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Fed uses his spycam to spot when I’ve got on the bike to go to the next village, to check the discount shelf in the COOP
… 6 bananas for 20p & 6 sausage rolls for 50p, oh sponge cake for 32p
Good work!
Someone posted on Guido that he comes from the same area as the lying, PPE donating (and stock decrying/lying) Southend Labour activist nurse, and the Grauniad has later doctored his picture, badly, to cover up the Westcliff RFC logo on his shirt. Still visible though, incompetent bar stewards!
Since Brian May will no doubt feature large in the news for the next few hours, it’s worth noting that by removing the absurd yet deliberately eye-catching hair you are left with the face of an old and rather tired dosser.
My postman, busier than ever, has just delivered the latest issue of my professional institutions magazine. A letter writer asserts that job candidates should posess fundamental knowledge and not just the ability to patch Arduino* modules together.
To stress the point our ‘woke’ editorial staff have headed the letter with a picture, taking up a third of the space, showing a female in front of a green board with a few lines of trigonometry on it apparently teaching an all-female class.
In these age of quotas it might be an interesting exercise to see what pictures are actually published from the picture libraries and how the various ‘groups’ are represented.
[Note from bossette of Getty Images: “Save storage space, ditch all images of white men, there just isn’t a market for them”.]
*Arduino: A small computer module, other makes are available.
Jim, whenever an elderly male is needed for ads i.e. cruising, care homes, wide fitting shoes, stairlifts, arthritic aids, gardening equipment, life assurance etc, its generally the same silver haired chap that’s used. (I notice these things). Which suggests there is clearly a shortage of elderly male models.
Can I suggest you lot on here bombard the ad agencies with your embellished cv’s and a photo that isn’t 25 years old. Lol !
I am rather fond of the advert with Graham, who is constantly at the beck and call of his bedridden wife as he endlessly climbs the stairs. (I assume she isn’t just a lazy harridan). I think it is the Halifax encouraging downsizing. I am sure he should have a bigger role in more adverts.
Surely, “……the EU has suffered over 100,000 murders at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, an organisation enthusiastically supported by the BBC and globalist billionaires called Bill and George everywhere”
People can make their own decision as to whether the organisation in question is the EU, the CCP, or both.
George Osborne made a good point on QT last night.
A question which Fiona said kept coming back was why are all those arriving in our ports and airports simply waved through.
The government line is that they are ‘statistically unimportant’ at this moment.
George said that the public find this difficult to understand when the police were tracking a single walker with drones in Derbyshire and it was headline news.
If tens of thousands of new arrivals from who knows where are statistically irrelevant then why was a dog walker such big news.
We worry some compromise cave-in may yet still happen
There should be no extension of the transition period
Doing so would subject us to more years of CFP ineptitude and robbery & any detrimental rules forced on UK industry
— Fishing for Leave (@fishingforleave) May 1, 2020
An analysis by environmental campaigners Greenpeace today indicated the vessels, the Willem van der Zwan, Afrika and Frank Bonefaas, have been fishing off the west coast of Scotland for weeks, while UK ships were unable to sail as a result of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown. It is a situation pro-Brexit group Fishing for Leave has been monitoring closely. A spokesman told “The current crisis hasn’t abated the largest super trawlers in the EU fleet plundering British waters.
I wonder whether we, the people of our country, should be lobbying our MPs to introduce legislation that forbids forcing us to have an antiviral vaccination and to forbid individuals who have not been vaccinated from being refused medical treatment, dental treatment, optical treatment for example.
I have this unfounded fear that once they start unlockdowning us the rats will introduce restrictions on access to certain services and venues unless we have been poisoned with a vaccine.
Piku, next time you are at your GP ask if you could have a look at the leaflet that has been discarded and that comes with a vial of vaccine, doesn’t matter which one.
Sit down and time yourself how long it takes to read through it and then make sure you pay special attention to the warnings at the end.
piku, if you bothered to spend time on here and post about the BBC instead of indulging – just like your four letter named trolling twin maxi – in ‘drive by snipings’ at the posts of others, you would know I have various links to the world of pharmaceuticals.
Until you turn up regularly and have something of value to say about the BBC and its output, you might be better off not turning up at all.
Up2 – yes I go with that piku – find another site more suitable to trolling ….. i judge that you won’t reply to mine or Up2s post and disappear for a week or more and come back with something snide with a ‘cut and paste ‘maxi style . Tedious .
Just like maxincony you are not helping Al Beeb , you are making things worse for them .
Simple question : Why do you post here ? Do you have the mental capacity to answer such a ‘difficult’ test for your brain ?
Good point. These people can and will do anything under the guise that its good for you. We are government, and have your best interests at heart.
I suppose that is why they are importing millions of Muslims, who have nothing but our interest in minds – like gang raping, pillaging and knifing, shooting, and blowing us up.
The nasty Lefty James “#^nt” Naughtie has been holding forth on ‘PM’ on Radio 4, about Trump, ending the US lockdown, Biden, etc, shortly before 5 pm. He was still referencing the discredited Russia collusion story, banging on about those disinfectant remarks, saying that there was a drift towards the Democrats as in the 2018 mid-term elections. BBC coverage of the US is dreadful, whether it’s Sopel, Naughtie or any of the others. Trump has his failings but he’s a saint compared to the filthy treacherous Leftist BBC.
Island – so the BBC implies the the NHS / government failed then …?
Quite something isn’t it ? In MSM world the NHS never fails but any failure of anything is the fault of a conservative government . Pym must be worried about being replaced by a coloured female as usual ..
One BBC failing among many is the lack of emphasis on the fact that health is a devolved power, certainly for Scotland and Wales, though I’m not sure about Northern Ireland just at the moment. The dreadful Panorama propaganda exercise on Monday kept on saying “the guvverment”, “the gooverment”, etc, hoping that people would think it was the hated Tories in Westminster rather than Sturgeon, Drakeford and company.
Exactly but have you listened to R4. Evan Davis is a real piece of Sh+t.
He managed to turn a success in testing into a snide dig at every point – ‘a political success’ like the BBC hadn’t been on his back over it
Now suddenly it is all about track trace and testing in right places – numbers don’t count..
He asked an interviewee how good the tests were – interviewee didn’t bite
He got Andy Burnham on – and he didn’t bite at anything and put Evan the gob in his place
A truly disgusting piece of ‘reporting’ in which he could not hide his disappointment at the >100,000 tests
I suppose the BBC would argue that they are playing Devil’s advocate, simply doing their job as the “world’s most trusted” broadcaster and “national treasure”. Evan Davis is more subtle about it than his predecessor, Eddie Mair, being less openly confrontational and more reasonable; but the snide digs are still there. This would not be so bad if certain favoured players were not spared such treatment, e.g. the NHS, Obama, the EU, whose words are taken at face value.
A bit of advice please folks. If I write to my MP to complain about the partisan state of the BBC but that MP is Labour, is there any point writing to them?
I’m looking for ways to be vocal about this without going through the Ofcom route as they are useless and probably part of the problem. I’ve read that with the last petition in 2019 for the government to debate about the bias of the BBC, they subsequently batted it straight back to Ofcom.
It feels incredibly frustrating that the Government are not putting the reins on these student activists as they said they would, but I suppose they have quite a bit going on at the moment.
I’d google your MP to see if they’ve said anything about the BBC – but I’d still write to them . I’d also check the majority they got in the last election and how far Left they are…
You might find yourself being batted off to OFCOM
You might also need specific incidents of bias such the recent panorama – general criticism can be batted away – also – if you can cite a breach of the BBC codes or practice or similar that would making ‘batting away ‘ of your complaint less easy –
You might also find out who the new shadow minister with responsibility for the BBC DCMS is because your MP might just fob you off to them .
Nightmare innit !
I’ve generalised here as I have not complained to either the BBC or OFCOM because I have faith in neither …. my form of complaint is refusing to pay .
I did get a complaint through to OFCOM who upheld my complaint against the BBC when they said the information I wanted was protected… and they were made to provide the information I requested – so sometimes it does work..luck of OFCOM manager maybe
James – maybe you were the ‘one’ For that year or they just couldn’t find a way of ‘bouncing ‘ you .
I get the line about ‘if you don’t make a formal complaint ‘ it’s not worth informal complaining – using sites like this –
But if you are like me – and have no faith in these complaints outfits – you can see the other argument .
Back to the Chinese virus testing numbers – isn’t it really sad that the MSM made it a political issue on top of the public health one . Okay – maybe it’s been slow – but the logistics of setting up testing would be a bit of a challenge – even in exercise world …
If you spot a mistake or impending one
you can try to contact the presenter producer by Twitter etc.
Sometimes works are the mistake is corrected before the end of the show.
Lot easier than letting the BBC cat out of the bag
& trying to get it back in via the complaints process.
1 excellent news well done
2 don’t believe it
3 tests are a waste of ime
4 why weren’t more done
5 why Weren’t more done before now
6 should government resign – they’ve failed
Oh No.. 6 o’clock news
Clive bleating on that they weren’t proper tests.
Satellite testing & so on.
Don’t count so implying figures are false.
Well, you didn’t expect the BBC to accept them would you…
The government briefing Friday has been the most upbeat so far – more so than BoJo yesterday . There is a need for this – whatever the numbers – I think public morale is affected by these briefings and need to be more upbeat ….
I fail to understand how it works. Radio 4 WATO on Friday and 6pm BBC1 news reported that the ONS apparently analysed Covid data to declare people were twice as likely to die in areas of high deprivation. Did someone go into the office one day and decide to look at the figures and then release the data to the press. The data at the moment will be changing day to day. So by time someone had agreement from their highers to do the research, gather the data, analyse it and given permission (from whom) to release it must be days. How did they separate out those who died of the disease and those with the disease for example. Was there a difference in deaths in care homes in these areas, were people living on their own or with families and even perhaps their weight or ethnicity. It seems too easy for the ONS to put out political data and a story against government.
The answer appears to be ‘yes ‘ but only by a bit . Street killings were running at about one every 3 days on average last year whilst on my calculation it’s running at about one every 5 days now .
However – the number of killings ‘indoors ‘ in London may well mean the number of homicides will be up again .
If the likes of the double killing of babies – as happened in ilford last weekend is anything to go by – lock down has its own price .
Socio -economic. Didn’t take them long to get onto that. Germany must have a different form of COVID 19 from UK. There, the two most heavily affected states, Bavaria and Baden Wbg. are also the wealthiest.
Either that, or UK media (especially bbc, unsurprisingly) are putting a little spin on the story!
Compare and contrast on the BBC news.
Public sector – Welsh social care workers are getting a £500 bonus, paid for by the taxpayer.
Private sector – Ryanair announce 3000 job losses after BA announced 12,000 job losses yesterday.
Now what was that about ‘poorly paid’ public sector workers ?
ITV local news second item was from health specialists
saying don’t be afraid to NHS services
then 3 quick interviews one was headscarf
all were women
They they flipped up the collage of the 20 experts.
… All were women
Fourth item ..was about chilling out in the garden during lockdown.
It featured a long chummy interview with local TV GP Dr Amir Khan
… his last appearance ?
was LAST NIGHT on BBC local news commenting on the nursing lecturer who said “don’t call us heroes & angels”
I note she herself was not used despite being local
.. they just used her Newsnight clip instead.
I suspect she refused to come on.
It’s Friday night. I think you’ve noticed. We certainly have – @BBCTheOneShow will be lively. Two mega guests – horticultural ninja @TheMontyDon and my man, fellow son of south London, @MoTheComedian@BBCOne 7pm
BBC have decided to run with the figure of 70,000 !!! That being the number of people actually tested.
They have decided they aren’t counting the tests posted out despite the scientists confirming this is within the guidelines of producing the figures .
Anything, anything at all to bring the mood down and bash the Government.
Now imagine for one minute those figures came out of New Zealand or Germany for example, the BBC would be beside themselves with excitement. No digging into the figures required , they would be taken as gospel !!!!!!
Having set a target of 100,000 tests per day by the end of April, the government says it reached 122,347 tests yesterday This figure includes home testing kits which are counted when they are sent out – so it does not mean the test was actually completed or returned to a lab
— BBC Reality Check (@BBCRealityCheck) May 1, 2020
"When the UK had fewer than 500 confirmed #COVID19 cases & fewer than TEN deaths, the government, informed by #Sage, ended all community testing & tracing. The public health community were perplexed."
9pm Talking Pictures : Van der Valk
FFS it’s the ORIGINAL of the episode that ITV recreated in their own dire modernised version last Saturday
The daughter of a controversial right-wing journalist is kidnapped, and a strange ransom demand is issued which forces her father to confront the demons of his past.
Piet Van der Valk Barry Foster
There is only one Van Der Valk. This is your 30 minute warning for the original and the best with Barry Foster.
— Talking Pictures TV (@TalkingPicsTV) May 1, 2020
I’m hearing they want to remove bame’s from frontline nhs work because they are slightly more prone to the disease and slightly more than 13% of the nhs casualties are bame.
13% is the percentage of bame (if you believe it considering every white female has a black husband as seen on tv)
All men should be removed from frontline virus services as they are twice as likely to get the disease than women.
All fatty bum bums should be removed as they are more likely to die.
All older frontline nhs staff should also be removed as they are more likely to suffer.
So then, only young, skinny, whites girls should be on the frontline and everyone else needs to be well away from any danger.
All logical if bame are going to be taken off frontline duties.
Will it happen.
We all know the answer to that one.
I’ve just had a scary experience. While doing some evening exercise I came across a young person leaning against a wall and in the shadow of a hedge consulting their mobile device.
They didn’t move or even raise their eyes, (perfectly normal behaviour for their kind), but I suddenly realised that I had started to veer in their direction, but why?
That was the scary part. I am not at all given to violence but I think I was going into some primitive ‘close-and-kill’ mode, thousands of years of socialisation being lost in a matter of weeks!
If and when we get let out I think there is going to be carnage one way or another. Just driving a mile or so to the shops and every side road has to be approached with caution because there is bound to be someone else assuming there will be no traffic on the main road.
Of course we probably won’t be allowed back in our cars. The whole virus-thing is probably UNO Agenda 28 being played out.
Any day now the Symphony of the Seas will be turning up off Tilbury, packed with the New Britons from Africa.
You’re not alone Jim ! I ventured out (as a treat) to go to Sainsbury’s, as opposed to living off the meagre offerings of the local Co-op for these past weeks.
Despite many shelves being empty, it was still an Aladdins cave of goodies I had not seen for so long ! However, my joy didn’t last long, I accuse Sainsbury’s of profiteering at its highest.
For many years I have taken sweetener as opposed to sugar, and a carton of Splenda is my choice. The price has remained at around the £3.25 for an age, and I have stocked up when its been on offer at around £2.50 or less.
Today I felt murderous !!! there was my hallowed carton of Splenda, at £5.60 !!!! FIVE POUNDS SIXTY ! How do they justify a £2.30 increase in a month ? Due to packaging problems flour is scarce, so what price that I wonder when it makes a return.
So next time you get to do a shop, take a closer look at the prices, because it will be a long time before I set foot in Sainsbury’s again.
Sorry GW
Musk was shown smoking something in the past before one of these ill considered remarks.
He is ageing rapidly.
The pressure of being a **** 24/7/365?
Of course it doesn’t cover his suspension for hacking
but it does show he is on BBC politics panels about every 6 weeks
Gary Marlowe ..nothing for the one you mean
Musk’s businesses are effectively a pyramid scheme
As they run out of cash he sets up a new hyped-up one, which then subsidises the failing one
One day the music will stop.
Just caught the end of Newsnight; good grief! There was a borderline, psychotic Trauma Surgeon (hardly an expert on COVID), who at the end of his diabolically insane, amateurish musings on our “pandemic”, felt that their needed to be a world leader to run the “world” response (all this whilst being egged on by Kirsty Wark) – he suggested none other than David Miliband! Honestly, this was broadcast live! My lord!
Siempre, Sounds quite frightening that some people seem to have adopted such a naive view of the world.
I dont have a television as I cannot stand watching or even listening to the BBC. Hence why I do not post very often on here.
This bloke is the result of years of brainwashing in the education system and the media where obviously intelligent people appear to have the political sophistication of a three year old.
No wonder people are now regularly clapping at the sky and thinking that this is making some sort of “difference” other than just announcing that you are super susceptible to media suggestion and peer pressure.
Dont yo worry mate, Daddy will sort it. Maybe you should consider a different career, maybe selling soft toys.
Excellent points! I can’t bear it also, but sometimes feel I have to give them a chance again. I usually only last 15- 30 seconds before I start screaming at them like a lunatic. Also, that esteemed economist, the aforementioned Kirsty Wark, also stated during this interview, with disdain that, “austerity is over with!” – She sounded like an arrogant ignoramus, without a clue on how the real world works. Yes Kirsty, I want to stay in my house, with queues at the supermarkets whenever I need a loaf of bread to fetch. Sounds a lot like the ex-DDR or Soviet Union. Moron!
Funnily enough SPR – I actually broke the lcd radio screen in my old skoda with my finger by trying to “jab ” the off switch to turn off radio 4 and hitting the screen instead .
Dishonest hard-left wing hack resigns for, well being unethical and dishonest basically. Check out the commiserations. He's brought out the very worst people imaginable in sympathy.
“I don’t quite understand why we had four weeks of everybody shrugging their shoulders ..” – one of the worlds must respected doctors – David Nott
‘Fair play -great leadership – ‘ says the Former deputy leader of the Labour Party ( Tom Watson ) in relation to the testing target . Yet the MSM has decided the government failed .
Meanwhile people keep dying – they’ll get attention if they are associated with the sainted NHS ( particularly if coloured )but otherwise – particulary in care homes – not much .
As for Matt Hancock – Quentin Letts -now writing in the paywalled times I ( and therefore not wholely available to us ) does a piece describing mr Hancock making his ‘oscar’ speech over the testing which is – funny – and which on good days he often is .
If the testing number today – Saturday – is less than yesterday – the Sunday papers / BBC will be screaming again . Where did it go so wrong for them ? How did they do lose their way ?
I’ve just heard the most ‘heads in the sand’ BBC contribution in many a day.
Mischal Useless Hussein is having a cosy chat with the BBC’s good chum Lord Adonis plus a lady from the Unite union ostensibly to consider the transport implications of getting out of lockdown. A valid question but Mischal is so keen not to offend her friends that she forgets to direct them to answer the issue.
So from Lord Adonis we hear that the solution after lockdown is for lots more cycling in London and to continue HS2 up to Scotland. The idea that these policies are of absolutely no value in the lockdown situation for tens of millions of people goes totally un-noticed by Mischal. The Unite lady does at least mention the issue of buses and the totally fair point to protect the drivers. But she offers no solutions other than social diatancing. On buses ? Thus a totally useless interview.
But there was one telling throwaway. Adonis commented that we could not go back to using cars to get into London ‘because of the anti-car policies ‘. It was of course not picked by by Useless.
THE best short term solution for all of this is of course the car. So relax needless double yellow lines and allow temporary car parking at low cost. But after a decade or more of anti-car fixation and pandering to Greta et al, the egg-on-face possibilities such measures would afford the anti-car public transport stalinists will be too great to allow it to happen.
The BBC ‘star talent’ will of course continue with their chauffeurs.
Sluff – I wonder how many people who talk about buses actually use them ? I used a single and double decker recently . To have recommended distancing on a single deck means about 5 passengers max – so 10 on a double .
When I used a single deck I saw a lot of people getting on and decided to get off as I had the time . In my area of London the infection rate is one of the highest in the country – as are the numbers of deaths ( I suspect care homes here have caused the number hike – very sad).
I’ve got a question for the government briefing this afternoon .
“ minister – wouldn’t it be better if the SAGE group includes members of the press who know so much about handling pandemics – like Beff . Peston and kuensberg? “ -and as a follow up – shouldn’t the BBC be running these briefings ?
All the BBC/MSM have banged on about is testing and PPE ad infinitum. The public are poorly served by them all.
Quite rightly; the Government have swatted most of it away like an annoying buzzing insect.
What we’ve not had are Qs most of us (well I for one) want answering, Like:
Minister: This is not really a lockdown is it? It’s legally nothing more than guidance is it?
(The airports wave 15K through everyday without checks. Channel dinghy’s arrive everyday. The tubes are still full. Construction sites are largely open and we queue at B&Q…etc etc!)
Follow up: Isn’t this just ‘Herd immunity’ by stealth?
“ minister – since you played fast and lose with the testing numbers ( you lied ) how can we rely on anything you say – in fact – when are you going to resign minister – and don’t you think there should be a general election to get the right result next time ?” ( I’ve watched too many briefings ).
Remember when this first kicked off and we had busses to the Wirral. Returning Brits and others were quarantined for 14 days, policed even!
They then gave up on this and the ‘Track and Trace, which led me and others to conclude ‘What the hell are they doing!’
Herd immunity was then announced by scientists & Ministers…This was met with universal horror.
So…it morphed into ‘Lockdown’. Except it isn’t ‘Lockdown’ is it.
My feeling is we’re all been taken for fools.
Their initial herd immunity policy was the only card they had left. They just had to re-package it and sell it to us as ‘save the NHS’ (Nightingales). All other options were gone. They had acted far too late. The virus was too widely spread and they knew it.
What sticks in my craw is the complete lack of honesty with the public. I am distrustful of government by nature. The British establishment did everything to thwart Brexit. That architecture is still largely there, despite Boris. Who, lets face it, is a metro Liberal.
The funny thing is. I actually expected the government to balls the whole thing up and spin statistics to suit. It what they do.
What’s worse for me is the total dereliction of duty by mainstream media to interrogate, ask the right questions and be a voice for us, normal people. They have totally failed and exposed themselves to be the self promotional, agenda driven echo bots we hoped they wouldn’t be.
I don’t know why people believe what the BBC decide to tell them without questioning what they do not. Equally, I don’t know why the entire media establishment is fixated on a testing number when boat loads of migrants arrive unchecked while police scream at a native family on a park bench.
I do know, that come the investigation, ‘Lesson will be learn’t” and I will be Fedup2.
A bit you miss out is the reaction of other countries ….similar strategies . The UK health service failed on being prepared for a pandemic – but I see that as the same kind of ‘non thinking ‘ which led to the failures of 9/11 .
The people in post play Russian roulette with under preparation knowing that they’ll be gone – promoted – pensioned – if it ever strikes .
For instance – I think Jeremy Hunt was in charge of the health department for maybe 8 years running up to the pandemic – and now he snipes from the sidelines .
PPE preparation would have been fairly low cost – and I still reckon somewhere there are some huge storage hangers full of kit which have been forgotten about .
On exit the government is stuffed. The vast majority of cases and deaths are related to population density – cities . 40% of deaths are in London .
So it follows that the vast majority could be placed in relaxed rules whereas lockdown in London would continue . Obviously such rules do not take into account human nature which will breach rules as soon as possible as many need a hair cut ….
The negative, biased anti Government BBC continues to totally misjudge the mood in the country.
While most people are giving due credit to Hancock for hitting his tests target – even Labour’s Tom Watson was last night tweeting “fair play, great leadership” – the BBC is pushing a negative narrative clearly designed to undermine.
Today’s website story is headed “Coronavirus: Why biggest challenge is yet to come.”
It contains no quotes from the Government or it’s main scientific or medical advisers, but instead strains every sinew to move things on, to downplay the 100,000, and set new tripwires.
The tone is sneering activism presented as cool analysis.
Here are a few selected quotes that show the direction of the new narrative…
1. “The government has been accused of being a little creative with its counting”.
2. “there are still serious questions to ask about the government’s approach to testing”
3. “has the lack of testing to date cost lives? Many believe the delay has proved costly”
4. “Chris Hopson, of NHS Providers, says the obsession with the 100,000 figure could be a “red herring” and instead may have led to ‘testing for testing’s sake.”
5. “The Institute of Biomedical Sciences, which represents laboratory staff, has questioned the use of unregulated volunteers to carry out swab tests”
6. “there are plenty of other countries from Italy to Lithuania that have consistently out-tested the UK”
7. “Prof Pollock also believes there has been a “lack of coherence” to the approach taken to testing with no over-arching strategy to underpin it.”
When the Cov19 panic is ‘over’ and decriminalisation of the licence fee is being discussed, will Matt Hancock still be saying he ‘loves’ the bBC? I expect he will.
Hasn’t the racist far-left bbc interviewed Brian Rictus Grin Cox about the virus situation? Surely he’s an expert, apparently he’s also a ‘scientist’ so he must have many words of wisdom to impart to we the peons?
And why hasn’t that other Cox, Brendan been asked for his views? After all it’s what Jo would have wanted and she had the virus when she died, didn’t she?
1. “The government has been accused of being a little creative with its counting”.
Strange that the BBC showed no interest in the Labour party creatively importing millions of Muslims.
Strange that the BBC showed no interest in the Muslims, creatively imported, indulging in more than a little
creative voting, for Labour.
Strange that the BBC showed no interest in the Muslims, creatively imported, indulging in more than a little
creative mass raping, on their own behalf.
I expect that “More or Less” borrowed an Abbottoabacus (wires, but no beads) and found no statistical
significance in Labour behaviour.
EH I’m trying to recall when the BBC have said something positive or even been neutral about the testing but it’s all negative.
6PM news last night they’ve surpassed the target but implied the figures had been fiddled by including home testing then interviewed a care home manager who said there was confusion over who could be tested.Then the nurse who said she waited in a queue for two hours at a drive through.
When to website went live where you could book a test the only people they interviewed where those who couldn’t log on or book a test or people moaning that the only test available was 80 miles away.How about interviewing some people who booked a test with no problems or ask someone how easy they found the whole experience you know Beeb just for a bit of balance?
tomoFeb 5, 12:57 Midweek 5th February 2025 Yeah, it’s the Daily Mail….. but, just maybe they have a point publicising this? [img][/img]
popeyeFeb 5, 12:40 Midweek 5th February 2025 BBC reports that police raided the flat of a 35-year-old man, so they know his name. Disclosing his name wouldn’t…
Fedup2Feb 5, 12:32 Midweek 5th February 2025 PMQs Farage was given a question – it was about pensioners freezing to death – the response was brutal -…
tomoFeb 5, 12:25 Midweek 5th February 2025 Fat twerp doesn’t care for any visible challenge to his opinions – or, heaven forbid the occasional insult – prissy,…
Terminal MoraineFeb 5, 12:10 Midweek 5th February 2025 R4’s Aaronovitch isn’t enjoying Twitter much any more: ————— @DAaronovitch I’m just not in the business any more of social…
tomoFeb 5, 11:59 Midweek 5th February 2025 The buraucrats won’t leave the scene until the carcase is stripped… [img][/img]
vladFeb 5, 11:58 Midweek 5th February 2025 How about tackling the people at the other end of the knives, Cooper? Or would that be racist?
FIRST AGAIN, aaaaaaaagh !!! xxxxx
First responder!
Missed anything ?
There is an active thread : Alternatives to the BBC & chums
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FIRST AGAIN, aaaaaaaagh !!! xxxxx
3rd, ‘Ad infinitum’.
Fed uses his spycam to spot when I’ve got on the bike to go to the next village, to check the discount shelf in the COOP
… 6 bananas for 20p & 6 sausage rolls for 50p, oh sponge cake for 32p
Damn – you’ve given away the secret Biased BBC drone …..
Oh, Fed! You’ve given away the contents of my next post when I try for the No.1 slot.
If I have a PC that still works and I haven’t gone to bed out of interwebby or, more usually, BBC frustration.
Stew, LOL x 5 … no make that x 10.
You deserve it!
NHS Anti-Hero story…
Amazingly in the Guardian!
digg – He should be given a dose of Covid-19
I don’t think this story will be on the BBC 6 news though!
Good work!
Someone posted on Guido that he comes from the same area as the lying, PPE donating (and stock decrying/lying) Southend Labour activist nurse, and the Grauniad has later doctored his picture, badly, to cover up the Westcliff RFC logo on his shirt. Still visible though, incompetent bar stewards!
Since Brian May will no doubt feature large in the news for the next few hours, it’s worth noting that by removing the absurd yet deliberately eye-catching hair you are left with the face of an old and rather tired dosser.
Beltane – Plenty of TV appearances for our Brian and then a new album.
Has the grey hair developed two white stripes yet?
(Please note lower case ‘w’ and ‘s’ – no confusion with another band.)
Biden denies sexual assault. Await the chorus of “believe her, you can’t deny it”
It’s not just the BBC..
My postman, busier than ever, has just delivered the latest issue of my professional institutions magazine. A letter writer asserts that job candidates should posess fundamental knowledge and not just the ability to patch Arduino* modules together.
To stress the point our ‘woke’ editorial staff have headed the letter with a picture, taking up a third of the space, showing a female in front of a green board with a few lines of trigonometry on it apparently teaching an all-female class.
In these age of quotas it might be an interesting exercise to see what pictures are actually published from the picture libraries and how the various ‘groups’ are represented.
[Note from bossette of Getty Images: “Save storage space, ditch all images of white men, there just isn’t a market for them”.]
*Arduino: A small computer module, other makes are available.
Jim, whenever an elderly male is needed for ads i.e. cruising, care homes, wide fitting shoes, stairlifts, arthritic aids, gardening equipment, life assurance etc, its generally the same silver haired chap that’s used. (I notice these things). Which suggests there is clearly a shortage of elderly male models.
Can I suggest you lot on here bombard the ad agencies with your embellished cv’s and a photo that isn’t 25 years old. Lol !
I am rather fond of the advert with Graham, who is constantly at the beck and call of his bedridden wife as he endlessly climbs the stairs. (I assume she isn’t just a lazy harridan). I think it is the Halifax encouraging downsizing. I am sure he should have a bigger role in more adverts.
Brissles, aawwW!
And after we let you go first on this Thread ….
By my calculation, the EU has over 100,000 deaths.
Surely, “……the EU has suffered over 100,000 murders at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party”.
Surely, “……the EU has suffered over 100,000 murders at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, an organisation enthusiastically supported by the BBC and globalist billionaires called Bill and George everywhere”
People can make their own decision as to whether the organisation in question is the EU, the CCP, or both.
George Osborne made a good point on QT last night.
A question which Fiona said kept coming back was why are all those arriving in our ports and airports simply waved through.
The government line is that they are ‘statistically unimportant’ at this moment.
George said that the public find this difficult to understand when the police were tracking a single walker with drones in Derbyshire and it was headline news.
If tens of thousands of new arrivals from who knows where are statistically irrelevant then why was a dog walker such big news.
Think we’re getting close to the no murder in paradise stage EG, deliberately nonsensical position just daring anyone to ask a question.
Apologies for the total repeat at the beginning. The system wasn’t working, so I was banging away at the Post Comment, until I walked away giving up.
Glad you gave up when you did, Brissles, otherwise we would have needed a new thread.
I thought it an innovation …….
(Creep, smarm, grovel, smarm)
An analysis by environmental campaigners Greenpeace today indicated the vessels, the Willem van der Zwan, Afrika and Frank Bonefaas, have been fishing off the west coast of Scotland for weeks, while UK ships were unable to sail as a result of the ongoing coronavirus lockdown. It is a situation pro-Brexit group Fishing for Leave has been monitoring closely. A spokesman told “The current crisis hasn’t abated the largest super trawlers in the EU fleet plundering British waters.
Not to mention 3rd, 4th and 5th BRISSLES! very determined!
You really must get something done about that terrible st- st- st–ammer. XX
I’ve had a thought:
I wonder whether we, the people of our country, should be lobbying our MPs to introduce legislation that forbids forcing us to have an antiviral vaccination and to forbid individuals who have not been vaccinated from being refused medical treatment, dental treatment, optical treatment for example.
I have this unfounded fear that once they start unlockdowning us the rats will introduce restrictions on access to certain services and venues unless we have been poisoned with a vaccine.
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Yes. Vaccines aren’t poisonous. Perhaps you should read this:
Piku, next time you are at your GP ask if you could have a look at the leaflet that has been discarded and that comes with a vial of vaccine, doesn’t matter which one.
Sit down and time yourself how long it takes to read through it and then make sure you pay special attention to the warnings at the end.
I’m very familiar with package inserts. It seems that you have no idea how they are compiled. Did you read the article I linked to?
piku, if you bothered to spend time on here and post about the BBC instead of indulging – just like your four letter named trolling twin maxi – in ‘drive by snipings’ at the posts of others, you would know I have various links to the world of pharmaceuticals.
Until you turn up regularly and have something of value to say about the BBC and its output, you might be better off not turning up at all.
Up2 – yes I go with that piku – find another site more suitable to trolling ….. i judge that you won’t reply to mine or Up2s post and disappear for a week or more and come back with something snide with a ‘cut and paste ‘maxi style . Tedious .
Just like maxincony you are not helping Al Beeb , you are making things worse for them .
Simple question : Why do you post here ? Do you have the mental capacity to answer such a ‘difficult’ test for your brain ?
I haven’t had a flue vaccine for 20 years according to my medical notes … still here !
Good point. These people can and will do anything under the guise that its good for you. We are government, and have your best interests at heart.
I suppose that is why they are importing millions of Muslims, who have nothing but our interest in minds – like gang raping, pillaging and knifing, shooting, and blowing us up.
The nasty Lefty James “#^nt” Naughtie has been holding forth on ‘PM’ on Radio 4, about Trump, ending the US lockdown, Biden, etc, shortly before 5 pm. He was still referencing the discredited Russia collusion story, banging on about those disinfectant remarks, saying that there was a drift towards the Democrats as in the 2018 mid-term elections. BBC coverage of the US is dreadful, whether it’s Sopel, Naughtie or any of the others. Trump has his failings but he’s a saint compared to the filthy treacherous Leftist BBC.
122k tests !!! Target SMASHED!!!!
Suck that up BBC you lefty tossers !!!!
Well done Mr Hancock ????
The bBBC will obviously downplay this splendid achievement, instead responding with “how many of the 122,000” tested were BAME?
Anything less than 50% and it’s racist of course.
Has the kuentsberg woman said anything complimentary about this!
She retweeted Pym
Island – so the BBC implies the the NHS / government failed then …?
Quite something isn’t it ? In MSM world the NHS never fails but any failure of anything is the fault of a conservative government . Pym must be worried about being replaced by a coloured female as usual ..
One BBC failing among many is the lack of emphasis on the fact that health is a devolved power, certainly for Scotland and Wales, though I’m not sure about Northern Ireland just at the moment. The dreadful Panorama propaganda exercise on Monday kept on saying “the guvverment”, “the gooverment”, etc, hoping that people would think it was the hated Tories in Westminster rather than Sturgeon, Drakeford and company.
Exactly but have you listened to R4. Evan Davis is a real piece of Sh+t.
He managed to turn a success in testing into a snide dig at every point – ‘a political success’ like the BBC hadn’t been on his back over it
Now suddenly it is all about track trace and testing in right places – numbers don’t count..
He asked an interviewee how good the tests were – interviewee didn’t bite
He got Andy Burnham on – and he didn’t bite at anything and put Evan the gob in his place
A truly disgusting piece of ‘reporting’ in which he could not hide his disappointment at the >100,000 tests
BBC you really are the enemy of the state
I suppose the BBC would argue that they are playing Devil’s advocate, simply doing their job as the “world’s most trusted” broadcaster and “national treasure”. Evan Davis is more subtle about it than his predecessor, Eddie Mair, being less openly confrontational and more reasonable; but the snide digs are still there. This would not be so bad if certain favoured players were not spared such treatment, e.g. the NHS, Obama, the EU, whose words are taken at face value.
A bit of advice please folks. If I write to my MP to complain about the partisan state of the BBC but that MP is Labour, is there any point writing to them?
I’m looking for ways to be vocal about this without going through the Ofcom route as they are useless and probably part of the problem. I’ve read that with the last petition in 2019 for the government to debate about the bias of the BBC, they subsequently batted it straight back to Ofcom.
It feels incredibly frustrating that the Government are not putting the reins on these student activists as they said they would, but I suppose they have quite a bit going on at the moment.
The only way to make a difference to the BBC propaganda is to stop paying your Licence Fee.
I’d google your MP to see if they’ve said anything about the BBC – but I’d still write to them . I’d also check the majority they got in the last election and how far Left they are…
You might find yourself being batted off to OFCOM
You might also need specific incidents of bias such the recent panorama – general criticism can be batted away – also – if you can cite a breach of the BBC codes or practice or similar that would making ‘batting away ‘ of your complaint less easy –
You might also find out who the new shadow minister with responsibility for the BBC DCMS is because your MP might just fob you off to them .
Nightmare innit !
I’ve generalised here as I have not complained to either the BBC or OFCOM because I have faith in neither …. my form of complaint is refusing to pay .
FedUp + Emeron
I did get a complaint through to OFCOM who upheld my complaint against the BBC when they said the information I wanted was protected… and they were made to provide the information I requested – so sometimes it does work..luck of OFCOM manager maybe
James – maybe you were the ‘one’ For that year or they just couldn’t find a way of ‘bouncing ‘ you .
I get the line about ‘if you don’t make a formal complaint ‘ it’s not worth informal complaining – using sites like this –
But if you are like me – and have no faith in these complaints outfits – you can see the other argument .
Back to the Chinese virus testing numbers – isn’t it really sad that the MSM made it a political issue on top of the public health one . Okay – maybe it’s been slow – but the logistics of setting up testing would be a bit of a challenge – even in exercise world …
If you spot a mistake or impending one
you can try to contact the presenter producer by Twitter etc.
Sometimes works are the mistake is corrected before the end of the show.
Lot easier than letting the BBC cat out of the bag
& trying to get it back in via the complaints process.
Thanks Fedup & JamesArthur. I’ll post on here of any progress I make
122000 tests yesterday
BBC response
1 excellent news well done
2 don’t believe it
3 tests are a waste of ime
4 why weren’t more done
5 why Weren’t more done before now
6 should government resign – they’ve failed
Take your pick
Hugh Pym’s get-out clause at lunchtime was……..but….but….but
They are the total pits.
Dear BBC
Dear Hugh Pym
Dear Laura Doomsberg
122,000 CV tests were carried out yesterday.
So go **** yourselves.
Yours sincerely
The rest of us.
Oh No.. 6 o’clock news
Clive bleating on that they weren’t proper tests.
Satellite testing & so on.
Don’t count so implying figures are false.
Well, you didn’t expect the BBC to accept them would you…
The government briefing Friday has been the most upbeat so far – more so than BoJo yesterday . There is a need for this – whatever the numbers – I think public morale is affected by these briefings and need to be more upbeat ….
My thoughts go out to the BBC at what must be a very difficult and sad time for them
“a difficult and sad time”
My guess is you were doing your Cheshire Cat impression when you pressed send.
Urn , surely not 😀
I fail to understand how it works. Radio 4 WATO on Friday and 6pm BBC1 news reported that the ONS apparently analysed Covid data to declare people were twice as likely to die in areas of high deprivation. Did someone go into the office one day and decide to look at the figures and then release the data to the press. The data at the moment will be changing day to day. So by time someone had agreement from their highers to do the research, gather the data, analyse it and given permission (from whom) to release it must be days. How did they separate out those who died of the disease and those with the disease for example. Was there a difference in deaths in care homes in these areas, were people living on their own or with families and even perhaps their weight or ethnicity. It seems too easy for the ONS to put out political data and a story against government.
Deborah – I bet those poor areas of London were dis-proportionality hit by previous pandemics too, but back then they house white people.
Have the stabbing numbers in Londonistan gone down? Perhaps they are being recorded as covid19 deaths.Could be why the BAME numbers are up.
The answer appears to be ‘yes ‘ but only by a bit . Street killings were running at about one every 3 days on average last year whilst on my calculation it’s running at about one every 5 days now .
However – the number of killings ‘indoors ‘ in London may well mean the number of homicides will be up again .
If the likes of the double killing of babies – as happened in ilford last weekend is anything to go by – lock down has its own price .
Socio -economic. Didn’t take them long to get onto that. Germany must have a different form of COVID 19 from UK. There, the two most heavily affected states, Bavaria and Baden Wbg. are also the wealthiest.
Either that, or UK media (especially bbc, unsurprisingly) are putting a little spin on the story!
Compare and contrast on the BBC news.
Public sector – Welsh social care workers are getting a £500 bonus, paid for by the taxpayer.
Private sector – Ryanair announce 3000 job losses after BA announced 12,000 job losses yesterday.
Now what was that about ‘poorly paid’ public sector workers ?
This is a 2020 story
yet the same thing came up in 2016 when he was also appointed to the role
What happens to the figures if someone on the day tests negative for Covid19 but catches it the following day before they have the test results back ?
Brissles – The test kit was contaminated, blame the government?
ITV local news second item was from health specialists
saying don’t be afraid to NHS services
then 3 quick interviews one was headscarf
all were women
They they flipped up the collage of the 20 experts.
… All were women
Fourth item ..was about chilling out in the garden during lockdown.
It featured a long chummy interview with local TV GP Dr Amir Khan
… his last appearance ?
was LAST NIGHT on BBC local news commenting on the nursing lecturer who said “don’t call us heroes & angels”
I note she herself was not used despite being local
.. they just used her Newsnight clip instead.
I suspect she refused to come on.
BBC Radio 4 Redefines ‘essential’ news.
What’s your best wig or hair extension story?
I kid you not.
The Mo the merrier in Beebworld.
Guest Who – Whats the difference between Covid-19 and The One Show?
You don’t pay a licence fee to suffer Covid-19.
Guest -Desperately diverse.
BBC have decided to run with the figure of 70,000 !!! That being the number of people actually tested.
They have decided they aren’t counting the tests posted out despite the scientists confirming this is within the guidelines of producing the figures .
Anything, anything at all to bring the mood down and bash the Government.
Now imagine for one minute those figures came out of New Zealand or Germany for example, the BBC would be beside themselves with excitement. No digging into the figures required , they would be taken as gospel !!!!!!
What a complete shower they are !!!
The national broadcaster of the U.K.
Jeepers !! The lefty hate mob out in force in the replies. What a DISGUSTING bunch they are !!!!
Guest Who – BBC sour grapes. Hugh Pym got the first questions and didn’t query the numbers. Sky followed and did!
BBC now playing catch up.
Here’s Hugh..
Over on the AntiBBC webshite they have opened a Have Your Say regarding the testing figures announced today.
To say CCBGB is an understatment.
Get over there and have a laugh/contribute.
They are severely deranged, but still they carry on pushing the agenda. Not unlike Adolf and the last days of the Riech.
It’s more and more obvious the majority are seeing through them.
Their end is nigh, hopefully.
@TWW direct link to the comments
I notice they allowed an account to have the name Baron von Gammon
Their comment sits in Lowest rated
Screenshot : top rated comments
Don’t forget – it IS a co-ordinated effort.
17:08 Jonathan Ashworth tweet – queries the way the tests are counted
17:11 Hugh Pym tweet – says the total includes home tests dispatched
Starmer retweets Ashworth
17:32 Pym asks first question (but not THE question) – he asks how do you intend to develop and expand testing?
17:38 Sam Coates (Sky) asks THE question about how many of the home testing kits that were sent out – but not returned – were included in the total?
Subsequent pile in.
Wales & Scotland have terrible low numbers of tests
is the BBC attacking their governments ?
Not on coordinated, but suggests a leak as the ‘press’ were obviously prepared. Somebody from within No 10?
For those here legally knowledgeable, ‘The Postal Rule’ comes to mind.
9pm Talking Pictures : Van der Valk
FFS it’s the ORIGINAL of the episode that ITV recreated in their own dire modernised version last Saturday
The daughter of a controversial right-wing journalist is kidnapped, and a strange ransom demand is issued which forces her father to confront the demons of his past.
Piet Van der Valk Barry Foster
Stew – I was a fan the first time round and I think it ages well . Barry Foster left us last year I think …
He was great in Hitchcock’s Frenzy if you’ve seen it ????
Watched it last week; it was terrlble!
Watched it last week; it was terrlble!
Great theme music. Totally unsuited to the genre and pace of the lacklustre film film but never mind. At least the opening is stirring.
I’m hearing they want to remove bame’s from frontline nhs work because they are slightly more prone to the disease and slightly more than 13% of the nhs casualties are bame.
13% is the percentage of bame (if you believe it considering every white female has a black husband as seen on tv)
All men should be removed from frontline virus services as they are twice as likely to get the disease than women.
All fatty bum bums should be removed as they are more likely to die.
All older frontline nhs staff should also be removed as they are more likely to suffer.
So then, only young, skinny, whites girls should be on the frontline and everyone else needs to be well away from any danger.
All logical if bame are going to be taken off frontline duties.
Will it happen.
We all know the answer to that one.
If 24 hour news had never started, we wouldn’t have to put up with this sh*t!
Seriously, they need a story on the hour, every hour ????
Children may carry the virus and not show any symptoms, but can pass it to older people.
Proposal. Intern all children under the age of 15.
Ok. Here we have it. The new BBC agenda for the next few days !!!
of course, that’s after they have finished telling us all in great detail about the Aaron Banks victory this week !!!!!!!
The BBC love a court case against our elected government for some strange reason
I’ve just had a scary experience. While doing some evening exercise I came across a young person leaning against a wall and in the shadow of a hedge consulting their mobile device.
They didn’t move or even raise their eyes, (perfectly normal behaviour for their kind), but I suddenly realised that I had started to veer in their direction, but why?
That was the scary part. I am not at all given to violence but I think I was going into some primitive ‘close-and-kill’ mode, thousands of years of socialisation being lost in a matter of weeks!
If and when we get let out I think there is going to be carnage one way or another. Just driving a mile or so to the shops and every side road has to be approached with caution because there is bound to be someone else assuming there will be no traffic on the main road.
Of course we probably won’t be allowed back in our cars. The whole virus-thing is probably UNO Agenda 28 being played out.
Any day now the Symphony of the Seas will be turning up off Tilbury, packed with the New Britons from Africa.
I blame the BBC, it’s driving me nuts!
You’re not alone Jim ! I ventured out (as a treat) to go to Sainsbury’s, as opposed to living off the meagre offerings of the local Co-op for these past weeks.
Despite many shelves being empty, it was still an Aladdins cave of goodies I had not seen for so long ! However, my joy didn’t last long, I accuse Sainsbury’s of profiteering at its highest.
For many years I have taken sweetener as opposed to sugar, and a carton of Splenda is my choice. The price has remained at around the £3.25 for an age, and I have stocked up when its been on offer at around £2.50 or less.
Today I felt murderous !!! there was my hallowed carton of Splenda, at £5.60 !!!! FIVE POUNDS SIXTY ! How do they justify a £2.30 increase in a month ? Due to packaging problems flour is scarce, so what price that I wonder when it makes a return.
So next time you get to do a shop, take a closer look at the prices, because it will be a long time before I set foot in Sainsbury’s again.
Interestingly, I’ve decided to contact Sainsburys to complain.
So why don’t they ‘do’ email ?
They can be contacted via phone / twitter / facebook / or BSL (whatever that is). But email is a no no.
Decided to write a letter instead to the CEO.
Sage is as sage does.
Sargon of Akkad
Anti-Populist Buzzfeed Hack Ruins His Own Career
BBC Search “Di stefano” 0 results.
BBC Search “Gary Marlowe” 0 results.
I did find this.
Elon Musk tweet wipes $14bn off Tesla’s value
Sorry GW
Musk was shown smoking something in the past before one of these ill considered remarks.
He is ageing rapidly.
The pressure of being a **** 24/7/365?
@LCS You made the mistake of thinking the search button on the BBC webpage is a proper search
Best to search google using :
… “Mark di Stefano” and set the date to “last 12 months”
Of course it doesn’t cover his suspension for hacking
but it does show he is on BBC politics panels about every 6 weeks
Gary Marlowe ..nothing for the one you mean
Musk’s businesses are effectively a pyramid scheme
As they run out of cash he sets up a new hyped-up one, which then subsidises the failing one
One day the music will stop.
Lewis does thread.
Just caught the end of Newsnight; good grief! There was a borderline, psychotic Trauma Surgeon (hardly an expert on COVID), who at the end of his diabolically insane, amateurish musings on our “pandemic”, felt that their needed to be a world leader to run the “world” response (all this whilst being egged on by Kirsty Wark) – he suggested none other than David Miliband! Honestly, this was broadcast live! My lord!
Lewis has thoughts. Many, many thoughts. They are not taking this well.
Siempre, Sounds quite frightening that some people seem to have adopted such a naive view of the world.
I dont have a television as I cannot stand watching or even listening to the BBC. Hence why I do not post very often on here.
This bloke is the result of years of brainwashing in the education system and the media where obviously intelligent people appear to have the political sophistication of a three year old.
No wonder people are now regularly clapping at the sky and thinking that this is making some sort of “difference” other than just announcing that you are super susceptible to media suggestion and peer pressure.
Dont yo worry mate, Daddy will sort it. Maybe you should consider a different career, maybe selling soft toys.
Excellent points! I can’t bear it also, but sometimes feel I have to give them a chance again. I usually only last 15- 30 seconds before I start screaming at them like a lunatic. Also, that esteemed economist, the aforementioned Kirsty Wark, also stated during this interview, with disdain that, “austerity is over with!” – She sounded like an arrogant ignoramus, without a clue on how the real world works. Yes Kirsty, I want to stay in my house, with queues at the supermarkets whenever I need a loaf of bread to fetch. Sounds a lot like the ex-DDR or Soviet Union. Moron!
Funnily enough SPR – I actually broke the lcd radio screen in my old skoda with my finger by trying to “jab ” the off switch to turn off radio 4 and hitting the screen instead .
Another reason to hate the BBC.
Looks like Richard gunning for ‘expert guest’ slot on Newsnight.
That said, if even Michael White is telling you to pipe down, your days in the media limelight may be numbered.
Just checked, and top of the list… BS!
‘worlds must’.
She been at the cooking sherry?
‘Dishonest hard-left hack ‘ – leaves FT – ideal for the BBC – let’s see if they really do try to cut back on £125 million . ..
So, JO’bsworth on HIGNFY…. did he smash it out the park like he said?
A reminder.
‘Fair play -great leadership – ‘ says the Former deputy leader of the Labour Party ( Tom Watson ) in relation to the testing target . Yet the MSM has decided the government failed .
Meanwhile people keep dying – they’ll get attention if they are associated with the sainted NHS ( particularly if coloured )but otherwise – particulary in care homes – not much .
As for Matt Hancock – Quentin Letts -now writing in the paywalled times I ( and therefore not wholely available to us ) does a piece describing mr Hancock making his ‘oscar’ speech over the testing which is – funny – and which on good days he often is .
If the testing number today – Saturday – is less than yesterday – the Sunday papers / BBC will be screaming again . Where did it go so wrong for them ? How did they do lose their way ?
I’ve just heard the most ‘heads in the sand’ BBC contribution in many a day.
Mischal Useless Hussein is having a cosy chat with the BBC’s good chum Lord Adonis plus a lady from the Unite union ostensibly to consider the transport implications of getting out of lockdown. A valid question but Mischal is so keen not to offend her friends that she forgets to direct them to answer the issue.
So from Lord Adonis we hear that the solution after lockdown is for lots more cycling in London and to continue HS2 up to Scotland. The idea that these policies are of absolutely no value in the lockdown situation for tens of millions of people goes totally un-noticed by Mischal. The Unite lady does at least mention the issue of buses and the totally fair point to protect the drivers. But she offers no solutions other than social diatancing. On buses ? Thus a totally useless interview.
But there was one telling throwaway. Adonis commented that we could not go back to using cars to get into London ‘because of the anti-car policies ‘. It was of course not picked by by Useless.
THE best short term solution for all of this is of course the car. So relax needless double yellow lines and allow temporary car parking at low cost. But after a decade or more of anti-car fixation and pandering to Greta et al, the egg-on-face possibilities such measures would afford the anti-car public transport stalinists will be too great to allow it to happen.
The BBC ‘star talent’ will of course continue with their chauffeurs.
Sluff – I wonder how many people who talk about buses actually use them ? I used a single and double decker recently . To have recommended distancing on a single deck means about 5 passengers max – so 10 on a double .
When I used a single deck I saw a lot of people getting on and decided to get off as I had the time . In my area of London the infection rate is one of the highest in the country – as are the numbers of deaths ( I suspect care homes here have caused the number hike – very sad).
BBC News with Beeboid nodding at screen
Should parental leave be extended due to coronavirus? One couple explain the argument from their perspective. (via BBC Money)
Where do they get these questions? And find such people?
Oh, and…. #CCBGB
I’ve got a question for the government briefing this afternoon .
“ minister – wouldn’t it be better if the SAGE group includes members of the press who know so much about handling pandemics – like Beff . Peston and kuensberg? “ -and as a follow up – shouldn’t the BBC be running these briefings ?
All the BBC/MSM have banged on about is testing and PPE ad infinitum. The public are poorly served by them all.
Quite rightly; the Government have swatted most of it away like an annoying buzzing insect.
What we’ve not had are Qs most of us (well I for one) want answering, Like:
Minister: This is not really a lockdown is it? It’s legally nothing more than guidance is it?
(The airports wave 15K through everyday without checks. Channel dinghy’s arrive everyday. The tubes are still full. Construction sites are largely open and we queue at B&Q…etc etc!)
Follow up: Isn’t this just ‘Herd immunity’ by stealth?
What else can this be?
Fed – since they’re presented on Beeb TV1 every day, I suspect they already do, to a large extent.
They’re on Sky as well.
“ minister – since you played fast and lose with the testing numbers ( you lied ) how can we rely on anything you say – in fact – when are you going to resign minister – and don’t you think there should be a general election to get the right result next time ?” ( I’ve watched too many briefings ).
Remember when this first kicked off and we had busses to the Wirral. Returning Brits and others were quarantined for 14 days, policed even!
They then gave up on this and the ‘Track and Trace, which led me and others to conclude ‘What the hell are they doing!’
Herd immunity was then announced by scientists & Ministers…This was met with universal horror.
So…it morphed into ‘Lockdown’. Except it isn’t ‘Lockdown’ is it.
My feeling is we’re all been taken for fools.
Their initial herd immunity policy was the only card they had left. They just had to re-package it and sell it to us as ‘save the NHS’ (Nightingales). All other options were gone. They had acted far too late. The virus was too widely spread and they knew it.
What sticks in my craw is the complete lack of honesty with the public. I am distrustful of government by nature. The British establishment did everything to thwart Brexit. That architecture is still largely there, despite Boris. Who, lets face it, is a metro Liberal.
The funny thing is. I actually expected the government to balls the whole thing up and spin statistics to suit. It what they do.
What’s worse for me is the total dereliction of duty by mainstream media to interrogate, ask the right questions and be a voice for us, normal people. They have totally failed and exposed themselves to be the self promotional, agenda driven echo bots we hoped they wouldn’t be.
I don’t know why people believe what the BBC decide to tell them without questioning what they do not. Equally, I don’t know why the entire media establishment is fixated on a testing number when boat loads of migrants arrive unchecked while police scream at a native family on a park bench.
I do know, that come the investigation, ‘Lesson will be learn’t” and I will be Fedup2.
A bit you miss out is the reaction of other countries ….similar strategies . The UK health service failed on being prepared for a pandemic – but I see that as the same kind of ‘non thinking ‘ which led to the failures of 9/11 .
The people in post play Russian roulette with under preparation knowing that they’ll be gone – promoted – pensioned – if it ever strikes .
For instance – I think Jeremy Hunt was in charge of the health department for maybe 8 years running up to the pandemic – and now he snipes from the sidelines .
PPE preparation would have been fairly low cost – and I still reckon somewhere there are some huge storage hangers full of kit which have been forgotten about .
On exit the government is stuffed. The vast majority of cases and deaths are related to population density – cities . 40% of deaths are in London .
So it follows that the vast majority could be placed in relaxed rules whereas lockdown in London would continue . Obviously such rules do not take into account human nature which will breach rules as soon as possible as many need a hair cut ….
The negative, biased anti Government BBC continues to totally misjudge the mood in the country.
While most people are giving due credit to Hancock for hitting his tests target – even Labour’s Tom Watson was last night tweeting “fair play, great leadership” – the BBC is pushing a negative narrative clearly designed to undermine.
Today’s website story is headed “Coronavirus: Why biggest challenge is yet to come.”
It contains no quotes from the Government or it’s main scientific or medical advisers, but instead strains every sinew to move things on, to downplay the 100,000, and set new tripwires.
The tone is sneering activism presented as cool analysis.
Here are a few selected quotes that show the direction of the new narrative…
1. “The government has been accused of being a little creative with its counting”.
2. “there are still serious questions to ask about the government’s approach to testing”
3. “has the lack of testing to date cost lives? Many believe the delay has proved costly”
4. “Chris Hopson, of NHS Providers, says the obsession with the 100,000 figure could be a “red herring” and instead may have led to ‘testing for testing’s sake.”
5. “The Institute of Biomedical Sciences, which represents laboratory staff, has questioned the use of unregulated volunteers to carry out swab tests”
6. “there are plenty of other countries from Italy to Lithuania that have consistently out-tested the UK”
7. “Prof Pollock also believes there has been a “lack of coherence” to the approach taken to testing with no over-arching strategy to underpin it.”
When the Cov19 panic is ‘over’ and decriminalisation of the licence fee is being discussed, will Matt Hancock still be saying he ‘loves’ the bBC? I expect he will.
Hasn’t the racist far-left bbc interviewed Brian Rictus Grin Cox about the virus situation? Surely he’s an expert, apparently he’s also a ‘scientist’ so he must have many words of wisdom to impart to we the peons?
And why hasn’t that other Cox, Brendan been asked for his views? After all it’s what Jo would have wanted and she had the virus when she died, didn’t she?
1. “The government has been accused of being a little creative with its counting”.
Strange that the BBC showed no interest in the Labour party creatively importing millions of Muslims.
Strange that the BBC showed no interest in the Muslims, creatively imported, indulging in more than a little
creative voting, for Labour.
Strange that the BBC showed no interest in the Muslims, creatively imported, indulging in more than a little
creative mass raping, on their own behalf.
I expect that “More or Less” borrowed an Abbottoabacus (wires, but no beads) and found no statistical
significance in Labour behaviour.
EH I’m trying to recall when the BBC have said something positive or even been neutral about the testing but it’s all negative.
6PM news last night they’ve surpassed the target but implied the figures had been fiddled by including home testing then interviewed a care home manager who said there was confusion over who could be tested.Then the nurse who said she waited in a queue for two hours at a drive through.
When to website went live where you could book a test the only people they interviewed where those who couldn’t log on or book a test or people moaning that the only test available was 80 miles away.How about interviewing some people who booked a test with no problems or ask someone how easy they found the whole experience you know Beeb just for a bit of balance?