Digg – yes – obvious – Owen Marxist victim Jones – that other kidult Ash whatever – and of course the like of Baroness Shabbi ….
/………. silence from former labour PMs too … ready to jump in about brexit but silent on anti semitidmn- eh Blair – Brown …-and I’m waiting for Comrade John McDonald …..
Extracts from letter just received for my local NHS hospital Trust…
Dear ….
As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure patients receive the best quality care and service, we regularly review the number of patients waiting or being asked to attend our clinics.
We had planned to review your …. after a set time after your original treatment.
However following service review and consultation with the commissioning team, we are no longer offering this review.
Should you have any future concerns or experience any deterioration in your symptoms, please make contact with your GP who will explore the most suitable options available to you.
…. My GP surgery closed last week and told me to make alternative arrangements.
So what is going on with our fabulous, saintly NHS then?
Be interested to hear if anyone else is getting this “treatment”?
Digg, yep.
I posted at length last week about the cancellation of a pain relief treatment. I’ve been informed that as I’ve had ONE before in my lifetime, the local NHS trust are no longer funding multiple procedures. Been waiting since April. There is an appeals procedure. Apparently. But hey ho, go to the back of the list.. I’m sure there’s an illegal somewhere that’s being funded by my taxes.
It seems to me that your local NHS Trust are playing the time-honoured game of ‘tell the punter to sling their hook and hope they meekly accept it.’
So, if your MP doesn’t come up trumps, a carefully worded letter from one of m’learned friends might be just the thing to force them to give you the treatment to which you’re entitled.
If Trump has to thread an electoral needle next week, this is a way to do it. He needs to win North Carolina, too (and he's campaigning there later today). https://t.co/8AJ79Mrjgc
???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The BBC's new social media guidance says that the "use of emojis can – accidentally, or deliberately – undercut an otherwise impartial post" ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
ITV local news : long item in the centre of the prog a national syndicated item plugging their 7:30pm”It’s Always Whities fault” prog
..showed a long list of blacks that they will be paying tribute to.
If you don’t want to watch that you can watch the 7:30pm GREEN propaganda prog about wind farms at Hornsea.
It’s already been on once in my region.
There are so many of these agenda pushing progs
and they selected for trailer promotion.
They are defined by the colour of the box they tick.
Anti ORANGE man
Pro RED socialism
So today cycling into town I had the trailer for the pro Black anti Orange R4 prog tomorrow morning 11am
“Race and The American Vote”
On the way back I got the same trailer again
11pm R4 will have Americast , another anti-Orange prog
Tonight 6:30 Orange : Rich Hall Comedy progv sneering at Trump
4:30pm today we got Green : the dust bowl is coming back ..they reckon.
“What does climate change mean for classical music? Music Matters
Exactly 12-months before the COP26 rescheduled UN climate change conference begins in Glasgow, Tom Service asks what climate change means for classical music.”
Exclusive: BBC staff have been banned from attending LGBT pride events and told they could be suspended if they breach the new rules. David Jordan, the head of editorial policy and standards, took the decision on Wednesday. https://t.co/9ZNm7pJsrV
How come this doesn't fall foul of Twitter's guidelines? He is openly undermining the election in PA. There is no "disaster" here, and no evidence Democrats are trying to "steal" the election by allowing the very normal counting of late mail-in ballots (in a pandemic). https://t.co/GC884fMq7f
How come the useless BBC can find this pathetic and puerile race hustling crap, but on Saturday 50,000 anti lockdown demonstrators marched right past their front door and they didn’t say a bloody thing.
“BIG BROTHER how are we to treat the collateral damage
story in Nice on the BBC’S website. Should we use the
same approach as we have done with different ” cultural”
differences in Rotherham, Rochdale and other northern
towns where are Muslim brothers were just carrying
on their natural religious instincts ?”
“We are affiliates of many diverse groups in the UK including
the BLM organization. In a few generations our Muslim
brothers will be in a majority in the UK. It will happen first in
France . But as sure as night follows day the demographics
will change even more in the UK simply because of birth rate.
Our Muslim brothers have , thanks to Allah many more children
than the indigenous population. So we must show understanding
when, where ever it is the more extreme teachings of their religion.
We have to cover the Nice story for at least a day. Put it next
to ,on our website the fact that Trump has altered the
passport ruling for Jerusalem births. Meaning that US
citizens born in Jerusalem can now take dual Israeli , USA
citizenship. This should at least counter balance the collateral
damage feature in Nice.”It helps to show why our Muslim
brothers have to cut off the heads of old women while praying
in church.”
The first BBC journalist we spotted breaking the new social media guidelines (@Jamsheda) has now deleted the tweet we highlighted. Her whole timeline is full of her strong political opinions on issues. That's the BBC World Service for you. https://t.co/d4ah4zCoas
As of today, I’m the first assistant editor to be appointed at BBC World News, who happens to be a #Muslim woman of colour. It’s been a journey. The work continues to make our newsroom & journalism truly inclusive and meaningful for the world we live in. #journalismwithoutfear
What always puzzles me is why this type of person thinks it is of interest that she got this quite low level job AND that she is a muslin woman of colour? It isn’t news that a muslim woman has a job at the BBC or anywhere else these days…
It just shows them for the narcissistic self focused inward thinking bigots they are….We don’t care you are 1 a muslim, it is fine, 2 a woman, it is fine and 3 of colour, it is fine….just don’t bang on about it as though it is newsworthy
Channel 4 the BBC’s ugly sister with the enigmatic Corbyn fan Jon Snow (“Fu*K the Tories!) have been banging on throughout the news tonight about how oppressed blacks people are in the UK and how badly they are treated especially by the Police, Stop and Search etc. etc.
I have just realised that they are not actually trying to inform everyone they are simply trying to rabble-rouse black people and run a recruitment drive for BLM.
C4 news viewing figures have been dying for ages . No influence other than with the bubble .
Elsewhere – I wonder how many of Corbyn MPs – such as Naz Shah and others from his shadow cabinet – will rally round him and abandon the whip to form a new Party – maybe it can be called ‘the change party ‘ – which hasn’t been used since the brexit campaign …
BBC – Labour Party ( non Jewish section ) – guardian – swamp – relatives and friends ..people who were watching the show before ( neighbours ?) covers it ….
\\Black history month: Slave owner Picton’s portrait to be ‘re-framed’//
“A portrait of Welsh slave owner Sir Thomas Picton labelling him a hero will be “re-framed” with more context given about his life, National Museum Wales (NMW) has said.”
“National Museum Wales called on the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel (SSAP) to decide the future of its large portrait of Picton, which currently hangs in the Faces of Wales gallery inside the Cardiff museum.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-54692568
What’s with it with these people ? “re-framed”?
If it wasn’t for Sir Thomas Picton, Europe would have been very different continent.
How can a very small ‘minority’ group dictate Wales’, and Great Britain’s history?
Who on earth are the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel ? Why do they come to live here ? Their work would be better served If they popped over to Sub Sahara and stopped the present despotic governments and their behaviour to their own peoples in “Sub-Sahara”.
IMHO, The Welsh Assembly is behind this as well as Kath Davies of the museum . There are a lot of taffmen not very happy about this betrayal .
De fund Al Beeb and get rid of the Assembly Government. Both hate this nation and hate its people . Both waste our hard earned money!
Come to think of it, what does The Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP do for his wages ?
On Toadythis mornig, Robinson discussing illegals risking their lives to get to UK.
Interviews a Syrian who got here a couple of years ago and brought his family.
” Oh good” I thought as Robinson asked him ” Why did you risk your life to get to UK when you were already in France ?”
Immigrant replied that in Syria there was a lot of violence and danger for his family so he needed to get them out. And that was that, no follow up from Robinson to get the answer to the question we all ask.
I think political activists like Robinson are more than just a little responsible for the gruesome killings in Nice. They endlessly pressure the authorities and politicians with as many migrant sob stories as possible to pressurise them into letting in all comers and then as bold as brass report the “news” when it all goes wrong.
When the BBC finally does report this they still cant resist playing their old tricks when the crime is committed by a member of their favourite religion.
The banner headline on their website reported the largely peaceful beheading as “Three stabbed to death in France Terror attack”
Sorry I thought a couple of the victims were pretty much beheaded but this has now been sanitised in the headlines to “stabbings” same trick they used about the naive girls who were raped and beheaded in the Atlas Mountains Morocco but according to Aunty had died of “neck wounds”
They really cant help themselves.
Expect lots of re-balancing stories next week about violence committed by white men and of course more news about the rise of the “far right”.
The attacks were carried out by non-French nationals who had come to the country from Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Tunisian suspect in the Nice attack only arrived in France this month after coming to France from the Italian island of Lampedusa at the end of September, an official told AFP
Oh the Avignon incident has been completely reclassifed as
mentally unstable member of anti-immigrant movement
and that there wasn’t a stabbing
Rather he was waving a knife in the street and had a gun so the police shot him dead.
“According to media reports, police initially deployed non-lethal munitions to stop the assailant but were forced to open fire with live rounds after he lunged at officers. ”
Some suggest he was a guy pretending to be an Islamic terrorist.
The police don’t describe it as a a terrorist incident.
So an attacker beheads one and murders two others with a knife while screaming ‘Allar Akbur’ non-stop and the BBC describe it as :
“…in what France says was an “Islamist terrorist attack”
with the very clear intention of leaving just a nugget of doubt in the mind of the casual reader who doesn’t delve into the article.
I’ve spent a long time trying to work out why the Left try to protect and defend Islam when they should be outraged at what they do for extreme racism against infidels and how they treat homosexuals and women. My conclusion now is that they do it simply to spite the Right. The enemy of my enemy and all that. The hypocrisy is off the scale – but I suspect many are just victims of ‘groupthink’ who need someone else to tell them what to think.
Ex squaddie “my rich Iraqi workmates, still believed the myth that Europe is paradise, they illegally claimed asylum in Germany”
last part of Wednesdays Ian Collins Show link
Al Beeb……….. “Covid: Are we heading back into a full lockdown?”
Looks like it .
Of course we all known what will happen when the country opens up again .
Has anyone in the government got any common sense ? The economy is going into ‘melt down’.
So as expected the BBC website is already beginning
to hide away the slaughter in Nice. Yes it’s on
the World news pages but BIG BROTHER from the
diversity dept has made sure that the front page of
the BBC website for this horrendous Islamic
slaughter of three worshipers in a church.
Is the” feature” not diverse enough for you BBC?
I believe they have all put in urgent requests for laptops and an internet connection as they have some important emails to send regarding large amounts of cash and gold they need to get out of the country, all they need is the recipients bank details
and a database of overweight lonely single females with savings accounts who they have apparently already fallen in love with and feel they know so well, their hearts are “entwyned”(sic) “foreva” (sic)
and housing benefit details for the six council houses they each wish to claim for each of their wives and 15 kids
personally speaking, I cannot wait for this enrichment of our culture
Dont blink but Lineker’s refugee has been and gone ! he has said though he is willing to ‘host’ another one. I always imagined that ‘taking in’ a refugee meant giving them a home, not just staying for a long weekend 🙂
There has been an outpouring of empathy and positive messages after this report. Lots praising Sebastian and v happy the BBC has a specialist disinformation reporter!
But there are also personal threats and abuse I want to highlight.
They did a bit of NF on R4 last night at 6pm but after playing it ..their resident gobshit3 Evan said to US BBC correspondent…” We won’t ask you to comment on THAT”
He literally spat the words out…no bias there
Nigel, telling it like it is, on behalf of the sane British public. That sanity being steadfastly resolute notwithstanding the ubiquitous onslaught surrounding.
Next on the Vine Show… Champion Ash, YAB and guest star from the USA… Nish!
I imagine that if my parents had emigrated from the UK to Pakistan I might find some version of the same phenomenon. But I’d hope I wouldn’t spit out people’s skin-colour with such fury and bile as Humza Yousaf does here. https://t.co/yNwC4mo6h4
Demographics of Scotland show that in 2019, there was 388,000 “Non British people” living in Scotland of which, roughly 11,000 were Pakistani. Of the total population of 5,385,000 that equates to, 0.11204%. If you take ALL the non-British contingent of 388,000 that equates to 7.21% of the total population so, to concede a point he makes, at least one of the names he recites should be BAME. https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/stats-at-a-glance/registrar-generals-annual-review/2019/data-tables
Will BS, Kirsty, Lewis and the gang be out in the street banging pots for #SaveOurJez ?
Certain that Lewis Goodall will be leading the charge in support of Jeremy Corbyn. He is a self professed #Momentum activist as well as Newsnight Policy Editor. And #woke@Maitlis is in tears to hear that her idol Jeremy Corbyn has lost the Labour whip.#DefundTheBBC
I grew up as child through various peaks of the Cold War. In a metaphorical sense as well as a fictional sense, you could describe Snuffy as a distant relative of George Smiley.
I smell a rat listening to the TOADY Programme this morning. It seems to be a Communist rat. We are being told that there is a new strain, more virulent strain, of Covid and it is being called Covid-20a. It has been identified among Spanish seasonal (code for migrant – careful BBC!) farm workers.
Various Americans, including (you guessed!) a squeaky voiced American woman (where do the BBC find them?), have been trawled across the programme to convince us about the science including environmental aspects. Apparently, burning down an Amazonian rainforest and clearing it to grow food is causing this virus. Another thin story.
Hmmmmnn. Having served an apprenticeship at George Smiley’s knee, I think that is all very thin story and different groups are trying to use the Pandemic for advantage. The Chinese have much more likely decided to go for broke and have deliberately released Covid-20 on the West and the rest of the world.
Now, some science. Covid is a coronavirus and coronaviruses mutate, the most virulent and mutating of all being one of the family, the one that is known as the common cold.
It is possible this new strain is a natural mutation but I find the story being trailed across the TOADY airwaves that it is all down to Spanish seasonal farm workers’ fault and that of British holiday makers a bit thin as cover stories go.
I don’t know… if there was only some way we could end this nightmare? I mean, it’s a global problem, right, so maybe we need a global solution? Maybe some sort of, perhaps, world government? But it would need to be very focused, it couldn’t be left to the whims of voters, who might be suspectible to populist and nationalist sentiments. Perhaps some sort of benevolent dictatorship, but managed by technocrats and experts? And couldn’t Big Tech help out by ensuring that dissenting voices aren’t allowed to spread false news? It’s clear that the virus will mutate every year, so Big Pharma needs to be on its toes, producing new variants of the vaccine each year. Of course, they must be rewarded generously for their efforts. Only sensible strategy is mandatory vaccination for everyone – who could object to that? Constant surveillance may seem authoritarian but it really isn’t – we need to know where people are, what they are doing, who they are seeing. How else can be control the virus? Of course, there will be disruptions to the global economy, but we can mitigate against that by ensuring migrant labour can be freely moved across the world to wherever it is needed.
(That’s enough of that. You’re giving the game away. – Editor)
You are right. The world government would have to get rid of cash. It is dirty and harbours germs, nothing to do with getting rid of financial privacy.
Perhaps central banks could start work on preparing to issue digital currency? What do you mean “they already are”?
I’ve never been too fond of people having individual property rights . Since the UK state probably takes 60% of private income why bother with the other 40?
After all – the State now pays people to stay at home – pays for the nourishment of children – and decides who gets treatment for Covid or not .
Now that freedom of speech and assembly have been removed why not go a bit further and reward the ‘approved ‘ and just ‘remove ‘ the ‘unapproved ‘? It’s all for public safety so no one will object will they ? And if they do they can get the Lawrence Fox / David Starkey treatment as a warning ….
G, thanks for that. I haven’t read it all carefully but skimmed it. The bit about counterfeit currency was interesting.
I read a Lee Child book (was it, memory is hazy on author’s name) several years ago that was about the USA’s indebtedness to China and a plan to undermine the currency of the US.
It’s quite a logical thing: China – due to typical Communist cock-ups (think Chernobyl), lets an experimental virus escape quite by accident. The leadership think ‘Oh well, that’s out. We’ve managed to clear up some of the mess here in Wuhan Province. Let’s see what happens elsewhere in the free world and other Communist countries. We might be able to use the information later.’
The Chinese leadership has now seen what the West, especially Europe, the UK and the USA have had to do socially and economically in response to the Pandemic.
The Chinese love gambling, it is an ethnic ‘thing’.
They may have decided to go for broke and update the world with Covid-20 a more serious version of the virus formerly known as Covid-19. I think our PM, Vallance and Whitty knew about it in September, hence the panic, especially of Vallance and Whitty.
To all the BBC presenters and staff moaning about not being able to express a political opinion or virtue signal on social media: If you want to do that then go and work in the private sector and prove your value somewhere you’re not being paid for by taxpayers to be impartial.
StewGreenMar 6, 19:29 Midweek 5th March 2025 GBnews please give up the wacky lefties Right now the lefty is complaining that Trump’s message to Hamas is “mafia…
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
Ian RushlowMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 The return of BLM? A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy…
vladMar 6, 18:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 Extremely worrying: Has King Charles Converted to Islam? https://youtu.be/eH4EwmLpfBc
moggiemooMar 6, 18:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 It might give him a personality although he’s demented enough in my opinion.
Digg – yes – obvious – Owen Marxist victim Jones – that other kidult Ash whatever – and of course the like of Baroness Shabbi ….
/………. silence from former labour PMs too … ready to jump in about brexit but silent on anti semitidmn- eh Blair – Brown …-and I’m waiting for Comrade John McDonald …..
Not the BBC but it’s favourite topic…
Extracts from letter just received for my local NHS hospital Trust…
Dear ….
As part of our ongoing commitment to ensure patients receive the best quality care and service, we regularly review the number of patients waiting or being asked to attend our clinics.
We had planned to review your …. after a set time after your original treatment.
However following service review and consultation with the commissioning team, we are no longer offering this review.
Should you have any future concerns or experience any deterioration in your symptoms, please make contact with your GP who will explore the most suitable options available to you.
…. My GP surgery closed last week and told me to make alternative arrangements.
So what is going on with our fabulous, saintly NHS then?
Be interested to hear if anyone else is getting this “treatment”?
Just had my glaucoma appointment for next Monday cancelled indefinitely with no reason given
Digg, yep.
I posted at length last week about the cancellation of a pain relief treatment. I’ve been informed that as I’ve had ONE before in my lifetime, the local NHS trust are no longer funding multiple procedures. Been waiting since April. There is an appeals procedure. Apparently. But hey ho, go to the back of the list.. I’m sure there’s an illegal somewhere that’s being funded by my taxes.
I’ve written to my MP and Marcus Rashford.
It seems to me that your local NHS Trust are playing the time-honoured game of ‘tell the punter to sling their hook and hope they meekly accept it.’
So, if your MP doesn’t come up trumps, a carefully worded letter from one of m’learned friends might be just the thing to force them to give you the treatment to which you’re entitled.
Could be the bBc …
Sky News and The Vine Show give soft interviews to every woke activist they get on the show and the same will happen with the latest Corbyn news
Paul now added to the mix.
My area still just less than 200 positives* per 100K moves to Tier 2 on Friday
PCR positive indicates you might have Covid
but doesn’t prove you are infectious cos you might be super mild or a false positive.
We are in Tier on the basis of 95 “cases” per 100,000. But as usual I shall just carry on life as normal and ignore these petty rules.
Katty Kay liked this. Amongst others.
Oh huw – self love is a sin …..so easy to get a non white lead auto cue reader – probably a bit cheaper too …
ITV local news : long item in the centre of the prog a national syndicated item plugging their 7:30pm”It’s Always Whities fault” prog
..showed a long list of blacks that they will be paying tribute to.
If you don’t want to watch that you can watch the 7:30pm GREEN propaganda prog about wind farms at Hornsea.
It’s already been on once in my region.
There are so many of these agenda pushing progs
and they selected for trailer promotion.
They are defined by the colour of the box they tick.
Anti ORANGE man
Pro RED socialism
So today cycling into town I had the trailer for the pro Black anti Orange R4 prog tomorrow morning 11am
“Race and The American Vote”
On the way back I got the same trailer again
11pm R4 will have Americast , another anti-Orange prog
Tonight 6:30 Orange : Rich Hall Comedy progv sneering at Trump
4:30pm today we got Green : the dust bowl is coming back ..they reckon.
Tonight’s colour coded TV
Question Time
Pro Black : Bonnie Greer
Anti-Orange : Scaramucci
11:45pm Black musical family the Kanneh Masons
7:30pm GREEN propaganda about Hornsea Windfarm
8pm Green : Chris Packham
9pm Anti Orange : The Trump Show
10 Red : 2 comedy panel shows
7:30pm Pro Black :black heroes
10:45pm Anti Orange : America’s War on Abortion
C4 Black comedy for 90 mins
BBC4 just a 1954 film A Star is Born
Radio 3 at 11.45 on Saturday morning –
“What does climate change mean for classical music?
Music Matters
Exactly 12-months before the COP26 rescheduled UN climate change conference begins in Glasgow, Tom Service asks what climate change means for classical music.”
Bbc brown eyed boy not happy.
To see this idiots tears on 4th November would be bloody LOVELY !!!!!!
TuckerCarlson 2024
On 4th November the Democrats will be busy “finding” just enough unfranked postal votes to overturn the result.
Was there any doubt? Ash not free?
BBC heaven .. BLACK victims and police being sued.
Champagne out in BBC towers !!!
How come the useless BBC can find this pathetic and puerile race hustling crap, but on Saturday 50,000 anti lockdown demonstrators marched right past their front door and they didn’t say a bloody thing.
I can’t understand it.
Perhaps they were putting the kettle on…
“BIG BROTHER how are we to treat the collateral damage
story in Nice on the BBC’S website. Should we use the
same approach as we have done with different ” cultural”
differences in Rotherham, Rochdale and other northern
towns where are Muslim brothers were just carrying
on their natural religious instincts ?”
“We are affiliates of many diverse groups in the UK including
the BLM organization. In a few generations our Muslim
brothers will be in a majority in the UK. It will happen first in
France . But as sure as night follows day the demographics
will change even more in the UK simply because of birth rate.
Our Muslim brothers have , thanks to Allah many more children
than the indigenous population. So we must show understanding
when, where ever it is the more extreme teachings of their religion.
We have to cover the Nice story for at least a day. Put it next
to ,on our website the fact that Trump has altered the
passport ruling for Jerusalem births. Meaning that US
citizens born in Jerusalem can now take dual Israeli , USA
citizenship. This should at least counter balance the collateral
damage feature in Nice.”It helps to show why our Muslim
brothers have to cut off the heads of old women while praying
in church.”
Foscari – what is the source of the quote ?
BBC Question Time saying that telling people to vote for Biden is *Right Wing*

Shiny forehead – clearly uses Botox. He doesn’t look real.
BBC Radio 4
“This is his vision of suburban America – where women just want their husbands to be going back to work.”
Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Anthony Zurcher discuss Trump’s final pitch to suburban female voters in the latest #Americast.
Listen on BBC Sounds ???? bbc.in/3kHcBpR
As opposed to the bbc ‘vision’?
BS with her boobs near falling out as the bbc core tell the ladies how to vote?
…. guys….?
Her deleted tweet
Won’t be seeing many ‘bad’ Muslim stories will we ? No change ….
What always puzzles me is why this type of person thinks it is of interest that she got this quite low level job AND that she is a muslin woman of colour? It isn’t news that a muslim woman has a job at the BBC or anywhere else these days…
It just shows them for the narcissistic self focused inward thinking bigots they are….We don’t care you are 1 a muslim, it is fine, 2 a woman, it is fine and 3 of colour, it is fine….just don’t bang on about it as though it is newsworthy
Possibly not on the BBC American BS RT list.
Channel 4 the BBC’s ugly sister with the enigmatic Corbyn fan Jon Snow (“Fu*K the Tories!) have been banging on throughout the news tonight about how oppressed blacks people are in the UK and how badly they are treated especially by the Police, Stop and Search etc. etc.
I have just realised that they are not actually trying to inform everyone they are simply trying to rabble-rouse black people and run a recruitment drive for BLM.
I thought of Jon Snow
Tomo – that one really is a ‘get your coat ‘ job – laughed out loud – spilt my red ….
C4 news viewing figures have been dying for ages . No influence other than with the bubble .
Elsewhere – I wonder how many of Corbyn MPs – such as Naz Shah and others from his shadow cabinet – will rally round him and abandon the whip to form a new Party – maybe it can be called ‘the change party ‘ – which hasn’t been used since the brexit campaign …
If any episode of C4 News had got over 1 million viewers
it would have appeared in the Channel4 top 1 prog for the last 28 days but it doesn’t
“According to their annual report Channel 4 News has an average of just under 250,000 viewers on any day. ”
about 0.5% of 50 million adults
BBC – Labour Party ( non Jewish section ) – guardian – swamp – relatives and friends ..people who were watching the show before ( neighbours ?) covers it ….
Even homeless migrants can’t stand Gary.
Did he just say “We must give the clap to Gary Lineker”?
Um, no thanks…
\\Black history month: Slave owner Picton’s portrait to be ‘re-framed’//
“A portrait of Welsh slave owner Sir Thomas Picton labelling him a hero will be “re-framed” with more context given about his life, National Museum Wales (NMW) has said.”
“National Museum Wales called on the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel (SSAP) to decide the future of its large portrait of Picton, which currently hangs in the Faces of Wales gallery inside the Cardiff museum.”
What’s with it with these people ? “re-framed”?
If it wasn’t for Sir Thomas Picton, Europe would have been very different continent.
How can a very small ‘minority’ group dictate Wales’, and Great Britain’s history?
Who on earth are the Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel ? Why do they come to live here ? Their work would be better served If they popped over to Sub Sahara and stopped the present despotic governments and their behaviour to their own peoples in “Sub-Sahara”.
IMHO, The Welsh Assembly is behind this as well as Kath Davies of the museum . There are a lot of taffmen not very happy about this betrayal .
De fund Al Beeb and get rid of the Assembly Government. Both hate this nation and hate its people . Both waste our hard earned money!
Come to think of it, what does The Rt Hon Oliver Dowden CBE MP do for his wages ?
Winston Churchill would have done something about this propaganda .
What’s BoJo ‘Churchill’ doing about Al BeeB ?
Sweet FA.
Top comments “It’s too late now”
Its never too late , Privatise it .
On Toadythis mornig, Robinson discussing illegals risking their lives to get to UK.
Interviews a Syrian who got here a couple of years ago and brought his family.
” Oh good” I thought as Robinson asked him ” Why did you risk your life to get to UK when you were already in France ?”
Immigrant replied that in Syria there was a lot of violence and danger for his family so he needed to get them out. And that was that, no follow up from Robinson to get the answer to the question we all ask.
I think political activists like Robinson are more than just a little responsible for the gruesome killings in Nice. They endlessly pressure the authorities and politicians with as many migrant sob stories as possible to pressurise them into letting in all comers and then as bold as brass report the “news” when it all goes wrong.
When the BBC finally does report this they still cant resist playing their old tricks when the crime is committed by a member of their favourite religion.
The banner headline on their website reported the largely peaceful beheading as “Three stabbed to death in France Terror attack”
Sorry I thought a couple of the victims were pretty much beheaded but this has now been sanitised in the headlines to “stabbings” same trick they used about the naive girls who were raped and beheaded in the Atlas Mountains Morocco but according to Aunty had died of “neck wounds”
They really cant help themselves.
Expect lots of re-balancing stories next week about violence committed by white men and of course more news about the rise of the “far right”.
No islamic terror attack is complete without the indomitable David Wood commenting.
Part of the ritual response to an Islamic terrorist attack.
Lots of words
Lots of solidarity
Lots of no change
New PJW video “How do Muslims react ?
How do Christians react ?’
“forgiveness doesn’t stop Islamic terrorism”
“Stop it at the border, you idiots”
I think he said the Nice attacker had been transported by migrant rescue boat.
So are our media talking about the 5 attacks on France in one day
for not bowing to Islam ?
– Stabbing attack in Nice, three killed.
– Foiled stabbing in Avignon.
– Foiled stabbing by Afghan man in Lyon.
– Foiled car bombing in Sartrouville.:
– Guard wounded at French Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The attacks were carried out by non-French nationals who had come to the country from Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The Tunisian suspect in the Nice attack only arrived in France this month after coming to France from the Italian island of Lampedusa at the end of September, an official told AFP
Well, there is so much else not to talk about elsewhere.
Ms. Spring sprung yet?
Has she discussed if dogma based belief systems are Conspiracy Theories ?
And if some are intrinsically dangerous ?
eg antifa
eg Islam
Oh the Avignon incident has been completely reclassifed as
mentally unstable member of anti-immigrant movement
and that there wasn’t a stabbing
Rather he was waving a knife in the street and had a gun so the police shot him dead.
“According to media reports, police initially deployed non-lethal munitions to stop the assailant but were forced to open fire with live rounds after he lunged at officers. ”
Some suggest he was a guy pretending to be an Islamic terrorist.
The police don’t describe it as a a terrorist incident.
No doubt retiring to some place free of all those ‘migrants’ that he is convinced there is plenty of room for in the UK.
(Not many people live on mountains, in lakes, forests and parks, on railways and motorways and in the middle of agricultural land).
W1A is going to need bigger corridors.
A trade deal on the way for the UK with Canada? Justin Trudeau gives promising statement.
Over to Al Beeb…………………………….
Trubble at Mill. R Jezza’s bin sacked. Join Rally at t allotments
Why would Al Beeb invite Anthony Scaramucci to be a guest on Question Time? I would think he knows v little about British politics.
Trump basher!!!
Clear evidence of Al Beeb’s anti trump bias
So an attacker beheads one and murders two others with a knife while screaming ‘Allar Akbur’ non-stop and the BBC describe it as :
“…in what France says was an “Islamist terrorist attack”
with the very clear intention of leaving just a nugget of doubt in the mind of the casual reader who doesn’t delve into the article.
I’ve spent a long time trying to work out why the Left try to protect and defend Islam when they should be outraged at what they do for extreme racism against infidels and how they treat homosexuals and women. My conclusion now is that they do it simply to spite the Right. The enemy of my enemy and all that. The hypocrisy is off the scale – but I suspect many are just victims of ‘groupthink’ who need someone else to tell them what to think.
This just cannot be accidental.
On Newshite they devote the whole programme to the suspension of Jezza Corbyn from the Labour Party in the wake of the anti-semitism report.
And the presenter, Kirsty Wark is wearing all black as if she is going to a funeral !!!!!!!!
Absolutely true.
PJWs previous video is a great exposure of the Media Party
Re Guido report about BBC banning staff from Pride LGBT marches
Andrew Doyle On The Downfall Of Gay Activism
He says there is split in the gay movement to do with Stonewall
Not a single voice of support for Trump on Question Time either from the panel or the virtual audience.
Ex squaddie “my rich Iraqi workmates, still believed the myth that Europe is paradise, they illegally claimed asylum in Germany”
last part of Wednesdays Ian Collins Show link
Al Beeb……….. “Covid: Are we heading back into a full lockdown?”
Looks like it .
Of course we all known what will happen when the country opens up again .
Has anyone in the government got any common sense ? The economy is going into ‘melt down’.
Funny I said exactly the same to wife this morning at 6am..and the answer is…….
BBC elevated Katty to US Brown Owl Editor yet?
If Michelle Obama had a cookie tin, it would look like a land mine.
So as expected the BBC website is already beginning
to hide away the slaughter in Nice. Yes it’s on
the World news pages but BIG BROTHER from the
diversity dept has made sure that the front page of
the BBC website for this horrendous Islamic
slaughter of three worshipers in a church.
Is the” feature” not diverse enough for you BBC?
Ah yes, but at least they have a nice story about a traffic jam in Paris on the front page, as the cheese eating surrender monkeys head for the hills…
BS goes wishful.
Still choosing the lines to take.
Have the Nigerian tanker hijackers been put up in 4 star hotels yet ?
I believe they have all put in urgent requests for laptops and an internet connection as they have some important emails to send regarding large amounts of cash and gold they need to get out of the country, all they need is the recipients bank details
and a database of overweight lonely single females with savings accounts who they have apparently already fallen in love with and feel they know so well, their hearts are “entwyned”(sic) “foreva” (sic)
and housing benefit details for the six council houses they each wish to claim for each of their wives and 15 kids
personally speaking, I cannot wait for this enrichment of our culture
Does anyone know if Lineker has broadband ?
Dont blink but Lineker’s refugee has been and gone ! he has said though he is willing to ‘host’ another one. I always imagined that ‘taking in’ a refugee meant giving them a home, not just staying for a long weekend 🙂
Don’t become the sto… oh, too late.
Al notices the BBC is ‘unique’.
Somehow I don’t think the BBC will show this clip of Nigel Farage giving an impassioned tribute to Trump at one of his huge rallies.
They did a bit of NF on R4 last night at 6pm but after playing it ..their resident gobshit3 Evan said to US BBC correspondent…” We won’t ask you to comment on THAT”
He literally spat the words out…no bias there
So they aired it just to revile it, and arrogantly assumed listeners would agree.
Boy are they in for a nasty shock on the 3rd (I hope).
Nigel, telling it like it is, on behalf of the sane British public. That sanity being steadfastly resolute notwithstanding the ubiquitous onslaught surrounding.
Nigel for PM!
BBC News
As France mourns the killing of three people at a church in Nice, this is what we know so far.*
*translation: what we want you to think.
Slate is usually not like this.
They might need a midnight visit from a mob.
Next on the Vine Show… Champion Ash, YAB and guest star from the USA… Nish!
Humza Yousaf ? Kenyan/Pakistani extraction
Demographics of Scotland show that in 2019, there was 388,000 “Non British people” living in Scotland of which, roughly 11,000 were Pakistani. Of the total population of 5,385,000 that equates to, 0.11204%. If you take ALL the non-British contingent of 388,000 that equates to 7.21% of the total population so, to concede a point he makes, at least one of the names he recites should be BAME.
Will BS, Kirsty, Lewis and the gang be out in the street banging pots for #SaveOurJez ?
Tonight they have a panel of Paul Mason, Champion Ash, Owen Jones and Lenin to knock a few thoughts about with Lewis on policy.
So the Walnut Wun will have to buy another whip to chastise her clients with, will she?
TOADY Watch #1 – Good family values #1
I grew up as child through various peaks of the Cold War. In a metaphorical sense as well as a fictional sense, you could describe Snuffy as a distant relative of George Smiley.
I smell a rat listening to the TOADY Programme this morning. It seems to be a Communist rat. We are being told that there is a new strain, more virulent strain, of Covid and it is being called Covid-20a. It has been identified among Spanish seasonal (code for migrant – careful BBC!) farm workers.
Various Americans, including (you guessed!) a squeaky voiced American woman (where do the BBC find them?), have been trawled across the programme to convince us about the science including environmental aspects. Apparently, burning down an Amazonian rainforest and clearing it to grow food is causing this virus. Another thin story.
Hmmmmnn. Having served an apprenticeship at George Smiley’s knee, I think that is all very thin story and different groups are trying to use the Pandemic for advantage. The Chinese have much more likely decided to go for broke and have deliberately released Covid-20 on the West and the rest of the world.
Now, some science. Covid is a coronavirus and coronaviruses mutate, the most virulent and mutating of all being one of the family, the one that is known as the common cold.
It is possible this new strain is a natural mutation but I find the story being trailed across the TOADY airwaves that it is all down to Spanish seasonal farm workers’ fault and that of British holiday makers a bit thin as cover stories go.
I don’t know… if there was only some way we could end this nightmare? I mean, it’s a global problem, right, so maybe we need a global solution? Maybe some sort of, perhaps, world government? But it would need to be very focused, it couldn’t be left to the whims of voters, who might be suspectible to populist and nationalist sentiments. Perhaps some sort of benevolent dictatorship, but managed by technocrats and experts? And couldn’t Big Tech help out by ensuring that dissenting voices aren’t allowed to spread false news? It’s clear that the virus will mutate every year, so Big Pharma needs to be on its toes, producing new variants of the vaccine each year. Of course, they must be rewarded generously for their efforts. Only sensible strategy is mandatory vaccination for everyone – who could object to that? Constant surveillance may seem authoritarian but it really isn’t – we need to know where people are, what they are doing, who they are seeing. How else can be control the virus? Of course, there will be disruptions to the global economy, but we can mitigate against that by ensuring migrant labour can be freely moved across the world to wherever it is needed.
(That’s enough of that. You’re giving the game away. – Editor)
You are right. The world government would have to get rid of cash. It is dirty and harbours germs, nothing to do with getting rid of financial privacy.
Perhaps central banks could start work on preparing to issue digital currency? What do you mean “they already are”?
I’ve never been too fond of people having individual property rights . Since the UK state probably takes 60% of private income why bother with the other 40?
After all – the State now pays people to stay at home – pays for the nourishment of children – and decides who gets treatment for Covid or not .
Now that freedom of speech and assembly have been removed why not go a bit further and reward the ‘approved ‘ and just ‘remove ‘ the ‘unapproved ‘? It’s all for public safety so no one will object will they ? And if they do they can get the Lawrence Fox / David Starkey treatment as a warning ….
Up2, China.
A very interesting and unusually long article on Gatestone just in:
G, thanks for that. I haven’t read it all carefully but skimmed it. The bit about counterfeit currency was interesting.
I read a Lee Child book (was it, memory is hazy on author’s name) several years ago that was about the USA’s indebtedness to China and a plan to undermine the currency of the US.
It’s quite a logical thing: China – due to typical Communist cock-ups (think Chernobyl), lets an experimental virus escape quite by accident. The leadership think ‘Oh well, that’s out. We’ve managed to clear up some of the mess here in Wuhan Province. Let’s see what happens elsewhere in the free world and other Communist countries. We might be able to use the information later.’
The Chinese leadership has now seen what the West, especially Europe, the UK and the USA have had to do socially and economically in response to the Pandemic.
The Chinese love gambling, it is an ethnic ‘thing’.
They may have decided to go for broke and update the world with Covid-20 a more serious version of the virus formerly known as Covid-19. I think our PM, Vallance and Whitty knew about it in September, hence the panic, especially of Vallance and Whitty.