Well here we are readers, still kowtowing to the EU , more migrants crossing the English Channel than ever, our whole economy is in the biggest crisis since WW2, our proud history and culture is being slandered defamed while “Fred Karno and his Army are running Great Britain. More importantly, you are still compelled by law to pay for the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
We should have voted for the Brexit Party and UKIP.
Nigel where are you?
Any Brave Tory voters here do defent the present government ? Over to you guys ………….
I don’t disagree with a word, Taffman. I will only add if people had stuck with ukip instead of abandoning it as soon as they thought they could go back to the tories the UK would have a strong patriotic voice in parliament now.
Yes, taffman: we knew what we were getting with Bojo. ‘Meet the new Bojo. Same as the old Bojo.’ He won a majority for the Conservative Party because he can do that sort of thing. There was no way Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party and UKIP with whoever was/is leading them was going to be in Government from 12 December 2019.
Being a leader of a Cabinet, especially after contracting who knows what disease, and during a Pandemic crisis is not Boris’s thing. A Winston Churchill he is not.
Did he and his Cabinet make mistakes this year? Yes, most definitely.
Listening to epidiomologists and having them in SAGE as key advisers would appear to been a big mistake. I don’t know if SAGE contained a virologist or two or three but it should have done. Not recognising what was on this side of the horizon with Covid-19 was another mistake. With all the information coming into Government, they should have spotted the seriousness of the situation much, much, earlier.
A National Lockdown from 1 March could and should have the nation released from said Lockdown after twenty-eight days. The next big mistake was not really locking down the UK but leaving it open to allcomers, especially by air. Another error was being weak on the PR front, especially with regard to the NHS and other areas of national life, for example the broadcast news media.
It could be argued not appointing Jeremy Hunt as SoS for Health was a really big error way back in 2019 and that is down to the PM and, maybe, Dominic Cummings. Of course it is possible that Bojo offered the job and Hunt turned it down.
Then, other steps along the way seem to be half-baked, such as masks for retail customers but not shop staff and no gloves for either. The Rule of Sick was rather silly as well.
The biggest missed opportunity of all though, was to unite the country again something that Farage, Brexit Party and UKIP could not possibly do. Boris had a lot of public capital and goodwill at the start of March. He could and should have seen that a unified approach to tackling the virus woul be required across the UK. Even as late as March 23, if Boris wanted to be Churchillian, he should have taken back responsibility on a national basis from the devolved Parliaments. He should have had the four leaders (Scotland, Wales and two from N. Ireland) in No.10 with him from the start and on a continual basis. Even better if he had done that from the middle or end of February. It could be, of course, that the PM invited them to do just that but that they refused or inisted on conditions in return for their participation.
I write all this with the benefit of hindsight just as you moan about HMG with the benefit of hindsight.
It doesn’t change a thing but maybe makes you feel better and takes up some time. At a guess, at present there maybe something Boris Johnson is not telling the nation and cannot tell the nation. Why? Because it might risk the source of important information coming to HMG from a person or persons at extreme risk.
“At a guess, at present there maybe something Boris Johnson is not telling the nation and cannot tell the nation. Why? Because it might risk the source of important information coming to HMG from a person or persons at extreme risk.”
I hope you are right Up2snuff, but I am afraid I don’t have the same faith in BoJo any more. I had placed a lot of hope on him but I am afraid he has turned out to be a damp squip .
Many labour voters lent their votes to the Tory Party on the advice of Nigel Farage. The least that Boris could have done would be to bring Farage in as an European advisor on Brexit.
Boris has a weak cabinet around him. There are many good Tory MPs he could have picked but he has what he has .
He could have formed a coalition government with The Brexit Party & UKIP . As the Tory Party did with The Limp Dems .
There is a storm coming and the last thing this nation needs is Al Beeb to be still around, demoralising the people of Britain.
I suppose when it all goes pear shaped BoJo could always use the same excuse as the Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier?
What will BoJo tell us this evening ?
Part of our state of mind is to not think about the likelihood of a working vaccine never being developed and covid becoming âendemic?â As an illness âkiller over coming years –
Whereas the mind set goes from month to month – understandably – as people deal with bills and debt – as well as social consequences . It is a âMareâ
On the other side of course would be an effective vaccine turning up in the New Year and being delivered by the end of 2021 .
Maybe not worth buying a 2021 calendar as a lot might change !
On the PM 7pm briefing it was refreshing to see some journo from Liverpool playing the âvictimâ card – some things donât change ….
A nice review – and with the caveat of professor hindsite . We are still yet to see how the end of connection to the EU in 2 months time pans out . Will they really be in negotiation through to New yearsâ Eve ?
Will the bad news be released over the Christmas period – such as selling out the fisheries across 5 or 10 years ?
This , of course , being on top of a possible flu pandemic to add to the Chinese virus . Maybe it wonât be as dire as I describe but I prefer to avoid unpleasant surprises …..
You would have to be barking mad to insist on paying ÂŁ20billion + for another year in the EU and paying tariffs on goods on top of that as consumers when we are now up to our national ears in debt!
Yes Taffman, many, many people will agree with you, but what voice do they and us have to channel our very real concerns? Would they be listened to? Doubtful, as they would not fall into line with the Liberal/Marxist controlling element that runs us.
“Police station near Paris attacked with fireworks” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-54499348
Is Al Beeb telling us all the facts ?
Note, that they are not telling us precisely where the police station is .
One thing for sure , its nothing to do with Guy Fawkes.
Could it be Champigny-sur-Marne?
“Violent attack last night on the police station of Champigny with mortar shots and various projectiles. No police officer was injured,” the Paris police headquarters said on Twitter on Sunday.
The police posted a video showing a barrage of fireworks going off in the direction of the police station in Champigny-sur-Marne, about 15 km (nine miles) southeast of central Paris. The assailants tried to force entry into the station but failed to do so.
Nobody was arrested, but images showed smashed windows at the station and damaged cars.
The motive for the attack, the third on this police station in two years, was not immediately clear. The station is in a housing estate area known for drug trafficking and deemed by authorities as a high priority district for order to be restored.
“Covid virus âsurvives for 28 daysâ in lab conditions” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-54500673
More scare and fear tactics?
How often does the so-called ‘science’ get changed ?
One has to read a long way into that article to get to:
Prof Ron Eccles, former director Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, criticised the study and said the suggestion that the virus could survive for 28 days was causing “unnecessary fear in the public“.
Shouldn’t the editor be keeping an eye on headlines to make sure that âunnecessary fear in the public” isn’t being created?
(Watching/listening to the BBC ‘news’ or Classic FM ‘adverts’ lately must do wonders for the national suicide rate).
The R5 Nearly-dead autocue ‘news’ readers were full of a report from Oz, saying that the virus can last for that amount of time on hard surfaces in the dark.
An interview with an enlightened caller from Sydney told a good story though, and luckily it was with Dotun, who at least tries to balance the pros and cons! I’m surprised he’s still there!
taffman, you may have missed my post on the previous Thread. This study was really based on SARS-2 virus and is not an extensive, fully tested study of Covid-19.
Ms Towler was made a ‘non-person’ for her political views and opinions. But the principle of financial institutions/government imposing this form of ‘culture cancel’ can go much further. Consider that most online banking now requires an authentication text message sent to your phone – that makes it possible to associate the phone with whether or not the ‘world-beating’ NHS COVID-19 app has been installed. No app in place? Sorry, you can’t access online banking and next day your account is suspended. And watch out for an update to the app next year when the vaccine becomes available. Details of your vaccination will be held in the app; no vaccination? then no banking, travel, sports venues etc.
Also consider that the app works by exchanging anonymous (sic) information with other phones in close proximity using Bluetooth. Leading to: “Ah, Mr Rushlow, the records indicate that you spent 10 minutes in the company of so-and-so, a person who expresses unacceptable views on YouTube. You will not able to withdraw more than ÂŁ20 from your bank account or book a train ticket for 90 days as punishment”. Sound far-fetched? Aspects of this – guilt through association – are already used in China’s ‘Social Credit’ system.
Fed you may remove my above post if you think it shouldn’t be here.
I am not a supporter of Towler’s Patriotic Alternative group though I am pleased to see young people supporting British values and treasuring the countryside and traditions. To my mind they have strayed down the wrong path and are too ready to believe the conspiracy theories of the anti Semites. However in this particular video I think she is giving a warning we should all heed and be aware of.
However, the actions taken against her and small group of followers are way beyond what is required. But the measures the authorities have imposed here is what I believe they will be extending to a much wider group of people which will include us (patriots) in the near future. That is why I post it here.
Thanks for that video. I know this isn’t BBC but for me it is interesting as I have been warning friends about the dangers of cashless society but too many people are just walking mindlessly into this…we keep cash in the house. I have seen this in bars when their systems fail – suddenly cash is okay….but otherwise sorry you can’t pay by cash…
The law needs changing so banks cannot just close/freeze your account without warning and without reason.
Agree JamesArthur-this coronavirus issue has been a boon for the banks- leading more people than ever to use their Bank cards rather than cash to pay bills, and with contactless bank cards making it all the more convenient just now. When cash goes, so will any freedom or anonymity-this plus many changes already in place will dis-enfranchise all opportunity for privacy. Every trading outlet/supermarket or whatever that is able to operate payment by Credit or Bank card will have a complete picture of all their customers details and will if the government demands it provide them with all that information. What one thought as private information is not any longer. Our time is up!
Yasser – youâve got a âthanksâ and 5 upticks so far so as o one objects I will leave things be ….my weakness is when someone puts up a 24 minute YouTube video of someone filming something and at the end of it I just think – as they say WTF?
Interesting titbit. Founder of the Proud Boys – right wing military group in US – Gavin McInnes, reported as Canadian, but was born in Hitchin, Herts !! I wonder if that’ll be reported in the local rag.
Gavin McInnes is dangerous. He is so devastatingly funny, which can be detrimental to the health of miserable leftists. For those that don’t know him he is a comedian who unwittingly became the figurehead of a movement. How a puny non-violent non extremist came to be revered by militant patriots is a zany story in itself. Gavvin tells it best. Check it out.
I think i give up. The left has won Trump is going to loose badly as for the BBC if you do one thing today then its read this and watch Panorama tonight. I have in all my days never read anything as pathetic an excuse for a story as this.
Police say no evidence
Union dont follow it up
CTV doesn’t provide evidence
She had an ongoing medical condition.
The 57 year old male alleged cougher (insert ethnicity here…) tested negative.
Her employers didn’t investigate.
Meanwhile the BBC make a programme out of this despite there being little or no chance of ithe investigation going any further.
Its race baiting of the worst kind inference will be that she was BME and nobody cares
Well I suppose its another nail in the BBC coffin so some good will come out of the programme.
The politicians and the police take the BBC very seriously. The BBC are not a news information service – they are a full on campaigning organisation lobbying government and police commissioners for action and responses.
The young BBC reporter is black, the family is black and she makes out she’s their special friend.
Maybe she has some magic new evidence that hasn’t leaked out.
I have just read the article on the BBC website and indeed this is a total non-story and one has to wonder why the Beeb have made an entire Panorama episode out of it.
Zero evidence in favour and plenty to the contrary, but the BBC is backing calls for an expensive enquiry.
By the way, who on God’s earth names their daughter “Belly”?
I was struck by the top of the Home Page position. OK, the Beeb wish to demonstrate their ‘wokeness’ hoping it will win them some new viewers and Licence Fee payers at a time of decline for the BBC. At a guess, it will not work.
There are some really big holes in that story as it appeared on the page. Any decent Editor would have been throwing it back at the journalist and saying: “It needs more work. I’ve identified the areas and questions to be resolved in blue pencil. We could run with it if you can resolve them.”
I’m yet to wager money on either side but there’s some interesting polling by Trafalgar (who got it right 4 years ago). I suspect Trump will lose the popular vote by about 6m but win by 20 points or so in the electoral college and have to waste a year proving that that won.
It’s important to note with the popular vote (the one the left keep quoting) that Trump actually won it in 2016 by a good margin if you exclude California. The country is is quite different if you visit the places where they’re not recording TV.
White supremacist extremists will remain the deadliest domestic terror threat to the US, according to the Department of Homeland Security's first annual homeland threat assessment https://t.co/mQ62LuKMAK
Journalist BBC News. Co-author NYT bestsellers: The Confidence Code, Confidence Code for Girls, Womenomics. These are my views and not those of the BBC.
Washington, D.C.bbc.com/kattykay
So a Washington based BBC foreign correspondent paid for by the British TV Tax payer, who is a full on anti-Trumper and a radical white feminist who is upper middle class and very wealthy. Her father was a British Diplomat and she went to Oxford and got a BA in modern languages. She is married to Tom Carver a writer and former BBC foreign correspondent who is the step-grandson of Field Marshal Montgomery. He belongs to the upper classes. As well as being a writer he is also head of global communications, carnegie endowment for international peace.
Quite how anyone paid for by a national state medium, as proudly indicated above, can get from âjournalistâ at the start to âmy views and not those of those handing me wads of cash to share them, nudge, nudgeâ, continues to confound.
But she does have access to industrial quantities of peroxide, which appears major currency in this supposedly impartial âprofessionâ.
Can you name another job that MSM Journalists would continue to hold after exhibiting this type of unhinged public behavior other than ragebait blogger with the support of craven and complicit Congressional Democrats? https://t.co/jqt5RBLK8N
All media is ideological partisan, if to varying degrees.
One is uniquely funded not to be, but is more than most.
This article will be dismissed, but… or maybe because of its content the BBC would not go near any of the arguments made with a bargepole, as their ‘holding to account’ is near universally unidirectional.
The US Senate will press ahead later with confirmation hearings for President Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court. A vacancy was left by the death of liberal stalwart Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom Mr Trump wants to replace with a conservative, Amy Coney Barrett. The push is like nothing seen in US history so close to a presidential election and, if successful, her appointment would have enormous implications for the nation. Our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher examines those in detail.
Judge Barrett insists she will judge legal cases impartially “whatever my own preferences might be”, but her strong anti-abortion views have sparked fears that women’s rights may be further restricted.
Salesman John says you have to regard the emails you send to your manager as an art form to be perfected. “If you are working from home, then when you email your boss you cannot be just to the point – instead you have to express your wider knowledge,” says the 45-year-old, who preferred not to share his surname. “But you don’t want him or her to know that you are showing off, you have to be subtle. And then when you get an email from them, you have to really study the tone, and it is the same for Zoom calls.”
Read full analysis >
Jonty Bloom
Business reporter, BBC News
Or, if at the bbc, screw up, go on gardening leave, and wait.
Or be a woman, preferably B in the BAME hierarchy, but Zoe will do if June canât spin discs.
How does âJohnâ get to share these top tips with Jonty (actually his real name)? Call him up with a scoop? Or does Jonty (it really is) call his mate John, the salesman? Or has Jontyâs boss Karen asked Jonty why he has not posted anything for ages and he made it up in a desperate punt hilariously accorded âanalysisâ in lieu of news, that contributes approximately zero?
Who or what organisation is the snake that is the driving force in this re examination and attempt to defame Britainâs Great history? It is suspiciously coincidental as BLM , Anti-fa, Extinction rebellion are all acting at the same time as the present pandemic and the battle for Brexit .
The government should show some mettle and cut of the snakeâs head and promote Britainâs heroâs . Where is our national broadcaster ? There is something very wrong in our education system when it is attempting to rewrite and air brush our proud history.
Taffman, and just to add, did you see the programme which is being pushed out by BBC2 ‘Enslaved’, featuring Sam Jackson who of course is a black man. Day by day, this broadcaster is becomming more and more a pathetic operator trying to achive in pushing out such a programme into a country where the majority (so far) are white? No I did not watch this garbage, the snippet advertising it was enough to make me mad. It really is so transparent that the Blacks think they were the only ones ever to be enslaved-history is out of the door, so it would appear.
My concern is the rate of hospital admissions going back up, which will lead to more deaths, but could also affect routine procedures & lead to more patients with long term problems, says Prof Sir Robert Lechler of the Academy of Medical Sciences #R4Todayhttps://t.co/y3Gju3QAMc
That interview on Today two minutes ago with the fella from the Maritime Museum was basically an advert for them. No critique at all of their future plans for Nelson.
Context a Swedish artist makes a satirical image of the Chinese leader with bat ears.
It stands on a restaurant wall for four months no problem.
Suddenly a Chinese tourist complains on Instagram.
Doh , satirising a government or leader does lead to kick back at normal citizens
Americans have traditionally been the biggest targets : in Latin America, The Middle East, Asia etc.
Stew, they have to crank it up – it isn’t a story if it isn’t a crisis. You see what happens if it’s just a complaint, especially from a IT savvy connected student in a University lockdown situation. The latter is easily dismissed, the former …. well a leading, trusted, news provider says there is so there must be an actual crisis.
Also Marr believes it because he is paid to believe it and he works for the BBC therefore it must be so.
Listening to the BBC – it is really strange how they seem to think they speak for the population yet never seem to have anyone on that express my views or many of the people I know ( many of whom don’t agree with my views on Brexit or POTUS)
All this morning R4 has been one long attack on the Govt – and whilst I don’t agree with the current approaches it would be nice to hear a balance….
BBC is still the arm of the Labour party – not content with stirring up racial divisions it is now strong on the North – South division
I know It was mentioned in last thread but it is an absolute scandal that no national media outlet at all seems to have mentioned the massive arbaeen Muslim march in London yesterday that was left to go ahead unchallenged.
I thought they liked to give publicity to Muslim causes and events ? If only the wider public knew about this disregard for the law being ignored.
'No social gatherings of more than 6' – this is Central London today ????#oneruleforthem
The BBC claim it is systemic racism why BAME communities in Britain appear to be affected more by coronavirus than “white” communities. Also when the police do get involved the BBC call the police racist – which deters the police from getting involved in the first place.
The BBC only produce headlines that fit their narrative and if it doesn’t fit their narrative they will either ignore it or twist it so that it does fit their narrative.
The BBC are clearly not fit for purpose and I blame our weak and self absorbed political system for allowing it to happen.
Think youâll find they are thick third world peasants who got lucky and found soft old Blighty …… transmission of the virus within their âghetto communities â will be covered up ….
I suspect that their presence might trigger off that wholesale sedition we all know is on the way. A zero presence as they know they will stand no chance in confronting the savages.
R4 – Andrew Marr taking about care
Madeleine Bunting on bemoaning that care is feminised…using nursing and GPs as examples of where women are in the majority..(ps just looked her up, used to write for the Guardian..and at BBC …explains a lot)
She didn’t once think to argue that the positive discrimination for woman had enabled and encouraged this situation and it isn’t a problem created by men but by women and social engineering
so she is moaning really that positive discrimination has worked too well…no discussion, no challenge.. just another diatribe..
and now Andrew Marr playing the violin for GPs…do me a favour. Most work part time and if you look at the salaries my local one has 10 PT GPs ( that nobody can see) average salary ÂŁ65K and that is in the north
Overall she is just recounting history and offering no solutions..
The TV critics were talking about the new ITV black history quiz show
#1 The pilot was done 4 years ago
and ITV were so impressed they only put it on now that they are desperate.
#2 All the guests are black except for a token white gay guy.
#3 It turns out he’s the one that knows the most about “black history”
#4 They concluded there is a reason it’s put on at 10:45pm
Giles Brandreth – that repulsive creature who makes a living out of appearing on thr BBC and talking to the audience as tho itâs is CBBC – writes in thr telegraph About the coming new chairman of the BBC – who I bet will be female and or coloured .
He reminds us that 2022 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of that hated organisation .
As I write there are hoards of producers wondering how they can colour up the back catalogue and do more dire remakes complete with coloured faces to make whitee liberals feel as though they are doing their bit for the cause ….
Here’s the entire thing : The BBC does not deserve a Trojan Horse chairman
The corporation needs a leader who believes in it and can help them to fulfil their remit even better
David Dimbleby is threatening to apply for the job of chairman himself if it will help thwart what he sees as the Governmentâs attempt to bring the broadcaster âto heelâ.
Good on him. If ministers reckon the corporationâs current funding model is outdated, that its structures are cumbersome and ineffective, and that much of its programming is unnecessary and leaves a lot to be desired, they need to be upfront about it.
Appointing a chairman with a view to that chairman undermining the very organisation they are supposed to lead isnât on.
The BBC employs 22,000 people, and twice as many freelancers (like me), and in my experience these are good people â talented, committed, and for the most part not that generously paid â and they deserve to be led by someone who respects, understands and values what they are doing, and can help them to do it even better.
You canât have a general who doesnât believe in the army or a conductor who despises music, can you?
The BBC needs a chairman who will be its champion, not a Trojan Horse sent to reinvent it on the sly.
Nothing lasts
That said, the BBC wonât last, of course. It will make its centenary in 2022 and will see me out, I hope, but ultimately itâs doomed.
As we know, everything is. The BBC, the NHS, the National Trust may be sacred cows now, but eventually they will go the way of Woolworths and the Boeing 747. Thatâs life.
\\ The BBC is the Exxon Valdez of broadcasting
: big, cumbersome, slow, expensive to maintain
and now stuck on rocks.//
He gets a kicking in the Telegraph comments. 309 all against the BBC
“We don’t deserve to be forced to pay for woke, left-wing social engineering, otherwise known as the BBC licence fee. It has to be abolished.”
“Is it not the height of hypocrisy that self-styled liberals such as Gyles Brandreth and David Dimbleby should be insisting on the continuation of the failed Stalinist model for broadcasting in this country?”
“P off entitled luvvie…… And take Linekar with you.”
You can have a general who believes that an Army needs to be reformed and modernised to meet the needs of a nation and not just minority elites and delusional woke people
Three medical mafia of the apocalypse giving a live briefing about our coming doom …..
…… the message is do use their NHS but donât use it
They are are going to start regular testing of NHS staff – so thatâs 1.7 million people who presumably have been happily infecting poor devils going into their hospitals to die from NHS sponsored Chinese virus
I canât be bothered with these people much more – boris is doing his sincere Buffoon act later followed by a TV broadcast to say that the pubs will be shut but theyâll be given taxpayers money from the money tree,
I cannot believe how slow and badly managed this thing has been dealt with ….. maybe they are engineering âherd immunity â at the cost of a million dead ?….
For anyone with popcorn buffoon boris is to make a speech in Parliament at 1530 Monday afternoon …..
…. Iâm a Londoner so donât get why northern bits of the UK seem far worse affected than the cess pit in which I live – any from the North give us a clue -please?
Maybe itâs the poverty or the generally colder weather but I think itâs all this going about town topless on nights out in the cold weather. Also, smoking, drinking and eating whippets.
The men are just as bad.
No idea Fed ….. looks like my patch is going into Tier 3 lockdown.
The places i frequent, the local boozer and a local snooker hall have done EVERYTHING asked of them at great costs and mither and are going to be made to shut again !!!
With all the regs in place, they literally could not be safer !!!
I feel so sorry for all these folks who are having their livelihoods ruined by this shower. It really is just bollocks.
Again, they say , its 4 weeks, but we aint daft , this is going to be all winter.
BBC in full on “PANIC” mode … apparently the Nightingales are being readied …… all this panic and almost guaranteed not to be needed !!!!!!!
I live in Liverpool Fedup and I can’t get my head around why the ‘R’ rate has gone through the roof up here ????
100,000 students have turned up in the last month yeah, but the same must be said for Manchester, Birmingham etc! ????????
Our population is nowhere near as diverse as many towns and cities across the North of England so I’m really lost as to why this has happened here ????
All conspiracy-The Neoliberal conspiracy has succeeded in transferring massive wealth to the uber-elite-With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, this conspiracy has found yet another opportunity to squeeze wealth from the bulk of society into the hands of the few. In the 1920s, two ruthless men laid out a sinister scheme to gain control of the minds of Americans. Their plan? To identify peopleâs deeply buried needs and use subtle messaging to manipulate them into doing whatever they wanted without realizing itâeven at the cost of their health and well-being. As said, The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government that is the true ruling power of this country and elsewhere in the world. And the BBC with other media have been and still are the conduit these invisable machanisms run through. I suppose we know or are aware that In almost every act of our daily lives. . . we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who pull the wires which control the public mind. Amen.
Surreal GMB this morning
Piers wouldn’t have Darren Grimes on alone
he put him head to head with @kehinde_andrews Professor of Racebaiting clip
Topic : Darren Grimes published Starkey saying “slavery was not genocide”
Piers Morgan \\ Are we responsible for controversial speakers we have on ?
cos we had a guy who said âThe British empire being worse than the nazisâ //
Kehinde âthatâs a factual statementâ
BTW “British slavery was not genocide” is a factual statement !
And if the Nazis had won the war and kept control of the whole of Europe , black people would not be having a fab time.
Kehinde followed up with “whiteness is a psychosis”
âKehinde, you said whiteness is a psychosis. If I said blackness was a psychosis you would go nuts.â @Piersmorgan and @Kehindeandrews clash over the professorâs previous controversial comments.
I had never heard of him but he does seem to be one of these ‘made up’ Professors in a subject so bound by its own narrow paradigms
Here is the opening section of abstract from his paper on whiteness..and as Piers M says if you change the word whiteness to blackness you would be sued for hate crime.
“Critical Whiteness studies has emerged as an academic discipline that has produced a lot of work and garnered attention in the last two decades. Central to this project is the idea that if the processes of Whiteness can be uncovered, then they can be reasoned with and overcome, through rationale dialogue. This article will argue, however, that Whiteness is a process rooted in the social structure, one that induces a form of psychosis framed by its irrationality, which is beyond any rational engagement”
What a load of tosh old chap….Critical Whiteness – anyone here ever heard of that?
Why a higher Covid count in the North now ?
TalkRadio said that when you look at the university precincts the figure are like 600-800/100K
whilst elsewhere almost nothing
such that the average age for infection is 21
Guardian’s list of ‘100 great black Britons’
= Guardian’s list of 100 great black self declared VICTIMS.
List says all you need to know about âŚ@guardianâŠ. Omitted; Trevor Philips,Trevor McDonald, Lord Boateng, Daley Thompson,Ellery Hanley. (All donât regard themselves as victims)
Included; Dawn Butler Lewis Hamilton,Kehinde Andrews. (BLM race baiters) https://t.co/ehHjGLQaQn
— Mark Whitford ???????????????? (@whitford747) October 6, 2020
11am Doco anti-refugee boats organised by Blackpool DJ
“This edition of The Untold tracks the group formed by Jeremy Davis – Little Boats – which he hopes will force Government action to stem the rising number of dangerous sea crossings by those seeking asylum in the UK. Since the covid lockdown in March there have been record numbers making the journey by dinghy from France and the Midlands based wedding DJ decided he had to act.”
Lefties seem annoyed that he was platformed
The start make it clear he loves immigrant, but not this anonymous way
Ah he just mentioned that some might kill British people.
And now he with the Twitter guy Steve Laws, whose been migrant spotting for months https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m000nd9q
Somebody needs to add that chaps name to the âwatch list â
-take his kids into care , kill his pets and parents – call in his loans and debts . Unauthorised comments like these cannot be allowed . We know where he lives – and you …..
… you know … sometimes I just think â that could never happen here ….â
The mistake that Darren Grimes made was to throw David Starkey to the wolves.
The words that people use in conversation aren’t the same as those written in a book or an article and quite often convey an emotion ‘of the moment’. It was quite obvious to me that David Starkey was expressing his frustration that people of African heritage, living in the West as a result of the assumed slavery of an ancestor, are infinitely better off than 95% than the descendants of the slave wholesalers in Africa, yet don’t appreciate it.
I am sure many of us have said things like, ‘this job would be OK without the damn customers’, particulary when a ‘damn customer’ has been particulary trying. Equally that is not the sort of thing that one would actually say to a customer, unless you worked for Yorkshire Tea or Sainsbury’s.
Darren Grimes was pretty fast off the mark editing out David Starkey’s comment from his YouTube video. Retreat and your enemy will advance.
…….and the mistake David Starkey made was not to have immediately announced he would be enrolling on an unconscious bias training course which could have saved his various honorary advisory roles including Cambridge Uni and the Mary Rose Museum. Instead he is now considered persona non grata for the rest of his life – a sad end to a distinguished career. Keir Starmer used this tactic to rapidly extricate himself from a similar situation when in early July he called the BLM movement a “moment” – by the way, has the media fact checked that he has actually attended such a course which he said he would fit in “as soon as I can book in for it”? He confirmed the 2-3 hour course was also to be taken by “all Labour officials” which one can only presume will include all Labour M.P.’s. and backroom staff – when they can fit it in.
Email received today “Please confirm that you still don’t need a TV Licence”
Guess similar communications asking for confirmation about my lack of pilot’s/firearm etc licences must be delayed because of Covid.
It goes on to ask for my address – too much information, surely?
Who knew the world of Prosthetics was racist ?? Well, according to the BBC it is !!! But then again, is there anything that isn’t racist according to the beeb ???
When Ubokobong lost his fingers in an explosion, he struggled to find a realistic artificial black hand… until his artist brother John stepped in
New government advert
.. I thinks Laura’s point is that arts people are being told to retrain.
To me I again see tickboxing of BAME, which ends in white people being underrepresented
She just doesnât know it yet. How DARE they.. I mean just how FUCKING DARE they.. pic.twitter.com/ONyoP2M6NI
Notwithstanding LP’s ‘potty-mouth’, I did note from the header pic on the BBC web-site, that the young lady pictured in a tutu did not exactly have the build for a successful career as a ballerina.
He faced racism as a child, now Lewis Hamilton has equalled Michael Schumacher’s all-time record of Formula 1 victories ???? https://bbc.in/36VbBKK
ÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁ (tax free)
Comments, in BBC parlance, ‘mixed’. Namely a few get their VS on, and all the rest fondly recalling his achievements of late, and those of his employers back in time.
it is typical of the BBC to lead with the race bit…We all faced something when we were young…be it racism, bullying, poverty ( those old lard sandwiches) but do we want it to define us? Well apparently the BBC feel it does…
Good job he isn’t gay….which would they cite first on his list of misfortune?
Faced racism as a child ???? what rubbish. He’s not old enough to have faced the sort of racism of the 50’s ,60’s and 70’s. He went to school in Stevenage – not exactly known as a white only town, and where there is a good mix of black and white in classrooms. He spent a lot of his childhood racing around the kart track at Broxbourne, which is where he got his love of racing. Because of his comments that his home town was a slum, he’s regarded very much as a ‘tosser’ by the locals.
Brissles my dear old thing, our Lewis was taken under the wing of Ron Dennis before he had reached the age of ten, if my memory serves me well. He’s really Ron’s TestTube or, more correctly, TestTrack baby. Not many folk have had that sort of patronage; not just one keen and involved parent (Lewis’s father) but another ‘parent’ who just happened to own half of a Formula 1 team and was its Executive Director!
It’s like moaning that a rich kid faced classism when he went to the local council estate.
If Hamilton faced anything more than the normal beating up bloody nose that we all got I apologise.
There can be no reason or excuse for this (I can’t read the article).
Unless or until we have people in government with the competence and more importantlly the will to protect our borders, our waters and boost our defences (do such people exist?) we are stuffed.
Like others who contribute here I fear it is too late.
I don’t want to feel like that.
Bin Ladenâs former spokesman heading for UK after release. Another jihadist allowed into UK to threaten innocent citizens & consume limited taxpayer-funded MI5 surveillance resources. If he is watched someone else wonât be maybe with lethal consequences. https://t.co/FVYWDvAU6l
— RÉŞá´Ęá´Ęá´ Ká´á´á´ â (@COLRICHARDKEMP) October 12, 2020
History I know but perhaps it is the right place to show how, in the past, the BBC sponsered a terrorist supporter who supported murder as a means of solving solutions and also how they promoted an anarchist whose hate filled rap music glorified violence. ( Biased BBC wasn’t around to record it then).
Revoke the WA.
Is there any chance the government will at least get this right?
This has gone big, since we published yesterday. âTHE EU DEAL UNMASKED: 12 Reasons the UK Will Fail to Get a Canada-Style Dealâ#Brexit think tank argues no trade deal is possible unless @borisjohnson revokes the EUâs Withdrawal Treaty.
Under David Dimbleby #bbcqt became a point-scoring, shouty-shouty turn off. As bad as #bbcaq was and is good. Certainly not public service broadcasting. No thank you to any further service from Mr DD. https://t.co/bkZW74Jlne
Friday and Saturday morning BBC local radio spent every news bulletin promoting the upcoming the Saturday afternoon BLM event
cos its them and their mates but then they never mentioned it afterwards.
That would be why, Stew, the British people here in the UK crammed into McDonalds, Wendys, Del Taco & Taco Bell (only in major cities) and possible one other whose name escapes me.
Stew, Yes, you could add that one but I hadn’t thought of them. Can’t think why. Could it be because I have only shopped there once? That’s quite possible.
I was trying to remember another Burger or Taco franchise, probably in Leicester Square in London.
Tier 3.
Is it me or does anyone else get hacked off by the seemingly endless capacity of Liverpool to maximise their grievance-hunting victimhood.
As prominently featured on the BBC.
Nothing is of course ever, ever, their fault. Or their responsibility.
But watching the coverage of the buffoon PM telling Parliament about forthcoming ârepression â – a word he used – there seemed to be the âblame culture â being applied to the government for the conduct of individuals spreading the Chinese virus .
As far as compliance is concerned – I think there is a sizeable bit of the population who will ignore restrictions until they start seeing crying nurses again and body bags being carried out of the back of nightingale hospitals ….
Her previous article
“The Tories would be stupid to go for a hard Brexit leader”
written before they chose Boris and went on to win an election landslide.
MarkyMarkMar 9, 15:01 Weekend 8th March 2025 âI do not believe that the solution to our problem is simply to elect the right people. The important thing…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for âhorrorâ or âsomething must be done â seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become âholiday seasonâ Easter has been turned into âegg huntâ Lent doesnât even get a mention – itâs…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Well here we are readers, still kowtowing to the EU , more migrants crossing the English Channel than ever, our whole economy is in the biggest crisis since WW2, our proud history and culture is being slandered defamed while “Fred Karno and his Army are running Great Britain. More importantly, you are still compelled by law to pay for the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.
We should have voted for the Brexit Party and UKIP.
Nigel where are you?
Any Brave Tory voters here do defent the present government ? Over to you guys ………….
I don’t disagree with a word, Taffman. I will only add if people had stuck with ukip instead of abandoning it as soon as they thought they could go back to the tories the UK would have a strong patriotic voice in parliament now.
Yasser Dasmibehbi
QED . ‘Quod erat demonstrandum’.
(Clue : Its not Welsh đ )
…and “Nil illegitimi carborundum”…
Donât let the bar stewards grind you down.
Yes, taffman: we knew what we were getting with Bojo. ‘Meet the new Bojo. Same as the old Bojo.’ He won a majority for the Conservative Party because he can do that sort of thing. There was no way Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party and UKIP with whoever was/is leading them was going to be in Government from 12 December 2019.
Being a leader of a Cabinet, especially after contracting who knows what disease, and during a Pandemic crisis is not Boris’s thing. A Winston Churchill he is not.
Did he and his Cabinet make mistakes this year? Yes, most definitely.
Listening to epidiomologists and having them in SAGE as key advisers would appear to been a big mistake. I don’t know if SAGE contained a virologist or two or three but it should have done. Not recognising what was on this side of the horizon with Covid-19 was another mistake. With all the information coming into Government, they should have spotted the seriousness of the situation much, much, earlier.
A National Lockdown from 1 March could and should have the nation released from said Lockdown after twenty-eight days. The next big mistake was not really locking down the UK but leaving it open to allcomers, especially by air. Another error was being weak on the PR front, especially with regard to the NHS and other areas of national life, for example the broadcast news media.
It could be argued not appointing Jeremy Hunt as SoS for Health was a really big error way back in 2019 and that is down to the PM and, maybe, Dominic Cummings. Of course it is possible that Bojo offered the job and Hunt turned it down.
Then, other steps along the way seem to be half-baked, such as masks for retail customers but not shop staff and no gloves for either. The Rule of Sick was rather silly as well.
The biggest missed opportunity of all though, was to unite the country again something that Farage, Brexit Party and UKIP could not possibly do. Boris had a lot of public capital and goodwill at the start of March. He could and should have seen that a unified approach to tackling the virus woul be required across the UK. Even as late as March 23, if Boris wanted to be Churchillian, he should have taken back responsibility on a national basis from the devolved Parliaments. He should have had the four leaders (Scotland, Wales and two from N. Ireland) in No.10 with him from the start and on a continual basis. Even better if he had done that from the middle or end of February. It could be, of course, that the PM invited them to do just that but that they refused or inisted on conditions in return for their participation.
I write all this with the benefit of hindsight just as you moan about HMG with the benefit of hindsight.
It doesn’t change a thing but maybe makes you feel better and takes up some time. At a guess, at present there maybe something Boris Johnson is not telling the nation and cannot tell the nation. Why? Because it might risk the source of important information coming to HMG from a person or persons at extreme risk.
“At a guess, at present there maybe something Boris Johnson is not telling the nation and cannot tell the nation. Why? Because it might risk the source of important information coming to HMG from a person or persons at extreme risk.”
I hope you are right Up2snuff, but I am afraid I don’t have the same faith in BoJo any more. I had placed a lot of hope on him but I am afraid he has turned out to be a damp squip .
Many labour voters lent their votes to the Tory Party on the advice of Nigel Farage. The least that Boris could have done would be to bring Farage in as an European advisor on Brexit.
Boris has a weak cabinet around him. There are many good Tory MPs he could have picked but he has what he has .
He could have formed a coalition government with The Brexit Party & UKIP . As the Tory Party did with The Limp Dems .
There is a storm coming and the last thing this nation needs is Al Beeb to be still around, demoralising the people of Britain.
I suppose when it all goes pear shaped BoJo could always use the same excuse as the Scottish MP Margaret Ferrier?
What will BoJo tell us this evening ?
Part of our state of mind is to not think about the likelihood of a working vaccine never being developed and covid becoming âendemic?â As an illness âkiller over coming years –
Whereas the mind set goes from month to month – understandably – as people deal with bills and debt – as well as social consequences . It is a âMareâ
On the other side of course would be an effective vaccine turning up in the New Year and being delivered by the end of 2021 .
Maybe not worth buying a 2021 calendar as a lot might change !
On the PM 7pm briefing it was refreshing to see some journo from Liverpool playing the âvictimâ card – some things donât change ….
A nice review – and with the caveat of professor hindsite . We are still yet to see how the end of connection to the EU in 2 months time pans out . Will they really be in negotiation through to New yearsâ Eve ?
Will the bad news be released over the Christmas period – such as selling out the fisheries across 5 or 10 years ?
This , of course , being on top of a possible flu pandemic to add to the Chinese virus . Maybe it wonât be as dire as I describe but I prefer to avoid unpleasant surprises …..
I heard one political spokesperson calling for a Brexit extension/ delay because of the effect that Covid has on the economy?
You would have to be barking mad to insist on paying ÂŁ20billion + for another year in the EU and paying tariffs on goods on top of that as consumers when we are now up to our national ears in debt!
Catchup links. The Weekend thread only had 2.5 pages
– page 3 started 7pm Sunday
– page 2
Yes Taffman, many, many people will agree with you, but what voice do they and us have to channel our very real concerns? Would they be listened to? Doubtful, as they would not fall into line with the Liberal/Marxist controlling element that runs us.
“Police station near Paris attacked with fireworks”
Is Al Beeb telling us all the facts ?
Note, that they are not telling us precisely where the police station is .
One thing for sure , its nothing to do with Guy Fawkes.
Could it be Champigny-sur-Marne?
The BBC report is curiously lacking in detail.
Voice of America says:
In other words, then, the area is one of their ‘No-Go’s’ filled with muslim enrichers.
“Covid virus âsurvives for 28 daysâ in lab conditions”
More scare and fear tactics?
How often does the so-called ‘science’ get changed ?
One has to read a long way into that article to get to:
Prof Ron Eccles, former director Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University, criticised the study and said the suggestion that the virus could survive for 28 days was causing “unnecessary fear in the public“.
Shouldn’t the editor be keeping an eye on headlines to make sure that âunnecessary fear in the public” isn’t being created?
(Watching/listening to the BBC ‘news’ or Classic FM ‘adverts’ lately must do wonders for the national suicide rate).
“Eccles” let loose in the cold research facility ?? no, I resist.. and get my coat before I even start..
I cant resist:
Now then Dr. Eccles, any cases of frozen feet?
Eccles: You didn’t order any cases of frozen feet
The R5 Nearly-dead autocue ‘news’ readers were full of a report from Oz, saying that the virus can last for that amount of time on hard surfaces in the dark.
An interview with an enlightened caller from Sydney told a good story though, and luckily it was with Dotun, who at least tries to balance the pros and cons! I’m surprised he’s still there!
“Shut up Eccles.”
“Why? I’ve only just been let out.”
Classic FM has taken to providing an extra news summary at half past..
Two items.
Anger and confusion oop North as pols redirect citizen behaviour back South.
Something to do with a campaign by a political party not in this country, but consuming the MSM here.
I was lured back because all the rest are as bad, but have noticed that the odds in an hour of hitting actual music as I switch on is slim.
taffman, you may have missed my post on the previous Thread. This study was really based on SARS-2 virus and is not an extensive, fully tested study of Covid-19.
No mention of the Banking Ombudsman being contacted? Why? Something really strange here – things don’t add up.
Ms Towler was made a ‘non-person’ for her political views and opinions. But the principle of financial institutions/government imposing this form of ‘culture cancel’ can go much further. Consider that most online banking now requires an authentication text message sent to your phone – that makes it possible to associate the phone with whether or not the ‘world-beating’ NHS COVID-19 app has been installed. No app in place? Sorry, you can’t access online banking and next day your account is suspended. And watch out for an update to the app next year when the vaccine becomes available. Details of your vaccination will be held in the app; no vaccination? then no banking, travel, sports venues etc.
Also consider that the app works by exchanging anonymous (sic) information with other phones in close proximity using Bluetooth. Leading to: “Ah, Mr Rushlow, the records indicate that you spent 10 minutes in the company of so-and-so, a person who expresses unacceptable views on YouTube. You will not able to withdraw more than ÂŁ20 from your bank account or book a train ticket for 90 days as punishment”. Sound far-fetched? Aspects of this – guilt through association – are already used in China’s ‘Social Credit’ system.
Fed you may remove my above post if you think it shouldn’t be here.
I am not a supporter of Towler’s Patriotic Alternative group though I am pleased to see young people supporting British values and treasuring the countryside and traditions. To my mind they have strayed down the wrong path and are too ready to believe the conspiracy theories of the anti Semites. However in this particular video I think she is giving a warning we should all heed and be aware of.
However, the actions taken against her and small group of followers are way beyond what is required. But the measures the authorities have imposed here is what I believe they will be extending to a much wider group of people which will include us (patriots) in the near future. That is why I post it here.
Thanks for that video. I know this isn’t BBC but for me it is interesting as I have been warning friends about the dangers of cashless society but too many people are just walking mindlessly into this…we keep cash in the house. I have seen this in bars when their systems fail – suddenly cash is okay….but otherwise sorry you can’t pay by cash…
The law needs changing so banks cannot just close/freeze your account without warning and without reason.
Agree JamesArthur-this coronavirus issue has been a boon for the banks- leading more people than ever to use their Bank cards rather than cash to pay bills, and with contactless bank cards making it all the more convenient just now. When cash goes, so will any freedom or anonymity-this plus many changes already in place will dis-enfranchise all opportunity for privacy. Every trading outlet/supermarket or whatever that is able to operate payment by Credit or Bank card will have a complete picture of all their customers details and will if the government demands it provide them with all that information. What one thought as private information is not any longer. Our time is up!
Context : Towler is the one that got shouted st by Yorkshire Tea, when she called out their Virtue Signalling.
Yasser – youâve got a âthanksâ and 5 upticks so far so as o one objects I will leave things be ….my weakness is when someone puts up a 24 minute YouTube video of someone filming something and at the end of it I just think – as they say WTF?
Interesting titbit. Founder of the Proud Boys – right wing military group in US – Gavin McInnes, reported as Canadian, but was born in Hitchin, Herts !! I wonder if that’ll be reported in the local rag.
Bound to put up a statue ….
Gavin McInnes is dangerous. He is so devastatingly funny, which can be detrimental to the health of miserable leftists. For those that don’t know him he is a comedian who unwittingly became the figurehead of a movement. How a puny non-violent non extremist came to be revered by militant patriots is a zany story in itself. Gavvin tells it best. Check it out.
Well done Hitchen.
I think i give up. The left has won Trump is going to loose badly as for the BBC if you do one thing today then its read this and watch Panorama tonight. I have in all my days never read anything as pathetic an excuse for a story as this.
Police say no evidence
Union dont follow it up
CTV doesn’t provide evidence
She had an ongoing medical condition.
The 57 year old male alleged cougher (insert ethnicity here…) tested negative.
Her employers didn’t investigate.
Meanwhile the BBC make a programme out of this despite there being little or no chance of ithe investigation going any further.
Its race baiting of the worst kind inference will be that she was BME and nobody cares
Well I suppose its another nail in the BBC coffin so some good will come out of the programme.
RIP Belly MujingaÂ
The politicians and the police take the BBC very seriously. The BBC are not a news information service – they are a full on campaigning organisation lobbying government and police commissioners for action and responses.
The young BBC reporter is black, the family is black and she makes out she’s their special friend.
Maybe she has some magic new evidence that hasn’t leaked out.
I have just read the article on the BBC website and indeed this is a total non-story and one has to wonder why the Beeb have made an entire Panorama episode out of it.
Zero evidence in favour and plenty to the contrary, but the BBC is backing calls for an expensive enquiry.
By the way, who on God’s earth names their daughter “Belly”?
Mr and Mrs Button ?
I was struck by the top of the Home Page position. OK, the Beeb wish to demonstrate their ‘wokeness’ hoping it will win them some new viewers and Licence Fee payers at a time of decline for the BBC. At a guess, it will not work.
There are some really big holes in that story as it appeared on the page. Any decent Editor would have been throwing it back at the journalist and saying: “It needs more work. I’ve identified the areas and questions to be resolved in blue pencil. We could run with it if you can resolve them.”
I’m yet to wager money on either side but there’s some interesting polling by Trafalgar (who got it right 4 years ago). I suspect Trump will lose the popular vote by about 6m but win by 20 points or so in the electoral college and have to waste a year proving that that won.
It’s important to note with the popular vote (the one the left keep quoting) that Trump actually won it in 2016 by a good margin if you exclude California. The country is is quite different if you visit the places where they’re not recording TV.
Canât believe Katty missed this one. Or is she still sticking with what the Dems say to stick with?
Journalist BBC News. Co-author NYT bestsellers: The Confidence Code, Confidence Code for Girls, Womenomics. These are my views and not those of the BBC.
Washington, D.C.bbc.com/kattykay
So a Washington based BBC foreign correspondent paid for by the British TV Tax payer, who is a full on anti-Trumper and a radical white feminist who is upper middle class and very wealthy. Her father was a British Diplomat and she went to Oxford and got a BA in modern languages. She is married to Tom Carver a writer and former BBC foreign correspondent who is the step-grandson of Field Marshal Montgomery. He belongs to the upper classes. As well as being a writer he is also head of global communications, carnegie endowment for international peace.
That is a condition of hire.
Quite how anyone paid for by a national state medium, as proudly indicated above, can get from âjournalistâ at the start to âmy views and not those of those handing me wads of cash to share them, nudge, nudgeâ, continues to confound.
But she does have access to industrial quantities of peroxide, which appears major currency in this supposedly impartial âprofessionâ.
“Or is she still sticking with what the Dems say to stick with?”
A, “…terror threat…..”? For the Dems nothing like the real thing, no “threats” aka their Antifa, BLM etc………….
I imagine what was actually said, has been distorted by CNN so as to be unrecognisable.
All media is ideological partisan, if to varying degrees.
One is uniquely funded not to be, but is more than most.
This article will be dismissed, but… or maybe because of its content the BBC would not go near any of the arguments made with a bargepole, as their ‘holding to account’ is near universally unidirectional.
If I had a trustworthy national broadcaster, it would not look like the BBC.
The media has a variety of terms for the same thing, or to make it seem it is.
BBC Moaning Emole from Anthony, mental age 6 3/4
Court battle officially begins
The US Senate will press ahead later with confirmation hearings for President Trump’s pick for the Supreme Court. A vacancy was left by the death of liberal stalwart Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whom Mr Trump wants to replace with a conservative, Amy Coney Barrett. The push is like nothing seen in US history so close to a presidential election and, if successful, her appointment would have enormous implications for the nation. Our North America reporter Anthony Zurcher examines those in detail.
Judge Barrett insists she will judge legal cases impartially “whatever my own preferences might be”, but her strong anti-abortion views have sparked fears that women’s rights may be further restricted.
Trumpâs pick.
Liberal stalwart.
Enormous implications.
Sparked fears.
Interesting this weasel uses the term âimpartiallyâ as if he has a clue what it means.
Also in the âmole…
How to get promoted when working from home
Salesman John says you have to regard the emails you send to your manager as an art form to be perfected. “If you are working from home, then when you email your boss you cannot be just to the point – instead you have to express your wider knowledge,” says the 45-year-old, who preferred not to share his surname. “But you don’t want him or her to know that you are showing off, you have to be subtle. And then when you get an email from them, you have to really study the tone, and it is the same for Zoom calls.”
Read full analysis >
Jonty Bloom
Business reporter, BBC News
Or, if at the bbc, screw up, go on gardening leave, and wait.
Or be a woman, preferably B in the BAME hierarchy, but Zoe will do if June canât spin discs.
How does âJohnâ get to share these top tips with Jonty (actually his real name)? Call him up with a scoop? Or does Jonty (it really is) call his mate John, the salesman? Or has Jontyâs boss Karen asked Jonty why he has not posted anything for ages and he made it up in a desperate punt hilariously accorded âanalysisâ in lieu of news, that contributes approximately zero?
West coast girls, working that Beach Boy magic.
Do they turn up on ribs?
Who or what organisation is the snake that is the driving force in this re examination and attempt to defame Britainâs Great history? It is suspiciously coincidental as BLM , Anti-fa, Extinction rebellion are all acting at the same time as the present pandemic and the battle for Brexit .
The government should show some mettle and cut of the snakeâs head and promote Britainâs heroâs . Where is our national broadcaster ? There is something very wrong in our education system when it is attempting to rewrite and air brush our proud history.
taffman, repeat after me. …
George Soros
Taffman, and just to add, did you see the programme which is being pushed out by BBC2 ‘Enslaved’, featuring Sam Jackson who of course is a black man. Day by day, this broadcaster is becomming more and more a pathetic operator trying to achive in pushing out such a programme into a country where the majority (so far) are white? No I did not watch this garbage, the snippet advertising it was enough to make me mad. It really is so transparent that the Blacks think they were the only ones ever to be enslaved-history is out of the door, so it would appear.
@Taffman ..all rooted in Marxism
Racists everywhere
the bBC at its best
Everywhere, a poster hey
Gyms have âdaysâ for body parts.
The BBC has days of BAME diversity.
Today is âAâ day. Apparently.
Today doing what Today does be… er… every day.
Context a Swedish artist makes a satirical image of the Chinese leader with bat ears.
It stands on a restaurant wall for four months no problem.
Suddenly a Chinese tourist complains on Instagram.
Doh , satirising a government or leader does lead to kick back at normal citizens
Americans have traditionally been the biggest targets : in Latin America, The Middle East, Asia etc.
9am R4 Andrew Marr discusses the growing *crisis* in social care.
…ww2 was a crisis now isn’t
What’s with all this media dramaqueening ?
Stew, they have to crank it up – it isn’t a story if it isn’t a crisis. You see what happens if it’s just a complaint, especially from a IT savvy connected student in a University lockdown situation. The latter is easily dismissed, the former …. well a leading, trusted, news provider says there is so there must be an actual crisis.
Also Marr believes it because he is paid to believe it and he works for the BBC therefore it must be so.
@Up2 There should be a rule that you not allowed to use vague floppy words like “crisis” in a headline.
It like the word “nice”
Quite right. “We need legislation” says the Leader of the Opposition.
Listening to the BBC – it is really strange how they seem to think they speak for the population yet never seem to have anyone on that express my views or many of the people I know ( many of whom don’t agree with my views on Brexit or POTUS)
All this morning R4 has been one long attack on the Govt – and whilst I don’t agree with the current approaches it would be nice to hear a balance….
BBC is still the arm of the Labour party – not content with stirring up racial divisions it is now strong on the North – South division
I know It was mentioned in last thread but it is an absolute scandal that no national media outlet at all seems to have mentioned the massive arbaeen Muslim march in London yesterday that was left to go ahead unchallenged.
I thought they liked to give publicity to Muslim causes and events ? If only the wider public knew about this disregard for the law being ignored.
The BBC claim it is systemic racism why BAME communities in Britain appear to be affected more by coronavirus than “white” communities. Also when the police do get involved the BBC call the police racist – which deters the police from getting involved in the first place.
The BBC only produce headlines that fit their narrative and if it doesn’t fit their narrative they will either ignore it or twist it so that it does fit their narrative.
The BBC are clearly not fit for purpose and I blame our weak and self absorbed political system for allowing it to happen.
Think youâll find they are thick third world peasants who got lucky and found soft old Blighty …… transmission of the virus within their âghetto communities â will be covered up ….
I suspect that their presence might trigger off that wholesale sedition we all know is on the way. A zero presence as they know they will stand no chance in confronting the savages.
London 1950 the Pearly Kings and Queens rule the streets
… London 2020 the Purdah Kings and Queens rule the streets
R4 – Andrew Marr taking about care
Madeleine Bunting on bemoaning that care is feminised…using nursing and GPs as examples of where women are in the majority..(ps just looked her up, used to write for the Guardian..and at BBC …explains a lot)
She didn’t once think to argue that the positive discrimination for woman had enabled and encouraged this situation and it isn’t a problem created by men but by women and social engineering
so she is moaning really that positive discrimination has worked too well…no discussion, no challenge.. just another diatribe..
and now Andrew Marr playing the violin for GPs…do me a favour. Most work part time and if you look at the salaries my local one has 10 PT GPs ( that nobody can see) average salary ÂŁ65K and that is in the north
Overall she is just recounting history and offering no solutions..
JA no go to your GPs website and check the average salary declaration.
We are in a northern rural area and the average salary is stated as ÂŁ90K.
I know. I was talking about part time GPs earnings at my local GPs…they are all PT so the calculation was easy…not skewed by FT figures
The TV critics were talking about the new ITV black history quiz show
#1 The pilot was done 4 years ago
and ITV were so impressed they only put it on now that they are desperate.
#2 All the guests are black except for a token white gay guy.
#3 It turns out he’s the one that knows the most about “black history”
#4 They concluded there is a reason it’s put on at 10:45pm
ITV black history quiz show?
Dunno why they don’t just have a black phone in / online gambling show?
To be gay in Africa or the Caribbean is dangerous, very dangerous. But I suppose they get a special bye for this ” phobia “.
Rules for us and rules for them. Batty boys.
Giles Brandreth – that repulsive creature who makes a living out of appearing on thr BBC and talking to the audience as tho itâs is CBBC – writes in thr telegraph About the coming new chairman of the BBC – who I bet will be female and or coloured .
He reminds us that 2022 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of that hated organisation .
As I write there are hoards of producers wondering how they can colour up the back catalogue and do more dire remakes complete with coloured faces to make whitee liberals feel as though they are doing their bit for the cause ….
Here’s the entire thing :
The BBC does not deserve a Trojan Horse chairman
The corporation needs a leader who believes in it and can help them to fulfil their remit even better
David Dimbleby is threatening to apply for the job of chairman himself if it will help thwart what he sees as the Governmentâs attempt to bring the broadcaster âto heelâ.
Good on him. If ministers reckon the corporationâs current funding model is outdated, that its structures are cumbersome and ineffective, and that much of its programming is unnecessary and leaves a lot to be desired, they need to be upfront about it.
Appointing a chairman with a view to that chairman undermining the very organisation they are supposed to lead isnât on.
The BBC employs 22,000 people, and twice as many freelancers (like me), and in my experience these are good people â talented, committed, and for the most part not that generously paid â and they deserve to be led by someone who respects, understands and values what they are doing, and can help them to do it even better.
You canât have a general who doesnât believe in the army or a conductor who despises music, can you?
The BBC needs a chairman who will be its champion, not a Trojan Horse sent to reinvent it on the sly.
Nothing lasts
That said, the BBC wonât last, of course. It will make its centenary in 2022 and will see me out, I hope, but ultimately itâs doomed.
As we know, everything is. The BBC, the NHS, the National Trust may be sacred cows now, but eventually they will go the way of Woolworths and the Boeing 747. Thatâs life.
Thanks stew – no need to put me right this time
Well@FedUp2, I know you are not sensitive to criticism.
like the snowflake side are.
\\ The BBC is the Exxon Valdez of broadcasting
: big, cumbersome, slow, expensive to maintain
and now stuck on rocks.//
He gets a kicking in the Telegraph comments. 309 all against the BBC
“We don’t deserve to be forced to pay for woke, left-wing social engineering, otherwise known as the BBC licence fee. It has to be abolished.”
“Is it not the height of hypocrisy that self-styled liberals such as Gyles Brandreth and David Dimbleby should be insisting on the continuation of the failed Stalinist model for broadcasting in this country?”
“P off entitled luvvie…… And take Linekar with you.”
Have you seen the ad on tv where the word âjustâ is used.
Just a small lump.
Just a drop of blood.
They then say it could be a symptom of something bad.
The funny bit is at the end.
They say âSee your GPâ
Good luck getting an appointment.
Three medical mafia of the apocalypse giving a live briefing about our coming doom …..
…… the message is do use their NHS but donât use it
They are are going to start regular testing of NHS staff – so thatâs 1.7 million people who presumably have been happily infecting poor devils going into their hospitals to die from NHS sponsored Chinese virus
I canât be bothered with these people much more – boris is doing his sincere Buffoon act later followed by a TV broadcast to say that the pubs will be shut but theyâll be given taxpayers money from the money tree,
I cannot believe how slow and badly managed this thing has been dealt with ….. maybe they are engineering âherd immunity â at the cost of a million dead ?….
For anyone with popcorn buffoon boris is to make a speech in Parliament at 1530 Monday afternoon …..
…. Iâm a Londoner so donât get why northern bits of the UK seem far worse affected than the cess pit in which I live – any from the North give us a clue -please?
Maybe itâs the poverty or the generally colder weather but I think itâs all this going about town topless on nights out in the cold weather. Also, smoking, drinking and eating whippets.
The men are just as bad.
And the winner is EG- laugh out loud as I understand they say …
No idea Fed ….. looks like my patch is going into Tier 3 lockdown.
The places i frequent, the local boozer and a local snooker hall have done EVERYTHING asked of them at great costs and mither and are going to be made to shut again !!!
With all the regs in place, they literally could not be safer !!!
I feel so sorry for all these folks who are having their livelihoods ruined by this shower. It really is just bollocks.
Again, they say , its 4 weeks, but we aint daft , this is going to be all winter.
BBC in full on “PANIC” mode … apparently the Nightingales are being readied …… all this panic and almost guaranteed not to be needed !!!!!!!
Bonkers. This need for constant scare mongering.
I live in Liverpool Fedup and I can’t get my head around why the ‘R’ rate has gone through the roof up here ????
100,000 students have turned up in the last month yeah, but the same must be said for Manchester, Birmingham etc! ????????
Our population is nowhere near as diverse as many towns and cities across the North of England so I’m really lost as to why this has happened here ????
All conspiracy-The Neoliberal conspiracy has succeeded in transferring massive wealth to the uber-elite-With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, this conspiracy has found yet another opportunity to squeeze wealth from the bulk of society into the hands of the few. In the 1920s, two ruthless men laid out a sinister scheme to gain control of the minds of Americans. Their plan? To identify peopleâs deeply buried needs and use subtle messaging to manipulate them into doing whatever they wanted without realizing itâeven at the cost of their health and well-being. As said, The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government that is the true ruling power of this country and elsewhere in the world. And the BBC with other media have been and still are the conduit these invisable machanisms run through. I suppose we know or are aware that In almost every act of our daily lives. . . we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons . . . who pull the wires which control the public mind. Amen.
Surreal GMB this morning
Piers wouldn’t have Darren Grimes on alone
he put him head to head with @kehinde_andrews Professor of Racebaiting clip
Topic : Darren Grimes published Starkey saying “slavery was not genocide”
Piers Morgan \\ Are we responsible for controversial speakers we have on ?
cos we had a guy who said âThe British empire being worse than the nazisâ //
Kehinde âthatâs a factual statementâ
BTW “British slavery was not genocide” is a factual statement !
And if the Nazis had won the war and kept control of the whole of Europe , black people would not be having a fab time.
I bet Kehinde Andrews was one of the ‘damn blacks’ that David Starkey had in mind!
Kehinde followed up with “whiteness is a psychosis”
I had never heard of him but he does seem to be one of these ‘made up’ Professors in a subject so bound by its own narrow paradigms
Here is the opening section of abstract from his paper on whiteness..and as Piers M says if you change the word whiteness to blackness you would be sued for hate crime.
“Critical Whiteness studies has emerged as an academic discipline that has produced a lot of work and garnered attention in the last two decades. Central to this project is the idea that if the processes of Whiteness can be uncovered, then they can be reasoned with and overcome, through rationale dialogue. This article will argue, however, that Whiteness is a process rooted in the social structure, one that induces a form of psychosis framed by its irrationality, which is beyond any rational engagement”
What a load of tosh old chap….Critical Whiteness – anyone here ever heard of that?
No wonder our educational system is screwed…
Why a higher Covid count in the North now ?
TalkRadio said that when you look at the university precincts the figure are like 600-800/100K
whilst elsewhere almost nothing
such that the average age for infection is 21
Guardian’s list of ‘100 great black Britons’
= Guardian’s list of 100 great black self declared VICTIMS.
Another question the BBC won’t ask !!!
Doesn’t suit the “fear” narrative.
11am Doco anti-refugee boats organised by Blackpool DJ
“This edition of The Untold tracks the group formed by Jeremy Davis – Little Boats – which he hopes will force Government action to stem the rising number of dangerous sea crossings by those seeking asylum in the UK. Since the covid lockdown in March there have been record numbers making the journey by dinghy from France and the Midlands based wedding DJ decided he had to act.”
Lefties seem annoyed that he was platformed
The start make it clear he loves immigrant, but not this anonymous way
Ah he just mentioned that some might kill British people.
And now he with the Twitter guy Steve Laws, whose been migrant spotting for months
Presenter “surely a more diverse society helps your grand children”
Now they are with Active Patriot as they BF seize his camera
The prog’s own tweet lists them all
.. I spot antifa seeking to find where they live so they can go and intimidate them.
His latest offering !!!
Somebody needs to add that chaps name to the âwatch list â
-take his kids into care , kill his pets and parents – call in his loans and debts . Unauthorised comments like these cannot be allowed . We know where he lives – and you …..
… you know … sometimes I just think â that could never happen here ….â
The mistake that Darren Grimes made was to throw David Starkey to the wolves.
The words that people use in conversation aren’t the same as those written in a book or an article and quite often convey an emotion ‘of the moment’. It was quite obvious to me that David Starkey was expressing his frustration that people of African heritage, living in the West as a result of the assumed slavery of an ancestor, are infinitely better off than 95% than the descendants of the slave wholesalers in Africa, yet don’t appreciate it.
I am sure many of us have said things like, ‘this job would be OK without the damn customers’, particulary when a ‘damn customer’ has been particulary trying. Equally that is not the sort of thing that one would actually say to a customer, unless you worked for Yorkshire Tea or Sainsbury’s.
Darren Grimes was pretty fast off the mark editing out David Starkey’s comment from his YouTube video. Retreat and your enemy will advance.
…….and the mistake David Starkey made was not to have immediately announced he would be enrolling on an unconscious bias training course which could have saved his various honorary advisory roles including Cambridge Uni and the Mary Rose Museum. Instead he is now considered persona non grata for the rest of his life – a sad end to a distinguished career. Keir Starmer used this tactic to rapidly extricate himself from a similar situation when in early July he called the BLM movement a “moment” – by the way, has the media fact checked that he has actually attended such a course which he said he would fit in “as soon as I can book in for it”? He confirmed the 2-3 hour course was also to be taken by “all Labour officials” which one can only presume will include all Labour M.P.’s. and backroom staff – when they can fit it in.
Email received today “Please confirm that you still don’t need a TV Licence”
Guess similar communications asking for confirmation about my lack of pilot’s/firearm etc licences must be delayed because of Covid.
It goes on to ask for my address – too much information, surely?
Nisa – last week I sent a noxious substance through the post . Mine was for medical purposes … otherwise it is an offence ….
Who knew the world of Prosthetics was racist ?? Well, according to the BBC it is !!! But then again, is there anything that isn’t racist according to the beeb ???
It must be a bugger when you have a hand steeped in white privilege
New government advert
.. I thinks Laura’s point is that arts people are being told to retrain.
To me I again see tickboxing of BAME, which ends in white people being underrepresented
Laura, over Guernica, in her Heinkel 111…
âThis might leave a markâ
Not much different to all those adverts suggesting that ‘black’ girls can be fast-jet pilots, rather than RAF clerks.
CyberFirst claims that they are recruiting 11-17 year olds so the slogan ‘Rethink. Reskill. Reboot.’ doesn’t really match that aim.
this reminds me of the original “learn to code” in the USA when miners and steel workers were told to learn to code
Its only when its applied to journalists and luvvies that it appear to be offensive.
Notwithstanding LP’s ‘potty-mouth’, I did note from the header pic on the BBC web-site, that the young lady pictured in a tutu did not exactly have the build for a successful career as a ballerina.
BBC Radio 4
He faced racism as a child, now Lewis Hamilton has equalled Michael Schumacher’s all-time record of Formula 1 victories ????
ÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁ (tax free)
Comments, in BBC parlance, ‘mixed’. Namely a few get their VS on, and all the rest fondly recalling his achievements of late, and those of his employers back in time.
it is typical of the BBC to lead with the race bit…We all faced something when we were young…be it racism, bullying, poverty ( those old lard sandwiches) but do we want it to define us? Well apparently the BBC feel it does…
Good job he isn’t gay….which would they cite first on his list of misfortune?
Faced racism as a child ???? what rubbish. He’s not old enough to have faced the sort of racism of the 50’s ,60’s and 70’s. He went to school in Stevenage – not exactly known as a white only town, and where there is a good mix of black and white in classrooms. He spent a lot of his childhood racing around the kart track at Broxbourne, which is where he got his love of racing. Because of his comments that his home town was a slum, he’s regarded very much as a ‘tosser’ by the locals.
Brissles my dear old thing, our Lewis was taken under the wing of Ron Dennis before he had reached the age of ten, if my memory serves me well. He’s really Ron’s TestTube or, more correctly, TestTrack baby. Not many folk have had that sort of patronage; not just one keen and involved parent (Lewis’s father) but another ‘parent’ who just happened to own half of a Formula 1 team and was its Executive Director!
That guy has nothing to grumble about.
It’s like moaning that a rich kid faced classism when he went to the local council estate.
If Hamilton faced anything more than the normal beating up bloody nose that we all got I apologise.
There can be no reason or excuse for this (I can’t read the article).
Unless or until we have people in government with the competence and more importantlly the will to protect our borders, our waters and boost our defences (do such people exist?) we are stuffed.
Like others who contribute here I fear it is too late.
I don’t want to feel like that.
History I know but perhaps it is the right place to show how, in the past, the BBC sponsered a terrorist supporter who supported murder as a means of solving solutions and also how they promoted an anarchist whose hate filled rap music glorified violence. ( Biased BBC wasn’t around to record it then).
Revoke the WA.
Is there any chance the government will at least get this right?
Comment is… mixed.
What happens below…. didnât check.
VD retweeted this.
Can you see where it is headed yet?
Local ITV news “Coming up BLM and mental health.
Friday and Saturday morning BBC local radio spent every news bulletin promoting the upcoming the Saturday afternoon BLM event
cos its them and their mates but then they never mentioned it afterwards.
8pm Channel4 American foods scary scary
That would be why, Stew, the British people here in the UK crammed into McDonalds, Wendys, Del Taco & Taco Bell (only in major cities) and possible one other whose name escapes me.
Stew, Yes, you could add that one but I hadn’t thought of them. Can’t think why. Could it be because I have only shopped there once? That’s quite possible.
I was trying to remember another Burger or Taco franchise, probably in Leicester Square in London.
Tier 3.
Is it me or does anyone else get hacked off by the seemingly endless capacity of Liverpool to maximise their grievance-hunting victimhood.
As prominently featured on the BBC.
Nothing is of course ever, ever, their fault. Or their responsibility.
They have never got over losing the slave trade!
10:45pm Radio3 every day this week
, all about black
just like last week
Even more on R3
Not the BBC
But watching the coverage of the buffoon PM telling Parliament about forthcoming ârepression â – a word he used – there seemed to be the âblame culture â being applied to the government for the conduct of individuals spreading the Chinese virus .
As far as compliance is concerned – I think there is a sizeable bit of the population who will ignore restrictions until they start seeing crying nurses again and body bags being carried out of the back of nightingale hospitals ….
8pm Radio4 Rosie Campbell
I wonder what her politics are
I notice she never did a show
“Jeremy Corbyn faces trouble from the back benches”
no she cowrote
“Leadership, Loyalty And The Rise of Jeremy Corbyn’
Her previous article
“The Tories would be stupid to go for a hard Brexit leader”
written before they chose Boris and went on to win an election landslide.
Attempting and failing to stand the dreadful BBC 1 6 pm news.
Should they not be prosecuted under the Trades Descriptions Act?
There is no real news. Just a ceaseless whinge-athon of highly selected personal hard luck stories.
Just how many coronavirus âdisadvantagedâ individuals can you cram in to half an hour.
It was so bad the weather presenter following actually sneaked in a little remark about it. Heâll be on the naughty step.
Itâs sweet Bill thinks his ex colleagues would listen to his wise counsel any more than a finger wag from Franny.
Bbc News.
President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation hearing has begun at the start of what’s been billed as a “contentious week”.
By Lurch?