct answers
I don’t do twitter or FB..or anything except this site 🙂
Can somebody Tweet?FB the BBC and ask why they haven’t mentioned St George’s day…St Patrick’s and St David’s are pushed down our throats
“Coronavirus: How will the developing world cope?” – asks the beeb.
Don’t worry, they can all come here – especially if Labour are back in power any time soon. And Emir Khant will welcome them with open arms, lovely jubbly, more votes, more Sharia, come right in, make yourselves at home.
Vlad you forgot ‘would you like a house in Kensington and how much money do you need?”.
vlad -I’m sure Sir Keir is working on it already….
“a country called England”
I saw this tweet a few days ago. It seemed appropriate to share it today.
I had a spooky and emotional experience at a Normandy war cemetery. It was all Canadians, and I was very moved walking around. Then this one English RAF pilot was buried right in the middle of them all. But the the thing that got me was he was from my village in Hampshire. I blubbed. And I have a tear in my eye now.
Socialist dung heap
Back in the day when I didn’t realise what a monster the BBC is I used to get annoyed when they did the ‘ what does it mean to be English ?’ Routine .
The script ran with national identifiers for Scotland Ireland and wales and then went on the attack with ‘negatives ‘about England .
Then it’s off to someone suitably non white and the line about how long non white people have been in England
As well as -of course -.
The distraction of -what’s the difference between England and Britain .
So that’s the BBC story on England – it has no identity – so it is worthless – so let’s have another country – a BBC version .
With clapping .
Non seq – i wonder if all these exhausted and overworked NHS staff will feature on the BBC with their dance routines -?
Maybe they can have an NHS ’dancing’ competition on Saturday night featuring the most stylish wearing of PPE?
Coming up on Angel Radio
Programmes for Thursday 23 April St George’s Day
9.00am Bob Hind on St. George’s Day “England Special”
I am just so relieved that Labour did not come to power after the last General Election. I shudder to think of them trying to ‘protect’ us from anything let alone pandemic. For decades they failed abysmally in protecting the the tens of thousands of vulnerable young girls from the Muslim Rape Gangs inhabiting our towns and cities across the country.
In a historic first, Britain’s national broadcaster has begun airing the supremacist Islamic call to prayer as mosques remain shut amid the Wuhan virus pandemic.
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), repeatedly censured for its anti-Christian bias, will also relay Muslim sermons and prayers on 14 local radio stations every Friday at 5:50 a.m. in the run-up to Ramadan at the end of April.
The BBC has repeatedly been slammed for anti-Catholic bias
“A cultural line has been crossed,” world-renowned Islamic scholar Robert Spencer is warning, predicting that the implications “are ominous.”
“Is the BBC, the government-funded broadcasting agency of an ostensibly Christian land, really wise to broadcast a declaration of the superiority of another faith, ONE THAT DIRECTS ITS ADHERENTS TO MAKE WAR AGAINST CHRISTIANS AND SUBJUGATE THEM AS INFERIORS UNDER THE HEGEMONY OF BELIEVERS (CF. QUR’AN 9:29)? Spencer asks in FrontPage Magazine.
Spencer, author of The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS, also wonders if it is wise for the public service broadcaster to relay “the cry ‘Allahu akbar,’ BELOVED OF JIHAD TERRORISTS THE WORLD OVER.”
In Islamic theology, the Adhan — call to prayer — is a triumphalist declaration of Islamic supremacy over Jews and Christians as well as a call to the sacralization of NEWLY CONQUERED TERRITORY…
(… article continues…)
Words fail me…for once
Try Allahu Akbar… it’ll soon be compulsory anyway.
vlad – they wish…
Vlad- beyond the pale, big time.
They will say, of course, that they are now serving a ‘multicultural society’, so had to do it. Scoundrels, liars, and traitors. Like a succession of governments, that have allowed this to happen. Blair top of the list.
I see around me in my district, or adjoining, no mosques and virtually no muslims, so it’s not for around here anywhere.
For the beeb there needs to be a price to pay.
From me, no licence fee. Let’s see them putting someone over 70, diabetic and with heart issues into jail.
If I have to go, I shall go, then sue the pants off them and get legal advice on a charge of murder against Lord Hall-Hall and his cronies.
I have a little set by for a rainy day…
Hopefully it will only be a charge of ‘attempted murder’. But if I pass, it will be the full story. I have had my biblical three score and ten, and am ready.
No surprises that our ‘Worlds Most Trusted’ aka. ‘the Envy of the World’ doesn’t want you knowing that riots in Paris have started again. No, not the Yellow Vests. In the muslim ghettos (not forgetting last years rioting and again, closeness to ramadam). If you cannot be shown yellow vests protesting, there’s no chance of being shown – ‘double trouble’ – rioting again but, this time muslims. The BBC, ‘we love the Globalist Macron and we love muslims’ to the fore.
The statement from Dr Whitty that ‘distantsing’ will have to continue until end of 2020, was with respect was an irresponsible comment to make – it is quite unrealistic to expect such a situation to continue for such a long period. One does question as to whether he and his colleagues realise the ramifications that could follow as a result. People-we are a social animal and need the intervention of other people and with that of course this nation needs to be up and running even if under somewhat restricted conditions, however safe disantsing in all areas is not realistic. We all need to see our children and grandchildren, as they need to see us and not just on a computer screen. Covid 19 is a very dangerous virus but Cancer is by far the biggest killer.
Well, I am not in the least surprised at this statement. I’ve thought it since the beginning and fully expected it not to be lifted until next year. You cant imagine that a few weeks of distancing without a vaccine is going to make a difference after lockdown, otherwise what was the point of a lockdown in the first place ?
How would one feel if distancing were lifted at say the end of May or June, then everyone started hugging and kissing one another , resulting in the deaths starting up again – probably to your own family. Surely its gratifying just to see loved ones through a window or on a screen as opposed to giving them a death sentence. A year or a bit less is not long, it will fly by in a flash.
Russian roulette this is not.
‘The days are long but the years are short’
Yes Brissels time goes by very fast when you reach my age and that is why predominantly I would like to see an easing up on the present restrictions-appreciated the Coronavirus is a real and terrible thing. Not only is the disease killing people, but the government’s attempts to prevent the spread of the virus is killing people too. Recent analysis shows that the total number of deaths so far this year is still LESS THAN IN THE MILD ’FLU EPIDEMIC of 2015, when 28.330 died. As of Last Tuesday ONS reported 18.516 deaths from the Coronavirus.
Anyway what also makes me mad is that our Government has or is about to take a delivery of Medical Equipment from Singapore-yes better than China but why when we are quite able and ready to manufacture and produce all that is required-Government take your foot off the brake and apply the acceplerator PDQ.
I agree tarien, in fact I think the silly man has undone with a few ill-chosen words all the good he, Sir Patrick Vallance and Jenny Harries have achieved over the past weeks.
Their measured and informed delivery has generally thwarted the best ‘gottcha’ attempts of the media’s finest, it only remains for the government to recognise that neither Robert Jenrick nor Gavin Williamson do much to help.
I like to hope that he simply meant that large social gatherings were still to be proscribed, but it remains to be seen if Whitty’s words come back to bite him. My bet is he’ll regret them in the briefing later today – if he’s there to face his own music. For all the very evident and probably painful risks involved, the public watching the rest of the world start to relax restrictions while we dither is a recipe for a real disaster.
Medialand give Wednesday seminars from next week
June 3rd @SarahSands100 ,
Editor at @BBCRadio4 and Visiting Fellow at @risj_oxford , will speak on
the role of @BBCr4today programme in a national crisis
.. you’ll have your chance to tell her what you think.
The thread has photos of the speakers.
And Wales before I clock off ?………………………
How’s this for a troop of clowns ? it should have been abolished long ago ……………………………
That’s a Disgusting insult to my Welsh ancestry with family members swallowed up in the mud at Pashendale and ultimately for what ? . Wales is obviously going the same way as most of the Country …and we thought it was bad when the English were buying second homes in the 70s ! , how has all this happened under our noses…..its a cancer that needs cutting out and fast just like the BBC
And only one decent bookshelf between the lot them that on it’s own is good enough reason to get rid ????
Peter Hitchens* has told me he is doing a big debate at 6pm Thursday
arguing against lockdowns.
On the Proposition:
Dr John Edmunds OBE, Dr Christl Donnelly FRS CBE, @ProfKarolSikora, Dr Paul Hunter
On the Opposition:
Dr Anders Tegnell, @ClarkeMicah Peter Hitchens, @prof_eidelman, @mushfiq_econ
* He told everyone else who reads his tweets as well.
typo : The two lists of names there are For and Against, of course
Here is the article link.
Not so good at adding images, however the link above is a wonderful picture of all the Doctor Who’s who are still alive and kicking..
Apparently, just before we all get the clap at 8pm tonight, there will be an announcement?
Maybe the good Doctors will get shirty with the Government for not procuring the friendly Eurasian protective gear.
BTW, I am not sure the last ‘Doctor’ is a Doctor, maybe the wife of the WHO’s boss?
I’ll get my coat..
Deep joy.
It’s indoctrination turned up to 11 tonight.
On BBC1 at 8pm we have the regular weekly newreligion service aka Clap for Carers.
On either side we have the BBC’s worthy fundraiser, Big Night In, running for three hours.
All we need now are some rats and perspex funnels and we can get the full Room 101 experience.
To cheer ourselves up, how about these two letters in the Telegraph today.
1. An 80 year old has stopped worrying about the pandemic. He has simply stopped listening to BBC news programmes which ‘always focused on the worst scenarios’
2. A man with Portuguese links recalls how, during the 1974 revolution they used to tune in to the BBC ‘for balanced coverage’. Now, although living in the UK, he tunes in to the Portuguese nightly news ‘to obtain impartial coverage of the coronavirus pandemic’!
The realisation about the BBC continues to spread………….
Even bigger giggles are on offer from the self-indulgent yet spitefully juvenile pen of John Crace in the Guardian. His praise for La Starmer’s performance in yesterday’s PMQ’s is as fine an example of literary delusion as one could wish, the only shame is so very few will ever get to read it.
Heck, Deutche Welle’s own political correspondent just told LBC
that she doesn’t believe its necessarily true that Germany has a lower death rate than the UK
and that it could be that Germany is less good at identifying Covid19 deaths
(German state broadcaster)
I read this German media article a few weeks ago. Link below.
If correct, Germany is far from out of the woods.
“Claim: Germany’s death rate is so low due to advanced planning and an excellent healthcare system
Reality: Germany does have a robust public healthcare system that for now appears to be weathering the storm. As in many countries, however, medical professionals in respiratory and intensive care report being massively overworked, and there is a risk of running out of protective equipment. While Germany has enough hospitals, they are chronically understaffed, and medical students are now helping out in the most overwhelmed units.
Statistics about the number of intensive care beds in the country are often cited as proof of Germany’s superior preparedness to handle this crisis. However, German officials report disparate figures. The German Association of Hospitals says there are 40,000 beds, which is about 49 for every 100,000 of Germany’s 82 million inhabitants. The Registrar for Intensive Care Beds says there are 24,000, which is only about 29 for every 100,000 people.
As for advanced planning, Germany’s lockdown and social distancing regulations were put in place more than a week after fellow EU members France, Austria, and Spain had imposed similar policies. Despite what was happening in Italy in early March, Germany was actually much slower to react than its neighbors.
However, behind Germany’s as-yet low mortality rate is a confluence of many other factors. These include the country’s federal system of government, which means there are hundreds of health officials overseeing the pandemic response across the 16 states, rather than one centralized response from the country’s national Health Ministry.”
If Eastern Bloc oldies are resistant to Covid that might explain some of the low numbers
BTW There is a clip of the head of the RKI warning that Germany could be undercounting
.. however the clip is from early on ..March 7th
Could also add density of population (Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, England) and also large populated Cities. London has a larger population than the 5 largest German Cities combined. Besides the reasons you listed Eastern block are not so over-populated as those I have mentioned, and yet they still arrive.
Incidentally, it seems to me that the virus got a very good start in the European Latin countries that like to kiss cheeks when greeting – both mouths and noses pass within 2 inches of each other (not 2 meters) and those greeting are usually exchanging niceties at the point of closest contact. (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium). Something the ‘journalist’s’ might have considered ?
I have a suspicion that Latinate types may not do well with Covid-19. I wanted to check the numbers for Romania this morning but the BBC have messed with the stats again and the world chart doesn’t appear. Will have to go elsewhere.
I seem to recall that Germany is a mixed Latinate and Teutonic population. Kissing apart maybe it is something in the blood? If we could have the numbers for Chicago say, both cases & deaths per day, helpfully split between White non-Latin, Hispanic & AfricanAmerican it might provide an important clue.
However, the NewYork new cases (large Hispanic & Italian populations, both Latinate) appear to be running at a constant 1000 per day, nowhere near as high as Mario Cuomo was claiming a couple of weeks back.
No mention on the BBC of the planned attack by Islam ‘extremists’ on Coptic churches during Easter in Egypt. Two things prevented the massacre: the churches were empty due to lockdown and it was foiled by the authorities when they (the extremists) changed the plan to attack Christians on the streets.
Christianity and any religion other than Islam has been under attack since the 7th century. When will the powers that be wake up! Charles Martel and King John III Sobieski must be turning in their graves!
HardTalk; Stephen Sackur V Zoltan Kovacs…well worth the popcorn..
But in my opinion an even better interview was with Nawal al Saadawi, unavailable on the BrusselsBC (see above) Youtube..most enlightening
I was thinking of running up a thread for BBC bias by omission – concentrating on the less obvious stuff – apart from Pakistani Muslim paedophile racist rape gangs-
But then threads tend to merge – any way here’s a few…
Paris riots
Labour Party members wanting PM dead
Dancing NHS employees
Good supplies of PPE
Thuggish plod
NHS fraud
Unrestricted flights
Any Criticism of the Holy NHS
Any criticism of the EU
Please feel free to add – there are a lot …
Fed – little boats coming uncounted and unchallenged (?) across the High Pressure mill pond…
If unchallenged, Dunkirk may pale to insignificance over time.
Beeb ain’t telling.
Some more omissions……
Celebrating leaving the EU with Nigel
Any criticism of WHO
Any criticism of China
Poll ratings for Boris
British armed forces bale out crap NHS logistic managers
They were not in Grenfell Tower after all, BAME proportionally more likely to falsely claim compensation-‘we need an inquiry’ opposition leader doesn’t say
UK carries out almost 560,000 coronavirus tests, 10th highest out of over 200 countries
TOADY Watch #1 and only
I listened to the last three or four minutes of the programme just to get the ‘pips’ for a time check. Caught a bit of gravel from Sarah with some contributor virtue signalling (the BBC don’t ‘do’ advertising y’know) using other peoples’ money, a.k.a. Crowdfunding.
Then it was JustRemainIn with an out of work Shakespearian actor getting a bit of free advertising (the BBC don’t ‘do’ advertising y’know) for a virtual (and no doubt, virtuous) type Bard’s Birthday thingy at Stratford.
He recited the ‘Sceptred Isle’ speech from Richard II.
Then with JustRemainIn’s help there was a hint, an implication, of a double sneer, one at ‘present day Britain’ and the other at Brexit. Mark Mardell would have approved.
Gave me the pip, all right.
I switched off.
Note to parents; please monitor what your children are watching…
Also promoting this sick witch…
I’m sorry, is this one of those videos of dancing NHS nurses that people have been complaining about? It’s just that some of the characters seem to be dressed up in some sort of PPE.
Pressure ?? Really ?? Seems anyone can “mention” anything and suddenly the Government are under “pressure” ! !!!
Good old BBC . No opportunity missed to have a go
Talking pictures
Reilly ace of spies
Rumpole (Bit lefty )
Danger UXB
Happier – better quality TV …..
Vietnam – on PBS – all free – and not the BBC – and better ….
11:30am R4 Brenda Birungi AKA The Unchained Poet
is talking about her experience of prison
The blurb says
“In 2008, 20 year-old Brenda Birungi got into a fight in a nightclub to *PROTECT* her sister. With no previous convictions, Brenda ended up serving 11 months in prison”
Doesn’t that mean she’d been given a 2.5 year sentence
Doesn’t that mean that someone was really hurt
and the court didn’t consider it self defence.
We know sometimes the courts do jail unfairly.
It looks pretty clear-cut to me.
A first offender getting a 2.5 year sentence indicates that someone was quite seriously injured by her.
Moreover (and as you rightly imply), the doctrine of self-defence permits someone to go to the defence of another person. If that was advanced as a defence then the jury (I expect that this was a jury trial) rejected it.
I’d love to know the whole circumstances but, alas, I can’t find any contemporary reports on the net.
Thanks for the offer, Jess, I’ll pass again. I think I need to urgently wash a window sill or two.
Vince Cable loves Lenin
Did anybody pick up on the latest health advice issued by the MSM this morning.
We should all consider vitamin D supplement. Why?
To help fight the Chinese corona virus? Nope. It’s because we are all inside now and not seeing enough sunshine. Therefore problems associated with lack of Vit D are emerging.
So what happens, my neighbour returns from shopping.
There’s been a run on Vit D today.
Now for some this has implications, I understand it’s a good thing for people with MS to take a regular amount of the stuff.
Ah well, the good old UK media. You couldn’t make them up.
Only confirms what I have been saying here and elsewhere. Getting out in the sunshine good, stuck in-doors bad.
The lockdown is only matters worse.
By the way, half of all CV-19 deaths in Europe are in care homes says the WHO.
Don’t be skeptic just yet. It’s a good idea for you check out the efficacy of vitamin D. We whites living in the Northern latitudes ( anywhere above 35 degrees north) have since we migrated this far North got white skin in response to the need for our white skin to make vitamin D which the main source of that vitamin as we don’t get enough from our diet. Rickets is one the detrimental effects due to not getting enough vitamin D.
TW2, the upside?
Plenty of tinned tomatoes with vitamin C inside at the supermarket this morning.
There has been an issue with Vit D deficiency for years – just nobody talked about it.. I was told about 6 years ago by a Neurologist and have seen it in my patients much more frequently over last few years.
Go buy yours now before the pandemic shoppers get it all 🙂
I won’t be watching (or clapping) but apparently there’s a Dr Who special or something on the bBBC tonight.
Modern Dr Who represents all that is unacceptable about the channel. It started to go downhill with the histrionics of David Tenant, then went into soppy emo-mode with Matt Smith.
And now…….jesus wept. To comply with their PC woke agenda we have a female in the role. And BAME’s and wokeness galore in the supporting cast. Not to mention of course the left-wing agenda-infested nature of the episodes themselves in the last year or two.
I’m wondering if there will be a one-off special called “Dr Who and the Chinese Virus” in which our hero(ine) has to save K9 from being skinned and boiled alive in one of Beijing’s more upmarket restaurants, inadvertently releasing a woke version of the Anne Dromeda strain.
Special guest star Lenny Henry as Davros.
“I think @piersmorgan @susannareid100
are spot on that we should bring in former prime ministers from all parties to help in this fight against the virus
… We do need them as guinea pigs to test the Covid19 vaccines & treatments on”
One Ramadan story for today
Muslim doctor #1
BbcWales adds its own Ramadan story
Muslim doctor #2
BBC Religion dept are preparing theirs
Muslim doctor #3
BBC News add another Ramadan story
(OK that one is dated April 21 )
Why on earth should we want to report on Ramadan-not a Chritsian festival and therefore in this still Christian country Ramadan is of no concern. So drop it.
Any Ramadan stuff on TV ?
Strange, I didn’t hear all this fuss from the BBC about Lent or Easter. Am I now living in a completely different country? Or is this a bad dream?
Those people who complain Boris didn’t call a lockdown early enough
Do they ever mention that had already been locked down themselves for weeks ?
If they really do more that the government as they claim they would have been.
They were free to start their lockdown any time they wanted.
But Stew, they wanted government handouts first.
Didn’t stop our local benefit families ignoring advice not to receive visits on Mothers Day, they were bussing them in
Stew – I actually have no problems with Ramadan, muezzins, mosques etc. But only if in Saudi, Iraq, Indonesia, Iran, Afghanistan, Jordan etc, etc. Not in Europe or the UK.
Muslims are worshipping their God, just as I would worship mine. They’ve had a prophesy, just like I had. And if they’d gone back to compare it to their Abrahamic forefathers, they would have discovered that they were being deceived. No match.
And the fact that they found they just had to conquer Constantinople and turn it into Istanbul, suggests that they are very expansionist. Gates of Vienna. Southern Spain. It doesn’t bode well.
“I actually have no problems with Ramadan, muezzins, mosques etc. But only if in Saudi, Iraq, Indonesia, Iran, Afghanistan, Jordan etc, etc. Not in Europe or the UK.”
I would tend to an opposing view that islam is like Covid. If it exists anywhere in the world it is likely to spread and render non islamic lives a misery.
I’m not sure if this one has already been noted: