You may remember that at the beginning of 2020 the government held a ‘consultation ‘ over decriminalisation of not having a TV Licence . The result was due to be published in the Summer . Well it has now said it will not announce the result of that consultation until a new BBC Chairman is annointed – which means – the Summer of 2021. Meanwhile Capita TV Licencing Inspectors /debt collectors are still visiting homes – despite the Chinese Virus . Defund the BBC .
Midweek Thread 18 November 2020
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It’s all him, him, him…
No dog?
Barack Obama’s Big Book. Does it come with crayons?
It would take too long to colour his ears in
768 long pages of vanity publishing in which the Kenyan muslim boasts about having done… very little indeed, and none of it good. Oh, and volume 2 is in the works. Can’t wait.
Radio4 Far-right morning
– 9am new Obama interview
– 9:30 old Biden interview
– 9:45 Black Sparticus the slave themed book of the week
– 10:00 eco activist girls
Young people are one of the key driving forces behind climate activism and fighting for the future of the planet.
We hear from 3 young women who made it on to our 2020 Power List.
But what’s it like being on the front line? And how do young people want to change the way we think about environmental issues?
Three of the women from this year’s Power List – Mya-Rose Craig, Holly Gillibrand and Mikaela Loach – talk about their thoughts and experiences.
+ another woman on the Power List, Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe.
+ Nadine Shah about her new album Kitchen Sink
Distinct lack of boys on that topic….they’ve been disappeared
All look suitably diverse, but healthy.
Which charity going to go mental first?
Must add Ms. Shah to all other noted BBC presenters of representation.
Seriously, Stew
Does anyone really listen to R4 these days except other BBC folk?
It is a constant barrage of non white supremacy and misandry with phone ins from moaners and whingers
Far easier to be without than i anticipated.
Listening figures must be in free fall …
I listen to less and less of R4, only tuning in very selectively for a few decent things like “In Our Time” and “The Moral Maze”, and a bare minimum of (usually biased) news bulletins.
Of course the prog didn’t mention The Anti-Greta, Naomi Seibt,
only Green-supremacists are allowed on BBC
Awful, just awful.
BBC find this poor lady, or she get in touch?
BBC North of the Border, Going further west….
Here’s a stat or two for those who think Sturgeon has done a good job.
Scotland. Pop 5.4 million. C-19 deaths: 3,427/5135 (depending on methodology)
Singapore. Pop 5.7 million. C-19 deaths: 28
New Zealand. Pop 4.9 million. C-19 deaths: 25
Singapore doesn’t have seasons in the same way that we do. NZ has, however, already been through a full winter during the C-19 pandemic.
I’ve seen no evidence that Sturgeon pressed Boris to take the only effective step at curbing C-19 – closing the borders to the unquarantined entry of people (a step which, incidentally, wouldn’t have wrecked the economy) nor have I seen any evidence that Sturgeon has advocated the use of experimental C-19 treatments that have reportedly proved successful elsewhere.
And then there’s the care home scandal, re-opening the schools (kids don’t generally get ill from C-19 but they can transmit it to others who do) and generally taking action which is essentially reactive in nature and, as such, is of limited utility.
Her record is, like Johnson’s, poor at best. And as for Starmer…
One other fact about Sturgeon and C-19.
The SNP have used the WHO criterion for determining whether or not an epidemic is under control, said criterion being that an epidemic is under control (where there is mass testing) IF fewer than 5% of persons tested for the virus in question test positive for it.
That rate was well below 5% during the summer but increased as people returned from holidays, kids went back to school, universities admitted students and the weather turned colder. Indeed, the percentage of positive tests rose to around 20% (I don’t recall the exact figure) over a period of several days.
The result was the imposition of a tier system, whereby scaled restrictions were imposed in each local government area according to the case rate.
Now, the number of positive results didn’t change greatly but the percentage of positive tests fell steadily to a point where it’s once again below the WHO’s 5% criterion. But what does that twerp in Holyrood do? She imposes a severe lockdown on almost half of the population of Scotland, even in areas in which (a) the daily number of positive tests is not increasing and (b) the infection rate (measured in cases per 100,000 people) is significantly (i.e. less than half) the figure that has been quoted for justifying the imposition of level four (the highest) measures. Needless to say, there’s been a shifting of goalposts.
Curiously, the area in which her parents live has been spared the rigours of a level 4 lockdown albeit every single local government area bordering it, bar one, will go to level 4. That is VERY curious indeed.
I really hope the empty vessels who voted for her are happy with themselves.
Who says this needs a click thru.
Also looks as if they are starting from a dubious base but figure ‘why not?’ to work up the faithful.
Media Persons of Mast
Jonathan Munro
Head of Newsgathering, BBC News
Jonathan Munro is the BBC’s Head of Newsgathering, leading the day-to-day activity and deployments of all journalists working across the network’s 60 international bureaux. Prior to this he spent 26 years at ITN joining as an editorial trainee, and ultimately becoming their Correspondent reporting on stories in the US, Russia and Africa. In this in-depth interview, Jonathan describes the challenges of covering a year of “a lot of shade and not much light” – including Covid-19, Brexit and the Presidential election; discusses incoming D-G Tim Davie’s new social media impartiality guidelines, and their efforts to improve on-screen diversity; and shares lessons learnt following the BBC’s controversial coverage of the aborted police investigation into Sir Cliff Richard.
Lesson 1: All involved are immune, and soon get promoted
lesson 2: See lesson 1.
1. Get a better helicopter next time
2. Have a lot of coloured faces but pump out the same bias
3 make sure there is no diversity of thought
4 add ‘far ‘ to anything we define as ‘right wing ‘
5 interrupt or cut off contrary views or opinions
6 call for something to be banned
7 call for taxpayers to stump up for approved projects
8 censor non approved thought
9 every where else is better
10 rubbish blighty
That sound? That’s JezBo’s head exploding during a Zoom call with BBC American BS and Mishap, Faisal, Studly, etc…
TalkRadio black voiced advert for Bulldog Men’s Skincare
.. the voice says “The make STRAIGHT BOY products”
… interesting the teams let that one slip though.
Homophobic , no ?
BBC got wind of this, yet, have they? Rather makes their Golden Attenborough boy look a bit stupid…
At the end of the day all he does it read the script they put in front of him.
Just like Greta Thunberg.
More and more of these “discrepancies” appearing !!!
Every day, gathering momentum …soon even the BBC might see something ??
Fairytale of New York: BBC Radio 1 will not play original version
“reports” the beeb
I wouldn’t listen to the station even if they end up paying us!
Presume that Rap music will swiftly follow with its misogynistic ,violent sexist content . For myself I think I will stick to me Jethro Tull albums
Ahh Thick as A Brick, yes,
but I recall Aqualung:Jethro Tull, “Aqualung” (1971)
Ian Anderson’s compassion for a homeless man who has no one to help him is admirable. But it comes well after the dramatic opening lines in the Jethro Tull classic, in which we get to envision him “eyeing little girls with bad intent” and staring at lingerie drying on a clothesline.
would not last 2 minutes on bbc radio although they seem o love a rappist called DMX who boasts about raping someones 15 year old daughter if you upset him and worse that I could not mention on here
well done bbc
“While DMX says his lyrics are drawn from the lives of those around him, as well as his own, in the eyes of his accusers, at least, the rapper’s lyrics may be more true to his experiences than most people realize.
In light of his arrest Wednesday for allegedly raping and sodomizing a woman, his lyrics are certainly ironic.
Included on the rapper and now alleged rapist’s recently released hit album, It’s Dark and Hell Is Hot, are songs such as “X Is Coming” a hardcore rap that graphically details a rapist’s warnings that he will seek vengeance.
“And if you got a daughter older than 15, xxxx censored
BBC radio 1 extra: DMX Appreciation Mix
Semtex dedicates a huge mix to US rap legend DMX
A LEGEND according to the bbc
50 violent rap lyrics that will make you cringe (n word aplenty) :
not on the bbc
threats intimidation and doxing
Wayne County election board GOP members have rescinded their votes to certify, which had been made under clear recorded threats from Dems. Wayne County is the area of Michigan that includes Detroit, where Biden’s ‘lead’ was cooked up overnight on November 4th. In other words, Trump is currently on course to win Michigan.
Pennsylvania is also almost guaranteed to go his way in the supreme court since they’ve already implied they’re ready to overturn the PA supreme court’s changing of when postal votes could be received, which can only be done by state legislature. Georgia and Arizona also appear to have breached other constitutional election laws and are likely to be overturned. California’s Gavin Newsom has also been told in no uncertain terms that HE broke the constitution with his mail-in ballots, so there’s a possibility those 53 electoral votes could end up being thrown out which would immediately give Trump the election in the house of representatives no matter what happened in the swing states.
Wisconsin election board tried unsuccessfully yesterday to retroactively change their own rules to make it harder for Trump’s recount – which he’s already paid millions of dollars for – to actually mean anything. Nevada has had 170k votes thrown out.
None of these things, nor the continued exposure of corruption with Dominion and Smartmatic as well as their clear and obvious ties to the Biden ‘transition’ team, will be reported on with any seriousness by the BBC. They may think that by burying the story it will go away, but that’s not happening. The momentum is almost entirely with Trump at this point in time.
Keep positive, folks.
Nice piece -laughing – ….. but that’s ‘disputed‘…..
However – what will happen when the election is called for President Trump ….. ? Civil War I guess…
The Biden Broadcasting Corporation persist in finding no evidence of fraud in the US election.
This despite mounting evidence to the contrary.
None so blind as those who will not see.
Just look at the growing list on the Twitter accounts of Trump and members of his legal team, for a start. (Of course they’re partisan, but what they reveal is fact.)
Tweets by SidneyPowell1
Tweets by realDonaldTrump
Apologies for the above. Links to twitter open up hugely when posted here.
Vlad, your post is showing the entire Twitter account
cos you’ve posted the URL of the Twitter account
rather than the URL of just one tweet
Something that is unlikely to be aired by the BBC.
Unauthorised Channel arrivals set to cost taxpayers nearly a quarter of a billion pounds in housing and payments .
________________________________________ Migration Watch
Housing and payments for those crossing the Channel in an unauthorised manner may be set to cost the UK taxpayer around £240 million over the next decade unless the scale of arrivals is stemmed.
That is the finding of a Migration Watch UK paper (attached) which also finds that the asylum system is rapidly becoming overwhelmed in the midst of ballooning backlogs and budgets, falling productivity, significant and worsening abuse and disintegrating enforcement.
The estimated cost of asylum-related housing and payments for nearly half of those who claim protection after crossing the Channel is estimated to be just under £24 million per year – nearly £240 million over a decade – should the crossings continue on their present scale (around 8,500 people were reported as having arrived via this illegal route over the past 12 months – see Migration Watch UK’s Channel Tracking Station), several times higher than the previous year.
• The number of claims awaiting initial decision more than tripled since 2015 – possibly because word has got round that asylum can be a ‘back door’ into the UK, with rejected claimants increasingly unlikely to be removed.
• About £400 million is being spent on asylum-related accommodation on an annual basis. Even officials and ministers admit that the system is under ‘enormous’ and growing strain.
• An estimated £130 million per year is spent on supporting failed claimants who have no right to be in the UK – despite repeal of the relevant provision of the 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act by the Conservatives in 2016.
• Millions are being wasted on aborted removals of failed asylum claimants due to last minute legal claims.
• £30 million per year is claimed each year for legal aid for asylum-related cases.
The shambles in the Channel only adds to the strains on an asylum system which is already at risk of collapse. In the midst of ballooning budgets, rising backlogs and a shameful failure to keep track of rejected claimants, the asylum system is wide open to abuse. It is a gaping hole in immigration control that is being exploited by both traffickers and those who have no credible claim to asylum.
More than incomprehensible, just unbelievable!
Those that support such immigration will maintain that these people will end up as a benefit to the country and contribute to us lazy bastards in our dotage.
Well, here’s a challenge. Let ONS draw up a map showing costs of benefits versus tax income by postcode. They won’t, of course. It would highlight the actual cost of immigration
And some Charities are making a fuss in consideration of the government reducing overseas aid! In view of my Migration report I would have thought it would the assylum seekers paying the UK for ever entertaining allowing them to stay. Many Charities in particular Oxfam, receive massive amounts from public donations and much of that goes overseas-that’s why I don’t support them. Charity begins at home, as they wisely say.
Winnie the Pooh vs Dracula
I watch Belfield quite a bit, but he is wrong here to blame our government for a discrepancy between Italy and China.
Another story being ignored by the Biased Biden Corporation is the increasing harassment, intimidation and doxxing of election officials by Dems and Leftists, who often throw in meaningless accusations of racism for good measure.
Below is just one example in one County but it’s now widespread. Equally chilling in this case is to see the Democrat Governor of Michigan then CONGRATULATE the ‘activists’ – ie the threatening mob – for changing the outcome.
Wow. Scary. The sheer, unadulterated hatred spewing from these peace loving , tolerant Lefties is disgusting.
Look at the anger in him !! We are coming for your heads, your day is coming they scream.
Unreal stuff.
Mob rule definitely ruling the USA. Need curfews and the army to sort this crap out soon.
The BBC salivating this morning at the prospect of some Australian Squaddies ending up in jail for killing people in Afghanistan, because they are the nasty white supremicist people.
No mention of course of the dozens of Ozzy men blown to bits by IED’s. If you send a young soldier to a very dangerous territory where his mates are dying and give him a gun, he is going to use it at the first hint of trouble.
I smell the likelihood is that Muslim member countries of the UN are behind this and forcing the Australian Government to put pressure on their military to comply with the investigation or else!
I think it will end with millions of Australian cash being dumped into Afghanistan and then used to fund ISIS.
The worse thing is that the top brass in the Army are just as keen to shit on their own troops to avoid being called out as racist.
If I were an ex Aussie soldier I would be thinking of organising a crowd of ex soldiers to gather in the capital and burn their uniforms and medals in disgust.
so when are the taliban and isis going to investigate their side??
US election 2020: How to spot disinformation
“reports” the bBC
I easily spot disinformation, by looking at the bBC website!
And they say the BBC don’t do comedy anymore !!!!
I really should avoid daytime TV during lockdown, they are now begging me to adopt a penguin, that will go down well with the cat
She’s only just got over bonfire night
God knows what barmy adverts the bbbc would come up with if they were defunded
Their presenters could promote crisps or something
The government’s detailed consultation on banning Petrol & Diesel vehicles .
Crowder and co. manage to convey serious information on voting fraud while also having a laugh.
The real face of woke
“Lewis Hamilton loses three-year-legal battle to ban luxury watchmaker’s ‘Hamilton’ brand name that firm has been using since 1892
The Formula One world champion took action against Hamilton International
He claimed trademark thwarted ‘fair competition’ and had not even been used
Swiss firm protested it had been selling watches bearing the name since 1892
EU Intellectual Property Office said Hamilton had no ‘natural right’ to the name”
If Hamilton’s so keen on fair competition why doesn’t he want someone of the calibre of Verstappen or Leclerc as a team-mate rather than the decidedly ordinary (by F1 standards) Valtteri Bottas?
Oh, and on the subject of Bottas, those with strong stomachs should check out the Mercedes F1 team’s cringeworthy apology to Chinese people after Bottas made reference to ‘someone in Wuhan buying a bat’.
If you can’t face reading the statement then here’s the subtext: “We wouldn’t dream of upsetting you. Please, please keep buying our cars.”
This is, of course, the same Mercedes that employed forced labour (including concentration camp inmates) in WW2 and built a limo that was used for the conveyance of a former painter from Austria named Hitler…
This made my day, up there with the time he rocked up to the Royal Box at Wimbledon, only to be refused admission, as he thought he was above the dress code of wearing a tie.
Martin Bashir…………the fakir of fake news!
ps bBC send out the helicopter you,ll spot the “fakir ” cutting about!!
Maybe my sarcasm about the BBC goes too far. I will try and
tamper it, if only slightly. BUT one thing I wont let them get
away is their assumption that there was no fraud in the
Presidential election in the USA. Because the BBC says it
and they tell us that we can trust them. WE have to believe
It’s my birthday today and my wife bought me a copy of
“Denial of Justice” a book about the murder of very famous
journalist Dorothy Kilgallen in the USA in 1965. I say murder because
it is one , of the biggest cover ups in USA history. You see
Kilgallen knew the real story behind the JFK assassination .
And people in very high positions and at the other end the scale,
top ranks of the Maffia didn’t want the truth told.
I made a very minimal contribution to the book when Mark
Shaw the author asked me for some background on Dorothy
Kilgallen’s visit to London to cover the coronation of the Queen
in 1953.Kilgallen did the reporting for the TV networks in
the USA. Dorothy Kilgallen was also a panellist on the most
popular TV show for 15 years “Whats My Line.” She was found
dead in her Manhattan apartment just a few hours after
appearing on the TV programme.
My point of all this is that don’t think that’s it’s inconceivable
that an election can be rigged and that just because an
establishment such as the BBC says it can’t , that they are telling
the truth.
Dorothy Kilgallen had a denial of justice in the USA and the
few people that are still alive that know the truth are still
too scared to say anything. Voter fraud is child’s play in the
world we now live in. Maybe it’s like getting away with murder.
its not like they havent used a tried and tested method
The BBC and Tory Governments favourite US VP.
5pm news tells me that the defence spending will cover Cyber Security and a Space Command.
Cyber security, well yes ok. Provided there are no backdoor concessions to Hauewei.
Space Command however…. Really?
We gave up on the space race back in the late 60s, despite, for a while having some potential. Nowadays, well a British bearded ‘entrepreneur’ plays with rocket planes in the Nevada desert and some UK based enthusiasts launch oversize fireworks occasionally. I think BBC Top Gear did a documentary a few years back when they attempted to build and launch a Reliant Robin ‘Shuttle Craft’.
So unless we have a secret black budget funded fleet of flying triangles hovering silently and cloaked above our heads, more proof, if needed that the outgoing PM, Doris is bonkers.
Daisy Cousins with clarity and insight outlines what Trump’s plan might be. You won’t see her in the MSM and probably she will be removed from You Tube.
Looks an interesting video, but far too waffling for my degraded attention span…
In a nutshell?
Trannies vs muslim ! (I feel a screenplay coming on)
How to confuse the woke brigade when one of their own displays something we all know they think (racist and anti LGBT):
Popcorn time !
Gang of transgender women drop-kicked then stamped on 19-year-old man in Tube attack after he told them they needed to have female genitalia to be women
Victim was described as arabian, Al Shaheeb
‘The four of you then were subjected to extremely offensive transphobic and racial abuse. Had it not been for that there would have been no violent disorder
Tamsin Lush, Tylah Jo Bryan and Amarnih Lewis-Daniel attacked the 19-year-old
Lush ‘drop-kicked’ him and mother-of-four Hannah Bryan, 24, joined in the attack
Lush, Daniel-Lewis and Tylah-Jo Bryan were all sentenced to a six-month curfew
Daniel-Lewis was made to complete 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement
But Hannah Bryan, 24, of Barking, was given conditional discharge for two years
She said he had also racially abused Hannah Bryan, calling her a ‘black c***’ during the incident at 2.15am on June 24, 2018.
Sweeney! clearly keen for the BBC and Labour to make him and Jack Censors in Chief.
BBC does its bit to frame normality at Christmas.
“Queen’s Gambit: Chess on the rise due to drama series.”
This misleading headline on BBC news website is redeemed somewhat by the detail below:
“The popularity of chess is rocketing with five times the number of new online players than last year.
Lockdown and the drama Queen’s Gambit have been credited with bringing new players to the board.”
The Covid-19 lockdown is, of course, much more likely to explain the rise in participation, with people forced to stay at home. Over-the-board play has been suspended (too risky to sit opposite each other for three or more hours and touch the same clock or pieces, e.g. when making a capture) so on-line games are the only alternative, other than slower old-style correspondence play by e-mail, phone or letter.
The drama is interesting no doubt but it’s not exactly Fischer v Spassky (1972) when chess really did come to the public’s attention because of Fischer’s personality and the Cold War angle; or Kasparov v Short (1993) when there was a British challenger. Both matches featured on TV.
On the “Related” section to the right of this, there are three items. The first and third feature pictures of young Black boys (“Chess Champ ‘gets apartment’ after crowd fund” and “How chess is changing children’s lives”, both from March 2019) and second features a White woman (“Exporting goods has been like a game of chess”, from June 30 this year).
So, no White males to go with those white pieces and plenty of focus on the standard agendas of women doing the same things as men (the drama about Ms Harmon) and Blacks being more newsworthy than everyone else.
Wow! Why do they do it? Why does the BBC think the public would welcome a preview of a typical Nigerian Christmas, in Nigeria……………..
No word yet on what Asian Network is going to do.
The latest on electoral fraud from Giuliani.
For younger readers, this is a man who knows corruption and criminality when he sees it.
As mayor of NY, he took on the mafia, and, in the face of threats and intimidation, transformed the city from one of the most corrupt and crime-ridden in the world, to one of the ‘cleanest’ and safest. (Before the present incumbent ruined it again.)
Now he is attempting to do the same for the whole country.
May he succeed.
Thanks VLAD for putting this up. It answers a lot of questions that we would never learn from our own UK media bar Talk Radio that the democratic process has been (and has been adulterated in the US by left wing technocrats) who would do the same here in the UK (and rely on it being unreported in the UK media which we rely on, mostly BBC). That the BBC do not question the integrity of Biden, Obama, Clinton (both of them) means that the BBC has no right to a (so called) Charter of impartiality (as it is totally ignored), it has no right to anything, no tax free (Corporation Tax) status, (Save the Children) charity, or our money in a TV tax haven, no votes without representation! and no respect from the majority of voters it ignores. This will be a media trial on both sides of the Atlantic. I cannot see how Biden can win unless through massive fraud. And it is a very big technical and well orchestrated fraud. I hope we never get that in the UK, but with the BBC, Soros and links to Lord Markham (?) mentioned in this video, we have been warned that they (global corps) can only get US socialism through outright fraud, threats and violence.
Americast appears to exist solely so bbc staff can talk about each other.
Laura Koensberg reports on the claim that Priti Patel has breached the ministerial code by hurting civil servants and booelying them..
38 BeeGees has had a nudge from Franny and Timmeh!:
Dear Rube,
Our BBC has dropped another bollock – again. Oliver Dowden, one of the politicians in charge of deciding its future, has questioned whether we need the BBC at all! [1] It’s shocking – especially given just how much heat over light activists have relied on our national broadcaster for promo and fees this year. [2]
Now he’s getting together a group of powerful media and tech executives to discuss the fate of the BBC and other public broadcasters.[3] What’s missing, other than the public, again? Us!
Rube we, the British stirrers, need to tell these executives and Oliver Dowden that it’s our BBC. It belongs to us… Champion, Owen, Polly and the Kidults listed below. And we won’t give it up without yet another fight. So here’s what we need to do: another daft petition defending the BBC – signed by hundreds of thousands of us – would throw a spanner into the review before it even begins. It’ll be a brilliant first step in ensuring our BBC survives to 2022 – it’s 100th year – and beyond.
So Rube, will you add your name calling on Oliver Dowden, the minister in charge, to make sure the BBC is kept floating in ideologically partial gravy forever?
We know what happens when news is run for profit and independence goes out the window. Just look at BBC America BS. A country dangerously divided thanks to their efforts, with daily news programmes and podcasts spreading false information and conspiracy theories stoking the flames.[4]
Even new commercial players like Netflix value the BBC. Anne Mensah, one of the company’s senior execs, recognises how important our BBC is to our public life broadcaster: “I would hate to see the BBC diminished in its impact in the UK.” [5] They may even do a Panorama on kid exploitation being ok as a thank you.
38 BeeGees members have railed to lose their rag about the BBC before. Yet the viewer numbers still plummet as the BBC panders to dweebs like us rather than those required to fund it, uniquely. Back in February, leaked plans revealed the government’s intentions to slash the BBC’s funding and cut services. Overnight, hundreds of thousands, well, scores, of 38 Degrees members sprung into action, made headlines run on the BBC who leaked it in the first place, and changed the conversation. [6]
But now the BBC needs your help again, Rube. Will you sign the petition telling the government to ensure Zoe’s salary and Botney’s pension millions are protected as they undermine foes of the lefty reset without even being prodded, often.
Thank you for keeping us in London flats and Hoxton lattes,
Matt, Stewart, Ellie and the 38 Degrees staff team
RE US voter fraud
There is some speculation about Edgar Allen Poe’s disappearance and subsequent death (1849) that he was the victim of “cooping”.
the tavern he was found outside was a ballot place for voting day in the district.
Cooping was where a victim was kidnapped prior to the election day, made to change into different clothes and marched to the ballot box multiple times with different hats and canes etc.
Lurch thinks?
Lurch impressing the crowd.
Did Anthony miss out on the four years of ‘Russian collusion’ investigations and tales of urinating prostitutes?
Hacked voting machines might be a conspiracy theory, having to get a court order to observe a vote and for the vote counters to then ‘comply’ by moving back even further to a new barrier must be easy to validate. But only if you want to.
Reported on ITV news..
Don’t know if it was on look north, as I don’t see any BBC.
All deaths are tragic, and this Covid death must be particularly tragic Due to the size of the family
Anyway, I find it difficult to get my head around this. (A bit copy n paste)
‘A mother who saw her wife die with coronavirus has said “I can’t get her face out of my head and I don’t want to ever forget her”.
Sonia Partridge, 35, died in hospital in the early hours of Tuesday morning, leaving her partner Kerry Ann without “the backbone of our family” and “my life for the last 11 years”.
The next day, Ms Partridge, 40, paid touching tribute to her wife and their 13 children’s “dad” who she said “was bullied for being so big, but gave all of us the confidence to be individual and not care what anyone thought”.
Sonia had two children of her own and Kerry Ann had six, with their other five being via sperm donor.’
Oh, and I do believe they were getting evicted at the time also… strange times indeed..
When I saw ‘mother of 13 ‘ I thought – yes plenty of 13 year old girls knocking out kids – but 13? And aged 35? …… something seriously wrong somewhere – who is picking up the tab?
Who is picking up the tab? – taxpayers, obviously, people like you and me… were you asked if you wanted to fund other people having that kind of ‘lifestyle’? (I know, I wasn’t).
Looks like 2 babies, plus 9 children, plus 2 grown up children
No one staying within basic rules is being evicted now
and even after Covid all you have to do is pay the rent
Surely the family has lots of sets of child benefit and then the salary or benefits for the 3 adults.
I presume there is some maintenance from their ex-husbands.
Surely the father Declan Rooney the celebrity Baby Machine sperm donor who has fathered 54 children in 2 years and has an app
is not broke .
its even weirder when you read it
a fully on special pleading fat lesbian bonanza episode
and it reads like only two of the kids were actually hers
Things that make you go Hmmmmmm
More things that make you go Hmmmmmm
Summed up perfectly !!!
BBC ….money for nothing…suddenly we have a new female presenter…a black woman….quelle surpris…
So 2 black presenters one white…
And Jay…the most untalented of workmen is in repair shop…which also seems to focus on the young black guy…
The narrative is tedious…
Her brother is a BBC actor Paterson Joseph
“Kamal Hadley in BBC’s Noughts and Crosses, Alan Johnson in Peep Show”
She @jacquijdesigns bio TV presenter/producer and Interior
.. that sounds like she was already a behind the scenes producer
Good heaven’s I had no idea they the BBC were employing coloured folk into such positions. Still suppose it follows that well worn phrase or word ‘statutory’ . Worrying when I thought the white people in this nation were the majority, now with a black or coloured face around every corner on the TV screens 24/7 one begins to wonder. Oh, yes I have just remembered the European Union introduced the word Multiculturalism-frightful word with a sinister meaning. Now look at the mess we are all in and thousands more who have not been invited landing on our shores. Happy days!!
It’s all they have.
Bryant and the BBC ought to know, as Maitli$$$ and her ‘sisters’ use hair dye too, so I’m told.
bronze leg dye apparently
Mustapha, are you suggesting Nick Bryant and Soapy DON’T use hair dye… honestly?!
As for Lurch… I suppose he hasn’t got anything to dye.
Dude needs to check the outdoors for turtle eagles, for sure.
PR by BBC.
I listened through all 1Hr 50mins of the Newsmax broadcast and I have to say that the Trump legal team should be awarded interim medals for the work they have put in, in just a few days over two weeks since the election. To amass that amount of information, those numbers of statements from witnesses to election fraud and conspiracy, is absolutely incredible. And all that to make this presentation to a gathering of hostile paid up members of the Communist Party. That’s the press.
This is a monumental battle for the heart of so-called, ‘Democracy’ in the West. As Sidney Powell said, their presentation was an overview of the facts that would soon receive the deeper scrutiny of the courts. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the name of Soros mentioned in this context so frequently.
It struck me during the presentation, that really DJT is on his own. He cannot trust anyone certainly not the FBI / CIA and upper echelons of the military, probably. I also gathered the impression that one should’nt consider the Democrats as a US political party – but more of the US branch of the chinese communist party.
Following the presentation, I turned to looking at press reaction, stopping at Fox New first. I was horrified to hear their reporters views. As the BBC, I turned it off promptly, never ever to watch Fox again. Personally, I think that the US ‘Democrat’ Communist Party, now knowing they will be really really exposed for total fraudsters, and for DJT having no credible support Worldwide and even in the US (apart from his supporters naturally), I would not be at all surprised at DJT’s supporters/Malitia and police stepping up to help protect him. He sure needs support. I avoid use of the term ‘Civil War’, but I fear this is the only way this can go.
I’d missed this BBC story last year
“Mark Duggan family agree settlement with Met over death”
The MetPolice actually paid the Duggan family financial compensation for the operation in which they shot him dead whilst he was transporting an illegal gun.
Of course had he been arrested alive, he would have been in jail 2years and not been able to support his family. So by him being dead his family suffered more.
Out of court settlements are not a transparent use of taxpayer money.
A few hours ago a team of top lawyers for the President of the United States called a press conference and made bombshell declarations about multiple cases of fraud that could change the outcome of the election.
And the BBC coverage on their website so far?
NewsMax tweets : Team Trump are keeping the details for court
Other people’s law suits have been dismissed not our 3.
Press like BBC go on about hair dye
whilst Rudi is actually talking about lawyers getting serious threats against their families
to the effect that one has withdrawn, and how the media fuels that.
BTW yesterday’s Media Show guys made the weird narrative that Trump had fallen out with Fox, and specified he used to have close relationship with presenter Hannity
Duh Trump retweeted Hannity on Friday & Saturday
FFS it is relentless WHY do we pander to these morons who are hsppy to take the benefits of living here ?
Edinburgh Castle sign hailing ‘hero’ British soldiers who fought in the 1857 Siege of Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny will be replaced after junior doctor, 26, complained it ‘pandered to imperialism’
Junior Doctor Vivek Majumder, 26, ‘infuriated’ during a trip to Edinburgh Castle
He said a sign next to the India Cross was ‘too celebratory of the British’
Bosses at Historic Environment Scotland will replace sign with a neutral view
You know the mantra: white man bad. Always.
It looks like the BBC is to gain entertainment from an unapproved coloured female politician in the shape of Priti Patel – the minister for stron(g) statements .
The review of her conduct is putting her on the naughty step.
I was wondering who the chief hate figure would become post Cummings so perhaps ms Patel will get the ‘front door ‘ journo siege treatment ….
The BBC will be desperate to avoid attention of Bashir and the Diana stuff – which I don’t care about and really don’t want to know about – unless it can be used as a weapon by us to help undermine the BBC further in the public eye …
…. particularly if they are shown to have deceive ‘saint Diane “ and as a result her kids Wade in ….then it’s popcorn time ….
Leaks from an unpublished report
Carrie ?
They added that the investigation had found evidence of bullying, even if it had not been intentional.
Another source who saw the report called it “unambiguous in stating that Priti Patel broke the ministerial code and that the prime minister buried it”.
WET- is what I would think most people will feel about that Civil Servant who has brought certain alligations against Priti Patel-suspect he was the timid little fellow that complained about bullying at school-to wet to stand up to bullies-however in this case the culprit/bully in his eyes is a woman, and a tough one who is driven and I would imagine an able administrator-I would have her on my team! Stand by your post PP and defy them all.
If the beeb won’t report on the latest fraud allegations, may I propose Salty with his usual – erm – ‘colourful’ language.