Backlinks to the Midweek thread
– We finished up on page 5 which started at 8am Friday and went on until 7pm when I analysed the local news
+ Quite interesting stuff about how some special groups are allowed to have mass funerals eg the Manchester gangster
– page 4 started at lunchtime on St George’s Day
– page 3
Key worker Natalie Orton-Rose, from Leicester, said she had been self-isolating after being told by her doctor that it was likely she had coronavirus and booked a test on Friday morning.
“I drove an hour from my home in Leicester [to the test centre in Nottingham] and sat waiting for half an hour in the queue only to be told actually they had no more tests left,” she told the BBC.
So what key worker role does Natalie service this country with ??? ICU nurse ? Paramedic ??? Must be a midwife or social worker then …..
Natalie is The property manager for Poundstretcher, and is classed as a key worker………..really ???
Desperate desperate attempt to find fault with our governments (Tory and wants to leave Europe) attempts to provide a service to its citizens in these very trying times.
Don’t forget everyone the government could quite easily force us to have tests if we are key workers or loose pay…..imagine the lefty uproar……human rights etc……
Ok so I watch ‘Doctors’. No-one’s perfect. Yesterday a very dramatic scene unfolded. In a house, in darkness! There was a bloke downstairs and a bloke coming stealthily down from upstairs. It seemed obvious that the one on the stairs was a burglar, but actually, we knew he wasn’t. How did we know? Because he was black. And there is never, ever, a bad black person on the BBC, especially in Doctors. So because of this it was impossible to suspend disbelief, and the whole dramatic force of the scene was lost. Instead of being gripping the whole thing became a farce.
So today I put the lunchtime news on. The lead item was given to us with breathless excitement. The government’s website — the one that will extend Coronavirus testing — “has crashed.” Obviously anything the (Tory) government does is going to be a catastrophic failure. Crashed! Crashed! Crashed! Over and over again. But in fact it didn’t crash. Unsurprisingly since this was the first day, demand was extremely high so all the slots were taken and people were told to try again later. That’s what always happens when there’s a new thing like this. It was expected and inevitable. The true situation was explained at the 5pm briefing. On the BBC’s 6pm bulletin they were forced to wind their lies in a bit and were saying the site had been ‘temporarily closed’ due to high demand.
The second item in the lunchtime bulletin was about how self-isolating was going to be a big problem during Ramadan. Not for 94% of the population it isn’t; but who cares about us? They went on about the Ramadan nightmare for ages. It was wholly disproportionate. A brief mention would have been appropriate. This barrage wasn’t.
‘Doctors’ again! Mainly this episode was a about a midwife who had been accused of something or other (sorry, I was losing it at bit at this point). She was a very very very good midwife and a very very very good person indeed; a saint really, so obviously she was totally innocent. You’ve guessed, haven’t you? She was Asian.
There was a sequence then about the problems of being a lesbian in a homophobic society like ours (What? No-one gives a fig do they? It just isn’t an issue any more apart from a few nutters. The people I associate with are as horribly right-wing and intolerant as can be but even they don’t lift an eyebrow at muff divers these days. The BBC is fighting a battle that’s already been won.)
The rest of the episode was about Ramadan, but they disguised it a bit by making it a story about a white child who wanted to fast for Ramadan (presumably brainwashed by multi-culti lessons at school) and a woman who accidentally gave him some food. Or something – sorry but I just can’t pay rapt attention to this bilge.
Why can’t the BBC produce decent drama and news any more – programmes free of their obsessions about race, sexuality, and the ‘evil Torrees’? If you watch an old BBC programme, from the 70s or 80s, it’s like a breath of fresh air. They used to make such brilliant programmes. Now you have to brace yourself for the ‘woke’ bollocks that destroys believability and ruins the whole thing. What went wrong?
Maybe its because back in the 70’s and 80’s proper men in proper suits were making the decisions, and those in charge now with their back to front baseball caps and trendy tattoos were barely born, and who would then go on to Yuni where they were brainwashed with the left wing idealogy while taking meeja studies, and with their degree in EastEnders the next stop was the Beeb, and so the ‘woke’ cult began.
Even the fragrant Joan Bakewell, a stalwart of late night tele back in the 60’s, said a few years ago that “the BBC is run by children”.
The BBC has many TV channels and radio stations, far too many. Some of these are designed to cater for particular demographics, for instance there is CBBC and Cbeebies for children, BBC2 for (loosely) highbrow, Radio 3 for classical music fans, the openly-racist BBC Asian Network and 1Xtra stations etc. But how about this: the majority of the population do not fit into these categories, so why not a TV channel for us? It would portray the actual country that most people live in, the normal way we live our lives, the standard British values that we follow. The people in the programmes would predominately look like us and, where they didn’t, it would be in proportion to their presence in the country and they would dress and behave like us. Conventional families would be the norm. A programme about, say, gardening, would actually be about gardening rather than transexual worms or opportunties for billionaires to make even more money through bogus environmentalism. Historical dramas would be true to the facts and era. The degenerate, depraved, disgusting and deranged would be absent. Programmes with politics and debate would be – shocking as this may sound – balanced, and with the vested interests declared. The other BBC channels can continue as is, if necessary, but let there be one for the rest of us, too.
Let’s call this channel BBC Us. And do you know what? I might even be prepared to pay for it.
Ian: IMHO you make two errors: Most of the bbc channels should be for the ‘us’ you refer to.
So not only do they have the “openly-racist BBC Asian Network”, but ‘Asians’ are heavily represented on all channels, and intrude into absolutely every one, radio or TV, through to even dominating the 10.00pm R4 news, mostly divided up between Iqbal, Shah and Kumrasamy.
Now, you can argue that they are British of Asian heritage, but then the logic for an Asian network would fall away. So, doubly catered for.
Secondly, you assume what we would call “good intentions” on the part of the bbc. That they primarily wish to entertain and inform (impartially). I doubt they have any such intention. Their intention is to re-educate us into what they perceive as the new ‘Zeitgeist’. This is an ideological goal, driven by PC. Not far off the mindset of Radio Moscow or ‘Pravda’ (Guardian?) during Soviet rule. Reality exists only in what they say. See London? That’s exactly what the rest of the country is like.
Were there to be any ‘white’ towns and cities, that would suggest ‘racism’. And we can’t have that.
I was rereading a book entitled “Jesus, the Man who Lives”, by MSM journo, Malcolm Muggeridge bought in the sixties. He bewails the collapse of the West and any related spiritual values, as what you call the ‘degenerate, depraved, disgusting and deranged’ slowly take over. (I believe those go under the headings of ‘open, tolerant and liberal’.)
Were Muggeridge to step from his grave to observe our present society and its key spokesperson, the bbc, I think he would rapidly return voluntarily to his grave. The bbc would definitely not employ him, nor The Times, which raves about his book as ‘brilliant’ on the soft-cover version I purchased.
Not part of the ideological ‘Zeitgeist’, you know.
His book is worth a read, even now. Particularly now. It looks at politics and society, not only ‘religion’.
Backlinks to the Midweek thread
– We finished up on page 5 which started at 8am Friday and went on until 7pm when I analysed the local news
+ Quite interesting stuff about how some special groups are allowed to have mass funerals eg the Manchester gangster
– page 4 started at lunchtime on St George’s Day
– page 3
Or let's just be ignorant of the facts and pretend that UV therapies don't exists. Likewise with Peritoneal dialysis where your blood is cleaned inside your body. By using a special fluid which is put into your abdomen. ????
I guess it is easier to mock, than educate & consider ????
Guest, nice article
I had to give up fighting my corner with my ‘intelligent’ friends over this…I tried educating them about the term disinfectant, to explain Potus didn’t say bleach, the UV light was already being trilled for Viruses and did it help – NO….I decided it wasn’t worth the effort –
Even if a cure is found that involves ‘disinfectant’ the media won’t acknowledge Potus highlighted it – nor will ‘intelligent’ but ignorant and dogmatic minds be changed…likewise the stupidity of the MSM
If one thing the last 4 years has taught us is that the Trump cultists will find some way, any way, to defend the indefensible.
The science presented at the briefing was about the survival of the virus outside the body when exposed to various elements, like heat, humidity, disinfectants etc.
Trump suggested injecting disinfectants into the body as a treatment, at the podium with millions of Americans watching.
There is no defence of this.
What’s even more amusing about it, is that even Trump couldn’t defend it the next day. He’s claiming it was a joke.
I suspect your intelligent friends are rolling their eyes.
(and she represents what the Labour Party should be about)
The handling of the pandemic by broadcasting media has been especially bad. The role of the @BBCNews has to be questioned and there is now an appetite for a serious re think of the licence fee
Who’d have thought this possible? Last night I was at @realDonaldTrump briefing when he talked about injecting #disinfectant. Today I wake to a letter from the biggest manufacturer saying NO. DON’T INGEST
Read the comments until I got to one that summed things up.
And no I’m far from the only one. Sadly, Sopel followers aren’t the most discerning so I come here as the only voice. No point commenting where people realise this.
…Diverting slightly from Kung Flu, I see the BBC are back to form over our EU trade negotiations. Barnier’s every word reported in full technicolour. ‘Disappointing progress’ from his point of view, could I suppose, be taken as good news from ours.
V – Indeed
HYS 2500+
Brexiteers tearing Barnier, BBC, EU, Macron, Merkel, Verkofyoutwat, etc to shreds.
Will the EU collapse before Boris closes AlBeeb?
A dead heat would please me.
It gets better.
Shoppers swap clothes for alcohol amid record sales drop.”
[Nobody buying clothes from shops that are not open!
The tiny minds at AlBeeb are baffled.]
145. Posted byAW8on
and the next BBC headline must surely be…
UK Citizens cancel licence fee subscriptions after suffering mental anguish reading BBC negative headlines
[Treat yourselves BBBC regulars, auntie being humiliated.
Sit back with a beer/wine/whatever and enjoy it.]
It was only a matter of time before this reaction happened:
Sky ‘news’ report that a woman has been named and shamed on Facebook for not joining in with her neighbours by not clapping. It’s pathetic isn’t it, if you don’t tow the line and comply with these Liberals they will do their upmost to make your life a misery. ????
Poor woman said she’d fallen asleep after a particularly exhausting day as well so she has a pretty good excuse!
I’m just waiting for a brick through our front window anytime soon for not performing like a circus seal on a Thursday night ????
Toady at 7.55 Friday morning and Justin Webb was determined to get a headline. He was interviewing a Welsh man who was a politician from ‘the opposition ‘ and I hadn’t a clue who it was and I switched off quickly. But Justin kept putting it to him whether the government should release the names of the scientists advising them on CoVId. The opposition MP sounded perplexed. It didn’t sound to begin with that he was too bothered one way or the other. But Justin kept on and on. It was obvious Justin wanted the headline, ‘Labour are demanding the names of the scientists are released.’ But then if the names are released it will be open season on how useless they are, or they once made a joke about a black man or there aren’t enough women advisors. After 8am Matt Hancock was on, I don’t know whether Justin demanded the names, but I felt it coming on. I switched off.
One of the problems with the b@sturd BBC is that people like Kuenssberg and Nick Robinson seem to want to be part of the story (as protagonists) rather than mere reporters of news. This is even in evidence in their retweets and non-ex-cathedra comments on social media (credit to the contributors to Biased BBC for pasting some of these here) and it gets into their on-air work too. It is as if they are bored with reporting and, as per the BBC changes from the 1990s that one might call “Birtism”, they have to editorialise … and they are usually negative too.
“It is as if they are bored with reporting and, as per the BBC changes from the 1990s that one might call “Birtism”, they have to editorialise … and they are usually negative too”.
They aren’t really journalists, as they have ‘superiors’ who tell them what to say. Their orders are just to sit there, like fat babies, and wait until some jerk in W1A tells them something, and gives them their list of tosh to spout.
We gave up on them years ago, I just wish we didn’t still have to pay their wages, but there again, they don’t ‘earn’ as much as the pricks who tell them what to say – now they’re really the ones I’d like to know more, much more, about.
I call her Lara Carlsberg as her talent for asking questions that have just been addressed in the briefing leads me to believe she is a couple of cans short of a six pack.
Her fellow social media posters will avidly follow her everywhere, but, I believe, only out of morbid curiosity
Two doctors, Nishant Joshi and Meenal Viz, are mounting a legal challenge to the government after being ‘exposed to Corvid-19 patients due to confusing PPE guidance….’
A new and virulent form of related virus, Compo-19, is now expected to adversely affect NHS finances for several decades.
Brings a completely new meaning to ambulance chasers, doesn’t it. The anychess workers covering themselves in glory. Perhaps we should clap for the lawyers!
Pug “Sweden has a death rate is better than the UK’s….213/million as to 287 ”
Wordometer says 213 vs 287
(Sweden has had 812 deaths ..proportionately a lot less that the UK’s)
Pug “Japan has had 314 deaths so far”
Wordometer says 328
Interesting today that both @iainmartin1 and @adamboultonSKY think the best way to encourage more readers/viewers is to insult them. Interesting tactics. I won't be watching/reading. It's the height of arrogance to suggest that refusing to hang on their every word = ignorance.
Just been told by my ICU nurse friend that they get time and a third for Saturday’s and time and two thirds for Sunday’s…….no wonder they clap themselves.
The MSM on the government briefing couldn’t help themselves . Asking a question about what POTUS said at an American briefing .
I can only assume the reason was at best to get an adverse comment to raise a diplomatic rift or for that journo to get ‘ points ‘ from her friends for the tick box question –
From joe public like me learned nothing to benefit
By the way tonight the U.K. press gazette reports hostile incidents involving photographers recording the lockdown and members of the public . Always entitlement with journalists .
I have argued on here (not all agree with me and that’s fine) that the lockdown was far too late. There was a very small window to act in Feb. They didn’t. My personal opinion is two fold. They either knew this and bottled it or deliberately put the economy over the science. The future inquest will tell, I suppose.
When lockdown did happen, it was really down to media pressure (BBC), late, and not a real lockdown anyway. The strategy is purely about saving their own bacon by ensuring the NHS didn’t become overwhelmed. This is the current stasis.
The soft lockdown/strategy looks increasingly crap when we see airports continually waving through little Trojan horses everyday from infected countries, the tubes full and celebrities urging us through the BBC to stay safe and protect our national Health service (i.e government reputation).
So while the economy goes to shit and ordinary people/businesses struggle. It’s even more galling when countries like Sweden function as normal, Americans say screw this or places like Australia completely squash the virus.
Interestingly, (as you highlight) the criticism seems to be very selective from the BBC (and media generally). Tiresome and relentless, the BBC laser dot is narrowly on PPE and equipment with a compete blindspot for wider strategy or statistical comparison with other nations. And, when this comparison does occur its very selective and bias.
I am hugely critical of the BBC and the government (Labour/Tory they’re all the same). To me they are a twin headed circular serpent, existing & feeding off each other. One treats me like a child the other a unit for social engineering.
I think your plague wish is a bit late ..
As far as the point about lock down being too late – it seems that one Southern European country which went its own way and locked down early – was Portugal – which seems not to have had the awful experience of Spain and I’d thinking of starting to lift restrictions this week .
I have every sympathy with the team of scientists around Trump trying to stay the course for the sake of American lives. But honestly , this reaction is not enough. It just isn’t.
“He believes Middlesbrough’s poverty – it is the poorest council borough in England – is one of the main factors making people more vulnerable to Covid-19.”
I think early assertions that levels of ‘deprivation ‘ are linked to covid cases is a bit of an insult at this stage of the pandemic . My London Borough Is number 32 in the official list of covid infections – but if you look at Brent – which I think has the highest level in the country -at 1300? – I was trying to work out “why “ . – my guess is that proximity to Heathrow has something to do with it as well as the ethnic make up of the borough .
But I think linking ethnicity or economic deprivation of combinations thereof is something to work on when all the data is in and when the Chinese virus has receded ‘ been dealt with …
Fed, it’s obvious when you compare Tower Hamlets (#10 in the LA Poor Chart) with Barnet (possibly in Top Ten in LA Rich Chart) that wealth and ethnicity has nothing to do with it.
But it is interesting whether lies have something to do with both Covid cases and Covid deaths.
Last one first. Could it be possible that of some of the BAME cases AND deaths, the patient was not honest with him or herself? In other words, they felt unwell long before Covid-19 came on the scene but kept going, because they felt they had to – for family or something else, being macho perhaps, or in USA avoiding medical bills – and therefore had an undiagnosed pre-existing condition?
Then lies about cases. Someone in the USA is not being honest. Mario Cuomo or Andrew M. Cuomo as he now presents himself as Mayor of New York? Or BAME campaigners in the Mid-West? Or Dr Fauci? Or all those plus the BBC and Johns Hopkins Uni?
I’ve just checked the Eastern timeline cases for today: 506. Yet we are told that New York is overwhelmed by Covid and the hospitals are struggling to cope. There were 133 cases in Kent today. Compare that with the whole of the US Eastern timeline.
Just keeps on serving it up to em !!!! Well done Sir !!!
Getting VERY good reviews of the job the Federal Government is doing on CoronaVirus. Ventilators, building hospitals, beds and yes, Testing, have been handled incredibly well. Testing is getting exponentially better every day. Love seeing our Country safely opening up!
Great News! Randall Stephenson, the CEO of heavily indebted AT&T, which owns and presides over Fake News @CNN, is leaving, or was forced out. Anyone who lets a garbage “network” do and say the things that CNN does, should leave ASAP. Hopefully replacement will be much better!
libmob are Triggered about Trevor
.. They expected that one of their race-baiter mates would get the job of investigating BAME Covid19 connections
Public Health England have asked Trevor Phillips, a man with a long history of Islamophobic comments, to advise the inquiry into the higher number of BAME deaths from COVID19 in England
Back in the 80s -when Trevor Phillips used to run the London Programme on LWT – I used to despise him .
But somewhere along the Road to Damascus- he was injected with Common Sense and now says things which the snowflakes do not want to hear .
I said as much on the previous thread in response to a BBC interview .
The narrative is that non whites fare worse with covid because of their jobs – and health staff especially -but I think that when the demographics are done it won’t be a matter of some unconscious Or institutional discrimination at the door of whitee – but just where non whitee people live and work .
At the briefing today the chief medic lady mentioned that doctors in London hospitals are 45 per ent non white – so in terms of infections isn’t that going to tally ?
Agree that Trevor Philips does occasionally say it as it is and is better than many.
But what qualifies him to do such a study other than his ethnicity?
His appointment is just another form of tokenism.
Ummm the West Yorkshire police helicopter very active over the centre of a “community”… a coincidence its ramadam today and they have just broke the first fast……I don’t suppose the two are related.
The cops are probably looking out for far right unbelievers who need to be arrested before they draw attention to the fasters breaking social distancing rules.
It is a two tier legal system after all.
Gardener’s World now
..”Oh this is based on the garden’s of Islam”
(The Paradise Garden at Monty Don’s Long Meadow)
4pm Radio4 Obituary prog used a pretext
of a white architects death to go on about Islamic Arches
..and then the new Cambridge mosque which he had nothing to do with.
“He advised on the design of Islamic-influenced buildings all over the world.”
Then they picked Jocelyn Barrow as one of their topics
she sounded like a race-baiter.
“She was the first black woman to be a Governor of the BBC.”
… There we go they just have to talk about themselves.
Tune into @BBCRadio4 at 4pm this afternoon to listen to SOAS Director @ValerieAmos discuss the life of Dame Jocelyn Barrow, educator and leading campaigner against racial discrimination. She was also the first black woman to be a Governor of the BBC.
BBC4 – Tunes for tyrants – Suzy ( beeboid ) Klein – talks dykes – the Communist internationale and other BBC approved tunes .. I think it was done before we were all required to clap for their NHS …
Tony Robinson on Channel5
He’s doing The Trans-Siberian in his wacky way
OK he was in Vladivostok then up to the Pacific
Then the next moment he crossed the entire of Siberia and he’s at the Urals.
FFS Siberia on its own would be the world’s largest federation of countries
There are loads of cultures and languages when you get away from the white Russian culture right next to the railway.
I think he is about to get on a train and arrive in Moscow.. something that took me a week cos I stop a lot in the day and use night trains.
The prog is such a distortion … such a “pitz di-etz”
TONIGHT: The Guardian has reported that Boris Johnson’s chief political adviser Dominic Cummings attended SAGE, the independent scientific body guiding our coronavirus response.
Guest – to me anything from a combination from the Guardian/bbc has no value or credibility at all. Unless toilet paper has run short.
Both are professional/lefty stirrers.
Finances shared to keep Guardian alibve?
Actually, I see Cummings being there as entirely logical.
I’ve been an ‘expert’ on a number of committees related to my work, and the whole point of such meetings is that you have someone representing each interested party/company, even if they’re not technical experts on the subject.
If I was one of the team of expert advisers in this case I’d think it was a good idea to have an individual representing the Govt/PM in the room, who could say things like “Sorry, but we can’t do that, because….”, or “That sounds like a good idea, but I’ll have to consult with the PM before we take in any further”.
The BBC and the Guardian just hate Cummings.
Good point about Campbell WW, he didn’t just attend meetings though, he started dictating the line the experts had to take, and editing their words for the purposes of ‘sexing up’ (as I recall). When one of those experts dared to blow the whistle he ended up rather dead, as I recall…
Hello Jeremy unusual to see you supporting a Conservative shock jock Mike Graham on
The copper bridge caper
The irony that people are most casual about their own exposure to #COVID19 at an event to celebrate the efforts of the health workers who have to pick up the pieces … is pretty mindblowing. Well done @Iromg for drawing attention to ridiculous scenes at
Where’s Bob Geldof and his pleasure cruiser when you need him?
Today on the news, the RNLI rescued people in a kyak. The crew were annoyed because they have to break distancing rules to launch. This video has a similar lifeboat and crew on the Thames, clapping.
A lot of the people insisting that we should risk lives to prevent damage to the economy spent the last few years arguing that we should damage the economy to get blue passports. Interesting priorities.
Does this idiot not realise the economy is already damaged.
If the country does not get back to work soon, the wheels will fall off. Without the income generated from workers tax etc, the massive funding of the international NHS will dry up and there will be nothing left. Economics 101 Dear James. In life some risks need to be taken.
Re passports and Brexit. Someone tell him it finished. Get over it.
I am sick and tired of hearing about the ‘poor’ public sector…without the private sector they wouldn’t bloody exist!
Everyone one has role in society – at time some will be more important than others – who do they think makes all the PPE and ventilators, and everything else they use – it isn’t the public sector…when there is a virus in the power grid you won’t be clapping health care workers…
Regarding President Trump and misquoted reporting.
If only there had been such an outcry on the AntiBBC when the famous and funny comedienne ‘Jo Brand’ described a fun alternative use of a household product.
thanks for the laugh Stew, liked –
“”Trump says water is good — but this is very misleading,” said Rachel Maddow. “Did you know that water kills many people every year? These dangerous, unhinged remarks from the president could cause many to drown themselves. Plus, do you know what’s hidden in water? Sharks”
Listening to a Spiked Broadcast tonight on the current madness of Lock-down both US and UK and how it the ‘left’ shaped the argument that prolong it and make it worse than it is. This podcast is a timely reminder that the madness of Lock Downs has to end…. I wish they would discuss this on LBC radio- instead of (forever) happy clappy NHS sing songs -whilst everyone who ‘trades’ or self employed faces absolute ruin. This is far worse than the 0.1% of those that ‘may’ (or may not) die from an illness that is a lot less dangerous than all the other medical problems and (critical) illnesses we may face personally. Its interesting that the smug liberal elite (typified by the BBC in this country and mirrored in the US) cosy confines of mass media workers and obscure University academics are shielded from chronic meltdown). We all have to get back to work and there are good arguments here (on this podcast) to explain why. I don’t understand the cheering public clapping for empty NHS wards. (Most of them are still empty, and will NEVER be filled). The BBC would call that a success. Whilst ‘other’ critical patients with ‘other’ problems get put on hold. Utter bloody madness. Listen to it here and wonder why the media are such cheer leaders for what will be a severe recession… poverty, higher taxes, lack of prosperity, trade and inevitability the NHS – who will suffer as the nations health deteriorates through BBC endorsements of ‘its good for you’. No it isn’t. This is not the War, its a bird flu. Deadly for 0.1% of the population at worst. And confined mainly to large cities with high density popluation. It time to get real, on this, there is no magic cure, we are all going to have to live with this as there are a lot of viruses ‘out there’. Globalisation has its cost, this is one of them. Imported diseases and strains from countries that are attracted to the BBC lifestyle.
Info is so sparse on specific Covid19 deaths and where the person caught it.
98% of deaths seem to not have specifics mentioned in the media
And yet of the few that are there is mostly a NHS or home carer connection.
#1 A councillor died in the Hull Castle Hill Hospital : he’d caught Covid there while being treated for something else.
#2 In Boston an older woman was being treated for cancer in the hospital , but she caught Covid there and died.
#3 Also Boston a 1 year old heart defect girl has just recovered from Covid
… The parents told how they were very careful and had locked down early in March.
And it is strange neither parent caught it.
There is a line in the newspaper
” “Because of Leah’s heart condition we have a nurse come to visit her at home every week ”
.. well that is one person who maybe brought it to the child
I know of someone who’s been in hospital for several months. Guess what? He became infected with Covid-19, and it wasn’t by a member of his family.
He recovered, but here’s the thing that really grinds my gears – in spite of the fact that he had contracted Covid-19 whilst an inpatient, his family was apparently told that he would not be put on a ventilator if his condition worsened.
I don’t know anyone who has or has had Covid-19, nor do I know anyone who knows anyone who has been affected. This is not to underestimate the potential seriousness of the condition and I say this with humility. I am staying in, which is not so hard for me as I worked from home anyway before the lock-down, and avoiding all but necessary shopping. Can anyone else here give me an idea of how many they know, or have heard of, who have had the virus even if only mildly?
It’s not strictly BBC bias but I really have no idea how widespread this is.
I personally know 6 people that have been infected 3 have been in hospital and one, a 63 year old is on a DNR notice. It spread in the factory initially from one person who I was in close contact discussing work load etc and I didn’t contract it thankfully. However those in his office who shared his phone did. I spoke to one of the engineers infected today a month after contracting and being out of hospital 2 weeks, the guy could hardly talk no breath at all.
My neighbour is a doctor and a good friend is an ICU nurse both of whom are ‘bricking it”…..According to the doctor It would appear that one partuculare strain is very virulent and if you get that its curtains, blue NHS ones.
I don’t think there are strains as such, but the severity of the symptoms may well be directly influenced by the quantity of viral material that a person is exposed to. Obviously, health care workers are particularly at risk in that regard.
According to the doctor next door he attended a seminar and they “believe” there are 4 types within Covid 19. The most aggressive strain kills. He sited an example wherby a fit 40 somthing bloke was admitted with breathing difficulties. They x rayed his lungs they appeared ok…..he further deteriorated and they X rayed his lungs again this time they where fully infected 4 hours later….the poor gentleman died shortly after, the doctor says that they have never seen anything like it …..I’m only repeating first hand what ive been told by a A&E doctor, I am no authority.
Think the evidence is there that there is a national mutation. I doubt the Chinese figures but if they are true, then the strain that started in Wuhan appears to have died. India is an interesting country to look at; definitely Covid-19 appears weaker there but amazingly strong in the USA and also in Spain.
The BBC should, of course, be investigating but they are more interested in chucking rocks at PM and POTUS.
personally, no one. Nor I have heard of any cases amongst the workforce from the large factory in which I plie a trade, and given the nature of our business, if there was a positive, it would be communicated. Lots have ‘self isolated’ but nothing serious forthcoming.
A number of us did have a virulent and nasty ‘thing’ in early/mid December last year that was put down to the flu but looking back had many of the symptoms. And boy did it spread like wildfire amongst the office colleagues.
Also had an elderly Aunt that needed oxygen treatment, thankfully recovered but it was touch and go. Again just described as winter flu.
WestWyvern – that’s interesting, I had a strange ‘bug’ between Christmas and New Year too, think I caught it from my parents, who came over for Christmas Day with it. My mother seems to have caught it from a friend, whose son travels to China(!) regularly with work, and seems to have come home ill with it mid Dec 2019.
First symptom was sudden chest pains – my first thought was ‘heart attack’, never had one, don’t run in family and not ‘at risk’, so little idea what to expect, but there were sharp pains in my chest and I couldn’t catch my breath. After sitting down for a couple of minutes I realised it was definitely NOT heart related, but struggling to breathe, and lungs felt constricted, also felt hot and sweaty. Had a warm bath, Lemsip and early night, very sweaty and hot and cold flushes (temperature), expecting to wake up with full blown cold/’flu, but next day breathing was okay, just a bit of a temperature and felt very weak – then the trots started, belching and flatulence (you don’t want to know about that). Weird thing was other than the ‘antisocial’ symptoms, and feeling ‘tired’ all the time, I felt fine the next day. One week later last trace of the symptoms had gone.
My parents (70s) had the same symptoms, except they dragged on a lot longer (about six weeks in my father’s case), but they eventually got over it too.
No one else in my family got it.
My mother is a retired nurse, she’d never experienced anything like it before, and was trying to work out what it was. When she went to her GP she told her it was ‘asthma’ and gave her an inhaler – it was not asthma and the inhaler apparently did nothing.
When they started reporting the symptoms of Covid-19 we all thought “aha!”, but it wasn’t in the UK in late Dec… right?
Anyway, proven cases of Covid, don’t know anyone. A few people are reported to have died of Covid in local hospitals and care homes so far, but all with ‘serious’ or ‘life threatening’ conditions (or just very elderly and infirm?) prior to infection.
Not sure if it’s relevant (I don’t really buy into that bit of ‘BBC agenda’), but we don’t have a great many BAME here in the rural West Country.
A friend in London early into Lockdown knew 4 people who had died and 3 in intensive care. Her daughter now has it but her son, a doctor on the front line hasn’t had it.
To my certain knowledge, two people who live about 100 yards from me have had Covid-19 and recovered. A third person, a lady who worked in the village where I live, died from it. She was in her 40s. The wife of a chap who did some work on our house also succumbed to it. One of my cousins currently has it – he’s on the mend – and the brother of a chap I know through work contracted it in hospital and recovered. I know of other cases through friends etc. .
Forgot to reply to Mus’s request for info: until this week, I did not know of anyone with Covid-19. I heard of someone who knew someone who’d had it and died and was also BAME for those interested. Beyond that one, no-one.
Well I have had it, albeit not confirmed due to unavailable testing, and it is terrible. I have been really, really sick. Dry hacking cough, pain in my body, days confined to the house. I am 64yo. If you are anywhere close to my age group please do everything to avoid infection.
Can someone please explain this headline statement from the BBC news web site….
Tackling climate change must be woven into the solution to the Covid-19 economic crisis, the UK will tell governments next week.
Who is the UK ???
Here are some titbits under under the headline….Coronavirus recovery plan ‘must tackle climate change’ including a BIG thank you to COVID for bringing down Co2….
1. climate change was a deeper problem than the virus.
2. every euro spent on economic recovery measures after the COVID-19 crisis would be linked to the green and digital transitions.
3. CO2 has actually been rising – although there’s currently a blip in the trend thanks to the Covid recession.
4. German CDU party, told the magazine FOCUS that the EU’s sweeping plan for investment in clean technologies would no longer be possible.
5. The German CDU say “The Green Deal was a gigantic challenge for an economy in top shape. After the corona bloodletting, it is simply not financially viable.”
6. And the inevitable ….Timmermans is right and Trump is wrong. We should only be bailing out firms that are going to contribute to tackling climate change.
The BBC will be covering this meeting live with our money despite it being an INFORMAL telecoms.
They are desperate to keep the green narrative alive….Its dead in the water I’m afraid, just look at European airlines KLM Air France Lufthansa TAP etc they are asking European governments for over 20 billion euros, do you think the respective government’s are going to let them go under ????
So the green fantasy is over and its over in Halifax. Despite none of us using a car for a month it hasn’t rained and my lawn is beginning to look like an Ethiopian football pitch…..
A Harrabin the activist article. I presume ‘the UK’ is Alok Sharma, the UK Climate Secretary and president of COP26, but it could well be Harrabin, Monbiot or the Brighton Pixie for all we know.
Whilst the BBC have been preoccupied with Ramadan they did spare a thought for those who go outside and hit themselves over their heads with heavy metal pans every Thursday evening.
But more news :
A charming young woman with a 2.2 degree in painting by numbers enlightened us on BBC Radio that it will all be over by Christmas.
What she didn’t venture into was how this was all going to happen.
Let’s assume that by some form of magic that Restaurants, Pubs, Department stores, etc have been cleaning and re-stocking themselves so they can all open at the same time of day with thousands of others with out a hitch.
This nebulous BBC coverage will come as no surprise to any passionate visitor to B-BBC.
We’re very proud to announce Doreen Lawrence as our Race Relations Adviser. Doreen is one of the UK’s foremost campaigners for equality and justice. Today, she's joining Keir and Marsha de Cordova to kick off Labour’s review into the impact of #coronavirus on BAME communities.
BBC: State surveillance 'a price worth paying' to stop Coronavirus. "The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, founded by the former prime minister, says it could offer an "escape route" from the crisis"
I am alone in being confused by the way in which Scotland and Wales are able to decide and declare their own strategies for dealing with the pandemic, the lockdown and the unlocking ! It seems bonkers to me that three contiguous ‘countries ‘ with no border between them could potentially take different routes to releasing the lockdown. If one of the routes is much less effective than the other two then the second wave could easily affect the whole UK regardless of how effective the two ‘good’ routes were.
I think that the pandemic has shown how unstable and unmanageable Blair’s devolution settlement was and is. Blair may well have thought that Labour would be able to maintain power in Cardiff and Edinburgh regardless of Westminster election results and so torment Tory governments. He may even have seen devolution as the Trojan horse to split firstly the UK and then England into regions within the EU and so neuter English opposition towards the EU.
Regardless of his intentions I think that the UK is actually ungovernable and that the three ‘ countries’ should either agree via referenda to drastically wind back the devolved powers or to split into three entirely independent entities.
“… the Trojan horse to split firstly the UK and then England into regions within the EU and so neuter English opposition towards the EU.”
Further devolution precisely for this purpose is the intention via Starmer (pledge No. 8) if his paymasters get half a chance.
‘Englishness’ is diasapproved of and attacked at every opportunity. England is still synonymous with Great Britain in most parts of the wider world and because of its historical significance as a country it must be expunged by the globalists/internationalists.
Many people in taffland would agree with you.
The ultimate aim of Al Beeb and the EU is to break up the UK.
Eg the Wales voted for Brexit but the Welsh Assembly is pro the EU.
They did not listen to the people then. The do not listen now .
” the Trojan horse to split firstly the UK and then England into regions within the EU and so neuter English opposition towards the EU.”
As I understand it, that was the EU plan all along preparatory to the US of Europe.
A part solution to achieve fairness for the people? Immediately halt the Barnett Formula. That would focus minds.
A quick look at Al Beeb’s webshite this morning and as per usual it looks like the Beano comic.
Not a peep about N Korea .
Any way , I am glad that I don’t subsidise it anymore.
Sarah ‘Gravel’ Smith is concerned that people have died from strokes or heart attacks because they feared seeking medical help and going to hospital because they might catch the Covid-19 virus.
Please phone in now or contact the BBC by other means if you have died from stroke or heart attack; the BBC would like to ‘victim’-ise you and attack the Government with your corpse.
Quite so, Fed. It was obviously a plea for some work to do. The very small god called ‘NHS’ is struggling now to keep itself justified. It couldn’t save us from the virus. As you imply – we had to save it. What a feeble god.
And now the ‘NHS’ is worried that it might be sidelined and our worship of it may decline. Maybe it’s fearful that the £offerings might dry up?
Read ‘The FakeNews Factory’ by David Sedgwick. A devasting, evidence-based expose of the BBC following their own agenda and ‘worldview’. This is a sequel to his first book ‘BBC:Brainwashing Britain?’.
Having now read the leading guardian article it seems
SAGE doesn’t meet – it’s virtual
Mr Cummings monitors it as govt advisor
The bubble is frightened of Mr Cummings
Bad that this stuff leaks – still
Personally i feel happier that someone as switched on as Mr Cummings is on the case and it maybe that whilst he was out with covid – key policy issues got blurred .
Unless HMG is leaking it on purpose it is worrying that internal stuff such as this gets to the bubble who will only do mischief with it .
Roland – I first realised how far Germany had sunk when her CDU gave her a ten-minute standing ovation at a recent “Parteitag”. It was every bit as obsequious as in NK, and startling for the fact that it was happening in a leading ‘Western Democracy’, and that the leader was a law-breaker -who should have been in prison.
I regret to say that the German people are as easy to wrap around one little finger, as they were in the thirties.
Fortunately the AdF, which -irony of ironies- Merkel would like to paint as Nazis, is alive and well. And in the old East Germany, which knows the Merkel mindset only too well, (she hails from there), is there a clear sign of resistance.
I initially participated in our clapping: we are grateful for medical help and carers, risking their own health. But now the thing has become ritualised, it has lost its power, and we are in danger of getting carried away to a place we don’t want to be.
I’d need a diet of the most exquisite fish, cooked to perfection, with appropriate vegetables – before I could perform – but the performance would be from an armchair, with a cup of tea, a book and a snooze.
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022
Eddy BoothMar 12, 13:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 “Canada to announce retaliatory tariffs” “We’re about to hear from Canadian officials on how they will react to the…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 Tony Blair holds the Keir penis (after Lord Alli visit to flat)
tomoMar 12, 13:42 Midweek 12th March 2025
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black? Politicians have rounded on…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 13:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 Uk gov to create a new team of 1000 people to look at how to make 100 cuts! HA HA…
It’s a great honour to be first poster. I am so proud.
Backlinks to the Midweek thread
– We finished up on page 5 which started at 8am Friday and went on until 7pm when I analysed the local news
+ Quite interesting stuff about how some special groups are allowed to have mass funerals eg the Manchester gangster
– page 4 started at lunchtime on St George’s Day
– page 3
From the BBC and Guardian
Key worker Natalie Orton-Rose, from Leicester, said she had been self-isolating after being told by her doctor that it was likely she had coronavirus and booked a test on Friday morning.
“I drove an hour from my home in Leicester [to the test centre in Nottingham] and sat waiting for half an hour in the queue only to be told actually they had no more tests left,” she told the BBC.
So what key worker role does Natalie service this country with ??? ICU nurse ? Paramedic ??? Must be a midwife or social worker then …..
Natalie is The property manager for Poundstretcher, and is classed as a key worker………..really ???
Desperate desperate attempt to find fault with our governments (Tory and wants to leave Europe) attempts to provide a service to its citizens in these very trying times.
Don’t forget everyone the government could quite easily force us to have tests if we are key workers or loose pay…..imagine the lefty uproar……human rights etc……
Ok so I watch ‘Doctors’. No-one’s perfect. Yesterday a very dramatic scene unfolded. In a house, in darkness! There was a bloke downstairs and a bloke coming stealthily down from upstairs. It seemed obvious that the one on the stairs was a burglar, but actually, we knew he wasn’t. How did we know? Because he was black. And there is never, ever, a bad black person on the BBC, especially in Doctors. So because of this it was impossible to suspend disbelief, and the whole dramatic force of the scene was lost. Instead of being gripping the whole thing became a farce.
So today I put the lunchtime news on. The lead item was given to us with breathless excitement. The government’s website — the one that will extend Coronavirus testing — “has crashed.” Obviously anything the (Tory) government does is going to be a catastrophic failure. Crashed! Crashed! Crashed! Over and over again. But in fact it didn’t crash. Unsurprisingly since this was the first day, demand was extremely high so all the slots were taken and people were told to try again later. That’s what always happens when there’s a new thing like this. It was expected and inevitable. The true situation was explained at the 5pm briefing. On the BBC’s 6pm bulletin they were forced to wind their lies in a bit and were saying the site had been ‘temporarily closed’ due to high demand.
The second item in the lunchtime bulletin was about how self-isolating was going to be a big problem during Ramadan. Not for 94% of the population it isn’t; but who cares about us? They went on about the Ramadan nightmare for ages. It was wholly disproportionate. A brief mention would have been appropriate. This barrage wasn’t.
‘Doctors’ again! Mainly this episode was a about a midwife who had been accused of something or other (sorry, I was losing it at bit at this point). She was a very very very good midwife and a very very very good person indeed; a saint really, so obviously she was totally innocent. You’ve guessed, haven’t you? She was Asian.
There was a sequence then about the problems of being a lesbian in a homophobic society like ours (What? No-one gives a fig do they? It just isn’t an issue any more apart from a few nutters. The people I associate with are as horribly right-wing and intolerant as can be but even they don’t lift an eyebrow at muff divers these days. The BBC is fighting a battle that’s already been won.)
The rest of the episode was about Ramadan, but they disguised it a bit by making it a story about a white child who wanted to fast for Ramadan (presumably brainwashed by multi-culti lessons at school) and a woman who accidentally gave him some food. Or something – sorry but I just can’t pay rapt attention to this bilge.
Why can’t the BBC produce decent drama and news any more – programmes free of their obsessions about race, sexuality, and the ‘evil Torrees’? If you watch an old BBC programme, from the 70s or 80s, it’s like a breath of fresh air. They used to make such brilliant programmes. Now you have to brace yourself for the ‘woke’ bollocks that destroys believability and ruins the whole thing. What went wrong?
Maybe its because back in the 70’s and 80’s proper men in proper suits were making the decisions, and those in charge now with their back to front baseball caps and trendy tattoos were barely born, and who would then go on to Yuni where they were brainwashed with the left wing idealogy while taking meeja studies, and with their degree in EastEnders the next stop was the Beeb, and so the ‘woke’ cult began.
Even the fragrant Joan Bakewell, a stalwart of late night tele back in the 60’s, said a few years ago that “the BBC is run by children”.
“Even the fragrant Joan Bakewell, a stalwart of late night tele back in the 60’s, said a few years ago that “the BBC is run by children”.”
So that’s when Jimmy Savile started to get off with his awful existence…
Remind me, has anyone been sacked for allowing all his bad deeds?
The BBC has many TV channels and radio stations, far too many. Some of these are designed to cater for particular demographics, for instance there is CBBC and Cbeebies for children, BBC2 for (loosely) highbrow, Radio 3 for classical music fans, the openly-racist BBC Asian Network and 1Xtra stations etc. But how about this: the majority of the population do not fit into these categories, so why not a TV channel for us? It would portray the actual country that most people live in, the normal way we live our lives, the standard British values that we follow. The people in the programmes would predominately look like us and, where they didn’t, it would be in proportion to their presence in the country and they would dress and behave like us. Conventional families would be the norm. A programme about, say, gardening, would actually be about gardening rather than transexual worms or opportunties for billionaires to make even more money through bogus environmentalism. Historical dramas would be true to the facts and era. The degenerate, depraved, disgusting and deranged would be absent. Programmes with politics and debate would be – shocking as this may sound – balanced, and with the vested interests declared. The other BBC channels can continue as is, if necessary, but let there be one for the rest of us, too.
Let’s call this channel BBC Us. And do you know what? I might even be prepared to pay for it.
Ian: IMHO you make two errors: Most of the bbc channels should be for the ‘us’ you refer to.
So not only do they have the “openly-racist BBC Asian Network”, but ‘Asians’ are heavily represented on all channels, and intrude into absolutely every one, radio or TV, through to even dominating the 10.00pm R4 news, mostly divided up between Iqbal, Shah and Kumrasamy.
Now, you can argue that they are British of Asian heritage, but then the logic for an Asian network would fall away. So, doubly catered for.
Secondly, you assume what we would call “good intentions” on the part of the bbc. That they primarily wish to entertain and inform (impartially). I doubt they have any such intention. Their intention is to re-educate us into what they perceive as the new ‘Zeitgeist’. This is an ideological goal, driven by PC. Not far off the mindset of Radio Moscow or ‘Pravda’ (Guardian?) during Soviet rule. Reality exists only in what they say. See London? That’s exactly what the rest of the country is like.
Were there to be any ‘white’ towns and cities, that would suggest ‘racism’. And we can’t have that.
I was rereading a book entitled “Jesus, the Man who Lives”, by MSM journo, Malcolm Muggeridge bought in the sixties. He bewails the collapse of the West and any related spiritual values, as what you call the ‘degenerate, depraved, disgusting and deranged’ slowly take over. (I believe those go under the headings of ‘open, tolerant and liberal’.)
Were Muggeridge to step from his grave to observe our present society and its key spokesperson, the bbc, I think he would rapidly return voluntarily to his grave. The bbc would definitely not employ him, nor The Times, which raves about his book as ‘brilliant’ on the soft-cover version I purchased.
Not part of the ideological ‘Zeitgeist’, you know.
His book is worth a read, even now. Particularly now. It looks at politics and society, not only ‘religion’.
Backlinks to the Midweek thread
– We finished up on page 5 which started at 8am Friday and went on until 7pm when I analysed the local news
+ Quite interesting stuff about how some special groups are allowed to have mass funerals eg the Manchester gangster
– page 4 started at lunchtime on St George’s Day
– page 3
Covid brings out people’s true colours
https://twitter dot com/afneil/status/1253587086583697408
Not everyone is gullible
The House journal weighs in… late, predictably, and wrong.
In other news, has anyone checked the bbc gals, and women from Katty to Laura, to BS to Barnett, for peroxide contagion?
Not just peroxide, who’s keeping their hair cut and make up applied?
Guest, nice article
I had to give up fighting my corner with my ‘intelligent’ friends over this…I tried educating them about the term disinfectant, to explain Potus didn’t say bleach, the UV light was already being trilled for Viruses and did it help – NO….I decided it wasn’t worth the effort –
Even if a cure is found that involves ‘disinfectant’ the media won’t acknowledge Potus highlighted it – nor will ‘intelligent’ but ignorant and dogmatic minds be changed…likewise the stupidity of the MSM
Neat summary.
If one thing the last 4 years has taught us is that the Trump cultists will find some way, any way, to defend the indefensible.
The science presented at the briefing was about the survival of the virus outside the body when exposed to various elements, like heat, humidity, disinfectants etc.
Trump suggested injecting disinfectants into the body as a treatment, at the podium with millions of Americans watching.
There is no defence of this.
What’s even more amusing about it, is that even Trump couldn’t defend it the next day. He’s claiming it was a joke.
I suspect your intelligent friends are rolling their eyes.
3 xxx
The coming ‘war’ – after the virus
(and she represents what the Labour Party should be about)
That many!!!!!!
Fake News: BBC isn’t better when you sign in
As one would expect
Read the comments until I got to one that summed things up.
When exactly did the BBC remit to…
‘Inform, educate, and entertain’
migrate into
‘Undermine, depress, and delude’?
In another reply to afneil
Yeah but! Chemo is targeted both at the type of cancer and, ideally, its location.
The MSM’s misrepresentation of a poor choice of words by President Trump is far more dangerous than any cancer.
I think this was in reply to the BBC misleading article
Strange : “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.”
I found a new better video
Won’t see that on the BBC 🙂
Looks like YouTube has Aunty’s back.
…Diverting slightly from Kung Flu, I see the BBC are back to form over our EU trade negotiations. Barnier’s every word reported in full technicolour. ‘Disappointing progress’ from his point of view, could I suppose, be taken as good news from ours.
Obviously the BBC chooses to omit this angle.
The big news for me was he survived Covid! ????
V – Indeed
HYS 2500+
Brexiteers tearing Barnier, BBC, EU, Macron, Merkel, Verkofyoutwat, etc to shreds.
Will the EU collapse before Boris closes AlBeeb?
A dead heat would please me.
It gets better.
Shoppers swap clothes for alcohol amid record sales drop.”
[Nobody buying clothes from shops that are not open!
The tiny minds at AlBeeb are baffled.]
145. Posted byAW8on
and the next BBC headline must surely be…
UK Citizens cancel licence fee subscriptions after suffering mental anguish reading BBC negative headlines
[Treat yourselves BBBC regulars, auntie being humiliated.
Sit back with a beer/wine/whatever and enjoy it.]
It was only a matter of time before this reaction happened:
Sky ‘news’ report that a woman has been named and shamed on Facebook for not joining in with her neighbours by not clapping. It’s pathetic isn’t it, if you don’t tow the line and comply with these Liberals they will do their upmost to make your life a misery. ????
Poor woman said she’d fallen asleep after a particularly exhausting day as well so she has a pretty good excuse!
I’m just waiting for a brick through our front window anytime soon for not performing like a circus seal on a Thursday night ????
I am just surprised some 90 year old German ex Hitler Youth member or North Korean has not yet complained about “cultural appropriation”.
Or is that only allowed from our more dusky BAMEs
They may have to work out what it means first, Darcy!
Could be a problem there…
Toady at 7.55 Friday morning and Justin Webb was determined to get a headline. He was interviewing a Welsh man who was a politician from ‘the opposition ‘ and I hadn’t a clue who it was and I switched off quickly. But Justin kept putting it to him whether the government should release the names of the scientists advising them on CoVId. The opposition MP sounded perplexed. It didn’t sound to begin with that he was too bothered one way or the other. But Justin kept on and on. It was obvious Justin wanted the headline, ‘Labour are demanding the names of the scientists are released.’ But then if the names are released it will be open season on how useless they are, or they once made a joke about a black man or there aren’t enough women advisors. After 8am Matt Hancock was on, I don’t know whether Justin demanded the names, but I felt it coming on. I switched off.
Shouldn’t we have African scientists giving us advice too?
Zapping people with lightning must beat injecting with Dettol!
One of the problems with the b@sturd BBC is that people like Kuenssberg and Nick Robinson seem to want to be part of the story (as protagonists) rather than mere reporters of news. This is even in evidence in their retweets and non-ex-cathedra comments on social media (credit to the contributors to Biased BBC for pasting some of these here) and it gets into their on-air work too. It is as if they are bored with reporting and, as per the BBC changes from the 1990s that one might call “Birtism”, they have to editorialise … and they are usually negative too.
“It is as if they are bored with reporting and, as per the BBC changes from the 1990s that one might call “Birtism”, they have to editorialise … and they are usually negative too”.
They aren’t really journalists, as they have ‘superiors’ who tell them what to say. Their orders are just to sit there, like fat babies, and wait until some jerk in W1A tells them something, and gives them their list of tosh to spout.
We gave up on them years ago, I just wish we didn’t still have to pay their wages, but there again, they don’t ‘earn’ as much as the pricks who tell them what to say – now they’re really the ones I’d like to know more, much more, about.
Anyone here know?
I call her Lara Carlsberg as her talent for asking questions that have just been addressed in the briefing leads me to believe she is a couple of cans short of a six pack.
Her fellow social media posters will avidly follow her everywhere, but, I believe, only out of morbid curiosity
I mustn’t even think about mentioning a ‘ring-pull’…
BBC Journalist = agenda-pushing-ACTIVIST
Just occurred to me, I hope no one on this site works in Intensive Care, all seem bit too handy with the off switch…
force of habit etc
if they were to hear Matron say something about Brexit they didn’t like…
Breathtaking! I’m sure the fight back is just beginning – big time!
I urge you to watch these videos in sequence.
The main ‘fuel’ for the Marxists is, apparently, disappearing – quickly and quite naturally!
Two doctors, Nishant Joshi and Meenal Viz, are mounting a legal challenge to the government after being ‘exposed to Corvid-19 patients due to confusing PPE guidance….’
A new and virulent form of related virus, Compo-19, is now expected to adversely affect NHS finances for several decades.
Any enricher firemen suing for blisters or heat rash yet ?
Beltane – I see their lawyer is Bindmans- which speaks for itself . Medics and money eh?
Brings a completely new meaning to ambulance chasers, doesn’t it. The anychess workers covering themselves in glory. Perhaps we should clap for the lawyers!
Dim female doctor is lead complainant, apparently.
Now there’s a surprise! Why are so many women who go thru’ med. school so dim and so much in need of ‘guidance’ and/or ‘a training course’?
The joint complainant is woman’s male husband. Kinda embarrassing.
The new PPI !
It’s just the beginning, folks. Après eux le déluge, whatever that means…
Pug, The Worlometer figure is 768 and probably more accurate
Pug “Sweden has a death rate is better than the UK’s….213/million as to 287 ”
Wordometer says 213 vs 287
(Sweden has had 812 deaths ..proportionately a lot less that the UK’s)
Pug “Japan has had 314 deaths so far”
Wordometer says 328
Just been told by my ICU nurse friend that they get time and a third for Saturday’s and time and two thirds for Sunday’s…….no wonder they clap themselves.
Well if we ever find ourselves there, lets hope we arrive on a Monday, guaranteed to be kept alive until Sunday
The MSM on the government briefing couldn’t help themselves . Asking a question about what POTUS said at an American briefing .
I can only assume the reason was at best to get an adverse comment to raise a diplomatic rift or for that journo to get ‘ points ‘ from her friends for the tick box question –
From joe public like me learned nothing to benefit
By the way tonight the U.K. press gazette reports hostile incidents involving photographers recording the lockdown and members of the public . Always entitlement with journalists .
Agree with most of this Pug.
I have argued on here (not all agree with me and that’s fine) that the lockdown was far too late. There was a very small window to act in Feb. They didn’t. My personal opinion is two fold. They either knew this and bottled it or deliberately put the economy over the science. The future inquest will tell, I suppose.
When lockdown did happen, it was really down to media pressure (BBC), late, and not a real lockdown anyway. The strategy is purely about saving their own bacon by ensuring the NHS didn’t become overwhelmed. This is the current stasis.
The soft lockdown/strategy looks increasingly crap when we see airports continually waving through little Trojan horses everyday from infected countries, the tubes full and celebrities urging us through the BBC to stay safe and protect our national Health service (i.e government reputation).
So while the economy goes to shit and ordinary people/businesses struggle. It’s even more galling when countries like Sweden function as normal, Americans say screw this or places like Australia completely squash the virus.
Interestingly, (as you highlight) the criticism seems to be very selective from the BBC (and media generally). Tiresome and relentless, the BBC laser dot is narrowly on PPE and equipment with a compete blindspot for wider strategy or statistical comparison with other nations. And, when this comparison does occur its very selective and bias.
I am hugely critical of the BBC and the government (Labour/Tory they’re all the same). To me they are a twin headed circular serpent, existing & feeding off each other. One treats me like a child the other a unit for social engineering.
A plague on them all.
I think your plague wish is a bit late ..
As far as the point about lock down being too late – it seems that one Southern European country which went its own way and locked down early – was Portugal – which seems not to have had the awful experience of Spain and I’d thinking of starting to lift restrictions this week .
BS on bs.
bBC News
The makers of Lysol and Dettol say “under no circumstance” should disinfectant be consumed.
Toenails is on it.
Now Lewis is on it.
Nice spoof – doesn’t exactly contribute to furthering Tourette’s reputation – apart from as an arrested development student .
Leading BBC journalists linking to faked articles is a silly game to play.
Some people might think it is a real article in which case for them it would be ‘fake news’.
Typical BBC inaccuracy in that mocked up smear.
What month is it Nick ?
I noticed that too: it should be April 23rd not March 23rd.
Stew/must – very poor – he can’t even get the month right – mental issues -I think …. He’s just not right ,,,,
Wasn’t Trapper John one of the characters in M.A.S.H
Love to all.
Oh Em, just read the autocue will ya?
“He believes Middlesbrough’s poverty – it is the poorest council borough in England – is one of the main factors making people more vulnerable to Covid-19.”
Another attempt by the BBC to politicise Covid-19 does not work:
I think early assertions that levels of ‘deprivation ‘ are linked to covid cases is a bit of an insult at this stage of the pandemic . My London Borough Is number 32 in the official list of covid infections – but if you look at Brent – which I think has the highest level in the country -at 1300? – I was trying to work out “why “ . – my guess is that proximity to Heathrow has something to do with it as well as the ethnic make up of the borough .
But I think linking ethnicity or economic deprivation of combinations thereof is something to work on when all the data is in and when the Chinese virus has receded ‘ been dealt with …
Fed, it’s obvious when you compare Tower Hamlets (#10 in the LA Poor Chart) with Barnet (possibly in Top Ten in LA Rich Chart) that wealth and ethnicity has nothing to do with it.
But it is interesting whether lies have something to do with both Covid cases and Covid deaths.
Last one first. Could it be possible that of some of the BAME cases AND deaths, the patient was not honest with him or herself? In other words, they felt unwell long before Covid-19 came on the scene but kept going, because they felt they had to – for family or something else, being macho perhaps, or in USA avoiding medical bills – and therefore had an undiagnosed pre-existing condition?
Then lies about cases. Someone in the USA is not being honest. Mario Cuomo or Andrew M. Cuomo as he now presents himself as Mayor of New York? Or BAME campaigners in the Mid-West? Or Dr Fauci? Or all those plus the BBC and Johns Hopkins Uni?
I’ve just checked the Eastern timeline cases for today: 506. Yet we are told that New York is overwhelmed by Covid and the hospitals are struggling to cope. There were 133 cases in Kent today. Compare that with the whole of the US Eastern timeline.
Something just does not ‘add up’ about Covid-19.
Just keeps on serving it up to em !!!! Well done Sir !!!
libmob are Triggered about Trevor
.. They expected that one of their race-baiter mates would get the job of investigating BAME Covid19 connections
Back in the 80s -when Trevor Phillips used to run the London Programme on LWT – I used to despise him .
But somewhere along the Road to Damascus- he was injected with Common Sense and now says things which the snowflakes do not want to hear .
I said as much on the previous thread in response to a BBC interview .
The narrative is that non whites fare worse with covid because of their jobs – and health staff especially -but I think that when the demographics are done it won’t be a matter of some unconscious Or institutional discrimination at the door of whitee – but just where non whitee people live and work .
At the briefing today the chief medic lady mentioned that doctors in London hospitals are 45 per ent non white – so in terms of infections isn’t that going to tally ?
Should that not be “the Road to Domestos” Fedup? ????
Agree that Trevor Philips does occasionally say it as it is and is better than many.
But what qualifies him to do such a study other than his ethnicity?
His appointment is just another form of tokenism.
Trevor has always been the master of finding himself a lucrative, high profile job.
Back in the 1970s he was a Marxist student who thought socialism was the answer. I wonder what he thinks of the 100 million deaths these days.
Ummm the West Yorkshire police helicopter very active over the centre of a “community”… a coincidence its ramadam today and they have just broke the first fast……I don’t suppose the two are related.
The cops are probably looking out for far right unbelievers who need to be arrested before they draw attention to the fasters breaking social distancing rules.
It is a two tier legal system after all.
Yesterday the moors were on fire
so the chopper flew missions to water bomb
Twitter has news of other moor fires eg 9pm
“Sky’s a bit orangey here but that’s because some git has set fire to Saddleworth Moor (again).”
Would that be because of certain type of barbecue used to end a certain type of fast?
Gardener’s World now
..”Oh this is based on the garden’s of Islam”
(The Paradise Garden at Monty Don’s Long Meadow)
4pm Radio4 Obituary prog used a pretext
of a white architects death to go on about Islamic Arches
..and then the new Cambridge mosque which he had nothing to do with.
“He advised on the design of Islamic-influenced buildings all over the world.”
Then they picked Jocelyn Barrow as one of their topics
she sounded like a race-baiter.
“She was the first black woman to be a Governor of the BBC.”
… There we go they just have to talk about themselves.
BBC4 – Tunes for tyrants – Suzy ( beeboid ) Klein – talks dykes – the Communist internationale and other BBC approved tunes .. I think it was done before we were all required to clap for their NHS …
Tony Robinson on Channel5
He’s doing The Trans-Siberian in his wacky way
OK he was in Vladivostok then up to the Pacific
Then the next moment he crossed the entire of Siberia and he’s at the Urals.
FFS Siberia on its own would be the world’s largest federation of countries
There are loads of cultures and languages when you get away from the white Russian culture right next to the railway.
I think he is about to get on a train and arrive in Moscow.. something that took me a week cos I stop a lot in the day and use night trains.
The prog is such a distortion … such a “pitz di-etz”
Hope he didn’t catch Covid on the way. Russia is charging up the Top Ten at present.
The bbc says the Graun has reported something.
No 10 statement ‘Cummings does not on Sage ,
but has listen in on a couple of virtual meetings’
typos : No 10 statement ‘Cummings does not sit on Sage ,
but has listened in on a couple of virtual meetings’
Guest – to me anything from a combination from the Guardian/bbc has no value or credibility at all. Unless toilet paper has run short.
Both are professional/lefty stirrers.
Finances shared to keep Guardian alibve?
My response to AntiBBC, Guardian etc on the Cummings thing would be ‘so what’
Ali Campbellend used to sit in on discussions involving military planning (illegal Gulf War)
What experience he?
Actually, I see Cummings being there as entirely logical.
I’ve been an ‘expert’ on a number of committees related to my work, and the whole point of such meetings is that you have someone representing each interested party/company, even if they’re not technical experts on the subject.
If I was one of the team of expert advisers in this case I’d think it was a good idea to have an individual representing the Govt/PM in the room, who could say things like “Sorry, but we can’t do that, because….”, or “That sounds like a good idea, but I’ll have to consult with the PM before we take in any further”.
The BBC and the Guardian just hate Cummings.
Good point about Campbell WW, he didn’t just attend meetings though, he started dictating the line the experts had to take, and editing their words for the purposes of ‘sexing up’ (as I recall). When one of those experts dared to blow the whistle he ended up rather dead, as I recall…
Hindus and Sikhs have no love lost for muslims, having seen what they’ve done to the old country for centuries.
Hello Jeremy unusual to see you supporting a Conservative shock jock Mike Graham on
The copper bridge caper
Where’s Bob Geldof and his pleasure cruiser when you need him?
Today on the news, the RNLI rescued people in a kyak. The crew were annoyed because they have to break distancing rules to launch. This video has a similar lifeboat and crew on the Thames, clapping.
Virtual signalling idiots Vine, not people being ‘casual’ about CVD19 they are all part of the ‘look at me tribe’
Most people I know however are taking it seriously, but have weighed up the risks and acting accordingly.
If only HMG could have done the same before bankrupting the country and imposing a knee jerk reaction to placate the AntiBBC
JOB the libmob shock jock misrepresenting Brexit
Yet again libmob act like school bullys
All I want to say to that is blow JOB
Does this idiot not realise the economy is already damaged.
If the country does not get back to work soon, the wheels will fall off. Without the income generated from workers tax etc, the massive funding of the international NHS will dry up and there will be nothing left. Economics 101 Dear James. In life some risks need to be taken.
Re passports and Brexit. Someone tell him it finished. Get over it.
Yep WetW
I am sick and tired of hearing about the ‘poor’ public sector…without the private sector they wouldn’t bloody exist!
Everyone one has role in society – at time some will be more important than others – who do they think makes all the PPE and ventilators, and everything else they use – it isn’t the public sector…when there is a virus in the power grid you won’t be clapping health care workers…
I just want some balance…..
“Coronavirus: China rejects call for probe into origins of disease”
What are they hiding?
The state of the media , it’s impossible to tell them from parody
BabylonBee the parody news site
Regarding President Trump and misquoted reporting.
If only there had been such an outcry on the AntiBBC when the famous and funny comedienne ‘Jo Brand’ described a fun alternative use of a household product.
My how we all laughed at her back then.
thanks for the laugh Stew, liked –
“”Trump says water is good — but this is very misleading,” said Rachel Maddow. “Did you know that water kills many people every year? These dangerous, unhinged remarks from the president could cause many to drown themselves. Plus, do you know what’s hidden in water? Sharks”
Listening to a Spiked Broadcast tonight on the current madness of Lock-down both US and UK and how it the ‘left’ shaped the argument that prolong it and make it worse than it is. This podcast is a timely reminder that the madness of Lock Downs has to end…. I wish they would discuss this on LBC radio- instead of (forever) happy clappy NHS sing songs -whilst everyone who ‘trades’ or self employed faces absolute ruin. This is far worse than the 0.1% of those that ‘may’ (or may not) die from an illness that is a lot less dangerous than all the other medical problems and (critical) illnesses we may face personally. Its interesting that the smug liberal elite (typified by the BBC in this country and mirrored in the US) cosy confines of mass media workers and obscure University academics are shielded from chronic meltdown). We all have to get back to work and there are good arguments here (on this podcast) to explain why. I don’t understand the cheering public clapping for empty NHS wards. (Most of them are still empty, and will NEVER be filled). The BBC would call that a success. Whilst ‘other’ critical patients with ‘other’ problems get put on hold. Utter bloody madness. Listen to it here and wonder why the media are such cheer leaders for what will be a severe recession… poverty, higher taxes, lack of prosperity, trade and inevitability the NHS – who will suffer as the nations health deteriorates through BBC endorsements of ‘its good for you’. No it isn’t. This is not the War, its a bird flu. Deadly for 0.1% of the population at worst. And confined mainly to large cities with high density popluation. It time to get real, on this, there is no magic cure, we are all going to have to live with this as there are a lot of viruses ‘out there’. Globalisation has its cost, this is one of them. Imported diseases and strains from countries that are attracted to the BBC lifestyle.
Anyway see what you think. I was impressed with this talk. The utter madness of it all.
Is the NHS the one that spreads Covid-19 ?
Info is so sparse on specific Covid19 deaths and where the person caught it.
98% of deaths seem to not have specifics mentioned in the media
And yet of the few that are there is mostly a NHS or home carer connection.
#1 A councillor died in the Hull Castle Hill Hospital : he’d caught Covid there while being treated for something else.
#2 In Boston an older woman was being treated for cancer in the hospital , but she caught Covid there and died.
#3 Also Boston a 1 year old heart defect girl has just recovered from Covid
… The parents told how they were very careful and had locked down early in March.
And it is strange neither parent caught it.
There is a line in the newspaper
” “Because of Leah’s heart condition we have a nurse come to visit her at home every week ”
.. well that is one person who maybe brought it to the child
I know of someone who’s been in hospital for several months. Guess what? He became infected with Covid-19, and it wasn’t by a member of his family.
He recovered, but here’s the thing that really grinds my gears – in spite of the fact that he had contracted Covid-19 whilst an inpatient, his family was apparently told that he would not be put on a ventilator if his condition worsened.
I don’t know anyone who has or has had Covid-19, nor do I know anyone who knows anyone who has been affected. This is not to underestimate the potential seriousness of the condition and I say this with humility. I am staying in, which is not so hard for me as I worked from home anyway before the lock-down, and avoiding all but necessary shopping. Can anyone else here give me an idea of how many they know, or have heard of, who have had the virus even if only mildly?
It’s not strictly BBC bias but I really have no idea how widespread this is.
I personally know 6 people that have been infected 3 have been in hospital and one, a 63 year old is on a DNR notice. It spread in the factory initially from one person who I was in close contact discussing work load etc and I didn’t contract it thankfully. However those in his office who shared his phone did. I spoke to one of the engineers infected today a month after contracting and being out of hospital 2 weeks, the guy could hardly talk no breath at all.
My neighbour is a doctor and a good friend is an ICU nurse both of whom are ‘bricking it”…..According to the doctor It would appear that one partuculare strain is very virulent and if you get that its curtains, blue NHS ones.
So it is real, please take care.
Halifax – we have heard very little on strains?
I don’t think there are strains as such, but the severity of the symptoms may well be directly influenced by the quantity of viral material that a person is exposed to. Obviously, health care workers are particularly at risk in that regard.
According to the doctor next door he attended a seminar and they “believe” there are 4 types within Covid 19. The most aggressive strain kills. He sited an example wherby a fit 40 somthing bloke was admitted with breathing difficulties. They x rayed his lungs they appeared ok…..he further deteriorated and they X rayed his lungs again this time they where fully infected 4 hours later….the poor gentleman died shortly after, the doctor says that they have never seen anything like it …..I’m only repeating first hand what ive been told by a A&E doctor, I am no authority.
Think the evidence is there that there is a national mutation. I doubt the Chinese figures but if they are true, then the strain that started in Wuhan appears to have died. India is an interesting country to look at; definitely Covid-19 appears weaker there but amazingly strong in the USA and also in Spain.
The BBC should, of course, be investigating but they are more interested in chucking rocks at PM and POTUS.
personally, no one. Nor I have heard of any cases amongst the workforce from the large factory in which I plie a trade, and given the nature of our business, if there was a positive, it would be communicated. Lots have ‘self isolated’ but nothing serious forthcoming.
A number of us did have a virulent and nasty ‘thing’ in early/mid December last year that was put down to the flu but looking back had many of the symptoms. And boy did it spread like wildfire amongst the office colleagues.
Also had an elderly Aunt that needed oxygen treatment, thankfully recovered but it was touch and go. Again just described as winter flu.
WestWyvern – that’s interesting, I had a strange ‘bug’ between Christmas and New Year too, think I caught it from my parents, who came over for Christmas Day with it. My mother seems to have caught it from a friend, whose son travels to China(!) regularly with work, and seems to have come home ill with it mid Dec 2019.
First symptom was sudden chest pains – my first thought was ‘heart attack’, never had one, don’t run in family and not ‘at risk’, so little idea what to expect, but there were sharp pains in my chest and I couldn’t catch my breath. After sitting down for a couple of minutes I realised it was definitely NOT heart related, but struggling to breathe, and lungs felt constricted, also felt hot and sweaty. Had a warm bath, Lemsip and early night, very sweaty and hot and cold flushes (temperature), expecting to wake up with full blown cold/’flu, but next day breathing was okay, just a bit of a temperature and felt very weak – then the trots started, belching and flatulence (you don’t want to know about that). Weird thing was other than the ‘antisocial’ symptoms, and feeling ‘tired’ all the time, I felt fine the next day. One week later last trace of the symptoms had gone.
My parents (70s) had the same symptoms, except they dragged on a lot longer (about six weeks in my father’s case), but they eventually got over it too.
No one else in my family got it.
My mother is a retired nurse, she’d never experienced anything like it before, and was trying to work out what it was. When she went to her GP she told her it was ‘asthma’ and gave her an inhaler – it was not asthma and the inhaler apparently did nothing.
When they started reporting the symptoms of Covid-19 we all thought “aha!”, but it wasn’t in the UK in late Dec… right?
Anyway, proven cases of Covid, don’t know anyone. A few people are reported to have died of Covid in local hospitals and care homes so far, but all with ‘serious’ or ‘life threatening’ conditions (or just very elderly and infirm?) prior to infection.
Not sure if it’s relevant (I don’t really buy into that bit of ‘BBC agenda’), but we don’t have a great many BAME here in the rural West Country.
A friend in London early into Lockdown knew 4 people who had died and 3 in intensive care. Her daughter now has it but her son, a doctor on the front line hasn’t had it.
To my certain knowledge, two people who live about 100 yards from me have had Covid-19 and recovered. A third person, a lady who worked in the village where I live, died from it. She was in her 40s. The wife of a chap who did some work on our house also succumbed to it. One of my cousins currently has it – he’s on the mend – and the brother of a chap I know through work contracted it in hospital and recovered. I know of other cases through friends etc. .
Forgot to reply to Mus’s request for info: until this week, I did not know of anyone with Covid-19. I heard of someone who knew someone who’d had it and died and was also BAME for those interested. Beyond that one, no-one.
Well I have had it, albeit not confirmed due to unavailable testing, and it is terrible. I have been really, really sick. Dry hacking cough, pain in my body, days confined to the house. I am 64yo. If you are anywhere close to my age group please do everything to avoid infection.
I have had it and am only just recovering. Of course no testing was encouraged so it will be unconfirmed.
It is terrible: dry hacking cough, specific pains in the body, days confined to the house.
I am 64yo. If you are near my age group do everything you can to avoid infection.
I couldn’t possibly comment……..
SOUTH Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa struggled to put on a facemask on after delivering a speech on the importance of wearing them.
Hilarious video shows the President attempting to get the elastic around his ears but only managing to cover his face.
Ramaphosa is a buffoon. But a dangerous ANC/Communist party one. Nothing funny about him.
Can someone please explain this headline statement from the BBC news web site….
Tackling climate change must be woven into the solution to the Covid-19 economic crisis, the UK will tell governments next week.
Who is the UK ???
Here are some titbits under under the headline….Coronavirus recovery plan ‘must tackle climate change’ including a BIG thank you to COVID for bringing down Co2….
1. climate change was a deeper problem than the virus.
2. every euro spent on economic recovery measures after the COVID-19 crisis would be linked to the green and digital transitions.
3. CO2 has actually been rising – although there’s currently a blip in the trend thanks to the Covid recession.
4. German CDU party, told the magazine FOCUS that the EU’s sweeping plan for investment in clean technologies would no longer be possible.
5. The German CDU say “The Green Deal was a gigantic challenge for an economy in top shape. After the corona bloodletting, it is simply not financially viable.”
6. And the inevitable ….Timmermans is right and Trump is wrong. We should only be bailing out firms that are going to contribute to tackling climate change.
The BBC will be covering this meeting live with our money despite it being an INFORMAL telecoms.
They are desperate to keep the green narrative alive….Its dead in the water I’m afraid, just look at European airlines KLM Air France Lufthansa TAP etc they are asking European governments for over 20 billion euros, do you think the respective government’s are going to let them go under ????
So the green fantasy is over and its over in Halifax. Despite none of us using a car for a month it hasn’t rained and my lawn is beginning to look like an Ethiopian football pitch…..
Coronavirus recovery plan ‘must tackle climate change’
A Harrabin the activist article. I presume ‘the UK’ is Alok Sharma, the UK Climate Secretary and president of COP26, but it could well be Harrabin, Monbiot or the Brighton Pixie for all we know.
The liberal left biased BBC is having a hard day –
Whilst the BBC have been preoccupied with Ramadan they did spare a thought for those who go outside and hit themselves over their heads with heavy metal pans every Thursday evening.
But more news :
A charming young woman with a 2.2 degree in painting by numbers enlightened us on BBC Radio that it will all be over by Christmas.
What she didn’t venture into was how this was all going to happen.
Let’s assume that by some form of magic that Restaurants, Pubs, Department stores, etc have been cleaning and re-stocking themselves so they can all open at the same time of day with thousands of others with out a hitch.
This nebulous BBC coverage will come as no surprise to any passionate visitor to B-BBC.
Surkeer’s appointments so far seem unerring.
The BBC seem ok with TB being back on these shores.
I am alone in being confused by the way in which Scotland and Wales are able to decide and declare their own strategies for dealing with the pandemic, the lockdown and the unlocking ! It seems bonkers to me that three contiguous ‘countries ‘ with no border between them could potentially take different routes to releasing the lockdown. If one of the routes is much less effective than the other two then the second wave could easily affect the whole UK regardless of how effective the two ‘good’ routes were.
I think that the pandemic has shown how unstable and unmanageable Blair’s devolution settlement was and is. Blair may well have thought that Labour would be able to maintain power in Cardiff and Edinburgh regardless of Westminster election results and so torment Tory governments. He may even have seen devolution as the Trojan horse to split firstly the UK and then England into regions within the EU and so neuter English opposition towards the EU.
Regardless of his intentions I think that the UK is actually ungovernable and that the three ‘ countries’ should either agree via referenda to drastically wind back the devolved powers or to split into three entirely independent entities.
“… the Trojan horse to split firstly the UK and then England into regions within the EU and so neuter English opposition towards the EU.”
Further devolution precisely for this purpose is the intention via Starmer (pledge No. 8) if his paymasters get half a chance.
‘Englishness’ is diasapproved of and attacked at every opportunity. England is still synonymous with Great Britain in most parts of the wider world and because of its historical significance as a country it must be expunged by the globalists/internationalists.
Many people in taffland would agree with you.
The ultimate aim of Al Beeb and the EU is to break up the UK.
Eg the Wales voted for Brexit but the Welsh Assembly is pro the EU.
They did not listen to the people then. The do not listen now .
Double – both the scots and Welch governments know if they screw it up Westminster will have to clean up their mess – and get blamed as always .
” the Trojan horse to split firstly the UK and then England into regions within the EU and so neuter English opposition towards the EU.”
As I understand it, that was the EU plan all along preparatory to the US of Europe.
A part solution to achieve fairness for the people? Immediately halt the Barnett Formula. That would focus minds.
This is pure politics and virtue signalling. What Wales and Scotland have said amounts to a horoscope reading.
Sources ‘R saying…
A quick look at Al Beeb’s webshite this morning and as per usual it looks like the Beano comic.
Not a peep about N Korea .
Any way , I am glad that I don’t subsidise it anymore.
Al Beeb and Labour are very concerned that Dom Cummings is attending Sage meetings, what are they are afraid of ?
Critical thinking.
Yesterday, a pile on regarding something Trump didn’t say; today a pile on regarding something government advisers regularly do.
What will tomorrow’s pile on be?
Never mind the riots my muslims in Paris……………..
TOADY Watch #1 – Please phone in to the BBC now
Sarah ‘Gravel’ Smith is concerned that people have died from strokes or heart attacks because they feared seeking medical help and going to hospital because they might catch the Covid-19 virus.
Please phone in now or contact the BBC by other means if you have died from stroke or heart attack; the BBC would like to ‘victim’-ise you and attack the Government with your corpse.
Up2 – there’s sad irony. The BBC pumped out propaganda about leaving the NHS alone so that it could deal with covid .
It went on so much that people won’t go to hospital and leave it to the last minute or worse .
Meanwhile the NHS staff practice their online dance moves – probably on overtime .,,
I bet the Labour leaders’ daughter won’t investigate that ….
Quite so, Fed. It was obviously a plea for some work to do. The very small god called ‘NHS’ is struggling now to keep itself justified. It couldn’t save us from the virus. As you imply – we had to save it. What a feeble god.
And now the ‘NHS’ is worried that it might be sidelined and our worship of it may decline. Maybe it’s fearful that the £offerings might dry up?
Shock, horror! ‘Waiting Times’ in A&E ?
Fedup2 – Or to put it another way – death toll increased due to BBC scaring people away from hospital.
Read ‘The FakeNews Factory’ by David Sedgwick. A devasting, evidence-based expose of the BBC following their own agenda and ‘worldview’. This is a sequel to his first book ‘BBC:Brainwashing Britain?’.
Having now read the leading guardian article it seems
SAGE doesn’t meet – it’s virtual
Mr Cummings monitors it as govt advisor
The bubble is frightened of Mr Cummings
Bad that this stuff leaks – still
Personally i feel happier that someone as switched on as Mr Cummings is on the case and it maybe that whilst he was out with covid – key policy issues got blurred .
Unless HMG is leaking it on purpose it is worrying that internal stuff such as this gets to the bubble who will only do mischief with it .
Meanwhile it’s 6 days to the next clap .
I have never and will never clap on command, like seals.
It’s too reminiscent of this.

Roland – I first realised how far Germany had sunk when her CDU gave her a ten-minute standing ovation at a recent “Parteitag”. It was every bit as obsequious as in NK, and startling for the fact that it was happening in a leading ‘Western Democracy’, and that the leader was a law-breaker -who should have been in prison.
I regret to say that the German people are as easy to wrap around one little finger, as they were in the thirties.
Fortunately the AdF, which -irony of ironies- Merkel would like to paint as Nazis, is alive and well. And in the old East Germany, which knows the Merkel mindset only too well, (she hails from there), is there a clear sign of resistance.
I initially participated in our clapping: we are grateful for medical help and carers, risking their own health. But now the thing has become ritualised, it has lost its power, and we are in danger of getting carried away to a place we don’t want to be.
I’d need a diet of the most exquisite fish, cooked to perfection, with appropriate vegetables – before I could perform – but the performance would be from an armchair, with a cup of tea, a book and a snooze.
Perhaps I could snore in time with the clapping?
Are our Civil Servants ‘leaking’ ?
The swamp needs draining.
Fact is that the academic idiots will always need a dose of common sense in their presence.