Catchup links to last thread
– page 4 just started 10am Wednesday morning
– page 3
I guess that i a parody account of the Jackie Walker kicked out of Labour for anti-Semitism stuff
No looks like her real account she just tweeted about her new lecture
“The African holocaust”
BTW there is a new summary video of a mad American YouTuber’ punishment-copyright court case against Sargon …it ended in her being told to pay Sargon £39K costs
Her new action have been to shout “white supremacist, white supremacist, white supremacist” at him and say the judge i a Donald Trump flunky
Viva Frei says this looks like contempt of court.
BTW Sargon is hardly likely to be a “white supremacist”, given that his own father is non-white and his surname actually comes from being a descendent of slaves”
Yes if slave reparation came in Sargon would be due a payment.Monday’s vid
Another day, another race-baiting story on the BBC website. In fact, such stories appear in almost every section, every day on the site and seem to be the BBC’s only real topic of interest.
Today’s racist story in the business section (there also always plenty): ‘I was mistaken for a security guard at my first banking job’.
It’s strange, I was mistaken only recently for the gardener when I was working outside the front of my house. I just laughed about it and realised that I should wear better clothes when sweeping the drive.
At the end of PMQs the bbc normally cant wait to get away from it . But today Dawn Tinted Windows Butler MP for anti police coloured types raised a point of order .
Im sure the BBC were ready for some coloured winge about being mustaken for the cleaning staff again – but instead she just rambled about some Bill no one cares about .
Then a labour spokesman told is how the starmer had won the day – but then it turned out to be a BBC correspondent – so no difference really – apart from taxpayer funding
theisland, i don’t know but like everything he picks and chooses forensically. So it must be correct.
I wonder for a moment if they ever discuss the figures for those dying through not receiving treatment because of COVID and the obsession with saving ‘r anychess’ ?
Radio5 Dead at 06.45 this morning was a 10 minute party political Broadcast for the Sir Kweer Snake Charmer and his merits and wonderfulness.
Never forget he was pictured in office ‘taking a knee’. A potential leader of this country. Disgusting and disgraceful on many levels.
Anyways, 5Dead then went straight into COVID and Lockdown doom, doom and more doom mode, with the latest buzzword ‘circuit breaker’.
I don’t listen much anymore as am long since immune to the scum journalism and propaganda pushed by Al Beeb – but to the old, infirm, younger people or slightly weak-minded its terrible terrible radio, all agenda pushing and despair that could lead to horrendous mental health issues or worse.
I’m contemplating another MPs letter and Ofcom email for what its worth because, frankly they should be stopped from broadcasting this 24/7 doom fest to the nation.
I just hope many, like us here don’t listen or pay for it anymore.
R5Dead has – at least – a bloke like Dotun, who, if you’re not cross, does at least try to balance the books.
Tomorrow (Thursday), he’ll do his Jukebox thing, with either Mark Webster, or Jonathan Wingate, and I actually enjoy the banter, except when they have crap music and gormless callers, but hey-ho, it’s three in the morning…
I want to hear some ‘Genesis, or ‘Yes’ – maybe some ‘Pink Floyd’!
New Belfield video Express survey 95% Can’t Stand @BBC
That comes from this article
” poll of 15,730 * readers *,
conducted on Sunday October 11 between 10.47am and 8pm asked is the BBC worth the £157.60 per year licence fee?
A huge 95 percent (14,957) of people did not think it was worth it and voted no.
Just four percent (648) of respondents thought the BBC was worth the outlay and voted yes”
An article entitled The End of Appeasement ? is very well written and worthwhile. It is by Colonel Richard Kemp is a former British Army Commander. He was also head of the international terrorism team in the U.K. Cabinet Office and is now a writer and speaker on international and military affairs. He refers to the BBC as well.
Lynette – thanks – still not much good news . I fear the good colonel had to be ‘ shallow ‘ in his writing due to the anti freedom provisions of various Public Order Acts ‘ – islam has gone back into the shadows as a threat due to covid .
Also – the father of the far left – comrade corbyn is probably in cuba writing his book …
I suspect only to avoid “controversy” that she cannot put an invoice on….
“The Duchess of Sussex has said she avoids saying anything too “controversial” for fear of putting her family “in a position of risk”.
Speaking at a virtual summit, Meghan said she instead chose to talk about “fairly straight forward” topics “like exercising your right to vote”.”
As long as you vote DEM?
Back-tracking whitewash if I can use that expression. It was totally clear what Meghan and under-the-thumb Hapless Harry were trying to do….
Dump the Trump no less!
And from whom does she actually fear at risk from? Some gang of leather-clad bikers wearing MAGA hats turning up at their condominium with burning crosses?
More likely to be a horde of lefty Anti-Fascists who hate Royalty putting the windows in if you ask me!
Wow ????. Quite the U-Turn indeed. Are the BBC all over this ?? They love reporting u turns and division !!!
Or is that just when it’s the Tories ??
Labour's Shadow Health Secretary John Ashworth said yesterday that a national lockdown "would be disastrous for society… but I don't believe anyone in the house is proposing that…" Hours later Starmer proposed precisely that…
Northern Ireland announces a lockdown. I guess their hospitals must be overwhelmed what with the 4% of beds occupied by Covid patients.????????♀️
And trashing the economy has little or no impact on the BBC or the inflated salaries of its staff. So why worry.
A bit like the members of the SAGE committee who all pick up a fat cheque at the end of the month and irrespective of any decisions they may make about the livelihoods of others.
Send a few of those who have tested positive into the BBC and then lets see and hear how they feel-might close the whole place down-no of course not , that would be just too easy.
R4 3:30pm Test and Trace are so data protection mad, that if 6 people download the app in your house, and one of them gets it, they make 5 separate phone calls to your house to warn the others.
Says one Hospital SRN Nurse with many years experience and now feeling frustrated at the incompetence of authority’s control, states-‘The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense. And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.’ One has to question the figures of those testing positive that is coming out of Government. Scaremongeing again?
Amol at 4:30pm
“Does journalism still report the facts or has it been hijacked by opinion?”
ha ha .
“have some journalists had their brains hijacked by social media opinion?
Guests: Helen Lewis, staff writer at The Atlantic and former deputy editor of the New Statesman
and Piers Morgan, journalist and THE MAN WITH A NEW BOOK TO PLUG
…. No room for non-metroliberals then
Bbbc radio newcastle this morning had a local mp on talking about child poverty and meals for school saying a mother had told her she could only send one of her children to school because she could only afford one packed lunch.
Six slices of bread with sliced egg or meat paste would cost about 30-60p. She can’t afford that?
The one(s) staying at home still have to eat (or is the one going to school the only one fed that day)
It seems that free school meals must no longer exist.
They had them in my schooldays (50/60’s) and I thought they still had them.
Unless, of course, this sorry tale is just opportunistic crap.
They said we had 35% child poverty in the NE and last night were showing on the tv children’s hands using their iPhones.
It appears that child poverty is having last years iPhone.
I thought there was all kinds of payments, child allowance, free council tax, rent subsidies and all sorts of help and money all waiting to be given to parents of starving children.
Anybody know the minimum sum mothers can get free for their children plus, if she’s not working, her payments from the state?
Is it like ‘Cathy come home’ and are children dying of starvation in the UK or is this all a load of rubbish.
A little like the umnemployed scroungers from down the road who have a year old car and yet still get their brat sent to schoool everyday in a taxi WITH an escort in PPE
I follow your thinking Emmanuel absolutely- Sheer bloody dam laziness in most cases-my wife and I had three boys who all went with good pack lunches to school as and when neccessary othewise they ate the school meals and we would ensure there was enough money to do so-yes it might we would have to go without, so be it. However the most important factor in all this as my wife still maintains is that so many women have never been taught to cook or even the simplest basics, such as making soup for example. Some parents have come to expect too much to be provided by the state rather then taking responsibility for themselves and their family. Ignorance abounds in society.
Tarien – now that the state has taken responsibility for feeding maybe it should take control of breeding ? Only approved types may be able to reproduce . Others will be sterilised with a tax benefit or compulsory removal for unauthorised births – this will – of course – protect the NHS and ensure that the country is properly ‘diverse’ . The decision will be made by a diverse tribunal ….
TalkRadio just aired Imran Ahmed from Labour front group CCDigitalHate from Washington
“Anti-vaxxers are people who are TRYING TO HARM society”
… They are generally wrong, but the whole point of their campaigning is that they are trying to HELP society
Imran is being particularly vindictive in his wording
The topic was a new Facebook policy whereby they have banned antivax adverts, but not banned antivaxxers
8pm The Moral Authority of Organised Religion
what no Imams ?
Panel : Andrew Doyle, Giles Fraser, Melanie Phillips and Mona Siddiqui
The Church of England’s deference meant child sex perpetrators were allowed to hide and, when exposed, were often given more support than their victims.
pattern of behaviour and cover-up is shocking but depressingly familiar.
Britain’s churches have lost all moral credibility
Others say that the good done by organised religion in tackling poverty, comforting the bereaved and showing strong leadership on some of the key moral issues of the day, should not be overlooked.
For many people, rules-based religion has had its day.
.. out of step on many progressive issues like gender equality and same-sex marriage;
Guests Dr Ed Condon Catholic journalist
Rt Rev Philip North,
Francesca Stavrokopoulou Prof of Hebrew Bible. Atheist.
and Rev Stephen Trott.
Funny on a prog about challenging religion all the guests seem white.
Although claiming to prioritise diversity the BBC only dares to challenge indigenous branch of religion
rather than the imported growing religions
All big orgs have problems with
“protect the org at all costs” mentality
including the BBC itself.
Just a bit of trivia, really and only obliquely about the BBC.
Among the TV Choices in today’s Daily Mail listings is Abigail’s Party, on BBC4 tonight at 9pm. Their recommendation partly reads:
“First shown in 1977, it’s lost none of its power – actually, Abigail’s sense of home decor probably seems worse now than it did then.”
This is a famous bit of British TV and one of the most celebrated segments of Play for Today. I won’t be watching it tonight ‘cos I’m not really a fan of either Mike Leigh or Alison Steadman but from memory I can tell the Mail’s TV journo one thing – Abigail isn’t a character in the play, she’s the unseen daughter of one of the adult characters. So they’re recommending a play they’ve never seen – or don’t remember properly – because it has a good reputation.
Like I say, trivial but such things always lead me to ask questions like:
a) What proportion of journalists (in print or broadcast) have very little knowledge of the subject they cover (in this case Entertainment) but jealously cling to their jobs anyway?
b) When they don’t know something, what proportion simply go with the herd and offer the most popular opinion?
I suspect the answers are a) A lot; and b) Even more.
“HS2 costs rise again weeks after work begins”
Scrap it now and cut our losses . The money should be spent on contingency plans ready if we go WTO. Spend the money saved by building up the Royal Navy to protect our seas from ‘fishing pirates’ and ‘cross channel invaders ‘. Unemployment levels will soar at the end of this year so the building of warships and recruitment drive by the navy will help secure our food supply and create jobs .
Do it now before there will be “lessons to be learned”.
On Breitbart it’s noting that no charges will be made following the ‘unmasking’ investigation into what went on in the Obama WH. Yet again another disappointment. The full details of the investigation have not yet been released but there are indications that the DOJ may find that there was an abuse of power but nothing which broke the law! Sounds awfully like the investigation into Comey and it’s conclusion. I’m sure that Barr could have made charges stick if he had wanted to or at the very least made the findings public and shamed, if they have any shame, the Obama officials who did this. But no , we just see another group of deep state swamp dwellers getting away with it.
President Trump has been very badly served by those he appointed. Initially I believed this to be because the Never Trumpers in the Republican Party mislead him and filled his administration with their own people who were tasked with stopping him implementing his promises to the people who voted for him. But by now I’m sure he knows all the tricks of the trade and yet he still can’t get anyone at the DOJ to bring the culprits to trial. I increasingly suspect that this is because the deep state has so much dirt on every US politician or senior official that they can intimidate and silence anyone who has had a career in public life in the last thirty years. Toe the line or we will break you and your family, we saw this with General Flynn.
Will a second term change anything? Will the Presdent be able to significantly drain the swamp? Will thedeep state lose its power? I fear not. It’s just the same over here. We can vote for whomever we choose but the people who implement government policy , or are supposed to, do exactly as they like regardless of what their elected bosses say. In modern democracies the demos is powerless , elections are a charade to keep us quiet.
Guest, it didn’t quite come out like that though in the clip broadcast on TWatO today. Keir stumbled or hesitated just at the wrong moment and the howls of outrage turned into jeers from the Government side of the House. We couldn’t see if any finger pointing or gesturing was done by Starmer on radio, of course. He probably should have remembered that.
It sounded on radio like he was refering to himself as the opportunist.
???? The police have cancelled my interview with them on Friday and announced a ‘senior officer’ has been appointed to conduct a review into the investigation to ensure it “remains proportionate”. They say they’ll update me in “due course”.
Looks like plod is using the Stasi handbook to repress unauthorised views … and stressing their victim out using stunts like ‘proportionality ‘….first used – of course – on Tommy Robinson very effectively in the end …
In this case it was not even ‘on purpose ‘ but they have lowered their threshold of attack …
.. on another front – having used an East London bs today I witnessed a ‘scrap’ between a black ‘lady ‘ passenger and another passenger over her refusal to wear a mask . A very common practice here – and ignored by bus drivers and tube staff
And we are meant to applaud each week for this lot?
Shocking moment ‘two female NURSES wrestle on the ground during brawl in hospital café
Two health worker are seen having an heated argument in an empty cafeteria
Pair then violently brawl on the floor before pulling at each other’s hair
Footage of the incident is believed to have been filmed in a hospital
Yeah but, no but, when Ash gets there and the locals realise what has befallen them, then Priti Patel may well be given an example of how to do a proper deportation.
6 pm BBC1 last night and there was Sir Keir calling for a full national lockdown. I switched off after only a few seconds.
Tonight Northern Ireland has announced a full lockdown and there is nothing but criticism from the BBC. Or at least constant criticism for the first 10 minutes and then I switched off. I presume the criticism is because NI is led by Arlene Philips. If Boris announced a full lockdown for England I expect we would have the same attack, and either Sir Keir’s stance would be forgotten or we would be told that the government was doing what the opposition wanted but far too late.
ITV local news : petition that all hairdressers be forced to study how to do Afro cuts.
WTF That’s like saying all female hairdressers be forced to study how to cut beards.
When I living in Asia I generally walk in, and say you’ve got the clippers, give them to me and I’ll do it myself.
rather than them screw up my beard etc.
Cos most are just used to local hair types.
preceding item was about a mixed race mother and daughter family.
The mother has a brain condition, so the girls has to spend 30 hours/week caring for her.
Most young female hairdressers have problems getting ANY style right. I haven’t crossed the threshold of any hairdressing establishment for 30 odd years, since when I came out looking like how Gloria Hunniford looked in 1980 – instead of the Jo Wood style I wanted.
Bit hesitant about posting this as it’s a video with no connection to the BBC – except for the shared conviction that Britain should be portrayed as historically full of BAME and its fiction revised to suit.
What is it? Trailer for new movie ‘Come Away’ starring Angelina Jolie and David Oyelowo – an Alice in Wonderland/Peter Pan mash-up where Alice and Peter are black brother and sister. Mad Hatter and Captain Hook are black, too (wasn’t James Hook upper-class, Eton-educated?).
Maybe this is just Hollywood continually returning to the same wells for lack of originality (there have been 2 x Alice and 2 x Peter movies already this century) but it’s hard to believe they’re not trolling us. Do they really think this will make money? No doubt most paid reviewers will be too cowed to state what is obvious.
The people who say – and some already are – “These are fantasy characters, they can be any race” are surely missing the fact that Alice and Peter had real-life counterparts in Alice Liddell and Peter Llewelyn-Davies.
Hollywood is dying. Not because of covid but because it keeps shooting itself in the head like The fricking Deer Hunter.
Trick – how could you give away the plot of The Deer Hunter ? No spoiler alert …. I jest … over one of the most tedious films to get awards – but that idiot De Niro was in it ….nuff said ….
The Deer Hunter is a pretty stupid movie – a small Pennsylvania Steeltown with its own cathedral? A bloke survives years of playing Russian Roulette?
And as well as De Niro there’s an astonishingly vapid performance by Meryl Streep!
In its defence I will say this – unlike most modern movies I’ve seen, it has a sense of awe about the World. . . and God seems to be present.
Trick Cyclist : I’m the skeptic you described. Playing around with fantasy tales, is completely different from misrepresenting actual historical characters.
But even then Shakespeare himself misrepresented characters like Richard III.
British artists have taken foreign tales like Ali Baba or the King and I and reinterpreted them with white actors and it worked.
Yes Jolie’s movie will be dire, cos it will pitch virtue signalling over quality. But I am not averse to mixed black white actor groups making good films like Blazing Saddles etc.
Partly agree with what you say – screen adaptations of Peter Pan have already been heavily Americanised. On the other hand, I don’t see why fictional characters shouldn’t have a native race – in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the Tenniel illustrations show her as white.
It’s not like J.K. Rowling challenging Harry Potter fans to find a description of Hermione’s race in the Harry Potter novels when a black actress was cast in the part on stage.
Alice and Peter might be fantasy characters, but they were inspired by real people – if film-makers want to re-cast them as black, maybe they should have the good sense to place them in an appropriate context – not Victorian/Edwardian England.
As you say, it’s been done before – which reminds me, must get around to watching my Blu-Ray of The Wiz sometime.
BTW – if you want to watch a great black/white comedy – Trading Places, not Blazing Saddles!
I wonder if Jeremy Vine will face police investigation now, for allowing his guest to argue Laurence Fox can be judged on the colour of his skin and who his parents are, and not on his ideas or the content of his character?
Jez’ people probs getting an earful from the ‘talent’.
Based on what I have seen so far, Yasmin is far more bigoted than Lawrence is. And utterly nasty about it too. We just witnessed flat out racism against whites (which Lawrence Fox first talked about on QT), which, sadly, went unchallenged.
Is that an opinion formed before or after she got involved with mental health?
I get the impression that she has changed a lot and at least is trying to help people, something that has never been true of YAB, who should be returned to Uganda, seeing as she hates her rescuers so much.
Liz MacKean, 52 worked at the BBC until she decided to quit in 2013 after executives banned her groundbreaking and brave investigation into pedophile Jimmy Savile in order to protect him and other high level pedophiles from exposure.
“Brexit: Time for trade deal getting short, PM warns”
That was 2 days ago . Al Beeb is a little silent about rumours of BoJo buckling from that deadline . The French want our fish !
Wil Bojo undermine Lord (frosty) Frost .
Expect breaking news tomorrow if not sooner.
I don’t know why so many on this website think that the
BBC is obsessed by diversity , positive discrimination
and ” inclusiveness,” particularly on their internet pages.
In a country such as the United Kingdom where the
ethnic community make up 86% of the population and
the indigenous only 14% should we grumble that only
just over 50% of content is about ethnic matters?
Don’t you get goose pimples when on 10 Premiership
football matches every week you see the players taking the knee?
This is what makes the UK a great country and we can all thank
BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept for educating the unwashed. I only wish I could be here when London’s name
is changed to Londonistan. And you can tell that to the marines.
Today I am presenting a Bill to Parliament that would make it legal to draw up all-ethnic minority shortlists for the selection of candidates in elections.
We cannot hope to beat racial injustice unless the people making decisions genuinely represent our diverse nation.
Not my usual rant about the BBC im afraid.
Just been diagnosed with COVID so hopefully my experiences may help some of you should you be in the same position as myself.
My company encourages 50 50 working so I tend to work from home Thursday Friday (ok 60 -40) I had downloaded the track and trace app and had a cheeky drink in Halifax Friday night logging in pubs with QR codes so whilst having a drink I was behaving in a responsible manner and was home in bed by 10:30.
I awoke Saturday morning to a strange red circle on my notifications saying….ive been close to someone infected thinking it was a hoax (the app doesn’t tell you what a warning looks like….an omission i believe) anyway Saturday passed without incident. Sunday i awake with a bit of a phlegm cough….just one of those things I get now and again . Sunday evening arrives and I feel dizzy and quite warm still with a cough. Got up Monday didnt like the signs so decided to work from home following our Covid procedures. So I booked a test at the walk in centre in Halifax for 15:30 through the NHS all very professional and impressive. The Halifax COVID test centre looked like the Great British Bake off tent but all the staff where brilliant and helpful. For those not having had the test it involves placing a swab down your throat then up your nose it is terrible and at this point I’d like to make a profound apology to anybody I have gagged or gimped in my life. So results in 24 – 48 hours.Today (day 3 of having symptoms) i have felt on the whole lot better, however and this will seem strange. I had an awful taste in my mouth (again I think I need to offer apologies) of what tasted like soil or cast iron ??? And then about 2pm this afternoon all I could smell was acetic acid e.g. Silicon curring. It was that bad I got my tools out and looked under stairs etc in case a tube had bust. Confirmation came more or less exactly 48 hours after the test. Im now confined to home for ten days let’s hope it passes without event. If it does start to go downhill I hope youll all attend my cyber pitty party. Take care everyone and look after yourselves.
Halifax – as a registered God Botherer I will ask for boss to favour you. Thank you very much for telling us all about this and we hope you have the easiest time possible .
It’s about 99% recovery rate mate (including the ones that get zero symptoms) so you should be alright.
And the NHS will be better than it was
Make sure get a bit of sun in the garden, for your daily vitamin D dose.
If you are able to add a note to the daily updates requested by The Kaiser, I would be interested to know: 1. have you had to be prescribed a lot of antibiotics (including penicillin) in your past, and, 2. have you suffered an allergic reaction to any of them. No need to say which ones.
If you feel that answering those two questions puts too much personal info in the public domain then please don’t bother. But the MedicMe* is kinda curious.
* Like Mini Me but, hopefully, less ugly and a lot less dangerous.
Up2. No secrets here.
I haven’t got a history of antibiotic prescriptions thats abnormal only once every five years or so as to which ones I haven’t got a clue. I am overweight and 63 and I do get a phlegm cough every year which is usually sorted with steriods so ill be asking the doctor tomorrow for some. I dont smoke but worked with nasty stuff all my life fibre glass hardwoods asbestos etc etc so I might have an ongoing lung condition. Anyway I digress. I still despise the BBC….
OK, thanks for that. That’s one explanation for the taste and smell gone out the window. I will also have a word with Fed’s Boss in the Great Upthere’s on your behalf. 😉 Maybe you could lean on your GP for an X-ray.
If it’s any comfort, I have never smoked but first thing in the morning in the damper days in winter and either side thereof, I can sound like a dedicated, lifelong, two-packets-a-day puffer.
Hope your symptoms don’t worsen and that you recover very quickly, Halifax, with no lasting effects.
I felt a bit dicky and had the test a couple of months back in Chessington which is the site they showed empty and forlorn on telly in the early days. It was the same when I visited, a few tents and fewer patients. I didn’t find the test distressing in any way, which I found rather odd because I have a gag reflex which has my dentist recoiling in horror whenever she is working in my maw for fear of projectile vomiting. And as for sticking something up my nose, it was the first time since a St Johns guy offered to probe my badly smashed proboscis during a rugby match.
Thank you for all the kind thoughts. If I dont make it can someone arrange for my ashes to be scattered by Lawrence Fox in the foyer of broadcasting House….ta
Poor old Keir Starmer. During some wakeful periods during the previous night it struck me how like a Creature of the Night, a vampire, he is but he cannot ever get things really right for his Party or to be a successful vampire.
Just as he’s about to sink his fangs into the neck of a pretty young white female of the species and drink some blood, someone in Labour or the Unions or Momentum or BLM screams “Don’t forget about the LBGTQ variants.” or “Black Lives Matter – where’s our equality of opportunity?” And then all the time, the garlic munchers on the Government benches are sharpening their stakes and waving them at him with the mallets behind their backs. So are some even on his own side.
Keir Starmer as pictured on the BBC web-site frequently looks lost, he manages to get out in daylight but the pain is etched on his face and his eyes are often dead. All the time behind him, someone is plotting his overthrow and we can all guess who that might be. A figure with an equally pained or puzzled expression . . . …
It may not be long before the wind is blowing the ashes of Keir Starmer away.
I’m sure many here will have been closely following the BBC’s reporting of the New York Post revelation regarding Joe Biden and a Ukrainian energy company. No? You didn’t notice it? Well, that’s not surprising as they’ve been ignoring it. Like most other MSM.
Now, I don’t pretend to know the detail of this story. But it seems on the face of it to implicate Biden in leaning on Ukrainian authorities when Vice President to stop investigating a company in which his son had interests. Certainly many who take an interest in US politics seem to think it’s big, with the caveat that they would say that, wouldn’t they.
What is deeply unsettling here is that Facebook and Twitter are actively blocking any links to the story. Try to post on Twitter and you get this:
Potentially harmful to Joe Biden, I think they mean.
Here we have the main social media companies directly censoring information of relevance to the US election, with the connivance of most of the mainstream media including the BBC. This is a very disturbing turn of events, if not particularly surprising.
Trump should have taken them down while he had the chance. It is too late for this election and may well cost him the Presidency. I fear for our future if he does not win.
I too fear for the future if Biden wins. But even a second term for Trump doesn’t mean that the Woke liberal elite will be driven from the field. Right across the Liberals hold the vast majority of powerful institutions , usually unelected positions to which they have been appointed by their political allies, and they use this power to prevent populists from being able to implement their policies. We are in a ratchet position, undoing Wokism and swamp draining is very very difficult. I’m not sure that democracy can undo the hold that the liberal Wokists have established in the past twenty or thirty years.
\\Covid-19: Boris Johnson defends regional curbs but ‘rules nothing out’//
‘Boiling Frog Syndrome’. IMHO BoJo is gradually closing the country down. Trying to stop the pandemic is symbolic of the ‘Dutch boy putting his finger in a leaking dike’.
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Up2snuffMar 9, 16:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 TWoTWee Watch #1 – another new name and new voice presenting? BBC recruitment is out of control! I think she…
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Fedup2Mar 9, 14:59 Weekend 8th March 2025 Rupert Lowe MP – previously of the Reform shambols – is still guns blazing on X – looks like he…
Catchup links to last thread
– page 4 just started 10am Wednesday morning
– page 3
I guess that i a parody account of the Jackie Walker kicked out of Labour for anti-Semitism stuff
No looks like her real account she just tweeted about her new lecture
“The African holocaust”
What happened about the consultation on the BBC telly tax which closed on April 1 ?
We dont even see the comments that were posted .
Nibor -a government minister promised it would be published “at the end of Summer” presumably now 2021 …..
….. i reckon on releasing it over christmas or when the whole country is locked up again…
You cant say the BBC is afraid of the truth .
Look at the way they fight it .
New Sagon video
“Even the RAF have become absorbed by the language of the left”
BTW there is a new summary video of a mad American YouTuber’ punishment-copyright court case against Sargon …it ended in her being told to pay Sargon £39K costs
Her new action have been to shout “white supremacist, white supremacist, white supremacist” at him and say the judge i a Donald Trump flunky
Viva Frei says this looks like contempt of court.
BTW Sargon is hardly likely to be a “white supremacist”, given that his own father is non-white and his surname actually comes from being a descendent of slaves”
Yes if slave reparation came in Sargon would be due a payment.Monday’s vid
Shock news for fans of
Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah
That she is to take on a job on radio 5 live – taking over from the Barnett one who is going off to ‘hate men ‘ hour om Radio 4 pravda ….
Another shoe-in, and a lucky BBC pensionable escape from being a total waste of electricity as a ‘presenter’.
Thick as two short planks, and very unwelcome because such ignorance isn’t what the TV tax is demanded for.
Another day, another race-baiting story on the BBC website. In fact, such stories appear in almost every section, every day on the site and seem to be the BBC’s only real topic of interest.
Today’s racist story in the business section (there also always plenty): ‘I was mistaken for a security guard at my first banking job’.
It’s strange, I was mistaken only recently for the gardener when I was working outside the front of my house. I just laughed about it and realised that I should wear better clothes when sweeping the drive.
At the end of PMQs the bbc normally cant wait to get away from it . But today Dawn Tinted Windows Butler MP for anti police coloured types raised a point of order .
Im sure the BBC were ready for some coloured winge about being mustaken for the cleaning staff again – but instead she just rambled about some Bill no one cares about .
Then a labour spokesman told is how the starmer had won the day – but then it turned out to be a BBC correspondent – so no difference really – apart from taxpayer funding
After listening to the BBC please wash your hands
Im off to deezer
PMQs – Starmer said that yesterday “441 Covid patients were on ventilators”.
Does anyone know where this information comes from?
theisland, i don’t know but like everything he picks and chooses forensically. So it must be correct.
I wonder for a moment if they ever discuss the figures for those dying through not receiving treatment because of COVID and the obsession with saving ‘r anychess’ ?
The Association of Intensive Care Medicine release figures daily by updating a spreadsheet.
Radio5 Dead at 06.45 this morning was a 10 minute party political Broadcast for the Sir Kweer Snake Charmer and his merits and wonderfulness.
Never forget he was pictured in office ‘taking a knee’. A potential leader of this country. Disgusting and disgraceful on many levels.
Anyways, 5Dead then went straight into COVID and Lockdown doom, doom and more doom mode, with the latest buzzword ‘circuit breaker’.
I don’t listen much anymore as am long since immune to the scum journalism and propaganda pushed by Al Beeb – but to the old, infirm, younger people or slightly weak-minded its terrible terrible radio, all agenda pushing and despair that could lead to horrendous mental health issues or worse.
I’m contemplating another MPs letter and Ofcom email for what its worth because, frankly they should be stopped from broadcasting this 24/7 doom fest to the nation.
I just hope many, like us here don’t listen or pay for it anymore.
R5Dead has – at least – a bloke like Dotun, who, if you’re not cross, does at least try to balance the books.
Tomorrow (Thursday), he’ll do his Jukebox thing, with either Mark Webster, or Jonathan Wingate, and I actually enjoy the banter, except when they have crap music and gormless callers, but hey-ho, it’s three in the morning…
I want to hear some ‘Genesis, or ‘Yes’ – maybe some ‘Pink Floyd’!
May I recommend ‘Courtesan’ by Courtesan on Deezer. A fine album.
New Belfield video Express survey 95% Can’t Stand @BBC
That comes from this article
” poll of 15,730 * readers *,
conducted on Sunday October 11 between 10.47am and 8pm asked
is the BBC worth the £157.60 per year licence fee?
A huge 95 percent (14,957) of people did not think it was worth it and voted no.
Just four percent (648) of respondents thought the BBC was worth the outlay and voted yes”
648 BBC staff , family and friends £££ £ ….
So, who will replace Vile, at suitably inflated wedge, whilst he is in chokey for wheeling this harpie harridan out?
Not like he can claim he was unaware of what she is hired to say.
An article entitled The End of Appeasement ? is very well written and worthwhile. It is by Colonel Richard Kemp is a former British Army Commander. He was also head of the international terrorism team in the U.K. Cabinet Office and is now a writer and speaker on international and military affairs. He refers to the BBC as well.
Im starting to see the pattern – margolis – alibi dark – a kind of media hysteria fueled by the need to shout ‘ racist ‘ …
Lynette – thanks – still not much good news . I fear the good colonel had to be ‘ shallow ‘ in his writing due to the anti freedom provisions of various Public Order Acts ‘ – islam has gone back into the shadows as a threat due to covid .
Also – the father of the far left – comrade corbyn is probably in cuba writing his book …
Our dear beatified Duchess of Summat has been spouting again. This time to claim she is trying to avoid controversy to avoid risk!
I suspect only to avoid “controversy” that she cannot put an invoice on….
“The Duchess of Sussex has said she avoids saying anything too “controversial” for fear of putting her family “in a position of risk”.
Speaking at a virtual summit, Meghan said she instead chose to talk about “fairly straight forward” topics “like exercising your right to vote”.”
As long as you vote DEM?
Back-tracking whitewash if I can use that expression. It was totally clear what Meghan and under-the-thumb Hapless Harry were trying to do….
Dump the Trump no less!
And from whom does she actually fear at risk from? Some gang of leather-clad bikers wearing MAGA hats turning up at their condominium with burning crosses?
More likely to be a horde of lefty Anti-Fascists who hate Royalty putting the windows in if you ask me!
@Digg did you pay the $1,750 to listen in to that virtual summit, where Meghan poke for 15 mins.
Wow ????. Quite the U-Turn indeed. Are the BBC all over this ?? They love reporting u turns and division !!!
Or is that just when it’s the Tories ??
Madness. Talk about over egging the pudding !!!!!
Rita Chicken Tikka Balti on BBC interviewing Desmond Swayne , who wants restrictions lifted.
You can sense the great delight in her voice when she tells him ….
“Well it looks like you are on the wrong side of the argument as it seems restrictions will be tightened further”
She couldn’t hide her glee.
Why does the BBC want the country in lockdown and the economy trashed ????
Because the BBC hates Britain !!!!!!!!
And trashing the economy has little or no impact on the BBC or the inflated salaries of its staff. So why worry.
A bit like the members of the SAGE committee who all pick up a fat cheque at the end of the month and irrespective of any decisions they may make about the livelihoods of others.
Send a few of those who have tested positive into the BBC and then lets see and hear how they feel-might close the whole place down-no of course not , that would be just too easy.
R4 3:30pm Test and Trace are so data protection mad, that if 6 people download the app in your house, and one of them gets it, they make 5 separate phone calls to your house to warn the others.
Says one Hospital SRN Nurse with many years experience and now feeling frustrated at the incompetence of authority’s control, states-‘The Mickey Mouse test kits being sent out to hospitals, at best, tell analysts you have some viral DNA in your cells. Which most of us do, most of the time. It may tell you the viral sequence is related to a specific type of virus – say the huge family of coronavirus. But that’s all. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus like COVID-19 is nonsense. And that’s not even getting into the other issue – viral load.’ One has to question the figures of those testing positive that is coming out of Government. Scaremongeing again?
Amol at 4:30pm
“Does journalism still report the facts or has it been hijacked by opinion?”
ha ha .
“have some journalists had their brains hijacked by social media opinion?
Guests: Helen Lewis, staff writer at The Atlantic and former deputy editor of the New Statesman
and Piers Morgan, journalist and THE MAN WITH A NEW BOOK TO PLUG
…. No room for non-metroliberals then
Funny how they try to conceal their propaganda group think by pretending to ask such questions . Actually the question answers itself …..
Not funny at all. Utterly cynical.
But point made.
So many BBC Whatnots hard to keep up, but if the BBC its position is probably to the left of Lenin.
@Ofcom starting* to take stock of BBC Sounds and its expansion
… * pretending maybe
Bbbc radio newcastle this morning had a local mp on talking about child poverty and meals for school saying a mother had told her she could only send one of her children to school because she could only afford one packed lunch.
Six slices of bread with sliced egg or meat paste would cost about 30-60p. She can’t afford that?
The one(s) staying at home still have to eat (or is the one going to school the only one fed that day)
It seems that free school meals must no longer exist.
They had them in my schooldays (50/60’s) and I thought they still had them.
Unless, of course, this sorry tale is just opportunistic crap.
They said we had 35% child poverty in the NE and last night were showing on the tv children’s hands using their iPhones.
It appears that child poverty is having last years iPhone.
I thought there was all kinds of payments, child allowance, free council tax, rent subsidies and all sorts of help and money all waiting to be given to parents of starving children.
Anybody know the minimum sum mothers can get free for their children plus, if she’s not working, her payments from the state?
Is it like ‘Cathy come home’ and are children dying of starvation in the UK or is this all a load of rubbish.
A little like the umnemployed scroungers from down the road who have a year old car and yet still get their brat sent to schoool everyday in a taxi WITH an escort in PPE
I follow your thinking Emmanuel absolutely- Sheer bloody dam laziness in most cases-my wife and I had three boys who all went with good pack lunches to school as and when neccessary othewise they ate the school meals and we would ensure there was enough money to do so-yes it might we would have to go without, so be it. However the most important factor in all this as my wife still maintains is that so many women have never been taught to cook or even the simplest basics, such as making soup for example. Some parents have come to expect too much to be provided by the state rather then taking responsibility for themselves and their family. Ignorance abounds in society.
Tarien – now that the state has taken responsibility for feeding maybe it should take control of breeding ? Only approved types may be able to reproduce . Others will be sterilised with a tax benefit or compulsory removal for unauthorised births – this will – of course – protect the NHS and ensure that the country is properly ‘diverse’ . The decision will be made by a diverse tribunal ….
TalkRadio just aired Imran Ahmed from Labour front group CCDigitalHate from Washington
“Anti-vaxxers are people who are TRYING TO HARM society”
… They are generally wrong, but the whole point of their campaigning is that they are trying to HELP society
Imran is being particularly vindictive in his wording
The topic was a new Facebook policy whereby they have banned antivax adverts, but not banned antivaxxers
8pm The Moral Authority of Organised Religion
what no Imams ?
Panel : Andrew Doyle, Giles Fraser, Melanie Phillips and Mona Siddiqui
The Church of England’s deference meant child sex perpetrators were allowed to hide and, when exposed, were often given more support than their victims.
pattern of behaviour and cover-up is shocking but depressingly familiar.
Britain’s churches have lost all moral credibility
Others say that the good done by organised religion in tackling poverty, comforting the bereaved and showing strong leadership on some of the key moral issues of the day, should not be overlooked.
For many people, rules-based religion has had its day.
.. out of step on many progressive issues like gender equality and same-sex marriage;
Guests Dr Ed Condon Catholic journalist
Rt Rev Philip North,
Francesca Stavrokopoulou Prof of Hebrew Bible. Atheist.
and Rev Stephen Trott.
Funny on a prog about challenging religion all the guests seem white.
Although claiming to prioritise diversity the BBC only dares to challenge indigenous branch of religion
rather than the imported growing religions
All big orgs have problems with
“protect the org at all costs” mentality
including the BBC itself.
Just a bit of trivia, really and only obliquely about the BBC.
Among the TV Choices in today’s Daily Mail listings is Abigail’s Party, on BBC4 tonight at 9pm. Their recommendation partly reads:
“First shown in 1977, it’s lost none of its power – actually, Abigail’s sense of home decor probably seems worse now than it did then.”
This is a famous bit of British TV and one of the most celebrated segments of Play for Today. I won’t be watching it tonight ‘cos I’m not really a fan of either Mike Leigh or Alison Steadman but from memory I can tell the Mail’s TV journo one thing – Abigail isn’t a character in the play, she’s the unseen daughter of one of the adult characters. So they’re recommending a play they’ve never seen – or don’t remember properly – because it has a good reputation.
Like I say, trivial but such things always lead me to ask questions like:
a) What proportion of journalists (in print or broadcast) have very little knowledge of the subject they cover (in this case Entertainment) but jealously cling to their jobs anyway?
b) When they don’t know something, what proportion simply go with the herd and offer the most popular opinion?
I suspect the answers are a) A lot; and b) Even more.
They’re winging it.
Medialand has a culture of winging it.
Well, they almost never seem to understand much about the planning system eg not understanding the purpose of green belts, etc.
“HS2 costs rise again weeks after work begins”
Scrap it now and cut our losses . The money should be spent on contingency plans ready if we go WTO. Spend the money saved by building up the Royal Navy to protect our seas from ‘fishing pirates’ and ‘cross channel invaders ‘. Unemployment levels will soar at the end of this year so the building of warships and recruitment drive by the navy will help secure our food supply and create jobs .
Do it now before there will be “lessons to be learned”.
On Breitbart it’s noting that no charges will be made following the ‘unmasking’ investigation into what went on in the Obama WH. Yet again another disappointment. The full details of the investigation have not yet been released but there are indications that the DOJ may find that there was an abuse of power but nothing which broke the law! Sounds awfully like the investigation into Comey and it’s conclusion. I’m sure that Barr could have made charges stick if he had wanted to or at the very least made the findings public and shamed, if they have any shame, the Obama officials who did this. But no , we just see another group of deep state swamp dwellers getting away with it.
President Trump has been very badly served by those he appointed. Initially I believed this to be because the Never Trumpers in the Republican Party mislead him and filled his administration with their own people who were tasked with stopping him implementing his promises to the people who voted for him. But by now I’m sure he knows all the tricks of the trade and yet he still can’t get anyone at the DOJ to bring the culprits to trial. I increasingly suspect that this is because the deep state has so much dirt on every US politician or senior official that they can intimidate and silence anyone who has had a career in public life in the last thirty years. Toe the line or we will break you and your family, we saw this with General Flynn.
Will a second term change anything? Will the Presdent be able to significantly drain the swamp? Will thedeep state lose its power? I fear not. It’s just the same over here. We can vote for whomever we choose but the people who implement government policy , or are supposed to, do exactly as they like regardless of what their elected bosses say. In modern democracies the demos is powerless , elections are a charade to keep us quiet.
Not the bbbc …
Sukeer gets called out
Nick This Side Of The Pond is going more with what Surkeer has said that suits, by way of ‘reporting’.
Guest, it didn’t quite come out like that though in the clip broadcast on TWatO today. Keir stumbled or hesitated just at the wrong moment and the howls of outrage turned into jeers from the Government side of the House. We couldn’t see if any finger pointing or gesturing was done by Starmer on radio, of course. He probably should have remembered that.
It sounded on radio like he was refering to himself as the opportunist.
Which he is.
Looks like plod is using the Stasi handbook to repress unauthorised views … and stressing their victim out using stunts like ‘proportionality ‘….first used – of course – on Tommy Robinson very effectively in the end …
In this case it was not even ‘on purpose ‘ but they have lowered their threshold of attack …
.. on another front – having used an East London bs today I witnessed a ‘scrap’ between a black ‘lady ‘ passenger and another passenger over her refusal to wear a mask . A very common practice here – and ignored by bus drivers and tube staff
And we are meant to applaud each week for this lot?
Shocking moment ‘two female NURSES wrestle on the ground during brawl in hospital café
Two health worker are seen having an heated argument in an empty cafeteria
Pair then violently brawl on the floor before pulling at each other’s hair
Footage of the incident is believed to have been filmed in a hospital
Is a scrap between two black women more important than this?? I would submit that it is — if you are a Communist.
Also in the Fail.
Winning formula, see.
FFS! I watched and they were all totally crap!
You can’t all be Nadia’s, grow up…
And Nadia only won the Show because…………………
RACISIM Against white people, absolutely these days.
Seldom tempted to chip in on crowdfunding efforts, but in this case…
im in
He just wants a prepaid holiday
Yeah but, no but, when Ash gets there and the locals realise what has befallen them, then Priti Patel may well be given an example of how to do a proper deportation.
And pronto.
It appears that the regions are jumping on the Governments Covid restrictions merry-go-round to go for a power grab.
I just listened to a Welsh minister using the words…
“I have asked the Government for a written response to our requests. No such paper has been received therefore we are making our own arrangements”
He might as well have said..
” I have asked England for a response to our requests, no such paper has been received, therefore we are at war with England”
and as for the Vichy Scottish SNP’s…… nuff said!
BBC will soon cover this ……NOT !!!
6 pm BBC1 last night and there was Sir Keir calling for a full national lockdown. I switched off after only a few seconds.
Tonight Northern Ireland has announced a full lockdown and there is nothing but criticism from the BBC. Or at least constant criticism for the first 10 minutes and then I switched off. I presume the criticism is because NI is led by Arlene Philips. If Boris announced a full lockdown for England I expect we would have the same attack, and either Sir Keir’s stance would be forgotten or we would be told that the government was doing what the opposition wanted but far too late.
Exactly. Whatever the government they are criticised from their left and from their right. So in BBC speak they must be getting it about right!
ITV local news : petition that all hairdressers be forced to study how to do Afro cuts.
WTF That’s like saying all female hairdressers be forced to study how to cut beards.
When I living in Asia I generally walk in, and say you’ve got the clippers, give them to me and I’ll do it myself.
rather than them screw up my beard etc.
Cos most are just used to local hair types.
preceding item was about a mixed race mother and daughter family.
The mother has a brain condition, so the girls has to spend 30 hours/week caring for her.
Most young female hairdressers have problems getting ANY style right. I haven’t crossed the threshold of any hairdressing establishment for 30 odd years, since when I came out looking like how Gloria Hunniford looked in 1980 – instead of the Jo Wood style I wanted.
Bit hesitant about posting this as it’s a video with no connection to the BBC – except for the shared conviction that Britain should be portrayed as historically full of BAME and its fiction revised to suit.
What is it? Trailer for new movie ‘Come Away’ starring Angelina Jolie and David Oyelowo – an Alice in Wonderland/Peter Pan mash-up where Alice and Peter are black brother and sister. Mad Hatter and Captain Hook are black, too (wasn’t James Hook upper-class, Eton-educated?).
Maybe this is just Hollywood continually returning to the same wells for lack of originality (there have been 2 x Alice and 2 x Peter movies already this century) but it’s hard to believe they’re not trolling us. Do they really think this will make money? No doubt most paid reviewers will be too cowed to state what is obvious.
The people who say – and some already are – “These are fantasy characters, they can be any race” are surely missing the fact that Alice and Peter had real-life counterparts in Alice Liddell and Peter Llewelyn-Davies.
Hollywood is dying. Not because of covid but because it keeps shooting itself in the head like The fricking Deer Hunter.
Well you don’t have to watch Hollywood movies, and let western actors get paid.
Just wait 2 years and the Bollywood Hindi clone will come out.
Trick – how could you give away the plot of The Deer Hunter ? No spoiler alert …. I jest … over one of the most tedious films to get awards – but that idiot De Niro was in it ….nuff said ….
The Deer Hunter is a pretty stupid movie – a small Pennsylvania Steeltown with its own cathedral? A bloke survives years of playing Russian Roulette?
And as well as De Niro there’s an astonishingly vapid performance by Meryl Streep!
In its defence I will say this – unlike most modern movies I’ve seen, it has a sense of awe about the World. . . and God seems to be present.
Giving away the plot again ! Next you’ll be saying what happened to marlon Brando at the end of ‘Apocalypse Now ‘!
Ok – he went on a diet….
Trick Cyclist : I’m the skeptic you described. Playing around with fantasy tales, is completely different from misrepresenting actual historical characters.
But even then Shakespeare himself misrepresented characters like Richard III.
British artists have taken foreign tales like Ali Baba or the King and I and reinterpreted them with white actors and it worked.
Yes Jolie’s movie will be dire, cos it will pitch virtue signalling over quality. But I am not averse to mixed black white actor groups making good films like Blazing Saddles etc.
Partly agree with what you say – screen adaptations of Peter Pan have already been heavily Americanised. On the other hand, I don’t see why fictional characters shouldn’t have a native race – in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the Tenniel illustrations show her as white.
It’s not like J.K. Rowling challenging Harry Potter fans to find a description of Hermione’s race in the Harry Potter novels when a black actress was cast in the part on stage.
Alice and Peter might be fantasy characters, but they were inspired by real people – if film-makers want to re-cast them as black, maybe they should have the good sense to place them in an appropriate context – not Victorian/Edwardian England.
As you say, it’s been done before – which reminds me, must get around to watching my Blu-Ray of The Wiz sometime.
BTW – if you want to watch a great black/white comedy – Trading Places, not Blazing Saddles!
“The Sheriff’s a DONG”
ITV just announced that the satellite versions will now include your local news in HD.
Breaking. Well, popping.
Is Dick on Jez’ case yet?
YAB of course is a defective species.
She and Tommy Lee could make quite the couple on Love Island.
Jez’ people probs getting an earful from the ‘talent’.
Ruby wacks ‘older sister – mad as a frog – she knows she has a lot of race industry competition so tries to corner the market …
What have you got against Ruby Wax?
Is that an opinion formed before or after she got involved with mental health?
I get the impression that she has changed a lot and at least is trying to help people, something that has never been true of YAB, who should be returned to Uganda, seeing as she hates her rescuers so much.
Upcoming BBC Savile drama
Savile drama-doc: How the BBC “Got it about right”
“Brexit: Time for trade deal getting short, PM warns”
That was 2 days ago . Al Beeb is a little silent about rumours of BoJo buckling from that deadline . The French want our fish !
Wil Bojo undermine Lord (frosty) Frost .
Expect breaking news tomorrow if not sooner.
Dominic west to play Jimmy Saville …. or maybe Lenward George Henry …
Jim might just fix it for the Bbbc.
I don’t know why so many on this website think that the
BBC is obsessed by diversity , positive discrimination
and ” inclusiveness,” particularly on their internet pages.
In a country such as the United Kingdom where the
ethnic community make up 86% of the population and
the indigenous only 14% should we grumble that only
just over 50% of content is about ethnic matters?
Don’t you get goose pimples when on 10 Premiership
football matches every week you see the players taking the knee?
This is what makes the UK a great country and we can all thank
BIG BROTHER from the diversity dept for educating the unwashed. I only wish I could be here when London’s name
is changed to Londonistan. And you can tell that to the marines.
What actual planet are these libtards on ??????
This in itself, is RACIST, you stupid woman !!!!!
More like Wera nutcase!
The Limpdems have just scored an own goal!.
“Back of the Net” in fact.
thats an easy one , resign and insist on a bame bye election
You are being too hard on this white German.
This might be the only chance for the indigenous British to get an MP that looks like them in Birmingham, Bolton or Rotherham.
Or maybe she is making reparations to the BAMEs after making ‘upskirting’ a crime?
If she cut her wages to that of a poor person then that will be a bit more diverse .
Restricting the choice. Very democratic. Not. But I really get the feeling they don’t care too much about actual democracy these days.
Not my usual rant about the BBC im afraid.
Just been diagnosed with COVID so hopefully my experiences may help some of you should you be in the same position as myself.
My company encourages 50 50 working so I tend to work from home Thursday Friday (ok 60 -40) I had downloaded the track and trace app and had a cheeky drink in Halifax Friday night logging in pubs with QR codes so whilst having a drink I was behaving in a responsible manner and was home in bed by 10:30.
I awoke Saturday morning to a strange red circle on my notifications saying….ive been close to someone infected thinking it was a hoax (the app doesn’t tell you what a warning looks like….an omission i believe) anyway Saturday passed without incident. Sunday i awake with a bit of a phlegm cough….just one of those things I get now and again . Sunday evening arrives and I feel dizzy and quite warm still with a cough. Got up Monday didnt like the signs so decided to work from home following our Covid procedures. So I booked a test at the walk in centre in Halifax for 15:30 through the NHS all very professional and impressive. The Halifax COVID test centre looked like the Great British Bake off tent but all the staff where brilliant and helpful. For those not having had the test it involves placing a swab down your throat then up your nose it is terrible and at this point I’d like to make a profound apology to anybody I have gagged or gimped in my life. So results in 24 – 48 hours.Today (day 3 of having symptoms) i have felt on the whole lot better, however and this will seem strange. I had an awful taste in my mouth (again I think I need to offer apologies) of what tasted like soil or cast iron ??? And then about 2pm this afternoon all I could smell was acetic acid e.g. Silicon curring. It was that bad I got my tools out and looked under stairs etc in case a tube had bust. Confirmation came more or less exactly 48 hours after the test. Im now confined to home for ten days let’s hope it passes without event. If it does start to go downhill I hope youll all attend my cyber pitty party. Take care everyone and look after yourselves.
Take it easy Halifax ????. Wishing you a speedy recovery ????
Halifax – as a registered God Botherer I will ask for boss to favour you. Thank you very much for telling us all about this and we hope you have the easiest time possible .
If able – please keep up posted …. ❤️
Get better soon from me as well. If you have any vitamin D3 tables, take them (Dr John Campbell on Youtube thinks they might do some good).
daily updates please Halifax if your up to it
It’s about 99% recovery rate mate (including the ones that get zero symptoms) so you should be alright.
And the NHS will be better than it was
Make sure get a bit of sun in the garden, for your daily vitamin D dose.
Halifax, I echo Fed’s thought.
If you are able to add a note to the daily updates requested by The Kaiser, I would be interested to know: 1. have you had to be prescribed a lot of antibiotics (including penicillin) in your past, and, 2. have you suffered an allergic reaction to any of them. No need to say which ones.
If you feel that answering those two questions puts too much personal info in the public domain then please don’t bother. But the MedicMe* is kinda curious.
* Like Mini Me but, hopefully, less ugly and a lot less dangerous.
Up2. No secrets here.
I haven’t got a history of antibiotic prescriptions thats abnormal only once every five years or so as to which ones I haven’t got a clue. I am overweight and 63 and I do get a phlegm cough every year which is usually sorted with steriods so ill be asking the doctor tomorrow for some. I dont smoke but worked with nasty stuff all my life fibre glass hardwoods asbestos etc etc so I might have an ongoing lung condition. Anyway I digress. I still despise the BBC….
Sorry forgot to add never had an allergic reaction to penicillin.
OK, thanks for that. That’s one explanation for the taste and smell gone out the window. I will also have a word with Fed’s Boss in the Great Upthere’s on your behalf. 😉 Maybe you could lean on your GP for an X-ray.
If it’s any comfort, I have never smoked but first thing in the morning in the damper days in winter and either side thereof, I can sound like a dedicated, lifelong, two-packets-a-day puffer.
Best of British for a rapid recovery, Halifax.
Hope your symptoms don’t worsen and that you recover very quickly, Halifax, with no lasting effects.
I felt a bit dicky and had the test a couple of months back in Chessington which is the site they showed empty and forlorn on telly in the early days. It was the same when I visited, a few tents and fewer patients. I didn’t find the test distressing in any way, which I found rather odd because I have a gag reflex which has my dentist recoiling in horror whenever she is working in my maw for fear of projectile vomiting. And as for sticking something up my nose, it was the first time since a St Johns guy offered to probe my badly smashed proboscis during a rugby match.
Hope you are already feeling much better and that that is the end of all you symptoms.
All the very best, Halifax. Hope you feel better soon.
Look after yourself as best as you can.
Thank you for all the kind thoughts. If I dont make it can someone arrange for my ashes to be scattered by Lawrence Fox in the foyer of broadcasting House….ta
From Hell, Hull and Halifax, the Lord protect us, oh and wear your ferking mask.
NV, you forgot the lang legged beasties ‘cos they make me sneeze and cough and ooze and dribble but you probably don’t want to know that . . …. 🙁
Are you sure that ashes are still highly contagious?
Poor old Keir Starmer. During some wakeful periods during the previous night it struck me how like a Creature of the Night, a vampire, he is but he cannot ever get things really right for his Party or to be a successful vampire.
Just as he’s about to sink his fangs into the neck of a pretty young white female of the species and drink some blood, someone in Labour or the Unions or Momentum or BLM screams “Don’t forget about the LBGTQ variants.” or “Black Lives Matter – where’s our equality of opportunity?” And then all the time, the garlic munchers on the Government benches are sharpening their stakes and waving them at him with the mallets behind their backs. So are some even on his own side.
Keir Starmer as pictured on the BBC web-site frequently looks lost, he manages to get out in daylight but the pain is etched on his face and his eyes are often dead. All the time behind him, someone is plotting his overthrow and we can all guess who that might be. A figure with an equally pained or puzzled expression . . . …
It may not be long before the wind is blowing the ashes of Keir Starmer away.
I’m sure many here will have been closely following the BBC’s reporting of the New York Post revelation regarding Joe Biden and a Ukrainian energy company. No? You didn’t notice it? Well, that’s not surprising as they’ve been ignoring it. Like most other MSM.
Now, I don’t pretend to know the detail of this story. But it seems on the face of it to implicate Biden in leaning on Ukrainian authorities when Vice President to stop investigating a company in which his son had interests. Certainly many who take an interest in US politics seem to think it’s big, with the caveat that they would say that, wouldn’t they.
For anyone who wants to look closer, the story is here:
What is deeply unsettling here is that Facebook and Twitter are actively blocking any links to the story. Try to post on Twitter and you get this:

Potentially harmful to Joe Biden, I think they mean.
Here we have the main social media companies directly censoring information of relevance to the US election, with the connivance of most of the mainstream media including the BBC. This is a very disturbing turn of events, if not particularly surprising.
Trump should have taken them down while he had the chance. It is too late for this election and may well cost him the Presidency. I fear for our future if he does not win.
I too fear for the future if Biden wins. But even a second term for Trump doesn’t mean that the Woke liberal elite will be driven from the field. Right across the Liberals hold the vast majority of powerful institutions , usually unelected positions to which they have been appointed by their political allies, and they use this power to prevent populists from being able to implement their policies. We are in a ratchet position, undoing Wokism and swamp draining is very very difficult. I’m not sure that democracy can undo the hold that the liberal Wokists have established in the past twenty or thirty years.
\\Covid-19: Boris Johnson defends regional curbs but ‘rules nothing out’//
‘Boiling Frog Syndrome’. IMHO BoJo is gradually closing the country down. Trying to stop the pandemic is symbolic of the ‘Dutch boy putting his finger in a leaking dike’.