Lord Dyson has been appointed by the BBC to see if its’ own senior managers were deceitful in inducing Princess Diana to give an exclusive interview in 1995. A DG appointing his own investigator is not a ‘good look’ . But one rule for the BBC – and other rules for suffering taxpayers .
Weekend Thread 21 November 2020
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Guardian reports that 2 traitor PMs – Cameron and Blair – have warned against cuts in the ‘overseas give away budget ‘…. those characters like to stride the globe as elder statesman giving away your tax money …borrowed from foreign banks – the overseas charity industry is also against taking their salarys away from them … keep the cash in UK – we won’t get any benefit or thanks from serial beggars …
One can hardly credit the dupicity, the hypocrisy of T Blair and D Cameron, urging this Government not to reduce overseas aid. My God, the UK is almost sinking in debt yet those two traitors appear to consider this nations has a responsibility to help the rest of the world, who in most cases under a decent government of their own should be capable to manage without our help and Let alone the enormous amounts of financial aid that comes from public donations, maybe Blair and Cameron would care to dig deep into their heavily laden pockets? Aid starts here, at home, where it is most needed.
Africa and the Middle East, are blessed with some of the best growing terrain in the world, they must learn to make use of it and they also have some of the very wealthiest people on the planet living amongst them. Corruption will continue to steal much of what is given, their unscrupulous leaders will see to that, Zimbabwe comes to mind. No doubt Fergal Keane will fall on his knees as he weeps amongst the starving, entrenched as his voice is in preaching to us of the deplorable way humanity is treating such people-why do the BBC waste money on him?
The BBC just screened historian/ documentary maker David Olusoga having a very cosy, agreeable, fawning chat with St Barack Obama.
Olusoga – who contributes to The Guardian, Observer and New Statesmen (so BBC) – gave Obama a pathetic, easy ride in what was purely a free plug for his new “memoir”.
No challenges to his policies. No attempt to dissect his mistakes. No reference made to his many foreign policy cock-ups. But a dollop of Trump blaming.
I can’t think of any other politician anywhere who would have been given such a soft interview.
Certainly not Priti Patel, who continues to be mercilessly hunted down and misrepresented today by the BBC.
It’s pretty clear to me that the BBC trying to pick off as many leavers in the Government as possible in their vicious attacks on Boris’s inner circle. They are no doubt being ably assisted by the cabal of sneaky Remain Conservatives and Civil Servants.
I suspect that before long they will try to point out that the whole leave project was in the hands of nasty and incapable people so it must be stopped.
We all think that – the BBC are like a pack of hyenas, picking off the herd one by one
My heart sinks at the prospect of fighting it all over again. However
you have to just hope that Boris manages to do at least one thing he promised….BREXIT
A team of fearless investigative reporters from the BBC have come up with conclusive proof that Dominion / Smartmatic are innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever, cross my heart and hope to die.
It comes in the form of a statement from the company itself: “Claims about Dominion switching or deleting votes are 100% false.” (Or, after adjusting the algorithm, 150% false.)
Case closed, members of the jury – next!
I imagine the hard-hitting conversation went something like this:
Beeboid: could you kindly please confirm that you did not engage in any fraudulent activity involving criminal political and financial corruption, that could see the CEO, directors and executives face long spells behind bars?
Spokesperson, sweating profusely: Er, yes, you bet, 150%.
Can we go now, preferably to a country without extradition agreements with the US? Venezuela maybe, or Cuba?
PS. Dominion yesterday refused to attend a hearing with PA legislature; they are hastily moving offices, and are currently uncontactable. Nothing fishy about any of that, eh beeb?
Never to be reported on al beeb …
This REAL FRAUD was ALL about the Deep State “Stopping Trump” and had nothing to do with down ballot races.
Red Wave 1: Republican Officeholders in Congress lost ZERO seats. Absolutely unprecedented. Zero. 100% of Republican Seats STAYED Republican. Even in flipped seats where the incumbent was replaced by a NEW Republican due to retirement or primary.
Red Wave 2: The GOP Now controls completely 43% of the Redistricting seats and shares with Dems 40%. The Democrats control just 17% of the new map. For the next 10 Years! This means that the GOP can influence 83% of the maps redrawing the boundaries of the Congressional Districts.
Add to this, that the Democrats have 20+ Senate seats to defend in what is SURE to be a 4th Red Wave “Tea Party” “1994” style slaughterhouse if Biden’s fraud is allowed to prevail.
Red Wave 3: There are 19,502 towns and cities in the US. Biden UNDER PERFORMED HILLARY in ALL but 7. In 19,495 jurisdictions, Biden received FEWER votes for President than did Hillary in 2016. In seven, JUST seven, Biden out performed Obama’s 2008 numbers by as many as 40% higher performance.
Those seven locations? Phoenix, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, and Atlanta.
Democrats were also DEFEATED for several down ballot races in those 7 cities. ONLY Biden over performed so incredibly as 1.7 MILLION votes were cast ONLY for Biden and no other selections were on those 1.7 Million “unique” ballots.
Red Wave 4: If the FRAUD in Michigan and Georgia IS overturned, then the GOP GAINS a Seat in the US Senate having held every seat except the Pathetic RINOs of McSally and Gardner.
Trump did not LOSE. Trump exceeded votes and turnout in every metric we have, by MILLIONS. Biden simply CHEATED in SEVEN out of nearly TWENTY THOUSAND cities and our Media and many in the GOP itself, are in on the heist.
Red Wave 5: The GOP GAINED Seats in Congress and they are 3-4 Democrat flips away from TAKING Nancy Pelosi out as Speaker.
Never to be reported on al beeb …
This REAL FRAUD was ALL about the Swamp “Stopping Trump” and had nothing to do with down ballot races.
Red Wave 1: Republican Officeholders in Congress lost ZERO seats. Absolutely unprecedented. Zero. 100% of Republican Seats STAYED Republican. Even in flipped seats where the incumbent was replaced by a NEW Republican due to retirement or primary.
Red Wave 2: The GOP Now controls completely 43% of the redistricting seats and shares with Dems 40%. The Democrats control just 17% of the new map. For the next 10 Years! This means that the GOP could influence 83% of the maps redrawing the boundaries of the Congressional Districts.
Add to this, that the Democrats have 20+ Senate seats to defend in what is SURE to be a 4th Red Wave “Tea Party” “1994” style slaughterhouse if Biden’s fraud is allowed to prevail.
Red Wave 3: There are 19,502 towns and cities in the US. Biden UNDER PERFORMED HILLARY in ALL but 7. In 19,495 jurisdictions, Biden received FEWER votes for President than did Hillary in 2016. In seven, JUST seven, Biden out performed Obama’s 2008 numbers by as many as 40% higher performance.
Those seven locations? Phoenix, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, and Atlanta.
Democrats were also DEFEATED for several down ballot races in those 7 cities. ONLY Biden over performed so incredibly as 1.7 MILLION votes were cast ONLY for Biden and no other selections were on those 1.7 Million “unique” ballots.
Red Wave 4: If the FRAUD in Michigan and Georgia IS overturned, then the GOP GAINS a Seat in the US Senate having held every seat except the Pathetic RINOs of McSally and Gardner.
Trump did not LOSE. Trump exceeded votes and turnout in every metric we have, by MILLIONS. Biden simply CHEATED in SEVEN out of nearly TWENTY THOUSAND cities and the Media and many in the GOP itself, are in on the heist.
Red Wave 5: The GOP GAINED Seats in Congress and they are 3-4 Democrat flips away from TAKING Nancy Pelosi out as Speaker.
The BBC must be phobic about Trans people – I can’t think of one newsreader or presenter that fits into that category. Come on BBC, every show should have one, and watch how those viewing figures respond !
I think i know just the person.
Doesn’t know whether he’s Angus or Agnes !
But definitely an Anus.
He looks a bit like Julie Andrews in the sound of music!
Dick Emery – years ahead – you are awful …
Would I be correct in stating the UK has just agreed a transitional post-Brexit trade deal with Canada ?
Nowt on Al Beeb yet ?
I don’t think the BBC knows or cares about Canada Taffman – apart from their woke career politician PM….
“Brexit: UK and Canada agree deal to keep trading under EU terms”
Its finally there now.
This interview needs to be seen as widely as possible, between Tommy Robinson and Gerard Batten.
My biggest criticism is that he gave out the covid precautions too fast to write them down – I got the one about rugby players wearing lipstick but didn’t hear where you are supposed to put the carrot ….thx
Salty Cracker sums it up: One of two things is about to happen. Either Trump, Powell, Giuliani, Jenna Ellis et al are about to roll over and say it was all just a joke… or ALL HELL IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE!
If even a small part of the growing allegations are proven, that is no exaggeration. Given the stakes, given the players involved (now AOC and Bernie Saunders, the Dems and the CIA/FBI), and given the violence that’s already been brewing for months.
Oh this is great stuff! ????
“There’s a bully over there”
Projection is a Guardianland/ libmob characteristic
Sidney Powell: “We’ve Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them — 7 Million Votes Stolen from Trump!”
** There are many smoking guns and we are going to need federal protection for many people
** 3 million dead people voted
** A lot of the evidence of fraud is coming out next week. We have more evidence coming in every day. It only gets worse and worse.
** The fraud was very widespread, very deliberate and very well funded.
** Everybody and their pet rock is trying to stop me from exposing it.
** I think the fraud went much further than just President Trump. I think they did it to John James and others.
** We have data out of California in 2016 that Hillary Clinton did it to Bernie Sanders there.
** We have a number of smoking guns and we may have to get witness protection for them.
** We have a lot of evidence, it’s beyond impressive and absolutely terrifying.
** These are federal court lawsuits. They’re paramount to any future life of our republic.
** We ‘ve got evidence of people being paid. We got check studs from people being paid.
PS. If this turns out to be true, won’t it be delicious that the BBC deliberately chose to ignore potentially the biggest political scandal ever?
If so, I hope they have their noses rubbed in it every single day till they’re closed down permanently.
Everything crossed Vlad.
Jon, Katty and the gang still trying to front it out !!!
Roll on next week hey ???? .
She really needs to get a whippet to take things to the next level.
The guys all ‘like’ her.
Is Ms. Spring a greengrocer?
Or is she so self-absorbed that she’s forgotten the rules of English grammar?
Answers on a selfie stick to the usual address.
Lurch dives for a save…
Today’s Black on the box
9:30pm bbc2 Afrobeat film about Nigerian political activist
12:20am film Sus “Racist police use brutal methods to get black man to confess”
BBC1 9pm -10:10pm Small Axe
BBC2 10:10pm Slave film : Free State of Jones
BTW 3:10pm BBC2 classic Jack Lemon film
Monday Channel 4
9pm Is Covid racist ? with Dr Ronx
Not BBC – but for those who like conspiracy theories – look up the ‘trilateral commission ‘ which is a global club of ‘influential ‘types – which currently includes one Keir Starmer ….
The 18 British members also include
– Willetts, David, British Conservative Party peer
– David Miliband
– Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
– Lord Maude of Horsham ,Former Minister for Europe and Trade
: Former member : Rory Stewart MP
Strangely 31 give their address as London, directors of the big banks, energy corps etc.
Strangely again no other British places are mentioned
The Wikipedia Talk page says
The article seems to put down the notion that the Trilateral Commission is involved in “shadowy” and “sinister” activities, yet it doesn’t even attempt to explain the ‘legitimate’ goals
But is the TriLateral Commision a becoming a spent force , like the Bilderburgers ?
People who were once in power , now joining clubs to “ influence “ events .
Baz is the Beeb’s hero.
Don’t be daft: he’s black (sort-of), muslim (sort-of), left wing, photogenic and plays baseball. The man’s untouchable!
If the BBC had a President, he would be Baz, for evs.
Overspill from Stalin’s 2 social media companies Facebook and Twitter
There is ‘should’, and then there’s the BBC.
Keith is from CNN . Tried a virtue signal, and just got owned !!!
Boykin is not really tweeting about the death penalty
or showing care for BLACK people
He is merely weaponising the issue to get at Trump
His Twitter history is full of hatey tweets against Trump.
The death penalty is wrong for a number of reasons,
cos if a killer has cop a cop hostage, he has no incentive to spare the cop.
Also deterrents work when you are thinking like a good person, but not when you are thinking like a bad person.
Which one will BBC American BS think Joe will look best in.
Monday 9pm BBC1 The American ISIS mother who took her son to Syria and married an ISIS terrorist
Samantha Elhassani, has just been jailed for 6 years
.. Maybe the BBC prog will be based on the PBS prog
Authorities said Elhassani’s 10-year-old son appeared in an ISIS propaganda video.
Samantha Sally was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness but in 2015 followed her Moroccan husband Moussa Elhassani to Syria, where he was to become an Isis sniper. Was she his accomplice or his prisoner?
Sally and her children ended up in a Kurdish detention camp, but court documents show she had helped Moussa and his brother join Isis by moving $30,000 in cash and gold from the United States to Hong Kong. Sally relates her story to Baker, describing her life with the terrorist group and the part she played in buying sex slaves.
Just watching sounds of the seventies, Rolling Stones, Brown Sugar
Lets hope the woke do not wake up to the lyrics on that one
They are pretty thick in general though so there is hope
probably think is about latte or something so thumbs up from them
although maybe propose a ban for the sugar content
Funny, I thought it was driven by black Muslim transgender activists.
Doodle and thought on the week:
One for Ms. Spring?
Lewis Goodhall liked this.
The saddest part is I did not bother to go further, because the BBC is now so compromised, by such as these two generational bookends, it is not worth it.
Poor jonnie- just can’t let go of aunties ‘ teet – luckily he is above us all…
Here, allegedly, is the ‘smoking gun’ on how Dominion flipped votes. There’s a shedload of somewhat impenetrable stats and figures, but this guy claims to show how it was done, using the actual data from the results.
Perhaps the BBC could explain why it took that guy minutes to work out (in fact I think he did it pretty much live, in real time) and yet they can’t do the same with all their billion pounds’ worth of fancy computers and IT geeks.
(Personally, i didn’t understand much of the video, but the printed summary below gives the outline. And the computer guy sounds convinced and convincing!)
Two versions of the video at the bottom.
“In this video you will see data from the NYT feed from PA on November fourth.
In this data, particular vote ratios are transferred between random sets of seized precincts throughout the day (see image link below):
A total of nine exhibits are presented in this video, but there are in fact several hundred of these precincts seizures and ratio transfers on the day of November 4th alone, and the same ratios continue to be transferred for several more days within the overall dataset spanning an entire week.
Original data sets:
“The Dominion System isolated a “Flip Set” from the expected vote count and the expected percentage.
It then splices the Flip Set into multiple “ratio sets” and assigns them to precincts throughout the day.
Once a particular “ratio set” receives the votes it needed, it releases that set, and then Dominion injects it into the city wide count.
To hide its trail, Dominion reassigns the same “ratio set” to different (random) precincts throughout the day, so that the same precinct doesn’t keep getting the exact same ratio (or the same set of precincts).
During a particular period of time while a precinct is selected, it gives Trumps an EXACT NUMBER of votes, it gives Biden a MINIMUM number of votes, and splits the small remainder to a third party or to Biden (via random assignment).
This explains why Jo Jorg got so many votes in every precinct (I’m a Libertarian and I know very few libertarians who voted for Jo this year, due to the importance of this monumental election).”
In Re Priti bullying civil servants ( serpents) .
I’m sorry I have no sympathy unless they are below grade 5 on the salary/ pension grade .
If you’ve ever dealt with senior civil serpents you’ll know they are like TV Licensing letters — liars by obfuscation and omission.
The BBC would recognise them as one of their own , in the tribe of self serving arrogant indolent clerisy that doesn’t give a damn whether their days work helps or destroys people’s jobs ,businesses or way of life .
Unaccountable, secretive , devious, snobbish , disloyal to the taxpayers but protective of their own , they think they are the elite of administrators in the world. Truth is they are outmanoeuvred and cuckolded by any other countries civil service .
Whilst the senior British civil serpents think that everyone in the world wants to emulate them , the more normal senior civil servants of every other country thinks they’re half wits that wouldn’t be tolerated outside a pantomime.
Criticise them verbally or in print , our senior civil serpents see it but deflect it the best way they can — like a paedophile , stay low and hope the attention to them passes quickly .
I hope Priti doubles down and reforms them ( and sacks them – no pensions no knighthoods) so we the ordinary joe can be well served for once .
Excellent post, Nibor!
Sums up the problem that hard-working citizens have been forced to cope with for years!
And I totally agree with your reference to the awful BBC, they come from an identical gene.
I used to go into the Home Office in St Anne’s Gate whilst working for another organisation. My own job was extremely stressful and failure led to consequences . But the Home Office – it felt like another world …. and one very small anecdote – I was called to a meeting with a mid level type . I sat alone in a meeting room with a bottle of water on the table . I opened it and poured a drink . The civil servant came in and said ‘that wasn’t for you ‘…. the meeting didnt go well .
But the home office mindset …. please ….
You could have popped out, turned towards Old Queen Street, and called in at ‘The Two Chairmen’ for a swift half!
Many pints lowered there, unfortunately ‘Watneys’, (but who cared that much after a gallon), the stuff at ‘The Feathers’ wasn’t much better, although the pub opposite St James’ tube did a great ‘Flowers’ pint…
If your visits were around 1969, it’d have been my round!
Guys I hate to dump all these spreadsheets on you, but this is so important, and if the beeb won’t report it, someone’s got to.
Above is how they fiddled the vote in Philadelphia.
Below is Minnesota.
THE STEAL is UNRAVELLING before our very eyes!
If true, history in the making. You listening, beeb?
If this is true then the US is on the verge of civil war. Clearly the Biden supporters will take to the streets in order to ensure their man wins and the Trump ones will do likewise in the red states.
I find it all bizarre but this is how things often are in this world.
Isn’t it strange, that Biden supporters don’t have someone on their ‘team’, who actually understands Excel better than this gentleman!
Or maybe they do, but that particular person is being closely guarded!
Don’t worry about posting more spreadsheets, Vlad, being the ultimate nerd, I just love ’em!
(Actually this one is pretty daunting – it’s almost as difficult to unravel as my electricity projections from last year..;0)
I suspect there’ll be plenty more spreadsheets dropping in the coming days. Perhaps you can be chief nerd and keep an eye on them, and comment on the validity of the claims.
That must be some sort of promotion, Vlad, but thank you for the invitation!
In very basic terms, it appears that this gentleman has just sorted the various columns, and possibly uncovered the way that the perpetrators have allegedly tried to manipulate the voting!
If this is real evidence, then it’s understandable that a formidable lady like Sidney Powell, whether you like her or not, will continue to go for the throat!
I am completely ignorant of statistics and computer programmes, therefore easily fooled, and I suppose the crooks depend on a lot of people being like me. BUT, unless I have misunderstood, this voting software is actually designed to make it possible to interfere with election results. How can it be legitimate for any local authority to buy or make use of it?
Times : Sandi Toskvig Xmas book
pretty Bad review
Is this a case of the law of unintended consequences?
If Timmeh! or Fran ever stepped out at the ground floor they wouldn’t know where they were.
If the entire staff ventured beyond the M25, none of them would either.
Wajid Shah, 27, jailed for 2 years for threatening to kill Theresa May
“Wajid Shah also sent messages threatening to kill five other politicians between March 27 and April 11 last year.”
Strangely the BBC Tweets don’t have a photo of his face. /sarc
“Doctors and Engineers”……………..
IQ – 58
Don’t be disrespectful; he won Pakistan University Challenge.
The BBC have placed a limit on playing the Pogues and Kirsty MacCall’s Christmas song, Fairy Tale of New York. Original version banned on one station but allowed on another and a revised version will also be played.
Much criticism, rightly so.
But it appears that the BBC are supported by none other than the Pogues who appear to have gone all woke and responded to Laurence Fox’s rebuke to the BBC with the following tweet.
Fuck off you little herrenvolk shite
Quote Tweet
Laurence Fox
· Nov 19
Here we go again. The cultural commissars at the @bbc are telling you what is and isn’t appropriate for your ignorant little ears. Wouldn’t it be nice if we sent the (proper) version to the top of the charts? #DefundTheBBC. RT https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8964253/BBC-Radio-1-presenters-playing-uncensored-version-Fairytale-New-York.html
I used to listen to Ed Stewart doing his Christmas show with all those kids songs . The following are on the ‘banned ‘ list
Two little boys – Rolf Harris – no need to explain
Puff the magic dragon – about a us airforce Vietnam gunship
3 wheels on my wagon – killing native Americans
Ernie – sex favours for milk
Granddad – ageist sexist
The ugly duckling – body dysmorphia
Others will be banned for no reason at all except as an exercise in woke power … trouble coming ….
( as you may see I’m going a bit crazy as a result of overseas exile )…
Fed, you’re not ‘Grant’ by another name are you?
He vanished overseas from our screens a year or so ago, assumedly to somewhere in Africa, from where I think he once told us his wife lived!
I used to like his posts!
I enjoyed Grant’s comments. There was some good banter.
Wait until they ponder the Maurice Chevalier classic that certain groups in Rotherham like to hum as they ply their trade.
ln Rotherham to ‘hum’ means you stink ! – mind you, that would definitely apply to our colonial friends.
Yes, some of the victims, teenage girls, did mention the stench of curry as they were being phsyically, racially and sexually abused by gangs of adult pakistani muslims
Are you stuck because of the Yellow Death? Not in an hotel, I hope. I was stuck for several months in Texas, but luckily with family. The expense and distress and annoyance this false alarm has caused is incalculable. I hope you will escape soon.
Amol Raman liked this.
No real surprise.
I also just watched a Momentum vid starring a cast of bbc regulars.
No surprise there either.
I scrolled several pages.
Not one comment doing anything bar laugh.
There is hope.
Just need to sort out lefties trying to rig things.
It’ll take more than that Grand Prix at No. 10 to change things for the better. It’s too late.
From tomorrow’s (or is it today’s?) Telegraph:
“People are set to be given “freedom passes” to allow them to live as normal a life as possible – as long as they have two negative coronavirus tests a week, under a plan to get the country back to normal next year.”
Still sure it’s just a conspiracy theory?
“Look, the thing is…” said Boris, flapping his arms about and standing on a podium with the slogans ‘Build Back Better’, ‘The Great Reset’ and ‘Billionaires Lives Matter More’ in the background, “…look, the thing is… our friends in the pharmaceutical companies are going to make billions from vaccines for this nasty Chinese flu thing. But, despite the promising developments recently, it’s simply not going to be possible to have large quantities of even a partially effective vaccine available until the late Spring. So, we need to spin things out for another six months by pretending it’s a serious problem that’s going to mow down millions of you if so much as one of you wanders outside for 5 minutes. And this is all backed up by The Science ™ – we have world-beating advisors in SAGE, many of whom are bearded men with tweed jackets who have been members of the Communist Party of Great Britain. And let us not forget – these measures may seem harsh, but once the panicdemic is over, we will need to continue indefinitely with lockdowns and face masks so we can fight Global Warming and create a greener, more equitable and diverse world… I pledge to you that I will continue to fight for these things, right up to the moment I am replaced by Rishi Sunak in the Summer. Or maybe by Carrie. Now, any questions? First, Laura Carlsberg from the BBC…”
Was I late again at reading this ????……..
Gary Lineker signs £1.2million deal to remain the face of Walkers Crisps for the next three years.
And the money keeps rolling in for continuing to be tw…at of the year.
Aaaaah, ‘Wotsits’, by Walkers; the yellowest, nastiest, most disgusting rock-ape’s breakfast ever invented!
‘Wotsits’…A descriptive anagram for Lineker if ever I saw one – in fact, several!
The face of Walker’s crisps. Shades of Father Ted: the Madonna in the skirting-board.
Has the backlash started ?? a selection of today’s headlines:
Tory MPs urge Boris to go to war on BBC and National Trust wokery: PM told to speak out for Britain’s patriotic silent majority against ‘elitist bourgeois liberals’ at institutions
More than a QUARTER of students ‘self-censor’ their opinions because they fear their university’s woke cancel culture – and 40% are afraid their careers will be ruined if they speak out
‘Bullying’ West End writers REFUSED to appear alongside JK Rowling on Graham Norton’s BBC show because they disagree with her ‘transphobic’ views
MAIL ON SUNDAY COMMENT: Woke is no joke… it’s time to get serious and fight back
Mural of Winston Churchill wearing stockings and suspenders attracts complaints from woke brigade – about the wartime leader giving his ‘V’ sign
Children should be taught ‘the good and bad about history’, says Gavin Williamson as he insists we should be ‘very proud’ of Britain’s past – after calls to ‘decolonise’ the curriculum
Anger over BBC documentary on drill rapper jailed for a machete attack – as he complains about struggle to make music which glorifies gang violence
British Library adds Poet Laureate Ted Hughes to a dossier linking him to slavery and colonialism
Just read that, Darcy!
It must be the right time to have a collective letter written to everyone’s MP now – that’s those who can actually read, or make reasoned judgements. (the two are not necessarily coordinated).
Just getting the typwriter out of its case and Roget’s Thesaurus off the shelf as we speak, but it has no synonyms for “lefty libtard tossers”, unfortunately
And I have run out of Basildon Bond now…
‘My name is Basil, my friend’s name is Bond, we go around together, they call us…
Has the backlash started ?
Hopefully, and none too soon.
‘Morning Vlad, I’ve commented on your spreadsheet revelations above, that guy really is on the ball, and thank goodness for that!
Interesting to hear that the info has also been published by the NYT too!
Like the BBC, they’re an arrogant crowd, and just assume that there’ll be some sort of ‘whoosh’, and all the facts will go over the heads of normal citizens!
I suspect there’ll be plenty more spreadsheets dropping in the coming days. Perhaps you can be chief nerd and keep an eye on them, and comment on the validity of the claims for us laypeople.
I repeat a comment I read attached to one of the anti woke stories above as it made me smile this morning:
“I have the stereotypical range of shed based jam jars for screws, nails etc. Neighbours son now blanking me because they’re Robinsons jars with the labels still intact. Useful jars or useless child? Jars win”
The TV yesterday evening was a relentless tirade of black people, it is becoming tiresome.
Thinking of getting a nameplate for the house : “Boeing 747” as it has a black box in the corner.
Ended up watching “Live and Let Die” and will be lodging a formal complaint about racism, black people calling James Bond “Honky” all the time.
It should come with a warning about “offence”, we were upset all evening and I am still close to tears thinking about it. That poor Roger Moore, and they hit him.
He was very polite about it all though. Where is his demonstration ?
It’s one rule for them and another for James Bond, in my opinion.
Even Blofeld did not call him nasty names, even when he kicked his cat.
Have you tried the game of surfing the TV channels and seeing how many times the screen shows a minority person, or even better for the score, several? A diverting variety of scoring systems can be worked out, but it is interesting to see how high the scores can be. I had a rude name for the game (****-Watch) but will not print it here.
4pm R4 Book prog : Climate Change Special
Black presenter Johny Pits asks writers Carys Bray and Diana McCaulay how stories offer hope and motivate action to address environmental crisis.
Plus Lucy Treloar on Australian eco-fiction now
Bray’s WHEN THE LIGHTS GO OUT explores Biblical notions of the great flood alongside modern, everyday anxieties
McCaulay’s DAYLIGHT, COME draws on her experience as an environmentalist in Jamaica to imagine a not-too-distant Caribbean future where sunlight has become unmanageable and resources are taken by the most privileged.
Lucy Treloar is surprised how little climate change features in contemporary realist fiction. She recommends some timely and beautiful writing which does not shy away from very real concerns in her native Australia.
Hannah Westland highlights practical solutions in the publishing industry, from being more mindful of the impact of shipping books to giving voice to the activist writing of a younger, genre-blurring generation.
*** Can’t have progs about interesting things
no they have to be twisted to push some kind of Guardianlalaland agenda
BBc News
Donald Trump has been holed up for 14 days in the White House, watching TV and playing golf.
He’s also been firing people.
Attention-loving Trump disappears in final days of term
#ccbgb Top rated:
“Attention-loving Trump” what kind of news is this? Are BBC articles written by angsty 14 year olds? This is such a piss poor display of how to present journalism.
Tara not got the same following on FB as the rest of BBC American BS on twitter.
I wonder if she is Marianna cute?
Won’t it be WONDERFUL if he wins!
Different reasons.
Will anyone notice?
Bbc might miss their resident socialist Sky fairy rep’s Sunday snarks?
He might need a rest from all his snarking.
It’s good that god doesn’t need him for 4 months . He was bitching about cuts in the overseas give away fund – perhaps the Cof E can use some of its riches to plug the hole – or maybe they need it to buy off victims of their vicars ….
Question? – will he be on reduced furloughed pay from the Government?
BTW, our most esteemed truthful BBC told me earlier that Archie Bish is joined by Bill Gates to try and deter any reductions in the overseas budget. We should listen to these elected officials………..
The degree of engagement with his posts show he has captured the interest of scores. 5 RTs. And 32 likes.
And Wyre Davis, who likes every one.
More liked this from Nick, including Hugh Sykes.
Given the staff numbers, and shared views, it is strange the numbers are not higher.
There is nothing like bashing the bishop first thng in the morning
BTW A bishop, a priest, and a rabbit walk into a bar
The rabbit says “I think I’m a typo”
More Moseleys? Labour does seem feisty.
Maybe that’s why the Archbish bashed bosh?
Marianna is of course more into selfies.
Speaking of failures to control emotions, I wonder if Lurch, Nick and squad have his poster on the office wall?
No excuse for abuse.
But the bios of her most ardent supporters is fascinating.
Meanwhile, save our libraries!
The woke attacking ancestors now ?
“One of the early objectives of the Cultural Revolution in China, which began in 1966 and goes on today, was to wipe out the “four olds”—old things, old ideas, old customs and old habits.
The “four olds” had already suffered setbacks in the years of Communist rule preceding the Cultural Revolution, but the Maoist leadership tried to use the new revolutionary upsurge launched in 1966 to eliminate them completely.
In the turbulent years from 1966 to 1968, what remained of old religious practices, old superstitions, old festivals, old social practices such as traditional weddings and funerals, and old ways of dress were violently attacked and suppressed. Visual evidences of old things were destroyed, and there was an orgy of burning of old books and smashing of old art objects.
Young Red Guards invaded homes and shattered family altars that denoted continued Confucian reverence for generations of forbears. The few temples, mosques and churches still used for religious purposes were closed and put to secular use. Even those that had been left open for sightseeing purposes, such as the great Buddhist, Lama and Taoist temples of Peking, were barred and their statues, altars and other furnishings were removed.
In not a single home seen by the writer was there any family altar, any tablets to ancestors or any representation of the old gods formerly worshipped by the Chinese masses. In as Westernized a city as Hong Kong, still under British rule, such things are still commonplace in Chinese homes. ”
The chinese have made a good start in the US and other Western countries.
It always intrigues the media in the West actively seeking to turn it into Russia and China have not grasped how the media in Russia and China fare if they stray from the party line.
Maybe they are just certain they will be kept in Kir Royales and £6,000,000 pensions if they don’t?