Do you notice how those people and things the BBC approve of get uncritical coverage – eg Obama and the EU . Yet something or someone the Biased Far Left BBC disapproves of – President Trump and Brexit – received unrestricted criticism and condescension- without reference to their democratic legitimacy or otherwise?
This site bears witness every day . Defund the BBC now .
Midweek Thread 7 October 2020
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Where is everybody?
Catchup links
– We started page 3 at 9am on Tuesday
_ page 2
I am here ! The rest must be locked down in bed or ‘locked in’ the pub ?
Okay, that makes three of us. What shall we talk about?
Yosser (remember him)?
Unless you work nights – been there done that – I suppose the only thing to talk about is “Why am I not asleep recharging my batteries for the battles ahead”?
Al Beeb does not represent the majority of the indigenous people of Great Britain. If our Prime Minister is as patriotic as he tries to portray he is, he would begin by de-funding the outfit. End the tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich.
I see that the Asian family death toll for a rolling seven days is 5. 2 in Burnley and 3 in Brentford. All involving children and their parents. Unfortunately murders within “South East Asian ” family’s seem to be a common occurrence.
Obviously no common thread will be explored by the BBC they are too busy wishing the POTUS dead to be bothered to investigate these, “on their doorstep” tragedies.
I wonder how many journalistic hours were expended on reporting Trump so called tax anomalies, you remember he hadn’t paid federal tax for a few years, I wonder where that non story went.
So instead of following the left wing anti Trump agenda BBC, follow up story’s close to home involving your favourite “communitys” and the murder of kids and mothers within those “communitys” rather than chasing your own left wing agenda and using tax payer’s money to promote it.
In my humble opinion there are two possible scenarios here. Either, BoJo does not want to de-fund the Marxist outfit or, rather more disturbingly, there exists a power, far greater than the elected representatives of our nation, which can dictate our fate and thus will have our PM by the balls. I tend toward scenario two, or maybe I am deluded.
I’m here ! One more and we’ve got the Rule of 6 !
Not BBC, but I wonder what’s happened to The Pledge ? I thought they’d be peeing themselves to get the mob back around the table with all that’s been going on with BLM !
I think an all BAME guest list will be worth watching, poor old Afua wont have anyone to argue with, June will try to get a word in over Majid, Trevor Phillips will be trying to hold it all together, and the dim student one will continue to look spaced out.
Black Lives Matter is now a global organisation along with the BBC. If Joe Biden – Kamala Harris win the US Presidency in just over three weeks time they will further empower the BLM movement and the BBC will ratchet up their campaign for “change” in Britain. It would also allow Big Tech companies that dominate social media in conjunction with the liberal mainstream media to ratchet up the cancel culture.
It is a global organisation Broadcasting-on-behalf. The following illustrates this-Nick Buckley MBE, the award-winning founder of the ground-breaking charity Mancunian Way, who was sacked from his position in June after criticizing the far-Left political agenda of the Black Lives Matter campaign. who was awarded an MBE in the New Year Honours List for his work with vulnerable youngsters across Manchester, wrote a blog post that sparked uproar for warning of the ‘neo-Marxist’ policies of Black Lives Matter UK – which include tearing down capitalism and abolishing the police – and saying they risked dividing communities. Which they do. Added is a supporting response -‘BLM is a Marxist driven organisation who, profiteer from their exploitation of black people. They feed them the ‘victim’ narrative. People marched for George Floyd but where were the BLM marches for David Dorn, a retired black police officer protecting his business who was killed by the mob? Where are the marches for black-on-black crime that see the trauma of families receiving news of the death of family members? Seemingly, the only black lives that matter, are those BLM deemed to be of profit to their ideology. This man who has contributed so much to society has been treated despicably, yet retains his character, dignity and fairness. Nick, you stand tall and dignified after this experience……I salute you.’ That says it all. This generation have never had to fight for Freedom, maybe it is time they stepped up to the plate.
And the ensuing violence will be blamed of course – you’ve guessed it – on white racism. What else?
Meanwhile, ironically….
The BBC does like censorship as much as it likes propaganda.
Nice pic.
It also likes not mentioning stuff that doesn’t suit.
That is ‘good’ censorship.
Ex BBC fave Mehdi is a big fan of the ladies.
Also happier with females voting the way they have been told to.
That Guest Who, Females voting the way have been told to! They must be women of Islamic husbands-certainly not the feisty new feminists we see across all section of the media/films/broadcasting/journalism, you name it-they know or think they know their own minds and take every opportunity in telling us all.
BBC Moaning Emole has a headline of craft.
More sickness in Trump’s inner circle
The pool of people around Donald Trump who’ve tested positive for coronavirus continues to grow. White House adviser – and presidential speech-writer – Stephen Miller and a top military official are the latest to confirm they’ve been infected. When precisely transmission occurred isn’t clear, but here are four virus rules we know the White House has broken.
After he left hospital President Trump told Americans not to fear Covid-19 – we asked voters whether they saw that as a message of strength or an insult. And our correspondent Nick Bryant explains why Trump’s highly-choreographed home-coming could be the defining moment of his presidency.
Among all this, the election campaign continues. On Wednesday evening Vice-President Mike Pence and Democratic challenger Kamala Harris will go head-to-head in a debate – separated by plexiglass to limit any virus risk. Not usually considered a must-watch, find out why this VP debate has taken on new significance, and more about Mr Pence and Ms Harris themselves.
Further irony…
Choreography by Nick Bryant?
A ‘must watch’ or insult to British TVL payers?
BBC News
The US president claimed coronavirus was “less lethal” than the flu, when the mortality rate is thought to be possibly 10 times higher than most flu strains.
Beyond whatever context might lie behind that bbc editted “quote”, the phrase ‘thought to be possibly’ is impressive in counter as the BBC combines terminology with semantics.
Those first three words are to treasure.
BBC News decides ‘reportedly’ is enough to add more fuel to the fire…
Jonathan Price was killed by a white police officer in Texas on Saturday while reportedly trying to break up a fight.
Checking and confirming is so last journalistic integrity.
Was he a “gentle giant”?
“Brexit: Trade deal with UK ‘up to EU’, says Boris Johnson”
Stuff the EU . Boris should go WTO and open up ‘free ports’, He should boost our manufacturing industries, end silly universities teaching silly degree courses . Education should be focused on engineering and science subjects .
What is it with the BBBC’s obsession with Covid at The White House?
Yes, there are several important people there who have symptoms, but this is hardly ‘news’, as the virus is everywhere and I’m sure the US can function without the interference and hindrance from the weaker autocue-readers we have to pay for with our taxes. The glee with which our press people report as much negativity as they can get in a sound-bite is just embarrassing.
Apart from the ridiculous BLM fantasy month they’re squandering money on over here, it might be nice if the BBBC spent a little time on asking why the ‘hotspots’ in the North are becoming so bad for our own country. Why is that happening? Find out the reasons, do some investigative work for a change!
And another thing, where is London in all these hotspots? Maybe a few hard questions to that idiot Mare Khaaaaan could do something, because as sure as eggs is eggs, he must be hiding something, or more likely, not doing anything about it.
Ex BBC head.
If anyone knows propaganda….
Can’t you just see Matt and team in Frankie Howerd, knocking back ideas, pro and con….
Gets better each minute.
Nick is on it.
Nick been granted an exclusive with Barry yet?
And overwhelmingly white?
riots “overwhelmingly peaceful”
Think of that, a peaceful riot………..
She simply loathes all white people, yet her race has as much control of the USA as do white people. Still has difficulty in understanding that it was Black Africans some thousands of years ago that sold their own people into slavery, to the Arab slave traders of that period-the Blacks were then sold onto a number of empire builders for hundreds of years throughout Africa, Asia, and eventually Europe. Their real problem at least for many is that they cannot come to terms with their own peoples acquiescence in being enslaved. We Brits were enslaved by many invaders but eventually fought back and won out of that enslavement.
”I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility. I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people.”…….. John Wayne 1971.
Eerily similar..

remember this anyone,,
I have a sneaky suspicion that Guido at Order order has been got at. I have been noticing a distinct shift in it’s attitude towards Boris in the past few weeks and today it has gone on the attack against Brexit with no less than 5 headlines about the fairy story that the UK Government hid the facts about Brexit from Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
Utter tripe as this piece of crap is coming from the SNP who are continuing with their Independence Rebellion and trying to draw in the other devolved regions.
It’s not over until the wee lady sings it seems.
9am R4 A lecture about student lockdown
.. We got again a black girl
..who ended on climate change, in a tick box way.
Local news : a gangster’s associate given up property
Even though he has never been convicted of a crime
he agreed to give it up anyway.
Name : Mansoor Mahmood Hussein
Don’t know why the BBC report it today ..It was reported back in February .. ah OK
“The NCA has now announced that Mr Hussain has given up fighting the case against him and has agreed a settlement in which he has handed over the vast majority of his empire”
What I find amusing is the BBC’s own hypocrisy. Often this comes in the form of them condemning something else when it could equally and obviously be applied to themselves.
For example on the BBC news homepage today we have:

From the article:
‘ Rachel Edwards is among those who have received debt letters after bouts of depression led to financial problems. “You get these letters and they make you bury your head even further – and that makes both your mental health and your debt problems worse,” Mrs Edwards, from Bridgend, told BBC News in June …
Martin Lewis said: “It is no exaggeration to say that this change could save lives” … ‘
Applying this to the BBC we can say: it would not be an exaggeration to say that the BBC have killed hundreds and possibly thousands of vulnerable people with their threatening demands for the TV tax, their agents banging on peoples doors demanding entry to their property, taking people to court and criminalizing them.
The BBC are one of the biggest bullies in the business world and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they have blood on their hands.
As a general rule debt collectors only persue those that are in debt.
TV Licensing, on the other hand persues everyone who hasn’t got a licence, even those without a TV! Until you get used to their weasel words these letters can be quite intimidating.
(I haven’t got a TV but when I have shown these letters to my sister she has several times suggested that it might be ‘safer’ just to get a licence!)
The Gaurdian has allowed some lefty comedian called ‘george biotic ‘ to write a piece about the BBC being ‘tied to the newspaper agenda ….
….in a frankly ridiculous rant biotic says this
“ ith a few rare and brave exceptions, it avoids explaining how economic power comes to dominate and direct political power. Instead, every day the corporation provides an unchallenged platform to those who promote this power: lobbyists, trade associations, opaquely funded thinktanks. The BBC’s bias is not trivial or inconsequential: throughout the modern era, the primary political conflict has been between democratic power and the power of money. Its partiality is fundamental, and calamitous for democracy….”
Now I don’t think Georgy really watches the BBC . He doesn’t not mention the main fixations of the BBC – coloured , queers and greens – but goes off on some nonsense about oligarchs…which by the sound of it George wants to be .
I bet George is on top rate tax and lives in Islington . Drain that swamp….
Incidentally the column helpfully advertises for this coming book –
As someone who now ‘identifies’ (yuk) as nether right or left wing, or any wing, I suppose I can see a thread of truth in this, though I’ve not read the article. In that… to me it seems that whilst biased basically towards the new left way of thinking, the bbc are actually fake lefties… if that makes sense to anyone.
Its just a feeling I get, nothing much to back it up with though.
I come across “I used to listen to Radio4 threads” every day
Tourettes robinson getting even worse is he . Maybe he is on drugs or the caffiene cant allow him to shut up for 20 seconds
– bit of a sad self parody really . Lucky he didnt get the ‘ mastermind ‘ gig
I heard Robinson “interview” Sir Roger Penrose this morning. What an embarrassment. Sir Roger is 90, and has just won the Nobel Prize, but he could hardly get a word out. Robinson would ask a question, then as Sir Roger began to reply, Robinson would be unable to help himself, and talk over him with another question.
Sir Roger is a harmless physicist, so this is not like when Robinson talks over Conservatives. He’s just not very good at his job. And for this he is paid north of a quarter of a million? Defund the BBC!
9am More Or Less claimed that the cock up in the Northwest Covid data was caused by “using old version of Excel from 2003”
That’s not true, they were using modern versions , but had chosen to use an older file format that only supports 65536 rows.
Of course they could have simply used newer format
but there will have been good reasons why’d they’d got into the habit of using the old format.
MoL claimed professional databases don’t use Excel at all
cos they use proper database software that logs every change to the database.
Experts on Twitter seem to agree.
No sane person would use a 65k row spreadsheet. If one needs more than 200 rows or so, there are much better tools as you say. Spreadsheets were always intended to be ‘quick and dirty’.
These are probably the same users who use Excel for tables of any sort when they could be created far more easily and better in Word. (A well set-up Word table is a joy to use, use it instead of tabs, etc. Get it wrong and best start again!)
Other software tools are available (and they don’t monkey about with the menues either!).
Ah another IT guys says ‘No Excel was not being used, they were using proper database software
.. but to transfer data to other people they used the Excel file format.
Sounds to me like no variable scaling testing was performed and they had no risk mitigation strategy among other things.
Those two items were HUGE no-no’s in my 20+ years as a PMI Certified IT Project Manager for a very large governmental entity, one that pays more than 69 MM people every month – imagine the sizes of those databases
Another alternative video site.
It say it keeps videos that YouTube arbitrarily deleted.
I can’t vouch that some of the vids are not innacurate/misleading.
Hugh Pennington interview
: Covid-19 is about superspreading, and there is no second wave
(Policy based on Panic)
Frankie Howerd, 11.11am…
“Not reeeeeeally News…. so we go with some source saying something about folk we don’t like. Again?”
How many biblical phrases are in common use?
‘Syrian Girl’ and ‘Coucou Chloe’ no doubt ‘OMG’ without a thought.
TOADY Watch #1 – An increasing impression ……
… is forming in my mind that Nick Robinson is bitter.
I think he is bitter about being demoted to the TOADY Programme and having to wake up and travel at an unearthly hour to the studio, pre-Pandemic of course.
I think he is bitter at the groundless accusations from the Labour Party that the BBC and he, specifically, are politically biased toward the Conservative Party.
I think he is bitter at being superseded by a person who is not really as good as he is, or as hard-working as he was in the role and is allowed to get away with it – and her particular and obvious biases – by the BBC bosses.
I think he is bitter that the UK voted to leave the EU.
Consequently, he likes to take it out on Conservative Party members, especially if they are Government Ministers. I thought that Liz Truss, Secretary of State for International Trade, stood up to Nick’s battering very well on the programme this morning.
June raicebaiter Sarpong the BBC’s head of diversity admits it is failing to connect with white working class audiences
Stew, I wouldn’t be surprised if the BBC was also failing to connect with BAME audiences.
They are trying to please just a narrow Socialist audience while also trying to meet every other perceived needy and aggrieved group or cultural audience.
Basically, just failing.
Sadly I think she’s getting a salary paid by us for just sitting in a ‘token’ position. She may have an MBE, but she ain’t the sharpest tool in the box, and I wonder how many of her work colleagues roll their eyes behind her back.
Further to the above, have just read that Sarpong is paid £75,000 for her 3 day week post at the BBC “while still holding down work with a number of other commercial outlets. She works for Burberry at board meetings and other events (hope she doesn’t get asked to fetch the tea and biccies), and carrying out corporate work and speeches via her agents.
“paid by us” Brissles? ????
Not me, I’m not giving her a penny ????????
Oh look R4 Drama now ..not white working class ..a repeat from 2017
Wot no Rigsby?
@FEd who were the baddies ?
– The black tramp turned out to be ancient good spirit in disguise he challenged the The black ex-boxer “do you always do what the white man says massa, massa ?”
The black ex-boxer then turned out to be a reformed character
.. The two minor white characters one at start one at the very very end were the baddies
The white boxing club owner had sold out the black boxer to the white father who was going to shoot the black boxer in revenge for the death of his own son in a boxing match.
4:30pm Media Show the white boss of YouTube UK Ben McOwen Wilson,
but Amol’s team choose an image of a black video they’ll are talk about GRM Grime, Rap Music Daily
BBC news
not a mention of the death at 65 of Eddie Van Halen no. 8 of all time top guitarists and one of the most influential of all time
BUT guess what? the racist bbc does not let us down
they have found a black jamacian reggae person who has died at 80 and that gets a mention
the bbc disgust me more every day with their sickening racism
Come on, I heard the news mention both
and Johnny Nash is clearly pretty well known
TOADY Prog mentioned both in news but the separate item by Lizo Mzumba was just a tribute to the (one almost hit wonder) Eddie van Halen.
Johnny Nash at least had a No.1 hit in the UK which van Halen did not achieve, even with ‘Jump’ which had endless airplays in the UK.
NOT mentioned BBC news via Radio 2 at 11.00 now mentioned at 12.00
wuld klass Gurnalists took some time to sort that out
According to the RIAA, Van Halen is the 19th best-selling music group/artist of all time with sales of over 56 million albums in the US, and is one of five rock bands that have had two albums (Van Halen and 1984) sell more than ten million copies in the US.
Nash one album plus a “collection”
Darcy, Nash had a much longer career and a UK No.1. As I posted above, van Halen could not achieve that even with ‘Jump’ which I think is great but the UK record buying public did not agree.
I remember hearing Johnny Nash on Childrens’ Favourites back in the days of the Home Service. He was good then. Even better with ‘I can see clearly now’ which I also think is a great song. The UK record buying public once more did not agree with my verdict (I used to love Juke Box Jury!) and Nash’s UK No.1 came later.
Of course VH sold many more discs
but the point is Nash is not a non-entity, like many of the BBC’s lionised black heroes are.
VH can’t be as high as 19th
plenty of artists have sold more than his 80 million
At a glance he’s 40th, 50th
Darcy, while muncheon on the luncheon I realised I should have made two other observations about van Halen in contrast with Johnny Nash. The former formed at a time when there was incredible competition for their genre of music, both in North America and also in the UK where the UK bands were dominating the world of rock. Nash, I don’t think had the same amount of direct competition as van Halen.
Secondly, van Halen had a very strong, very visual stage act, especially after ‘Jump’ and that is something you don’t get to see unless you attended their concerts. The radio listening and record buying public would only get the music. Something that Philips hoped to address with the laser disc.
By your standards of judgement then Spice Girls far out rate Sandy Denny, The Band, Bob Dylan etc etc
So, tell me what you want, what you really really want.
I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig, ah
Yo, I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want.
So, tell me what you want, what you really really want.
I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want.
So, tell me what you want, what you really really want.
I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna—, I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig, ah.
hmmm well done
My goodness just wonderful lyrics! how could they be bettered!!!!! Mindless rubbish, it’s the visual of the Spice Girls that sells the song-if you can call it that. What else can one say?
Darcy, different genres, old son. 😉 Try The Bangles for comparison, both with a girl group and Van Halen for that matter as, arguably, The Bangles were semi-rockers if not the full-on heavy rockers that vH were/are. They had #1, #2 and #3 hits for singles and, if I recall correctly, were the biggest selling female band of all time.
There’s is no doubting Eddie van Halen’s musicianship or your dedication as a fan 😉 again. If it is a comfort to you, I’ve had ‘Jump’ playing in my head for the last 24 hours+!
It’s not my judgement, I reckon I can spot a hit better than record company Executives; it is the verdict of the people who put their money down to buy the vinyl or the plastic.
If it’s magazine polls then Louder Sound did have van Halen in at #15 but sadly, on sales, Business Insider puts van Halen in #20 spot, outgunned by Taylor Swift and Mariah Carey, if you want to bring in the ladies. Maybe instead Eagles, Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin who are more directly comparable with vH?
Precisely, how many “hit singles” that you mentioned is the mark of merit, did Led Zeppelin have ?
Darcy, you were talking sales – so I talked sales. 😉 🙂
Thank you for a very entertaining little ‘divertissement’.
In your desperate rush to join Mr Green in trying to disagree with me you missed my point entirely, he was not mentioned on the BBC news at 11 :00 am on radio 2, one of the most influential guitarists of all time who even invented a new technique : tapping, and a new sound the brown sound now included as standard in many modelling amps, with multi million sales, who inspired a generation of guitar players at the expense of a nonentity with one “hit single” who was 80 years old
Name another song by him.
“I’m Leaving”, “Looks Like The End of the World” and “Goodbye”
Name another song by him.
Neil Oliver just compared Boris’s mantra of “conserve the NHS”
to people who keep the sofa covered in plastic.
“Look, if you’ve got it , you should use it”
You have to keep the seats covered because ‘one day I might want to sell it’!
Are you saying that I’m meant to take the plastic covering off ?
Close cover before striking
Just staggering how the looney liberal left are obsessed with anything President Trump.
How she made this leap I will never know !!!!
TDS is a very real thing.
He lives inside their heads, rent free.
This would be the same Maureen Dowd who wrote a book entitled, “Are Men Necessary?”
One wonders what useful purpose she serves. Answers on a postcard to the usual address.
Van, answers on a postage stamp!
Thanks – really funny . I suppose on planet maurine dowd if the hospital done an NHS job and killed Mr Trump theyd have got a 5 star rating …
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – It merits a top billing – I wonder why?
I haven’t listened to this yet but living, even with Global Warming and Climate Change, in the northern hemisphere – outside the 20/20 window – might just have something to do with it. Then there was the expulsion from an ideal climate in a perfect ‘garden’ with every need met, but the ‘every thing but Judao-Christian BBC’ probably would not want to consider that. I will have to steel myself to listen now to see if I am wrong.
The BBC have been going big on nakedness and nudity recently but also on the subject of touch. (It is the current R4 Gwyneth Williams ‘filler’ on R4 after TWatO) You can look but you cannot ….
It raises some questions or provides some clues – you choose – about the state of the BBC’s ‘Hive Mind’.
What cos BBC girlies/gays like seeing pics of near naked men ?
A blog about Covid from a guy who trades on his “An Oxbridge science grad” position
That doesn’t make his theories right.
(He claims Covid needs to be kept at near zero cos 2% of people end up with long-Covid
To me he missed the fact that almost all under 10 children suffer no harm from Covid , and so an early infection is better that being infected when they are older)
(His major error is stating “deaths from” not deaths “with”
His 53K tally may not be the correct one, it was revised down, when they noticed the 28 day error)
Dimblebum cut off. I don’t know whether I should laugh
BBC simulator of how Delia Derbyshire used to make music with tape loops.
PMQ watch
No need for popcorn on this drab edition – but if you know your comedy politics – the thick of it meets yes minister
Computer glitch
What ministry is going to be moved out of London – to Carlisle ?
The best one was about university towns where they haven’t sorted out enough testing . They only had 4 months to do it .
I think they are using students to spread the virus wider and quicker into the country to get that herd immunity and accept the deaths which come with it – but dear reader I’m so bored and depressed over the handling of covid that PMQs is about as much as I watch ,…
Even the Scottish pie eater was a bit sheepish since one of his crew has knowingly happily spreading the virus on parliamentary expenses …..
TOADY Watch #2 – Under pressure
TOADY, rather BBC R4 brought me the news this a.m. that Len McCluskey and Unite were going to cut their ‘donation’ to the Labour Party because they were unhappy with the way the present leader was leading and the direction he was taking New/Old/Has-been/Could-be Labour in. I can’t remember whether there was an item about it. Didn’t listen to most of the programme just a bit from 7 a.m. News before I switched off in protest, switching on and off in protest again and then listened to the 8.10 a.m. Interview for another 20 minutes.
Fed has reminded me via post above that it was PMQs and as I listened to Keir Starmer it was obvious that the bloke is a bit desperate. He knows he is under attack as much as Bojo. The Labour supporters in the media, esp. the BBC, have made much of Labour’s polling lead in one or two commissioned Opinion Polls but I suspect the reality is rather different.
It has actually been suggested somewhere, sorry cannot remember where *, that Bojo actually enjoys about 80% approval rating for his Pandemic measures. We, here, may beef about other Tory Government policies but on that one health issue the PM is tops. This is related to what can be seen in the various BBC HYSs on the subject of Covid-19. Starmer is under pressure and it shows.
* Think it may have been our Stew who posted that.
After my post yesterday re Channel 4’s screaming and embarrassing anti-Trump and anti-Boris vicious bias I was over the moon to read this!
I just hope the realisation kicks in on why they are being dumped by viewers and thus advertisers. Go woke etc. etc. etc.
Channel 1 next I hope…
Me too. And I meant to post this news on here.
Anyway, here’s hoping.
Sweden Chinese virus lockdown? Sweden, out of sync with other western countries with no public lockdown. So how are they getting on?
Does Sweden really have zero cases ?
well not far off
Actually Sweden seems to have a very low conversion rate
with 500 new cases/day converting to just 2 deaths 10 days later
Thanks again for your vetting and contribution. Its good to know that you are out there, must be 24/7, checking contributions. Do you receive any pay?
If Biden wins the election the ‘kingmaker’ will be the media. For over four years the MSM have been denouncing Trump at every opportunity. They have knowingly peddle lies , participated in an attempted coup and subsequent cover up. They have suppressed news which reflected well on the President whilst grossly exaggerated any that did not. Few if any other politician could have survived the four year long assault.
There have been many times when I was convinced that their lying and bias was so overwhelming and clear that the American people would start to disbelieve anything they said and the more the MSM attacked the President the more the people would root for him. This may yet turn out to be the case and he may win his second term.
But if it doesn’t and he loses then I hope that the Tories ( still a better bet than Labour, but the margin is shrinking) realise how much damage the BBC has done over the past thirty or forty years. Almost single handedly the foul corporation has moved the centre of gravity of British politics well to the left and the Tories have allowed it to happen. Since 79 the Tories have been in power or sharing power for 27 years and Labour only 13. Plenty of time to kill the beast.
I voted Tory because I loath Labour policies and because I expected Boris to deliver a Brexit worthy of the name and to break the BBC ‘s hold over the country. I suspect many voted Tory for the same three reasons. Boris dont let us down , don’t miss the BBC this time round, crush it. If that is done then suddenly Starmer will be cut down to size, Sturgeon also and a start can be made on getting our country back from those who have invaded it . Although I don’t expect much action from the government on this last point but there would be morechance of new parties establishing themselves without the BBC strangling them at birth in the minds of the voters.
Double –
I believe the US polls are wrong and that in a fair election Mr Trump will won a real majority . Then his real revenge will start
As for here . I am deeply pessimistic that the red tories will give us a clean break from Brussels.
But …. if they do deliver then there needs to be a target list to deploy the 80 majority
This of course is pretty dependent on covid becoming a less important issue . But again being a pessimist i worry that either covid could become more malign or we get hit with a more serious seasonal flu .
Even the thickest in the government must know that the health social and economic ‘ plan ‘ cannot continue – not that there is a plan …..
Double down your bet on Trump then Fedup ????????
Im minded to – the left …
These pages often remind us, wisely, to ‘follow the money’.
I note the vast sums now committed by all parties to paying for ads there.
One might almost suspect they have a vested interest in stiring stuff up to keep things feisty and the money rolling in.
The BBc of course does it for free… well, paid by UK TVL funders.
The BBC and leftist media have done their bit. Political discourse in Britain is such that the so-called Conservatives are at least as left wing as the Democrats.
Forget socialized medicine and gun control, the “Conservatives” literally use the same slogan as the Democrats, “Build Back Better”. The Conservatives espouse the Green New Deal with all the fervour of AOC. The “Conservatives” love mass immigration, and far from “building that wall” do not even police the moat given to us by nature.
So in Britain we have the “choice” of voting for a so-called right wing party, the “Conservatives” which is in reality as far left as the Democrats.
Private Frazer was right. We’re doomed!
Aye doomed. It is difficult not to agree with that assessment. Sadly I draw some comfort that I won’t be here to see the final precipitate descent into the shit hole.
At the same time I feel guilty thinking like that because of family commitments and the knowledge that there won’t be anywhere for them to escape to. I have tried for the last twenty years to alert them to the dangers but they regard me as a bit of an eccentric on this issue.
From one of my American friends …
This arrived, for my daughter who hasn’t lived here for over 14 years. It has her maiden name on it, she was married 13 years ago. I doubt she has voted in this area for at least 15 years. Yet, the Democratic Party paid to have the application sent to our address. This is just one example of the fraud that’s out there.. not cleaning the voter rolls is ridiculous.
That’s nothing, in Illinois even the dead vote Democrat.
4pm Lauries guest argues there are GOOD elites /BAD elites
Eliane Glaser, Reader in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University, and author of a new study arguing that we are taking aim at the wrong enemy and confusing a corporate elite, which does pose a threat to many of us,
with people who make our lives worth living, even save our lives – from doctors and lawyers to writers and artists.
joined by William Davies, Professor of Political Economy at Goldsmiths, University of London, whose latest book takes stock of our historical moment and claims that the basic norms of public life have been thrown into question, as the status of political parties, mainstream media and public experts have been undermined.
Things may get VERY interesting for dese Swamp Rats …
That’s ALL documents … there’s a whole lot of sphincters getting real tight today. … Whacha think Hils? Bill? Barack? Joe? Comey? Brennan?
Oops oh dear never mind????????????????
Lincolnshire Police equality officer arrested for explosives offences
weapons seized.
Named Zoe Watts, 34, is charged with importing prohibited weapons with intent to evade a prohibition or restriction and making explosive substance for an unlawful purpose
(“don’t speculate” says the police statement ..yeh right)
Lst year she moved from PCSO to police
in 2015 @lincspolice tweeted
\\ @CIPhilVickers well done #TeamLincs #Pride
-Psco Zoe Watts has done a lot of great work internally & in your #LGBT communities //
Ash Sarkar alert
8pm Moral Maze
The trailer was discussing the nonsense proposition that some voices should be more equal than others in PC society
At least they came out with & intend to challenge the idea.
“Donald Trump claims to have a better understanding of coronavirus following his own diagnosis and treatment.
In a video message he said, “I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school.
This isn’t the let’s read the books school. I get it and I understand it.”
There are those who believe that directly experiencing a social issue makes for better, more empathic, political decision-making. Critics of the President’s handling of the crisis, however, would argue that it should not have taken a threat to his own health for him to “get it”, and that empathy is something you’ve either got or you haven’t.
It is often argued that someone’s opinion lacks legitimacy if they have not been directly affected by the issue at hand – whether poverty, racism or disability
With Alan Johnson (is that the ex Hull MP),
Prof. Jonathan Portes, Ash Sarkar and Prof. Sharon Wright (not White, so not Ofcom woman)
Literally a Champion. At something that attracts the BBc. A lot.
Hollywood has an everything problem and admits nothing, ever.
But being in hock to China explains a lot.
That BBC news page has a “sidebar of woke”
– Montage of black students at Cambridge
– Drag Race UK star suing Laurence Fox
– Phone charges of £1,200 added ‘without permission’
– War Horse creators’ *refugee* set for epic walk
– Black History Month: Images of strength and beauty
– Four Covid rules broken by the White House.
– Victory in battle against ‘thuggish’ debt letters
– Saving lives in Afghanistan over the phone.
– ‘People with Down’s syndrome are people first’
No white men were featured in any story ..except the OrangeManBad story
You silly sausage, don’t you know it’s BLACK History Month
Black Legs Good, White Legs Bad
Here’s s compressed screenshot of that sidebar
Hi StewG, do you use a special browser or filter to generate this type of format?
this ones gonna get interesting
mr fox accused them of being peados , so they are suing for deformation
tut tut naughty mr fox
of course the bbc doesnt mention that they jumped on twitter and called him a racist first
I’ve not followed this one, but if the people complaining about Mr. Fox called him a racist then they’ve opened the way for him to countersue. Moreover, there’s a defence to actions of slander (which might perhaps also apply to interactions on social media in certain circumstances) that the offending words were spoken ‘in rixa’ – i.e. in the heat of a quarrel.
“Two ex-British alleged Islamic State (IS) suspects have been charged in the US with terrorism offences over the killing of four American hostages.”
“Some of the victims – who included American journalists and UK and US aid workers – were beheaded and their deaths filmed and broadcast on social media.
Kotey and Elsheikh, originally from west London, were previously stripped of their UK nationality.”
Just had a call from my son who tells me that one of the children in his sons school has tested postitive to the virus -not sure what virsu Covid or could just be Flu-our grandson is 9 yrs old. In any event the whole school Junior as well a senior has been closed for 14 days. Apparently three other schools who have got pupils that have supposedly tested postive with coronavirus in the district (Staffordshire) have shut down. Now what do they expect 100’s of parents are going to do? one can only imagine the disruption within their lives especially as I suspect that most parents will be working. From my research the testing is flawed.
PCR is used as the ‘gold standard’ in testing for COVID-19 is laboratory isolated/purified coronavirus particles, free from any contaminants and particles that look like viruses but are not, that has been proven to be the cause of the syndrome known as COVID-19 and obtained by using proper viral isolation methods and controls (not PCR that is currently being used or Serology /antibody tests which do not detect virus as such).
PCR (The Polymerase Chain Reaction ) basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome. The problem is that it uses ‘amplification’ which means taking a very tiny amount of DNA and growing it exponentially until it can be analyzed. Obviously any minute contaminations in the sample will also be amplified leading to potentially gross errors of discovery. Everyone will have a few virus kicking round in their system at any time, and most will not cause illness because their quantities are too small. My verdict in view of what said, would be if given a positive result demand a second test.
Something stange there
#1 You do not close a school cos of one positive
.. cos of the high number of false positives
#2 School are compartmentalised anyway , so it should never be necessary to close the whole school
Regional paper
“The small number of children who have been in close contact with the individual who has tested positive for coronavirus have received a letter, informing them that their child must stay at home for 14 days.”
Newcastle U Lyme case
List of school cases
StewGreen- I make a crorrection-it was the infected childs class that was closed not the whole school and the same I understand applies to the other three schools. Aologise for the confusion. Still a massive problem for the parents nonetheless.
@Tarien, yes as I thought they’d close the compartment the child is in, not the whole school.
I wouldn’t even do that cos a positive could be a false positive
and the negative of plowing on would be that half the class could get it, and then be largely immune from further BIG problems