Labour is saying the 3-tier lockdown will ‘not work’ but as usual Starmer is trying to have it both ways and justify why Labour will be abstaining on the vote this evening.
He is calling for a 2-3 week circuit breaker now – i.e. full lockdown except for schools. But he is not saying this in parliament, because he is far too important for that – he has just held a live press conference.
Political opportunism is not new. But Surkeer has elevated it to an art form.
Isn't it a little odd that Starmer's team has been producing and putting out research saying "19 out of 20 lockdowns don't seem to work", laying the ground to then, er, demand a new lockdown?
Local ITV News incredible agenda pushing item after item
– “It’s “Hate Crime Awareness Month*
.. here’s an item about an autistic guy in Leeds”
– ‘Now tackling youth crime,
.. here’s an item about black kid on a programme in Sheffield’
– Now George Floyd
… item with BLM PR people in Leeds
Toenails has a moment of clarity. If not impartial reporting.
It’s now clear that @BorisJohnson is not “following the science”. He’s trying to steer a path between SAGE who told him to lock down more & faster and ministers, MPs & the papers telling him to keep the economy open. No wonder he looks miserable
I found out why the Hull BLM demo was not reported on,
after dozens of news bulletins promoted it beforehand
… cos photos of the actual event show a crowd of only 10 people.
Be Ashamed Of White British History month continues
10:45pm “Being British East Asian
discusses the unique experiences we face as British East Asian immigrants divided between two very different cultures !”
3 x 20min episodes
with @rinasawayama and @____elainezyx
originally on @bbcthree
Yes Stew. … albeeb cannot figure out how to do Ch1 in HD here getting our signal off the Wrekin even though they told me sometime back it would be no later than 2017
AFAIK Channel 01 is your local BBC1 setting so gets local progs from studios which don’t broadcast in HD
Channel 101 is national BBC 1HD so doesn’t have regional progs
I expect London local news on it do broadcast in HD
You’d be wrong.
BBC London is not on 101 where we live.
Mind you, when the HD channel goes to swirly red for half an hour it can be a blessing in disguise, as Fiona Bruce followed by her equivalent ‘of colour’, Rizla Teeth, would have anyone reaching for the Prozac…..
I caught the “play for today “ repeat which was shown on BBC4? I think – last night – on someone else’s TV of course .
Of all the plays they put on it was one set in a country house as the Attlee Government came into power . I bet those BBC kidults who missed it the first time rounds watched with a box of tissues at their side as they had fantasies of coming socialism …..
The documentary about’ play for today ‘ was the BBC showing it’s grandparents ‘ lefty biased underwear with a bunch of Marxist happily undermining Britain and making it what it is today – foreign .
Then there was ‘Three for the Fancy’ about keeping pigeons.
I watched the Fishing Party recently. It was quirky enough but in retrospect there was something patronising and stereotypical about their portrayal of life ‘up north’.
I suppose the BBC Oxbridge southerners felt a need to throw us a few crumbs without really understanding.
Mind you, a nice glimpse into 1972 history.
I’m beginning to think our awful media are even worse than our abject politicians.
I can’t stomach the BBC news, so I thought I’d chance ITV. What a bloody shambles.
This lot are clearly campaigning for a full lockdown. I’m sure they’d go the full China route and have dissenters bricked up in their own flats if they had their way…
We saw the increasingly creepy Kier Stomper criticising the government because we’re still being allowed to breathe. Then we were entertained by London’s runt Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, who wants to impose a full “circuit breaker”.
There were interviews with scientists who agreed, but nothing at all from the extremely erudite Sunetra Gupta, professor of epidemiology at Oxford, who’s one of the leading anti-lockdown voices. There was no attempt at balance whatsoever. No one there to question SAGE, just endless lockdown propaganda.
Then they gave us a snippet of film showing some drunks outside a pub and the voiceover telling us “This wouldn’t have happened if there had been a complete lockdown”.
Just in case you were a bit slow on the uptake, they interviewed a frightened mother with a disabled child. “I think it’s about time we took this more seriously” the poor lass told us.
I’ve stopped buying newspapers altogether and it seems I’ll have to elbow the TV news as well.
I wonder what our fellow citizens from the Asian subcontinent think of this.
Whisper it quietly but some at least are even more annoyed about the propaganda than we are.
What next? Asian History month?
Featuring the oppression created by the British raj?
Don’t know what it’s like for you lot but down here on the Solent it’s bloody freezing, very cold for October.
The climate fruitcakes seem to have shut up too!
Meanwhile another thought on the cold weather given to me by my old dad. He used to say “A good frost is great this time of year, it kills all the bugs floating about” so who knows it might be a good old British winter that stops the pandemic rather than all the pointless lock-down crap!
And another random thought, why do most building site workers wear their trousers inside out with their pockets hanging out like flags?
Just watched Angela Raynor On channel 4 demanding her bosses circuit breaker plan be put into effect. When challenged she said “members of my own family are in critical care with Coronovirus…” Oh dear said interviewer I’m sorry to hear that, can you tell us more.?
“Er er er well my auntie is in hospital with suspected coronovirus and not very well..“
I rather got the distinct impression she wished she had not said it…..
No. But you can bet your life that if Farage, Rees-Mogg , Gove, Patel, Johnson, etc said that, there would now be a full BBC fact checking operation swinging into action ready to discredit the claims and ridicule said person !!!!
Is the best health care system in the world one which despite employing one in twenty workers needs to be protected from its patients and collapses if more than 3,000 of them turn up with a cough?
The NHS worship is harmful
Rather than monolithic goodness the NHS will have all shades
100% incompetents to super-professionals.
I wonder if today’ low death figures
reflect that early on it was making mistakes.
TV paraded people who’d been in hospital 11 week and made it through.
but I suppose it could be that those people were there 11 weeks cos they hadn’t been given the correct treatment in the first place
maybe they should have been out in 2 or 3.
Yes I mean NHS inefficiency/mistakes led to deaths
that might explain the German difference.
How about the government just buying some fields cheap, grant quick planning permission, and build a few million prefabs/ holiday park style homes.
Baristas etc on furlough benefits can be retained to do real jobs .
Won’t happen though, as the government loves it’s current house price boom too much.
The TAXPAYER is forking out £77.6m
cos “there will extra inspections/paperwork after Brexit perhaps blocking some port”
WTF , no why would slow down our own ports ?
Pascal drove his lorry full of medicine on Dec 27th from France to the UK hopital
Why should his journey the next week on Jan 3rd be any different ?
“Hello Pascal it’ you again , off you go.”
Ah, could we inspecting the outbound trucks on behalf of the French, cos maybe they will change put some tariffs on
“Ah Bob your lorry is full of books, that’s zero tariff off you go”
“Ah Jock your lorry is full of whisky, it’ got a 20% tariff on, so we have to know how many bottles you have on.
Ah yes the seal is intact, so the amount of bottles is exactly what the bonded warehouse CCTV said it was when your loading docket was submitted.”
“Oh Tom we need to put a 30% tariff on your potatoes and they haven’t been loaded at an accredited warehouse, OK drive onto the weighbridge. 20 tonnes , that’s 1000 x 20Kg bags”
The French fisherman will blockade Calais with three or four fishing boats and that will block the port. French government will not move them out of the way.
Happened all the time over the years. It will be French fishermen in a strop that cause the problems not paperwork.
As with the Channel “invaders”, the French government will turn a ‘blind eye’ and do nothing about them. The point to consider is which countries’ economy would suffer the most with such a blockade?
My monthly Red letter from the Telly Goons arrived today . Apparently, I am still “under investigation”. Its nice to have someone who cares .
These letters and investigators must cost them a fortune.
How many of you guys are still paying them ?
Stirring and heartfelt interview with Ruby Wax on C4 news with Jon Snow making a heartfelt plea to consider the massive mental effect of the lock-downs, mask, signs, fines, regulations, Bolshy staff, police etc. particularly on the elderly and isolated. She pointed out that the mental effects could last for years because we have all had the shit frightened out of us. I think as one of the media’s key (anti-Boris) gloom mongers our Jon looked not a little uncomfortable.
Miriam margolis younger sister and as mad as a hatter …. so sorry to have missed it ……
The longer term consequences of encouraging – demanding – people to physically separate …..will be interesting …… but it depends on whether there is a ‘back to normal’ or ‘live with it ‘ or a ‘cure’ …..
……and for the timescale of these things ….. that is without reference to the potential economic trouble and – perhaps – military trouble in some bit ( s) of the globe – and whether it stays local or spreads –
And the timescale ? Who knows …..
Not much attention has been paid to the ‘excess death ‘ rate or whatever it is called YOY quarterly increases in death through NHS neglect or suicide . Grim innit ?
Labour has and always will, be pro EU Federalist, until now they have hid it well from their own electorate. Time to teach the Marxists another lesson during the May elections and vote out all of the EU Federalist supporters from every seat they enter.
9pm BBC drama : gets 3 min in and one of the characters i a one armed woman screaming at the wrong government worker
“AUSTERITY” .. apparently her benefit has been unfairly reduced to zero.
(I think they are suggesting that i the normal, when actually it’s quite rare)
It’s got irritating brainwash music I switched to a Miss Marple repeat)
There's hard evidence that Barrett opposed Roe v Wade in the past. She won't say what she thinks now. People can draw their own conclusions.
The BBC have decided that she is unsuitable so as far as they’re concerned, every time she deals with a Democrat wail, she is incriminating herself by her actions in staying cool, calm and collected!
Well done Al Beeb – dirt in the air now, while you know absolutely fuck-all about the way she’ll do her job!
You at the BBC are peddling fake news at its worst; what a pathetic ‘national broadcaster’ you really are!
Culture Recovery Fund payments snaphot
(It’s not the only fund eg small cinemas are getting funds via the BFI)
£87m for London .. £10/head of population
£170m for total for rest of England .. population 56million minus 9 = 47m
.. £3.62/head of population
My region £97K for 180,000 people so 54p/head of population
Seems fair maybe we should give London £20 each for the railways we never get to use.
BTW Certain London biz like the Ministry of Sound & Wigmore Hall got £1m each
Twitter to @SupportOurLefty “We won’t have your kind of sarcastic satire here it’s a severe violation of our platform manipulation rules”
Funny that cos either the Democrats or Twitter itself is gaming the SCIENCE for you section
When I open a black search page it’s headed by a “For You” section “Here’s Science”
Yet commonly 2 of the 5 will be anti_Trump POLITICAL tweets
or Climate Alarmism
. thread that logs screensots
Al Beeb’s front page “news” ……….
Nothing but rubbish and pap. Why do you lot pay the Telly Tax?
The people of Great Britain deserve much better.
Tory Government – sort it out!
Nigel farage has retweeted a 24 second segment of the testimony of the supreme court nominee which focuses on the documents she is using to support her appearance – worth a look ….
No one has put it up so – spoiler alert- she was asked what papers she had with her to support herself – she held up a piece of ‘Congress ‘ paper – with nothing on it …..
Chris Green MP
The Bolton lockdown has clearly not worked,
and I believe that the cure is worse than the disease,
so I have stepped down from my role as Parliamentary Private Secretary.
I am beginning to suspect that the BBC have two coronavirus reporting teams in place, one garnering anti-lockdown ammunition and one full-lockdown crap.
They are thus in readiness to throw the right anti-division into war depending on what line Boris takes.
Every day that passes reveals more and more how this is now a political battle rather than a health one from both Labour and their mates at the BBC.
My previous post reminded me of my time in the Junior leaders Army section at school, in gunnery range practice in North Wales we were taught he tactic of “bracketing” the enemy positions.
When the range commander had figured out the exact range to the enemy position he would order “bracketed” fire. i.e shots fired directly at the enemy range and also 100 yards in front and 100 yards behind them thus giving them nowhere to go safely.
Why does Keir support imposing a national lockdown on areas with low covid incidence whilst opposing regional lockdowns on areas with high covid incidence?
The BBC has only one team but it comes complete with an excellent targeting and aiming system:
“The government is wrong. Now what is their policy?”
Incidentally ‘experts’ in most subjects naturally adopt a similar approach:
Pleb: My plant died.
Expert: That is because you are a pleb. I am an expert, you obviously didn’t water it.
Pleb: I watered it every day.
Expert: Ah hah! That is where you went wrong, you over-watered it!
(Tip: Give the expert as little information as possible, let them dig a gold-plated hole, throw in a fact, then watch them fill in the hole and dig another one!)
I did some work on ‘ experts ‘ in criminal cases where the defence could trawl experts to get the version they wanted but not tell the court how many they went to to get that answer .
Obviously the defence and experts all ‘ got a taste ‘ of taxpayers cash .
9am local news ‘We love Starmer, we love Starmer
He is a local doctor who agrees with the Starmers’s Circuit breaker plan”
“Here’s a speech from someone else agreeing.”
“oh Theresa Coffey disagrees
… now a local murder..arrests”
Next the bbc will be self-pleasuring itself through a hijacked Kleenex truck that their man slick has come up with a knee jerk wheeze du jour that puts pressure on their Foes.
Oh, they are.
Starmer's plan is for 2-3 week national circuit breaker in England – timed to run across half term – adopting SAGE proposals that some in govt have been arguing for – it is a risk to make Labour the party of lockdown, but it increases pressure on PM to act
Kier Starmer. Well timed, well delivered, and absolutely right. My guess is a significant majority of voters, regardless of party loyalty, will back him on a 2-3 week circuit breaker.
Is the worm turning ? stating the bleeding obvious but facts you will NEVER find on the racist bbbc:
BAME people ‘are over-represented on TV’: Ethnic minorities make up 22% of actors and presenters while only representing 12% of British population, research shows
Concept of ‘white privilege’ will make white working class children suffer even more in school, professor tells MPs
‘White privilege’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ concepts suggest children ‘are to blame’
Prof Matthew Goodwin made the comments to the Education Select Committee
He warned that white working class communities face a ‘status deficit’
Prof Diane Reay also said the working classes had a ‘sense of being left behind’
Royalty has granted an interview to the mail – the royalty being John ‘Lord’ Simpson – who is worried about sending Rafe – his son – to oxbridge to mix with the plebs – and whether Rafe will get the nice job in the BBC daddy has ….
It is also interesting / concerning that one often has to post links to other sites for news stories that I suspect the majority would find of interest that never appear on the bbbc no doubt due to their twisted political ideology
This is censorship in action by a national broadcaster, and bias by omission
To the president “you’re expendable”. The words of White House challenger Joe Biden, speaking to elderly voters in the battleground state of Florida at his latest campaign event. With social distancing in place – a stark contrast to the president’s rally the previous day – Mr Biden said Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic showed he didn’t care about the risk of coronavirus to senior citizens. Latest polls do suggest a shift away from the Republican among older voters – it’s an issue we’ve looked at in detail. Meanwhile, the president has also been attempting to woo a key demographic – suburban women – many of whom are said in opinion polls to view him unfavourably. He told them he had “saved your damn neighbourhood” by focusing on law and order.
With just three weeks until the election, Mr Biden seems to have cornered at least one constituency: celebrities. But is that a good thing?
It is ‘President’, BBC. A detail you appear to have missed. Either through stupidity or the usual.
‘Justin’ time this morning, I briefly entered the BBC’s fantasy world of corrupted news by hearing our, ‘Justin’ sign a interviewee off by mouthing the immortal words, “When Joe Biden gets in the White House’………..
If Biden gets in the White House I suggest turning off all media for at least 24 hours and not use this website …. how ever . … I still believe my £20 will turn into £44 when mr trump returns …
Today’s Google Doodle : Claudia Jones, née Claudia Vera Cumberbatch, was a Trinidad and Tobago-born journalist and activist. As a child, she migrated with her family to the US, where she became a political activist and black nationalist through Communism, using the false name Jones as “self-protective disinformation”.
Party: Communist Party USA
We turned on the TV last night to watch the drizzleing announcements from the BBC of the Coronavirus episodes, the collective bungling government messages of what undemocratic measures they and their equally bungling scientific medical advisers are advocating, and it appears incompehensibly that they are expecting us the public to meekly accept their supposed conculsions. The testing proceedure is using as its gold standard PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction ) which basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.The problem is the test is known not to work, won’t show Covid19-this brings the testing results we keep being told about, under suspicion. They the Government et al are keeing the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically. The following perhaps sums up what many of us feel about matters just now:-‘It must be occurring to millions of individuals, upon observing the depressing spectacle of top down politics in action, that in the great majority of cases what are termed ‘governments’ are no longer in any way fit to govern.
It must be dawning on many millions, possibly billions, that those who have been elected to represent the needs and interests of the people, are spectacularly failing in this role.
It must fast be becoming a reality for the great majority of people still able to think, that our world is in the hands of those who display none of the attributes that would pass for ‘leadership’, but an abundance of almost precisely the opposite attributes.
In fact, thinkers must surely observe that the majority of those holding the reins of power adhere only to their own private narcissistic agendas and have no interest in the health and welfare of the people they are elected to support. What’s more, they will observe that the politician of today is, by and large, a compliant puppet to the deep state whose agenda is totalitarian global dominance and mass depopulation.’
Not the most encouraging of words however one must draw lines of simalarities?
To review, or not to review, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous…?
Oh well, let’s look at today’s papers. Afterall, we find ourselves slap bang in the middle of a veritable “sea of troubles”. (More Shakespeare later)
Naturally the BBC’s frontpage line up gives top billing to the Mirror this morning: ‘Labour’s Demand. Give us a full two-week lockdown’ – “Whip me, whip me, I’ve been a very naughty QC!” The familiar recreational cry of so many of our senior forensic brethren. Allegedly.
As I understand it (and this is pure hearsay) when one engages in S&M one takes care to arrange between both parties an agreed “safe word” and our mutually agreed safe word in this instance appears to be “Circuit Breaker” Of course having voluntarily taken the guise of the M party in the S&M, allowing oneself to be tied up prostrate (locked down, if you will?) one has to trust the S party in the piece to undo the shackles when one feels things may have gone just a tad too far. Draw your own conclusions – seems we can’t really rely on our press to call foul.
The Express hints at the pleasure through pain scenario: ‘Short, sharp lockdown on the cards’ – seems this one might just be a quicky – promise?
The left-leaning ‘i’ finds itself titillated that: ‘Starmer breaks covid consensus’ and also the revelation from ‘Zara McDermott: I was victim of revenge porn’ – she’s a Love Island performer, (Love Island..? A British TV dating reality series, m’lud) So, given that the show is soft porn, in and of itself, could it be she’s upset they broadcast a repeat for which she didn’t receive an appearance fee? I’m being flippant of course and wholeheartedly apologise to any offended victims of this heinous, recently invented new crime.
The FT leads with Starmer’s circuit breaker but also reveals all is not well in our sweatshop economy: ‘Boohoo ditches another Leicester group. The on-line fast fashion retailer has dropped another supplier… after its head was found to have been previously involved in a network found to have laundered cash’ – not sure whether the ponderous wording here is “found to be” due to the FT’s house-style or due to their lawyers. Give me the rule of law, not the rule of lawyers.
Another FT sub header tells us: ‘Virtual reality helps guide City planners’ – looking at London’s architecture of recent decades one tends to imagine that statement has always been true.
‘IMF paints bleak picture of long-lasting pandemic pain’ – I like the notion of the infusion of the arts into the dismal science of economics. With their “bleak picture” the IMF might fancy a punt at next year’s Turner Prize. Appropriately the Times publishes a frontpage picture of ‘workers from the events industry protested in Bristol about the effect of coronavirus restrictions on their livelihoods’
And I promised more Shakespeare. The Guardian features Marina Hyde with: ‘The least successful divvying up of Britain since King Lear’ – It’s the coronavirus local tier system but I do like the word divvying. I guess our Ms Hyde forgets Tony Blair’s devolution divvying policy.
‘Starmer heaps pressure on PM with call for national lockdown’ – the Guardian again and what’s the betting Boris will cave in?
The commuter giveaway Metro (but who’s still commuting these days?) would have us believe: ‘Boris jokes while covid cases soar’ but Bojo is surely not as brazen as actor and Trump-hater (but I repeat myself) Dominic West. This well-connected former admirer of Samantha Cameron is in the news for the wrong reasons. Or perhaps just publicising his latest film project? The Daily Star explains: ’A day after being caught cosying up to his movie co-star, luvvie Dom West faces the music next to his loyal wife’
We did admire him in The Wire and he’s certainly plugged in with his friendship with the Camerons but perhaps he could do with a circuit breaker.
9am Radio4 a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the The Rory Stewart Party
“The party I left, the Tories are evil cos they use the term ‘Hardworking families’ ”
former Lab MP Caroline Flint is also on
It’s a load of posh voices discussing the poor etc.
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
DeborahMar 9, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Eddy, John Campbell has a PhD in nursing. My mistake if I led people here to think he is a…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:24 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I had more than a cold the Astra Zenenca vaccine crippled me for months. Every movement was agony. There was…
Labour is saying the 3-tier lockdown will ‘not work’ but as usual Starmer is trying to have it both ways and justify why Labour will be abstaining on the vote this evening.
He is calling for a 2-3 week circuit breaker now – i.e. full lockdown except for schools. But he is not saying this in parliament, because he is far too important for that – he has just held a live press conference.
Political opportunism is not new. But Surkeer has elevated it to an art form.
Beff has attached herself admirably to a doomed charge.
Has sipped the Kool Aid, but still got a pulse.
Local ITV News incredible agenda pushing item after item
– “It’s “Hate Crime Awareness Month*
.. here’s an item about an autistic guy in Leeds”
– ‘Now tackling youth crime,
.. here’s an item about black kid on a programme in Sheffield’
– Now George Floyd
… item with BLM PR people in Leeds
There’s not much real crime these days
so a lot of police forces have been tweeting like this today
Toenails has a moment of clarity. If not impartial reporting.
DGs office in the morning .
I cant see how a BBC staffer like him is allowed to write personal views onto Twitter –
Not even a pretence of neutrality …
Oh well, a stern email at least.
I found out why the Hull BLM demo was not reported on,
after dozens of news bulletins promoted it beforehand
… cos photos of the actual event show a crowd of only 10 people.
Be Ashamed Of White British History month continues
I was in traf square today musing at how soon they’ll take a sledge hammer to Nelson’s Column – in case it causes our coloured brethren ‘offence ‘…….
Race relations – dead .
10:45pm “Being British East Asian
discusses the unique experiences we face as British East Asian immigrants divided between two very different cultures !”
3 x 20min episodes
with @rinasawayama and @____elainezyx
originally on @bbcthree
Riddle me this Batman …
With ALL of the dosh albeeb has collected in license fees, WHY is bbc1 in the Midlands not in HiDef after all these years?
You did try up the channels on 101 , not just 01 ?
Yes Stew. … albeeb cannot figure out how to do Ch1 in HD here getting our signal off the Wrekin even though they told me sometime back it would be no later than 2017
AFAIK Channel 01 is your local BBC1 setting so gets local progs from studios which don’t broadcast in HD
Channel 101 is national BBC 1HD so doesn’t have regional progs
I expect London local news on it do broadcast in HD
You’d be wrong.
BBC London is not on 101 where we live.
Mind you, when the HD channel goes to swirly red for half an hour it can be a blessing in disguise, as Fiona Bruce followed by her equivalent ‘of colour’, Rizla Teeth, would have anyone reaching for the Prozac…..
I caught the “play for today “ repeat which was shown on BBC4? I think – last night – on someone else’s TV of course .
Of all the plays they put on it was one set in a country house as the Attlee Government came into power . I bet those BBC kidults who missed it the first time rounds watched with a box of tissues at their side as they had fantasies of coming socialism …..
Some good Play for Today on YouTube, I liked the Brian Glover ones best,
There’s another good one , I think, where he fights another canal barge for the right to use the lock first, forgot what it’s called though.
The documentary about’ play for today ‘ was the BBC showing it’s grandparents ‘ lefty biased underwear with a bunch of Marxist happily undermining Britain and making it what it is today – foreign .
Then there was ‘Three for the Fancy’ about keeping pigeons.
I watched the Fishing Party recently. It was quirky enough but in retrospect there was something patronising and stereotypical about their portrayal of life ‘up north’.
I suppose the BBC Oxbridge southerners felt a need to throw us a few crumbs without really understanding.
Mind you, a nice glimpse into 1972 history.
BBC2 10pm Ranganation
11:30 to 1:30 Enslaved with Samuel L Jackson
ITV 8pm Craig Charles and Danny JJ “Funny and Black”
10:45pm ep2 of the black quiz panel
The Times radio guide recommends
the 9am Radio 4 show Parenting with Anjula Mutanda
Thanks for the belated reminder about Enslaved.
I was going to watch it but it clashed with a repeat of Hi de Hi on Yesterday.
Not the bbbc
He is the brother of Ben Rhodes, the former deputy national security adviser for strategic communications for Barack Obama.
I’m beginning to think our awful media are even worse than our abject politicians.
I can’t stomach the BBC news, so I thought I’d chance ITV. What a bloody shambles.
This lot are clearly campaigning for a full lockdown. I’m sure they’d go the full China route and have dissenters bricked up in their own flats if they had their way…
We saw the increasingly creepy Kier Stomper criticising the government because we’re still being allowed to breathe. Then we were entertained by London’s runt Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, who wants to impose a full “circuit breaker”.
There were interviews with scientists who agreed, but nothing at all from the extremely erudite Sunetra Gupta, professor of epidemiology at Oxford, who’s one of the leading anti-lockdown voices. There was no attempt at balance whatsoever. No one there to question SAGE, just endless lockdown propaganda.
Then they gave us a snippet of film showing some drunks outside a pub and the voiceover telling us “This wouldn’t have happened if there had been a complete lockdown”.
Just in case you were a bit slow on the uptake, they interviewed a frightened mother with a disabled child. “I think it’s about time we took this more seriously” the poor lass told us.
I’ve stopped buying newspapers altogether and it seems I’ll have to elbow the TV news as well.
In future I think I’ll stick to You Tube…
Oh BBC2 11pm another 90 mins of Black History Month
Black people make up 3% of UK population
So to be proportionate there should be 28 times more progs about white people than black.
All I see is #TheGreatOver-repesentation
Message to AL Beeb
Carry on with this nonsense as you are turning more listeners and viewers away. Fewer Telly Tax payers.
Your end is nigh.
I wonder what our fellow citizens from the Asian subcontinent think of this.
Whisper it quietly but some at least are even more annoyed about the propaganda than we are.
What next? Asian History month?
Featuring the oppression created by the British raj?
Don’t know what it’s like for you lot but down here on the Solent it’s bloody freezing, very cold for October.
The climate fruitcakes seem to have shut up too!
Meanwhile another thought on the cold weather given to me by my old dad. He used to say “A good frost is great this time of year, it kills all the bugs floating about” so who knows it might be a good old British winter that stops the pandemic rather than all the pointless lock-down crap!
And another random thought, why do most building site workers wear their trousers inside out with their pockets hanging out like flags?
The brickies are playing cloth eared elephants!
cos they have big tools
.. to put in them ?
I’m a great fan of rigger boots, those heavy steel-capped ones which weigh a ton.
I worked it out once, that you walk up to ten percent slower in them, because it takes so long to swing your legs in some sort of rhythm!
I have building blood in my veins, and still wonder what it used to be like with just a brick hammer, a trowel and an old Thermos for bait…
…and no steel toecaps!
Just looked at RMGreenwich twitter feed, every single photograph shows ethnic visitors and families, wonder what the true visitor profile looks like?
RMG seem to like a bit of fakery!
Just watched Angela Raynor On channel 4 demanding her bosses circuit breaker plan be put into effect. When challenged she said “members of my own family are in critical care with Coronovirus…” Oh dear said interviewer I’m sorry to hear that, can you tell us more.?
“Er er er well my auntie is in hospital with suspected coronovirus and not very well..“
I rather got the distinct impression she wished she had not said it…..
Wonder if the BBC will investigate?
Wonder if the BBC will investigate?
No. But you can bet your life that if Farage, Rees-Mogg , Gove, Patel, Johnson, etc said that, there would now be a full BBC fact checking operation swinging into action ready to discredit the claims and ridicule said person !!!!
“Coronavirus: 42 Tory MPs rebel over curfew”
Common-sense is spreading. Sadly that does not include Labour MPs.
Not wrong at all !!
The NHS worship is harmful
Rather than monolithic goodness the NHS will have all shades
100% incompetents to super-professionals.
I wonder if today’ low death figures
reflect that early on it was making mistakes.
TV paraded people who’d been in hospital 11 week and made it through.
but I suppose it could be that those people were there 11 weeks cos they hadn’t been given the correct treatment in the first place
maybe they should have been out in 2 or 3.
Yes I mean NHS inefficiency/mistakes led to deaths
that might explain the German difference.
Decent cleaners not transmitting across wards might help …
“Ferry firms handed £77.6m post-Brexit contracts”
The government needs to start building more ships for the Royal Navy. It will boost the economy and jobs all round .
Dump HS2 and update the rolling stock on the railways. Bring back the lines that Beeching closed in the 60’s.
Let’s make Britain Great again Boris .
How about the government just buying some fields cheap, grant quick planning permission, and build a few million prefabs/ holiday park style homes.
Baristas etc on furlough benefits can be retained to do real jobs .
Won’t happen though, as the government loves it’s current house price boom too much.
The TAXPAYER is forking out £77.6m
cos “there will extra inspections/paperwork after Brexit perhaps blocking some port”
WTF , no why would slow down our own ports ?
Pascal drove his lorry full of medicine on Dec 27th from France to the UK hopital
Why should his journey the next week on Jan 3rd be any different ?
“Hello Pascal it’ you again , off you go.”
Ah, could we inspecting the outbound trucks on behalf of the French, cos maybe they will change put some tariffs on
“Ah Bob your lorry is full of books, that’s zero tariff off you go”
“Ah Jock your lorry is full of whisky, it’ got a 20% tariff on, so we have to know how many bottles you have on.
Ah yes the seal is intact, so the amount of bottles is exactly what the bonded warehouse CCTV said it was when your loading docket was submitted.”
“Oh Tom we need to put a 30% tariff on your potatoes and they haven’t been loaded at an accredited warehouse, OK drive onto the weighbridge. 20 tonnes , that’s 1000 x 20Kg bags”
The French fisherman will blockade Calais with three or four fishing boats and that will block the port. French government will not move them out of the way.
Happened all the time over the years. It will be French fishermen in a strop that cause the problems not paperwork.
As with the Channel “invaders”, the French government will turn a ‘blind eye’ and do nothing about them. The point to consider is which countries’ economy would suffer the most with such a blockade?
“Covid-19: Chinese trade grows as others struggle amid pandemic”
Looks like the ‘Old Kung Flu’ did the job for them then ?
My monthly Red letter from the Telly Goons arrived today . Apparently, I am still “under investigation”. Its nice to have someone who cares .
These letters and investigators must cost them a fortune.
How many of you guys are still paying them ?
Stirring and heartfelt interview with Ruby Wax on C4 news with Jon Snow making a heartfelt plea to consider the massive mental effect of the lock-downs, mask, signs, fines, regulations, Bolshy staff, police etc. particularly on the elderly and isolated. She pointed out that the mental effects could last for years because we have all had the shit frightened out of us. I think as one of the media’s key (anti-Boris) gloom mongers our Jon looked not a little uncomfortable.
Mental health to us, to the government it’s simply behavioural training.
Miriam margolis younger sister and as mad as a hatter …. so sorry to have missed it ……
The longer term consequences of encouraging – demanding – people to physically separate …..will be interesting …… but it depends on whether there is a ‘back to normal’ or ‘live with it ‘ or a ‘cure’ …..
……and for the timescale of these things ….. that is without reference to the potential economic trouble and – perhaps – military trouble in some bit ( s) of the globe – and whether it stays local or spreads –
And the timescale ? Who knows …..
Not much attention has been paid to the ‘excess death ‘ rate or whatever it is called YOY quarterly increases in death through NHS neglect or suicide . Grim innit ?
Covid: Why bats are not to blame, say scientists
Err, that’s right,.but hang on, nobody is blaming bats, I think most agree Chinese hold the culpability.
9pm BBC drama : gets 3 min in and one of the characters i a one armed woman screaming at the wrong government worker
“AUSTERITY” .. apparently her benefit has been unfairly reduced to zero.
(I think they are suggesting that i the normal, when actually it’s quite rare)
It’s got irritating brainwash music I switched to a Miss Marple repeat)
This is interesting ‘reporting’.
I suppose if they cant find dirt on this lady theyll find it in her family ….
The BBC have decided that she is unsuitable so as far as they’re concerned, every time she deals with a Democrat wail, she is incriminating herself by her actions in staying cool, calm and collected!
Well done Al Beeb – dirt in the air now, while you know absolutely fuck-all about the way she’ll do her job!
You at the BBC are peddling fake news at its worst; what a pathetic ‘national broadcaster’ you really are!
(Apologies for the expletive, Fed. One of the reasons I’m up so early is that I listened to the 3.00am news on R5Dead. I don’t know why I bother)!
Culture Recovery Fund payments snaphot
(It’s not the only fund eg small cinemas are getting funds via the BFI)
£87m for London .. £10/head of population
£170m for total for rest of England .. population 56million minus 9 = 47m
.. £3.62/head of population
My region £97K for 180,000 people so 54p/head of population
Seems fair maybe we should give London £20 each for the railways we never get to use.
BTW Certain London biz like the Ministry of Sound & Wigmore Hall got £1m each
Twitter to @SupportOurLefty
“We won’t have your kind of sarcastic satire here it’s a severe violation of our platform manipulation rules”
Funny that cos either the Democrats or Twitter itself is gaming the SCIENCE for you section
When I open a black search page it’s headed by a “For You” section “Here’s Science”
Yet commonly 2 of the 5 will be anti_Trump POLITICAL tweets
or Climate Alarmism
. thread that logs screensots
Al Beeb’s front page “news” ……….
Nothing but rubbish and pap. Why do you lot pay the Telly Tax?
The people of Great Britain deserve much better.
Tory Government – sort it out!
Twitter watch
Nigel farage has retweeted a 24 second segment of the testimony of the supreme court nominee which focuses on the documents she is using to support her appearance – worth a look ….
No one has put it up so – spoiler alert- she was asked what papers she had with her to support herself – she held up a piece of ‘Congress ‘ paper – with nothing on it …..
Fantastic …
Chris Green MP
The Bolton lockdown has clearly not worked,
and I believe that the cure is worse than the disease,
so I have stepped down from my role as Parliamentary Private Secretary.
I would have thought with the kids back at school there would be fewer adults congregating in seedy flats above kebab shops
“Ikea to buy back used furniture in recycling push”
Perhaps Bojo will swap his dodgy cabinet for a better one ?
I am beginning to suspect that the BBC have two coronavirus reporting teams in place, one garnering anti-lockdown ammunition and one full-lockdown crap.
They are thus in readiness to throw the right anti-division into war depending on what line Boris takes.
Every day that passes reveals more and more how this is now a political battle rather than a health one from both Labour and their mates at the BBC.
My previous post reminded me of my time in the Junior leaders Army section at school, in gunnery range practice in North Wales we were taught he tactic of “bracketing” the enemy positions.
When the range commander had figured out the exact range to the enemy position he would order “bracketed” fire. i.e shots fired directly at the enemy range and also 100 yards in front and 100 yards behind them thus giving them nowhere to go safely.
Works for the BBC!
And the bbc is ready to quote him whatever.
The BBC has only one team but it comes complete with an excellent targeting and aiming system:
“The government is wrong. Now what is their policy?”
Incidentally ‘experts’ in most subjects naturally adopt a similar approach:
Pleb: My plant died.
Expert: That is because you are a pleb. I am an expert, you obviously didn’t water it.
Pleb: I watered it every day.
Expert: Ah hah! That is where you went wrong, you over-watered it!
(Tip: Give the expert as little information as possible, let them dig a gold-plated hole, throw in a fact, then watch them fill in the hole and dig another one!)
I did some work on ‘ experts ‘ in criminal cases where the defence could trawl experts to get the version they wanted but not tell the court how many they went to to get that answer .
Obviously the defence and experts all ‘ got a taste ‘ of taxpayers cash .
I think it might have improved now …
9am local news ‘We love Starmer, we love Starmer
He is a local doctor who agrees with the Starmers’s Circuit breaker plan”
“Here’s a speech from someone else agreeing.”
“oh Theresa Coffey disagrees
… now a local murder..arrests”
he is = here is
Shame to see consigned to a closing thread, but… really?
Next the bbc will be self-pleasuring itself through a hijacked Kleenex truck that their man slick has come up with a knee jerk wheeze du jour that puts pressure on their Foes.
Oh, they are.
All playing well with the faithful.
Hope this ports.
A suggestion that certain media (looking at you BBC) ‘cover’ matters according to ideology rather than public interest.
Context that clip is about 7 weeks old
Oldie but a goodie
Apologies for the timing of the midweek thread – I try to do it when the site is ‘quiet ‘ but failed on this one ….
Tell you what – changed my mind – going without a midweek so taken it down …
My post lives to fight another da… few hours!
Is the worm turning ? stating the bleeding obvious but facts you will NEVER find on the racist bbbc:
BAME people ‘are over-represented on TV’: Ethnic minorities make up 22% of actors and presenters while only representing 12% of British population, research shows
Clearly in the peak of health too. Likely Covid. From Don. On the other coast.
Hollywood needs to be circuit broken for ever.
Concept of ‘white privilege’ will make white working class children suffer even more in school, professor tells MPs
‘White privilege’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ concepts suggest children ‘are to blame’
Prof Matthew Goodwin made the comments to the Education Select Committee
He warned that white working class communities face a ‘status deficit’
Prof Diane Reay also said the working classes had a ‘sense of being left behind’
Real talent often (not always) shines whatever. I am currently listening to Ella Fitzgerald and Louise Armstrong Porgie and Bess CD recorded in 1957
If the USA was really as racist as many claim these two would never have achieved what they did
and BB King, Miles Davis, Freddie King, Bo Diddley Chuck Berry etc etc etc
Darcy – on white priviledge -..
Royalty has granted an interview to the mail – the royalty being John ‘Lord’ Simpson – who is worried about sending Rafe – his son – to oxbridge to mix with the plebs – and whether Rafe will get the nice job in the BBC daddy has ….
A moment for John Simpson please ….
It is also interesting / concerning that one often has to post links to other sites for news stories that I suspect the majority would find of interest that never appear on the bbbc no doubt due to their twisted political ideology
This is censorship in action by a national broadcaster, and bias by omission
Also on the Mole…
To the president “you’re expendable”. The words of White House challenger Joe Biden, speaking to elderly voters in the battleground state of Florida at his latest campaign event. With social distancing in place – a stark contrast to the president’s rally the previous day – Mr Biden said Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic showed he didn’t care about the risk of coronavirus to senior citizens. Latest polls do suggest a shift away from the Republican among older voters – it’s an issue we’ve looked at in detail. Meanwhile, the president has also been attempting to woo a key demographic – suburban women – many of whom are said in opinion polls to view him unfavourably. He told them he had “saved your damn neighbourhood” by focusing on law and order.
With just three weeks until the election, Mr Biden seems to have cornered at least one constituency: celebrities. But is that a good thing?
It is ‘President’, BBC. A detail you appear to have missed. Either through stupidity or the usual.
Or both, in the case of celebrities: your core.
You are expendable too.
‘Justin’ time this morning, I briefly entered the BBC’s fantasy world of corrupted news by hearing our, ‘Justin’ sign a interviewee off by mouthing the immortal words, “When Joe Biden gets in the White House’………..
If Biden gets in the White House I suggest turning off all media for at least 24 hours and not use this website …. how ever . … I still believe my £20 will turn into £44 when mr trump returns …
Part of me is wishing I’d bet on the Democrats Fedup because then it really would be win/win time ⌚
Speaking of all going ti… down hill…
Today’s Google Doodle : Claudia Jones, née Claudia Vera Cumberbatch, was a Trinidad and Tobago-born journalist and activist. As a child, she migrated with her family to the US, where she became a political activist and black nationalist through Communism, using the false name Jones as “self-protective disinformation”.
Party: Communist Party USA
Thanks Stew, I wondered who it was and now I don’t have to click on it ????????
It really is never ending ????
We turned on the TV last night to watch the drizzleing announcements from the BBC of the Coronavirus episodes, the collective bungling government messages of what undemocratic measures they and their equally bungling scientific medical advisers are advocating, and it appears incompehensibly that they are expecting us the public to meekly accept their supposed conculsions. The testing proceedure is using as its gold standard PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction ) which basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences’, i.e. bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome.The problem is the test is known not to work, won’t show Covid19-this brings the testing results we keep being told about, under suspicion. They the Government et al are keeing the fear message running high so that people will feel panicky and less able to think critically. The following perhaps sums up what many of us feel about matters just now:-‘It must be occurring to millions of individuals, upon observing the depressing spectacle of top down politics in action, that in the great majority of cases what are termed ‘governments’ are no longer in any way fit to govern.
It must be dawning on many millions, possibly billions, that those who have been elected to represent the needs and interests of the people, are spectacularly failing in this role.
It must fast be becoming a reality for the great majority of people still able to think, that our world is in the hands of those who display none of the attributes that would pass for ‘leadership’, but an abundance of almost precisely the opposite attributes.
In fact, thinkers must surely observe that the majority of those holding the reins of power adhere only to their own private narcissistic agendas and have no interest in the health and welfare of the people they are elected to support. What’s more, they will observe that the politician of today is, by and large, a compliant puppet to the deep state whose agenda is totalitarian global dominance and mass depopulation.’
Not the most encouraging of words however one must draw lines of simalarities?
To review, or not to review, that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous…?
Oh well, let’s look at today’s papers. Afterall, we find ourselves slap bang in the middle of a veritable “sea of troubles”. (More Shakespeare later)
Naturally the BBC’s frontpage line up gives top billing to the Mirror this morning: ‘Labour’s Demand. Give us a full two-week lockdown’ – “Whip me, whip me, I’ve been a very naughty QC!” The familiar recreational cry of so many of our senior forensic brethren. Allegedly.
As I understand it (and this is pure hearsay) when one engages in S&M one takes care to arrange between both parties an agreed “safe word” and our mutually agreed safe word in this instance appears to be “Circuit Breaker” Of course having voluntarily taken the guise of the M party in the S&M, allowing oneself to be tied up prostrate (locked down, if you will?) one has to trust the S party in the piece to undo the shackles when one feels things may have gone just a tad too far. Draw your own conclusions – seems we can’t really rely on our press to call foul.
The Express hints at the pleasure through pain scenario: ‘Short, sharp lockdown on the cards’ – seems this one might just be a quicky – promise?
The left-leaning ‘i’ finds itself titillated that: ‘Starmer breaks covid consensus’ and also the revelation from ‘Zara McDermott: I was victim of revenge porn’ – she’s a Love Island performer, (Love Island..? A British TV dating reality series, m’lud) So, given that the show is soft porn, in and of itself, could it be she’s upset they broadcast a repeat for which she didn’t receive an appearance fee? I’m being flippant of course and wholeheartedly apologise to any offended victims of this heinous, recently invented new crime.
The FT leads with Starmer’s circuit breaker but also reveals all is not well in our sweatshop economy: ‘Boohoo ditches another Leicester group. The on-line fast fashion retailer has dropped another supplier… after its head was found to have been previously involved in a network found to have laundered cash’ – not sure whether the ponderous wording here is “found to be” due to the FT’s house-style or due to their lawyers. Give me the rule of law, not the rule of lawyers.
Another FT sub header tells us: ‘Virtual reality helps guide City planners’ – looking at London’s architecture of recent decades one tends to imagine that statement has always been true.
‘IMF paints bleak picture of long-lasting pandemic pain’ – I like the notion of the infusion of the arts into the dismal science of economics. With their “bleak picture” the IMF might fancy a punt at next year’s Turner Prize. Appropriately the Times publishes a frontpage picture of ‘workers from the events industry protested in Bristol about the effect of coronavirus restrictions on their livelihoods’
And I promised more Shakespeare. The Guardian features Marina Hyde with: ‘The least successful divvying up of Britain since King Lear’ – It’s the coronavirus local tier system but I do like the word divvying. I guess our Ms Hyde forgets Tony Blair’s devolution divvying policy.
‘Starmer heaps pressure on PM with call for national lockdown’ – the Guardian again and what’s the betting Boris will cave in?
The commuter giveaway Metro (but who’s still commuting these days?) would have us believe: ‘Boris jokes while covid cases soar’ but Bojo is surely not as brazen as actor and Trump-hater (but I repeat myself) Dominic West. This well-connected former admirer of Samantha Cameron is in the news for the wrong reasons. Or perhaps just publicising his latest film project? The Daily Star explains: ’A day after being caught cosying up to his movie co-star, luvvie Dom West faces the music next to his loyal wife’
We did admire him in The Wire and he’s certainly plugged in with his friendship with the Camerons but perhaps he could do with a circuit breaker.
9am Radio4 a Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the The Rory Stewart Party
“The party I left, the Tories are evil cos they use the term ‘Hardworking families’ ”
former Lab MP Caroline Flint is also on
It’s a load of posh voices discussing the poor etc.