Have you seen the coverage of the Birmingham stabbing fatality on the BBC news webshite front page today?
No, me neither. Barely 24 hours later, the untimely death, dare we suggest murder, of 23 year old Jacob Billington, is already relegated to the regions page.
If only he had been a black American
The contrast is disgusting.
On BBC webshite front page
âFire destroys Greeceâs largest migrant campâ
âMaking art from plants during lockdownâ
âKardashians announce end of hit reality showâ
Not on webshite
The murder of (white) Jacob Billington by a (non-white) prime suspect, now arrested.
And have you also noticed there is not the slightest peep of a possibility the murder had a racist component? Are the police investigating the possibility? Is the BBC providing wall-to-wall coverage of the possibility? Are they talking to BLM ârepresentativesâ about it?
Hands up who believes for a microsecond this BBC radio silence would have been the same had the ethnicities of killer snd victim been the other way round?
Sky seem to be notoriously bad at basic arithmetic.
When I attended the anti-lockdown demo last Saturday Sky said “There are hundreds in Trafalgar Square”. It must have been closer to 20 thousand.
And now the ghastly Diversity tribe, doing their BLM bullshit, has received “hundreds of complaints”… when in fact it’s many thousands.
We have to call these pathetic creatures out.
These people aren’t real journalists in any sense of the word…
They’re propagandists.
When you have a non-degree in ‘Vegan Gender Violence’ Jeff, mathematics don’t really figure on the agenda, and are forgotten like the nine times table…
I met two mutual chums when walking JRT yesterday, and first chum came up with S.L.M. – Sue’s life matters, and we agreed that after Chris arrived, he became C.L.M!
I stuck with P.L.M. – Pensioners lives matter…
(I can’t have Scrobs’ Life Matters, as Sue now has the S.L.M. slot. I may have to issue physical correction for her, but not here, and for God’s sake, please don’t tell Senora O’Blene, otherwise it really will be B.L.M., ‘Balls lost Momentarily)!
The BBC, meanwhile, still doesn’t cover the stabbings…
The BBC has not got a semblance of balance with regards to its coverage of the mid-east and this is only the latest example of bias. Even former BBC executives were appalled by Orla Guerin's report from earlier this year. https://t.co/ujil1GMvKi
If a BBC title is wrong it’s this one
“EU says one in eight deaths is linked to pollution”
They miss the word “premature deaths” which is the EU’s claim
which itself is iffy
Most deaths are caused by us not having infinite lifespans
Counting premature deaths is a BS metric
cos some are 2 weeks premature, some are 50 years
but each counts as 1 premature death.
That makes the supposition that the scientific opinion from the EU is based on data and maths whereas in fact it’s based on control and wishful thinking Stew.
I have been watching the furore over the Government considering dropping or at least amending the “Agreement” with the EU.
If I understand it correctly, the government have come to the conclusion that to proceed with the withdrawal agreement “as is” would be very damaging for Britain into the future.
Meanwhile the MSM and the Labour Party have come to the conclusion that that the most important thing is to agree to the demands of the EU whatever they are so as not to upset them.
(Including giving away our rightful maritime waters for a start).
If that is the case I know which I would back without hesitation and I probably speak for the majority in this Country so don’t be swayed Boris, the majority are behind you on this.
I just watched Kier Starmer put in his 10 pence worth and was reminded of Chamberlain trying to wriggle and appease a European nation that had no intention of acting reasonably.
I think the end game for the give-way brigade is to make eventual re-entry to the EU as easy as possible and no doubt we are now in for years of them trying to bring that about.
Stew – the daft ideas of XR and zero Co2 claims (of being a toxic gas) will mean the rapid development of open cast mining to find rare elements are predicted to cause real lasting damage. But at least the BBC can claim its for our own good. No doubt the BBC will claim zero emissions success at some point, a total absurdity on multiple levels.
“You know you can trust the BBC” what an example of an
oxymoron. I have written before that they shouldn’t be
allowed to be called the BRITISH broadcasting corporation. There
is next to nothing in their presentation that makes them
remotely British.Then there is trust. Trust the BBC?
If this lot were around between 1939-1945 they would of
had a reporter in Berlin giving the Nazi point of view !!
I want to ask you all a question. Do you think that the
death of George Floyd in the USA is 100 times or more of
an important news story to US in the UK than what
happened at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester?
There are revelations at the enquiry that the BBC don’t want
us to know about. That is why it has been hidden away on
the local Manchester web page.
It appears that the slaughter could of been prevented if
the security people at the venue would of taken action when
they were warned about Salman Abedi walking around the
foyer for two hours before going down on his knees to pray
followed by blowing up his young victims !
This witness testimony should be front page and TV’s main story right now.But
as in the Reading and the very recent
Birmingham abominations there are main aspects the BBC
don’t want the British public to know about.So they hide it
away or not even cover it for more than a day or so.
I reiterate from my previous contribution.All lives matter,but
some lives MATTER more. So far as the BBC is concerned.
If it's true that @BBCNews changed its piece in response to the Muslim Council of Britain's complaint this is worrying. Entirely legitimate to highlight the claim Abedi was praying before the attack. Reporting on important issues should not be in effect vetted by lobby groups. https://t.co/np1OYgbzYJ
“Prayer is not an indicator of terrorism, nor relevant to terrorist activity.”
In any sane individuals view, prayer is a total indication of likely terrorism particularly, if a muslim is seen, ‘at it’ outside a mosque.
I know it’s only a ‘gnat’s cock’ in the great scheme of things but can we please avoid using ‘of’ instead of ‘have’ as in ‘could of’, ‘would of’ etc?
People are not writing “of” instead of “have”
It’s ‘ve, cos they are writing phonetically
They contract “You would have thought” to “You would’ve thought”
And since they pronounce ‘ve as ov they write it “of”
They even abbreviate the “would” as well to get
“You’d’ve thought”… which does look weird
Jesus H, you two need to get a grip ????
But having an A-Level in English, you are correct and grammatically I’d be equally fussy ????????
Just not on here
AND I agree it’s not on. BECAUSE not only doth manners maketh man, but knowing how to articulate and the correct use of writing English. BUT its understandable as these days teachers are not much better versed.
(see how I used AND – BECAUSE – BUT to start each sentence ? the worst atrocity in written English Language I could have committed according to my old learned teacher, but not anymore it seems).
Here’s a sentence that cannot be correctly written down …….. … there are three two s / too s / to s in the English Language.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is still the cricket season and England have won another series even if it is only playing MickeyMouse cricket) your good teacher was wrong on probably two counts out of three. If you refer to the perfect English of the King James Bible and our famous Bard who was educated therewith, I think you will find ‘And’ and ‘But’ both used at the start of sentences.
All of us of a certain age were told not to use AND at the start of a sentence and I certainly adhered to this rule for the greater part of my life. Now, however, I have released myself from this convention and regularly start a sentence ( particularly when complaining ) with ‘And’ which serves well as a continuance and can stress a previous point without having to start by repeating it. And I can say this in the confidence that ALL those teachers who taught me those rules are LONG deceased.
Actually the ‘And’ in that last sentence was superfluous wasn’t it.
Agree with you. Circumstances differ for each contributor.
I confess that, my particular studies at A Level English donkey’s years ago has had no effect on the net result of a stroke and the effect that has had on my communication. I do my best with what I am left with.
theleft, ahem, we might say the same about your good self and some rather loose language at the start of your post …. cough, cough ….
Good writing is a pleasure to read. I appreciate AISI’s reviews of the front pages of the newspapers. I struggle sometimes to decipher Fed’s posts but recall that he has explained why his typos occur and with the workload of site moderation to deal with, we need to cut him some slack.
I find it hard when posters on here are linking to Tweets or something someone has ‘said’ somewhere but it is left up in the air, with no explanation for those of us who wish to avoid signing up to Twitter or Facebook.
Some English professors teach that complaining about the use of of for have is an example of the white patriarchy oppressing the younger generation especially BAME and lacks inclusivity. They also claim that when marking university essays they should recognize and accept the use of text language with emojis.
BoBotC, might not long then before we ol’ whitees and whatevva Dulux shade we have will be forced to learn a form of UK Pidgin, no doubt spelled ‘pigin’.
Since they are trying to infantilize the art of reading and writing, will they recognize and accept that in future they will be paid in Playdoh and My Little Pony accessories?
Imagine a police officer going over to a Muslim and ask him why is he praying ??? He would have been sent on diversity training . The BBC and Guardian are as complicit in this atrocity as those asylum seeking t@@ts……we aren’t allowed to challenge we just have to accept.
You know that Wickes advert where the loser husband hasn’t built the dream kitchen, that he told the Australians he would.
… I wonder if anyone has complained that it should be a ‘loser wife’ character ?
Channel 5 ‘s remake is pretty robust
Amazing for new actors to live up to the standard of the originals.
And the drama is tense
they’ve rejigged the plot a bit, so maybe some would complain about the authenticity.
#AllCreaturesGreatAndSmall goes from strength to strength. if you missed it, seek it out on @channel5_tv catch-up. From furious fraternal strife, brilliantly acted, to a sheep skin 'cure' for a displaced pelvis – we were gripped by every word & frame.
I havenât watched the second episode yet but I was mightily relieved to see that the first episode was BAME free. Iâm sure that if it had been made by the BBC Mrs Hall would be a West Indian descended from those who settled in the Dales generations earlier. ( you didnât know that the Dales were settled by escaped slaves who worked on the Pontefract liquorice plantations and Wakefield rhubarb farms!?) James himself would probably be mixed race and Siegfried written out altogether due to Nazi overtones.
Tonight’s bBBC News at Ten devoted 5 minutes to showing the conditions in a Mississippi prison. Nothing to do with the bBBC of course, but the reason for this bizarre ‘news’ item became clear at the end when they stretched it to link to BLM.
Can this possibly be true? The bumbling halfwit in Downing Street is ordering another lockdown. No meetings with more than six people, indoors or out. Will this include pubs, shops and restaurants? I’m actually frightened to ask…
FFS it was going to take a miracle to get the country back on its feet anyway after the last six months of economic sabotage…and now this!
Has this lumpen cretin learned nothing?
Surely, even the most fervent enthusiasts for the lockdown must have had just about enough of the medicine by now.
We cannot constantly keep returning to lockdown. Businesses can’t operate. We have a government that seem intent on strangling our country.
All this moron has to do is look at Sweden. They should have death rates in excess of 100,000 according to the “experts”.
No lockdown, no panic, no mass deaths, no problem…
Jeff, I’m fearful that HMG has got to the point where they are afraid of their own shadows. And [ Brissles, please note the correct usage đ ] I’m not referring to the Parliamentary type, although they must share some of the blame for this.
I think we have reached a point where large chunks of the northern hemisphere are becoming ungovernable. Civil Servants, opposition Parties, the media and various pressure groups aided and abetted by voracious lawyers are all working against a unified whole, a democratic concensus and the national interest.
This is dangerous territory to be in.
It is the sort of environment in which a Dictator can arise.
StewGreen and theleftwilleatitself….
Life’s too short… but here goes, one last comment on this matter (I hope).
“People are not writing âofâ instead of âhaveâ..”
Actually they are. ‘of’ is phonetically similar to ‘ ‘ve’ which is a contraction of ‘have’, and since when has written English been a simple phonetic transcription?
And… I hazard a guess that most of the contributors on here were educated at a time when being ‘fussy’ over minor ‘cultural’ infringements was the norm.
If ‘getting a grip’ means accepting sloppy, inaccurate English I’m not sure how well that chimes with that used by the majority of excellent contributors to this site.
Apologies for the rant, but I get fed up with our heritage/culture etc being slowly undermined. I thought that was one of the motivating factors behind our dislike of the bBBC as often expressed on this site.
I really don’t think it’s so desperately important, not just now… We’re seeing our fundamental liberties flushed down the loo. We’re being lied to by our political elite and media. Our economy is tanking. Something really strange and sinister is happening. Boris has just introduced another lockdown and people are forced to dress like Dick Turpin before they can gain access to Sainsbury’s or get on a bus.
In North Yorkshire they can wear 2 masks but the third capacity buses are often full ..
If you can get on, the retards often want the windows shut
Maybe we’ll be sent back to our rooms soon anyway
SpinningReith – in marking university essays in the sciences lecturers are usually told not to mark down for faulty grammar and to give the benefit of doubt when something is ambiguous. It meets inclusivity rules and takes into account a high number of overseas students that pay through the nose.
P.s. many overseas students are accepted onto university courses despite having poor English language skills.
I recall a couple taking advice on infertility from a doctor whose English was unclear. He asked ‘How high is your c@@t ‘.Edited – red card – signed Fedup 2 naughty – moderating
Poor man was trying to say ‘How high is your sperm count?’
I think that many British people hear ‘ve’ and have always assumed it to be ‘of’. Never considering that it doesn’t make sense in the context because they are so used to it.
And because native speakers wouldn’t learn this as a foreign person would it just never gets questioned.
Family Guy : Peter has formed an armed neighborhood watch team
Then on the first night he sees a figure at his black neighbours window, he shoots and hits the guy in the arm.
Oops it’s his neighbour Cleveland’s son, who was climbing in his own window..
The police let Peter off
but Cleveland itphe black man is shouting “hate crime”
Now clumsy Peter has gone over to really apologise but knocks over a candle which set fire to a bottle which he flings at the window
So now the neighbors think he’s a KKK guy driving a black family out of their house.
The NRA help frame Cleveland junior as a thug.
… And in court the judge orders Peter is released.
Ah it’s the one that ends with Cleveland saying he shot his own son ..and the media and crowds going home, cos ‘black on black crime doesn’t matter’.
If any of the scenarios are played out to the Communist planners desires in the US, as the other recognised, World, “Pillar of Democracy” (LoL!) how long after November will it be before the Communist/Globalists focus their attention on the UK?
That’s when it will be proven that Johnson is not a Churchill and in no way comparable to DJT.
Square – yes – worrying . The article leaves out mention of the FBI and other security agencies . The worrying question is who benefits from a coup against Mr Trump when he wins . The FBI must know that they , along with the rest of the swamp , are due for âreshaping â -plus further investigation in the role taken during the first General Election .
As for questioning the legitimacy of close individual votes – Iâm not sure what US postal voting rules are – as well as requirements regarding identity checking .
If they are as soft as the UK then it will be easier to challenge the outcome of close votes either way .
I still think decent Americans will see the nonsense going on now and react against the Democrats – couple that with Bidenâs reluctance to campaign and a potentially rebounding economy would deliver a second Trump presidency …..And a ÂŁ44 return on my bet …
S-E, thanks for putting that up. Very interesting. I read that after my post above at 9.53 a.m. and am glad that I’m not just a mere ‘lone nutter’. I sure hope the President wins ‘bigly’. The alternatives are becoming too awful to contemplate for long.
How does fakenews gets in to the BBC and MSM ?
cos people like the Met Office supply it
Letâs not beat about the bush. Claims of ârecord windsâ, deliberately broadcast by the Met Office, are utterly dishonest and irresponsible.
If a company made such claims in its advertising, it would hauled before the ASA.
Whether they knew the claims were fake is largely irrelevant. To release the news without proper checks shows that the Met Office are more interested in propaganda than the truth.
Scotland the brave The Committee on Climate Change has revealed plans to publish a blueprint for achieving net-zero ahead of the landmark COP26 climate summit next year, reports EnergyVoice.
Yes, from Glasgow, the epi-centre of Trotsykist rebellion and energy independence (based on huge amounts of hot air and North Sea Oil). They have the sums, do they?
Zero Co2. It won’t work (cannot work) but it will cost the Earth… How much?
The New Zealand government did carry out such an exercise, and concluded that to achieve ânet zeroâ by 2050 would cost 16 per cent of GDP annually. This would equate to ÂŁ560 billion a year if applied to the UK â equivalent to almost three-quarters of all public expenditure.
Yet this legislation was passed without even a debate, let alone a vote in the House of Commons: it was enacted through a statutory instrument. This could only happen because the overwhelming majority of MPs are too scared to be seen as so-called âclimate change deniersâ.
And so it goes.
Scotland the Brave. XR has found its home.
âWeâre going to be spelling out, for the first time ever, a full pathway to net-zero in the UK and in Scotland. That means in every sector weâll have the deployment information, the investment numbers, the costs and crucially also the benefits.
âWeâre going to be publishing this work around a year before COP26 in Glasgow and I hope that it will light the blue touch paper ahead of 2021.â
Can’t wait. No doubt will be on BBC will be in mass hysteria on the benefits paid for by unemployment across Europe, the collapse of industry and spiraling costs. Germany will be hit hard, where it hurts, locked into the EU ‘final solution’.
Scotland, good luck on that vision. If the EU are going for mass extinction, then the UK has a big chance to ignore it.
Philip_2, “The New Zealand government did carry out such an exercise, and concluded that to achieve ânet zeroâ by 2050 would cost 16 per cent of GDP annually. This would equate to ÂŁ560 billion a year if applied to the UK â equivalent to almost three-quarters of all public expenditure.”
Everyone points to the USA as being big polluters but in reality – I saw it in The Guardian around Y2K so it must be true – Oceania is actually the biggest user of energy and outputter of CO2. The fact is that Island Nations – and Oceania is full of islands – require transport.
But Scottish Islands obviously don’t if the Wee Nippy is going to pursue a Carbon NetZero goal, especially if independent.
The BBC are absolutely criminal. I listened to this and the BBC doesn’t report on any of it.
Instead they make emotive and abusive headlines created by his political opponents, by activists, by those trying to sell books – egregious headlines such as “Trump is A Racist Mobster” and “Trump is a divisive Woman Hater“. Yet none of our politicians calls them out on it and they continue to get away with it.
Disgusting BBC up to its usual tricks i see …….Headlines “Public Gathering Of Over Six People to be banned in England’……and the accompanying pictures shows 10 white faces, not a BME to be seen, this implies that its whitey that is spreading the disease and it couldn’t be anything to do with BME people as they don’t break the law. Simplistic I know but show me another picture on the BBC website that shows whites only. Oh and their are 2 large scale inquiries currently being held in Europe both involving Islamic terrorists only Hebdo being reported and no reporting that TWO enquiries into atrocities against non believers are currently being held in Europe……..i wonder if they will be as non forthcoming with the details during the resumed Grenfall inquiry…
I would love to get a recording of one of their meetings where they discuss such things ‘ meetings in groups of 6 banned, ok well we can’t have bame pictures on this one can we’ ‘no, let’s get some whitey pictures’
By the way, on another matter the BBC had conveniently forgotten but might now suddenly remember again.. Wait for it.. ‘ Mental health problems’
Agree Halifax but change disgusting to utter Fearmongering-
Right from the start of lockdown one of the extraordinary features of the Governmentâs handling of the âCoronavirus Crisisâ has been the abandonment of any attempt to be accurate and truthful about what steps they are taking. It is clear, after looking over the legislation enacted by Boris and his Ministers, the lockdown was and is illegal!
challenging the Lockdown Regulations and the Coronavirus Act.
Under the emergency legislation of the Coronavirus Act, the Government has taken full power to make and to change the law by diktat, suspending and trampling on our hard-fought liberties!
Ministers are directly responsible for the creation of the Rules which they themselves announce, subverting our constitutional process and the rule of Parliament.
Millions of jobs, mortgages, marriages and even lives have been sacrificed by our bumbling government and they are still pressing ahead, causing even more hardship to millions of hard-working people based on lies, lies and more lies!
Ministers are announcing that a rule is coming into force, when no such rule has even been created by them or by anybody else. When they give âGuidanceâ, the official guidance is often vastly at variance to the Rules that the Minister has actually created.
This process started back on the 23rd March, when Boris went on television to say that he was immediately âLocking Downâ the country. A disasterous decision as has been proved.
He had no powers to do so and, whilst his comments were treated as being official to the point where the police were actually arresting people, in fact there were no such Rules.
Ministers even got the lying Mainstream Media BBC et al, to widely report that there were various offences which were in force which in fact were not in force as Rules at all.
9:30am R4 Writing Black British History
“Stephen Bourne thinks we are short changing young people by failing to teach them about the history of black Britons, whose stories, he believes, deserve wider recognition,
especially their contribution in the armed forces and on the home front when Britain was at war.”
White criminals are remembered in history
are non whites ones similarly taught about ?
Birmingham : Zephaniah McLeod, 27, will appear at the cityâs magistratesâ court on Wednesday following the string of knife attacks which left 23-year-old Jacob Billington dead.
Sheffield has a victim, yet BBC Radio Sheffield news bulletins haven’t mentioned the naming of the perp.
So it seems Zephaniah McLeod, 27, who stabbed Jacob to death was only 5months ago serving a prison sentence and was released. Lets get this retweeted and get the word out https://t.co/d0nqA6PnAK
And on that exclamation, and excerpt that could be written for the BBC peroxide victims. And Jon. ‘Reportedly’.
Stop Calling Them “Bombshells”
The Internet in the Trump era has become a pile of unexploded ordnance, with the Atlantic’s “suckers” story being the latest example
On September 3, Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic published an article asserting that Donald Trump insulted veterans while on a trip to France in 2018.
Goldberg cited anonymous sources who claimed Trump called off a trip to the Aisne-Marne cemetery outside Paris. âWhy should I go to that cemetery? Itâs filled with losers,â Trump reportedly said. The Atlantic noted Trumpâs official reason for bailing on the trip:
[Trump] blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that âthe helicopter couldnât flyâ and that the Secret Service wouldnât drive him there.
Everyone in news agreed the story was a âbombshell,â even conservatives challenging its accuracy. âAnonymous sources in the Atlanticâs Donald Trump bombshell urged to go on the record,â was the early Fox take. NBC described Trumpâs effort to return fire by rallying fans against the Atlantic his âlatest effort to dispute the bombshell story,â while CNN ultimately invited Goldberg on to clear some things up in an interview headed, âJournalist behind bombshell report speaks out.â
The bombshell-ness was dubious. Trump in 2015 made on-the-record, on-camera comments about John McCainâs military service that, to my mind, were at least as intense as what was alleged in the Atlantic report. âI like people that werenât capturedâ and âI donât like losersâ are matters of record, and so is Trumpâs mind-bending response to that controversy.
In a debate in New Hampshire in 2016, Trump answered Jeb Bushself- about the âloserâ comment (emphasis mine):
I never called John McCain a loser, as you know⌠I said he was a hero because he got caught, which is true, to a certain extent⌠I didnât call him a loser, so heâs â you know, heâs lied when he made that up⌠I never made a comment about him, and I never said that about John McCain.
Back then, nobody in media knew how to handle a politician who denied saying stuff heâd said on tape. Papers like the Times tried to emphasize the absurdity in the headline (âDonald Trump denies saying what he saidâ), while fact-checking outlets scrambled to point out other, written instances of Trump calling McCain a loser, for instance this humorously self-congratulating Trump retweet:
In the end, none of it mattered. When Mitt Romney joined Sean Spicer, Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry (who said Trump would be unfit to govern if he didnât apologize), Bobby Jindal and many others in denouncing Trumpâs initial remarks about McCain, Trump retorted:
Donald J. Trump
Why would anybody listen to @MittRomney? He lost an election that should have easily been won against Obama. By the way,so did John McCain!
July 18th 2015
Suddenly, âTrump insults veteransâ became âTrump refuses to genuflect before two Republicans who lost to Barack Obama.â The other spectacle, of Trump refusing to kneel before the forced-apology ritual campaign reporters had established for the likes of Gary Hart, Bill Clinton, and Howard Dean, also worked in his favor, as voters gave Trump a poll bounce for lying in the face of the hated press.
As far back as 2015, then, three things were established. One, Trump has no problem saying disparaging things about veterans who suffered in the line of duty. Two, he has no issue lying about it. Three, his voters donât care.
Yet this Atlantic piece is exactly the same story, down to the last detail. Thereâs even a section in the Goldberg piece asserting that after McCain died, Trump said, âWeâre not going to support that loserâs funeral.â This led to yet another recent Trump denial in the exact same language as the one he employed in 2015 â âI never called John a loserâ â followed by fact-checks correcting Trump in exactly the same way fact-checkers corrected him in 2015, pointing to the exact same tweets and tapes. It all feels like a hellish time-travel satire.
This is an excerpt from todayâs subscriber-only post by Matt Taibbi.
This, to me, is the problem with power being held to account by powers that not only are not held to account by themselves but each other, mostly for purely ideological reasons. On all sorts of topics.
Especially the BBC. It is the British State Broadcaster.
There are examples of things that need highlighting and questioning, everywhere.
However by doing so in a skewed manner constantly, it becomes red noise.
And sticking exclamatory intros to them per just about every overpaid BBC student activist editor shows them now for the worthless churners they are.
The Guardian – on certain issues – admires the smack of firm government: ‘Emergency action to stem virus resurgence’. The Times on this issue reverts to the time honoured role as paper of record: ‘Covid ban on meetings of more than six people’.
On this one I prefer the Mail’s headlines: ‘Britain’s hit for six’ and the sub-header which seems to hit the nail on the head: ‘…as ministers panic…’
‘Will you wear leather trousers?’ enquires the Times. Boris must be wearing his brown ones.
For anyone willing to pause for a moment and think, the Telegraph headline ought to remind us of the weird looking glass la la land we’ve entered: ‘Illegal for more than six people to socialise’
I’m guessing it’s still ok to demonstrate because I look forward doubtfully to the cops breaking up the next BLM protest.
And maybe our border bozos will now turn back to France any rubber dinghys with more than six occupants?
The Metro has: ‘So you think covid’s over? Think again…’
Nope, as I speculated yesterday, the powers that be are going to be very reluctant to give up their new found levers of control.
There’s not much to smile about but we’ll give it a shot. By the way, where’s that magic vaccine we heard so much about?
One finds a little humour in the left-leaning virtual rag the ‘i’ backing Theresa May as she and her EU-loving civil servants chew on sour grapes over Boris ditching their naff Brexit deal: ‘Britannia waives the rules’ – full maks for the subbie who came up with that one! Send your next job application in to Paris Match or Die Welt son.
The ‘i’ highlights how our football boys looked impotent (at least on the pitch – if not in the hotel) on their short Scandinavian campaign: ‘Stalemate: England draw a blank in Denmark’
Meanwhile the opposite sex is winning all the way: ‘Lets hear it for women’s power’ and ‘Many single mum’s I know are happy’ insists the ‘i’ – calm down, dears.
The Telegraph tells us ‘Royal Mail may scrap Saturday deliveries’ whilst the FT reveals ‘Royal Mail shares increase a fifth’
Capitalism gone wrong? The Telegraph has: ‘Millionaire backers at odds with XR blockade’ – how did the fat men in top hats and spats with fatter cigars think crusty anarchists were ever suitable bedfellows?
There really does seem to be something of a crisis of confidence in capitalism. The Mirror has: ‘Ex fur trade boss: Ban fur’
No one seems to want to earn a living. Except perhaps Her Maj: ‘Queen cuts break short to earn a crust!’ in the Express.
Unsure what to make of new restrictions, so much around the pandemic just screams nonsense, but there is a way round them.
Just write BLM on a t-shirt and hang out with as many people as you want, in as close proximity as you desire. Maybe throw in some nonsensical slogan chanting every hour on the hour to keep up appearances.
Why can’t more people see what you and I see AslSleet-‘Nope, as I speculated yesterday, the powers that be are going to be very reluctant to give up their new found levers of control.’ Dam right. A systmatic Collapse of our Society is taking place and the attributed fear being used to this particular virus is part of the plan of the elites who have already planned out election chaos and famine that will destroy so many people´s lives if we let it. We are being played like a grand piano and most have no idea. I have written at length on this subject, the problem the UK now faces is and will be the division of its 2000 year old society developed to one of charity and decency and protection of its peoples-not any more, infusion of evil has now invaded.
Why can’t more people see what you and I see AslSleet-‘Nope, as I speculated yesterday, the powers that be are going to be very reluctant to give up their new found levers of control.’ Dam right. A systematic Collapse of our Society is taking place and the attributed fear being used by the unscrupulous to this particular virus is part of the plan of the elites who have already planned out election chaos and famine that will destroy so many people´s lives if we let it. We are being played like a grand piano and most have no idea. I have written at length on this subject, the problem the UK now faces, is and will be the division of its 2000 year old society developed to one of charity and decency and protection of its peoples-not any more, infusion of evil has now invaded
The BBC should be calling out David Lammy for being a vile race baiter – it’s because I’m black innit. Instead the BBC are too busy attacking whitey themselves.
Iâm afraid mr Lammay that most white folks think it is indeed one rule fir BAMEs and another rule for the rest of us. BAMEs get away with all sorts of things that we would be severely punished for.
On Facebook it is captioned âEU saysâ, which the bbc appears to think adds cred.
One in every eight deaths in Europe can be linked to pollution
A report by the EU's environment agency says air and noise pollution, as well as poor water quality and exposure to chemicals contribute to 13% of all deaths in the continent
If a black criminal in Birmingham Alabama got shot by a white police officer the BBC would report it.
We’d be lectured about racial profiling. We’d hear from the poor chap’s family and friends. BLM activists would be interviewed. Tear stained British celebrities would be asked on to denounce racism. It would be Olympic class virtue signalling all round. Blimey, the Beeb might even stretch to an hour long documentary…
Meanwhile, in Birmingham England, a black thug goes on a murderous rampage, stabbing numerous people and killing one young lad. It could have been many more.
Instantly we’re given assurances that this isn’t a “hate crime”. It’s nothing to do with terrorism. For some reason a description of the assailant is vague and unforthcoming.
Now they have the killer.
No media hype. No outpourings of rage and grief. No celebrities taking to Twitter.
That lady the bbc like to get on to âanalyseâ the media industry…. whatâs her name again?
Enders Analysis released this research on 9 September 2020. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
Despite numerous examples of critical acclaim* for BBC Three programming over the last couple of years, the evidence suggests that its audience has collapsed since the closure of its linear TV channel in 2016.
Annual viewing minutes of BBC Three programming are down by more than 70% compared to its last year of linear TV broadcasting, and weekly reach amongst its target demographic of 16-34s has fallen by c. 70%âa loss far greater than those of other TV channels.
More difficult to assess are the effects of the shift in content strategy. Comedy** programming, for example, proportionally shrank in terms of the total volume available while receiving a greater share of consumption, in direct contrast to factual contentâs fate.
The only programme that I watched on BBC Three was Family Guy, an imported American comedy cartoon.
As that got taken up by ITV2 I never felt any need to to go looking for BBC Three content on the web. Presumably it is still items like Incest for Infants or Bestiality for Britons, material rejected as too depraved even for Channel 4?
The way the BBC quote, âquoteâ or âquoteâ someone is as varied as it fascinating.
It is "unacceptable" for people who don't qualify for a coronavirus test to take one @MattHancock tells @BBCr4today. He criticises schools that send all pupils for tests or holidaymakers who want a check before taking a flight
We said 'a handful' at around 5.30PM, so, if @BethRigby is right (and she normally is!) it's going up & up. But, as we note, "some 50 rebels would be needed to defeat it in a parliamentary vote" (though I doubt it'll come to that). U-turn incoming???? https://t.co/bjqlBWMHyD
Be in no doubt this latest issue on NI is going to be used by the Remainers to soften or scupper Brexit. I wrote yesterday that a legal challenge was very likely and with the vociferous support of Remainerdom I can see the EU appealing to this or that international law court whose judgement is a forgone conclusion.
What we are seeing is the result of decades of liberal left control of most of the world. They have set up supranational institutions which share the globalist world view and so cement their power . These supranational institutions have the power to override the decisions of individual governments which have been democratically elected to push back against globalism. So only by breaking so called international law can a country free its self from globalism. In essence there are thousands of ropes that must be cut to free ourselves of globalism which makes swamp draining so difficult and protected.
Yesterdays BBC headline: “Donald Trump is a divisive woman hater”
The day before yesterdays BBC headline: “Donald Trump is a racist mobster”
The BBC make a complete mockery of the charter of impartiality they are bound to. Instead they create emotive and abusive headlines using quotes from his political enemies and those trying to make money out of him. Article after article of scurrilous allegations. There is nothing informative or neutral from them.
In Re the EU want the UK to not ever give state aid .
Going to my industry`s angle , we were and still are the most highly taxed trucks in Europe (EU) . This is because we are told we must pay our “track costs ” . Fair enough you might think .
Then when we did have an international haulage industry we had to pay in every other country taxes or tolls , paying the Track Costs for their roads etc . They paid nothing when travelling here .
So who paid their Track Costs ?
Then via the EU we have been giving money to French farmers , money to Spanish fishermen , money given everywhere for road building , infrastructure , factories , arts etc all round the EU .
We wont get our money back from the European Bank of Reconstruction to the former commie bloc . Via Dfid we give money to developing countries .
So we have been giving state aid , just not to Britain . State aid to other states . Subsidising our competitors .
9am R4 More Or Less presenter had to confess to a major headline in his own popular recent headline
âAn economist claims the threat of coronavirus in England is about as risky as taking a bath – with figures showing the chance of dying from the disease each day is around one in two million.â
… He’d calculated the DAILY risk from Covid as one in 2 million
and compared it to the risk for taking a bath ..which is 1 in 2 million but over a YEAR.
The claim had been buried deep in his original FT article
but the Mail , Sun , Mirror all elevated it to the headline.
It of course a “too wow to be true claim”
.. so it’s weird that no editor or reader had pointed it out to Harford earlier.
Harford failed to point out that the first person to pick out and promote the bogus claim was Jim Pickard @PickardJE (Chief Political Correspondent, Financial Times )
The original WRONG claim
A friend of mine thinks it's too risky to go out, and asked me to do the maths for him. I did: https://t.co/LEYGSxYowX
“I wandered lonely as McLeod
Through the night-time streets of Brum,
When all at once after just two hours,
A host of coppers wanting some;
Starting at the hill, and into the village,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”
Bill Wordsworth will be spinning ….. perhaps Mr McLeod realised the origin of his name probably originates from a Scottish slave owner ……or his Wi Fi
Was poor
@Fedup2 you are talking lack of RECENT news pages that use his name ?
But I couldn’t find old news
If he had a prior conviction that should show up on Google
but it’s all blank as if he #1 used Googles Right to be Forgotten law
or #2 changed his name since
I’ve just worked out to hack Bing date range searches
but nothing shows up either.
Stew – his name was briefly reported in tje guardian and also now on the regional bit of the BBC site . They want this murder attack forgotten as quickly as possible because whitee victims no longer matter
The Sun reports that Zephaniah had mental problems.
‘McLeod had been jailed for three years in 2017 but was released in April this year at the halfway point of his sentence.
Upon his release, he is believed to have first lived in a halfway house in Dudley, West Mids, before moving into a three-bed house in Selly Oak, Birmingham.
McLeod was not subjected to probation controls because he had served his full prison term.
It later emerged he suffers from âseriousâ mental health problems but not much is publicly known about him.
At this minute scores of plod are in classrooms all over the country learning how to count to 7 and then to quickly get the pepper spray out after a ârisk assessment â.. pity any family household exceeding 6 eh ?
Did they come up with that number on a fag packet ?
At least we know that the footy season is cancelled – I mean – gathering of 23 chaps on a field ?…..
Fed, it’s getting very, very, very strange now. I noted with a rueful smile that schools that had a problem with a Covid-19 infection, were attributed to children on the BBC and in Parliament – ” … don’t kill your granny …”, when in fact the actual infections had been among adults especially the teaching assistants. I wonder what they might have been doing at the weekend?
One is forced to wonder whether MSM brains are completely scrambled by the mere thought of Covid-19
You don’t need to worry too much about killing granny (or more likely grandpa). Matt Hancock’s pals in the NHS have had first dibs at this and since March.
WTF? Literally all you have to do is zoom in on the picture to realize that everyone gathered in the stands is wearing a mask. I was able to do it on my iPhone in two seconds! I guess âjournalistsâ are not capable of basic observation, they just blindly run with the narrative. https://t.co/aNtxhmhgGn
For those in need of a lift there is a piece in the Telegraph today about how the poll gap between Biden, who was âout of sightâ in July , and Trump is closing in the ten or so swing states. Itâs remarkable though that the correspondent in this not very Woke newspaper puts the narrowing down to economic recovery and not to the activities of the Burn Loot Murder mob.
But the real uplift comes from reading the comments of readers. They do not disappoint in their condemnation of BLM and of the Dems who seem to be their pockets. By a majority of ten to one they believe that Trump will win his second term and in doing so give the West a fighting chance of throwing off the yoke of globalism.
Although the editor of the Telegraph may be showing signs of Wokism the readership is still resolutely sensible. To a lesser degree this division between editorial policy and the readership is true of the Times. Only on Brexit do the majority of Times readers , probably 70:30 Remain, share the dilute Wokist editorial policy on other topics.
Yasser DasmibehbiMar 9, 00:32 Weekend 8th March 2025 While I am more aligned with Rupert Lowe as regards policy, I am getting concerned with the seeming canonisation of…
StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
JeffMar 8, 22:04 Weekend 8th March 2025 Hang on a sec’ Lucy, we don’t really know what’s happened yet. All I’m certain of is that this is…
diggMar 8, 22:00 Weekend 8th March 2025 Thatâs because the Eastern Europeans would be tooled up and might take some coppers down with them so best to…
StewGreenMar 8, 21:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 “Clap for Ukraine on Sunday” PRasNews item on ITV local news tonight “A couple from Southall in Nottinghamshire are calling…
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would âdetoxify â it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
No, I can’t be…
Blimey ! are you really lost for words đ
Catchup links to Start The week thread
– page 3 started at 8am
Have you seen the coverage of the Birmingham stabbing fatality on the BBC news webshite front page today?
No, me neither. Barely 24 hours later, the untimely death, dare we suggest murder, of 23 year old Jacob Billington, is already relegated to the regions page.
If only he had been a black American
The contrast is disgusting.
…. as someone on here put it the other day! ????????
Wednesday morning update.
On BBC webshite front page
âFire destroys Greeceâs largest migrant campâ
âMaking art from plants during lockdownâ
âKardashians announce end of hit reality showâ
Not on webshite
The murder of (white) Jacob Billington by a (non-white) prime suspect, now arrested.
And have you also noticed there is not the slightest peep of a possibility the murder had a racist component? Are the police investigating the possibility? Is the BBC providing wall-to-wall coverage of the possibility? Are they talking to BLM ârepresentativesâ about it?
Hands up who believes for a microsecond this BBC radio silence would have been the same had the ethnicities of killer snd victim been the other way round?
That contrast really is terrible.
Was she attacked in a Chinese restaurant? Backstabbers.
That sort of headline is what gives hypocrisy a bad name.
That derrière has many peachy cheeks now.
Guest Who
They should stick to advertising furniture.
Guest Who
They should stick to advertising furniture.
Sky seem to be notoriously bad at basic arithmetic.
When I attended the anti-lockdown demo last Saturday Sky said “There are hundreds in Trafalgar Square”. It must have been closer to 20 thousand.
And now the ghastly Diversity tribe, doing their BLM bullshit, has received “hundreds of complaints”… when in fact it’s many thousands.
We have to call these pathetic creatures out.
These people aren’t real journalists in any sense of the word…
They’re propagandists.
When you have a non-degree in ‘Vegan Gender Violence’ Jeff, mathematics don’t really figure on the agenda, and are forgotten like the nine times table…
I met two mutual chums when walking JRT yesterday, and first chum came up with S.L.M. – Sue’s life matters, and we agreed that after Chris arrived, he became C.L.M!
I stuck with P.L.M. – Pensioners lives matter…
(I can’t have Scrobs’ Life Matters, as Sue now has the S.L.M. slot. I may have to issue physical correction for her, but not here, and for God’s sake, please don’t tell Senora O’Blene, otherwise it really will be B.L.M., ‘Balls lost Momentarily)!
The BBC, meanwhile, still doesn’t cover the stabbings…
2,966 complaints now
that’s thirty hundred
You could fund a whole Plod Service in Hackney for all that dosh, Stew!
Aunty is trawling.
ps: BBC editorial decisions are final with regard to whose opinions we use.
If only the level of surprise I feel now could be appreciated.
Looks like Greens vs Greens
There is not one active tweet about the debate.
To think; only hours ago JezBo was huffing about how trustworthy and rammed with professional integrity reporters are.
If a BBC title is wrong it’s this one
“EU says one in eight deaths is linked to pollution”
They miss the word “premature deaths” which is the EU’s claim
which itself is iffy
Most deaths are caused by us not having infinite lifespans
Counting premature deaths is a BS metric
cos some are 2 weeks premature, some are 50 years
but each counts as 1 premature death.
That makes the supposition that the scientific opinion from the EU is based on data and maths whereas in fact it’s based on control and wishful thinking Stew.
I have been watching the furore over the Government considering dropping or at least amending the “Agreement” with the EU.
If I understand it correctly, the government have come to the conclusion that to proceed with the withdrawal agreement “as is” would be very damaging for Britain into the future.
Meanwhile the MSM and the Labour Party have come to the conclusion that that the most important thing is to agree to the demands of the EU whatever they are so as not to upset them.
(Including giving away our rightful maritime waters for a start).
If that is the case I know which I would back without hesitation and I probably speak for the majority in this Country so don’t be swayed Boris, the majority are behind you on this.
I just watched Kier Starmer put in his 10 pence worth and was reminded of Chamberlain trying to wriggle and appease a European nation that had no intention of acting reasonably.
I think the end game for the give-way brigade is to make eventual re-entry to the EU as easy as possible and no doubt we are now in for years of them trying to bring that about.
New Rob Lyons essay about XR’ newspaper blockade
.. quite similar to @JamesDelingpole’s
\\ crazy thing is the policy of ânet zeroâ. And because every major political party agrees with it, voters have simply been given no choice in the matter. //
Stew – the daft ideas of XR and zero Co2 claims (of being a toxic gas) will mean the rapid development of open cast mining to find rare elements are predicted to cause real lasting damage. But at least the BBC can claim its for our own good. No doubt the BBC will claim zero emissions success at some point, a total absurdity on multiple levels.
“You know you can trust the BBC” what an example of an
oxymoron. I have written before that they shouldn’t be
allowed to be called the BRITISH broadcasting corporation. There
is next to nothing in their presentation that makes them
remotely British.Then there is trust. Trust the BBC?
If this lot were around between 1939-1945 they would of
had a reporter in Berlin giving the Nazi point of view !!
I want to ask you all a question. Do you think that the
death of George Floyd in the USA is 100 times or more of
an important news story to US in the UK than what
happened at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester?
There are revelations at the enquiry that the BBC don’t want
us to know about. That is why it has been hidden away on
the local Manchester web page.
It appears that the slaughter could of been prevented if
the security people at the venue would of taken action when
they were warned about Salman Abedi walking around the
foyer for two hours before going down on his knees to pray
followed by blowing up his young victims !
This witness testimony should be front page and TV’s main story right now.But
as in the Reading and the very recent
Birmingham abominations there are main aspects the BBC
don’t want the British public to know about.So they hide it
away or not even cover it for more than a day or so.
I reiterate from my previous contribution.All lives matter,but
some lives MATTER more. So far as the BBC is concerned.
ITBB in complement.
Jo Abbess will be proud.
“Prayer is not an indicator of terrorism, nor relevant to terrorist activity.”
In any sane individuals view, prayer is a total indication of likely terrorism particularly, if a muslim is seen, ‘at it’ outside a mosque.
I know it’s only a ‘gnat’s cock’ in the great scheme of things but can we please avoid using ‘of’ instead of ‘have’ as in ‘could of’, ‘would of’ etc?
People are not writing “of” instead of “have”
It’s ‘ve, cos they are writing phonetically
They contract “You would have thought” to “You would’ve thought”
And since they pronounce ‘ve as ov they write it “of”
They even abbreviate the “would” as well to get
“You’d’ve thought”… which does look weird
Jesus H, you two need to get a grip ????
But having an A-Level in English, you are correct and grammatically I’d be equally fussy ????????
Just not on here
Lettuce use proper English?
One of my students in Turkey love the way we say
“Yeh, it’s not bad”
……. Would that pass the grammar police ?
AND I agree it’s not on. BECAUSE not only doth manners maketh man, but knowing how to articulate and the correct use of writing English. BUT its understandable as these days teachers are not much better versed.
(see how I used AND – BECAUSE – BUT to start each sentence ? the worst atrocity in written English Language I could have committed according to my old learned teacher, but not anymore it seems).
Here’s a sentence that cannot be correctly written down …….. … there are three two s / too s / to s in the English Language.
Shouldn’t it be ‘ it’s understandable’?
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, it is still the cricket season and England have won another series even if it is only playing MickeyMouse cricket) your good teacher was wrong on probably two counts out of three. If you refer to the perfect English of the King James Bible and our famous Bard who was educated therewith, I think you will find ‘And’ and ‘But’ both used at the start of sentences.
All of us of a certain age were told not to use AND at the start of a sentence and I certainly adhered to this rule for the greater part of my life. Now, however, I have released myself from this convention and regularly start a sentence ( particularly when complaining ) with ‘And’ which serves well as a continuance and can stress a previous point without having to start by repeating it. And I can say this in the confidence that ALL those teachers who taught me those rules are LONG deceased.
Actually the ‘And’ in that last sentence was superfluous wasn’t it.
Agree with you. Circumstances differ for each contributor.
I confess that, my particular studies at A Level English donkey’s years ago has had no effect on the net result of a stroke and the effect that has had on my communication. I do my best with what I am left with.
theleft, ahem, we might say the same about your good self and some rather loose language at the start of your post …. cough, cough ….
Good writing is a pleasure to read. I appreciate AISI’s reviews of the front pages of the newspapers. I struggle sometimes to decipher Fed’s posts but recall that he has explained why his typos occur and with the workload of site moderation to deal with, we need to cut him some slack.
I find it hard when posters on here are linking to Tweets or something someone has ‘said’ somewhere but it is left up in the air, with no explanation for those of us who wish to avoid signing up to Twitter or Facebook.
G and Up2snuff, both good points, well made ????????
Some English professors teach that complaining about the use of of for have is an example of the white patriarchy oppressing the younger generation especially BAME and lacks inclusivity. They also claim that when marking university essays they should recognize and accept the use of text language with emojis.
BoBotC, might not long then before we ol’ whitees and whatevva Dulux shade we have will be forced to learn a form of UK Pidgin, no doubt spelled ‘pigin’.
Dem grate Bibbycee, ‘im orl buggerrup.
Dem big worl an all tings, ’em orl buggerrup too!
Since they are trying to infantilize the art of reading and writing, will they recognize and accept that in future they will be paid in Playdoh and My Little Pony accessories?
I am so depressed by that.
And not sure if gnats cock is within the rules …….emoji thing .
And someone said never start a sentence with âandâ ….
Imagine a police officer going over to a Muslim and ask him why is he praying ??? He would have been sent on diversity training . The BBC and Guardian are as complicit in this atrocity as those asylum seeking t@@ts……we aren’t allowed to challenge we just have to accept.
You know that Wickes advert where the loser husband hasn’t built the dream kitchen, that he told the Australians he would.
… I wonder if anyone has complained that it should be a ‘loser wife’ character ?
Well, it’s been a good fight, we tried, but our opponent was just too clever.
We thought we had the bbc on the ropes, we thought the end of the telly tax was within our grasp.
We could taste the freedom, but no.
The bbc pulled out the prime time big guns and sent Sue Perkins to the US-Mexico boarder.
I watched for twenty minutes before I rubbed toothpaste into my eyeballs.
Give up TV, tap, if you have not already done so and cancel your Licence Fee. That is the way to really bring the BBC into the modern world.
On the plus side my screams of agony drowned out Ms Perkins.
So not a completely wasted evening.
Maybe you should switch a toothpaste for sensitive teeth? The anaesthetic contained therein might also ease the old BBC aches and pains.
Channel 5 ‘s remake is pretty robust
Amazing for new actors to live up to the standard of the originals.
And the drama is tense
they’ve rejigged the plot a bit, so maybe some would complain about the authenticity.
Having watched two episodes , I’m impressed. and looking forward to the next episode.
I havenât watched the second episode yet but I was mightily relieved to see that the first episode was BAME free. Iâm sure that if it had been made by the BBC Mrs Hall would be a West Indian descended from those who settled in the Dales generations earlier. ( you didnât know that the Dales were settled by escaped slaves who worked on the Pontefract liquorice plantations and Wakefield rhubarb farms!?) James himself would probably be mixed race and Siegfried written out altogether due to Nazi overtones.
Dt, LOL! Very good.
Tonight’s bBBC News at Ten devoted 5 minutes to showing the conditions in a Mississippi prison. Nothing to do with the bBBC of course, but the reason for this bizarre ‘news’ item became clear at the end when they stretched it to link to BLM.
Maybe some one sawâ shoreshankâ….?(Spellling )
Can this possibly be true? The bumbling halfwit in Downing Street is ordering another lockdown. No meetings with more than six people, indoors or out. Will this include pubs, shops and restaurants? I’m actually frightened to ask…
FFS it was going to take a miracle to get the country back on its feet anyway after the last six months of economic sabotage…and now this!
Has this lumpen cretin learned nothing?
Surely, even the most fervent enthusiasts for the lockdown must have had just about enough of the medicine by now.
We cannot constantly keep returning to lockdown. Businesses can’t operate. We have a government that seem intent on strangling our country.
All this moron has to do is look at Sweden. They should have death rates in excess of 100,000 according to the “experts”.
No lockdown, no panic, no mass deaths, no problem…
And we’re lumbered with this moron.
Probably just setting things up to hand the haves another 6 months free furlough benefits cash.
Jeff, I’m fearful that HMG has got to the point where they are afraid of their own shadows. And [ Brissles, please note the correct usage đ ] I’m not referring to the Parliamentary type, although they must share some of the blame for this.
I think we have reached a point where large chunks of the northern hemisphere are becoming ungovernable. Civil Servants, opposition Parties, the media and various pressure groups aided and abetted by voracious lawyers are all working against a unified whole, a democratic concensus and the national interest.
This is dangerous territory to be in.
It is the sort of environment in which a Dictator can arise.
Perhaps that is what Boris Johnson wants?
Lucky my 5 a side team only has 6 innit
StewGreen and theleftwilleatitself….
Life’s too short… but here goes, one last comment on this matter (I hope).
“People are not writing âofâ instead of âhaveâ..”
Actually they are. ‘of’ is phonetically similar to ‘ ‘ve’ which is a contraction of ‘have’, and since when has written English been a simple phonetic transcription?
And… I hazard a guess that most of the contributors on here were educated at a time when being ‘fussy’ over minor ‘cultural’ infringements was the norm.
If ‘getting a grip’ means accepting sloppy, inaccurate English I’m not sure how well that chimes with that used by the majority of excellent contributors to this site.
Apologies for the rant, but I get fed up with our heritage/culture etc being slowly undermined. I thought that was one of the motivating factors behind our dislike of the bBBC as often expressed on this site.
Spinning…I’ve noticed it, but…
I really don’t think it’s so desperately important, not just now… We’re seeing our fundamental liberties flushed down the loo. We’re being lied to by our political elite and media. Our economy is tanking. Something really strange and sinister is happening. Boris has just introduced another lockdown and people are forced to dress like Dick Turpin before they can gain access to Sainsbury’s or get on a bus.
Perhaps we might do the grammar another day…
In North Yorkshire they can wear 2 masks but the third capacity buses are often full ..
If you can get on, the retards often want the windows shut
Maybe we’ll be sent back to our rooms soon anyway
SpinningReith – in marking university essays in the sciences lecturers are usually told not to mark down for faulty grammar and to give the benefit of doubt when something is ambiguous. It meets inclusivity rules and takes into account a high number of overseas students that pay through the nose.
P.s. many overseas students are accepted onto university courses despite having poor English language skills.
“P.s. many overseas students are accepted onto university courses despite having poor English language skills”.
They then become doctors, and no British citizen ever really understands what’s wrong with them!
I recall a couple taking advice on infertility from a doctor whose English was unclear. He asked ‘How high is your c@@t ‘.Edited – red card – signed Fedup 2 naughty – moderating
Poor man was trying to say ‘How high is your sperm count?’
BoBotC, ” …. the love of money is the root of all evil.”
I think that many British people hear ‘ve’ and have always assumed it to be ‘of’. Never considering that it doesn’t make sense in the context because they are so used to it.
And because native speakers wouldn’t learn this as a foreign person would it just never gets questioned.
Family Guy : Peter has formed an armed neighborhood watch team
Then on the first night he sees a figure at his black neighbours window, he shoots and hits the guy in the arm.
Oops it’s his neighbour Cleveland’s son, who was climbing in his own window..
The police let Peter off
but Cleveland itphe black man is shouting “hate crime”
Now clumsy Peter has gone over to really apologise but knocks over a candle which set fire to a bottle which he flings at the window
So now the neighbors think he’s a KKK guy driving a black family out of their house.
The NRA help frame Cleveland junior as a thug.
… And in court the judge orders Peter is released.
Ah it’s the one that ends with Cleveland saying he shot his own son ..and the media and crowds going home, cos ‘black on black crime doesn’t matter’.
Stew, I heard the announcement from Hollywood about the OSCARS this morning and groaned. I’m afraid that all ‘entertainment’ with be PC in future.
As we is ‘ot on typos innit, apols for de ‘with’ instead of da ‘will’, abuv, bruv.
This is worth a read and something to pray against for those who do that sort of thing.
An excellent article and a summary of what we, here, are all likely to agree with. Thank you.
Some or all of the points will be played out I am sure, following the November election. I sincerely hope DJT has a solid Plan B and C, D……
Oddly enough, this just arrived in my mailbox:
From directly above.
If any of the scenarios are played out to the Communist planners desires in the US, as the other recognised, World, “Pillar of Democracy” (LoL!) how long after November will it be before the Communist/Globalists focus their attention on the UK?
That’s when it will be proven that Johnson is not a Churchill and in no way comparable to DJT.
Square – yes – worrying . The article leaves out mention of the FBI and other security agencies . The worrying question is who benefits from a coup against Mr Trump when he wins . The FBI must know that they , along with the rest of the swamp , are due for âreshaping â -plus further investigation in the role taken during the first General Election .
As for questioning the legitimacy of close individual votes – Iâm not sure what US postal voting rules are – as well as requirements regarding identity checking .
If they are as soft as the UK then it will be easier to challenge the outcome of close votes either way .
I still think decent Americans will see the nonsense going on now and react against the Democrats – couple that with Bidenâs reluctance to campaign and a potentially rebounding economy would deliver a second Trump presidency …..And a ÂŁ44 return on my bet …
S-E, thanks for putting that up. Very interesting. I read that after my post above at 9.53 a.m. and am glad that I’m not just a mere ‘lone nutter’. I sure hope the President wins ‘bigly’. The alternatives are becoming too awful to contemplate for long.
How does fakenews gets in to the BBC and MSM ?
cos people like the Met Office supply it
Letâs not beat about the bush. Claims of ârecord windsâ, deliberately broadcast by the Met Office, are utterly dishonest and irresponsible.
If a company made such claims in its advertising, it would hauled before the ASA.
Whether they knew the claims were fake is largely irrelevant. To release the news without proper checks shows that the Met Office are more interested in propaganda than the truth.
For people interested in writing complaint letters
See the last post here
a long post about how when he made specific claims about a global warming prog. they fobbed off every point.
Scotland the brave The Committee on Climate Change has revealed plans to publish a blueprint for achieving net-zero ahead of the landmark COP26 climate summit next year, reports EnergyVoice.
Yes, from Glasgow, the epi-centre of Trotsykist rebellion and energy independence (based on huge amounts of hot air and North Sea Oil). They have the sums, do they?
Zero Co2. It won’t work (cannot work) but it will cost the Earth… How much?
The New Zealand government did carry out such an exercise, and concluded that to achieve ânet zeroâ by 2050 would cost 16 per cent of GDP annually. This would equate to ÂŁ560 billion a year if applied to the UK â equivalent to almost three-quarters of all public expenditure.
Yet this legislation was passed without even a debate, let alone a vote in the House of Commons: it was enacted through a statutory instrument. This could only happen because the overwhelming majority of MPs are too scared to be seen as so-called âclimate change deniersâ.
And so it goes.
Scotland the Brave. XR has found its home.
âWeâre going to be spelling out, for the first time ever, a full pathway to net-zero in the UK and in Scotland. That means in every sector weâll have the deployment information, the investment numbers, the costs and crucially also the benefits.
âWeâre going to be publishing this work around a year before COP26 in Glasgow and I hope that it will light the blue touch paper ahead of 2021.â
Can’t wait. No doubt will be on BBC will be in mass hysteria on the benefits paid for by unemployment across Europe, the collapse of industry and spiraling costs. Germany will be hit hard, where it hurts, locked into the EU ‘final solution’.
Scotland, good luck on that vision. If the EU are going for mass extinction, then the UK has a big chance to ignore it.
Traveller families: ‘We just want to live on the land we legally own’
It’s not the living in caravans and travelling bit people don’t like, it’s the wave of crime that follows you like a bad smell.
“…the wave of crime….”.
That’s called the, “traditions” per the BBC article.
Philip_2, “The New Zealand government did carry out such an exercise, and concluded that to achieve ânet zeroâ by 2050 would cost 16 per cent of GDP annually. This would equate to ÂŁ560 billion a year if applied to the UK â equivalent to almost three-quarters of all public expenditure.”
Everyone points to the USA as being big polluters but in reality – I saw it in The Guardian around Y2K so it must be true – Oceania is actually the biggest user of energy and outputter of CO2. The fact is that Island Nations – and Oceania is full of islands – require transport.
But Scottish Islands obviously don’t if the Wee Nippy is going to pursue a Carbon NetZero goal, especially if independent.
even nigel cant do this
The BBC are absolutely criminal. I listened to this and the BBC doesn’t report on any of it.
Instead they make emotive and abusive headlines created by his political opponents, by activists, by those trying to sell books – egregious headlines such as “Trump is A Racist Mobster” and “Trump is a divisive Woman Hater“. Yet none of our politicians calls them out on it and they continue to get away with it.
The young girl with glasses in the left top of the video .
Is she the one that asked something good on a Question Time ?
Disgusting BBC up to its usual tricks i see …….Headlines “Public Gathering Of Over Six People to be banned in England’……and the accompanying pictures shows 10 white faces, not a BME to be seen, this implies that its whitey that is spreading the disease and it couldn’t be anything to do with BME people as they don’t break the law. Simplistic I know but show me another picture on the BBC website that shows whites only. Oh and their are 2 large scale inquiries currently being held in Europe both involving Islamic terrorists only Hebdo being reported and no reporting that TWO enquiries into atrocities against non believers are currently being held in Europe……..i wonder if they will be as non forthcoming with the details during the resumed Grenfall inquiry…
BBC Moaning Emole image in complement is totes Greg Dyke approved.
Oh, and on social media they found a policeman of non color not on his knee.
What’s so significant about limiting to six?
Is it a coincidence; 666? Six people, six masks, six feet apart.
Is that six adults plus children?
How are the Stasi going to know the number of people gathered inside someone’s house? Are they relying on the neighborhood snitch to tell them?
j-i-c, LOL! Well spotted.
I would love to get a recording of one of their meetings where they discuss such things ‘ meetings in groups of 6 banned, ok well we can’t have bame pictures on this one can we’ ‘no, let’s get some whitey pictures’
By the way, on another matter the BBC had conveniently forgotten but might now suddenly remember again.. Wait for it.. ‘ Mental health problems’
Agree Halifax but change disgusting to utter Fearmongering-
Right from the start of lockdown one of the extraordinary features of the Governmentâs handling of the âCoronavirus Crisisâ has been the abandonment of any attempt to be accurate and truthful about what steps they are taking. It is clear, after looking over the legislation enacted by Boris and his Ministers, the lockdown was and is illegal!
challenging the Lockdown Regulations and the Coronavirus Act.
Under the emergency legislation of the Coronavirus Act, the Government has taken full power to make and to change the law by diktat, suspending and trampling on our hard-fought liberties!
Ministers are directly responsible for the creation of the Rules which they themselves announce, subverting our constitutional process and the rule of Parliament.
Millions of jobs, mortgages, marriages and even lives have been sacrificed by our bumbling government and they are still pressing ahead, causing even more hardship to millions of hard-working people based on lies, lies and more lies!
Ministers are announcing that a rule is coming into force, when no such rule has even been created by them or by anybody else. When they give âGuidanceâ, the official guidance is often vastly at variance to the Rules that the Minister has actually created.
This process started back on the 23rd March, when Boris went on television to say that he was immediately âLocking Downâ the country. A disasterous decision as has been proved.
He had no powers to do so and, whilst his comments were treated as being official to the point where the police were actually arresting people, in fact there were no such Rules.
Ministers even got the lying Mainstream Media BBC et al, to widely report that there were various offences which were in force which in fact were not in force as Rules at all.
9:30am R4 Writing Black British History
“Stephen Bourne thinks we are short changing young people by failing to teach them about the history of black Britons, whose stories, he believes, deserve wider recognition,
especially their contribution in the armed forces and on the home front when Britain was at war.”
White criminals are remembered in history
are non whites ones similarly taught about ?
Meanwhile, down Farm of Diversity
Birmingham : Zephaniah McLeod, 27, will appear at the cityâs magistratesâ court on Wednesday following the string of knife attacks which left 23-year-old Jacob Billington dead.
Sheffield has a victim, yet BBC Radio Sheffield news bulletins haven’t mentioned the naming of the perp.
McLeod looks coloured/black- should be executed-bring back Capital Punishment-with no such deterent crimes of this natire and worse will continue.
colour only matters to the bbc in reporting crimes if it is white
that is a fact anyone can check
Same in the US.
Five year old white child, Cannon Hinant, murdered by a black, silence.
Two black violent criminals, both Biden and the Karma Comedian visit them/ their family and praise them to high heaven.
Blonde. Not Katty Kay or BS.
Boom! Omg!
And on that exclamation, and excerpt that could be written for the BBC peroxide victims. And Jon. ‘Reportedly’.
Stop Calling Them “Bombshells”
The Internet in the Trump era has become a pile of unexploded ordnance, with the Atlantic’s “suckers” story being the latest example
On September 3, Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic published an article asserting that Donald Trump insulted veterans while on a trip to France in 2018.
Goldberg cited anonymous sources who claimed Trump called off a trip to the Aisne-Marne cemetery outside Paris. âWhy should I go to that cemetery? Itâs filled with losers,â Trump reportedly said. The Atlantic noted Trumpâs official reason for bailing on the trip:
[Trump] blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that âthe helicopter couldnât flyâ and that the Secret Service wouldnât drive him there.
Everyone in news agreed the story was a âbombshell,â even conservatives challenging its accuracy. âAnonymous sources in the Atlanticâs Donald Trump bombshell urged to go on the record,â was the early Fox take. NBC described Trumpâs effort to return fire by rallying fans against the Atlantic his âlatest effort to dispute the bombshell story,â while CNN ultimately invited Goldberg on to clear some things up in an interview headed, âJournalist behind bombshell report speaks out.â
The bombshell-ness was dubious. Trump in 2015 made on-the-record, on-camera comments about John McCainâs military service that, to my mind, were at least as intense as what was alleged in the Atlantic report. âI like people that werenât capturedâ and âI donât like losersâ are matters of record, and so is Trumpâs mind-bending response to that controversy.
In a debate in New Hampshire in 2016, Trump answered Jeb Bushself- about the âloserâ comment (emphasis mine):
I never called John McCain a loser, as you know⌠I said he was a hero because he got caught, which is true, to a certain extent⌠I didnât call him a loser, so heâs â you know, heâs lied when he made that up⌠I never made a comment about him, and I never said that about John McCain.
Back then, nobody in media knew how to handle a politician who denied saying stuff heâd said on tape. Papers like the Times tried to emphasize the absurdity in the headline (âDonald Trump denies saying what he saidâ), while fact-checking outlets scrambled to point out other, written instances of Trump calling McCain a loser, for instance this humorously self-congratulating Trump retweet:
In the end, none of it mattered. When Mitt Romney joined Sean Spicer, Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry (who said Trump would be unfit to govern if he didnât apologize), Bobby Jindal and many others in denouncing Trumpâs initial remarks about McCain, Trump retorted:
Donald J. Trump
Why would anybody listen to @MittRomney? He lost an election that should have easily been won against Obama. By the way,so did John McCain!
July 18th 2015
Suddenly, âTrump insults veteransâ became âTrump refuses to genuflect before two Republicans who lost to Barack Obama.â The other spectacle, of Trump refusing to kneel before the forced-apology ritual campaign reporters had established for the likes of Gary Hart, Bill Clinton, and Howard Dean, also worked in his favor, as voters gave Trump a poll bounce for lying in the face of the hated press.
As far back as 2015, then, three things were established. One, Trump has no problem saying disparaging things about veterans who suffered in the line of duty. Two, he has no issue lying about it. Three, his voters donât care.
Yet this Atlantic piece is exactly the same story, down to the last detail. Thereâs even a section in the Goldberg piece asserting that after McCain died, Trump said, âWeâre not going to support that loserâs funeral.â This led to yet another recent Trump denial in the exact same language as the one he employed in 2015 â âI never called John a loserâ â followed by fact-checks correcting Trump in exactly the same way fact-checkers corrected him in 2015, pointing to the exact same tweets and tapes. It all feels like a hellish time-travel satire.
This is an excerpt from todayâs subscriber-only post by Matt Taibbi.
This, to me, is the problem with power being held to account by powers that not only are not held to account by themselves but each other, mostly for purely ideological reasons. On all sorts of topics.
Especially the BBC. It is the British State Broadcaster.
There are examples of things that need highlighting and questioning, everywhere.
However by doing so in a skewed manner constantly, it becomes red noise.
And sticking exclamatory intros to them per just about every overpaid BBC student activist editor shows them now for the worthless churners they are.
It should come as no surprise that Jeffery Goldberg is doing another hatchet job on DJT given that his wife was a senior advisor to Hillary Clinton
The Guardian – on certain issues – admires the smack of firm government: ‘Emergency action to stem virus resurgence’. The Times on this issue reverts to the time honoured role as paper of record: ‘Covid ban on meetings of more than six people’.
On this one I prefer the Mail’s headlines: ‘Britain’s hit for six’ and the sub-header which seems to hit the nail on the head: ‘…as ministers panic…’
‘Will you wear leather trousers?’ enquires the Times. Boris must be wearing his brown ones.
For anyone willing to pause for a moment and think, the Telegraph headline ought to remind us of the weird looking glass la la land we’ve entered: ‘Illegal for more than six people to socialise’
I’m guessing it’s still ok to demonstrate because I look forward doubtfully to the cops breaking up the next BLM protest.
And maybe our border bozos will now turn back to France any rubber dinghys with more than six occupants?
The Metro has: ‘So you think covid’s over? Think again…’
Nope, as I speculated yesterday, the powers that be are going to be very reluctant to give up their new found levers of control.
There’s not much to smile about but we’ll give it a shot. By the way, where’s that magic vaccine we heard so much about?
One finds a little humour in the left-leaning virtual rag the ‘i’ backing Theresa May as she and her EU-loving civil servants chew on sour grapes over Boris ditching their naff Brexit deal: ‘Britannia waives the rules’ – full maks for the subbie who came up with that one! Send your next job application in to Paris Match or Die Welt son.
The ‘i’ highlights how our football boys looked impotent (at least on the pitch – if not in the hotel) on their short Scandinavian campaign: ‘Stalemate: England draw a blank in Denmark’
Meanwhile the opposite sex is winning all the way: ‘Lets hear it for women’s power’ and ‘Many single mum’s I know are happy’ insists the ‘i’ – calm down, dears.
The Telegraph tells us ‘Royal Mail may scrap Saturday deliveries’ whilst the FT reveals ‘Royal Mail shares increase a fifth’
Capitalism gone wrong? The Telegraph has: ‘Millionaire backers at odds with XR blockade’ – how did the fat men in top hats and spats with fatter cigars think crusty anarchists were ever suitable bedfellows?
There really does seem to be something of a crisis of confidence in capitalism. The Mirror has: ‘Ex fur trade boss: Ban fur’
No one seems to want to earn a living. Except perhaps Her Maj: ‘Queen cuts break short to earn a crust!’ in the Express.
Unsure what to make of new restrictions, so much around the pandemic just screams nonsense, but there is a way round them.
Why can’t more people see what you and I see AslSleet-‘Nope, as I speculated yesterday, the powers that be are going to be very reluctant to give up their new found levers of control.’ Dam right. A systmatic Collapse of our Society is taking place and the attributed fear being used to this particular virus is part of the plan of the elites who have already planned out election chaos and famine that will destroy so many people´s lives if we let it. We are being played like a grand piano and most have no idea. I have written at length on this subject, the problem the UK now faces is and will be the division of its 2000 year old society developed to one of charity and decency and protection of its peoples-not any more, infusion of evil has now invaded.
Why can’t more people see what you and I see AslSleet-‘Nope, as I speculated yesterday, the powers that be are going to be very reluctant to give up their new found levers of control.’ Dam right. A systematic Collapse of our Society is taking place and the attributed fear being used by the unscrupulous to this particular virus is part of the plan of the elites who have already planned out election chaos and famine that will destroy so many people´s lives if we let it. We are being played like a grand piano and most have no idea. I have written at length on this subject, the problem the UK now faces, is and will be the division of its 2000 year old society developed to one of charity and decency and protection of its peoples-not any more, infusion of evil has now invaded
This surely secures him Today through Vile to Newsnight the rest of the year?
They know who âusâ means.
The BBC should be calling out David Lammy for being a vile race baiter – it’s because I’m black innit. Instead the BBC are too busy attacking whitey themselves.
Iâm afraid mr Lammay that most white folks think it is indeed one rule fir BAMEs and another rule for the rest of us. BAMEs get away with all sorts of things that we would be severely punished for.
The trustpilot reviews of the bBC just keep getting better.
The corp makes you feel like your in a minority view, but when you read the reviews, your not đ
BBC Claims (N. America)
On Facebook it is captioned âEU saysâ, which the bbc appears to think adds cred.
And thereâs always BbC âquotesâ
A very long thread ensues.
If a black criminal in Birmingham Alabama got shot by a white police officer the BBC would report it.
We’d be lectured about racial profiling. We’d hear from the poor chap’s family and friends. BLM activists would be interviewed. Tear stained British celebrities would be asked on to denounce racism. It would be Olympic class virtue signalling all round. Blimey, the Beeb might even stretch to an hour long documentary…
Meanwhile, in Birmingham England, a black thug goes on a murderous rampage, stabbing numerous people and killing one young lad. It could have been many more.
Instantly we’re given assurances that this isn’t a “hate crime”. It’s nothing to do with terrorism. For some reason a description of the assailant is vague and unforthcoming.
Now they have the killer.
No media hype. No outpourings of rage and grief. No celebrities taking to Twitter.
And almost sweet FA from the BBC…
I’m sure I’ve read that it took the police two hours to respond.
Is that correct? If so, surely that demands an investigation and a senior officer held responsible.
And while we have you here…
In complement:
Things looking dark for the broadcaster of the average person.
That lady the bbc like to get on to âanalyseâ the media industry…. whatâs her name again?
Enders Analysis released this research on 9 September 2020. It has been emailed in full to subscribers. A brief description follows:
Despite numerous examples of critical acclaim* for BBC Three programming over the last couple of years, the evidence suggests that its audience has collapsed since the closure of its linear TV channel in 2016.
Annual viewing minutes of BBC Three programming are down by more than 70% compared to its last year of linear TV broadcasting, and weekly reach amongst its target demographic of 16-34s has fallen by c. 70%âa loss far greater than those of other TV channels.
More difficult to assess are the effects of the shift in content strategy. Comedy** programming, for example, proportionally shrank in terms of the total volume available while receiving a greater share of consumption, in direct contrast to factual contentâs fate.
*but no actual viewers
**but no actual comedy
The only programme that I watched on BBC Three was Family Guy, an imported American comedy cartoon.
As that got taken up by ITV2 I never felt any need to to go looking for BBC Three content on the web. Presumably it is still items like Incest for Infants or Bestiality for Britons, material rejected as too depraved even for Channel 4?
I’m wondering how the bBC will report (or even will report) September 11th on Friday – obviously dont want to offend some
The way the BBC quote, âquoteâ or âquoteâ someone is as varied as it fascinating.
Knob is a prime example.
OT. I recognise three.
Not in a good way.
Hiring heat over light political gobs seems… âbraveâ.
I’ve stopped listening to LBC. And the LBC News radio station.
All it ever talks about is the sodding virus and what bad things President Trump has done.
And of course, I’ve virtually never listened to the Wee JO’bby, well not without changing station within the first few seconds.
Is that former recruiter of muslim terrorists ( apparently he gets upset if he’s called a terrorist) still with them?
I could list them all, but what’s the point, they’re all crap.
Love that ânormallyâ.
Certainly after Beff cites a mystery source.
Be in no doubt this latest issue on NI is going to be used by the Remainers to soften or scupper Brexit. I wrote yesterday that a legal challenge was very likely and with the vociferous support of Remainerdom I can see the EU appealing to this or that international law court whose judgement is a forgone conclusion.
What we are seeing is the result of decades of liberal left control of most of the world. They have set up supranational institutions which share the globalist world view and so cement their power . These supranational institutions have the power to override the decisions of individual governments which have been democratically elected to push back against globalism. So only by breaking so called international law can a country free its self from globalism. In essence there are thousands of ropes that must be cut to free ourselves of globalism which makes swamp draining so difficult and protected.
Dt, pardon the proof-reading – ‘protracted’ instead of ‘protected’ as final word in your piece?
Agree. Removing UK from EU is akin to removing Norton Utilities from a PC …. v. difficult, I am told.
Thank you .
Today’s BBC headline: “Donald Trump raped me”
Yesterdays BBC headline: “Donald Trump is a divisive woman hater”
The day before yesterdays BBC headline: “Donald Trump is a racist mobster”
The BBC make a complete mockery of the charter of impartiality they are bound to. Instead they create emotive and abusive headlines using quotes from his political enemies and those trying to make money out of him. Article after article of scurrilous allegations. There is nothing informative or neutral from them.
Sorry if mentioned before .
In Re the EU want the UK to not ever give state aid .
Going to my industry`s angle , we were and still are the most highly taxed trucks in Europe (EU) . This is because we are told we must pay our “track costs ” . Fair enough you might think .
Then when we did have an international haulage industry we had to pay in every other country taxes or tolls , paying the Track Costs for their roads etc . They paid nothing when travelling here .
So who paid their Track Costs ?
Then via the EU we have been giving money to French farmers , money to Spanish fishermen , money given everywhere for road building , infrastructure , factories , arts etc all round the EU .
We wont get our money back from the European Bank of Reconstruction to the former commie bloc . Via Dfid we give money to developing countries .
So we have been giving state aid , just not to Britain . State aid to other states . Subsidising our competitors .
That should be stopped .
Well said. And it needs to be repeated regularly until it sinks into the thick skulls of the rats in government and the abysmal Civil Service.
9am R4 More Or Less presenter had to confess to a major headline in his own popular recent headline
âAn economist claims the threat of coronavirus in England is about as risky as taking a bath – with figures showing the chance of dying from the disease each day is around one in two million.â
… He’d calculated the DAILY risk from Covid as one in 2 million
and compared it to the risk for taking a bath ..which is 1 in 2 million but over a YEAR.
The claim had been buried deep in his original FT article
but the Mail , Sun , Mirror all elevated it to the headline.
It of course a “too wow to be true claim”
.. so it’s weird that no editor or reader had pointed it out to Harford earlier.
Harford failed to point out that the first person to pick out and promote the bogus claim was Jim Pickard @PickardJE (Chief Political Correspondent, Financial Times )
The original WRONG claim
oops my typo
The BBC presenter had to confess to a major ERROR in his own popular recent headline.
Ok people – whatâs going to be the motivation for mr
Zephaniah McLeod
To run around birmingham stabbing and killing ( allegedly ) and why the police never stopped him ….
– I found his name buried in a small article – if he did it he should be buried along with his name . …..
100% agree Fedup2- buried he should be after having been executed.
“I wandered lonely as McLeod
Through the night-time streets of Brum,
When all at once after just two hours,
A host of coppers wanting some;
Starting at the hill, and into the village,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”
(with apologies to William Wordsworth)
Bill Wordsworth will be spinning ….. perhaps Mr McLeod realised the origin of his name probably originates from a Scottish slave owner ……or his Wi Fi
Was poor
@Fedup2 you are talking lack of RECENT news pages that use his name ?
But I couldn’t find old news
If he had a prior conviction that should show up on Google
but it’s all blank as if he #1 used Googles Right to be Forgotten law
or #2 changed his name since
I’ve just worked out to hack Bing date range searches
but nothing shows up either.
DuckDuckGo doesn’t do date range searches
Stew – his name was briefly reported in tje guardian and also now on the regional bit of the BBC site . They want this murder attack forgotten as quickly as possible because whitee victims no longer matter
The Sun reports that Zephaniah had mental problems.
‘McLeod had been jailed for three years in 2017 but was released in April this year at the halfway point of his sentence.
Upon his release, he is believed to have first lived in a halfway house in Dudley, West Mids, before moving into a three-bed house in Selly Oak, Birmingham.
McLeod was not subjected to probation controls because he had served his full prison term.
It later emerged he suffers from âseriousâ mental health problems but not much is publicly known about him.
“DuckDuckGo doesnât do date range searches.”
Just by ‘Anytime’, ‘Past Day’, ‘Past Week’, ‘Past Month’.
DuckDuckGo Help Dates
At this minute scores of plod are in classrooms all over the country learning how to count to 7 and then to quickly get the pepper spray out after a ârisk assessment â.. pity any family household exceeding 6 eh ?
Did they come up with that number on a fag packet ?
At least we know that the footy season is cancelled – I mean – gathering of 23 chaps on a field ?…..
Fed, it’s getting very, very, very strange now. I noted with a rueful smile that schools that had a problem with a Covid-19 infection, were attributed to children on the BBC and in Parliament – ” … don’t kill your granny …”, when in fact the actual infections had been among adults especially the teaching assistants. I wonder what they might have been doing at the weekend?
One is forced to wonder whether MSM brains are completely scrambled by the mere thought of Covid-19
You don’t need to worry too much about killing granny (or more likely grandpa). Matt Hancock’s pals in the NHS have had first dibs at this and since March.
Maybe Left Charlie won’t turn BBC Sounds into the ideological joke Commie Jim has?
Yep media is all about NARRATIVE not truth
Bit awks for all here from Beff to Toenails and the entire RTing American BS.
What can they tweet now?
Ahhhhh, edited ‘quotes’.
BREAKING: Donald Trump has been nominated for 2021 Nobel Peace Prize
Boom! As some are won’t to exclaim.
Guest, remember how war with North Korea was guaranteed if Trump won in 2016? Wonder how that turned out . . . … đ
For those in need of a lift there is a piece in the Telegraph today about how the poll gap between Biden, who was âout of sightâ in July , and Trump is closing in the ten or so swing states. Itâs remarkable though that the correspondent in this not very Woke newspaper puts the narrowing down to economic recovery and not to the activities of the Burn Loot Murder mob.
But the real uplift comes from reading the comments of readers. They do not disappoint in their condemnation of BLM and of the Dems who seem to be their pockets. By a majority of ten to one they believe that Trump will win his second term and in doing so give the West a fighting chance of throwing off the yoke of globalism.
Although the editor of the Telegraph may be showing signs of Wokism the readership is still resolutely sensible. To a lesser degree this division between editorial policy and the readership is true of the Times. Only on Brexit do the majority of Times readers , probably 70:30 Remain, share the dilute Wokist editorial policy on other topics.