Whoopeee! I should be in the running for a podium place! [Edit: Yes!! Made it!]
Let me see … I think we need some laughter to lighten up the mood … here is an excellent item by the BBC – calm down, calm down! – “BBC” in this case stands for Bethany Baptist Church.
Here’s their take on how to meet up safely with all social distancing measures in place:
This clip has already racked up a very decent 260,000+ views. Come to think of it, when was the last time the biased BBC produced anything genuinely funny? Methinks we would have to go all the way back to the “Yes, (Prime) Minister” series!
RA, congrats on first – funny on BBC? – I’d recommend Last of the Summer Wine. Yes, Minister and Yes Prime Minister were both good examples of comedy; LotSW was record breaking.
Catchup links to previous thread
– part 3 started 1:30pm Tuesday
– part 2 started 6pm Monday
The last page has my 10:07 pm post about an amazing thing
The Anti-lockdown demo had a lot of people have Conspiracy Theory about being controlled by Psy-Ops
A thing which is people running with a narrative rather than having proof
HnHth Labour Activit fron group ACTUALLY USED psy-ops
The “planted Fascist flag to smear-label crowd” stunt.
The Twitter Europe editor then retweeted
His side job is psy-ops for the army !
Right Angle – congratulations – and thanks for the video clip – which is -to me – funny . Yet can you imagine the BBC meetings to discuss whether it passes the ‘offence ‘ criteria – ?
Bottom line – since it promotes `Christianity and the attendance at church – no way would that make it in any form . As for covid – what a subject so in need of comedy . And yes – I am aware of what it does to the people who get it and then numbers who have died – and died alone .
Dare to say “I don’t know”. My @RadioTimes plea to politicians to treat us like grown ups & put aside their oven-ready sound bites pic.twitter.com/gaz4cddKUJ
Guest – for someone with an ego the size of a house to have a go at the politicians he regularly abuses and mugs – is a bit rich . I got Fedup with those abusive elongated ‘some say’ questions which only encouraged politicians to deflect ‘ it has been said ‘ …..
He was one of the many reasons I gave up on the BBC .
The new DG Director General is due to give his well leaked speech on Thursday . With a bit of luck a civil war will break out within their BBC and result in a further exodus of ‘talent ‘(ha) to classic FM, Sky and Times Radio . ….
…. on thr subject of the new British TV Station- how many ex BBC journos would fit in with a neutral to Right editorial regime ?
In my view, the Exodus of talent(?) was a deliberate act to seed rival broadcasters with BBC groupthink. I detected a sudden change in the behaviour of Nick Ferrari when LBC took on a number of ex-BBC ‘stars’. It’s was like there was an invasion of a new leftist culture into LBC which left him out on a limb. His interchanges with Nigel Farage became very terse and formal. Maybe her feared the tin-tack for not showing leftist credentials?
I am reminded of the ‘Waldorf Salad’ episode of Fawlty Towers in which Basil slags of his wife’s favourite author, Harold Robbins, then finds that his American guest’s wife likes him too so tries a different pronunciation to try and make him into a different author.
“Nick Robinson? Oh you mean Nick Robinson, not the ‘gotcha’ Nick Robinson on the BBC!”
I have no idea who Clara Amfo is, but there again over the past few years I have known of fewer and fewer of the contestants. More evidence that the BBC is not for me.
I too have no idea who Clara Amfo is and I don’t know what Strictly Come Dancing is either, although I know I’d be agin’ it. But for some strange reason, I am reminded of the trivia and degeneracy of the Roman Emperor Caligula appointing his horse Incitatus as a consul.
In other news: Emperor Nero orders new fiddle in anticipation of ‘warm evening’ in Rome. (“That sounds a good idea” says Joe Biden, reading from a script printed in large letters. Okay, it’s actually an actor doing a voiceover, but he would do it himself if he could).
I used to enjoy Strictly to a degree, perhaps when it first started. But then the manipulators took hold. First the contestants were encouraged to perform ‘sexier’ dances, presumably to attract a younger audience. However they reached the point where you wouldn’t have watched with your mother or your children. The dresses got skimpier and shoddier and the music became aimed more at the 10 year old than the 50 year old. Then the contestants became unknown and the gayer the better. Older contestants were there for the comedy but sometimes surprised. Then we had contestants who had obviously danced in their youth and weren’t exactly beginners. Hello Darren Gough and Debbie McGee. We had the para-olympians and they were patronised. More recently Black Lives had mattered and had to be added to the judging panel as well as the professional troupe. Presumably there is only one black family producing dancers because they are sisters.
Oh and I nearly forgot. The BBC had to rig the voting because they didn’t like the way people at home voted.
I think that has covered it and explains why I have switched off on a Saturday night.
And now same-sex dancers apparently ????
Absolutely nothing al beeb does now surprises me whatsoever, it is completely out of control and as I said a week or so ago it appears that the lunatics (activists) are now running the asylum (W1A 1AA) ????
Every time something like the Rule, Britannia/Land of Hope and Glory fiasco happens, as did last week, I think that they just can’t behave more absurdly! But every time they manage to ????
They’re the Gerald Ratner’s of the broadcasting business ????
Definitely will not be watching Strictly Black Come Dancing-thought it had been loosing much of its original draw these past 2-3 years and now has sunk down to the lowest grovelling, sucking up to BLM.
Apart from the – in my opinion- superb show “Our Yorkshire Farm” and “The Yorkshire Vet” on channel 5 and some of the movies on the “Talking Pictures TV” channel I view almost no TV whatever.
I stopped viewing when the policy of day long kids TV (in the guise of grown up stuff of course) became fashionable. Even the news programs became a joke and as far as I can tell still are.
If only our TV could give us verifiable facts and not just the opinions of so called “experts,” or the reporter from wherever and
celebrities who, by and large,
are just trying to advance their political agenda. “Experts” also have political opinions which could very well impact on what we see and hear from the mass media. So personally I would much rather read a book by Tammy Bruce, listen to Katie Hopkins or grapple with Sudoku or classical guitar.
Since watching the BBC amounts to about 0.001% of any TV here, LR, I agree on the Sudoku subject, as Senora O’Blene just devours them!
While I love these puzzles too, I’ve gone back to the Telegraph Crosswords, and am trying to get my ‘R’ number (the average of answers I just can’t do), below 5 per puzzle, It’s a marvellous way to avoid all the trash on the box!
As for classical guitar, I’m with you there, but prefer Mark Knopfler! I’d love to meet Katie Hopkins too, she’s just gorgeous!
The new director general Tim Davie started his role yesterday, and has told staff that he wants the BBC to serve and represent every part of this country.
When he was given the role, he said that his top priorities will include negotiating with the government about the future of the licence fee.
Guest Who
Scrap Al Beeb, it’s had its chance to change under Lord Hall Hall and his
Board of directors. Slapping the telly tax on pensioners was the last straw . Let it fund it self by adverts or by ‘pay to watch’. Fans of Al Beeb can then view with heart’s content. Furthermore it should have the word “British” removed from its name.
Rule Britannia!
Agreed sir and the word BRITISH should be replaced by the word BOLSHEVIK. Let us not forget the fate of the Russian Royal Family at the hands of these,so called, do gooders. Let nobody imagine that just because the Communists now trade as Socialists that they have changed their agenda. Socialism is just Communism in slow mo.
Lord ‘Village’ Hall just lay there like a useless ornament while the whole of the BBC crowd walked all over him. He did absolutely nothing while being paid squillions of TV tax money, and they only have themselves to blame when they’re broken up and ‘sold’ off.
Unfortunately, I have some relations who are heavily into the BBBC, and they’re the sort of people I get away from as soon as I can.
Guest – I do recall that the drive to get the BBC out of London only meant they went to some other ‘metro’ type location which has a John Lewis and a good selection of coffee / sandwich shops …….but still in their kidult lefty anti British bubble ….
Cui bono? – no, not some U2 tribute band, it’s lawyer speak for who benefits?
Monetarily, today’s newspaper front pages tell us some big corporations are doing very nicely, thank you. The Telegraph has ‘Apple is worth more than entire FTSE100’, the FT suggests ‘Tesla taps into surging market value with plan to raise $5bn in share sale’ and the Express notes ‘Surge in home loans boosts UK fight back’ – interesting that the Express thinks having us even more indebted is a good thing, per se.
The Times hints at another lucrative government contract soon to be farmed out to some crony corporation with the handy corollary of internet censorship and control: ‘On line identity cards. No 10 is planning to create the online equivalent of ID cards…’ One expects this new card to cost us more than a passport.
Scots Nats are seemingly on the up and up, the FT warns ‘Mask off, Independence push renewed’
The Guardian alerts us to ‘Restrictions in Glasgow after rise in virus cases’ and cynically we note that’s just how the SNP like it.
Meanwhile the Mirror lauds ‘Olympic Nicola, to be in first strictly same-sex pair’ – it’s not what you think, although we do hear there has been a fair amount of under-the-kilt shenanigans within senior SNP ranks recently. In fact this is the potentially punch drunk female boxer Nicola Adams being pushed on us as a celeb by our ever health and safety conscious, child and vulnerable persons protection ever-loving BBC. Same-sex, we ask? Queer bono, I suppose. Anyway Tim Davie fixed it for her.
Appositely Allison Pearson in the Telegraph has ‘Dear Tim Davie, here’s what’s wrong with the BBC’ We refrain from reading the articles beyond the headlines here – so draw your own conclusions.
We heard how our corporations are doing well – so who is suffering or who pays – qui pecunia retribuit?
The Telegraph notices ‘Record number of young on benefits’ Following the much heralded return to school, the Mail observes of our kids ‘They’re back at work… Where’s the rest of UK?’
Some things never change. The Guardian further explores the damaged female celebrity psyche: ‘Ulrika Jonsson on sexism, scandal and her survival’
Anything for the chaps – apart from the Times with ‘Beer bellies leave men more at risk of cancer’ ?
Well, the Mirror asks ‘Why Ed Sheeran named his baby Antarctica’ – perhaps because the Brexit-hating, Corbyn-loving singer is a bit of a rich out-of-touch Suffolk-based former-Yorkshire twat?
Yesterday on a comments section of a different website, someone claimed their wife was working at the BBC (childrens programs) and commented that the organisation hasn’t taken one iota of notice of the current outpouring of disatisfaction against the BBC.
Nor did the letter from the new DG change anything or impact them in any way, they are carrying on as if nothing has happened.
An interesting insight which if true would mean the new DG has an impossible task to change anything and the first thing the drones at the corporation will notice about anything being wrong is when they lose their highly paid and safe jobs.
As the captain of the Titanic was rumoured to have said “where’s all this f****ng water coming from” !
Having worked for big organisations I ve seen how defensive and insular they become – particularly publicly funded. So much effort goes into attacking criticism that any thought that it may be right is lost . The bbc is well past that
Today ukpress gazette rambles on about the new TV service aimed at the right – but notes that ofcom requires ‘impartiality ‘ a word which is now redefined as ‘woke ‘.
I hope they get the station and battle with ofcom – which itself is due for a ‘reform ‘.
I worked for a civil service department once. The guy at the top got roasted by a parliamentary committee and he realised that he had been deceived by his staff, they had told him want they thought he would want to hear, not the truth. He demanded that things change.
A national newspaper picked up on this but left out the top guy’s name, (who outside the department would know it?). Our ever-alert PR team then wrote an article for our external house journal dismissing the newspaper article as being untrue.
So the boss said ‘stop telling lies’, the newspaper said ‘civil servants tell lies’ and the house PR said ‘civil servants don’t tell lies’, effectively working against the change that the top guy was trying to make.
As I see it
Thank you for a proper public service . I think I just became a Chris rock fan – I hope Dawn tinted windows Butler MP has seen that … but she’d see it as whitee oppression ….
Some really touching scenes on the BBC news this morning as children return to school.
There they all were, obediently walking from the bus, satchels, pencils, packed lunch… masks, anti-viral wipes and hand sanitisers. Oh, what a heart warming display…so natural…
They were ushered into the playground, keeping the regulated two metres apart and although they were out in the lovely fresh September sunshine the muzzles remained in place. You can’t be too careful, after all… Later they would be put into their various “bubbles”. How charming!
The headmaster explained some of the rules. There are lots!
The kids have to keep their distance at all times, wear their masks, possibly visors and follow regulated routes through the schools. They’re put into selected bubbles, remain in their bubbles at all times and don’t mix with other bubbles.
I reckon playtime is going to be a real hoot!
The young folk were all compliant. They were like pint sized automatons. It reminded me of some creepy, dystopian 1960s sci-fi film, The Day of the Living Dead, or something similar. The BBC journo simply loved it. Why wasn’t I surprised?
I tell you what, North Korea have got nothing on us these days. We’re becoming a nation of obedient, faceless robots…
Two words Jeff: Health Dictatorship. 193 nations were put into lockdown in March 2020-that was the start or is the start of a criminal act being played out by the governments of those nations. A farce as shown here: According to a Daily Mail report (August 14) the British authorities have been involved in the practice of “double-counting” the official RT-PCR test results. It is presented as an unfortunate error or mistake:
“Ministers have quietly wiped 1.3million Covid-19 swabs off the official testing count, it emerged today.
Number 10 has repeatedly boasted about the number of tests it is capable of doing – with capacity now reportedly at around 340,000 per day.
But the government has now admitted, a staggering one in 10 coronavirus tests were counted twice.
“And today it emerged 1.3 million counted (RT-PCR) tests have been removed from the official government total because they were counted twice.
Probably know that Deloitte Touche, a Giant Accounting firm has been put in charge of coordinating the tests in the UK, with a view to inflating the numbers. What do they know about testing?
The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England acknowledged (May 21) that, they were involved in double-counting.
“This inflates the daily reported diagnostic test numbers by over 20 per cent, with that proportion being much higher earlier on in the crisis before home test kits were added to the daily totals.”
They acknowledged the fraud back in May. But nothing was done to rectify the double counting UNTIL August 14.
This is not a “mistake” or “incompetence”. It is a deliberate intent to falsify the data and inflate the number of positive cases with a view to sustaining the corona fear campaign.
Bear in mind that the “double counting” numbers were used by the Boris Johnson government to maintain the lockdown, and delay the reopening of the British economy-further justification for enforcing control on the public, all part of the wider plan for a World Government. Next we will have Marshall Law imposed on us to cement in our minds that we have to obey or else-shades of Communism I fear?
Not great if someone in your bubble is bullying you… and no escape, even at playtime… from the bubble bully. Hope teachers are watching for this. Seriously.
I disagree – impose discipline as early as possible and use force – once they are housetrained give a bit of a lead . Otherwise take their fingerprints at 5 years old to make it easier when they hit 10 .
And just think – I was a school governor – and sat through tedious discipline hearings for the darlings ….
TWoT Watch #1 and TOADY Watch #1 combined – what’s in a name?
I listened to the whole of The World Tonight yesterday. It was notable that Jacob Blake was given the B _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ _ treatment by the Racist BBC. Jacob Blake was only mentioned by Ritula Shah as ‘black’ and ‘a man’.
I think there may have been complaints to the BBC.
This morning on TOADY, it was noticeable that the important feature of Jacob Blake remained his blackness and maleness, but at least he did get a mention by name, usually tagged on at the end. The was no news from the Racist BBC as to whether Jacob Blake would be able to walk again, whether he would be able to be well enough to leave hospital soon and return home.
G, guy on TOADY this a.m. from, I think, Kenosha or at least Wisconsin State said this is Day 10 since the incident, the Police Dept. in Kenosha have another 20 days – if needed – to reveal the results of their investigation into the Jacob Blake shooting. I suspect it will be pretty much as stated in the video you posted.
I wonder if the BBC will then apologise for their erroneous coverage?
I don’t suppose the racist far-left bbc mentioned that there was a warrant out for his arrest at the time he was resisting arrest, that he told the police he had a knife ( which was found in his car and which he appears to be reaching for when he was shot) or that he’s a convicted rapist?
Meanwhile saw a page capture (can’t seem to get them to work on forums) of a BBC ‘top story’ this morning.
‘How one man’s death reverberated round the world’
How the death of one less than inspirational individual was spun up by ideological global media goons at the expense of actual news, and professional integrity.
Meanwhile, in Melbourne… Pregnant mum arrested in front of her children & all her devices/computers seized because of a Facebook post about a proposed lockdown protest.. pic.twitter.com/CuFyQzwxHp
Not yet John in Cheshire, but our Government will impose such measures they think necessary to restrict any critiicism of their polices for lockdowns or the imposition of curtailing our freedoms for any reason that, had been fought for for so long. Covid 19 was mana from heaven for them, to institute what has been their target of a world controlling force. Nasty but true.
In the vernacular, in Hebrew, Manna means ‘ what is it?’.
Quite funny but then if my meal suddenly came down from the sky, I’d probably say the same.
And it calls to mind an old joke about a young girl on her wedding day. Her friends are telling later she’ll get what’s what.
Later in bed with her husband, his pyjamas open, she looks down and asks,’ what’s that?’
He husband replies, ‘what’s what?’
And she exclaims, ‘ oh, you had it all the time’.
Boom, Boom!
There seems to be a campaign to break the spirit of the Anglo Saxon nations. Starting with NZ and Australia. Easy targets I suppose. But like you I find the behaviour of the police in Victoria disturiung.
There seems to be a campaign to break the spirit of the Anglo Saxon nations. Starting with NZ and Australia. Easy targets I suppose. But like you I find the behaviour of the police in Victoria disturiung.
Can’t beat freedom speech – incitement to protest – Aussie plod lost the plot and hand cuffed her . Maybe they’ll order her baby to be aborted too …..bang goes policing by consent ….
Parliament is back and the buffoon PM will be blustering his way through PMQs _ complete with the secret ear piece .
there is an urgent question about new arrivals as they happily cross the English Channel …… wait for the dishonest deflection onto the party opposite ‘……
Mr Davie….throw your speech away and announce this
1) bBC will re-instate free licences for over 75,s
2) Introduce an immediate programme to reduce the “talent”bill by 50%
3) No redundancy package to exceed £50k
4) A re-run of The “Plank” to be included in all children,s programmes
5) A temporary closure of R4 To-day and Newsnight further to re-organisation
6) the closure of bBC regional web-sites to facilitate local news reporting outwith your remit.
7) Issue an agreement to de-criminalise licence fee choice.
With the Tour de France starting this week – the BBC have of course used the licence fee to produce a feature article telling us how racist cycling is: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cycling/53663002
When is this joke of a national broadcaster going to be defunded and dismantled? It is a full on campaigning organisation presenting narratives to push agendas.
Over the past few weeks the BBC have played the race card over and over again to condemn science as racist, to condemn motor sport as racist, to condemn the British police as racist, to condemn British National Anthems as racist, to condemn Winston Churchill as racist, to condemn British and Western culture as racist, to condemn the indigenous British people as racist. It never stops.
The commentary on the tour is great (not bbc) though the race a bit dull apparently. I really enjoy the commentators – knowledgable and, dare I say it, fun 🙂
It could be that he’s not that good an actor.
Also, in my opinion, his character in the Star Wars story and films is anomalous; pandering to tokenism; and ruining my enjoyment. Of course, the storyline of the film I watched was just a rehash of one of the original films.
To paraphrase Ricky Gervais, he should just take the money, say thank you and eff off.
This is a national tragedy. I almost think I can hear the sound of a tiny violin playing in the distance. Damn those Disney raycis who were cruel enough to make him a multi millionaire.
Olympic boxer Nicola Adams will make #Strictly Come Dancing history by becoming the first contestant to be part of a same-sex pairing. https://t.co/MNP7EqT2sd
Well, thats already 3 on the Strictly show for BLM. I wonder if the obese Obuse judge will have slimmed down for the new season – she filled the screen last year. And there’s me thinking professional dancers were as slim as reeds. 😉
Big food for thought gentle subcribers:
The World Economic Forum – that elite group of businessmen, politicians and academics that meets in Davos, Switzerland, every January – announced in June that the Great Reset would be the theme of its 2021 Summit. Klaus Schwab, founder of the Forum, admonished:
The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.
No country will be allowed to opt out because it would be endangering the rest, just as no person will be allowed to escape the COVID-19 vaccine for the same reason.
Who is behind the Great Reset and what it really entails are major questions that need their own article, but suffice it to say here that to escape the trap of the globalist agenda, we need a mass awakening to what is really going on and collective resistance to it while there is still time. There are hopeful signs that this is happening, including massive protests against economic shutdowns and restrictions, particularly in Europe; a rash of lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the lockdowns and of police power overreach; and a flood of alternative media exposés despite widespread censorship.
Life as we know it will change. We need to ensure that it changes in ways that serve the people and the productive economy, while preserving our national sovereignty and hard-won personal freedoms.
Anna Brees and the anti-Mask crowd have taken to labelling BBC-Trending as a disinformation Unit
which it is , by the way it hypes some things, whilst hiding others
So Mike Wendling who shouts “far right” every 5 minutes got triggered.
So this is what the boss of the Disinformation Unit spends his time on… worrying about former colleagues speaking the truth? Fascinating! Looks like the narrative is getting more and more difficult to hold together…
The tweet Anna was calling drivel is this one from Shayan Sardarizadeh @Shayan86
“Journalist covering online disinformation and conspiracy theories for @BBCMonitoring @BBCWorldService”
David Icke believes he's the son of God and the world is run by an inter-dimensional race of shape-shifting lizards called Archons. Piers Corbyn believes Covid-19 is caused by radiation from 5G masts and there's a secret plan to microchip people with vaccines. https://t.co/QQW8J85PzM
4:30pm Radio4 Mark Thompson NYT special
“Under the leadership of Mark Thompson, the fortunes of The New York Times have been transformed.
… In this extended interview as he steps down as CEO, Mark Thompson discusses his strategy for the newspaper, reveals how he dealt with the tech giants, and gives his views on the future of the BBC and Channel 4.”
The PM was asked about the BBC licence …. and said that the Culture Secretary is to make an announcement – I don’t think they’ll go straight to decriminalising – they are red Tories so still support the existence of the BBC – despite the 80 majority …
Sometimes the way the PM bumbles on he sounds like that lefty ‘comedian ‘ Chap who wears a Dress and make up doing some weird ‘stream of consciousness ‘.
Generally the very red opposition wants furlough extended for ever and ever .
Labour are not bothered if the economy goes belly-up as it usually ends up that way, after they have been in power for a year or two. As long as they have their fingers in the till, they’re happy bunnies.
As right-wing groups increasingly move to confront protesters in U.S. cities, demonstrators are assessing how to keep themselves safe https://t.co/g8jeTXjtTG
Exactly my thoughts when i saw the BBC headline … they love a perceived Government U Turn ….. what do they expect if the situation changes ?????????????????
Covid situation changes – Gov makes new decisions based on this.
Dave – forgive me but I had to google gaslighting and the meaning seems to be –
‘manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.‘
Is that what you meant ? I see this government as too inept to manipulate me – so maybe it’s very good at it ?
Obviously the medics have done a great job – using that definition because day after day of propaganda has frightened the population into permanent bunker mentality leading to our current state – and then add the face mask fetish …..
SOMETHING IN THE HAIR: In tonight’s “Americast”, Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel explore the influence of presidential hairstyles on major events in American history. Jon tells us how Andrew Jackson’s refusal to consider a short-back-and-sides helped him to pay off the national debt in 1835, while Emily unveils the story of the centre parting briefly worn by Ulysses S. Grant, which led to a row with a woman who might have been his cleaner but probably wasn’t. In a sensational climax, the BBC’s two most experienced foreign affairs analysts overhear gossip at a media “do” in Washington that proves Donald Trump’s quiff conceals a miniature green alien whose job is to send coded messages to Moscow.
Maybe they could discuss why it’s ok for Nancy Pelosi to go for a haircut, without wearing a mask, in San Francisco where all the hairdressers are closed because of the virus scan but where the rules demand masks to be worn at all times inside public places.
Mrs Pelosi is a most vile creature, even among the vilest of the vile, such as Chucky Shumer, little Adam Shit, the occasional cortex ethnic woman and Jerry, Antifa is a myth, Nadler.
Damn! Am I really missing these gems because I don’t have a tv licence? Always the way? When there’s an enthralling prog. on such as this, that’s when you miss the licence……………..
Remember Jon …. you are Impartial !!! Right !!! Like hell !!
Unprofessional for this Doctor to have a opinion apparently ? But, that because its about Biden !! Now of course, we all know full well , any other Doctor had a opinion of the health of Trump and Jon takes it as gospel truth and its never Unprofessional then is it Jon !!! You little sh*t !!
On professional level, seems likely. On political level, Trump’s opposition long since crossed the line of having medical professionals judge his cognitive ability, even whether he suffers psychological disorders. Par for the grim course, now.
Didn’t seem to restrict or alter Treason May’s signing the UN Migration Compact in between whiles. Simple fact is, they don’t give a flying f*** about the public or their opinions.
So while Labour lose elections, they still get their way on immigration policy.
And while the electorate believed Mr Johnson’s election rhetoric, it seems it was a con. Even immigration officials now feel abandoned! What a shame ????https://t.co/rICxzXkR8O
Sadly all the Conservative party is good for is giving us Brexit ( HOPEFULLY) and that probably won’t make much difference, at least short term.
I just want it to spite the remoaners!
This is why completely empty words about stopping the rubber boats and sending these parasites back leaves the voter in no doubt that there will be concessions to the EU over Brexit. I expect the Remainer, Johnson will continue to allow the fishing ‘free-for-all’ to continue and the EU Courts to preside one way or another.
Thing is these people (including the current crop of ‘red’ conservatives) cannot survive without some form extraneous legal jurisdiction applying to the UK to legitimise their weak and incapable management.
IOur leaders have for decades treated us with disdain, just like the BBC has. But there is a possibility that by a mass refusal to pay the License Fee the BBC can , to use the Noble Lord’s phrase about Brexiteers, be brought to heel or better still abolished and obliterated.
If middle England can achieve this with zero government inputs, why can’t we move on to other things . Statue toppling , burning and looting may be all that BLM can manage but we have a much more potent weapon , money! We fund just about everything in this country despite us , middle England , disagreeing with large chunks of it. So if we can by mass action defund the BBC what else can we target so that we get our way?
Sky and BT’s and sporting bodies like the EPL or the EWCB , support of BLM would be one. The fool at the British library another. Let’s turn the tactics of the Woke back on them, we outnumber them many times over , so let us first defund the BBC and then turn our fire on other pieces of obnoxious Wokery. The government will soon follow our lead and dance to our tune.
Remember the last Euro elections we scared the shit out of the Tories and got our way, hopefully, on Brexit. Let’s get our way on other important issues. We own this country and we pay for this country , we want things the way we want them not the way some Woke idiot does.
There is no doubt in my mind that the UK MSM is being controlled from a central place, although what or who that central place is, is not clear.
Far too many obscure things used or reported by the MSM as a whole have happened to believe otherwise. We are living in a new dark age where there is little or no real press freedom and they only now report what they are told / allowed to report.
Have any of you BBC watchers heard any good news about Fisheries?
Fisheries Bill was voted through Parliament last evening. We are getting UK waters and fish back, rebuilding coastal communities ???????????? …. anyone heard about it on MSM ?
Yes there was a strange change on BBC local news at 8am this morning
Instead of reading a sneering line about government policy and then over to a Labour voice to stick the boot in.
Both local stations opened with ‘Our local Tory MP said this in parliament yesterday
.. and then a clip was played”
Hull one was about fishing rights.
Lincolnshire one was Sir Edward Leigh.
I’ll believe it only when the Government pull the three new RN Patrol vessels back from their ‘duties’ in the Med, to patrol the seas around the UK and in particular, the North Sea to keep foreigners out.
Fact CHECKING can equal Fact SPINNING
On TalkRadio .. Fullfact say they’ve debunked a claim
No, they’ve chiselled at rhetorical numbers & language
Really the gov is funding HOTELS for thousands of
illegal migrants
whilst thousands of veterans are HOMELESS
sleeping on streets/couches not hotels
Just cos some people over-claim
by saying ALL asylum seekers are illegal
& that ALL those housed are in hotels
& that homeless veteran = “sleeping on the streets”
Ha by the way that FF line
\\ The number of people seeking asylum staying temporarily in
“contingency accommodation”, which can include hotels, is closer to 1,000. //
Seems untrue cos we know loads of hotels seem to have 100 each
Their guy on the radio gave the figure as 4,000
I’ve been made redundant due to my employer’s business failing. 13 of us have been let go because they’ve been running at a loss since March. We cleared out the office & handed keys over. It’s closed down now. I couldn’t help having a good cry. I’m not sure what I’ll do for income now.
Perhaps I could go down the coast & pick up an abandoned dinghy.
Lucy – sorry to hear that and i hope you and those you worked with recover quickly . I know the feeling and for me the first time the worst – perhaps having done something i liked doing for a longish period of time . And then one finds out how hard the world can be . Regrets again on behalf of this site
Lucy given your intelligence, insights and personality you display here I’ve no doubt you will benefit any business that fits your experience. Any manager worth his salt will recognise this.
Sorry yo hear that. Was the business sound before lockdown? This is going to be the key question from now on and one that the fool Johnson is going to have to answer.
Some illegals who were on the run after landing on a beach undetected by our so called Border Force.
I followed them until the police & Immigration officials arrived. This just shows you how dire the situation is when members of the public have to chase them pic.twitter.com/Xz1tHTzQQ2
Lucy Pevensey
Useless plod – yes sir, pleases sir, three bags full sir. I’ll get you a taxi to a four star hotel sir.” They are encouraging more criminals to come here .
Get the Royal Marines out Boris or your a failure .
If the Border Taxi Force are in doubt that there is a lot of money behind this invasion, they need to look at all the boats and equipment these illegals are just abandoning once they land in our country.
In one of Active Patriot’s videos, he filmed some sort of compound where literally dozens, if not hundreds of the rubber boots are being stored, theoretically as evidence pending legal proceedings.
And no one is investigating the real criminals; those who are funding, planning and organising these invader flotillas.
Thank you – worth the listen and its good to hear that Mr Fox declines the TV licence .
As for proms changes . Last week the former DG said that the decision to change things had been approved by both himself and tim davie . Presumably one or both of them is a plain liar – which must be a BBC management reauirement
Here is a story about the Last Night of the Proms from the Daily Mail, however this post is not about that. Within the article is a video clip of Parliament and the bottler answering questions one which is particularly well phrased asks him directly about the future of the licence fee.
The bottlers response is interesting, because he evades the question, saying the minister for culture media and sport is preparing a roadmap for REFORM of the BBC, indicating the bottler has little intention of changing the TV tax from its present format.
In law, you cannot force a person to do a behaviour, something they do not want to that would be against their human rights and a moral choice. You can make a law to require a person to do something as a consequence of something else. Drive a car, pass a test. Receive a State pension, pay NIC. Watch live broadcast TV, pay a tax.
There will be a lot of people claiming exemption; religious groups, blind people, those with certain ‘conditions’, etc., if they do try to add it to Council Tax.
It’s at the top of the page, Fed. 😉 Just bought Last of the Summer Wine, 🙂 , s/h of course – hate to think of the Beeb profiting from their theft of taxpayer-owned programmes.
LotSW is pretty blokey as well, if you ignore Nora Batty’s wrinkled stockings.
Roger Mosey, former Head of BBC Television News, admits staff are biased metropolitan, remainer liberals…
“The particular problem for the BBC is that many of its staff’s Twitter feeds reveal the metropolitan, Remainer, liberal bias that its critics have always suspected; and there is a battle ahead too to counter that perception about the mainstream output. It is fine for the BBC to be a liberal organisation internally, and it still needs to do more to increase the diversity of its staff. But it is not acceptable for the BBC on air to morph into a news organisation like America’s MSNBC, which is open about its left-of-centre position.”
Mosey uses weazel words ‘ counter the perception of liberal bias ‘ not the reality .
As ive said – the new DG wants to stop us getting evidence of bias through thd likes of twitter . The poison will still be there – and with a bit of luck will kill the BBC
On the bBBC red button thingey..
Re: the Last Night of the Proms.
LoHaG and RB, a “..’select’ group of singers will now perform the songs..”
Why do I get the feeling it’s going to be a gospel choir, or an LGBT XYZ group from Brighton?
6:08pm ITV local news
“100 days since the death of George Floyd”
Live coverage of taking the knee in Sheffield
.. then prerecord in Hull
back to Kevin Hylton in Sheffield”
“My children should be safe to go anywhere”
finished at 6:15pm
Report came directly after the case of white guy where 2 drugged up apparent gypsy teenagers had cut his head off
The Government may not have the guts to take on the BBC but millions of Brits do. Mass action of refusal to pay the License Fee will bring the corporation to its knees in months. We don’t need the government we can do it ourselves.
JohnCMar 9, 04:16 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Migrant deported in chains’ ‘Indian deportee tells BBC abou thsi risky journey and how Trump’s tactics are spreading fear’. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2gjjrzm54o…
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 That’s because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
Whoopeee! I should be in the running for a podium place! [Edit: Yes!! Made it!]
Let me see … I think we need some laughter to lighten up the mood … here is an excellent item by the BBC – calm down, calm down! – “BBC” in this case stands for Bethany Baptist Church.
Here’s their take on how to meet up safely with all social distancing measures in place:
This clip has already racked up a very decent 260,000+ views. Come to think of it, when was the last time the biased BBC produced anything genuinely funny? Methinks we would have to go all the way back to the “Yes, (Prime) Minister” series!
This is one of the funniest videos I’ve seen in a long time.
Well done BBC. Obviously not the racist far-left bbc.
RA, congrats on first – funny on BBC? – I’d recommend Last of the Summer Wine. Yes, Minister and Yes Prime Minister were both good examples of comedy; LotSW was record breaking.
Catchup links to previous thread
– part 3 started 1:30pm Tuesday
– part 2 started 6pm Monday
The last page has my 10:07 pm post about an amazing thing
The Anti-lockdown demo had a lot of people have Conspiracy Theory about being controlled by Psy-Ops
A thing which is people running with a narrative rather than having proof
HnHth Labour Activit fron group ACTUALLY USED psy-ops
The “planted Fascist flag to smear-label crowd” stunt.
The Twitter Europe editor then retweeted
His side job is psy-ops for the army !
Thank you for the Bethany Baptist video. I’ve been looking for a local baptist church-this seems right up my street. God works in mysterious ways.
Right Angle – congratulations – and thanks for the video clip – which is -to me – funny . Yet can you imagine the BBC meetings to discuss whether it passes the ‘offence ‘ criteria – ?
Bottom line – since it promotes `Christianity and the attendance at church – no way would that make it in any form . As for covid – what a subject so in need of comedy . And yes – I am aware of what it does to the people who get it and then numbers who have died – and died alone .
He really is the knob’s knob.
Guest – for someone with an ego the size of a house to have a go at the politicians he regularly abuses and mugs – is a bit rich . I got Fedup with those abusive elongated ‘some say’ questions which only encouraged politicians to deflect ‘ it has been said ‘ …..
He was one of the many reasons I gave up on the BBC .
The new DG Director General is due to give his well leaked speech on Thursday . With a bit of luck a civil war will break out within their BBC and result in a further exodus of ‘talent ‘(ha) to classic FM, Sky and Times Radio . ….
…. on thr subject of the new British TV Station- how many ex BBC journos would fit in with a neutral to Right editorial regime ?
In my view, the Exodus of talent(?) was a deliberate act to seed rival broadcasters with BBC groupthink. I detected a sudden change in the behaviour of Nick Ferrari when LBC took on a number of ex-BBC ‘stars’. It’s was like there was an invasion of a new leftist culture into LBC which left him out on a limb. His interchanges with Nigel Farage became very terse and formal. Maybe her feared the tin-tack for not showing leftist credentials?
I am reminded of the ‘Waldorf Salad’ episode of Fawlty Towers in which Basil slags of his wife’s favourite author, Harold Robbins, then finds that his American guest’s wife likes him too so tries a different pronunciation to try and make him into a different author.
“Nick Robinson? Oh you mean Nick Robinson, not the ‘gotcha’ Nick Robinson on the BBC!”
The one following looks promising.
Hope the rest of the contestants are happy with format changes.
I have no idea who Clara Amfo is, but there again over the past few years I have known of fewer and fewer of the contestants. More evidence that the BBC is not for me.
I too have no idea who Clara Amfo is and I don’t know what Strictly Come Dancing is either, although I know I’d be agin’ it. But for some strange reason, I am reminded of the trivia and degeneracy of the Roman Emperor Caligula appointing his horse Incitatus as a consul.
In other news: Emperor Nero orders new fiddle in anticipation of ‘warm evening’ in Rome. (“That sounds a good idea” says Joe Biden, reading from a script printed in large letters. Okay, it’s actually an actor doing a voiceover, but he would do it himself if he could).
I used to enjoy Strictly to a degree, perhaps when it first started. But then the manipulators took hold. First the contestants were encouraged to perform ‘sexier’ dances, presumably to attract a younger audience. However they reached the point where you wouldn’t have watched with your mother or your children. The dresses got skimpier and shoddier and the music became aimed more at the 10 year old than the 50 year old. Then the contestants became unknown and the gayer the better. Older contestants were there for the comedy but sometimes surprised. Then we had contestants who had obviously danced in their youth and weren’t exactly beginners. Hello Darren Gough and Debbie McGee. We had the para-olympians and they were patronised. More recently Black Lives had mattered and had to be added to the judging panel as well as the professional troupe. Presumably there is only one black family producing dancers because they are sisters.
Oh and I nearly forgot. The BBC had to rig the voting because they didn’t like the way people at home voted.
I think that has covered it and explains why I have switched off on a Saturday night.
And now same-sex dancers apparently ????
Absolutely nothing al beeb does now surprises me whatsoever, it is completely out of control and as I said a week or so ago it appears that the lunatics (activists) are now running the asylum (W1A 1AA) ????
Every time something like the Rule, Britannia/Land of Hope and Glory fiasco happens, as did last week, I think that they just can’t behave more absurdly! But every time they manage to ????
They’re the Gerald Ratner’s of the broadcasting business ????
Deborah, so-called ‘reality TV’ was largely behind my decision to give up TV watching in 2005. Or in front leading it.
The Amfos are a good old Northumberland family. I used to meet them hunting with the Tynedale.
The hunting gag never fails to raise a titter.
Definitely will not be watching Strictly Black Come Dancing-thought it had been loosing much of its original draw these past 2-3 years and now has sunk down to the lowest grovelling, sucking up to BLM.
Apart from the – in my opinion- superb show “Our Yorkshire Farm” and “The Yorkshire Vet” on channel 5 and some of the movies on the “Talking Pictures TV” channel I view almost no TV whatever.
I stopped viewing when the policy of day long kids TV (in the guise of grown up stuff of course) became fashionable. Even the news programs became a joke and as far as I can tell still are.
If only our TV could give us verifiable facts and not just the opinions of so called “experts,” or the reporter from wherever and
celebrities who, by and large,
are just trying to advance their political agenda. “Experts” also have political opinions which could very well impact on what we see and hear from the mass media. So personally I would much rather read a book by Tammy Bruce, listen to Katie Hopkins or grapple with Sudoku or classical guitar.
Since watching the BBC amounts to about 0.001% of any TV here, LR, I agree on the Sudoku subject, as Senora O’Blene just devours them!
While I love these puzzles too, I’ve gone back to the Telegraph Crosswords, and am trying to get my ‘R’ number (the average of answers I just can’t do), below 5 per puzzle, It’s a marvellous way to avoid all the trash on the box!
As for classical guitar, I’m with you there, but prefer Mark Knopfler! I’d love to meet Katie Hopkins too, she’s just gorgeous!
BBC local propaganda
What needs to change in the BBC?
The new director general Tim Davie started his role yesterday, and has told staff that he wants the BBC to serve and represent every part of this country.
When he was given the role, he said that his top priorities will include negotiating with the government about the future of the licence fee.
Guest Who
Scrap Al Beeb, it’s had its chance to change under Lord Hall Hall and his
Board of directors. Slapping the telly tax on pensioners was the last straw . Let it fund it self by adverts or by ‘pay to watch’. Fans of Al Beeb can then view with heart’s content. Furthermore it should have the word “British” removed from its name.
Rule Britannia!
Agreed sir and the word BRITISH should be replaced by the word BOLSHEVIK. Let us not forget the fate of the Russian Royal Family at the hands of these,so called, do gooders. Let nobody imagine that just because the Communists now trade as Socialists that they have changed their agenda. Socialism is just Communism in slow mo.
Lord ‘Village’ Hall just lay there like a useless ornament while the whole of the BBC crowd walked all over him. He did absolutely nothing while being paid squillions of TV tax money, and they only have themselves to blame when they’re broken up and ‘sold’ off.
Unfortunately, I have some relations who are heavily into the BBBC, and they’re the sort of people I get away from as soon as I can.
Guest – I do recall that the drive to get the BBC out of London only meant they went to some other ‘metro’ type location which has a John Lewis and a good selection of coffee / sandwich shops …….but still in their kidult lefty anti British bubble ….
Think moving to an area where little Max,
Harry, Flora etc can attend a hideously white school was the main driver.
Cui bono? – no, not some U2 tribute band, it’s lawyer speak for who benefits?
Monetarily, today’s newspaper front pages tell us some big corporations are doing very nicely, thank you. The Telegraph has ‘Apple is worth more than entire FTSE100’, the FT suggests ‘Tesla taps into surging market value with plan to raise $5bn in share sale’ and the Express notes ‘Surge in home loans boosts UK fight back’ – interesting that the Express thinks having us even more indebted is a good thing, per se.
The Times hints at another lucrative government contract soon to be farmed out to some crony corporation with the handy corollary of internet censorship and control: ‘On line identity cards. No 10 is planning to create the online equivalent of ID cards…’ One expects this new card to cost us more than a passport.
Scots Nats are seemingly on the up and up, the FT warns ‘Mask off, Independence push renewed’
The Guardian alerts us to ‘Restrictions in Glasgow after rise in virus cases’ and cynically we note that’s just how the SNP like it.
Meanwhile the Mirror lauds ‘Olympic Nicola, to be in first strictly same-sex pair’ – it’s not what you think, although we do hear there has been a fair amount of under-the-kilt shenanigans within senior SNP ranks recently. In fact this is the potentially punch drunk female boxer Nicola Adams being pushed on us as a celeb by our ever health and safety conscious, child and vulnerable persons protection ever-loving BBC. Same-sex, we ask? Queer bono, I suppose. Anyway Tim Davie fixed it for her.
Appositely Allison Pearson in the Telegraph has ‘Dear Tim Davie, here’s what’s wrong with the BBC’ We refrain from reading the articles beyond the headlines here – so draw your own conclusions.
We heard how our corporations are doing well – so who is suffering or who pays – qui pecunia retribuit?
The Telegraph notices ‘Record number of young on benefits’ Following the much heralded return to school, the Mail observes of our kids ‘They’re back at work… Where’s the rest of UK?’
Some things never change. The Guardian further explores the damaged female celebrity psyche: ‘Ulrika Jonsson on sexism, scandal and her survival’
Anything for the chaps – apart from the Times with ‘Beer bellies leave men more at risk of cancer’ ?
Well, the Mirror asks ‘Why Ed Sheeran named his baby Antarctica’ – perhaps because the Brexit-hating, Corbyn-loving singer is a bit of a rich out-of-touch Suffolk-based former-Yorkshire twat?
With finances bust in both the UK and EU I think the Scots won’t like a cold shower of benefits cuts …..
Also see yesterday’s thread for the article in the telegraph i reproduced . If people don’t bother looking or reading I won’t bother any more
AISI, I’m puzzled by the BBC web-site’s photo and the Mirror newspaper photo of Ed Sheeran in that he appears to have two different wives.
Has a Picture Editor made a mistake?
Who’s Ed Sheeran?
Isn’t he the new ‘Leader’ of the Limp Dems?
Or maybe the new Defector of the BBBC?
House prices at all-time high, says Nationwide
BBC love a bit of property porn inflation.
Another recession where the drip up effect, from the overcrowded poor will make the rich richer?
Yesterday on a comments section of a different website, someone claimed their wife was working at the BBC (childrens programs) and commented that the organisation hasn’t taken one iota of notice of the current outpouring of disatisfaction against the BBC.
Nor did the letter from the new DG change anything or impact them in any way, they are carrying on as if nothing has happened.
An interesting insight which if true would mean the new DG has an impossible task to change anything and the first thing the drones at the corporation will notice about anything being wrong is when they lose their highly paid and safe jobs.
As the captain of the Titanic was rumoured to have said “where’s all this f****ng water coming from” !
Having worked for big organisations I ve seen how defensive and insular they become – particularly publicly funded. So much effort goes into attacking criticism that any thought that it may be right is lost . The bbc is well past that
Today ukpress gazette rambles on about the new TV service aimed at the right – but notes that ofcom requires ‘impartiality ‘ a word which is now redefined as ‘woke ‘.
I hope they get the station and battle with ofcom – which itself is due for a ‘reform ‘.
I worked for a civil service department once. The guy at the top got roasted by a parliamentary committee and he realised that he had been deceived by his staff, they had told him want they thought he would want to hear, not the truth. He demanded that things change.
A national newspaper picked up on this but left out the top guy’s name, (who outside the department would know it?). Our ever-alert PR team then wrote an article for our external house journal dismissing the newspaper article as being untrue.
So the boss said ‘stop telling lies’, the newspaper said ‘civil servants tell lies’ and the house PR said ‘civil servants don’t tell lies’, effectively working against the change that the top guy was trying to make.
As I see it
Thank you for a proper public service . I think I just became a Chris rock fan – I hope Dawn tinted windows Butler MP has seen that … but she’d see it as whitee oppression ….
Some really touching scenes on the BBC news this morning as children return to school.
There they all were, obediently walking from the bus, satchels, pencils, packed lunch… masks, anti-viral wipes and hand sanitisers. Oh, what a heart warming display…so natural…
They were ushered into the playground, keeping the regulated two metres apart and although they were out in the lovely fresh September sunshine the muzzles remained in place. You can’t be too careful, after all… Later they would be put into their various “bubbles”. How charming!
The headmaster explained some of the rules. There are lots!
The kids have to keep their distance at all times, wear their masks, possibly visors and follow regulated routes through the schools. They’re put into selected bubbles, remain in their bubbles at all times and don’t mix with other bubbles.
I reckon playtime is going to be a real hoot!
The young folk were all compliant. They were like pint sized automatons. It reminded me of some creepy, dystopian 1960s sci-fi film, The Day of the Living Dead, or something similar. The BBC journo simply loved it. Why wasn’t I surprised?
I tell you what, North Korea have got nothing on us these days. We’re becoming a nation of obedient, faceless robots…
It’s terrifying.
Two words Jeff: Health Dictatorship. 193 nations were put into lockdown in March 2020-that was the start or is the start of a criminal act being played out by the governments of those nations. A farce as shown here: According to a Daily Mail report (August 14) the British authorities have been involved in the practice of “double-counting” the official RT-PCR test results. It is presented as an unfortunate error or mistake:
“Ministers have quietly wiped 1.3million Covid-19 swabs off the official testing count, it emerged today.
Number 10 has repeatedly boasted about the number of tests it is capable of doing – with capacity now reportedly at around 340,000 per day.
But the government has now admitted, a staggering one in 10 coronavirus tests were counted twice.
“And today it emerged 1.3 million counted (RT-PCR) tests have been removed from the official government total because they were counted twice.
Probably know that Deloitte Touche, a Giant Accounting firm has been put in charge of coordinating the tests in the UK, with a view to inflating the numbers. What do they know about testing?
The Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England acknowledged (May 21) that, they were involved in double-counting.
“This inflates the daily reported diagnostic test numbers by over 20 per cent, with that proportion being much higher earlier on in the crisis before home test kits were added to the daily totals.”
They acknowledged the fraud back in May. But nothing was done to rectify the double counting UNTIL August 14.
This is not a “mistake” or “incompetence”. It is a deliberate intent to falsify the data and inflate the number of positive cases with a view to sustaining the corona fear campaign.
Bear in mind that the “double counting” numbers were used by the Boris Johnson government to maintain the lockdown, and delay the reopening of the British economy-further justification for enforcing control on the public, all part of the wider plan for a World Government. Next we will have Marshall Law imposed on us to cement in our minds that we have to obey or else-shades of Communism I fear?
tarien, remember “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”
What is the point of testing people who are not ill, whether they might test “positive” or not?
Not great if someone in your bubble is bullying you… and no escape, even at playtime… from the bubble bully. Hope teachers are watching for this. Seriously.
I disagree – impose discipline as early as possible and use force – once they are housetrained give a bit of a lead . Otherwise take their fingerprints at 5 years old to make it easier when they hit 10 .
And just think – I was a school governor – and sat through tedious discipline hearings for the darlings ….
TWoT Watch #1 and TOADY Watch #1 combined – what’s in a name?
I listened to the whole of The World Tonight yesterday. It was notable that Jacob Blake was given the B _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ _ _ _ treatment by the Racist BBC. Jacob Blake was only mentioned by Ritula Shah as ‘black’ and ‘a man’.
I think there may have been complaints to the BBC.
This morning on TOADY, it was noticeable that the important feature of Jacob Blake remained his blackness and maleness, but at least he did get a mention by name, usually tagged on at the end. The was no news from the Racist BBC as to whether Jacob Blake would be able to walk again, whether he would be able to be well enough to leave hospital soon and return home.
Another commentary:
The MSM are, collectively evil.
G, guy on TOADY this a.m. from, I think, Kenosha or at least Wisconsin State said this is Day 10 since the incident, the Police Dept. in Kenosha have another 20 days – if needed – to reveal the results of their investigation into the Jacob Blake shooting. I suspect it will be pretty much as stated in the video you posted.
I wonder if the BBC will then apologise for their erroneous coverage?
I thought not.
I don’t suppose the racist far-left bbc mentioned that there was a warrant out for his arrest at the time he was resisting arrest, that he told the police he had a knife ( which was found in his car and which he appears to be reaching for when he was shot) or that he’s a convicted rapist?
Meanwhile saw a page capture (can’t seem to get them to work on forums) of a BBC ‘top story’ this morning.
‘How one man’s death reverberated round the world’
How the death of one less than inspirational individual was spun up by ideological global media goons at the expense of actual news, and professional integrity.
There’s something seriously wrong with the government in Australia.
I’m amazed that Australians are putting up with this; even our lot haven’t, yet, resorted to such totalitarian behaviour.
Couldn’t the Queen order the Governor General, I think he’s called, to intervene?
Same with that Adhern woman’s regime in New Zealand.
Not yet John in Cheshire, but our Government will impose such measures they think necessary to restrict any critiicism of their polices for lockdowns or the imposition of curtailing our freedoms for any reason that, had been fought for for so long. Covid 19 was mana from heaven for them, to institute what has been their target of a world controlling force. Nasty but true.
Just as an aside for some trivia:
In the vernacular, in Hebrew, Manna means ‘ what is it?’.
Quite funny but then if my meal suddenly came down from the sky, I’d probably say the same.
And it calls to mind an old joke about a young girl on her wedding day. Her friends are telling later she’ll get what’s what.
Later in bed with her husband, his pyjamas open, she looks down and asks,’ what’s that?’
He husband replies, ‘what’s what?’
And she exclaims, ‘ oh, you had it all the time’.
Boom, Boom!
There seems to be a campaign to break the spirit of the Anglo Saxon nations. Starting with NZ and Australia. Easy targets I suppose. But like you I find the behaviour of the police in Victoria disturiung.
There seems to be a campaign to break the spirit of the Anglo Saxon nations. Starting with NZ and Australia. Easy targets I suppose. But like you I find the behaviour of the police in Victoria disturiung.
Can’t beat freedom speech – incitement to protest – Aussie plod lost the plot and hand cuffed her . Maybe they’ll order her baby to be aborted too …..bang goes policing by consent ….
Parliament is back and the buffoon PM will be blustering his way through PMQs _ complete with the secret ear piece .
there is an urgent question about new arrivals as they happily cross the English Channel …… wait for the dishonest deflection onto the party opposite ‘……
You are right.
Mr Davie….throw your speech away and announce this
1) bBC will re-instate free licences for over 75,s
2) Introduce an immediate programme to reduce the “talent”bill by 50%
3) No redundancy package to exceed £50k
4) A re-run of The “Plank” to be included in all children,s programmes
5) A temporary closure of R4 To-day and Newsnight further to re-organisation
6) the closure of bBC regional web-sites to facilitate local news reporting outwith your remit.
7) Issue an agreement to de-criminalise licence fee choice.
Also, close down the Asian network and radio 6. And all the regional radio stations, which hardly anyone listens to.
Also close down the website, which must cost a fortune and competes unfairly with companies that have to pay their way.
And because it’s become like a student publication instead of a decent impartial news source for adults.
With the Tour de France starting this week – the BBC have of course used the licence fee to produce a feature article telling us how racist cycling is:

When is this joke of a national broadcaster going to be defunded and dismantled? It is a full on campaigning organisation presenting narratives to push agendas.
Over the past few weeks the BBC have played the race card over and over again to condemn science as racist, to condemn motor sport as racist, to condemn the British police as racist, to condemn British National Anthems as racist, to condemn Winston Churchill as racist, to condemn British and Western culture as racist, to condemn the indigenous British people as racist. It never stops.
The following was on the BBC homepage Sunday (and Monday):

The commentary on the tour is great (not bbc) though the race a bit dull apparently. I really enjoy the commentators – knowledgable and, dare I say it, fun 🙂
OT, for now.
Is sulking to willing media the new of color?
He’s young. Maybe he could try catching something at the next protest?
It could be that he’s not that good an actor.
Also, in my opinion, his character in the Star Wars story and films is anomalous; pandering to tokenism; and ruining my enjoyment. Of course, the storyline of the film I watched was just a rehash of one of the original films.
To paraphrase Ricky Gervais, he should just take the money, say thank you and eff off.
This is a national tragedy. I almost think I can hear the sound of a tiny violin playing in the distance. Damn those Disney raycis who were cruel enough to make him a multi millionaire.
Radio 4 twitter feed currently.
Four pictures of this lady , you must be a fan
Well, thats already 3 on the Strictly show for BLM. I wonder if the obese Obuse judge will have slimmed down for the new season – she filled the screen last year. And there’s me thinking professional dancers were as slim as reeds. 😉
Maybe they can get Adele to black up for the judges panel.
My bad, but these were the twitter sequence of three on their page. One got carried over.
Never heard of he/r/xe but the BBC ‘star spotters’ seem keen.
Big food for thought gentle subcribers:
The World Economic Forum – that elite group of businessmen, politicians and academics that meets in Davos, Switzerland, every January – announced in June that the Great Reset would be the theme of its 2021 Summit. Klaus Schwab, founder of the Forum, admonished:
The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed.
No country will be allowed to opt out because it would be endangering the rest, just as no person will be allowed to escape the COVID-19 vaccine for the same reason.
Who is behind the Great Reset and what it really entails are major questions that need their own article, but suffice it to say here that to escape the trap of the globalist agenda, we need a mass awakening to what is really going on and collective resistance to it while there is still time. There are hopeful signs that this is happening, including massive protests against economic shutdowns and restrictions, particularly in Europe; a rash of lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the lockdowns and of police power overreach; and a flood of alternative media exposés despite widespread censorship.
Life as we know it will change. We need to ensure that it changes in ways that serve the people and the productive economy, while preserving our national sovereignty and hard-won personal freedoms.
Anna Brees and the anti-Mask crowd have taken to labelling BBC-Trending as a disinformation Unit
which it is , by the way it hypes some things, whilst hiding others
So Mike Wendling who shouts “far right” every 5 minutes got triggered.
The tweet Anna was calling drivel is this one from Shayan Sardarizadeh @Shayan86
“Journalist covering online disinformation and conspiracy theories for @BBCMonitoring @BBCWorldService”
There is more in that thread
eg a BBC Report “Coronavirus: People-tracking wristbands tested to enforce lockdown”
The BBC believes Nish Kumar is a comedian!
Therefore nothing the BBC says is true?
Al Beeb don’t do comedy.
4:30pm Radio4 Mark Thompson NYT special
“Under the leadership of Mark Thompson, the fortunes of The New York Times have been transformed.
… In this extended interview as he steps down as CEO, Mark Thompson discusses his strategy for the newspaper, reveals how he dealt with the tech giants, and gives his views on the future of the BBC and Channel 4.”
He’s staying in the USA, isn’t he; tell me he’s not coming back here to ruin more of our heritage.
Time for Mishal to fly over Dame Emma and Greta again for a chat, as she is sooooo busy?
BBC tag teaming?
PMQ watch
The PM was asked about the BBC licence …. and said that the Culture Secretary is to make an announcement – I don’t think they’ll go straight to decriminalising – they are red Tories so still support the existence of the BBC – despite the 80 majority …
Sometimes the way the PM bumbles on he sounds like that lefty ‘comedian ‘ Chap who wears a Dress and make up doing some weird ‘stream of consciousness ‘.
Generally the very red opposition wants furlough extended for ever and ever .
Labour are not bothered if the economy goes belly-up as it usually ends up that way, after they have been in power for a year or two. As long as they have their fingers in the till, they’re happy bunnies.
Biden and the Dems are jaw-droppingly trying to pin the past months of mayhem and murder on Trump and the GOP.
The BBC are happy to oblige.
This montage shows the visceral hatred by Pelosi, the Dems, the MSM and Hollywood for Trump, and their deranged incitement to violence.
BBC DG influence globally.
American Booty and squad conflicted, rooting for both?
Jon gunning for West Coast Editor?
Does LAX have a short stay for campers as well as Fiat 500s?
BBC headline: “Biden makes triumphant return to campaigning.”
(Ok, so I made it up.)
Raheem had a post yesterday with Sleepy in an aircraft hanger with journalists Dozy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, and possibly Bashir.
Happy and Doc had quit.
It was a massive event. Apparently. Looked like a transporter bay from Star Trek.
No questions were asked. The already knew what they would write for Lurch and Katty to RT.
Stew will find the image.
Tvm. 🙂
Beam them up Scotty!
Breaking : BBC U-TURN on Proms “artistic decision”
‘We have found a way around it and all the normal songs will be sung by singers within the hall’
Just how many foreign BAME and LGBT people can the BBC find at this late stage.
This is a GOOD U turn.
Not those beastly ones others do.
Exactly my thoughts when i saw the BBC headline … they love a perceived Government U Turn ….. what do they expect if the situation changes ?????????????????
It’s OK, Toenails is biting his tongue.
U turn or not this government is gaslighting you
Dave – forgive me but I had to google gaslighting and the meaning seems to be –
‘manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.‘
Is that what you meant ? I see this government as too inept to manipulate me – so maybe it’s very good at it ?
Obviously the medics have done a great job – using that definition because day after day of propaganda has frightened the population into permanent bunker mentality leading to our current state – and then add the face mask fetish …..
SOMETHING IN THE HAIR: In tonight’s “Americast”, Emily Maitlis and Jon Sopel explore the influence of presidential hairstyles on major events in American history. Jon tells us how Andrew Jackson’s refusal to consider a short-back-and-sides helped him to pay off the national debt in 1835, while Emily unveils the story of the centre parting briefly worn by Ulysses S. Grant, which led to a row with a woman who might have been his cleaner but probably wasn’t. In a sensational climax, the BBC’s two most experienced foreign affairs analysts overhear gossip at a media “do” in Washington that proves Donald Trump’s quiff conceals a miniature green alien whose job is to send coded messages to Moscow.
Maybe they could discuss why it’s ok for Nancy Pelosi to go for a haircut, without wearing a mask, in San Francisco where all the hairdressers are closed because of the virus scan but where the rules demand masks to be worn at all times inside public places.
Mrs Pelosi is a most vile creature, even among the vilest of the vile, such as Chucky Shumer, little Adam Shit, the occasional cortex ethnic woman and Jerry, Antifa is a myth, Nadler.
Type in antifa.com into Google and it comes up with a redirect to joebiden.com
Damn! Am I really missing these gems because I don’t have a tv licence? Always the way? When there’s an enthralling prog. on such as this, that’s when you miss the licence……………..
Remember Jon …. you are Impartial !!! Right !!! Like hell !!
Unprofessional for this Doctor to have a opinion apparently ? But, that because its about Biden !! Now of course, we all know full well , any other Doctor had a opinion of the health of Trump and Jon takes it as gospel truth and its never Unprofessional then is it Jon !!! You little sh*t !!
“Channel migrants: Young children among those arriving in Dover”
At least a 100 !
Has the Border Farce has taken over from P&O Ferries?
Does our Government care or are they being complicit?
Well, here is a promise made by the Tories 5 years ago …………..
Didn’t seem to restrict or alter Treason May’s signing the UN Migration Compact in between whiles. Simple fact is, they don’t give a flying f*** about the public or their opinions.
Sadly all the Conservative party is good for is giving us Brexit ( HOPEFULLY) and that probably won’t make much difference, at least short term.
I just want it to spite the remoaners!
This is why completely empty words about stopping the rubber boats and sending these parasites back leaves the voter in no doubt that there will be concessions to the EU over Brexit. I expect the Remainer, Johnson will continue to allow the fishing ‘free-for-all’ to continue and the EU Courts to preside one way or another.
Thing is these people (including the current crop of ‘red’ conservatives) cannot survive without some form extraneous legal jurisdiction applying to the UK to legitimise their weak and incapable management.
IOur leaders have for decades treated us with disdain, just like the BBC has. But there is a possibility that by a mass refusal to pay the License Fee the BBC can , to use the Noble Lord’s phrase about Brexiteers, be brought to heel or better still abolished and obliterated.
If middle England can achieve this with zero government inputs, why can’t we move on to other things . Statue toppling , burning and looting may be all that BLM can manage but we have a much more potent weapon , money! We fund just about everything in this country despite us , middle England , disagreeing with large chunks of it. So if we can by mass action defund the BBC what else can we target so that we get our way?
Sky and BT’s and sporting bodies like the EPL or the EWCB , support of BLM would be one. The fool at the British library another. Let’s turn the tactics of the Woke back on them, we outnumber them many times over , so let us first defund the BBC and then turn our fire on other pieces of obnoxious Wokery. The government will soon follow our lead and dance to our tune.
Remember the last Euro elections we scared the shit out of the Tories and got our way, hopefully, on Brexit. Let’s get our way on other important issues. We own this country and we pay for this country , we want things the way we want them not the way some Woke idiot does.
There is no doubt in my mind that the UK MSM is being controlled from a central place, although what or who that central place is, is not clear.
Far too many obscure things used or reported by the MSM as a whole have happened to believe otherwise. We are living in a new dark age where there is little or no real press freedom and they only now report what they are told / allowed to report.
Beijing? If you consider how embedded the chinese communist party is in the US, why not the press?
Have any of you BBC watchers heard any good news about Fisheries?
Yes there was a strange change on BBC local news at 8am this morning
Instead of reading a sneering line about government policy and then over to a Labour voice to stick the boot in.
Both local stations opened with ‘Our local Tory MP said this in parliament yesterday
.. and then a clip was played”
Hull one was about fishing rights.
Lincolnshire one was Sir Edward Leigh.
Tim Davie effect ?
Well – the fishing rights post EU was out into law yesterday – but the BBC denial that we have left the EU is strong / as is – i think – the EUs .
Sadly both sides of the channel are going to avoid a fishing dispute at all costs .
I’ll believe it only when the Government pull the three new RN Patrol vessels back from their ‘duties’ in the Med, to patrol the seas around the UK and in particular, the North Sea to keep foreigners out.
It was passed into law on tuesday
Fact CHECKING can equal Fact SPINNING
On TalkRadio .. Fullfact say they’ve debunked a claim
No, they’ve chiselled at rhetorical numbers & language
Really the gov is funding HOTELS for thousands of
illegal migrants
whilst thousands of veterans are HOMELESS
sleeping on streets/couches not hotels
Just cos some people over-claim
by saying ALL asylum seekers are illegal
& that ALL those housed are in hotels
& that homeless veteran = “sleeping on the streets”
That doesn’t make the essential claim untrue
Ha by the way that FF line
\\ The number of people seeking asylum staying temporarily in
“contingency accommodation”, which can include hotels, is closer to 1,000. //
Seems untrue cos we know loads of hotels seem to have 100 each
Their guy on the radio gave the figure as 4,000
I’ve been made redundant due to my employer’s business failing. 13 of us have been let go because they’ve been running at a loss since March. We cleared out the office & handed keys over. It’s closed down now. I couldn’t help having a good cry. I’m not sure what I’ll do for income now.
Perhaps I could go down the coast & pick up an abandoned dinghy.
Well I wish you the very best of luck in finding a new job.
Lucy – sorry to hear that and i hope you and those you worked with recover quickly . I know the feeling and for me the first time the worst – perhaps having done something i liked doing for a longish period of time . And then one finds out how hard the world can be . Regrets again on behalf of this site
Lucy given your intelligence, insights and personality you display here I’ve no doubt you will benefit any business that fits your experience. Any manager worth his salt will recognise this.
Good Luck!
I’m very sorry to heart that, Lucy? Another victim of the Government over-reaction to COVID?
Sorry yo hear that. Was the business sound before lockdown? This is going to be the key question from now on and one that the fool Johnson is going to have to answer.
This chap is a national hero
Lucy Pevensey
Useless plod – yes sir, pleases sir, three bags full sir. I’ll get you a taxi to a four star hotel sir.” They are encouraging more criminals to come here .
Get the Royal Marines out Boris or your a failure .
If the Border Taxi Force are in doubt that there is a lot of money behind this invasion, they need to look at all the boats and equipment these illegals are just abandoning once they land in our country.
In one of Active Patriot’s videos, he filmed some sort of compound where literally dozens, if not hundreds of the rubber boots are being stored, theoretically as evidence pending legal proceedings.
And no one is investigating the real criminals; those who are funding, planning and organising these invader flotillas.
Harry & Meghan’s $$$million WokeFlix deal is mentioned in the vid as well
Thank you – worth the listen and its good to hear that Mr Fox declines the TV licence .
As for proms changes . Last week the former DG said that the decision to change things had been approved by both himself and tim davie . Presumably one or both of them is a plain liar – which must be a BBC management reauirement
Your post doesn’t bode too well for the hopeful change at the ANTI BRITISH bbc. Time will tell.
Here is a story about the Last Night of the Proms from the Daily Mail, however this post is not about that. Within the article is a video clip of Parliament and the bottler answering questions one which is particularly well phrased asks him directly about the future of the licence fee.
The bottlers response is interesting, because he evades the question, saying the minister for culture media and sport is preparing a roadmap for REFORM of the BBC, indicating the bottler has little intention of changing the TV tax from its present format.
Watch it and see what you think.
Thoughtful “indicating the bottler has little intention of changing the TV tax from its present format.”
Well, that’s OK, I can continue not watching TV and not paying the Licence Fee, then. Hopefully, many more will be joining me in Abstainers Anonymous.
The queue of boxed sets on my shelf is starting to look quite daunting. Another one arrived this a.m.. Maybe a years worth of viewing there …..
Not if he includes it in the council tax you can’t !
T, not sure about the legality of that.
In law, you cannot force a person to do a behaviour, something they do not want to that would be against their human rights and a moral choice. You can make a law to require a person to do something as a consequence of something else. Drive a car, pass a test. Receive a State pension, pay NIC. Watch live broadcast TV, pay a tax.
There will be a lot of people claiming exemption; religious groups, blind people, those with certain ‘conditions’, etc., if they do try to add it to Council Tax.
Any recommendations ?
I recommend ‘Generation Kill ‘ which is very – blokey….
It’s at the top of the page, Fed. 😉 Just bought Last of the Summer Wine, 🙂 , s/h of course – hate to think of the Beeb profiting from their theft of taxpayer-owned programmes.
LotSW is pretty blokey as well, if you ignore Nora Batty’s wrinkled stockings.
The funniest part is they think folk don’t notice.
Roger Mosey, former Head of BBC Television News, admits staff are biased metropolitan, remainer liberals…
“The particular problem for the BBC is that many of its staff’s Twitter feeds reveal the metropolitan, Remainer, liberal bias that its critics have always suspected; and there is a battle ahead too to counter that perception about the mainstream output. It is fine for the BBC to be a liberal organisation internally, and it still needs to do more to increase the diversity of its staff. But it is not acceptable for the BBC on air to morph into a news organisation like America’s MSNBC, which is open about its left-of-centre position.”
Centre left? The BBC is far left Woke shit.
Mosey uses weazel words ‘ counter the perception of liberal bias ‘ not the reality .
As ive said – the new DG wants to stop us getting evidence of bias through thd likes of twitter . The poison will still be there – and with a bit of luck will kill the BBC
On the bBBC red button thingey..
Re: the Last Night of the Proms.
LoHaG and RB, a “..’select’ group of singers will now perform the songs..”
Why do I get the feeling it’s going to be a gospel choir, or an LGBT XYZ group from Brighton?
Maybe at the same time they’ll also showcase the same sex couple from Strictly dancing across the stage. Great opportunity there BBC !!!
6:08pm ITV local news
“100 days since the death of George Floyd”
Live coverage of taking the knee in Sheffield
.. then prerecord in Hull
back to Kevin Hylton in Sheffield”
“My children should be safe to go anywhere”
finished at 6:15pm
Report came directly after the case of white guy where 2 drugged up apparent gypsy teenagers had cut his head off
Finally I found it and can post it. Troubling for all who want the end of the BBC.
Thoughtful – you should have included the subtitles “ we havent the guts to take on the BBC so we ll leave them to it “
The Government may not have the guts to take on the BBC but millions of Brits do. Mass action of refusal to pay the License Fee will bring the corporation to its knees in months. We don’t need the government we can do it ourselves.
Mr farage has tweeted thar he estimates 2.5 hotels worth of illegal third worlders invaded the Uk today – that to you is 400
Four hundred
Day not dark at time of counting
Boris is like Nero, he’s playing the fiddle.
Why are all the Tory MPs sitting silently listening to him?
He’s worse than Theresa !
Maybe, like so many of us, he is the prisoner of “The Experts”