8 days until the US election. Will the Biased Far Left Anti British BBC descend even further to triumphalism as their socialist candidate becomes a shoe in ? And if they are wrong – how will they handle 4 more years of President Trump ? Get your popcorn ready …
Start the Week 26 October 2020
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Tip : for spiders in the bath
Just drape a towel over the bath and go away.
The spider will climb up the towel and disappear.
Tip – play it 5 minutes of the Toady programme – it will soon escape …
Will this towel trick work if we can drape a large one over Broadcasting House ?
And reappear in your slippers.

Only if it’s a Funnel Web. Eeeek!
The BBC spider is a Tunnel (Vision) Web spider.
BBC News
Danielle was brought up in a household “where we didn’t have food at home” and relied on free school meals. She said food poverty in Britain “isn’t really spoken about because of shame”.
That claim is hard to credit given the facts.
Somehow the BBC found her or she found the BbC… to speak about it. Endlessly.
Guest – I feel sorry for people who suffer hardship through not having a dishwasher . Maybe the taxpayer can buy one for every household – or give vouchers that can be traded in for takeaways ….and plastic disposable cutlery .
…I’ve always wanted a dishwasher ….
Fed, I have a dishwasher … it’s called ‘Me’.
Indeed. A variation on the “why is this lying bastard lying to me?” theme.
Peak BBC.
I am astounded at the general press reaction to the tanker “rescue” by the UK special forces.
Most of them are painting this as a brave and professional rescue performed by the military to detain the hijackers and free the stricken crew from the clutches of the pirates from Nigeria.
Had the hijackers succeeded in their takeover of the tanker what do the press assume they were going to do with it?
Sail it off to the Middle East and sell the oil to the Arabs?
Maybe sail off to the Caribbean and use it as a pirate ship to attack merchant ships?
Maybe take on passengers at Southampton and sail them round the Med?
Or possibly sail it into Portsmouth Harbour and throw oil at the Carriers?
If the press cannot see that this was simply another method of illegally entering the UK they are mad.
As the ship is Greek registered, maybe this was a trial run by the Greeks to test how they might get rid of their refugee problem?
Hi folks
I have just got a Final Notification letter from the Bloody Bonkers Corporation
They are really scary if you are that way inclined.
What makes me laugh is that apparantly their Investgator will be able to tell if I “have been” watching online, live etc…
If they find such evidence – what, like an old BBC programme down back of settee
How the hell can they tell if I “have been” watching…
Anyway – all advice on how to handle greatfully accepted..
What is downside to telling them I don’t watch live TV at all…? Any views
There are a few sites where you can get good information on how to avoid TVL and knowing your rights
You can simply write to TVL and tell them that you don’t watch live TV and you want them to stop harassing you every month otherwise you will take them to court. They will send you a letter to say that you won’t be contacted for a year.
Unless they can look through a window and see your TV receiving live TV don’t worry. Without prior evidence, where they can then ask a policeman to accompany them, they have no right to enter your property, any more than a door to door salesman.
The police officer can only enter with a Court Order and that Court Order can only be obtained if the Court agrees with the BBC’s ‘reasonable suspicion’ you are viewing.
If the D word is not being rammed down our throats all day in Beeb ‘news’ then turning to their sport page for some entertainment I’m met with three agenda suiting headlines:-
‘How has Racism evolved. What one young footballer can learn from an experienced pro’.And
‘Ryan Giggs: Wales manager ‘immensely proud’ of mixed race heritage’. And
‘Football clubs will be required to meet a recruitment diversity target of 15% in new executive jobs and 25% in coaching roles under a code devised by the Football Association.The Football Leadership Diversity Code aims to tackle racial inequality in the English game’.
If only life were that simple. The Police have found this out in their failed efforts over recent years to increase the number of BAME recruits. We have to look at reasons much wider than just the colour of someone’s skin as to why they are not in these roles. What this ‘recruitment’ will do is help ensure it is no longer the best qualified/suitable person for the job. Then consider what will happen if a ‘diverse’ coach is sacked because of poor team performance. If there were serious racism ( a few idiots- yes) in football wouldn’t this be reflected in the number of BAME players.
Good afternoon.
Thought you’d be interested in my supermarket shop today.
Now I don’t buy the bottom of the range own label stuff but neither do I buy only branded products. I just shop like an ordinary person and get a mix, including special offers as well as an occasional treat. It would be possible to shop cheaper.
However, being a seasoned shopper I can make a pretty close estimate of cost per portion for a fully grown adult.
So in no particular order, cost per portion
Orange juice 27p
Custard 38p
Beans and sausages tin 70p
Chopped tomatoes tin 30p
Soup from tin 25p
Rice 8p
Frozen peas 13p
Oven chips (upmarket) 30p
Fresh prawns 75p
Fresh mackerel 75p
Filled pasta with bolognaise sauce (ready meal) £1.25
Ham slice 24p
Fresh chicken breast 85p
Curry cook-in sauce 33p
Fresh green beans 33p
Margarine 7p
Bread – two slices 14p
New potatoes 22p
Apples 40p
Chocolate bar ( from 4 pack) 25p
Crisps 16p
By my reckoning, soup, chicken curry, rice, and 2 veg, give change out of £2. How the hell does a family on benefits living courtesy of taxpayers need £3 in place of a Free School Meal ??????
Mrs S and I spend nothing like that. Why should we pay for the so-called disadvantaged to eat more expensively than we ourselves do?
The LeftMob virtue-signallers are bankrupting the nation, and take the p*** out of those of us who pay for these social benefits for others, while the lunatics in charge have not the foggiest clue.
Amazing that out of the “hundreds” of Lefties the BBC have interviewed in the last few days on this issue, not one comment has been raised about just how bloody cheap you can shop if you use your loaf (see what i did there) .
I saw online someone commented that you can get a pizza for example for 50p own brand, the Lefty reply to that …. “where’s the nutrition” i mean …. FFS !!!! So its steak, lobster and veg then is it everyday at school ???
On another note, i nipped out down town at lunch, still no dead kids on the streets . Was expecting piles of them per the BBC.
Maybe, just maybe, its all a load of bollox.
Small pizza is often 34p at the COOP
I don’t buy it, cos pizza is just sloppy cheese on toast.
Indeed Stew …. 34p. However, it does seem that beggars CAN be choosers in this day and age.
Carrots at Aldi (small bag) – 28p. 2kg Red potatoes (tend to keep better than whites) £1.80. Broccoli 49p. There’s a healthy meal right there. Not hard to add some meat for around another £1.50 at same supermarket – others are available.
There’s two main meals for a Mum and two children.
You are spot on. My wife and I just shake our heads now when these starving children are mentioned…food is cheap…..but you need to cook some of it..I think that is what is missing these poor starving families don’t understand cooking…
One of the politicians this morning on R4 said 1in 7 families are struggling with food…now if he mean’t can’t get it – I doubt 1 in 7 is a real figure; on the other hand he may have mean’t they didn’t know what to do with it.. no BBC fact checker on 1 in 7
Only most necessary items,’ so the Welsh Government has intructed the retailers-does that mean as has been reported that women’s comforts are not a necessity-My wife replied, ‘try telling a woman that.’ This actually follows a case where a woman was apparantly been forbidden to purchase such an item-unbelievable. Was this brought up as a subject by the BBC ? No of course not, they would rather defile President Trump, or support a total lockdown in the UK.
The Welsh Assembly is like an expensive, overblown council headed by a power crazy mayor.
Many Taffmen would be glad to see it abolished.
Sluff, it is a regular thing – usually done by BBC news presenters and reporters to Tory Cabinet Ministers – to ask a MP what you have to pay for a pint of milk or a loaf of bread. I recall any number over the years getting the answer very wrong.
Murdoch appoints Diversity Stasi
I thought Fed would get the job, but no Guido says
leaked Zoom chat on the subject reveals that the media giant has appointed Shelley Bishton as their new “Head of Creative Diversity” to oversee the transformation
WTF is ‘creative diversity’?
Lots of discussion on JHB’s thread
I suspect it’s the NUJ that demanded it.
The Times comments section is interesting cos only PAYING customers can comment
What’s obvious is that Liddle aside most staff are Guardianland people
whereas the readers are anti-woke
Her Tweets are almost all about black victimhood matters
from 11 years ago
May 2020
\\ White people need to remove the shame and be open about white privilege.
Only then can change happen. #ownit #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd //
(ironic , cos she actually telling WHITE people to have shame. )
Twice tweeted
\\ Men are three times as bad at multitasking than women. //
“White Privilege” … The privilege to be attacked for the colour of your skin
Nothing racist about that at all, eh? ????
I went for the interview but i dont think they liked my ‘blacking up in solidarity ‘thing …. also
My idea of making 2021 the year of black history with a coloured hero or inventor each day didnt go either . No one could think of any – apart from larry olivier doing his ‘mardi’ act in Khartoum …
Fedup2, surely you misspoke – it was not “an act of solidarity” but rather a matter that you identified as black at that moment
4:30pm Radio4 book show
unfunny black comedian Daliso Chaponda is one of the guests
\\’One dead and one missing’ as migrant boat sinks//
Europe must be a terrible place to live. Great Britain did the right thing to Brexit.
For a so called ‘Racist Country’, why are so many people trying to get in here by hook or by crook ?
Government set to break manifesto promises if Boris doesn’t call out EU on its breaches of Withdrawal Agreement.
“The ability for the UK to trade normally around the world after Brexit like, for example, Australia, must surely be a minimum expectation of the British public come the end of this year. ‘ States Ian Duncan Smith MP.
“Our analysis,’ he continues, ‘shows that this can only happen if we deal with the serious deficiencies in the Withdrawal Agreement, if necessary rescinding it. Such action would be entirely reasonable on the grounds of the EU’s bad faith and breaches of it since January. We will then truly be able to benefit from the tremendous opportunities ahead for a free, independent, and sovereign United Kingdom.”
Page five of the Conservative Party’s 2019 Election Manifesto describes the commitments the Government undertook with regard to Brexit. Here’s what the now Government promised:-
• Take the whole country out of the EU as one United Kingdom
• Take us out of the EU’s Customs Union, allowing us to set our own tariffs and do our own trade deals
• Will be a new relationship based on free trade and friendly cooperation, not on the EU’s treaties or EU law
• There will be no political alignment with the EU
• End the role of the European Court of Justice
This future relationship will be one that allows us to:
• Take back control of our laws, our money, our own trade policy
• And ensure we are in full control of our fishing waters
So what’s the problem?
Unfortunately, the CBP, and others have pointed out, with the WA and NIP (Northern Ireland Protocol) in place it would be impossible to have a normal World Trade Organisation (WTO) relationship with the EU, such as Australia enjoys.
The simple reason is because the WA/NIP imposes EU state aid rules (which supersede WTO subsidies rules) and also imposes special customs/tariff procedures on part of the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) which the WTO arrangement does not do. The EU’s Withdrawal Agreement also expressly excludes WTO dispute settlement procedures for these issues.
The CBP say that: “The Government is ‘boxed in’ with no viable attractive options, as long as the WA/NIP remains in force. In addition to leaving the UK in a colonial-type relationship with the EU and being unable to realise many of the economic benefits afforded by a true Brexit, the Government could likely experience a strong backlash in the next election from those who provided its current 80 seat majority.” Without a doubt!
One commenters view worth repeating. ‘Prime Minister Johnson, this Brexiteer is becoming increasingly angry and frustrated by the apparent lack of movement.
The EU knew we were leaving in JUNE 2016.
For goodness sake, TELL the EU to do one and I will support you, but most of all RESCIND the WA/PD and stop wasting time.
You have to remember Brexiteers have long memories, and elections are not far away!
The very sad fact is most of the population believe we have already left the EU.
They think these current negotiations are just about what sort of trading deal we will have.
Most people don’t have the time or understand the true current situation.
The media and government do are doing a good job at suppressing the details and guiding what they want us to believe and think.
Let’s face it, Boris drew the short straw in the heady days of David Cameron. ‘Someone had to simulate a Brexit facade movement’ and that unfortunate was Boris. So now all Boris had to do is follow his instincts as a Remainer and coast home to the EU.
There was a Ferguson lockdown-fanatic woman on Talk radio 3 weeks ago
Wildly shouting that all Great Barrington scientists are fake
and that herd immunity without vaccines has never happened
She’s projecting of course, she’s the flake
But look how she has changed her Twitter bio
radio 5 inventing new terms
its not positive discrimination
its positive equality
“What really inspired me to create the code was a comment from Raheem Sterling, when he said he looks up to the directors and senior leadership and doesn’t see people like him”
must be the 50% of arab directors that are not like him methinks
“In our time, political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible… Thus, political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging, and sheer cloudy vagueness… Political language [is] designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable.”
Eric Blair
BeebSpeak = NewSpeak
“One of Orwell’s most important messages in 1984 is that language is of central importance to human thought because it structures and limits the ideas that individuals are capable of formulating and expressing.
… This idea manifests itself in the language of Newspeak, which the Party has introduced to replace English”
Not the bbbc – or is it?
“Covid-19: Scotland to ease pub and restaurant restrictions”
More confusion ?
The spate of pubs and cafe owners stepping up to bar MP’s for voting the wrong way says a lot about the state of mind of the owners. A little delving on social media shows most to be either closet Labour activists or very anti leaving the EU.
The cry-baby antics of these people should be met with a likewise ban on giving them any trade by everyone who can see right through their political tantrum and bile.
Almost every raging, screaming accuser turns out to be a remainer.
The Huffington Post very helpfully lists all the places to avoid in future.
Tough luck!
BBC website leads on 4 drown trying to get to UK . Strangely doesnt blame the UK and French governments facilitating this high risk high reward daily activity .
As the weather changes i suppose we ll be seeing pictures of drowned kids washed up on our beaches ….
News Corp catching up with the bBc
The fog is clearing…. apparently a number of “MP’s and Local Authority Leaders” are supporting a new “Northern Powerhouse Group” designed to press the Government not to treat the Northern Regions like lepers and instead shower them with free cash.
Translation: The Labour Party know this is not going to happen and are are trying to use this as a tool to turn all those Northern people (voters) who gave Boris his majority away from him and back into the nice red Labour fold.”
Being music to their ears, the BBC of course are giving this oodles of coverage….
Entirely foreseeable.
But the Tories are so useless they have not done this, nor do they have tactical plans to neutralise this.
Tonight’s Black In The Box
6pm Local ITV ..coming up black who served 30 yrs in RAF
Then Black At Night on 3 channels from 10:45pm
Channel 4 starts at 10:15pm with Black Hair
And if it’s not Black PR, it’s Green PR
Chris Packham starts his BBC 2 series at 8pm
BBC four is pretty oldschool tonight
Dibnah, then 2 hours of Neil Oliver Vikings/clans
Then RabCNesbitt guy in Play For Today from 40 years ago
I’m otherwise engaged….
The Black RAF guy was on cos he is the father of Hollywood actor Colin McFarlane
The presenter did massive Windrush grievance speech and then said it hasn’t affected the guy cos he’d done his paperwork correctly.
The claim was made the law had been changed retrospectively.
that’s not true, it’s the interpretation of the word British
British used to be interpreted as belonging to the Commonwealth
British residency law did change to those either born of UK parents or those correctly registered.
On BBC 6 pm news.
It’s not fair.
Children in the south are going to school !!!!!!!!
It’s not fair.
Not asked.
Why are Northerners giving coronavirus to each other faster than Southerners.
BBC news features the introduction of 5 tiers in Scotland. With new rules-per-tier, meals with or without alcohol and different closing times.
Yet there is no voxpop. No-one is complaining and no- one is claiming to be confused.
Isn’t it amazing?
And I always thought the Scots had balls!
BBC going apoplectic as a boat crossing the channel full of economic chancers …..errr I mean vulnerable women and children……from Iraq, has capsized and some have died.
Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
Granada Reports 6pm.
With much of the Region in Tier 3 , Government are urged to produce a road map out .
FFS !!! All they’ve done for weeks is champion lockdown , tell us the polls show people would support it and as soon as the lockdown comes , it’s now pressure on the government to show a way out !!!!!
I give up.
Similar topic in my area we’ve gone from 40 people in hospital this week to 70 this week
that’s 10 in 100,000
I imagine that it breaks out, goes through the low hanging fruit like people/communities who have bad hygiene habits, but them stops rising.
Local Radio news ..”Here we are with Banarama remembering the old times”
.. You mean they have a new book out and the item is PR for it.
We want news, BBC give us PR as news.
I’m not sure if I caught this right but I think I heard that the football league wants bame equality which means 87% of all teams must be white with the other 13% made up of miscellaneous bames.
1 or 2 of them per team.
Let’s hope that satisfies them by being fairly represented.
I wonder if Boris realises the only reason he got the big majority is because he promised a proper Brexit.
There’s little difference between the rest of the Tory policies, (about 2 weeks for him to change his mind and do what Labour want)
I don’t think that there is anyone here who is not aware of the global significance of next weeks US election. It could be a knife edge over which, one direction will hasten and confirm the Communist takeover of the World. The alternative will mean one man, only, standing up to the Communist Fifth Columnists already deeply integrated by China into all the American systems. I don’t envy that man and hopefully him tackling that challenge head on.
I considerably rate The Duran channel and, yet again, the current position and projections is set out succinctly in their current video.
View with trepidation and ponder the effects on the UK, which is equally infected by chinese influence as they discuss:
Sleep well…………
Why is Steve Bannon wearing two shirts?
Interesting discussion. I think there is an undeclared, informal, Civil War underway in both the USA and the UK.
BBC report that our local plod in Hampshire are undergoing an investigation for what is described as inappropriate behaviour in the station house.
Apparently some officers have been seen laughing and joking and even using some swear words and making fun of each other.
The officers of course should stick to being spat at, attacked with knives, hit by drunks and avoiding being run over by getaway cars etc. not this sort of repulsive behaviour.
I bet at the bottom of this is a new “behaviour and integration director” fresh from some bloody UNI.
I would put them on the beat in Southampton or Portsmouth at chucking out time for a few nights….
It reminded me of an instance where I was booked to take some photographs of graffiti being removed from the stairwells of some blocks of flats in Walsall. We had to be accompanied by 2 security guards because otherwise our equipment would probably be stolen.
One of the guards told me of a time when a new “reconciliation associate” was employed by the Local authority to try to bring peace and serenity to the neighbourhood. He arrived complete with pink specs on his first night and he refused to be accompanied by the guards because they would be intimidating.
He was found an hour later in his underwear in a wheelie-bin whimpering with no phone, wallet or watch etc.
The guard also told me of the time some bloke arrived home in his car drunk and drove through the glass doors of the block of flats to get in as he had lost his keys.
When the police arrived he tipped a piano onto their car from the fifth floor window.
There was also a row of garages next to the flats, all of which had a mattress on the floor for use by the local “ladies of the night” to ply their trade.
Maybe the behaviour specialists need to get out more to expand their knowledge of “inappropriate behaviour”?
If these folk had been around in the First World War I can imagine the scene in the trenches….
Who just said “I wonder what Fritz is up to tonight?” it’s inappropriate and racist language!
That should be “I wonder if our European Colleagues are OK?”….
“…and I don’t want to see anyone putting bullets in their rifles until we have had a full risk assessment either!”
I’m here all week!
Digg – you’re are wrong – they didn’t put me in a wheelie bin – it was a builders skip…
Hope you still have the pink specs!
Digg – I never got them back from Elton
BBC “Lincolnshire police fired a cop today over looking up something on the police computer and entering a property against the orders of a superior”
nothing more explained
Then the newspaper article does mention
“attending the address of *his partner* despite being directed not to do so by his supervisor.”
Then that sounds like he’s had a domestic and looked up her lover on the police computer
From Twitter I see their recruit adverts often
And every 4 months an officer breaks the law and gets fired
The LGBT rights officer is still in the cells on explosives charges .
For those of you outside the London area you should only
know what we have had to put up with for the last hour
on the the main BBC channel. Yes , you may of watched
the main national news and thought you were watching
a foreign channel speaking in English. Then in London
we had a BLM meets BAME meets transgender 30
minutes of diversity insanity.
Yes I know what you are saying “so whats new?” BUT this
diversity madness took the biscuit this evening. It’s as black history
month comes to an end the BBC is going to ” educate ” us
until we are blue or should I say black in the face.
@sarahstuartxx has a number of threads on this
250 ‘specialists’ in LGBT+ hate crime to focus on trans issues.
What other group has ever been given this sort of representation or help?
The Black mural theme
Foscari – how can you still watch it ? I’m still trying to find out the ID of the kid stabbed to death a few days ago down the road from me …
Celebrity Antiques Roadshow is featuring that young black lad with frizzy hair who used to fly over the top of everyones heads with Diversity on BGT.
I bet he is really, really into his antiques!
Oh! and I see the other celeb expert is also…. Oh never mind, whats on ITV?!
As a footnote to this, I have no axe to grind at the slebs. They are probably just doing what their agents tell them to do. It’s the bloody BBC mind-warp department I have issues with!
Will science ever be free and uncensored again ?
“Oh it’s just a trailer, it’s not like it’s an advert aginst Trump”
With all the Covid coverage, I must have missed when France went to war !!!!!!
Why are their parents or guardians not facing charges on grounds of child cruelty and neglect?
funny how every boat that sinks always seems to have children on board , hmmm
On Sunday the 1st of November Tommy will go to speakers corner, he will arrive sometime from 11am to show his support for his friend Hatun, he will bring chocolates and flowers to her to show solidarity and promote freedom of speech.
Conspiracy Theory fans : Great Reset Video
from Dave Cullen
Bitchute version as comments don’t get censored there
I think I can spot gaps in his argument, but judge for yourself.
The BBC runs as if its is were a National Charity than a (poorly managed) National Broadcaster that has lost its purpose. Its funded though fear of the TV license ‘knock’. The funding model is totally outdated and only exists due to its unique BBC Charter protections which considers itself above the law in many aspects, (above Charity) above and beyond its original purpose.
Which brings me to the National Trust. Its funded by the public voluntarily and like the BBC has adopted the same diversity woke agenda and every political ‘ism’ that defines the modern left (by modern I mean post 1920 until the 1940’s). We live in the ‘post-modern’ age.
The National Trust was a national archive to safeguard the national interest, but (no more) just like the BBC it has decided (The head of the charity) that it can destroy that same National Identity and create a new one, around its own lefty ideals of the hopeless liberal.
And so it has run out of money. The public have decide to withdraw its money and its now in crisis.
This is so similar to the BBC priorities it hurts pointing it out. The National Trust is a charity that has lost its way. Like the BBC, it has decided that ‘conservatives’ should be vilified and mocked whilst it accepts money from the same ‘conservatives’ that want to leave a better future for the next generation. We do all the work, they take all the money and tell us ‘we are the problem’.
The National Trust has adopted BBC values and has been warned by the Charity Commission that it risks losing its license. That never stopped the BBC and if anything, the utopians (totalitarians) have both got bad records of concerted public abuse. Both Financial and political.
\\”Called to order: ‘Detracting from the dignity of the Senedd’//
This is what the Welsh Assembly waste their pay and time on.
Like Al Beeb , it should be scrapped. It’s just a talking shop.
They should be out in the world getting business and trade for Wales . They are in Brexit denial despite the large majority of people voting to get out of the European Empire .
You know what is truly heartbreaking ?
There are people in this country who FEED the pull factor that brings illegals to this country
and behave like a school bully gang CREATING an atmosphere of fear of being called RACIST amongst anyone who dare speak up.
Thus an illegal family came in from Libya who even claimed UK benefits when they were in Libya
Two brothers created an attack in Manchester
A security guard could have spoken up and SAVED 22 childrens’ lives
but he didn’t speak up for fear of being called RACIST.
“a change in the Government’s approach.”
YES a change in the FRENCH Government’s approach.
Actually 4 died
“Two children, aged five and eight, among four dead after boat carrying migrants sank in the English Channel, French officials say”
… Eventual migrant deaths are 100% predictable if there is pull factor.
\\Dan O’Mahoney, a former Royal Marine appointed early this month to the new role of “clandestine Channel threat commander”, met French authorities in Paris and Calais on Thursday.//
If Commander O’Mahoney is so “clandestine” why do we all know his name? What good is it meeting the French authorities ?
He should have the Royal Marines ‘meeting’ the illegal invaders in the Channel, then take them back to France. It would soon stop.
But then, do the French want it to stop ?
“clandestines” is the bi-lingual word for the illegals
This is getting crazy, Fed; I have ‘unsubscribed’ twice today and I’m still getting the wretched e-mails about new posts to the site!
Maybe you need to rejoin as up2snuff 2 or something like that ….
Fed, I’ve prodded the buttons even more firmly, on a different PC. It appears the e-ms have dried up.
At last.
Ah I was about to say go to https://biasedbbc.tv/comment-subscriptions
BTW last night @TVKev saying the same as you that 0.01% of us will die from Covid
as I thought i realise we can add a QUALIFIER
ie split the oldies from the young
We can say that only 331 under 60’s have died
If the 3.31 million of them had got it
that’s a death rate of 0.01%
then say 920,000 of over 60s have had it and 46K died
then that’s a death rate of 5%
And over the two groups all 4 million it’s about a 1% death rate
No, you don’t. Nobody does
“No, you don’t. Nobody does.”
Totally agree.
Also, Emma Barnett is claimed to be one of “the greats” … I mean, seriously, what planet/stuff is Amol Rajan on?
I mentioned Peter York’s Guardian article on Sunday
where I saw misinfo in it straight away
I bet most people who have become anti-BBC don’t use Twitter.
One of the reasons these people don’t like the BBC is that its staff spend most of their time on Twitter, and are influenced by Twitter, rather than speaking to real people that actually have to pay for the BBC.
BBC Local radio.
????????????????What a Pick’n’Mix-up ????????????????
A tweet announcing the return of Woolies to our high streets has been exposed as a hoax.
Which the bbc ran as news.
So how the bbc acquires its stories now confirmed.
Me either.
Must be black then, I expect.
“Channel migrants: Deaths should be ‘a wake-up call’ for those in power”
The simple answer is to stop them crossing. The French Navy have been allowing them to cross, even escorting them to cross . At the same time our government is putting them up in 4 star hotels . Someone is making a lot of money from this and it’s not just the traffickers. Once the French navy make a serious effort to take action, the attraction to cross will cease.
The charities’s bosses will be making noises now because that’s what they get paid for . The EU appear to be very silent about this ? Note how Al Beeb is rarely critical of the EU.