Sorry about this.
I happened across the new, and unpopulated,thread.
Reserved first place for myself with a period.
I was using an old tablet, on my lap, as a tray.
Mistake, the soup bowl on the tablet slipped.
Depositing its hot contents on my lap.
I hate the BBC even more.
Sorry, I’m confused. You say you reserved first place with a period then suddenly everything down below was hot and sticky? Am I understanding you correctly?
If it were not for other people’s catastrophes what would there be to laugh at? If you think about it,looking back on all the things that you have found funny, one way or another, it is always someone’s stupidity or misfortune that produces the giggle.Think Laurel and Hardy or Tom and Jerry (if you are old enough.) It gets boring after a while laughing at ones own stupidity and misfortunes. So yes let’s continue to laugh at and with each other.
Mark Thompson working that unique bbc magic over the pond.
This editorial from The Times is something. The Tara Reade allegations are too important to be investigated by the media so we need experts at the DNC to reach an unbiased conclusion!
— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) May 2, 2020
Maybe Mishal could fly over with Baroness Shami to assist, if they are not too busy?
“… need experts at the DNC to reach an unbiased conclusion!”
GW would you like to advise the DNC on their conclusion?
They will not throw Biden to the wolves even if video is available.
Time, fortunately, is not their side. They will be unable to produce video of Biden not carrying out the assault.
Biden might be persuaded to withdraw, proclaiming his innocence, so that a female can be elevated in his stead.
Someone capable, intelligent, reliable, honest, such as Warren, Pelosi, Clinton? OK I will think about plan B.
My guess is, that if there seems to be some evidence against Biden, he will, conveniently, “develop” coronavirus.
From which, being aged, he will very slowly recover, in isolation, whilst bad news is brushed under the, already lumpy, “Democrat” carpet.
In the hope that this will all be forgotten by the election. The Grey Lady has a long, very long, record of expedient amnesia.
Seems time for bbc North America to run another Justin hagiography.
Remember when your staff tried to ban @SheilaGunnReid and I from attending your press conference at the Global Conference for Media Freedom last year, even though we accredited? And remember how it was only when other journalists refused attend at all that your staff relented?
Contexts :
– Chrystia Freeland @cafreeland is Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, ie Justin Trudeaus #2
– Lawton works for Rebel so he is talking about his colleague SheilaGunnReid getting banned from a press event
– video
The BBC and Western media generally in Europe and America, hate Pres Trump, as he alone among all Western leaders wishes to stop the West from being over run by people who wish to destroy the West. Even PM Boris Johnson looks decidedly uncomfortable with Pres Trump.
All these western leaders, Merkel, Macron, Johnson etal, continue with massive illegal migration, of a people who are hostile culturally to the West, corona virus or not. Its almost as if they are in a rush to complete their program before people wake up.
Methinks Burley is throwing her toys out of the pram. First of all Sophie Ridge had her name above her Sunday programme, while queen bee Burley just fronted the weekly afternoon section.
Clearly rankled her, so Burley was given the Kay Burley show early in the morning that nobody bothered watching, so the previous evenings Press Review host had to keep promoting her show, and now she’s got a heavily promoted Q & A with Mat Hancock during the day.
Other future events listed in your link.
None of which note that it is necessary to observe social distancing.
Perhaps they are not expecting anyone.
Would you attend for “fizzy water”, “a sparkling wine”, “green tea”?
What do they teach at “journalism school” today? Apart from Marxism.
Real journalists used to get their contacts as pissed as newts in the hope that extra information was revealed.
Real journalists were expected to quaff like Thor drinking the sea and still note what their informant said.
“green *ing tea”!
@LCS I don’t think any audience are attending in person
The page says
.. “You can now attend any/all of the below workshops remotely as we will be streaming them live on Zoom.”
The other posters say “free *online* journalism workshops! “
[ Who, viewed from the rear, looks like Donald J Trump.
But isn’t, the POTUS would certainly be told to depart these shores.
Naturally if those on the beach were illegal, unwanted, religious fanatics from the dark ages.
Intent on making the UK an even worse place to live than their, equally unwanted,
explosion causing, mass raping, multiple voting, unemployed, predecessors.
Plod would be handing out leaflets about free housing and benefits.
Probably call for interpreters and offer them a lift in the squad car.]
Followed by AlBeeb “case studies”.
[No pictures, so all the miscreants were of the tinged variety, because :-
a) That’s what they do.
b) If they were white they sure as hell would be on the BBC.]
“Excuse me sir, didn’t I see you on the last thread?”
“No, that was another guy. I am Donald J. Trump!”
“And I am Emily Maitlis. Now get back home before Jon Sopel over there and I start to question your presidency.”
[Mutters under breath: “Where were you b***ers when my bike got nicked last month?”]
That Police person on the left looks like a kid dressed up for the school play, are still minimum physical characteristics such as height for bloke plod applicants?
Following on from the last post I made about the attack on freedom of speech by the Fascist Left David Icke was this evening supposed to be giving an interview on internet TV ‘London Real’ which has its own servers and is not connected to big internet companies nor the MSM.
Except the servers were hack by persons unknown and the webcast hasn’t taken place.
Try the twitter page
We are aware of some technical issues with the ROSE/ICKE page on our website, we are working to get this updated as fast as we can so we can get this content to you! Stay patient and we will be ready as soon as possible! Thanks
Doesn’t matter if you like Icke or not.nor if you believe what he has to say (I don’t believe half of it) but this is a real time attack on freedom of speech by persons unknown, but apparantly persons sanctioned by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories now in power who are doing what they do best to defend our freedoms – absolutely nothing!
11pm news “There has been a sudden drop in Corona tests ”
.. yeh well I imagine less courier drivers have been working on Saturday/Sunday
When the total is given on Tuesday that will be for tests done Mon 9am to Tues 9am
Not that I am going to watch it
If there was an overarching global conspiracy Icke would probably be part of.
Like inciting people to blow up 5G masts is giving an excuse for authorities to go draconian.
I had a glance
Icke’s video is full of contradictions and false claims
“If you look at the background rate of deaths, there aren’t any more people dying than normal”
Rubbish a normal week has 10-12K deaths ..the last reporting week had 22K
This is remarkable because Pompeo is clear that there is no evidence to suggest that the virus was manmade. However, the media is having a meltdown after Pompeo claimed there is evidence that it came from a lab.
Why is the (left-wing) media so anxious to protect China?
The other trick, like one the BBC uses, is that most people will not read the full article or watch the videos
Saint, ‘back of the queue’ Obama.
Just another black to lock up in prison – eventually. Why should he not share the propensity to engage in crime?
“Why didn’t you lock us down earlier minister?”
“Why haven’t you got 6 million ventilators on standby minister?”
“Why haven’t you bought any European paper masks minister?”
“Why aren’t the Nightingdale hospitals named after Mary Seacole minister?”
“Why did Boris make the virus kill black people minister?”
“Why did you set up Nightingdale hospitals that aren’t being used minister?”
Just as a matter of interest where are all those ‘human rights’ lawyers usually so quick to exploit the ECHR? As with the BBC, it isn’t so much what they do it is what they don’t do.
You win the Bank Holiday Award for Dictionary Swallowing and the day is not yet done.
It will be presented by Giles Brandreth, no doubt, in a suitable socially distanced manner at a suitably socially distanced-enabled venue: ie. thrown at you across at least two desk widths (Ref: w-s BBC Home Page – if they haven’t changed it already.) or down a long banqueting table.
Exciting news! Marianna Spring and I have been nominated for Press Gazette award for best investigative
journalism on coronavirus for a report on… (Registration required)
We’ve been nominated for a Webby Award – if you appreciate the work we do vote for us here.
[WTF is a Webby?
Apparently Webby’s are the “Oscars of the Internet”, allegedly, and if true, worth SFA in my estimation.]
The article insults our intelligence, cartoons aimed at CBBC age group.]
In commentary regarding Trump’s claim that there could be a vaccine early next year the BBC writes –
Posted at 5:205:20
How soon can a vaccine be ready?
US President Trump has said he believes a vaccine could be ready by the end of the year. But how likely is this?
It’s been over a month since the first human trial of a vaccine took place in the US city of Seattle.
But there’s still lots to do – even if the initial safety tests go well, the vaccine will still need to go through clinical trials, medicine regulators must approve it and a way of producing it on a huge scale must be developed.
Vaccines normally take years, if not decades, to develop. Most experts think a vaccine is likely to become available by mid-2021, about 12-18 months after the new virus, known officially as Sars-CoV-2, first emerged.
That would be a huge scientific feat and there are no guarantees it will work.
“Four coronaviruses already circulate in human beings. They cause common cold symptoms and we still don’t have vaccines for any of them”
I’m inclined to believe this or is that also fake news?
Firstly, there’s an element of fast tracking being applied to a vaccine for Covid-19, all the way down the line. Trials on humans started last week, if the reports I saw were correct. That’s unusual. Normally a lot of lab time would have been spent first on animal testing.
Secondly, the common cold is a coronavirus but billions of £/$/whatever in present day terms have been thrown at finding a vaccine for nigh on a lifetime – at least 50-60 years – without success. Why? Because the virus mutates too fast.
Thirdly, we do have the example of the influenza vaccines (note the plural) – another fast mutating virus – some of which work well, some which have proved less good.
Fourthly, vaccines cannot necessarily be used for everyone.
If the Americans are working on a SARS vaccine that is interesting. That suggests a slightly different virus to Covid-19. Did you get that from the BBC? Or elsewhere?
Could be my understanding is wrong but this current virus pandemic was said to be caused by a virus that was ‘novel’ ie. new. From memory, SARS viruses date back to 2002
It is a chronic shame, as well as being very wrong, that the BBC have been so delinquent in their journalism and they haven’t sought out answers to important questions, such as:
Are there different strains of this Coronavirus on different continents?
Is there a specific strain that has been identified in North America?
Is there an indication that it is being deliberately released in America from the excessively high numbers of infections in relation to population size?
…. and lots more besides.
A postscript to the above. Autumn and winter has come to the southern hemisphere. Last night, it was notable how the number of infections has rocketed in Brazil. But not in Chile.
Nor have Argentina and Uruguay experienced a similar leap to Brazil.
How socially distanced stars are still shooting TV dramas
ITV, the BBC and Netflix have found ways to make new TV dramas during lockdown – with the cast and crew at a safe distance. But screen dramas won’t be back to normal for a long time. Before coronavirus, the set of a typical TV drama would be a hive of activity, filled with dozens of people busily sorting out everything from cameras to costumes. The making of ITV’s Isolation Stories was not like that. Actors like Sheridan Smith and Robert Glenister and their families did all the filming themselves in their own homes, with a director giving advice via Zoom.
Keep telling yourselves you still matter guys. One day the money spigot will run out.
Since all I’ve seen of Netflix films involve unprecedented violence and murder, it must be very difficult for them to stock a cast in the knowledge that 80/85% of the cast will be wiped out before the end of the film.
Netflix? – grossly overblown.
But someone on Twitter this morning made the point that the MSM built up the fear in the Chinese virus showing overwhelmed hospitals in Italy and Spain leading to the drastic lockdowns we have now .
But the effect on the economy is that many paid newspapers are bereft of advertising money which really funds them – and even proprietors with deep pockets are starting to feel the pain .
The saddest thing is that we could land up with the BBC in an even more powerful position
– even in a monopoly one .
Someone from the BBC must have turned up for work this morning to write this for their “Top Stories” website section right there on the main home page.
“Viruses don’t just go away. This one will never disappear unless and until there is enough exposure to it to produce collective immunity or an effective vaccine appears.”
That, to me, is the key issue. I’m no expert, so I’d love to hear from someone in the know how else we get rid of the virus. In the absence of a vaccine, how do we avoid permanent lockdown without allowing the bulk of the population to be infected and gain immunity? If you aren’t prepared to allow this, surely you can never come out of lockdown?
I’ve yet to hear this discussed on the BBC, or anywhere else, come to that.
I’m not in the know particularly, but gut feelings tell me this:
Virulent viruses are always in the air, and always have been. Every now and then, some trigger causes either a mutation, or activation, or both. The thing sweeps the planet as far as it is able, then eventually dies. The plague did this at least twice, killing millions, then disappearing. No doubt it still lurks, along with other nasties.
I thought from the start, that a pandemic, although damaging, is not unheard of, and occurs occasionally, and follows a similar pattern to its predecessors.
The point being, that if left alone, it’ll do its stuff and pass through as it always has. Yes, there’ll be deaths, but such are the exigencies of living.
The idea of hiding the population away seems ludicrous, especially at the expense of economies. When you consider the progress curves from both countries which locked-down, and those which didn’t, they remain much the same.
We have wasted our time, ruined our economy, many have lost their jobs, we can’t go anywhere, and the eco-greenies have leapt upon the situation to make hay. On top of it all, the average pleb has been scared sh*tless. Many, now are frightened to go out at all, let alone to any jobs that remain.
It has all been for nowt, and the “leaders”, as usual have ended up with eggy faces. Will there be apologies, and admissions of culpability?
OG, just a small correction in case maxi and piku decide to indulge in a drive-by sniping. The Plague heralded, if I recall correctly, the start of vaccination science. Vaccines against ‘the pox’ were the first, I recall. Prior to that remedies were herbal or involved things like bleeding, with/without leeches, and so on.
Other measures were taken once the means of transmission were identified. I seem to recall seeing rat barriers on mooring lines on ships in docklands London although my memory could be defective and I’m dredging up pictures or photographs from elsewhere.
Covid19 is a special virus
SARS victims show immediate symptoms so it is easy to lockdown recent contacts
and halt the spread
Covid19 symptoms don’t show up for a week if at all.
“the Plague heralded, if I recall correctly, the start of vaccination science. ”
I don’t think so was in 1665
Pox was Small Pox,
In 1796 it was Jenner who is accredited with creating vaccination after he noticed milk maids who’d had cow pox didn’t get small pox.
“Edward Jenner is considered the founder of vaccinology in the West in 1796, after he inoculated a 13 year-old-boy with vaccinia virus (cowpox), and demonstrated immunity to smallpox. In 1798, the first smallpox vaccine was developed.”
The Chinese emperor vaccinated his children in 1661
via folk remedy where they stuff curated smallpox scabs up the kids nose
It does work.
In 1700 people noticed that some African slaves had scars
from a procedure where smallpox poison is inserted into the veins which brings on immunity, but has a 2-3% kill rate
but over the population it works well
A bit later it was accepted that the system had been perfected Istanbul.
I think this is what drives the claim that the Arabs had invented vaccination before Jenner.
Voltaire wrote about all this in the eleventh of his “Lettres Philosophiques” (1734).
He said that Circassian women had “from time immemorial” been giving smallpox (“la petite verole”) to their children, even as young as six months old, as advance inoculation. The Turks, “who are sensible people”, soon took up the practice. In the reign of George I, Mrs Wortley-Montaigu was in Istanbul with her husband, who was in the diplomatic mission, and had their son inoculated. Once back in London, she told the Princes of Wales (later Queen) who had her children inoculated.
England followed her example and “at least 10,000 children” owed their lives to Mrs W-M and the Queen. Voltaire opined that the 20,000 who died of smallpox in Paris in 1723, would have survived if the practice had been brought back to France. He noted that the Chinese had been inoculating “for a hundred years” (nasally).
Great example Mustapha, pity it wasn’t carried on throughout that century and beyond. Always just a little backward in such matters are the UK or rather those supposedly and think themselves in charge !
Thanks, Stew, for that correction. Now that you mention it, I confirm the rightness of that, although that Chinese bit sort of scuppers you. In other words I was right but chose the wrong location although I didn’t actually say ‘in the UK’. 😉 How’s that for a legal wriggle?
The Plague was the time when quarantine was proved to work.
Ironically much of the media resents being asked difficult questions of itself. BBC’s #Panorama didn’t go into a war zone, it rounded up half-a-dozen of the usual rent-a-gob left-wing campaigners who hate the government. What was the motivation? Why? Legitimate questions.
Guest – I repeat from the previous thread – we need the BBC to do more clearly flawed bad documentaries like the Panorama PPE one . The sooner the better –
Let them set a pattern of propaganda so clear that it will lead to their demise – which I think is more likely to happen slowly but cutting budgets than spectacular endings to thr BBC brand – which will always have a residual value .
Is it Mishel this morning on R4…well she is doing the usual good job of looking for the ‘gotcha’ question to bash the Govt….asking about the UK death rate comparisons- despite it all being answered adfinitum
Did anyone see Mr Marr yesterday…what a piece of work..had Grant Shapps – the Transport minister- on and spent 85% of allocated time interrogating him about death rates, PPE and 15% on transport.
Marr isn’t interested in answers just attacking and looking for the ‘gotcha’ Fortunately Shapps was pretty good..
BBC not interested in information just material to attack Govt and Tories
Awesome, the big ‘news’ today is someone has multiplied the number of people by the passenger capacity of a Jumbo by two, and converted it into kilometres.
Yet still no real noise from the Anti-BBC about the numbers of potential disease carriers STILL entering this country unchecked from foreign lands.
Australia and NZ however who both banned foreign flights almost from day one are now well ahead of the curve in both cases and deaths, to the point they are now debating relaxing some flights across the Tasmin sea.
Nick the Knob R4 just tags a question onto end of interview with Defence minister -suggesting Boris isn’t the same man after coronavirus….looking for the next headline…
The Ministers are now wise to all this and Defence minister gave him the answer he didn’t want..
Having listened to Tourette’s Robinson for a long time – but no longer – I’ve come to the conclusion that he really is the embodiment of the BBC – smug , self righteousness, absolute self belief , smarmy and ‘friendly ‘ aggressive then tries to be ‘nice’ which doesn’t work . And lastly of course driven by propaganda and self survival .
Lucky I ll never go on the TV again after my famous ‘crackerjack ‘ appearance – I have an illness that causes me to go into charity shops and not come out until I buy a book .
I don’t think there are enough shelves for my lot .,,
— Bruges Group ???????? (@BrugesGroup) May 3, 2020
By the end of Summer it would seem that our c-19 population loss (care home deaths etc.) will have been successfully compensated for, courtesy of the Home Office and Border Farce.
Grannies replaced with savages.
(p.s. NF also goes on to have another pop at Hancock’s test stats).
I tracked a drone performing elongated orbits along the Straits of Dover at 08.45 this morning. Reg, G-TEKV.
Its track was quite clear on Flight Radar24. Operating out of Lydd.
It is flying along the mid-channel demarcation line with, I would imagine the cameras and other sensors looking into French waters for more customers – and now providing the information directly to the Border Farce in their floating chocolate fireguards for them to assist the invaders.
The west – it’s a pity there is no resolve to sink them – but I’m only allowed to think that any not say it – right ?
Bit of easy cut and paste Troll fodder …there .
If there is no cost to the French to stop it – it will never stop . I bet if the two words ‘fishing rights ‘ or ‘we ll seize and French / EU fishing boat coming into UK Waters they’d be a bit of action ….
Meanwhile Priti waits for that call to the back benches …
That drone was up for 5 hrs spotting, according to the data Fed,
Personally I’d prefer an armed Predator or Reaper on station in order to send a firm message to both the invaders and the French.
Sadly whilst the sheeple of this once great nation clap like seals on a Thursday and only worry about loo roll and when the next episode of ‘Corrie’ will be filmed I think the ‘Government’ will carry on with tough talk whilst enacting absolutely nothing.
Working out well. The China Virus assists the cull of weaker members of the herd who are replaced with young fit mercenaries who are being rewarded for serving in Britain’s covert wars.
Come on Priti, speak out even if you have to resign.
“Border Force intercepts 49 migrants off Kent coast”
Once we had Vikings landing on our beaches coming here to ‘rape, pillage and burn’ , but then we had King Alfred to defend our people . Now we have a Border Farce in their chocolate teapots “Intercepting them ” while our Royal Navy and Royal Marines sit and watch by government approval……………………
“Minister for immigration compliance Chris Philp said the government was working “to dismantle and arrest gangs” involved in people smuggling.” Will he arrest French Officials ? More will come and then we will hear ‘lessons to be learned ‘ from our Priti Patel.
We need a Minister of Defence not a Minister of “Compliance”. All this while the people of Britain are under ‘lockdown’.
The Brexit Party better ‘tool up’ . The main reason for voting for Brexit was the vast number of immigrants flooding these overcrowded islands.
Rant over, I am off to bed .
A report, again in the Daily Express saying Michael Gove is telling us we won’t be back to normal until there’s a vaccine for this virus.
My questions are, for example:
Are all the rats in the HoP going to take the vaccine?
What about the Civil Service, including king rat Mark Sedwill?
What about all local councillors?
What about all local government employees including all the senior managers, mayors etc!
What about all bankers, especially all the senior board members and including the bank of England?
What about all the employees in the racist far-left bbc hive, including Mr Hall and his gang?
What about all the gobby actors and other self-styled entertainers?
Because this lot must be first in line for this vaccine, especially if it is either made compulsory or if declining to take it leads to some kind of punishment.
And it’s not enough for them to tell us they’ve been vaccinated, I’d want to have proof.
Remember when there was concern about the MMR vaccine and cherry beliar refused to confirm her children had been given the vaccine?
j-i-c, “Remember when there was concern about the MMR vaccine and cherry beliar refused to confirm her children had been given the vaccine?”
Funny, I recall that the BBC did not pick up on that piece of major Governmental stupidity back then. As soon as doubts arose about MMR, they should have gone back to single vaccines.
The ridiculous excuse for not doing so was that ‘people will forget appointments for separate vaccines’ and this in an age of mobile phones and computers everywhere! Funny how parents remembered all those appointments forty, fifty, sixty and seventy years ago. Very strange that.
Consequently, we now have a major return of measles as an illness.
Regarding the concerns about the disproportionate number of BAME people who are dying with Covid.
There are numerous reasons this might be happening. Most “people of colour” live in densely populated cities. A disproportionate number seem to be in jobs such as driving buses, working on the railways and nursing, where they’re in constant contact with many people.
There are also lifestyle choices that we all make. Both heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes are very high amongst minority communities.
I think it’s just too easy to rush to play the ever present race card.
The other week, the BBC’s favourite doctor, Sara Jarvis, was being interviewed by Jeremy Vine. He asked her why more men were catching this malady than women. Sara chuckled and said “Well, it might be because men don’t wash their hands quite so often.”
Now, just for a second, imagine the good doctor had made a similar snide remark about BAME people…
Blimey, her feet wouldn’t touch the ground!
Libel laws prevent me from repeating a story about her that I was told by a colleague but let’s just say that when she appears on TV, I change channels.
Jeff, if I recall correctly, bus drivers in London and certainly train drivers, whether LUL or above ground, are all isolated. The bus drivers have screens to prevent knife and acid attacks. The last time I was on a London bus was a couple of years back and back then you had to pay with cash in a shop to buy a contact ticket or use a travel card or Oyster card.
This BAME vulnerability to Covid-19 is, I think, fake – a false correlation without looking at underlying health conditions or vulnerabilities like obesity. Currently, it is one of the few ways that ‘Wrongist’ politicians and campaigners can get any publicity.
Not BBC – but buses – I have to use buses to get to the shop. The reaction of public transport in London has been slow – leading – I believe to unnecessary infection and maybe deaths .
Buses have windows – but many have been forced shut . Whenever I get on a bus I get as many windows open as I can . I wear gloves doing so . I even contacted TFL suggesting windows be removed – it’s common sense – circulation of fresh air will dilute potential infection .
I got fobbed off by TFL after a week . If I was harsh I’d say public transport it almost Darwinist in the conduct of users .
They’ve finally taped off seats near drivers and the buses are ‘free’ for the time being with only middle doors being used . This was done far to slowly and shows how thick the management are …..
Am I right or wrong about the isolation of the driver now in a cab with the plexiglass anti-stab/anti-acid screen?
And he doesn’t handle cash?
Agree with you about buses’ windows. They get hot like LUL trains. Again it is why good, intelligent questioning of scientists esp. virologists needs to be done by the BBC. Once the science is established that the virus cannot transmit in a breeze, this needs to be put to Mayor Khan.
I think it has been established that the Covid-19 virus cannot survive humidity. Facts about it need to be pinned down by the MSM.
They fitted the protective screen for the driver about a month ago . I think 5 had died by then . Then they stopped any payment to the driver – so it is now ‘free’ . The only access is by the middle door now …. so effectively the driver is separate to the nearest passenger – at least 2 metres away and maybe a bit more …
The overground and underground is – I think still – oyster type access …..
They needed hand cleaner dispensers on buses as well but I suppose someone would try to nick them …..
A family friend had to drive into London for a meeting last week.
He said it made a nice change that the roads were almost empty. The only exception was Brixton, where life was going on as normal, and it was as if “social distancing” did not exist.
We are meant to wonder why BAMES suffer more from coronavirus?
How would you expect the Guardian to report this ?
If were Trump it would have been
“Trump DEFENDS against minister’s criticism of Panorama show on PPE”
but since the Guardian is in the same libMob gangster family as the BBC they go with
… “BBC *stands firm* against minister’s criticism of Panorama show on PPE”
Can you ever imagine them EVER using a headline
“Trump *stands firm* against minister’s criticism” ??
100% agree with your comments Pug, whilst there is an arguments as to the legallity of the Supreme Court, I do support Lord Sumptions’s essay on the Governments acions ref Coronavirus. If we are to remain FREE men and women we must challenge the government on this unprecedented lockdown and their ability to suspend our rights.
Regardless of the veracity or lack of in this case, the principle of democratic rule is at stake
We are a free nation, not ruled under a Dictator or Dictatorship, we have democratic governments, we have the great bill of rights alongside us-the terms of the Lockdown should not be considered a rule not to be disobeyed, but of the best advice through the medical secientists relayed by our government to us, it is then up to us the public as to how we may want to interpret this advice.
Except, tarien, our democratically and newly elected Government chose to propose and get passed – in both Houses – legislation legally restricting the population.
150 of us in shoebox in middle of t’road.
Mother would put twenty of us in t’wash tub with Dolly Blue.
Then we would be run, one by one, through the mangle, ensuring the water could be used for t’next group.
Our hair would be sky blue for weeks.
I’m wondering how our favourite TV harridans – Mateless, Bruce, Burley etc. – are dealing with their grey roots during lockdown.
Are they contravening social distancing rules with specially arranged hairdressing visits? Or will they be adopting ‘approved’ head gear?
Assuming any truth in this, if the UK government had closed down flights with China in January (and I know hindsight is a wonderful thing) I could only imagine how the BBC would have treated it. We would have had lots of young pretty female students paraded across our screens with sob stories of how they couldn’t get back to the UK to complete their courses; we would have had lots of bearded scruffy university lecturers telling us how their universities would be in financial difficulties and wasn’t it dreadful that they might have to be laid off; we would have had black single mothers in council houses surrounded by their children complaining because they couldn’t buy Winston’s favourite toy (made in China) etc etc. All this would have been when the newly elected government after months of paralysis due to Corbyn’s opposition, a biased speaker and a remainer Civil Service were set on getting Brexit done.
I am now watching the Left wing press rewrite history within weeks of it happening. If the part about MI6 is true, then it is with the collusion of the Civil Service. I also can see leaks from somewhere preparing the press for what to ask at their inane questions after the Daily Briefing – for example whether tests are counted as they are sent out or received back (the Press knew to ask) or whether two gloves made a pair.
Iceland joins the flurry of Countries announcing success in containing the outbreak and therefore being able to ease lock-down.
Could it be that the Western World are realising that it was not quite the Armeggdon they screamed about and that now becoming a bit of a race to be first back into the tuck-shop for trade etc.?
The writer is one Alistair Thompson, whose biodata says he is director of Team Britannia PR.
He attacks the BBC’s very evident pro-euthanasia bias:
“Over the last ten years, concerns have been raised about the BBC’s ongoing and persistent bias in its coverage of this issue [euthanasia]. Concerns were first raised in an Early Day Motion by Ann Winterton in 2010. [Aitken R, The Noble Liar, Biteback Publishing Ltd, 2018, p 139] In 2013, shortly after Lord Hall’s appointment as BBC director general, the campaign group Care Not Killing wrote to him to complain about the BBC’s pro-euthanasia agenda. Last year, they wrote again. In response, the BBC claimed that it could consider only programmes which were aired in the 30 working days before the complaint. How can a pattern of institutional bias be established if the BBC corporately wipes the slate clean every 30 working days?” How, indeed?
He ends with this para (sadly, I doubt very much that the new DG will be any improvement):
“I hope the new director general will reverse this appalling legacy where ‘due impartiality’ is a meaningless term when faced with the system-think of the BBC. If the BBC won’t take action to ensure genuine impartiality in its output, it may require Government intervention in the form of a stronger legal duty of impartiality and a beefed-up system of scrutiny and accountability.”
As poster DespiteBrexit said, “No chance.”
Add your own comment if you have a Disqus account!
I’m looking forward to the day when only indigenous white men are seen and heard talking about important matters. On that day I’ll know that the matriarchy is in retreat.
You know how people on this site go on about the disproportionate number of coloured faces in adverts , dramas and the like on the MSM -?
Well a story in the guardian reports sexual discrimination in the pandemic .
It seems there is a 1 to 2.7 Of female experts to male experts telling us about viruses and the like .
Although this is obviously nonsense – it does prove that somewhere there is someone sitting in front of the TV and radio counting this nonsense.
I think when we have the next pandemic there should be a law about expert discrimination – similar to the law that requires every KFC advert to have a coloured actor in it innit …
Much of Woman’s Hour was about it
The #1 SpecialVictimhoog group
As I said last week Look North had an item
“NHS is open for business ”
every voice was female
and they put up a collage of NHS specialists who were part of the campaign
ALL 20 were female.
That Woman’s Hour piece, about lack of female voices during the Corona crisis, started predictably badly (typical BBC “agenda”, I found myself thinking!) but was redeemed somewhat as it went on.
Jane Garvey, not for the first time, did put the other side, saying that providing the message gets out, surely it doesn’t matter much who gives it. Baroness Morgan (who was Nicky Morgan MP) was one of the two women interviewed and pointed out that, had Dame Sally Davies still been the CMO instead of Chris Whitty, who replaced her not that so long ago, then we would have heard a lot from another female, i.e. her. She also noted that Whitty’s deputy, Jennie Harries, had been prominent; this came about, IIRC, when Whitty had to isolate himself for a time when he had (fairly mild) Covid-19 earlier on. She said Priti Patel had been involved; and I certainly recall one of the 5 pm briefings led by Ms Patel. So two cheers for BBC.
Having said that, the over-representation of female speakers on many occasions will not be questioned on the (non-existent) BBC “Man’s Hour”.
I’m looking forward to the day when only men are seen and heard talking about important matters. On that day I’ll know that the matriarchy is in retreat.
I’m looking forward to the day when only indigenous white men are seen and heard talking about important matters. On that day I’ll know that the matriarchy is in retreat.
Well said John, with you all the way there-from what my wife and I can see as far as the BBC are concerned, its nearly all female and mainly coloured that frequent our radio and TV-just look at the ads, and the ad on Yahoo, showing a young white boy, taking then hand of a very black girl-nothing wrong maybe? but don’t want it shoved down my throat. I am a white who follows the teachings of Chritianity as much as I can and was brought up to do-we have been persuaded, prevailed upon to accept Multiculturalism, which does not work but we know that every effort to persuade us otherwise has been pushed relentlessly against us by the BBC et al and the other strains of the media. To see only indigenous whites on our screens or wherever will I think not happen if ever. How can it now change in any event?
This was not the Look North graphic
but it is similar
(this one has one man on,
The caption : Family Health Services school nurses and health visitors are StillHereToHelp )
It’s like
– Almost all those in the CARING professions are FEMALE *
– Almost all those in the DARING professions are MALE
… military, police, divers, mining/oil fields, deep-sea fishing, dirty dangerous engineering
* kindergardens, schools, care homes, nursing, mental health, social work.
I’m long past caring about gender or discrimination of such, but I am becoming sick to the back teeth of all these hand painted signs/posters being held up, talking heads giving us a ‘message’, and people throwing themselves about on everything from YouTube to Zoom in order to entertain.
Why do they feel the need to do this ? It certainly doesn’t enhance my mood, and if I can get through the day week after week without speaking to a soul, then I’m sure those in households of more than one can do it.
Of course we all undertsand Brissles, nevertheless we are all very happy to speak to you to sing to you and along with you, to play endless tapes of Politicians groaning to you, and wherever you live we are sure we can persuade other members of the public to come and chat you through the window. You see you are not alone anymore!
Military, police, divers, mining/oil fields, deep-sea fishing, dirty dangerous engineering work-BUT Stew that is exactly where now you will see a female popping up and who will they the BBC et al interview first? Yes you’ve got it, the female. Incredible, beyond a joke.
The Isle of Skye care home outbreak 54 cases
Actually it’s been 10 days now
“A staff member, who began showing symptoms of coronavirus last Friday (24th April) was tested on Sunday and the positive result was confirmed the following day (Monday 27th).*
Blanket screening got underway in the care home on Tuesday – and by yesterday (Thursday) details began to emerge that the virus had spread.
* In a Facebook post from Liz Castle detailed that her son Mike – who works at Home Farm – had tested positive.”
A staggering 28 out of 34 residents and 26 of the centre’s 52 staff have tested positive
Below is the title of an ONS data set which allows you to find out the number of deaths in your post code . I’m in NE London and my council ward apparently has had 12 deaths. I suspect this ‘high ‘ number – sadly – might be related to the number of care homes in the area ……
“Deaths involving COVID-19 by local area and socioeconomic deprivation: deaths occurring between 1 March and 17 April 2020‘
There is none in the central part of town that is mainly white
There are 2 deaths in the rather large rural ward I live in
(one was an old woman from another village that got it in hospital)
Just been to my surgery for a routine blood test. Queuing outside until called to enter the building gave me an extended (all the appointments are invariably late, chinese virus or not) opportunity to watch those entering/leaving our local supermarket which has a Cash Till just outside the entrance. Amazing the amount of people you can observe within 40 mins. Well, I have to report it is virtually only the older folk who appear not to give a sh*t about distancing/wearing masks/latex gloves. Up to about 40/45 years of age well equipped with masks, gloves with many also using hand sanitiser when walking out/leaving cash machine.
Seniors: Perhaps the Death Wish has been latent but now’s the time to broadcast, ‘I want to become infected and die a horrible death’?
Not wishing to defend G, but many elderly are not au fait with using technology, so where would they get their masks and gloves other than the internet ? I know if this had happened say 20 odd years ago when my parents would have been in their 70s at the time, then using the landline phone was the limit of their tech abilities. However, I agree they should know better re distancing and there is no excuse for not adhering to the rules.
I use both, luckily because I did a lot of spray painting so had a good stock of masks and r/gloves, but these items are not something that are stocked at supermarkets (missed a trick there !) garages or newsagents.
The generation that is apparently glued to the TV? With respect, they surely cannot be that dense as to not appreciate all that’s going on around them. I’m in my mid-seventies and in my circle are even older: some of the most remarkable ‘tech-savvy’ people I know!
Well yes I am part of the “glued to the tv generation””, just turned 70 and not at all dense/thick or stupid, and appreciate what’s going on around me, HOWEVER despite being able to use the internet, play Cole Porter on an electronic keyboard, and was once offered a job by Barbara Cartland (!!!) I have absolutely no idea where to begin when it comes to live streaming, installing Netflix or downloading music.
I have a routine blood test every month. A nurse visits, on time, and the results are available to me the same day. Thankfully, I live in France and am no longer subjected to the anychess.
They don’t go out clapping at the sky every Thursday evening, here, either…
I’ve decided that tomorrow lunchtime I’m going to walk around my garden banging a pan, interspersed with some howling and clapping. What I don’t hear you ask, will all this be directed towards?
I shall be showing my appreciation for my apple trees, my lawns and the few plants I seem to have growing in the borders.
I might even give a few hurrahs for my fences and gates oh, and my lawnmower which had just been revived by the mower doctor.
The corollary of, the now, ‘Wall to Wall’ legislation and its downfall?
Well, you only have to listen to TWATO today to appreciate the dilemma for the current Government (and a Government that we can hold part responsible for their share of nonsense legislation). The BBC, Trade Unions are calling for highly detailed ‘Guidance’ on how to lead their, ‘work lives’. You sniff within 2 meters of another member of staff and the Government needs to cover that situation. So, stand by for a legal definition of a, ‘sniff’. A new Police branch to be formed? – The Sniff Branch I suggest.
Be prepared for reams and reams of utter nonsense. And who is fanning the flames of this idiocy? The organisation that is determined to complicate and undermine the Government at every, self induced turn? Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster none-the-less.
Allowing people to use good old commonsense is insufficient these days. Good old commonsense is – sadly – good old-fashioned commonsense and is in very short supply.
WOW. What a bunch. We all know the BBC will be all over this like a cheap coat.
Remember the BBC way ….. everything current REAL Sage members say is – WRONG
Everything the shadow anti government protest movement Sage will be allowed to say, and they will have plenty of time on the BBC to say it, will be CORRECT and unchallenged.
Replying to
If the BBC gives this bunch the oxygen of publicity without explaining their credentials it will be yet another nail in its coffin.
Comrade Jennie Murray has resigned as General Secretary of the Labour Party – sorry -that should read Comrade Jennie Formby – a staunch comrade of the former leader Jeremy Lenin Corbyn who is busily writing his ‘£memoirs£’
The starmerist purges continue ….
Wanna guest her next job ? OFCOM ? Electoral Commission ? Peerage ?
The Caring, sharing, FBPE #bekind Lefties !!! Dear me ….
Yet another expensive Boris Johnson vanity project terminated.
— Jake James #FBPE #NotMyPM #RejoinEU (@MFIJake) May 4, 2020
Here is his bio –
Jake James #FBPE #NotMyPM #RejoinEU
Fighting #LiarJohnson, Trump, Brexit and the evil of right-wing populism. Centre-left Rejoiner. Reclaiming Labour for the centre ground under Starmer.
His backstory
“I worked for the Yorkshire Evening Post and Yorkshire Post for 20 years.
Truth, honesty, integrity and accuracy was at the heart of everything we did.
Absolutely brilliant that YPN is now leading the crusade against fake news and dark forces on social media.”
The YP is not an honest newspaper, it is a libmob campaigning newspaper with a close relationship with Green subsidy advertisers like Drax.
When motorways were dumb I didn’t always need the hard shoulder everytime I used one but I’m glad they built a hard shoulder. Some sprinkler systems are never required, retro fitted not cheap either, why fit em? Life boat procurement? Skimping is a chancers game. My guess is our leaders tried the best with the data they had and hindsight is a wonderful thing for Jake James.
Why are they called ‘hard shoulders’ when they look like a bit of road?
Originally they were grass verges that, in theory, could take the weight of a vehicle. That was buying something built on the cheap that didn’t work in the end as they had to come back, dig them up and put in proper foundations and road surfaces.
I remember my dad saying that there was no point in signalling lane changes on a motorway as if you saw a car in the mirror you just didn’t move out. That made sense given the early motorway traffic was sparse and mostly didn’t exceed 60mph but there was the odd ‘ton-up-merchant, (not ‘tonne’ BBC).
I should say that my dad did change his opinions over the years. (Getting his coat: My dad did a U-turn on the motorway!).
Are we going to see ‘ return to work ‘ strikes as the comrades prefer to take borrowed / taxpayer money rather than working – or as I suspect in the building industry – cash in hand jobs onto of furlough pay . ?
Where I live I’ve counted a good few roofing / conversion jobs being done ….
Will the BBC be showing starving RMT drivers raiding food banks …. ?
( or will those whose lives factor in overtime be desperate to get back to it ? )
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img][/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
Sorry about this.
I happened across the new, and unpopulated,thread.
Reserved first place for myself with a period.
I was using an old tablet, on my lap, as a tray.
Mistake, the soup bowl on the tablet slipped.
Depositing its hot contents on my lap.
I hate the BBC even more.
The things people will do to reserve the top spot !
Who do we hate more than the BBC, the Judean Peoples Front! Splitters!
Sorry, I’m confused. You say you reserved first place with a period then suddenly everything down below was hot and sticky? Am I understanding you correctly?
They say great minds think alike. Including dirty minds like mine.
Backlinks to previous thread
– page 3 Sun 8:30am to 10pm
– page 2 Sat 9:30am -Sun 8:30am
I see of the first 10 posts on this new thread, 3 were already discussed on the old thread
That is the virtual equivalent of a German deckchair towel!
I know I shouldn’t laugh at other’s catastrophes, but it did brighten my Monday morning. May all our disasters be so small.
If it were not for other people’s catastrophes what would there be to laugh at? If you think about it,looking back on all the things that you have found funny, one way or another, it is always someone’s stupidity or misfortune that produces the giggle.Think Laurel and Hardy or Tom and Jerry (if you are old enough.) It gets boring after a while laughing at ones own stupidity and misfortunes. So yes let’s continue to laugh at and with each other.
Haven’t seen it yet but, because I’m sure it would make the BBC unhappy, here’s the url for the David Icke interview on London Real:⬇%EF%B8%8F%C2%A0
Mark Thompson working that unique bbc magic over the pond.
Maybe Mishal could fly over with Baroness Shami to assist, if they are not too busy?
“… need experts at the DNC to reach an unbiased conclusion!”
GW would you like to advise the DNC on their conclusion?
They will not throw Biden to the wolves even if video is available.
Time, fortunately, is not their side. They will be unable to produce video of Biden not carrying out the assault.
Biden might be persuaded to withdraw, proclaiming his innocence, so that a female can be elevated in his stead.
Someone capable, intelligent, reliable, honest, such as Warren, Pelosi, Clinton? OK I will think about plan B.
My guess is, that if there seems to be some evidence against Biden, he will, conveniently, “develop” coronavirus.
From which, being aged, he will very slowly recover, in isolation, whilst bad news is brushed under the, already lumpy, “Democrat” carpet.
In the hope that this will all be forgotten by the election. The Grey Lady has a long, very long, record of expedient amnesia.
When your actual name is Sham, do you think the Americans will smell a rat??
Seems time for bbc North America to run another Justin hagiography.
Dance, Jon… dance!
Contexts :
– Chrystia Freeland @cafreeland is Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, ie Justin Trudeaus #2
– Lawton works for Rebel so he is talking about his colleague SheilaGunnReid getting banned from a press event
– video
apols if it’s a repeat post of the link
BBC lies & fakery: editing and manipulating Trump “sunlight and bleach” press briefing
Thanks for posting – this is very good.
Thank you Tomo, that clip should be shown endlessly and all those involved in the editing should face the consequences of their news manipulation.
Thanks for putting it up. It needs repeating all the time, and should be top of Biassed BBC site.
Also the over-paid publicly funded liars shpould have their names and photos along with this BBC NewTruth.
Who is Politico? It is modest of him not to give his name.
Hay banana man , do you have any examples of Al Beeb basis ?
Nothing at present to add to what is already on this excellent website.
Nothing at present to add to what is already on this excellent website.
Nothing at present to add to what is already on this excellent website.
Nothing at present to add to what is already on this excellent website.
Nothing at present to add to what is already on this excellent website.
Just trolling then banana now that you have been rumbled. Have you taken over from Piku?
The BBC and Western media generally in Europe and America, hate Pres Trump, as he alone among all Western leaders wishes to stop the West from being over run by people who wish to destroy the West. Even PM Boris Johnson looks decidedly uncomfortable with Pres Trump.
All these western leaders, Merkel, Macron, Johnson etal, continue with massive illegal migration, of a people who are hostile culturally to the West, corona virus or not. Its almost as if they are in a rush to complete their program before people wake up.
Nope, just the sort of misinformation the citizens of Great Britain are fed, time and time again!
Excellent post here – thank you!
No Champion? For shame.
Tuesday: Q&A with @SkyNews journalist @KayBurley
Tuesday eve: Q&A with some amazing women in journalism
Last week they did football writers
Methinks Burley is throwing her toys out of the pram. First of all Sophie Ridge had her name above her Sunday programme, while queen bee Burley just fronted the weekly afternoon section.
Clearly rankled her, so Burley was given the Kay Burley show early in the morning that nobody bothered watching, so the previous evenings Press Review host had to keep promoting her show, and now she’s got a heavily promoted Q & A with Mat Hancock during the day.
Give up Burley you’ve had your time.
Other future events listed in your link.
None of which note that it is necessary to observe social distancing.
Perhaps they are not expecting anyone.
Would you attend for “fizzy water”, “a sparkling wine”, “green tea”?
What do they teach at “journalism school” today? Apart from Marxism.
Real journalists used to get their contacts as pissed as newts in the hope that extra information was revealed.
Real journalists were expected to quaff like Thor drinking the sea and still note what their informant said.
“green *ing tea”!
@LCS I don’t think any audience are attending in person
The page says
.. “You can now attend any/all of the below workshops remotely as we will be streaming them live on Zoom.”
The other posters say “free *online* journalism workshops! “
I don’t think “brilliant” and “journalists” are words that sit well together. Manipulative and activists would fit better.
I have never heard of any of them. I presume Katie Hopkins’ invitation was lost in the post.
3 May
Coronavirus lockdown breakers: ‘We got a dirty look and I called it to an end’
By Jim Reed
BBC News
Photo of Plod on the beach with white male.
[ Who, viewed from the rear, looks like Donald J Trump.
But isn’t, the POTUS would certainly be told to depart these shores.
Naturally if those on the beach were illegal, unwanted, religious fanatics from the dark ages.
Intent on making the UK an even worse place to live than their, equally unwanted,
explosion causing, mass raping, multiple voting, unemployed, predecessors.
Plod would be handing out leaflets about free housing and benefits.
Probably call for interpreters and offer them a lift in the squad car.]
Followed by AlBeeb “case studies”.
[No pictures, so all the miscreants were of the tinged variety, because :-
a) That’s what they do.
b) If they were white they sure as hell would be on the BBC.]
“Excuse me sir, didn’t I see you on the last thread?”
“No, that was another guy. I am Donald J. Trump!”
“And I am Emily Maitlis. Now get back home before Jon Sopel over there and I start to question your presidency.”
[Mutters under breath: “Where were you b***ers when my bike got nicked last month?”]
Something tells me that the plod in the photograph got their uniforms and kit from a fancy dress shop? Is it some kids playing a hoax ?
No they are new police replacements, just like auto-Sergei in those TV ads. These ones are called I-Plods.
That Police person on the left looks like a kid dressed up for the school play, are still minimum physical characteristics such as height for bloke plod applicants?
Not any more or London would be denied its
toppresent chief copPCSO trainees can be 16 years old
Nope, no such requirements. Check out the Comm of the Met.
Following on from the last post I made about the attack on freedom of speech by the Fascist Left David Icke was this evening supposed to be giving an interview on internet TV ‘London Real’ which has its own servers and is not connected to big internet companies nor the MSM.
Except the servers were hack by persons unknown and the webcast hasn’t taken place.
Try the twitter page
Doesn’t matter if you like Icke or not.nor if you believe what he has to say (I don’t believe half of it) but this is a real time attack on freedom of speech by persons unknown, but apparantly persons sanctioned by the cowardly useless incompetent Tories now in power who are doing what they do best to defend our freedoms – absolutely nothing!
11pm news “There has been a sudden drop in Corona tests ”
.. yeh well I imagine less courier drivers have been working on Saturday/Sunday
When the total is given on Tuesday that will be for tests done Mon 9am to Tues 9am
The tentacles of the BBC –
BBC World Service progs are syndicated through a long list of such US stations maybe 100, 200 etc.
The Icke video is on Bitchute
.. you don’t need an account to watch it there
Not that I am going to watch it
If there was an overarching global conspiracy Icke would probably be part of.
Like inciting people to blow up 5G masts is giving an excuse for authorities to go draconian.
I had a glance
Icke’s video is full of contradictions and false claims
“If you look at the background rate of deaths, there aren’t any more people dying than normal”
Rubbish a normal week has 10-12K deaths ..the last reporting week had 22K
This is remarkable because Pompeo is clear that there is no evidence to suggest that the virus was manmade. However, the media is having a meltdown after Pompeo claimed there is evidence that it came from a lab.
Why is the (left-wing) media so anxious to protect China?
The other trick, like one the BBC uses, is that most people will not read the full article or watch the videos
The propaganda war is just getting started –
Trump is just getting started with these retweets –
(Even the BBC, with it’s 22,401 employees, won’t be able ‘spin’ it)
It will be in the news tomorrow – Trump retweets conspiracy theories.
Even David Icke is at times more creditable than the NSM
PS This Q Anon stuff is fascinating –'s_Military_Industrial_Complex_against_European_Royal_crime_families_and_banking_crimes_familie
Saint, ‘back of the queue’ Obama.
Just another black to lock up in prison – eventually. Why should he not share the propensity to engage in crime?
And the BBC, ‘holding power to account’ asks:
“Why didn’t you lock us down earlier minister?”
“Why haven’t you got 6 million ventilators on standby minister?”
“Why haven’t you bought any European paper masks minister?”
“Why aren’t the Nightingdale hospitals named after Mary Seacole minister?”
“Why did Boris make the virus kill black people minister?”
“Why did you set up Nightingdale hospitals that aren’t being used minister?”
Just as a matter of interest where are all those ‘human rights’ lawyers usually so quick to exploit the ECHR? As with the BBC, it isn’t so much what they do it is what they don’t do.
Oh the irony !!!!!!!
The irony is that all of the ‘people types’ are exactly what the BBC always use!
Great reporting though – highly scientific….NOT….
The Lib Dem’s are going to have a conniption.
GW, I had to look that one up.
You win the Bank Holiday Award for Dictionary Swallowing and the day is not yet done.
It will be presented by Giles Brandreth, no doubt, in a suitable socially distanced manner at a suitably socially distanced-enabled venue: ie. thrown at you across at least two desk widths (Ref: w-s BBC Home Page – if they haven’t changed it already.) or down a long banqueting table.
Chris Evans, Lauren Laverne, Amol Rajan, the guy who does ‘BBC Trending’, the LibDems, Reeta Chakrabarti and Chris Morris?
Very good. But deffo Katty for LL and any one of the QT Novara or Canary editorial team default guests for being ‘trendy’.
Marianna Spring
She does not even have a Wikipedia article!
These hard lefties create Wiki articles for each other, claiming they are notable.
BBC News 9 Months
Specialist Disinformation and Social Media Reporter
Mar 2020 – Present 3 months
A new position? March 1st would make it
two months three days, so the SDASMR is lying about herself!
Previously @ The BBC Advertiser
OXford University Newspaper – Editor IN CHIEF.
Private Eye.
Moscow Times.
… Additional reporting by Olga Robinson.
Exciting news! Marianna Spring and I have been nominated for Press Gazette award for best investigative
journalism on coronavirus for a report on… (Registration required)
We’ve been nominated for a Webby Award – if you appreciate the work we do vote for us here.
[WTF is a Webby?
Apparently Webby’s are the “Oscars of the Internet”, allegedly, and if true, worth SFA in my estimation.]
The article insults our intelligence, cartoons aimed at CBBC age group.]
Sopel is the BBC’s main ‘Trump watcher’ and writes many of the unsigned articles?
In commentary regarding Trump’s claim that there could be a vaccine early next year the BBC writes –
Posted at 5:205:20
How soon can a vaccine be ready?
US President Trump has said he believes a vaccine could be ready by the end of the year. But how likely is this?
It’s been over a month since the first human trial of a vaccine took place in the US city of Seattle.
But there’s still lots to do – even if the initial safety tests go well, the vaccine will still need to go through clinical trials, medicine regulators must approve it and a way of producing it on a huge scale must be developed.
Vaccines normally take years, if not decades, to develop. Most experts think a vaccine is likely to become available by mid-2021, about 12-18 months after the new virus, known officially as Sars-CoV-2, first emerged.
That would be a huge scientific feat and there are no guarantees it will work.
“Four coronaviruses already circulate in human beings. They cause common cold symptoms and we still don’t have vaccines for any of them”
I’m inclined to believe this or is that also fake news?
The early BBC UK News channel also comments on Trump’s vaccine claim, even showing a video clip from Fox News, but leave out –
“Four coronaviruses already circulate in human beings. They cause common cold symptoms and we still don’t have vaccines for any of them”
Maybe they don’t want to upset Boris?
Could be bordering on fake, C_M.
Firstly, there’s an element of fast tracking being applied to a vaccine for Covid-19, all the way down the line. Trials on humans started last week, if the reports I saw were correct. That’s unusual. Normally a lot of lab time would have been spent first on animal testing.
Secondly, the common cold is a coronavirus but billions of £/$/whatever in present day terms have been thrown at finding a vaccine for nigh on a lifetime – at least 50-60 years – without success. Why? Because the virus mutates too fast.
Thirdly, we do have the example of the influenza vaccines (note the plural) – another fast mutating virus – some of which work well, some which have proved less good.
Fourthly, vaccines cannot necessarily be used for everyone.
If the Americans are working on a SARS vaccine that is interesting. That suggests a slightly different virus to Covid-19. Did you get that from the BBC? Or elsewhere?
Could be my understanding is wrong but this current virus pandemic was said to be caused by a virus that was ‘novel’ ie. new. From memory, SARS viruses date back to 2002
It is a chronic shame, as well as being very wrong, that the BBC have been so delinquent in their journalism and they haven’t sought out answers to important questions, such as:
Are there different strains of this Coronavirus on different continents?
Is there a specific strain that has been identified in North America?
Is there an indication that it is being deliberately released in America from the excessively high numbers of infections in relation to population size?
…. and lots more besides.
A postscript to the above. Autumn and winter has come to the southern hemisphere. Last night, it was notable how the number of infections has rocketed in Brazil. But not in Chile.
Nor have Argentina and Uruguay experienced a similar leap to Brazil.
Now, that is suspicious.
U2s – BAMEs?
These BAMEs get so much publicity, to the detriment of the indigenes, it irritates me.
I think a new song is required, There is nothing like a BAME…
Bbc Moaning Emole
How socially distanced stars are still shooting TV dramas
ITV, the BBC and Netflix have found ways to make new TV dramas during lockdown – with the cast and crew at a safe distance. But screen dramas won’t be back to normal for a long time. Before coronavirus, the set of a typical TV drama would be a hive of activity, filled with dozens of people busily sorting out everything from cameras to costumes. The making of ITV’s Isolation Stories was not like that. Actors like Sheridan Smith and Robert Glenister and their families did all the filming themselves in their own homes, with a director giving advice via Zoom.
Keep telling yourselves you still matter guys. One day the money spigot will run out.
Since all I’ve seen of Netflix films involve unprecedented violence and murder, it must be very difficult for them to stock a cast in the knowledge that 80/85% of the cast will be wiped out before the end of the film.
Netflix? – grossly overblown.
I have noticed that the main groups bending over backwards to find ways to keep themselves in the spotlight during the crisis are.
1. BBC news folk
2. Actors and Celebrities
3. Musicians
4. Sports People
All of whom are highly overpaid in my opinion and who all of whom we wouldn’t really miss that much.
Not BBC unfortunately
But someone on Twitter this morning made the point that the MSM built up the fear in the Chinese virus showing overwhelmed hospitals in Italy and Spain leading to the drastic lockdowns we have now .
But the effect on the economy is that many paid newspapers are bereft of advertising money which really funds them – and even proprietors with deep pockets are starting to feel the pain .
The saddest thing is that we could land up with the BBC in an even more powerful position
– even in a monopoly one .
Someone from the BBC must have turned up for work this morning to write this for their “Top Stories” website section right there on the main home page.
DJ Khaled: ‘I need a haircut’
“Viruses don’t just go away. This one will never disappear unless and until there is enough exposure to it to produce collective immunity or an effective vaccine appears.”
That, to me, is the key issue. I’m no expert, so I’d love to hear from someone in the know how else we get rid of the virus. In the absence of a vaccine, how do we avoid permanent lockdown without allowing the bulk of the population to be infected and gain immunity? If you aren’t prepared to allow this, surely you can never come out of lockdown?
I’ve yet to hear this discussed on the BBC, or anywhere else, come to that.
I’m not in the know particularly, but gut feelings tell me this:
Virulent viruses are always in the air, and always have been. Every now and then, some trigger causes either a mutation, or activation, or both. The thing sweeps the planet as far as it is able, then eventually dies. The plague did this at least twice, killing millions, then disappearing. No doubt it still lurks, along with other nasties.
I thought from the start, that a pandemic, although damaging, is not unheard of, and occurs occasionally, and follows a similar pattern to its predecessors.
The point being, that if left alone, it’ll do its stuff and pass through as it always has. Yes, there’ll be deaths, but such are the exigencies of living.
The idea of hiding the population away seems ludicrous, especially at the expense of economies. When you consider the progress curves from both countries which locked-down, and those which didn’t, they remain much the same.
We have wasted our time, ruined our economy, many have lost their jobs, we can’t go anywhere, and the eco-greenies have leapt upon the situation to make hay. On top of it all, the average pleb has been scared sh*tless. Many, now are frightened to go out at all, let alone to any jobs that remain.
It has all been for nowt, and the “leaders”, as usual have ended up with eggy faces. Will there be apologies, and admissions of culpability?
OG, just a small correction in case maxi and piku decide to indulge in a drive-by sniping. The Plague heralded, if I recall correctly, the start of vaccination science. Vaccines against ‘the pox’ were the first, I recall. Prior to that remedies were herbal or involved things like bleeding, with/without leeches, and so on.
Other measures were taken once the means of transmission were identified. I seem to recall seeing rat barriers on mooring lines on ships in docklands London although my memory could be defective and I’m dredging up pictures or photographs from elsewhere.
I remember the disc-shaped rat barriers on mooring lines…
Covid19 is a special virus
SARS victims show immediate symptoms so it is easy to lockdown recent contacts
and halt the spread
Covid19 symptoms don’t show up for a week if at all.
“the Plague heralded, if I recall correctly, the start of vaccination science. ”
I don’t think so was in 1665
Pox was Small Pox,
In 1796 it was Jenner who is accredited with creating vaccination after he noticed milk maids who’d had cow pox didn’t get small pox.
“Edward Jenner is considered the founder of vaccinology in the West in 1796, after he inoculated a 13 year-old-boy with vaccinia virus (cowpox), and demonstrated immunity to smallpox. In 1798, the first smallpox vaccine was developed.”
The Chinese emperor vaccinated his children in 1661
via folk remedy where they stuff curated smallpox scabs up the kids nose
It does work.
In 1700 people noticed that some African slaves had scars
from a procedure where smallpox poison is inserted into the veins which brings on immunity, but has a 2-3% kill rate
but over the population it works well
A bit later it was accepted that the system had been perfected Istanbul.
I think this is what drives the claim that the Arabs had invented vaccination before Jenner.
Voltaire wrote about all this in the eleventh of his “Lettres Philosophiques” (1734).
He said that Circassian women had “from time immemorial” been giving smallpox (“la petite verole”) to their children, even as young as six months old, as advance inoculation. The Turks, “who are sensible people”, soon took up the practice. In the reign of George I, Mrs Wortley-Montaigu was in Istanbul with her husband, who was in the diplomatic mission, and had their son inoculated. Once back in London, she told the Princes of Wales (later Queen) who had her children inoculated.
England followed her example and “at least 10,000 children” owed their lives to Mrs W-M and the Queen. Voltaire opined that the 20,000 who died of smallpox in Paris in 1723, would have survived if the practice had been brought back to France. He noted that the Chinese had been inoculating “for a hundred years” (nasally).
Great example Mustapha, pity it wasn’t carried on throughout that century and beyond. Always just a little backward in such matters are the UK or rather those supposedly and think themselves in charge !
Thanks, Stew, for that correction. Now that you mention it, I confirm the rightness of that, although that Chinese bit sort of scuppers you. In other words I was right but chose the wrong location although I didn’t actually say ‘in the UK’. 😉 How’s that for a legal wriggle?
The Plague was the time when quarantine was proved to work.
He is not letting this one go.
Even if the government will.
Guest – I repeat from the previous thread – we need the BBC to do more clearly flawed bad documentaries like the Panorama PPE one . The sooner the better –
Let them set a pattern of propaganda so clear that it will lead to their demise – which I think is more likely to happen slowly but cutting budgets than spectacular endings to thr BBC brand – which will always have a residual value .
And BBC – if you’re reading this – go die
Is it Mishel this morning on R4…well she is doing the usual good job of looking for the ‘gotcha’ question to bash the Govt….asking about the UK death rate comparisons- despite it all being answered adfinitum
Did anyone see Mr Marr yesterday…what a piece of work..had Grant Shapps – the Transport minister- on and spent 85% of allocated time interrogating him about death rates, PPE and 15% on transport.
Marr isn’t interested in answers just attacking and looking for the ‘gotcha’ Fortunately Shapps was pretty good..
BBC not interested in information just material to attack Govt and Tories
Very good article. Same in UK – all deaths are in London, Birmingham, Manchester. Countryside is clear and should be back at work / school.
Awesome, the big ‘news’ today is someone has multiplied the number of people by the passenger capacity of a Jumbo by two, and converted it into kilometres.
Yet still no real noise from the Anti-BBC about the numbers of potential disease carriers STILL entering this country unchecked from foreign lands.
Australia and NZ however who both banned foreign flights almost from day one are now well ahead of the curve in both cases and deaths, to the point they are now debating relaxing some flights across the Tasmin sea.
Nick the Knob R4 just tags a question onto end of interview with Defence minister -suggesting Boris isn’t the same man after coronavirus….looking for the next headline…
The Ministers are now wise to all this and Defence minister gave him the answer he didn’t want..
Having listened to Tourette’s Robinson for a long time – but no longer – I’ve come to the conclusion that he really is the embodiment of the BBC – smug , self righteousness, absolute self belief , smarmy and ‘friendly ‘ aggressive then tries to be ‘nice’ which doesn’t work . And lastly of course driven by propaganda and self survival .
“My bookcase is more woke than your bookcase”
And yet, she appears on… Burley.
Lucky I ll never go on the TV again after my famous ‘crackerjack ‘ appearance – I have an illness that causes me to go into charity shops and not come out until I buy a book .
I don’t think there are enough shelves for my lot .,,
“I have an illness that causes me to go into charity shops and not come out until I buy a book .”
Me too and thanks, I just spat my coffee over my laptop laughing.
Nigel correctly brings up the subject of unopposed Channel invaders and gets criticised by someone called Sarah Baxter in The Sunday Times.
Fortunately he is not the only person concerned.
By the end of Summer it would seem that our c-19 population loss (care home deaths etc.) will have been successfully compensated for, courtesy of the Home Office and Border Farce.
Grannies replaced with savages.
(p.s. NF also goes on to have another pop at Hancock’s test stats).
I tracked a drone performing elongated orbits along the Straits of Dover at 08.45 this morning. Reg, G-TEKV.
Its track was quite clear on Flight Radar24. Operating out of Lydd.
It is flying along the mid-channel demarcation line with, I would imagine the cameras and other sensors looking into French waters for more customers – and now providing the information directly to the Border Farce in their floating chocolate fireguards for them to assist the invaders.
The west – it’s a pity there is no resolve to sink them – but I’m only allowed to think that any not say it – right ?
Bit of easy cut and paste Troll fodder …there .
If there is no cost to the French to stop it – it will never stop . I bet if the two words ‘fishing rights ‘ or ‘we ll seize and French / EU fishing boat coming into UK Waters they’d be a bit of action ….
Meanwhile Priti waits for that call to the back benches …
That drone was up for 5 hrs spotting, according to the data Fed,
Personally I’d prefer an armed Predator or Reaper on station in order to send a firm message to both the invaders and the French.
Sadly whilst the sheeple of this once great nation clap like seals on a Thursday and only worry about loo roll and when the next episode of ‘Corrie’ will be filmed I think the ‘Government’ will carry on with tough talk whilst enacting absolutely nothing.
Working out well. The China Virus assists the cull of weaker members of the herd who are replaced with young fit mercenaries who are being rewarded for serving in Britain’s covert wars.
Come on Priti, speak out even if you have to resign.
“Border Force intercepts 49 migrants off Kent coast”
Once we had Vikings landing on our beaches coming here to ‘rape, pillage and burn’ , but then we had King Alfred to defend our people . Now we have a Border Farce in their chocolate teapots “Intercepting them ” while our Royal Navy and Royal Marines sit and watch by government approval……………………
“Minister for immigration compliance Chris Philp said the government was working “to dismantle and arrest gangs” involved in people smuggling.” Will he arrest French Officials ? More will come and then we will hear ‘lessons to be learned ‘ from our Priti Patel.
We need a Minister of Defence not a Minister of “Compliance”. All this while the people of Britain are under ‘lockdown’.
The Brexit Party better ‘tool up’ . The main reason for voting for Brexit was the vast number of immigrants flooding these overcrowded islands.
Rant over, I am off to bed . first item, top left.
Stupid BBC!
The one with the world’s most empty office and guy in full PPE, including gloves, which he will wear all day?
Probably BBC health desk.
Yep, the one with two desks and two chairs, one taped off but still two metres apart from the other one.
Trust the BBC to be absurd.
It is almost as though they were trying to get at someone or something …..
A report, again in the Daily Express saying Michael Gove is telling us we won’t be back to normal until there’s a vaccine for this virus.
My questions are, for example:
Are all the rats in the HoP going to take the vaccine?
What about the Civil Service, including king rat Mark Sedwill?
What about all local councillors?
What about all local government employees including all the senior managers, mayors etc!
What about all bankers, especially all the senior board members and including the bank of England?
What about all the employees in the racist far-left bbc hive, including Mr Hall and his gang?
What about all the gobby actors and other self-styled entertainers?
Because this lot must be first in line for this vaccine, especially if it is either made compulsory or if declining to take it leads to some kind of punishment.
And it’s not enough for them to tell us they’ve been vaccinated, I’d want to have proof.
Remember when there was concern about the MMR vaccine and cherry beliar refused to confirm her children had been given the vaccine?
j-i-c, “Remember when there was concern about the MMR vaccine and cherry beliar refused to confirm her children had been given the vaccine?”
Funny, I recall that the BBC did not pick up on that piece of major Governmental stupidity back then. As soon as doubts arose about MMR, they should have gone back to single vaccines.
The ridiculous excuse for not doing so was that ‘people will forget appointments for separate vaccines’ and this in an age of mobile phones and computers everywhere! Funny how parents remembered all those appointments forty, fifty, sixty and seventy years ago. Very strange that.
Consequently, we now have a major return of measles as an illness.
Regarding the concerns about the disproportionate number of BAME people who are dying with Covid.
There are numerous reasons this might be happening. Most “people of colour” live in densely populated cities. A disproportionate number seem to be in jobs such as driving buses, working on the railways and nursing, where they’re in constant contact with many people.
There are also lifestyle choices that we all make. Both heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes are very high amongst minority communities.
I think it’s just too easy to rush to play the ever present race card.
The other week, the BBC’s favourite doctor, Sara Jarvis, was being interviewed by Jeremy Vine. He asked her why more men were catching this malady than women. Sara chuckled and said “Well, it might be because men don’t wash their hands quite so often.”
Now, just for a second, imagine the good doctor had made a similar snide remark about BAME people…
Blimey, her feet wouldn’t touch the ground!
Libel laws prevent me from repeating a story about her that I was told by a colleague but let’s just say that when she appears on TV, I change channels.
Jeff, if I recall correctly, bus drivers in London and certainly train drivers, whether LUL or above ground, are all isolated. The bus drivers have screens to prevent knife and acid attacks. The last time I was on a London bus was a couple of years back and back then you had to pay with cash in a shop to buy a contact ticket or use a travel card or Oyster card.
This BAME vulnerability to Covid-19 is, I think, fake – a false correlation without looking at underlying health conditions or vulnerabilities like obesity. Currently, it is one of the few ways that ‘Wrongist’ politicians and campaigners can get any publicity.
Not BBC – but buses – I have to use buses to get to the shop. The reaction of public transport in London has been slow – leading – I believe to unnecessary infection and maybe deaths .
Buses have windows – but many have been forced shut . Whenever I get on a bus I get as many windows open as I can . I wear gloves doing so . I even contacted TFL suggesting windows be removed – it’s common sense – circulation of fresh air will dilute potential infection .
I got fobbed off by TFL after a week . If I was harsh I’d say public transport it almost Darwinist in the conduct of users .
They’ve finally taped off seats near drivers and the buses are ‘free’ for the time being with only middle doors being used . This was done far to slowly and shows how thick the management are …..
Am I right or wrong about the isolation of the driver now in a cab with the plexiglass anti-stab/anti-acid screen?
And he doesn’t handle cash?
Agree with you about buses’ windows. They get hot like LUL trains. Again it is why good, intelligent questioning of scientists esp. virologists needs to be done by the BBC. Once the science is established that the virus cannot transmit in a breeze, this needs to be put to Mayor Khan.
I think it has been established that the Covid-19 virus cannot survive humidity. Facts about it need to be pinned down by the MSM.
They fitted the protective screen for the driver about a month ago . I think 5 had died by then . Then they stopped any payment to the driver – so it is now ‘free’ . The only access is by the middle door now …. so effectively the driver is separate to the nearest passenger – at least 2 metres away and maybe a bit more …
The overground and underground is – I think still – oyster type access …..
They needed hand cleaner dispensers on buses as well but I suppose someone would try to nick them …..
A family friend had to drive into London for a meeting last week.
He said it made a nice change that the roads were almost empty. The only exception was Brixton, where life was going on as normal, and it was as if “social distancing” did not exist.
We are meant to wonder why BAMES suffer more from coronavirus?
The Culture secretary complains to Tony Hall over Panorama’s latest investigation
Oliver Dowden letter reignites BBC bias row
re Panorama : Has Govt failed NHS
* Tip In Microsoft Edge there is a setting on the address bar to prevent those autorun videos that newspaper websites use
How would you expect the Guardian to report this ?
If were Trump it would have been
“Trump DEFENDS against minister’s criticism of Panorama show on PPE”
but since the Guardian is in the same libMob gangster family as the BBC they go with
… “BBC *stands firm* against minister’s criticism of Panorama show on PPE”
Can you ever imagine them EVER using a headline
“Trump *stands firm* against minister’s criticism” ??
100% agree with your comments Pug, whilst there is an arguments as to the legallity of the Supreme Court, I do support Lord Sumptions’s essay on the Governments acions ref Coronavirus. If we are to remain FREE men and women we must challenge the government on this unprecedented lockdown and their ability to suspend our rights.
Regardless of the veracity or lack of in this case, the principle of democratic rule is at stake
We are a free nation, not ruled under a Dictator or Dictatorship, we have democratic governments, we have the great bill of rights alongside us-the terms of the Lockdown should not be considered a rule not to be disobeyed, but of the best advice through the medical secientists relayed by our government to us, it is then up to us the public as to how we may want to interpret this advice.
Except, tarien, our democratically and newly elected Government chose to propose and get passed – in both Houses – legislation legally restricting the population.
Can you Up2snuff advise as to where you got that information from-‘legally restricting the population,’ has a very dictatorial ring about it.
Tarien – the coronavirus act 2020 give the Secretary of State the power to do just about anything …….see Schedule 22 which allows
The Secretary of State to come into your hOuse and take over the TV remote control …
( I wish the sec state would come to my place and unbung my sink – the grinder thing has packed up and stopped the sink )
Cutting edge journalism eh?
“Black hair: Dealing with my curls during lockdown”
Couldn’t resist, anyway, no corresponding blue rinse outcry? Showing my age now, do they still do them?
150 of us in shoebox in middle of t’road.
Mother would put twenty of us in t’wash tub with Dolly Blue.
Then we would be run, one by one, through the mangle, ensuring the water could be used for t’next group.
Our hair would be sky blue for weeks.
You try tellin’ that to the young people today and they won’t believe yer. They won’t!
I’m wondering how our favourite TV harridans – Mateless, Bruce, Burley etc. – are dealing with their grey roots during lockdown.
Are they contravening social distancing rules with specially arranged hairdressing visits? Or will they be adopting ‘approved’ head gear?
Haven’t that lot started wearing a burka yet? It is ramdam after all. If the retard libdem can fast with the muslims, it’s the least the hive can do.
Not the BBC but the Daily Mail.
UK ministers were ‘fully aware’ China had covered up the true scale of coronavirus but still waited months to impose lockdown, MI6 source claims.
Assuming any truth in this, if the UK government had closed down flights with China in January (and I know hindsight is a wonderful thing) I could only imagine how the BBC would have treated it. We would have had lots of young pretty female students paraded across our screens with sob stories of how they couldn’t get back to the UK to complete their courses; we would have had lots of bearded scruffy university lecturers telling us how their universities would be in financial difficulties and wasn’t it dreadful that they might have to be laid off; we would have had black single mothers in council houses surrounded by their children complaining because they couldn’t buy Winston’s favourite toy (made in China) etc etc. All this would have been when the newly elected government after months of paralysis due to Corbyn’s opposition, a biased speaker and a remainer Civil Service were set on getting Brexit done.
I am now watching the Left wing press rewrite history within weeks of it happening. If the part about MI6 is true, then it is with the collusion of the Civil Service. I also can see leaks from somewhere preparing the press for what to ask at their inane questions after the Daily Briefing – for example whether tests are counted as they are sent out or received back (the Press knew to ask) or whether two gloves made a pair.
Iceland joins the flurry of Countries announcing success in containing the outbreak and therefore being able to ease lock-down.
Could it be that the Western World are realising that it was not quite the Armeggdon they screamed about and that now becoming a bit of a race to be first back into the tuck-shop for trade etc.?
“Hong Kong Flu that killed 80,000 in the UK in 1968-69, nothing like a lockdown was considered”
TCW (The Conservative Woman) has an item on BBC bias:
The writer is one Alistair Thompson, whose biodata says he is director of Team Britannia PR.
He attacks the BBC’s very evident pro-euthanasia bias:
“Over the last ten years, concerns have been raised about the BBC’s ongoing and persistent bias in its coverage of this issue [euthanasia]. Concerns were first raised in an Early Day Motion by Ann Winterton in 2010. [Aitken R, The Noble Liar, Biteback Publishing Ltd, 2018, p 139] In 2013, shortly after Lord Hall’s appointment as BBC director general, the campaign group Care Not Killing wrote to him to complain about the BBC’s pro-euthanasia agenda. Last year, they wrote again. In response, the BBC claimed that it could consider only programmes which were aired in the 30 working days before the complaint. How can a pattern of institutional bias be established if the BBC corporately wipes the slate clean every 30 working days?” How, indeed?
He ends with this para (sadly, I doubt very much that the new DG will be any improvement):
“I hope the new director general will reverse this appalling legacy where ‘due impartiality’ is a meaningless term when faced with the system-think of the BBC. If the BBC won’t take action to ensure genuine impartiality in its output, it may require Government intervention in the form of a stronger legal duty of impartiality and a beefed-up system of scrutiny and accountability.”
As poster DespiteBrexit said, “No chance.”
Add your own comment if you have a Disqus account!
I’m looking forward to the day when only indigenous white men are seen and heard talking about important matters. On that day I’ll know that the matriarchy is in retreat.
You know how people on this site go on about the disproportionate number of coloured faces in adverts , dramas and the like on the MSM -?
Well a story in the guardian reports sexual discrimination in the pandemic .
It seems there is a 1 to 2.7 Of female experts to male experts telling us about viruses and the like .
Although this is obviously nonsense – it does prove that somewhere there is someone sitting in front of the TV and radio counting this nonsense.
I think when we have the next pandemic there should be a law about expert discrimination – similar to the law that requires every KFC advert to have a coloured actor in it innit …
Much of Woman’s Hour was about it
The #1 SpecialVictimhoog group
As I said last week Look North had an item
“NHS is open for business ”
every voice was female
and they put up a collage of NHS specialists who were part of the campaign
ALL 20 were female.
That Woman’s Hour piece, about lack of female voices during the Corona crisis, started predictably badly (typical BBC “agenda”, I found myself thinking!) but was redeemed somewhat as it went on.
Jane Garvey, not for the first time, did put the other side, saying that providing the message gets out, surely it doesn’t matter much who gives it. Baroness Morgan (who was Nicky Morgan MP) was one of the two women interviewed and pointed out that, had Dame Sally Davies still been the CMO instead of Chris Whitty, who replaced her not that so long ago, then we would have heard a lot from another female, i.e. her. She also noted that Whitty’s deputy, Jennie Harries, had been prominent; this came about, IIRC, when Whitty had to isolate himself for a time when he had (fairly mild) Covid-19 earlier on. She said Priti Patel had been involved; and I certainly recall one of the 5 pm briefings led by Ms Patel. So two cheers for BBC.
Having said that, the over-representation of female speakers on many occasions will not be questioned on the (non-existent) BBC “Man’s Hour”.
I’m looking forward to the day when only men are seen and heard talking about important matters. On that day I’ll know that the matriarchy is in retreat.
I’m looking forward to the day when only indigenous white men are seen and heard talking about important matters. On that day I’ll know that the matriarchy is in retreat.
Well said John, with you all the way there-from what my wife and I can see as far as the BBC are concerned, its nearly all female and mainly coloured that frequent our radio and TV-just look at the ads, and the ad on Yahoo, showing a young white boy, taking then hand of a very black girl-nothing wrong maybe? but don’t want it shoved down my throat. I am a white who follows the teachings of Chritianity as much as I can and was brought up to do-we have been persuaded, prevailed upon to accept Multiculturalism, which does not work but we know that every effort to persuade us otherwise has been pushed relentlessly against us by the BBC et al and the other strains of the media. To see only indigenous whites on our screens or wherever will I think not happen if ever. How can it now change in any event?
West London NHS Trust are quite big on pushing the narrative that white males are a tiny minority in British society.
But why?
It is only they who can go forth and multiply. That’s why they’re hated so much.
This was not the Look North graphic
but it is similar
(this one has one man on,
The caption : Family Health Services school nurses and health visitors are StillHereToHelp )
It’s like
– Almost all those in the CARING professions are FEMALE *
– Almost all those in the DARING professions are MALE
… military, police, divers, mining/oil fields, deep-sea fishing, dirty dangerous engineering
* kindergardens, schools, care homes, nursing, mental health, social work.
I’m long past caring about gender or discrimination of such, but I am becoming sick to the back teeth of all these hand painted signs/posters being held up, talking heads giving us a ‘message’, and people throwing themselves about on everything from YouTube to Zoom in order to entertain.
Why do they feel the need to do this ? It certainly doesn’t enhance my mood, and if I can get through the day week after week without speaking to a soul, then I’m sure those in households of more than one can do it.
Of course we all undertsand Brissles, nevertheless we are all very happy to speak to you to sing to you and along with you, to play endless tapes of Politicians groaning to you, and wherever you live we are sure we can persuade other members of the public to come and chat you through the window. You see you are not alone anymore!
Military, police, divers, mining/oil fields, deep-sea fishing, dirty dangerous engineering work-BUT Stew that is exactly where now you will see a female popping up and who will they the BBC et al interview first? Yes you’ve got it, the female. Incredible, beyond a joke.
The Isle of Skye care home outbreak 54 cases
Actually it’s been 10 days now
“A staff member, who began showing symptoms of coronavirus last Friday (24th April) was tested on Sunday and the positive result was confirmed the following day (Monday 27th).*
Blanket screening got underway in the care home on Tuesday – and by yesterday (Thursday) details began to emerge that the virus had spread.
* In a Facebook post from Liz Castle detailed that her son Mike – who works at Home Farm – had tested positive.”
‘Low hanging fruit’.
Not BBC but potentially more important –
Below is the title of an ONS data set which allows you to find out the number of deaths in your post code . I’m in NE London and my council ward apparently has had 12 deaths. I suspect this ‘high ‘ number – sadly – might be related to the number of care homes in the area ……
“Deaths involving COVID-19 by local area and socioeconomic deprivation: deaths occurring between 1 March and 17 April 2020‘
There is none in the central part of town that is mainly white
There are 2 deaths in the rather large rural ward I live in
(one was an old woman from another village that got it in hospital)
Just been to my surgery for a routine blood test. Queuing outside until called to enter the building gave me an extended (all the appointments are invariably late, chinese virus or not) opportunity to watch those entering/leaving our local supermarket which has a Cash Till just outside the entrance. Amazing the amount of people you can observe within 40 mins. Well, I have to report it is virtually only the older folk who appear not to give a sh*t about distancing/wearing masks/latex gloves. Up to about 40/45 years of age well equipped with masks, gloves with many also using hand sanitiser when walking out/leaving cash machine.
Seniors: Perhaps the Death Wish has been latent but now’s the time to broadcast, ‘I want to become infected and die a horrible death’?
Not wishing to defend G, but many elderly are not au fait with using technology, so where would they get their masks and gloves other than the internet ? I know if this had happened say 20 odd years ago when my parents would have been in their 70s at the time, then using the landline phone was the limit of their tech abilities. However, I agree they should know better re distancing and there is no excuse for not adhering to the rules.
I use both, luckily because I did a lot of spray painting so had a good stock of masks and r/gloves, but these items are not something that are stocked at supermarkets (missed a trick there !) garages or newsagents.
The generation that is apparently glued to the TV? With respect, they surely cannot be that dense as to not appreciate all that’s going on around them. I’m in my mid-seventies and in my circle are even older: some of the most remarkable ‘tech-savvy’ people I know!
Well yes I am part of the “glued to the tv generation””, just turned 70 and not at all dense/thick or stupid, and appreciate what’s going on around me, HOWEVER despite being able to use the internet, play Cole Porter on an electronic keyboard, and was once offered a job by Barbara Cartland (!!!) I have absolutely no idea where to begin when it comes to live streaming, installing Netflix or downloading music.
So sadly we’re not all clever clogs tecchies x xx
I have a routine blood test every month. A nurse visits, on time, and the results are available to me the same day. Thankfully, I live in France and am no longer subjected to the anychess.
They don’t go out clapping at the sky every Thursday evening, here, either…
I’ve decided that tomorrow lunchtime I’m going to walk around my garden banging a pan, interspersed with some howling and clapping. What I don’t hear you ask, will all this be directed towards?
I shall be showing my appreciation for my apple trees, my lawns and the few plants I seem to have growing in the borders.
I might even give a few hurrahs for my fences and gates oh, and my lawnmower which had just been revived by the mower doctor.
Gary showing just how bitter these Remainers still are, even in these times.
The corollary of, the now, ‘Wall to Wall’ legislation and its downfall?
Well, you only have to listen to TWATO today to appreciate the dilemma for the current Government (and a Government that we can hold part responsible for their share of nonsense legislation). The BBC, Trade Unions are calling for highly detailed ‘Guidance’ on how to lead their, ‘work lives’. You sniff within 2 meters of another member of staff and the Government needs to cover that situation. So, stand by for a legal definition of a, ‘sniff’. A new Police branch to be formed? – The Sniff Branch I suggest.
Be prepared for reams and reams of utter nonsense. And who is fanning the flames of this idiocy? The organisation that is determined to complicate and undermine the Government at every, self induced turn? Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster none-the-less.
Allowing people to use good old commonsense is insufficient these days. Good old commonsense is – sadly – good old-fashioned commonsense and is in very short supply.
Yes, agreed. Those who display it are shunned.
That’s SurDave wall to wall from Toenails to Strumpet all week now.
WOW. What a bunch. We all know the BBC will be all over this like a cheap coat.
Remember the BBC way ….. everything current REAL Sage members say is – WRONG
Everything the shadow anti government protest movement Sage will be allowed to say, and they will have plenty of time on the BBC to say it, will be CORRECT and unchallenged.
Replying to
If the BBC gives this bunch the oxygen of publicity without explaining their credentials it will be yet another nail in its coffin.
Comrade Jennie Murray has resigned as General Secretary of the Labour Party – sorry -that should read Comrade Jennie Formby – a staunch comrade of the former leader Jeremy Lenin Corbyn who is busily writing his ‘£memoirs£’
The starmerist purges continue ….
Wanna guest her next job ? OFCOM ? Electoral Commission ? Peerage ?
The Caring, sharing, FBPE #bekind Lefties !!! Dear me ….
Here is his bio –
Jake James #FBPE #NotMyPM #RejoinEU
Fighting #LiarJohnson, Trump, Brexit and the evil of right-wing populism. Centre-left Rejoiner. Reclaiming Labour for the centre ground under Starmer.
Isn’t that great ? The heroes can all spend their time rehearsing those dance moves rather than suffering those tedious ‘ outpatients clinics ‘
( which always started late cos the consultant is still at his private clinic ) ….
His backstory
“I worked for the Yorkshire Evening Post and Yorkshire Post for 20 years.
Truth, honesty, integrity and accuracy was at the heart of everything we did.
Absolutely brilliant that YPN is now leading the crusade against fake news and dark forces on social media.”
The YP is not an honest newspaper, it is a libmob campaigning newspaper with a close relationship with Green subsidy advertisers like Drax.
When motorways were dumb I didn’t always need the hard shoulder everytime I used one but I’m glad they built a hard shoulder. Some sprinkler systems are never required, retro fitted not cheap either, why fit em? Life boat procurement? Skimping is a chancers game. My guess is our leaders tried the best with the data they had and hindsight is a wonderful thing for Jake James.
Why are they called ‘hard shoulders’ when they look like a bit of road?
Originally they were grass verges that, in theory, could take the weight of a vehicle. That was buying something built on the cheap that didn’t work in the end as they had to come back, dig them up and put in proper foundations and road surfaces.
I remember my dad saying that there was no point in signalling lane changes on a motorway as if you saw a car in the mirror you just didn’t move out. That made sense given the early motorway traffic was sparse and mostly didn’t exceed 60mph but there was the odd ‘ton-up-merchant, (not ‘tonne’ BBC).
I should say that my dad did change his opinions over the years. (Getting his coat: My dad did a U-turn on the motorway!).
Oldspeaker activity is entirely worthless
building the Nightingale was a learning exercise at least.
Are we going to see ‘ return to work ‘ strikes as the comrades prefer to take borrowed / taxpayer money rather than working – or as I suspect in the building industry – cash in hand jobs onto of furlough pay . ?
Where I live I’ve counted a good few roofing / conversion jobs being done ….
Will the BBC be showing starving RMT drivers raiding food banks …. ?
( or will those whose lives factor in overtime be desperate to get back to it ? )