BBC impartiality rules latest: -LGBT BBC journalists have been told the new rules mean they’re banned from Pride marches in a personal capacity in case it shows bias -Head of News warns Twitter likes can show bias; had herself liked attack on Boris Johnson
The Labour Party family, including the BBC, is in crisis. There was an attempt before 7 a.m. to come up with some excuses for the suspended Jeremy Corbyn. Nick Robinson interviewed James Schneider, former Press Officer for the Momentum, the radical Marxist movement within the Labour Party.
There’s nothing like a family spat and Nick Robinson seemed to be really enjoying appearing to grill James Schneider. Now Mishal is running a tilt at Keir Starmer. When you start a lawyer talking it is not easy to stop them. Mishal, The Great Interrupter, succeeds – no contest.
Der Starmer is now saying “I knew nothing at the time.”.
Seem to recall others telling me about some people saying that sort of thing about seventy-five years ago.
Der Starmer doesn’t want a civil war in the Labour Party. Strange. He’s quite content to stir one up in the UK with calls for a total Lockdown in England.
Propaganda industry now in full project fear mode to achieve a total lockdown over the end of 2020 – eg
Hospitals will be full up by December 17?
New strain of virus – covid 20
It’s worse than March
There will be shortages – turkeys – sprouts – stuffing – trimmings ….comedy
So it is time for panic buying – stock up for Christmas now !
( as I’ve said before – the BBC has an absolute fixation with Christmas – the importance of which to the majority non Christians diminishes year on year as national identity is destroyed by ‘diversity ‘…)
The Head Of Diversity & Inclusion to the office please to explain how this happened , how it will not happen again , and just why we pay you over £100K per year !!!
Doobster-Yes, it looked like a repeat of last weekends Antiques
Road Show.I think we should give the diversity dept at the BBC
some slack.They have the job of keeping the collateral damage in
Nice off the front pages.Also, that they keep up appearances
with their daily default main picture on the internet.
Context : The viewer panel is only from Lincoln
a city which is vastly white
However of those 16 faces 2 are BAME
So the panel is 13.5% BAME as per national demographic.
Have you started playing the’ lefty Labour game ‘yet
All you have to do is guess which Labour MP is going to leave the party in solidarity with Comrade Corbyn – my money is on the deputy leader of the party -Angie “scum “ Rayner to be the first …..
………..or maybe no one will go .. not even Diane Abbot – cos it is goodbye peerage and freebies …..
Call it a coincidence if you wish but it just so happens that the BBC’s headline to their on-line press line up (with the byline “Staff”) out of all our national newspaper titles most closely echoes the Guardian’s headline: ‘Labour in “crisis” as Jeremy Corbyn suspended’ (BBC); ‘Labour plunged into crisis after Corbyn suspended’ (Guardian)
Other papers, outside of the BBC/Guardian nexus, tend to go with a “civil war” or “battle” theme: ‘Labour facing civil war after Corbyn suspended’ (the ‘i’); ‘Shaming of Corbyn sparks Labour civil war’ (Telegraph); ‘Battle for Labour’s soul as Corbyn is suspended’ (Times).
The Mail takes the opportunity for a bit of a gloat, opportune as we approach Remembrance Sunday, reproducing that photo of our Jeremy laying a wreath at the grave of a terrorist: ‘RIP Corbyn’s legacy of hate. After this paper’s relentless exposés, report finds Corbyn’s vial cabal broke law over anti-Semitism…’
The freebie Metro goes with a pun: ‘Corbinned’, whilst the Daily Mirror feels the urgent need to give Jeremy’s successor a boost: ‘Starmer’s zero tolerance’ – the phrase having various connotations depending from which angle you’re looking – which flexibility of meaning I guess is meat and drink for a lawyer and one who previously happily campaigned on Corbyn’s behalf, battling to make the Marxist anti-Semite our Prime Minister.
In fact, I think the BBC/Guardian have it about right on this occasion going with “crisis”. Fitting, I’d say for a Corbynista party that habitually told us every day how everything was in crisis – NHS Crisis, Education Crisis, Employment Crisis, Housing Crisis…
Well they are now.
Let’s think about housing. The Times has a feature: ‘Hot property. What’s going on in the housing market’ – how about the current ballooning government debt, backed by unrestrained quantitative easing, is inflating asset prices?
In a market already skewed by restricted supply, we’re on a small island we’d prefer not to be completely concreted over, matched with unrestricted demand, caused by population growth fuelled by unprecedented immigration levels.
Now let’s look at the health crisis. The FT warns: ‘Scientists identify coronavirus variant spread across Europe by “risky” tourists’ – we won’t delve too far into the origins of the ‘Spanish farmworkers’ with whom this problem ‘originated’ since the FT small print is pretty small in our BBC reproduced front page. Suffice to say they don’t get the blame, it’s the Europeans, including British holidaymakers, who caught it from them who are apparently the problem having spread the infection.
The ‘i’ flags up: ‘Emoji warning for BBC staff’- this cryptic motto in some way links with the Telegraph article: ‘BBC stars mock rules on use of social media’
The Guardian can of course be relied upon to flounce about and throw a hissy fit on behalf of the lefties at the BBC and their right to posture and campaign on our licence fee: ‘Political bias? BBC staff may face Pride ban. New impartiality rules at corporation could stop journalists from going on LGBT marches’ – “may” and “could” – you’re not doing yourselves any favours here, you so-called journalists.
The Guardian is all for social cohesion and is happy to see the English language butchered in the cause: ‘Macron in call for unity after church knife attack’ – you know something odd is going on when the over-educated arts students at the Guardian adopt an awkward tabloid-sounding contraction such as “church knife attack” – churches don’t tend to attack people with knives after all.
The Telegraph acknowledges friction between Europe and the Islamic world: ‘Erdogan accused of incitement in France’.
It is left to the Times to report without any pussyfooting around: ‘Migrant tried to behead victims in French attack. A Tunisian illegal immigrant who had arrived in France in the past few weeks…’ – well you know the rest.
Not to leave things on a sour note; having said farewell to Jeremy Corbyn, we’ll give the last word to the Mirror and their showbiz obit: ‘Goodbye Bobby, and thanks for all the laughs’ – that’s Bobby Ball of comedy duo Cannon and Ball with an epitaph equally fit for our Jeremy.
Considering that comrade Corbyn has spent his entire political career scheming for the socialist utopia – he must be ‘lovin’ the victim attention again .
All his friends in the IRA , hezbolah, other Muslim terrorist groups as well as other commies must be rallying around to encourage him .
The media communists must be split between the desire to be on the BBC and aligning with comrade Corbyn – or maybe the BBC will permit them to do both .
Did anyone hear the R4 piece last night on the the Plymouth court case where a resident has taken Council to court as they try to rename a square from a historic Briton ( John Hawkins) to a black footballer ( Jack Leslie). usual yawn – slave links…
But what interested me was the BBC into – a local BBC reporter opened her piece with:
” I have lived here for 12 years and I am black and I have been racially abused here 3 times, so this resonates with me” WTF!!
BBC – She is supposed to be reporting not prejudicing, we are not interested in her, but the story. And as for being racially abused (which we all agree is unacceptable) where is evidence and was it racial abuse or just abuse? We don’t know…the fact it may or may not have been in that square seems almost irrelevant…
If we take BBC logic, anywhere somebody has been racially abused is now a suitable place to be renamed…
When will the BBC and its staff realise they are not the story…it isn’t all about you. Report, keep your bias and prejudice to yourself
Rant over.. glad my exposure to Bigoted Brainless Corp is very limited now
That this benign requirement is causing such uproar among journalists only goes to show how many of them entered the profession – or reinvented themselves mid career – to be activists first and foremost.
Although not so good values on minimising CO2 output. James Naughtie has been running around American States – as if there are not enough BBC reporters in the USA already and all ready – to rubbish Donald Trump’s chances of a second term and to big up Biden while ignoring the Hunter bit.
Then another correspondent (forgotten name, sorry) is in Moscow to hunt the Russian bear and the Russian tiger. They have both bitten into Biden on water melons so our brave BBC correspondent doesn’t shoot them but just pats them on the head for making the right choice of President-to-be.
Maybe a name change is required at Broadcasting House? Perhaps we should re-name the BBC as the DNC, the Democratic (Inter)Nationalist Corporation?
The Labour Party has got itself into this
state over a number of reasons BUT the main one is their
attitude towards Israel. Or should I say their left wing’s
Marxist attitude towards the only democratic state in
the Middle East.To be honest it’s no different than the
beliefs of the anarchist Marxists who have come out of
the woodwork and who have been in control of the BBC.
So how has this come about? Harold Wilson was just about
the best friend of Israel that any Prime Minister from the UK
has been.
It has happened because the Labour party has been after
the Muslim vote for more than 20 years now and over the
last 10 have done everything to accommodate this ever
increasing electorate in the UK. This accommodation has not
only included the rabid hate of Israel by many ,but the
anti-Semitism that goes with it.So the Labour party got
sucked into this nasty racist situation . And with a more
than sympathetic leader of the Labour party Jeremy Corbyn
supporting the sworn enemies of Israel , what has happened
was bound to have come about.
Add to that the new influx of Muslim MP’S, local councilors and Lords, and with what Mehdi Hassan let slip ” Islam’s dirty little secret” then the writing was on the wall.
Must be a bit frustrating for Corbyn and his anti Israel friends seeing what appears to be agreements between Arab states and Israel ….
Maybe If Mr Trump wins again a few of these characters will disappear …
If immigrants voted Conservative, then Labour would not be so keen on them. It’s the same with the Democrats in the USA.
For leftist parties, the arithmetic is simple: more third world immigrants = more votes. It’s a shame the Conservative Party is too gutless to do something about it when they have the chance, ie. an 80 seat majority. The day will come when they never get a majority again. Remember when California was Republican, and Ronald Reagan was the governor? It was only in the 1960s, but it seems like ancient history. When demographic change happens, the results can be felt very quickly indeed.
Ah! Ronald Reagan. Yes, I remember well. That was when the US president had his back covered by one Margaret Thatcher and the pair destroyed the USSR. History will not repeat itself by Boris backing DJT. DJT is on his own and will, hopefully, defeat the chinese alone.
R-i-C, Ronnie Reagon, when he was Governor of California, was a Democrat! He was a former (Trade) Union organiser in the movie industry. It was only later that he switched to the Republican Party.
Then he ran for the Republican nomination and won. Then he won the Presidency and was a pretty good President until the end of his second term.
You would expect an organisation like the BBC to be staffed with some competent, intelligent people, would you not? It appears from the above that the answer is ‘No, not the BBC.’
The weather forecast although generally useful and very accurate compared to the broadcast ones has a couple of major flaws. One is the search facility that doesn’t recognise well-know UK towns and cities but does find some obscure place in Idaho. Another is that, most peculiarly, 30 mph wind speeds do not exist.
On the Markets data the problem is that the web-site owners who provide the service to the BBC are not very good at 1. sums, and, 2. updating the prices from the previous close. In addition they lose ‘items’, for example this month West Texas Intermediate (known as WTI – a US oil) went missing for several days.
You would think ‘the world’s most trusted broadcaster’ would want to be extremely accurate with information provided on their web-site. You would think that. But no …… apparently not.
Some young woman on Look North last night said it was going to be a dry day today – we have had drizzle all morning and has just turned at noon into heavy rain. No accuracy for northern forecasts.
Some young woman on Look North last night said it was going to be a dry day today – we have had drizzle all morning and has just turned at noon into heavy rain. No accuracy for northern forecasts.
Deborah, the thing on the BBC web-site has a section where you can drag a timeline while observing a satellite image of weather where you live. It’s not very finely calibrated. The old Met Office one was better. But it still gives a good idea of how the day will work out.
I think it is updated regularly through the day, too. I reckon it’s about 90% accurate. Apart from the wind speed. 30mph just does not exist.
“The BBC” is trending on Twitter
Bearing in mind that some account like OurLefty say ridiculous things to draw other people out
Top Tweets
John Traynor (Communist indoctrination)
Today, Keir Starmer suspended Jeremy Corbyn and the BBC banned staff from attending Black lives Matter and LGBT events.
The centre is now the *far-right*
BBC: “We have to be completely impartial”
Also the BBC: “Let’s put Nigel Farage on every programme”
Also the BBC: “We better not say transgender people need rights so pride is now banned for some reason”
Jonathan Coe
Does anyone have a link to these guidelines?
‘Virtue signalling’ is not a real thing,
it’s just a lazy *alt-right* insult,
so if the phrase has now been codified in an official document, the BBC really is in a dark place.
(Of course he is projecting, look how the way he uses “Alt Right” in a senses that is “not real” (actually it’s not a euphemism for conservative or right wing)
and VS is 100% real
Samuel West
Now that the Director General of the BBC has explicitly adopted an *alt-right* trope by saying employees must avoid “virtue-signalling”, can we at least stop parroting the idea that the state broadcaster is institutionally left-wing?
The @GoodLawProject believes the BBC’s conduct is unlawful and discriminatory.
We have instructed leading and junior Counsel and intend to send a formal pre-action protocol letter to the BBC next week.
Presumably Jolyon ‘Foxy’ Maugham will be asking the Corbynutta’s supporters to dig deep to fund another of his pointless, ego-massaging legal cases. Ah well, fools and their money…
Don’t try to sell chopping people’s heads off in a place of worship as being indicative of a “clash of cultures” you cowardly, morally bereft weasels.
As we’d expect it turns out that there are some Orwellian WORD GAMES going on
“Diversity” ..oh you mean a diverse group of backgrounds, Ancient Britons, Picts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings etc. ?
No, you are saying “Diversity” =”black”
..yep that’s true like the name of the BGT dance group libmob use the words Black and Diversity as if they mean the same thing.
“African” = “black”
of the 7 special black people only 1 is provably black the other were either North African or a white emperor born in North Africa.
“Built Britain” : being minor figures like a trumpeter and theologian doesn’t constitute BUILDING Britain
His other video about the “Britain’s first black writer Mary Prince”
explains similarly
“writer” : she couldn’t write
Rather she was adopted by WHITE antislavers
who ghost wrote her lifestory for her
and published it as an “autobiography” in a noble cause of helping to further end slavery in the Caribbean.
And in the familiar 2+2=5 fashion, today’s activists make grand claims about her which are not true.
Sky also despatched a young black reporter to Jamaica to interview ………….
Sislin Fay Allen
“The sight of a dark-skinned young woman dressed in a police uniform, with a solid Jamaican timbre, patrolling the streets of south London in 1968 was a shock to residents. It was Sislin Fay Allen, Britain’s first black policewoman.”
Looking at the 2016 US election – The result didn’t come through until at 0730 GMT on Wednesday ….. so some thought needs to go into the ‘staying up ‘ for those who are thinking about it …
……back to BBC news – the Tunisian man who allegedly beheaded catholics in a church was carrying 3 knives – and a Koran – now look that doesn’t make him an Islamic terrorist does it ? It’s a cultural thing ….
… then the BBC had some snowflake from RUSI acting as an apologist for these killings … I didn’t get his name but he – unusually – made me feel physically sick – he’d change his tune if he was on the receiving end …. I could only – unfortunately – think of him as a C word ….just awful
Dr. Laurence Gerlis of the commerical doctors surgery group
say BBC Covid alarmism is unwarranted
‘There is a big case count, but there is something going on, cos at the end of day the death counts are the same as a normal year with winter flu
..what they are doing is counting mild cases’
Dr Laurence Gerlis: "The BBC [have portrayed coronavirus] as "we're all doomed." I don't know why they are portraying this so negatively."
Mental man had a conspiracy theory that guns were being hidden behind mosque bookshelves.
Some media reports suggest Jewel accidentally stepped on the Koran during the search, when he was trying to reach the upper shelves of the bookcase, which sparked the worshippers’ outrage.
The duo were taken into custody by the authorities shortly after the altercation and held at a local council building.
As the news of the incident spread, however, a large mob of almost a thousand people gathered outside the building.
They eventually broke in and snatched one of the men.
The victim was brutally beaten in the street and set ablaze.
I wonder how many Bradford/Leicester people get their news from the BBC Bangla News on Youtube ?
– that licence fee payers fund
– Of course it’s even less white than the rest of the networks
“Glimmer of hope even as Covid cases rise”
A message about Covid and those who are pulling the Covid strings ………….
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
You have been rumbled . BoJo neds to get the nation back to work before the nation ends up on its @rse.
BBC Twitterpunks wear to rebel
AFAIK Wong will get away with it
cos he’s contract worker doing a TV show
and the rules apply to full time staff in News and Current Affairs
Belfield reckon the rules won’t even get applied to other either co their clever lawyer mates will say it’s “Human rights”
TalkRadio guest did make a good point
By having a firm rule against political tweeting, some BBC staff will feel more free
Say you are a gay non-BLM supporting staff member
at the moment you’d feel coerced into tweeting LGBT & BLM stuff, not cos you actually believe in it, but cos of peer pressure.
But now you have an excuse “It’s against work rules”
James Wong is hypocritical to complain about right to free discussion being limited
cos he limits other people’s all the time
He’s a super blocker, if you go along with his groupthink you are fine
but if you politely contradict him even with evidence , then bang you get blocked.
Nihal TherealNihal tweeted
“Looks like I won’t be calling *racists* rude words anymore.”
Again that is an Orwellian wordgame
What does he mean by “racist” ?
He means anyone white he doesn’t like he will smear them with the word “racist”, although most are not.
Yet he will never call a non-white guy racist when he is.
Jim Davidson is what happens when we don’t have enough racist testing kits out there.
Or you are a racist.
What is it Guy? You like Yaxley Lennon and Hopkins?
The Guardian reports that Scottish Shipbuilding Unions are up in arms about UK Government plans to possibly relocate shipbuilding projects outside of Scotland.
“Union leaders are warning of a potential “massive betrayal” of working-class communities in Scotland if the Westminster government’s delayed national shipbuilding strategy, expected to be published on Tuesday, recommends that future contracts be awarded outside the UK.”
If Queen Nichola gets her way Scotland WILL be outside the UK so you will have exactly the same chances as other Countries surely?
And we could say Nicholas plans for Scotland are already a “massive betrayal” of the UK surely?
In my opinion if the security of the UK is threatened by the actions of another region it is essential that the UK take defensive and preventative action, whatever that entails.
I had a quick look at their manifesto, training videos and ‘leader’ statements and realised exactly what they were.
That folk like Sir. Boaty, Rupe, most in every political party, local and Westminster, plus vastly paid MSM clowns did not, mostly still have not and won’t explains much.
The year 2025 is noteworthy as it will follow immediately after the next General Election in the UK so obviously the Guardian expect this to be a red landslide.
They have not yet revealed this exciting event on their website so it may be that they only want “real” Guardian readers to absorb the crap…. Like maybe the BBC who buy most of the copies?
And I ask myself… why would anyone in the UK want to be instructed by a Greek version of “Wolfie”?
The WEF guy was on an hour after Vince
Vince was 14:36pm
WEF head Adrian Monck 15:30pm ( video
They put up 2 short clips but you really need the full 17 mins.
As often happens he is now a PR guy but started in the media
CBS News (1988–92),[1] ITV News (1992–1996), FIVEnews (1996–2004) and Sky News (2005).
journo then producer.
headed City University’s Department of Journalism from 2005 – 2009. ) then to head WEF
He basically described WEF as a ThinkTank not a lever puller.
Asked if it was connected to Agenda21 he ummed
When asked to explain the Great Reset he toned it down
saying it was just about jobs & reskilling after Covid, and ended by tossing in “Green”
but had earlier said “if you don’t believe in Climate Change we won’t talk to you” Collins earlier thread
In the next interview Collins will be talking to Ronnie & Reggie Kray, 2 kind and gentle East End entrepreneurs.
They would politicise Bill and Bernadette if they could.
Disgraceful politicising of the Nice terror attack by the BBC. The Mayor called it a terror attack because it clearly was. The BBC’s snide remarks about him being “right wing” and “quick to call it a terror attack” are deeply
The 3pm wireless news had a longish piece with a mudslime apologist saying how dear mudslimes in France were now cowering in fear and dread because of President Microns tough words…..
FFS BBC what about the poor woman who had her head severed and her family…?
Changing the narrative, again. Making out the perpetrators to be the victims. Again.
The BBC and their supporters are truly scum. Evil.
They asked us on Yahoo whether we thought the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party was right or wrong-how can we respond when they won’t let you comment! Terrified as usual that they don’t want to listen to the peoples views one way or the other-totally marxist, totally socialistic and a monster in the way of progress with another monster of deceit the BBC or perhaps should be renamed Black Broadcasting Club- as that is all that is mostly shown on the BBC TV Channels. White lives matter as much as any other colour, especially in this nation with a majority white indigenous peoples. Land of hope and glory, mother of the free.
Tarien – I fully support Jeremy Corbyn and his attempt to split the socialists into historical footnotes .. after that let’s deal with the red ‘Tories ‘ and get a fully Right Wing government -with me so far …. ?
With you Fed, whilst personally I could not give a hoot about the in -fighting of the national broadcasters political wing, I hope both heads of the serpent bite themselves to death and quickly.
As for the red tories, there used to be a poster called Smoggie here that sung their praises, perhaps he/she could explain what’s going on with the Reds.
Steve Shite in the afternoon on the wireless nowinterviewing someone talking about queers.
Imagine protesting outside of one of their mosques for one of the atrocities they’ve caused, people killed. Three children were robbed of their mother’s love for the rest of their lives in the name of this religion yesterday and no one seems to care about that. We welcome them
Well here is the differing rules for our Friends of Colour v the general UK population.
BLM protests – Sadiq Khan urges people to attend.
Anti lockdown protest he has this to say
This is not acceptable. I urge all protestors to leave now. Large gatherings are banned for a reason – you are putting the safety of our city at risk.
— Mayor of London ( (@MayorofLondon) September 26, 2020
And today as muslims gather in large numbers to protest.. NOTHING.
This morning’s BBC Today programme resulted in a Personal Political Broadcast for a certain Keir Starmer who apparently has, for years and years and years, been at the forefront of the charge to rid the Labour Party of its systemic anti-Semitic outlook …..(NOT).
Favourite phrase of his hardly-challenged broadcast this morning was his oft-repeated desire that he wanted to ‘draw a line’ under the situation today, and to move on. Not so much ‘drawing a line’ as burying any possible connection with the Labour Party and its institutional anti-Semitic behaviour, as fast as possible, so he can get back to sneering and moaning – along with the BBC – at the Conservatives.
What’s the betting that this whole affair slides from the view of the BBC, it’s TV channels, radio stations, websites, etc., as fast as they can make it happen ?
I can pretty much guarantee that, within a very short period, Mr Starmer will be leading the charge to demand that the Conservative Party becomes the target of an ‘independent’ inquiry into its ‘deeply-embedded anti-Islamic policies and behaviour.’…. a position which will quickly be adopted by the BBC.
They have already started last night on R4 when one of the Labour Gobshit3 sisters was asked to comment on the JC event – part of her reply, which went unchallenged, was – it’s not just Labour we have to look at the known problem of Islamophobia in the Tories (paraphrased).
I expect this attack to be coming on strong soon…especially if any Tory dares comment on the French situation
Richard PinderMar 6, 18:48 Midweek 5th March 2025 Democrats promise that after the next election, they will force Big Pharma to give left-wing LGBT Marxists, lots of free…
Ian RushlowMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 The return of BLM? A small group of middle-aged middle-class types in my town today outside Waitrose, wearing fleece tops…
DoublethinkerMar 6, 18:36 Midweek 5th March 2025 I think that it is possible that Farage is trying to stop offering up too many targets for the legacy…
vladMar 6, 18:33 Midweek 5th March 2025 Extremely worrying: Has King Charles Converted to Islam?
moggiemooMar 6, 18:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 It might give him a personality although he’s demented enough in my opinion.
“France church attacker arrived in Europe from Tunisia days ago“
How many are arriving over here from across the Channel?
All of ’em – eventually.
“It’s all going great so far”.
So, no kkk rallies for the BBC Hate Ed now?
TOADY Watch #2 – Good family values #2
The Labour Party family, including the BBC, is in crisis. There was an attempt before 7 a.m. to come up with some excuses for the suspended Jeremy Corbyn. Nick Robinson interviewed James Schneider, former Press Officer for the Momentum, the radical Marxist movement within the Labour Party.
There’s nothing like a family spat and Nick Robinson seemed to be really enjoying appearing to grill James Schneider. Now Mishal is running a tilt at Keir Starmer. When you start a lawyer talking it is not easy to stop them. Mishal, The Great Interrupter, succeeds – no contest.
Der Starmer is now saying “I knew nothing at the time.”.
Seem to recall others telling me about some people saying that sort of thing about seventy-five years ago.
Der Starmer doesn’t want a civil war in the Labour Party. Strange. He’s quite content to stir one up in the UK with calls for a total Lockdown in England.
From the Mailonline – a handy list for biased BBC droids to conceal their snowflake views of engaging with social media —
Things NOT to do: Ten things staff should not do under the BBC’s new social media rules
1. Do not be drawn into ill-tempered exchanges, or exchanges that will reflect badly on you, or the BBC
2. Do not post when your judgement may be impaired
3. Never use your BBC status to seek personal gain or pursue personal campaigns
4. Do not reveal how you vote or express support for any political party
5. Do not offer judgements beyond your specialism
6. Do not support campaigns no matter how apparently worthy the cause
7. Do not post anything that couldn’t be said on-air or on BBC platforms
8. Do not break news on a personal account
9. Do not link to anything you haven’t read fully
10. Do not be seduced by the informality of tone and language on social media
……The piece also includes recent tweets from BBC employees objecting to these restrictions – perhaps they should go get a job in the real world ….
….one BBC droid interpreted this to not being able to wear a poppy ….perhaps they are not worthy ..?
Propaganda industry now in full project fear mode to achieve a total lockdown over the end of 2020 – eg
Hospitals will be full up by December 17?
New strain of virus – covid 20
It’s worse than March
There will be shortages – turkeys – sprouts – stuffing – trimmings ….comedy
So it is time for panic buying – stock up for Christmas now !
( as I’ve said before – the BBC has an absolute fixation with Christmas – the importance of which to the majority non Christians diminishes year on year as national identity is destroyed by ‘diversity ‘…)
The Head Of Diversity & Inclusion to the office please to explain how this happened , how it will not happen again , and just why we pay you over £100K per year !!!
Triage calls between June Sarpong and Jon Snow unenviable.
Doobster-Yes, it looked like a repeat of last weekends Antiques
Road Show.I think we should give the diversity dept at the BBC
some slack.They have the job of keeping the collateral damage in
Nice off the front pages.Also, that they keep up appearances
with their daily default main picture on the internet.
Context : The viewer panel is only from Lincoln
a city which is vastly white
However of those 16 faces 2 are BAME
So the panel is 13.5% BAME as per national demographic.
So, alternating on Newsnight and QT with Mendoza into the foreseeable future then.
Have you started playing the’ lefty Labour game ‘yet
All you have to do is guess which Labour MP is going to leave the party in solidarity with Comrade Corbyn – my money is on the deputy leader of the party -Angie “scum “ Rayner to be the first …..
………..or maybe no one will go .. not even Diane Abbot – cos it is goodbye peerage and freebies …..
Call it a coincidence if you wish but it just so happens that the BBC’s headline to their on-line press line up (with the byline “Staff”) out of all our national newspaper titles most closely echoes the Guardian’s headline: ‘Labour in “crisis” as Jeremy Corbyn suspended’ (BBC); ‘Labour plunged into crisis after Corbyn suspended’ (Guardian)
Other papers, outside of the BBC/Guardian nexus, tend to go with a “civil war” or “battle” theme: ‘Labour facing civil war after Corbyn suspended’ (the ‘i’); ‘Shaming of Corbyn sparks Labour civil war’ (Telegraph); ‘Battle for Labour’s soul as Corbyn is suspended’ (Times).
The Mail takes the opportunity for a bit of a gloat, opportune as we approach Remembrance Sunday, reproducing that photo of our Jeremy laying a wreath at the grave of a terrorist: ‘RIP Corbyn’s legacy of hate. After this paper’s relentless exposés, report finds Corbyn’s vial cabal broke law over anti-Semitism…’
The freebie Metro goes with a pun: ‘Corbinned’, whilst the Daily Mirror feels the urgent need to give Jeremy’s successor a boost: ‘Starmer’s zero tolerance’ – the phrase having various connotations depending from which angle you’re looking – which flexibility of meaning I guess is meat and drink for a lawyer and one who previously happily campaigned on Corbyn’s behalf, battling to make the Marxist anti-Semite our Prime Minister.
In fact, I think the BBC/Guardian have it about right on this occasion going with “crisis”. Fitting, I’d say for a Corbynista party that habitually told us every day how everything was in crisis – NHS Crisis, Education Crisis, Employment Crisis, Housing Crisis…
Well they are now.
Let’s think about housing. The Times has a feature: ‘Hot property. What’s going on in the housing market’ – how about the current ballooning government debt, backed by unrestrained quantitative easing, is inflating asset prices?
In a market already skewed by restricted supply, we’re on a small island we’d prefer not to be completely concreted over, matched with unrestricted demand, caused by population growth fuelled by unprecedented immigration levels.
Now let’s look at the health crisis. The FT warns: ‘Scientists identify coronavirus variant spread across Europe by “risky” tourists’ – we won’t delve too far into the origins of the ‘Spanish farmworkers’ with whom this problem ‘originated’ since the FT small print is pretty small in our BBC reproduced front page. Suffice to say they don’t get the blame, it’s the Europeans, including British holidaymakers, who caught it from them who are apparently the problem having spread the infection.
The ‘i’ flags up: ‘Emoji warning for BBC staff’- this cryptic motto in some way links with the Telegraph article: ‘BBC stars mock rules on use of social media’
The Guardian can of course be relied upon to flounce about and throw a hissy fit on behalf of the lefties at the BBC and their right to posture and campaign on our licence fee: ‘Political bias? BBC staff may face Pride ban. New impartiality rules at corporation could stop journalists from going on LGBT marches’ – “may” and “could” – you’re not doing yourselves any favours here, you so-called journalists.
The Guardian is all for social cohesion and is happy to see the English language butchered in the cause: ‘Macron in call for unity after church knife attack’ – you know something odd is going on when the over-educated arts students at the Guardian adopt an awkward tabloid-sounding contraction such as “church knife attack” – churches don’t tend to attack people with knives after all.
The Telegraph acknowledges friction between Europe and the Islamic world: ‘Erdogan accused of incitement in France’.
It is left to the Times to report without any pussyfooting around: ‘Migrant tried to behead victims in French attack. A Tunisian illegal immigrant who had arrived in France in the past few weeks…’ – well you know the rest.
Not to leave things on a sour note; having said farewell to Jeremy Corbyn, we’ll give the last word to the Mirror and their showbiz obit: ‘Goodbye Bobby, and thanks for all the laughs’ – that’s Bobby Ball of comedy duo Cannon and Ball with an epitaph equally fit for our Jeremy.
Considering that comrade Corbyn has spent his entire political career scheming for the socialist utopia – he must be ‘lovin’ the victim attention again .
All his friends in the IRA , hezbolah, other Muslim terrorist groups as well as other commies must be rallying around to encourage him .
The media communists must be split between the desire to be on the BBC and aligning with comrade Corbyn – or maybe the BBC will permit them to do both .
Did anyone hear the R4 piece last night on the the Plymouth court case where a resident has taken Council to court as they try to rename a square from a historic Briton ( John Hawkins) to a black footballer ( Jack Leslie). usual yawn – slave links…
But what interested me was the BBC into – a local BBC reporter opened her piece with:
” I have lived here for 12 years and I am black and I have been racially abused here 3 times, so this resonates with me” WTF!!
BBC – She is supposed to be reporting not prejudicing, we are not interested in her, but the story. And as for being racially abused (which we all agree is unacceptable) where is evidence and was it racial abuse or just abuse? We don’t know…the fact it may or may not have been in that square seems almost irrelevant…
If we take BBC logic, anywhere somebody has been racially abused is now a suitable place to be renamed…
When will the BBC and its staff realise they are not the story…it isn’t all about you. Report, keep your bias and prejudice to yourself
Rant over.. glad my exposure to Bigoted Brainless Corp is very limited now
TOADY Watch #3 – Good family values #3
Although not so good values on minimising CO2 output. James Naughtie has been running around American States – as if there are not enough BBC reporters in the USA already and all ready – to rubbish Donald Trump’s chances of a second term and to big up Biden while ignoring the Hunter bit.
Then another correspondent (forgotten name, sorry) is in Moscow to hunt the Russian bear and the Russian tiger. They have both bitten into Biden on water melons so our brave BBC correspondent doesn’t shoot them but just pats them on the head for making the right choice of President-to-be.
Maybe a name change is required at Broadcasting House? Perhaps we should re-name the BBC as the DNC, the Democratic (Inter)Nationalist Corporation?
The Labour Party has got itself into this
state over a number of reasons BUT the main one is their
attitude towards Israel. Or should I say their left wing’s
Marxist attitude towards the only democratic state in
the Middle East.To be honest it’s no different than the
beliefs of the anarchist Marxists who have come out of
the woodwork and who have been in control of the BBC.
So how has this come about? Harold Wilson was just about
the best friend of Israel that any Prime Minister from the UK
has been.
It has happened because the Labour party has been after
the Muslim vote for more than 20 years now and over the
last 10 have done everything to accommodate this ever
increasing electorate in the UK. This accommodation has not
only included the rabid hate of Israel by many ,but the
anti-Semitism that goes with it.So the Labour party got
sucked into this nasty racist situation . And with a more
than sympathetic leader of the Labour party Jeremy Corbyn
supporting the sworn enemies of Israel , what has happened
was bound to have come about.
Add to that the new influx of Muslim MP’S, local councilors and Lords, and with what Mehdi Hassan let slip ” Islam’s dirty little secret” then the writing was on the wall.
Must be a bit frustrating for Corbyn and his anti Israel friends seeing what appears to be agreements between Arab states and Israel ….
Maybe If Mr Trump wins again a few of these characters will disappear …
That’s a good analysis, Foscari. Strangely absent from this lunchtimes’ TWatO. Sssshh … don’t mention the M…….. .
You are right, it is all about the votes.
If immigrants voted Conservative, then Labour would not be so keen on them. It’s the same with the Democrats in the USA.
For leftist parties, the arithmetic is simple: more third world immigrants = more votes. It’s a shame the Conservative Party is too gutless to do something about it when they have the chance, ie. an 80 seat majority. The day will come when they never get a majority again. Remember when California was Republican, and Ronald Reagan was the governor? It was only in the 1960s, but it seems like ancient history. When demographic change happens, the results can be felt very quickly indeed.
Ah! Ronald Reagan. Yes, I remember well. That was when the US president had his back covered by one Margaret Thatcher and the pair destroyed the USSR. History will not repeat itself by Boris backing DJT. DJT is on his own and will, hopefully, defeat the chinese alone.
R-i-C, Ronnie Reagon, when he was Governor of California, was a Democrat! He was a former (Trade) Union organiser in the movie industry. It was only later that he switched to the Republican Party.
Then he ran for the Republican nomination and won. Then he won the Presidency and was a pretty good President until the end of his second term.
You would expect an organisation like the BBC to be staffed with some competent, intelligent people, would you not? It appears from the above that the answer is ‘No, not the BBC.’
The weather forecast although generally useful and very accurate compared to the broadcast ones has a couple of major flaws. One is the search facility that doesn’t recognise well-know UK towns and cities but does find some obscure place in Idaho. Another is that, most peculiarly, 30 mph wind speeds do not exist.
On the Markets data the problem is that the web-site owners who provide the service to the BBC are not very good at 1. sums, and, 2. updating the prices from the previous close. In addition they lose ‘items’, for example this month West Texas Intermediate (known as WTI – a US oil) went missing for several days.
You would think ‘the world’s most trusted broadcaster’ would want to be extremely accurate with information provided on their web-site. You would think that. But no …… apparently not.
Some young woman on Look North last night said it was going to be a dry day today – we have had drizzle all morning and has just turned at noon into heavy rain. No accuracy for northern forecasts.
Some young woman on Look North last night said it was going to be a dry day today – we have had drizzle all morning and has just turned at noon into heavy rain. No accuracy for northern forecasts.
Deborah, the thing on the BBC web-site has a section where you can drag a timeline while observing a satellite image of weather where you live. It’s not very finely calibrated. The old Met Office one was better. But it still gives a good idea of how the day will work out.
I think it is updated regularly through the day, too. I reckon it’s about 90% accurate. Apart from the wind speed. 30mph just does not exist.
Dr Mike Yeadon (35mins) “The BBC have lied in my face all year. I’m never going to listen to them again”
“The BBC” is trending on Twitter
Bearing in mind that some account like OurLefty say ridiculous things to draw other people out
Top Tweets
(Of course he is projecting, look how the way he uses “Alt Right” in a senses that is “not real” (actually it’s not a euphemism for conservative or right wing)
and VS is 100% real
Presumably Jolyon ‘Foxy’ Maugham will be asking the Corbynutta’s supporters to dig deep to fund another of his pointless, ego-massaging legal cases. Ah well, fools and their money…
He is Peter !! Amazing. People asking where they send money too and can they set up Direct Debits !!!
What moronic cretins.
No cause is truly lost until Jolyon Maugham decides to wade in and make a few quid off the gullible. You could set your watch by him.
Mings has the same management/ handlers/ puppeteers as Rashford.
It’s easier than having to think for yourself.
Say it like it REALLY is:
Momentum, Corbyn and the left are..RACISTS
But, the BBC are George Osbourne were 100% sure, in fact, insistent that my house would be worth £1 now cos i voted leave !!!!
BBC , wrong AGAIN.
Last night Sargon released an hour long video dealing with yesterdays issues.
The BBC news ticker is referring to the Islamic terrorist murderer as a ‘Tunisian ‘ – so will France declare war on Tunisia… ?
Well if it happened in Luton
They’d use the headline “Luton man”
They did first write “Nice man, arrested for terrorism”
.. but I guess it got changed…… /sarc
History Debunked’s video about the Post Office pamphlet
*Diversity* *built Britain*’
As we’d expect it turns out that there are some Orwellian WORD GAMES going on
“Diversity” ..oh you mean a diverse group of backgrounds, Ancient Britons, Picts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings etc. ?
No, you are saying “Diversity” =”black”
..yep that’s true like the name of the BGT dance group libmob use the words Black and Diversity as if they mean the same thing.
“African” = “black”
of the 7 special black people only 1 is provably black the other were either North African or a white emperor born in North Africa.
“Built Britain” : being minor figures like a trumpeter and theologian doesn’t constitute BUILDING Britain
His other video about the “Britain’s first black writer Mary Prince”
explains similarly
“writer” : she couldn’t write
Rather she was adopted by WHITE antislavers
who ghost wrote her lifestory for her
and published it as an “autobiography” in a noble cause of helping to further end slavery in the Caribbean.
And in the familiar 2+2=5 fashion, today’s activists make grand claims about her which are not true.
Don’t forget the part-black Mary Seacole, ‘the first nurse practioner’, ‘saved more lives than Florence Nightingale’ – but full of ‘white pride’!
Sky also despatched a young black reporter to Jamaica to interview ………….
Sislin Fay Allen
“The sight of a dark-skinned young woman dressed in a police uniform, with a solid Jamaican timbre, patrolling the streets of south London in 1968 was a shock to residents. It was Sislin Fay Allen, Britain’s first black policewoman.”
Just for information –
Looking at the 2016 US election – The result didn’t come through until at 0730 GMT on Wednesday ….. so some thought needs to go into the ‘staying up ‘ for those who are thinking about it …
……back to BBC news – the Tunisian man who allegedly beheaded catholics in a church was carrying 3 knives – and a Koran – now look that doesn’t make him an Islamic terrorist does it ? It’s a cultural thing ….
… then the BBC had some snowflake from RUSI acting as an apologist for these killings … I didn’t get his name but he – unusually – made me feel physically sick – he’d change his tune if he was on the receiving end …. I could only – unfortunately – think of him as a C word ….just awful
His name seemed to be Rafealo fanducci ….
Dr. Laurence Gerlis of the commerical doctors surgery group
say BBC Covid alarmism is unwarranted
‘There is a big case count, but there is something going on, cos at the end of day the death counts are the same as a normal year with winter flu
..what they are doing is counting mild cases’
Wont do any harm with the election looming.
We are all rooting for you Mr President Sir.
Imagine if a man in Bradford ran into a mosque and started chopping people’s heads off as he yelled “White Pride”
Would the Sky News headline be ?
: “It was not immediately clear what the motive was for the attack.”
I guess Sky got their headline off the wires
cos Tweeters said Reuters first used that line
Ans Austria’ equivalent of Channel4 still says
“It was not immediately clear what the motive was for the Nice attack, but the city’s mayor has described the incident as terrorism”
The Sky page itself still has similar wording
NewsSniffer is not currently carrying SkyNews articles
Samos Greece Earthquake
Surely that is the region is full of migrant camps from Turkey.
Bangladesh Muslim mob beats & BURNS man who ‘accidentally stepped on Koran’
Mental man had a conspiracy theory that guns were being hidden behind mosque bookshelves.
Some media reports suggest Jewel accidentally stepped on the Koran during the search, when he was trying to reach the upper shelves of the bookcase, which sparked the worshippers’ outrage.
The duo were taken into custody by the authorities shortly after the altercation and held at a local council building.
As the news of the incident spread, however, a large mob of almost a thousand people gathered outside the building.
They eventually broke in and snatched one of the men.
The victim was brutally beaten in the street and set ablaze.
Twitter Dip
Muslims protest outside French Embassy in London against French President – footage on RT
Nigel Farage explains he had put £10k on Mr Trump to win …
“Giving false information to NHS contact tracers will become a criminal offence in Wales.”
Before it disappears off the front page ………………………
Power corrupts ?
I wonder how many Bradford/Leicester people get their news from the BBC Bangla News on Youtube ?
– that licence fee payers fund
– Of course it’s even less white than the rest of the networks
There is a similar Hausa channel for Muslim Nigerians
And Hindi channel also
also Swahili
Somali radio
@Taffman Wales news in BBC Arabic TV
“Glimmer of hope even as Covid cases rise”
A message about Covid and those who are pulling the Covid strings ………….
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
You have been rumbled . BoJo neds to get the nation back to work before the nation ends up on its @rse.
BBC Twitterpunks wear to rebel
AFAIK Wong will get away with it
cos he’s contract worker doing a TV show
and the rules apply to full time staff in News and Current Affairs
Belfield reckon the rules won’t even get applied to other either co their clever lawyer mates will say it’s “Human rights”
TalkRadio guest did make a good point
By having a firm rule against political tweeting, some BBC staff will feel more free
Say you are a gay non-BLM supporting staff member
at the moment you’d feel coerced into tweeting LGBT & BLM stuff, not cos you actually believe in it, but cos of peer pressure.
But now you have an excuse “It’s against work rules”
James Wong is hypocritical to complain about right to free discussion being limited
cos he limits other people’s all the time
He’s a super blocker, if you go along with his groupthink you are fine
but if you politely contradict him even with evidence , then bang you get blocked.
Nihal TherealNihal tweeted
“Looks like I won’t be calling *racists* rude words anymore.”
Again that is an Orwellian wordgame
What does he mean by “racist” ?
He means anyone white he doesn’t like he will smear them with the word “racist”, although most are not.
Yet he will never call a non-white guy racist when he is.
Jim Davidson is what happens when we don’t have enough racist testing kits out there.
Or you are a racist.
What is it Guy? You like Yaxley Lennon and Hopkins?
The Guardian reports that Scottish Shipbuilding Unions are up in arms about UK Government plans to possibly relocate shipbuilding projects outside of Scotland.
“Union leaders are warning of a potential “massive betrayal” of working-class communities in Scotland if the Westminster government’s delayed national shipbuilding strategy, expected to be published on Tuesday, recommends that future contracts be awarded outside the UK.”
If Queen Nichola gets her way Scotland WILL be outside the UK so you will have exactly the same chances as other Countries surely?
And we could say Nicholas plans for Scotland are already a “massive betrayal” of the UK surely?
In my opinion if the security of the UK is threatened by the actions of another region it is essential that the UK take defensive and preventative action, whatever that entails.
You really can’t have it both ways.
In 2018 XR was brought to my attention.
I had a quick look at their manifesto, training videos and ‘leader’ statements and realised exactly what they were.
That folk like Sir. Boaty, Rupe, most in every political party, local and Westminster, plus vastly paid MSM clowns did not, mostly still have not and won’t explains much.
Excuses nothing.
In the Guardian (actual paper that is) they are running a full page advert for a podcast to be given by one Yanis Varoufakis.
He is to outline his plans for a push towards a “new democracy in the UK by 2025”.
A quick look on wiki reveals how this chap has made a living by moving from Country to Country trying to stir up ultra-left wing action.
The year 2025 is noteworthy as it will follow immediately after the next General Election in the UK so obviously the Guardian expect this to be a red landslide.
They have not yet revealed this exciting event on their website so it may be that they only want “real” Guardian readers to absorb the crap…. Like maybe the BBC who buy most of the copies?
And I ask myself… why would anyone in the UK want to be instructed by a Greek version of “Wolfie”?
Have you noticed how the BBC and MSM are suddenly overly enamoured with Halloween this year ?
Report after report about how its affects people in different Tiers of lockdown.
Narrative being, its those evil Tories not letting kids trick or treat.
Staggering to think some people actually give a toss about Halloween and are truly upset they cannot “celebrate” it.
Still, their a “victim” of the Tories Covid policy so its a story for the MSM
World Econoomic Forum rep is going to be TalkRadio
talking about the Great Reset
There needs to be a ‘reset’ alright.
Let’s start deporting savages.
Simon Dolan has jut be on saying the court case has not yet reached a decision.
Mad green Dale Vince has been on doing a PR piece
claiming he will make diamonds from CO2
He won’t it’ not financially viable
The WEF guy was on an hour after Vince
Vince was 14:36pm
WEF head Adrian Monck 15:30pm ( video
They put up 2 short clips but you really need the full 17 mins.
As often happens he is now a PR guy but started in the media
CBS News (1988–92),[1] ITV News (1992–1996), FIVEnews (1996–2004) and Sky News (2005).
journo then producer.
headed City University’s Department of Journalism from 2005 – 2009. ) then to head WEF
He basically described WEF as a ThinkTank not a lever puller.
Asked if it was connected to Agenda21 he ummed
When asked to explain the Great Reset he toned it down
saying it was just about jobs & reskilling after Covid, and ended by tossing in “Green”
but had earlier said “if you don’t believe in Climate Change we won’t talk to you”
Collins earlier thread
In the next interview Collins will be talking to Ronnie & Reggie Kray, 2 kind and gentle East End entrepreneurs.
Delingpole has a good video on the WEF Great Reset
They would politicise Bill and Bernadette if they could.
Coming soon to a Mosque near you…
These creatures are not really human are they?
The 3pm wireless news had a longish piece with a mudslime apologist saying how dear mudslimes in France were now cowering in fear and dread because of President Microns tough words…..
FFS BBC what about the poor woman who had her head severed and her family…?
Changing the narrative, again. Making out the perpetrators to be the victims. Again.
The BBC and their supporters are truly scum. Evil.
No idea what this link will bring, but I share as the BBC might not.
It’s what Glenn Greenwald quit over.
He’s a journalist.
Speaking of the BBC and unpersons…
I had no idea Tortoise was still going.
They asked us on Yahoo whether we thought the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn from the Labour Party was right or wrong-how can we respond when they won’t let you comment! Terrified as usual that they don’t want to listen to the peoples views one way or the other-totally marxist, totally socialistic and a monster in the way of progress with another monster of deceit the BBC or perhaps should be renamed Black Broadcasting Club- as that is all that is mostly shown on the BBC TV Channels. White lives matter as much as any other colour, especially in this nation with a majority white indigenous peoples. Land of hope and glory, mother of the free.
Tarien – I fully support Jeremy Corbyn and his attempt to split the socialists into historical footnotes .. after that let’s deal with the red ‘Tories ‘ and get a fully Right Wing government -with me so far …. ?
With you Fed, whilst personally I could not give a hoot about the in -fighting of the national broadcasters political wing, I hope both heads of the serpent bite themselves to death and quickly.
As for the red tories, there used to be a poster called Smoggie here that sung their praises, perhaps he/she could explain what’s going on with the Reds.
Steve Shite in the afternoon on the wireless nowinterviewing someone talking about queers.
It’s relentless. Every channel/station 24/7.
Hear hear.
100% with you Fedup2-How about Nigel Farage for PM? Would the dark civil service support his views which most of us share?
unreported : Muslim protest at French embassy
Well here is the differing rules for our Friends of Colour v the general UK population.
BLM protests – Sadiq Khan urges people to attend.
Anti lockdown protest he has this to say
And today as muslims gather in large numbers to protest.. NOTHING.
DISGUSTING 2 tier policing.
That lot will land up on public transport happily infecting each other and poor punters from elsewhere..
Selective use of laws points towards the tyranny coming our way ….
This morning’s BBC Today programme resulted in a Personal Political Broadcast for a certain Keir Starmer who apparently has, for years and years and years, been at the forefront of the charge to rid the Labour Party of its systemic anti-Semitic outlook …..(NOT).
Favourite phrase of his hardly-challenged broadcast this morning was his oft-repeated desire that he wanted to ‘draw a line’ under the situation today, and to move on. Not so much ‘drawing a line’ as burying any possible connection with the Labour Party and its institutional anti-Semitic behaviour, as fast as possible, so he can get back to sneering and moaning – along with the BBC – at the Conservatives.
What’s the betting that this whole affair slides from the view of the BBC, it’s TV channels, radio stations, websites, etc., as fast as they can make it happen ?
I can pretty much guarantee that, within a very short period, Mr Starmer will be leading the charge to demand that the Conservative Party becomes the target of an ‘independent’ inquiry into its ‘deeply-embedded anti-Islamic policies and behaviour.’…. a position which will quickly be adopted by the BBC.
They have already started last night on R4 when one of the Labour Gobshit3 sisters was asked to comment on the JC event – part of her reply, which went unchallenged, was – it’s not just Labour we have to look at the known problem of Islamophobia in the Tories (paraphrased).
I expect this attack to be coming on strong soon…especially if any Tory dares comment on the French situation
The Week is not a title I pay much attention to, but this is a useful collation.
Golly, there’s thing.
I wonder why?
None of the uniquely funded? Guess Jon must buy the CNN guys the drinks.
Seems they all might need a stiff one.
Oo, Franny is still in the building.
Worth every penny (of which tvl payers contribute many).
Found the article on Parler.
I am off to see what Lurch is tweeting next.
The RT livestream for 2 hours
various Mulim youths are arrested
eg 1h55m orange T-shirt seemingly identified as a ring leader and dragged off