4 Years on and we are still in the EU ! While the Dover Invasion continues unabated.
Are the French Navy helping our Border Farce with the Cross Channel ferrying, so much for lockdown ? Boris and Priti , get it right this time or the Tory Party will end up like the LimpDems.
Over to Al Beeb for a well published ‘prominent headline report’ … https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-52697252
There is NO WAY I shall ever vote Conservative again. Luckily I had the choice of a Brexit Party candidate last time (who lost to Labour).
The Home Office has admitted that tackling the rising number of migrants crossing the Channel by boat 'isn’t a simple task'. It says many are desperate and 'will threaten their own or their children’s lives rather than go back to France.' pic.twitter.com/AbxE1BS50m
Two more boats carrying migrants have been brought to Dover this morning. Yesterday, 90 people reached the UK in six boats, with another two boats returned to France by the French authorities.
Tories have proved useless in tackling this migrant problem, but I fear that Labour would be worse. They would be putting out the Welcome mat for them. It seems that no party has the guts to do whats necessary and send them straight back to France. Of course they will keep coming because there is no fear factor for them.
All it takes is to shoot at the boats to sink them and if a few die well that’s the chance they take ……I am sure that sort of deterrent would work …..or am i being too soft ?
I think if this goes on like it is someone is going to actually do it…
If only Nigel had been made PM or take over from Priti who turning out to be useless
You are correct. The only way this problem will get solved is if the UK becomes a VERY hostile place for any invader. The Left will keep pushing it’s stinking agenda until the dam finally bursts.
This is what people want. Even on here people have told me this is their hearts desire, and as such this is the consequence.
Saudi, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Khazakstan are all paying poorly paid politicians to promote their evil religion, and as people here in the past have said, they would rather have Sharia law imposed than pay a decent amount to the political elite.
So, you have what you want, smile, because you aren’t having to pay the politicians for it, other people are not you, and that is exactly what you said you wanted.
The Home Office should get in touch with the Australian Government and ask them for a few tips on handling ‘invasions’ like this .
Next we will have ‘shortages of housing’, green belt areas of UK being eaten up for house builds. At the same time many of our ex-servicemen sleeping on the streets .
Tory voters need to get hold of their MPs, as more invaders will be coming now . Next we will have Boris backtracking on Brexit.
Backlinks to previous threed
– page 3 started 11pm Saturday to 12pm Sunday
– page 2 started 10am Saturday
I just did a long post about the BBC constantly using an R value graph as if it were truth
whereas in fact it is a simplified version of Ferguson’s MODEL
I stuck it at the end of the weekend thread cos it sits better there.
“A spokesman said the migrants travelled from France and were taken to Dover, where they were medically assessed.”
Suggest they don’t bother to do that just turn them around.
( we are not in the EU now )
“Where appropriate, immigration officials will detain some of them,”
You can hear them shouting ” ME ! ME !
“Our priority will always be arresting and dismantling the organised crime gangs behind these crossings.”
Your priority should be to stop them coming into this country. The gang problem would not be a problem if you did not let any of them land and sent back those who did manage to land.
“The migrants presented themselves as Sudanese, Libya, Syrian, Iranian, Senegalese, Iraqi, Yemeni, Kuwaiti and Algerian, the Home Office said.”
Guido has up part of Gove’s interview on the Andrew Marr this morning where Marr asks him to absolutely guarantee that no teacher will get Covid as a result of going into school. How stupid. Marr might have asked whether Gove could guarantee that no teacher might get run over by a bus walking to school, or a heart attack cycling to school. Desperate stuff.
And Gove should have said exactly that. I bet he didn’t. I’m not only sick of the continued attacks on the Government during this crisis for purely political reasons, but I’m sick of the useless wishy-washy response by Government ministers. I want to see them call out the media’s tactics and treat them with the disdain they deserve.
Now, increasingly, similar to what’s going on over the, ‘Pond’.
It will eventually break up into a 50/50 totally confrontational World, then things will get much more interesting.
Roland. This clip should cheer you a little. Ok it’s not Britain it’s the US but it is, I think, what you want to see happening.
Also if you have not met Daisy before don’t be fooled by her appearance and style. She is a sharp political commentator.
I hate conspiracy therories, and this not BBC maybe though, it should be. Apologies if it’s been covered..
The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games and commonly known as Wuhan 2019, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China.
From Fullfact
“Event 201” was an exercise organised on the 18th October 2019 to simulate what might happen if there was a severe pandemic. We’ve been asked by readers to look into whether it really happened , why it wasn’t covered much in the media, and whether it’s simply a coincidence that it took part just months before the Covid-19 pandemic started.
The event was real but the fact it took place just before the pandemic started doesn’t mean the organisers had any secret knowledge, which has been suggested by some.
The Event 201 scenario
Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
After failing to find anything on the terrestrial channels we ‘went’ to the Wigmore Hall last night via the internet and listened to a wonderful concert. BBC is becoming more and more unnecessary.
That’s a surprise because I thought that before Josephine Teresa Brand was an ‘ act ‘ which advocated throwing acid over people
She was an angel – sorry – nurse – so she’d have returned to the mothership of the NHS …..
Although have a sneaking suspicion that a big proportion of NHS staff are currently doing zip – apart from counting the overtime and practicing dance moves …..like plod .
Apparently she knows twice as much about music as she does about comedy Jim. Did she crack any glassing/stabbing gags?
“Thank goodness radios still have ‘off’ switches”
Some newer vans have radios that don’t, genius design. Spent good 1/2 searching and reading manual looking for off switch a few years back ???? if they disable volume too then the hammer will have to sit on the passenger seat. One use only I suppose.
Top line News on Radio 4 this morning @ 7 a.m.: Covid-19 affects BAME people more. More than? Who?
Apart from the obvious statistical evidence that is not true, it is absolute bunkum from a scientific perspective.
While helping some isolated people this a.m. I met an elderly white person where there was a width restriction although there was plenty of space around it for people on foot to avoid each other by several metres. (When I meet people coming toward me on a pavement I normally ask if they are bothered about passing me and I will walk in the road if they are. Most say no. Especially the older ones.)
This elderly white person was obviously really fearful. I tried to reassure them. But no. They were convinced they could catch the virus if less than three or four metres away from someone else, irrespective of their skin colour.
It interests me how some – especially the BBC and some other sections of the media* – are creating a climate of fear around Covid-19 as they have done around Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW, Fed, please learn) and Climate Change [ CC, Fed, please learn, I’m acronyming from now on! 🙂 ]
This concentration on a belief from the Race Industry that the Covid-19 virus affects BAME people more, is really dangerous because it could backfire badly and people will start to call for a new form of segregation around the world in order to minimise Covid-19 infection risk.
“People from Asian and black groups are at markedly increased risk of in-hospital death from COVID-19, and contrary to some prior speculation this is only partially attributable to pre-existing clinical risk factors or deprivation; further research into the drivers of this association is therefore urgently required.”
Mr Piku, one tends to question the validity and motivation of calls for further study which in themselves appear to already contain fixed notions about the outcome of such further study. .
“People from Asian and black groups are at markedly increased risk of in-hospital death… contrary to some prior speculation this is only partially attributable to pre-existing clinical risk factors…”
At best this is simply a plea for funding. How about directing scarce medical knowhow and resources at finding a cure rather than the grinding of an axe?
Piku have you got any evidence of biased broadcasting , right or left, to post about Al Beeb yet ?
Do you pay the Telly Tax or does mixincony pay it for you ?
Up2- I don’t think maxi/piku likes you very much – but at least this troll only turns up once every couple of weeks ago and then crawls back under the rock . ..
Fed, am not bothered. Raving socialists tend to deny science, yet love to use it to beat the Christian Church. I suspect Piku may have racist tendencies. Again, an inversion of virtue signalling and racism trumpeting is used as camouflage.
Up2 – I think they are one and the same . Maxi doesn’t do the 0300 stuff now – and piku s frequency of posting is about the same – as is the language and style . I’m often surprised at how few trolls turn up here because they can be quite entertaining in that ‘you’re kidding right?’ Kind of a way .
On the more important subject – I can’t figure the London Covid data – how can a pollution of 8 million have so few cases so quickly – I think someone dropped the numbers somewhere …..
Unless – of course – our weather denatures then virus .
Actually, Stew, if you believe that …. like Piku you have not been paying attention.
The scientists currently think that the Covid-19 version of this virus (there may be others) specifically attacks the blood. Richard Galpin, BBC Correspondent, wrote about how one third of Covid-19 patients have dangerous blood clots.
Secondly, it is widely known in science that Covid-19 attacks the bronchia and may attach itself deliberately to bronchial tubes. That is the current scientific thinking and findings on the subject.
Now, the funny thing is – it doesn’t matter whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, grey or green with yellow polka dots on skin-wise, all humans irrespective of their skin colour, have blood and lungs and bronchia. They are all essential for the working of the human body irrespective of skin colour and ethnic origin.
Scientific Fact!
Therefore the Covid-19 virus obviously does not discriminate.
Given that viruses operate directly on genetic material – it isn’t exactly a surprise that genetics will play a part in susceptibility to developing bad reactions to a viral infection.
This however plays directly in the face of the whole “we’re all the same” lefty liberal mind rot – so it’s inequality, racism and white privelige that are to blame for some people’s unfortunate predicament.
Then we are treated to some of the BBC’s classic / epic tosspottery with the “if I die of coronavirus today I don’t want to be mistakenly buried as the wrong gender” – Some salaried Berk actually wrote that today – I thought it was a parody……
Just to remind everyone the Pandemic started in a BAME Community: that is a Black and MAJORITY Ethnic community in China. It then transfered via a largely majority white English/European community (on a ship) to an even more Black and MAJORITY Ethnic community in Japan and South Korea. While doing so, it skirted more mixed Hong Kong and Singaporean communities.
Until recently it appears to have avoided India.
Sure tomo, that is correct but two whites, sharing the same skin colour, may react very differently to the Covid-19 virus. We know that from other viruses. Same with two Chinese. Two Africans. Two Indians.
Just to remind you and others, more the ‘others’: what was the big fear in the run up to the last Olympic Games?
Yes, it was that the whole world – irrespective of ethnic origin – might catch the Zika virus.
I did a double take (Sky) when I saw Vicky Pryce being interviewed about the economic view of Covid. I’d seen her before on other channels, and thought, “I know you from somewhere”, and of course !! she spent 2 months in prison for fraud back in 2013. Driving Licence ? Chris Huhne ?
Yet here she is giving her ‘expert’ view on all things financial. Er, really ?
Gillian Reynolds, in her radio column in the S. Times (another paper unfortunately gone over to the Dark side, Mail, etc) made a very incisive comment regarding BBC ‘Comedy’, especially The News Quiz:-
‘’Comedy shows are a risky investment at the best of times because few appeal to everyone. The risks of causing offence to significant audience segments must be considered. Is there a gender balance among the contributors, racial diversity, minority representation, disability awareness? And once they’ve stopped congratulating each other on having achieved all of the above, what’s left to make fun of? Only us for being fools enough to listen.’’
Amen to that!
Painfully, I listened to the last 10 mins of said show yesterday and was not surprised to find out that, what is left to make fun of, was Boris Brexit jokes and Trump , yawn.
Funnily enough, I felt the ‘comedians’ were trying extremely hard to titter along to each of their tired ‘jokes’ as the bused-in Islington bed wetter’s ‘live’ laughter at all their cleverness was not available.
Maybe they should do a new format – 4 queers out queering each other – or 4 Muslims out Islam ing each other – that kind of thing …
There’ll be no question of objectivity – they can just do humour about their style / way of life . I’m sure it will be … hilarious …
You might find Jon and the guys adding this genius to their RT rota, though:
The American president has retweeted a doctored video of his head superimposed on the actor who played the president in an alien invasion movie https://t.co/qBNzmEtjTl
Plenty of comments and incidents on Twitter showing the quality of plod these days – including a frankly embarrassing film of a journalist ( delingpole ) being threatened with arrest for filming the London Park protest on Saturday .
What is being shown is how that now false veneer of freedom and ‘policing by consent ‘ is just a sick joke now . You’ll get a ticket – and if you complain they’ll find a way of putting you in your place and in the back of a van .its not good .
There is also an official tweet about how the Met will go after any one for a whole load of ‘phobias” including something called “ inter – phobia “ …..
When the police decide to expand the law and choose which laws they consider important – it’s not a free country any more … and as for accountability … ?
This article by John Ward, at the Slog, points to the eminence bride in our swamp who has accrued to himself far too much power. And our elected MPs and government seem to be in thrall to him.
And I find it impossible the think he played no part in the plot to remove President Trump from office.
I am hoping that the US team around President Trump will expose this dangerous man such that he is either sacked, resigns or my preferred option, that he’s brought to account.
“Watch CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, who wears her mask during the White House press briefing but can’t take it off fast enough once she thinks the cameras are off.” Twitter video
114 deaths reported for Sunday . Guardian ‘leaks ‘ fact that 20% of covid infections in hospital are caused by hospitals ….
So add that to the policy of exporting elderly people from hospital to care home and we wonder why the numbers aren’t coming down – apparently 90 out of those 114 deaths were in hospital – but it seems the NHS doesn’t do counting at the weekend …..
Fascinating clash of mindsets between A former Law Lord – Lord Sumption and the Meeshall Hussain over the compulsion of the lockdown – he being a risk taker and she being a disciple of permanent lockdown – she gets her money anyway –
Got to hand it to her – our Meeshall was properly ‘bitch slapped ‘ by the former Law Lord and disguised it pretty well . She may, however , need counselling ….
Followed by st Obama’s comment aimed at the current POTUS . There is a single short word appropriate to Obama which is banned on this site ……
I’m reporting on BBC stuff because I’m waiting for the government update because I’ve had a full Sunday lunch , feel a bit snoozy and want the sort of nap most of those colourless cabinet ministers inspire …. yawn ….. zzzzz
It’s clear that the veneration of St Obama by the media will continue unabated. Nothing untoward about Him may be reported upon or insinuated. Adam Boltoun has confirmed this.
Still waiting for the government briefing …. sky interviews milliband senior who wants to give even more of our taxpayers Money to third world countries where more are dying from the Chinese virus .
He doesn’t mention that these countries have governments – he exhibits a kind of 18th century imperialism – then says the UK has a lot to learn from Ireland ….
Milliband megalomania and knowing all the answers was a virus he caught from Tony Blair – who also shows all the symptoms of that deadly virus – other characteristics are the need for a big bank balance and the need to spend other people’s’ money …as well as an absence of accountability ….
I managed a laugh out loud moment when Milliband said that UK is the 5th largest economy in the world – What Economy ?? The blokes a divot .
Well, statistically you stand more choice of dying if you’re a man. Therefore, whatever you identify as, is irrelevant with respect your life chances.
Perhaps Kung-Fu is the ultimate gender reality check this planet needs. It scientifically only recognises 2 genders. Remember, the XX or XY chromosomes that reflect 99+% of humans on the planet.
Perhaps then, given Kung-Flu’s correct gender categorisation, deviation from this scientific fact should then be filed under ‘attention seeking’ or ‘mental illness’.
Sharma did the government bit but I fell asleep – then some bloke from the NHS touted for business in the NHS again – having frightened the population into not using their sainted NHS for the last 2 months they are after business again .
It seems strokes and heart attacks have been staying at home so A and E staff can practice their dance moves or moan about PPE …..
As I reported earlier – if hospitals are infecting 20% of people attending for non covid reasons who would go there ?
Elsewhere it’s reported that the SW nightingale hospital has now been opened and mothballed – I think they converted a B and Q to do it .
Judging by planning they’ll close the nightingale permanently in October as the annual flu season and potential recurrence of covid gets going again ….
Funny that no one talks about ventilators or PPE any more . Did it get boring ?
Anniversary of the Dam Busters Raid – Guy Gibson was 24 when he led that – 24 . He did 170 – that’s 170 sorties before being killed 2 years later ….. ( apparently American B17 crews went home if they survived 25 sorties ) ….
Exceptional heroism from Guy Gibson, no doubt of that, but I think it fair to point out that the B17s were flying in daylight and their losses were commensurate with that rather frightening fact.
Beltane – yep – your right – Spaatz idea of sending them over without fighter escort until the p51 came along with the merlin engine fitted didn’t help ….
But Gibson s 170 missions – incredible – and he nearly got to the end …
I could be wrong but I’m sure I read once that RAF Bomber Command had the second-highest casualty rate of all services in the Second World War. Only that of the U-Boats was higher.
Anybody know better?
Trick – think you are right – 38000 commonwealth fliers dead . The RAF books going through losses from 1939 to 1945 are very sad . They list the names And nationalities in the crews – the Mission and the cause of the loss – if it is known ..
A new low for the biased BBC.
After the daily news conference (Sunday) Mischal ‘totally useless’ Hussein goes over to some BBC bod called Palab Gosh who produces the most unadulterated scaremongering s***-stirring doom and gloom imaginable.
Then it’s over to one Lucy Powell, a Labour business spokesperson.
Mischal feeds Lucy all the usual soft lobs. ‘Are you concerned that…….’, ‘ …….are you worried about…….’.
The really weird thing, and I thought I’d never say this, is that the Labour spokesperson, although no friend of the government, was quite temperate and reasonable and if anything refused to rise to Hussein’s bait. Incredible.
We thus have a clear provable and astonishing situation where the BBC is clearly to the left of Labour and see their remit only as undermining the government during these exceptional times even more so than the official opposition !!
Totally remarkable, if not unexpected, and a telling example of the need for this website.
Thanks so much for those who’ve shared their stories on DMs. They’re very helpful for reflecting the current mood and the dilemmas everyone is facing. ????
Labour’s Redio4 afternoon
First at 17:00 File on 4
Coronavirus: Stories from behind the mask
“Candid diaries of doctors and nurses recorded over two months of the coronavirus pandemic”
Almost all were BAME medics in London, who all had a beef against the Tories
One nurse saying how disgusted about Matt Hancock suggesting that staff had been misusing PPE
before explaining how she routinely used PPE against the rules.
The narrative was built up with all the tricks
.. the plinky plonk brainwash music
.. the emotional blackmail, tearful sections
Of course in those London hospitals the story was of getting near to full capacity, but then the cases dying down.
Then at 17:40 Profile just happen to choose the Labour MP doctor who had a run in with Matt Hancock
The intro managed to make it sound like she was frontline Covid staff
when in fact she was in the backroom liasing with patients families over the phone.
Rosena Allin-Khan is actually half Pakistani and half Polish
As her parents were passing through the UK at the time
Her father doing his medical training and her mother on tour with a Polish girl band.
The marriage ended after a few years.
Her supporters loved the show
but wait 5 mins and they will be telling us the BBC is 100% pro Tory operation.
Totally agree. What a wonderful woman. Sir Keir is certainly surrounding himself with good people. Complete contrast to Bojo the Clown's circus of imcompetence.
— Brendan Morrison (@Brendan85180369) May 17, 2020
Likewise the NHS doom-mongers loved the first show
What a powerful programme which had me in tears. I could completely identify with how these workers have felt during this crisis and our fears for the future. My pride in my fellow healthcare workers knows no bounds. https://t.co/8XYhEOL0hk
Here are a bunch of broadcasters introducing me as they should – informing viewers I've been involved with political activism, and roughly where I sit on the ideological spectrum.
I think the non introduction technique is another one on the list to explain to the uninitiated the lefty bias of the BBC . Pretty clear really . I’m surprised they just didn’t describe mr harwood as ‘far’ right since anyone no of the same bubble line has the prefix ‘far ‘ added to them .
Wouldn’t even be able to rely on ‘alexa’ to describe the views of an unannounced pundit /expert ….
Local news : we got a long clip from Andy Burnham
‘Oh not fair, the north has all the Covid now
.. the Tories cut our money
..we need more money now !”
He’s the Manchester Labour Mayor
he’s got nothing to do with Hull or Lincoln
which still have very few cases of Covid
And it’s not the north that has Covid, but certain hotspots.
And post his murderous tenure as Health secretary when he failed to apologise for the deaths his lack of oversight caused, he as Manchester Mayor initiated a new computer system which not only put vulnerable people at risk including some of them children and some who have died as a result of Burnhams incompetence and lack of accountability or ability to take responsibilty for his actions.
Gestapo Manchester Police are the only force in the UK to fail to forward their stats to the Home Office as a direct consequence of Burnhams computer system – something he has again consistently refused to apologise over nor take responsibility.
You wouldn’t mind but the man could be the devil incarnate and the idiots and Muzzies in Manchester would vote for him, so there’s zero chance of any democratic accountability, he like many Socialists just cannot accept he might be wrong !
With any luck he won’t get in next year. His tenure as doyenne of Greater Manchester is fast coming to an end. In an area that voted a Conservative Government in he is barking up the wrong tree and he knows it.
His constant pathetic challenges are becoming tiresome and still his promise to rid Greater Manchester streets of homeless fails week after week. What a complete useless egotistical fella he is!
He just likes the sound of his own voice. If you look at the stats, and I do (living in the NW) new cases are falling across the whole of Greater Manchester. So he just needs to shut up.
As expected the mayor of London has blamed his inability to balance the books at TFL on the government – which has provided 1.6 ? Billion for the mayor to pay his bills until September .
In return he has
Increased the congestion charge
Limited over 60s free transport
Re imposed charges on kids using buses and tubes ( the latter is good of course because it might make them walk )
The BBC has helpfully put his simpering excuse video on their site – without a reply . Can’t get much more biased than that .
I used one of his trains today for one stop . 3 minutes . £2.70
Nobody else on it .
Proof if it were needed that Socialism is all about production.
Customer needs are irrelevant.
Thus running totally empty trains is an end in itself.
Though not running them would be preferred by the RMT as long as the taxpayer pays their members’ wages. As we continue to do.
And in the exact same way nurses and doctors are clearly more important than patients – who by often becoming dead are in no position to complain.
Yesterday : Leftmob journos, say political connection info about people who have a story is NOT important
Today : Leftmob journos, say political connection info about people who have a story is SUPER important
That is why Carrie Symonds has been trending all this afternoon
even though she has no connection to do the topics today
which was the Mail making up fantasies about Keir Starmer ..’His field could be worth millions’ … it isn’t.
Go figure ???? Harry Cole the journalist who wrote the £10million landowner story on Keir starmer,is the ex long term boyfriend of Carrie Symonds. pic.twitter.com/yVf9e80cN4
— Vanessa #FBPE anti lying corrupt Tories (@nessacc44) May 17, 2020
Al Beeb are trying to influence the younger voters with their woke agenda . They don’t watch the trash and have no intent in paying the Telly Tax.
At the same time the totally out of touch broadcaster is turning its back on the older generation that are wise enough to see through their trash and propaganda but are conscientious enough pay the ‘protection racket’ .
Wrong move, Al Beeb wrong move.
Kids today will just poo poo any demand for BBC dross, and get their ‘news’ elsewhere, ferchrissakes, there’s enough about!
Look at us here! Nobody likes the BBC or the others like Sky or ITV, and we assume that the trash they peddle is banal and uninteresting, so kids, as kids do, will look for the alternatives, and thank goodness they do! Great stuff you lot – keep going!
I don’t need to see what they’re looking at, as I’m an old fart, but maybe, our (grand) children will be pointing the way to ditch the awful BBC for good!
Brilliant, straight to the point prodding authority in the ribs comedy. Type of thing that could have made the bbc once. Be interesting to compare production cost with some of the crapola masquerading as comedy on the bbc.
Catching up(?) with More Or Less today, which used to be a repeat in ‘normal’ times, they were going on about whether the government had met its testing target. MOL was quite certain that they hadn’t.
It made me think of something like car production. Everyone works their socks off to meet the monthly target but in the MOL world that doesn’t count unless someone actually buys them, i.e. the bit that is outwith the control of the car manufacturer.
I was waiting for them to tell us why different countries operate different spacing rules, but that never happened.
What did strike me is that they are prepared to quibble over what a government minister says, and bear in mind that the minister is only working from a brief that someone else prepared, but take everything that ‘their’ expert say as gospel.
If anyone should be ‘held to account’ it should be the ‘experts’, the minister is basically just doing what MOL does all the time, i.e. read out someone else’s work.
@JimS It was interesting that when the original MoL prog went out on Wednesday the situation was ambiguous
but since then Thu, Fri, Sat had a good runs of tallies of about 136K/day
today dipped to 91,206 tests
JimS thy did say about the different distances at 3m50s
“The WHO recommend 1m” cos beyond that most of the large droplets have fallen down to the ground.
So some countries like US and Japan say 6 ft (1.8m)
I guess that means to get a viral lot you need at least a big droplet , not a couple of small ones, so 1 m away from someone mouth is safe enough.
I wonder if very tall people hardly ever get it from there .. if anyone does.
“I was waiting for them to tell us why different countries operate different spacing rules, but that never happened.”
Telling us that WHO suggests one metre isn’t an explanation, rather it is an acknowledgement that our two metres is exceptionally extreme. Why does the BBC never challenge that?
Guest Who
Thank you thank you again for posting this wonderful 10 seconds ? Of video which I think I described in an earlier comment . This exchange was on just before the Sunday government ( yawn ) briefing .
Now – hands up – I was not a fan on Lord Sumption because of his stance on Brexit last year before the remainers were flushed down the toilet by democracy .
But now – after that brutal Lovely put down – I think I’m a fan .
As I wrote -poor meeeshaall probably needed counselling …
And what was even better was more than the normal number of viewers to BBC Pravda news would have seen it .
The downside is that we won’t hear or see Lord Sumption any more – the Stalinist airbrush will be applied to everything he has ever said in that normal BBC way . Meanwhile various felons such as Vicky pryce get unchallenged unintroduced airtime with no mention of her deceits….
But that is the BBC after all…..
As an aside – whoever filmed their TV must have realised something like that wonderful bitch slap was coming ….and it surely did …..
The UK government has been strongly criticised for its handling of coronavirus in care homes. We’ve taken a close look at the decisions that were made. As a nation we’re also acutely aware of the huge pressures facing NHS and care staff on the front line, but what is it like to handle all that when you’re also fasting for Ramadan? Find out.
Doing things differently has become the new normal, so to speak, including for students thrust into the world of online learning. Can a remote teaching model work long-term, we ask? And despite eating out being off the cards right now, meet the chef still optimistic about opening his first restaurant.
I’m a simple man. I look for simple answers to problems. If you can’t work properly whilst fasting, STOP FASTING !!
There you are BBC. In two words I’ve solved the problem for all those heroes who would put peoples’ lives at risk because of their stupidity. Not. Rocket. Science.
Staff at Saint-Pierre Hospital in Brussels have turned their backs on Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès during an official visit.
The nation’s government has been criticised for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and high mortality rate.
Piers, Adam and Pymms know?
Seems all governments are muddling though and screwing up equally.
Guest – I can only think that the BBC reported that in order to encourage the ‘heroes ‘ doing their job in the NHS to do the same when a Tory minister puts in a visit at some time in the future ….
“Coronavirus: Better-off children ‘studying more than poorer pupils'” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-52701850
” teachers’ unions have raised concerns over safety amid fears a rush to return to the classroom could spread the coronavirus in schools.”
I understand the concerns, I also remember the concern about how taking kids on holiday during term time would devastate their education.
9am we’ll talk to head of a multi academy trust who feels schools in England are being used as ‘guinea pigs’ with plan to welcome some pupils back by June 1; & to Prof Saul Faust a specialist in paediatric infectious diseases at the Uni of Southampton ????https://t.co/KSRziIUX3M
— Victoria Derbyshire (@vicderbyshire) May 18, 2020
Or he just popped a press release over to her guys?
Ian Blackford and Ed Davey have written to Michel Barnier supporting an extension to the transition period saying there is ‘significant opposition’ to the UK Government’s refusal to consider any delay.
The letter has also been signed by Plaid Cymru MP Liz Saville Roberts, Green MP Caroline Lucas, Stephen Farry, MP from the Alliance Party, and fellow Northern Ireland MP Colum Eastwood of the Social Democratic and Labour Party.
Plaid Cymru does not represent the people of Wales neither does The Welsh Assembly. The letter was written by a bunch of anti democratic Rejoiners. Barnier is not a happy bunny.
I always feel a bit sorry for the Liz Saville Roberts MP one . I watched her on Parliament once and noticed she always opens up with a bit of Welsh – fair enough . So I did a wiki .
It turns out she was born in Eltham – perhaps Taffman can help me with where abouts in Wales Eltham is because all I can picture is in outer west londonistan .
Any way – it also seems that our Liz connection with wales wasn’t consummated until she went to a Welsh university when she got to 18 . ….
Also wiki doesn’t mention which branch of the ‘Saville ‘ clan to which liz is a member – not the ‘Jimmy ‘ one presumably ….
BBC seem to be keeping their powder dry on this…I think they are storing it all up so they can have one big exposee on’ how bad EU negotiations are going…and we need a delay…expect a huge Remainer biased story in next few days…
James – the problem is – when it’s going ‘bad ‘ – it is ‘bad’ for the EU – they have more to lose because of the trade balance being so far into their favour – plus come the end of the year we won’t have any more to spend on EU imports anyway ….
I know what you are saying but regardless of any reality the BBC narrative will be ‘we need to delay’ with as many talking heads as they can muster
I would bet that all those calling for a delay are those anti-democratic, liberal Europhiles that voted ‘remain’ four years ago. I include the Anti-Brexit Biased Al Beeb in that list .
Lets be honest , the EU is facing a catastrophic financial disaster and it needs our ‘British’ money and our fish.
Al Beeb is keeping its powder dry and is looking for one last ‘big push’ to overturn the decision of those that ‘did not know what they were voting for’. It wants our financial sector and hub (London) moved to Europe . Get rid of the Telly Tax , cancel your direct debits and send a message to your MP that you want that unfair tax abolished. There are many poor people in Britain that could do with that money now.
BBC: “Lockdown in Panama is strictly enforced, with men allowed out one day and women the next. But this has been used by some as an excuse to harass members of the trans community.”
Oh really, thanks for telling us that.
“They began to do a body search on me. One of them squeezed my breasts in the search and said, laughing, ‘You’re not a woman'”
That’s bad, I guess. It would have been worse if they had squeezed her penis.
Very sad that our brother comrade Jon Lansman is to ‘step down ‘ from running Momentum – the organisation which runs the Labour security apparatus and re education camps .
Fear not about comrade lansmans capitalist income – he remains a member of the polit bureau – sorry Labour Party NEC so will be representing comrade Corbyn after his girlfriend – thornby stepped down as ‘chair ‘ last week …
You’ll remember that comrade lansman was responsible for the excellent labour election result of 2019 where we “ won the argument “ . Love than one .
I know that government ministers cannot be as facetious
as some of us are in our comments when answering
inane questions such as Andrew Marr asked Michael Gove
yesterday. Such as “can you guarantee that no school teachers
will get Covid 19 if they return to school?”
How I would of liked Michael Gove to ask him ” can you
guarantee me that you are no longer a Trotskyist and far left wing
journalist who just happened to tick the right boxes for a
political presenter so far as the BBC was concerned?”
as an aside..C4 (and we know where their allegiance lays) we love googlebox – but have you noticed recently the only political bits shown have painted Boris and Trump in a bad light..they are normally only short sections and I do wonder why they are put in and how much the responses are ‘tailored’..
Sad when something that is good fun is used like this..
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:45 Midweek 12th March 2025 Omission is the greatest lie … Transphobic scenes cut from new release of Crocodile Dundee https://qnews.com.au/transphobic-scenes-cut-from-new-release-of-crocodile-dundee/ Among the moments removed…
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
4 Years on and we are still in the EU ! While the Dover Invasion continues unabated.
Are the French Navy helping our Border Farce with the Cross Channel ferrying, so much for lockdown ? Boris and Priti , get it right this time or the Tory Party will end up like the LimpDems.
Over to Al Beeb for a well published ‘prominent headline report’ …
There is NO WAY I shall ever vote Conservative again. Luckily I had the choice of a Brexit Party candidate last time (who lost to Labour).
Tories have proved useless in tackling this migrant problem, but I fear that Labour would be worse. They would be putting out the Welcome mat for them. It seems that no party has the guts to do whats necessary and send them straight back to France. Of course they will keep coming because there is no fear factor for them.
“It seems that no party has the guts to do whats necessary and send them straight back to France.”
Have you forgotten The Brexit Party ?
Can we deport Priti?
No, I voted for them, but there are only 2 parties that will govern so thereby having the power – in what’s left of my lifetime anyway !
All it takes is to shoot at the boats to sink them and if a few die well that’s the chance they take ……I am sure that sort of deterrent would work …..or am i being too soft ?
I think if this goes on like it is someone is going to actually do it…
If only Nigel had been made PM or take over from Priti who turning out to be useless
Not forgetting that Dancing Terry May signed the UN compact on migration despite a petition of a million or so signatories telling her not to.
The rats in the HoP continue to treat us like cretins, with contempt and as of no value.
You are correct. The only way this problem will get solved is if the UK becomes a VERY hostile place for any invader. The Left will keep pushing it’s stinking agenda until the dam finally bursts.
This is what people want. Even on here people have told me this is their hearts desire, and as such this is the consequence.
Saudi, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Khazakstan are all paying poorly paid politicians to promote their evil religion, and as people here in the past have said, they would rather have Sharia law imposed than pay a decent amount to the political elite.
So, you have what you want, smile, because you aren’t having to pay the politicians for it, other people are not you, and that is exactly what you said you wanted.
The Home Office should get in touch with the Australian Government and ask them for a few tips on handling ‘invasions’ like this .
Next we will have ‘shortages of housing’, green belt areas of UK being eaten up for house builds. At the same time many of our ex-servicemen sleeping on the streets .
Tory voters need to get hold of their MPs, as more invaders will be coming now . Next we will have Boris backtracking on Brexit.
I read that ten new towns will be built between Oxford and Cambridge, mainly for white flight, I suppose.
I read that ten new towns will be built between Oxford and Cambridge, mainly for white flight, I suppose.
Backlinks to previous threed
– page 3 started 11pm Saturday to 12pm Sunday
– page 2 started 10am Saturday
I just did a long post about the BBC constantly using an R value graph as if it were truth
whereas in fact it is a simplified version of Ferguson’s MODEL
I stuck it at the end of the weekend thread cos it sits better there.
“A spokesman said the migrants travelled from France and were taken to Dover, where they were medically assessed.”
Suggest they don’t bother to do that just turn them around.
( we are not in the EU now )
“Where appropriate, immigration officials will detain some of them,”
You can hear them shouting ” ME ! ME !
“Our priority will always be arresting and dismantling the organised crime gangs behind these crossings.”
Your priority should be to stop them coming into this country. The gang problem would not be a problem if you did not let any of them land and sent back those who did manage to land.
“The migrants presented themselves as Sudanese, Libya, Syrian, Iranian, Senegalese, Iraqi, Yemeni, Kuwaiti and Algerian, the Home Office said.”
So they fit right in then ???????
When did we become so WET?
Not first in spite of my best efforts.
Guido has up part of Gove’s interview on the Andrew Marr this morning where Marr asks him to absolutely guarantee that no teacher will get Covid as a result of going into school. How stupid. Marr might have asked whether Gove could guarantee that no teacher might get run over by a bus walking to school, or a heart attack cycling to school. Desperate stuff.
Next time Deborah .
And Gove should have said exactly that. I bet he didn’t. I’m not only sick of the continued attacks on the Government during this crisis for purely political reasons, but I’m sick of the useless wishy-washy response by Government ministers. I want to see them call out the media’s tactics and treat them with the disdain they deserve.
Now, increasingly, similar to what’s going on over the, ‘Pond’.
It will eventually break up into a 50/50 totally confrontational World, then things will get much more interesting.
I’m confused, would you rather live in the UK or US?
Roland. This clip should cheer you a little. Ok it’s not Britain it’s the US but it is, I think, what you want to see happening.
Also if you have not met Daisy before don’t be fooled by her appearance and style. She is a sharp political commentator.
Two thumbs up for that
I hate conspiracy therories, and this not BBC maybe though, it should be. Apologies if it’s been covered..
The 2019 Military World Games, officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games and commonly known as Wuhan 2019, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China.
From Fullfact
“Event 201” was an exercise organised on the 18th October 2019 to simulate what might happen if there was a severe pandemic. We’ve been asked by readers to look into whether it really happened , why it wasn’t covered much in the media, and whether it’s simply a coincidence that it took part just months before the Covid-19 pandemic started.
The event was real but the fact it took place just before the pandemic started doesn’t mean the organisers had any secret knowledge, which has been suggested by some.
The Event 201 scenario
Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.
Turn on Radio 3 for some music. Get some monotonous whine.
Jo Brand. That is scraping the underside of the barrel after its been sitting in a damp cellar for 50 years. Jo Brand on music programme?
Thank goodness radios still have ‘off’ switches.
Telly Tax payers have “off switches” . Cut off their money supply.
After failing to find anything on the terrestrial channels we ‘went’ to the Wigmore Hall last night via the internet and listened to a wonderful concert. BBC is becoming more and more unnecessary.
There’s always the Brand & Burg concertos.
…and before anyone beats me to it, I know she prefers the Brand & Burgers.
That’s a surprise because I thought that before Josephine Teresa Brand was an ‘ act ‘ which advocated throwing acid over people
She was an angel – sorry – nurse – so she’d have returned to the mothership of the NHS …..
Although have a sneaking suspicion that a big proportion of NHS staff are currently doing zip – apart from counting the overtime and practicing dance moves …..like plod .
Jim, you haven’t been going for those cheap reds from a well-known German supermarket or two, have you?
Tut tut.
Apparently she knows twice as much about music as she does about comedy Jim. Did she crack any glassing/stabbing gags?
“Thank goodness radios still have ‘off’ switches”
Some newer vans have radios that don’t, genius design. Spent good 1/2 searching and reading manual looking for off switch a few years back ???? if they disable volume too then the hammer will have to sit on the passenger seat. One use only I suppose.
@JimS The Jo Brand thing was a repeat from 1 year ago.
I don’t care if it’s from fifty years ago, I turn on Radio 3 to hear classical music, most of which was written, (and recorded), more than a year ago!
Top line News on Radio 4 this morning @ 7 a.m.: Covid-19 affects BAME people more. More than? Who?
Apart from the obvious statistical evidence that is not true, it is absolute bunkum from a scientific perspective.
While helping some isolated people this a.m. I met an elderly white person where there was a width restriction although there was plenty of space around it for people on foot to avoid each other by several metres. (When I meet people coming toward me on a pavement I normally ask if they are bothered about passing me and I will walk in the road if they are. Most say no. Especially the older ones.)
This elderly white person was obviously really fearful. I tried to reassure them. But no. They were convinced they could catch the virus if less than three or four metres away from someone else, irrespective of their skin colour.
It interests me how some – especially the BBC and some other sections of the media* – are creating a climate of fear around Covid-19 as they have done around Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW, Fed, please learn) and Climate Change [ CC, Fed, please learn, I’m acronyming from now on! 🙂 ]
This concentration on a belief from the Race Industry that the Covid-19 virus affects BAME people more, is really dangerous because it could backfire badly and people will start to call for a new form of segregation around the world in order to minimise Covid-19 infection risk.
We must not give in to fears like that.
(* see today’s Sunday Mirror front page)
“Apart from the obvious statistical evidence that is not true, it is absolute bunkum from a scientific perspective.”
Have you any evidence to support that statement Up2snuff?
You must have read this study.
OpenSAFELY: factors associated with COVID-19-related hospital death in the linked electronic health records of 17 million adult NHS patients.
Here’s the link:
And here is one of their findings.
“People from Asian and black groups are at markedly increased risk of in-hospital death from COVID-19, and contrary to some prior speculation this is only partially attributable to pre-existing clinical risk factors or deprivation; further research into the drivers of this association is therefore urgently required.”
Mr Piku, one tends to question the validity and motivation of calls for further study which in themselves appear to already contain fixed notions about the outcome of such further study. .
“People from Asian and black groups are at markedly increased risk of in-hospital death… contrary to some prior speculation this is only partially attributable to pre-existing clinical risk factors…”
At best this is simply a plea for funding. How about directing scarce medical knowhow and resources at finding a cure rather than the grinding of an axe?
Finding out what the drivers of the association are could lead to developing a treatment and/or a cure.
Did you read the study?
“..could lead to developing a treatment and/or a cure.”
I wait with bated breath. You will update me the moment some race equality-minded study brings this marvellous medical breakthrough, won’t you?
“….. race equality-minded study….”
You haven’t read the study have you?
Don’t forget now, do tell me when whilst they’re pouring through those race stats they stumble across the formula for that vaccine.
Piku ,
I thought I wouldn’t see you here for a while .
When will the BBC ask those questions I posed earlier instead of their waffle questions ?
Piku have you got any evidence of biased broadcasting , right or left, to post about Al Beeb yet ?
Do you pay the Telly Tax or does mixincony pay it for you ?
10% of the worlds population is white European, 70% of the deaths has been white European in Europe!
Piku, “Have you any evidence to support that statement Up2snuff?”
Up2- I don’t think maxi/piku likes you very much – but at least this troll only turns up once every couple of weeks ago and then crawls back under the rock . ..
Fed, am not bothered. Raving socialists tend to deny science, yet love to use it to beat the Christian Church. I suspect Piku may have racist tendencies. Again, an inversion of virtue signalling and racism trumpeting is used as camouflage.
His drive-by snipings are as pathetic as maxi’s.
Up2 – I think they are one and the same . Maxi doesn’t do the 0300 stuff now – and piku s frequency of posting is about the same – as is the language and style . I’m often surprised at how few trolls turn up here because they can be quite entertaining in that ‘you’re kidding right?’ Kind of a way .
On the more important subject – I can’t figure the London Covid data – how can a pollution of 8 million have so few cases so quickly – I think someone dropped the numbers somewhere …..
Unless – of course – our weather denatures then virus .
One study is NOT proven science ..it is OPINION
and what Up2snuff said is also OPINION
All opinions aren’t equal.
A scientific study is based on facts and evidence. It is not just an opinion.
just like Global warming! It’s FACT, don’t make me laugh. Modern science tends to be opinions more than fact.
Actually, Stew, if you believe that …. like Piku you have not been paying attention.
The scientists currently think that the Covid-19 version of this virus (there may be others) specifically attacks the blood. Richard Galpin, BBC Correspondent, wrote about how one third of Covid-19 patients have dangerous blood clots.
Secondly, it is widely known in science that Covid-19 attacks the bronchia and may attach itself deliberately to bronchial tubes. That is the current scientific thinking and findings on the subject.
Now, the funny thing is – it doesn’t matter whether you are white, black, brown, yellow, grey or green with yellow polka dots on skin-wise, all humans irrespective of their skin colour, have blood and lungs and bronchia. They are all essential for the working of the human body irrespective of skin colour and ethnic origin.
Scientific Fact!
Therefore the Covid-19 virus obviously does not discriminate.
Given that viruses operate directly on genetic material – it isn’t exactly a surprise that genetics will play a part in susceptibility to developing bad reactions to a viral infection.
This however plays directly in the face of the whole “we’re all the same” lefty liberal mind rot – so it’s inequality, racism and white privelige that are to blame for some people’s unfortunate predicament.
Then we are treated to some of the BBC’s classic / epic tosspottery with the “if I die of coronavirus today I don’t want to be mistakenly buried as the wrong gender” – Some salaried Berk actually wrote that today – I thought it was a parody……
Just to remind everyone the Pandemic started in a BAME Community: that is a Black and MAJORITY Ethnic community in China. It then transfered via a largely majority white English/European community (on a ship) to an even more Black and MAJORITY Ethnic community in Japan and South Korea. While doing so, it skirted more mixed Hong Kong and Singaporean communities.
Until recently it appears to have avoided India.
Sure tomo, that is correct but two whites, sharing the same skin colour, may react very differently to the Covid-19 virus. We know that from other viruses. Same with two Chinese. Two Africans. Two Indians.
Just to remind you and others, more the ‘others’: what was the big fear in the run up to the last Olympic Games?
Yes, it was that the whole world – irrespective of ethnic origin – might catch the Zika virus.
SUNDAY MIRROR: Two hours after this picture baby Alex had died
I did a double take (Sky) when I saw Vicky Pryce being interviewed about the economic view of Covid. I’d seen her before on other channels, and thought, “I know you from somewhere”, and of course !! she spent 2 months in prison for fraud back in 2013. Driving Licence ? Chris Huhne ?
Yet here she is giving her ‘expert’ view on all things financial. Er, really ?
The bbc like to spit in your eye, Brissles.
Nasty people at ‘work’.
Gillian Reynolds, in her radio column in the S. Times (another paper unfortunately gone over to the Dark side, Mail, etc) made a very incisive comment regarding BBC ‘Comedy’, especially The News Quiz:-
‘’Comedy shows are a risky investment at the best of times because few appeal to everyone. The risks of causing offence to significant audience segments must be considered. Is there a gender balance among the contributors, racial diversity, minority representation, disability awareness? And once they’ve stopped congratulating each other on having achieved all of the above, what’s left to make fun of? Only us for being fools enough to listen.’’
Amen to that!
Painfully, I listened to the last 10 mins of said show yesterday and was not surprised to find out that, what is left to make fun of, was Boris Brexit jokes and Trump , yawn.
Funnily enough, I felt the ‘comedians’ were trying extremely hard to titter along to each of their tired ‘jokes’ as the bused-in Islington bed wetter’s ‘live’ laughter at all their cleverness was not available.
Maybe they should do a new format – 4 queers out queering each other – or 4 Muslims out Islam ing each other – that kind of thing …
There’ll be no question of objectivity – they can just do humour about their style / way of life . I’m sure it will be … hilarious …
Cartoon sir? Cartoon? We are talking of ART, and since you ask, in this case it’s on an interior wall.
White House Press Secretary shows how to respond to Gotcha Questions.
You won’t see much of Kayleigh McEnany on BBC news
You might find Jon and the guys adding this genius to their RT rota, though:
Plenty of comments and incidents on Twitter showing the quality of plod these days – including a frankly embarrassing film of a journalist ( delingpole ) being threatened with arrest for filming the London Park protest on Saturday .
What is being shown is how that now false veneer of freedom and ‘policing by consent ‘ is just a sick joke now . You’ll get a ticket – and if you complain they’ll find a way of putting you in your place and in the back of a van .its not good .
There is also an official tweet about how the Met will go after any one for a whole load of ‘phobias” including something called “ inter – phobia “ …..
When the police decide to expand the law and choose which laws they consider important – it’s not a free country any more … and as for accountability … ?
The Met and Leeds Uni tweeted ‘Save the Hobits’
(International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex-phobia & Transphobia. )
The UK used to have a charity that was concerned about abuse of prisoners by Islamic governments etc.
PaulEmbery is the only lefty calling Amnesty out.
This article by John Ward, at the Slog, points to the eminence bride in our swamp who has accrued to himself far too much power. And our elected MPs and government seem to be in thrall to him.
Mark Sedwill:
And I find it impossible the think he played no part in the plot to remove President Trump from office.
I am hoping that the US team around President Trump will expose this dangerous man such that he is either sacked, resigns or my preferred option, that he’s brought to account.
Correction: eminence grise.
“Watch CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, who wears her mask during the White House press briefing but can’t take it off fast enough once she thinks the cameras are off.”
Twitter video
114 deaths reported for Sunday . Guardian ‘leaks ‘ fact that 20% of covid infections in hospital are caused by hospitals ….
So add that to the policy of exporting elderly people from hospital to care home and we wonder why the numbers aren’t coming down – apparently 90 out of those 114 deaths were in hospital – but it seems the NHS doesn’t do counting at the weekend …..
Fascinating clash of mindsets between A former Law Lord – Lord Sumption and the Meeshall Hussain over the compulsion of the lockdown – he being a risk taker and she being a disciple of permanent lockdown – she gets her money anyway –
Got to hand it to her – our Meeshall was properly ‘bitch slapped ‘ by the former Law Lord and disguised it pretty well . She may, however , need counselling ….
Followed by st Obama’s comment aimed at the current POTUS . There is a single short word appropriate to Obama which is banned on this site ……
I’m reporting on BBC stuff because I’m waiting for the government update because I’ve had a full Sunday lunch , feel a bit snoozy and want the sort of nap most of those colourless cabinet ministers inspire …. yawn ….. zzzzz
It’s clear that the veneration of St Obama by the media will continue unabated. Nothing untoward about Him may be reported upon or insinuated. Adam Boltoun has confirmed this.
This is a major feature on the BBC’S main website .
You couldn’t make this up.
I thought it was made up
I wonder what salary band the author of the piece is on… Whaddya reckon with London weighting £60k?
Still waiting for the government briefing …. sky interviews milliband senior who wants to give even more of our taxpayers Money to third world countries where more are dying from the Chinese virus .
He doesn’t mention that these countries have governments – he exhibits a kind of 18th century imperialism – then says the UK has a lot to learn from Ireland ….
Milliband megalomania and knowing all the answers was a virus he caught from Tony Blair – who also shows all the symptoms of that deadly virus – other characteristics are the need for a big bank balance and the need to spend other people’s’ money …as well as an absence of accountability ….
I managed a laugh out loud moment when Milliband said that UK is the 5th largest economy in the world – What Economy ?? The blokes a divot .
If that’s all anyone has to worry about then they’ve got it pretty easy Foscari.
Well, statistically you stand more choice of dying if you’re a man. Therefore, whatever you identify as, is irrelevant with respect your life chances.
Perhaps Kung-Fu is the ultimate gender reality check this planet needs. It scientifically only recognises 2 genders. Remember, the XX or XY chromosomes that reflect 99+% of humans on the planet.
Perhaps then, given Kung-Flu’s correct gender categorisation, deviation from this scientific fact should then be filed under ‘attention seeking’ or ‘mental illness’.
Government briefing
Sharma did the government bit but I fell asleep – then some bloke from the NHS touted for business in the NHS again – having frightened the population into not using their sainted NHS for the last 2 months they are after business again .
It seems strokes and heart attacks have been staying at home so A and E staff can practice their dance moves or moan about PPE …..
As I reported earlier – if hospitals are infecting 20% of people attending for non covid reasons who would go there ?
Elsewhere it’s reported that the SW nightingale hospital has now been opened and mothballed – I think they converted a B and Q to do it .
Judging by planning they’ll close the nightingale permanently in October as the annual flu season and potential recurrence of covid gets going again ….
Funny that no one talks about ventilators or PPE any more . Did it get boring ?
BBC News
South Africa’s strict lockdown measures include a ban on cigarettes and alcohol. We take a look at the impact of the ban.
Not actually funny, but being the bbc, hilarious.
Anniversary of the Dam Busters Raid – Guy Gibson was 24 when he led that – 24 . He did 170 – that’s 170 sorties before being killed 2 years later ….. ( apparently American B17 crews went home if they survived 25 sorties ) ….
Exceptional heroism from Guy Gibson, no doubt of that, but I think it fair to point out that the B17s were flying in daylight and their losses were commensurate with that rather frightening fact.
Beltane – yep – your right – Spaatz idea of sending them over without fighter escort until the p51 came along with the merlin engine fitted didn’t help ….
But Gibson s 170 missions – incredible – and he nearly got to the end …
I could be wrong but I’m sure I read once that RAF Bomber Command had the second-highest casualty rate of all services in the Second World War. Only that of the U-Boats was higher.
Anybody know better?
Trick – think you are right – 38000 commonwealth fliers dead . The RAF books going through losses from 1939 to 1945 are very sad . They list the names And nationalities in the crews – the Mission and the cause of the loss – if it is known ..
A new low for the biased BBC.
After the daily news conference (Sunday) Mischal ‘totally useless’ Hussein goes over to some BBC bod called Palab Gosh who produces the most unadulterated scaremongering s***-stirring doom and gloom imaginable.
Then it’s over to one Lucy Powell, a Labour business spokesperson.
Mischal feeds Lucy all the usual soft lobs. ‘Are you concerned that…….’, ‘ …….are you worried about…….’.
The really weird thing, and I thought I’d never say this, is that the Labour spokesperson, although no friend of the government, was quite temperate and reasonable and if anything refused to rise to Hussein’s bait. Incredible.
We thus have a clear provable and astonishing situation where the BBC is clearly to the left of Labour and see their remit only as undermining the government during these exceptional times even more so than the official opposition !!
Totally remarkable, if not unexpected, and a telling example of the need for this website.
If, perish the thought Corbyn had won then Piers would have been the nations consolation prize. I’m really warming to some of his antics.
I wonder if she really believes this trawl has resulted in anything like a sensible sense of national sentiment?
Labour’s Redio4 afternoon
First at 17:00 File on 4
Coronavirus: Stories from behind the mask
“Candid diaries of doctors and nurses recorded over two months of the coronavirus pandemic”
Almost all were BAME medics in London, who all had a beef against the Tories
One nurse saying how disgusted about Matt Hancock suggesting that staff had been misusing PPE
before explaining how she routinely used PPE against the rules.
The narrative was built up with all the tricks
.. the plinky plonk brainwash music
.. the emotional blackmail, tearful sections
Of course in those London hospitals the story was of getting near to full capacity, but then the cases dying down.
Then at 17:40 Profile just happen to choose the Labour MP doctor who had a run in with Matt Hancock
The intro managed to make it sound like she was frontline Covid staff
when in fact she was in the backroom liasing with patients families over the phone.
Rosena Allin-Khan is actually half Pakistani and half Polish
As her parents were passing through the UK at the time
Her father doing his medical training and her mother on tour with a Polish girl band.
The marriage ended after a few years.
Her supporters loved the show
but wait 5 mins and they will be telling us the BBC is 100% pro Tory operation.
Likewise the NHS doom-mongers loved the first show
Great point , one we all pick up on regularly !!!
I think the non introduction technique is another one on the list to explain to the uninitiated the lefty bias of the BBC . Pretty clear really . I’m surprised they just didn’t describe mr harwood as ‘far’ right since anyone no of the same bubble line has the prefix ‘far ‘ added to them .
Wouldn’t even be able to rely on ‘alexa’ to describe the views of an unannounced pundit /expert ….
Local news : we got a long clip from Andy Burnham
‘Oh not fair, the north has all the Covid now
.. the Tories cut our money
..we need more money now !”
He’s the Manchester Labour Mayor
he’s got nothing to do with Hull or Lincoln
which still have very few cases of Covid
And it’s not the north that has Covid, but certain hotspots.
And post his murderous tenure as Health secretary when he failed to apologise for the deaths his lack of oversight caused, he as Manchester Mayor initiated a new computer system which not only put vulnerable people at risk including some of them children and some who have died as a result of Burnhams incompetence and lack of accountability or ability to take responsibilty for his actions.
Gestapo Manchester Police are the only force in the UK to fail to forward their stats to the Home Office as a direct consequence of Burnhams computer system – something he has again consistently refused to apologise over nor take responsibility.
You wouldn’t mind but the man could be the devil incarnate and the idiots and Muzzies in Manchester would vote for him, so there’s zero chance of any democratic accountability, he like many Socialists just cannot accept he might be wrong !
With any luck he won’t get in next year. His tenure as doyenne of Greater Manchester is fast coming to an end. In an area that voted a Conservative Government in he is barking up the wrong tree and he knows it.
His constant pathetic challenges are becoming tiresome and still his promise to rid Greater Manchester streets of homeless fails week after week. What a complete useless egotistical fella he is!
He just likes the sound of his own voice. If you look at the stats, and I do (living in the NW) new cases are falling across the whole of Greater Manchester. So he just needs to shut up.
As expected the mayor of London has blamed his inability to balance the books at TFL on the government – which has provided 1.6 ? Billion for the mayor to pay his bills until September .
In return he has
Increased the congestion charge
Limited over 60s free transport
Re imposed charges on kids using buses and tubes ( the latter is good of course because it might make them walk )
The BBC has helpfully put his simpering excuse video on their site – without a reply . Can’t get much more biased than that .
I used one of his trains today for one stop . 3 minutes . £2.70
Nobody else on it .
Proof if it were needed that Socialism is all about production.
Customer needs are irrelevant.
Thus running totally empty trains is an end in itself.
Though not running them would be preferred by the RMT as long as the taxpayer pays their members’ wages. As we continue to do.
And in the exact same way nurses and doctors are clearly more important than patients – who by often becoming dead are in no position to complain.
Yesterday : Leftmob journos, say political connection info about people who have a story is NOT important
Today : Leftmob journos, say political connection info about people who have a story is SUPER important
That is why Carrie Symonds has been trending all this afternoon
even though she has no connection to do the topics today
which was the Mail making up fantasies about Keir Starmer ..’His field could be worth millions’ … it isn’t.
What a guy Obama is
Al Beeb are trying to influence the younger voters with their woke agenda . They don’t watch the trash and have no intent in paying the Telly Tax.
At the same time the totally out of touch broadcaster is turning its back on the older generation that are wise enough to see through their trash and propaganda but are conscientious enough pay the ‘protection racket’ .
Wrong move, Al Beeb wrong move.
That’s very true, Taff.
Kids today will just poo poo any demand for BBC dross, and get their ‘news’ elsewhere, ferchrissakes, there’s enough about!
Look at us here! Nobody likes the BBC or the others like Sky or ITV, and we assume that the trash they peddle is banal and uninteresting, so kids, as kids do, will look for the alternatives, and thank goodness they do! Great stuff you lot – keep going!
I don’t need to see what they’re looking at, as I’m an old fart, but maybe, our (grand) children will be pointing the way to ditch the awful BBC for good!
non-PC Andrew Lawrence, Statement from the constabulary regarding yesterday’s protest in Hyde
Thanks Stew!
Brilliant, straight to the point prodding authority in the ribs comedy. Type of thing that could have made the bbc once. Be interesting to compare production cost with some of the crapola masquerading as comedy on the bbc.
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
They find comedy is offensive to minorities and snowflakes.
New BBC documentary, Primates.
All about Monkeys, believe it or not…
Eco loon Chris Packam in full hypocritical mode.
Openly encouraging tourists to fly all over the world, visiting protected sites to save certain species from extinction.
Am I missing something here?
Saving protected species from being eaten by Chinese rockapes may well be a challenge.
Numbers 5, 78, 458, and 589 are now extinct on the menu I get shoved through my door, a few seconds before I burn it.
Catching up(?) with More Or Less today, which used to be a repeat in ‘normal’ times, they were going on about whether the government had met its testing target. MOL was quite certain that they hadn’t.
It made me think of something like car production. Everyone works their socks off to meet the monthly target but in the MOL world that doesn’t count unless someone actually buys them, i.e. the bit that is outwith the control of the car manufacturer.
I was waiting for them to tell us why different countries operate different spacing rules, but that never happened.
What did strike me is that they are prepared to quibble over what a government minister says, and bear in mind that the minister is only working from a brief that someone else prepared, but take everything that ‘their’ expert say as gospel.
If anyone should be ‘held to account’ it should be the ‘experts’, the minister is basically just doing what MOL does all the time, i.e. read out someone else’s work.
@JimS It was interesting that when the original MoL prog went out on Wednesday the situation was ambiguous
but since then Thu, Fri, Sat had a good runs of tallies of about 136K/day
today dipped to 91,206 tests
JimS thy did say about the different distances at 3m50s
“The WHO recommend 1m” cos beyond that most of the large droplets have fallen down to the ground.
So some countries like US and Japan say 6 ft (1.8m)
I guess that means to get a viral lot you need at least a big droplet , not a couple of small ones, so 1 m away from someone mouth is safe enough.
I wonder if very tall people hardly ever get it from there .. if anyone does.
“I was waiting for them to tell us why different countries operate different spacing rules, but that never happened.”
Telling us that WHO suggests one metre isn’t an explanation, rather it is an acknowledgement that our two metres is exceptionally extreme. Why does the BBC never challenge that?
Animal Farm as aired by Big Brother.
Guest Who
Thank you thank you again for posting this wonderful 10 seconds ? Of video which I think I described in an earlier comment . This exchange was on just before the Sunday government ( yawn ) briefing .
Now – hands up – I was not a fan on Lord Sumption because of his stance on Brexit last year before the remainers were flushed down the toilet by democracy .
But now – after that brutal Lovely put down – I think I’m a fan .
As I wrote -poor meeeshaall probably needed counselling …
And what was even better was more than the normal number of viewers to BBC Pravda news would have seen it .
The downside is that we won’t hear or see Lord Sumption any more – the Stalinist airbrush will be applied to everything he has ever said in that normal BBC way . Meanwhile various felons such as Vicky pryce get unchallenged unintroduced airtime with no mention of her deceits….
But that is the BBC after all…..
As an aside – whoever filmed their TV must have realised something like that wonderful bitch slap was coming ….and it surely did …..
BBC Predictable Emole
Fasting and studying
The UK government has been strongly criticised for its handling of coronavirus in care homes. We’ve taken a close look at the decisions that were made. As a nation we’re also acutely aware of the huge pressures facing NHS and care staff on the front line, but what is it like to handle all that when you’re also fasting for Ramadan? Find out.
Doing things differently has become the new normal, so to speak, including for students thrust into the world of online learning. Can a remote teaching model work long-term, we ask? And despite eating out being off the cards right now, meet the chef still optimistic about opening his first restaurant.
Shared with minimal comment.
“when you’re fasting for Ramadan”.
I’m a simple man. I look for simple answers to problems. If you can’t work properly whilst fasting, STOP FASTING !!
There you are BBC. In two words I’ve solved the problem for all those heroes who would put peoples’ lives at risk because of their stupidity. Not. Rocket. Science.
A rare BBC bit of news..
Staff at Saint-Pierre Hospital in Brussels have turned their backs on Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès during an official visit.
The nation’s government has been criticised for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and high mortality rate.
Piers, Adam and Pymms know?
Seems all governments are muddling though and screwing up equally.
Guest – I can only think that the BBC reported that in order to encourage the ‘heroes ‘ doing their job in the NHS to do the same when a Tory minister puts in a visit at some time in the future ….
A question Simon and the BBC steer clear of.
The poster will be lucky not to be blocked, with all due trust and transparency.
“Coronavirus: Better-off children ‘studying more than poorer pupils'”
” teachers’ unions have raised concerns over safety amid fears a rush to return to the classroom could spread the coronavirus in schools.”
I understand the concerns, I also remember the concern about how taking kids on holiday during term time would devastate their education.
VD thought it best to call Saul for the feels?
Or he just popped a press release over to her guys?
Studly Kamal does not post often.
But when he does… wow.
Ian Blackford and Ed Davey have written to Michel Barnier supporting an extension to the transition period saying there is ‘significant opposition’ to the UK Government’s refusal to consider any delay.
The letter has also been signed by Plaid Cymru MP Liz Saville Roberts, Green MP Caroline Lucas, Stephen Farry, MP from the Alliance Party, and fellow Northern Ireland MP Colum Eastwood of the Social Democratic and Labour Party.
Jeff Taylor on the subject.
Anything on the bBC yet?
Plaid Cymru does not represent the people of Wales neither does The Welsh Assembly. The letter was written by a bunch of anti democratic Rejoiners. Barnier is not a happy bunny.
I always feel a bit sorry for the Liz Saville Roberts MP one . I watched her on Parliament once and noticed she always opens up with a bit of Welsh – fair enough . So I did a wiki .
It turns out she was born in Eltham – perhaps Taffman can help me with where abouts in Wales Eltham is because all I can picture is in outer west londonistan .
Any way – it also seems that our Liz connection with wales wasn’t consummated until she went to a Welsh university when she got to 18 . ….
Also wiki doesn’t mention which branch of the ‘Saville ‘ clan to which liz is a member – not the ‘Jimmy ‘ one presumably ….
Why of course, Eltham is a Welsh colony , part of the Taff Empire.
Simples . 😉
Taffman – I was wrong – there is an ‘eltham ‘ in Wales – but it’s ‘ New South Wales ‘ funny world innit ?
Fedup2, yes that’s our Welsh Australian Colony .
BBC seem to be keeping their powder dry on this…I think they are storing it all up so they can have one big exposee on’ how bad EU negotiations are going…and we need a delay…expect a huge Remainer biased story in next few days…
James – the problem is – when it’s going ‘bad ‘ – it is ‘bad’ for the EU – they have more to lose because of the trade balance being so far into their favour – plus come the end of the year we won’t have any more to spend on EU imports anyway ….
I know what you are saying but regardless of any reality the BBC narrative will be ‘we need to delay’ with as many talking heads as they can muster
I would bet that all those calling for a delay are those anti-democratic, liberal Europhiles that voted ‘remain’ four years ago. I include the Anti-Brexit Biased Al Beeb in that list .
Lets be honest , the EU is facing a catastrophic financial disaster and it needs our ‘British’ money and our fish.
Al Beeb is keeping its powder dry and is looking for one last ‘big push’ to overturn the decision of those that ‘did not know what they were voting for’. It wants our financial sector and hub (London) moved to Europe . Get rid of the Telly Tax , cancel your direct debits and send a message to your MP that you want that unfair tax abolished. There are many poor people in Britain that could do with that money now.
Is ed Davey still fasting ? Judging by ‘porker ‘ blackford he declined that element of ‘solidarity with the false ‘religion ‘ .
BBC: “Lockdown in Panama is strictly enforced, with men allowed out one day and women the next. But this has been used by some as an excuse to harass members of the trans community.”
Oh really, thanks for telling us that.
“They began to do a body search on me. One of them squeezed my breasts in the search and said, laughing, ‘You’re not a woman'”
That’s bad, I guess. It would have been worse if they had squeezed her penis.
Or even his testicles ?
taffman (or should I say taff-person?) surely what you meant to ask was ‘or even HER testicles?’
Fedup2, there you are, 9am and I’ve now chalked up the trifecta
Asiseeit – I try to check the site in the morning to see if there is much overnight troll / anti troll action or ‘tired and emotional ‘ posts …..
‘Trifecta’ at 0858 – nice …
All bona fide doctors’ words…
Asiseeit – 0826 AM Monday and you manage to get both breasts and penis into a comment …. phew …
They did mention she/he has been a sex worker since 14! I am sure she’s had more than her breast squeezed!
Another Monday, another pile of tripe from Justin Webb and the British Bulshit Corporation
Very sad that our brother comrade Jon Lansman is to ‘step down ‘ from running Momentum – the organisation which runs the Labour security apparatus and re education camps .
Fear not about comrade lansmans capitalist income – he remains a member of the polit bureau – sorry Labour Party NEC so will be representing comrade Corbyn after his girlfriend – thornby stepped down as ‘chair ‘ last week …
You’ll remember that comrade lansman was responsible for the excellent labour election result of 2019 where we “ won the argument “ . Love than one .
I know that government ministers cannot be as facetious
as some of us are in our comments when answering
inane questions such as Andrew Marr asked Michael Gove
yesterday. Such as “can you guarantee that no school teachers
will get Covid 19 if they return to school?”
How I would of liked Michael Gove to ask him ” can you
guarantee me that you are no longer a Trotskyist and far left wing
journalist who just happened to tick the right boxes for a
political presenter so far as the BBC was concerned?”
I wonder if he will ask Saddy Can if the bus from Waterloo to Peckham bus station will arrive exactly according to the timetable every day.
Personally, I’d prefer the Gove response to have been, “…..what kind of stupid question is that?…just listen to yourself”
as an aside..C4 (and we know where their allegiance lays) we love googlebox – but have you noticed recently the only political bits shown have painted Boris and Trump in a bad light..they are normally only short sections and I do wonder why they are put in and how much the responses are ‘tailored’..
Sad when something that is good fun is used like this..
I sense that the media believe they are getting on top of the ‘condemn’ Trump/Johnson narrative at present.
He’s right, you know…
Interesting guy
“Facebook Puts Soros, Muslim Brotherhood, Activists in Charge of Censorship”. Personally, I’d prefer less sensationalism and the headline to read, “….in part Charge….”. But even that’s serious enough.
Anyway, for me, I don’t use Facebook so, ‘san fairy Ann’