The BBC Annual Report is published . Maybe the new Director General will give interviews about the biased anti British BBC And its’ future ? Certainly the BBC website has chirped about the £12.88 a week the taxpayer must pay each week for its’ output. To some £12.88 might not be much per week . But on a ‘full’ State pension of £175.20- that is 7% of a persons’ income demanded by the BBC – which has expressed an aim to appeal to the ‘younger’ person! .
Such a funding model can’t be justified – even without the Woke Mission the BBC has undemocratically given itself – if there is no representation – there should be no taxation – defund the BBC
Craig doing what Craig does best, for free.
And what 20,000 BBC staff with £5,000,000,000 could not match in a month of Sundays.
Midas in reverse.
I really worry about this choice ……………….
You and me both. Grayling is not a man of principle (to say the least).
We’ve been seeing some showings of the thanks going to the Battle of Britain pilots and the RAF on this 70th. anniversary and quite rightly so.
Another National set of people, the NHS, have in many places almost shut down to ‘protect the NHS’
This is the NHS that we need to be there to treat us when we are ill and during covid many were ill.
Imagine if the RAF had decided it would be better to keep all the Spitfires and Hurricanes in the hangers rather than risk them against the Luftwaffe. ‘To protect the RAF‘ you could say.
Good job none of the likes of the current lot were in charge then.
I hate pedants, but it’s actually the 80th!
Blimey you are worse than Stewgreen for pedantry and he lists his favourite hobby in ‘who’s who’ as “ correcting fedup2” ….
@Fedup2 : Who’s Who is a title so it needs capitals …
… open goal.
I left for your corecktons …
Quite right Jeff.
I spelled 80 wrong.
I had an appointment today in my local hospital with my current consultant. Sat there, waiting, as you do, musing about the gross female NHS staff. Only one in 25 is of normal build. The rest? – ‘waddle’ along. The only way to describe their locomotion.
In the news at 10am Radio Humberside is weirdly pushing for a national lockdown
First they ran with “Almost 2 million people in north-east England are expected to face local restrictions as coronavirus cases rise. ”
then “Here’s a local doctor saying that with all these local lockdowns going back into a national lockdown would be a good idea”
.. but when they play the clip it’s obvious she’s been cajoled, cos she keeps saying she’s not an expert.
I wish I used to watch ‘A Question Of Sport‘ so that I could stop watching it when it goes woke.
You and me both! Cannot stand today’s panel shows, all that phoney mateyness. For me any controversy over A Question of Sport will always be, how was David Coleman allowed to favour Emlyn Hughes over Bill Beaumont all the time?
Maybe with its new host AQoS will go the way of ITV”s imitator Sporting Triangles.
Will Sue Barker continue to present coverage of Wimbledon? Whatever, I”d be willing to bet that once the Williams sisters retire, they’ll be BBC pundits of choice instead of the likes of Tracy Austin and Martina.
The UK is clearly racist because the coloured girl taking over the panel show thing hasn’t m]been made a ‘dame ‘ or anything yet ..has she ? Unless it’s a give a coloured an OBE job to box tick …..
Actually, Trick, Martina clicks one box – even if it’s her mate’s…
Comments not friendly at Linekar’s extraordinary spout of bile. No doubts he sees his non-job is in jeopardy, which would do us all a favour.
Like most normal citizens, I just wish he’d sod off and play footie with his mates in some far-off land and leave us all in peace.
Arrogant twot.
I seem to remember that when Lineker played for England, one of the channels had Mick Channon as a pundit. He caused a few guffaws as in his West Country accent the pronunciation came out as “loin-acher.”
Which in retrospect seems appropriate – I mean, if anyone deserves a kick in the nuts. . .
Ha ha ha, Trick! Love it!
What the boneheads in W1A can’t understand, is that this knobhead is a liability to their future caterwauling, and he’s just making himself look and sound like an utter prick, although some pricks are useful – so I’m told!
Perhaps ‘useful idiot’ s a better description, a term usually applied to someone who is better ignored after any gaffe it makes…
Cliff morgan emlyn hughes ?
Now (re)starts the endless blathering about ‘human rights.’
Why are these lawyers concerned about what might happen rather than what is happening?
Article 5: Right to liberty and security.
Article 7: No punishment without law.
Article 8: respect for your private and family life.
Article 9: Freedom of thought, belief and religion.
Article 10: Freedom of expression.
Article 11: Freedom of assembly and association.
Article 12: Freedom to marry.
All of these are taking ‘one hell of a beating’ at the moment.
One can scarcely put a foot outdoors without being knocked down by the legal tumbleweed.
That should be the prime function of a good lawyer: spot vulnerable parts of the proposed legislation and word the clause accordingly with an eye to avoiding potential litigation. Problem is, there is only few good lawyers and they don’t seem to have the connections with the legislators who have only their favourites – good or bad.
The people of Scotland – yawn – she burns good will like a nazi burning books ….
Yesrerday i tabled an amendment for all of ms cherrys tax affairs to be made public …
Australia : Avi and @RebelNewsOnline are SUING Australian lockdown police for false arrest and assault.
OK it was certainly wrongful arrest, then quick release, then a police guy hassling at his home for 10 minutes
I’m not sure it’s worth raising $50K for to sue a government who have unlimited lawyers.
Better join with others to make a class action.
Presumably all these beeboids gunning for a massive payout when canned have new jobs lined up?
CNN and The New European can’t hire them all.
Sky News has appointed Sarah Gough as a producer. Sarah will be working in Washington DC covering the election and news from the States. She was previously Washington assistant producer at Channel 4 News
Oh joy, a third degree of separation for Lurch to Rt as she screams at Donald trump about the latest allegation from…. several decades ago.
The Fail is excited though.
Speaking of Geordie’s slag rag….
‘Symbolic of Global Events’ is one to add to the Hall of Editorially Misguided Infamy.
Click to access Ofcom-complaint-assessment-Britains-Got-Talent,-ITV.pdf
Anyone would think it was rammed with ex-Beeboids.
I wonder how many of those who complained have seen this assessment.
Just read that assessment. 24,500 complaints, cleared on all counts.
What happened to that adage that’s always applied to white people? You know, when we’re told it doesn’t matter whether we intended any offence, but that offence was taken?
TalkRadio’s TVKev quotes Ofcom’s tweet
“There was no explicit reference to any political organisation
– but rather a message that black lives matter”
If you cast your minds back you will recall that I predicted exactly this outcome, mainly because the abject coward who allegedly leads the Tory party appointed a civil servant who was a so called ‘diversity champion’ what ever that is, to be the head of offcom, after other Tory appointee and politically correct diversity monstery Sharon White was poached by yet another deranged Tory to wreck John Lewis which she is doing in spectacular style.
“She was the Civil Service Gender Champion from 2015 to 2019, when she was appointed as the overall Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Champion. She was a judge for the 2015 Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Awards”
And you really thought she would find against a dance group called ‘Diversity’ did you? Seriously ?
Sky are all over the place at the minute. Increased Burley’s time slot by an hour to 10 am, then its the Business hour til 11 – then a reduced time slot of Adam Boulton of an hour till midday.
Sky was my choice of morning viewing for the news, but cant stand shrieky Burley, barely interested in the business section, Boulton just bangs on about Brexit or lack of testing (yawn), so I have to wait until the afternoon to get the headlines.
Jesus wept bbc. Impartial hey. Yet ANOTHER anti Trump piece !!!!
Losing count now this week. DISGUSTING.
Hi Doobster
I never watch any bBC tv anymore, and less and less look at their website. I goto click on – then just close the page, after seeing the first anti tax payer news
Channel 4 bias on Trump is a nightly must. He gets blamed for everything and every US report from disaster sites include a remark that that Trump is only concerned about himself.
By accident I turned on the Russian channel, RT, and heard a sneering woman autocue reader referring to the ‘Tweeter in Chief’.
Boeing’s ‘culture of concealment’ to blame for 737 crashes
A serious report into malpractice by Boeing and the FAA.
The BBC chose, at random, people who lost relatives in the plane crashes and asked for their opinion.
“British national Zipporah Kuria”
“Paul Njoroge of Canada”
White lives do not matter to the BBC.
Scunthorpe region has a last week Covid rate full one third LOWER than the national average
of 32.8 per 100,000 people
Now I know a rise from nothing to nothing plus one sounds dramatic
and the local rise was 2.5 fold since last week
from 8.7 per 100K to 22.1
So what was the 1pm Radio Humberside headline ?
They rounded up 2.5 to become a threefold rise
and said “Scunthorpe is being told to prepare for a second lockdown as cases triple in one week”
OMG I must go somewhere safer
Oh hang on the region still has a case cound lower that most of the country ..FFS!
All 3 local media are running with the same text, but the newspaper uses a less alarming headline
“Public told to act now as North Lincolnshire edges towards local lockdown”
Oh and when you do twice as many tests in one month as you did before
you pick up a load of cases you would have missed before
So you can’t compare the count this week
to the count you got 10 weeks ago
I see the national average is rising also .. 75% up on a week
so ours wasn’t likely not to rise was it ?
Ha the bbc prog just claimed the “National average is 16”
No it isn’t the bbc page uses a specific phrasing
a funny definition of average
“The average *area” in England had 16″
ie If 2 large areas have a high count like 100
& 20 low population density areas have a low count say 10
You can take the list of 22 & say the average area gets 16
that’s NOT a population average
@GuestWho did you see this
by creating that artificial average
… “The average *area* in England has″
The BBC has created an artificially low stat
And that generates more headlines, cos small areas will much more often rise above that
than the real average which is about double.
We could do the same with BBC salaries
If the BBC average salary in London office is £100k
and in 20 tiny regional office its £20K
We could say for the “average OFFICE’S average salary” is 20 x20 +£100
thats £500K divided by 21 =£24K
So when a guy in a regional office gets £30K he looks well paid
cos we don’t appreciate that 90% of the staff are in the London office earning £100K
Biden lecturing us on Northern Ireland peace
when he was probably at IRA fundraisers a long time ago
Yes 9/11 – welcome to domestic terrorism – I suppose they are passing the buckets in Boston ‘for the boys ‘ again . Scum
Now Ofcom have decided not to investigate the Diversity BLM
propaganda performance on BGT , I am really looking forward to a all WHITE dance group performing on the show.
A nice , powerful dance routine about the illegal immigrants invading our country at the moment maybe ?
Or perhaps a powerful, emotional dance routine about Muslim suicide bombers , child grooming gangs or black on black knife crime !!!!
As we all know , any WHITE dance group highlighting those causes would be racist, hounded by the BBC , MSM and investigated by bloody Ofcom !!!!!!
But the oppressed multi millionaire s from diversity , who’s skin colour has really held them back in this country, can do no wrong with their party political broadcast !!!!!
Questions open to all:
a) Who are the people at Ofcom making this decision?
b) How did they come to this decision?
c) Can their decision be challenged?
Is the BBC covering the Soros connection to the BLM/Antifa riots?
Of course not.
Salty Cracker comments on it in his usual hyperactive but entertaining way. (Readers who prefer their news highbrow, go read the Guardian – where you won’t find it either.)
Couldn’t you find a photo with a fluffy cat? LoL
Is that genuine ? Does he really have a red telephone ….?
G – This one’s better – more sinister.
Frankie Boyle has lost some weight
… but still as sweary as ever
Big c word warning on this one
ITV local news
stirring on Covid ..kept using the word “fear”
Star of the ITV 7:30pm show above those who scam the elderly
Perhaps he’ll do the decent thing and top himself – or someone might be good enough to do it for him ….. another death penalty reason …..
“EvUhL”. Wrongly spelt: ‘Evil’.
Sleepy channeling that Barry magic over here.
Going about as well.
Bet American Booty is moist.
Don’t think the Irish cops will be too impressed with democrat conduct …..
Good use of “quotes” there.
OFCOm reconvened?
This reply bang on the money !!!
For contexts sake I wish someone would say the opposite on air to see how the BBC reacted.
They’d never work in broadcasting again.
starkey crossed the line it appears, not that far I would suggest
The sooner the BBC fire all white staff, the better. Maybe I’ll create a graph of colour of staff v no’s of departing license fee payers but I know what would result: a straight line – downward. They could do us all a favour.
A new addition to the bbc empire.
Featuring, of course, livid hair dye.
I call BS.
A tough new law in Nigeria’s Kaduna State will see child rapists castrated and executed
But, but, but, what abaht their ‘uman rights I hear being said…….
It looks like The US Government is losing control of the Country as local officials make up their own regulations and actively assist the rioters and leftist groups and the police are defanged and rendered as criminal.
This is engineered by external forces and if Trump gets re-elected he may have to resort to martial law to restore government control to the USA.
These local officials are all in the pockets of the global leftists and their intention is to turn the USA into a soviet styled bureaucratic regime. They are using and egging on all the useful idiots to try to bring this about.
I think the US is probably lost unless an iron will is found to physically break these terrorist organisations up and deal with them as the traitors they all are.
I believe this is the inevitable consequence of mass immigration as the newcomers have no loyalty to the flag of the USA and only desire power and status.
If the US falls then its a matter of time before it moves here and on into Europe and the question will be, as we can no longer rely on the police, will it take civilian hard resistance to stand up against it and smash it?
This sounds alarmist but all the clues are there now!
Follow the Soros money in getting sympathetic local prosecutors in place
Another record set by our Government and its so called ‘Home Office’……….
“September is record month for migrant Channel crossings”
Have the French broken an agreement ? Did we not pay them lots of dosh to stop this happening ?
Vote for the Brexit Party next time.
Nigel Farage says that he has seen the French navy (coastguard?) handing out lifejackets to ‘migrants’ and putting a RIB alongside.
Clearly the French don’t consider these ‘migrant’ crafts seaworthy. ‘International Law’ requires the French to ‘rescue’ the migrants and bring them to the nearest land, i.e. France.
Where are all the ‘rule of law’ MPs now?
Ha ha …idiot !!!!
In another magisterial speech (that the lying beeb will ignore or deride) Trump reaffirms American values and fights back against leftist indoctrination, cancel culture, critical race theory and unpatriotic cultural Marxism in the educational system, which is at the root of so much of the current insanity.
Listen to the cold steel in his voice – he means business.
If he loses the election could we invite him for PM?
Today I sent in my postal ballot, now all we can do is hope and ????????
If it’s for Trump it’ll inexplicably get lost.
PS. VP Mike Pence starts at about 43′.
Trump at about 50:45.
Go Donald.
Come on Boris/Gavin – let’s have some patriotic education here.
First step – dump the bBC’s input.
What a boy!
Should be everyone’s Dream President.
as williams seems incapable of fulfilling the “so called bbc’s” fantasies
they seem to have found another hero
quite why this is in the sport section , i cant explain
This is plausible. The defunding of the police in the US is part of a plan to create the conditions for a possible revolution in America if Trump wins the election in November 2020.
You can maybe skip 12 minutes into the video to see the plan set out. The plan follows that previously hatched to sow the seeds of revolution in Ukraine, Georgia, and the Arab spring nations.
The above video is important – and very worrying.
One of the points made is that the Left are preparing the public to believe that, in case of a Trump victory, the election was ‘stolen’ by him.
How? The speaker below (an expert in campaign polls analysis) goes into detail about the election poll results being blatantly skewed to show majority support for Biden. Then, in case of a Trump victory, the fake polls will be used as evidence that Biden should have won and the election was illegitimate.
The analysis of the stats is long and complicated, but his short summary is at 13:50.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Yes, we should be worried as the UK, one of the so-called Worlds, “Pillars of Democracy” will be next in line if the Beijing Communists and their agents, UN, Soros et al., have their way.
However, interesting that all the doom pundits never include the effect of the Public in their speculation. Unlike the UK, that public is extraordinarily well armed and currently, pissed off with the Commies/woke as they side with the police.
For the UK? The US will be the last line of defence. If it falls, the UK will shortly after – without a whimper much less a shot fired.
With Boris in charge, that’s a dead cert.
vlad, I’ve been saying for a while now that all the BLM & Antifa chaos is Basic Training in preparation for the Left’s post-election anarchy if it looks like Trump has won
This confirms my worst fears. There has been a take over of almost all MSM by the left globally and we now live in a world where almost everything presented by the global MSM is filtered and distorted through their Woke lens to suit their purposes.
However , the video below from Steve Turley , shows that maybe the non globalist none Woke folk are getting ready to resist any attempt to steal the election for Biden. I know that Turley is mightily prone to exaggeration but what he says chimes with what other more respected folks such as Douglas Murray are saying, even previously liberal folks are arming themselves because they are scared by the BLM anarchy of the past six months. DM fears that the US could easily descend into two armed camps or even civil war post this election.
I believe that the Woke left have overplayed their hand and their lunatic policies have succeeded in mobilising the silent sensible majority who they assumed they could just walk over as they have for the last twenty or more years.
“Coronavirus: WHO warns Europe over ‘very serious’ Covid surge”
More testing = more positive results causing a surge ?
Just passing on the message from Beijing. Don’t blame us.
Al Beeb’s front page nothing but Covid, Covid, Covid.
Are they trying to frighten us or something ?
Only the very naive would have failed to realise a so called second spike was essential . For many reasons.
They need to get this untried vaccine into as many of us as they can. This means making s afraid.
Then there is the pressing need to distance the origin of the virus form China. The reason for that will have to wait to be revealed.
Then there is the undoubted failure here and in Europe to deal with it in March. This meant the old were considered expendable.
They died.
We have at the moment an upturn in cases. The log curves are very similar throughout Europe. Flat since the March /April peak. The deaths are way way down and seem so far to be holding at that. There are many possible reasons . We know more and are belatedly treating more aggressively. However the treatment here is still poor. Early intervention for confirmed cases is essential. Waiting at home for six plus days is insane.
Cases have risen but we are testing more and uncovering the asymptomatics that were always there.
The PCR test is not that reliable and what amplification is currently used? One that probably picks up old corona virus traces from years back.
This current media storm over testing is and looks manufactured. We must remain sceptical. To me it looks like a coordinated attempt to firstly frighten the people and secondly to play the game the government wants . A compliant and docile bunch of sheep that will overlook it’s incompetence and cruelty and submit.
Any thinking person knows a second national lockdown would end the economy and destroy stability for a generation or more..
It cannot happen but it is threatened. Why? In addition the attacks on our ancient freedoms have reached a stage never before seen in this country. Not even in wartime or in the period of the Six Acts in the early 19th century.
Remember we were told that is was to flatten the curve and for a few weeks. That was months ago. Johnson will go down in history as the only PM or monarch who actually destroyed those freedoms we have enjoyed since Anglo Saxon days. What a legacy. What a failure that man is.
While there is a lot of truth in what you say as regards the UK the same is pretty much happening world-wide, (the hand of Davos/UN?).
Something that never seems to get mentioned by the media is that the ‘science’ is weak – since when have so many been tested for any disease before? What would they find if the same sort of testing had been carried out for the ‘common’ cold? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if for every person ‘off sick’ a thousand were carrying evidence of that virus but showing no symptoms.
We used to be sick when we were sick, now we are sick if they can find any shred of the virus at all.
We used to lock up the infected, now we lock up the un-infected.
The NHS used to ‘look after us’, now we look after it.
Either it is mass stupidity on the part of the feminised politicians or the conspiracy nutters are right this time.
Well said Dave.
I have now totally ditched R4 and have been listening a lot to Talk Radio. I cannot recommend it enough. It at least doesnt try and treat us as fools on Covid – though is still shy about Gates and big pharma and certainly will not be mentioning Soros an and friends any time soon.
Great interview yesterday with Hartley Brewer talking to a “Health” Minister ? (I think – are there more than one?) about government over reaction to Covid. Made him look like a small boy dragged to the Headmistresses room after being caught trying to look under the doors in the girls lav with a mirror.
While this is a quote from a fictional book ‘Cause of death’ by Patricia Cornwell, written in 1996, it is interesting to note one paragraph, which, because the author does actually know about her subject and so do her advisors, seems appropriate today,
“…I thought how sad it was that we lived in a day when even toll booth attendants had to wear plastic gloves for fear their flesh may come in contact with someone else’s flesh. I wondered if we would reach a point when all of us lived in bubbles so we did not die of diseases like the Ebola virus and AIDS.” (end of quote).
I’d forgotten all this! Even back then, we were told by various powers that be that a menace was around, but we had none of this! The year of Woodstock also included a pandemic of H3N2 flu, but occurred between two peaks of infection. The festival took no notice of all that!
It’s probably not good just to quote fiction, but this quote is 26 years old, and an interesting contemporary issue.
“Indeed Sanders drove home that point in his speech where he denounced Biden and his “billionaire backers” for trying to kill this movement.”
Reading the BBC ‘reporting’ going back is fascinating.
Lucky Jon and Squad have the youth wing to quote still.
Love it when they spar.
Shots fired.
The producers need to get her* on… stat.
*Not who some might imagine ©️BbC Pidgen Dis Information Unit
He looks a happy soul…………….
Be honest, has anyone seen Harry smiling since he was kidnapped…sorry, I mean married?
He used the “Cheeky Chappie”, the Smiling Prince, the one royal that the press could always rely on for a saucy quip or funny photo…
Not now.
He’s walking around with (what my dear old gran would have called) a face like a smacked arse.
The bloke reminds me of those poor devils who have been captured by Islamic terrorists and mumble Jihadist propaganda at the point of a gun…
Do you think we should send in the SAS?
No, no – let ’em keep him, and don’t pay the ransom, either…
Jeff – who cares ?
It used to be the ‘heirs and spares’ syndrome with people like him.
Trouble is, he’s neither now, so let the SAS do real good somewhere needed, rather than waste time casing sleb shows and third rate ‘drama’ rubbish for mental lightweights.
Sparkle has him by the goolies over there, which makes things much easier for normal British citizens here, who actually do something to make our country great!
Has ‘I’m by the goodies?
Nah, pussywhipped into submission. She must have some really good moves and positions cos Harryboy was no innocent!
“Has ‘I’m by the goodies?”
A bit of proof reading needed there.
BBC News
The World Health Organization has warned of a “very serious situation unfolding before us” as coronavirus cases surge across Europe.
It’s ok… Naga has Hancock pinned.
Mother Jones has pulled a 38 BeeGees.
The United States is approaching yet another grim milestone during this coronavirus pandemic: 200,000 lives lost.
It feels like so much has changed since late March, when President Trump declared this unfathomable number as the high end of what he would consider an acceptable—even successful—loss of life. But in reality, not much has. We continue to fumble about, without anything resembling a coherent national response. We’re still short on materials needed for protective gear. More people are wearing masks, but many still aren’t and some outright refuse. What should be undisputed science is still being questioned by an inept administration. As a result, so many people are still getting sick. Trump will move the goal posts again.
The biggest change since his 200,000-dead prediction is just how much and how many we’ve lost.
That’s why we want to hear from you. The numbers on their own can feel both overwhelming and inadequate. So we want to understand what you, our reader community, may have lost and what that experience has been like. Please send us some thoughts, some memories, and some insights about how you are mourning and coping with your losses.
—Amanda Silverman
ps: A former model just accused Trump of sexually assaulting her at the 1997 US Open, but this one seems a stretch, even for the bbc, and so we are all sticking with Covid, and hoping the EU doesn’t make a Horlicks of this too before the ballot.
Wait a sec… the Graun is on it! Unleash heck, Katty!
Guest -me again – is that post a ‘cut and paste ‘ from somewhere ? Who is Amanda Silverman?
What is the context here?
Duck Duck Go is your friend in such cases.
A US journalist, apparently.
Primarly eco, but currently TDS obsessed.
I followed the site for that reason after a BBC RT, and now do it for the lolz.
Maybe it’s a spoof too?
The context is that the BBC uses such organs as one degree of separation cover for whatever they can get away with. And no flagging or being obvious enough even David Lammy would be embarrassed.
Draw your own conclusions – that’s the way you need to read the news.
For instance, pick up the Guardian and notice a front page headline which says: ‘Trump facing new sex assault allegation’ – you can bet your bottom dollar that there’s a US Presidential election in the offing.
Turn to the ‘i’ and note their exclusive: ‘All-Ireland referendum within five years, predicts Sinn Fein leader’ – on the basis that is their well-publicised policy and they’re willing to tell all and sundry we can safely say it was just the luck of the Irish to find a British newspaper still sore over Brexit.
Speaking of which the Express seems to know exactly what’s what concerning future relations with Europe: ‘Your guide to travelling in EU from Jan 1… driving, insurance, pets and mobiles’ – which is impressive considering the Mirror reminding us: ’10 Million in lockdown. Tough new local curbs imposed all over UK and more areas fear the worst’ – you see what I mean, we don’t even know what crazy new restrictive regulations will apply in Britain next week?
Former national treasure Sue Barker may have been put out to grass by the BBC (tarnished by her age and whiteness) but the Metro is cock-a-hoop: ‘Great Scott! Ex-England star (and Metro columnist) Alex ready to rule BBC’s Question of Sport’ – like a tree falling unseen in a forest will this really have happened if no one is watching anymore?
Last time I saw Question of Sport they had a part of the show where the teams watched a video clip of a famous sports person which only showed brief cryptic close-up glimpses of their ears or eyes or back of their head – from which the panel had to guess who the personality might be. Now of course you can imagine at the first sight of a dark skin the panellists could confidently shout out the answer – “It’s the new BBC presenter!”
Of course these days you have to watch what you say. The Times today indicates a sinister sign of the times: ‘Uber shares private data on drivers and passengers with police’ – seems the cops are backing Uber to keep their licence thanks to their co-operation.
From the licensed to the unlicensed. The ‘i’ threatens: ‘Emergency powers will allow use of unlicensed vaccine in UK’ and whilst the ‘i’ seems to feel uncomfortable about the Government wanting to ‘…side step EU licensing laws’ I would be more concerned with ‘Emergency powers will also block anyone from suing Government if they become sick from injection’
The phrase “despite covid” has a ring to it. Let’s look at the FT and see who is doing just fine: ‘Navigating the crisis. Global shipping lines are profiting from the pandemic’
It’a all about winners and losers…
Meanwhile: ‘John Lewis axes staff bonus for first time in 70 years after profit plunge’
Speaking of losers the Times tells us how the public have misplaced a lot of notes and coins: ‘Take note: £50bn in cash has gone missing’ – oddly the Bank of England is being criticised for a lack of “reliable information” on what has happened to the money. The authorities don’t like cash – hard to tax transactions if they can’t track them. Next thing you know there’ll be government inspectors demanding to check down the back of your sofa.
Think I’m joking? Big Brother is taking over. The Telegraph warns us: ‘Energy firms planning to use smart meters to switch off your central heating’
Compulsory mystery vaccines, lockdowns, curfews, smart meters, uber-surveillance… seems the likes of Alex Jones types and their weird conspiracy ranting were infact more of a documentary.
The public may have been a little careless with the loose change but our economic experts have either had this planned from the start, or been careless in the extreme, the Telegraph again: ‘Bank signals next move may be negative interest rates’
Draw your own conclusions.
Easy to see why the BBC cites the Graun here too.
And Lurch is more a cnn guy over there.
I hadn’t realised that to have so few (and to deter other) supporters is considered a, “quality” that Trump lacks. But there, that’s the reverse thinking of the commies.
Trump’s tweet
thanks for putting this up – if any one has the viewing numbers for Question Time it would be useful – have they got to the top low to register ‘ yet ?
Hat off to anyone watching that trash
“Home Office immigration unit has ‘no idea’ – MPs”
Yep it’s not fit for purpose. Furthermore the government is not fit for purpose. An expensive invasion is coming across the Channel and the four star hotels are full. In the interest of national security the Royal Navy should be placed in control. National security trumps all international immigration laws.
Will Boris and Priti be gone by Christmas ?
What Royal Navy?
“The Royal Navy remains committed to providing humanitarian assistance in the Mediterranean. The most high profile of these missions in the area has been Operation Sophia[37]. This was the EU led mission to counter illegal people trafficking from Libya. The Royal Navies contribution has been highly successfully. During a 12 month attribution, HMS Enterprise provided the most days on task of any other unit and saved the most lives (9,100).
In 2020, HMS Enterprise was ordered to sail from Crete to use her hydrographic survey expertise to help to re-open the port of Beirut following the massive explosion which devastated the port and surrounding area[38]. She also delivered humanitarian aid.”
The Royal Navy is still ferrying, “Refugees” (aka, ‘Rescuing’) in the Med. “Saved the most lives”.
Hence change the head – Bo Jo.
The Royal Navy are under his control along with the Royal Marines.
Taffman – I think the military would be more concerned about ‘image’ and not getting accused of drowning the ‘refugees ‘
The dinghy chasing lawyers would get a submarine ….
“National security trumps all international immigration laws.”
This is irrefutable. All MPs and civil servants should be given detention once a week (despite Covid) and made to write it out 500 times.
The latest picture on the BBC newsite.
Its Oxford and it shows only white people out during the current crisis. The inference is that its all whiteys fault AGAIN. It will be whiteys fault if a lockdown is forced upon us.
But let them carry on scoring own goals it can only aid our campaign. The Sue Barker QoS is a classic one. The vast majority of viewers watched it and loved her authority and chemistry with her guests…..these people don’t like change. Her removal is nothing more than racist and ageist.
Halifax-It looks like that I was correct in my prediction that the BBC’S numero box ticker right now, Alex Scott would get Sue
Barker’s job. Although I thought that she was in line for
King Lineker’s throne.Maybe she will get both.
I wonder where the next domino will fall? For an
outside bet, may I suggest Jay Blades from The Repair Shop
to be in line to take over from David Attenborough. I reckon
as a naturalist Jay with his repair abilities would be be
the perfect person to help restore the rain forests.
But wouldn’t Jay paint the trees different colours?
Two ends of the spectrum agree.
However, odds of BBC, Sky, etc… not going #questionasaheadline and/or hitting the malls for Vox pops to edit idiocy that suits?
I am assuming a spoof, or at least a serious edit job?
Either that or the QT audience figured a respectful silence to be best.
I’m suspicious as there are more than four present.
Guest – I think this stuff just muddies the water – why put it up ?
It’s funny if true, and satire if not. Why I follow that ginger comedian who looks like Frankie, Nish, CNN, the BBC and these guys:
I flagged it. Last time you were upset about a blue tick that was accurate. Check for yourself if connected and delete if so minded.
“£1.5bn GDP boost from UK-Japan trade deal is not on top of existing EU-Japan deal benefits”
‘Ben at Full Fact’? But no ‘Full Facts’ to be seen.
Take the top statement from Full Fact and read their reasoning here:
Elephant in the room? Effect(s) globally of Covid. ‘Covid’ Ben’s says, ‘What’s that?’
Where’s this outfit come from? Not an offshoot of the BBC by any chance?
This is not about the BBC directly – but is about the end of the world about to be caused by covid 2- the second wave all the news papers are going on about.
Frazer Nelson writes In The Telegraph -about the lack of direction and muddle within the state planning and running the covid response . It does not make for good reason and reinforces my view that these guys are not that clever and could do a lot better .
For instance he highlights that the stats of covid deaths given to the health sec included deaths from all causes with Covid added on – not deaths caused mainly by covid .
It took him a while to find out – and he did so by reading a blog apparently .
I’m off into rant mode now . Now I’ve run a ‘performance unit ‘ . My main qualities were common sense and digging down into detail . This was done on behalf of the Big Boss – who didn’t do detail . So I’d get dragged along to formal statute based private and public briefings with politicians and others to dig The Big Boss out on detail and interpretation .
Now it sounds to me that in the blame game panic between different outfits in the State the detail is falling between the gaps .
I betcha somewhere there is someone like me – low in the food chain – who has a grip on the stats and what is going on – but because they are ‘low grade ‘ they are not recognised and listened to.
That didn’t happen to me because I used to go and ask people getting the numbers how and why and seeing where definitions and interpretations led to misunderstand of graphs and stuff and subsequent failure to deal with a recurring or new problem /development / issue
I was a bit of a rebel in performance management as I actually got recording of stuff dropped when it was of no value – or even made things worse by people fiddling to achieve targets – there must be a lot of fiddling now…..
I’d hoped after – what 6 months – the State would have got a grip . I’m nasty . But I cannot think that bits of the state are so nasty that they would knowingly allow the confusion and miss management go on costing the wealth and health of our country – but on the other hand …
By the way – the responsibility does fall to the politicians because their job is to find the talent to do the stuff for them and make them look like they are on top of things . There’s not much about at the moment …..
Maybe covid diminishes brain function – Johnson/Cummings …..?
Views Welcome
I don’t envy anyone holding a ‘top job’, some underlings will tell you what you want to hear and some will downright lie to cover their own failings. The guy at the top can’t do everything or be an expert at everything, that is why there is delegation and a command hierarchy.
It gets even more complicated when it is ‘top guy’ talking to ‘top guy’ from different organisations, then the wrong questions get answered by the wrong answers and neither party realises.
Many, many years ago a select committee had the boss of what was at the time the UK’s largest manufacturer of things electrical. The committee asked what this company was doing about producing integrated circuits, the hi-tech ‘chips’ in computers etc. The company boss answered that his company manufactured every printed circuit that his company used. A printed circuit is just the wiring laid flat, there is nothing ‘smart’ in it.
Did the committee understand the question? Did the company boss? A smart ten year-old would know that the answer was rubbish but no politician challenged it.
Another favourite of the civil service is to Humpty-Dumpty-like to define a term in manual, regulation or law. Everyone outside the service thinks they know what the term means, little realising that the civil service is ‘honestly’ working to a different definition.
Read 1984 or watch Yes, minister! for examples.
Interesting, I think, that the “talent” they find appears to be already known to many of us as being absolutely useless, with documented failures in their individual histories, and often an inclination to left-wing activism, too.
How any of these people manage to get on boards and committees, let alone end up becoming “leaders in their field”, defeats the imagination.
Is it because there is no-one of note and expertise around, or do the government merely bow to recommendations from biased advisors, without really bothering to check their antecedents, or look for eminently qualified advisers, themselves?
Interesting what stories Vine decides need amplifying
and which don’t
BTW I would say he is inciting more people to repeat the cruel stunt.
Indeed. That’s the problem with propaganda backed by censorship, especially when policing free speech.
Folk notice when you do, when you don’t, and when you slip up.
At least he is careful to ensure the victims and perps are properly sorted after getting off his bike the last time.
Old Goat – thanks – I can’t do too much detail but I’d go into meetings with government ministry staff and assume they’d be pretty switched on . It came as a shock . My outfit was working for The Greater Good so could see their weaknesses – for instance presentation was everything – flashy techy briefings – lots of nodding – but vacuous .
I’m sure the likes of half with Dame Dido but I bet she doesn’t do detail – I wonder if she just turned up at a few testing centres to Quality Test them at 10am on a wet Wednesday ….
Testing – the new PPE ——
As for my stats – I’d get things changed – simplified – and go back and see it they made any difference after a quarter of two – if they told me what I wanted to hear – I’d go find me someone to tell the truth – good or bad …..
Not a vert fashionable approach I’m sad to say .
I’m back in house arrest in UK next week – joining the rest of the country it seems …..
First time ever???
What has come over the BBC ??!!!!
For the first time ever I can recall they actually say police are looking for a BLACK man ( after an assault on a bus..) not just a man !!!!!
Perhaps by the time you read this they will have changed it back to ‘ a man ‘ . perhaps it was a rogue not quite so far left reporter ! (They only say black in the very last line though)
What on earth has come over the BBC ??!!! maybe they could not photoshop the video . More likely maybe because he was attacking another black person.. at least looks that way. If he had been attacking a whitey it might have been different
When I came across the story the BBC had already dropped the “black” and they were describing the attacker as a “man who wasn’t wearing a mask”.
example of BBCnews headline where “black man is allowed
“Roderick Walker: Georgia deputy filmed punching black man is fired
@Brexiteerkent surely the black man on a bus was merely copying a dance routine he’d seen on BGT
Are you saying that “black man” was used in the title ?
cos I find no evidence it was ever in the title.
All I can find is that the text says “black man” in the description at the bottom and in the image label.
If anyone can stomach the following BBC sob story to redemption video and provide a synopsis I would be very grateful. As far as I can tell a white man was shot in the face by a black man and the white man forgives the black man because the black man had a tough and unprivileged upbringing and lived in a racist English society.
The moral of the story seems to be that the white man should accept being shot in the face by a black man because of white privilege and the ongoing legacy of colonial oppression of the black man.