75th VE Day / Open Thread 8 May 2020

The 75th Anniversary of the End of the War in Europe . We can be sure that the Far Left BBC will be rewriting British history to favour its propaganda war against its own people . Let the many of our people who had their lives taken in the cause of Freedom Rest in Peace . With Thanks . ????????

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417 Responses to 75th VE Day / Open Thread 8 May 2020

  1. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Instead of going through the pathetic pretence of protecting the borders with the two bob border force going out to collect as many illegal channel crossing rocket scientists, doctors and Nobel prize winners why don’t they put a daily ferry on to go to France and pickup anybody who fancies coming into the UK.

    They could disband the border force which is doing nothing to protect the border.

    They could have lots of lefties on this daily ferry who can give these scientists etc all the info they need (in every language) to get money, a home, medical needs and everything else they could wish for, all done in one place rather than spreading them around and involving huge numbers of public sector workers eager to hand out as much free stuff as possible.

    I had high hopes of Priti but she’s no different from all the rest, says a lot but does nothing.

    Maybe today will beat yesterday’s record number of crossers (not including all the ones who got past our ‘border force’)
    It’s just like Dunkirk. The little boats this time full of bbc pets.


    • Nodding Dog says:

      Our local paper the other week had a story saying that the town would be one of many to house asylum seekers under emergency measures.Well they’ve arrived but I think the paper needs to change the headline from ‘house’ to ‘four star hotel.’ And yes from what I saw they’re all young and male!


  2. Celtic_Mist says:

    There has to be flaw in this arguement?


    • Roland Deschain says:

      Yes. The two things are completely unrelated.


      • Celtic_Mist says:

        May 14th?


    • Guest Who says:

      Be interesting what American Beauty thinks to this new gem from Mr. Austin.

      Lewis Goodhall likes it.

      May explain the comments.


    • Scroblene says:

      Aaah, Jon Sopel, the epitome of decent, incisive, knowledgeable, perceptive journalism.

      Thought he’d like this sort of rubbish, he does it all the time of course, he tells us enough times.


  3. Guest Who says:

    Let’s me be generous to Rog; ignoring channel multiples, etc, 1/364th works out at less than a quid pa.


  4. Peter Grimes says:

    How long will it take for Al Beeb to put out a call for this guy to contact them?


    And how long it will be thereafter for the guy, carrying a plastic water bottle which is surely as heinous as a recyclable coffee cup, to be outed as a Leftoid?

    (Knew it was a mistake for BoJo to be filmed walking in a London park a few days ago…remember what happened to Lizbeth’s granny.)


  5. Fedup2 says:

    Ok I’m frightened . Need to stop looking at Twitter . I’ve just read some lefty remainer wanting to re badge VE Day as ‘ Europe day ‘ because it was Europe that defeated Hitler .
    This was no joke . And goes to show how good the schools / media are at educating the young and in that case – sub normal – or special needs or whatever the current euthanism is ….

    For those who dont know the likes of Ireland Portugal Sweden and Spain were at the spear head of defeating the nazis ( or actually looking the other way or helping them out a bit )


    • Beltane says:

      Yes, the brave and united front the European nations put up against Nazi Germany was remarkable – if you discount the collaboration in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania.
      Along with the Waffen SS divisions helping the German war effort from most of these countries. France had two. That totals between 10 and 15 thousand committed Nazi soldiers, fighting against the allies, per division from each and every occupied country, despite what the history books might tell.
      We hear a lot about ‘the resistance’, not so much about the hired help.


      • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

        Ah, yes, “les collabos” across the Channel. I recall an exhibition in France in the earlier 1980s where it was claimed that “… la France s’est liberee …” [freed herself] from the German occupation, with some help from allied forces – nice of them to acknowledge that! The scale of the resistance was smaller than claimed, too; which is not even a criticism since, if the Germans killed ten French people selected at random for every one German killed by the resistance, minor acts of rebellion were pointless.


        • Scroblene says:

          Don’t go to the Caen War Museum, you’ll waste your time there too…


        • Peter Grimes says:

          “Leclerc’s French 2nd Armored Division, which was created the year before for the purpose of liberating Paris, led the Allies toward the city. It encountered stiff German resistance outside the city on Aug. 24. Angered by their lack of progress, U.S. Gen. Omar Bradley ordered the U.S. 4th Infantry Division to join the fighting. “To hell with prestige,” he declared, according to Blumenson’s account. “Tell the 4th to slam on in and take the liberation.”“


      • Fedup2 says:

        Beltane – the other but left is the number of unemployed nazis who avoided prosecution and landed up shaping the Common Market under the Treaty of Rome …..
        Leading of course to the evolution of the Reich to be called the EU – run out of Germany – with the complementary inability to criticise the Reich because one will be called – ironically – a fascist …


      • TrickCyclist says:

        Found these images of Bosnian Muslim “Handschar” SS on a German militaria website, I assume they are authentic. The collar badges depict a hand holding a scimitar alongside the swastika.




        • Beltane says:

          They’re authentic right enough Tricky. The really fascinating thing would have been if the fanatically anti-muslim Croatian SS division had been faced with their Bosnian brothers.
          Mind you, that’s just what happened back in the 90s.


      • Dave S says:

        Check out ‘Campaign in Russia’ by Leon Degrelle.Very hard to get hold of and i think banned in some EU countries. He was the leader of the Belgian Rexist party and of the Wallonian Brigade of the Waffen SS .
        Apart from giving you as very different story as to the extent of collaboration it is an amazing yarn. His escape to Spain at the end of the war is , if true, straight out of Boy’s Own. Franco gave him refuge and always refuse to hand him over. Hitler thought a great deal of him as the model of the artist soldier and to the end Degrelle was unrepentant. The Viking Division to which the Wallonian Brigade was attached was one of the very best of the Waffen SS divisions and of course composed of volunteers from Scandinavia. Resistance? As a Pole once said to me. If you want to know about resistance look at Warsaw.


        • Dave S says:

          I would add that the Battle of Cherkassy Salient in which the Viking Division was prominent is a forgotten but key Eastern Front engagement .The Russians were amazed at the fighting spirit of the men. Remember these men were volunteers. So much for Europe winning the war against Hitler.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Dave – yes – the Russians stopping at the gates of Warsaw to allow the Germans to destroy it coupled with their refusal to allow the RAF to supply the resistance was very …… Russian …….

          …. as for those non Germans who joined the waffan SS – it can be understood in the context of the time – and the anti communist propaganda they were hit with – BBC would be very familiar with that – after all – they can get people to stand in a street clapping every damned Thursday night ….


  6. Guest Who says:

    He has teams… embedded in… governments.

    Be interesting how those who are there to hold power to account feel about that. Or maybe they just fine with it, so long as the ‘teams’ are theirs.


    • JimS says:

      Who made him king?


      • taffman says:

        Alastair Campbell ?


        • Fedup2 says:

          Soros puppet – he looks …. damned … and I think he knows it …..


          • Scroblene says:

            Whoever made up that evil-eyed advert all those years ago, should be Knighted!

            That evil, nasty, sneering glare is still there, much greyer, and more feeble, though luckily, out of power, out of mind, and out of the limelight!


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Six questions for the BBC to investigate about this Tony Blair Institute (with acknowledgement to the late A N W Benn);

      (1) By whom is it funded?

      (2) What authority does it have?

      (3) From whom did it get it?

      (4) To whom is it accountable?

      (5) In whose interest does it operate?

      (6) How can we get rid of it?


    • G says:

      And the money keeps flowing in…………………..


  7. Old Goat says:

    Little Richard is dead, the BBC will go into paroxysms of mourning.


    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe one of the young weekend crew will send a helicopter?


      • Scroblene says:

        WHAT! Circle around his house until the cops get there later on?

        Guest! That is awful to suspect the BBC would ever do something like that!

        Wash your mouth out with Gordons and tonic!


    • BRISSLES says:

      Will anyone be old enough at the BBC to know who he is ? or perhaps they think he’s a character from Little Britain.


  8. Guest Who says:

    Joey’s career of course soared from the BBC to… Buzzfeed.


  9. Guest Who says:

    BBC News

    “In memory of Ahmaud, on what would have been his 26th birthday.”

    People have been dedicating their workouts to Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed black man who was shot and killed while out jogging.



    So far most comments have erred on the saccharin to outright sycophantic nuts, so I have avoided pondering what new activity might get used to honour what in future.


  10. Doublethinker says:

    The 75th anniversary of VE Day has left me feeling disconnected! I am of course fully on board with remembering all those who died and who fought for their country throughout both world Wars but not in the same way that I was on the 50th anniversary. I still feel proud of what my country did in the world wars but I no longer feel proud of modern Britain, infact I realise that I dont like much of what it has become, I feel disconnected from it. It is only the hope that somehow or other the mess that modern multyculty , liberal till you weep Britain can be sorted out and reversed , that stops me loathing the country I grew up in. Where I live the street is full of bunting but I know that many of those who are marking the anniversary feel that modern Britain is great and a vast improvement over the Britain of fifty or even twenty five years ago. I simply don’t agree , I think that we have regressed in far more ways than we have progressed and I fear for the future of younger people. I just don’t see how when there is a really prolonged crisis , and we might be in the very early stages of one now, the various cultural groups that make up the population of modern Britain , will form a cohesive whole and pull together, rather than fracture into rival cultural and religious groups each looking out for itself.


    • Beltane says:

      Too true DT, in fact there was a sad irony about Her Maj’s words yesterday when she told us how proud the WW2 heroes would be of the country they fought for.
      No they wouldn’t. Most of those taken in their prime, without the experience of the slow and inexorable drip fed to them by governments and media for the past 70 years and more, would be horrified by the way the country they fought and died for looks and acts today.
      They didn’t die to have their children told the Empire was shameful. They didn’t die to be told that sexuality was a matter of choice, and that challenging the concept was a punishable offence.
      They didn’t die to see terrorists feted and glorified as heroes for freedom – they thought that was the label they had earned. They didn’t die to see a treasonous overpaid striker given free rein to undermine the will of the people. And they didn’t die to be force-fed distorted facts and biased propaganda day in day out. They thought their deaths were in part-payment of ending that.


      • Doublethinker says:

        My father flew with Bomber Command in his last few years of his life he told me that he wondered if it was all worth it as the country was going to the dogs. So I completely share your view that many , probably most, of the wartime generation would wonder why they sacrificed so much only to see it frittered away by the generations that followed them.


        • Oaknash says:

          DT – My dad also flew with Bomber Command in the last few years of the war, he had the same attitude to what was happening to this country as your dad. He died in the late 1990s when to my shame I was still partly in my “lefty” phase and was only able to re-connect to him in the last couple of years before his death.
          The strange thing was even when I was full lefty I sort of knew much of what he was saying was right and yet in my arrogance at the time I would never have admitted it to him.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Double / oak – My admiration for the ‘boys’ of bomber command knows no limit – and I think it is difficult today to come to terms with how young those crews were . I mean – to be 20 – and captain of a Lancaster .. beyond belief . And our gratitude should always be with them . The losses were just – horrible .

            As far as history is concerned – the debate about whether to drop the bomb on Germany or japan – prior to testing – must have been … interesting ….


            • Oaknash says:

              FE2 I sort of got the idea that had we been still at it with Germany when the bomb was ready they may indeed have been gifted it. However I think because of the extreme nature of japanese (especially when defending their homeland) and the fact that allied forces (mainly americans) had already lost many thousands of their best in the island hopping campaigns dropping the bomb was probably a no brainer.


      • Oaknash says:

        And I expect they didnt die so that the balkanisation of Western Europe could take place.


      • G says:

        As soon as I heard the words, the public, “come together”, and realised it was a Marxist ploy, I shut off.


    • BRISSLES says:

      Yes DD, your first sentence was particularly resonating. – the 50th as opposed to the 75th, and I heartily agree. The last 25, since 1995, has witnessed so much upheaval and change, mass immigration via Labour, mobile phones, the internet, social media, good comedians replaced by rubbish usurpers, we could die before we see a GP. Grandad injured at the Somme, and Dad on Arctic convoys would be chuffed their fighting hadn’t been in vain.

      But best of all, I was in my 40’s back then.


  11. Fedup2 says:

    Government briefing

    Bit of light relief today – forget the lockdown – thousands dying in care homes -NHS staff dancing and bitching – no let’s talk about cycle lanes and that old chestnut idiot politicians talk about pot holes .
    Anyone who thinks the government hasn’t lost the plot should watch that one .

    I think mr shapp slipped the number of tests out without anyone noticing – I’m guessing it was less than 100000 again –

    Let’s get back to potholes . – forget the wrecked economy – you’re all going to get bikes …..

    It really is shambolic – now they want people coming into UK to quaranteen themselves for 14 days – when they’ve been doing sweet nothing for the last 2 months – ‘ it didn’t matter ‘ was the explanation .
    I cannot believe someone in tory media doesn’t realise how chaotic they now look .


    • Dave S says:

      They are incompetent. The failure to stop incoming flights and the boats and trains is the main reason for the death rate. They know it and so do we. Now that sad excuse for a PM is about to bring in incomers quarantine. Far too late. The real reason we did not was entirely political. To allow flights from Wuhan was , as far as i am concerned, an indictable offence given the duplicity ( by then obvious) of the CCP.
      I am done with the whole lot of them.


      • G says:

        “They are incompetent”. Just taking on the mantle of those that went before.


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Fed, I think I posted here a while ago that we are being conned in plain sight.

      Cycle lanes. How many of the good citizens of London, Birmingham or Manchester are going to get on their bikes come the cold wet weather of Autumn. It’s all well and good using two wheels in the summer when it’s warm and dry but come September it’s another story.

      Testing, 10 a day or 10million, makes no difference. You can be free of the Chinese flu at point of testing then, venture to your local supermarket, que up in line for an hour ‘socially distant’ then get into to the shop where it’s a free for all, be exposed to a carrier who’s scrabbling for a loo roll and you contract the disease. There’s risk in all we do, in all our ways of life.

      Potholes are irrelevant, they only repair them after a serious injury or complaint is made. All our council tax goes on diversity courses or police and crime comisionaires pensions funds. The roads have been quiet for a month. Gangs of repair teams could have been out and about repairing holes, fixing drains, clearing verges… But no it’s too dangerous with the virus an all.

      Lockdown. Hahah. Pointless as thousands still arrive all day every day on aeroplanes and god knows how many are brough ashore on the coast of Kent by the Border Farce.

      Shambolic is not the word. I had high hopes of this administration but they have proved themselves to be hopeless useless and cowardly as any that have gone before.

      Just wait till tomorrow when blustering waffling bullshitting Boris makes some Brexit concession due to covid.


  12. Deborah says:

    Just read on the Daily Mail that Miriam Margolyes wished Boris had died from the virus, but then retracted because she didn’t want people to think she was the sort of person that wished somebody dead.
    Having heard the same from a friend about Trump – what is it about the Left that think it OK to wish anybody dead? This has been going on for some time (Mrs Thatcher for example).
    We know why the BBC doesn’t go for these people, unlike the minor misdemeanor of Carole Thatcher remarking on someone’s frizzy hair.
    It is a minor thing, but so much evidence that there is one rule for the Left and another for the Right.


    • Scroblene says:

      Nursey with Baldrick – both ultra-lefties, not much else going for them except bile-resurgence.

      Silly woman.

      (Sorry Debs, you’re a Lady, I meant that Miriam stupid woman, never you, you’re a real sweetheart..;0)


      • Deborah says:

        Thanks Scrob, I definitely prefer being called ‘a lady’ to ‘a woman’. But then I am not a feminist.


      • NicG says:

        Trivial correction. Nursey was played by the late Patsy Byrne. A nice lady as far as I am aware. Whereas Miriam Margolyes is …. not.


    • StewGreen says:

      Even Vine shared the cruely edited 10 second Miriam Margolyes clip
      this 40 second clip shows she changed her mind

      But there is this nastier post from Margolyes


  13. Guest Who says:

    The BBC; leading the pack with leading headlines (see what I dun there?).


    Seems in the ‘special stuff’ EdGuds ‘leading’ means ‘folk we and the Guardian mix with.


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      The Guardian: only 135,000 copies sold daily (2019 figures, ranking it behind every other major newspaper) and many of them bought by the BBC, libraries, universities, schools, etc, rather than paying members of the public. So, why is it quoted so often?


      • Beltane says:

        It is quoted so often because the majority of its readers and contributors work for the BBC or in the ‘education’ sector.
        Simple, painfully true, and as shameless a distortion of democracy as history will one day confirm.


      • StewGreen says:

        @MSB why’s theGuardian sell so few copies ?
        #1 Cos it’s not the 1950’s granddad so raw sales figures are a BS metric
        what counts is actual EYES on CONTENT
        and sadly it does get quite a lot
        cos it’s free
        However working out what country the readers belong to is difficult.

        That 135K is print and online added together
        Current audited data : print 74K, paid digital 56K
        but they’ll be millions per month in the UK who visit the website

        The Sun gives its as 5m browsers per day
        The Guardian doesn’t give daily figures only monthly
        That suggests that actually their UK daily reach isn’t millions on an avg day.



  14. taffman says:

    Has anyone noticed that when Al Beeb’s arch-enemy Nigel Farage comes up with a suggestion or proposes a way forward, the Tory cabinet from May’s time up to the present pick it up and run with it a few months later ?
    There will be many Tory voters and businessmen a lot poorer when this pandemic is over.
    Tory MP’s take note, The Brexit Party is watching…………………


  15. taffman says:

    Just received my usual Telly Goon’s red letter this morning demanding I contact them and inform them why I don’t pay the Telly Tax. Do I need to tell them ?
    Not on your Nelly!


  16. Fedup2 says:

    Taffman – that’s very worrying – I’ve not had a letter for quite sometime and I miss them … I have a sneaky feeling that postal deliveries in London have been suspended but they’ve not told anyone .


    • taffman says:

      Better still they have given up on you?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Taffman – maybe the London Offices are closed … I don’t think they’d forget – it’s all puter generated anyway – unless any one from TV licencing reading this site would put me right …


        • taffman says:

          maxincony or Piku, can you help?


          • The WestWyvern says:

            Don’t ask those couple of ***** please Taff.

            Anyhow, they could only answer with a ‘cut n paste’ response from another erstwhile poster on the site.


  17. davylars says:

    Well, anything thing that pisses off the Guardian is bound to piss off the BBC.

    ‘How did Michael Moore become a hero to climate deniers and the far right?
    George Monbiot’



    • Beltane says:

      Moore became a hero through telling the truth – which automatically becomes a lie if it should differ from Guardian opinion.


    • StewGreen says:

      The toxic smear label “far right” is desperately used
      if the arguer has no proper argument
      Fallacy of poisoning the wells.


  18. PRW73 says:

    Sorry if this has been asked already but what happens to these migrants that are picked up in the Channel – are they accommodated somewhere? If so where? And at whose expense (Gov or local authorities?) Are they immediately given benefits or money, mobile phone accounts? Is their identity checked? Are they tested for Covid? How long are they accommodated for? Are they then released into “communities”? If so where? Where do they all go????


    • BRISSLES says:

      Well they cant go to immigration detention centres, because due to Covid those that were there have all been released and found ‘homes’.


  19. Fedup2 says:

    PRW – I think the likes of Hattie Harmon and that mad girl singer who keeps apologising on behalf of the nation ( lily Allen ) takes them all in and puts them up until they choose which council housing list they would like to be top of


  20. PRW73 says:

    Fed, Guess Gary Lineker and Yvette Cooper have room for the rest?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Ah yes – was trying not to think of Mrs cooper – testicles …

      In all seriousness though – it’s surprising one of those daytime documentary channel hasn’t done a whole series of how these poor refugees from French tyranny are cared for by the authorities …


      • Kaiser says:


        • Fedup2 says:

          Kaiser -so as a result of that 9 minutes I’m assuming that Ghana will decline any further handouts from the UK taxpayer and learn to stand on its own …. as the man said 60 years after independence – 60 years ….! ( I thought the Chinese owned Africa now)


        • JimS says:

          As a former UK colony, a country where English is the official language and a member of the commonwealth why are they receiving aid from France?

          Or is the French money really EU money?

          What a strange idea, countries doing things for themselves! Did he ask for permission from Tony Blair and ‘his people’?


  21. Fedup2 says:

    Paul Embery on Twitter has posted a 1 minute 19 second video created by what looks like met plod – it’s more dancing ….

    I truly am out of touch or they are -be a victim of crime and see them dance around with excuses for being too busy to do anything .


  22. Guest Who says:

    Like Ceebeebies. With consent.


  23. yohodi says:

    I have a feeling my parents, along with my grandparents are laughing their celestial socks off at us right now. Two generations who lived, and fought through two world wars, rationing, single glazing, coal fires, a great depression, shortages, outside toilets.. and no NHS. …..At what point did we loose our collective back bone, when did we become so soft ..so risk averse? …..Clappy pot bangin?’ ..yeah- that’ll do it..????
    Maybe it was the advent of the life enhancing ‘smart’ phone, that handy pocket sized brain replacement app..I mean, who needs an imagination, a mind and will of your own, when you have everything you need at a swipe…Where someone some where watches over you…( he typed with a hint of irony )….????


  24. Eddy Booth says:

    “Coronavirus: Garden centres in England to reopen next week”

    Government rewarding those who support the lockdown?, people on full or furlough pay who demand longer and stricter measures.
    I’m delighted they can now potter about in thier lavish gardens with all the lasted gear.
    Meanwhile I’d rather like a pair of sandals, but shoe shops arent as essential as those selling Spear and Jackson spades


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Good news they are opening, we need to get back to normal very quickly indeed.


  25. Bulldog says:

    It is an opportune moment in our Nation’s history that we should allow everyone to have a vote by Internet in a National Referendum (to save time and millions in postage costs, polling station costs etc etc) for the U.K Government’s next course of action in the Covid-19 crisis.

    Choose either 1), 2) or 3)

    1 – You agree to continue under lockdown with a gradual easing of the restrictions. Note: Restrictions will only be completely removed when all 65m U.K. residents have received a tried and proven vaccine.

    2 – You agree to the immediate removal of all restrictions and take the chance you will not be struck down by the Chinese virus. Note: This may result in you being one of the estimated 500,000 that will not see 2021.

    3 – You agree to accept the Government’s offer to pay for all removal and rehousing costs for you and your family to emigrate to New Zealand



    • Bulldog says:

      Sorry, missed a bit – #3 is fully endorsed by the BBBC!


    • The WestWyvern says:

      I’ve mentioned before, lockdown was finished in England when the first flight of Romainian veg pickers landed at Stanstead 3 weeks ago.

      Can’t have the indigenous population confined to barracks because of a disease and fly in god knows what from abroad at the same time.


  26. taffman says:

    “Coastguard rescues soar despite Covid-19 lockdown”
    A total of 97 incidents were recorded on Friday, which was a public holiday for VE Day, including 16 in Scotland.
    Something hidden in that report.
    16 in Scotland , where were the other 81, Dover ?


    • Scroblene says:

      Well, it won’t be the fabulous fishing fleets off Hastings and Rye, as they’re told to chuck back everything they can’t attribute to crap EU ‘rules’ !

      Bless them all, and they had to put up with Amber Rudd for so long!


  27. StewGreen says:

    The theory that Boris is covering up carehome deaths is big with libmob
    and funnily enough we were talking today about the Guardian.
    A libmobber said to me
    ‘It’s all true, there is a letter from a GP in the Guardian
    that says the Coroner of Suffolk told doctors not to put Covid on care home death certificates’

    .. em except when I check local press had reported plenty of Suffolk care home covid deaths.. so there hadn’t been a cover up.

    Anyway the Guardian letter is making an EXTRAORDINARY claim
    but supplies no EXTRAORDINARY evidence.
    After all this time the Gotcha journos haven’t got any proof.

    OK death reporting has been delayed
    but I can’t see medics breaking the law to help Boris.


    • Scroblene says:

      The awful BBC will never, ever recognise that many care homes are privately owned, and therefore not in the same category as NHS figures.

      Doesn’t matter if they tell the truth, just make loads of numbers up, multiply by ten and stiff the public all the time.

      Liars, fantasists, and also just a bit stupid.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Stew – the care home cover up is big with me too – the non hospital Covid death number S are now being put on the Public health England website .

      I think they’ve been publishing data aimed at confusing us . Those daily briefings are a joke . I’m a right winger – far to the right of bojo – and was supportive of the cabinet . But not so much now – when I said this before someone assumed I’m prop socialist – but I’d rather be dead than that


      • StewGreen says:

        Fed they could do things like over report Covid19 on death certs
        say if that will get a bigger grant
        eg each dead NHS worker gets automatic first payment of £60K
        so an inconvenient pneumonia only might get tipped over into being a Covid death

        But under reporting on the death certificate
        it wouldn’t be wouldn’t be worth lying on the death certificate cos the families and media would find you out.

        Daily Briefings, once you understand that death reporting is messy then it makes sense.

        They did allow the false impression to form that deaths all happened in the last 24 hours.
        Instead of explaining reporting takes a long time, with all the procedures needing to be followed.
        I can imagine that local hospitals might delay reporting bad news until a local news story distracts.
        Again I can’t see final certified Covid deaths being underreported, only over reported.


  28. Eddy Booth says:

    Interesting Crimebodge video about the legality of the police actions and about government lockdown.
    Hard to argue,
    Pinned comments from care home worker
    ‘I work in a nursing home which has had 17 deaths “due to the coronavirus”. Out of the 17, only 2 were tested (they showed positive), the rest were just assumed to have died from it’


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thank you Eddy
      – if the law is as claimed – some ambulance chasing lawyer will challenge the fixed penalty notices .
      I wonder if this is already happening as the compensation will be a good source of income .

      Hundreds of people are still dying each day with the virus – despite the lock down being in place for – what – 2 months?

      We deserve an explanation . Very few NHS staff have died with it considering the numbers of infections and citizen deaths .

      The British economy is being sacrificed to benefit the NHS and emergency services so that they can continue practicing dance moves .
      It can’t go on – and I think people have had enough now . BoJo can do his best Churchill impersonation on Sunday night but I think the public will give him 2 fingers ..
      And if it turns bad – the NHS can earn its money


      • Scroblene says:

        You’ve hit the nail on the head, Fed.

        I keep getting this nasty feeling that it isn’t the citizens of Great Britain who are important, it’s the NHS, and to some degree, the other services like the police.

        There is a difference, and yes, we need to be treated if we’re ill – we have (mostly) all paid for – and still do with taxes – what they do already, but it does seem that ‘people’ don’t matter, they’re/we’re being shoved around, just to suit the emergency services!

        Surely it should be the other way round?


    • The WestWyvern says:

      The lockdown is pointless.

      The U.K. governments chief medical advisors/scientists in both England and Scotland made conscious descisons to utterly disregard their own ‘scientific’ advise and ignore the lockdown, visiting married lovers or second homes.

      Why should the free peoples of this island believe a word they are told from those ‘in power’


  29. StewGreen says:

    Hackney Police tweeted pic of white people no problem


    • The WestWyvern says:

      White, Black, Red, Martian…..Do Hackney plod really think people are going to pay any attention to them?

      Policing by consent disappeared years ago, plus the proles have now seen through the lies and government bullshit.

      I wager turn out will be lower tomorrow, but only because the weather is on the turn.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Why do flu viruses usually strike hardest on the winters
      Could it be because people’s health are more run down?
      Sunbathing and Vitamin D has to be the best defence against covid.
      Plus that photo looks like a zoom lens trick to flatten depth and squash people to appear closer


  30. taffman says:

    “Migrant crossings: 227 people intercepted amid lockdown spike”
    “The migrants have been taking advantage of the coronavirus lockdown”
    This Tory Government is getting far from embarrassing, its a F….ng joke ! A minister for compliance Chris Philp? A Home Secretary ? There is no border control . Get the Royal Navy and Royal Marines on the job and they will turn them back. Nigel Farage your country needs you because we are being run by a bunch of Circus Clowns .


  31. vlad says:

    Readers may not be aware that the same cultural wars that are happening in secular society are also being fought within the Christian churches.
    Dr Gavin Ashenden addresses the issue below.

    He was formerly Chaplain to the Queen but resigned in protest after a muslim was invited to read from the quran at St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow by some idiot woke clergy. He chose a highly inflammatory passage demeaning to Christ, provoking Ashenden’s resignation.


  32. StewGreen says:

    @GWF over on page 1 posted about the Finsbury Park Ramadan incident
    I thought Katy Hopkins tweet and ones like it were idiotic

    Why use words “Finsbury Park Mosque” and then clip a photo which obviously is a photo of a nearby street
    and doesn’t show the mosque ?
    It’s obviously a weak tweet
    So libmobbers just post underneath “that is the not the mosque”

    It’s obvious some game of Chinese whispers has been going on and the story has been extended.
    Then unfortunately the mainstream media are going to go the other way and leave things out.
    I find you can go back to the first contemporary tweet before the
    embellishments have been added on
    this guy did a blow by blow account

    Right near the beginning he makes it clear it is a Ramadan thing.
    There is this building where male youths from a certain community gather every evening OUTSIDE to break Ramadan fast and eat together.
    And they don’t give a toss about physical distancing rules
    ..and fight have broken out before.
    Then he checks himself and says he loves multiculturalism, it’s wrong to be anti Islam and the area is great.
    .. but then a few tweets later he’s admitting the area has gone down hill

    Then this other non-lefty guy comes in and says he was there filming
    and then makes it clear, the youths had gathered and it was still not dark, so they weren’t eating and fights broken out.


  33. ScottishCalvin says:

    Doodle and thoughts.


  34. Darcy3 says:

    my prediction, for what its worth:

    teachers and transport workers will refuse to return to work using safety as an excuse WHATEVER measures are in place unless we overturn democracy and put a socialist in charge

    And regarding heath worker “heroes” try getting emergency dental treatment ….. how many dentists are willing to work in your county ? TWO in Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire


    • ScottishCalvin says:

      I agree, but the counter-argument will be when they realise that thousands of parents, currently forced to homeschool, suddenly realise the “corona normal” of two parents at home and online learning is quite convenient and for smart kids, way more effective. Both sides can play the “its too dangerous” card to their advantage.

      Homeschooling is fairly common in the US, especially with modern online group learning and virtual classrooms of half a dozen kids in the local area. I have two boys that my wife is teaching now. They have hours of 1 on 1 tuition without distraction and it’s all proper work like numeracy and writing. I have zero desire for them to attend a local school after the summer.


    • Scroblene says:

      I see the vets are working normally.

      A niece in the US wanted to be a vet, but couldn’t pass the exams.

      She is now a senior medical practitioner dealing with nasties like Covid and HIV.

      Funny old world innit…


  35. Scroblene says:

    You’ve hit the nail on the head, Fed. (post as a response to your earlier comment, but it turned up here – sorry)…

    I keep getting this nasty feeling that it isn’t the citizens of Great Britain who are important, it’s the NHS, and to some degree, the other services like the police.

    There is a difference, and yes, we need to be treated if we’re ill – we have (mostly) all paid for – and still do with taxes – what they do already, but it does seem that ‘people’ don’t matter, they’re/we’re being shoved around, just to suit the emergency services!

    Surely it should be the other way round?


    • JamesArthur says:

      yep it should be…well at least balanced – As I keep telling my friends in the public sector – it is the private sector that let you exist…you will be amazed how many don’t understand where their wages come from..


      • Scroblene says:

        Sadly James, having to have dealt with lots of them in the past, mainly through building and construction, there is a dumb indifference to commercial values, while we pay a fifth of our poll tax to fund their bloody pensions.

        Rotten deal for normal citizens I’m afraid.


  36. Guest Who says:

    Brillo explains why the media get to decide rather than the public.

    With definitions.


  37. taffman says:

    The people complaining about having to go back to work are the same people who will be complaining about the huge tax hike that will inevitably come. The government could help alleviate that pain by abolishing the Telly Tax. C 19 is here to stay, it ain’t going away.


    • Sluff says:

      Good morning.
      Here is the ‘religious’ programme Toady on Sunday’s running order. Readers are advised to be sitting down.

      1. Navajo Indians in America
      2. Muslims and Jews in France
      3. A lady rural vicar in the Yorkshire Dales !!!!!!!!!
      4. Sikh doctors where their beards prevent good fitting PPE. For those unwilling to shave they are either moved to low risk duties are are given extremely expensive SCUBA/aqualung type head gear. The excess coronavirus deaths for BAME was mentioned.
      5. Virtual dance classes for UK living ‘South Asian’ women. These are made possible by someone who can translate the instructions into Gujarati !!!!

      And that, dear readers, is Sunday religion in BBC land. Absolutely jaw-dropping.

      The obvious link between 4 and 5, that excess BAME deaths may be partly related to the ability to understand the lockdown instructions was unsurprisingly, not discussed. Just one more benefit of open door immigration LeftMob forgot to mention.


  38. Sluff says:

    Good morning.
    Here is the ‘religious’ programme Toady on Sunday’s running order. Readers are advised to be sitting down.

    1. Navajo Indians in America
    2. Muslims and Jews in France
    3. A lady rural vicar in the Yorkshire Dales !!!!!!!!!
    4. Sikh doctors where their beards prevent good fitting PPE. For those unwilling to shave they are either moved to low risk duties are are given extremely expensive SCUBA/aqualung type head gear. The excess coronavirus deaths for BAME was mentioned.
    5. Virtual dance classes for UK living ‘South Asian’ women. These are made possible by someone who can translate the instructions into Gujarati !!!!

    And that, dear readers, is Sunday religion in BBC land. Absolutely jaw-dropping.

    The obvious link between 4 and 5, that excess BAME deaths may be partly related to the ability to understand the lockdown instructions was unsurprisingly, not discussed. Just one more benefit of open door immigration LeftMob forgot to mention.


  39. Sluff says:

    Good morning.
    Here is the ‘religious’ programme Toady on Sunday’s running order. Readers are advised to be sitting down.

    1. Navajo Indians in America
    2. Muslims and Jews in France
    3. A lady rural vicar in the Yorkshire Dales !!!!!!!!!
    4. Sikh doctors where their beards prevent good fitting PPE. For those unwilling to shave they are either moved to low risk duties are are given extremely expensive SCUBA/aqualung type head gear. The excess coronavirus deaths for BAME was mentioned.
    5. Virtual dance classes for UK living ‘South Asian’ women. These are made possible by someone who can translate the instructions into Gujarati !!!!

    And that, dear readers, is Sunday religion in BBC land. Absolutely jaw-dropping.

    The obvious link between 4 and 5, that excess BAME deaths may be partly related to the ability to understand the lockdown instructions was unsurprisingly, not discussed. Just one more benefit of open door immigration LeftMob forgot to mention.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – you have my admiration . I used to dip into that in my rituals before going to Mass – but it became the satanic version of ‘countryfile ‘ .
      I concluded there can never be a positive story about Christianity on one and there can never be a positive story about the normal country …. on countryfile .

      As time passes and my decision to expunge the whole BBC output it gets easier …..
      … I used to have moral qualms about using BBC product without paying for it but none exist any more as I don’t need a licence any more ….

      The funny thing is – if the BBC provided a proper service I’d be willing to pay double for subscription . But I know that will never happen.

      One of the many places the BBC went wrong was to applying its socialist views to broadcasting – by going for the lowest common denominators as opposed to attempting to ‘ lifting ‘ people like it once did . Dumbed down all the way .

      When I used to watch the news I’d get frustrated about the tone and pace of the anchors – but then I realised they were not there for me – they were there for foreigners for whom English is a second language – but making me an alien in my own country . ….


  40. Guest Who says:

    The new media sh*t stir is the new slogan.

    And its (see what I did there?) Rach kicking off first for the BBC.


    • G says:

      “Stay Alert”. That’ll be easy to follow: if you see a chinese virus floating around when walking down the pavement, just avoid it by stepping aside!


      • JimS says:

        Is that why we had to avoid the pavement cracks as children?


      • The WestWyvern says:

        Pavements are high risk.
        Dogs on extended leads.
        Errant cyclists.
        Delivery drivers mounting the things to save time.
        Cracks and holes from no maintenance.
        Sprawling hedges forcing the walker into the road.
        Mongs with their phones glued to their faces not looking where they are going.
        Disability transports.
        Mothers with pushchairs.
        Youths with knives in London.

        There are risks in all walks of life. We cannot be protected from everything. I will be alert, if I see someone coughing, sneezing in public i will avoid. Mitigate the possible risks as best I can.


        • Scroblene says:

          And if I visit my supermarket on the rare days that I do at the moment, and notice my favourite shelf-stacking lady there, wearing that fantastic home-made Victoria’s Secret mask, I will definitely have my mad passionate way with her against the baked beans or the tomato soup, whichever is stacked in the right position and to hell with the consequences…

          There, didn’t we all feel much better for knowing that!


  41. StewGreen says:

    9am BBC local news stations, the first clip we hear is “Labour MP Barry Gardiner”
    … I wonder why we have to hear from him.


  42. AsISeeIt says:

    A quick compare and contrast

    Two current BBC news reports

    Item one – Coronavirus: Call for public inquiry into BAME death risk

    Key statement – “Only an independent public inquiry will provide the answers we need…”

    Item two – Coronavirus: Young men ‘more likely to ignore lockdown’

    Key statement – “we know that males in general take more risks…”



    Isn’t it funny to think there are certain things ‘we know’ and our experts are allowed to express and have promoted on the BBC… and there are other things the experts (and no doubt other non-experts but interested parties) need to go away into a huddle and mutter quietly for some time and eventually come out with some report that may or may not say something or other about what it was they first thought of… that may or may not be true and what we all knew but didn’t do the proper inquiry into it like the so-called experts did…


  43. Deborah says:

    8.55 Radio 4 Sunday morning. I caught the last minute or two of ‘A Point of View’ before the headlines. I didn’t catch who the woman speaking in a monotone was (and is it the sound engineer who tells them to deliver between certain levels, but think a female Will Self ) but within two minutes I had gathered every to do with the pandemic and the weather had to do with Climate Change and that the shutdown has shown us how things should be afterwards. She quoted her visit to some Scottish island where there were so many insects and wild flowers and implied that was how everywhere should now become. She will be the first to complain when there are food shortages because she wanted insecticides banned. And I am guessing she probably likes her squashed avocado on toast (just a guess) but that involves food miles.

    But I waited for the headlines and heard that lifting any restrictions is all wrong and Obama is critical of Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus. But no mention of the lies that the FBI had been discovered making during their investigation into the Russians in league with Trump, nor how some of these instructions came from the Obama office. That story might have been lower down the order, but I guessed not, and switched off.


  44. Venutius says:


    70 public figures are calling for a full independent public inquiry into deaths from Covid-19 among BAME’s, apparently. Front Page, V important!

    I say there are far more pressing Qs!

    What about an inquiry into this governments inability to secure our border and the many lives lost as a direct result?

    What about the millions waiting for an inquiry into why 100s of BAME’s arrive illegally every week on our S Coast? And the sub-inquiry into why the BBC coverage of this direct threat to public health is buried away on their website.

    And Why, when you do find the story, voice is given to Clare Moseley (Care4Calais), “little wonder” those living in French refugee camps were “desperate to make this dangerous crossing, given the awful conditions they face”.

    If our Border Farce are the taxi, then Clare (et al) are ‘metaphorically’ paying the fare, and the BBC provide free advertising. It’s a scandal.

    What about the inquiry into why our airports have remained open (Almost uniquely in the world), and why our government is only now ‘thinking of quarantine’.

    Given this complete dereliction of governance, why are these Qs not foremost on the BBC or MSM?

    Why, when we cower in our homes waiting for ‘Tax hell’ on the other side, are these inconsistencies not in neon lights? Why is our media sympathetic to direct threats to our national health? Lamenting the poor airline industry or the plight of migrants? Why is our army not at the S Coast or at the airports enforcing Quarantine to any entrees?

    We, the public, have zero voice. The government are donkeys, our media are mules. I despise them all.


  45. Sluff says:

    We all know the BBC’s eagerness to undermine the government knows no bounds, but as desperate stories go, this one has to be right up there, and is well into ‘you can’t make it up’ territory.

    Quote from webshite

    ………..’ the government failed to hit the 100,000 daily tests target set by Health Secretary Matt Hancock for the seventh day in a row.
    There were 96,878 tests delivered in the 24 hours up to 09:00 BST on Friday, down from 97,029 the day before’…….

    Just imagine the furore and self-righteous sanctimonious indignation if they reached 99,999.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – it’s not just that they are under hitting the 100k minimum target –
      It’s that they’ve never achieved it . They used deceit to say 30k. Kits sent in the post were tests . Well they are not .

      Add to that – BoJo said his aspiration was for 250k a day . Not gonna happen is it ?

      In other words -how can the NHS know what’s going on – and how can policy be properly set it they are blind – dependent on numbers in hospital dropping -possibly because people would rather stay away from dancing NHS staff – as well as going to hospital and picking up covid there ….?

      If you read what I’m writing and see me as a rebel or defeatist – you are wrong – I’m trying to see through the sentimental clap trap , propaganda about the value of the NHS and the inability of the state to even start to work the problem out and tell us the truth .


  46. StewGreen says:

    Medical statistician Spiegelhalter is on Red-Andy’s show right now
    wind it back a few minutes.

    “Testing data is vital and testing has been slow. That is the one thing I will criticise the Government for”.


  47. Sluff says:

    Apparently last week we sent a load of CV19 samples over to the US for testing.
    In BBC la la land, this is yet another stick up with which to beat the government.

    Does it ever occur to them that service delivery is the responsibility of our NHS heroes and/or the talking shop that is Public Health England?

    Nope. The BBC expect government ministers to place all purchase orders, progress chase, and do all the testing themselves.

    To be fair though, the government do have themselves to blame, by sanctifying the NHS and ridiculously making it untouchable.


    • JimS says:

      I can see President Trump fielding that sort of question at his briefings:

      Steps aside from the lectern and gesticulates to head of public health to take the question, and when she has answered, takes to the lectern and says, “Isn’t she doing a great job?”

      Putting the needs of the NHS above that of the people is to invert the proper relationship and is truly fascist.


    • The WestWyvern says:

      I’ve emailed my local MP on average once a week since the unlawful confinement of UK citizens.

      I’ve asked about the NHS procurement process and why the BBC doesn’t report it, but continues to harangue HMG.

      I’ve asked why the airports remain open, and not just repatriation flights.

      Why is our border force bring ing hundreds of illegals to our country everyday despite the bio hazzards.

      No replies as yet.


  48. G says:

    Earlier on R4, we heard the story of two brothers, and e-books.
    Their father, of 73 years of age and infected by the chinese virus, has just come off a ventilator having been unconscious on that equipment for the previous 40 DAYS. Yes, that’s right, 40 DAYS. the sons tell the listener that in recovery, he’s now being fed e-books. Pride & Prejudiced was mentioned.
    I wish the patient well but the story is sobering. Not a potential end I would relish.


  49. Wow says:

    This morning Radio 5 Live had a piece about the change of message from “Stay At Home” to “Stay Alert” that is probably going to be announced by Boris this evening. They then wheeled on Professor Susan Michie, Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London – she must know her stuff, I thought.

    She went on to slag off the government’s communications and undermine the new “Stay Alert” message before it has even be announced.

    Now, she might be right, she might be wrong – I don’t know as I am no expert – but as she is a professor presumably most Radio 5 Live listeners will have gone away from the interview thinking that the government have really screwed this up.

    What might have been useful for those unsuspecting listeners to know that, according to Wikipedia – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Susan_Michie, Prof Mitchie is…

    “…a member of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) but has donated to the Labour Party[4] under the Corbyn leadership. In March 2018, Michie, described as a leading member of the CPB, said that the party would no longer stand against Labour in general elections and CPB members should be “working full tilt” for the election of Corbyn as prime minister.”



  50. G says:

    All that’s going on in the West is a ‘loosing up’ heading towards the European public’s recognition that strong leadership is needed. Enter the stage:

    Glad I won’t be around to see the Grand Takeover.