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Weekend Thread 15 August 2020
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Twitter watch
Dawn Butler put out a tweet about the 75th anniversary of VJ – look – she typed it as VE75 and typed ‘solders ‘instead of ‘soldiers ‘.
There have been some pretty adverse comments as a result but I say – cut her some slack – she will never be the sharpest knife in the box and it’s surprising she is aware of any “V” at all.
And there’s only four letters between E and J eh ……same fing really innit .
ratioed 3.2K replies vs 1.7 Likes
Let’s find out her A Level results……………
Detailed report on Active Patiot’s work on the coast
Yesterday was apparantly Pakistan independence day, this of course not being Britain any longer a large scale gathering took place in Rusholme in Manchester requiring the Police to break it up, with the blacl flag of Islam apparantly being flown.
Even the local Muslim Labour MP has condemned it.
Seen it or heard about it on the BBC? Or maybe the rest of the scum media?
Thought not
“Seen it or heard about it on the BBC? Or maybe the rest of the scum media?”
Blimey, “hundreds!” of people; “shouting and beeping car horns!”
The gathering in Rusholme was illegal.
So Maxi’s scoffing is strange.
The Labour lot are usually screaming about Covid deaths being risked.
Hello maxi, long time no see. We thought that maybe you had succumbed to the Covid-19 virus. Glad to see you surviving but sorry to see you unreformed from your drive-by snipings.
Where’s that apology you owe me?
FFS. You again. Mr Cut and paste.
Serious point about non reporting of hundreds of feral muslims defying lockdown rules and engaging in a riot.
I’ve not seen any mention of it on the bbbc, have you?
Times journos acting like the trolls that work at the Guardian
.. Today’s 2 page spread on Covid situation featured a photo of Dominic Cummings and a quarter page titled
“Day Trip puts Barnard Castle on the tourist map”
The Times own tweet spells it “Bernard Castle”
pg12 has an NHS advert telling us to wear a mask
A good use of tax payer money cos we have never heard that.
\\ And as usual….people murdered by migrants in a park…it’s just price of diversity.
Relative trivia like this, and the BBC is all ears. //
Cyprus : British Army base : A black soldier found racist graffiti sprayed on his car at Dhekelia
..and one of the words has NGG in it
The article contains no info as to what might have provoked it
He could be the best guy ever, or could be a rapist for all we know.
See how this Guardian writer got 600 likes for his wisdom
This is Joe in 2010 “Lance Cpl Joe Glenton, who went AWOL, has been jailed for nine months at a military court in Colchester”
… I guess he has a chip on his soldier about the army now.
He seems to inhabit the Corbyn Momentum universe
“…A black soldier found racist graffiti sprayed on his car… The article contains no info as to what might have provoked it…”
Huh. Too difficult for you to work out that the only reason for “racist graffiti” is racism?
Too difficult for you to work out that ‘racism’ has become such a vague, esoteric term that it can literally mean anything to anyone. Without this context, the story has no weight except to professionally offended types such as yourself who just hate the West and will latch onto any excuse to put it and its people down.
By the way, what kind of sad troll posts at 2am on a site they clearly despise along with its other contributors? Or are you posting from overseas?
\\ the only reason for “racist graffiti” is racism //
… Nope, the graffiti wasn’t entirely racist, one word of it was, the word “idiot” could have been used
So that’s unlikely here that is was a purely racist outburst
..maybe it was a dispute over a woman or promotion or money etc.
I don’t doubt that it is likely that a racist sprayed that on the car.
The real points are:
1. It doesn’t mean that the whole of the British Army is racist; and
2. Why is such an insignificant incident such a big story for the bbbc when other more significant incidents which are closer to home and affect far more people are ignored?
BTW why would people rule out it being a Jessie Smollet situation ?
BBC ditches Kipling Poem
Kipling’s ‘Mandalay’ has been removed from BBC VJ day ‘commemorations’ at the behest of the singer Sir Willard White who has complained about the poem’s implications of ‘cultural superiority’. Apparently, though, he had no such problem with implications of ‘social superiority’ when accepting his knighthood.
All those Zimbabweans who have watched their country go from bread-basket to basket case after 40 years of black majority rule would not mind going back to some cultural superiority if it meant having food on the table.
But notwithstanding that, it’s worth repeating the comment of another writer that all those ‘poor vulnerable asylum seekers seeking refuge’, coming across the channel rarely do so from former British colonial countries.
We need to encourage and run a, ‘parallel Britain’ where all we want can be retained. Membership by invitation only. I’d bet that would grow rapidly.
Aren’t knighthoods cultural appropriation?
Is he just another white hating black who wants to be white and loves the benefits of white civilisation?
As a matter of interest, what has he ever done to benefit our country? You know, like spend thirty years as a plumber or electrician or brickie actually building something useful?
I can’t decide whether I just watched a VJ Day celebration or a documentary about diversity.
Telegraph says Public Health England is to be abolished next month to be replaced with something like
Public illhealth Englanistan
With the same cast of characters all giving differing scientific advice .
There will be a new strategy entitled “ making it up as we go along “
Such as picking a country at random and then putting anyone coming back from there legally in 14 days house arrest – but calling it ‘quarantine’
Criminals arriving in dinghies will – of course – be exempt from all laws and punishments ….
Didn’t watch much coverage but to be fair the great General Slim had mostly non-British troops under his command through Burma, including lots from India, thus for instance the Indian gentleman mentioned by Scrobs with Prince Charles was quite authentic.
Look, lets be honest, the greater majority of the past two generations of BAME’s have no concept about the second world war, when it started or finished, or who fought in it, or who even won ! Their existence here in the numbers we now see, began at the end of the war, and during the 50’s and 60’s when their grandparents arrived here. Few have interest in a conflict that hasn’t/didn’t affect them, unlike the indigenous population where every able bodied man/woman over a certain age was sent off to fight for their country. Ask any current BAME under the age of 50 what role their relatives played during the WW2 and see what answer you get.
So Dawn Butler not having a clue, doesn’t surprise me in the least.
I was going to tell a Covid19 joke but there’s a 98% chance you won’t get it…
So thoughts from across the pond this week
Scottish – an interesting one . Maybe the Trump tactic is to make Biden look like he is going to win – or at close run thing ‘ in order to get Trump voters to actually vote – if I recall the same tactic was used against Corbyn who at one stage was ‘neck a neck ‘ with Johnson – and a theme the Marxist MSM so happily embraced –
Until the exit poll came in and they caught up with reality .
Covid has deprived the MSM of a serious headscatch about how out of touch they are with real voting people – so covid has done those that will still have jobs at the end a favour – not including fireproof BBC types of course .
I avoid a lot of MSM and being English in England can’t get a ‘feel’ for the election –
I agree with you that Biden has been allowed to hide behind covid to mask is early dementia – but sooner or later he must surface – however much the msm collided with his campaign by not putting him under a serious spotlight .
If Mr Trump gets the job for a second term I think I will overdose on popcorn because of thr scores he will be settling . I’d love to see Obama being prosecuted …
The mail-in ballot is clearly being used as a way to rig the votes in the states that can’t be trusted (Pennsylvania, Michigan etc) and I’m keen to see the confrontation when the post office stops delivering mail in October and neither side is willing to concede because a bailout will be tied to regular voting which the democrats know they’d lose.
I’m on tenterhooks to see whether they allow the televised debates to occur, Biden is just about ok on a teleprompter or sticking to a script but when you seem him improvise, he clearly has dementia kicking in. The opposite is true for trump and his “because you’d be in jail” comment to Clinton last time arguably swung him the election.
It’s easy to be seen as a ‘baddy ‘ for accusing Biden of having dementia . But from my personal experience – his difficulty communicating and confusing just shouts ‘dementia ‘ – and stress makes it worse.
Is it a scheme to shoe in the VP as an unelected President – should Biden get through the Ballot – ? Or does their system allow for a straight replacement now – between August and the Vote ?
I saw thar POTUS has put an ally in charge of the US postal service and that the democrats are worried that their ‘cheat ‘ weapon might be rendered useless.
But how the American MSM can be so complicit in not demanding more from Biden is almost beyond belief . Look what happened with Boris Johnson refusing an Andrew Neill interview ?
Yet the democrats are getting away with not showing Biden . But as you say – sooner or later there has to be a viewing by the US electorate of both candidates .
Biden is the archetypal US political crook. If the US media wasn’t as crooked as he is he would be a laughing stock and being tried for massive corruption. If he ever has to debate openly and fairly with Trump he won’t last ten minutes.
Yesterday’s VJ Remembrance overtures were clearly not choreographed by the BBC – they were damn well told what to do, or else!
It was a moving ceremony, which brought Senora O’Blene and Scrobs to tears, and I still thank Mr Rushlow for showing the superb rendition of The Road to Mandalay.
Does anyone here know the title of the incredibly touching piece of music which was being played around the moment Prince Charles and the Asian gentlemen were placing their wreaths on the scrap of railway? It really struck a chord here, such that we had to stop watching for a few minutes, it was all so moving! There’s a few seconds of it on YouTube here…
About one minute in..
I’d like to thank the Military authorities, who had made their instructions to the BBC, that on this occasion, they’d better not bugger it all up.
Is it, ‘Saving Private Ryan’?
It’s so close, G, thank you, I’ll go through the YouTube of the John Williams pieces.
I think it also might be something by Karl Jenkins, but here is the link. The piece starts at 1hr:40min.
G is right, it’s ‘Hymn to the Fallen’ from Saving Private Ryan.
Thank you so much, Trick and G!
I’ve just taken a call from one of my oldest friends from way back, as his Dad was chucked into Changi jail. I wanted to tell him how I thought of him and how he was feeling.
Bloody Hell. Emotions are as high as a kite as we speak, and if I hear this music again soon, there’ll be no stopping the floodgates I can assure you.
Many thanks again, friends.
Looking out of the window this morning at the global warming I see a pigeon eating from the bird table in the garden, in the rain.
No doubt people in the UK have observed similar scenes at this time of year for hundreds of years, but it shouldn’t be possible as the BBC’s Springwatch and Gardeners’ Question Time are forever telling us that bird tables are toxic and that rain ‘washes away the nutrients’.
Usually I can recognise tongue in cheek…
Sunday morning.
Another BBC A level results whinge-athon about the ‘chaos’.
The ‘chaos’ if of course a political construct of the Left, and all those disgruntled students are cannon fodder for them.
No surprise of course that the BBC fall absolutely in line with that narrative. As mentioned before, their highly selective reporting is a disgrace.
For example, take the attached infographic.
Here are the recent % A plus A* scores
2017 26.2%
2018 26.2%
2019 25.2%. (mmm I admit a little uneasiness about all those .2s. But no matter)
2020 as issued 27.6%
You might conclude that the results are thus a little generous but basically in line with what might have been expected, and in no way justifies the sanctimonious furore.
But get this.
2020 if based solely on teacher assessment 37.7% !!!!!!!!
The teachers were hugely too generous, for a variety of reasons and so a dose of reality was required. The vast majority of whingeing students would clearly have never achieved the grades to which they think they are entitled.
It puts the whingeing in context, don’t you think ? Clearly too much for the BBC to handle though. Or rather, too inconvenient a truth for the BBC to handle.
Unfortunately yet again our spineless government has again chosen to lie down and take it even though it has robust data to justify the process and outcomes. Has every member of the cabinet been either castrated or sterilised?
Click to access A-level-infographic-2020-Version2.pdf
Get them young.
The BBC does like its ‘calls for’.
Wall to wall Surkeer soon?
Can I go back to 1978 please and have my A level biology and A level physics up graded a notch please ? Then I will study microbiology at Bedford college and become a world expert virologist and make the chinese virus ‘go away ‘.
Meanwhile – real world the government will be trying to stuff as many kids into university courses for the next 3 years to keep the unemployment numbers as low as possible . I fancy a media studies course where I can learn to find and use the TV remote for my licence free watching …..
As for university – I was of the view that it ‘coached ‘ students into being able to not take things at face value , to question , to enquire and form a personal view , but I get the impression that ‘higher ‘ education Has been badly infected with the woke virus which approves only one view .
I never studied for a PhD but I really feel I’m good enough to have one. Could one of our universities please give me a PhD.
In what subject, I don’t hear you ask? I’d like it in:
” Common Sense and Where Did it Go?”
I believe it was the Red Queen who told Alice “Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Well, let’s see if we can ingest half a dozen whoppers from the front pages of our Sunday papers? – just in jest, we’re not really so gullible.
Speaking of fantastical female fantacist royalty who has jumped through a looking glass into some wonderland of her own imagination there’s Meghan in the Sunday Mirror – there’s precious little self-reflection about this princess but our number one unbelievable item has to be: ‘$50m Megha bucks, film moghuls ready to offer Duchess huge movie fee’ – really, when was the last time anyone went to a cinema – or perhaps the question ought to be – when is anyone ever going to a movie theatre ever again?
Keeping it in that family, sadly the Sunday Express tries to kid us with the words of Prince Charles on VJ Day: ‘May the memory of their sacrifice and bravery remain with us always’ – who’s kidding who? – the kids of today can’t even take responsibility for their own poor exam results and would rather have their teacher award them an undeserved ‘A’ and blame the Tory minister.
The Observer hails ‘Top of the crops, rise of the female farmers’ – that claim has the faint whiff of manure about it.
With a quantity of fertilizer to rival the port of Beirut, The Telegraph promotes ‘Buckets and spades, in praise of the Great British seaside holiday’ – more like rowdy, boozy, ghetto-blasting, police-baiting, litter-festooned diverse beach battlegrounds.
The Daily Mail pulls out leg in honest old fashioned fashion: ‘There could be £50 cash inside this paper’
And that really was six impossible items – do you believe me?
AISI, I noted from a glance at the front pages that the Sunday Times appears to be suggesting a change in the narrative (facts? – what facts?) of the Ammonium Nitrate explosion in Beirut. Unfortunately, because the BBC are completely unable to take an in-focus scan or sharp camera image of the front pages of newspapers, I cannot read what it says.
It seems to be suggesting that the Ammonium Nitrate was on a ship in the docks, not sitting in a warehouse for years.
The BBC will be keen to investigate as a premier world-wide news organisation, will they not?
There’s a surprise. Not much else to do and a permanently Beirut-based correspondent in place and available. What’s that about ‘no resources’, DG?
” Listen up everybody I have a new directive for you.” I
had a message from Newswatch that this whitey racist had
sent an E Mail being sarcastic about our virtue signalling
pictures on our internet pages. From now on I want ONLY
ethnic pictures of students on the front page of our website.”
“BIG BROTHER has this anything to do with the BBC getting
rid of the racist intonation BRITISH in our corporation?”
Has the BBC assigned its Of Color Editorial Dept. to this yet?
Vogue is supposed to be a fashion magazine.
The article is not about fashion, it’s activism
So it looks like Vogue has been hijacked by entryism so activists can use its resources to push activism.
The vogue tweet is massively rationed 10 to 1
432 comments vs 46 likes
Given its core is bronzed rich vain strumpet cougars, as with the Tatler this might not last. Or end well.
Has anybody seen this?
Has anybody seen this?
No. Other than the person who wrote it.
Part of the BBC’s ongoing ‘Blatant Lies & Mendacity’ series (BLM).
So Vogue now favours segregation, South African style?
Lots of tinted windows in the car park ….
WE are heading into an apartheid state as fast as the BBC and the rest will manage to force it on us. May they rot in hell now for what they are doing.
If these blacks and paks persist in spreading apartheid in our country, and creating their own ghettos, there’s a plus side to this. It will make it easier to round them up and deport them, when a proper patriotic English party is voted in.
What did you all think of the VJ Day prog presented by Joanna Lumley? Too much background music for my liking, which made it difficult to hear all that those War Heroes had to say about the most inhumane treatment of people, military as well as civilians. Some more should have been said about the Navy and its mammoth effort to ensure the conveys kept flowing through those nearby seas, my late father-in-Law being one who served in one of the escorting ships. I have mentioned it once before but the utter brutality of the Japanese in its treatment of its prisoners and by one particular group worse then the Gestapo, if one can imagine it, destroyed any semblance of humanity-they along with the senior Japanese military as well as the Japanese Emperor who knew full what was going on, should have been charged and executed as were senior Nazi’s. So much to tell but for so long hidden away from public knowledge-it is said that Tokyo was in the firing line for an atomic bomb, would that have been worth doing? Difficult for that generation as well as the next which is m ine to forgive, maybe the great grandchildren will do so.
A couple of articles that may chime with some here.
Excellent piece by ED. Tx for the share.
It’s worth noting that the Australian article is accessible from their Twitter link. Direct internet access will meet with a paywall.
Two questions for Maxincony:
a) Do you only post here to defend the BBC?
b) Do you think the BBC is beyond criticism?
I tried – once – to engage with the troll but never got a response . I didnt expect one . I dont think it has the intellect to explain or defend his organisation from the daily examples of woke nonsense and marxist nonsense it pushes out .
I saw the post go up ladt night and thought about straight deletion but then again – i believe in Free speech and it does perform a function of showing the lack of depth the woke have .
Meanwhile – nicki morgan has leaked – that she is in the frame for next chairman – not the best sign since she is a traitor remainer.
Some unnamed techy is also mentioned – which would be better for those of us who want to destroy the BBC through privatisation/ subscription.
It will probably turn out to be nicholas clegg ….
Rich pickings though senior BBC positions are, Nick at FB and Peter Barron at google knew where the big bucks are.
Ironically two outfits not hot on free speech.
Leave Maxi up. It is a potent symbol of what the BBc stands for and appeals to.
I seem to recall Maxincony saying he was unconnected with the BBC or at least did not work for them.
I seem to recall Maxincony saying he was unconnected with the BBC or at least did not work for them.
I think the BBC word for this is Taquia, the principle allowing them to lie to non-Muslims and anyone who criticises the BBC and objects to paying the licence fee.
Think Stew (or someone) did a bit of a search and found that maxi is a ‘theatre person’. Might be a luvvie or could be a director or producer or – more likely – a front of house bod.
Maybe maxi is a cleaner? Whatever, working in a theatre or for a company or production, would explain his/her times of posting: into the pub after the show, off home after two or three hours, look at the posts on here (and elsewhere?) and fire off an alcohol fuelled Snipe rocket Mk 1.*
(* Techie note: The Mk1 maxi designed and fired Snipe has proved to be a failure. Despite the evidence, the user persists in using the design (shades of the Soviets, there) and thus there has never been a Mk.2 Snipe. This, despite the continued failures of the Mk.1)
“In this week’s episode, Douglas Murray reads his column on how if everything is racist, then nothing is; Reverend Steve Morris campaigns for the return of the British holiday camp; and Toby Young on his new dating website for lockdown sceptics.”
Oh I had missed that on Friday night David Vance had opened a Special thread here about him being defamed in The Nolan Show
Oh yes and I see the troll turned up in this thread with his/her ussual technique
without actually addressing the main arguments made.
The site is slowing up significantly since the problems last week. Getting access is interminable (but not for other sites on the net). I see that the last contribution is from SG at 1014. Even after refreshing. Surely not?
Yet the access / index page shows a number of contributions since 1014.
G, I didn’t have any problem signing in today (before 8 a.m.) although the whole interwebby seemed a bit slow to wake up to me but I suspect my ISP and my laptop for that.
Mid-week it can be a nightmare with those working from home quite rightly – they are the important ones, after all – jamming up the whole show.
I’d posted in the other thread at 12:08pm
Until we have people with military experience RUNNING the FCO, HO and MoD – by ‘running’ I mean those advising ministers and in essence devising and administering policy – we are in big trouble. (I would add the MoJ to that list also).
“Until we have people with military experience RUNNING the FCO, HO and MoD….”
Nicely brings us to a coup if I’m not mistaken………………
Roll on!
I’ll resurrect my old number and join in where I can. Preferably on ‘Lamppost duty’ toying with my rope……………….
G, the MoD is said to be stuffed full of the military, vastly over-manning it. Cannot remember if it was the response to 9/11 or the Bush/Blair inspired Gulf 2 but it was said at the time something like there were more top brass in Whitehall than in the whole of our active forces. Is that so or is that a myth?
Up2, But ‘boots on the ground’ – they’re short of about 12000 as I recall. The kids avoid anything with a whiff of hard work involved.
That’s right, G, too many pen pushers in Whitehall and not enough boots on the ground with the correct boots to wear in the terrain they are being asked to operate in.
The Permanent Secretary of the MoD is an ex media consultant, an ex Deutsche banker, and ex head of the European media team.
This will be the person largely responsible for the upcoming Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy.
On what planet is that sensible?
ti, I agree. Cummings to get him replaced pronto, please. There are plenty of military bods there to replace him.
Lurcher on Biden:
“He’s traditionally been a compelling public speaker, and Democrats will be hoping he can rise to the moment and put doubts about his endurance and ability to bed for good.”
Bit of an understatement, Lurcher: the man can hardly string a sentence together, and it’s only getting worse.
Ah, but the power behind the throne from day one would be………Camela (one hump) and all the rest of the more obvious communists.
Watch Trump speaking to the cops of NYPD and you can see why he is so in need of actually getting in front of an audience.He is that good On the subject of New York watch the footage of a deserted and boarded up 5th Avenue and a city being abandoned. We are being lied to on a massive scale now. The truth is that New York, Seattle, Chicago and Portland are all but finished. The US can dump a few cities it is that vast but not us sadly. The democrat run cities are a hellhole now. Sad but they asked for it.
Whenever I hear or read her name, I can’t help thinking of the Culture Club song, Karma Chameleon. And it starts ringing in my head as : Kamla Comedian’. I’m sure Tucker Carlson will understand if I have to mis-pronounce her first name to get it to fit the tune.
On BBC ‘Click’
Bojo has messed that up for the Met and other forces, then.
I watched on the Net somewhere, a Prof, singing the praises of ‘Ivermectin’ for the chinese virus. Got me interested. Search reveals lots of info on US sites but the UK……………….Dream on.
Been on NHS/Nice and only reference (from the latter) is for the drugs primary use. It’s been around a long time and out of patent so coppers to buy. I guess that’s the reason why, like hydroxychloroquine, the medical profession has lost interest. Money is more important, naturally.
Maybe but there is more to it than that and it is getting worrying.
Do you ever read something in the news and just think ‘you’ve got to be kidding”?
The leader of the Scots Tories has to choose between going to the Victory over Japan 75th anniversary ceremony – or being the ‘Linno’ for a football match .
And the politician chooses …..? Yes you guessed it . He’s going to give his fee to ‘help for heroes ‘ …. but at least his former political career can be replaced by full time running up and down a line with a flag and whistle ….
Like journos – never a shortage of politicians ..
I think the police need to review their recruitment processes.
What does gender critical mean in English?
Best I can assess, it means still calling a trowel a trowel and a pot a pot when prepping plants in the shed.
I would have attempted police-released anaologies involving truncheons but they seemed a bit too colourful. Or insufficiently so, these days.
Vaseline can create a nifty senior plodette of by-gumness hairdo effect.
i am told.
A man goes to work on Saturday …..
The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has apologised for missing a VJ Day event to work as a linesman at a football match.
Douglas Ross said he was wrong to officiate at the Scottish Premiership game rather than attend a two-minute silence in his Moray constituency.
His apology came after his absence was highlighted on the front page of the Sunday Mail.
It sparked criticism from opponents, including Labour MSP Neil Findlay.
He told the paper that the MP’s decision “shows his appalling judgement and, frankly, his arrogance too”.
Would his be front page news if Ross was not a Tory? Is Findlay full of sh**? Maybe Ross needed the pay which he has now been browbeaten into giving to charity.
Silly man. But, frankly, indicative of the nous of your above average politician in Scotland, if we are to assume the leader of the main opposition party should be above average. And not particularly encouraging with elections coming up next year which give the SNP readings in the current polls in excess of 50%. But then, when I call them an ‘opposition’ I am perhaps being unjustifiably generous.
However, in a competition between that story and this, which do readers think the BBC found to be the more important in Scotland?
If you said Douglas Ross, congratulations, you have won a case of Chief Mammy’s finest.

Actually, trick question. As far as I can tell the Sunday Post story has been completely ignored. Jings, crivvens and help ma Boab.
Now, note the impartial way in which the impartial BBC has decided to headline their article. “Skipped” the event. Not “missed”. I think we can guess the impartial view they impartially have of Mr Ross.
Lucky hospitals in England didn’t send infected old people untested to care homes isn’t it ? But as some here have said here ‘they were gonna die any way so whatever ‘ . ….
I wish these people would be more robust in defence of their decisions.
How about asking, for example, what do you want me to do, abandon a football match for the sake of two minutes? Especially if he could say ‘ I commemorated VJ day after the match had ended. Those who criticised me are like the Pharisees criticising our Lord, Jesus Christ, for ‘working on the Sabbath’.
And what was Jesus’ response? ‘ God made the Sabbath for man, not man for the Sabbath’.
Nisa – to me – doesn’t matter what shade of red the politician is – if judgement is that bad – get a more suitable job …. perhaps in the Dept Education …
Rod Liddle has written a piece in one of the Sunday’s about VJ75 and the woke view of dropping the bombs . I agree with his view but add that it’s a pity the bomb wasn’t ready earlier and would have saved a lot more lives of Allied forces across the Pacific .
I think I heard some bitter sounding Jap at the end of the BBC show Saturday night whining about ‘reconciliation ‘ or similar . There won’t be much conciliation via the millions they slaughtered in the name of their war criminal emperor.
Two years ago I went t the funeral of an officer who was in the far east. He told me once that at a briefing just before the bomb was dropped he was told to expect a minimum 50% killed in action rate if the allies had to invade the mainland. They all knew it he said and when the US dropped the bomb his men felt as if they had been given a new lease of life. That is the reality of the thing and to spin it any other way is absurd.
My abject apols if this has been already posted, but what a fabulous put down on a minor, uninteresting autocue reader…
…..and of course it is only the free publicity afforded by being on the BBC that companies such as Aston Martin pick people like her for their corporate video work.
With such moonlighting earnings potential and clear evidence that the working hours at the BBC are not ….errr….onerous one can see how ludicrously high if not immoral are their licence- payer funded autocutie ‘salaries’.
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah,-Yaxley Lennon -Aston Martin ….
I don’t wish her well at all.
R4 Avoiding straight white men
in the book show about P. D. James, Phyllis Dorothy James of Oxford
Presenter @johnypitts (Author of Afropean)
with writers Harriet Tyce (the one white voice)
.. Dreda Say Mitchell
Also on the programme, Akwaeke Emezi talks about The Death of Vivek Oji. Set in Nigeria,
.. Sathnam Sanghera chooses the Book He’d Never Lend.
The ‘outrage’ over the ‘unfair’ A level results (though absolutely no-one has defined the unfairness as compare with, say, previous years’ results) has transformed today into a demo in London ( not socially distanced, naturally) with students burning their results.
Is it just me, or have others noted that many of these ‘students’ look suspiciously like the same ‘outraged’ people on Corbynista demos, the Black Lives Matter demos earlier this year and the same ‘outraged’ people on the Extinction Rebellion demos last year?
Sluff, you might add the anti-Brexit demos, too, to that list. I saw one photo and was impressed how quickly this collection of unrelated schoolchildren and their parents had been able to go to a printer and get a run of identical protest posters printed onto card and then attached to lengths of 1×1½ timber.
Very impressive.
With that sort of industry, who needs exam results and a University degree?
I don’t think you will see this on Al Beeb unless they see it as a way to bring Priti and her government down?………………
Thank you . 7 and a half minutes of investigative journalism . Which was once upon a time the equivalence of a ‘world in action ‘/ panorama type ‘scandal’ type expose – but one …. sky sends an earl’s granddaughter to bob up and down in the channel waving at criminals in boats …..
And to go to witham – the defective home secretary’s constituency – was worth a bash . Patel got 66% of the vote last time – 32, 876 votes with labour getting 8794 -18% .
So maybe Patel is suffering from the arrogance of power – out of touch less than a year after getting re elected . ?
But I don’t think we should take the situation of filling up another hotel somewhere in the country as totally bad – I mean – it creates local jobs in the hotels – indeed – as uncontrolled illegal immigration continues it it going to be great for the construction industry as new hotels are demanded as the nations stock declines – also hotel chains can put up prices for ordinary punter taxpayers …
Even better – the WiFi net work will improve as all the criminal hotel dwellers demand unlimited data for their phones to get the rest of the families over .
More seriously – mr Farage is doing a national service shaming the MSM which is too busy grovelling to the coloured.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Only in Wales This is a sad story. Some clergy find funerals very difficult. If the suicides were church members and their surviving families are part of the regular congregation then that must have been even tougher.
The BBC are probably counting on readers of this web-page taking the BBC journalists word for it that “Parts of Ely are among the poorest 10% of areas in the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation.” except when I looked at the 2019 Report, Ely in Cardiff is not mentioned. Splott (John Humphrys’ birthplace) – the only place in the Capital – is mentioned but it has dropped out of the Top Ten. – see page 14. I wonder how Ely in Cardiff would compare with Newham or Tower Hamlets in London?
I know I have written about this before. But would somebody explain to me why the BBC website is showing nearly 100%
ethnic student s protesting about their exam results? I know
it’s virtue signalling . But what else is it?
Foscari… it’s called ‘Ethnic cleansing by exclusion’. The technique was used extensively by the Nazis: by showing your ‘preferred’ people you are simultaneously sending a message/threat against the people you do not want. The Nazis avoided showing Jews in everyday life; the BBC avoid showing White people, especially males.–aryan-race-german-girls.jpg
And yet he works with American Booty and Nick Bryant.
The Royle Family, Jim Royle used to call Anthony Lurkio.
Zurcher -> Lurcher -> Lurkio.
j-i-c, yeah but Lurkio is kinda funny in the Frankie Howerd way. Zurcher, from the clips I’ve seen on the BBC w-s and the items I’ve heard on R4 is not ‘funny Ha ha’ but rather more ‘funny peculiar’.
Many of my American friends say the same thing
BBC politics on the trawl.
Lewis is again ‘hearing things’.
And this is why he ‘hears’ things the bbc wants to hear.
Olivia got a call from Lewis yet?
Seems his type.
White supremacist MP joins in
Well she seems to want one ethnicity to succeed at the expense of another.
“On Countryfile tonight
– Adam is joined on the farm by electric car activist @bobbyllew Robert Lewellyn
to roadtest an electric tractor”
Adam “really important !
these solar panel on my barn roof produce 38,000 KW of power every year”
… no they don’t cos that is not a metric of power produced
Oh look now a tiny electric tractor.
Twice cost of a diesel.
They do love protesting, don’t they?
Of course they’d all have got straight A’s in a fair system and gone on to become doctors and engineers.
Monday is Africa night on the white-supremacist BBC4
All progs except the painting prog presented by the guy with the big Afro
are about Africans.
Toning R4 Pick of the week was done by a blacl Radio1Xtra DJ
so she kept referring to fellow black presenters.
Seems like Lurch and Jon have competition on the TDS.
Countryfile ‘investigating’ a post-lockdown surge of affluent Londoners and other city dwellers looking to change lifestyle and escape to the countryside.
Apparently, this desire has ALL been caused by Covid-19. . . Yeah, right.
Look out Graun…
Scottish Calvin put up the weekly sketch with a bit about Biden – and on musing why he is getting a free pass from the MSM got me to wondering . Obviously the BBC hates trump so loves anyone who isn’t trump . But Sky News ? sky News is owned by Comcast – the second largest media outfit in the world . .a
Comcast is owned – effectively – by a Democrat supporter, so the bias is wired into Sky News . I also wondered about the cost – because I got a figure in my head that because Sky news viewing figures are so low – it loses £600 million a year .
But looking at the turn over on Comcast and it’s overall profit – 600 million is small change ….. just a thought ….
Professional activist sends out APB to any disaffected to get in touch with a chance at being on the telly and, maybe, see their grades bumped by media pressure…
Niall seems different somehow.
In a dry summer, trees in London, especially those lining roads, tend to lose their leaves in August. Jeremy has spent too much time abroad at the Licence Fee taxpayers’ expense.
Countryfile starts
first shot of Fiona conforms to regulation , she’s got one over each shoulder.
When the guess the 3 objects section starts
Its the same shot, a black girl probably with 2 relatives spaced apart
Fiona’s picks from the crowd
#1 Sari woman on her left
#2 Black girl on her right
#3 Second sari woman on her left
#4 a white woman
Oh this is the opening shot

There’s the black family
They hadn’t yet positioned the sari women
Saw the end of the snooker a bit earlier. At the sudden appearance of one of the BBC’s presenters, a chap named Radzi Chinyanganya (and you can bet I had to copy/paste that), I thought I’d somehow tuned to High School Musical.
Never seen him before (seems he’s been around for a while, including Blue Peter), but despite apparently being 32, he wears his hair in a youthful, big, shaggy afro. Wearing a suit and bow-tie for the snooker final, he looked like an unwilling teenager dragged to a wedding.
These things just don’t look right. Have the BBC no sense of propriety? (OK, not a serious question.)
\\ Mar 2, 2018
Corbynista BBC Blue Peter presenter Radzi Chinyanganya uses #BBCQT to declare his support for Brexit and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn //
Other people commented on Aug 3