If you listen /watch PMQs you will see a PM who doesn’t look well – and quite a few concerned looking faces . Starmer stuck with problems with ‘test and trace ‘ and the PM blustered. Mr Johnson sounds like he’s doing ‘just a minute ‘- derek nimmo-style …
It is unsurprising that the bBC have provided a significant daily airspace for Wee Burney to use every moment to turn the Covid update into a party political broadcast………I would imagine that her audience could be counted in the thousands possibly 100,s .
What goes under-reported by the bBC are the diabolical attempts
by this republican Party to maximise state control over the people of Scotland.
1) offensive BEHAVIOR AT fOOTBALL…INSPIRED BY WHAT MANY CALL THE DISPROPORTIONATE VOICE OF THE iRISH “diaspora” in Scotland…..but backfired as existing laws covered
misbehaviour in general at sporting events
This law was eventually repealed but not before it caused carnage through the court system.
2) The Named Persons bill….intended to have named Individual
responsible for each child in Brigadoon…..this went all the way to the Supreme Court to be found illegal……
Give me the child and i,ll give you the man springs to mind.
3) And the latest being tabled by Hamza Yousaf , a true lightweight who in his spare time adorns himself in ” Celtic FC training hoodies” his job description is Justice Minister….according to Twitter pictures anyway.
Whatever his allegiances he is widely seen as way out his depth
the latest HATE CRIME BILL he is is working on has been roundly criticized………..a.further attempt by the state to control.
The core vote of the snp is said tocome from people with “Irish ” backgrounds…. how any right minded Scot could post another vote for this cult can only underline an outcome where they will get what they deserve.
There needs to be a massive “roll-back” of these devolved powers….otherwise it aint going to end well.
Am afraid Wee Nippy is something like Anna Soubry south of the Border.
The thought struck me at lunchtime listening to TWatO that maybe, just maybe, Bojo has realised he missed a great opportunity in March to start to unravel Blair’s break-up of the UK and is stoking things up on the Covid-19 front to have a second opportunity?
Neil Oliver: In a time of a national crisis "television news should be something that people can get unbiased coverage. But universal partisanship is increasing the divisions."
I am well into my seventies now.I have an underlying health
problem, heart failure. And do you know something I don’t
think I want to be around when this diversity madness
takes complete control and we may well have scenes such
as the madness of everybody trying to kill each other, as was in the
spoof James Bond film Kingsman: The Secret Service.
The BBC has proudly presented us with the news that
only diverse films will be considered for best picture for
the Academy Awards.
The madness has won and the woke populated institutions
such as the BBC must be having multiple orgasms on hearing the
news.So I expect if Julius Caesar is ever made again and it
wants to win an award it must have at least one black
actor playing Caesar, Brutus or Mark Anthony. And forget
about Othello if a whitey plays the Moor , blacked up.
I read The Madness of Crowds last year. I don’t think
that Douglas Murray realized how prophetic it would be in
such a short time.
Right at the end of The Bridge of the River Kwai ,the doctor
shouts out madness, madness,MADNESS !!! This film could not
be nominated for awards under these crazy ,woke diktats.
And heaven forbid if the BBC ever show the terrific adventure
film North West Frontier. They even want the
Ariana Grande Islamic massacre,swept under the carpet.
Are the Academy Awards going to backdate this ruling to previous Best Picture winners, like the Tour de France did to drug cheats like Lance Armstrong, who had all his wins taken away?
This would mean the 1940 winner, Gone With The Wind, would remain (diverse cast) but 2009 winner Slumdog Millionaire would be removed (non-diverse).
Foscari -i hope you stay well and dont get stressed – which is what i am trying to do . Living abroad half my time helps me though ….
….as for the oscars . I think their status has declined as the new platforms have ascended . I think the luvvies still value them but whatelse do they achieve ?
Ive watched the emmy presentation compared by the chap who did ‘the office ‘ putting the luvvies in their place .
If you look at the past oscar winners the best film is not always best…..i think a best film remains that over time and taste . Many fail that test . And after all – its show Business £££££££££
I live in the wilds of France Profonde, now, and this nonsense doesn’t really affect me, unless I venture into town and wince at the wet snowflakes in their masks.
If I can see Brexit properly implemented, and another Trump win (without the USA bursting into flames), I shall be a bit happier.
As it is, the Age of Stupid, within the Era of Lunacy, is playing itself out according to plan – look out for the UN’s Global Reset, next year, when life will become a model of Mao’s China.
If Trump wins the USA will certainly burst into flames within days as the left burn loot and murder.If he loses the USA will certainly burst into flames within weeks or months of the January inauguration of China Joe when it becomes clear that rabid leftists are working his limbs and mouth and white people react in fear.
It is worth remembering that no Democrat president since Truman in 1948 has won a majority of the white vote. Now that really is a racial divide.
I’ve checked, there’s about 450,000 National Guard spread across the US. They’re probably going to need them.
I read that Saint (back of the queue) Obama systematically got rid of the senior military in the Pentagon who were not deemed liberal enough. The plan to destroy the US from within, doubtless Beijing inspired and financed, has been going for decades. That’s no doubt the reason they hate DJT so much: he arrived and disrupted their plans.
Dt, I’m not so sure that a Biden victory, if clear cut enough, will not be accepted by all Republicans. The Republican Party in the US, however much the Socialist Left – in or outside the media – wish to smear them, is still comprised of thoroughly decent people.
In a similar way, did Conservatives here march and demonstrate after Blair won in 1997? No, the victory was accepted as being part and parcel of democracy. In the ‘new Democracy’ of the Wrongists, if they don’t get their way and win, then they throw a hissy fit, have a tantrum, just like small children.
Things are very different now from even ten years ago let alone twenty three years ago. In the US the polarisation of society seems well advanced and of course these camps are well armed.The situation is reminiscent of Germany in the immediate aftermath of WW1 with armed militias from left and right on the streets. It won’t take much to spark it and this election result may be the ignition source.
DT, I have made the point previously that the tactics of #BlackLiesMatter, their Leftist fellow travellers, and the associated useful idiots, particularly of late, remind me of the events of the nights of 9/10 November 1938 in Germany.
Mob action against wrong-people apparently State sanctioned given the paucity of government response and Democratic Party denunciation.
So just as the BBC are losing viewers at a rate of knots as they dumb down their programs to ensure they “comply” they will see their film audience shrink.
Instance, just watched Antiques Roadshow and hey-presto as soon as the expert appeared to give valuations, in a sea of white faces, over his right shoulder on the front row and in pole position to be “included”, a solitary black chap.
When will this madness end? Maybe the BBC will promote legislation to force everyone in the Country to watch for 3 hours a day or get arrested for hate crime.
Oscars? who cares. Let them get on with it. Old films are better anyway. I haven’t been to the cinema in years. Let them cripple their own industry with the unwatchable rubbish they put out.
Lucy, last night watched an excellent film – The Good Liar with Helen Mirren and Ian McKellan – well worth a watch.
I also wouldn’t mind betting that when the Oscars are ‘live’ again, then who would be called upon to present an award ????? yep, the Duke and Duchess of Woke themselves. Money on it.
If reports are to be believed then Hollywood is in a state of bankruptcy crisis. With no films being made, thousands of crew are on the breadline after being out of work for 6 months, and actors/ actresses cant find jobs waitressing as restaurants have restricted openings.
Dropped another long term clanger then Harry ? those few mill wont last long.
Not BBC but certainly on their wavelength
In today’s ‘You can’t make it up’ the Oscars are, from 2024, to introduce new diversity/ equality / inclusion criteria.
I have a draft story about a wheelchair-bound black lesbian who secures public funding to travel to a Syrian refugee camp to support ISIS brides and their children, the fathers having been killed on active service during bomb attacks by the evil American military.
I should be a shoe-in for the best original screenplay Academy Award.
Ha ha, very good, Sluff!
You’re right, it certainly is on the BBC’s wavelength. . . among the gems currently promised by BBC Films as “in production or coming to a cinema near you soon…”
Ali & Ava – ‘In her fifties and from an Irish-Catholic background, Ava is a devoted mother. . . In his mid-thirties, Ali is devoted to his family and the Asian community in Bradford. . . Both lonely for different reasons, Ava and Ali find each other and sparks fly. . .’
Mogul Mowgli – ‘Through rap music, Qawwali and the fever dreams of an inherited illness, a British-Pakistani man questions his relationship to his own culture, faith and family.’
‘Starring acclaimed British-Pakistani actor Riz Ahmed’
See you in the queue for this one:
His House – ‘A young refugee couple make a harrowing escape from war-torn Sudan, but then struggle to adjust to their new life in a small English town that has an evil lurking beneath the surface.’
Out of interest, how long did it take Uganda and Kenya to kick out the muslims?
I recall it didn’t take long at all.
Curious that the blacks can get rid of them, and not a peep from anyone. But if we even suggest we stop importing them, the whole leftwing world comes down on us like a ton of bricks.
Anyway, the Ugandans and the Kenyans have proven it can be done. Just as Spain did it several centuries before.
j-i-c, there was a massive row about it at the time, questions in the House and all that, everyone pointing at Enoch Powell. Debates over whether the UK should offer them refuge.
It wasn’t just Muslims who were thrown out of Uganda, Hindus and Christians were as well. Idi Amin (surname – bit of an irony, there) threw out all Asians, largely part of Uganda’s business community but also involved in politics and national administration as well.
The middle story promotes Stormzy’s latest single from his new album which is a tribute to Black Lives Matter and that black actor who played Black Panther who recently died.
Worryingly the BBC is glad to report Stormzy has some sort of deal where the video for this Black Lives Matter tribute is played in school classrooms across the UK and Ireland as part of a BLM Diversity awareness program:
Our daughter has just started secondary school Doobster so I’ll be keeping an eye on what classifies as ‘history’ these days!
I hope that was grammatically and punctually correct and the spelling was too? ????????????
“WTF” Events in another country so probably not relevant to us yet Stew as we are not yet in such desperate straits, just highlighting that tolerating and promoting extremist ideology leads to the counter position becoming equally or more extreme.
Strange how low key the BBC is handling the Greek Migrant Camp fire?
My bet is as follows…. The Greeks were getting shit scared of the virus spewing out of the camp into their population so they might have “organised” the fire (or looked the other way) to resolve the situation pretty much certain that Mrs. Merkel will throw open the gates rather than have immigrants inconvenienced. They also get rid of a huge problem into the bargain in one go!
All this fits with the fact that the entire encampment burned down rendering the lot homeless. What are the chances of that when it’s stuffed full of people who could have tackled it as soon as it started?
So they will no doubt all be boarding dinghies now before you know it. After all a 4 star hotel is much nicer than a tent, especially if you get fed and paid to stay there!
In this “major new political thriller”, Hugh Laurie stars as (fictional) Conservative politician Peter Laurence. (you can guess where this is going already!)
“As the personal revelations spiral, he is shamelessly untroubled by guilt or remorse, expertly walking a high wire between glory and catastrophe as he seeks to further his own agenda whilst others plot to bring him down.
His Dark Materials
The high budget film with Nicole Kidman failed disastrously in the USA because of it’s hudely anti Christian message. Thanks to the ‘unique way’ the BBC is funded they don’t have to worry about offending their audiences – and they frquently do!
The comedy centres around a young couple, Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who have inherited a decrepit country manor
Of course with a name like Bynoe you might guess it’s a formulaic White woman Black man partnership together with a number of multicultural ghosts of many colours!
Eight-part drama Industry follows a cohort of ambitious twenty-somethings as they join a top investment bank in London in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.
Needless to say the cohort are majority BAME and the financial crisis is one which the left constantly revisits in its hatred of freedom and free enterprise.
Small Axe
Small Axe is an anthology of TV movies from Oscar-winning writer and director Steve McQueen, with cast including Star Wars actor John Boyega and Line of Duty’s Rochenda Sandall. Set within the West Indian community, the five episodes will begin with Enoch Powell’s notorious ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech of 1968 and take us through to the mid-80s. The series title is drawn from a Jamaican proverb, “if you are the big tree, we are the small axe”, which means that relatively marginal or small voices of dissent can successfully challenge more powerful voices.
There are only a couple of BBC ones I’ve left out because they weren’t as overtly offensive as the others, but there’s a whole slew of others from differing companies to look at, but to be honest none of them are anywhere near as blatantly biased as the BBC offerings are.
We used to watch Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister for a good laugh at our useless politicians.
They don’t need to make a remake of it now, we can just watch it all happening for real on the news.
In fact, it’s worse. It’s more like Monty Python and so much of their bizarre humour is now happening, many chunks of Life of Brian for example. It’s my right as a man to have a baby, the PLF etc.
We’re getting all these politicians up on their hind legs telling us that if we change this Brexit agreement (NI border) then the rest of the world will no longer believe anything we (our politicians) will say in the future.
What a laugh.
Since when has a politician told the truth.
Liblabcon have given us nothing but lies.
Everyone promising to reduce immigration for example.
Nobody believes anything they say already so changing an agreement is no big deal, we’re used to it.
They are getting all the negative ones on, the Welsh assembly leader, Grieve and others like May all getting their poison out on the tv. Nobody pointing out how rubbish this ‘deal’ was.
It must be a good change simply because of all the remoaners coming out of their sewers to tell us it’s bad.
It’s got them (and the bbbc/sky and the rest of the left) in a right strop, proof that it’s good for us.
She’s blonde, back and finding uninspiring PMs to quote.
Former PM no 2 deeply unhappy about govt plan – Sir John Major says 'Our signature on any Treaty or Agreement has been sacrosanct… If we lose our reputation for honouring the promises we make, we will have lost something beyond price that may never be regained.'
I wonder what it is about bitter Remain Tory old pharts that attracts the BBC’s political groupies so?
"This is a government that flies by the seat of its pants and the prime minister is prepared to promise anything to anybody… if he thinks it's going to help him get through the next few days"
John Major -the man who told Parliament “ there is no plan to put VAT on fuel at the moment “ And promptly did it straight after ward – I predicted the former dross – Blair – Hessa – May and the rest would be dug up ……funny how they ignore the 80 majority who voted to get brexit done – the EU and the has beens can go swivel ….
Sir John Major ain't happy… "our military strength has dwindled, our word has retained its power. If we lose our reputation for honouring the promises we make, we will have lost something beyond price that may never be regained" pic.twitter.com/BLPYBHIxnn
Does anybody, despite any political ‘pedigree’ really think that any other person, Worldwide, having seen the parliamentary debacle that took place last year, believes that, “our word has retained its power”?
It got even worse when the Supreme Court stepped in and made up the law to control Parliament.
Douglas Hurd Foreign secretary in the Major ‘government’ comming out after signing the Maastricht treaty said:
“Now we’ve signed it we’d better find out what’s in it”! Showing the enormous complacancy incompetence and uselessness of his party. Major had an enormous fight with his party, deceived the people, and even to this day still blindly believes he did the right thing in denying the British people a referendum – which might just have prevented the EU being formed as a political entity.
I was back then a great Europhile, I went to Europe and sat in the chair of the president of the EEC. As a unified trade body it was a force for good, the EU made it the opposite and it will probably collapse under the weight of its own corruption.
He did finish up PM by default, though. Nobody realised that he would get there, Hezza ducked the challenge, and we then had a string of similar nonentities like May, Cameron etc…
I’m still waiting for Boris to regrow his borrocks and get a grip. R5Dead is my only news inlet, so there’s not much to show from there…
Guest – come on – that’s quality ‘woke ‘ I guess the next step in the woke arms race is pictures of coloured people murdered by other coloured people – that’s a lot of face masks …
I was wondering if this had been fully thought through.
She finds form the supporters may have to take out a high profile few or she’s going to have to get the sweatshop ladies going on a few names that might not register with the American BS new balls team.
Whilst on holiday, I’ve been reflecting that it’s extraordinary that the govt is saying it might break the law. Then I remembered, around this time last year, when I was on holiday, the same thing happened. These things have become less extraordinary.https://t.co/OkIMo6QFyP
Weirdly I don't remember all these pro-EU tweeters swooning on any of the various occasions when the EU broke the law by breaching the very treaties on which it is founded. Maybe I blinked and missed it? https://t.co/M73GMRT9Qu
The strings that pull the wires of the Prime Minister as well as most Members of Parliament are once again being pulled to surrender to more fearmongering amomgst the people of this nation. The PM speaks of Testing, with the aim of what? To know how many people are postitive or negative? That would information that would help us better understand the need to keep testing-surely it is obvious that, the very elderly and those vunerable to the effects of the virus are taken care of and no doubt in most cases they will keep as far away as they can from infection. The remainder of the population must keep on keeping on, for santy’s sake, perhaps apart from anything else. We must not let our future and the future of those coming after us be driven into a world of subjugation, compliance, and eventual enslavement and devastation. There is a cry for help from the world’s people to stop those who want to rule the world.
Anyone taking bets that ‘Rishi Sunak will be the next Prime Minister’?
Boris better walk away from the EU and go for WTO or the people of UK will walk away from him.
When people see what taxes are about to go up as well as the end of furlough I don’t think he will be as ‘favoured’ as recently –
I can’t see Mr Johnson being challenged any time soon but he might chuck a ‘sickie ‘ …..
It’s not the highest quality cabinet is it ? A fool home sec and apart from Raaaaaaaab can any of the sheep be named? Wouldn’t make any difference they are all reds ….
NEW: Film academy says movies will be required to meet at least 2 diversity standards to compete for best picture Oscar. It takes effect in 2024 pic.twitter.com/uctTnLI2fY
It makes a mockery of the awards system, but no doubt it will cause a right old scrap within the BAME community as to who THE ONE winner amongst them will be !! So even if none of them cut the mustard (can we still say that ?) and turn in an iffy performance, one of them will be guaranteed an oscar. What nonsense.
In the film Zulu, one racial group is very much over represented.
There should be more white/ LGBT/ wimmin/ wheelchair bound Zulus to make this film politically correct and Oscar woke.
Intelligent article lifted from The Speccie by Brendan O’Neil on the Oscars but very prescient for the BBC:-
‘Normally the best response to political correctness at the Oscars is to laugh at it. Whether it’s Lady Gaga singing a song about campus rape culture or Leonardo DiCaprio taking a break from his lovely, fossil-fuelled, jet-setting life to lecture the billion-strong TV audience about the scourge of climate change, a chuckle is usually enough to puncture the Academy’s woke windbaggery.
But not this time. As of today, PC at the Academy Awards has become a genuine problem and a genuine threat to artistic freedom. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, to give it its full name, has announced that movies hoping to compete in the Best Picture category will, from 2024, have to conform to certain ‘criteria’. They will need to be sufficiently ‘diverse’ before the Academy will consider them. This is properly shocking. It smacks of identitarian McCarthyism.
In a bid to boost representation and inclusion at the Oscars — the only two buzzwords that matter in the 21st century — the Academy says that only movies that include a desirable number of people from various ethnic and social groups will be considered for the film of the year award. The ‘diverse’ groups that must be included are women, people of colour, LGBTQ people and people with disabilities.
There are four categories that movie-makers will now have to consider if they ever want a chance of getting the Best Pic gong. These are on-screen acting and storylines, creative leadership positions and crew composition, paid apprenticeships and internships, and audience development. In at least two of these categories the movie will have to include an Academy-decreed percentage of people from diverse backgrounds or it can kiss goodbye to Best Picture.
It gets even more complex, as you would expect from what amounts to a borderline Stalinist decree about what movies must represent and how they must be made. To meet the criteria for the ‘on-screen acting and storylines’ category of the Oscars’ identitarian decree, the movie must have at least one lead character or a meaningful supporting character from an underrepresented racial group, or 30 per cent of its secondary roles must be made up of people from two such groups, or the main storyline must be focused on the lives and needs of such groups.
Get your head around that. The Academy is essentially telling film directors who want a shot at winning the most prestigious award in cinema-ville what kind of stories they can tell and what kind of characters they should create. This is a powerful showbusiness body using its mighty clout to pressure artists into depicting the ‘right’ kind of people and telling the ‘right’ kind of story. It’s a kind of woke tyranny.
To subject art to external criteria, to heap pressure on creatives to tell stories that influential people consider to be the correct and necessary ones, is a direct interference in artistic freedom. In dangling the Best Pic award under the noses of filmmakers who conform to identitarian imperatives, the Academy is also implicitly saying that it will punish, through exclusion, those filmmakers who refuse, or simply cannot, conform to these identitarian imperatives.
In the past, being a Commie would get you blacklisted from Hollywood. Now, being insufficiently diverse or woke or PC, as defined in detail by the Oscars machine, could lead to your exclusion from the most important award. Woke Joe McCarthys have taken over the Academy.
Imagine the kind of movies that could end up being shut out from Best Picture consideration. All those wonderful Merchant Ivory films that focused exclusively on the lives of white, posh Brits, with not a person of colour in sight. (Aside from, of course, the genius Ismail Merchant himself.) Or August: Osage County, the brilliant 2013 family drama about a dysfunctional white family, written by a white man (Tracy Letts) and directed by a white man (John Wells). Tut tut.
Badlands, The Exorcist, The Godfathers, Kramer vs Kramer, The Big Lebowski…there are too many movies to mention that tell the stories of characters who happen to be white. The idea that these films are somehow problematic, never mind racist, is ridiculous. Yet this is the implication of the Academy’s new rules: that there is ‘something wrong’ with films that don’t feature under-represented groups, ideally in the storyline itself or at least in the crew. Such movies will be seen as tainted from 2024, as so questionable that they cannot possibly be allowed to win Best Picture.
There’s a danger that tokenism will be an unintended consequence of this heavy-handed interference in the artistic process. There have been some superb films in recent years that have told the stories of non-white people — Selma, Get Out, Abderrahmane Sissako’s sublime Timbuktu — and that’s great. The more, the better. But do we really want a situation where filmmakers magic up a character from an under-represented group in order to have a chance of being considered for the Best Picture? ‘I know, let’s make the lead character’s sibling transgender to keep the Academy happy…’ That would be bizarre and patronising.
Kirstie Alley has been getting some flak today for describing these new criteria as a ‘disgrace to artists everywhere’. ‘Can you imagine telling Picasso what had to be in his f**king paintings’, she tweeted. She’s dead right. Pressuring filmmakers to include Academy-approved percentages from identity groups is no better than pressuring artists to paint certain things or cajoling novelists into telling certain stories. It is an intrusion into the freedom of creative people to tell whatever stories they consider important. The Academy needs to think again and put this woke McCarthyism to bed.’
What’s the difference between late U.S. basketball star Kobe Bryant and movie legend Alfred Hitchcock? Bryant won an Oscar; Hitch never did.
(Okay if you want to be picky, with his career on the wane, the Academy gave Hitchcock the 1968 Irving G. Thalberg honorary award but he never won for his actual work.)
I think that says it all about the credibility of the Oscars.
Now I don’t confess to being whiter than white. And I hope
that this doesn’t make you feel uppity.But lets get to the nitty
gritty. I’ve never seen such a load of bollocks on the BBC and
if you want to give me a black mark ,so be it.
I have notice that if you try to quote the latest research on the Infection fatality rate ( IFR) you will be either ignored or accused of fake news. I did so on the Guardian and the attempted rebuttal deliberately used old data from the Centre for Evidenced Based Medicine n Oxford rather than the up to date data. Now he must have known that there was much later data but chose to ignore it,
FYI the current IFR is between 0.30 and 0.49% .
Likewise you will find it hard to point out that the log curve for the infection and death rates are very similar anywhere in the world, There are a few outliers of course.
The MSM seems anxious to avoid getting down to the real data on covid. One must ask why?
LIkewise our BBC is reluctant to cover the riots in the USA in any real detail
The fact that approx 1000 businesses in Minneapolis have been damaged and 52 totally destroyed is not of interest.
The news is being managed on an unprecedented level.
I suspect that so important to them is the defeat of Trump that already the media is managing the news to help this along.
The election of Trump last time shocked them to the core and they will do anything to stop him being re elected. They are now trying to persuade us that violence is inevitable if he wins and that Biden will not accept a defeat. Raising expectations of what is in essence an act of constitutional vandalism if not outright violent disorder to achieve their aim .
I try to do what I can at my age.. I break the law to stop the government from breaking the law. Im 78… please put climate catastrophe at the top of the agenda. It's more important than covid, than the economy. Nothing is more important – Sue #ExtinctionRebellion#ActNowpic.twitter.com/9FNaUw7bCw
UK-EU meeting to talk about govt's provocative moves on Withdrawal Agreement tomorrow – along with Frost-Barnier face to face it's going to be a massive day https://t.co/ElUxhrgcVZ
Fedup- “Battle of Britain ” is one of a plethora of films we will never
see on the BBC again.Lacking in diversity they will tell us . And they
will use the Academy awards diktats as their excuse. Battle of
Britain. The Longest Day.Dunkirk.in fact anything where their
nemesis Winston Churchill had a major part to play. Churchill
is reviled by the anarchist Marxist cabal that have come out of the
woodwork and now control the BBC.
If the U.K. violates that international treaty and Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a U.S.-U.K. trade agreement passing the Congress. The Good Friday Agreement is treasured by the American people.
Imagine if Nick and Katya found themselves in the same lift with her and Nancy Pelosi?
Tonight I and other climate activists will have an online meeting with the chair of the ENVI committee of the EU Parliament @pcanfin ahead of the key vote on the climate law tomorrow. We'll tell him to vote in line with the Paris Agreement and the current best available science.
Anti Greta podcast. A dose of positive realism podcast and the falsehoods of Climate Change. Matt Ridley talks about his book on Innovation and how do we deal with the latest Alarmists. Worth a listen to understood the mindset of the cults in our society (XR) who are primarily against ‘innovation’. The BBC gets mentioned about midway and linked to the reality of misinformation (disinformation) of cults such as XR and why they are not innovators, but cultists, polticos and alarmists.
I’ve been following the latest BBC attempt to smear Donald Trump in complete contravention to their charter.
Earlier in the evening the BBC published a story using allegations in a “book” that the BBC don’t directly reference, inferring Donald Trump has blood on his hands over his handling of Coronavirus.
I saw how this story was later edited to double down on this smear, strengthening the anti-Trump narrative.
The BBC originally posted this story on their US & Canada news section as well as on their World news section. When they had edited it to make it more strongly emotive and anti-Trump they posted it onto their homepage:
This is just one example of how I’ve proved (to myself at least) that the BBC is best described as a propaganda outlet for various agendas. Through my time overlooking the BBC website I’ve seen worse. But proving all this takes time. However it is very clear that the BBC is flagrantly breaching its charter and something should have been done about it a long time ago.
That nothing has been done I blame our gutless politicians in Parliament including successive governments. I also have a salvo for our universities but that is another story.
Johnson must know that second lockdown would destroy this country. Then he is lying again and his threats are idle. Our economy is in danger of disintegration and as we are leaving the EU it will need careful handling to survive. He is failing in every aspect of what it takes to govern us. By turns hectoring and authoritarian and then wheedling and pathetic. A poor specimen of a leader. Get rid.
The charter only applies here in the UK. The BBC has been able to export propaganda both inside and outside the UK and then importing it back as international ‘news’ is a practice for testing ‘news’ stories – so creating its own ‘headlines’.
They call this marketing their own ‘unusual’ web products and services (and it can include its own form of advertising) as its not on UK territory its all legal and outside OFCOM reach.
And the BBC were still not satisfied – they have worked and reworked this story to make it as poisonous as possible and now have made it the lead story on the BBC website for the morning news:
Over the past few days the BBC have run headlines calling Donald Trump a “racist mobster”, a “divisive woman hater”, a “rapist” and now they are accusing Trump of “deliberately misleading” the US on coronavirus with the implication he has blood on his hands.
And all this has been based on unproveable tittle tattle from people trying to sell books. They tell us nothing of policy, nothing of his campaign speeches, nothing of his policy successes, nothing of the fact that he has only been in political power for less than four years, and that other politicians such as Joe Biden have been in political power since 1973.
The BBC are clearly abusing their position and making a mockery of the charter. They just don’t care anymore. It is way beyond time to stop paying the BBC licence and to bring them all to account.
Is it me or has the BBC news site started to put more white faces on ??? Not at the stage yet whereby over 40’s white males appear (steady on) unless charged with touching someone’s elbow in 1987 …..i wonder if its the start of a subtle change? However the child murdering islamic terrorist is still an “attacker”…..
If I may? conversely, has anyone noticed that LBC has been moving more and more Woke since Nigel Farage left , leaving Nick Ferrari as the only ‘middle of the road‘ presenter remaining in the broadcasting company . Even he seems to be sounding a little more Woke-ish each day?
So Christmas is – probably – cancelled. And so, more or less, is our newspaper headlines review for today. Afterall what is there of interest or levity on the front pages other than wall-to-wall Wuhan wobblies with a light smattering of Lily Allen up there with Gary Lineker (at least he had a football career) as Britain’s least favourite celeb, what with her lame attempts to keep up with the Kardashians.
The only question raised is where does Boris find the audacity to splutter that he was “still hopeful” some aspects of life could return to normal for the festive season?
Churchill? On the basis he has banned all forms of public entertainment and now cancelled Christmas, he’s more like Cromwell. Warts and all.
MPs consulted a citizens assembly of 108 people who made various suggestions to achieve zero emissions such as
“proposed using the pandemic to cut emissions and curbs on road building.”
Wonder how the 108 were selected, 108 extinction rebellion members for all we know, probably not but no mention of the selection process in the article.
“One member, Sue, from Bath, said: “Even with the country still reeling from coronavirus, it’s clear the majority of us feel prioritising net zero policy is not only important, but achievable.””
The majority of us? She could be right but I’d like to see the working out to support that claim, a few facts often helps.
Then this wild claim is made,
“Its radical conclusions may offer political cover to ministers who’re typically nervous of a public backlash against policies that affect lifestyles.”
Really? 108 people consulted, well you can bet your seat on that minister.
I have pretty much stopped listening to BBC but R4 this morning.
All I have heard is aggressive anti government narrative..Brexit Covid main vehicles
Grant Shapps being aggressed not interviewed.
I don’t agree with the Govt approach to Covid but discussion is different to aggression…BBC needs to be destroyed…
I doubt if it will make a difference if the BBC goes as the aggressive style of ‘interviewing’ seems to be the norm in the English-speaking world. It is probably taught on journalism courses.
In particular they all want the interviewee to back-track on what they might have said in earlier days.
We had a good example in the US the other day when one of the Whitehouse Press Pack tried to get the Press Secretary to admit that the President had ‘mislead’ the American people by being too upbeat at the start of the Covid Crisis – I am sure the American people really wanted to be told that they would all die!
As listeners we learn more if the interviewee is allowed to talk, eventually they will expose themselves, just batting away the endlessly repeated ‘gotcha’ question is a waste of everyone’s time.
Yesterday I caught a few minutes of Mishal interviewing Matt Hancock – again it was Mishal all sulk and aggressive throwing in a question about Brexit at the end – but of course it was a question that wasn’t really a question just her proving her anti-Brexit credentials.
Sadly mr shaps is the worst form of red tory . He gave a quarter of a billion of our money to councils to “help cyclists ‘ and then this week expressed surprise that even more roads are being closed off screwing traffic even further
Declaration – i am a car driver – a cyclist—a scooter user – bus user – and a kyack user-
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
If the Pandemic Lockdown in the UK is going to be gradually tightened again I wonder if there will be a run on toilet tissue …. and on runny honey?
If you listen /watch PMQs you will see a PM who doesn’t look well – and quite a few concerned looking faces . Starmer stuck with problems with ‘test and trace ‘ and the PM blustered. Mr Johnson sounds like he’s doing ‘just a minute ‘- derek nimmo-style …
New Dad, Fed, with all those difficult nights. 😉
It is unsurprising that the bBC have provided a significant daily airspace for Wee Burney to use every moment to turn the Covid update into a party political broadcast………I would imagine that her audience could be counted in the thousands possibly 100,s .
What goes under-reported by the bBC are the diabolical attempts
by this republican Party to maximise state control over the people of Scotland.
1) offensive BEHAVIOR AT fOOTBALL…INSPIRED BY WHAT MANY CALL THE DISPROPORTIONATE VOICE OF THE iRISH “diaspora” in Scotland…..but backfired as existing laws covered
misbehaviour in general at sporting events
This law was eventually repealed but not before it caused carnage through the court system.
2) The Named Persons bill….intended to have named Individual
responsible for each child in Brigadoon…..this went all the way to the Supreme Court to be found illegal……
Give me the child and i,ll give you the man springs to mind.
3) And the latest being tabled by Hamza Yousaf , a true lightweight who in his spare time adorns himself in ” Celtic FC training hoodies” his job description is Justice Minister….according to Twitter pictures anyway.
Whatever his allegiances he is widely seen as way out his depth
the latest HATE CRIME BILL he is is working on has been roundly criticized………..a.further attempt by the state to control.
The core vote of the snp is said tocome from people with “Irish ” backgrounds…. how any right minded Scot could post another vote for this cult can only underline an outcome where they will get what they deserve.
There needs to be a massive “roll-back” of these devolved powers….otherwise it aint going to end well.
Am afraid Wee Nippy is something like Anna Soubry south of the Border.
The thought struck me at lunchtime listening to TWatO that maybe, just maybe, Bojo has realised he missed a great opportunity in March to start to unravel Blair’s break-up of the UK and is stoking things up on the Covid-19 front to have a second opportunity?
15 mins of Neil Oliver
I am well into my seventies now.I have an underlying health
problem, heart failure. And do you know something I don’t
think I want to be around when this diversity madness
takes complete control and we may well have scenes such
as the madness of everybody trying to kill each other, as was in the
spoof James Bond film Kingsman: The Secret Service.
The BBC has proudly presented us with the news that
only diverse films will be considered for best picture for
the Academy Awards.
The madness has won and the woke populated institutions
such as the BBC must be having multiple orgasms on hearing the
news.So I expect if Julius Caesar is ever made again and it
wants to win an award it must have at least one black
actor playing Caesar, Brutus or Mark Anthony. And forget
about Othello if a whitey plays the Moor , blacked up.
I read The Madness of Crowds last year. I don’t think
that Douglas Murray realized how prophetic it would be in
such a short time.
Right at the end of The Bridge of the River Kwai ,the doctor
shouts out madness, madness,MADNESS !!! This film could not
be nominated for awards under these crazy ,woke diktats.
And heaven forbid if the BBC ever show the terrific adventure
film North West Frontier. They even want the
Ariana Grande Islamic massacre,swept under the carpet.
Are the Academy Awards going to backdate this ruling to previous Best Picture winners, like the Tour de France did to drug cheats like Lance Armstrong, who had all his wins taken away?
This would mean the 1940 winner, Gone With The Wind, would remain (diverse cast) but 2009 winner Slumdog Millionaire would be removed (non-diverse).
Foscari -i hope you stay well and dont get stressed – which is what i am trying to do . Living abroad half my time helps me though ….
….as for the oscars . I think their status has declined as the new platforms have ascended . I think the luvvies still value them but whatelse do they achieve ?
Ive watched the emmy presentation compared by the chap who did ‘the office ‘ putting the luvvies in their place .
If you look at the past oscar winners the best film is not always best…..i think a best film remains that over time and taste . Many fail that test . And after all – its show Business £££££££££
Hey Gary Lineker !! Here is some more “Cultural Enrichment” that you are so fond of !! (but not in your area)
East Finchley shooting: Fifth murder trial finds man guilty
Another budding lawyer, architect, engineer wasted !!!!
Similar situation to myself, Foscari.
I live in the wilds of France Profonde, now, and this nonsense doesn’t really affect me, unless I venture into town and wince at the wet snowflakes in their masks.
If I can see Brexit properly implemented, and another Trump win (without the USA bursting into flames), I shall be a bit happier.
As it is, the Age of Stupid, within the Era of Lunacy, is playing itself out according to plan – look out for the UN’s Global Reset, next year, when life will become a model of Mao’s China.
I fear for the young.
If Trump wins the USA will certainly burst into flames within days as the left burn loot and murder.If he loses the USA will certainly burst into flames within weeks or months of the January inauguration of China Joe when it becomes clear that rabid leftists are working his limbs and mouth and white people react in fear.
It is worth remembering that no Democrat president since Truman in 1948 has won a majority of the white vote. Now that really is a racial divide.
I’ve checked, there’s about 450,000 National Guard spread across the US. They’re probably going to need them.
I read that Saint (back of the queue) Obama systematically got rid of the senior military in the Pentagon who were not deemed liberal enough. The plan to destroy the US from within, doubtless Beijing inspired and financed, has been going for decades. That’s no doubt the reason they hate DJT so much: he arrived and disrupted their plans.
Dt, I’m not so sure that a Biden victory, if clear cut enough, will not be accepted by all Republicans. The Republican Party in the US, however much the Socialist Left – in or outside the media – wish to smear them, is still comprised of thoroughly decent people.
In a similar way, did Conservatives here march and demonstrate after Blair won in 1997? No, the victory was accepted as being part and parcel of democracy. In the ‘new Democracy’ of the Wrongists, if they don’t get their way and win, then they throw a hissy fit, have a tantrum, just like small children.
Things are very different now from even ten years ago let alone twenty three years ago. In the US the polarisation of society seems well advanced and of course these camps are well armed.The situation is reminiscent of Germany in the immediate aftermath of WW1 with armed militias from left and right on the streets. It won’t take much to spark it and this election result may be the ignition source.
DT, I have made the point previously that the tactics of #BlackLiesMatter, their Leftist fellow travellers, and the associated useful idiots, particularly of late, remind me of the events of the nights of 9/10 November 1938 in Germany.
Mob action against wrong-people apparently State sanctioned given the paucity of government response and Democratic Party denunciation.
Coming soon. The people who run the Oscars are to judge nominated films on how diverse the actors are rather than how good the films are.
So just as the BBC are losing viewers at a rate of knots as they dumb down their programs to ensure they “comply” they will see their film audience shrink.
Instance, just watched Antiques Roadshow and hey-presto as soon as the expert appeared to give valuations, in a sea of white faces, over his right shoulder on the front row and in pole position to be “included”, a solitary black chap.
When will this madness end? Maybe the BBC will promote legislation to force everyone in the Country to watch for 3 hours a day or get arrested for hate crime.
Oscars? who cares. Let them get on with it. Old films are better anyway. I haven’t been to the cinema in years. Let them cripple their own industry with the unwatchable rubbish they put out.
As Steve Turley say, “Get Woke go Broke”. People can vote with their feet.
Lucy, last night watched an excellent film – The Good Liar with Helen Mirren and Ian McKellan – well worth a watch.
I also wouldn’t mind betting that when the Oscars are ‘live’ again, then who would be called upon to present an award ????? yep, the Duke and Duchess of Woke themselves. Money on it.
If reports are to be believed then Hollywood is in a state of bankruptcy crisis. With no films being made, thousands of crew are on the breadline after being out of work for 6 months, and actors/ actresses cant find jobs waitressing as restaurants have restricted openings.
Dropped another long term clanger then Harry ? those few mill wont last long.
Not BBC but certainly on their wavelength
In today’s ‘You can’t make it up’ the Oscars are, from 2024, to introduce new diversity/ equality / inclusion criteria.
Personally, i’m rather glad.
I have a draft story about a wheelchair-bound black lesbian who secures public funding to travel to a Syrian refugee camp to support ISIS brides and their children, the fathers having been killed on active service during bomb attacks by the evil American military.
I should be a shoe-in for the best original screenplay Academy Award.
Ha ha, very good, Sluff!
You’re right, it certainly is on the BBC’s wavelength. . . among the gems currently promised by BBC Films as “in production or coming to a cinema near you soon…”
Ali & Ava – ‘In her fifties and from an Irish-Catholic background, Ava is a devoted mother. . . In his mid-thirties, Ali is devoted to his family and the Asian community in Bradford. . . Both lonely for different reasons, Ava and Ali find each other and sparks fly. . .’
Mogul Mowgli – ‘Through rap music, Qawwali and the fever dreams of an inherited illness, a British-Pakistani man questions his relationship to his own culture, faith and family.’
‘Starring acclaimed British-Pakistani actor Riz Ahmed’
See you in the queue for this one:
His House – ‘A young refugee couple make a harrowing escape from war-torn Sudan, but then struggle to adjust to their new life in a small English town that has an evil lurking beneath the surface.’
“English,” “evil.”
How very BBC.
Out of interest, how long did it take Uganda and Kenya to kick out the muslims?
I recall it didn’t take long at all.
Curious that the blacks can get rid of them, and not a peep from anyone. But if we even suggest we stop importing them, the whole leftwing world comes down on us like a ton of bricks.
Anyway, the Ugandans and the Kenyans have proven it can be done. Just as Spain did it several centuries before.
j-i-c, there was a massive row about it at the time, questions in the House and all that, everyone pointing at Enoch Powell. Debates over whether the UK should offer them refuge.
It wasn’t just Muslims who were thrown out of Uganda, Hindus and Christians were as well. Idi Amin (surname – bit of an irony, there) threw out all Asians, largely part of Uganda’s business community but also involved in politics and national administration as well.
@JIC What you on about ?
There were plenty of Muslims when I was there.
“Islam is the religion of 10.91 percent of the Kenyan population, or approximately 5.2 million people.”
Top Stories on the BBC news channel for children:

The middle story promotes Stormzy’s latest single from his new album which is a tribute to Black Lives Matter and that black actor who played Black Panther who recently died.
Worryingly the BBC is glad to report Stormzy has some sort of deal where the video for this Black Lives Matter tribute is played in school classrooms across the UK and Ireland as part of a BLM Diversity awareness program:
Absolutely DISGUSTING !!!
The Brainwashing, radicalisation , indoctrination of these young kids by these Far Left teachers / BBC is simply unacceptable.
Schools are not schools as we know them anymore !!They are lefty brainwashing camps. Someone needs to step in and put a stop to this madness.
Have enough with all the radicalisation in Mosques, we don’t need it in our bloody schools aswell. Let kids be kids FFS !!!
Way too much of this Far Left ideology being aimed at young kids now. Way too much. Leave em be !
Sickening !!!
Our daughter has just started secondary school Doobster so I’ll be keeping an eye on what classifies as ‘history’ these days!
I hope that was grammatically and punctually correct and the spelling was too? ????????????
As a counter show this straight after and let them debate.
“WTF” Events in another country so probably not relevant to us yet Stew as we are not yet in such desperate straits, just highlighting that tolerating and promoting extremist ideology leads to the counter position becoming equally or more extreme.
4:30pm Media Show is about Spotify
Damn I missed last Wedneday’s Laurie Taylor Show
“White Power Movement in US – Rise of Racist Right in Europe”
a revised repeat from 2018
Strange how low key the BBC is handling the Greek Migrant Camp fire?
My bet is as follows…. The Greeks were getting shit scared of the virus spewing out of the camp into their population so they might have “organised” the fire (or looked the other way) to resolve the situation pretty much certain that Mrs. Merkel will throw open the gates rather than have immigrants inconvenienced. They also get rid of a huge problem into the bargain in one go!
All this fits with the fact that the entire encampment burned down rendering the lot homeless. What are the chances of that when it’s stuffed full of people who could have tackled it as soon as it started?
So they will no doubt all be boarding dinghies now before you know it. After all a 4 star hotel is much nicer than a tent, especially if you get fed and paid to stay there!
Future Misery and outrage to look forward to:
BBC Autumn
In this “major new political thriller”, Hugh Laurie stars as (fictional) Conservative politician Peter Laurence. (you can guess where this is going already!)
“As the personal revelations spiral, he is shamelessly untroubled by guilt or remorse, expertly walking a high wire between glory and catastrophe as he seeks to further his own agenda whilst others plot to bring him down.
His Dark Materials
The high budget film with Nicole Kidman failed disastrously in the USA because of it’s hudely anti Christian message. Thanks to the ‘unique way’ the BBC is funded they don’t have to worry about offending their audiences – and they frquently do!
The comedy centres around a young couple, Alison (Charlotte Ritchie) and Mike (Kiell Smith-Bynoe), who have inherited a decrepit country manor
Of course with a name like Bynoe you might guess it’s a formulaic White woman Black man partnership together with a number of multicultural ghosts of many colours!
Eight-part drama Industry follows a cohort of ambitious twenty-somethings as they join a top investment bank in London in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.
Needless to say the cohort are majority BAME and the financial crisis is one which the left constantly revisits in its hatred of freedom and free enterprise.
Small Axe
Small Axe is an anthology of TV movies from Oscar-winning writer and director Steve McQueen, with cast including Star Wars actor John Boyega and Line of Duty’s Rochenda Sandall. Set within the West Indian community, the five episodes will begin with Enoch Powell’s notorious ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech of 1968 and take us through to the mid-80s. The series title is drawn from a Jamaican proverb, “if you are the big tree, we are the small axe”, which means that relatively marginal or small voices of dissent can successfully challenge more powerful voices.
There are only a couple of BBC ones I’ve left out because they weren’t as overtly offensive as the others, but there’s a whole slew of others from differing companies to look at, but to be honest none of them are anywhere near as blatantly biased as the BBC offerings are.
They are running out of things to ban. Perhaps they could do us all a favour and ban themselves.
We used to watch Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister for a good laugh at our useless politicians.
They don’t need to make a remake of it now, we can just watch it all happening for real on the news.
In fact, it’s worse. It’s more like Monty Python and so much of their bizarre humour is now happening, many chunks of Life of Brian for example. It’s my right as a man to have a baby, the PLF etc.
EG – The Thick it must be a training video – the tory clown who said blighty is breakinv international law needs a chat with Malcolm Tucker ….
“ are you for the chop minister ?”
It was John Major, Fed, y’know, that doyen of international financial expertise and bonking above his station!
I reckon green-pea futures will take a dive at this, but as for the rest of it – er – proper negotiators won’t give a monkey’s!
(Sorry, I hadn’t looked further down the post, so this is not hot off the press)!
Dont laugh but i once had to deliver ‘ diversity ‘ training . Id have been fired if i refused .
Nitty Gritty was on the banned list 20 plus years ago due to the link to slavery .
Im pleased to say that my style of delivery of the diversity led the adult class to realise it was crap . There were no complaints .
Now theyd be out woking each other and ‘ denouncing ‘
The same BBC that made a spy series called Spooks for nine years – and had to re-name it MI-5 in the U.S. to avoid offending black people.
But there was no concern any faiths not known for the choppy choppy tendencies of some other faiths being offended?
We’re getting all these politicians up on their hind legs telling us that if we change this Brexit agreement (NI border) then the rest of the world will no longer believe anything we (our politicians) will say in the future.
What a laugh.
Since when has a politician told the truth.
Liblabcon have given us nothing but lies.
Everyone promising to reduce immigration for example.
Nobody believes anything they say already so changing an agreement is no big deal, we’re used to it.
They are getting all the negative ones on, the Welsh assembly leader, Grieve and others like May all getting their poison out on the tv. Nobody pointing out how rubbish this ‘deal’ was.
It must be a good change simply because of all the remoaners coming out of their sewers to tell us it’s bad.
It’s got them (and the bbbc/sky and the rest of the left) in a right strop, proof that it’s good for us.
Frame #4 reminds me of the season when BS gives Kay one, and then Kay gives Beff one, and Beff gives BS one…
You won’t see this on the BBC but the enthusiasm is strong.
MetroLibs will be furious
cos they think they OWN all the “gay tunes”
Seems Naomi’s PR team know all the buttons BBC ‘News’ like pushed.
She sports one with Hans’ name…. that would be funny.
You can’t grunt properly, wearing a mask!
I mean all those yelps and squeals will get muffled, and anyone listening will think there’s some play about ‘back door discussions’ going on!
We gave up watching tennis years ago, which was sad for Senora O’Blene who used to teach the game.
Mind you, I was at school with David Mercer, sadly given a line-call far too early in a great life, so I saw something of history being made…
She’s blonde, back and finding uninspiring PMs to quote.
I wonder what it is about bitter Remain Tory old pharts that attracts the BBC’s political groupies so?
John Major -the man who told Parliament “ there is no plan to put VAT on fuel at the moment “ And promptly did it straight after ward – I predicted the former dross – Blair – Hessa – May and the rest would be dug up ……funny how they ignore the 80 majority who voted to get brexit done – the EU and the has beens can go swivel ….
The comments…
Does anybody, despite any political ‘pedigree’ really think that any other person, Worldwide, having seen the parliamentary debacle that took place last year, believes that, “our word has retained its power”?
It got even worse when the Supreme Court stepped in and made up the law to control Parliament.
Douglas Hurd Foreign secretary in the Major ‘government’ comming out after signing the Maastricht treaty said:
“Now we’ve signed it we’d better find out what’s in it”! Showing the enormous complacancy incompetence and uselessness of his party. Major had an enormous fight with his party, deceived the people, and even to this day still blindly believes he did the right thing in denying the British people a referendum – which might just have prevented the EU being formed as a political entity.
I was back then a great Europhile, I went to Europe and sat in the chair of the president of the EEC. As a unified trade body it was a force for good, the EU made it the opposite and it will probably collapse under the weight of its own corruption.
That’s the same John Major who signed the Maastricht treaty and called those fellow Conservative MPs who voted against him doing so, bastards.
The same John Major who managed to give George Soros billions of pounds sterling because of his economic incompetence.
The same John Major who has nothing to show for his excessive years in politics other than being the architect of the “Cone Hot Line”.
Just another useless eater who hates our country.
He did finish up PM by default, though. Nobody realised that he would get there, Hezza ducked the challenge, and we then had a string of similar nonentities like May, Cameron etc…
I’m still waiting for Boris to regrow his borrocks and get a grip. R5Dead is my only news inlet, so there’s not much to show from there…
Guest – come on – that’s quality ‘woke ‘ I guess the next step in the woke arms race is pictures of coloured people murdered by other coloured people – that’s a lot of face masks …
I was wondering if this had been fully thought through.
She finds form the supporters may have to take out a high profile few or she’s going to have to get the sweatshop ladies going on a few names that might not register with the American BS new balls team.
“Fire up the RT bot, Katty… Thommo has served up another beauty…”
Good to see Lewis is back.
The strings that pull the wires of the Prime Minister as well as most Members of Parliament are once again being pulled to surrender to more fearmongering amomgst the people of this nation. The PM speaks of Testing, with the aim of what? To know how many people are postitive or negative? That would information that would help us better understand the need to keep testing-surely it is obvious that, the very elderly and those vunerable to the effects of the virus are taken care of and no doubt in most cases they will keep as far away as they can from infection. The remainder of the population must keep on keeping on, for santy’s sake, perhaps apart from anything else. We must not let our future and the future of those coming after us be driven into a world of subjugation, compliance, and eventual enslavement and devastation. There is a cry for help from the world’s people to stop those who want to rule the world.
Anyone taking bets that ‘Rishi Sunak will be the next Prime Minister’?
Boris better walk away from the EU and go for WTO or the people of UK will walk away from him.
When people see what taxes are about to go up as well as the end of furlough I don’t think he will be as ‘favoured’ as recently –
I can’t see Mr Johnson being challenged any time soon but he might chuck a ‘sickie ‘ …..
Can’t argue with that .
Yes, a ‘sickie’, that’s when Rishi takes over?
It’s not the highest quality cabinet is it ? A fool home sec and apart from Raaaaaaaab can any of the sheep be named? Wouldn’t make any difference they are all reds ….
He’s at 10/3 at the moment, Taff.
Katty Retweeted this….
As a job.
If Surkeer and Timmeh! had a face off on whose subordinates came out with more public stupid, it would be a long contest.
LBC Black Skin Win
June Sarpong and Mishal drew up a chart…
Oscars who cares? Its just a ‘Mutual Admiration Society’.
Ah, like those Radio awards, only not just for crinkly white harpies?
It makes a mockery of the awards system, but no doubt it will cause a right old scrap within the BAME community as to who THE ONE winner amongst them will be !! So even if none of them cut the mustard (can we still say that ?) and turn in an iffy performance, one of them will be guaranteed an oscar. What nonsense.
In the film Zulu, one racial group is very much over represented.
There should be more white/ LGBT/ wimmin/ wheelchair bound Zulus to make this film politically correct and Oscar woke.
Intelligent article lifted from The Speccie by Brendan O’Neil on the Oscars but very prescient for the BBC:-
‘Normally the best response to political correctness at the Oscars is to laugh at it. Whether it’s Lady Gaga singing a song about campus rape culture or Leonardo DiCaprio taking a break from his lovely, fossil-fuelled, jet-setting life to lecture the billion-strong TV audience about the scourge of climate change, a chuckle is usually enough to puncture the Academy’s woke windbaggery.
But not this time. As of today, PC at the Academy Awards has become a genuine problem and a genuine threat to artistic freedom. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, to give it its full name, has announced that movies hoping to compete in the Best Picture category will, from 2024, have to conform to certain ‘criteria’. They will need to be sufficiently ‘diverse’ before the Academy will consider them. This is properly shocking. It smacks of identitarian McCarthyism.
In a bid to boost representation and inclusion at the Oscars — the only two buzzwords that matter in the 21st century — the Academy says that only movies that include a desirable number of people from various ethnic and social groups will be considered for the film of the year award. The ‘diverse’ groups that must be included are women, people of colour, LGBTQ people and people with disabilities.
There are four categories that movie-makers will now have to consider if they ever want a chance of getting the Best Pic gong. These are on-screen acting and storylines, creative leadership positions and crew composition, paid apprenticeships and internships, and audience development. In at least two of these categories the movie will have to include an Academy-decreed percentage of people from diverse backgrounds or it can kiss goodbye to Best Picture.
It gets even more complex, as you would expect from what amounts to a borderline Stalinist decree about what movies must represent and how they must be made. To meet the criteria for the ‘on-screen acting and storylines’ category of the Oscars’ identitarian decree, the movie must have at least one lead character or a meaningful supporting character from an underrepresented racial group, or 30 per cent of its secondary roles must be made up of people from two such groups, or the main storyline must be focused on the lives and needs of such groups.
Get your head around that. The Academy is essentially telling film directors who want a shot at winning the most prestigious award in cinema-ville what kind of stories they can tell and what kind of characters they should create. This is a powerful showbusiness body using its mighty clout to pressure artists into depicting the ‘right’ kind of people and telling the ‘right’ kind of story. It’s a kind of woke tyranny.
To subject art to external criteria, to heap pressure on creatives to tell stories that influential people consider to be the correct and necessary ones, is a direct interference in artistic freedom. In dangling the Best Pic award under the noses of filmmakers who conform to identitarian imperatives, the Academy is also implicitly saying that it will punish, through exclusion, those filmmakers who refuse, or simply cannot, conform to these identitarian imperatives.
In the past, being a Commie would get you blacklisted from Hollywood. Now, being insufficiently diverse or woke or PC, as defined in detail by the Oscars machine, could lead to your exclusion from the most important award. Woke Joe McCarthys have taken over the Academy.
Imagine the kind of movies that could end up being shut out from Best Picture consideration. All those wonderful Merchant Ivory films that focused exclusively on the lives of white, posh Brits, with not a person of colour in sight. (Aside from, of course, the genius Ismail Merchant himself.) Or August: Osage County, the brilliant 2013 family drama about a dysfunctional white family, written by a white man (Tracy Letts) and directed by a white man (John Wells). Tut tut.
Badlands, The Exorcist, The Godfathers, Kramer vs Kramer, The Big Lebowski…there are too many movies to mention that tell the stories of characters who happen to be white. The idea that these films are somehow problematic, never mind racist, is ridiculous. Yet this is the implication of the Academy’s new rules: that there is ‘something wrong’ with films that don’t feature under-represented groups, ideally in the storyline itself or at least in the crew. Such movies will be seen as tainted from 2024, as so questionable that they cannot possibly be allowed to win Best Picture.
There’s a danger that tokenism will be an unintended consequence of this heavy-handed interference in the artistic process. There have been some superb films in recent years that have told the stories of non-white people — Selma, Get Out, Abderrahmane Sissako’s sublime Timbuktu — and that’s great. The more, the better. But do we really want a situation where filmmakers magic up a character from an under-represented group in order to have a chance of being considered for the Best Picture? ‘I know, let’s make the lead character’s sibling transgender to keep the Academy happy…’ That would be bizarre and patronising.
Kirstie Alley has been getting some flak today for describing these new criteria as a ‘disgrace to artists everywhere’. ‘Can you imagine telling Picasso what had to be in his f**king paintings’, she tweeted. She’s dead right. Pressuring filmmakers to include Academy-approved percentages from identity groups is no better than pressuring artists to paint certain things or cajoling novelists into telling certain stories. It is an intrusion into the freedom of creative people to tell whatever stories they consider important. The Academy needs to think again and put this woke McCarthyism to bed.’
Coming soon to Al Beeb…
What’s the difference between late U.S. basketball star Kobe Bryant and movie legend Alfred Hitchcock? Bryant won an Oscar; Hitch never did.
(Okay if you want to be picky, with his career on the wane, the Academy gave Hitchcock the 1968 Irving G. Thalberg honorary award but he never won for his actual work.)
I think that says it all about the credibility of the Oscars.
I take it he has the 4 a. m. slot ….. talking to Leroy from Brixton man …..
Brings a whole new meaning to working on the black!
Now I don’t confess to being whiter than white. And I hope
that this doesn’t make you feel uppity.But lets get to the nitty
gritty. I’ve never seen such a load of bollocks on the BBC and
if you want to give me a black mark ,so be it.
Are the lying beeb reporting Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize?
(Or their regret at nominating useless Obama?)
I have notice that if you try to quote the latest research on the Infection fatality rate ( IFR) you will be either ignored or accused of fake news. I did so on the Guardian and the attempted rebuttal deliberately used old data from the Centre for Evidenced Based Medicine n Oxford rather than the up to date data. Now he must have known that there was much later data but chose to ignore it,
FYI the current IFR is between 0.30 and 0.49% .
Likewise you will find it hard to point out that the log curve for the infection and death rates are very similar anywhere in the world, There are a few outliers of course.
The MSM seems anxious to avoid getting down to the real data on covid. One must ask why?
LIkewise our BBC is reluctant to cover the riots in the USA in any real detail
The fact that approx 1000 businesses in Minneapolis have been damaged and 52 totally destroyed is not of interest.
The news is being managed on an unprecedented level.
I suspect that so important to them is the defeat of Trump that already the media is managing the news to help this along.
The election of Trump last time shocked them to the core and they will do anything to stop him being re elected. They are now trying to persuade us that violence is inevitable if he wins and that Biden will not accept a defeat. Raising expectations of what is in essence an act of constitutional vandalism if not outright violent disorder to achieve their aim .
Next, the BBC tells you what you need to know.
BBC Radio 4
Miriam: but what happens to the balls?
Louis: do you want an answer to that?
Miriam: not really
Louis Theroux had that Miriam Margolyes on his podcast and it’s wonderful.
Download all ten episodes on BBC Sounds https://bbc.in/35lRTr1
It’s wonderful.
Called her first?
Sue’s team set her up with a Today gig yet?
Twitter watch
Can’t be bothered repeating any of it – I’m just thinking of setting up a petition to get 2020 banned .
President Donald of Trump re-elected AND awarded the Nobel peace prize !!!!
Now that would be a right touch !!!!!
Can you imagine Sopel, Katty and the rest of the BBC in a state of complete MELTDOWN.
Throw in a No Deal Brexit and I think I might even watch BBC news to see the tears .
The national broadcaster.
It’s a pity they pull the have waited until the 15th of September and ha a nice celebration of Battle oF Britain Day to please e krauts…
Fedup- “Battle of Britain ” is one of a plethora of films we will never
see on the BBC again.Lacking in diversity they will tell us . And they
will use the Academy awards diktats as their excuse. Battle of
Britain. The Longest Day.Dunkirk.in fact anything where their
nemesis Winston Churchill had a major part to play. Churchill
is reviled by the anarchist Marxist cabal that have come out of the
woodwork and now control the BBC.
Foscari – the remake of Battle of Britain will have coloured fighter pilots on both sides ….. in fact don’t want to think about it.
Well, if seeking to brown nose, he has a head start.
Years of training.
BBC going to get Barry to chip in too?
To… ‘help’.
Imagine if Nick and Katya found themselves in the same lift with her and Nancy Pelosi?
Anti Greta podcast. A dose of positive realism podcast and the falsehoods of Climate Change. Matt Ridley talks about his book on Innovation and how do we deal with the latest Alarmists. Worth a listen to understood the mindset of the cults in our society (XR) who are primarily against ‘innovation’. The BBC gets mentioned about midway and linked to the reality of misinformation (disinformation) of cults such as XR and why they are not innovators, but cultists, polticos and alarmists.
I’ve been following the latest BBC attempt to smear Donald Trump in complete contravention to their charter.
Earlier in the evening the BBC published a story using allegations in a “book” that the BBC don’t directly reference, inferring Donald Trump has blood on his hands over his handling of Coronavirus.
I saw how this story was later edited to double down on this smear, strengthening the anti-Trump narrative.
The BBC originally posted this story on their US & Canada news section as well as on their World news section. When they had edited it to make it more strongly emotive and anti-Trump they posted it onto their homepage:
This is just one example of how I’ve proved (to myself at least) that the BBC is best described as a propaganda outlet for various agendas. Through my time overlooking the BBC website I’ve seen worse. But proving all this takes time. However it is very clear that the BBC is flagrantly breaching its charter and something should have been done about it a long time ago.
That nothing has been done I blame our gutless politicians in Parliament including successive governments. I also have a salvo for our universities but that is another story.
Johnson must know that second lockdown would destroy this country. Then he is lying again and his threats are idle. Our economy is in danger of disintegration and as we are leaving the EU it will need careful handling to survive. He is failing in every aspect of what it takes to govern us. By turns hectoring and authoritarian and then wheedling and pathetic. A poor specimen of a leader. Get rid.
The charter only applies here in the UK. The BBC has been able to export propaganda both inside and outside the UK and then importing it back as international ‘news’ is a practice for testing ‘news’ stories – so creating its own ‘headlines’.
They call this marketing their own ‘unusual’ web products and services (and it can include its own form of advertising) as its not on UK territory its all legal and outside OFCOM reach.
And the BBC were still not satisfied – they have worked and reworked this story to make it as poisonous as possible and now have made it the lead story on the BBC website for the morning news:
Over the past few days the BBC have run headlines calling Donald Trump a “racist mobster”, a “divisive woman hater”, a “rapist” and now they are accusing Trump of “deliberately misleading” the US on coronavirus with the implication he has blood on his hands.
And all this has been based on unproveable tittle tattle from people trying to sell books. They tell us nothing of policy, nothing of his campaign speeches, nothing of his policy successes, nothing of the fact that he has only been in political power for less than four years, and that other politicians such as Joe Biden have been in political power since 1973.
The BBC are clearly abusing their position and making a mockery of the charter. They just don’t care anymore. It is way beyond time to stop paying the BBC licence and to bring them all to account.
With the present government running the country , they know that they can get away with it.
The facts say otherwise…
As an identical smear campaign is broadcast daily from Ch 4 one might conclude that both are taking instructions from the same source
Is it me or has the BBC news site started to put more white faces on ??? Not at the stage yet whereby over 40’s white males appear (steady on) unless charged with touching someone’s elbow in 1987 …..i wonder if its the start of a subtle change? However the child murdering islamic terrorist is still an “attacker”…..
Agreed, I have noticed that.
If I may? conversely, has anyone noticed that LBC has been moving more and more Woke since Nigel Farage left , leaving Nick Ferrari as the only ‘middle of the road‘ presenter remaining in the broadcasting company . Even he seems to be sounding a little more Woke-ish each day?
Gave up on LBC ages ago im a talk radio + man now !
Anti-Brexit noises coming from the US politician, Pelosi .
She is rumbling about Northern Ireland Good Friday agreement. Nowt on Al Beeb yet?
So Christmas is – probably – cancelled. And so, more or less, is our newspaper headlines review for today. Afterall what is there of interest or levity on the front pages other than wall-to-wall Wuhan wobblies with a light smattering of Lily Allen up there with Gary Lineker (at least he had a football career) as Britain’s least favourite celeb, what with her lame attempts to keep up with the Kardashians.
The only question raised is where does Boris find the audacity to splutter that he was “still hopeful” some aspects of life could return to normal for the festive season?
Churchill? On the basis he has banned all forms of public entertainment and now cancelled Christmas, he’s more like Cromwell. Warts and all.
MPs consulted a citizens assembly of 108 people who made various suggestions to achieve zero emissions such as
“proposed using the pandemic to cut emissions and curbs on road building.”
Wonder how the 108 were selected, 108 extinction rebellion members for all we know, probably not but no mention of the selection process in the article.
“One member, Sue, from Bath, said: “Even with the country still reeling from coronavirus, it’s clear the majority of us feel prioritising net zero policy is not only important, but achievable.””
The majority of us? She could be right but I’d like to see the working out to support that claim, a few facts often helps.
Then this wild claim is made,
“Its radical conclusions may offer political cover to ministers who’re typically nervous of a public backlash against policies that affect lifestyles.”
Really? 108 people consulted, well you can bet your seat on that minister.
I have pretty much stopped listening to BBC but R4 this morning.
All I have heard is aggressive anti government narrative..Brexit Covid main vehicles
Grant Shapps being aggressed not interviewed.
I don’t agree with the Govt approach to Covid but discussion is different to aggression…BBC needs to be destroyed…
I doubt if it will make a difference if the BBC goes as the aggressive style of ‘interviewing’ seems to be the norm in the English-speaking world. It is probably taught on journalism courses.
In particular they all want the interviewee to back-track on what they might have said in earlier days.
We had a good example in the US the other day when one of the Whitehouse Press Pack tried to get the Press Secretary to admit that the President had ‘mislead’ the American people by being too upbeat at the start of the Covid Crisis – I am sure the American people really wanted to be told that they would all die!
As listeners we learn more if the interviewee is allowed to talk, eventually they will expose themselves, just batting away the endlessly repeated ‘gotcha’ question is a waste of everyone’s time.
Yesterday I caught a few minutes of Mishal interviewing Matt Hancock – again it was Mishal all sulk and aggressive throwing in a question about Brexit at the end – but of course it was a question that wasn’t really a question just her proving her anti-Brexit credentials.
Sadly mr shaps is the worst form of red tory . He gave a quarter of a billion of our money to councils to “help cyclists ‘ and then this week expressed surprise that even more roads are being closed off screwing traffic even further
Declaration – i am a car driver – a cyclist—a scooter user – bus user – and a kyack user-