Isn’t it Great? Many on this site despair at not being able to change the Far Left Biased BBC sooner rather than later . But the behaviour of the BBC is now exposing the madness . Last month it was censoring “land of Hope and Glory “ at the Proms . Now it has censored a Christmas pop tune . Even the least attentive taxpayer reading this stuff in the papers must be starting to realise the BBC is no longer fit for purpose.
39 days to full Brexit ?
Meanwhile the indomitable Sidney Kraken is far from giving up the fight, according to her statement below.
PS. It seems she’s been temporarily banned from Twitter, surprise surprise: way too much truth for them.
There was a piece, recently, on BBC Look East about a young lad being embarrassed by his mother in that she was leading rallies and had become something of an internet icon – campaigning against what she saw as the rather sinister role that the NHS was taking, along with the Government regarding Covid. I actually thought that she made some fair points, but that’s by the by. So, cue simpering sympathy for the poor wee laddie (wow, dissing your Ma in public – what a hero!). No right of reply for the said lady, along with the usual BBC patronising/we understand attitude. As a piece of journalism it, quite simply, stank the place out. Only a small thing but it neatly encapsulates the BBC. Biased, unprofessional and arrogant.
Totally OT, but just got this….
As businesses across the globe look to determine their direction of travel, Reuters Events are proud to bring you the MOMENTUM Virtual Forum (9 – 10 Dec) showcasing a technology industry which is striving to overcome global challenges and build a better future across four strategic pillars;
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You will join thousands of technological innovators to learn from our world leading speaker line up which includes;
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Nigel Sizer, Chief Program Officer, Rainforest Alliance
Atish Banerjea, Chief Information Officer, Facebook
Will Grannis, MD, Office of the CTO, Google
Sylvie Veilleux, Chief Information Officer, Dropbox
Lauren Gardner, Co-director, Center for Systems Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
Harry Moseley, Global Chief Information Officer, Zoom
Bonnie Titone, Chief Information Officer, Duke Energy
Adam Safir, Director, Office of Educational Technology, US Department for Education
Stewart, Butterfield, CEO, Slack
Cathy Hackl, Chief Futurist & Founder, Futures Intelligence Group
Catherine P. Bessant, Chief Operations and Technology Officer, Bank of America
Bret Arsenault, Chief Information Security Officer, Microsoft
Sign-up for FREE to attend the most important event in tech
See you at MOMENTUM to build a better future through technology!
Fascinated that in the UK such folk feel this is a name to gather under.
Half of the newspaper adverts these days come from activist charities or government QANGOs plugging smart meters etc.
Saturdays Times had an advert “Feed London : buy a £25 Christmas dinner certificate for £25”
“700,000 London families living with EXTREME food poverty”
.. that extreme food poverty claim is hyperbole.
The definition of poverty is so floppy
“a household income below 60% of the average. This threshold is currently around £195 a week for a lone parent with two children.”
that 27% of Londoners are counted as living in poverty
However the official stats are “700,000 children, 1.4 million working-age adults and 200,000 pensioners in London are in poverty.”
ie it’s a stretch to say 700,000 FAMILIES
you can only get that by including homes where there are no children
Are they in food-poverty
Nope, all can afford food it’s dirt cheap, their poverty is to do with rent and debts
Are they in EXTREME food-poverty ?
Again that is hyperbolic word which they don’t use in their tweets
£25 for a family Christmas dinner
Our dinner didn’t cost that much
and on the 27th I bought 2 massive turkeys for £1.50 each
I reckon I could do a Chicken dinner with Xmas puddings for less than £10
.. of course alcohol jacks up the cost.
I turn the pages of newspapers to find giant pictures of starving Black Africans. Under or above this very large Black African face are tiny little words like NHS, Lloyds Bank, Nat West or HM Government.
It reminds me of the National Socialists who used large pictures of Greta Thunberg, and the Soviet Socialists who a used large pictures of Greta Thunberg in a boiler suit.
Speaking of newspaper adverts, I note that Camelot was pushing the National Lottery very heavily on some of our national newspapers this morning. I was left wondering if the economic income squeeze is already being felt by them?
You left out the seasonal spliff…
“What do kids want for Christmas?”
Err… I have never once heard a kid ask for Brussel Sprouts, chocolate or sweets – yes, expensive trainers, a PS, or a new bike – certainly, but sprouts – nope, never.
Child Benefit is £21 a week for the eldest child, and £13.95 for each after that, with no maximum, 13 kids = 13 x Child Benefit. The only parents who don’t qualify are those where at least one of them is earning £50K+ (that’s each parent, not in combination). Less than 10% of the working population earn £50K, or more, and to be honest if you’re earning that much, why would you be struggling to feed your children?!
If you have two children, that’s £34.95 a week in Child Benefit, more than enough to feed them decent meals all week, so long as you buy fresh meat and veg, and aren’t stuffing them with sweets and fatty takeaway food/ready meals.
Remember that’s ON TOP of any other benefits, and is specifically defined as being for the support of the child/ren, and not to be spent on the parents, or other household bills. Most of these ‘poor parents’ with ‘underfed’ (but strangely obese) kids are also getting many times that in other benefits which are supposed to cover all their other costs, so there’s no need to dip into this child benefit for anything other than feeding your kids.
There really is NO excuse for parents not feeding their children properly.
BBC News
The Covid-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford is 70% effective, large scale trial shows
Here’s everything you need to know about the vaccine and how it works
The BBC says this is all one is required to know.
I may just check further.
70% will be immune, 30% will be rehomed in the nearest zoo and be fed a diet of bananas!
Twitter watch
Defund the bbc has put a painful extract of a bbc droid – subspecies gurumurphy ( Irish ) failing to allow a Tory MP even try answering questions … maybe she was on the caffeine or something stronger ….
“Money Rebellion” The new Personal Extinction plan by XR.
Don’t pay your mortgage, default on loans, take loans out with no intention of paying them back.
To er… teach banks a lesson.
XR Rebellion rep says they’ll offer free advice to anyone losing their home for not paying the mortgage.
@iancollinsuk on TalkRadio asks “How’s that going to help them when they’re drinking Lightning Jack from a park bench?”
Shopping from a company and not paying the bill is theft
..That is a form of violence isn’t it ?
She Gail Bradbrook got into the Marxism at the end
… the video showed she was speaking from a posh house with paintings on the wall etc.
Gail is No 11 on the @BBCWomansHour power list
Imagine – banned by amazon and every credit card company for life – and banks – that’ll learn them …
XR may be funded by big business
but sitting in an asset whilst refusing to pay for it , hmmm I think I can see where that one will end
Context : when you default on loans
They cut your credit card
then you can’t buy 11,000 mile luxury trips to Costa Rica
like Gail does
New RT article about XR
“Gyms and non-essential shops in all parts of England will be allowed to reopen when lockdown ends next month, the prime minister has announced.”
Do Tory MPs exist any more or are we living under a dictatorship?
Vaccine and Lockdown = Carrot & Stick.
Hold the front page ( but not for long) .
BBC news at six features an item with only white British people being interviewed !!!
For once the BBC news has had an item where they have not slotted in someone from a ‘ minority’ … I wonder why ??!
An item about the covid rates not coming down in Leicester.. Why are the rates not coming down ? Now, given what everyone knows about Leicester’s population isn’t it an amazing coincidence that every single person featured in the item discussing how it is because people there are misbehaving and are not following the rules properly is white !!!!
They can find blacks and Muslims to go on country walks in places where there are only a handful of them, but when there is a ‘bad’ story to tell in a city where it is white people who are hard to find, somehow the BBC can’t find any !!
Does the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport exist and what is he doing about Al Beeb’s rewriting of our culture and history ?
‘A’ Level success! – Four smiling black girls, two with heads covered.
Schools failing! – Classroom of neatly dressed white kids.
Investigate that Marianna (I’m only 24!) Spring!
I heard on the wireless this morning that apparently, white male blood plasma is required as it has been found that if said white male as had covid, he will be carrying antibodies that can be used to fight said pandemic.
I would like to state that
a) I haven’t had covid, but
b) even if I had, I would not participate in said scheme, as long as my arse points to Australia.
PM briefing
Wow – almost grown up – a first – Peston let himself down and a bitter one from Huff post also bought the level down .
We’ve been groomed to expect the tick box coloured face turn up . Not in this broadcast – me thinks it was too important for the trivial kidult woke DFS game ….
Blew the coloured face per hour statistic the bbc seems to obsess over …
Do you notice how the BBC gets fixated over families and Christmas ? They spend 264 days a year undermining traditions – Christianity -‘normal ‘ families – and then seem to regress to some dickens version of Christmas which Must Be Celebrated … And We Must All be Home For Christmas …..
8:30pm Radio4 The dangerous poison sprayed on Martiniques banana plantations
… FFS the presenter just said it ended in 1993
an then went onto say that issue today is black activists asking for compensation from white farmers.
They answer back “it was a legal pesticide at the time”
Oh hang on they say it’s in the ground water now.
BTW I used to live in Central America in 2006-2007 and whilst helping on a project in Costa Rica remember we talked about these pesticides, the local guy told us he used to stand in the fields holding up flags so the spray planes knew where the lines were they needed to spray.
Stew, there was a programme on this topic on the Beeb last week, and of course there was lots of condemnation about it, but then there were older black chaps interviewed who said it was legal, so it was all a bit of a non event programme really.
Martinique is an overseas department of France. Do we get the blame for that as well?
Do you think Nobel Peace prizes are awarded in a rush ?
Last year they gave it to Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed for peace with Eritrea
but in the last few months he has been running a viscious war against Tigray.
Stew, has Biden got his yet?
@EG The prize can only be awarded to living people.
..even though he is just alive now’s too risky to risk awarding it to him and then him dying before presentation.
From the weird land Of @JolyonMaugham
Looks like a load of wacky conspiracy theories to me
You get to the thread by opening up the David Paisley tweet
Uganda Death Toll in Last Week’s Protests Rises to 45 say Police
.. the Times hints this is a big underestimate
Have they got any more ‘Ugandian Asians’ to send our way again?
So the Church of England gets to the point of deciding whether there are simply just men an women and the nutters pile in…
Jayne Ozanne, a leading campaigner for LGBT equality in the C of E, said the video “sets out the harmful teaching to which many evangelical churches are subjecting their congregations – including their LGBT+ congregants”.
She wrote in a blog: “Make no mistake about it, Church of England, this sort of teaching is wrong, harmful, dangerous and must be stopped. What is it going to take? Another young person deciding to take their life?”
She called for an independent inquiry into the “harmful practices and rhetoric that LGBT+ people are being subjected to in our society, and by certain religious groups in particular.”
Just go and find another pagan religion for F’s sake if that what you want, just leave normal people alone!
How’s this for economic insanity.
We’re spending say £20 bn a month because of covid.
We get a vaccine from Oxford University.
Which presumably is at least partly funded by taxpayers.
And the vaccine will first go to over 80s in care homes. Economic contribution near zero.
Meanwhile, Oxford don’t want anyone to do something as unethical as to make a profit out of the vaccine.
So Astra Zeneca are doing their manufacture at cost plus a bit.
And that will be true for global supply – at cost only to all countries.
In other words, the snowflakes are totally in charge of the asylum.
And this country has a cultish deathwish about sensible economics and turning a profit from creativity and innovation.
What total prats we are.
Not a problem for Pfizer, Microsoft, Tesla, Facebook, Amazon.
Guess which country has the most successful economy.
“And the vaccine will first go to over 80s in care homes. Economic contribution near zero.”
Yeah, I feel the same, paying taxes during my 40 year full time working life to see women having loads of kids without contributing a penny but getting child benefit. It really rankles.
I agree – there should be a committee to decide if someone makes an ‘economic contribution ‘. Any one who doesn’t get the chop …. that reduces the population by over half – should suit Sluff …
If economic contribution includes stimulating the economy by buying up all available local suppies of skunk weed the unemployed single mothers up the road are going to be alright judging by the daily aroma from their doorsteps
Perhaps us over 70’s should forego having the jab and hopefully all be dead in 5 years, so that should leave room for all those coming across the channel in li-lo’s.
The Left “Yeh we the sciencey people ”
Tony Heller video Biden’s Nature Trick
Saturdays Times seems to have 2 different big articles of 2 pages each
which have the fingerprint of Big Green PR agencies all over them
#1 Let’s take a trip round the green new world of Britain in 2050
Sounds like Brave New World
It gets a kicking in the comments from PAYING subscribers
“Absolute boxxocks. Did St Greta sponsor this?
I now feel inspired to cook a steak and open a bottle of wine. Driving my 4×4 will therefore have to wait until tomorrow as a result.”
#2 Personal Finance “Cash in On the green revolution”
Gets a kicking in the comments
“The Times needs to present factual information.
The Green Grant’s does not include solar panels although we have a picture of it with a caption indicating so. MISLEADING!”
Someone calls the article’s writers “Timeshare sales men”
OMG as well as those 4 pages of PR the Weekend section had a 4 page wraparound advert from Smart Meters
sponsoring the RSPB as well
The acid test to see if BoJo is a liar ?
Last week from the ‘horses’ mouth’ ……………
“Brexit: PM confident UK ‘will prosper’ without EU trade deal”
So why is he still negotiating?
I tend to spot if he is lying by whether his mouth is moving
“Covid-19: PM sets out ‘tougher’ post-lockdown tiers for England”
I think that BoJo could be right, its all going to end in ‘tears’ for him and his dictators cabinet?
I have the feeling that the ‘1922 Committee’ and rest of the Tory MPs are stirring.
Yet more articles about the magical, endless benefits of a Mediterranean diet today, so I decided I may give it a go this week. A little research has revealed I will need, amongst other things:
Loggerhead Turtles, Bottlenose Dolphins, Minke whales and Great White Sharks.
Upon reflection, I am not going to risk that bloody Attenborough kicking my door in or XR firebombing the car. I will stick to Greggs.
“I will stick to Greggs.”
Make sure it’s not organic sugar/salt-free vegan, Darcy, we can’t have you getting rickets!
Not much chance of that, I did once enquire as to whether their tuna baguettes were dolphin friendly (out of morbid curiosity more than anything else) but they just looked at me funny
Reminds me of the time I was in Wells visiting the Cathedral and decided to visit the fudge shop nearby, and was asked do I want the vegan fudge ?
My reply was to just shake my head and walk out. I could not trust myself to get into a debate on that and remain calm and / or sane.
(fudge is made from Butter, milk and sugar FFS)
“Vegan fudge” = a 2lb bag of Tate & Lyle.
“Doctor Who, Call the Midwife and Mrs Brown on BBC Christmas TV line-up”
Well that sorts most people’s holiday viewing out . It will be Netflix and all the other channels. People are fed up of woke viewing.
Last evening, as usual, avoiding the awful BBC current output, it was Bluestone 42 on DVD.
Because of the gorgeous Katie Lyons and fabulous Katie Adams, I hardly slept a wink last night…
Why on earth don’t the Beeb do these excellent progs any more, especially those like Ashes to Ashes? We just aren’t interested in any of the stuff they churn out now, and of course, any news and current affairs prog never get a look in!
Kat videos?
Go look for Cat and cucumber videos on YouTube for a bit of mild amusement!
Hi Taff
Dr Who was soooo good back in the day, totally ruined now
Just checked the listings for Xmas in the 70s on BBC 1, full of Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris:
1975 Xmas day:
: Carols from Canterbury
This year’s Christmas Carol Service comes from Canterbury Cathedral where the congregation join in some old favourites. There are also some rare and majestic carols sung by the Canterbury Cathedral Choir directed by Allan Wicks with Stephen Darlington (organ)
: Camberwick Green
: Cartoon Christmas Box
with Paul Jones who unwraps the box to discover new versions of favourite stories The Foolish Frog sung by PETE SEEGER : Sinbad the Sailor told by PAUL himself; Babar the Elephant told by PETER USTINOV
: Christmas Appeal
Dame Flora Robson appeals on behalf of the National Deaf Children’s Society
Donations, preferably by crossed ro or cheque, to: [address removed]
: Christmas Morning Service
from Killearn Kirk conducted by the Minister REV STUART MCWILLIAM
The historic village of Killearn lies in farmland between the Campsie Hills and Loch Lomond , yet is within 16 miles of the business centre of Glasgow.
: A Stocking Full of Stars
with Michael Aspel and Rolf Harris direct from the National
Children’s Home at Harpenden
Sixty minutes of Christmas morning entertainment for the whole family, with the emphasis perhaps on the younger members.
As well as Rolf Harris providing his own inimitable style of entertainment, adding to the fun will be contributions from the Blue Peter team, Basil Brush, the stars of Vision On, top pop group Showaddywaddy and Michael Crawford with Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em.
Unknown: Michael Aspel
Unknown: Rolf Harris
Unknown: Rolf Harris
Unknown: Michael Crawford
Unknown: Bert Hayes
: Laurel and Hardy: Way Out West
With James Finlayson
: Holiday on Ice
Glamour, grace and skill from one of the world’s greatest ice shows.
: Top of the Pops
Jimmy Savile , OBE, and Tony Blackburn introduce a special Christmas Day edition featuring No 1 records of the year with Abba, Charles Aznavour Ken Boothe , David Essex
The Osmonds. Pan’s People Paper Lace, Slade
Sweet Sensation, Three Degrees
Unknown: Jimmy Savile
Unknown: Tony Blackburn
Unknown: Charles Aznavour
Unknown: Ken Boothe
Unknown: Brian Clement
Unknown: Sound Richard Chamberlain
Designer: Paul Allen
Producer: Robin Nash
: The Queen
The Queen speaks to the Commonwealth
ORGANIST Madge Niven, with Jimmy Saville interesting
I think it is worth highlighting from above:
Children’s Home at Harpenden
“Sixty minutes of Christmas morning entertainment for the whole family, with the emphasis perhaps on the younger members. As well as Rolf Harris providing his own inimitable style of entertainment”
I can imagine Jimmy Savile. OBE, (sic) kicking himself stuck in the Top of the Pops studio that day with only Tony Blackburn and Slade for company.
Prevented from providing his own “inimitable” style of entertainment.
The real face of woke, This is the “be kind” left at its best:
I post the article from an MP this morning, to remind all what these people are really like behind their anti racist be nice to the environment masks:
“This filth and hate from Left will shock you but we get it non-stop – MP PHILIP DAVIES
I apologise for the graphic language used here, but these were just a tiny sample of some of the emails I received over one single weekend: “Here’s hoping you drop dead. We, never elected an out-of-touch w**k stain such as yourself. Tory scum, f**k you!”
“you f**king moron. I’m not a person who believes in heaven and god but for the first time in my life I’ve wished there was so that your sorry insipid soul could join the flames of hell. you [are] a traitor and a dishonourable piece of s**t.“ – “Your parents raised an immoral, sociopathic c**t. Please get cancer tomorrow you monster.” – “Go f**k yourself, you f**king turd” – “Die in a fire you c**t nugget. You deserve to be hung. You thunder c**t” – “Youre [sic] a piece of sh*t. I hope karma comes your way, you absolute c**t”
“I know for a fact that many politicians hold back from saying what they really believe and simply say and vote for what will give them the easiest ride from the social media warriors.
What on earth is the point of a democracy if we are all only allowed to have one opinion – the one imposed on us by the unelected thought police on places like Twitter?
This does not just affect politicians either. There are now millions of people in this country who are petrified of saying what they believe – or stumble over their words – in case they say something which upsets some zealot.
The mob on social media hunt in a pack and woe betide anyone who challenges one of their shibboleths. The level of abuse you will generate is difficult to describe and comprehend – especially if you have been fortunate enough not to experience it yourself. ”
People say hurty things on Twitter
and if you bite, they tweet more just for the fun of winding you up
Often they have nothing to do with politics ie they are just pretending to be lefty etc.
If only Jim and Polly were running things.
Instead of trying to foist Slick and Olive Oil on us like the bbc.
We all knew it was going to happen…” more money for the NHS workers who saved your lives”…now they have just extended it to Key Workers…but what they really mean is public sector workers…and they do not deserve across the board wage rises. If the NHS or any other organisation want to reward some workers let them do it locally..out of thero own money.
Polly Toynbee (the great economist) is a clearly one of those that hasn’t made the link between private sector creating wealth and public sector riding off its back….
What she and other should be saying is Make UK great again…invest, stop buying bloody Chinese crap….build the private sector because without it the public sector is buggered
We all know where BBC will sit
Pay them more – then put up NI levels above any gain ….
“prosaic efficiency upgrades”
Anyone that has been involved in government will know that ‘efficiency savings’ are optimistic claims converted to mythical money.
No-one ever factors what it will cost to achieve these ‘savings’ and the ‘savings’ are never made. But year after year they are put on the balance sheet, counted in over and over again. (Often claimed by more than one department!).
(Imagine year after year factoring in energy savings on upgrading Victorian housing. Then eventually it is realised that the savings were never achieved and all the houses have been demolished anyway).
The real face of woke pt 2:
Neglect of white working class children in the UK is a national disgrace MATTHEW GOODWIN
“Recent data from UCAS shows that only 9 per cent of white boys on free school meals make it to university, compared to over 20 per cent of black boys on free school meals. Other data from the Department for Education is just as bleak – it tells us that while just 13 per cent of white British boys on free school meals had gone on to higher education by the time they turned nineteen, the equivalent figure for Pakistani boys on free school meals was 42 per cent, for Bangladeshi boys was 49 per cent, and for Chinese boys was 66 per cent.”
Do you recall that many Black ‘celebrities’ have made this statement that when they were young they never saw anyone like them on the TV and came up with this phrase ‘see it believe it’ to get more BAME on TV.
Well the see saw has swung…but I doubt the BBC will be interested in poor white boys – same with TV adverts….
Don’t they remember Zulu ?
bloody thousands of ’em
just like Hackney on a Saturday night as well (without the Welsh choir)
How often do you hear your local accent on national TV/radio ?
AFAIK the only voices from Northern Lincolnshire’s 325K population are Guy Martin, Kevin Clifton & his sister (dance professionals on Strictly), and Darren Bett the weatherman.
Grimsby’s Quentin Cooper was effectively banned from Radio4 cos his science show habitually aired both sides of science stories not just the Guardian view.
Maybe Chinese, Banglaadeshi and Pakistani parents are smarter at wangling free school meals and they have smart kids?
Might be interesting to compare the proportion of mother-only households for the various ethnicities. I hazard a guess that some haven’t followed the BBC/Polly Toynbee route of ‘no man, no cry, that’s what the council is for’.
Toady is busy bigging-up the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine.
An alternative view from an analyst –
The fund manager Barry Norris, who’s been tracking the vaccine trials very closely, wasn’t impressed by yesterday’s announcement by AstraZeneca. This is the note he sent to his clients.
We are amazed at the spin on the Astra vaccine. This was always deigned as a two equal dose trial – 0.5 followed by 0.5 – and this population group has only achieved 62% efficacy (compared to a claim of 95% for the mRNA vaccines).
Now in breach of trial protocol they tell us there’s an improved “90% efficacy” in a small initial 0.25 dose followed by a bigger 0.5 dose, in an unofficial population sub-set which is probably so small as to be statistically insignificant. Moreover, they claim to have stumbled across this better recipe purely by accident, and somewhat embarrassingly claim this sub-set consisted of the volunteers who were systematically but “accidentally” given a smaller than intended dose, as reported here. (The Guardian has more details on this “accident” here.)
So riddle me this: the main dose trial shows only 62% efficacy in healthy adults (almost certainly less in the old and already sick) but a smaller sub-set shows efficacy with a lower dose? Lower doses usually lower side effects but they don’t usually result in higher efficacy. So there’s something bogus going on.
There are many questions of the bleedin’ obvious that no one in the press seems interested in following up. Here’s another from Anna.
I had similar thoughts when Joe Biden announced his vaccine that he produced in a fortnight.
The test numbers are so few as presumably the test subjects are only subjected to natural exposure, it being unethical (but more scientific) to give them a controlled shot of the virus.
Its like giving Eskimos a ‘vaccine’ for sleeping sickness, (really distilled water), and getting a ‘100%’ result. The absence of the tsetse-tsetse fly in Northern Canada not, of course, having anything to do with it.
TOADY Watch #1 – Sopey is still not happy …
… in fact he is really quite bitter. President-Elect China Joe Beijing Biden has possibly not yet restored Sopey’s White House pass. Oh dear. How sad. Never mind.
In a sequence close to the 7.30 a.m. Sport slot, he attacks “President Trump” and implies that donations to a legal fighting fund for the Republican Party might be misapropriated to a future Trump election campaign. Sopey appears to be unaware that President Trump is 74 years of age.
Or perhaps Sopey is really wild at having to pay £100 – £120 for a Covid test each time he flies back to England?
Bbc will be paying for all staff tests – official – maybe
Small correction, Fed, the Licence Fee Payer will be paying for all Covid tests.
But Sopey will still have to fill out the Expenses Claim Form in triplicate for the new D-G.
With Brexit, Covid, BLM and Trump, the BBC had almost forgot how much they abhor men, but adore women. Almost. Here’s a couple of articles worthy of headline pieces to keep the train moving and remind us (as if we could ever forget) how absolutely fantastic women are:
BBC 100 Women 2020 -
The woman who designed the Oxford vaccine –
With the US election, Brexit and even Covid destined for more of a back seat, we’ll start seeing the BBCs other pet passion come to the fore once more – modern day feminism (aka misandry). After all, what’s the purpose of the BBC if not to create social division?
They do not seem to celebrate our first woman Prime Minister much though do they ?
One would have thought they would be campaigning for a statue at least, standing on a pile of coal or something.
BTW What do you get if you drop a piano down a mine shaft ?
A flat minor
The refs got out a card – I think it’s …. yellow ????
F*** I’m going to miss the next match,
And Gary Lineker is pointing at his head and making a funny face to Bobby Robson
Notes scattered like confetti on the winder?
“The woman who designed the Oxford vaccine”
Yeah, she will probably go down in history as the, ’60 percenter’
Or perhaps, the, ’40 percenter short of a full deck’
The 100 women list has 4 filters
They only add up to 99, about 27 are white, 7 are British
– IDENTITY : 17 : none British : only the Irish 1, & Lebanese 1 look white
– CREATIVITY : 21 : Incudes Jane Fonda, 4 are white, 1 is marked Wales
– LEADERSHIP : 29 : British 1 : White 10 or 11
– KNOWLEDGE : 32 : British 5 : 11 white
Elizabeth Anionwu retired Nurse and emeritus professor
patron of the UK Sickle Cell Society.
Baroness Diana Barran was appointed the UK’s Minister for Civil Society
She is the founder and former chief executive of SafeLives, a national charity dedicated to ending domestic abuse.
Sarah Gilbert : her team in Oxford set to work to create a Covid-19 vaccine.
Lucy Monaghan : Northern Ireland
Campaigner who caused changes in the law about how she was treated by police and prosecutors in Northern Ireland after reporting her alleged rape in 2015.
Siouxsie Wiles : born UK
scientist and public-health communicator working in New Zealand
heads the Bioluminescent Superbugs Lab at the University of Auckland
bBC has pulled out all the stops to bring your their TV line up for Christmas
Another Mrs Browns Boys
Andy – I guess the BBC won’t be going with ‘mr Browne’s boys” for various reasons … I think it’s great .. for those seeking entertainment on the BBC sitting in front of that – a national WTF ….
…meanwhile – in the early hours I saw a newspaper article which mentioned that Nicholas Robinson has advised fellow comrade beeboid drones not to express their political views on Twitter – I can’t find it now – perhaps it was a spoof ….
….. how the bbc must be praying for more people to die over the winter so that they can face the camera on BBC News to celebrate the government failure….
Coming soon ….
My neighbour got the vaccine but I didn’t
I went for the vaccine but it had run out
Vaccines stolen by Romanian /Nigerian gangs
Prisoners get vaccine before decent people
Dog gets vaccine invite by mistake ……
I bet the black dogs get it first, claiming they are more susceptible
Canines of color, please.
Royal ones.
I have a black and white one, the license is cheaper
PS don’t tell Fedup, I am on a yellow card already
Nick knows what sells.
The Hill!
AND Jac!
How could BBC American BS resist?
It’ll be quite simple advice from Saint Jacinda – replace most men with sheep, then ensure you have a female head of state so that the media will ignore the genocide!
Have secure borders – oops – maybe not that one ….
New Zealand hasn’t eradicated Covid, tho it has stopped deaths.
Cases constantly tick over at 50 as new people enter with it, and then it breaks out in one location & is contained.
Latest is a Air New Zealand cabin staffer tested positive & they are running around after his 5 close contacts.
UK would have the same 1000 times over, constantly leaking in with ship and plane crews
That is why we can’t do it the NZ way.
A role model, i’m sure the bBC will do a report
One can’t help but notice how both our mainstream media and our political class are onto a good thing with this Chinese Flu.
We the gruby infectious hoi polloi have once again obediently waited with bated breath, muzzled gobs and curtailed freedoms, to hear the latest pronouncement of commandments from our betters via the obedient trumpets of our eunuch heralds, the broadcasters and press.
The Daily Mail demands our attention with: ‘What the new rules mean for you and your family. See pages 4-5’
Didn’t the robber barons used to nail a proclamation to a tree? Must have been confusing suddenly getting all those new rules. Assuming the saxon peasants could read Norman French.
‘Regional tiers/The new rules/Christmas Plans’ – dictates the Telegraph on behalf of Boris.
‘Tis the season to be jolly careful’ – warns a big fat decidedly unjolly Johnson pictured on the Metro frontpage as he is among many of the other papers. Looking like his best Orwell’s Big Brother impression in a casting call for the part in a new production of 1984 – by the Eton and Oxford Gaslights.
And, guess what – if his dopey restrictions don’t cure the lurgy, it’s all our fault.
‘He forecasts that coronvirus could be beaten by Easter as long as Britons do not “blow it” over Christmas’ (Daily Express)
I’d sincerely like to see Johnson sacked – if he “blows it” over Brexit.
‘Oxford vaccine dosing error led to 90pc success rate by accident’ (Telegraph) – I know many great scientific breakthroughs were chanced upon by accident. Stories like the Irish chap who left his bicycle out in the rain and discovered rust. But I’m afraid this Boris Johnson-like blundering happenchance scientific method doesn’t inspire my confidence, especially when I’m the potential target pincushion the government wants to shoot up. Hey, what have they cut this dope with, man?
By the way, what’s this “90pc” in the Telegraph headline – have they no % symbol in their typeface?
Since we’re playing the percentages the 99.9% chance of not dying of the Sino Sniffles looks a better bet than taking a jab rushed to market at a rate of knots well over the speed limit, without due care and attention, and importantly, without insurance.
I say rushed to market because, unlike the Metro, it’s not a freebie: ‘Get yourself a vaccaccino. The Oxford jab will cost less than a cup of coffee’ – actually a coffee from a Starbucks-type outlet is rather expensive these days. Then don’t you have to take at least two jabs? The costs will stack up. The British population could be anything between 65 and 80 million. Think about it – imagine a world where the UK still has precious little border control and a working vaccine.
‘Pension reforms could cost investers £100bn’ (Telegraph) – at long last we get a hint as to how Rishi is going to pay for all this corono-nonsense. They may as well give the retirement age folk the bug – their pension plans just evaporated.
Meanwhile ‘University staff face anti-racism training’ (Telegraph) Well, there’s hardly a semester goes by without news of a gang of skinhead dons cornering some random black student in the junior common room and forcing him to recite Kipling.
The only other major item in the headlines is news of another con perpetrated on a credulous public. ‘I’m a Celeb shock. Con of the castle. Stars coached on “surpirse” critter trials’ (The Sun)
With 38? Days until Independence Day there seems to be a concerted silence over project fear …..
…. it’s as though the sell out has been agreed and those’ in the know ‘ are just keeping quiet until the punters are told in thr middle of Christmas – and – perhaps – it may turn out to be the true reason that Cummings walked …. unless that’s a wheeze as well …..
AISI, no FT?
No comment.
The precise formula for the composition of the BBC on-line frontpage line up is like Coca Cola or KFC – a secret. But there’s always the Guardian in there.
TOADY Watch #2 – one senses the top Beeboids’ concerns …
Grant Shapps MP, SoS for Transport, is the victim for the 8.10 a.m. Interview slot. Justin does the interview instead of Mishal the Merciless so it is relatively benign. There is some concern, you can hear it in Justin’s voice, over international travel by air and rail travel. Will it be possible to visit second homes? Travel for ski-ing? Jump on a train and head to Scotland?
Funny, that. The BBC spend much of the time in R4 N&CAs telling me that Covid-19 has hit the poorest much harder than others. But it is the wealthy and the affluent or those capable of servicing debt who travel.
Huw Edwards liked this.
Two old white guys at the bbc, unaware of irony.
TOADY Watch #3 – whisper, whisper, who dares …
You heard it first on the BBC.
Shouting and talking in A Loud Voice in a pub or bar or restaurant gives you Covid-19. Just like testing.
I wonder soon whether we will be told that looking at Internet web-sites gives you Covid-19, especially those that are critical of the BBC, and that you cannot catch it if you have a transistor radio permanently tuned to Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3, Radio 4 or Radio 5.
Life in the UK during this Pandemic becomes more like a real-life Goon Show every day. Next we will be warned about Scradje and told how to avoid it by the BBC.
Or, an episode of the charming Eastenders:
GOB YOB Disgusting moment woman SPITS at Waitrose worker and shouts ‘you’re dead’ in foul-mouthed attack
She then walked around to the corner of the till and spat at the worker after her card was declined.
She shouted: “I got f***ing money in my account, you’re gonna decline me?
“You’re gonna die, you’re dead, you’re dead.”
I thought bbc employees got Waitrose to deliver?
Yes, it did rather remind me a bit of Lara Carlsberg at the Covid briefings
“F***ing clarity or you’re dead Boris” etc
I caught a bit of BBC2 Newsnight last night. Emily Maitlis talking to a couple of doctors about Covid vaccinations and people who are “anti vaxxers”.
1st doctor said the government need to get a postiive message across and they are not being trusted and young poeple are suspicious of the vaccine.
Emily Maitlis jumps in with “what if they don’t want it? Quantas say you must have it to fly with them. Is that how we do it? Do we make employers insist on it? Do we make head teachers insist on it?”
Maitlis goes straight for the dictatorship solutuion before hearing what the guest doctors think. Both of which were against mandortory vaccinations.
Any medical advice from a woman who pours weird chemicals onto her head and rubs them into her body daily, oblivious to the clearly dubious effects, needs to be viewed accordingly.
Local radio.
Should more dads talk to their sons about periods? A new campaign thinks so. They say as boys grow up, they hear very little & understand even less about periods. Which can lead to women feeling the subject is ‘taboo’.
Short discussion.
I said ‘the BBC wants me to talk to you about perio…’
‘Dad, here we call them full stops’.
I thought that was one of the major topics for the now mandatory female ‘comedians’?
“Should more dads talk to their sons about periods?”
Isn’t that what wives and girlfriends do – at least once a month?
I am regularly reminded each month with a saucepan over the head for daring to say good morning or something
Talking . Best avoided – unless you have your ‘legal team’ present …
Just after 0830, I heard on Toady that DJT is partially conceding to the Front communist Biden and agreeing to discuss transition. A short message, short and sweet – no confusion by our, “Worlds Most Trusted”. I wonder. I haven’t been on YT yet to ascertain the truth of the matter. Any bets on the reality being 180 degrees adrift from the BBC’s statement?
G, Sopey was putting it differently at 7.30 a.m.. He said President Trump had not actually conceded victory but had ‘Tweeted’ instructions to start the transition to the Biden administration.
If that’s the ‘tweet’ SG is referring to beneath, ‘straight from the horses mouth’ so to speak, then there is no reference to concession and as I suspected, the BBC are lying through their teeth again.
As ever you go to Trumps recent tweets
and a couple of them make i clear he’s not conceding
When you read the detail, it’s clear Trump is not conceding but doesn’t want to hold the country to ransom. Which is to his credit.
What is absolutely clear to me is that he will lose. Not because he is wrong but any liberal institutions now know that they can make any decision against him and will not be held to account by the MSM.
Same as the Supreme Court did here during Brexit. When a gasp goes around a courtroom after such a decision, you know it was corrupt. More suited to countries like Iraq under Saddam.
Lots of things happened after Brexit which really opened my eyes to how far the Left will go to get what they want. They are convinced ‘The ends justify the means’. Which is exactly what Islamic terrorists say.
Assuming your assertion is correct, what happens when any future election is held? Do 74/75 million (mainly armed) electors simply ‘hold their nose’ and vote in the knowledge that however they vote, they will never get their way? No, I cannot share your assertion. This is a monumental battle royal between the communists and the Right and anyone or body having to come to a decision on the rights and wrongs of what’s happened, can only see it that way.
If DJT’s ‘rearguard action’ fails, the Western World will pay the price.
And in America many people were “suicided” and nothing was done. The rich and powerful literally get away with murder. Epstein anyone?
You mean the man whose cell mate was moved, whose guards were asleep and the CCTV was on the blink? Nothing suspicious there, surely?
Those who learn from history are doomed.
Not long after the A Ark arrived things were thriving.
However, as is inevitable, the stronger thrived more.
So the weaker prodded the compassionate to ensure representation on a democratic model, based on noble ideals of free speech and losers’ consent.
And for a while it worked. Especially across the board as secret ballots and one person, one vote were ruthlessly and fairly enacted.
Then a new class arose from nowhere, proficient in a thing called law and PPE, and whilst most still worked and generated productively and generated wealth to raise standards, these started to infest the democratic system and feed off it.
And they realised the civil service systems operating efficiently were too small to drive their ambitions, so they started growing them.
They also realised the people seemed pretty OK with stuff as it was, so they popped a shuttle to Planet B to where the BBC Ark had landed, and there were still captains in baths ordering others around, to bring over reporters and editors to create ‘entertainment’ to cover for ‘news’ that made folk much less happy.
All were funded from the productive working classes.
And still this was not working out as well as hoped, so a now dominant PPE/legal class created politicised state employees, NGOs and quangos stuffed with placemen to ensure all messages were the ‘correct’ ones, insane or venal.
Some were not happy, so to rub their noses in it, and ensure the voting lark was steered properly, borders were opened up to get in safe pairs of hands, if often with machetes.
Still this was not enough, so NGOs were encouraged to agitate on behalf of the new minorities on all sorts of spurious grounds, ghettos created, often only conversant in BBC Ark languages, for which BBC Ark stations alone were created.
And new areas of fear, and outrage, and division were created, all ably stirred by the B Ark media specialists brought back, who spawned other offshoots, on different models, but still curiously unique in aims.
So eventually communities were nicely divided, and chaos looming, yet still the majority, mostly working, and hard, failed to vote the way all these B Ark skilled operatives had planned.
In fact they voted to return to much that worked before, big time.
What do to? Well, not consent, for sure. Agitate. Stir. Create gridlock. Still no fatal fractures for the new class to dominate and rule.
And so a virus appeared… and the inept leadership in nominal power only floundered and foundered as was inevitable, and the ‘professional’ politicised classes and state media eventually got to not only tell people how to think, and act, but had the power to force them to, too. In perpetuity. Genies do not easily go back in bottles.
Those brave enough to point this out long crushed by alt. democracy methods of the mob. Censorship. Shadow banning. Positive discrimination. Quotas. Erasing history….
And any who knew this, and had skills to make other A Arks against the day better ensure they keep them hidden form these entitled leeches next time.
Nice one Guest
Sadly it all seems oh so true – when will we in the UK actually have a political leader who reflects and acts on the views of the people.
Col. Gadaffi – no matter what you think/thought of him, said in his green book (I paraphrase) that all politicians once elected eventually focus on their own needs and not those of the people who elected them
Boris ..wherefore ought thou?
“….have a political leader who reflects and acts on the views of the people.”
If pushed, I’d just settle for, “Acts” alone…………..
But is there any country on the planet which is dealing with this well ? They all seem to be struggling with some aspect …. did anyone plan for it?
The UK exercised for it but didn’t do anything after the exercise (s) using the ‘fingers crossed ‘ doctrine and assuming it would be so bad that politicians wouldn’t get the blame …..
Benefits of confrontational one against one debates
Yesterday 3pm TalkRadio had a pro cycling guy on
..Again it was an ambush trick despite using the name “Stop Killing Cyclists” he’s really an XR extremist who is fanatically against petrol cars.
Direct link to Full you tube segment
– NEW cycle lanes lead to NEW cyclists
..but at a cost £5K each
– Anti-car guy confuses his numbers
“there are 3.5 million cyclists”
actually it’s “there are 3.5 million TRIPS”
5,000 cyclists could easily do 3.5 million journeys/year
The activist is also famous for 2 things
#1 Tweeting flying is “genocidal” yet then flying to Delhi for climate workshops
#2 Screaming loudly about air pollution, then being pictured in the newspaper in his Hackney home in front of his roaring log burner.
TalkRadio is now is now broadcasting live over Facebook
The LiveChat means that listeners can easily call out any BS as it’s broadcast
– Facebook link
mobile link .. cos normal link doesn’t show you all the comments. video just stopped working on mobile tho
Fighting for the right of child rapists and murderer immigrants to stay here, well done
‘Stansted 15’ begin Court of Appeal bid to overturn convictions after storming runway and chaining themselves to Home Office-chartered jet to prevent deportation of 60 criminals – including child rapists and murderers – to Africa
“How one criminal being deported had stabbed a man to death in front of his family in London
One of those on the flight was murderer Quam Ogumbiyi, who was jailed in 2004 for stabbing a man to death in front of his family in Harringay, North London.
Ogumbiyi, then 23, plunged a knife into Ibrahim Asik’s chest after wrongly accusing him of burgling his girlfriend’s flat.”
Group cut through airport’s perimeter fence and locked themselves together
767 jet transporting people from UK detention centres for repatriation to Africa
Were convicted in December 2018 before all 15 avoided jail in February 2019
They are now appealing convictions under Aviation and Maritime Security Act
Ofcom appoints six new Content Board members
Ofcom has appointed six new members to its Content Board.
Ofcom’s Content Board is a committee of the main Ofcom Board. It has advisory responsibility for a wide range of content issues, including the regulation of television, radio and video-on-demand quality and standards.
The new members are:
Dekan Apajee
Rachel Coldicutt
Anna-Sophie Harling
Peter Horrocks
Tobin Ireland
Kim Shillinglaw
The new members have been appointed for a three-year term from 1 November 2020 to 31 October 2023.
Interesting bunch to oversee the BBC, as ever.
Especially Mr. Horrocks.
BREAKING: Harry Dunn’s parents have lost their High Court battle against the Foreign Office over whether their son’s alleged killer had diplomatic immunity.
Mother says they are putting their faith in Biden.
Maybe Tony’s back door people can tap Hills and Bill’s back door people to tap Barry’s back door people to tap Sleepy’s tapping people to deal with such ‘trouble’ lest Surkeer have an issue with the MSM here over this?
The BBC would look the other way.
They all know each other.
They will be disappointed. Mrs Secoulas is the wife of a CIA man. They are Deep State. Biden will never take on the Deep State. Look what they just did to Trump.