8 days until the US election. Will the Biased Far Left Anti British BBC descend even further to triumphalism as their socialist candidate becomes a shoe in ? And if they are wrong – how will they handle 4 more years of President Trump ? Get your popcorn ready …
Start the Week 26 October 2020
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Free School Dinners. Excuse the pun but this lunchtime Beeb seems to be dining out bigtime at the moment and whipping the woke left up into a frothing frenzy. This will run for days now the snowball has been pushed from the top of the hill. Once again totally biased ‘reporting’
Why is it that Boris or one of his ministers doesn’t stand up and say exactly what many are thinking. £21, Child Allowance, or whatever it is called today, per week for the first child and £14 for subsequent sprogs, I understand. That is a pretty good start to their diet.
Last time I checked we were not a third world country and standards of living are still on the increase. What is falling is the inability of a number of parent(s) to prioritise, putting their child’s needs somewhere near the top of the list and who know if they fail, Marcus will come to the rescue. Of course there are some genuine cases, but the question has to be asked, according to some sources, why are there currently 1.5 million children who will go hungry.
The pitiful mew from Boris is something along the lines of ‘We will see no child go hungry this winter’. Why not challenge these woeful parent(s) over their blatant child neglect.
What next ? Free school meals at weekends, maybe tea as well as lunch and perhaps free uniforms and shoes.
I just warned my MP not to cave in to Labour PR trickery.
Concrete, problem is probably: single mum, at work, several young siblings, say two or three between age of five and thirteen, and teachers and school are expected to be child minders. Some children are now at school for nine or ten hours or more a day, during term time.
Next bit of same problem. Teachers don’t like their work but they do like their holidays and a high proportion of them need their holidays after thirteen weeks of teaching children, some of whom are near feral.
Mum is working in school holidays. No older teens in house to supervise and cook for younger siblings.
What to do?
Problem gets divvied up between private Nursery sector for under fives and Local Authority for older children. The LA has to hire temporary staff who all have the appropriate training & clearances & checks for dealing with children. Freelances who qualify ask for loadsamoney.
But it’s really a stupid situation that Bojo has walked into with his eyes wide shut while looking the other way. His Chancellor is throwing billions every which way and they are skimping on a few extra million quid and being branded as evil, Tory, Nazi, scum for being seen or portrayed as depriving children of food.
Red-pilled 19 yo black “All my black friends carry knives .. I don’t anymore
I don’t have a problem with Stop And Search”
These bstards just do not get it do they ?
Give them a single inch and thay take a mile
they do not give a second thought of the safety of the societies they infest:
Turkey’s President Erdogan calls for a boycott of French goods and accuses Europe of treating Muslims the same way it treated Jews before World War II
Recep Tayyip Erdogan lashed out at European leaders in fiery Ankara speech
He compared continent’s treatment of Muslims to Jews before World War II
Also called for a boycott of French goods, already underway in Qatar and Kuwait
Comes after Emmanuel Macron took a hardened stance against Islamic extremism, following the beheading of a teacher in Paris
Day 12 of Twitter locking the New York Post out of its account
and when someone else tries to promote it’s pro-Trump headline
a warning is clapped on
… First they came for … etc.
More like the Ronnie and Reggie.
What arrest stories have disappeared into the abyss ?
– Back in March the BBC brought a seemingly Trumped up racism charge against a protester in Leicester, has still not made it to court.
– Meanwhile the Leicester BAME got kicked out of Labour due to her harassment charges.
– There should have been various charges against BLM protesters
Someone tried to set fire to th cenotaph flag, another grafittied Churchill’s statue
– The first lot of pirate stowaways
– Church cross vandal has been named
– There’s the illegals arrested for violence at Penally camp
There were violent illegals on the Grande Tema container ship off Margate
21 Dec 2018,
The men, from Nigeria and Liberia, waved metal poles and lobbed faeces and urine after they were discovered hiding aboard the Grande Tema in December 2018.
“Popoola and ringleader McGee were jailed for 31 months and 32 months respectively for making threats to kill and affray.
Ishola Sunday and Samuel Jolumi were handed jail terms of 16 months for affray.”
Our media would tell us if those last 2 are already out and free in the UK wouldn’t they ?
Most people on benefits CAN and DO feed their kids adequately
So what is the point with throwing MORE money at them ?
How are they going to pay for there 60 fags a day, there 15 pints, there Satellite TV, latest model of mobile phone, there 5 takeaways a week….
And yes ive been there when i left the military before people have a go… I gave up my luxuries, held two jobs and walked back and to work (3 miles each way) 6 days a week averaging 14 hours a day. It nearly killed me but i survived
I am sick to the back teeth with people who want everything for nothing and do f–k all about there predicament and just take, take, take, take..!!!!
Of course theres going to be genuine people in need and we need to care for them….
Stew, think you are overlooking one of the big lessons of the Pandemic & Lockdown.
Seventy years of Social Security and the Welfare State have created an incredible level of dependency in and among the UK population. I heard qualified Doctors and Nurses saying months ago, on air on BBC R4, “We need the Government to make PPE equipment available to us.” and “We need to be told when to use it and how to use it. We need training.” and “We haven’t had any directions from Government or anyone.”
Now, it is possible they were/are Labour Party shills and in one or two memorable cases this was revealed after the fact. But in some cases it may not have been.
GPs who run practices as businesses (on behalf of the NHS) were expecting to be handed stuff on a plate by a Government Minister. Same again with private Care Homes. When carers were coming in for my elderly mother, they had been given PPE by their business manager who was hired by the Local Authority. This was years ago. But not today, just a lame bleat “We haven’t been given any protection equipment.”
Someone intelligent enough to train and qualify as a doctor or nurse or carer should be able to work out how to use the tools of their trade.
Spot on. The ‘we need training on PPE etc’ by medics etc was pathetic and I work with a lot of these people. Qualification doesn’t always mean intelligent in a broader sense and sometimes not even in a narrow sense.
And agree why is it the responsibility of the Govt to do these things..especially NHS related – It is the responsibility of the bloody NHS management – who seem to get away without any criticism….
JA, exactly so.
Listen to this (43 mins) – MPs and civil servants misunderstand or refuse to understand the EU Defence and Security Procurement Directive, which created the UK law known as the Defence and Security Public Contract Regulations (DSPCR). The UK is keeping this (so far) after transition but it needs changing because it will continue to have deleterious knock-on effects for the UK. We were drawn into this Directive in 2011 but it has since changed and is a bridge to further EU mechanisms. “Integration by stealth”.
David Banks (VfB) says Ben Wallace needs to listen and start looking at the detail – instead of believing advice from the WRONG people – certain people in Whitehall, EU funded trade unions and defence industry pundits who are influenced by defence companies with (often political) vested interests in keeping the UK in the EU.
“It’s like spider’s web – you touch one bit and you are trapped”.
More that the lying biased corrupt BBC isn’t showing you:
Every single day Trump is out on the road holding massive rallies across the States, with tens of thousands of wildly enthusiastic supporters showing up at the events, and many more thousands waiting outside in long queues, unable to get in.
Even at short notice, even in the cold and rain of Wisconsin or the sun and heat of Florida, they come from hundreds of miles around and queue for hours on end. They chant We Love You, an unprecedented phenomenon in US politics.
And not just one rally, but 2, 3, 4 per day, while sleepy Joe hides in his basement and makes the odd Skype appearance which he always manages to mess up (yesterday forgetting Trump’s name and calling him George, perhaps confusing him with Bush).
NONE of that will the mendacious beeb show you, preferring to sneer and mock and ‘fact check’ every word and occasional mistake among hours of often improvised talks.
Even the American media hide the truth of his popularity and the huge energy and enthusiasm at those rallies. Nearly every time, Trump points to the cameras of the ‘fake news’ at the back and challenges them to ‘turn those cameras around, show the crowds’. They never do of course, except one small independent company that operates on a shoestring from donations called Right Side Broadcasting. See below for link to past rallies and the current one in Pennsylvania.
It’s ok. BBC American BS is going to carefully edit what you need to know.
IF (and he HAS to) he wins, I hope we all really relish twisting the knife into people like Sopel, and the rest of the nasty BBC Biden supporters again, and again, and again.
It will be utterly delicious.
American Booty will have to head to another near empty mall parking lot with a Teleprompter and toot his Fiat 500’s really loud.
Old Goat – The polls are not looking good, but then if i got a phone call asking me who i was voting for, ‘oh and by the way, we know where you live, nice place you have there, shame if we doxxed you and the BLM / Antifa lads came round and set fire to it’… I think I’d say Biden too.
If Orange Man wins, this site should open a thread dedicated exclusively to clips of BBC newsreaders’ faces, perhaps on a loop for maximum enjoyment?
Top of the bill must surely go to soapy Sopel, catty Katty and lurcher Zurcher, followed by all the other biased overpaid newsreaders and autocuties.
Perhaps we could have other categories, like at the Oscars. One could be ‘Mad liberal snowflakes hysterically screaming and crying in their cars’ (there are many such already but we can expect a ton of new ones).
Another category could be for Most Woke Luvvies.
George Looney, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Michael Moore and almost the entirety of Hollywood.
Nearer to home, Emma Watson, Emma Thompson, Helen Mirren and 99.99% of our unfunny woke stand-up ‘comics’.
There could be a special category for UK politicians such as Emir Khant (pronounced long a or short a, works both ways) and Bercow Berk (short for Berkeley Hunt in rhyming slang) and of course Jeremy Cor-bin.
Finally, some magical royal glamour could be added by showing the reaction of our very own Prince and Princess of Markel.
Here’s a little appetiser.
“If Orange Man wins, this site should open a thread dedicated exclusively to clips of BBC newsreaders’ faces, perhaps on a loop for maximum enjoyment?”
I’ll second that.
Fortunately it’s only ‘sophisticated ‘ metro liberals who , methinks like being told stuff they like by a foreign far left outifit that is the BBC …..
I know I haven’t changed any of my personal settings but I’m suddenly getting heaps of e-mails notifying me of new posts to this site.
Anyone else suddenly troubled by this?
Hi Up2, I think its because you may have the “Notify me of follow-up comments…..” box is ticked just below the comments text submit box….
Yes. Box has been ticked.
I had to turn it off because of gallant people like Taffman working through the night as well as the hardcore early risers … I can’t do 24 hour Fedup yet ….
Different subject
Warrington – apparently – is the next place to go to Tier 3 …. has any one seen anything which suggests ‘common factors ‘ which might contribute to these spices —- like many I’m suspicious that vibrant ‘communities ‘ don’t really do English and are too busy breeding to pay much attention to hygiene ….
“I can’t do 24 hour Fedup yet….”
That’s excellent in taffland .
You are doing an excellent job . Keep up the good work .
Taffman – thank you – are I hope you are still getting your supplies of non essentials – some mornings I check this site to see if there has been overnight bloodshed .. but it’s been peaceful recently despite a growing membership ….
… I’m trying to think forward to how this site should address the aftermath of the US General Election – without pre empting any ones particular preferred outcome …..
………………..although I suspect one side or the other will be complaining and ‘going legal ‘ over particular bits of the voting procedure …..
… also – whether to stay up all night or get up early …..
With apologies to the mod squad…
There are a couple of boxes missing.
Do you smoke?
Do you puff?
Have you got tattoos?
Not by me it wasn’t, afaiaa. I’ve just tried to go into settings and change it but find I cannot do that. Had to delete over 40 -ems!
Oh well, at least this site is popular – and yes, Fedup and others are doing a great job.
I’m not a gambling man, though I might have a flutter on Fulham being relegated. However, I digress…
I’m taking bets on Boris bottling it and giving in to the the free lunch bullies.
I believe that despite his brave words and the fact there is absolutely no need for it, Boris will cave by mid-week and offer free school meals, to all and sundry. He just doesn’t have the gonads to stand up to them.
Our loathsome state broadcaster is running with this like a salivating dog. It’s a nonsensical story, but that’s never stopped them. I’ve heard some hysterical claims… “These kids are starving…” I mean, for Gawd’s sake, have you seen them? We’ve got the most portly generation of youngsters in our nation’s history. Starving they most certainly ain’t!
I’m afraid that I have very little faith in our PM. Boris knows that if he does remain resolute, as he should, they’ll be painting him as some latter day Ebenezer Scrooge and these “starving mites” (cough) as pathetic Tiny Tims’.
You know what I’d say to the bloody BBC…
Bah, humbug!
Al Beeb…
“School meals: Boris Johnson refuses to move on school meal vouchers”
I hope he does not cave in on Brexit?
What say you taffman?
My concern is Brexit .
What do you say ?
Do you share Mr Farage’s concern about Free School Meals and his support for Marcus Rashford?
“I hope he does not cave in on Brexit?”
My concern is Brexit .
What do you say ?
So Piku what do you say, or are you ‘doing a maxincony’ on us ?
I can see his point, with wishy washy splurging cash everywhere, the cost of these meals appears small beer and taken in that context looks mean spirited, but its all about optics.
but if we go for free lunches in holidays, where next
why not saturday, sunday , breakfast dinner would be my obvious question.
The mites need free leather jackets for winter
free laptops,
and free foreign holidays for BAME only, to top up their Vitamin D.
Yes, that’s right Stew. Free laptops were talked about on Toady either at the weekend or on Friday. Some schools were complaining that they had only received three laptops. Not sure/cannot remember now whether that was for a school of several hundred or whether it was three per class.
There appears to be a total dependency culture that is growing in the UK.
Jeff I’m a gambling man and my pound spent on Leeds being relegated looks wasted – but them I’ve always though Bamford was a woose but has turned into a footballer …..
Should have done Leeds to win the prem …. e/w…. but did Fulham to go down if only because their ground is an embarrassment on Thames ….
The Guardian is concerned about members of its favourite false religion – below is a headline –
“Anger spreads in Islamic world after Macron’s backing for Muhammad cartoons”…
The Guardian seems to think this is a bad thing … but I suppose some Lone Norwegian with issues will kill in the name of his false prophet ….
I’m a gambling man too ,, but have got utterly hammered 3 weeks in a row on UFC bets, so now might be cured for a while. Then there’s my Trump bet at even money…not looking so clever now.
Surprising how well Leeds have done, as last season they were know for making chances but not putting them away, perhaps premiership teams park the bus less against them.
At the beginning of the epidemic, free school meal vouchers were offered, to be spent in supermarkets (goodness knows what on) to the value of £15 a week. Remember this is for 5 lunches.
Mrs S went to our now-more -distant local butcher last week and spent £63 based on a shopping list which we calculated was for 44 meals. We’re talking good cuts of beef and pork, home made burgers, lean steak mince, and back bacon.
We eat this for our main meal and we regard them as a ‘treat’.
The cost for this meat is under £1.50. Add spuds and veg and there is still change out of £2. A kg of chicken in the supermarket is even cheaper, under £6 and gives 6 portions.
In other words, we do not spend anything like £3 on the main meal of the day for ourselves and we are not remotely slumming it.
Free school meals has nothing tomdomwith feeding children and everything to do with embarrassing the admittedly p***poor government.
The tone the BBC is using to support free food for the feckless is plain bias with lines like ‘PM refuses to move on free food for the feckless “.
I , however, have a solution . Divert the money needed for the starving feckless from BBC funding ….
By the way – I hope once the red Tories collapse and give free food to the feckless it will be energy bills with the ‘I either eat or heat ‘ routine being pumped out by lord footballer ….
Perhaps it’s a clever way of destroying the Labour Party by adopting all those carefree spending other people’s money policies they dream of ….
Stop press.
BBC 6 pm news.
The cost of providing free school meals is ‘only’ £21 million pa.
There are 1.4 million eligible children.
Do the Maths. £3 per meal. The value in the above post holds.
Note how they mask the value per meal.
By the way. A free school meal AT SCHOOL must include not just the food but the catering, cooking, logistics, washing up etc.
Is it beyond the imagination of the woke left including the BBC that ‘disadvantaged’ families could get off their a**** and actually do a bit of cooking? And may be wash up afterwards as well.
I remember school dinner tickets cost 12p ( 10p on the black market, if you fancied selling yours and buying a pie or something from the corner shop) anyone old enough to beat that!
I seem to recall, in the 1970s – this was in poor South Yorkshire too – that only one kid in our class of 30 received free tickets
What a nice post, bringing back memories.
Dinner tickets were 1s6d in the latish 60s.
I remember them going up to 12p. But they were bought as you went along. So the cheap alternative was peas (or beans) and chips from the chippy for 7p.
But only on a Tues, Wed, or Friday as the chippies were not open every weekday.
But in retrospect the 2 course school dinner with a main and a sweet (something and custard, chocolate concrete was a favourite) was excellent value, even if you had to put up with the bullying of the table monitor who gave himself the biggest portion.
And then came the cafeteria style……..
I remember lining up to buy dinner tickets in strips of five. One day a couple of us noticed that there was another ticket desk and the rolls of tickets on that desk had a letter ‘F’ on them, rather than the ‘D’ (?) on the usual ones.
In the same way as you always tried to get the rare football card we thought this was our chance to get a ‘rare’ dinner ticket. We didn’t know the significance of the ‘F’, we were expecting to pay for them as usual.
The desk was manned by ‘Holy Joe’, our RE teacher, a man with a very friendly face but one whch quickly switched to show ‘the wrath of God’. (We always thought of him as being like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, friendly on the outside and nasty on the inside). He gave us the sharp edge of his forked-tongue.
My memory of primary school in the late fifties is hazy but I think that my mum handed me some Coins which I dutifully handed over to the teacher every Monday morning to pay for the week.
The big question is how much money did my mum give me and sadly I can’t remember but I’m sure that the most it could have been was five bob , 5 p a day.
My memory of primary school in the late fifties is hazy but I think that my mum handed me some Coins which I dutifully handed over to the teacher every Monday morning to pay for the week.
The big question is how much money did my mum give me and sadly I can’t remember but I’m sure that the most it could have been was five bob , 5 p a
You’re right Double, it was 5/- a week (two halfcrowns !) I rarely stayed, preferring dinners at home, but I do remember there were a few kids who had free school meals, – none of us kids were by no means in the wealthy, even ‘comfortable’ bracket, but those who had free dinners had a really tough upbringing.
ITV local news “Tories smell, BenBradley man bad”
2 Labour voices so far , maybe 3
The showed the first part of Bradley’s 4 part tweet but not the others.
Blunkett has jut been on the radio
“I’m don’t understand why the Tories don’t simply say yes, it’s a small amount of money”
Idiot, if you throw away the pennies again and again what happens to the pounds ?
Now BLM stuff
Dr Sims experimented on black women with no anaesthetic, to perfect gynaecology methods
as if no one did similar things to working class white people.
“J. Marion Sims Father of modern gynecology performed experiments on enslaved Black women”
That’s a franchised item dropped into the local prog
They didn’t make it clear he wasn’t in the UK
It was all in Alabama
In New York his statue has now been removed.
Stew, I agree but if it had all been handled more carefully from the start? We are where we are: the PM will almost certainly have to back down. Will the MSM be able to dredge this up in two years nine months time when campaigning starts for the 2024 GE.
You bet.
Not sure the electorate will listen, though or be bothered by it then.
Why didn’t Gordon say yes. Why didn’t Tony say yes. Why didn’t James say yes? Why didn’t Harold say yes? Why didn’t Clement say yes?
Local BBCNews
“There are only 9 free hospital beds in Lincolnshire
..there is a second wave”
(Jeez there haven’t been many recent deaths)
In Hull 53 people are being treated, twice as many as last week.
North and North East Lincolnshire patients have risen from 41 to 70
The English avg is 137/100K but Blackburn has 756/100K
In our area Hull & East York are about 247, and Grimsby 300+
(One thing is the first wave hardly impacted Grimsby at all)
Now they’re airing a Tory MP purely co he will say he expect a government U-turn on Tax-Payer-Funded school meals.
BBC news at six this evening. Trump’s wall in Arizona. Cut to cattle workers separating calves from their mothers and transporting them. Voice says ‘these calves will never see their mothers again’ Cut to immigrant children in cages separated from their parents.
Orange man’s immigration policy bad. People treated like cattle….geddit.
GWF-Yes-I couldn’t care a f–k what Clive Myrie and his
Marxist editors politics are. The BBC is supposed to be a neutral
media organization when it comes to the politics of the
UK and the USA. And yo can tell that to the marines so far as the BBC is concerned.
Mehdi Hasan on Americast yet?
Also likely low on the bbc ‘what is news’ list.
Agenda BBC ???? Never !!
Just read this drivel !!!!
She could always serve up the drive through McDonalds on a selection of the Fine Bone China she keeps displayed in her cupboard.
This isn’t the first time she has been mentioned by the bBC.
Halfway down “Children hide surprises for strangers.”
Which part of the Labour Party is she an activist for ?
Seems a nice enough woman, though from a generation that think a car is a necessity.
If she needs it for the school run , then perhaps consider moving near a school? Or maybe the solution is for the government to build more cheap to rent homes near existing schools.
Unraveling nicely.
oh dear oh dear. BBC been caught again. Just waiting for the Guido story now . Lovely.
Praise indeed.
The BBC has been clever in using a nice middle class white lady in this story. ITV must now regret using a black African woman the size of a Zeppelin. Not a good “optic”, as they say.
Fact checking as a defence tool.
Ms. spring take note.
That is desperate – if you watched and listened you d know what he meant . He’s toast next week or even more trouble that we already have ….
TWO interracial couples on Only Connect! TWO! Calm down, Zel. Don’t get your nickers in a twisted flax.
Normal night ..weak black programming after 10:45p on most networks
and some Trump hating before that.
9pm Channel 4 will be bashing Trump through his tweets
10pm BBC4 BBC conspiracy wackiness
Pepe the Frog: Feels Good Man
Storyville : cartoon character Pepe the Frog now known as an international *hate* symbol after being hijacked by the *alt-right*
FFS that sounds like spin as if it “how white supremacists spread nazi-im
AFAIK it’s meme used by normal online righties to take the mickey out of the far left.
Talking Pictures is showing Dick Barton from Southern Television
DB “My god Snowy this fellow is in the grip of marijuana”
Snowy ” Mari-what sir ?”
DB “It’s an evil drug we need to keep him away from it for 2 weeks
under its spell marijuana addicts will stop at nothing to get their fix, nothing “
The BBC at every level.
Should the Government perform a U-turn or is enough being done?
Businesses across Herefordshire and Worcestershire are offering to help feed thousands of children who get free school meals during term time.
The government voted down a bid to extend the scheme into the holidays saying they’ve given more than £60m to local Councils.
More with Elliott Webb after 9am on Monday. Have YOUR say
on 0800 121 8181.
In the North East there are lots of cafes, restaurants and other food related shops coming on the radio and tv with their giveaways of 100s of food parcels for the starving children.
I wonder if they will end up chucking lots of these food bags in the bin or start sending out search parties to hunt down these ‘starving children’ so that they could give them a big bag of free food. There’s not enough starving children to go around I suspect.
I can picture ‘turf wars’ where one of these starving children (or anyone will probably do if they are a bit peckish) is found and all the competing virtue signallers will be claiming the starving child as one of theirs in their efforts to hand out all their bags.
Once the novelty of making up and distributing these food bags has worn off and the cost of the food, overheads and labour involved appears I would guess much of this will stop.
I suppose getting through blackberry week with as few as possible children dying of starvation will be achieved with all this free food and by then Boris will have given in and will do as he is told by St. Marcus.
They will probably end up going round town at night to give the many unused bags to the rough sleepers and neglected ex servicemen (a good thing if it happens)
That’s until the ‘owt for nowt’ lot start hoovering up and collecting the free stuff.
In my schooldays back in the 60’s I can’t recall any hungry children. We had a lot less money in those days. The children would all be probably classed as having a normal BMI (as used today) although we usually had a ‘fatty’ in each class or year. Now it is probably the other way round.
Also, anyone seen the Amazon advert for Black Friday?
I’ll leave it for you to enjoy it when you see it.
What’s the acronym? GWGB
Amazing how these cafes/restaurant/shops are actually able to give their food away.
A few years ago I discovered a local family bakery next to where I worked, were throwing perfectly good cakes and pastries in the bin at the end of the day. I discussed this with my colleagues, and it was suggested the bakery could take them to the local hospital or old peoples homes rather than bin them. So we took this idea to the Manager of the bakery. Her reply ? couldn’t do that it was against Health & Safety !!
So have the rules changed then ?????
Amazon are advertising for Christmas staff on £10.80 an hour plus a bonus ….
And on Christmas – do you notice that the BBC is obsessed by it as some kind of mystical reference point …. seeming to ignore that the BBC hates God – hats Christianity – hates the normal family – yet seems to have a fixation that people should have ‘presents ‘ and ‘ Christmas dinner ‘ and ‘family should get together ‘ ….
When in fact it has contributed to dis functional British households and their favourite communities for whom Christmas is just another time to rip off whitee…..
When is Nadiya’s Christmas Special being broadcast?
I received an email from Waitrose today. It wasn’t offering me great deals but what it was doing for Black Lives Matter. It listed the books it recommended me to read, and number one on the list was the biography (autobiography?) of Michelle Obama. All of them are available at Waitrose.
I was going to write back and tell them I prefer to judge people by who they are rather than the colour of their skin but having seen how the Headteacher of Beneden has been bullied by her pupils for using the word ‘negro’, I thought I better keep quiet. I was going to add that I was sure that Sharon White was chosen for her retail experience rather than the colour of her skin but thought of Darren Grimes and how speaking out can have unintended consequences.
Deborah, it’s good that we have a place here to speak out but it gives us a sense of false security because unless the people involved know about our serious complaints against them it cannot change anything. More seriously though, people should start speaking out against evil even if they know they can’t complete the task and destroy that evil.
A labour MP who wrote to the BBC Chairman Mark Thompson ( at that time) on my behalf to say that I was justified in my complaint against the foreign editor using language that would incite racial hatred.. He was the only labour MP out of 6 ( all found guilty of financial fraud against government) that served a jail sentence because he was outspoken against the bias of the BBC and other injustices of the estabishment . And he didn’t succeed ! Jeremy Bowen is still foreign editor today 20 years later- But he inspired me and others to carry on following through my complaints ! If more individuals protested than Bowen’s words of hatred would have stopped years ago.
I got the same email. If I wanted to be lectured about racism by leftists I’d go to the Co-Op, it’s much cheaper.
Looks like Waitrose is doing a Gillette. More fool them.
See… proper holding to account.
None of that asking awkward questions.
President Trump has his faults, but he has been in office a while and the world seems still to be here, despite predictions. In fact quite a few bridges built.
This guy as the one in charge… not so sure.
It’s becoming like that Peter sellers film ‘being there ‘…. it would be funny if the stakes were not so high . If he gets the president job Americans are going to look at each after and say ‘how did that happen ?’
If even a portion of the allegations emerging against him and his family are true, his dementia is the least of his problems – or America’s should he win.
Luckily, Katty knows what America is really thinking.
The BBC have rather thrown their hand in with one side.
Which, as a national broadcaster, I rather wish they would not presume to do.
They do not speak for me.
The MSM and democrat machine only have to collude to get him over the finish line…he will then step down before any possible impeachment and the real squad will step up.
Trojan horse imho
On Radio 5 Dead this morning, they were making light of Sleepy Joe’s obvious dementia, inviting people to phone in if they have ever had a “brain freeze”. Sleepy Joe hasn’t got a brain freeze, the old coot’s senile!
A classic way to see if someone’s brain is working is to ask them the name of the prime minister or president. Sleepy Joe couldn’t even remember the name of the man whose job he wants!
It is embarrassing and shameful. Can you imagine the BBC being so light hearted if Trump were showing such clear signs of mental decline? Of course not, but then again, there are no enemies on the left.
@Fed Saturday’s FooC piece which rather nastily dismissed The murder of the South African white farm boy as “just another crime”
I previously pointed out that Framing of the item was the exact opposite of for George Floyd
FFS the 21 yo kid’s body was bound to a pole and a noose was round his neck and they left his truck nearby
Another funny thing is that the BBC guy published the same thing in the Indy last week.
Using similar nasty tone and lines
‘Those white farmers set fire to a police car’
“ what might have been a relatively small incident in a quiet farming town was transformed into a new flashpoint in South Africa’s increasingly fractious and racialised political landscape.”
FFS after what they did to the boy he calls it a a relatively small incident !
Why was Harding so hot on the White Supremacist angle ?
He wrote a book about 2016 incident where “40 white guys beat up black guy”
To me that is actually a very unusual thing and reads like people giving up on the police and doing their own justice.
There is a complication with this murder trial
the DNA doesn’t fit the 2 suspects.
It’s 30 years since I lived there, the white police could be sloppy
whereas the black police were the ones that were vicious against black people.
Stew – I don’t know anything about South Africa apart from it heading to be another basket case as the people who run things properly are cleansed – alive or dead .
But …. there is a trend for people like this white so of the Empire BBC droid to make the right noises to keep their jobs .
In the case you describe – as I said in my comment – the Kate adie preamble mentioned there were over 70 murders a day in SA – implying that the killing of this kid wasn’t that bad .
This goes across all life . Even if you listen to the footy as I do you get a dose . In fact … footy commentary is rapidly descending in quality – the other day the pundit and commentator were chatting away about chocolate and there was a goal out of the blue …. that would never have happened under motty ….
That intro about 58 deaths was clearly written by Harding
It’s the way his Indy article begins also.
I see parallels.. beeboids are obsessed about mythical far-right
that they end up throwing grooming gang victims under the bus
and same for racist murders of white farmers.
The claim is ‘over parenting’.
Why so many parents are over-doing it, and what you could do instead ????????????????
It seems what is being ‘done’ is getting the bbc to scream at pols that they need to look after the kids instead.
Which is working out really well so far.
More evidence
1) why BAMES are dying from virus
2) why certain areas are in lockdown
3) who does not give a damn about our laws
Police are called to Luton mosque after huge row erupts involving up to 300 worshippers inside building
Six police cars arrived at Jalalabad Jame Masjid Mosque in Luton on Friday
Footage of police breaking up altercation emerged on social media on Monday
Allegedly started following dispute involving secretary Syedul Islam Khan
Arrived to worship as normal despite being removed from position by other committee members
how many fines issued ??????
how many fines issued ??????
How many reports on Al Beeb ?????
It is my firm opinion that more BAME get the virus because when our government makes a rule, a large percentage of them they say ‘f*ck you’ and do just what they want. Either because they don’t accept any rules from anyone or because they value their ‘community’ rules above those of the country.
Just something which has been bugging me since COVID was declared racist:
Can you even begin to imagine the outrage from the BBC (and Guardian) if we declared that a vaccine was only going to be tested on blacks and Asians at first – then white people would get it if it looked OK ?.
It’s the outrageous and shameless hypocrisy of the Left which gets me the most.
The rotten BBC, the rotten msm and the rotten Big Tech corporations continue to do everything in their power to stifle the scandals around certain corrupt politicians.
The ‘plan’ seems to be to just keep a lid on the volcano till the 3rd of November.
Well good luck with that you idiots: for all your censoring, blocking and shadow-banning, the sites hosting a multitude of ‘sensitive’ images and compromising documents are getting millions of hits.
I won’t provide links as the images are getting increasingly disturbing and ‘dark’. Hard to know exactly what’s genuine, but with each new drop a damning picture is emerging, which at the very least requires serious investigation.
Eventually the damn will burst, and hopefully it will flush away the complicit beeb down the sewer where it belongs.
Drain the swamp; defund the beeb.
The simple answer to Al Beeb would be to scrap the Telly Tax, then allow it to survive by voluntary contributions. Just like any charity , eg ‘BBC Children in Need’.Those that support the tax can then keep it afloat? I understand that Alex Belfield who runs all his broadcasts from his kitchen gets more listeners & viewers than Al Beeb.
Maybe Al Beeb’s Head Honcho could contact Mr Belfield for some advice ?
Al Beeb, \\Covid: Antibodies ‘fall rapidly after infection’//
I’m no scientist, but isn’t that just like any other flue ?
Yes. The whole thing is “just like any other ‘flu”, has been overrated, overinflated, remains less of a killer as “predicted”, and is no more responsible for annual deaths, than any other strain.
One may well ask WHY this particular one has earned so much attention.
I respond with “convenience” – you may draw your own conclusions from that.
“Covid: More than 50 Tory MPs call for ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown”
Looks like some of em have Common Sense? How many MPs have ever done a real job?
@TaffMan interesting that the lockdown fanatics are the “far right English hating nationalist” governments in Scotland Wales and Ireland
Bad day for the BBC –
President Trump has succeeded in his nomination of another Supreme Court Justice .
And just as bad is the open admission by a BBC droid – Vicky – arnt I great Derbyshire – that she will break covid restrictions at Christmas – lock her up – as someone once said …..
Respond with outrage to your local MP’s. They are obliged to answer , and at least they’ll be aware of her comments .
I do write to my MP – but I carefully choose the subject .
As far as protest is concerned – each to their own – mine is this site and not paying the TV tax for over 10 years – as well as any way of not paying tax I can find –
If you want to do something else – good for you .
Apologies Fed Up2 . it was a general comment and certainly not aimed at you . I always want to encourage new people to this site to do more.
I have been following this site for many years, and although you will never know exactly how much you have achieved by your work, you should know it is important and worthwhile. Many thanks for what you do.
Lynette no need to apologise – and I know it wasn’t at me anyway- my comment sounded grouchy but I believe it is up to the individual to choose whether or not to engage.
I tried reading that ‘nudge theory ‘ book that Cameron was so hot for …..
I also don’t believe in people being rewarded when not deserved – such as the feckless breeders and their starving Offspring . Any father would be ashamed – in a proper world ….
And just as bad is the open admission by a BBC droid – Vicky – arnt I great Derbyshire – that she will break covid restrictions at Christmas
naughty naughty, and when she breaks them, will be BBC hound her and her family 24/7 for weeks on end like Cummings ??? Will all these lefties have a protest outside her house and harrass her kids like they did with Cummings ????
Will they heck ….. one rule and all that. !!!
Odd. Is she not an ‘at risk group’, and often mixes with others?
Local radio…
The BBC presenter Victoria Derbyshire has apologised after saying she would break the rule of six so her family could celebrate Christmas together.
She previously told the Radio Times her family of seven knew the risks and would be “sensible” but “we have to be together at Christmas”.
At the rate the BBC is going, all staff will ‘have to be together’ with every Labour Muslim shill they wheel out to do a Vox pop about being treated like cattle*.
*©️Mehdi Hasan, no longer of these parts.
And just like that, with one apology … its all forgotten in Lefty land. Pretty sure Cummings apologised too but they didnt accept that one !!!
True MSM is never having to sincerely say ‘Sawwwwwwy’.
Dominic Cummings didn’t break the lockdown, so he had nothing to apologise for, a fact which is often forgotten.
Professor Ferguson broke the lockdown so he could shag his mistress, but he is an honoured guest on the BBC.
Double standards? Never!
The Moaning Emole delivers in Spa… implements of digging.
The headlines were enough…
Covid immunity ‘waning quite rapidly’ | Appeal for Northern lockdown ‘exit strategy’ | Bush secures court win
Ok, I did persist long enough to read the first para…
“Immunity against coronavirus may only last a few months after infection, according to researchers at Imperial College London“
After the initial “quite rapidly’, I then got to ‘may’, and finally ICL…. with the bbc hiding behind ‘According to’. So, chocolate teapot ‘news’.
Actually this copy is worth sharing too…
With a week to go until the US election, President Donald Trump has landed a significant victory – the confirmation of his pick for the Supreme Court. All but one of his fellow Republicans in the Senate backed the appointment of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, defeating Democrats who were fiercely angry at the move so close to a potential change of president.
The Supreme Court is often the final word on highly contentious laws and Justice Barrett’s appointment cements a 6-3 conservative majority. Previous rulings and writings by her have led some to fear for the future of abortion rights and the Affordable Care Act – healthcare reforms introduced by President Obama. She, though, insisted, she would be independent from Congress, the president and “the private beliefs that might otherwise move her”. Read more on ACB and why America’s top court is so much more political than the UK’s.
All our coverage of the US election is gathered here. Among the latest stories, we ask whether Florida is (again) key to the result, and why postal voting has been so controversial. Get a really simple guide to the whole thing too.
‘Really simple’, meaning if you are dumb enough to be guided by the bbc, good luck.
Look at it; pure BBC…. “she, though, insisted…”.
Lucky we have apolitical giants like Lady Spider Brooch here.
And ACB is ok, whilst AOC is not. In reporting terms,Nat least.
Guest – as I’ve said before here – the BBC thinks America is part of Britain – a strange colonial thing going on – so it thinks it has ‘influence ‘….
……..when mr trump wins ‘big ‘ how will the BBC respond ? It certainly can’t find any fault in itself so will look to blame …..who ? What ?
If Biden wins – the BBC will be full on ‘we did it ‘ …. this will painful but necessary to watch – those few moments when the mask drops – the Brexit vote / Tory win result – when BBC anchors look choked …..
Or maybe this one will be days of recounts …..
I would be fascinated in a vaguely coherent poll of who in America has ever heard of The BBC, especially Jon and Emily’s BScast that appears heard mainly in the basement of a few score Washington brownstones whose occupants then treat them to a nice dinner to feed them their next ‘story’ about what 350m Americans think.
Guest – it links to the number of Americans without passports or never been outside the states or even their own state .
In younger times I used to sneer at this – until I went for the first time and then understood ….. it is very big . There is a lot going on – so why bother with ‘Europe ‘ ?
I have heard it is because so many cannot fit into the passport photo booth, but I could not possibly comment
I watched the leader of a Northern council interview on BBC News re the starving kids thing who saying that all the support given so far by the Government had been spent.
As more and more especially Northern Councils add to the kids food football match against Boris I wonder if this might pop-up again?
Tobacco Investments by Local Authorities 2018….
West Yorkshire £284m
Edinburgh and the Lothians £110m
Nottinghamshire £95m
Wolverhampton £93m
Hampshire £77.8m
South Yorkshire £70.3m
East Riding of Yorkshire £68.7m
Wirral £64m
Middlesbrough £57.5m
Dundee £56.3m
Source: Freedom of Information requests to UK local councils
More importantly I wonder if it might pop-up during a BBC interview any time soon?
The Black Baller Corporation still droning annoyingly on and on about the nasty evil Tories, child killers.
It’s time for the government to fight back.
1. Boris should say ‘Charity begins at home’.
2. Then launch a Bill to change the law to reduce the Foreign Aid budget to 0.2% of GDP, and the other 0.5% to be ring fenced to support vulnerable children here in the UK.
3. Sit back and watch the fun as Labour et al try to defend the FA budget.
4. Attack the opposition for choosing foreigners to receive aid at the expense of our own starving children.
Job done.
Boris the Bottler would never do it. He is a fully paid up member of the green blob.
It takes time but following anti-government shrills in-depth can reveal some interesting tentacles
For instance Remember David Miliband? He is on Channel 4 news warning about the consequences of the UK leaving the EU if Biden wins..
Miliband has found a nice “pension” job with an organisation called “The International Rescue Committee”.
A feature on the IRC website is warning about “Food Insecurity”
“As COVID-19 increases global food insecurity, less children are receiving nutrition support across conflict-affected states”
Salient Extract..
“London, UK, October 22, 2020 — The knock-on effects of COVID-19 have led to a global food insecurity crisis, with 265 million people projected to experience life-threatening levels of hunger this year alone. Meanwhile, movement restrictions and other safety measures put into place to combat the virus, coupled with fears of contracting COVID-19, have made health and nutrition services less accessible to families. This is especially troubling among the most vulnerable. An analysis carried out by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) found an alarming drop in the number of people arriving at nutrition clinics at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to 2019.”
It’s not hard to join the dots and reveal the obscure movers and shakers really….
Not just The BBC, but the Establishment.
Which appears controlled by The BBC.
After dominating the narrative across the MSM and social media with Marcus Givus Everythingus, stirring up every pea brain who still thinks ‘government money’ appears from nowhere or simply wants to virtue signal to their fellow woke mates currently still on furlough or paid no matter what, I am noticing a few barely coping working coalface heads above parapets asking who is paying for whom to get what and why.
And a few copying in their local councillors and MPs.
The next election will be interesting.
Notice in The Telegraph that the tanker hijackers ‘may claim’ asylum in the UK.
Ms Fake was shocked when I suggested this outcome to her when we were watching the news yesterday, saying: “Surely these are criminals?”
I had to chuckle. She seems unaware that ‘claiming your yooman rites’, as you see them, trumps criminal behaviour of any kind these days.
Plenty of lawyers active in that field will already have been sniffing the air to determine whether there might be a rather attractive income stream awaiting them here, I suspect.
Meanwhile, Priti is ‘understood to be looking at’ curtailing article 3 of the relevant Act, that allows hijackers to claim asylum.
Very reassuring. Seems Joe is not the only one who’s sleepy?
Meanwhile, one can only support the call, commented on in the Express, to abolish the anti-democratic House of Lords, as it appears ready, yet again, to undermine government and UK interests.
900 of them, feeding at the trough. Our population must be larger than that of the PRC?
Fake – don’t be so harsh – the lords always has room to reflect the needs of prem footy players and the needs of F1 drivers …..
Socialism arrives in New Zealand. Quarantine camps set up. People can be forcibly removed to camps if there is a risk they may infect others in their households.
They will be detained without charge, or conviction of any crime, until they agree to a test & it’s negative.
I wonder if the BBC will demand an inquiry
I am just playing in my head the complete and utter outrage from the BBC and MSM if this was a Trump policy .
And when i say outrage, i mean complete , 100% MELTDOWN.
Again tho, as its a Lefty, god like figure to the BBC, there shall be no questions asked.
They took away the guns after a mosk was shot up. Now they can put people in camps without resistance.
AISI hopefully is busy composing his review of the newspaper front pages, c/o the BBC web-site. I shall have the temerity to concentrate on the front page art or artful deceit of the newspapers, instead.
The Times wins ‘Pic of the Day’ with a photo of two attractively and apparently slim young school pupils – half length and in profile – helping each other to what appears to be a packed lunch. I wonder what was really in the paper bags? I do note a slight paunch – hopefully not signs of an early pregnancy (the nation can’t afford another mouth to feed) – skillfully hidden by the photographer.
The Daily Star really hates the Prime Minister, SoS for Health, Matt Hancock and Dominic Cummings. They are frequently lampooned, individually or sometimes together, by the Star’s ace graphics compositor. It demonstrates what a bitter, twisted, Socialist rag that it is, constantly trying to outdo the bitter Socialist Mirror in bile. No wonder it is said to be the favourite (news)paper of the BBC’s JustRemainIn Webb, presenter on the TOADY Programme.
Another BBC presenter is in a spot of bother and I cannot help but wonder if Victoria Derbyshire will be happy to look at either of her portrayals on the Daily Telegraph and The Guardian respectively.
In one the need for a little lip filler is rather apparent although turning the lights down half-an-f-stop or different lighting set-up could and would have helped. The Guardian photographer was probably having to work without an assistant due to the Pandemic. In the other, a crop to half-length might have eased VD’s pain if not necessarily that of the viewer.
Ageing incredibly graciously and beautifully on the front page of the Daily Express is HM, the Queen. Constantly reliable and dependable, both as a photographers subject and giving a very subtle lead to the nation, with the caption: ‘Queen to miss out on Christmas tradition’. God bless and keep you, your Majesty.
From the grace and beauty of our Monarch we move to the clumsiness and PR incompetence of her First Lord of the Treasury on the Daily Mirror front page. The PM continues to be an accident
waiting to happenhappening everywhere and Dominic Cummings – if he set that up – really ought to be fired today. If he didn’t, then he is probably tearing out what little hair he has left in sheer rage and frustration at the choices of his brainless boss.Bravo. Enjoyed your take on the papers. It’s quite the thing when you’ve cancelled your telly licence and can’t abide the radio.
AISI, I switched off R4 in protest at one point and forgot to switch the radio back on. It is happening with increasing regularity these days. Mind you, I did have the Goon Show on R4E at 8 a.m. as a counter-attraction to TOADY.
R4E is the surviving fragment of the BBC that truly conveys the quality it had up till (how many?) years ago. I used to switch on R4 when driving and time and again there would be something enjoyable and interesting. Not now. But R4E does pass that test. (Can you get R4E in cars? I can’t in mine.)
Niche lefty tabloid the ‘i’ this morning combines Guardian journalism with Daily Express subject matter: ‘Yasmin Alibhai-Brown on Princess Diana’
Meanwhile The Telegraph ponders: ‘Anatomy of a scandal. Would Frank Bough have been fired today?’ – there’s one for the teenagers. Quick “Cliffs Notes” on old Frank. He was a rather proper-looking old school suit and tie or brass-buttoned blazer-type BBC sports presenter who was ditched by the BBC in 1988 after tabloid revelations that he snorted coke and donned female lingerie as he partied with prostitutes. Making him something of an unlikely cult hero.
More to the point, will the transgressive of norms Victoria Derbyshire be fired by the BBC, we wonder? ‘Derbyshire: We’ll break rule of six at Christmas’ (Telegraph); ‘Why I’ll break covid rules this Christmas’ (Guardian). I’m guessing a contrite ever-so sincere apology will suffice. And then she can soon get back on message with the BBC keeping us all in line.
‘Support for populism waning in Europe’ brags the Guardian. This according to a YouGov poll. Do Pandemic sceptics and conspiracists begin to whisper we told you so?
‘Immunity only lasts a few months, study finds… Covid vaccine may be needed twice a year’ (Telegraph)
Just like the Great War, which we’re not about to remember properly on 11th November this year for the first time, they’re telling us it won’t all be over by Christmas.
The Daily Express asks: ‘The art of doing nothing could you master the stress-busting trend?’
‘There is water on the Moon, Nasa confirms’ (Telegraph) – but can you get a drink in a pub after 10 o’clock? And what’s the rule on quarantine when you fly home?
On the same front page William Hague explains: ‘Free school meals are the first skirmish in a political war’ – ten out of ten for observation William. What a sage old statesman.
The Mail worries that: ‘Boris hit by red wall MPs revolt’
The Star calls Boris: ‘You great pudding. Eatin’ Mess. Etonian Bozo STILL won’t help poor kids’
‘Can’t you feed the nation’s hungry kids, too? demands the Metro.
As the freebie paper’s front page advertises Costa Coffee’s promotion of ‘five famous festive flavours’ – yum yum. New latte flavours will include Terry’s Chocolate Orange… Quality Street, the Purple One… and After Eight.
We bought our old gran a box of After Eight Mints – sadly she died at a quarter to.
And bravo to you, AISI, I loved that opening line. Good ‘un.
VD probably ought to be fired by the Beeb, if not for inciting a Pandemic Lockdown mutiny then for inflicting those ankles plus the bit above the (shoulder) line on DT readers at breakfast time.
I spent an hour on YouTube, last night, watching President Trump’s rally (one of four, that day), in Pennsylvania. They love him. And rightly so – a magnificent showman, and a positive, America loving giant of a man. Compared to the wisp of straw which opposes him (on behalf of other, more sinister interests), his stature is Emperor-like. He MUST win this election. The effort should be worth all the input, at the very least.
This morning, Listening to “Gold” Radio (part of the Global network), for a change, the first things I heard were ads, one of which was warning about the coming Brexit, and advising us to be prepared for change (although it neglected to say what change, and when…), another was warning us all about Covid, and behaving ourselves, and the third was from Khan, the London midget, telling us all about his extension to the “Super” emission scheme, and its extension north, south, east and west.
After the euphoria of Trump’s crowds in America last night, and the promise of great things to come, what a depressing, doom-ridden, dismal start to a grey day from the Former UK this morning.
Has nobody in Britain got any guts, to wrest government away from the cretins currently running the show? We desperately need someone like Trump, and even more desperately need to be shot of the EU. Over four years since the people elected to leave, the government are still fannying around with fools who don’t want to let us go at all, let alone incompletely. And Doris dithers, faffs, and prolongs the agony.
You will be well shot of him at the earliest opportunity…
OG, ‘we’ (I use the term advisedly as I didn’t have a say in the matter) knew what were getting with ‘Doris’. We had had plenty of warning from his past Editors, from two terms as Mayor of London, the Olympic Games and from the EU Referendum Campaign (led and really won by one or two women, I would point out) and then, finally, his failed leadership bid in summer 2016. Then came a complete failure in the job as Foreign Secretary.
We cannot say we were not warned!
And all that was followed by a campaign (maybe not as noisy as in the US with candidate Trump and now President Trump) but that was even more successful. Eighty seats!
‘Doris’ (I prefer Bojo as epithets go) requires extreme and very careful managing.
Good luck to the person who tries – it must be a nightmare of a task.
Asiseeit – your last line says so much with so few words …. I hope you can remember where you left your coat…
I’ll be here all week.
Why can only kids have taxpayer funded food ? What about me ? Or those who are no longer kids by a day or month ?
And another fing – different kids have different needs – what about the fatties ? They need more free food …. WTF……and do the kids get tax funded Christmas dinner and ‘trimmings’? …
I despair …
I usually ignore these ‘fact checkers’ are they are seldom more than lefty selective editting stat jugglers that would make Ms. Spring in her step.
I can see why.
Despite seeming to raise anything can be made from anything, their efforts are pretty obvious.
Abbas Panjawbi (no relation) is keen to play up with the relativities economic growth brings, but the bbc of course will use this to blur stuff with starving children, which at best is a measure unsubstantiated by simple observation.
How ungrateful, £10 coming your way for Christmas, spend it wisely.
How much should that really be now taking into consideration all those years of inflation.
Apologies if your not on the pension.
I’m childless, so can I claim a refund on providing taxes for other peoples offspring that I feed, and have contributed to their lifestyle via child benefits ????
What are “kids”? There are all these strange words coming in. I heard some one say “saxophone” the other day.
In a while i can hear the scream from the NHS for more money to treat tragic cases of overfed kids –
How could we be so cruel?
Same school as these screw ups who want their bits changed who then change their dumb minds
Prince Harry is promoting #BlackWivesMatter
Interesting he says he’s been wearing her shoes
so there is a trans angle as well it.
Sounds like it: he wears her shoes while she wears the trousers.
Harry’s interview was given to “BLM CAMPAIGNER Patrick Hutchinson” video
… FFS the guy who’s supposed to be then magic black knight rescuing “a far right protester”
That fuels conspiracy theories surely ?
The vid starts with Harry interviewing him
I would have thought Harry – the former princely – would have been more of a ‘readers wives ‘ supporter …. other porn mags are available – still – apparently …..I wonder if they are ‘non essential’ in Wakes ? …sticky issue …
I can imagine the conversation his family is having, like “Christ what’s he blabbering on about now ! ” He’s rapidly becoming a nasty smell within the Royal Family.
Why is the BBC and Ch 4 campaigning so hard against President Trump? Surely they are not persuading Americans .
Perhaps they are telling British people that the media’s government should not be allowed any close relationship with the bad climate denying orange man. Bojo is listening. Already leading Tories like Savid Javid – potential leader?- have declared for Biden
By now even Boris should have cottoned on to the fact that the majority of his voter base are opposed to all views/opinions/lies peddled by the bBC and have switched off.
If not, why not?
@GWF the media spend much of their time LOBBYING each other
..with scant regard for the public
Very interesting comment. What do the BBC really want, and why?
James O’Brien News