This Indonesian village was once home to 200 families. But now, it’s under water as the island is taken over by rising sea levels, and only one family remains.
Toady is repeating, for the 100th time, the same old, same old question, trying to get interviewees to condemn DC and get him sacked. Conducting the same old, same old discussion-endlessly- for the 5th or is it the 6th day.
During the 08:10 interview (the long one) on Today programme this morning, Mishal Husain showed exactly where the BBC stands. Mr Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government was interviewed by Ms Husain, who spent more than two thirds of the interview specifically on Dominic Cummings, and barely a couple of minutes on the Minister’s brief. They are not going to give up on this lynch-mob mentality.
And, whilst on the subject of mentality mentality, Ms Husain started off by continually trying to speak over the minister, and it rose to the point where she was in a virtual state of hysteria, because the minister refused to allow her to shout over everything he was saying, and continued with his answers rather than allow himself to be heckled by this utterly biased newsreader, from an utterly biased media source.
It is behaviour like hers which leads to the mob mentality demonstrated so vividly at the front of Mr Cummings’ house over the past few days by the media ‘jackals’.
BBC – ‘the trusted news source’ in the UK – you really are joking, Mr Hall.
(Edit : – I meant to append this post to the one above by fakenewswatcher, but failed miserably, apologies.)
The BBC and the likes of the Guardian have been keen to hound Tory ministers and advisers out of office for decades. The formula is always the same , find an indiscretion , magnify it , claim it’s an issue of public trust , repeat it endlessly until the PM or the victim caves in, then move on to the next victim. It has a high % success rate. In this particular case the BBC Guardian axis of evil has much to gain, remove Cummings and they will have undermined Brexit to a significant extent.
The same formula worked in the US until President Trump showed how to deal with it , ignore it and attack the attackers. Boris must stick by Cummings no matter what some lily livered Tories think otherwise the next four years will be entirely wasted and Brexit will be in greater danger than ever.
The Get Cummings plot shows how deadly and how powerful the Remainer tendency is. I suspect that civil servants and the police were involved in providing the ‘story’ to the Guardian. Perusing the number plates of cars in the early days of lockdown was probably something the police did to see the distances people were travelling. The police and some civil servants are the only people who have have access to the address and owner where a car is registered. We can expect a never ending stream of attempts to remove prominent Brexiteers over the next few years.
Brexit isn’t over yet! Boris needs to burn our bridges so it is very difficult to rejoin.
Toady is repeating, for the 100th time, the same old, same old question, trying to get interviewees to condemn DC and get him sacked. Conducting the same old, same old discussion-endlessly- for the 5th or is it the 6th day.
Day three of the eyesight and Barnard castle issues. Becoming aggressive if they don’t get the exact answer they want. Apparently you now HAVE to give the exact answer beeb demand. Their inquisitorial arrogance knows no bounds. Mishal has evidently been promoted to Chief Inquisitor.
This endless campaign is a complete ABUSE of beeb’s task and mission. I shall be writing to them again, not mincing my words.
Apologies that this seems to be going up in bits and pieces. Problems with the technology this a.m. Am going to give up putting up the rest of this post, since I’ve largely squeezed in what I wanted to say.
I understand that Priti wants ‘more powers’ to deal with “Illegals”.
Well here’s two very effective powers she already has at hand …………. The Royal Navy and Royal Marines!
Does she think that the French Navy would let GB dump loads of illegals on their shores without protest or taking action?
I think Priti is taking us for mugs .
Correct me if I am wrong , but despite the bluster, tantrums and outrage at Al Beeb , all Boris has to do is to ignore their demands and sit tight on the ‘Cummings escapade’. He has a huge majority and there is a long way to go – Covid, the Economy, Brexit, Hong Kong and getting rid of the TV Tax, all more important. Remind me , when is the next General Election ?
‘A week is a long time in politics’.
P.S. I’m not a Tory.
Of course Toady also finds time- as ever- to attack President Trump and also dish up the ‘white’ policeman kills ‘black’ suspect story. What we can suspect is that this story wouldn’t feature on beeb, had it been the other way round; we certainly wouldn’t be getting great emphasis of the race of those involved. Pure propaganda, purporting to be news – hallmark of beeb.
Perhaps also an ‘anti-racist’ tale, which -in its telling- is actually racist?
Maybe ms Hartley brewer , who I have never heard and hope never will , is under pressure from the ‘monster ‘ style the piers liar Morgan fella has imported onto daytime TV .
Fortunately I haven’t seen or heard him on the TV but Twitter is a permanent battle ground .
If there are and decent journos ( term contradiction) left I’d hope they’d talk about more substantive stuff like the new drug mentioned in the government briefing or the likelihood of the furlough being removed .
Yesterday the MSM was screaming about ‘approval ratings’. I don’t believe those kind of polls much but if true I thought it a great irony that a lot of those people are currently be kept financially alive by the government pay scheme .
I dread – really dread – what the taxes are going to be like to pay for that – although at the moment the governmenr is using the money tree in the same way as a 71 year old allotment owner planned to –
Funny that comrade Corbyn’ s birthday and the anniversary of the Dunkirk Miracle are on the same day . ….
Worth a visit to any of JHB’s Twitter posts on the Cummings affair. The comments really nail this former Conservative presenter who begins every sentence with ‘I’m sorry but..’
I am still a follower, but only because I enjoy reading comments from those who reject her propaganda. If she has not moved to either the Mail or the BBC before the US elections just watch her continued ill informed Karen style comments on the US President.
She must be being lined up for Question Time – if that programme is still on …. she sound like she’d be in good company with Toynbee the queer Jones , the ash one and the alibi one who left the country ….. they call all out left each other ….
Actually the prog opened
“More than 35k people in the UK have now officially died *FROM* Covid-19
I’d agree its *WITH* Covid-19
.. but if as some people were
you were on on your last legs with a disease like cancer
It’s not right to put your death down 100% FROM Covid
The prog covered Scottish testing
but failed to emphasize how terrible their numbers are compared to England.
The prog later had a silly Mastermind quiz
poking fun at the UK’s claims of 100K tests/day
It included a quick musical question
which may have been a dig at Cummings
but it seems to have been edited out of the BBC Sounds version.
You can drive to Wales for a birthday party.
You can travel 100’s of miles to Skye.
You can have beach parties in Ireland with varadkar.
The royal family can up sticks and go to Balmoral.
But trying to protect a child by taking them to Durham and it’s the Holocaust.
If DC had driven 10 miles to some location would there be this outrage from the left?
20 – 40 – 80 miles
When does it become a crime against humanity.
And what an unedifying sight those press crowds are, jammed together practicing their social distancing outside DC’s home trying to intimidate a decent family man because he protected his family and didn’t break any laws.
A significantly under-reported aspect of the Cummings Saga is the well-being of his child. I suspect that the boy is, probably severely, autistic and this fact along with the potential of both parents becoming unable to cope is what literally drove him those 260 miles to seek help from other family members, should it have been required.
Similar assistance was very evidently not an option in London, again because I suspect the child needs help from recognisable and calming carers.
I am guessing, I admit, but it seems to add up, and if right, it is to Dominic Cummings very great credit that he has not sought to use this as some sort of bargaining chip. He is fiercely defensive and protective of his child, that much is obvious, but for the BBC and all the scummy others to either ignore or simply fail to take this into consideration is the clearest indication of their total and shameful lack of morals. You could even say Christianity, foreign as that concept would be to Crace, Maitless, Morgan, Monbiot, Toynbee and the rest of the deluded ‘intelligentsia’.
On reflection the inclusion of Piers Morgan as a part of our benighted elite is an obvious mistake. Apologies.
On the subject of DCs family – it was telling – during the 65 minute inquisition – that DC did not refer to the medical situation of his child – and as a result one ( I) could feel that the MSM vermin couldn’t do it because DC had not referred to it .
In the past – whenever there has been something about children with Special Needs such as Autism the BBC rolls on some ‘campaigner ‘ to explain why even more resources are needed. I detect an absence of this ritual here.
This must have been thought through – personally I thought he didn’t have a choice but to declare it – even at the ‘cost’ of being accused of ‘using ‘ a medical condition as an excuse .
But then again – perhaps there would have been far longer term personal consequence going well beyond the current kicking .
Concluding – Beltane – someone on Twitter apologised to The Goebells family ‘ comparing the #mediascum to Joseph Goebells – apparently he didn’t deserve such an insult . Bit dry perhaps ….
Yes Fed, it is very probably a significant part of the reasons for Boris being so loyal to Dominic, he is old fashioned enough to admire moral probity – perhaps because his own can hardly bear regular inspection! I also suspect that by comparison he was less than impressed with the way Cameron behaved with his sad little boy and the media.
Whatever the reason, it won’t be what the gifted though failed, twice, political giant that is Sarah Woolaston said, that he is a mental prop for Boris’ ineptness. As the personification of ineptness, what better judge?
I suspect that the likes of Rigby and Kuennsberg are having to bite their tongue where the child is concerned. To inquire as to the why’s and wherefore’s, would be holding themselves up to ridicule and abuse for daring to use the babe as a slingshot at Cummings.
As said above, the child may need delicate handling, but its none of our business, so, good on Cummings for not backfooting the media and using his child as his saving grace.
Regarding the BBC,s salivating about Mr Cummings trip and the Bishop’s suggestion about cancelling fines for anyone caught and fined in similar circumstances.
Has anyone actually come forward who was fined in similar circumstances?
Here we have on the VD news, she is pleadIng with the audience for people to come forward and get in touch if you have been fined for “whatever reason”….. not similar circumstances…
2017: ???? Boris tried to block the new EU Military HQ’s functions negotiated by his official Angus Lapsley, centre. Later passed by Alan Duncan. 2020: UK would stay attached if defence industry parts of Political Declaration pass. Lapsley now senior at MOD.
— Veterans for Britain (@VeteransBritain) May 26, 2020
EG, he had all day to come up with a question and within 10 seconds he was shown up to be the not so smart, arrogant tw*t that he is!
Priceless ????
And where was the man slash woman? ????
At 4 p.m. Boris will be giving ‘evidence’ to the House of Commons Liaison Committee. The subject is allegedly Coronavirus: the science, the impact, and the way ahead.
The Liaison Committee is made up of the Chairs of each of the select committees so plenty of people to give him trouble off topic. Rachel Reeves will be attempting to do a ‘Starmer’, with sniping from Ms Cooper-Balls et al. Benn jnr will no doubt insist we need an extension to the transition period.
The demise of Wikipedia is sad. Not only the imposition of left-wing views (and very much ‘views’ rather than facts), but the increasing censorship. For instance, several years ago the communist backgrounds of many left-wing and EU politicians were described, but these have largely been expunged.
But there is hope, perhaps. Compare, for instance, the description of feminism in Wikipedia with that in Conservapedia. Despite the declared Christian/Conservative viewpoint, the latter seems far more accurate.
Wikipedia Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that societies prioritize the male point of view, and that women are treated unfairly within those societies. Efforts to change that include fighting gender stereotypes and seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.
Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages, equal pay and eliminate the gender pay gap, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to ensure access to legal abortions and social integration and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. Changes in dress and acceptable physical activity have often been part of feminist movements.
Conservapedia Feminism is an ideology that causes an alienation in affection by women for men. Feminism denies or downplays differences between men and women; feminism opposes homemaking, child-rearing, and homeschooling by women; and feminism promotes participation by women in predominantly male activities regardless of their life pursuits or interests. Most prominent modern feminists support abortion.
Attributes common to many feminists include an entitlement mentality and a bit of an attitude, such as a “chip on one’s shoulder” despite benefiting from a life of privilege.
On a personal level feminism can disrupt marriages, relationships, child-rearing, education and the workplace. The feminist ideology is particularly dominant in elite universities, many large corporations, and competitive women’s team sports. Feminism claims it wants to make men and women equal but in reality, it opposes any sort of support for men.
I think the Mailonline is reporting how the Maitliss launched another on of her Sermons in the latest Newsnight on DC and had ‘crossed the line ‘ of neutrality … she must feel very important .
( with thanks to ‘guest who ‘ for posting it ) above …
Become the Boudicca of BS to the bubble, scores a massive pay off, waits a bit and gets snapped up by the next tanking propaganda outfit until they run our of ideological money.
For anyone nursing illusions as to our Gideon’s loyalty to his party, or disinterest in mounting bandwagons, here’s a headline from the Evening Standard:
‘Police forced to break up birthday party celebrations at Conservative MP’s house in breach of Covid rules…..’
It turns out two people were asked to leave, and the MP was not at the house during the ‘forced break-up’.
Dominic Cummings' statement on Sunday failed to convince the British public he was right to break lockdown, and more now think he should resign, according to a snap poll.
It occurs to me that the BBC, and almost every other MSM news team, keep harping on about how a government adviser should only help make the news, and, must never, ever, become the news – or they must disappear for ever.
It’s funny that the news media in the UK – MIshal Husain, Evan Davies and the rest of the BBC motley crew, along with Robert Peston, Piers Morgan, and a whole host of other narcistic, egotists from the UK MSM, never seem to look in the mirror and come to the conclusion that they should follow some of their own advice. MInisters and government representatives are elected to office to govern the country, not the media pundits and newsreaders.
Apart from the obvious (which I described in an earlier post) is the absolute ignorance of the newsreaders who read out one question – and if they are not getting the answer they want within seconds, they stop listening, clearly don’t want to hear the answer they are getting, and demand to immediately ask another question, trying to shout down and/or trap the interviewee.
There are one or two incisive interviewers around, who actually do listen to answers, aware that the public deserve to hear the interviewee, rather than them, and are able to link answers to further questions with ease, because they are on top of the subject. They are extremely few and far between.
I noticed this on the Marr show on recent Sundays, where Marr has been caught as the camera switched from the interviewee to him in mid-answer, and he has his thick black-rimmed spectacles on, clearly isn’t listening at all, isn’t even looking at the interviewee, but is avidly scrutinising the next question(s) he has been scripted to ask.
I agree. In fact, I commented on this some time ago, when Eddie Mair still hosted R4’s ‘PM’ (before Evan Davis).
Once Mair decided he didn’t like someone (e.g. “You really aren’t a very nice person, are you?” in that notorious interview with Boris, before the latter was PM) he would often not listen to their answers and just parrot out his next ‘gotcha’ question. It ceased to be an interactive dialogue and risked becoming a surreal exchange of non sequiturs akin to dialogue from a Samuel Beckett play.
The analogy of a card game came to mind. Instead of thinking carefully about what card to play next, Mair did the equivalent of slamming his next card down on the table, like the game “Beggar My Neighbour” (maybe two different vowels in that first word, in Mair’s case).
2pm they’ve got the narrative they want
An ex-Labour MP and now West Midlands PCC
says “yeh people are breaking lock down
and it’s not THEIR fault
It’s Dominic Cummings FAULT”
Meet James & Tom, two of Theresa May's losers (1 ex-Downing Street, 1 ex-CCHQ) now working for @KekstCNC They set up a Twitter account for random polling company @JLPartnersPolls yesterday. Their "poll", claiming everyone hates Cummings, is suddenly all over the media. #FakeNews!
Just spoke to an old Army mate now living in France and we talked about Cummings and the media’s take on it… He says that his French friends cannot believe how our media and specifically the BBC are conducting themselves..
According to him the French are impressed how we have handled the Pandemic..
I know many on here have written to the BBC about their Bias and after what I witnessed on Newsnight and Maitliss, I can confirm I joined your ranks and wrote to them this morning for the first time.
I am now at the stage that I am so angry it is not doing my health any good, my blood pressure must be going through the roof.
I know my complaint will go on deaf ears and I know I will get a cut and pace reply but it made me feel better.
I’m now in the process of writing to the Conservative Party expressing my anger at there total ineptitude at not doing anything about this bias.
Dafydd – welcome to the world of raised blood pressure – caused by the BBC – if you’ve seen what I’ve written here I cut the BBC out in the some way people are advised to cut red meat out ( never ) .
It is doable to break listening habits but there is still a ‘drive’ to find out what the enemy are doing and saying .
Funny you should mention France – I’m re reading my history books covering the ‘Dunkirk ‘ period – which is painful – but could have been a lot worse ….
I mentioned last week that there is a section in the recently published “BBC year plan ‘ about being me transparent in explaining decisions to deny complaints .___ I haven’t much faith that those droids in the complaints department will have ‘seen the memo ‘ or change their institutional defensive mindset if they have . ……
If you’ve written to CCHQ I’m guessing you won’t be getting much of a reply this side of Summer 2020 ….
I would recommend a visit to Dunkirk at some stage, a moving , remarkable and informative visit.
You mention “complaints” Guido Fawkes has just posted a list of falsehoods published by the media and BBC, I understand those that transgressed will have to put the record straight..
Dafydd- thank you – it’s on my bucket list – as are the Normandy Beaches and those – oh too many cemeteries the UK left in France , Holland , Belgium …
TWATO: On and on and on……….. The BBC just don’t get it. They have failed to assassinate a Right Wing person of importance in DCummings. Can we expect this charade to go on for weeks, or months or indeed until next year?
Someone please say to them: ‘Your plots and ploys to destroy someone you don’t like for political reasons only, has failed. Get over it’.
They haven't given up. All the usual suspects are involved, and they can rely on the full backing of the #ScumMedia.
This is, as most of you probably realise, what lies behind all the attacks on Cummings. Expect a lot more of this kind of skulduggery over the next several weeks.
— Sir Lefty Forensic-Wright QC (@SupportOurLefty) May 27, 2020
Guest who – thank you ( again ) for putting that letter on this site – it gives that background about the real flight going on to hold onto the EU – despite brexit .
The PM and the troops need to hold on for – what ? – 30 plus days to get beyond the extension cut off .
So with or without the Chinese Virus there are going to be clandestine remainers trying every thing to get that damned extension …..
The question is – of course – apart from trying to use DC as a mechanism to undermine the PM and force through a resignation and replacement by Remainers ( Hunt /Javid )-
What other tricks are the massed ranks of traitors ( too damn long to list ) going to come up with in the next 5 weeks to defeat us – with the aid of the enemy biased BBC ?
The parliamentary diary shows the Commons sitting for 17 days from 2 June in order to drive an extension ….. job for DC to deal with !
So man-of-the-people Robin Lees – known as Robin Lees-Milne in more exalted circles – now has ‘some regrets’ about the furore his spiteful and snide Guardian phone calls have caused.
Perhaps he has genuine regrets, but on the other hand his stance might be influenced by the fear that some similar public-spirited soul might call HMRC and tell them Mr Lees is moonlighting as a car-park attendant at Barnard Castle.
Madness has won the day – tweets are being published – the writer – a BBC employee ( sometimes ) realises it’s ‘bad’ and deletes it
And the game is whether someone screen shots it – as evidence of the bias and hate they are ( all ) showing now .
It’s beyond me know – below is a link – which I got from twitter – which the BBC has put up for those wishing to get the result of the complaints about Newsnight – not any programme – just one – and on one date …
If I was DC I would by now have a growing list of names of the fake Tories to look at whenever circumstances (like election border changes for example) are going to happen.
There seems to be about 40 who got voted in as Tories yet appear to be nothing like proper tories. More like opportunistic wet lefty remainers who got elected on a manifesto they obviously disagreed with but saw their best chance of being elected was by saying they were Tories.
These fake Tories should be the ones to be binned when the chance to get rid of them comes.
Also, no promotions for any of them.
They can’t be trusted.
They are not Tories.
“She said it as a statement of fact. There was no pretence of impartiality in any of that report. It was judge, jury and executioner"
A Scenario with Added Assumptions
Assumption: the newspapers have learned nothing from the days of the phone-tapping scandal. In addition, those with an interest in Remaining in the EU and with a deep hatred of everything Conservative and conservative and the possibility of being shown up both as wrong and also as ‘Wrongists’, they use Private Investigators to follow people in the political public eye that they consider to be ‘opponents’, those on the ‘other side’.
A Government advisor drives home to his parents. He is followed by a PI. The parents are farmers in a rural community. Farmers are very aware of what is going around them these days due to thefts of machinery, fuel and farm stock let alone damage and the usual ‘gate left open’ carelessness of people. A local Guardian (other newspapers are available …. blah … blah) ‘stringer’ meets the PI near the family farm. Strangers in a rural setting, they stand out somewhat. Possibly, a Guardian staffer drives up from the south-east to add to the crowd. Maybe a local photographer also turns up.
The farmer is or becomes concerned, perhaps alerted by neighbours (farmers tend to look out for each other for aforementioned reasons) and the farmer contacts the local Police force. A conversation ensues.
Some weeks later, after the Prime Minister has recovered from being seriously ill in hospital with the Covid-19 virus and at death’s door and also following a lacklustre performance from the new Labour Party leader who is marginalised by both the Pandemic and the virtual Parliament, the Guardian newspaper decides to make use of the information they gleaned.
They find some willing collaborators including the local acting Police and Crime Commissioner, appointed by the Labour council on the death in office of the elected P&CC, and who may or may not also be a Labour Party voter or member. Other collaborators are newspapers who share the political standpoint of the Guardian – such as the Labour Party supporting Daily Mirror as well as some broadcasters including, of course, the BBC.
The story builds and builds given a head of steam by the media who sense an opportunity to further their own political ends and aims (or just sell more papers and network clips) having been somewhat restricted by the growing virus pandemic following on from the Conservative Party’s decisive General Election victory, followed by the Christmas and the New Year celebrations.
It matters not a lot to them to print half-truths or lies about the advisor because the risk of them being seriously taken to task is small thanks to the ongoing virus pandemic and the restrictions on the normal processes of life.
A wild conspiracy theory? Unreasonable assumptions? Maybe. Maybe not.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
BBC News
“We are taking our elephants back home to our village.”
With the collapse of the tourism industry, these Thai elephant keepers are migrating to the mountains.
This is a darn weird one.
Beyond the social distancing (I wonder if the reporter issued shoes at the end?) the treatment of these elephants is not based on compassion.
Nice braces.
BBC News clearly having an East Asian day.
This Indonesian village was once home to 200 families. But now, it’s under water as the island is taken over by rising sea levels, and only one family remains.
Check out the linked text and see if you notice anything.
BBC ‘News’: if folk keep scoring goals over you… move the goalposts elsewhere…
Toady is repeating, for the 100th time, the same old, same old question, trying to get interviewees to condemn DC and get him sacked. Conducting the same old, same old discussion-endlessly- for the 5th or is it the 6th day.
BBC News
White woman called police in black man in dog row.
The woman told police “there’s an African-American man threatening my life” after he asked her to put her dog on a leash in New York’s Central Park.
Next on the BBC, Zimbabwean farmers don’t get to call anyone. Especially the bbc.
At least she used the accepted terminology.
For the latest on Bronzed Strumpetism…
During the 08:10 interview (the long one) on Today programme this morning, Mishal Husain showed exactly where the BBC stands. Mr Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government was interviewed by Ms Husain, who spent more than two thirds of the interview specifically on Dominic Cummings, and barely a couple of minutes on the Minister’s brief. They are not going to give up on this lynch-mob mentality.
And, whilst on the subject of mentality mentality, Ms Husain started off by continually trying to speak over the minister, and it rose to the point where she was in a virtual state of hysteria, because the minister refused to allow her to shout over everything he was saying, and continued with his answers rather than allow himself to be heckled by this utterly biased newsreader, from an utterly biased media source.
It is behaviour like hers which leads to the mob mentality demonstrated so vividly at the front of Mr Cummings’ house over the past few days by the media ‘jackals’.
BBC – ‘the trusted news source’ in the UK – you really are joking, Mr Hall.
(Edit : – I meant to append this post to the one above by fakenewswatcher, but failed miserably, apologies.)
The BBC and the likes of the Guardian have been keen to hound Tory ministers and advisers out of office for decades. The formula is always the same , find an indiscretion , magnify it , claim it’s an issue of public trust , repeat it endlessly until the PM or the victim caves in, then move on to the next victim. It has a high % success rate. In this particular case the BBC Guardian axis of evil has much to gain, remove Cummings and they will have undermined Brexit to a significant extent.
The same formula worked in the US until President Trump showed how to deal with it , ignore it and attack the attackers. Boris must stick by Cummings no matter what some lily livered Tories think otherwise the next four years will be entirely wasted and Brexit will be in greater danger than ever.
The Get Cummings plot shows how deadly and how powerful the Remainer tendency is. I suspect that civil servants and the police were involved in providing the ‘story’ to the Guardian. Perusing the number plates of cars in the early days of lockdown was probably something the police did to see the distances people were travelling. The police and some civil servants are the only people who have have access to the address and owner where a car is registered. We can expect a never ending stream of attempts to remove prominent Brexiteers over the next few years.
Brexit isn’t over yet! Boris needs to burn our bridges so it is very difficult to rejoin.
Toady is repeating, for the 100th time, the same old, same old question, trying to get interviewees to condemn DC and get him sacked. Conducting the same old, same old discussion-endlessly- for the 5th or is it the 6th day.
Day three of the eyesight and Barnard castle issues. Becoming aggressive if they don’t get the exact answer they want. Apparently you now HAVE to give the exact answer beeb demand. Their inquisitorial arrogance knows no bounds. Mishal has evidently been promoted to Chief Inquisitor.
This endless campaign is a complete ABUSE of beeb’s task and mission. I shall be writing to them again, not mincing my words.
Apologies that this seems to be going up in bits and pieces. Problems with the technology this a.m. Am going to give up putting up the rest of this post, since I’ve largely squeezed in what I wanted to say.
I understand that Priti wants ‘more powers’ to deal with “Illegals”.
Well here’s two very effective powers she already has at hand …………. The Royal Navy and Royal Marines!
Does she think that the French Navy would let GB dump loads of illegals on their shores without protest or taking action?
I think Priti is taking us for mugs .
taffman – Well said. Let’s write to her and tell her.
Correct me if I am wrong , but despite the bluster, tantrums and outrage at Al Beeb , all Boris has to do is to ignore their demands and sit tight on the ‘Cummings escapade’. He has a huge majority and there is a long way to go – Covid, the Economy, Brexit, Hong Kong and getting rid of the TV Tax, all more important. Remind me , when is the next General Election ?
‘A week is a long time in politics’.
P.S. I’m not a Tory.
Of course Toady also finds time- as ever- to attack President Trump and also dish up the ‘white’ policeman kills ‘black’ suspect story. What we can suspect is that this story wouldn’t feature on beeb, had it been the other way round; we certainly wouldn’t be getting great emphasis of the race of those involved. Pure propaganda, purporting to be news – hallmark of beeb.
Perhaps also an ‘anti-racist’ tale, which -in its telling- is actually racist?
#ScumMedia is still trending
JHB is complaining she’s lost a thousand followers
… I guess she’ll pick up a thousand more from libmob and anti-Brexit people
Maybe ms Hartley brewer , who I have never heard and hope never will , is under pressure from the ‘monster ‘ style the piers liar Morgan fella has imported onto daytime TV .
Fortunately I haven’t seen or heard him on the TV but Twitter is a permanent battle ground .
If there are and decent journos ( term contradiction) left I’d hope they’d talk about more substantive stuff like the new drug mentioned in the government briefing or the likelihood of the furlough being removed .
Yesterday the MSM was screaming about ‘approval ratings’. I don’t believe those kind of polls much but if true I thought it a great irony that a lot of those people are currently be kept financially alive by the government pay scheme .
I dread – really dread – what the taxes are going to be like to pay for that – although at the moment the governmenr is using the money tree in the same way as a 71 year old allotment owner planned to –
Funny that comrade Corbyn’ s birthday and the anniversary of the Dunkirk Miracle are on the same day . ….
Worth a visit to any of JHB’s Twitter posts on the Cummings affair. The comments really nail this former Conservative presenter who begins every sentence with ‘I’m sorry but..’
I am still a follower, but only because I enjoy reading comments from those who reject her propaganda. If she has not moved to either the Mail or the BBC before the US elections just watch her continued ill informed Karen style comments on the US President.
She must be being lined up for Question Time – if that programme is still on …. she sound like she’d be in good company with Toynbee the queer Jones , the ash one and the alibi one who left the country ….. they call all out left each other ….
JHB has out up a YouTube video : Brendan O’Neill:
‘Absolutely psychotic response to Dominic Cummings from media and activists’
Oh More Or Less is on Radio4
how many times will they squeeze sneers at Cummings in ?
9:09am used mention of him to introduce item about whether it’s true young people are ignoring lockdown.
hangon the producer had a sneer
in her intro tweet
..they are talking about borders now
… flights … not Calais migrants.
Actually the prog opened
“More than 35k people in the UK have now officially died *FROM* Covid-19
I’d agree its *WITH* Covid-19
.. but if as some people were
you were on on your last legs with a disease like cancer
It’s not right to put your death down 100% FROM Covid
The prog covered Scottish testing
but failed to emphasize how terrible their numbers are compared to England.
The prog later had a silly Mastermind quiz
poking fun at the UK’s claims of 100K tests/day
It included a quick musical question
which may have been a dig at Cummings
but it seems to have been edited out of the BBC Sounds version.
Stew – I plead guilty – I saw a celeb mastermind question – “what is polyvinyl chloride usually abbreviated to .? The lady celeb ? Didn’t know …..
@Keir_Starmer 15h
37,000 people have now died of coronavirus …
No doubt there is a subtle forensic difference and get-out clause!
It must be Durham!
You can drive to Wales for a birthday party.
You can travel 100’s of miles to Skye.
You can have beach parties in Ireland with varadkar.
The royal family can up sticks and go to Balmoral.
But trying to protect a child by taking them to Durham and it’s the Holocaust.
If DC had driven 10 miles to some location would there be this outrage from the left?
20 – 40 – 80 miles
When does it become a crime against humanity.
And what an unedifying sight those press crowds are, jammed together practicing their social distancing outside DC’s home trying to intimidate a decent family man because he protected his family and didn’t break any laws.
Photoshop that onto one of those yellow and black warnings
A significantly under-reported aspect of the Cummings Saga is the well-being of his child. I suspect that the boy is, probably severely, autistic and this fact along with the potential of both parents becoming unable to cope is what literally drove him those 260 miles to seek help from other family members, should it have been required.
Similar assistance was very evidently not an option in London, again because I suspect the child needs help from recognisable and calming carers.
I am guessing, I admit, but it seems to add up, and if right, it is to Dominic Cummings very great credit that he has not sought to use this as some sort of bargaining chip. He is fiercely defensive and protective of his child, that much is obvious, but for the BBC and all the scummy others to either ignore or simply fail to take this into consideration is the clearest indication of their total and shameful lack of morals. You could even say Christianity, foreign as that concept would be to Crace, Maitless, Morgan, Monbiot, Toynbee and the rest of the deluded ‘intelligentsia’.
On reflection the inclusion of Piers Morgan as a part of our benighted elite is an obvious mistake. Apologies.
On the subject of DCs family – it was telling – during the 65 minute inquisition – that DC did not refer to the medical situation of his child – and as a result one ( I) could feel that the MSM vermin couldn’t do it because DC had not referred to it .
In the past – whenever there has been something about children with Special Needs such as Autism the BBC rolls on some ‘campaigner ‘ to explain why even more resources are needed. I detect an absence of this ritual here.
This must have been thought through – personally I thought he didn’t have a choice but to declare it – even at the ‘cost’ of being accused of ‘using ‘ a medical condition as an excuse .
But then again – perhaps there would have been far longer term personal consequence going well beyond the current kicking .
Concluding – Beltane – someone on Twitter apologised to The Goebells family ‘ comparing the #mediascum to Joseph Goebells – apparently he didn’t deserve such an insult . Bit dry perhaps ….
Yes Fed, it is very probably a significant part of the reasons for Boris being so loyal to Dominic, he is old fashioned enough to admire moral probity – perhaps because his own can hardly bear regular inspection! I also suspect that by comparison he was less than impressed with the way Cameron behaved with his sad little boy and the media.
Whatever the reason, it won’t be what the gifted though failed, twice, political giant that is Sarah Woolaston said, that he is a mental prop for Boris’ ineptness. As the personification of ineptness, what better judge?
I suspect that the likes of Rigby and Kuennsberg are having to bite their tongue where the child is concerned. To inquire as to the why’s and wherefore’s, would be holding themselves up to ridicule and abuse for daring to use the babe as a slingshot at Cummings.
As said above, the child may need delicate handling, but its none of our business, so, good on Cummings for not backfooting the media and using his child as his saving grace.
Regarding the BBC,s salivating about Mr Cummings trip and the Bishop’s suggestion about cancelling fines for anyone caught and fined in similar circumstances.
Has anyone actually come forward who was fined in similar circumstances?
Here we have on the VD news, she is pleadIng with the audience for people to come forward and get in touch if you have been fined for “whatever reason”….. not similar circumstances…
I will refrain lest I am accused of bashing the bishop
Staying linked to the EU via the back door
Three posts from @VeteransBritain
2016 was the last time the BBC properly covered EU defence integration, albeit with the usual misleading headline. From the moment political defence integration started to be agreed, the BBC has been silent.
The pro-EU, #FakeNews BBC deceive by omission. (With a link to the bBC in September 2016 saying “The idea of beefing up a EU military prompts a warning from the UK’s defence secretary but reassurance from Germany and Nato.”)
[Today] we’ll know the size of the EU’s first military budget … Foolish UK defence industry bosses are asking ministers to JOIN all this after civil servants made them believe it’s a cash cow.
It isn’t, it would damage them and UK political control.
and here
We must get out of the clutches of the EU. Let us hope that we have no been sold out by our own government.
Last time we were in a Treaty like that – it was Poland – and the outcome for them as well as us wasn’t exactly pleasing .
\\Coronavirus: Crisis a chance to ‘end rough sleeping’//
All the rough sleepers coming in from France?
I know it’s been on here earlier but on Hancock’s half hour last night I enjoyed Hancock putting peston back in his box.
That’s the way to treat the miserable moaning sh1ts.
EG, he had all day to come up with a question and within 10 seconds he was shown up to be the not so smart, arrogant tw*t that he is!
Priceless ????
And where was the man slash woman? ????
At 4 p.m. Boris will be giving ‘evidence’ to the House of Commons Liaison Committee. The subject is allegedly Coronavirus: the science, the impact, and the way ahead.
The Liaison Committee is made up of the Chairs of each of the select committees so plenty of people to give him trouble off topic. Rachel Reeves will be attempting to do a ‘Starmer’, with sniping from Ms Cooper-Balls et al. Benn jnr will no doubt insist we need an extension to the transition period.
I hope Bernard Jenkin keeps proper control.
Meanwhile, on impartial media, compare and contrast coverage and opinion and guest invitation of a minor advisor vs… actual MPs, prime ministers….
The demise of Wikipedia is sad. Not only the imposition of left-wing views (and very much ‘views’ rather than facts), but the increasing censorship. For instance, several years ago the communist backgrounds of many left-wing and EU politicians were described, but these have largely been expunged.
But there is hope, perhaps. Compare, for instance, the description of feminism in Wikipedia with that in Conservapedia. Despite the declared Christian/Conservative viewpoint, the latter seems far more accurate.
Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that societies prioritize the male point of view, and that women are treated unfairly within those societies. Efforts to change that include fighting gender stereotypes and seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.
Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women’s rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to earn fair wages, equal pay and eliminate the gender pay gap, to own property, to receive education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to ensure access to legal abortions and social integration and to protect women and girls from rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. Changes in dress and acceptable physical activity have often been part of feminist movements.
Feminism is an ideology that causes an alienation in affection by women for men. Feminism denies or downplays differences between men and women; feminism opposes homemaking, child-rearing, and homeschooling by women; and feminism promotes participation by women in predominantly male activities regardless of their life pursuits or interests. Most prominent modern feminists support abortion.
Attributes common to many feminists include an entitlement mentality and a bit of an attitude, such as a “chip on one’s shoulder” despite benefiting from a life of privilege.
On a personal level feminism can disrupt marriages, relationships, child-rearing, education and the workplace. The feminist ideology is particularly dominant in elite universities, many large corporations, and competitive women’s team sports. Feminism claims it wants to make men and women equal but in reality, it opposes any sort of support for men.
I think the Mailonline is reporting how the Maitliss launched another on of her Sermons in the latest Newsnight on DC and had ‘crossed the line ‘ of neutrality … she must feel very important .
( with thanks to ‘guest who ‘ for posting it ) above …
maybe it’s this ?
That BS liked a sycophantic fact free boost from ‘nearly legal’ sums up BBC com fitment to professional integrity.
Next, Newsnight impartiality supremo Lewis rehires BIJ to do what they do best, score in the knowledge the BBC is accountability-exempted…
Mixed bag, no doubt due to Mail conflicted nature on ratings and Remain, but top voted by a country mile….
AngryE, Midlands, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
I suspect the BBC are going to regret this attempted witchhunt when it comes to the future of the TV Licence , good.
She is on a no lose here.
Vile, yes. Stupid, no.
The BBC is tanking.
Become the Boudicca of BS to the bubble, scores a massive pay off, waits a bit and gets snapped up by the next tanking propaganda outfit until they run our of ideological money.
Columnist Andre Walker , good points
..loner segment from the start of the show
( I am listening to the show on double speed on Youtube )
Guest Mitchell from China is explained that China is in trouble and the media there choreographed
.. anti-foreigner sentiment is making it difficult
…same here isn’t it … on BBC
callers keep calling out Julia HB
For anyone nursing illusions as to our Gideon’s loyalty to his party, or disinterest in mounting bandwagons, here’s a headline from the Evening Standard:
‘Police forced to break up birthday party celebrations at Conservative MP’s house in breach of Covid rules…..’
It turns out two people were asked to leave, and the MP was not at the house during the ‘forced break-up’.
Typical media, they can’t even get the day right
It wasn’t Sunday it was Monday
It occurs to me that the BBC, and almost every other MSM news team, keep harping on about how a government adviser should only help make the news, and, must never, ever, become the news – or they must disappear for ever.
It’s funny that the news media in the UK – MIshal Husain, Evan Davies and the rest of the BBC motley crew, along with Robert Peston, Piers Morgan, and a whole host of other narcistic, egotists from the UK MSM, never seem to look in the mirror and come to the conclusion that they should follow some of their own advice. MInisters and government representatives are elected to office to govern the country, not the media pundits and newsreaders.
Apart from the obvious (which I described in an earlier post) is the absolute ignorance of the newsreaders who read out one question – and if they are not getting the answer they want within seconds, they stop listening, clearly don’t want to hear the answer they are getting, and demand to immediately ask another question, trying to shout down and/or trap the interviewee.
There are one or two incisive interviewers around, who actually do listen to answers, aware that the public deserve to hear the interviewee, rather than them, and are able to link answers to further questions with ease, because they are on top of the subject. They are extremely few and far between.
I noticed this on the Marr show on recent Sundays, where Marr has been caught as the camera switched from the interviewee to him in mid-answer, and he has his thick black-rimmed spectacles on, clearly isn’t listening at all, isn’t even looking at the interviewee, but is avidly scrutinising the next question(s) he has been scripted to ask.
Pot-kettle ?
I agree. In fact, I commented on this some time ago, when Eddie Mair still hosted R4’s ‘PM’ (before Evan Davis).
Once Mair decided he didn’t like someone (e.g. “You really aren’t a very nice person, are you?” in that notorious interview with Boris, before the latter was PM) he would often not listen to their answers and just parrot out his next ‘gotcha’ question. It ceased to be an interactive dialogue and risked becoming a surreal exchange of non sequiturs akin to dialogue from a Samuel Beckett play.
The analogy of a card game came to mind. Instead of thinking carefully about what card to play next, Mair did the equivalent of slamming his next card down on the table, like the game “Beggar My Neighbour” (maybe two different vowels in that first word, in Mair’s case).
Why are we surprised
than when for months the BBC has been under heavy attack
it acts like a cornered rat and attacks at the heart of government ?
TalkRadio soon to talk about Maitliss
Then about Chicago Police unjustly killing a young black guy
Seems even JHB can see a problem.
Guest Who
Yes indeed. She said she is sorry.
1pm local news
“There could be local lock downs ”
… they failed to lead with another story getting at Cummings
I suppose they’ve driven upto Stranraer
to go through his cousin’s neighbour’s bin
to get their next story
2pm they’ve got the narrative they want
An ex-Labour MP and now West Midlands PCC
says “yeh people are breaking lock down
and it’s not THEIR fault
It’s Dominic Cummings FAULT”
using it as the second news headline now
It doesn’t show up cos as soon as I tweeted against them
they disappeared it
Says ‘Tweet has been deleted’.
Just checked again. Now it says it is ‘unavailabile’.
My server or BBC ‘evolving the story’.
As they do.
screenshot, I should NOT have to routinely screenshot libmob stuff
The actual original one I saw was of those quarter screen size BBC videos
here’s the mini version
James O’Brien had already retweeted it of course
They really pulling out all the stops.
Perhaps best if they were not the cocks in their boat.
I screenshot all too… in case Fraser is monitoring.
What is that saying… ‘it’s not the first post that will get you… it’s trying to cover it up…’
They really are special, in a Ralph Wiggum way.
Piers also retweeted the narrative the BBCWorldAtOne had served up
FakeNews beings with “a polll says”
typo “begins with”
Why should Laura Kuenssberg have any empathy with
a child’s need? What does she know about children?
Works with 20,000 of them.
She knows how easily influenced they can be.
Just spoke to an old Army mate now living in France and we talked about Cummings and the media’s take on it… He says that his French friends cannot believe how our media and specifically the BBC are conducting themselves..
According to him the French are impressed how we have handled the Pandemic..
I know many on here have written to the BBC about their Bias and after what I witnessed on Newsnight and Maitliss, I can confirm I joined your ranks and wrote to them this morning for the first time.
I am now at the stage that I am so angry it is not doing my health any good, my blood pressure must be going through the roof.
I know my complaint will go on deaf ears and I know I will get a cut and pace reply but it made me feel better.
I’m now in the process of writing to the Conservative Party expressing my anger at there total ineptitude at not doing anything about this bias.
Ah well
Dafydd – welcome to the world of raised blood pressure – caused by the BBC – if you’ve seen what I’ve written here I cut the BBC out in the some way people are advised to cut red meat out ( never ) .
It is doable to break listening habits but there is still a ‘drive’ to find out what the enemy are doing and saying .
Funny you should mention France – I’m re reading my history books covering the ‘Dunkirk ‘ period – which is painful – but could have been a lot worse ….
I mentioned last week that there is a section in the recently published “BBC year plan ‘ about being me transparent in explaining decisions to deny complaints .___ I haven’t much faith that those droids in the complaints department will have ‘seen the memo ‘ or change their institutional defensive mindset if they have . ……
If you’ve written to CCHQ I’m guessing you won’t be getting much of a reply this side of Summer 2020 ….
I would recommend a visit to Dunkirk at some stage, a moving , remarkable and informative visit.
You mention “complaints” Guido Fawkes has just posted a list of falsehoods published by the media and BBC, I understand those that transgressed will have to put the record straight..
Blood pressure easing, just had a beer
Dafydd- thank you – it’s on my bucket list – as are the Normandy Beaches and those – oh too many cemeteries the UK left in France , Holland , Belgium …
TWATO: On and on and on……….. The BBC just don’t get it. They have failed to assassinate a Right Wing person of importance in DCummings. Can we expect this charade to go on for weeks, or months or indeed until next year?
Someone please say to them: ‘Your plots and ploys to destroy someone you don’t like for political reasons only, has failed. Get over it’.
In case this was ever in doubt…
BS sure to get her Legion d’oner kebab now.
Guest who – thank you ( again ) for putting that letter on this site – it gives that background about the real flight going on to hold onto the EU – despite brexit .
The PM and the troops need to hold on for – what ? – 30 plus days to get beyond the extension cut off .
So with or without the Chinese Virus there are going to be clandestine remainers trying every thing to get that damned extension …..
The question is – of course – apart from trying to use DC as a mechanism to undermine the PM and force through a resignation and replacement by Remainers ( Hunt /Javid )-
What other tricks are the massed ranks of traitors ( too damn long to list ) going to come up with in the next 5 weeks to defeat us – with the aid of the enemy biased BBC ?
The parliamentary diary shows the Commons sitting for 17 days from 2 June in order to drive an extension ….. job for DC to deal with !
The timing is… noteworthy.
Particularly given the desperate propaganda and censorship by the MSM subjects.
So man-of-the-people Robin Lees – known as Robin Lees-Milne in more exalted circles – now has ‘some regrets’ about the furore his spiteful and snide Guardian phone calls have caused.
Perhaps he has genuine regrets, but on the other hand his stance might be influenced by the fear that some similar public-spirited soul might call HMRC and tell them Mr Lees is moonlighting as a car-park attendant at Barnard Castle.
FT hack supplies headline for bbc to “quote”*
*pops context down thread.
Very bbc.
Joe getting to Katty levels of lucidity.
Jon will soon be able to RT him again.
“It’s worse than that Jim… you may now be in with a chance…”
They really are that dumb.
Reality bytes.
Speaking of long trips from Scotland, the Newsnight studio guest firing up his Quattro?
The ‘hashtag’
#bbcbias – is getting a lot of twitter action at the moment –
OT, but is been noted the MSM likes its ghoul tallies and trots them out regularly.
Often they play with grammar to ‘assist’.
Here’s the Fail just now:
“BREAKING: UK announces preliminary daily Covid-19 death toll of 209”
Stay alert. I have no idea what that means.
Just published by Guido Fawkes….
Appalling lies the BBC and other media outlets pedalled
Another BBC deleted tweet
Here is, I hope, a better screenshot. (I’m never sure how large these will appear here.)
(Had to shrink and lost definition)
“Had to shrink and lost definition.”
Don’t apologize, Roland: Maitlis and the BBC are grotesque.
Some nasty parody account
has a lot of time to make Anti-Cummings memes
OT, but pure BBC EdGuds.
I wonder if any in the rich and diverse diaspora of America live in a town called Piltdown?
Madness has won the day – tweets are being published – the writer – a BBC employee ( sometimes ) realises it’s ‘bad’ and deletes it
And the game is whether someone screen shots it – as evidence of the bias and hate they are ( all ) showing now .
One kinda wonders – don’t they realise ?
3pm News : Cumming is #1 item
“Boris will face a committe for 90 mins of questions”
but Robert Jenrick clip defending him was played.
#3 headline Belgium 23 people smuglers have been arrsted
#4 Hong Kong new insult law, youths arrrested
It’s beyond me know – below is a link – which I got from twitter – which the BBC has put up for those wishing to get the result of the complaints about Newsnight – not any programme – just one – and on one date … THIS MAY BE FALSE ( -apparently )
If my link thing doesn’t work I think it’s easy to find . There’s a war going on – and it is not involving a Chinese virus …
If I was DC I would by now have a growing list of names of the fake Tories to look at whenever circumstances (like election border changes for example) are going to happen.
There seems to be about 40 who got voted in as Tories yet appear to be nothing like proper tories. More like opportunistic wet lefty remainers who got elected on a manifesto they obviously disagreed with but saw their best chance of being elected was by saying they were Tories.
These fake Tories should be the ones to be binned when the chance to get rid of them comes.
Also, no promotions for any of them.
They can’t be trusted.
They are not Tories.
I sincerely hope he has a book of dirt to dish. Though the media would do its best to suppress it.
Oops. The Beeb is losing the media.
A Scenario with Added Assumptions
Assumption: the newspapers have learned nothing from the days of the phone-tapping scandal. In addition, those with an interest in Remaining in the EU and with a deep hatred of everything Conservative and conservative and the possibility of being shown up both as wrong and also as ‘Wrongists’, they use Private Investigators to follow people in the political public eye that they consider to be ‘opponents’, those on the ‘other side’.
A Government advisor drives home to his parents. He is followed by a PI. The parents are farmers in a rural community. Farmers are very aware of what is going around them these days due to thefts of machinery, fuel and farm stock let alone damage and the usual ‘gate left open’ carelessness of people. A local Guardian (other newspapers are available …. blah … blah) ‘stringer’ meets the PI near the family farm. Strangers in a rural setting, they stand out somewhat. Possibly, a Guardian staffer drives up from the south-east to add to the crowd. Maybe a local photographer also turns up.
The farmer is or becomes concerned, perhaps alerted by neighbours (farmers tend to look out for each other for aforementioned reasons) and the farmer contacts the local Police force. A conversation ensues.
Some weeks later, after the Prime Minister has recovered from being seriously ill in hospital with the Covid-19 virus and at death’s door and also following a lacklustre performance from the new Labour Party leader who is marginalised by both the Pandemic and the virtual Parliament, the Guardian newspaper decides to make use of the information they gleaned.
They find some willing collaborators including the local acting Police and Crime Commissioner, appointed by the Labour council on the death in office of the elected P&CC, and who may or may not also be a Labour Party voter or member. Other collaborators are newspapers who share the political standpoint of the Guardian – such as the Labour Party supporting Daily Mirror as well as some broadcasters including, of course, the BBC.
The story builds and builds given a head of steam by the media who sense an opportunity to further their own political ends and aims (or just sell more papers and network clips) having been somewhat restricted by the growing virus pandemic following on from the Conservative Party’s decisive General Election victory, followed by the Christmas and the New Year celebrations.
It matters not a lot to them to print half-truths or lies about the advisor because the risk of them being seriously taken to task is small thanks to the ongoing virus pandemic and the restrictions on the normal processes of life.
A wild conspiracy theory? Unreasonable assumptions? Maybe. Maybe not.