Midweek Thread 15 July 2020

The free TV licence For the over 75s ends on 1 August . If someone is on ‘pension credit ‘ through low income – they will continue to be free of the TV licence if over 75 . But over a million people who are entitled to pension credit have not applied and claimed it . I found out about this on a leading financial website aimed at saving people money …..

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526 Responses to Midweek Thread 15 July 2020

  1. Dave Hedgehog says:

    BLM supporters mock family of mother killed for saying ‘all lives matter’:


    Af far as I can tell, the BBC hasn’t even reported the murder.


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      Can anybody posting a link to the Daily Mail provide a synopsis of the story or cut and paste relevant parts of the story into your comments. The Daily Mail won’t allow people using Adblock to view the article. When I turn Adblock off I get an advert showing unsightly earwax and then the page freezes so I just immediately close the webpage.

      ps I managed to access the article using a proxy server (but not the comments)


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      ‘Good riddance to another racist’: BLM supporters post hateful messages on Facebook page of young mom, 24, who was shot dead moments after she said ‘all lives matter’ during an argument

      • Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24, was shot dead on July 5 in Indianapolis, Indiana
      • Whitaker, her fiancé Jose Ramirez and two others were reportedly walking along the canal when one of them allegedly used the n-word
      • A nearby group of people heard the phrase and an argument broke out
      • The other group reportedly began shouting ‘Black lives matter’ – prompting Whitaker to respond: ‘All lives matter’
      • The groups then settled their differences and parted ways before someone opened fire on Whitaker moments later, killing her
      • Hundreds of people have commented on posts on Whitaker’s Facebook page in recent days, with several saying they were glad she was dead because she was a “racist”.


    • Lord Blagger says:

      I have a complaint in that they haven’t. Namely one of bias.

      You can google the number of pages for Floyd’s death. You can do the same for her.

      One has lots, because it fits the agenda.

      One has none, because it doesn’t fit the agenda.


    • StewGreen says:

      @Dave the Mail is trolling a bit

      They don’t say
      BLM supporters mock family of mother killed *for saying* ‘all lives matter’
      .. They want you to think that

      AFAIK we only have her boyfriends side.

      In the middle of the night, the two groups had a confrontation both drew guns
      they separated and minutes later someone shot at their group from a far and his girlfriend was killed.
      We have no proper evidence that she was targeted for something she might have said.

      Why should the BBC report it ?
      Lots of crazy shootings happen in America everyday. The Mail is only reporting the story on the angle of the Facebook comments.


      • Dave Hedgehog says:

        AFAIK we have other family members accounts too. But anyway, in an objective sense, I agree. Many/most such media stories rely on one side’s account. But the story seems plausible. And I think we all know what would be happening if the alleged story were the reverse, and what coverage the media (BBC especially) would be giving it.


  2. AsISeeIt says:

    Kill the footfall, unmask the bastard Boris

    Let’s keep our purchasing of consumer goods to an absolute minimum now that this draconian mask regulation has arrived courtesy of the BBC and the lock-down-loving lock-dumb classes. Obviously don’t starve yourself or your children.

    Apart from basic foodstuffs and occasional small celebratory libations try to buy as little as possible. Don’t be suckered into getting jokey masks. It’s lame. In absolute extremity I’m using my Johnny Depp bandana and shades. Let’s take a leaf out of that disfunctional couple’s play book – let’s see the Great British public take a retalitory anti-retail dump in Waitrose bed.

    Mask wearing has little to do with public health, in fact the rule infantilises us, shames us, and proletarianises us. Only by bringing sharp intense economic hurt to the retail sector in the short term will we force our mega grocers to bring their lobbying power to bear on these limpwristed Tories.

    These are no conservatives. They are libertine enabling poseurs – more afraid of a de-bagging from the BBC than they are of the electorate. Boris self-proclaims himself some Churchillian statesman – he’s been reduced to the status of a bum.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I think that you are wrong. The balance of scientific advice is that wearing masks significantly reduces but does not eliminate the chances of an infected person passing on the virus to others, particularly to those who are in contact with many people during their work such as retail workers , bus drivers etc. You may not believe this to the case but I think it is worth following the advice as it cost virtually nothing and it will potentially protect others. As to shaming us , infantilising us , proletarianising us, if you think that these are good reasons not to try to protect others you are badly wrong. So please stay at home until told that masks are no longer required.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Doublethinker. Masks may well slightly reduce the risk of infection. I’m not really arguing about that.

        I would vehemently disagree that it will cost us ‘virtually nothing’.

        For goodness sake, at some stage we have to consider cost benefit.

        There is always, has always been, and always will be risk of all forms of infections. Do you advocate we don spacesuits?

        Masks in shops is just the start. Already I read of extending masking to the office. Where next? Masking is a prolonging of the state of lockdown paranoia.

        People who like the idea of masks are the kind that enjoy a good crisis.

        Enjoy your economic collapse. Enjoy your tax hikes.

        I wonder whether you support the welfare state? Watch it collapse.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I love a good crisis – I love my mask —- I’m paranoid so it doesn’t make much difference . I consulted a doctor friend of mine – called ‘doctor common sense ‘- and he said thar if you cough or sneeze whilst wearing a mask to limit the amount of Chinese virus being spread – because there is a mask .

          Dr common sense also said that there should have been more controls on the people who arrived in the UK during the spring on aircraft and channel dinghies and the like ….

          I must admit though , I have proper masks with carbon filters and won’t wear them in public unless the pandemic returns big style in winter . I’m stocked up on the carbon filters ….


          • Up2snuff says:

            Fed, that is true – wearing the mask protects others but that is possibly compromised by how you handle the mask and whether ‘you unglove and glove’ as well. Stew Green explained in a long-ish post several days ago, how the wearer can compromise the benefit of a mask. We also know as fact that coronaviruses in general, and Covid-19 in particular, spread most via air conditioning/air circulation in enclosed spaces and by surface contact.

            Masks are therefore minimal in their likely effect.

            The greatest benefit is the one you state in the first sentence of your post. “I love my mask —- I’m paranoid so it doesn’t make much difference .” The mask gives you confidence.

            That is the benefit. It gives you a false sense of confidence.


            • JamesArthur says:

              Masks have a place but I agree the shop need will reduce footfall and in my experience as a clinician and researcher is that the benefit of masks in the public is very limited as most people touch them all of the time and many tuck them under chin.
              My view is wear them to protect yourself but the message for hand hygiene is key.

              Sadly I think Boris is bending to media pressure.

              But until we have some serious well done studies it is just opinion.


              • BRISSLES says:

                I wear gloves as well ! ….. just saying.

                My view is, would I be happy to have surgery by someone not wearing a mask ? would I be happy for my dentist to be up close and personal if he were not wearing a mask ? No.

                Masks are not a deterrent, but some protection is better than none. Common sense really, and nothing to do with anyone wanting me to live in a dystopian robotic society.


                • Jeff says:

                  You’re not having surgery though, are you.
                  We’re talking about one the most fundamental things in British life, a trip to the shops.
                  Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Marks and Sparks, what ever rocks your boat.
                  This isn’t an internal rectum examination, you’re picking up a few tins of baked beans..

                  Bleedin’ Nora, you people won’t be happy until we’re all wearing bubble wrap.

                  Oh dear, I shouldn’t have suggested that…


                • Up2snuff says:

                  Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is the cricket season and England have lost a Test Match), do you wear a mask at the dentist? Do you wear a mask on the operating theatre table?


              • Pat..original says:

                I went shopping in the city centre for the first time today. Wore a mask as I was getting the bus home on this occasion so thought I would see what it was like. Very hot and glasses steamed up. The lady assistant in Boots said they thought that footfall would reduced when they are compulsory next week. Very few people wore any today. Lost count of the amount of times I hand sanitised and cannot get the smell off my hands even now.

                If this was going to be enforced it is a little late, most people seem past caring.


            • Banania says:

              And it shows you care.


        • Lord Blagger says:

          Cost benefit is a good example. I’ve done the costings based of NICE/NHS Guidelines.


          If you want to have a look


          • StewGreen says:

            “It is reasonable to assume that saving a life gets you 20 years of extra life”

            Nope, almost everyone who died of Covid had only a few months of natural life left anyway (first mentioned by Prof Spiegelhalter)

            Secondly those months were not quality months, but rather months suffering with existing illness like cancer etc. You put people are losing 20 years each and therefore 20 QALYs …
            QALY = Quality Adjusted Life Years
            but You failed to adjust for quality.

            So the number of QALYs lost in the UK from Covid is not as much as most people might think.

            BTW The note mentions your data comes from “projections”, that’s modelling not reality.


            • Doublethinker says:

              Not entirely true that only those in the final stages of life died because of Covid. Those with compromised immune systems or those with suppressed immune systems due to various treatments are also very vulnerable. The coughers and splutters who refuse to wear masks or wear them incorrectly are increasing the likelihood of those people dying because they caught Covid.


              • StewGreen says:

                @DT Misrepresentation “*only* those in the final stages of life died ”

                I actually said “almost everyone who died”

                Now if we look at the few younger people with pre-existing who died
                sure some of them had the potential to live decades longer.
                However when in regular times you take a sample of 1,000 younger people with prexisting , you do find that a few will have died anyway by the end of the year.
                So Covid would not greatly reduced the average lifespan of our sample.


              • Banania says:

                You’ve convinced me. I don’t wear a mask because I want to kill old and vulnerable people.


              • Up2snuff says:

                Double/Stew, also co-morbidities that are undiagnosed. A childhood friend had a heart defect that was undiagnosed for first 17-18 years of life. The claim about BAMEs being more susceptible to dying from Covid-19 doesn’t hold up because of that possible co-morbidity. As an example, Bangla male comes into UK illegally, doesn’t register with a GP because of illegal entry to UK, catches Covid-19 but has existing undiagnosed (or diagnosed back in country of origin) heart problem. Goes to A&E when very ill w/C-19 and dies.

                Becomes a statistic but a misleading one.


            • G says:

              “Secondly those months were not quality months, but rather months suffering…”
              Anybody who studies law will recall the “Cabin Boy” case. The debate is similar when the arguments are distilled. Some people would go the extra mile to secure some peace of mind yet others? Adopt the ‘devil may care’ approach. Earlier, 0921 beneath I made the point that to carry a spare or means of repairing a flat tyre would be sensible. Others? Well, they couldn’t care less.
              Its personal preference and that should not be taken away from proponents of the mask by those quick to condemn. If you help to save one potential death?


              • Up2snuff says:

                G, the counter argument would be that you might cause an unnecessary death by Govt. creating a false sense of security and an asymptomatic mask wearer compromising their mask and therefore giving C-19 to someone else.

                The additional problems are:
                – Someone who is symptomatic but can bear the C-19 effects goes out wearing their mask and spreads the infection via contact
                – Someone who is like that or is asymptomatic and carelessly discards their mask. Someone else comes into contact with it, catches C-19 and dies.


          • Jagman84 says:

            Your figure of 65 million for the UK population is way out. The supermarkets estimate that it’s closer to 80 million. That throws out all of the other calculations. We also count non-resident foreign nationals and deaths in all locations. Not just in hospitals, like the French have been doing.


        • Doublethinker says:

          If there is a second wave whereby a severe lockdown is enforced the damage to the economy will be far worse than that caused by wearing a mask now. Wearing a mask plus the other measures imposed on us may help avoid a future more severe lockdown. If only it were paranoia then the number of deaths , even if presently exaggerated , wouldn’t be in the tens of thousands in the UK and millions world wide.


          • Banania says:

            You voted Remain and you read the Guardian.


          • Up2snuff says:

            Double, I wouldn’t disagree too much with you there although the economy is already devastated – and not because of a lack of mask wearing.

            The point that I think you have forgotten is that HMG are not responding to statistical evidence. They are responding it appears to hyperbolic claims of what might happen. Ref. M. Hancock on TOADY this a.m..


      • Jeff says:

        Doublethinker…For God’s sake man, get a grip.
        The scientific advice from the WHO, SAGE and the government has been totally unreliable and schizophrenic…and that’s putting it politely.
        We’ve been told so many nonsensical things even Alice in Wonderland would have trouble swallowing this baloney.

        Firstly, the WHO informed us that this Covid wasn’t contagious. They backed China as the regime lied to the rest of the world. The WHO are responsible for this bloody thing spreading so widely in the first place.

        SAGE have been advising the government from day one. Why on Earth were thousands of the frail, elderly and sick taken from hospital and dumped, unceremoniously into unprepared care homes? An utter and unforgiveable catastrophic mistake that has led to the deaths of thousands upon thousands.

        I wore one of these repulsive face nappies the other evening whilst travelling by railway. I had to sprint for the train and it was difficult to breathe. Can you imagine being confined on the London underground during a heatwave and being compelled to wear one of these suffocating and unbearable muzzles?

        And what do you mean, “…stay at home until told that masks are no longer required.” For Christ’s sake wake up. Every week that passes we become more complacent and compliant. Every week another of our natural freedoms disappears. Shopping used to be a pleasurable experience. Sometimes I wouldn’t buy anything, I’d just browse. I won’t be doing that with these restrictions.

        The BBC and others keep softening us up by using the frightening phrase “The new normality.” Let me remind you, there’s absolutely nothing remotely normal about donning a mask just to go to the shops.

        You know what, by Christmas, you’ll be in such a state of pandemic panic that when the government issue us all with hermetically sealed space suits that we must wear at all times, you’ll say, “Oh what’s the problem, it’s only for a few weeks.”

        I despair.


        • Doublethinker says:

          If your lust for personal freedom only endangered yourself it would be fine but it doesn’t . Behaviour such as you advocate could endanger others. You ought to consider that. If the virus , I assume you agree that there actually is a virus, is primarily spread by coughing , then of course it makes sense to wear a face mask to stop your cough infecting others. It is difficult to argue otherwise but I’m willing to see you try.


          • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

            If your lust for … Behaviour such as you advocate could endanger others…

            I think you and Jeff in general provide brilliant and thoughtful comments but please be careful with the above type of arguments which George Orwell and others warned us against. It divides us.

            The main issue for me is that I shop carefully, I keep my social distance, I think about my breathing, I haven’t caught any flu like airborne transmittable disease during this period. The shops are still enforcing social distancing.

            But now I am being forced to make extra journeys searching around to find and then buy masks and am being forced to wear them every time I enter a shop. People in authority will have the power to shame me and fine me £100 a time for just going to my local to buy a pint of milk, even though I am social distancing.

            So now I am going to have to make extra journeys to buy masks, and fiddle around with masks every time I enter and leave a shop, have my spectacles fog up, get skin rashes on my face. With all that fiddling and trying to see out of fogged up glasses I am going to be less aware and less focused on social distancing. As a a result of all of this I am going to be more likely to catch it.


            • BRISSLES says:

              BBC I also had the problem of foggy glasses, but then the numbnut in me realised that each of my blue masks has a thin wire inserted at the top ! dopy me didn’t think to mould it around my nose – voila ! problem solved, the mask fits better and no more fogged up specs !

              Not sure what masks Jeff has resorted to wearing if he feels he is suffocating – perhaps it really is a terry towelling nappy ! but the light blue non-medical ones I find are ok, and breathing is a breeze, so we all know its a bloody inconvenience, but it seems the moaning Brits are the only ones whingeing, as the Europeans all appear to be wearing them without a moan !


              • Jeff says:

                Oh well, the Europeans are all wearing them, that’s okay then.
                The wearing of a mask is dehumanising and creepy.
                It’s yet another form of state control. We’ve had over four months of this nonsense of being told where to stand and what to do. It’s an insidious and sinister assault on our freedoms.

                This is how authoritarian regimes always begin; by telling the gullible public that they’re being looked after, just one fewer freedom at a time.
                “Oh I don’t mind standing here. no, it doesn’t bother me at all . And so what if I am instructed to keep two metres from everyone else where’s the harm?” This has been so dreadful that we’ve not even been able to attend loved one’s funerals. Can’t you see this? FFS wake up, please.

                We’ve been far too compliant from day one.
                And all endless those weeks of North Korean applause for the NHS should have given us an insight into what was actually taking place.

                Mark my words, by Christmas you’ll almost have forgotten what pre Covid Britain was like.


            • Dave S says:

              Do as I will have to do and make sure you buy only on the internet. Mask wearing for me is not possible except in an emergency. Effectively those of us who cannot wear a mask will just have to put up with it. My fear is that so useless is the government that it will mandate masks as soon as we shut our front door.
              Back in January I set out to make sure I understood as much about Covid 19 as i could. I Have put much effort into this.
              i will state forcibly that this government has throughout acted in an incompetent and quite indefensible way over the whole thing.
              Now when it is very possible that the virus is spread by aerosol action rather than just by droplets it is insisting that masks will make a great difference. Masks will not stop aerosol spread.
              It was clear from what happened in Italy that this virus spreads by this way. And yet even now they deny it. It is the same with the vaccine . That is very unlikely to work and they know it. We must and should be concentrating on moderating the virus when it strikes. Early and I mean early intervention . We have learnt much and can use it.


            • Up2snuff says:

              BBotC, may I suggest you use a clean, large, white handkerchief instead? Easy to drop into a bowl of disinfectant when returned home, easy to launder and re-use. Zero environmental health impact. Limited environmental impact.


          • JamesArthur says:

            Masks have a place but I agree the shop need will reduce footfall and in my experience as a clinician and researcher is that the benefit of masks in the public is very limited aa most touch them all of the time and many tuck them under chin.
            My view is wear them to protect yourself but the message for hand hygiene is key.

            Sadly I think Boris is bending to media pressure.

            But until we have some serious well done studies it is just opinion.


        • Banania says:

          Agree with all of that but I must stick up for Alice, whose head was screwed on tight, unlike the mad people all round her.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Doublethinker, think again

        ‘..particularly to those who are in contact with many people during their work such as retail workers’

        And now we learn shop workers get a free pass from wearing masks.

        The most annoying element here is that the retailers must have lobbyed for this exemption because they were afraid of enforcing this on their staff. I can think of no public health reason for this free pass. Can you?

        Here’s the government excuse: “it won’t always be right for every setting in a retail environment”, according to government minister George Eustice.

        Yes, but what’s the reason?


      • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

        We are all paying for those Black Lives Matter marches that have been occurring all over England and Wales and elsewhere that the BBC have been demanding everybody go on, which has led to increases in Coronavirus cases.

        It also seems to be linked to all those Midland and Lancashire sweat shops Asians seem to running that makes use of Asian immigrants / illegals which the BBC never mention. This could help explain the high numbers of Coronavirus cases in Leicester and Blackburn.

        Instead the BBC narrative is to blame law abiding British people and white people for any increases in Coronavirus cases. Hence images of “crowded beaches” plastered all over the BBC website which in fact were obtained using foreshortening techniques where families keeping social distance looked like they weren’t.

        Hence also the constant stories of people going to pubs breaking social distance with stock images of white people drinking beer.


      • G says:

        ‘Some people’ do not carry a spare wheel or means of repairing a puncture…………


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, if I recall history correctly, pubs, bars and restaurants are shops within the strict definition of the law. I may have that wrong, if so please correct me.

      One wonder whether people spending ‘Rishi’s Tenner’ (my, how things have moved on, have been inflated, since ‘Maggie’s Shilling’ !) will be forced to wear masks and made to restrict themselves to soup and spaghetti.

      The soup will be consumed through the mask and any chunky bits will be strained out and have to be left behind unconsumed. The spaghetti will have to be carefully lowered – one strand at a time – between the gap between mask and cheek provided by the nose, if large enough.


  3. Guest Who says:

    “Then ‘xey’ came for….”


  4. Guest Who says:

    Remember when Mehdi was the go to gob for the bbc?

    Has NYT tapped him yet?

    Or is Jon Sopel in a bidding war?


    • Guest Who says:

      Speaking of the NYT and bbc cultures…


      • Doublethinker says:

        Well he speaks no more than the truth and it is far more widespread than just the NYT. Infact governments , including the UK, are scared to death of the mob these days and refuse to confront it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Some BBC management clone appeared before a lords/MPs committee and admitted that too many BBC droids use twitter and as a result show their ‘true views’, that the London based BBC missed the discontent of people in the North , concern about immigration , as well of course , about Brexit .

      Well there you go – the outfit which is funded by those people have no idea what they believe – or more likely – dismiss them as ill educated proles who will be happy with a couple of dancing and singing shows .

      Just as damaging with the nature of the twitter content which is there for all to see – courtesy of the blessed ‘screen shot ‘ before Maitlissssss sobers up and remembers to delete her latest anti rant ….

      As an aside the BBC droid mentioned they might be sacking an additional 100 staff but of course we know it means a pay off , rehiring as ‘contractors ‘ – off the books pay and conditions and that vital single ticket back to London civilisation and not have to suffer all those English proles in the North of Watford


  5. Guest Who says:

    Ben Hunte been tasked with ‘reporting’ this?


    • Doublethinker says:

      Roll on the Olympics or next sporting event where biological men are allowed to pretend that they are women and compete as women. The justifiable howls of outrage from biological women who will see years of training wasted as they beaten by brawny ex men will be loud. The likes of the BBC will be firmly on the horns of a dilemma, do they support the cheated real women or do they support the trans lobby? It should be fun to see how the scum BBC handle it.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Double- maybe there needs to be a third type of competition – a separate Olympics for chaps pretending to be girls and girls playing ar chaps .

        More TV money and arguments which make footy VAR. nonsense seem tame ….

        I think it’s time that this jingoistic games stuff should be banned – olympics – World Cup – let’s end all national competitions … in fact .. let’s give up on this ‘nation’ thing and just have numbers – based on the international dialling codes – I’d be in region 44. ….


      • Oldspeaker says:

        Agreed DT, probably be a particularly thick skinned mischievous mercenary sort who falls short at male top level. With high level sports earnings on the increase for women the first convenience gender swap just a matter of time. Make a wedge then hey presto I’m a man again.


  6. Doublethinker says:

    Forcing over 75’s to pay the LF seems to be a public relations disaster so why is the BBC really doing this , what is their motive? Why are they risking becoming seen by the public as hounding old people?
    It could be pure corporate greed , getting an extra few hundred million so they can pay themselves more , make more of their leftist propaganda. It could be that they think that attacking the old will attract the young who they are losing in droves. But I think that they are doing it as part of plan to get more votes for Labour. The BBC will keep plugging the line that they are being forced to do this by the nasty Tories. Labour will announce that they will protect the over 75’s free TV License and so they and the BBC will turn the issue into one of Tory cuts v Labour caring for the old.


    • Lord Blagger says:

      The BBC is doing it out of revenge. The Over 75’s all voted for Brexit.

      Second they are desperate for cash.


      • taffman says:

        Lord Blagger
        Agreed, its punishment for voting for Brexit and voting for the Tories. Boris can’t see it, or doesn’t want to see it . If he did, he would have ended the Telly Tax by now . Al Beeb would then be free to shout and rant as much as it want – funded by its imaginary supporters.


      • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

        The Over 75’s all voted for Brexit.

        I know many Over 75s that didn’t vote for Brexit.

        But the BBC hate Brexiters and they hate older white British people.

        Hence it is easier for the BBC and others to infer that all over 75’s voted for Brexit because it links two groups of people the BBC stereotype and hate.


  7. Guest Who says:

    BBC Moaning Emole

    Population predictions

    The world is facing a global crash in the number of children being born which means nearly every country could have shrinking populations by the end of the century. More than 20 nations – including Spain and Japan – are expected to see their populations halve by 2100, according to researchers at the University of Washington.

    In many ways, falling fertility rates are a success story – as women get more access to education, work and contraception. But it also means countries will age dramatically, bringing huge questions about how we care for so many elderly people. How can countries fight falling birth rates? We look closely.

    Not too closely where rabbits would be jelly, though?

    But just think of all the productive doctors and engineers bailing out of ribs on East coast beaches.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    I saw a feature on the money saving expert site and the figure about a million of low earning pensioners not claiming just seemed sad to me . Even if this site were to ‘nudge ‘ a few people into claiming it would be effort well spent .

    As for the BBC and Labour …. labour will be in a tricky position if the government recommends removal of the ‘criminal ‘ element in ‘no TV licence ‘

    But other wise labour and the BBC will be even more joined at the hip in the years leading to the next election because the winner of that will – must – finally push the BBC out of taxpayer funding and see how it does with full competition …..


    • Doublethinker says:

      I agree with your hope that we can get some more people to claim their exemption from the telly tax and that the government can make life difficult for Labour by removing the criminal element of the telly tax. But I think that the Labour/BBC plan will be to abolish the tele tax and replace it with funding out of general taxation, which will make it far harder for any future government to get rid of the foul corporation because it seems not to cost anyone anything, you know the ‘free at the point of use’ NHS mantra. Except as most people do use the NHS monopoly when they are sick it has far more justification to be state funded than does the foul corporation which increasing numbers never use. But that won’t stop the BBC claiming equivalence with the NHS as an essential service.


      • Banania says:

        Well said. I have noticed the BBC using a slogan “keeping the country together” or some such, creating a myth about itself alongside thegood old NHS.


    • StewGreen says:

      “a million of low earning pensioners not claiming” “seemed sad”
      Why would you be sad ?
      If those pensioners can afford not to claim, then they don’t need the money.
      It is different for those that really need the money for power or food
      but otherwise it’s entitlement culture saying I need that money more than the government pot does.
      It’s like when the account says
      ” you can claim X, Y, Z off tax and then you could donate it to charity”
      By leaving it in the public pot I am giving to charity and cutting out the paperwork.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Blimey – I thought I was anti welfare state but you out ‘right ‘ me . Surely you must agree that there are those getting on a bit that are not that internet savvy – nor driven to find out about every penny they are due . Okay if you apply Darwinian principles let them die or suffer or both – but if real hardship is avoidable – it should be avoided .

        Some people are no good at financial affairs and don’t have younger relatives to look out for them …. I speak objectively here as I will not be getting any benefits due to my fortunate financial position …. and there’s a big bit of me that damns welfare dependency as a de motivator …


  9. Guest Who says:

    Also tucked away on de ‘mole…


    Inside South Africa’s ‘hospitals of horrors’

    An exclusive, weeks-long BBC investigation inside filthy hospitals in South Africa has exposed an extraordinary array of systemic failures, showing how exhausted doctors and nurses are overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients and a health service near collapse. With key staff on strike or sick with coronavirus in the Eastern Cape province, nurses are forced to act as cleaners, surgeons are washing their own hospital laundry and there are alarming reports of unborn babies dying in overcrowded and understaffed maternity wards.

    Read full analysis >

    Andrew Harding
    Africa correspondent, BBC News

    Andy best be careful no colleague mobs of color back here Tweet up a ‘hatey facts must be battered’ necklace party.

    Sounds like a dream job for the ambitious hack of no color…

    ‘Why not deliberately go into a third world festering hell hole of disease and see if you come back out once Clive tips off Thommo, Mehdi, Lewis and Sarpo…”


  10. Fedup2 says:

    Is it time for ‘hand -outs -without -thanks ‘again – just a small donation of £3 will buy this third world kid an iPhone charger …


  11. Guest Who says:

    As a poster points out, they are drivers.

    All protected by too many uniques from accountability.


    • Guest Who says:

      Becoming? Or unbecoming?

      They know they are immune.

      Here’s an overpaid boss being ignored since the last time.


    • Oldspeaker says:

      bbc staff should be positively encouraged to use Twitter, it exposes their far left political views and demonstrates just how left heavy the balance of bbc employees is. Anything they do now is far too little far too late anyway, scrap the licence and let the market decide just how popular ‘progressive’ woke far left broadcasting is.


    • theisland says:

      These Committee meetings are a waste of time.

      ‘Liberal’ types who are only slightly critical of the bBC (and OfCom for that matter) seem to accept with a shrug that poor old ‘Auntie’ does not really quite understand the principle of ‘diversity of thought’ even though it keeps saying that it does. So that somehow makes it all right for things to continue more or less as they are.
      But are all bBC staff really that stupid and has the bBC’s recruitment process always been that inadvertently flawed?
      I think not. The bBC cynically plays along with this misguided notion because it gives mild detractors the impression that they are learning lessons and trying to do the right thing.



  12. Deborah says:

    So far I have been to the supermarket just once, and chose not to wear a mask. And I hate the thought of wearing one when I nip into the local corner shop (and a disposable one will add 10% to my bill.
    However, let us assume that the SAGE committee (with a known communist sitting on it and lord knows the politics of the others) is continually warning of a second spike. Any NHS contacts I have are all assuring me one is on the way. Then assume the government is consulting about the masks and a civil service at war with the government leaks the consultation to MSM. Perhaps the decision has been made to wear them but the government is checking supplies. Let the MSM including the BBC leaked that it is going to happen, press harder and harder for the masks with SAGE saying if you don’t bring in masks you are going against our advice, then the decision already made by government looks as though it is Government capitulation . I could believe it could happen.
    And when can we stop wearing them when we go into the corner shop for a forgotten item?


  13. Guest Who says:

    NYT News – BBC sending staff to join media colleagues on the planet the Golgafrinchans sent them to decades ago.

    Tweet safely in that bubble, guys, gals and…


  14. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – Looks like the BBC fell for it

    I have a notion that this face mask thing is – in part, maybe a small part – a Government ‘get back’ at the MSM in general and the BBC in particular. On the TOADY Prog this a.m., Rick Nobinson (Assistant Interrogator, not the main man Mishal) fell into the hole HMG had dug for him in his interview with Matt Hancock, SoSfH.

    The BBC will of course claim ‘we are merely holding the Government of the day to account’ but the BBC now look more than a bit stupid having been part of the call for compulsory face masks, they are now arguing against them. It will be interesting whether the BBC swing in behind the Government or becoming increasingly querulous and questioning on the issue.

    If the BBC oppose compulsion, HMG might say – if it developed some real courage – ‘We agree an end to compulsion on masks and that will include other compulsions including the TV Licence.’


  15. Guest Who says:

    BBC Hereford and Worcester on Commission?

    “ Do you have any celebrity memorabilia? An autograph? A selfie? A Wimbledon tennis ball or a football shirt?

    Strictly Come Dancing’s Katya Jones is sending personalised videos to fans for just £33.20… far cheaper than most of the other stars on the celebrity messaging service, Cameo!

    What is your most prized celebrity keepsake?”


    • BRISSLES says:

      The autographs of the Rolling Stones and photo of them taken with my Dad

      and the autographs of Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers.


  16. StewGreen says:

    Radio4 indoctrination
    9am 21:00pm Feeling Good was written for a musical & originally sung by Cy Grant the first *black man* to appear regularly on British TV

    9:30am 20:45pm “Mahamed Hashi draws on his experience as a teacher, youth worker, councillor
    and victim of a stabbing and shooting to speak out against racist stereotyping.”

    11am Channel smuggled immigrants : “Sue met a 14 year old girl who was single-handedly talking to smugglers and raising the money from relatives who had already reached the UK”

    While most of the country just see people as people
    it is the BBC and metroliberals who are obsessed with splitting people be skin colour and identity politics.


  17. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – The BBC win a round for a change

    Not drinks but a Prime Interview. Early on in the Pandemic/Lockdown, when I was a thorough TOADY listener, I was scoring a majority of Ministerial wins against the hostile BBC interrogators in the 8.10 a.m. slot. This morning’s bout with SoStatefHealth, Matt Hancock, was definitely a win for Rick Nobinson.

    H h hancock did not h have a h hhappy h half of a h h half h hour hin h his h hinterview.

    Hancock 0:1 Robinson.

    It was of course due to the fact that this sudden face mask compulsion is quite illogical and has no scientific basis, especially as gloves will not also be compulsory and shop workers are – apparently, yesterday – to be exempt from face mask compulsion, the latter completely undermining the point of the whole exercise.

    Matt Hancock does appear to know very little about the infection spread. Could this be because of conflicting scientific advice and conflicting Civil Service advice and inaction?


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘Hancock 0:1 Robinson.’

      The BBC have rather handily trapped Ministers into this… trap.

      What do they call it in snooker?

      Oh yes, a snooker.


    • Fedup2 says:

      You’ve missed the smart move – not only are they going to tax house moves( CGT ) On top of stamp tax – but they’ll tax face masks …. I so don’t miss the Today programme … ..

      And the other benefits of face masks ?

      Food or face mask ?
      Face mask banks
      Why do posh people have better face masks ?
      Designer face masks stolen off peoples faces
      I wore a face mask and I still got a virus
      Multicultural face masks
      Face mask shortages – RAF flies in
      Face mask for the disabled
      Does my dog need a face mask
      I wear a face mask and my breath smells
      Does my WiFi interfere with my face mask
      My celebrity face mask collection


      • Up2snuff says:

        Yes, Fed, but I have seen an increasing number of posts – here and elsewhere – that suggest compulsory face masks will stop people shopping in general. There will be something of a consumer strike. The 20% that HMTreasury would garner from overpriced facemasks will be offset by a massive drop in footfall.

        Hancock claimed shops want face mask compulsion. Robinson claimed the BBC had spoken to retailers who fear it.

        I probably will not buy masks but just use a large handkerchief, bandit style. So that is no VAT from me, Rishi. I will probably continue to shop less and mostly from home for non-food items.

        I can see this compulsion getting junked quite quickly but then I was wrong about the Lockdown length so could be wrong about the face mask rules, too.


        • Fedup2 says:

          My local supermarket had a ‘one way system ‘ which I reckon 80% complied with . But not the third world . Anyway they’ve taken it away – which I consider a mistake . Have methods – get people used to them – then keep them .

          To me the supermarket is the most likely place for infection outside the public transport and pubs where booze reduces discipline .

          I take big precautions because I want to avoid their NHS as much as possible even though I’ve paid more than my bit for it .


      • NotSure says:

        Hah, superb list Fedup, thank you for a laugh amidst this confusion and division.

        Red vs blue
        Black vs white
        Old vs young
        Men vs women
        Women vs ‘women’
        Gay vs straight
        Religion vs religion
        North vs south
        Class vs class

        Now … Mask vs no mask

        The division of western civilization is heading for completion. Perhaps now we’ll find out what the plan was for the last 25 years.

        p.s I swallowed my mask for a dare on Youtube, should I seek medical attention?


  18. Guest Who says:



  19. StewGreen says:

    On Breakfast Brainwashing Naga was very very proud.

    “This statue was erected overnight. assuming last night and she is there first thing in the morning with the BBC film crew live to Naga in the BBC studios,
    then the BBC is complicit in all of this”
    The artist is white.


    • Fedup2 says:

      As least the local plod will be busy pulling thr thing out of the water …


    • Oldspeaker says:

      Seems a bit half measured, evil white man plinth ok? Nah, whole thing needs knocking down.


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      Replacing the statue of a real person of local significance due to his philanthropy and work in the community – with a statue of an idea (BLM and the modern heroic young female BLM protestor).

      George Orwell warned us against this.


      • StewGreen says:

        Oaf Politcs tweeted to @BBCNews
        So instead of having statues to builders, we have statues to demolishers.
        Instead of the man who built Bristol, with are putting up statues to Antifa terrorists who would tear it all down.
        Meanwhile actual slavery still exists in Leicester.
        Communist logic.


    • StewGreen says:

      Allegations that Channel4 were live at the scene when the statue was put up.


      • StewGreen says:

        commenter \\ I have it on good authority (first-hand source) that C4 were there some time ahead of the statue being put up.
        Which means complicity and failure to notify the police or council. //

        Channel4’s thread looks like a POLITICAL campaign”


        • StewGreen says:

          Manchester Uni are now putting up a statue to a footballer who sent a tweet.
          .. well in the form of an honourary degree.


        • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

          Excellent sleuthing. There is growing evidence of mainstream media staging and organizing events (such as protests) in order to “create news”.

          Mainstream media are in the business of reporting on news. But a lot of this, when you dig into it, is found to be faked / created by them. But proving this is difficult because of their secrecy. So more evidence such as this is important.

          I focus on publicly funded news media such as the BBC. I assume C4 receives public money from the government in various guises. They are also have been given the right to broadcast “news” to the British public and I assume those rights are conditioned on impartiality / fairness on what they broadcast as news.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Did the BBC mention the jimmy saville statue that appeared there for a short time.?


    • Banania says:

      The artist is white but his credentials are impeccable. He has done some disgusting things. There was an interesting piece about him on UK Column today.


  20. Jeff says:

    So, there I was yesterday evening, innocently watching The Rise of the Nazis on BBC4.
    It seemed, by BBC standards anyway, to be going reasonably well.
    Various well informed and erudite historians were leading us through the unfolding events of this tragic part of the world’s history. We saw the machinations of the ghastly Himmler and the attempts by some very brave Germans to bring him down. They were showing us actors playing the parts of these Nazis and occasionally cut away to hear the opinions of some interesting talking head…you know the sort of thing…

    Suddenly, without any prior warning, Ash Sarkar popped up on my telly. Or to put it more accurately, her face completely filled the screen. At first I thought that I had inadvertently changed channels and had somehow tuned into some lefty political bullshine on Channel 4 and I scrambled for the remote. But no, there she was proffering her thoughts on Germany in the 1930s. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear…

    At the best of times she sounds like a truculent teenager, but showing her so close up, discussing things beyond her pay grade, she looked and sounded like a twelve year old experimenting with her mum’s make up. It was pathetic. “Yeh, the communist party had done nothing wrong, but the Nazis hated them.” Phew, well, thanks for that. What this kid doesn’t know about history would fill the Albert Hall. Personally, I want someone with gravitas. Someone who has studied their subject and knows it inside and out. A kid from the fourth form doesn’t really cut it for me…

    I’ve got a feeling, now that David Starkey has blotted his copy book, we’re going to be seeing a lot more of the likes of Ms Sarkar on these history prog’s. People from the ultra left who, although they don’t know much, are allowed to prattle and given free rein by the Beeb.

    Perhaps one day I’ll tune in to see Greta lecturing us about the Spanish Armada. Or that equally gormless coloured girl (oops!) the member of Momentum, who has such trouble with the letter “T”, discussing the slave trade.

    I can hardly wait…


    • Fedup2 says:

      Jeff – sounds painful – maybe – since the BBC is going after the yoof they’ll bring more people like that over promoted child on history programmes . I favour football pundits giving their view on the Weimar Republic , hyperinflation and the Molotov Ribbentrop pact

      It might make them easier for BBC PLC to sell to the daytime free view channels .. .


    • Doublethinker says:

      Thank you. Not worth watching. I’ll delete the recordings.


      • Jeff says:

        Actually Double, it is rather good on the whole, despite her unnecessary inclusion.. Unfortunately this gormless twerp was given air time to say…well, sweet FA.

        If you’ve recorded it you can always fast forward when she appears on screen.
        Anyway, you’ve been warned!


    • Banania says:

      “The Nazis: a Warning from History” was good, but perhaps that wasn’t BBC.
      Fancy being called Ash! Is it short for something?


      • Up2snuff says:

        Oi! I had ancestors called Ash.

        Actually, it was short for Ashworth. He was a farmer up in Lancashire.


  21. AndyDozefeet says:

    My prediction for the next week or so – Keir Starmer leads the “facemask poverty” campaign.

    This wicked tory government is insisting that we all wear facemasks on public transport and in shops (more venues will be added) and poor people simply can’t afford them – we need them to be given out free.

    Boris will, of course, bend over and take it.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Andy – I beat cha ! Mask banks for the hardest hit . ‘ I’ve had to stop paying the TV licence to buy the family masks ‘ … it’s coming …


  22. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #3 – post-Match of the Day analysis.

    My ears are sticking out as I type. I’ve scored this morning’s Prime Interview as a narrow win for Nick Robinson overall but he really could have stuck five or six or more goals past Matt Hancock’s goalie.

    Robinson did not ask:
    – If the statistics show a sharp fall in infections throughout August will the face mask compulsion be stopped?
    – If retail footfall and sales are dramatically harmed, will the face mask compulsion be stopped?
    – Why will face masks not be required for offices where there is air conditioning spreading not just the Covid-19 virus but other coronaviruses as well?
    – Why are you not making it mandatory to wear gloves in shops as well as a mask?
    – Why are shop workers exempted from wearing face masks when they have to work in cool if not cold environments and around refrigeration where we know all coronaviruses including Covid-19 spread?

    For his part, Matt Hancock was really not on top of his brief and Robinson could have scored on:
    – He should have known that it is warmth→cold and cold→warmth in winter that assists all coronaviruses to really catch ‘hosts’ after mostly contact surface spread but also air transmission in enclosed spaces with or without air conditioning.
    – He is pinning his hopes on a vaccine for Covid-19 but viruses mutate which can make vaccines ineffective or less effective. (eg. various ‘influenzas’)
    – He did not mention the effect of herd immunity and where the research is on this.

    It is interesting on this whole Covid-19 thing how science is frequently ‘kicked into the long grass’ or ignored by both Government and the BBC. There does seem to be something funny going on or, maybe, it is just the general confusion caused by ‘the fog of war’?


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think we witness the end bit of internal wars between a lot of parties – SAGE has its own factions and leaks like a sieve as well as ‘alt sage ‘ . Within the ‘health professional mafia ‘ the wars must be bloody ranging from turf wars to buck passing to back covering –
      With plenty of Them knowing where they avoidably screwed up and letting us guess through dodgy data and practices aimed at both frightening us and being unable to have any clue as to the nature of real covid ‘victimhood ‘.

      All watched by a gotcha press who’d be much happier listing and counting the dead …. So infected by their own ambitions and political dogma that they don’t inform anymore .


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, think you have put that very well. Very true.

        You really need a good PM who has a grasp of basic science and medicine and who listens.

        And then does what is right irrespective of CSs and MSMs and BBCs.


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Apparently he was referred to as Hat Mancock by a Beeb correspondent recently.

      Which is pretty tame compared to how I would refer to the PM and Home Sec. these days.


  23. AsISeeIt says:

    BBC: ‘Coronavirus: Matt Hancock rejects face coverings for offices’

    Give it a week of BBC badgering and watch the timid Tories U-turn.


    • taffman says:

      I always thought that Boris was a ‘closet Liberal’ , but what about the members of the 1922 Committee? If there were any Tory members in there they would have called for his replacement by now.
      Many Brexit voters lent the Conservatives their votes in the last general election.


  24. StewGreen says:

    More #CancelCulture @DanielJHannan tweets
    \\ A senior curator in San Francisco is forced out
    for his “toxic white supremacist beliefs” //


  25. Fedup2 says:

    This comes courtesy of the UK press gazette

    ‘The BBC News website will “cease to function in its current state” if the corporation closes its central online hub in Birmingham, an insider has claimed.

    Some 450 jobs in radio, TV and online will go at BBC England as it must make savings of £25m by the end of March 2022 due to a huge hit in income from Covid-19 despite record broadcast and digital audience figures.

    As part of these cuts, the web team that acts as a central quality control filter for regional news stories will be ditched after 19 years resulting in the loss of about 33 jobs.‘

    Nice to hear a bit of good news …..


    • Broadcasting-on-Behalf-of-the-Caliphate says:

      That website has provided me with a window into the operations at the BBC.

      I no longer watch or listen to any BBC output other than what I see on that website and I use that website to provide me with the raw data to analyse the culture of news generation within the BBC.

      I come here to learn more about other aspects of the BBC outputs. Due to other time commitments I haven’t made best use of this site (biased BBC) but I am already certain that I more or less know what the BBC is about. But it always amazes me how embedded, blatant, obvious and slap in your face insulting to intelligence it can be.

      I am trying to develop an understanding of what is known as the culture war in western society, trying to understand its origins, its history and its extent. In the US the culture war seems to be far more advanced and hysterical.


  26. Fedup2 says:

    If you wanna see the ‘ quality ‘ of NHS staff have a look at the initial findings about Hillingdon hospital were 70 staff were quarantined and 18plus? Infected at a training event.



    • The WestWyvern says:

      Fed, I don’t find anything unbelievabe with ‘r any chess’.

      I received , in copy, a letter this week from a physio practitioner (me neither) cancelling my referral at the regional centre for my condition, copied to 6 other individuals including my GP and the referring specialist.

      The cancellation was based upon the third party discussion and assumptions that intimated my condition has improved and simplistically the drugs are working therefore no intervention needed. Both points regarding the cancellation cause and dates involved are wrong.

      I’ve raised the issue with the specialist.


      • Fedup2 says:

        West – good luck with your battle . Log everything .i put is a formal complaint about my GP refusing to authorise a blood test . The complaints system is designed to be labyrinthine and you have to be aware of the ‘rules’ otherwise you’ll get a letter telling you to get lost . I got through the health ombudsmen but hit the wall there .
        The cost of the blood test was probably about £50 . The admin for my complaint was probably hundreds . I’d still complain again . To me – getting anything from the NHS as someone who paid their taxes – is a war – particularly if ‘your face ‘ doesn’t fit …or your age …


  27. Dobyns says:

    The American sports apparel firm Under Armour makes washable, reusable 3 layer fabric COVID masks. They retail for around $30 when available.

    Their website states the following about their masks:

    • Non-medical & non-surgical mask, does not protect against viruses
    • 3-layer system meets WHO recommendation for fabric mask to help prevent the spread of COVID-19

    Riddle me this Batman …

    It doesn’t protect but it prevents???????????????

    What am I missing here?


    • The WestWyvern says:

      The marketing BS ????


    • Fedup2 says:

      Bunging someone in the so called WHO…


    • Banania says:

      You have summed it all up exactly.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Dobyns, what you are missing is that it prevents you passing on Covid-19 to someone else if you are asymptomatic or feel fit enough to go out and shop when sick.

      Assuming that you also wear gloves and handle your mask correctly.

      If not, no protection, no prevention either!


  28. Guest Who says:

    Shared for a few reasons.


    First up, the use of a ‘Black ____ Matter’ variant that seems ‘brave’, in the current climate.

    The content is interesting. Seems media have been kicking about since time immemorial too, using every propaganda toll they can access.

    Mobiles aloft… as far as i can make out are a sure sign less of recording injustice now, but framing it.


  29. theisland says:

    90 invaders in four boats at Dover so far this morning.

    The #PritiUseless agreement with the French isn’t going very well is it?


    • The WestWyvern says:

      I saw on Flightradar24 our border farce had the drone up searching the high seas for more customers today.

      I guess they are looking for the chancers who haven’t arranged the formal safe passage with the respective coastguards of UK and France.

      Meanwhile the compliant white population hide their faces in their masks ‘la la la la’ it’s all good as footie and Eastenders is on the telly…..


  30. theisland says:


  31. s.trubble says:

    The dividend from Rishi Sunak,s saving the game move by the furlough safety net has not reaped the reward it should in not so “bonnie scotland” , instead being moved aside by Wee Krankie as she grandstands and politicizes the Chinese pandemic.

    The bBC have a significant role to play in that, of course, as £32 million was used to fund the new Scotland channel….( aka white elephant)

    This devolution shambles and duplication should be like a ligature around the snp,s throat…..

    How about calling an external audit of this devolution to establish how it can be rolled back.


    • The WestWyvern says:

      Just let the anti English racist SNP go. Spend no more time and money.

      Let wee burny have her way.

      The independence they so crave from England will be welcomed.

      No pound sterling tho – join the Euro.

      No more Barnett formula – good luck with all that oil, whiskey and salmon revenue.

      Hard border. Rebuild that wall.


      • Fedup2 says:

        West – need to build a wall to control access from an EU statelet ….


      • G says:

        ‘Tax on lorries entering England to get to a proper port for departing, ‘Scottish’ exports.


    • Up2snuff says:

      s.trubble, had I been in Theresa May’s or Boris Johnson’s place I would have given the Wee Nippy a second Indy Ref after we had been out of the EU for a couple of years. I reckon in those circumstances, the SNP would have been a little more helpful in the House. I think there are so many who are fed up with her administration that the vote next time would be just as definite a ‘No’.


  32. The WestWyvern says:

    Not Beeb, but glad to see many commentators on this site have seen through the ‘Tory Govenrment’ and Boris the buffoon.

    No action on what they were elected to do.

    Key points,
    Tough talk with Brussels, but nothing actually delivered.
    Fudged the Huawei question and hides behind the USA
    No progress on the licence fee, even come Augusts consultation, I await a fudged announcement.
    No action on illegal south coast invasion, in fact it appears to be encouraged
    Disregarded law and order in the capital
    Subjugate and cower the population of sheep into ‘Chinese virus’ fear, demand face coverings in public, ala a Sharia state.

    It’s not looking good for the next 4 years.


    • Up2snuff says:

      TWW, to be fair, every Government in the world has been upended by this Covid-19 thing. Various International and State Institutions have left HMG fighting with one hand tied behind its back.

      OTOH, the PM’s appointment of Hancock was – I think – a mistake. I would have put Jeremy Hunt at Health. He knew the job, he’d scored a significant win over the JDs and their dispute. A MP who was also a GP would have been a good No.2 for Hunt.

      Either Hancock had had a bad night or an exhausting couple of days this week or was badly briefed by colleagues and CSs but he was just not up to the task of 1. talking the PM out of making a marsek of himself with this late burst of compulsion, and, 2. justifying it all on the TODAY Prog with a BBC interviewer who was doing the BBC’s U-turn.


  33. Guest Who says:


    I forgive the #wefiles headline as it is a piece that raises certain points.

    I am one of that ‘we’ because, as far as I can ascertain, ‘expertise’ as a measure now has all but been reduced to a joke term by the establishment either by according titles based on anything bar impartial professional knowledge to those in possession of physiological ticks, including safe pairs of hands.

    And that is mostly to please the media and/or get the result required…. and/or please the media.

    So what ‘we’ get are either lies, nonsense or venality, then either rubber-stamped or howled at by the media and their selected glee clubs of venal or thick seals chosen according to ideology.

    Or… the media simply run with a #prasnews release from or head to a dumb or venal talking head in a white coat to trot out whatever the media needs to suit its causes du heure… #researchsuggests. And the pols jerk their pig thick knees.


  34. Fedup2 says:

    Norwegians stabbing in Norway it seems …. not sure if it is a “Reading man “….


    • harry142857 says:

      Two high profile Reading related trials this week.
      1. Three knifed to death by an illegal.
      2. A police dragged to his death by gypsies.

      And now further enrichment.

      Not to be found on BBC.

      Police have launched a witness appeal after a man in a mobility scooter was repeatedly punched and knocked unconscious by a man with a blade tucked between his fingers.

      straight to your inbox

      The first man tried to get the victim to stand up from his mobility scooter and punched him several times with a small blade tucked between his fingers.

      The victim was knocked unconscious during the assault. He suffered a black eye, a broken jaw, bruising to his body and a deep laceration under his eye. He required hospital treatment but has since been discharged.
      Load mobile navigation

      Mobility scooter user attacked and robbed by man with blade in Reading
      Thames Valley Police has launched a witness appeal after jewellery was stolen from the victim in McIlroy Park, Tilehurst


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      McIllroy Park in Norcot Road, Tilehurst (Image: Google Street View)
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      Police have launched a witness appeal after a man in a mobility scooter was repeatedly punched and knocked unconscious by a man with a blade tucked between his fingers.

      The brutal attack on a man in his thirties happened in Tilehurst, at around 5.45pm on Saturday, July 11.

      Police said the victim was sat with a friend in McIlroy Park when they were approached by three unknown men.

      Find out how you can get the latest news from BerkshireLive delivered straight to your inbox

      The first man tried to get the victim to stand up from his mobility scooter and punched him several times with a small blade tucked between his fingers.

      The victim was knocked unconscious during the assault. He suffered a black eye, a broken jaw, bruising to his body and a deep laceration under his eye. He required hospital treatment but has since been discharged.

      A gold necklace and around £60 in cash were taken from the victim. The offenders also attempted to steal his mobility scooter.

      The main offender is described as an Asian man, aged in his thirties, and around 5ft 8ins tall. He was clean shaven, had a stocky build, and was wearing a blue top and navy tracksuit bottoms.

      The second offender is also described as an Asian man, aged in his thirties, and 5ft 11ins tall. He was wearing blue shorts and a white top, was clean shaven and of a slim build.

      The third offender is described as an Asian man, aged in his thirties, and 5ft 11ins tall. He was wearing black shorts and a white top, was clean shaven and of a slim build.

      I bet these Asians weren’t from Tokyo or Kathmandu.


  35. AsISeeIt says:

    A commercial sport radio channel just now devotes a tedious segment to banging on about abuse on social media.

    For me there’s an off switch but wonders that the footballer casualties of abusive messages can’t find that off switch or at least some version of the privacy button on their Twit-Face.

    Clearly they would do well to go broadcast only – except when it suits of course.

    The presenter talks about one glass-egoed Chrystal Palace player and is careful not to mention the fact his abuser was discovered to be aged 12.

    I read somewhere that a high proportion of supposedly chauvanistic abuse meted out to females on the internet turns out to originate from young girls. Go figure.

    A blabber mouth guest lets slip the nasty words came from a 12 year old and so the presenting team are at pains to tell us this latest playground spat in which the child came off worse (having his collar well and truly felt by the old bill) was not the only slice of aggro the famous grown man has had to put up with. Perhaps he has also been bullied by a teenager, the poor soul?


  36. fakenewswatcher says:

    If true, this is BIZARRE! and OUTRAGEOUS
    Beeb news at 1pm say the statue of Edward C, which was torn down, has been replaced with a statue of the protester who tore it down.
    That’s what I thought the headline said, now I’m waiting for the actual report. I hope I heard wrong!
    A quick glance at The Gruniad, says the new statue is of a black woman protesrtor, Jen Reid, with raised fist, and Bristol council says it happened without their permission? But they’re doing nothing to remove it..
    Seems this is old news, so sorry if someone has already raised it.
    I had a look at who the Bristol mayor is, and now suddenly, I’m not surprised nothing is being done.
    Does this mean I can tear down a statue anywhere in Britain and get one of myself in its place?
    Anarchy, anyone?


    • fakenewswatcher says:

      The beeb report says that Jen, the new statue, is a BLM thing. The arrogant Jen appeaerd in person. Beeb seem keen to give her publicity. The ‘artist’ is someone called Quinn.
      Methinks a line has been crossed.


    • Oldspeaker says:

      If said statue were to topple onto an unfortunate passer-by I wonder who would be liable, those who put it up or those that left it up? No worries though, I’m sure a full risk assessment and safety sign off have been done.


    • Oldspeaker says:

      “Does this mean I can tear down a statue anywhere in Britain”
      Off to Highgate cemetery it is then.


    • Kaiser says:

      this statue seemed to get made very quickly, some might think this whole episode was planned


  37. AsISeeIt says:

    It seems some people either like or are complient with the notion of the general public being ordered to get kitted up about town to look like real medics do when they are on the job.

    I think we should go for those sinister-looking bird-beaked sixteenth century-style plague doctor masks.

    Leaving aside those who for political or psychological reasons just enjoy a crisis…

    There seem to be two categories of enthusiasts, although there may well be a good deal of overlap in the ven diagram.

    Some admit to fear of infection. For those actually vulnerable or in contact with the vulnerable then fair enough, wear it, moan about others not wearing it, by all means report the rule breakers – fill your boots, you’ve won because it will be soon be law. And don’t think it will stop there. Already it was transport, now it’s shops, next week it spreads to the entire public space.

    Others will profess to altruism, presumably expecting to catch the Chinese virus and don’t mind the inconvenience if it means they have a clear conscience they won’t pass it on.

    But if you do support these blanket rules without any cost benefit justification, if you are happy to simply trust the supposedly ‘evolving science’, and are maybe just relieved not to have to think and prefer to be told what to do, then I say again, you won, reap what you supported being sown.

    But don’t for a moment imagine they will curtail the BBC

    Just cross your fingers they don’t come for your Brexit.


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, Sir, Sir, please Sir, can I have Julianna Margulies (Nurse Hathaway) or Maura Tierney (Nurse/Dr Lockhart) take me shopping?


    • Doublethinker says:

      If you had a close relative who was vulnerable would still be in favour of doing nothing to try and limit the spread of the virus?


    • Banania says:

      Print a card saying “I am exempt from wearing a face mask” and laminate it & clip it to your clothing. That is apparently quite enough.


  38. Peter Sausages says:

    Classic quote from my old Aunt, why is there so many Black’s on the BBC, I said to Her they only employ only Black’s now, jokingly, she said I am not surprised they are everywhere lol


    • Banania says:

      I have a channel-flipping game called C**nwatch. Just flip through all the channels and keep a score. It is amazing how high the score can be.


  39. StewGreen says:

    People say that the BBC is London sneering at the rest of the country
    BBCarchive just had to delete its tweet.

    Birmingham was bidding to host the 1992 Olympic Games.
    Yes, Birmingham.
    Yes, the Olympic games.



    • StewGreen says:

      Their FB page says “Note: The original post has been edited to remove text which wasn’t in the right tone.”


      • gb123 says:

        The BBC Says ” We’re impartial and independent, and every day we create distinctive, world-class programmes and content which inform, educate and entertain millions of people in the UK and around the world.”

        Yes, the BBC
        Yes, Impartial


    • JimS says:

      Birmingham has always been the stock joke city for the BBC. I think it is because it is the only city beyond London that most of them have heard of.

      (There be dragons beyond Potters Bar).


  40. Oldspeaker says:

    I’m pleased black people can’t be racist so I don’t have to worry about this. All this really highlights is the sorry state of what used to be education. If only one person believes this nonsense its too many.



  41. BRISSLES says:

    To mask or not to mask, is not the only question.

    From those I’ve been in conversation with, there is a general malaise about doing anything, and masks are way down the list.

    There’s a distinct attitude of “whats the point ?. Going shopping for anything, apart from food and a bit of DIY or gardening stuff, is not the joy it once was, not so much through social distancing when shopping, but more ‘why are we doing this?”. No point in buying new clothes, we’re not going anywhere nice and certainly no holidays to buy for. We seem to be sticking with whatever furniture and accessories we already have, – again ‘whats the point ?’ we don’t have friends round to socialise, and all spontaneity has gone until God knows when. Who wants to go out to eat ? Even top chef Tom Kerridge berated those diners who booked and then no showed on the night, leaving his restaurant half empty. Socialising in general is no longer there. When something IS wanted, the internet is always there 24/7 which isn’t a threat to anyone.

    Its a depressing situation, whether masks are worn or not.


    • JimS says:

      We are creating a hotel ‘society’.

      Sometimes I would travel with colleagues from work. We talked at work, we talked during the journey. We arrived at the hotel. We depart to our own rooms. We close the doors. We see no-one pass by in the corridor. Perhaps we will meet for food or drink? Perhaps we will just stay in our own room?

      When I went for a walk I would often pop into a shop, just to see what was new or to buy that flask of milk or jar of jam that just came to mind. Now there are no destinations if I walk, I don’t want the hassle of visiting a shop that I don’t need to visit, I don’t want to do shopping for something not worth pulling out ‘the card’ for. I don’t want to take a bus and it doesn’t look like anyone else is either.

      The Marxists have been turning the language upside-down for decades, the crazy has become the normal, the normal the crazy. We used to lock up the sick, now we lock up the healthy.

      Will no-one rid us of these turbulent Marxist priests?


  42. Luckyharry69 says:

    Is anybody going near Bristol in the next few weeks?

    I have some ROPE and a SPANNER set that I need to make use of………..


  43. theisland says:

    They do it on purpose to get a reaction … here


  44. Fedup2 says:

    I don’t normally say ‘go read the guardian ‘ but the piece there today investigating why their favourite EU failed its’ people as the Chinese virus spread is testimony as to why we were so right to dump it . Helga – the clever new president – and also a medical doctor – didn’t have a clue ….. but I think they ll try to blame us for trying so hard to leave ……

    It’s a long piece – and full of tragic – yes truly tragic failures of foresight and planning and policy . They were actually still send PPE to China thinking they could contain it there .

    Unbelievable .

    Having been exposed to some of these upper echelon types it came as a shock that a lot of them are not the brightest things in the box – see current prime minister as a guide – that dick head doesn’t even read reports on preparation for another ‘spike ‘ for Christ’s sake .

    By the way – a new BBC technique .as the end of PMQs the tart on five live replays the ‘best bit ‘ of comrade starmer s question to try to give him a bit more kudos and show boris as hopeless – which he often is …. might as well give the job to Richy and save a year of intrigue …


  45. vlad says:

    The BBC are proud to give ample coverage to the illegal erection of a BLM statue after the illegal destruction of its predecessor.

    Well done beeb, this sends out a heart-warming message that breaking the law is fine so long as it’s for the right leftist causes.

    It also endorses the violent Marxist revolutionary anti-white, anti-police, ant-capitalist, anti-family BLM, and the clenched fist has undertones of Black Power, the even more extreme racist movement that preached Black Supremacy.

    All in all, a thoroughly good day for the Black Broadcasting Corporation, that will further exacerbate racial tensions in the UK.



    • Luckyharry69 says:


      on the positive side at least Banksy’s childish graffiti ‘art’ was cleaned off by the Tube cleaners?

      That actually made me laugh and feel much better…..


    • Luckyharry69 says:

      just about sums up 2020…


    • Dave S says:

      The BBc now has much to answer for. it has made race relations here that much harder to control. It will make our futures that much more difficult. The Bristol new statue is put there in defiance of the law.
      A society such as ours is founded upon the law. Dismantle it at your peril.


      • Swelter says:

        As the rule of law dissolves I am not sure who is running this country any more as it seems to be the woke mob .All I know is that they were not put forward at an election . In my naivety I formed the impression that we had voted in the Tories . Boy were we suckered.


  46. Fedup2 says:

    For those still using the BBC – theyve announced that Andrew Neill will no longer have a show . A lot of politicians will be pleased that the last proper journo has gone . The clones – of course – remain – marr – maitlisss – laura badspelling – the today covern – and the countless deputy chief assistant political editor correspondents


  47. fakenewswatcher says:

    vlad – seems that when you are force-financed, you can take all sorts of liberties.
    Not only time to defund the BBC, but time to abolish it completely.


  48. JamesArthur says:

    Talking with a friend who is now living in Netherlands
    Quote ” i used to like watching BBC breakfast. Now from the Dutch perspective I don’t understand why I watched it. The bias is so self evident” and he works at a Uni

    So it isn’t just us noticing…


  49. StewGreen says:

    TfL ask Banksy to recreate artwork in more suitable place
    after their cleaners “accidentally” removed it.


    • taffman says:

      About blinking time ! Its just vandalism that has been allowed to go on for far too long .
      It is just graffiti.


      • Luckyharry69 says:

        as an EX Teacher I know how much Banksy is lauded in schools…even on the Curriculum?…I was fighting against it for years.Trying to push great traditional British Art…not the CRAP that fills our ‘Modern Art’ galleries today

        Just compare the Pre-Raphaelites (Birmingham has a fantastic collection of truly GREAT art) with the childish, cliched nonsense of Banksy and others.

        HENCE I’m not in teaching anymore


        • taffman says:

          Well done. We will end up looking like a third world country if we don’t get a strong government that will stamp it out. Boris needs to get that stupid statue of a protester in Bristol pulled down .
          Disgraceful the police did not prevent it being erected.


          • Luckyharry69 says:

            between me and you I am SEETHING about it.I have emailed my MP for what its worth.

            I am beginning to wonder what this so called ‘Conservative’ Government are all about?

            just listening to BBC Parliament and the debates…they sound more like a Social Democrat Party?……….

            I cant get my head round an 80 seat majority and Johnson is doing NOTHING


          • The WestWyvern says:

            End up…… ?


        • Jeff says:

          I got dragged into Tate Modern just before Christmas, the first time I’ve ventured inside.
          Now, they do have some good stuff in there; Degas, Walter Sickert and a few others. Paintings and sculptures I can look at and appreciate. But most of it, to my untutored eye seemed to be utter tosh.

          In one of the giant galleries was a series of large brown pyramid shapes. I can’t recall what they were supposed to represent, but to me they just looked like enormous animal droppings.
          Next door were (what looked like) a lot of drainage pipes piled up. I’m afraid I was standing there scratching my head and saying, “Eh?”
          Then in a corner I saw a stack of chairs and (I’ll be honest) I wasn’t at all sure if they were a “work of art” or…just a stack of chairs.

          Yes, I know…
          I’m a Philistine.


          • Luckyharry69 says:

            The Tate is great for a lot of stuff.I like the Tate and there is some brilliant Pop Art/Op Art etc(I even like Jackson Pollock and others)…..BUT yes I agree when there seems to be little ‘skill’ or ‘craft’ involved and it becomes pure PRETENTION….I get bored.
            To be fair the National Gallery and Portrait Gallery are great places and worth every penny of taxpayers money.Thats my opinion anyway.


          • Fedup2 says:

            Freedom for philistinia

            I leant on a radiator in the Tate modern and a security guard told me off for touching an exhibit .

            Swear to God . I looked at again and it still called out ‘ radiator ‘ …


            • Up2snuff says:

              Fed, ‘it spoke to you’. *

              * The late Brian Sewell’s definition of art.


              • Fedup2 says:

                Up2 Ha ha – much missed – mr Sewell RIP. I also troll along to the Royal Academy summer exhibition which has gradually become snowflake city over the years . Some of the trash really goes for notes …. I was thinking of doing some amusing defund the BBC thing but the vetting committee wouldn’t get it .

                I Suppose the coloured matters thing will still be big next year .. or as I write .. a series of used face masks made into a deathlike model of Owen Jones …..


                • Up2snuff says:

                  Fed, I miss Brian Sewell’s sybilances on the BBC but disagreed with him on what is fine art and what is not fine art.


    • Old Goat says:

      I couldn’t give a stuff if it was done by Picasso. Get it cleaned off, and, Mr. “Banksy”, stop inflicting your criminal damage on the rest of us.


    • Dave S says:

      It is his arrogance that gets me. The train is public property and not his to deface. Charge him and fine him. Any other person would face that. Is he above the law?


      • The WestWyvern says:

        Dave, recent events demonstrated the state of the ‘rule of law’ in Londonistan, Bristol. Effectively ‘do what thou wilt’

        Unless you are a white English working, tax paying middled aged male.


      • Luckyharry69 says:

        and he the audacity to tell people to stay away while he commited an OFFENCE.

        Good job I wasnt on that Tube…seriously……


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          Never understood the adoration of Wanksy. Years ago some of his graffiti was quite original and amusing, but it was still just graffiti, and hardly ‘art’.

          Then he got adopted by the Guardian and the BBC, and started getting all political and woke, it’s been downhill ever since, but he seems to have carte blanche to do whatever kind of vandalism he wants, say whatever he wants, offend whoever he wants… why?

          He’s from my neck of the woods (well, Bristol… not far off, geographically, a million miles culturally…), and I used to work with a guy from Bristol who claimed he went to school with him, fee paying school of course. I’m pretty sure this guy did know him too, some of the things he said about him – said he was a bit of a pretentious wanker, even then, and got a lot of detention for smoking weed in the toilets and mouthing back at teachers.

          I’d reckon that would make Banksy in his late 40s/early 50s now… getting on a bit for a ‘teen rebel’, just another white, privileged, middle-aged, middle-class male, in fact.


  50. G.W.F. says:

    Did the BBC mention the jimmy saville statue that appeared there for a short time.?


    • StewGreen says:

      I just posted the answer 10 mins before you wrote
      Its on the previous page

      So is the Birmingham Olympics story
      which I posted at this lunchtime.