Expect more wailing because “A YouGov opinion poll commissioned by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) suggests 54% of people now support looser immigration controls for workers regarded as essential during the pandemic.”
I wonder how many “essential workers” have arrived by whichever method today.
Also, re Lucas and the letter to Barnier (previous page), Jeff Taylor mentions two clauses from the Green Party Policy on ‘Nationality.’ (This was in 1997 so I’m not sure if it is still ‘current’). https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/ny.html
NY300 We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a ‘British national’ is irrelevant and outdated.
Long-term Policies
NY400 We will progressively transfer all rights and responsibilities between individuals and government to depend on residence instead of nationality.
Forget that Bill . The government has lost control of immigration . People are flying in and shipping in to this country every day unchecked . Witness the fiasco at Dover.
We have been invaded by stealth and the Tory Government is about as useful at defending this nation as a chocolate teacup. It does not bode well for the future. The security of the nation is being tested and probed in all manners each day, cast your minds back to the Novichok attack………………….. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-43328976
“Lessons to be learned” anyone ?
@TheIsland So the BBC says
‘we must have laxer border controls cos ONE poll supports it.’
A poll is not a referendum
It is not the way the government works
The gov was elected on a mandate to be tougher.
Made the mistake of leaving R4 on in background while working – it is learn history lesson..and guess what – it’s Pocahontas – and who are the bad guys ..yes the English colonists ..with lots of reinforcement comments from the ‘unbaised’ story teller
Why the bloody hell can’t the BBC produce just one piece of ‘history’ that isn’t negative about the UK – or England more specifically ?
BBC news this morning
VD wasn’t happy with this …
Professor Saul Faust.
Report on children going back to school, and living in a society of risk.
‘It is being incessantly politicised’
People taking small quotes and sensationalising it. Thats the way the media works these days.
VD heard mumbling in background “We don’t all work like that”
Face like a smacked arse at end of report.
Priti’s Immigration Bill is to be debated in the Commons. Good luck with that.
Experts say, people are suggesting, it has been proposed, (BBC language) that Priti recruits several thousand flying pigs who will deposit pig shit along our coast line which will inhibit illegal migrants from embarking on our shores.
Watching Priti’s interview I was interested in her elimination of the letter g from the end of words, as in goin’, reducin’, supportin’, immigratin’ . Otherwise her impersonation of a robot is most satisfyin’.
The pritti speech style is fascinatin
The more stressed she gets the more she forgets the ‘ gee’ and uses particular words more and more basically .
I bet her staff don’t tell in case they get a slappin’
I nominate Fedup2 for the position of BBC Director General.
Fear not BBBC patriots, temporary DG.
He will relinquish the post as soon as SS BBC lies at the bottom of the Challenger Deep.
Guys, I yearn for the day when we can catch out a politician with our carefully worded gotcha questions disguised as "holding to account". Nicola Sturgeon, on the other hand, has always been straight, especially about the virus in Edinburgh x pic.twitter.com/yAYxO1VOKi
— Bay Kurley (Not affiliated to Sky, or Journalism) (@BayKurley) May 17, 2020
I bet the droids at Sky and elsewhere in the bubble find Bay Kurley hugely entertaining . Burley desperately competing with a crowded field of gotcha monsters all being mimicked by lesser would be s trying to get down to her level – see BBC local news for examples …
Has anyone ever heard the bbc (or sky/itv for that matter) use the term ‘far left’
We get ‘far right’ being used all the time to label all the organisations and people they don’t like but I can’t recall any of them labelling anything or anyone as far left.
Probably because they are so far to the left themselves that ‘far’ left isn’t very ‘far’ away.
It’s one of the reasons I often put ‘ Far Left ‘ BBC up in the Preamble – which -judging by the dryness of some of the snowflakes commenting about the site on the Facebook page – suggests they don’t get it -bit too dry perhaps . …
“Venezuela is particularly vulnerable to the wider effects of the pandemic because of its ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis causing massive shortages of food staples and basic necessities, including medical supplies.
The mass emigration of Venezuelan doctors has also caused chronic staff shortages in hospitals.[7]
To prevent the spread of the disease into Venezuela, the governments of Brazil and Colombia temporarily closed their borders with Venezuela.[8][9][10]”
Yet the same article reports Venezuela 541 cases and 10 deaths!
I wonder if the WHO will report another outbreak of the FLLV.1917-2020 *and note the increased trade between Venezuela and the source of the pandemic: 125 Germ Warfare Street, Wuhan.
A very disappointing Wikipedia article, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands have moved to South America.
The Wikipedia “editor” who gave up his job to change every reference in the universe to “The Malvinas” must be on holiday.
The British Bolshevik Corporation can’t resist stirring up a bit of class hatred. Never waste a good pandemic, eh Beeb?
“How the super-rich spent lockdown
As the UK headed for lockdown, reports flew in of wealthy homeowners rushing to the countryside, to their yachts or to private jets out of the country.
But where were they headed?
From castles and private islands to luxury underground bunkers with pools and home cinemas, we take a look at how the super-rich have spent lockdown.”
Well if I was super rich I’d do that too – who wouldn’t ? Can’t beat that nasty streak of envy in the BBC – even if some of the poor devils are only on £200 k a year plus pension …
( for the record – I’ve never had a job and have lived off inherited wealth my whole life (I wish ))
The racist far-left bbc hive are all wannabe rich, famous and elite.
That was proven by the way John Sweeney referred to Tommy Robinson; I cannot remember his exact words but Mr Sweeney effectively described him, and hence the likes of me and people like me, as a lower form of life.
They’re snobs with no reason to be. From what I’ve seen of them, they are sociopathic narcissists; most of them probably have an inferiority complex and compensate by being condescending to real, normal, sane people.
I live in a ‘studio’ but with a my own kitchen and bathroom and the BBC will be disappointment to hear that this right wing Tory voter is doing just as well during the lockdown as the mega rich champaign socialists and most other working class people I know are doing fine as well.
The BBC report is way out of date
She has been identified as Aya Hachem, (tweets say family request her face is obscured)
Iranian tweeters describe her as Lebanese.
BBC journo “Police say not being treated as a terrorist incident. ” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-52700074
True it was GMB on ITV this morning – though there’s little to choose between the channels now – but intrepid Man of the People Piers Morgan was in full flow, accusing government ministers of lying, and to his shame Ian Duncan Smith did little to challenge or refute the charges.
What he could have said, perhaps, was something like: ‘Ministers by definition have to rely heavily on civil servants for the accuracy and relevance off their facts and figures, Piers.’
‘It’s a far-fetched suggestion of course, because we all know the level of commitment, probity and total lack of political bias within the CS, but what if in the high-pressure atmosphere of the crisis certain ‘servant’s are using the situation to feed mis-information as a part of the continued efforts to belittle and undermine the government? People with only half a brain can see this for themselves, Piers, which makes it all the more sad that you choose to hector and diminish Ministers of the Crown in order to promote both yourself and the agenda to which you are so clearly working.’
IDS could have said that. But he didn’t.
I don,t comment on here very often as I don,t watch or listen to any BBC .
But came across this picture which i thought i must share with you all .If it works
@Realworld if you just post a tweet URL
It auto-embeds here
… Or right click over the Tweet’s image to pick up its own URL
and use the image button here. As I have done
You are right Piers has morphed into a parody of himself and now resembles a Beeboid with his approach…why do none of these people try looking at where the real accountability lays with many of the issues that have faced us? It isn’t the Govt. It is often the NHS…
But it is so much easier to blame them and be right in hindsight…and seek to be on the side of virtue…
RE schools – why does the MSM including Piers keep bashing the Govt
and not discuss the most recent research, most of which says kids don’t pass it on and in some countries they are now allowed to hug grandparents…
Not saying research is 100% right (although I think it is pretty good) but it should at least be discussed…rather than having people like Piers Morgan just using emotional self referential opinions
On the BBC1 news tonight they highlighted the lack of PPE & testing at Harbour House residential care home in Dorset which has left the Home Manager at ‘the end of my tether’.
According to their website, this care home charges the following for their expert care,
LEVEL 1 £2995 per calendar month
LEVEL 2 £3350 per calendar month
LEVEL 3 £3750 per calendar month
“Is it me? Or should a care home charging £45000 per annum for a room not supply it’s own PPE or should they, with the help of the taxpayer funded BBC, blame the government?
Nobody seems to ask the question – “why cant you manage on the prices you charge ?”
Brissles-Because the Care Home “business” is one of the
most lucrative there is. The very very best would just about
qualify for a 2* rating. Most are not even worth 1*. I have
help serve the dollop they serve in one of the better ones.
I once heard an administrator and food supplier seeing
how they could cost dinners under a pound.
The care staff earn very low wages with very little benefits
in most of them. They are far worse off than illegal immigrants
who are paid cash in hand.
I wrote about this weeks ago.” Care Homes ” and that’s an
anachronism, were the perfect storm for the Chinese virus.
Elderly virus struck patients being shunted out of hospitals
back to their care homes. And carers who had to go to work
even if they were unwell.We have seen the results!
I agree Fos, and like a lot of businesses in this country which prove to be ‘cash cows’ they are in the hands of foreigner/migrants, call them what you will, and when you dig deep enough via different corporations/umbrella companies, many many care homes are owned by entrepreunal Indians. Ironic really, when you rarely see elderly Asians in Homes, because they are looked after at home by their families – or by an in-house nurse !!
There can be few businesses that rake in as much profit as the care of others.
BRISSLES… I can vouch for what you say 100% with very recent personal experience with an extended member of my family… If the BBC were worth their salt they could have done some digging and it wouldn’t take them very long to find out the same thing!
In all probability they have found this info but quickly filed it in the “Bury This” draw they keep for anything non PC….
BRISSLES… I can vouch for what you say 100% with very recent personal experience with an extended member of my family… If the BBC were worth their salt they could have done some digging and it wouldn’t take them very long to find out the same thing!
In all probability they have found this info but quickly filed it in the “Bury This” draw they keep for anything non PC….
I tried to find a suitable Care Home once for a close relative – in case I couldn’t cope as a carer . The weekly fee was around £900 with maybe the council paying £150 of that .
But I couldn’t find one I would be content leaving a relative with . Now I know this is my case and there must be decent ones out there somewhere .
But since then I’ve been very concerned about social care – which should be rolled into the NHS and not run as businesses .
What is happening now is , I think , a consequence of governments of various types failing to take on the ‘ problem ‘ .
With the amount of borrowed money being sloshed around by the state now – they might as well adopt recommendations made for caring – especially for dementia sufferers .
Nothing will happen – despite too many care Home deaths …
I used to work in a doctors surgery, that was an eye opener for me, 6 docs in the surgery and each one wanted things done differently. There was no supporting each other and the staff were the fall guys in the middle. In the area the surgery served there was possibly about 10 care homes and they all had call outs for the old people in thier care when they were Iil. I once asked one of the docs if he had to put his mother in one around here which one would be the best. He said there is no way he would put his mother in any of them. That has stuck with me and I have told my family that I would rather die than be sent to one of those.
Thank you . I’m sure there is a secret network of decent care homes . I worry a bit in case I ever need one for me . Mind you I’d want a totally private one and not one where the local council is involved ..
Yes I suppose there is, I do know that a colleagues mother who used to be a matron ( a real old fashioned one) went into a care home a few miles away and it was very good, it had to be for her as even her daughter used to be frightened of her.. I believe they used to serve afternoon tea for the people and any visitors each day.
Here in the north my mother-in-law was in two different church not-for-profit homes, only moving from one to the other when the former had to close. Both had caring staff, good food and a lot of money spent to keep surroundings nice. The first had a problem when EU regulations demanded that radiators were all caged to stop residents falling on the and getting a burn. No resident had, but £17,000 had to be found. Cost of at least one care worker.
The amounts charged were a lot less than in the south but the increasing burden of regulation was making them struggle and that was in spite of both having management boards who put in many hours voluntarily and not taking out large sums.
We have several small developments of Alms houses here, and they are just great for the elderly, and a few who nearly qualify, but are getting on.
Despite a few squabbles with the trustees, they work pretty well, and provide an important service at far less than the big nursing home chains, which are a joke on many levels.
We cared for my Mum in an annexe as long as we could, until her condition necessitated transfer to a care home.
The first was £3600 a month. Owned by a GP whose surgery ‘oversaw’ it, as it turned out. CQC thought it was wonderful. When we transferred her out after finding bed sores they threatened to sue us but backed down when I showed them what would come to court. PHSO and other Quangos also closed ranks. Our MP dictated a few letters that were blown off by revolving door health secretaries.
If we were not dealing with her I’d have fought to expose the whole sordid system.
She ended her days in a specialist dementia facility that was not cheap but pretty good. Very clinical (the previous was a country house) but she did not care about aesthetics, and the staff were warm and professional.
Matron was a young Filipina who wore old style blue nurse uniform and ruled the roost on every aspect ruthlessly. Especially hygiene and room cleaning. Brilliant.
Just turned Vine off
cos he fed a line to Dr Sarah Jarvis
so she can do her thing of misrepresenting Trump
“no UV causes cancer & nor will we be injecting BLEACH”
..doh of course cancer is often treated with “rays”, not exactly but a different frequency of waves.
These so called intelligent people are so keen to dismiss anyone they don’t like that they seem to ignore truths and nuance – Dr Jarvis has to be one of the most pompous. arrogant GPs to invade the MSM
Re what POTUS didn’t say… 🙂
There are different types of UV light and it is already used for ‘disinfecting’ labs – they have been working on the use of UV for years in terms of killing bacteria so this would just be an extension of the idea.
On Pain Pus and Poison (BBC) their favourite Dr Mosley summed it up..everything in a high enough dose is a poison (even water) – and that many poisons in the right dose can beneficial
Botox..is used in many medical circumstances and is the most poisonous substance known to man…go figure Dr Jarvis
As far as I know no modern day GPs has ever discovered or invented anything of note in the world of medicine..
“As far as I know no modern day GPs has ever discovered or invented anything of note in the world of medicine..”
Most GPs haven’t discovered the scroll wheel on their PC mouse, at least I think that is why they know nothing about one’s medical history without being prompted!
In other matters, and in best BBC ‘News’ tradition:-
“Is The Pope Catholic?”
Having just walked past his local branch office I find it draped in rainbow flags in worship of ‘NHS’ and ‘Key Workers’, so I presume the answer is “No!”.
What really irks me, is the fact that we just have to go along with the Tory government’s strategy for ending lockdown, and relaxing the controls.
There’s no alternative, especially if you’re in work, and need the help to get back.
Just imagine what it would be like if The Magic Grandpa had been in charge! Huge bonuses for all public employees, taxes on working from home, transport at a standstill, and a bill of squillions more than we’ll have to pay for the coming years under Boris’ laws.
What would be worse, would be the smug, fully-paid BBC, all egging the doddery old boy on, and agreeing with every issue which bashed the private sector, whose taxes support the town halls, the County Councils, and all the other wasters and hangers on – especially the ‘cherideees’.
There’d be several new layers of ‘management’ in the NHS, with diversity gurus, immigrant advisors, and a myriad of layabouts ‘working from home’, while getting all the eye-watering wages and perks that the normal tax-payer has to accept as a total ‘dream-on’ maximum.
The BBC would invent so many new ‘non-jobs’, their tax-funds would certainly be increased to meet ‘demand’. The Guardian would be nationalised, and would be safely ensconced in W1AA.
Bloody nightmare, so I’ll grin and bear the correct alternative from Boris.
So having berated Boris for wanting dangerous lockdown easing, Nicola Sturgeon is now saying Scotland will ease restrictions from May 28th.
…and that everyone showing symptoms can be tested at one of the FIVE Scottish test centres.
Now even I know that Scotland is pretty big and has loads of very remote areas so this is a point-scoring joke!
I do now believe that easing lockdown has become political Russian Roulette with no one having the guts to just come out and say “We panicked and over-reacted and it’s cost the Country, the People and the World massively, sorry.
Next if Boris announced that pubs can open at 7pm on June 1st. I would expect Nicola to follow up with NO! in Scotland pubs will open at 7.15pm on June 1st. we don’t want to risk lives!
Even the Times can occasionally be balanced and informative despite the BBC having lost the knack, and the piece on St. Nicola today is well worth reading.
They make the major point that the SNP, whose whole political agenda is based on sniping, blaming the English and creating illusions of power, have an abysmal record when it comes to actually governing their country. Covid-19 is a real blessing for Krankie and Fat Controller Blackwell because it draws attention away from their own very, very short comings.
I going to build on the phenomena of the ‘untroduced speaker ‘- on Twitter Giudo raises the case of Ellie Sharp – a sweet young thing whom Sky apparently rolled out across the weekend as a teacher accusing the government of having blood on their hands for forcing schools to open .
It turns out that young Ellie is a member of Momentum , an Union organiser and a communist – Sky left that bit out ,
Also in the paper but unlikely to be on the BBC, a snippet from 4,200 years ago when the Egyptian and Mesopotamian empires crumbled and collapsed, events which also saw a significant rise in the growing of rice.
And the catalyst for this seismic event which provided a cereal crop for much of the far eastern world was….climate change.
I bet you didn’t know it was those pharaohs charging around in their V-8 chariots that upset the weather.
“The clock is ticking – again” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-42953283
What goes around comes around Mr Barnier. Have you forgotten that we democratically voted to “Leave”, Remember ?
I bought a pack of raspberries today and they were labelled as being from Spain. A closer inspection revealed origin as Morocco.
Can we ship them in direct form Morocco ? Is this something to do with some crazy EU law ?
Anyone ?
Taff, it seems we can ship anything from anywhere so long as it has the Al Beeb stamp of (self) righteousness. Witness the ‘reported lowest’ stats for Covid infection in some Izcrapistan backwater. Immediately followed up by some desperate strap-line stating we should relax immigration regulations from low infection areas.
Because, of course the Nations ‘most trusted’ says so innit.
?? when we do the fruit stall the inspector sometimes come round to make sure the origin is labelled properly.
I don’t see boxes like you describe
Spain is Spain , Morocco is Morocco
Very occasionally labels explain that the packing factory sources from different countries, so a box may contain product originating out of different countries.. eg bags of dried sultanas/raisans.
However this is NOT done with raspberries, AFAIK they are so fragile the are picked immediately into the retail packaging.
According to Freshuelva, Moroccan raspberry exports to the EU have grown by 400.31% in the last five years, from 5,436 tons in 2014 to 21,761 tons in 2018. According to the Huelva-based association, this increase is causing “disturbances in the EU markets as a result of the oversupply they generate, causing prices to fall and negatively affecting the Spanish and European raspberries, whose price has fallen by 14.72% between January and August 2019 compared to 2018.”
In a meeting chaired by the Director General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, Esperanza Orellana, Freshuelva has presented this data and asked the Ministry of Agriculture to establish measures to control the access of goods from this third country, as well as the labeling of the raspberries entering Spain from Morocco and reaching the European market.
Thanks StewGreen & JimS.
Perhaps Spain buys them in and ships them to UK at a big profit?
I am sure you will agree that we could source much of our food from outside the EU. As far as I remember there was a warning about food prices going up as we joined the Common Market because the European’s were subsiding their farmers?
Does anyone remember the butter mountain, milk being poured down the drain and the tins of corned beef being given away – all to get the prices up to the European levels.
Isn’t it about time we bought our home grown products and manufactured good?
Far too many imports coming in from Europe and even More from China .
Great Britain has had its manufacturing removed by gradual stealth while successive governments did nothing but look after their own pockets . The message is “Buy British” as far as possible .
I think the packaging was saying that XYZ corp of Spain had imported the raspberries from Morocco.
I googled in Spanish : Frambuesas Maroc
and ended up at Jan 2020 article that quotes the same stuff as Jims did
Something happned in last 2 years, the fruit wholesaler has been selling us stuff from all over the world Turkey, India Peru, Chile
previously it was just eU , though we always had some Israeli stuff.
Could we be in a situation that certain countries in the EU are buying from outside , relabelling and then flogging them to the UK ?
If that is the case , thank god we are leaving .
Perhaps Panodrama could do a programme on it ?
Agreed Taffman,
However, manufacturing/supplying goods ‘from the UK’ will attract and more more foreign (and in particular Chinese) companies [State controlled] to buy them. This has been another self-imposed plague on businesses in the UK. Even the US has been responsible for buying pharma businesses, shipping them to the US and eventually, shipping the whole lot to China. There’s a lot needed to be changed. It could happen with strong, sensible UK Government – I keep hoping for one………..
I switched on BBC1 early for the 5pm briefing. The BBC had on a woman who I think they said was part of the SAGE group although from what she had to say I could believe she was part of Labour’s alternative group.
Ben asked her if the message of ‘be alert’ was clear allowing her to respond by saying that people need to be told exactly what to do. Did she want instructions on how to cross a road safely and whether 2m is safe but 1.98m isn’t? But she then went on to say that it was signs of inequality that cleaners, cooks, and estate agents are allowed into a home but grandchildren cannot visit. Isn’t it obvious that when my cleaner comes we may chat for 5 minutes whereas if my daughter visits we may talk for 2 hours. Thus the risk of air borne disease is greater with a relation than with the cleaner.
Deborah – that was Professor Susan Michie – leading member of the Communist Party of Britain previously married to trade union official Andrew Murray. She may be a member of SAGE but she is a rampant magic grandpa supporter – and not introduced as so by the disgraceful BBBC
Thanks MPW, it explains a lot. It was obvious that Ms Mitchie was only interested in her message of inequality rather than anything useful. She was already on the screen when I switched on. I don’t suppose they introduced her as ‘the far Left Ms Mitchie’? No? I shouldn’t be so silly.
R4…Evan interviewing a GP Arabella ? who didn’t seem to have any real answers and offered just opinions . He tried all the normal tricks to get her give a sound bite but she didn’t and he quickly got shot of her…
Now Interviewing Labour MP Meg Hillier about HS2..not a surprise she gives him everything he wants and is allowed to talk uninterrupted except for agreement ( she is the one complaining about the Self employed not getting their money when all of the evidence on the ground is that it is working well)
He really is a tw*t……it is clear in every interview he does that the sole aim is to blame the Tories for anything and everything…
@JamesArthur I have just checked thru tweets about @bbcPM & @EVanHD
#1 There are very few as if few people listen to the prog
#2 The prog changed format to be just a normal news show with no special LIVE coverage of the DailyBriefing
apart from the BBC’s own questioner
People said they had switched to LBC
I happened to catch Evan Davis saying at 5:46pm
“So why has Trump been talking about Obama recently ?
He’s been retweeting someone saying Obama is corrupt
here’s Jon Sopel to explain.”
both laughing”
Jon Sopel “Obama had been on a call with his own former staffers was an ABSOLUTE CHAOTIC DISASTER ..Obamagate started AFTER that”
FFS that is a narrative completely different from what I heard
Flynn had his charges dropped
Two AP journos FOI’d to find out why
They were told papers exist which show the old CIA insiders were out to get Trump so fitted up Flynn
who in fact had dropped his guilty plea way back in January
… then it came out that people said they had evidence that Obama himself had ordered the CIA and insiders to hit Trump from way back when Obama was still president.
.. That story makes way more sense than Sopel’s idea that Trump got gripey.
Fergus Walsh – extinguishing himself be asking a dumb tasteless question about why loss of taste hasn’t been included as a covid symptom and people might have died because of it …..
He named some professor who has claimed 200k cases may have gone undetected .
The medical expert gently told Fergus where to go and – of course – said loss of taste would only be one aspect of detecting the infection not the sole one …..
If Fergus came up with that question he should be ashamed as he framed in failure of the british because apparently the frogs did it last month …..
The media including the BBC’s Fergus Walsh are now in hot pursuit of the Government with the addition of 2 new Covid-19 symptoms for us to watch out for. Usual gripe, you were aware of this months ago but did nothing and this could have cost lives.
This will inevitably lead to further criticism for not making the public aware of the other symptoms listed by WHO on their website, quote:
“The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea (sic), loss of taste or smell or a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but only have very mild symptoms………”.
A good question for LK to ask Matt Hancock when he is hosting the next Downing St briefing: “Minister, have yet more lives been lost because people with abnormally pink toes were not informed it was a symptom of Covid-19?”.
WHO have an unfortunate problem spelling the word diarrhoea but I do not want to be accused of s—t stirring.
Well, back in December it suddenly occurred to me I was taking more sugar in tea because I didn’t seem to ‘taste’ it anymore, and my sense of smell wasn’t as keen. At the time I put it down to new meds or my ‘age’.
Now it appears I wasn’t alone. Seeing as this is a bit out of the common cough/sore throat symptoms, then I believe there is clearly something amiss that this unusual symptom has affected so many thousands.
Well, since being under lockdown and at home and also working hard in the garden, I’ve noticed an increased thirst, so the wine flows, and so does the beer but only at weekends!
The necessity for rehydration was a key issue when miners came up from the pits, and needed a dood refill after such awful conditions – a fact usually ignored by anyone who drinks shampoo in the corridoors of – hic – W1AAA, and decides to leckcher everyone outer thheere in the squires…
i hoope that Pramnorerma myw take up the shallenge and make up a perogtammme about itt all andn rewpoort on why tesco have put up the drices of lageret bah u88% and – hic – why ofh hell, whatever……#’
The Guardian reporting that protest meetings by anti-lockdown folk in the USA are creating a spread of COVID 19 according to data drawn from their cellphone movements. (I leave you to decide whether this is legal, let alone possible!)
The data was provided to the Guardian by an outfit called “The Committee to Protect Medicare”
Just google them then pop along to their site and it is soon patently clear that in reality they are an outright Anti-Trump, pro-Obama Activist organisation.
Amazing how the lefty-media is able to drum up data from obscure lefty “organisations” at the drop of a hat and present it as scientific fact.
@Digg I imagine it is legal
You’d be able to spot that a town had a demo on a Tuesday morning, by the way for a particular cell phone tower 2,000 phoneshad signalled their presence rather than the normal 200
No personal data would be exposed in that process.
My simple questions are – why are they there and of what importance is it to us? BBC seeking virtue points again….Glad I have stopped watching 99% of BBC
BBC News and @BBCHughPym was reporting on testing so off he pops to a testing centre where everyone without fail reports how easy and promptly they got their tests. Discombobulating. So goes to a remote interview with a complainant with a book behind him entitled "CCCP". ????
— Cue Bono#Jobby19Survivor (@cue_bono) May 18, 2020
Taffman – Thank’s for leading me in. It’s not controversial, it’s just got a number of people that don’t like it and the that seems to include our BBC.
The ‘news’ opened with the headline “Patel’s controversial Immigration Bill…” and then bizarrely went on to explain how the UK wants to treat everyone around the world equally and it meant people need a decent income and certain number of points to qualify.
And what’s wrong with that
I’d like to know
‘Cause here I go again
(name that song)
Anyway, McCartney aside, up steps a Polish woman who’s done very well for herself and all credit to her.
Apparently she never came here for the money, besides, like she said “it’s only minimum wage”. She came here to care for our old people and it’s a shame that Poles won’t be able to do so.
Before you ask, no, she wasn’t asked if she could’ve worked in Polish care homes for their minimum wage, instead of exporting herself to this hell hole.
The NHS ‘Golden Calf’ posting the other day was quite amusing but, as I posted earlier, the local Catholic church is now flying rainbow ‘worship the NHS and key workers’ flags.
I have just returned from a walk in the opposite direction and I see that someone has re-purposed their illuminated Christmas nativity ‘stable’. Baby Jesus has been chucked and replaced by the new god, ‘the NHS and key workers’.
Will the patrons of Alan’s Snack Bar follow suit? I think not.
I’ve been taking this stuff for years, it helps me to blank out any drivel from the BBC, and there are no after effects…
‘Flumethasone pivalate with iodochlorohydroxyquinoline proved to be of great therapeutic value in the treatment of ear infections. The cases included otitis externa, chronic suppurative otitis media and infeted mastoid cavities by wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi. The drug proved effective in seventy seven (81%) cases out of ninety five cases. No side effects were noted in any case. Patients’ acceptance of the drug was excellent. Our study revealed further, that systemic use of antibiotics or sulphonamides was unnecessary in otitis externa provided the topical applicant was effective one.
We recommend the topical use of flumethasone pivalate with iodochlorhydroxyquinoline in treatment of ear infections particularly in cases where previous treatment with antibiotics ear drops has failed to produce desired results’.
Here is Julia spreading the BBC tosh about Trump advocating disinfectant injections.
GP Dr Laurence Buckman advises against using hydroxychloroquine after Donald Trump said he was taking the drug as a preventative measure against coronavirus: Taking an unproven drug in advance is "the worst thing to do." Listen live ► https://t.co/sv3MZUm41c@JuliaHB1pic.twitter.com/VFGM2IzwmM
I turned on the radio in hope but got a bit of The News Quiz. It appeared to be a pack of smug, ignorant women in a competition to prove that each was smugger and more ignorant than the others.
One was pleased that she wasn’t the only one that didn’t understand Obamagate. Obviously it was nonsense, well because, well Trump! Ha! Ha!
Joe Biden didn’t need to do anything because he just had to be not Trump! Ha! Ha! Biden needn’t worry about sexual allegations because Trump would be scared to bring it up because, well Trump! Ha! Ha!
Seriously the BBC should be ashamed of this tosh. It isn’t funny and it isn’t satirical, it’s just smug ignorant women enjoying the sound of their own voices.
Oh, and ladies, Obamagate, it is now looking more and more likely that all those accusations about the president over the last four years are true! The Russian stuff, the impeachable stuff, the corruption, all true! The only bit they got wrong was the name of the president.
TOADY Watch #1 – In USA FDA* Officials say anti-malarial drug is unsafe
Is that the one that Bill Gates is buying and sending to Africa? Who knew? Bill Gates, hurting Africans. There’s a thing! Will there be a row about it? Will the BBC ask questions about whether people at risk of malaria should stop taking it? Will the FDA now be sued or shut down for previously licensing a drug now considered unsafe?
Will the EU ban it and Remainers and Remoaners add it to their chlorinated chicken?
Will BBC Correspondents working in swampy, tropical, places like Brazil have to come home or put themselves at risk by not using an anti-malarial drug?
Meanwhile …. back in The Swamp …. where mosquitoes spread malaria ….. the President says he is thinking about taking it. Which is very different from the BBC’s version which said the President is taking it.
Carry on draining that swamp in Washington, Mr President and when you have finished, we have some here in the UK that need attention.
* For Fed’s sake
USA = United States of America
FDA = Food & Drug Administration (USA regulators of food, drink and medicine safety)
Watching the early morning insomnia news, there’s the good old BBC still banging away about the ‘taste and smell’ symptoms link to Covid-19 and the ‘200,000 lost cases overlooked by an inept and incapable government in another example of callous indifference to massive loss of life etc, etc….’
So despite nicely belligerent Prof Van-Tam making it perfectly clear – even to Fergus Walsh – that the symptom is only one of several and that it would inevitably include most if not all of the others, the BBC are still very happy to promote the misinformation and interview another ’eminent scientist’ whose in-depth and valued research has resulted in blah, blah.
The comparison with climate change and corvid, and the roles scientists are playing in deceiving the public for their own aggrandisement is direct and, sadly, predictable. I blame the X-Factor. This absurd yearning for fame and fortune has replaced cold calm research, so now the more absurd, emotive and unsubstantiated the claim, the more it is embraced as ‘fresh thinking’ and ‘innovative’ and the hero involved is feted as a Christ (or indeed Mohammed) -like figure, selflessly devoting his life and health to the cause of humanity.
Give us a break BBC. Please.
So many firms are deciding to continue having their staff working from home, Up2.
More and more sensible companies can easily perform duties online these days, a fact relayed to me only yesterday, by a great guy who has just retired from The City. His family are now in the same business, and the whole issue for them is ‘keep away from London’ from now on.
Mare Khan, who is now in the non-job for another year, is just screwing the business prospects for recovery by taxing all the workers who need transport, can’t carry huge tool bags on the tubes (who’d want to anyway), and generally pushing a sadly uncosted ‘green’ policy to please his Greta Extinction Bumholian mob, or whatever they’re called this week.
Of course, there are so many idiots in London who wanted him to be mare, but my heart goes out to any good people here, who have to tolerate such a silly little tosser.
I’m never, ever going to revisit the place after 40 years of work there.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
Flagship immigration bill returns to Commons
Expect more wailing because “A YouGov opinion poll commissioned by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) suggests 54% of people now support looser immigration controls for workers regarded as essential during the pandemic.”
I wonder how many “essential workers” have arrived by whichever method today.
Also, re Lucas and the letter to Barnier (previous page), Jeff Taylor mentions two clauses from the Green Party Policy on ‘Nationality.’ (This was in 1997 so I’m not sure if it is still ‘current’).
NY300 We will work to create a world of global inter-responsibility in which the concept of a ‘British national’ is irrelevant and outdated.
Long-term Policies
NY400 We will progressively transfer all rights and responsibilities between individuals and government to depend on residence instead of nationality.
Forget that Bill . The government has lost control of immigration . People are flying in and shipping in to this country every day unchecked . Witness the fiasco at Dover.
We have been invaded by stealth and the Tory Government is about as useful at defending this nation as a chocolate teacup. It does not bode well for the future. The security of the nation is being tested and probed in all manners each day, cast your minds back to the Novichok attack…………………..
“Lessons to be learned” anyone ?
No shortage of (male) sailors now as were getting hundreds arriving every week.
@TheIsland So the BBC says
‘we must have laxer border controls cos ONE poll supports it.’
A poll is not a referendum
It is not the way the government works
The gov was elected on a mandate to be tougher.
Made the mistake of leaving R4 on in background while working – it is learn history lesson..and guess what – it’s Pocahontas – and who are the bad guys ..yes the English colonists ..with lots of reinforcement comments from the ‘unbaised’ story teller
Why the bloody hell can’t the BBC produce just one piece of ‘history’ that isn’t negative about the UK – or England more specifically ?
BBC news this morning
VD wasn’t happy with this …
Professor Saul Faust.
Report on children going back to school, and living in a society of risk.
‘It is being incessantly politicised’
People taking small quotes and sensationalising it. Thats the way the media works these days.
VD heard mumbling in background “We don’t all work like that”
Face like a smacked arse at end of report.
Two facts Davy:
5 children (out of 34,000+) have died with the coronavirus since it started.
0 intensive care Doctors or Nurses (out of 34,000+) have died with the coronavirus since it started.
Is that how it appears to be being presented to us on the ‘worlds most trusted broadcaster’
I like using these Orwellian descriptions where they use the opposite to describe something (such as ‘religion of peace’ or ‘envy of the world’)
By the way, that’s 5 children under 20 years old.
Priti’s Immigration Bill is to be debated in the Commons. Good luck with that.
Experts say, people are suggesting, it has been proposed, (BBC language) that Priti recruits several thousand flying pigs who will deposit pig shit along our coast line which will inhibit illegal migrants from embarking on our shores.
Watching Priti’s interview I was interested in her elimination of the letter g from the end of words, as in goin’, reducin’, supportin’, immigratin’ . Otherwise her impersonation of a robot is most satisfyin’.
The pritti speech style is fascinatin
The more stressed she gets the more she forgets the ‘ gee’ and uses particular words more and more basically .
I bet her staff don’t tell in case they get a slappin’
I nominate Fedup2 for the position of BBC Director General.
Fear not BBBC patriots, temporary DG.
He will relinquish the post as soon as SS BBC lies at the bottom of the Challenger Deep.
which one is the parody ?
I bet the droids at Sky and elsewhere in the bubble find Bay Kurley hugely entertaining . Burley desperately competing with a crowded field of gotcha monsters all being mimicked by lesser would be s trying to get down to her level – see BBC local news for examples …
Has anyone ever heard the bbc (or sky/itv for that matter) use the term ‘far left’
We get ‘far right’ being used all the time to label all the organisations and people they don’t like but I can’t recall any of them labelling anything or anyone as far left.
Probably because they are so far to the left themselves that ‘far’ left isn’t very ‘far’ away.
It’s one of the reasons I often put ‘ Far Left ‘ BBC up in the Preamble – which -judging by the dryness of some of the snowflakes commenting about the site on the Facebook page – suggests they don’t get it -bit too dry perhaps . …
The BBC are trying to poke their nose into what other countries are doing again. Today it is Brazil:
Coronavirus: Hospitals in Brazil’s São Paulo ‘near collapse’
The way that the BBC are going on you would think that Brazil is lead by a right leaning government wouldn’t you?
I rest my case. More bias as usual.
From the current Wikipedia article.
“Venezuela is particularly vulnerable to the wider effects of the pandemic because of its ongoing socioeconomic and political crisis causing massive shortages of food staples and basic necessities, including medical supplies.
The mass emigration of Venezuelan doctors has also caused chronic staff shortages in hospitals.[7]
To prevent the spread of the disease into Venezuela, the governments of Brazil and Colombia temporarily closed their borders with Venezuela.[8][9][10]”
Yet the same article reports Venezuela 541 cases and 10 deaths!
I wonder if the WHO will report another outbreak of the FLLV.1917-2020 *and note the increased trade between Venezuela and the source of the pandemic: 125 Germ Warfare Street, Wuhan.
A very disappointing Wikipedia article, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands have moved to South America.
The Wikipedia “editor” who gave up his job to change every reference in the universe to “The Malvinas” must be on holiday.
*Far Lefty Lying Virus.
The British Bolshevik Corporation can’t resist stirring up a bit of class hatred. Never waste a good pandemic, eh Beeb?
“How the super-rich spent lockdown
As the UK headed for lockdown, reports flew in of wealthy homeowners rushing to the countryside, to their yachts or to private jets out of the country.
But where were they headed?
From castles and private islands to luxury underground bunkers with pools and home cinemas, we take a look at how the super-rich have spent lockdown.”
Well if I was super rich I’d do that too – who wouldn’t ? Can’t beat that nasty streak of envy in the BBC – even if some of the poor devils are only on £200 k a year plus pension …
( for the record – I’ve never had a job and have lived off inherited wealth my whole life (I wish ))
The racist far-left bbc hive are all wannabe rich, famous and elite.
That was proven by the way John Sweeney referred to Tommy Robinson; I cannot remember his exact words but Mr Sweeney effectively described him, and hence the likes of me and people like me, as a lower form of life.
They’re snobs with no reason to be. From what I’ve seen of them, they are sociopathic narcissists; most of them probably have an inferiority complex and compensate by being condescending to real, normal, sane people.
Oops, apologies for big pic.
I live in a ‘studio’ but with a my own kitchen and bathroom and the BBC will be disappointment to hear that this right wing Tory voter is doing just as well during the lockdown as the mega rich champaign socialists and most other working class people I know are doing fine as well.
Stay Safe
@Vlad Technical note: here’s a smaller image
I don’t know why the BBC names files “thumbnail” when clearly they are full size NOT thumbnail.
Blackburn 3pm Sunday a 19 yo hijab wearer was shot dead in a drive by
Many on Twitter insist it must have been a racist attack
The BBC report is way out of date
She has been identified as Aya Hachem, (tweets say family request her face is obscured)
Iranian tweeters describe her as Lebanese.
BBC journo “Police say not being treated as a terrorist incident. ”
A couple suggest “the shooter was aiming at carwash”
Those “men” again ?
True it was GMB on ITV this morning – though there’s little to choose between the channels now – but intrepid Man of the People Piers Morgan was in full flow, accusing government ministers of lying, and to his shame Ian Duncan Smith did little to challenge or refute the charges.
What he could have said, perhaps, was something like: ‘Ministers by definition have to rely heavily on civil servants for the accuracy and relevance off their facts and figures, Piers.’
‘It’s a far-fetched suggestion of course, because we all know the level of commitment, probity and total lack of political bias within the CS, but what if in the high-pressure atmosphere of the crisis certain ‘servant’s are using the situation to feed mis-information as a part of the continued efforts to belittle and undermine the government? People with only half a brain can see this for themselves, Piers, which makes it all the more sad that you choose to hector and diminish Ministers of the Crown in order to promote both yourself and the agenda to which you are so clearly working.’
IDS could have said that. But he didn’t.
President Trump treats these so-called journalists with the contempt they deserve. They don’t like it up ’em.
I don,t comment on here very often as I don,t watch or listen to any BBC .
But came across this picture which i thought i must share with you all .If it works
She should stick that on her wall …
I also don’t post often because TV is just so crap. Glad you posted that.one.
@Realworld if you just post a tweet URL
It auto-embeds here
… Or right click over the Tweet’s image to pick up its own URL
and use the image button here. As I have done
You are right Piers has morphed into a parody of himself and now resembles a Beeboid with his approach…why do none of these people try looking at where the real accountability lays with many of the issues that have faced us? It isn’t the Govt. It is often the NHS…
But it is so much easier to blame them and be right in hindsight…and seek to be on the side of virtue…
RE schools – why does the MSM including Piers keep bashing the Govt
and not discuss the most recent research, most of which says kids don’t pass it on and in some countries they are now allowed to hug grandparents…
Not saying research is 100% right (although I think it is pretty good) but it should at least be discussed…rather than having people like Piers Morgan just using emotional self referential opinions
Another good one from Guido –
The picture did not come out very big , but the wording is .
” If laura Kuenssberg had been reporting 75 years ago .”
And ends with “Isn,t it time you surrendered to Mr Hitler & resign “
A friend has just emailed me this……………….
On the BBC1 news tonight they highlighted the lack of PPE & testing at Harbour House residential care home in Dorset which has left the Home Manager at ‘the end of my tether’.
According to their website, this care home charges the following for their expert care,
LEVEL 1 £2995 per calendar month
LEVEL 2 £3350 per calendar month
LEVEL 3 £3750 per calendar month
“Is it me? Or should a care home charging £45000 per annum for a room not supply it’s own PPE or should they, with the help of the taxpayer funded BBC, blame the government?
Nobody seems to ask the question – “why cant you manage on the prices you charge ?”
Brissles-Because the Care Home “business” is one of the
most lucrative there is. The very very best would just about
qualify for a 2* rating. Most are not even worth 1*. I have
help serve the dollop they serve in one of the better ones.
I once heard an administrator and food supplier seeing
how they could cost dinners under a pound.
The care staff earn very low wages with very little benefits
in most of them. They are far worse off than illegal immigrants
who are paid cash in hand.
I wrote about this weeks ago.” Care Homes ” and that’s an
anachronism, were the perfect storm for the Chinese virus.
Elderly virus struck patients being shunted out of hospitals
back to their care homes. And carers who had to go to work
even if they were unwell.We have seen the results!
I agree Fos, and like a lot of businesses in this country which prove to be ‘cash cows’ they are in the hands of foreigner/migrants, call them what you will, and when you dig deep enough via different corporations/umbrella companies, many many care homes are owned by entrepreunal Indians. Ironic really, when you rarely see elderly Asians in Homes, because they are looked after at home by their families – or by an in-house nurse !!
There can be few businesses that rake in as much profit as the care of others.
BRISSLES… I can vouch for what you say 100% with very recent personal experience with an extended member of my family… If the BBC were worth their salt they could have done some digging and it wouldn’t take them very long to find out the same thing!
In all probability they have found this info but quickly filed it in the “Bury This” draw they keep for anything non PC….
BRISSLES… I can vouch for what you say 100% with very recent personal experience with an extended member of my family… If the BBC were worth their salt they could have done some digging and it wouldn’t take them very long to find out the same thing!
In all probability they have found this info but quickly filed it in the “Bury This” draw they keep for anything non PC….
I tried to find a suitable Care Home once for a close relative – in case I couldn’t cope as a carer . The weekly fee was around £900 with maybe the council paying £150 of that .
But I couldn’t find one I would be content leaving a relative with . Now I know this is my case and there must be decent ones out there somewhere .
But since then I’ve been very concerned about social care – which should be rolled into the NHS and not run as businesses .
What is happening now is , I think , a consequence of governments of various types failing to take on the ‘ problem ‘ .
With the amount of borrowed money being sloshed around by the state now – they might as well adopt recommendations made for caring – especially for dementia sufferers .
Nothing will happen – despite too many care Home deaths …
I used to work in a doctors surgery, that was an eye opener for me, 6 docs in the surgery and each one wanted things done differently. There was no supporting each other and the staff were the fall guys in the middle. In the area the surgery served there was possibly about 10 care homes and they all had call outs for the old people in thier care when they were Iil. I once asked one of the docs if he had to put his mother in one around here which one would be the best. He said there is no way he would put his mother in any of them. That has stuck with me and I have told my family that I would rather die than be sent to one of those.
Thank you . I’m sure there is a secret network of decent care homes . I worry a bit in case I ever need one for me . Mind you I’d want a totally private one and not one where the local council is involved ..
Yes I suppose there is, I do know that a colleagues mother who used to be a matron ( a real old fashioned one) went into a care home a few miles away and it was very good, it had to be for her as even her daughter used to be frightened of her.. I believe they used to serve afternoon tea for the people and any visitors each day.
Here in the north my mother-in-law was in two different church not-for-profit homes, only moving from one to the other when the former had to close. Both had caring staff, good food and a lot of money spent to keep surroundings nice. The first had a problem when EU regulations demanded that radiators were all caged to stop residents falling on the and getting a burn. No resident had, but £17,000 had to be found. Cost of at least one care worker.
The amounts charged were a lot less than in the south but the increasing burden of regulation was making them struggle and that was in spite of both having management boards who put in many hours voluntarily and not taking out large sums.
We have several small developments of Alms houses here, and they are just great for the elderly, and a few who nearly qualify, but are getting on.
Despite a few squabbles with the trustees, they work pretty well, and provide an important service at far less than the big nursing home chains, which are a joke on many levels.
We cared for my Mum in an annexe as long as we could, until her condition necessitated transfer to a care home.
The first was £3600 a month. Owned by a GP whose surgery ‘oversaw’ it, as it turned out. CQC thought it was wonderful. When we transferred her out after finding bed sores they threatened to sue us but backed down when I showed them what would come to court. PHSO and other Quangos also closed ranks. Our MP dictated a few letters that were blown off by revolving door health secretaries.
If we were not dealing with her I’d have fought to expose the whole sordid system.
She ended her days in a specialist dementia facility that was not cheap but pretty good. Very clinical (the previous was a country house) but she did not care about aesthetics, and the staff were warm and professional.
Matron was a young Filipina who wore old style blue nurse uniform and ruled the roost on every aspect ruthlessly. Especially hygiene and room cleaning. Brilliant.
Just turned Vine off
cos he fed a line to Dr Sarah Jarvis
so she can do her thing of misrepresenting Trump
“no UV causes cancer & nor will we be injecting BLEACH”
..doh of course cancer is often treated with “rays”, not exactly but a different frequency of waves.
These so called intelligent people are so keen to dismiss anyone they don’t like that they seem to ignore truths and nuance – Dr Jarvis has to be one of the most pompous. arrogant GPs to invade the MSM
Re what POTUS didn’t say… 🙂
There are different types of UV light and it is already used for ‘disinfecting’ labs – they have been working on the use of UV for years in terms of killing bacteria so this would just be an extension of the idea.
On Pain Pus and Poison (BBC) their favourite Dr Mosley summed it up..everything in a high enough dose is a poison (even water) – and that many poisons in the right dose can beneficial
Botox..is used in many medical circumstances and is the most poisonous substance known to man…go figure Dr Jarvis
As far as I know no modern day GPs has ever discovered or invented anything of note in the world of medicine..
“As far as I know no modern day GPs has ever discovered or invented anything of note in the world of medicine..”
Most GPs haven’t discovered the scroll wheel on their PC mouse, at least I think that is why they know nothing about one’s medical history without being prompted!
In other matters, and in best BBC ‘News’ tradition:-
“Is The Pope Catholic?”
Having just walked past his local branch office I find it draped in rainbow flags in worship of ‘NHS’ and ‘Key Workers’, so I presume the answer is “No!”.
What really irks me, is the fact that we just have to go along with the Tory government’s strategy for ending lockdown, and relaxing the controls.
There’s no alternative, especially if you’re in work, and need the help to get back.
Just imagine what it would be like if The Magic Grandpa had been in charge! Huge bonuses for all public employees, taxes on working from home, transport at a standstill, and a bill of squillions more than we’ll have to pay for the coming years under Boris’ laws.
What would be worse, would be the smug, fully-paid BBC, all egging the doddery old boy on, and agreeing with every issue which bashed the private sector, whose taxes support the town halls, the County Councils, and all the other wasters and hangers on – especially the ‘cherideees’.
There’d be several new layers of ‘management’ in the NHS, with diversity gurus, immigrant advisors, and a myriad of layabouts ‘working from home’, while getting all the eye-watering wages and perks that the normal tax-payer has to accept as a total ‘dream-on’ maximum.
The BBC would invent so many new ‘non-jobs’, their tax-funds would certainly be increased to meet ‘demand’. The Guardian would be nationalised, and would be safely ensconced in W1AA.
Bloody nightmare, so I’ll grin and bear the correct alternative from Boris.
So having berated Boris for wanting dangerous lockdown easing, Nicola Sturgeon is now saying Scotland will ease restrictions from May 28th.
…and that everyone showing symptoms can be tested at one of the FIVE Scottish test centres.
Now even I know that Scotland is pretty big and has loads of very remote areas so this is a point-scoring joke!
I do now believe that easing lockdown has become political Russian Roulette with no one having the guts to just come out and say “We panicked and over-reacted and it’s cost the Country, the People and the World massively, sorry.
Next if Boris announced that pubs can open at 7pm on June 1st. I would expect Nicola to follow up with NO! in Scotland pubs will open at 7.15pm on June 1st. we don’t want to risk lives!
It really is getting that bloody silly now!
Even the Times can occasionally be balanced and informative despite the BBC having lost the knack, and the piece on St. Nicola today is well worth reading.
They make the major point that the SNP, whose whole political agenda is based on sniping, blaming the English and creating illusions of power, have an abysmal record when it comes to actually governing their country. Covid-19 is a real blessing for Krankie and Fat Controller Blackwell because it draws attention away from their own very, very short comings.
I going to build on the phenomena of the ‘untroduced speaker ‘- on Twitter Giudo raises the case of Ellie Sharp – a sweet young thing whom Sky apparently rolled out across the weekend as a teacher accusing the government of having blood on their hands for forcing schools to open .
It turns out that young Ellie is a member of Momentum , an Union organiser and a communist – Sky left that bit out ,
More such cases are welcome …..
Fed – You’re onto something with ‘untroduced speaker’.
Also in the paper but unlikely to be on the BBC, a snippet from 4,200 years ago when the Egyptian and Mesopotamian empires crumbled and collapsed, events which also saw a significant rise in the growing of rice.
And the catalyst for this seismic event which provided a cereal crop for much of the far eastern world was….climate change.
I bet you didn’t know it was those pharaohs charging around in their V-8 chariots that upset the weather.
“The clock is ticking – again”
What goes around comes around Mr Barnier. Have you forgotten that we democratically voted to “Leave”, Remember ?
I bought a pack of raspberries today and they were labelled as being from Spain. A closer inspection revealed origin as Morocco.
Can we ship them in direct form Morocco ? Is this something to do with some crazy EU law ?
Anyone ?
Taff, it seems we can ship anything from anywhere so long as it has the Al Beeb stamp of (self) righteousness. Witness the ‘reported lowest’ stats for Covid infection in some Izcrapistan backwater. Immediately followed up by some desperate strap-line stating we should relax immigration regulations from low infection areas.
Because, of course the Nations ‘most trusted’ says so innit.
?? when we do the fruit stall the inspector sometimes come round to make sure the origin is labelled properly.
I don’t see boxes like you describe
Spain is Spain , Morocco is Morocco
Very occasionally labels explain that the packing factory sources from different countries, so a box may contain product originating out of different countries.. eg bags of dried sultanas/raisans.
However this is NOT done with raspberries, AFAIK they are so fragile the are picked immediately into the retail packaging.
Believe your own eyes Taffman!
According to Freshuelva, Moroccan raspberry exports to the EU have grown by 400.31% in the last five years, from 5,436 tons in 2014 to 21,761 tons in 2018. According to the Huelva-based association, this increase is causing “disturbances in the EU markets as a result of the oversupply they generate, causing prices to fall and negatively affecting the Spanish and European raspberries, whose price has fallen by 14.72% between January and August 2019 compared to 2018.”
In a meeting chaired by the Director General of Agricultural Productions and Markets, Esperanza Orellana, Freshuelva has presented this data and asked the Ministry of Agriculture to establish measures to control the access of goods from this third country, as well as the labeling of the raspberries entering Spain from Morocco and reaching the European market.
Thanks StewGreen & JimS.
Perhaps Spain buys them in and ships them to UK at a big profit?
I am sure you will agree that we could source much of our food from outside the EU. As far as I remember there was a warning about food prices going up as we joined the Common Market because the European’s were subsiding their farmers?
Does anyone remember the butter mountain, milk being poured down the drain and the tins of corned beef being given away – all to get the prices up to the European levels.
Isn’t it about time we bought our home grown products and manufactured good?
Far too many imports coming in from Europe and even More from China .
Great Britain has had its manufacturing removed by gradual stealth while successive governments did nothing but look after their own pockets . The message is “Buy British” as far as possible .
I think the packaging was saying that XYZ corp of Spain had imported the raspberries from Morocco.
I googled in Spanish : Frambuesas Maroc
and ended up at Jan 2020 article that quotes the same stuff as Jims did
Something happned in last 2 years, the fruit wholesaler has been selling us stuff from all over the world Turkey, India Peru, Chile
previously it was just eU , though we always had some Israeli stuff.
Could we be in a situation that certain countries in the EU are buying from outside , relabelling and then flogging them to the UK ?
If that is the case , thank god we are leaving .
Perhaps Panodrama could do a programme on it ?
Agreed Taffman,
However, manufacturing/supplying goods ‘from the UK’ will attract and more more foreign (and in particular Chinese) companies [State controlled] to buy them. This has been another self-imposed plague on businesses in the UK. Even the US has been responsible for buying pharma businesses, shipping them to the US and eventually, shipping the whole lot to China. There’s a lot needed to be changed. It could happen with strong, sensible UK Government – I keep hoping for one………..
What was the barcode starting with?
I switched on BBC1 early for the 5pm briefing. The BBC had on a woman who I think they said was part of the SAGE group although from what she had to say I could believe she was part of Labour’s alternative group.
Ben asked her if the message of ‘be alert’ was clear allowing her to respond by saying that people need to be told exactly what to do. Did she want instructions on how to cross a road safely and whether 2m is safe but 1.98m isn’t? But she then went on to say that it was signs of inequality that cleaners, cooks, and estate agents are allowed into a home but grandchildren cannot visit. Isn’t it obvious that when my cleaner comes we may chat for 5 minutes whereas if my daughter visits we may talk for 2 hours. Thus the risk of air borne disease is greater with a relation than with the cleaner.
Deborah – that was Professor Susan Michie – leading member of the Communist Party of Britain previously married to trade union official Andrew Murray. She may be a member of SAGE but she is a rampant magic grandpa supporter – and not introduced as so by the disgraceful BBBC
Thanks MPW, it explains a lot. It was obvious that Ms Mitchie was only interested in her message of inequality rather than anything useful. She was already on the screen when I switched on. I don’t suppose they introduced her as ‘the far Left Ms Mitchie’? No? I shouldn’t be so silly.
R4…Evan interviewing a GP Arabella ? who didn’t seem to have any real answers and offered just opinions . He tried all the normal tricks to get her give a sound bite but she didn’t and he quickly got shot of her…
Now Interviewing Labour MP Meg Hillier about HS2..not a surprise she gives him everything he wants and is allowed to talk uninterrupted except for agreement ( she is the one complaining about the Self employed not getting their money when all of the evidence on the ground is that it is working well)
He really is a tw*t……it is clear in every interview he does that the sole aim is to blame the Tories for anything and everything…
Evan D
@JamesArthur I have just checked thru tweets about @bbcPM & @EVanHD
#1 There are very few as if few people listen to the prog
#2 The prog changed format to be just a normal news show with no special LIVE coverage of the DailyBriefing
apart from the BBC’s own questioner
People said they had switched to LBC
I happened to catch Evan Davis saying at 5:46pm
“So why has Trump been talking about Obama recently ?
He’s been retweeting someone saying Obama is corrupt
here’s Jon Sopel to explain.”
both laughing”
Jon Sopel “Obama had been on a call with his own former staffers was an ABSOLUTE CHAOTIC DISASTER ..Obamagate started AFTER that”
FFS that is a narrative completely different from what I heard
Flynn had his charges dropped
Two AP journos FOI’d to find out why
They were told papers exist which show the old CIA insiders were out to get Trump so fitted up Flynn
who in fact had dropped his guilty plea way back in January
… then it came out that people said they had evidence that Obama himself had ordered the CIA and insiders to hit Trump from way back when Obama was still president.
.. That story makes way more sense than Sopel’s idea that Trump got gripey.
Government briefing
Fergus Walsh – extinguishing himself be asking a dumb tasteless question about why loss of taste hasn’t been included as a covid symptom and people might have died because of it …..
He named some professor who has claimed 200k cases may have gone undetected .
The medical expert gently told Fergus where to go and – of course – said loss of taste would only be one aspect of detecting the infection not the sole one …..
If Fergus came up with that question he should be ashamed as he framed in failure of the british because apparently the frogs did it last month …..
The media including the BBC’s Fergus Walsh are now in hot pursuit of the Government with the addition of 2 new Covid-19 symptoms for us to watch out for. Usual gripe, you were aware of this months ago but did nothing and this could have cost lives.
This will inevitably lead to further criticism for not making the public aware of the other symptoms listed by WHO on their website, quote:
“The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and tiredness. Other symptoms that are less common and may affect some patients include aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea (sic), loss of taste or smell or a rash on skin or discoloration of fingers or toes. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected but only have very mild symptoms………”.
A good question for LK to ask Matt Hancock when he is hosting the next Downing St briefing: “Minister, have yet more lives been lost because people with abnormally pink toes were not informed it was a symptom of Covid-19?”.
WHO have an unfortunate problem spelling the word diarrhoea but I do not want to be accused of s—t stirring.
Well, back in December it suddenly occurred to me I was taking more sugar in tea because I didn’t seem to ‘taste’ it anymore, and my sense of smell wasn’t as keen. At the time I put it down to new meds or my ‘age’.
Now it appears I wasn’t alone. Seeing as this is a bit out of the common cough/sore throat symptoms, then I believe there is clearly something amiss that this unusual symptom has affected so many thousands.
Well, since being under lockdown and at home and also working hard in the garden, I’ve noticed an increased thirst, so the wine flows, and so does the beer but only at weekends!
The necessity for rehydration was a key issue when miners came up from the pits, and needed a dood refill after such awful conditions – a fact usually ignored by anyone who drinks shampoo in the corridoors of – hic – W1AAA, and decides to leckcher everyone outer thheere in the squires…
i hoope that Pramnorerma myw take up the shallenge and make up a perogtammme about itt all andn rewpoort on why tesco have put up the drices of lageret bah u88% and – hic – why ofh hell, whatever……#’
The Guardian reporting that protest meetings by anti-lockdown folk in the USA are creating a spread of COVID 19 according to data drawn from their cellphone movements. (I leave you to decide whether this is legal, let alone possible!)
The data was provided to the Guardian by an outfit called “The Committee to Protect Medicare”
Just google them then pop along to their site and it is soon patently clear that in reality they are an outright Anti-Trump, pro-Obama Activist organisation.
Amazing how the lefty-media is able to drum up data from obscure lefty “organisations” at the drop of a hat and present it as scientific fact.
@Digg I imagine it is legal
You’d be able to spot that a town had a demo on a Tuesday morning, by the way for a particular cell phone tower 2,000 phoneshad signalled their presence rather than the normal 200
No personal data would be exposed in that process.
BBC News
“For all of us, including those with coronavirus, there is only one tap.”
BBC Panorama investigates conditions at a migrant camp in Greece, which is in lockdown because of the coronavirus crisis.
Exactly the same at the local.
My simple questions are – why are they there and of what importance is it to us? BBC seeking virtue points again….Glad I have stopped watching 99% of BBC
An ex BBC staffer, iirc?
BBC 6 o’clock news.
They manage to find someone who has waited more than 48 hours for the results of his covid test.
Micheal Saunders
Note the bookshelf.
And note the book just above his left shoulder.
Is this a give away for his political orientation?
Twitter saw
StewGreen – he should encounter the same crap that Gove suffered for his bookshelf revelation!
Yep, USSR to you and me.
I could check bbc ‘reality’, but…
Strange how the BBC always ‘Fact check’ what Boris and DT say but
never Obama, Starmer or Khan?
Probably worried about what they would find, and need to hide.
UK press gazette reports that the coming competition to the BBC on Radio – Times Radio – is to adopt a non confrontational approach to interviewing –
Despite this claim The cast list Includes
Cathy Newman
Jon peenaar
Micky portillo
Tommy Newton Dunn
Asthma Meer
And presumably any other beeboid who wants to jump ship . – I reckon meeshall might be up for it ….
It doesn’t sound like a radio version of Fox News or a Right Wing News outlet -which doesn’t exist in UK
You know, I may have this wrong, but Sky’s Dominic Waghorn and Amanda Walker don’t like Donald Trump. Just an inkling.
Also Sky TV think its only the Americans who have criticisms of the WHO.
Should Sky News employ an adult in their news service before they fall down the same Waitrose Left hole as the BBC?
‘A Sprat To Catch A Mackerel’ ?
NewsViews.Priti Patel put her “controversial” Immigration Bill through Parliament today.
You begin Harry .
Taffman – Thank’s for leading me in. It’s not controversial, it’s just got a number of people that don’t like it and the that seems to include our BBC.
The ‘news’ opened with the headline “Patel’s controversial Immigration Bill…” and then bizarrely went on to explain how the UK wants to treat everyone around the world equally and it meant people need a decent income and certain number of points to qualify.
And what’s wrong with that
I’d like to know
‘Cause here I go again
(name that song)
Anyway, McCartney aside, up steps a Polish woman who’s done very well for herself and all credit to her.
Apparently she never came here for the money, besides, like she said “it’s only minimum wage”. She came here to care for our old people and it’s a shame that Poles won’t be able to do so.
Before you ask, no, she wasn’t asked if she could’ve worked in Polish care homes for their minimum wage, instead of exporting herself to this hell hole.
‘A Pedant Nerd’ replies…
‘The Hollies’, also sang ‘Here I go again’, with Graham Nash as one of the singers – later with Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.
1969 was also the year that the H3N2 Hong Kong virus killed over 100,000 Americans.
Did they lock down?
Hell no, they held Woodstock…
The NHS ‘Golden Calf’ posting the other day was quite amusing but, as I posted earlier, the local Catholic church is now flying rainbow ‘worship the NHS and key workers’ flags.
I have just returned from a walk in the opposite direction and I see that someone has re-purposed their illuminated Christmas nativity ‘stable’. Baby Jesus has been chucked and replaced by the new god, ‘the NHS and key workers’.
Will the patrons of Alan’s Snack Bar follow suit? I think not.
This appears to have got a lot of the usual Twitter suspects all a-flutter. (Yes, Katty, I’m looking at you.)
I’m willing to bet there’s more to this than meets the eye.
Roland – I’ve been taking Viagra four times a day, Corona virus can’t get within 2 metres of me.
Ha ha ha, Harry!
I’ve been taking this stuff for years, it helps me to blank out any drivel from the BBC, and there are no after effects…
‘Flumethasone pivalate with iodochlorohydroxyquinoline proved to be of great therapeutic value in the treatment of ear infections. The cases included otitis externa, chronic suppurative otitis media and infeted mastoid cavities by wide spectrum of bacteria and fungi. The drug proved effective in seventy seven (81%) cases out of ninety five cases. No side effects were noted in any case. Patients’ acceptance of the drug was excellent. Our study revealed further, that systemic use of antibiotics or sulphonamides was unnecessary in otitis externa provided the topical applicant was effective one.
We recommend the topical use of flumethasone pivalate with iodochlorhydroxyquinoline in treatment of ear infections particularly in cases where previous treatment with antibiotics ear drops has failed to produce desired results’.
Scroblene – Yeh, almost the same for me, until Naga comes on the screen, then all hell breaks loose. Less said the better.
Anthony seems on message.
StewGreen – We can only dream.
Under Julia the BBC would continue its anti Trump propaganda. JHB never misses a chance to stick it on Trump.
Here is Julia spreading the BBC tosh about Trump advocating disinfectant injections.
Thread about the Blue Socialists party and immigration
All I can say about Albert Costa MP is #StayAlert – Britain needs lerts!
Katie Prescott Business correspondent @bbcnews @bbcr4today
Can’t even open a tin of corned beef
… and she is not joking
StewGreen – Funny. I knew how to open the tin, but never knew it was French. I suppose that’s down to her being educated and me being unskilled.
I turned on the radio in hope but got a bit of The News Quiz. It appeared to be a pack of smug, ignorant women in a competition to prove that each was smugger and more ignorant than the others.
One was pleased that she wasn’t the only one that didn’t understand Obamagate. Obviously it was nonsense, well because, well Trump! Ha! Ha!
Joe Biden didn’t need to do anything because he just had to be not Trump! Ha! Ha! Biden needn’t worry about sexual allegations because Trump would be scared to bring it up because, well Trump! Ha! Ha!
Seriously the BBC should be ashamed of this tosh. It isn’t funny and it isn’t satirical, it’s just smug ignorant women enjoying the sound of their own voices.
Oh, and ladies, Obamagate, it is now looking more and more likely that all those accusations about the president over the last four years are true! The Russian stuff, the impeachable stuff, the corruption, all true! The only bit they got wrong was the name of the president.
Not the 10 O’Clock news –
Biased BBC on Twitter
BS gets told.
Bliar? He really needs the final trip to the vet.
TOADY Watch #1 – In USA FDA* Officials say anti-malarial drug is unsafe
Is that the one that Bill Gates is buying and sending to Africa? Who knew? Bill Gates, hurting Africans. There’s a thing! Will there be a row about it? Will the BBC ask questions about whether people at risk of malaria should stop taking it? Will the FDA now be sued or shut down for previously licensing a drug now considered unsafe?
Will the EU ban it and Remainers and Remoaners add it to their chlorinated chicken?
Will BBC Correspondents working in swampy, tropical, places like Brazil have to come home or put themselves at risk by not using an anti-malarial drug?
Meanwhile …. back in The Swamp …. where mosquitoes spread malaria ….. the President says he is thinking about taking it. Which is very different from the BBC’s version which said the President is taking it.
Carry on draining that swamp in Washington, Mr President and when you have finished, we have some here in the UK that need attention.
* For Fed’s sake
USA = United States of America
FDA = Food & Drug Administration (USA regulators of food, drink and medicine safety)
Watching the early morning insomnia news, there’s the good old BBC still banging away about the ‘taste and smell’ symptoms link to Covid-19 and the ‘200,000 lost cases overlooked by an inept and incapable government in another example of callous indifference to massive loss of life etc, etc….’
So despite nicely belligerent Prof Van-Tam making it perfectly clear – even to Fergus Walsh – that the symptom is only one of several and that it would inevitably include most if not all of the others, the BBC are still very happy to promote the misinformation and interview another ’eminent scientist’ whose in-depth and valued research has resulted in blah, blah.
The comparison with climate change and corvid, and the roles scientists are playing in deceiving the public for their own aggrandisement is direct and, sadly, predictable. I blame the X-Factor. This absurd yearning for fame and fortune has replaced cold calm research, so now the more absurd, emotive and unsubstantiated the claim, the more it is embraced as ‘fresh thinking’ and ‘innovative’ and the hero involved is feted as a Christ (or indeed Mohammed) -like figure, selflessly devoting his life and health to the cause of humanity.
Give us a break BBC. Please.
The Mayor of London has increased the Congestion Charge for cars by 30% and widened the scope of the charging period by four hours.
Will the BBC be asking the Mayor to explain why he is putting lives at risk?
Will the BBC be asking the Mayor why he is damaging businesses in the capital as people return to work?
I wonder why …….
So many firms are deciding to continue having their staff working from home, Up2.
More and more sensible companies can easily perform duties online these days, a fact relayed to me only yesterday, by a great guy who has just retired from The City. His family are now in the same business, and the whole issue for them is ‘keep away from London’ from now on.
Mare Khan, who is now in the non-job for another year, is just screwing the business prospects for recovery by taxing all the workers who need transport, can’t carry huge tool bags on the tubes (who’d want to anyway), and generally pushing a sadly uncosted ‘green’ policy to please his Greta Extinction Bumholian mob, or whatever they’re called this week.
Of course, there are so many idiots in London who wanted him to be mare, but my heart goes out to any good people here, who have to tolerate such a silly little tosser.
I’m never, ever going to revisit the place after 40 years of work there.
Oh my god – Jon Soapball on R4 giving his in depth scientific analysis of DT’s use of the drug…and all drugs have side effects Jon you dumb****
All opinion..oh no..he just asked rhetorically “is there a financial interest that DT has in this drug.”…If I were DT I’d sue.
BBC narrative….DT idiot, DT wrong, DT undermines trust in journalists ..ha ha ha..they didn’t need his help..