Radio4 drama now ..basically White woman bad
oops she just used hte N-word
It’s a repeat from 2 years ago.
The Trial of Joseph Knight
In the late 18th century, plantation owner Sir John Wedderburn returns to Scotland from the West Indies, bringing with him an African slave, Joseph Knight. By May Sumbwanyambe.
In the late 18th century much of Scotland’s mercantile wealth is built on slavery.
But when Knight runs away his escape and recapture help to pave the way for the abolition of slavery in Britain.
Based on real historical events The Trial of Joseph Knight by @maysumb tells the story of a court case that challenged slavery in Britain.
‘As for health data, I thought this latest chart from the COVID Tracking Project was useful in visualizing the three data points that are most intensely monitored, the blue being the positive test cases, the orange being the 7-day average of mortalities, and the gray being the ICU headcount.
Now, as this next chart shows, hospitalizations have increased as cases have increased, though on a far, far lower scale than case growth itself (i.e. cases are nearly double what they were in the highs of March/April as testing has quadrupled), but hospitalizations are only 2/3rds of what they were … That “hospitalization-to-case” ratio has collapsed, which is significant enough in its own right. But then when you dig deeper, you see what I think is the more profound development: Even with modestly higher hospitalizations, you have a collapsed level of ICU cases relative to total cases and a profoundly collapsed level of equipment utilization (ventilators, etc.).
I suppose we can’t say with certainty why this is, but when you look at the highly reduced death rate from even hospitalized cases, one has to conclude either that the treatments have substantially improved, the case severity is less, or that the hospitalizations are including people who are not hospitalized because of COVID. I believe the causation of this positive development to be all three.’
Blacks were enslaved for centuries by Arabs. They were enslaved for centuries by white Europeans. And now despite enjoying all the same rights and freedoms as everyone else in Western countries, they have generally failed to reach the boardrooms and upper echelons of the institutions of those societies. No other race has continually been enslaved by others or failed to thrive when given half a chance. The obvious logical conclusion must be that blacks are in many ways inherently inferior compared with other races. I think most people secretly know this to be true but since such a belief is the definition of racism, it is better to stop thinking altogether.
Freeman is a supporter of the Labour Party. As a teenager, he supported Britain’s now-defunct Militant political group and volunteered with the Labour Party Young Socialists.
In 2015, Freeman appeared in a party political broadcast to endorse the Labour Party ahead of the 2015 UK general election. In August 2015, he was a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign in the Labour Party leadership election.
Enjoy Martin Freeman’s MAJOR performance here as he drops the “N-bomb”
Tonights agenda pushing TV
BBC1 7:35pm everyone’s favourite Marxite actress , maybe she’ll accidentally slip in an anti-Israel conspiracy theory
BBC2 9-10:30pmMrs America the 10 part drama the BBC bought in about 60s Lefty female activists good, righties =baddies
BBC4 10pm Biopic of Kenyan activist Boniface Mwangi
foolwed by Heroes & Villains of The British Empire
preceded by their mate Hislop dissing the Victorians
BTW 9pm 5-Select Walking Roman Roads
Ermine Street .on Channel 54
4:30pm Radio4 “Look over there FakeNews,
don’t look at us we are never fakenews, we don’t have a BBC corrections page that has daily updates even though we keep 90% off it”
..prog features Trump hating as well
United Arab Emirates set up fictitious online personas and placed opinion pieces in dozens of real news outlets.
Guests – Marc Owen Jones,Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar
– Marianna Spring, BBC disinformation specialist
Also in the programme, restarting TV production in a global pandemic, with Danielle Lux, CPL managing director, David Mortimer, STV Productions managing director, and Emeka Onono, director and executive producer of Trump in Tweets.
Has he been given the Order of the Wimp? Why can’t he just shut up…
I have avoided BBC for a week and spent time in Northeast sea side towns…all racist of course as 99% white…
Turn on Bbc tv for 30 secs to hear them moaning about families that can’t educate kids as have no laptops..they find a typical mixed race family with 6 kids….they seemed nice but FFS why have 6 kids if you can’t afford them
How does BBC find them?
Then all I hear is BBC moaning about Boris….what he said was true about care homes…they are called lessons learned..but apparently not the ones BBC wants to hear..
I rather hope he continues to ‘preach’ as the more rope he gets……….. ; the pair are already an embarrassment, and are becoming a laughing stock. Long may it continue. His Granny must be in despair, and wonder if she was a little hasty with her “they’ll always be part of the family and be welcomed back”. Hmmmm I bet its more like “like hell they will”.
The script for the film production of ‘ get harry ‘ has been leaked . It involves a dangerous daylight raid to rescue a fallen minor royal being held hostage by the Evil Princess and her ugly sister – ‘ nasty maxwell ‘ who runs a business grabbing innocent young girls away from their innocent familites and flying them on a private jet to a secret island …
Helen mirren as maxwell ?
I thought the idea was that Harry and Moaning Meghan were going to distance themselves from public life when they departed these shores. FFS, they’ve never stopped sniping since they pissed off.
It’s every other day that the Prince and Princess of Woke impart some new and irritating PC claptrap.
I think a period of silence from these two pampered sprogs would be very welcomed.
I don’t think the actress one could be quiet for more than a breath … I wouldn’t ordinarily bother but since they are making pronouncements as private citizens in another country they deserve all the ‘negative ‘ they get . I don’t think they’ll get the ‘Mercedes in the underpass ‘ treatment though ….
Back to Richy and his giving away our taxes – are we all meant to binge eat in August to get our moneys worth ..? Is the whole of Britain going to be covered in ‘just eat‘ delivery bikes not just delivering drugs ? Am I to die from an overdose of KFC family buckets ?
I dont know if the Cricket has been mentioned on here so far today?I am in the process of writing to the ECB to educate them on the ‘BLM’ movement
Katherine Granger on the BBC moaning about women in sport and not enough ‘diversity’ etc etc
I am slowly making a list of all the sports that I will be falling out of Love with;
Rugby? Union and League
the next one will be my beloved GOLF.A game I truly love and enjoy, which genuinely is diverse and inclusive due to the handicapping system etc.And the snobbery has certainly gone in the last 40 years…
BUT they STILL want to destroy it.The LEFT DESTROY everything…they never BUILD
BUT will they all be taking the knee at the Ryder Cup/US Open/British Open when they come around?…I really hope not.
Like a lot of you on here I am truly dispirited and disappointed with how sport is being hijacked and DIVERSITY rammed into every nook and cranny of our lives
Are you all as depressed as me about it?Rant Over….sorry everybody I am SO PISSED OFF
People in the UK all seem to be getting money thrown at them from this government.
£ billions here, there and everywhere.
Well, not quite everywhere.
I haven’t seen anything going to the pensioners.
The only mention is that the triple lock looks certain to be done away with as they don’t want to match the average wage increase which looks like it may be higher than normal.
A percentage increase on just about the worst pension in Europe, or, about a quarter (or less) of the average UK pay rise.
They’ve already saved about 35-40 thousand pensions because of Covid and seeding the care homes.
Everybody is having money thrown at them except the pensioners.
A Royal Prince, formerly a bit of a playboy, marries an unsuitable American, opts out of hard work and his royal duties, buggers off abroad and starts saying and doing politically controvertial things that go against the interests of his home nation… now where did we see that before?
Something is puzzling me about the daily released covid-19 death stats.
Today we are told from NHS England that in the last 24 hours, there were 42 confirmed deaths in English hospitals for people who had tested positive for Covid.
Then the overall daily number of Covid-19 associated UK deaths are given as 126, of which the England component is 121.
42 v 121? This implies that the 79 difference is from deaths either at home (fairly unlikely), or care homes (more likely).
But doesn’t 79 look rather a big number in comparison with the hospital deaths?
Also if the 79 are largely care-home figures, then what makes these homes in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so Covid resistant, giving the paucity of deaths there?
Unless I am missing something glaringly obvious, I think we need a few answers.
Yes you are missing something
The daily number is not deaths occurring in the last 24 hours.
It is deaths registered in the last 24 hours in all locations
Some death certificates from Saturday/Sunday etc. may have been sat in the doctors in tray and he’s only signed them today.
Made me think of how I am not as supple as I once was and what if I am called into action by folk around me to make the gesture as demonstrated by Sir Kier et all?
So I thought about it hard, for all of a second, and have been busily relearning how to touch my toes. Not that I may bend the knee but they can kiss my posterior.
‘Coast’ was one of our favourite programmes, but like just about everything on the BBBC now, has been hi-jacked by wokes and libs, so we’ll never watch it again – especially as they seem to want to charge a fortune for copies these days! Bloody cheek, after we paid for it all in the first place, but that’s what happens when lefties take over, it’s always spending and charging, never offering value, just simpering at their socialist ideals.
The Somme fascinates me in the way of “how could it happen ?” There is a 3 part series put out on PBS america by a sensible historian explaining just how bad the British High Command was . Its personal because my granddad went over the top – but on Day 2 … and somehow survived the whole campaign .,,,
As for the closeness of war..,, well there still plenty of enemies -,islam – the EU – and of course .. the chinese ..,, where a comventional
War could kick off in the south china sea and spread very quickly .,,
Yes, Fed. Neil mentions a gossamer like thread between peace and war. I see it exactly that way. In 1916 at least we coalesced around a flag. What would would our leaders have us defend today, should the cobweb fall?
Woke? Celebrities? Trans-rights? Racial equality? of course not. That single fact and the increasingly low level internal civil conflict emboldens and provides ‘tinder’ to everyone who would do us harm. Turing a blind eye to all this, our entire establishment have put everything on a horse called ‘globalisation’. It’s myopic at best.
On China, it’s a ‘prisoner of geography’, which incidentally is a great book. It explains Kashmir, Pakistan and the strategic importance of Japan, Taiwan and the South China Sea. I believe this is bubbling in a way uncertainty did in the early 1930s.
Your Granddad sounds like some character! You must be very proud.
Ven – my granddad did the whole of the Great War – from 1913 to 1919 – and was in one of the first regiments to engage the hun . I only knew him as a kid and I must have Been a real nightmare trying to get him to talk about it . He never did .
As for the prospects of War – are we already in one ? Is covid just part one ? They say the shape of war changes – there can be no doubt that the virus is changing the shape of nations even if temporarily and mindsets have been disturbed – as shown by the ‘nonsense ‘black Issue .
So let’s keep the toilet roll supply filled and be ready for the next insanity in supermarkets – panic doesn’t take much to ensue .
We can rest assured that the BBC will be there to stoke the panic and discord .
Its worth the 20 minute listen – starting with The Somme and going through to our rapidly diminishing freedom of speech- and if the likes of the BBC could do it – freedom of thought.
Its difficult to assess where we are with the virus . Are we at an end ? Does it do a sars? Or is this just the first half break before it gets going again – perhaps in an even more dangerous form . The latter will extinguish the current madness but the price will be high .
If we are at the end and this frankly insane race thing carries on then it continue to denounce dissenters and criminalise them as well ad banish them from speaking . If unemployment ticks up the way some are predicting there will be more tangible discontent .
Hell of a lot of thoughtless zealotry about courtesy of enemies such the BBC .
Why kneeling down makes the slightest bit of difference, except to virtue-signal that you’re even more a prat than some over-paid racing driver or fooboller, is beyond me, but hey, some religions stick their bums in the air several times a day, so maybe they’d like to change their habits as well!
That pic of Surrkeer kneeling down in his CandA suit showed just what a load of caber-slingers we have in Westminster; the bird on his left looked as if she was on a wobble, but then we don’t know what they’d been up to before the stupid pic was taken…
Anal signalling is getting a bit beyond a joke, and deserve a couple of fingers and a turn of the back – maybe a ‘moon’…
ITV local news : as ever sending camera crews to places that aren’t really necessary
Stockbridge the Indian owned steel mill, where the manage said the government must by British.
FFS steel is a specialist product. by its nature it’s an international market. A large amount of UK product is exported.
What we don’t want is other countries dumping or being protectionist.
Then outside the Kit Kat factory in York
cos they agre moving from one fair trade certifier to another.
I guess the reporter he’d get invited into the office, but he wasn’t.
Oh look an activist org is broadcasting over the top of the BBC1 news An appeal can you send in your second hand laptops full of porn for this 6 child mixed race family to use.
BBC where news and activism are all mixed together.
Local news starts
..same effing topic ..Send in your laptops.
Currently having a family holiday in the Devon and Cornwall area. The local BBC regional programme ‘Spotlight’ just showed two teenagers “struggling to find employment”.
The first was a scruffy looking long haired teenager with dyed hair. He said something on the lines of, “I applied for a job at the campsite just before the lockdown and I didn’t hear anything back from them so I guess I haven’t got the job. That would have suited me fine and there is nothing else I want to do”.
The other was a green haired girl with tatoos and piercing all over her face. She said, “I was like, you know when like, like stuff and like…it was like but I didn’t like or think it was likely but like [shrug]”.
Surrrrreeee, the lookdown is the reasons these two cannot find a job.
The BBC website article following the Asylum Seeker stabbing in Glasgow.
Glasgow stabbings: Long hotel stays ‘challenging’ for asylum seekers
Asylum seeker Andrew said he heard that attacker had not been happy with conditions at the hotel.
I once had to complain to the staff at a large hotel chain because the room they put me in had a washing machine running all night next door making sleep very “challenging”. My complaint had little effect though.
I obviously need to learn how to complain more effectively next time by taking out a few of their staff with a knife in reception.
While the BBC are thrilled to give space to the Duke and Duchess of Wokeness and Clichés for them to pontificate condescendingly to us mere commoners, things could be going better for them on YouTube, where their achingly awful vid has attracted 1.6K likes to 2.3K dislikes as of now.
David Sedgewick on The Richie Allen show
the podcast is up
I had to flick down the page to the podmatic box
and click the play box and move the slider 1 hour into the show
Very much in the manner of ‘largely peaceful ‘ serious public disorder – just upping the ante because people were KSI (killed and seriously injured ) – a friend of mine was in a car behind that bus when it ‘exploded ‘ – he was never the same chap afterwards because of what he saw and did …
Daniel Sandford – one of the very worst example of Biased BBC droid – has gone to twitter talking about BBC funding – naturally he has received more flak than a Lancaster over Berlin – and he seems to have Read the comments ..
……….I do wonder if creatures like him have even the slightest idea of how much his organisation is hated by so many now ?
I'll be campaigning for the BBC to make TV that people want to subscribe to rather than have to pay for against their will because of the threat of going to jail.
Seriously? Someone complaining about the content of the BBC is being run by Russia? I think you'll find that many QT audience members have been outed as political activists AFTER the programme has aired, so don't try to play the innocent on that one.
Jeez – do beeboids really think the anti BBC comments are from Russia ? That’s a real doozy …
if he saw the comments here I don’t think he’d conclude they come from a a comment shop in st Petersburg
Then he replies to someone
\\ Interesting that you think we are
but say you don’t like “identity politics //
em Sandford wrongly claiming there is a contradiction with the guy’s stance.
I could say that I am anti-promoting one sex over another
and that I see an org is “male-hating”
There is no contradiction in my stance.
\\”Boris Johnson told he has ‘no say’ on the M4 relief road”
But Boris Johnson said he would revive the M4 relief road proposal – and “provide the Vicks Inhaler to the nostrils of the Welsh dragon”.//
\\The M4 around Newport is often clogged at rush hour but Wales’ first minister scrapped a relief road plan last year after declaring a climate emergency.//
Is The Welsh White Elephant is getting too big for its boots ?
A lot of taffmen think so. Talk to anyone using the M4 in the rush hour. Its stifling the economy of Wales .
Climate emergency my @rse! It would be better for Wales if the Welsh Assembly was “scrapped”.
Mate, I read today that WG is holding a review on street names and statues in honour of BLM. Dead serious. I’ve always pitied our English brethren because they aren’t allowed their own culture anymore, no GC flag in in case it offends somebody, no certain songs, etc. As a sheep shagger, Id happily sing ‘swing low” with 2 fingers up at a rugby match if it was banned. This shit is infuriating me now.
My MP is Chris Bryant. He recently held a poll on his FB page about this issue of certain plaques and statues and ‘should they be reviewed’ , it was 80% against. He did what a good liberal always does and ignored it and assumed he knows best. The only hope fo Wales now, is if we get rid of these Labour tossers at the next election.
“Comedy clubs get serious with plea for emergency arts funding”
What comedy ? Comedy has been killed by the PC Brigade.
When did you last laugh at any ‘so called’ comedy on Al Beeb?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
All the ‘comedians’ today just relate ‘situations’ in life, they couldn’t tell a joke if their life depended on it. Yet they seem to fill theatres and concert hall, but when you see the age group that attend it doesn’t surprise me.
On the last series of Strictly there was a ‘comedian’ (never heard of him) called Chris Ramsey, who I thought was embarrassing and cringe worthy actually, and then I saw a segment of him on stage, and was glad I didn’t have to spend money on seeing him live.
Apparently this organisation that has huge resources for promoting LGBTQ+XYZ* activism
have a sideline delivering letters.
Tap below if you’re going to stand up to prejudice and support the LGBT+ community like Courtney and the rest of our team did during #Pride2020! #BeMoreCourtney
Whilst equality is great
constantly pushing one victimhood group is not equality.
The result is they have flooded Twitter with identical tweets
Anyway, like every virtue signalling organisation that rainbows its logo, I’ve blocked it. That tactic has worked wonders in reducing the amount of woke advertising I get, though that one sneaked through.
“Coronavirus: WHO rethinking how Covid-19 spreads in air” The WHO is not up to much as it has taken them all this time to come up with that conclusion ?
My third installment of the what's gone right/wrong in the US response to the coronavirus pandemic, and I'm afraid this one's heavy on the wrong side.
To paraphrase Jimmy Greaves : It’s a funny old world.
The BBC provides a plug for Oxfam warning ‘thousands could die of hunger’
Our focus is on the benighted nation of Yemen
‘Charity Oxfam says 12,000 people a day could die from hunger than from the disease itself’
The phrasing is a bit squiffy but think we understand. By the way, the problem in Yemen – as far as one understands it – is one tribal and religious faction knocking seven bells out of another one. Oh, for a cohesive unified population… I digress.
Had to smile at the pic used to illustrate this Yemen story. Just picture it for yourself – a women’s ward in some improvised clinic or hospital. The only woman NOT wearing a face covering was the doctor.
On BBC Today programme this morning, an NIESR (National Institute of Economic and Social Research) representative was asked about how the country would be able to pay for all the money being spent on economic recovery, especially in the light of all the push (think Labour, the Unions, the BBC et al) for more and more and more money to be thrown at the problem.
This guy quickly glossed over a response, which was basically, “Look, the UK is in an excellent fiscal position at the minute, so we shouldn’t worry about loading the UK, i.e. the future generations of taxpayers, with debt.”
Two things in that very quick analysis of the situation, which the BBC neither challenged, nor sought to enlighten its listeners about.
Firstly, has anyone even thought to ask younger people if they are happy to have an ever-increasing level of debt thrust upon them in the form of taxes on their future income. I’m not so sure that, if faced with that stark question, they might be a bit more cautious than those demanding more and more money to be splashed around today.
Secondly, and perhaps even more importantly, is the NIESR’s observation that the reason we could be able to do this, is that the UK’s fiscal position is really healthy. Considering the mess that the Labour Party (in the shape of Gordon Brown, commonly accepted to have driven the UK into the worst position of all the developed nations as we headed into the 2008 financial recession) left us in when they last were in power, the current position bears just a bit of clarity.
Labour, the left in general, and the BBC in particular, have all been corruscating in their condemnation of so-called ‘Tory austerity policies’ killing our economy. Turns out that their policies over the past 10 years or so have left us in a much better position to tackle today’s problems than we were ever in prior to the 2008 fiancial diaster. Take note, Mr Starmer.
But, of course, the Beeboid newsreader wasn’t listening to the answers he was being given, certainly wasn’t interested in giving any credit for the current fiscal health to the Conservative government, and simply wanted to move on to another question which more suited the BBC agenda, which more closely aligns with Labour’s policies of jsut spending money, no matter what, and leaving any future financial problems for a government of a different political stripe to resolve
“…has anyone even thought to ask younger people if they are happy to have an ever-increasing level of debt thrust upon them in the form of taxes on their future income”
On the evidence of recent behaviour I doubt many could understand the question.
Just a thought, but the BBC (today, on Today) was hyping a sizeable group of Pakistani-origin NHS doctors who are apparently spending a lot of time conducting extensive virtual clinics and medical supervision of staff in hospitals in their ‘home’ country – presumably using NHS facilities to do this.
Forgive me, but I’m continually being bombarded with claims that NHS staff are ‘utterly exhausted’ and under so much pressure that UK patients or potential patients can’t get the examinations, treatment, advice, or service they should be having, to avoid a pending massive health problem. But time and resources can be found for this ?
Congratulations. For about thirty years I listened to it and the 6 o’clock news to and from work . It wearied me but I was hooked.Then one of my colleagues told me that he had started listening to Classic FM and felt much happier. ( I know Classic has degenerated since then) . I tried it and found exactly the same effect. That was fifteen years ago and I am now free from the BBC apart from a dwindling list of a few programmes . But I find that I have to record them so that I can fast forward to avoid the preachy Woke bits that now appear in Gardeners World, Antiques Road trip etc. I find the old episodes from five or ten years of this type of programme , which still appear on other channels , are much better and free from the enormous doses of Wokism that the BBC now dishes out daily. Nowhere on the BBC is beyond the reach of nauseating levels of Wokism these days.
I see that Suckhere is volunteering to undergo examination of his unconscious racism. I expect that his examiners will find that he has a just a little bit of it and then say if Suckhere has then everyone else must have and some will have bucket loads of it. Suckhere will then announce that he is so sorry about his unconscious racism that he is going to include in the next Labour manifesto a pledge to have all adults examined for this stain on humanity and for those who exhibit more than just a little bit to have to attend compulsory re education camps. Businesses will be required to pay for white employees to attend courses and after the courses have revealed the full extent of their subconscious hate crimes they will have to confess before all non white employees to their sins.
Sadly whilst I think this may be a touch exaggerated I don’t think that it will be a million miles off the mark.
Not far at all. In the early 90’s right after Rodney King I was a mid-level manager in the US Civil Service. We all had to attend “Diversity Training”.
Your scenario played out pretty much as described. I questioned the mantra and refused to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
For my temerity I was then sentenced to a further fortnight’s worth of instruction on diversity and sensitivity.
FWIW, I still question the mantra and refuse to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
Congratulations – it was a life Long habit which was far easier to break than I thought it would be . I don’t even have a gulty sneak listen any more ….. luckily now there are plenty of other less dirty sources to get news from …..
…. but for this site and evidence of the daily bias updates about the Toady programme are always welcome .
I suspect that now that everyone no longer fears being on a ventilator tomorrow BBC listening and viewing figures are falling through the floor .
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atlas_shruggedSep 17, 08:20 Start the Week 16th September 2024 Florida’s Health Department Advises Against New COVID-19 Booster Shot: Regarding these vaccine dangers the bulletin listed: prolonged circulation of mRNA…
Radio4 drama now ..basically White woman bad
oops she just used hte N-word
It’s a repeat from 2 years ago.
The Trial of Joseph Knight
In the late 18th century, plantation owner Sir John Wedderburn returns to Scotland from the West Indies, bringing with him an African slave, Joseph Knight. By May Sumbwanyambe.
In the late 18th century much of Scotland’s mercantile wealth is built on slavery.
But when Knight runs away his escape and recapture help to pave the way for the abolition of slavery in Britain.
From the BBC the scare story
Or rather a screamer headline with precious little substantiation.
‘Record 60,000 new coronvirus cases in the US’
Call it click-bait, it bleeds it leads, or simple anti-Trump sentiment.
From other sources the facts
‘As for health data, I thought this latest chart from the COVID Tracking Project was useful in visualizing the three data points that are most intensely monitored, the blue being the positive test cases, the orange being the 7-day average of mortalities, and the gray being the ICU headcount.
Now, as this next chart shows, hospitalizations have increased as cases have increased, though on a far, far lower scale than case growth itself (i.e. cases are nearly double what they were in the highs of March/April as testing has quadrupled), but hospitalizations are only 2/3rds of what they were … That “hospitalization-to-case” ratio has collapsed, which is significant enough in its own right. But then when you dig deeper, you see what I think is the more profound development: Even with modestly higher hospitalizations, you have a collapsed level of ICU cases relative to total cases and a profoundly collapsed level of equipment utilization (ventilators, etc.).
I suppose we can’t say with certainty why this is, but when you look at the highly reduced death rate from even hospitalized cases, one has to conclude either that the treatments have substantially improved, the case severity is less, or that the hospitalizations are including people who are not hospitalized because of COVID. I believe the causation of this positive development to be all three.’
Good news, right?
So why not report it?
Blacks were enslaved for centuries by Arabs. They were enslaved for centuries by white Europeans. And now despite enjoying all the same rights and freedoms as everyone else in Western countries, they have generally failed to reach the boardrooms and upper echelons of the institutions of those societies. No other race has continually been enslaved by others or failed to thrive when given half a chance. The obvious logical conclusion must be that blacks are in many ways inherently inferior compared with other races. I think most people secretly know this to be true but since such a belief is the definition of racism, it is better to stop thinking altogether.
Martin Freeman
Freeman is a supporter of the Labour Party. As a teenager, he supported Britain’s now-defunct Militant political group and volunteered with the Labour Party Young Socialists.
In 2015, Freeman appeared in a party political broadcast to endorse the Labour Party ahead of the 2015 UK general election. In August 2015, he was a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign in the Labour Party leadership election.
Enjoy Martin Freeman’s MAJOR performance here as he drops the “N-bomb”
Tonights agenda pushing TV
BBC1 7:35pm everyone’s favourite Marxite actress , maybe she’ll accidentally slip in an anti-Israel conspiracy theory
BBC2 9-10:30pmMrs America the 10 part drama the BBC bought in about 60s Lefty female activists good, righties =baddies
BBC4 10pm Biopic of Kenyan activist Boniface Mwangi
foolwed by Heroes & Villains of The British Empire
preceded by their mate Hislop dissing the Victorians
BTW 9pm 5-Select Walking Roman Roads
Ermine Street .on Channel 54
4:30pm Radio4 “Look over there FakeNews,
don’t look at us we are never fakenews, we don’t have a BBC corrections page that has daily updates even though we keep 90% off it”
..prog features Trump hating as well
United Arab Emirates set up fictitious online personas and placed opinion pieces in dozens of real news outlets.
Guests – Marc Owen Jones,Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Qatar
– Marianna Spring, BBC disinformation specialist
Also in the programme, restarting TV production in a global pandemic, with Danielle Lux, CPL managing director, David Mortimer, STV Productions managing director, and Emeka Onono, director and executive producer of Trump in Tweets.
Trump Tweet guy upset Amol by explaining Trump is a marketing genius.
Andrew’s latest
Has he been given the Order of the Wimp? Why can’t he just shut up…
I have avoided BBC for a week and spent time in Northeast sea side towns…all racist of course as 99% white…
Turn on Bbc tv for 30 secs to hear them moaning about families that can’t educate kids as have no laptops..they find a typical mixed race family with 6 kids….they seemed nice but FFS why have 6 kids if you can’t afford them
How does BBC find them?
Then all I hear is BBC moaning about Boris….what he said was true about care homes…they are called lessons learned..but apparently not the ones BBC wants to hear..
I rather hope he continues to ‘preach’ as the more rope he gets……….. ; the pair are already an embarrassment, and are becoming a laughing stock. Long may it continue. His Granny must be in despair, and wonder if she was a little hasty with her “they’ll always be part of the family and be welcomed back”. Hmmmm I bet its more like “like hell they will”.
The script for the film production of ‘ get harry ‘ has been leaked . It involves a dangerous daylight raid to rescue a fallen minor royal being held hostage by the Evil Princess and her ugly sister – ‘ nasty maxwell ‘ who runs a business grabbing innocent young girls away from their innocent familites and flying them on a private jet to a secret island …
Helen mirren as maxwell ?
Ridiculous concept. I prefer movies I watch to be grounded in truth. I will rewatch Jurassic Park.
I thought the idea was that Harry and Moaning Meghan were going to distance themselves from public life when they departed these shores. FFS, they’ve never stopped sniping since they pissed off.
It’s every other day that the Prince and Princess of Woke impart some new and irritating PC claptrap.
I think a period of silence from these two pampered sprogs would be very welcomed.
Make it about 40 years…
I don’t think the actress one could be quiet for more than a breath … I wouldn’t ordinarily bother but since they are making pronouncements as private citizens in another country they deserve all the ‘negative ‘ they get . I don’t think they’ll get the ‘Mercedes in the underpass ‘ treatment though ….
Back to Richy and his giving away our taxes – are we all meant to binge eat in August to get our moneys worth ..? Is the whole of Britain going to be covered in ‘just eat‘ delivery bikes not just delivering drugs ? Am I to die from an overdose of KFC family buckets ?
I dont know if the Cricket has been mentioned on here so far today?I am in the process of writing to the ECB to educate them on the ‘BLM’ movement
Katherine Granger on the BBC moaning about women in sport and not enough ‘diversity’ etc etc
I am slowly making a list of all the sports that I will be falling out of Love with;
Rugby? Union and League
the next one will be my beloved GOLF.A game I truly love and enjoy, which genuinely is diverse and inclusive due to the handicapping system etc.And the snobbery has certainly gone in the last 40 years…
BUT they STILL want to destroy it.The LEFT DESTROY everything…they never BUILD
BUT will they all be taking the knee at the Ryder Cup/US Open/British Open when they come around?…I really hope not.
Like a lot of you on here I am truly dispirited and disappointed with how sport is being hijacked and DIVERSITY rammed into every nook and cranny of our lives
Are you all as depressed as me about it?Rant Over….sorry everybody I am SO PISSED OFF
Can’t wait until we see that Oscar Pistorius take the knee.
They’ll want to ban fox-hunting next…
Does the commentator say “this sends out a powerful message “ when the sheep take the knee?
The ‘powerful message ‘ is that we are bunch of overpaid thick mugs who have no idea what day it is ……
People in the UK all seem to be getting money thrown at them from this government.
£ billions here, there and everywhere.
Well, not quite everywhere.
I haven’t seen anything going to the pensioners.
The only mention is that the triple lock looks certain to be done away with as they don’t want to match the average wage increase which looks like it may be higher than normal.
A percentage increase on just about the worst pension in Europe, or, about a quarter (or less) of the average UK pay rise.
They’ve already saved about 35-40 thousand pensions because of Covid and seeding the care homes.
Everybody is having money thrown at them except the pensioners.
I’m afraid the elderly, and pensioners don’t count for much any more, and are best ignored and forgotten about…
A Royal Prince, formerly a bit of a playboy, marries an unsuitable American, opts out of hard work and his royal duties, buggers off abroad and starts saying and doing politically controvertial things that go against the interests of his home nation… now where did we see that before?
At least we’re not paying Mr Markle and Prince Ginger to run the Bahamas
Yes ‘sent to the Bahamas ‘ to stop him or his wife giving away any more allied secrets to their friends and lovers…..
Something is puzzling me about the daily released covid-19 death stats.
Today we are told from NHS England that in the last 24 hours, there were 42 confirmed deaths in English hospitals for people who had tested positive for Covid.
Then the overall daily number of Covid-19 associated UK deaths are given as 126, of which the England component is 121.
42 v 121? This implies that the 79 difference is from deaths either at home (fairly unlikely), or care homes (more likely).
But doesn’t 79 look rather a big number in comparison with the hospital deaths?
Also if the 79 are largely care-home figures, then what makes these homes in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so Covid resistant, giving the paucity of deaths there?
Unless I am missing something glaringly obvious, I think we need a few answers.
Yes you are missing something
The daily number is not deaths occurring in the last 24 hours.
It is deaths registered in the last 24 hours in all locations
Some death certificates from Saturday/Sunday etc. may have been sat in the doctors in tray and he’s only signed them today.
Our Neil on Talk Radio earlier
All this bending of the knee.
Made me think of how I am not as supple as I once was and what if I am called into action by folk around me to make the gesture as demonstrated by Sir Kier et all?
So I thought about it hard, for all of a second, and have been busily relearning how to touch my toes. Not that I may bend the knee but they can kiss my posterior.
Cricketers now, will it never end.
One of the few genuinely wise, anti-woke voices yet to be cancelled.
His soliloquy on the Somme put Covid death tolls and the perceived ‘civil rights struggles’, some pursue, into real perspective.
We need more like him, using their platform to fight back against a damning, pernicious headwind from our left.
Respect to Neil Oliver from me.
Great guy, Venutius.
‘Coast’ was one of our favourite programmes, but like just about everything on the BBBC now, has been hi-jacked by wokes and libs, so we’ll never watch it again – especially as they seem to want to charge a fortune for copies these days! Bloody cheek, after we paid for it all in the first place, but that’s what happens when lefties take over, it’s always spending and charging, never offering value, just simpering at their socialist ideals.
The Somme fascinates me in the way of “how could it happen ?” There is a 3 part series put out on PBS america by a sensible historian explaining just how bad the British High Command was . Its personal because my granddad went over the top – but on Day 2 … and somehow survived the whole campaign .,,,
As for the closeness of war..,, well there still plenty of enemies -,islam – the EU – and of course .. the chinese ..,, where a comventional
War could kick off in the south china sea and spread very quickly .,,
Yes, Fed. Neil mentions a gossamer like thread between peace and war. I see it exactly that way. In 1916 at least we coalesced around a flag. What would would our leaders have us defend today, should the cobweb fall?
Woke? Celebrities? Trans-rights? Racial equality? of course not. That single fact and the increasingly low level internal civil conflict emboldens and provides ‘tinder’ to everyone who would do us harm. Turing a blind eye to all this, our entire establishment have put everything on a horse called ‘globalisation’. It’s myopic at best.
On China, it’s a ‘prisoner of geography’, which incidentally is a great book. It explains Kashmir, Pakistan and the strategic importance of Japan, Taiwan and the South China Sea. I believe this is bubbling in a way uncertainty did in the early 1930s.
Your Granddad sounds like some character! You must be very proud.
Ven – my granddad did the whole of the Great War – from 1913 to 1919 – and was in one of the first regiments to engage the hun . I only knew him as a kid and I must have Been a real nightmare trying to get him to talk about it . He never did .
As for the prospects of War – are we already in one ? Is covid just part one ? They say the shape of war changes – there can be no doubt that the virus is changing the shape of nations even if temporarily and mindsets have been disturbed – as shown by the ‘nonsense ‘black Issue .
So let’s keep the toilet roll supply filled and be ready for the next insanity in supermarkets – panic doesn’t take much to ensue .
We can rest assured that the BBC will be there to stoke the panic and discord .
We’re always a few meals away from anarchy!
The BBC….it’s the jockey on that horse I mentioned ????
Its worth the 20 minute listen – starting with The Somme and going through to our rapidly diminishing freedom of speech- and if the likes of the BBC could do it – freedom of thought.
Its difficult to assess where we are with the virus . Are we at an end ? Does it do a sars? Or is this just the first half break before it gets going again – perhaps in an even more dangerous form . The latter will extinguish the current madness but the price will be high .
If we are at the end and this frankly insane race thing carries on then it continue to denounce dissenters and criminalise them as well ad banish them from speaking . If unemployment ticks up the way some are predicting there will be more tangible discontent .
Hell of a lot of thoughtless zealotry about courtesy of enemies such the BBC .
BBC said exactly the same giving impression the police were at fault
Typical misleading by omission
Ha ha ha – Hypnos!
Same here too!
Why kneeling down makes the slightest bit of difference, except to virtue-signal that you’re even more a prat than some over-paid racing driver or fooboller, is beyond me, but hey, some religions stick their bums in the air several times a day, so maybe they’d like to change their habits as well!
That pic of Surrkeer kneeling down in his CandA suit showed just what a load of caber-slingers we have in Westminster; the bird on his left looked as if she was on a wobble, but then we don’t know what they’d been up to before the stupid pic was taken…
Anal signalling is getting a bit beyond a joke, and deserve a couple of fingers and a turn of the back – maybe a ‘moon’…
…now there’s a thought…:0)
I expect the BBC/Labour Party alliance have had some focus group feedback on their BLM campaign, and been very surprised.
ITV local news : as ever sending camera crews to places that aren’t really necessary
Stockbridge the Indian owned steel mill, where the manage said the government must by British.
FFS steel is a specialist product. by its nature it’s an international market. A large amount of UK product is exported.
What we don’t want is other countries dumping or being protectionist.
Then outside the Kit Kat factory in York
cos they agre moving from one fair trade certifier to another.
I guess the reporter he’d get invited into the office, but he wasn’t.
Oh look an activist org is broadcasting over the top of the BBC1 news An appeal can you send in your second hand laptops full of porn for this 6 child mixed race family to use.
BBC where news and activism are all mixed together.
Local news starts
..same effing topic ..Send in your laptops.
11am Radio4 basically a prog made by the activists that ferry immigrants out of Libya.
6:30pm ..”We’d better get a BAME .. let’s interview Floella Benjamin”
7:20pm Arts prog about African American playwright
7:45pm book by Indian diplomat
8pm Moral Maze about Gambling
8:45pm another BAME
9pm more BLM
She’s got a nerve!
Currently having a family holiday in the Devon and Cornwall area. The local BBC regional programme ‘Spotlight’ just showed two teenagers “struggling to find employment”.
The first was a scruffy looking long haired teenager with dyed hair. He said something on the lines of, “I applied for a job at the campsite just before the lockdown and I didn’t hear anything back from them so I guess I haven’t got the job. That would have suited me fine and there is nothing else I want to do”.
The other was a green haired girl with tatoos and piercing all over her face. She said, “I was like, you know when like, like stuff and like…it was like but I didn’t like or think it was likely but like [shrug]”.
Surrrrreeee, the lookdown is the reasons these two cannot find a job.
The BBC website article following the Asylum Seeker stabbing in Glasgow.
Glasgow stabbings: Long hotel stays ‘challenging’ for asylum seekers
Asylum seeker Andrew said he heard that attacker had not been happy with conditions at the hotel.
I once had to complain to the staff at a large hotel chain because the room they put me in had a washing machine running all night next door making sleep very “challenging”. My complaint had little effect though.
I obviously need to learn how to complain more effectively next time by taking out a few of their staff with a knife in reception.
Digg – I preferred a room near the lift – which had its ups and downs …
While the BBC are thrilled to give space to the Duke and Duchess of Wokeness and Clichés for them to pontificate condescendingly to us mere commoners, things could be going better for them on YouTube, where their achingly awful vid has attracted 1.6K likes to 2.3K dislikes as of now.
What is it that chap says in the vid “ wills get your helicopter and rescue me “
David Sedgewick on The Richie Allen show
the podcast is up
I had to flick down the page to the podmatic box
and click the play box and move the slider 1 hour into the show
Bit of good news Dr Liam Fox – a real Conservative – nominated for the WTO – strong American connections too ….and a real brexiter ..
Very much in the manner of ‘largely peaceful ‘ serious public disorder – just upping the ante because people were KSI (killed and seriously injured ) – a friend of mine was in a car behind that bus when it ‘exploded ‘ – he was never the same chap afterwards because of what he saw and did …
New hate crime laws proposed for Scotland may seriously undermine free speech – including the freedom to criticise or satirise religion
Twitter watch.
Daniel Sandford – one of the very worst example of Biased BBC droid – has gone to twitter talking about BBC funding – naturally he has received more flak than a Lancaster over Berlin – and he seems to have Read the comments ..
……….I do wonder if creatures like him have even the slightest idea of how much his organisation is hated by so many now ?
This is it, Despite having 78,000 followers Sandford only gets 21 Likes for his tweet
Guido’s reply gets 830
Further down the Sandford account starts calling people Russian bots
part 2
Jeez – do beeboids really think the anti BBC comments are from Russia ? That’s a real doozy …
if he saw the comments here I don’t think he’d conclude they come from a a comment shop in st Petersburg
The point is, they must know that the cancelled licences aren’t from Russia.
I’m not from Russia. I cancelled mine long ago.
Then he replies to someone
\\ Interesting that you think we are
but say you don’t like “identity politics //
em Sandford wrongly claiming there is a contradiction with the guy’s stance.
I could say that I am anti-promoting one sex over another
and that I see an org is “male-hating”
There is no contradiction in my stance.
They do know they spit their metroliberal POLITICAL ACTIVISM in our faces
Radio 1’s Greg James promoting Sky’s BLM cricket coverage
“It’s vital that big broadcasters do things like this if we want to
bring about change”
The only change they are bringing about is cancelled subscriptions.
Hodge Twins once again shining a light on the lack of integrity from CNN and its poster boy Don Lemming.
Now this… this… is…. comedy..
\\”Boris Johnson told he has ‘no say’ on the M4 relief road”
But Boris Johnson said he would revive the M4 relief road proposal – and “provide the Vicks Inhaler to the nostrils of the Welsh dragon”.//
\\The M4 around Newport is often clogged at rush hour but Wales’ first minister scrapped a relief road plan last year after declaring a climate emergency.//
Is The Welsh White Elephant is getting too big for its boots ?
A lot of taffmen think so. Talk to anyone using the M4 in the rush hour. Its stifling the economy of Wales .
Climate emergency my @rse! It would be better for Wales if the Welsh Assembly was “scrapped”.
Mate, I read today that WG is holding a review on street names and statues in honour of BLM. Dead serious. I’ve always pitied our English brethren because they aren’t allowed their own culture anymore, no GC flag in in case it offends somebody, no certain songs, etc. As a sheep shagger, Id happily sing ‘swing low” with 2 fingers up at a rugby match if it was banned. This shit is infuriating me now.
Its coming for all of us. It needs to be stopped.
Defund Al Beeb
Simple , but it’s a start.
Also tell your MP.
My MP is Chris Bryant. He recently held a poll on his FB page about this issue of certain plaques and statues and ‘should they be reviewed’ , it was 80% against. He did what a good liberal always does and ignored it and assumed he knows best. The only hope fo Wales now, is if we get rid of these Labour tossers at the next election.
Some say that Farage is renaming The Brexit Party next year to ‘The Reform Party’. Vote for them instead of the liberal Tory Party.
“Comedy clubs get serious with plea for emergency arts funding”
What comedy ? Comedy has been killed by the PC Brigade.
When did you last laugh at any ‘so called’ comedy on Al Beeb?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
All the ‘comedians’ today just relate ‘situations’ in life, they couldn’t tell a joke if their life depended on it. Yet they seem to fill theatres and concert hall, but when you see the age group that attend it doesn’t surprise me.
On the last series of Strictly there was a ‘comedian’ (never heard of him) called Chris Ramsey, who I thought was embarrassing and cringe worthy actually, and then I saw a segment of him on stage, and was glad I didn’t have to spend money on seeing him live.
Me thinks that ‘Dick of the Yard’ has undermined the Met Police. This will not go well.
Apparently this organisation that has huge resources for promoting LGBTQ+XYZ* activism
have a sideline delivering letters.
Whilst equality is great
constantly pushing one victimhood group is not equality.
The result is they have flooded Twitter with identical tweets
Stew, you’re shouting at stamps.
Apparently deliveries is nothing to do with them.
Anyway, like every virtue signalling organisation that rainbows its logo, I’ve blocked it. That tactic has worked wonders in reducing the amount of woke advertising I get, though that one sneaked through.
“Coronavirus: WHO rethinking how Covid-19 spreads in air” The WHO is not up to much as it has taken them all this time to come up with that conclusion ?
They should have quit after Live at Leeds
If only Lurch had been elected back in the day.
Next up, BS, Lewis and the squad on everything wrong with the U.K. Government…
The tool has actually taken this seriously.
I would beg to differ with Zurch the Lurch:
#CCBGB impressive, even for Newsnight.
Mmm, can anyone think of another group who lost a vote but couldn’t accept it?
Posted on a local Facebook noticeboard….
Does your child want to be a YouTuber?
Limited spaces
A fun 2 hour workshop with staff who have worked on BBC Productions, Channel 4 productions and more!
The children will be learning the following
– How to use cameras
– The platform of YouTube
– Internet Safety
– Fun games
– The video editor
We hope you love what we have in store for our workshops.
Given the staff cv, I would not let my dogs near.
To paraphrase Jimmy Greaves : It’s a funny old world.
The BBC provides a plug for Oxfam warning ‘thousands could die of hunger’
Our focus is on the benighted nation of Yemen
‘Charity Oxfam says 12,000 people a day could die from hunger than from the disease itself’
The phrasing is a bit squiffy but think we understand. By the way, the problem in Yemen – as far as one understands it – is one tribal and religious faction knocking seven bells out of another one. Oh, for a cohesive unified population… I digress.
Had to smile at the pic used to illustrate this Yemen story. Just picture it for yourself – a women’s ward in some improvised clinic or hospital. The only woman NOT wearing a face covering was the doctor.
The Beauty and the BS are toying with each other.
On BBC Today programme this morning, an NIESR (National Institute of Economic and Social Research) representative was asked about how the country would be able to pay for all the money being spent on economic recovery, especially in the light of all the push (think Labour, the Unions, the BBC et al) for more and more and more money to be thrown at the problem.
This guy quickly glossed over a response, which was basically, “Look, the UK is in an excellent fiscal position at the minute, so we shouldn’t worry about loading the UK, i.e. the future generations of taxpayers, with debt.”
Two things in that very quick analysis of the situation, which the BBC neither challenged, nor sought to enlighten its listeners about.
Firstly, has anyone even thought to ask younger people if they are happy to have an ever-increasing level of debt thrust upon them in the form of taxes on their future income. I’m not so sure that, if faced with that stark question, they might be a bit more cautious than those demanding more and more money to be splashed around today.
Secondly, and perhaps even more importantly, is the NIESR’s observation that the reason we could be able to do this, is that the UK’s fiscal position is really healthy. Considering the mess that the Labour Party (in the shape of Gordon Brown, commonly accepted to have driven the UK into the worst position of all the developed nations as we headed into the 2008 financial recession) left us in when they last were in power, the current position bears just a bit of clarity.
Labour, the left in general, and the BBC in particular, have all been corruscating in their condemnation of so-called ‘Tory austerity policies’ killing our economy. Turns out that their policies over the past 10 years or so have left us in a much better position to tackle today’s problems than we were ever in prior to the 2008 fiancial diaster. Take note, Mr Starmer.
But, of course, the Beeboid newsreader wasn’t listening to the answers he was being given, certainly wasn’t interested in giving any credit for the current fiscal health to the Conservative government, and simply wanted to move on to another question which more suited the BBC agenda, which more closely aligns with Labour’s policies of jsut spending money, no matter what, and leaving any future financial problems for a government of a different political stripe to resolve
“…has anyone even thought to ask younger people if they are happy to have an ever-increasing level of debt thrust upon them in the form of taxes on their future income”
On the evidence of recent behaviour I doubt many could understand the question.
Just a thought, but the BBC (today, on Today) was hyping a sizeable group of Pakistani-origin NHS doctors who are apparently spending a lot of time conducting extensive virtual clinics and medical supervision of staff in hospitals in their ‘home’ country – presumably using NHS facilities to do this.
Forgive me, but I’m continually being bombarded with claims that NHS staff are ‘utterly exhausted’ and under so much pressure that UK patients or potential patients can’t get the examinations, treatment, advice, or service they should be having, to avoid a pending massive health problem. But time and resources can be found for this ?
Hmm – apparently not an issue now.
We notice the near ubiquitous take up in UK sport of the American habit of taking the knee
I wonder what happens when the very British activity of greyhound racing restarts?
Perhaps as an outward show of solidarity the participants could cock a leg?
TOADY Watch #1 – There isn’t one
Forgot to switch on. Also forgot it was the day after a Mini-Budget.
In addition, I didn’t fancy listening to the Knaves of Wegativity a.k.a. the BBC.
Think I have broken the habit.
Congratulations. For about thirty years I listened to it and the 6 o’clock news to and from work . It wearied me but I was hooked.Then one of my colleagues told me that he had started listening to Classic FM and felt much happier. ( I know Classic has degenerated since then) . I tried it and found exactly the same effect. That was fifteen years ago and I am now free from the BBC apart from a dwindling list of a few programmes . But I find that I have to record them so that I can fast forward to avoid the preachy Woke bits that now appear in Gardeners World, Antiques Road trip etc. I find the old episodes from five or ten years of this type of programme , which still appear on other channels , are much better and free from the enormous doses of Wokism that the BBC now dishes out daily. Nowhere on the BBC is beyond the reach of nauseating levels of Wokism these days.
I see that Suckhere is volunteering to undergo examination of his unconscious racism. I expect that his examiners will find that he has a just a little bit of it and then say if Suckhere has then everyone else must have and some will have bucket loads of it. Suckhere will then announce that he is so sorry about his unconscious racism that he is going to include in the next Labour manifesto a pledge to have all adults examined for this stain on humanity and for those who exhibit more than just a little bit to have to attend compulsory re education camps. Businesses will be required to pay for white employees to attend courses and after the courses have revealed the full extent of their subconscious hate crimes they will have to confess before all non white employees to their sins.
Sadly whilst I think this may be a touch exaggerated I don’t think that it will be a million miles off the mark.
Not far at all. In the early 90’s right after Rodney King I was a mid-level manager in the US Civil Service. We all had to attend “Diversity Training”.
Your scenario played out pretty much as described. I questioned the mantra and refused to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
For my temerity I was then sentenced to a further fortnight’s worth of instruction on diversity and sensitivity.
FWIW, I still question the mantra and refuse to hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
Congratulations – it was a life Long habit which was far easier to break than I thought it would be . I don’t even have a gulty sneak listen any more ….. luckily now there are plenty of other less dirty sources to get news from …..
…. but for this site and evidence of the daily bias updates about the Toady programme are always welcome .
I suspect that now that everyone no longer fears being on a ventilator tomorrow BBC listening and viewing figures are falling through the floor .