The BBC loves a statistic . On Twitter a bbc employee crowed that on average 438 million non UK people visit BBC News each week . And the instant response ? But they don’t have to pay for the monster ….if they want it – let them pay for it – don’t make the british taxpayer fund it through threats and prosecution .
And – of the 1495 people employed by The Guardian – the BBC in print 180 are to be fired .
Important local news ‘ a Yorkshire Party councillor wants to declare a climate emergency in the East Riding
.. his attempt last year failed’
BBC News
Amazon, Google and Wish have removed white-supremacist books and merchandise for sale following a BBC investigation.
Hey… BBC…
Maybe ‘investigate’ this movie one day too?
And this dodgy tome, apparently misinterpreted in certain schools the bbc steers clear of too.
Looked up @BBCInvestigator account to learn more.
[Imagine the old-world dulcet tones of that cut glass BBC RP accent]
“This is the voice of the BBC in London, broadcasting to the free world…”
I’m tempted to employ the hackneyed phrase – you couldn’t make it up – but I suspect someone did…
‘As a gay teenager in post-Soviet Russia, Wes Hurley breathed a sigh of relief when his mother married an American and they moved to the US – but he soon discovered his stepfather, James, was violently homophobic. This led to strained relations, until James underwent an unexpected transformation.’
‘I hated my homophobic step dad, then he came out as trans’
By Natasha Lipman BBC World Service
BBC Breakfast at 0845 and the s***-stirring has been ratcheted up to 10.
The government overnight has re-imposed quarantine on holidaymakers returning from Spain.
A suspiciously erudite couple are interviewed having just arrived in Alicante.
Are you worried? Have you heard from your travel agent?
How do you feel? Are you going to come home straight away? Will your employer give you thevtime off?
The presenters were so hoping for indignant doom and gloom but the couple didn’t play ball. Excellent.
Then on to an epidemiologist who also played a straight bat, in essence providing justification for the decision.
So it was Common Sense 2. BBC s***-stirrers 0.
Doubtless BBC Breaking can rephrase this further after a day long editorial pow wow.
DailyMail News
BREAKING: Car ploughs into crowd near train station in Berlin
Perhaps the BBC should run a story into the disgracefully poor quality of Driver Training in European countries.
Berlin. Nice, Westminster. It is just not up to the required standard.
Confusingly, the Daily Mirror reports that the police have both deployed exposives detection dogs AND that they have no evidence of a political or religious motive. Work that one out.
Guest Who: “BREAKING: Car ploughs into crowd near train station in Berlin”
I just did a duckduckgo engine search and plenty of media outlets are reporting it but not yet the BBC.
ps: I remember a few years ago a car ploughing into people in London. The driver was “Asian”. The Met police accepted the argument that he lost control of his car while changing lanes and he was let off. Or at least that was how the BBC reported it.
Beat me to it GW
The only thing we can be 100% sure of is it aint right wingers……
The usual bollox on the bbbc news this morning. It was an item about spectators being allowed in at the oval for a Middlesex v Surrey friendly. They decided to interview a professional cricketer to get his views. Who did they choose? Ben Stokes? Joe Root? Eoin Morgan? Jonathan Agnew? Or maybe someone who plays for either team? Or maybe then any player from one of the 18 first class counties?
Of course it was none of these.
They chose a bearded muslim with a pakistani name who apparently plays for Lincolnshire, not even a first class county.
Talk about shoe horning!
Also on the cricket.
There was a report from Manchester on the forthcoming day 3 of the test match.
Which was followed by the above mentioned one from the Oval.
Both games are to be played by men.
Yet both BBC reporters were attractive young women.
One non-white, one blonde white.
Funny, that.
Easy on the eye, not so easy on men, especially white men, who aspire to be sports reporters.
Who do al beeb want to win the third test? England or the West Indies? ????
If the government makes them go subscription only then the second thing they should do is strip them of the word British in their title ????????
Judging by the BBC narrative over the past few weeks I think the BBC want either Joffra Archer to win or the West Indies.
A useful reminder. Apologies if already posted.
The authors reported that this process of “false compliance” is seemingly the use of the “mostly” Shiite Islam concept of “taqiyya”, “used to describe deception and dissimulation to hide one’s true intentions”.
Can anyone confirm if it is “mostly Shiite Islam”?
taqiyya is central to Islam – all versions including Sunni & Shia – it is in the Quran (the “unalterable word of god”) and hadiths. It is one of the tactics in Islam to ensure Islamic spread and eventual conquest.
Is this a wind up?
Safari park baboons ‘armed with knives’
Sounds like Tottenham, North London on any given night of the week ????
I don’t subscribe to the Times so can only read the first few lines but these lines include:
“… workers at the Merseyside attraction say they have spotted the primates armed with knives, screwdrivers and even a chainsaw.”
Yawn, click bait
“armed” implies they actually use them harmfully
instead of just seeing a bright shiny object and picking it up.
News reporting ought to be fair, balanced, impartial and, above all, accurate.
But former BBC journalist Tom Mangold has this to say about last week’s BBC News report about Winston Churchill and the Bengal Famine: “The six-minute segment on News at Ten was biased, partial, unbalanced and filled with the spite and venom of the worst of toxic woke culture now pulsing through the heart of the Corporation.”
You can read Mangold’s Mail on Sunday piece here:
Paul Homewood
“The comments section is hilarious, with most pointing out that the BBC is the biggest purveyor of fake news of all.
Both Tony Hall’s brazen defence and the Telegraph’s decision to promote it exemplify why public confidence in the media is now at rock bottom levels.
GT* taking a side? Who does she think she is, a bbc editor?
Amazed she has time in her busy schedule on economics, global race relations (look out young footballyist on that Nobel) and astrophysics to get back to mundane climate stuff.
*Speaking of mundane climate stuff, has any savvy e-LiBatty car company yet snagged the GT, ET and XR brand acronyms?
Pity the poor Korean marque and drivers left with RH, MM or JR (Sorry FE2… had to be done).
BBC1 Sunday Morning Live black presenter Sean Fletcher interviewing a black lady who was born in the 1940s to a white mother.
Sean, “What did you mum say about your birth? In the 1940’s a baby born to mixed race parents must have been controversial?”
Black lady (paraphrase), “no”.
You can count on the BBC to race bait at every opportunity.
I should imagine it was more controversial for her white mother to have ‘gone ‘ with a black man in the first place during the 40’s !
I remember a conversation 30 years later, in the early 70s by a very strident member of the BNP or the National Front as it was called then. He said that in the coming decades we would have a ‘coffee coloured population’ because of the rise in mixed relationships. Those in conversation poo pooed the very idea !
In our village there were far more black BAME than a few years after the war when my mother went to school.
There was a Canadian airbase up the road with lots of black workers
(who maybe really came from America)
I guess those kids never came back
but there are still people around whose fathers were Italian or German prisoners of war.
in a nearby village 1951 photos show 2 Kenyan guys who came for tractor training.
The BBC’s New Anger and Protests Editor Champion Ash?
I see that in Louisville Kentucky we now have a gang of heavily-armed black men (AK47s etc) ,the ‘Not Fucking Around Coalition’ roaming the streets.
This, according to ‘Die Welt’. Haven’t seen it in the British press yet.
The carefully manipulated and orchestrated follow-on to GF is really going places now. BLM anyone?
The commies, globalists, whatever; ie the enemy; are determined to provoke a reaction from normal people that, they hope, will result in one or more deaths of their troops. They probably don’t care if it’s a federal agency or normal people defending themselves. Just so long as they can play the victims leading up to the November Presidential election.
The side of law and order is going to be tested to breaking point, as the enemy throws everything they have at the American people over the next three months.
And we’ll get copycat outrages over here too. It will once again expose the likes of the dwarfish muslim mayor of London and Miss Dick, amongst their kind throughout our country for the enemies they actually are. That’s my opinion.
The BBC call them NFAC
without mentioning it means Not FFing Around Coalition
Other media
“The all Black armed Militia known as NFAC is in Kentucky protesting police
but one of them accidentally fired
and hit three other NFAC members
who are now in non-life threatening condition
after emergency services **including police** came in to save them”
longer video
Some tweets use incendiary language
claiming they squared up to militia who march under the Three Percenters banner
pics actually show that group has mixed race and even a black guy
Yet Twitter voices use power labels like “Far Right white supremacist group”
The police had set up barriers between the two groups
The home militia said they were concerned about the black group being people from out of the state.
They are militia according to the BBC
It’s interesting to note the way the media have been covering the virus. Most of them have been egging on the government to impose ever harsher and more stringent forms of lockdown.
For months I’ve been reading that the really tough measures taken by countries like Spain were paying off.
Our two old friends, The Guardian and The BBC, have been forever attacking our government for not being as harsh as Spain. Boris has been criticised for being too soft and indecisive. The poor blighters in Spain were locked up in their apartments for months; even their kids couldn’t go out.
“It’s paid off” cooed the Beeb. Social media was full of masochistic comments telling us how “good” it was in Spain and Italy. “They’re forced to wear masks everywhere, why aren’t we?” “You can’t just go to the shops, you need a voucher or you’ll be arrested.” Sounds really lovely doesn’t it?
Sweden was regarded as a basket case. The country would only be mentioned if the journo’s had some particularly horrific statistics to terrify us with. They were aghast to see people enjoying themselves in bars and restaurants. “This is insane” they screamed.
And now…
Spain is back in a partial lockdown and we’ve reacted by quarantining the entire country. It would seem, as many of us foretold, that lockdowns only delay the virus. As soon as your population is free again the thing will start to spread. On top of that, if you’ve been stuck indoors for months, you haven’t even begun to build up any natural immunity. There’s no cure and talk of a vaccine is at best a year away or just a feelgood fantasy.
Of course we must protect the vulnerable. But incarcerating our entire population and wrecking our economy in the process, isn’t just bloody inhuman, it’s insanely stupid and it clearly doesn’t work.
If you don’t believe me just take a look at Spain…
Did Krankie have an embedded BBC crew at her Auschwitz photo op?
There is an article in the mail on Sunday about an article in the Radio Times about an interview which has been given by a long standing BBC employer Who has gone into semi retirement and is thus free to say what he wants .
Play ‘guess the BBC droid ‘
He voted remain and felt strongly about it
He doesn’t like or trust the PM
He did not vote Tory in the last election
Now I know this is standard BBC Group Think – but the character in question is / was accused of ‘right wing bias ‘ when he was in full employment .
It’s good to hear BBC pensioners say what they believe instead of the insulting pretence that they leave their views at the door ( except Maitliss Marr Sopel Webb Robinson Meeshall , bee lady , lady Brooke. Sophie the posh girl , Carrie who lacks Gracie , Wimmins house – Evan with the ears , that Asian bloke who is on every thing , Simpson the slug ,
Myrie, that welsh bloke whose always miserable , chakrabati ,
Junior sub assistant political deputy editor – whatever ).
Final clue – the interviewee had to cut his pay from £650k pa to a sad £400 k .
And his production company earns a nice dividend from doing Mastermind …..
And now infesting Classic FM………… Just for ‘pin money’ you understand.
Pug – I hope the numbers I put up in the preamble didn’t upset you too much . What I find hard to understand is the ‘group think ‘ – example – the UK election – the move of ‘solid ‘ labour constituencies to the blue side .
Yes – ok – it’s not very blue – but it still meant sticking a cross in the box marked conservative – which for quite a few people was a real crossing point . But the BBC seems still not to notice – or perhaps even sadder – care what people think – because they are outside the bubble .
I’m sure sad attempts to de London the BBC just meant exporting BBC types who couldn’t find a justification for staying south moving the Bubble a bit North – but pining for those London postal letters …N1 , WC1, ….
The tiny bits of the BBC – even their internal adverts – now make me feel a foreigner in my own country …… we have to kill the BBC – it’s an enemy of Britain .
Not so much BBC.
More like ABC.
Anti British Corporation.
Antifa Broadcasting Corporation also fits the bill.
Up until, I think it was, Bathhouse Barry’s presidency, the US had a law that prevented the government from using propaganda against its people. Then Bathhouse repealed it, and the propaganda weapon was unleashed with a vengeance by the likes of the CIA mouthpiece CNN and the toilet paper of record.
I think we need such a law in our country. If we had such a law, it could be used to put a stop to the racist far-left bbc’s blatant use of propaganda against us.
“This would see a new Treason Act, a new Espionage Act to track foreign agents and influencers, and a rewriting of the Official Secrets Act ‘to make it fit for the digital era’.
The Treason Act will see anyone who swears an allegiance to a foreign power or organisation criminalised if they operate in or attempt to enter the UK.
It would close the legal loophole that could see IS converts like Shamima Begum escape justice if they returned to the UK due to a lack of specific crimes committed domestically.
Meanwhile, the Espionage Act would create a register of foreign agents of influence operating in the UK as well as clamping down on British citizens aiding the nation’s enemies.”
Well … we shall see.
If true, merely mirroring the US. But nothing will happen pre-November US election, on which the continuance of the West, in its current form, rests. If Biden is elected and the US turns totally Communist, the UK will not be long after. My reasoning as to why Boris will do nothing about the BBC. Hedging bets if truth be known. If the US shifts politics 108 degrees and embraces Communism with the help of the sheeple, the BBC will be a nice, ‘cover’ for Boris and his cohorts to continue until they have worked out the best tack for them. Not the country, just them.
The Lib Dem leadership process is rather like a DFS sale – pointless and goes on for ever
@russellquirk July 26
Twitter watch
Andrew neill has said his programme is not returning to the BBC . He says he was offered a late afternoon spot on BBC2 but turned it down . So no diversity of thought or view with him out of the way .
He had his failings – like sucking up to the BBC group think a bit too often but at least he gave the idea of having done some research and refusing to take the standard party reply when some politician was fed to the programme …..
The Lib Dems.
A party that could hold its leadership election in an old telephone box and still practice social distancing.
Dominic Rabb on Sky News this morning sweating like a hog sleeping on a beach in Spain.
In the brilliant tv series The Loudest Voice, the producers on a live news interview stop a make up girl from mopping the sweating forehead of a Democrat to make him look bad.
Why did Sky not attend to the perspiration of a Conservative minister? Sophie Ridge, interviewing him in the same studio had no such problems with moisture on her forehead.
The BBC take another brave step towards their dystopian future World via Newsround on CBBC using children as fodder…
Not sure if they considered their beloved Muslim viewers on this one!
Bias by omission, car plots into crowd in Berlin with many MSM running the story. Beeb not a whisper on the website
Mentioned above, but yes not a whisper anywhere from the beeb.
The German police are now being quoted as saying that they think it was reckless driving rather than terrorism or an anti-white hate crime. Nevertheless most other news outlets covered it because of the number of injuries and the fact it occurred near to the “truck driving through a carnival incident” of a few years ago.
Berlin. At #Hardenbergplatz,
at 7.20 am, a car ploughed into a group of pedestrians,
injuring 7 people, 3 of them critically.
The 24-yr old driver is in police custody.
there is currently no evidence of political or religious motivation.
“According to current knowledge, an accident occurred this morning,” said a police spokesman.
Repost from last week
Ezra on BBC shouting “Blackpool woman”
BBC narrative failure
Their website says ‘ church fire suspect rearrrsted ‘(my words ) yet elsewhere there is his lawyer saying he had confessed and is full of remorse ( for getting caught ) .
Un named of course but is a ‘ Rwandan Asylum seeker ‘ who has been in France ‘ a number of years’ . Is he a muslim convert – by any chance ? Will we ever find out ? Has he been to any cathedrals in Paris ? ….. i dont think we ll find out about that via the BBC …
Mangold hits a good point -.and makes me unusually optimistic about our mission .
Its the old analogy of the frog in the ever warming water – so gradual it doesnt notice….
But what is happening is that the BBC droids are so busy out woking each other that they are heating the water – that ‘ whittee bad ‘ narrative that a lot of people are ‘waking ‘ to what the BBC is doing .
And not being best pleased .
Those who still use the BBC can look forward to even more tickbox product and falling viewing and listening figures . ….
BTW you can look at the pics of today’s news before the media
select the ones they will use
Yes all those dreadful HR ‘professionals’ are as happy as pigs in muck at the moment with lots of ammunition to keep themselves ‘relevant’ and grossly overpaid.
Here are just a few pages from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) website.
From the latter:
Q: How can I best educate my workforce about racism? What resources and training should I be putting in place?
The subject of race and racism is wide and far reaching. Learning about it involves a combination of training, listening, reading of books, honest conversations and self-reflection. Organisational training can play a part in your anti-racism strategy but will not be successful if used in isolation; training needs to be accompanied by other initiatives (such as those described below). The following are recommended areas to focus on to educate your workforce about racism (but bear in mind that any training should focus on a number of these areas together, rather than simply focusing on one aspect):
Legal rights around protected characteristics. Understanding the protected characteristics and how to deal with behaviours in the workplace.
Unconscious bias. Training to help employees identify their unconscious biases, how to manage them and then move to conscious inclusion.
Privilege. Educate your people about privilege, how privilege works and how to use privilege for good.
Allyship. Understanding how to be an active ally and work to creating anti-racist workplaces.
Inclusive behaviours. Training employees on what inclusive behaviours are and then how to demonstrate them.
Training and education are an important part of each organisations journey towards becoming anti-racist.
R4 Drama the play is The Plague by Camus
He set in French Algerian city of Oran, in the 1940’s
but in this version that’s ambiguous.
The lead part is a male doctor
the R4 version has a Caribbean accented woman play that part
She keeps referring to “my wife”
This production is derived from the Arcola Theatre version
the same actress Sara Powell played the role there.
“2017: The Plague, a play adapted by Neil Bartlett
Bartlett substitutes a black woman for the male doctor, Rieux, and a black man for Tarrou”
A number of boxes ticked there, methinks.
“She is a Jamaican actress”
Thank you for clarifying that Stew, as I was confused as to the gender – at first glance I thought it was an Indian male with plenty of hair, then the brain kicked in and realised it was a female uniform, duh !
It does give one hope that the BBC has finally gone over the tipping point and that millions of Brits have finally realised that the corporation is actually a real menace to their own lives and to the country as a whole. Hopefully this will result in the eventual defunding of the BBC due to popular demand.
The BBC tried to write Jews out of history way back in 2003 ! See how the complaint against this was dealt with then.
By gum Pug, you’re on fire today. If you carry on like this I might cancel my subscription to the Sunday Times – you are a much better writer, more informative and more challenging that any of their guff. Thank you.
Info – yes I’d echo that – I like a bit of good joined up writing too. I try but once I get going me spelling let’s me down .
Have they done a government briefing to explain the latest changes , lockdowns , restrictions ..? Or can they not be bothered any more …?
What a difference a day makes.
This morning the BBC’s on-line news covered the Spain quarantine story and appeared to express sympathy with UK holidaymakers.
‘Travellers arriving in the UK from Spain must now quarantine for 14 days, under new coronavirus travel rules.’
‘Coronavirus: ‘Devastated’ travellers react to Spain quarantine rules’
Seems the BBC have since taken note of Spain’s reaction and of the Labour Party’s line on this. So the government is put on the back foot and has to defend its decision.
‘The faultering recovery of Spain’s vital tourist sector is likely to worsen after UK decision’
‘The foreign secretary has defended the “swift decision” to require travellers arriving in the UK from Spain to quarantine for 14 days.’
Exactly. Just came here to say similar.
Government act – BBC think it’s wrong
Government don’t act – BBC think that’s wrong
Like you say, the BBC are basically just the Labour party. No matter what the conservative party do , they MUST take the opposing view.
Even that slimy little toad Jon Ashworth knows full well he would have done exactly the same !!!!!
Yet AGAIN, completely out of touch with how the “normal” folk think.
I have no doubt that Tucker’s overview of the situation in the US right now is accurate –
Having watched this video, can anybody tell me, on Tucker’s assessment, that the US is not honestly finished as it stands right now?
The POTUS is literally, just one man. He cannot put a stop to the rapid decent into communism. It has infiltrated every part of US society. To the extent that it is already rife, it can only be by a civil war that it will be halted. I suspect that, (and I sincerely hope), there are many groups forming and/or already formed in the US, whose ultimate intention will be to stop the rot – quickly and decisively. I also suspect that when it, ‘kicks off’ DJT will sit back and watch the ‘right kind’ of violence. The ‘Pay-back’ will be really bloody.
Not on the beeb:
More peaceful demos by BLM / black supremacists armed to the teeth – but they’re so dumb they end up shooting each other by mistake.
The guy reporting seems heart-broken.
Don’t imagine the BBC are going ease up on their virulent campaigning to find Britain guilty of racism on all possible counts.
Do you sometimes question supposed victims of racism and their interpretation of events as being racist?
Do you think continuing and violent protests could be aggravating racial tensions?
Then you are racist and what you are doing is called racial gaslighting!
‘Racial gaslighting often comes about when a victim is led to doubt and question their own sense of reality with regard to racism, says Seattle University’s Angelique Davis, who’s carried out a lot of research on the subject.’
Trauma therapist Diana Anzaldua says: “One comment I hear often is ‘I don’t think that was racist,’ which again questions the victim, and also invalidates the victim. Both of these instances are a form of trauma”
‘Speaking on the Black Lives Matter protests, Diana says, “we’re hearing comments like, ‘if you protested more peacefully, more people would listen.’ This comment is essentially blaming the victim based on race.”‘
‘Filmmaker and art director Ezekixl Akinnewu remembers being racially gaslighted while working in the art sector and being “tone policed” by a colleague for his flamboyant personality and for being “too loud.”‘
‘”The environments have always varied, but one thing is for certain that as a black person your thoughts and feelings are rarely listened to or validated by your white counterparts,” adds Ica Headlam, founder of We Are Here Scotland.’
It’s relentless, of course, and the only way I see this stopping is if we all just admit we’re racist. We always were racist, we are racist now in everything we say, do and think. We always will be racist. We should shut up and just admit it all. Perhaps we should all just get on a boat and bugger off somewhere and leave them to it?
“Perhaps we should all just get on a boat and bugger off somewhere and leave them to it?
But where?
Isn’t that ‘white flight’, which is ‘racist’? (But if the ‘whites’ stayed where would the ‘blacks’ live?)
We do seem to be asked to believe that everywhere was ‘black’ and then an alien, homeless, species invaded, which must now be exterminated.
Listening to Radio 4’s Last Word tonight on John Lewis, it occurs to me that one can either fight one’s political opponents or one can persuade them that you are right. The second approach, (the ‘white one’ apparently!), might achieve one’s political goal, the other is just a fight to the death.
We have to bear in mind that the real political goal of some is death and destruction, they don’t want the poor to be richer or immigrants to integrate, they don’t see those as problems to be solved, rather as sores to exacerbate.
Just enjoyed on Radio 4 “mohamed and the markets”
Apparently if we followed islamic finance principals the world economic collapse would not be happening. That may or may not be the case, but I suspect our GDP level would be about the same as in 1400 to start with.
That sounds like a great name for an Indie crossover band.
@Pug or someone
“Yogita Limaye who produced a venomous attack on Churchill…jawdropping stuff that was topped off with her identifying personally with the story as she invoked
*‘our’ culture and society* …meaning Indian.”
Surely she didn’t say “our culture” like that ?
it doesn’t show up on a Twitter search
Make sure you wear your mask to stop getting the Chinese coronavirus.
mask packet pic says
“does not provide protection against Covid19”
Someone complaining about Netflix
‘My husband beat me for telling a doctor my name’ bbcNews
Don’t laugh. We’ll all be wearing this next winter.
Jez runs a tight division.
Countryfile itself
– Chichester Harbour
– Item about gene editing in agriculture
filled with organic farmers saying “yes but” *
– now terns
she just claimed rising seas are harming them
tosh cos UK sea level rise is negligible, coastal erosion is a different thing
– Now it’s Asian.. wildlife photography man
… Isn’t Patrick Holden a past President/founder of the Soil Association? If so, then not an independent voice.
Matt just claimed “Salt Marsh is being lost to rapidly rising sea level and land use”
.. this is their trick , wrap a climate claim along with a much stronger driver of change.
Matt “the fight against global warming”
‘salt marsh’ is a carbon sink
…yeh so is landfill rubbish dump.
Now saying seal numbers are rising there
They rose from 2 to 100
… ah they just pointed out that virus wiped out most UK harbour seals in 2002.
Bet they soon complain that local fish numbers are down
..and blame that on Global Warming, when actually all the fish are in the seals bellies.
Fame is fleeting. Didn’t get close to 15 minutes.
Have Jon and squad contacted Lewis Hamilton for analysis yet?
Channel 4 should be up for sale!
Asks Taxpayers Alliance. In a recent interview with the Sunday Telegraph, the chief executive of Channel 4, Alex Mahon revealed that the broadcaster won’t be seeking a taxpayer bailout despite the economic destruction inflicted by coronavirus. We very much welcome this news, but why on earth is the channel still taxpayer-owned in 2020?
The BLOG of the week explores and ask if Channels 4 can make do without Taxpayer support (it still is part publically funded and is effectively more independent than the BBC and yet does not need billions, as the BBC does each year, just to stay awake. So Good for Channel 4 for staying above the waterline…
Unlike the BBC, Channel 4 is exposed to commercial risk, as it doesn’t force millions of taxpayers to pay £157.50 each to keep the lights on. According to the most recent annual report, Channel 4’s finances are in good shape – they had a £5 million financial surplus in 2018 and cash reserves of £180 million. It’s admirable therefore that Ms Mahon has put it on the record that she won’t ask for public cash to keep the channel afloat.
Food for thought – if C4 can do it why not the BBC, downsize and rid itself of all those English ‘oldies’ it hates and get rid of all those ‘oldies’ radio stations and get down inner city – ‘wiv da kids’ on CBBC/LGTBXY with BBC rap musik? I am sure the ‘kidz’ can stash-the-cash towards the BBC on their next drugs run? Flick some cash at the BBC? I doubt it.. But its the only bit of the BBC that ‘worx’ (on radio, at least).
The BBC want billions just to stay afloat. Its about time it was reduced in size to reflect its hatred of the elderly UK population at large. Even at half the cost, its an expensive white elephant luxury that nobody in any other country has copied or wants.
If C4 can go private, why not the BBC? They both share the same ‘yoof’ market and both seem to read the same newspaper. (Both use the failing readership of The Guardian in most cases for MEDIA job employment). The Guardian – which is also is unique in that it relies heavily on the BBC revenue for its ‘exclusive’ and – elite- readership. A symbiosis of Marxism and Trotskyists looking for jobs is a circular argument that is all the more ridiculous when we end up paying for the Left wing causes and lefty Liberal intolerance. And for so long.
So Clear off Channel 4. BBC your next. We don’t want to continue to fund either of you in taxes or TV levy.
Rebecca Stott ..gave the 8:45am Point Of View
536 AD when the sun ‘disappeared’ and a devastating pandemic followed.
She started OK
explaining there was first a huge volcano explosion in Iceland
wiping out sun for a year
sometime later a smaller eruption
4 years later a plague wiping out a third of world population
Then she moves onto wishful thinking
“archaeologists will find that 2020 was the year of peak emissions”
FFS I don’t think so
.. most of the world is continuing build coal power plants, more people more petrol cars etc.
She was given the same slot in May 2019 as well
history novel “Author Teaches at University of East Anglia, Norwich. Feminist. Curious.”