Just imagine, ONE single muslim child gang raped and racially abused by white men, in the UK, just imagine how many of them would be out on the streets around the country whipped up by their mosques, and the bbc leading the outrage. Just imagine the weeks and months of self flagellation of this country and its white population for that ONE incident.
Yet the converse has happened and is no doubt happening now as we speak, around the country THOUSANDS of times FOR YEARS and the bbc hides it in local news and the gobshite muslim community ignores it
THAT is why I have no time whatsoever for any whinges by muslims
The telegraph has a classic – classic example on non journalism – Lizzie Roberts is the proud writer -‘why is slough’being singled out as a top tear area . ?
And then proceeds to dance around the answer – it has lots of ‘multigenerational ‘ households and lots of ‘young people ‘ ….
… third world population densities don’t get a mention – nor a population not bothered to learn English ….. so it’s left to the journo not to say why – but leave it to the common sense of the reader …..
This came up on BBC London news.
The Slough council CEO gave three reasons for the high cv rates in Slough
1. Lots ( implying disproportionately high) of NHS and other public sector workers. (FFS)
2. Something about BAME, like ‘CV is not very kind to BAME) (which is kinda strange because the emphasis at peak ‘covid racism’ was on death rate, not infection rate, which is the current main issue)
3. High density multi-generational housing (Mmmmm I wonder who that most affects).
Of course we all know what is happening here but watching the apparatchiks do all they can to fail to state the blindingly obvious is both instructive snd dismaying.
CEOs in Leicester and Bradford are no doubt coming up with the same total guff.
Is it ‘dancing round the handbags’ or ‘the elephant in the room ‘?
Keep seeing the question being asked, Sluff, but have never seen a proper reply….“If Covid-19 particularly affects BAME populations, how come African countries, and predominantly those African countries in the Southern Hemisphere, which have been through their winter months (apparently the most dangerous period, since summer temperatures aren’t particularly ‘friendly’ to the virus, we are told), are not particularly badly affected ?”
And the other ‘bête noire’ of the glitterati, is that this virus is particularly onerous on ‘the poor’… can’t get much poorer than swathes of Africa (we are constantly told as our pockets are being picked for aid money).
Police are called to Luton mosque after huge row erupts involving up to 300 worshippers inside building
Six police cars arrived at Jalalabad Jame Masjid Mosque in Luton on Friday
Footage of police breaking up altercation emerged on social media on Monday
Allegedly started following dispute involving secretary Syedul Islam Khan
Arrived to worship as normal despite being removed from position by other committee members
@Darcy thanks your Mayor of Luton post didn’t have a date on when I posted, you edited it in later
My tablet screen still has the original layout on it, cos I haven’t refreshed the page since.
It’s just sometimes irritating when a news story pops up, and we assume it’s new and then find it’s a few months old.
A survey of Biden voters reveals that a significant number (17%) would not have voted for Biden had they had access to information about him the msm suppressed.
The lying BBC must be included in that as many Americans receive it via one of its many platforms.
“HUGE Amount Of Democrats REGRET Voting For Biden! Over 17% Would NOT Have Voted For Him If They Knew About The Scandals.”
Consider this scenario you readers………….
Country’s economy is being deliberately wrecked and the resulting carnage is used as an excuse to halt Brexit in the beginning of January, just when the nation is fully locked down to prevent demonstrations?
Al Beeb is being retained to be the mouthpiece for the government. Just a scenario……….
If you’re interested (or come to that, anyone else) there’s an anti lockdown demo at Kings Cross London, on Saturday, starting mid-day.
All fine upstanding freedom lovers are welcome.
Bring something to make a noise; rattles, whistles, bagpipes…
I was in Picadilly during “social distancing” on business for a day in August confronted by a demonstration by thousands of Ethiopians fighting with the police 70% no masks and not only in the road but barging into us on the pavement
“just when the country is locked down ” WTF has Ethiopia got to do with anything in this country and why was that allowed ?
London is just a stateless zone now Darcy, a bit like an international airport departure lounge so any old crap goes and if you don’t like it your just a racist.
Well I am a racist then, married to a Chinese and previous lady Italian west indan mix, her father, just deceased, loved this country mostly becasause he kicked the shit out of them on the cricket pitch
It would appear that junior bbc staff have decided that the best way to deal with them losing actual normal audience is to scream they are being abused (in a non stick or stone way) by an indeterminate number of unspecified folk.
Now this is not nice. Or very unusual, but being bbc staff this is all about them.
And of course means they can only devote themselves to checking stuff that they want to. Not what needs checking.
???? New funding model for journalism:
▪️ Make up batshit conspiracy theories ▪️ Run permanent crowdfunding campaign for legal fees ▪️ Collect Orwell Prize, seat on fake "Facebook Oversight Committee", present TED Talks as you Pass Go.https://t.co/kKDbHQHBaA
Please, please tell me that it’s just not me, who thinks this.
I noticed that the Beeb are forcing (heavy advertising) a documentary on us- at least that’s what they call it, about Anton Ferdinand (who ?). Yes a Premier League player at one time (in my opinion average). It’s called ‘Football, racism and me’. How wonderful Beeb.
Well apparently Anton has melted like a candle, although it has taken him nine, yes nine years to do this. And why ? Surely something horrendous or evil must have happened. Well nine, yes nine years ago John Terry apparently called him a ‘black c’. In the middle of a football match no less. As you reel back in horror absorbing this and forgetting about the fact that these two played at a high level in front of baying and no doubt abusive crowds you might sympathise that the Beeb, some nine, yes nine years later are making a ground breaking (cough) documentary with Anton (who ?) and more sympathy please, he has ‘carried the burden’ for nine (here we go again.. nine) long years.
‘It was now the time to speak’ says our Anton, whose favourite number is apparently nine (I made that up) and in one scene he meets a psychotherapist Dee Albert, who works with people who have been abused. “I still carry that feeling of letting people down,” he tells her. “That eats away at me more than anything.” What ??! Can I say at this point football is (or was) a man’s game so guess what, man up Anton.
Just on a point of note for avoidance this tripe is being aired on 30th November.
John Terry says he has ‘moved on’, but as for Anton “I’ve got my voice back,” he says. “And I’m using it in the right way”. Perhaps he lost it for, guess how many years
I mean, it’s not just the waste of money involved in this documentary and no doubt John probably said that naughty phrase, but I have been to local parks football and heard equally bad stuff, but no-one collapsed in a whining self pitying heap nine years later. It really is beyond incredible that this utter utter crap is being foisted on the general public.
Ferdinand then recalls the flashpoint during the match at Loftus Road, in November 2011.
“John Terry was running and barged into me, so I’ve run and barged back into him,” he says. “We were just getting into it verbally.
“I had no idea that anything had occurred on the pitch. Everyone was just buzzing that we had beaten Chelsea. We were in that little corridor. John Terry goes to me, ‘What happened out there, geez? What happened?’ And he giggled at me. He went ‘Banter aint it? Bit of banter, are we cool?’ I went, ‘Yeah. Course we are.’ Shook his hand, embraced him and gave him a little hug, as you do.”
Ferdinand reveals he was then shown mobile-phone recordings of what Terry appeared to be saying.
“He said, ‘You f****** black c***! You f****** knobhead.’ I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. I felt hurt, but mainly anger towards him. I wanted to hurt him.”
So Ferdinand didn’t get upset at the time on the pitch but only later, after being wound up??
Guys, you may wonder why the Times CHOSE to highlight that prog & that incident.
What is a journalist’s job ? .. that’s right CutNpasting
So he who controls the Press Release controls the news narratives.
So how come the BBC make 10% of their progs fronted by black people, yet when you pick up the TV guide you see a sea of black faces ?
Cos the PR dept has chosen a disproportionate amount of those blackface progs to promote.
Just like it chooses to promote progs with its favourite agendas
What Terry ‘appeared’ to be saying..anyone ever done a voice over where you can ‘appear’ to make people say what you want..?
Ferdinand must be bat shit3 thick if he needed to see a video but hadn’t heard anything.
By the way, over the years people of many persuasions have called me names with certain adjectives and nouns attached…shame I am a white heterosexual male cos now I can’t moan about how it affected my life…
Unless I use the victim card
‘I was made to vote Brexit and like DT because I was called names as a child’ now the BBC will do a story on me…
OK but try to avoid over leaping to conclusions
I spot David Vance saying Twitter has banned a Pennsylvania senator’s account
actually DV spelled the guy’s name wrong
Actually @SenMastriano’s account still exists
Salty is making factual, proven assertions, with a bit of his usual over-excitement.
“Twitter Blocks ‘Potentially Harmful’ Links to Sidney Powell Election Lawsuit”
“Twitter is blocking users from sharing links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.”
A number of users across Twitter have reported being unable to share links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. When attempting to share the link to the document, users receive a notification stating that the link has been identified as “potentially harmful.”
I said “avoid over leaping to conclusions”
I did not say that Twitter is not banning links to Powell’s document
.. That is a thing there is evidence for
I am talking about people then making other claims which people take at face value
like saying Senator’s Mastriano Twitter account has been shut down
First Vance’s tweet spelled it Mastriona
Yes I could see there is another account @DougMastriano that has been recently blocked
but Re @Popeye’s statement ” the Senator’s Twitter account being blocked, that’s his official account as senator; his private account is blocked”
Really ?
If someone has 2 Twitter accounts and you shout that he is blocked without mentioning that the other account is running, then you are deceiving.
As it happen there is no evidence who owns that @DougMastriano account, but it was little used before.
When an account is blocked you can still see the OLD replies to it
and since there really aren’t many, no proper conversations I can see it wasn’t a very used account, whereas the other still active account is very well used.
The dwarf joke was from 2009, but repeated recently, which caused the flood of two complaints. I wonder why it was repeated by the Beeb. Shouldn’t someone be in for a thrashing for not editing it out on the repeat or better to blame Jack for something he said 11 years ago.
I’m sure it won’t be too long before someone suggests digging up Bernard Manning for his inappropriate jokes and demanding an apology.
Then a few years ago there were dwarf throwing events at pubs (I never attended as they only served shorts and not pints). So it really is time for a full public enquiry followed by profuse apologies from someone very tall
I know many dwarf jokes, but a bit short of time here and rather Sleepy as well.
"Biden may have vanquished Donald Trump. But the battle with his own party is just beginning – and may not end so well," writes Justin Webb https://t.co/Us71QBH6yt
A few pro Trump comments near the top of the comments
And some obvious Democrat stooges
Looks to me that Webb is trying to deflect away from the real issue
that Trump is still president for the next 10 weeks
and maybe longer.
Covid : as expected the daughter in law of a neighbour, has got over her few days of Covid, completed the quarantine
and is back at work tonight.
Neither the husband or the kids showed any signs that they picked anything up from her.
My worry is that by the MSM choosing to ignore the many legal manoeuvres of the Trump team, most very convincing, the shock of it reaching the Supreme Court and succeeding will convince many that the election had been stolen by him and not the obvious shenanigans of the Democrats. The rioting will then commence and all down to the bias by omission of the likes of the BBC
On the bbbc radio news this morning they were still saying Trump has not given any evidence about the election.
Was the recent phone call we heard on the tv news not giving some evidence?
We all have seen the absolutely huge amount of people coming forward with claims varying from whistleblowers to the dead voting, from the rigged dominion machines and the vote dumps, from the blocking of observers to the mysterious arrivals of all the extra Biden votes in places where they were needed.
Then there’s the Kraken.
There’s so much evidence coming out that it’s a total embarrassment yet the bbbc say there’s nothing, it’s baseless or nothing significant.
And a blatant cheat of course. As far as UK MSM are concerned, everyone is a victim apart from those in the following list (in priority order) :
1. White men
2. Anyone that supported Brexit
3. Anyone that didn’t detest the Republicans under Trump
All others are victims of one of these three groups.
Really? The impression I get is that the consensus is that he was a deeply flawed individual who was possibly the greatest footballer ever to have played the game. The Hand of God business was regrettable but more than compensated for by another goal later in the game which many, including a lot of English people, regard as one of the finest ever, one that made the England defence look very ordinary. Some English folk, of course, could never forgive him for his nationality.
Really? The impression I get is that the consensus is that he was a deeply flawed individual who was possibly the greatest footballer ever to have played the game. The Hand of God business was regrettable but more than compensated for by another goal later in the game which many, including a lot of English people, regard as one of the finest ever, one that made the England defence look very ordinary. Some English folk, of course, could never forgive him for his nationality.
I don’t think there was anything sudden about it. Maradona was loved by many including the “White English” as possibly the greatest player ever. After all, isn’t good sportsmanship one of the supposed characteristics of the English?
In the greatest days of the British Empire, a new commanding officer was sent to an African jungle outpost to relieve the retiring colonel.
After welcoming his replacement and showing the courtesies (gin and tonic, cucumber sandwiches) that protocol decrees, the retiring colonel said, “You must meet Captain Smithers, my right-hand man, God, he’s really the strength of this office. His talent is simply boundless.”
Smithers was summoned and introduced to the new CO who was surprised to meet a toothless, hairless, scabbed and pockmarked specimen of humanity, a particularly unattractive man less than three foot tall.
“Smithers, old man, tell your new CO about yourself.”
“Well, sir, I graduated with honours from Sandhurst, joined the regiment and won the Military Cross and Bar after three expeditions behind enemy lines.
I’ve represented Great Britain in both equestrian and boxing events and won a Silver Medal in the middleweight division of the Olympics. I have researched the history of…”
Here the colonel interrupted, “Yes, yes, never mind that Smithers, the CO can find all that in your file. Tell him about the day you told the witch doctor to f**k off!”
The second day running The Telegraph has put out a column about the BBC and it’s self destructive (thankfully ) tendency – yesterday was paxo – which I put in this thread – to day it is Simon Heffer – here is what he says ……
….’ No-one over the age of 55 who tries to watch BBC television or listen to its radio services will be surprised to learn, from Ofcom’s latest report on the Corporation, that people in their demographic are gradually giving up on it. As one in that age group, my own consumption of what the BBC offers is largely restricted to Radio 3, which shines like the proverbial good deed in a naughty world.
Elsewhere, Radio 4 appears to have become Victim Radio, with an endless stream of programmes featuring people, usually from minorities, complaining about some injustice, usually inflicted on them by the state. This schedule of gloom is punctuated by profoundly unfunny Leftist comedians (I use that noun in its broadest, often unintentional sense). My wife likes Gardeners’ World, but that is becoming ostentatiously woke and in any case is now off for the winter. Other than that, little else appeals: the world our age group really wants to see on television is best represented on the Talking Pictures channel, whose success, believe me, is not coincidental to the BBC’s decline.
There appeared to have been a conscious decision to marginalise the middle-aged and elderly in pursuit of a younger audience, but that has been a disaster. The reach of the BBC in the 16–19 age group, which five years ago was 61 per cent each week, is now just 39 per cent and dropping like a stone. It isn’t much better for older groups in their 20s and early 30s. That, of course, is the generation that watches almost everything over the internet – Netflix, Amazon Prime and so on – and gets its music from Spotify and other streaming services.
Why should it care about the BBC, or need it? If there were some genuinely intelligent programmes on, treating people as though they weren’t entirely stupid, then many well-educated young people might tune in for a documentary, a properly-made drama or a talk programme. However, like well-educated middle-aged and elderly people, they are confronted, more often than not, by a tsunami of patronising, formulaic, dumbed-down rubbish. Civilisation, Monitor and The Forsyte Saga reached a standard half a century ago that can now only be imagined.
It is not difficult to see what has gone wrong. First, “elitism” and “excellence” have become dirty words, and the group of people who like such quality are largely uncatered for on television and, on radio, only really on Radio 3 and rare Radio 4 programmes such as The Moral Maze and the consistently good The World Tonight. Everything else is about accessibility.
For the avoidance of doubt: I’d be delighted for the BBC to draw half or three-quarters of its staff from ethnic minorities if they could provide a better service than the present payroll; but at the moment, this sort of affirmative action not only patronises those who supposedly benefit from it, but it means the BBC selects more heavily from minorities than, demographically, it should, and therefore chooses people whose life experiences and tastes are inevitably less likely to reflect those of the core middle-aged and elderly audience. That core audience will therefore feel increasingly alienated, not just by output aimed at the young, but by output that reflects a Britain in which they do not live. According to Ofcom, this sense of alienation is especially strong in Scotland; perhaps because they feel saturated by English metropolitanism.
Some of the most preposterous things in television dramas seem to be the result of the virtue-signalling of overpaid, self-righteous white executives. Thus in the 2017 adaptation of E M Forster’s Howards End – set in Edwardian London – street scenes included various black actors. The BBC should of course show programmes that reflect black people’s lives, but this did not: black people were not common in Bloomsbury in 1908, though one might well have seen an Indian, in London as a student or training for a profession. Similarly, Mrs Bast was played by a woman of colour; Forster gives no indication in the novel that his character was anything other than a white Englishwoman. The BBC should give work to black actors, but in contexts where it is credible.
The Corporation could, if it chose, learn much from American drama, which is and has for the best part of 20 years been the best seen on television here. Series such as The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Wire and Breaking Bad lacked an agenda; they just told good stories really well and, in the case of Mad Men, with absolute faithfulness to historical detail, even if that meant reflecting the marginalisation of black people in 1960s New York. Too many BBC dramas undertake social re-education: inserting people of colour, or in same-sex relationships, into drama series in contexts that do not inevitably chime with real life. The BBC has become enslaved to the woke agenda and is afraid to pass up any opportunity to advance it.
If the young are being driven away from the Corporation’s services by alternative platforms and technologies, people of middle age and older are driven away when confronted with depictions of reality that are, to them, increasingly unreal, but that snuggle comfortably in the fantasies of BBC executives and the disconnected people they hire to write for them. The drift away of older people from the BBC is marginal now – down from 93 per cent reach five years ago to 89 per cent now – but if the 89 per cent who are left continue to be served up a world that is alien to them, the decline will become a torrent.
This does not even begin to take into account the perception of BBC bias in its news and current affairs output; a perception that may well be exaggerated, but of which there have been too many examples for it to be discounted altogether. It is something to which those with the wisdom that can come only with age tend to be very sensitive. And, as I have written recently, the Corporation also has a governance problem, as shown in its grotesque mishandling of the Martin Bashir scandal over his 1995 Princess Diana interview. The potential damage on that front, if the BBC does not have a full, transparent, independent inquiry, seems beyond the Corporation’s imagination. Unless it wishes next year’s Ofcom report to read like a charge-sheet, it had better rectify this complacency at once.
The BBC’s conduct will always be measured against the value it is perceived to be giving for its licence fee. It may provide an enormous amount for £3 per week, but if the viewing and listening public deems much of it pointless or less appealing than it can find elsewhere, quantity becomes irrelevant. It must get real about the lives and interests of most of its customers. It needs to stop trying to cater for an audience it has largely lost, and who in any case seldom pay a licence fee but piggy-back on their parents’, and start to look after the core audience it is in imminent danger of losing. Otherwise, the next charter renewal procedure in 2027 could turn out to be its last.”….
ENDS – I disagree with the author on the last sentence – by 2027 there must be no charter renewal – it must be subscription – then let it do as it pleases and see how much public money it take.. I can’t hear the BBC crowing about the number of fools buying its ‘repeat box ‘ thing …
Excellent article by Simon Heffer in @Telegraph
on how older people are deserting the BBC in their droves,
repelled by its obsession with “yoof”, blacks and being “ostentatiously woke”
– not even Gardeners’ World escapes.
#CulturalMarxism #BBCbias
a mixed race friend of mine who attended a writers’ workshop at the BBC.
– mandatory requirements was that they had to declare personal pronouns
– she was asked to give a wider explanation about her feelings on being black. ..she said she was just British and half white anyway
… stony silence.
Then she was taken aside and asked to be less confrontational.
Enjoyed the implication of this gem from the BBC this morning…
“BBC analysis suggests the toughest tier has more Labour constituencies – 96 – than Conservative ones, while the majority of Tory seats – 205 – will be in tier two.”
Now, the government’s latest tiers are, as far as I’m concerned, an absolute joke, but to imply that the tiers are politically motivated? The depths that these muppets are prepared to plunge to is almost funny. Almost.
The only downside of Radio 3 is it is infected by bbc news which gives a platform to an unelected person called Biden from overseas pontificating about Brexit and Northern Ireland
Bizarre in the extreme if you think about it
I am lead to believe that America has a President called Donald Trump
Donald Trump
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Official website
White House website
Donald Trump
President of the United States
I may be wrong, maybe the bbc could fact check it ? my wife informs me that the Chinese communist party were rather keen on fact checking also they executed her grandfather because he was not fact checking enough as a schoolteacher. and that’s a fact
Well yes, Trump is president until 20 January. But America has a President Elect in Joe Biden, and it’s him and his team and his policy programme that will influence the shape of British economic and foreign policy from now on.
And don’t give me the guff about fraud. Trump has been crying fraud ever since he accused Ted Cruz of stealing the 2016 Iowa Caucus (so Republicans do it too) and demanded a full inquiry and recount. Trump just doesn’t have the guts or the grace to admit that he lost.
Well yes, Trump is president until 20 January. But America has a President Elect in Joe Biden, and it’s him and his team and his policy programme that will influence the shape of British economic and foreign policy from now on.
And don’t give me the guff about fraud. Trump has been crying fraud ever since he accused Ted Cruz of stealing the 2016 Iowa Caucus (so Republicans do it too) and demanded a full inquiry and recount. Trump just doesn’t have the guts or the grace to admit that he lost.
Darcy – I don’t know about r3 anymore because of my 99% BBC free existence – but I’ve started to rewatch ‘the wire ‘ on DVDs and it is still as fresh as the first time – apart from a couple of british actors doing American accents …..
….. in the case of the white one – it seems a bit rich for an English public school boy to be playing and Irish American ‘cop’……but so it is …
And for some reason Megan ‘victim’ markles’ dad in “suits” is a cop in ‘the wire ‘. How does that work …?
Still stuck on James Bond, only 12 or so to go now, tired of it but wife has never seen so I indulge her
But she has made me promise I will never join the secret service or talk to Russian women or anyone walking out of the sea in a bikini as it will just lead to trouble
Is anyone else getting suspicious about the Covid stats being released every day to keep us all under these appealing draconian restrictions?
My view…
The positive test numbers are people testing positive even if they are not actually very ill.
The daily death figures are deaths with positive tests in the previous period even if not the cause of death.
Surely this is a natural result of the massive expansion of testing via track and trace plus older people dying naturally who have also got Covid traces via contact with medical staff etc?
There must be many thousands of very sick and very old people in hospital or care homes yet the death figures are only in the hundreds (from a population of 60+ million!) and seem to include everyone dying.
Is anyone comparing death rates with and without Covid?
The stats all seem to be stacked to paint the worst possible scenario so who is doing this and why?
The Government have adopted the role of “protectors” thus making this their main job and thereby deflecting from other stuff going on.
I believe there should be a public inquiry set up post-Covid to go rigorously through the figures and reactions to see if it stand sup to scrutiny. If the powers that be knew this would be coming they might react a little differently.
A lot of words were expended here about definitions , timing and the like for how many are infected , dying and the like – bottom line – don’t bother – they are fiddled for various reasons – often to get more money for this or that public body…. as long as the public swallow the crap about ‘save our NHS ‘ they know they can shut down just about anything – give corrupt contracts without consequences and run a shabby show …very characteristic of Johnson himself .
The guardian reports on systematic wrongdoing over the death of an 11 month old baby – where every one failed from thr ‘medical professions ‘ ( saints ) – management – regulators – police – CPS – as failings were covered up and lied about ….
Here is an extract fro the guardian report;
‘ Dr Michael Tettenborn, Frimley Park hospital’s paediatric clinical director, was criticised in the report for recording Elizabeth’s death as from natural causes, for seeming to have “misled” the coroner as to the significance of the blocked tracheostomy tube and for not initiating a hospital inquiry into Elizabeth’s death.
Kirkup also criticised investigations by the health authority, Nestor Primecare, police, coroner and the Crown Prosecution Service.
He said Hampshire police should be referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct because of its failure to realise some individuals were being dishonest and those who did not cooperate with his investigation should be investigated by their respective regulatory bodies.’
I’ve ranted here before about the medical mafia covering up for itself – here is a real life example – with other public bodies conniving in lies . Obviously nothing will come of it – they’ll get their pay rises …. don’t forget to clap.
Guest – my sympathies – I too learnt about ‘bed sores ‘ and what has to be done to prevent ‘ minimise them . I think the ‘sickness ‘ comes from putting the medical ‘profession ‘ on a pedestal -which has been made even worse by the Chinese virus experience – … the current ‘shipmans ‘ are having a field day ….
Women are being offered controversial “virginity tests” at British medical clinics, an investigation by BBC Newsbeat and 100 Women has found. The intrusive tests are considered a violation of human rights by the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations, which want to see them banned.
Critics say the practise is unscientific, cannot prove whether someone is a virgin and can be a form of abuse. The tests involve a vaginal examination to check if the hymen is intact. The BBC investigation found a number of private clinics advertising “virginity repair” which, when contacted, then also offered the so-called virginity test for between £150-£300.
Guest – I’ve got into trouble here before describing the habits of third worlders to avoid loss of virginity of chosen third world girls awaiting an approved husband —- so paying for stuff to be ‘repaired ‘ comes as no surprise … I suppose the NHS does it free….
I‘m told Health minister Helen Whately just had a meeting with North East MPs and had a pretty difficult time of it from several MPs. Was asked as to how the region would get out of T3 and wouldn’t say, only that it would be reviewed every two weeks.
Interestingly the BME (BBC Moaning Emole, British Medical Excitement…) has a claim too… ironically using the word ‘evidence’.
By Andrew McFarlane
Tory MPs demand more evidence on tier plan
A woman wearing a face mask passes Christmas lights outside shops on Oxford Street, London (me either – Ed)
Some 55 million people will find themselves in the two tiers with the toughest curbs on normal life when England’s second national lockdown ends. But while Health Secretary Matt Hancock says the move is “necessary to protect the NHS and keep the virus under control”, many MPs are unhappy. Conservative backbenchers want ministers to publish evidence justifying the decisions, with those on the lockdown-sceptical Covid Recovery Group complaining of “authoritarianism at work”. Its deputy chairman, Steve Baker, questions whether the latest measures are “necessary and proportionate” to the threat from coronavirus.
Others wonder what the current lockdown has achieved. Damian Green’s Kent constituency of Ashford was placed in tier three, with the toughest restrictions. And he says: “Before lockdown we were in tier one so what has lockdown achieved?” England’s chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty, says the government is only enforcing the harshest restrictions “where rates are high or rising” and the government has promised to publish an impact assessment before MPs vote on the rules on Tuesday.
Whilst questions are being asked, that headline is… very bbc.
A lot has been handled terribly based on poor decisions on jumbled ‘advice’ from conflicting ‘experts’.
But if anything has magnified the cluster-FUBAR of this whole thing tenfold, it is juvenile, ideological, overpaid, immune from accountability media types flip flopping gotcha moments to suit daily.
And as Dan Hannah pointed out, alternating for effect their own efforts with “quotes” on the same basis from opportunistic pols who would not know the difference between a 1000lb bomb blast or sarin cloud. Or care, if it got them a slot with Champion on QT.
Guest, it appears some of the ‘less red’ tories are finally beginning to question the science and challenge their glorious leader, the outgoing PM Doris and his special advisor Princess Nut Nut (how’s all the wind power this morning BoJo?)
It’s clear as the nose on ones face that masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work, the science is flawed, the figures, charts and stats are massaged in the name of control, the police have been weaponised against the law abiding populace whilst illegals enter the country daily, the political scaremongering and induced hysteria and panic among the weak minded population is updated daily and inflicted on those who remain glued to the hourly propaganda releases by the national broadcaster.
All that has been truly achieved is the despicable treatment of those in care homes, families separated from loved ones, the utter failure of the NHS to protect those who truly need their help, the wide ranging destruction of the private economy and the opportunity for idiots like Andy Burnham and others to posture and preen on the Al Beeb slagging off the so called government for its policies and lack of pay to the Angels working in the public sector.
It’s about bloody time some of these so called tories discovered a backbone.
It is very hard to be objective medically, virologically, geographically and politically because the facts are so contradictory… and poorly presented. Plus riven with no go areas of political correctness.
But what is clear is the supposed ‘essential’ MSM, overpaid activist juveniles, are using it to foment community discord for ideological reasons at every idiotic level and opportunity.
Our local media are now infested with BbC local democracy ‘reporters’ ramming climate and Trump and BLM stuff in when all anyone needs is the date of the Onion Fayre.
Paying for the Fifth Column to an unaccountable Fourth Estate is an insult to injury too far.
Jim /guest – thank you – my problem was the ‘crowded field ‘ – which appears to have been joined by the future Queen doing a rashford and wanting for money on under 5 wokes education …
Perhaps they can fund it be reducing the civil list and fully taxing the royals …..
Fed , the term Princess Nut Nut was used by Dom Cummins esq. I believe, during the infamous weekend of deck chairs being reshuffled on the titanic…. Sorry special advisors and press secretaries at No. 10 Downing Street… To described the outgoing PM’s latest squeeze.
The west – ah I get it – succinct – accurate – but perhaps better unsaid … boris would denied favours if he didn’t do what nut nut wanted – I wonder how long before he looks elsewhere again … ? But loyalty is rare in politicians / journalists ….
Carrie Antoinnut said
“let them drive electric,
.. let them buy a £3,000 hydrogen boiler instead of a cheap gas one
.. let them pay triple to cover solar/wind costs”
or .. 2020 Britain is governed by Carrie AndTheNut
Guest – I think we might have hit ‘peak compliance ‘ judging by the columns of critical press coverage and the application of common sense …
…….so we will be seeing ‘hero’ NHS staff battling with exhaustion and tears and the rest of their propaganda machine to frighten us to stay inside ……
The next ‘big wave ‘ will be the roll out of a vaccine – which will be done whether it works or not …. I think I know which ‘communities ‘ are going to be favoured and which are not .
Tory MPs demand more evidence on tier plan
More evidence? Surely any evidence?
Interesting to compare the phraseology here with that used when refering to the election fraud in the US. So how about a headline of ‘The Government is imposing a Nation-wide House Arrest Scheme to fight Covid, without providing any evidence that it would do so’.
Anyone see the BBC Breakfast in-depth reporting on the US election this morning? Don’t worry here it is
” is this the closest we will get to Donald Trump conceding (pic of DT in white House)…despite his claims of fraud for which ‘he’ hasn’t produced any evidence’… end story…
Excellence in journalism worth every penny…don’t you say old thing ( gender neutral)
Just heard some gobshite newsreader on one of the global radio stations telling me there is still no proof in President Trumps claims and he’s lost countless legal challenges.
Part of me now thinks, f@*! Em. If they really think Biden is going to be the answer then let them have him, cos when the trouble starts, don’t look to me for help….
Just waiting for some drug peddling rapist of colour to be shot by a white cop during Biden’s reign. How will the media and Joe’s supporters in BLM react?
‘So what you are saying’ is that Eid and Ramadan should be celebrated in Pakistan and Diwali in India?
Just thing of all those bollards, now unvisited, in our shopping centres that wouldn’t have been needed and the coned-off drop-off lanes at our now unused airports.
Never happened before has it ? the most celebrated journalists ?
“While a young reporter for The Washington Post in 1972, Woodward teamed up with Carl Bernstein; the two did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal. These scandals led to numerous government investigations and the eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon.”
A bit like music now, few appreciate work and talent
bbc wurld klass gernaliss see nothing, except their wage slip
“What does investigating mean?
to search out and examine the particulars of in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex, especially in an attempt to find a motive, cause, or culprit: The police are investigating the murder.”
What is reporting and types of reporting?
Reports are well researched, planned and organized documents that are written for a purpose. … Types of reports include memos, meeting minutes, expense reports, audit reports, closure reports, progress reports, justification reports, compliance reports, annual reports, and feasibility reports
Lying by omission is when a person leaves out important information or fails to correct a pre-existing misconception in order to hide the truth from others. “I didn’t lie; I just didn’t tell you.”
Running any idiot #prasnews as a ‘report’ that has been ‘analysed’ or ‘investigated’ as far as the potato microwave in the W1A canteen is not news, it is half-baked churnalism.
Just as citing MPs demanding evidence on anything outside their areas of expertise, which mostly seems to be expense claims, Graun shoots, QT appearances and tweeting, actually means they would know what they were looking at.
Dawn Butler on microscope duty? Jess Phillips holding up a test tube? Only in a Getty image with obligatory frizzy hair of color.
They get a daft punt, run it up the outrage pole and then move on.
Dear Marianna, could you please help me. Some of my more despicable acquaintances are saying that there has been fraud in the Presidential elections. They specifically assert that in Pennsylvania more postal ballots were counted than were issued, to the tune of hundreds of thousands. It goes without saying that this could not possibly be true as the MSM, especially the BBC, would be all over it. But I would need you to fact-check this so I can show them the error of their ways. Thank you in anticipation. Marianna? Marianna……?
Marianna whilst you’re about it could you also fact check the reports that in some districts (in PA.) more people voted than there are registered voters and in one there were more votes counted than people resident? Please? Marianna, Marianna…………
If our press want to complain about lockdowns and the lockdown tier system then they need to properly criticise the notion of lockdowns. Instead, rather than draw the obvious conclusion that the recent national lockdown didn’t work the Telegraph, for instance, moans:
’34 million worse off than before lockdown. PM facing Tory rebellion over “unfair” tiers and may be left relying on Labour’s support’
I think the paper that used to be known as the Torygraph is seriously misrepresenting these rebellious Tory MPs. My understanding is that they tend to be lockdown skeptics who would rather we battle the virus in other less economically damaging, medically damaging (for other non-covid ailments) and socially damaging ways.
The only outcome the regional divide-stirring Telegraph with their frontpage virulently coloured maps and their cry of “unfair” will achieve is Boris and his public health lunatics twisting the evidence somehow to plunge London into another lockdown. Afterall, as the Telegraph hints, Labour are very much in favour of lockdowns and their man Khan would like nothing better. Then he can posture and whine for more funding just like his northern counterpart Burnham.
Other newspapers seek to divert us from the fact Lockdown Two, the sequal, has failed and instead fuel the north-south divide.
The freebie Metro wants more handouts: ‘The north sees red. Boris Johnson is facing a furious backlash after the governmant said areas forced into the toughest new coronvirus restrictions would receive no extra financial support’ and the giveaway paper pointedly notes: ‘Anger as most of south, including London, escapes the strictest curbs’
The ‘i’ points out: ‘Almost 99% of England’s population placed in tiers 2 and 3, meaning 55 million living with tough restrictions on mixing’
Colour me unsurprised lockdown 2 failed and Boris and his henchmen can’t admit it.
I wonder how well the Metro is doing at present? Their business model relies on the paid advertising they carry being seen by commuters on their way to work. Maybe those people with more disposable cash get a warm feeling when they read arguments for them to be working from home rather than braving the commute?
The Times seems happy that: ‘PM appoints “clean-skin” banker as No 10 chief’ – laughably the Times insists this former banker and former Treasury civil servant who served George Osborne, doesn’t adhere to any ‘faction’ – apart from the swampish realms of the deep State, eh?
Can anyone explain to me why Boris Johnson pictured on the frontpage of the Times is wearing a facemask? He’s already had the China Syndrome and come out the other side. The daft bastard looks like a bankrobber or a shagged out polar bear stuck in a black pillar box. Pat yourself on the back if you’re in on the joke there.
The ‘i’ raises a red flag over: ‘MP pay rises twice as big as those for frontline workers’ – I wouldn’t fetishise so-called frontline workers but I do tend to agree this is a bit rum. So why does the Left put their trust in politicians and seek to award them so much power? Let’s not forget the very first act of the new Scottish Parliament was its members voting themselves a pay rise.
It may be a dull autumn morning and mixing is officially discouraged but our press are keen to have us think about something sexy. There’s hot girl on girl action in the Guardian: ‘The xx’s Romy Madley Croft’ [No, me neither? But tell us more…] ‘I can now write about loving a woman and not feel afraid’. You brazen it out, luv. The ‘i’ is also getting into that same groove with: ‘Kristen Stewart on coming out and her radical Christmas romcom’ – Yeah, baby! as Austim Powers might have exclaimed through his bad teeth.
Then, suddenly into this left-leaning newspaper frontpage lesbian daydream strut a couple of black dudes… where’s this going?
The ‘i’: ‘Barack Obama’s memoirs reviewed by David Lammy’ – damn, there goes the mood. Ruined it.
There seems curious underreporting of the owner of the Evening Standard getting / buying a Peerage … I think he said he is to be Lord Igor of Siberia and Islington or similar ( I’m not making that up much ) … anyway – presumably he knows where the bodies are buried – for obvious reasons comrade .
Sill amazed that 58 percent think the BBC are not biased. They will be the left-leaning group-thinkers and the don’t-care-about-news Mr 2.4 children more concerned about paying his mortgage.
Ofcom will be preventing the bBC and the rest of the MSM from publishing / discussing this report on PCR testing authored by Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Clare Craig, Jonathan Engler and Christian McNeill.
Their main argument
Across Europe, including UK:
Daily ‘cases’ sky-rocketed as Autumn arrived.
Daily deaths labelled ‘Covid deaths’ rose in line with ‘cases’ – to levels apparently higher than at the Spring peak.
BUT: Total all-cause mortality did not reflect the above.
Webpage version https://lockdownsceptics.org/pcr-based-covid-testing-has-failed-us/
Cornwall is there something special about Cornwall that makes it have very low Covid cases ?
Demographics, sea-air, covering up cases ?
BTW Gym owners say their stats prove their business is fairly safe.
I guess they are not 100% concrete but it’s a good stat to the argument.
"If you look at the UK active statistics, there are over 30 million gym visits and under 250 cases – so the data speaks for itself."
Gym owner Alex Lowndes welcomes the new announcement lifting restrictions on #gyms but questions why they were made to close in the first place. pic.twitter.com/xiKvSGrWbW
I’m starting to suspect that there might be a problem with my relationship. Please tell me I’m not going crazy.
At the start of this year I started going out with a new man, Boris. He was charming and seemed very clever – he’d been to Oxford and could read Latin. He’d “been around the block” a bit, if you know what I mean, and he was a bit overweight. But he was good fun and very decisive. He liked to “get things done”, which was a big appeal.
Anyway, in March he started to change. He went down the pub one evening with his friend, Neil, who’s a bit of a weirdo to be honest, and Neil told him all about this “Chinese bat flu” that was going to wipe out the human race. Neil showed him all this stuff on his phone that he’d got off Wikipedia and he did some calculations on the back of a beer mat showing that the population of the UK would basically be wiped out in six month’s time unless we completely changed our way of life.
When Boris told me about Neil’s predictions I thought he was having a laugh. Sadly not. The next morning he went to the corner shop and bought all the loo roll and Pot Noodles then he insisted that we stay at home completely, no going to work or socialising, and only going out to buy absolute essentials.
He’s a clever guy, so although I had my doubts I assumed he knew what he was talking about, and creepy Neil was good at maths and had once been on Countdown. Anyway, Boris said it only needed to be for three weeks – to “flatten the sombrero” or something (don’t ask me!) so I thought I’d play along, maybe it was a mid-life crisis or something.
Anyway, three weeks came and went, and still Boris wouldn’t let me go out and see anyone or go back to work. I didn’t complain though. It’s hard to explain – he’d spooked me so much I kind of stopped thinking critically about what he was saying. And it wasn’t too bad at first. I was a bit worried about the financial impact of not working, but Boris said he had lots of money in the bank. And it was quite nice to have a bit of time off. We watched Tiger King on Netflix and I bought a lot of stuff off Amazon to take my mind off things.
After several months things got ever so slightly more normal. Boris said that we could go out again and go to the shops and talk to people, but we still had to “stay safe” at all times and stay two metres apart from other people. I could even go back to work for a bit. I kind of played along with it, thinking he was about to lose enthusiasm for the whole bat flu situation. Then, in the middle of summer, out of nowhere he suddenly announced that we had to wear masks whenever we went to the shops! This was when things started to get really weird. He even wanted to wear a mask when we made love, but I drew the line there.
Then he got angry with me one day and said I hadn’t been taking the rules seriously enough. I should say at this point that Neil and these other creepy blokes from the quiz team down the pub, Chris and Pat, were obsessed with this thing called the “R number”. This had something to do with how much bat flu there was going around. Every day they would call Boris up and tell him that the “R number” wasn’t coming down enough and there was too much bat flu, and Boris would go white and say how sorry he was. Then he would take it out on me and give me these long lectures. One day Chris and Pat sent him this really scary chart, showing how we were all going to die again unless we acted straight away. I remember Boris asking if this was a prediction, and for some reason this made them furious, and they kept screaming over and over “it’s a projection!”, which really confused him.
Boris sat me down and said the “R number” was still too high, and it was all my fault for not following “the rules”. I must have been forgetting about the two metres, or not wearing the mask, or not singing Happy Birthday while I washed my hands or something. He said that he had no choice but to introduce a “Three Tier” system. Tier 1 meant things were bad, Tier 2 meant that they were very bad, and Tier 3 meant that they were catastrophic. We were only allowed to do certain things depending on what Tier we were in. This was the only way we could “save Christmas”. I asked if there could ever be anything lower than Tier 1 and he just shook his head and said that was obviously impossible. He called up Chris and Pat and they said that we could start off in Tier 2. This meant I had to wear a mask even when I was driving in my car and no-one else was around.
We went on like this for a while, until one day Chris and Pat called Boris and gave him a stern talking to. Another “projection” – the R number was going to get high again! Boris then started shouting at me, and accused me of having taken my mask off in Lidl. It was back to “lockdown”. This meant no meeting anyone at all, no going to work, nothing. This went on for a month. I started getting very anxious and worried about everything. Plus I had a really nasty shock one day when I happened to see Boris’s credit card statement. He was tens of thousands of pounds in debt! I started crying and shaking and having some very dark thoughts.
I think Boris realised how upset I was and he sat me down and said he knew that it was tough but it was all for my own good. He didn’t like locking me up like this but I had given him no choice. Then his tone changed and he said that there was some good news – the “lockdown” would end in December! I was overjoyed, until he revealed that the “lockdown” would be replaced by the return of the “Tiers”. Only this time it was even more serious. I could forget about Tier 1. It was just Tier 2 or 3 from now on. To be honest, I couldn’t even understand what the difference between these Tiers was. It was something to do with eating a “substantial meal” and “the rule of 6” – total gibberish, really. Boris did say that we could have five days off “the rules” at Christmas so that I could see my mum, but we would have to sit two metres apart with the windows open and not use the same serving spoons.
I asked him if the more serious “Tier system” meant that the bat flu had got worse. And here’s the weird thing – he said that there was actually less bat flu than before. This made no sense, and I tried to get him to explain, but he started muttering “hands face space” over and over again and talking about the toot of the distant bugle. I used to find that stuff quite charming but to be honest it’s got really annoying and I’m not convinced that he’s in his right mind.
I just don’t know when all of this is going to end. It’s unbearable – the bizarre rules that change every second of the day, the uncertainty, the endless control over my every action, the lack of freedom, the fear and anxiety. I think the mask is starting to make me ill. I just can’t see any hope for the future.
And here’s the thing. I’ve got a friend who works in a hospital. She says that the bat flu was actually real, and it was quite nasty, but it wasn’t anything particularly out of the ordinary. They coped with it without much difficulty and it seems to be going away now. They are having a pretty normal winter in her hospital – certainly no busier than usual. So why the Tiers and the masks and the rwo metres and the massive credit card bill? It doesn’t make any sense to me any more.
From the UK press gazette- more welcome signs of discontent –
“Millennials have become the generation that trust journalists the most, according to the latest annual Ipsos Mori trust scores.
Some 28% of millennials (currently aged 24 to 39) said they trust journalists to tell the truth – even higher than those in the age 75+ pre-war group (26%).
But three-quarters (77%) of Gen Z (those under 25) participants in the annual survey said they did not trust journalists to tell the truth – followed closely by baby boomers(currently aged 56 to 74) on 73%.
Journalists remain the fourth-least trusted profession in the survey with an overall trust score of 23% down from 26% in 2019. They were only more trusted than Government ministers, politicians generally, and advertising executives.”ENDs
Notice how they twist the words to make it sound positive…no wonder nobody trusts them
Better written…..Millennials only just trust Journalists a tad more than any other group 72% of Millennials distrust them followed by 73% of those aged 56 to 74 and 77% of over 75
So UK press gazette..approximately 3/4 of the population don’t trust Journalists.. funny I thought it would be higher…
What gets me – though- is this zealous woke stuff . There is no doubt – no room for anything else – any other view … is it totalitarianism?
But people really are moving against them now – sooner or later it is inevitable that one of these bBC types is going to be on a physical receiving end and say the wrong thing to the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time
Yep Fedup, it is big brother. Just finished reading 1984 again and so much of it applies to today ….and hate week.. just call it Woke week and Twitter…
But again in 1984 the Proles never really revolt and that is my concern…they are too busy on Amazon, Facebook and the worst of all Google…
Birmingham trial : Tamer Moustafa found guilty of brutal murder of wife and neighbour in Moseley
The 40-year-old admitted killing his wife Nelly Moustafa, 43, and next door neighbour Zahida Bi, 52, in Moseley but a jury had to decide if he should be convicted of murder or manslaughter
.. The jealous husband accused his wife of having affairs with their next door neighbour and even his own father.
Birmingham seems to be car jack central.
Gangs roaming & jumping on you as you get out on your drive
and threatening to kill the dog
unless you hand over the keys .
You’d never believe it, but one of the BBC shower has been very critical of leavers
‘SUE PERKINS has been heavily criticised for branding Brexit voters “headbangers, zealots and quislings” and for suggesting the EU referendum should never have gone ahead.’
I dipped into the Jeremy Vine universe
His topic is why are Chinese Covid numbers so low ?
He had two journo from China on the line
#1 Doh those journos can’t say negative things about China otherwise their visa get cancelled.
.. They said life has been normal in China for months
from the time in June the water park in Wuhan opened with huge crowds.
Typical listener said
“tell you why China has less deaths is bcoz they obeyed the rules the English carried on with there selfishness”
Later on Vine criticised Britain’s beach crowds , forgetting about the Wuhan crowds
And the point is there was no spike after beach crowds and Cornwall has low numbers.
Tweeters poin out Vine is a nutter if he takes Chinese figures at face value.
Whereas our figs with the 28 day rule surely overcount deaths.
A lot of our Covid cases are real that’s how we got the big excess death spike along with the lockdown effect deaths.
But those deaths are over 80s, maybe the Chinese have fair less, and are better at shielding them.
China will have different genetics to us and warm weather in the south probably helps.
Ha TalkRadio presenter @TVKev I nick named KonpiracyKev
cos he is always saying “stop talking about the GreatReset idea you nutters, it’s a crazy conspiracy theory”
… has just been saying there is a Twitter Conspiracy against him
He put out this anti lockdown tweet this morning
and he claims Twitter changed the setting to restricted replies.
I can’t see an algorithm that would do that
so looks like a human triggered the restriction.
Are these ludicrous tiers and senseless rules deliberately confusing so that we the people spend all our time obsessing on what we can and cannot do? Instead of questioning whether any of these daft destructive diktats are actually necessary. They're not. This is utter madness!
R4 Drama now
i wonder if the actual judge was black ?
Oh it’s a fictional scenario
Lady Radebe, a retired member of the Supreme Court plans to operate the “phased” MO employed by the late Lord Justice Taylor’s Hillsborough disaster earlier that year : make a 6 month interim report and later a full report ..instead of letting things getting kicked into the “long grass”
The play was written by inhouse beeboid Mark Lawson
He’s using it to get in many BBC agendas
Windrush is a favourite of the Home Office. Unfortunately having a loose connection to them I can assure you they are still deep in the apology phase. At least once a week an email missive is issued droning on about Wendy Williams and her report and apologising again and again. It really is very boring.
Anyone with a degree of common sense knows this won’t happen again. It was a mistake compounded by history, but like a dog with a bone the Home Office refuse to let go. Maybe next decade, but by then there will be a Windrush history month. I’m sure a space can be found in a diversity calendar to accommodate.
Yes by all means a sincere apology and action, but then move on and do some Home Office type work, although I for one am no longer sure what that is. Perhaps Pritti could help us out, although I wouldn’t want to bully her in any way.
Anton Ferdinand and John Terry. Well, no doubt we’ll get the real story on Monday at 9 on BBC 1. The match-long baiting of Terry, the still unknown lip-reading expert, the alleged racist language used about black people ‘s white mothers, the slating Ashley Cole got for telling the truth. In any other circumstance the BBC would be shouting FOUL! At least it gave rise to the mouth-covering conversations we all know and love. A sort of Covid practice session. Amusing, but the whole incident screamed Set Up! to me at the time, but then I would think that wouldn’t I ?
Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his ridiculous “80,000,000 votes” were not fraudulently or illegally obtained. When you see what happened in Detroit, Atlanta, Philadelphia & Milwaukee, massive voter fraud, he’s got a big unsolvable problem!
The lying BBC and the rest of the msm would have us believe that the US elections were perfectly fair and honest, and that Smartmatic is perfectly legit.
But here’s a CNN report from a few years ago showing the links between the company and Venezuela, and how it was used to swing the election for crooked socialist Chavez.
(Note to our resident fact-checker/ inquisitor: yes, I KNOW it’s old, that’s the POINT. They’ve forgotten their own allegations – or hope their viewers have.)
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:34 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 BBC Culture — “Edward II: Did a gay love affair spark a 14th-Century royal crisis?” RSC co-artistic director Daniel Evans:…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 11:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Missile that struck Poland grain silo and killed two people in 2022 was fired by Ukraine Immediately following the explosion,…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:30 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Not BBC Wondering what the true president will announce tonight – about 2AM london time when he speaks to Congress…
Terminal MoraineMar 4, 11:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Asia News — “USAID cuts shutter India’s first clinic for transgender people” “Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a trans woman who has…
Fedup2Mar 4, 11:13 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 At some stage these characters develop i kind of ‘ royal’ delivery which i think is based on the way…
AsISeeItMar 4, 11:11 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Netflix’s Black Doves update. I’m putting myself through this spy thriller like the preverbial Oscars-allied Sex Worker Community heart-of-gold hooker…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the TRANS man”? Aristotle.
MarkyMarkMar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 95% clean power by 2030 ** does not include bombing Russia https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn9gxvppxqpo [img]https://sceeus.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/emerson-tabell.png[/img]
Philip_2Mar 4, 10:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The BBC is at it again! Now they’re pushing drag queen prostitutes onto six-year-olds! The CBeebies website has listed Marsha…
Just imagine, ONE single muslim child gang raped and racially abused by white men, in the UK, just imagine how many of them would be out on the streets around the country whipped up by their mosques, and the bbc leading the outrage. Just imagine the weeks and months of self flagellation of this country and its white population for that ONE incident.
Yet the converse has happened and is no doubt happening now as we speak, around the country THOUSANDS of times FOR YEARS and the bbc hides it in local news and the gobshite muslim community ignores it
THAT is why I have no time whatsoever for any whinges by muslims
“Islamic preacher Khandaker Rahman on trial for mosque rape”
Wales also !
The telegraph has a classic – classic example on non journalism – Lizzie Roberts is the proud writer -‘why is slough’being singled out as a top tear area . ?
And then proceeds to dance around the answer – it has lots of ‘multigenerational ‘ households and lots of ‘young people ‘ ….
… third world population densities don’t get a mention – nor a population not bothered to learn English ….. so it’s left to the journo not to say why – but leave it to the common sense of the reader …..
This came up on BBC London news.
The Slough council CEO gave three reasons for the high cv rates in Slough
1. Lots ( implying disproportionately high) of NHS and other public sector workers. (FFS)
2. Something about BAME, like ‘CV is not very kind to BAME) (which is kinda strange because the emphasis at peak ‘covid racism’ was on death rate, not infection rate, which is the current main issue)
3. High density multi-generational housing (Mmmmm I wonder who that most affects).
Of course we all know what is happening here but watching the apparatchiks do all they can to fail to state the blindingly obvious is both instructive snd dismaying.
CEOs in Leicester and Bradford are no doubt coming up with the same total guff.
Is it ‘dancing round the handbags’ or ‘the elephant in the room ‘?
Keep seeing the question being asked, Sluff, but have never seen a proper reply….“If Covid-19 particularly affects BAME populations, how come African countries, and predominantly those African countries in the Southern Hemisphere, which have been through their winter months (apparently the most dangerous period, since summer temperatures aren’t particularly ‘friendly’ to the virus, we are told), are not particularly badly affected ?”
And the other ‘bête noire’ of the glitterati, is that this virus is particularly onerous on ‘the poor’… can’t get much poorer than swathes of Africa (we are constantly told as our pockets are being picked for aid money).
Covid is racist hmm :
During social distancing, 26 October 2020:
Police are called to Luton mosque after huge row erupts involving up to 300 worshippers inside building
Six police cars arrived at Jalalabad Jame Masjid Mosque in Luton on Friday
Footage of police breaking up altercation emerged on social media on Monday
Allegedly started following dispute involving secretary Syedul Islam Khan
Arrived to worship as normal despite being removed from position by other committee members
Coronavirus: Mayor of Luton Tahir Malik resigns after breaking lockdown rules by going to party 6 August 2020
The councillor apologises again and urges people to “be kind and care for one another” during the crisis.
Dated 6 August 2020
The Mosque story is dated 26 Oct
Yes, that is what I said and your point is ?
Our resident fact-checker doing his weird nitpicking again.
Should get a job at the BBC.
I did mention I am going through the old James Bond films during lockdown as a matter of nostalgia and boredom
I cannot remember which film but it does remind me:
“Once coincidence, twice, happenstance, third time enemy action”
just saying, does Stew have a cat ? and an underwater high tech facility and a bad accent ?
“I’ve been expecting you Mr Darcy”
And I don’t care what he says, that laser is getting no where near my bollocks
I trust Stew’s fact checking whereas I don’t believe anything from the other (bbbc) fact checkers.
I bet you’ve got a third nipple and a sneaky gun as well
@Darcy thanks your Mayor of Luton post didn’t have a date on when I posted, you edited it in later
My tablet screen still has the original layout on it, cos I haven’t refreshed the page since.
It’s just sometimes irritating when a news story pops up, and we assume it’s new and then find it’s a few months old.
No problem, I understand, I sometimes forget to reference 🙂
But forget about your mountain laboratory and the gun made out of a lighter and a pen it will end in tears, stick to Brexit 🙂
A survey of Biden voters reveals that a significant number (17%) would not have voted for Biden had they had access to information about him the msm suppressed.
The lying BBC must be included in that as many Americans receive it via one of its many platforms.
“HUGE Amount Of Democrats REGRET Voting For Biden! Over 17% Would NOT Have Voted For Him If They Knew About The Scandals.”
Consider this scenario you readers………….
Country’s economy is being deliberately wrecked and the resulting carnage is used as an excuse to halt Brexit in the beginning of January, just when the nation is fully locked down to prevent demonstrations?
Al Beeb is being retained to be the mouthpiece for the government. Just a scenario……….
If you’re interested (or come to that, anyone else) there’s an anti lockdown demo at Kings Cross London, on Saturday, starting mid-day.
All fine upstanding freedom lovers are welcome.
Bring something to make a noise; rattles, whistles, bagpipes…
Be there or be square!
I am sure you will be able to whiste a tune or two on your ventilators later
I was in Picadilly during “social distancing” on business for a day in August confronted by a demonstration by thousands of Ethiopians fighting with the police 70% no masks and not only in the road but barging into us on the pavement
“just when the country is locked down ” WTF has Ethiopia got to do with anything in this country and why was that allowed ?
London is just a stateless zone now Darcy, a bit like an international airport departure lounge so any old crap goes and if you don’t like it your just a racist.
Well I am a racist then, married to a Chinese and previous lady Italian west indan mix, her father, just deceased, loved this country mostly becasause he kicked the shit out of them on the cricket pitch
Unlike Madona or Lineker
It would appear that junior bbc staff have decided that the best way to deal with them losing actual normal audience is to scream they are being abused (in a non stick or stone way) by an indeterminate number of unspecified folk.
Now this is not nice. Or very unusual, but being bbc staff this is all about them.
And of course means they can only devote themselves to checking stuff that they want to. Not what needs checking.
Please, please tell me that it’s just not me, who thinks this.
I noticed that the Beeb are forcing (heavy advertising) a documentary on us- at least that’s what they call it, about Anton Ferdinand (who ?). Yes a Premier League player at one time (in my opinion average). It’s called ‘Football, racism and me’. How wonderful Beeb.
Well apparently Anton has melted like a candle, although it has taken him nine, yes nine years to do this. And why ? Surely something horrendous or evil must have happened. Well nine, yes nine years ago John Terry apparently called him a ‘black c’. In the middle of a football match no less. As you reel back in horror absorbing this and forgetting about the fact that these two played at a high level in front of baying and no doubt abusive crowds you might sympathise that the Beeb, some nine, yes nine years later are making a ground breaking (cough) documentary with Anton (who ?) and more sympathy please, he has ‘carried the burden’ for nine (here we go again.. nine) long years.
‘It was now the time to speak’ says our Anton, whose favourite number is apparently nine (I made that up) and in one scene he meets a psychotherapist Dee Albert, who works with people who have been abused. “I still carry that feeling of letting people down,” he tells her. “That eats away at me more than anything.” What ??! Can I say at this point football is (or was) a man’s game so guess what, man up Anton.
Just on a point of note for avoidance this tripe is being aired on 30th November.
John Terry says he has ‘moved on’, but as for Anton “I’ve got my voice back,” he says. “And I’m using it in the right way”. Perhaps he lost it for, guess how many years
I mean, it’s not just the waste of money involved in this documentary and no doubt John probably said that naughty phrase, but I have been to local parks football and heard equally bad stuff, but no-one collapsed in a whining self pitying heap nine years later. It really is beyond incredible that this utter utter crap is being foisted on the general public.
From today’s Times …
Ferdinand then recalls the flashpoint during the match at Loftus Road, in November 2011.
“John Terry was running and barged into me, so I’ve run and barged back into him,” he says. “We were just getting into it verbally.
“I had no idea that anything had occurred on the pitch. Everyone was just buzzing that we had beaten Chelsea. We were in that little corridor. John Terry goes to me, ‘What happened out there, geez? What happened?’ And he giggled at me. He went ‘Banter aint it? Bit of banter, are we cool?’ I went, ‘Yeah. Course we are.’ Shook his hand, embraced him and gave him a little hug, as you do.”
Ferdinand reveals he was then shown mobile-phone recordings of what Terry appeared to be saying.
“He said, ‘You f****** black c***! You f****** knobhead.’ I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe what I was watching. I felt hurt, but mainly anger towards him. I wanted to hurt him.”
So Ferdinand didn’t get upset at the time on the pitch but only later, after being wound up??
Bovine scatology
Guys, you may wonder why the Times CHOSE to highlight that prog & that incident.
What is a journalist’s job ? .. that’s right CutNpasting
So he who controls the Press Release controls the news narratives.
So how come the BBC make 10% of their progs fronted by black people, yet when you pick up the TV guide you see a sea of black faces ?
Cos the PR dept has chosen a disproportionate amount of those blackface progs to promote.
Just like it chooses to promote progs with its favourite agendas
You can see the BBC1 promoted progs for that week here
So that week they are promoting the black drama Small Axe
and the show Hit List
What Terry ‘appeared’ to be saying..anyone ever done a voice over where you can ‘appear’ to make people say what you want..?
Ferdinand must be bat shit3 thick if he needed to see a video but hadn’t heard anything.
By the way, over the years people of many persuasions have called me names with certain adjectives and nouns attached…shame I am a white heterosexual male cos now I can’t moan about how it affected my life…
Unless I use the victim card
‘I was made to vote Brexit and like DT because I was called names as a child’ now the BBC will do a story on me…
It is apparently OK to call another footballer a C U Next Tuesday, John Terry’s alleged crime was to call him a “black” C U Next Tuesday.
The horror, the horror.
Big Tech are now censoring links to Sidney Powell’s legal filings.
(If anyone’s interested, here they are – all 179 pages of them: https://defendingtherepublic.org/ )
“Twitter Panics & Censors Sidney Powell Court Filing Links Exposing Massive Fraud”
OK but try to avoid over leaping to conclusions
I spot David Vance saying Twitter has banned a Pennsylvania senator’s account
actually DV spelled the guy’s name wrong
Actually @SenMastriano’s account still exists
What are you talking about??
Salty is making factual, proven assertions, with a bit of his usual over-excitement.
“Twitter Blocks ‘Potentially Harmful’ Links to Sidney Powell Election Lawsuit”
“Twitter is blocking users from sharing links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to widespread voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election.”
A number of users across Twitter have reported being unable to share links to lawyer Sidney Powell’s lawsuit relating to voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election. When attempting to share the link to the document, users receive a notification stating that the link has been identified as “potentially harmful.”
Twitter message blocking link to legal filings:
Re the Senator’s Twitter account being blocked, that’s his official account as senator; his private account is blocked
I said “avoid over leaping to conclusions”
I did not say that Twitter is not banning links to Powell’s document
.. That is a thing there is evidence for
I am talking about people then making other claims which people take at face value
like saying Senator’s Mastriano Twitter account has been shut down
First Vance’s tweet spelled it Mastriona
Yes I could see there is another account @DougMastriano that has been recently blocked
but Re @Popeye’s statement
” the Senator’s Twitter account being blocked, that’s his official account as senator; his private account is blocked”
Really ?
If someone has 2 Twitter accounts and you shout that he is blocked without mentioning that the other account is running, then you are deceiving.
As it happen there is no evidence who owns that @DougMastriano account, but it was little used before.
When an account is blocked you can still see the OLD replies to it
and since there really aren’t many, no proper conversations I can see it wasn’t a very used account, whereas the other still active account is very well used.
BBC News
The ex-US president says some voters ignored Mr Trump’s “racist” comments because they supported his anti-abortion stance.
With “quotes”.
They have a guideline for everything.
Today I saw a dwarf climbing down a prison wall.
I thought to myself
That’s a little condescending
Was his getaway car an MG Midget ? OrHillman Imp ?
Or Riley Elf ?
And his plane out was a Short Sunderland ?
The dwarf joke was from 2009, but repeated recently, which caused the flood of two complaints. I wonder why it was repeated by the Beeb. Shouldn’t someone be in for a thrashing for not editing it out on the repeat or better to blame Jack for something he said 11 years ago.
I’m sure it won’t be too long before someone suggests digging up Bernard Manning for his inappropriate jokes and demanding an apology.
Then a few years ago there were dwarf throwing events at pubs (I never attended as they only served shorts and not pints). So it really is time for a full public enquiry followed by profuse apologies from someone very tall
I know many dwarf jokes, but a bit short of time here and rather Sleepy as well.
The media are in a very strange mental place.
A few pro Trump comments near the top of the comments
And some obvious Democrat stooges
Looks to me that Webb is trying to deflect away from the real issue
that Trump is still president for the next 10 weeks
and maybe longer.
Lack of self-awareness
Covid : as expected the daughter in law of a neighbour, has got over her few days of Covid, completed the quarantine
and is back at work tonight.
Neither the husband or the kids showed any signs that they picked anything up from her.
My worry is that by the MSM choosing to ignore the many legal manoeuvres of the Trump team, most very convincing, the shock of it reaching the Supreme Court and succeeding will convince many that the election had been stolen by him and not the obvious shenanigans of the Democrats. The rioting will then commence and all down to the bias by omission of the likes of the BBC
On the bbbc radio news this morning they were still saying Trump has not given any evidence about the election.
Was the recent phone call we heard on the tv news not giving some evidence?
We all have seen the absolutely huge amount of people coming forward with claims varying from whistleblowers to the dead voting, from the rigged dominion machines and the vote dumps, from the blocking of observers to the mysterious arrivals of all the extra Biden votes in places where they were needed.
Then there’s the Kraken.
There’s so much evidence coming out that it’s a total embarrassment yet the bbbc say there’s nothing, it’s baseless or nothing significant.
What planet are the msm on.
The MSN including the BBC are now trying to portray the Maradona bloke as a saint and victim of racism by English players including Shilton.
This would be the drug and alchohol abuser, left-wing supporter, Castro sympathiser, pro Venuzuala, pro Palestine anti-Israel Maradona then?
He ticks a lot of MSN boxes I guess!
And a blatant cheat of course. As far as UK MSM are concerned, everyone is a victim apart from those in the following list (in priority order) :
1. White men
2. Anyone that supported Brexit
3. Anyone that didn’t detest the Republicans under Trump
All others are victims of one of these three groups.
Really? The impression I get is that the consensus is that he was a deeply flawed individual who was possibly the greatest footballer ever to have played the game. The Hand of God business was regrettable but more than compensated for by another goal later in the game which many, including a lot of English people, regard as one of the finest ever, one that made the England defence look very ordinary. Some English folk, of course, could never forgive him for his nationality.
Really? The impression I get is that the consensus is that he was a deeply flawed individual who was possibly the greatest footballer ever to have played the game. The Hand of God business was regrettable but more than compensated for by another goal later in the game which many, including a lot of English people, regard as one of the finest ever, one that made the England defence look very ordinary. Some English folk, of course, could never forgive him for his nationality.
Why do GuardianMob suddenly love Maradonna ?
Is he a friend of the White English ? No
A case of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend”.
I don’t think there was anything sudden about it. Maradona was loved by many including the “White English” as possibly the greatest player ever. After all, isn’t good sportsmanship one of the supposed characteristics of the English?
So now not allowed to talk about dwarfs anymore
Fair enough, its dwarfist
But, two cannibals eating a clown and one saying “does this taste funny to you ?”
I have packed my toothbrush etc and awaiting the police breaking my door down for hate crime
In the greatest days of the British Empire, a new commanding officer was sent to an African jungle outpost to relieve the retiring colonel.
After welcoming his replacement and showing the courtesies (gin and tonic, cucumber sandwiches) that protocol decrees, the retiring colonel said, “You must meet Captain Smithers, my right-hand man, God, he’s really the strength of this office. His talent is simply boundless.”
Smithers was summoned and introduced to the new CO who was surprised to meet a toothless, hairless, scabbed and pockmarked specimen of humanity, a particularly unattractive man less than three foot tall.
“Smithers, old man, tell your new CO about yourself.”
“Well, sir, I graduated with honours from Sandhurst, joined the regiment and won the Military Cross and Bar after three expeditions behind enemy lines.
I’ve represented Great Britain in both equestrian and boxing events and won a Silver Medal in the middleweight division of the Olympics. I have researched the history of…”
Here the colonel interrupted, “Yes, yes, never mind that Smithers, the CO can find all that in your file. Tell him about the day you told the witch doctor to f**k off!”
The second day running The Telegraph has put out a column about the BBC and it’s self destructive (thankfully ) tendency – yesterday was paxo – which I put in this thread – to day it is Simon Heffer – here is what he says ……
….’ No-one over the age of 55 who tries to watch BBC television or listen to its radio services will be surprised to learn, from Ofcom’s latest report on the Corporation, that people in their demographic are gradually giving up on it. As one in that age group, my own consumption of what the BBC offers is largely restricted to Radio 3, which shines like the proverbial good deed in a naughty world.
Elsewhere, Radio 4 appears to have become Victim Radio, with an endless stream of programmes featuring people, usually from minorities, complaining about some injustice, usually inflicted on them by the state. This schedule of gloom is punctuated by profoundly unfunny Leftist comedians (I use that noun in its broadest, often unintentional sense). My wife likes Gardeners’ World, but that is becoming ostentatiously woke and in any case is now off for the winter. Other than that, little else appeals: the world our age group really wants to see on television is best represented on the Talking Pictures channel, whose success, believe me, is not coincidental to the BBC’s decline.
There appeared to have been a conscious decision to marginalise the middle-aged and elderly in pursuit of a younger audience, but that has been a disaster. The reach of the BBC in the 16–19 age group, which five years ago was 61 per cent each week, is now just 39 per cent and dropping like a stone. It isn’t much better for older groups in their 20s and early 30s. That, of course, is the generation that watches almost everything over the internet – Netflix, Amazon Prime and so on – and gets its music from Spotify and other streaming services.
Why should it care about the BBC, or need it? If there were some genuinely intelligent programmes on, treating people as though they weren’t entirely stupid, then many well-educated young people might tune in for a documentary, a properly-made drama or a talk programme. However, like well-educated middle-aged and elderly people, they are confronted, more often than not, by a tsunami of patronising, formulaic, dumbed-down rubbish. Civilisation, Monitor and The Forsyte Saga reached a standard half a century ago that can now only be imagined.
It is not difficult to see what has gone wrong. First, “elitism” and “excellence” have become dirty words, and the group of people who like such quality are largely uncatered for on television and, on radio, only really on Radio 3 and rare Radio 4 programmes such as The Moral Maze and the consistently good The World Tonight. Everything else is about accessibility.
For the avoidance of doubt: I’d be delighted for the BBC to draw half or three-quarters of its staff from ethnic minorities if they could provide a better service than the present payroll; but at the moment, this sort of affirmative action not only patronises those who supposedly benefit from it, but it means the BBC selects more heavily from minorities than, demographically, it should, and therefore chooses people whose life experiences and tastes are inevitably less likely to reflect those of the core middle-aged and elderly audience. That core audience will therefore feel increasingly alienated, not just by output aimed at the young, but by output that reflects a Britain in which they do not live. According to Ofcom, this sense of alienation is especially strong in Scotland; perhaps because they feel saturated by English metropolitanism.
Some of the most preposterous things in television dramas seem to be the result of the virtue-signalling of overpaid, self-righteous white executives. Thus in the 2017 adaptation of E M Forster’s Howards End – set in Edwardian London – street scenes included various black actors. The BBC should of course show programmes that reflect black people’s lives, but this did not: black people were not common in Bloomsbury in 1908, though one might well have seen an Indian, in London as a student or training for a profession. Similarly, Mrs Bast was played by a woman of colour; Forster gives no indication in the novel that his character was anything other than a white Englishwoman. The BBC should give work to black actors, but in contexts where it is credible.
The Corporation could, if it chose, learn much from American drama, which is and has for the best part of 20 years been the best seen on television here. Series such as The Sopranos, Mad Men, The Wire and Breaking Bad lacked an agenda; they just told good stories really well and, in the case of Mad Men, with absolute faithfulness to historical detail, even if that meant reflecting the marginalisation of black people in 1960s New York. Too many BBC dramas undertake social re-education: inserting people of colour, or in same-sex relationships, into drama series in contexts that do not inevitably chime with real life. The BBC has become enslaved to the woke agenda and is afraid to pass up any opportunity to advance it.
If the young are being driven away from the Corporation’s services by alternative platforms and technologies, people of middle age and older are driven away when confronted with depictions of reality that are, to them, increasingly unreal, but that snuggle comfortably in the fantasies of BBC executives and the disconnected people they hire to write for them. The drift away of older people from the BBC is marginal now – down from 93 per cent reach five years ago to 89 per cent now – but if the 89 per cent who are left continue to be served up a world that is alien to them, the decline will become a torrent.
This does not even begin to take into account the perception of BBC bias in its news and current affairs output; a perception that may well be exaggerated, but of which there have been too many examples for it to be discounted altogether. It is something to which those with the wisdom that can come only with age tend to be very sensitive. And, as I have written recently, the Corporation also has a governance problem, as shown in its grotesque mishandling of the Martin Bashir scandal over his 1995 Princess Diana interview. The potential damage on that front, if the BBC does not have a full, transparent, independent inquiry, seems beyond the Corporation’s imagination. Unless it wishes next year’s Ofcom report to read like a charge-sheet, it had better rectify this complacency at once.
The BBC’s conduct will always be measured against the value it is perceived to be giving for its licence fee. It may provide an enormous amount for £3 per week, but if the viewing and listening public deems much of it pointless or less appealing than it can find elsewhere, quantity becomes irrelevant. It must get real about the lives and interests of most of its customers. It needs to stop trying to cater for an audience it has largely lost, and who in any case seldom pay a licence fee but piggy-back on their parents’, and start to look after the core audience it is in imminent danger of losing. Otherwise, the next charter renewal procedure in 2027 could turn out to be its last.”….
ENDS – I disagree with the author on the last sentence – by 2027 there must be no charter renewal – it must be subscription – then let it do as it pleases and see how much public money it take.. I can’t hear the BBC crowing about the number of fools buying its ‘repeat box ‘ thing …
Excellent article by Simon Heffer in @Telegraph
on how older people are deserting the BBC in their droves,
repelled by its obsession with “yoof”, blacks and being “ostentatiously woke”
– not even Gardeners’ World escapes.
#CulturalMarxism #BBCbias
a mixed race friend of mine who attended a writers’ workshop at the BBC.
– mandatory requirements was that they had to declare personal pronouns
– she was asked to give a wider explanation about her feelings on being black. ..she said she was just British and half white anyway
… stony silence.
Then she was taken aside and asked to be less confrontational.
No BBC work has come her way
Enjoyed the implication of this gem from the BBC this morning…
“BBC analysis suggests the toughest tier has more Labour constituencies – 96 – than Conservative ones, while the majority of Tory seats – 205 – will be in tier two.”
Now, the government’s latest tiers are, as far as I’m concerned, an absolute joke, but to imply that the tiers are politically motivated? The depths that these muppets are prepared to plunge to is almost funny. Almost.
The only downside of Radio 3 is it is infected by bbc news which gives a platform to an unelected person called Biden from overseas pontificating about Brexit and Northern Ireland
Bizarre in the extreme if you think about it
I am lead to believe that America has a President called Donald Trump
Donald Trump
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Official website
White House website
Donald Trump
President of the United States
I may be wrong, maybe the bbc could fact check it ? my wife informs me that the Chinese communist party were rather keen on fact checking also they executed her grandfather because he was not fact checking enough as a schoolteacher. and that’s a fact
Well yes, Trump is president until 20 January. But America has a President Elect in Joe Biden, and it’s him and his team and his policy programme that will influence the shape of British economic and foreign policy from now on.
And don’t give me the guff about fraud. Trump has been crying fraud ever since he accused Ted Cruz of stealing the 2016 Iowa Caucus (so Republicans do it too) and demanded a full inquiry and recount. Trump just doesn’t have the guts or the grace to admit that he lost.
Well, no.
Well yes, Trump is president until 20 January. But America has a President Elect in Joe Biden, and it’s him and his team and his policy programme that will influence the shape of British economic and foreign policy from now on.
And don’t give me the guff about fraud. Trump has been crying fraud ever since he accused Ted Cruz of stealing the 2016 Iowa Caucus (so Republicans do it too) and demanded a full inquiry and recount. Trump just doesn’t have the guts or the grace to admit that he lost.
How was the break, Katty?
Darcy – I don’t know about r3 anymore because of my 99% BBC free existence – but I’ve started to rewatch ‘the wire ‘ on DVDs and it is still as fresh as the first time – apart from a couple of british actors doing American accents …..
….. in the case of the white one – it seems a bit rich for an English public school boy to be playing and Irish American ‘cop’……but so it is …
And for some reason Megan ‘victim’ markles’ dad in “suits” is a cop in ‘the wire ‘. How does that work …?
Still stuck on James Bond, only 12 or so to go now, tired of it but wife has never seen so I indulge her
But she has made me promise I will never join the secret service or talk to Russian women or anyone walking out of the sea in a bikini as it will just lead to trouble
(I kept my fingers crossed when I promised)
Just ordered ‘Legend’ and ‘The Usual Suspects’…
Senora O’Blene won’t want to see them, but my little private DVD machine is good for this sort of flick!
Is anyone else getting suspicious about the Covid stats being released every day to keep us all under these appealing draconian restrictions?
My view…
The positive test numbers are people testing positive even if they are not actually very ill.
The daily death figures are deaths with positive tests in the previous period even if not the cause of death.
Surely this is a natural result of the massive expansion of testing via track and trace plus older people dying naturally who have also got Covid traces via contact with medical staff etc?
There must be many thousands of very sick and very old people in hospital or care homes yet the death figures are only in the hundreds (from a population of 60+ million!) and seem to include everyone dying.
Is anyone comparing death rates with and without Covid?
The stats all seem to be stacked to paint the worst possible scenario so who is doing this and why?
The Government have adopted the role of “protectors” thus making this their main job and thereby deflecting from other stuff going on.
I believe there should be a public inquiry set up post-Covid to go rigorously through the figures and reactions to see if it stand sup to scrutiny. If the powers that be knew this would be coming they might react a little differently.
I get the distinct feeling of being “Had”.
A lot of words were expended here about definitions , timing and the like for how many are infected , dying and the like – bottom line – don’t bother – they are fiddled for various reasons – often to get more money for this or that public body…. as long as the public swallow the crap about ‘save our NHS ‘ they know they can shut down just about anything – give corrupt contracts without consequences and run a shabby show …very characteristic of Johnson himself .
I call BS.
She has been at the forefront of touch up for decades.
Madam Mouton thinks she is Mademoiselle Agneau?
Always used to remind me of a praying
maitlismantis with her hunched back before she became infamous.Not BBC – but an Ally – the NHS
The guardian reports on systematic wrongdoing over the death of an 11 month old baby – where every one failed from thr ‘medical professions ‘ ( saints ) – management – regulators – police – CPS – as failings were covered up and lied about ….
Here is an extract fro the guardian report;
‘ Dr Michael Tettenborn, Frimley Park hospital’s paediatric clinical director, was criticised in the report for recording Elizabeth’s death as from natural causes, for seeming to have “misled” the coroner as to the significance of the blocked tracheostomy tube and for not initiating a hospital inquiry into Elizabeth’s death.
Kirkup also criticised investigations by the health authority, Nestor Primecare, police, coroner and the Crown Prosecution Service.
He said Hampshire police should be referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct because of its failure to realise some individuals were being dishonest and those who did not cooperate with his investigation should be investigated by their respective regulatory bodies.’
I’ve ranted here before about the medical mafia covering up for itself – here is a real life example – with other public bodies conniving in lies . Obviously nothing will come of it – they’ll get their pay rises …. don’t forget to clap.
My mum got bed sores at a £3600 per month care home that was owned by the senior partner of the GP surgery that oversaw it.
Got her out next day and they tried to sue for the notice period.
NHS, CQC, PHSO, LGO, MP, rotating ‘health’ ministers… media… all not interested.
If they were as effective at treatment as they are at omertà they’d be worth every penny.
Guest – my sympathies – I too learnt about ‘bed sores ‘ and what has to be done to prevent ‘ minimise them . I think the ‘sickness ‘ comes from putting the medical ‘profession ‘ on a pedestal -which has been made even worse by the Chinese virus experience – … the current ‘shipmans ‘ are having a field day ….
Also my Aunt dead in a care home alone from covid and they have charged rent for months afterwards as no one was allowed to enter “cos of covid”
Sorry for your loss.
I think your family need to speak to one of m’learned friends. Any half-decent lawyer should be able to sort that out without breaking sweat.
BBC Moaning Emole goes coy in the headline.
‘Virginity tests’ being sold by UK clinics
Women are being offered controversial “virginity tests” at British medical clinics, an investigation by BBC Newsbeat and 100 Women has found. The intrusive tests are considered a violation of human rights by the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations, which want to see them banned.
Critics say the practise is unscientific, cannot prove whether someone is a virgin and can be a form of abuse. The tests involve a vaginal examination to check if the hymen is intact. The BBC investigation found a number of private clinics advertising “virginity repair” which, when contacted, then also offered the so-called virginity test for between £150-£300.
Read full investigation >
Rachel Stonehouse
BBC Newsbeat
Rach copped the short straw there. Love that use of ‘investigation’.
Wonder how many blokes in Rotherham pay full whack to be eligible as community elder testers?
Usually on the BBC it’s a teenage single mum of seven multihued dfs models that is a sure sign that such a test is likely not required.
Guest – I’ve got into trouble here before describing the habits of third worlders to avoid loss of virginity of chosen third world girls awaiting an approved husband —- so paying for stuff to be ‘repaired ‘ comes as no surprise … I suppose the NHS does it free….
Lewis goes #sourceswhosay
Interestingly the BME (BBC Moaning Emole, British Medical Excitement…) has a claim too… ironically using the word ‘evidence’.
By Andrew McFarlane
Tory MPs demand more evidence on tier plan
A woman wearing a face mask passes Christmas lights outside shops on Oxford Street, London (me either – Ed)
Some 55 million people will find themselves in the two tiers with the toughest curbs on normal life when England’s second national lockdown ends. But while Health Secretary Matt Hancock says the move is “necessary to protect the NHS and keep the virus under control”, many MPs are unhappy. Conservative backbenchers want ministers to publish evidence justifying the decisions, with those on the lockdown-sceptical Covid Recovery Group complaining of “authoritarianism at work”. Its deputy chairman, Steve Baker, questions whether the latest measures are “necessary and proportionate” to the threat from coronavirus.
Others wonder what the current lockdown has achieved. Damian Green’s Kent constituency of Ashford was placed in tier three, with the toughest restrictions. And he says: “Before lockdown we were in tier one so what has lockdown achieved?” England’s chief medical officer, Prof Chris Whitty, says the government is only enforcing the harshest restrictions “where rates are high or rising” and the government has promised to publish an impact assessment before MPs vote on the rules on Tuesday.
Whilst questions are being asked, that headline is… very bbc.
Newsnight of course goes for the sound bite.
A lot has been handled terribly based on poor decisions on jumbled ‘advice’ from conflicting ‘experts’.
But if anything has magnified the cluster-FUBAR of this whole thing tenfold, it is juvenile, ideological, overpaid, immune from accountability media types flip flopping gotcha moments to suit daily.
And as Dan Hannah pointed out, alternating for effect their own efforts with “quotes” on the same basis from opportunistic pols who would not know the difference between a 1000lb bomb blast or sarin cloud. Or care, if it got them a slot with Champion on QT.
Guest, it appears some of the ‘less red’ tories are finally beginning to question the science and challenge their glorious leader, the outgoing PM Doris and his special advisor Princess Nut Nut (how’s all the wind power this morning BoJo?)
It’s clear as the nose on ones face that masks don’t work, lockdowns don’t work, the science is flawed, the figures, charts and stats are massaged in the name of control, the police have been weaponised against the law abiding populace whilst illegals enter the country daily, the political scaremongering and induced hysteria and panic among the weak minded population is updated daily and inflicted on those who remain glued to the hourly propaganda releases by the national broadcaster.
All that has been truly achieved is the despicable treatment of those in care homes, families separated from loved ones, the utter failure of the NHS to protect those who truly need their help, the wide ranging destruction of the private economy and the opportunity for idiots like Andy Burnham and others to posture and preen on the Al Beeb slagging off the so called government for its policies and lack of pay to the Angels working in the public sector.
It’s about bloody time some of these so called tories discovered a backbone.
It is very hard to be objective medically, virologically, geographically and politically because the facts are so contradictory… and poorly presented. Plus riven with no go areas of political correctness.
But what is clear is the supposed ‘essential’ MSM, overpaid activist juveniles, are using it to foment community discord for ideological reasons at every idiotic level and opportunity.
Our local media are now infested with BbC local democracy ‘reporters’ ramming climate and Trump and BLM stuff in when all anyone needs is the date of the Onion Fayre.
Paying for the Fifth Column to an unaccountable Fourth Estate is an insult to injury too far.
Our local paper.
The author.
Forgive me but who is princess nut nut ?
As Sir Terry Wogan used to say, “The present Mrs Wogan..”, so this expression referes to Bojo’s latest.
Crowded field, but in this case the Deputy co-Prime Mover of Climate Wibble, Carrie.
Jim /guest – thank you – my problem was the ‘crowded field ‘ – which appears to have been joined by the future Queen doing a rashford and wanting for money on under 5 wokes education …
Perhaps they can fund it be reducing the civil list and fully taxing the royals …..
Fed , the term Princess Nut Nut was used by Dom Cummins esq. I believe, during the infamous weekend of deck chairs being reshuffled on the titanic…. Sorry special advisors and press secretaries at No. 10 Downing Street… To described the outgoing PM’s latest squeeze.
The west – ah I get it – succinct – accurate – but perhaps better unsaid … boris would denied favours if he didn’t do what nut nut wanted – I wonder how long before he looks elsewhere again … ? But loyalty is rare in politicians / journalists ….
Carrie Antoinnut said
“let them drive electric,
.. let them buy a £3,000 hydrogen boiler instead of a cheap gas one
.. let them pay triple to cover solar/wind costs”
or .. 2020 Britain is governed by Carrie AndTheNut
I had hoped Boros would have been better than he has turned out.
If nut nut spoils Brexit then he must go.
Guest – I think we might have hit ‘peak compliance ‘ judging by the columns of critical press coverage and the application of common sense …
…….so we will be seeing ‘hero’ NHS staff battling with exhaustion and tears and the rest of their propaganda machine to frighten us to stay inside ……
The next ‘big wave ‘ will be the roll out of a vaccine – which will be done whether it works or not …. I think I know which ‘communities ‘ are going to be favoured and which are not .
Tory MPs demand more evidence on tier plan
More evidence? Surely any evidence?
Interesting to compare the phraseology here with that used when refering to the election fraud in the US. So how about a headline of ‘The Government is imposing a Nation-wide House Arrest Scheme to fight Covid, without providing any evidence that it would do so’.
Anyone see the BBC Breakfast in-depth reporting on the US election this morning? Don’t worry here it is
” is this the closest we will get to Donald Trump conceding (pic of DT in white House)…despite his claims of fraud for which ‘he’ hasn’t produced any evidence’… end story…
Excellence in journalism worth every penny…don’t you say old thing ( gender neutral)
Just heard some gobshite newsreader on one of the global radio stations telling me there is still no proof in President Trumps claims and he’s lost countless legal challenges.
Part of me now thinks, f@*! Em. If they really think Biden is going to be the answer then let them have him, cos when the trouble starts, don’t look to me for help….
Just waiting for some drug peddling rapist of colour to be shot by a white cop during Biden’s reign. How will the media and Joe’s supporters in BLM react?
Speaking of #CCBGB the bbc paper review should be fun.
The Mirror’s social media team especially has an uncanny knack for misreading the room consistently.
A furious local.
And rightly so. This is, despite the AlBeeb view, a Christian country.
Eid and those who practice it, should in my view be banned in total.
‘So what you are saying’ is that Eid and Ramadan should be celebrated in Pakistan and Diwali in India?
Just thing of all those bollards, now unvisited, in our shopping centres that wouldn’t have been needed and the coned-off drop-off lanes at our now unused airports.
Jim, yes. Common sense, horses for courses, if the cap fits etc etc….
Just one word …… TOUGH !
“Eid and Diwali, were curtailed’
..em actually Christmas is curtailed and restricted.
just in a different way to Eid.
Never happened before has it ? the most celebrated journalists ?
“While a young reporter for The Washington Post in 1972, Woodward teamed up with Carl Bernstein; the two did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal. These scandals led to numerous government investigations and the eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon.”
A bit like music now, few appreciate work and talent
bbc wurld klass gernaliss see nothing, except their wage slip
“What does investigating mean?
to search out and examine the particulars of in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex, especially in an attempt to find a motive, cause, or culprit: The police are investigating the murder.”
What is reporting and types of reporting?
Reports are well researched, planned and organized documents that are written for a purpose. … Types of reports include memos, meeting minutes, expense reports, audit reports, closure reports, progress reports, justification reports, compliance reports, annual reports, and feasibility reports
Lying by omission is when a person leaves out important information or fails to correct a pre-existing misconception in order to hide the truth from others. “I didn’t lie; I just didn’t tell you.”
BBC ? I rest my case
Running any idiot #prasnews as a ‘report’ that has been ‘analysed’ or ‘investigated’ as far as the potato microwave in the W1A canteen is not news, it is half-baked churnalism.
Just as citing MPs demanding evidence on anything outside their areas of expertise, which mostly seems to be expense claims, Graun shoots, QT appearances and tweeting, actually means they would know what they were looking at.
Dawn Butler on microscope duty? Jess Phillips holding up a test tube? Only in a Getty image with obligatory frizzy hair of color.
They get a daft punt, run it up the outrage pole and then move on.
Dear Marianna, could you please help me. Some of my more despicable acquaintances are saying that there has been fraud in the Presidential elections. They specifically assert that in Pennsylvania more postal ballots were counted than were issued, to the tune of hundreds of thousands. It goes without saying that this could not possibly be true as the MSM, especially the BBC, would be all over it. But I would need you to fact-check this so I can show them the error of their ways. Thank you in anticipation. Marianna? Marianna……?
Marianna whilst you’re about it could you also fact check the reports that in some districts (in PA.) more people voted than there are registered voters and in one there were more votes counted than people resident? Please? Marianna, Marianna…………
If our press want to complain about lockdowns and the lockdown tier system then they need to properly criticise the notion of lockdowns. Instead, rather than draw the obvious conclusion that the recent national lockdown didn’t work the Telegraph, for instance, moans:
’34 million worse off than before lockdown. PM facing Tory rebellion over “unfair” tiers and may be left relying on Labour’s support’
I think the paper that used to be known as the Torygraph is seriously misrepresenting these rebellious Tory MPs. My understanding is that they tend to be lockdown skeptics who would rather we battle the virus in other less economically damaging, medically damaging (for other non-covid ailments) and socially damaging ways.
The only outcome the regional divide-stirring Telegraph with their frontpage virulently coloured maps and their cry of “unfair” will achieve is Boris and his public health lunatics twisting the evidence somehow to plunge London into another lockdown. Afterall, as the Telegraph hints, Labour are very much in favour of lockdowns and their man Khan would like nothing better. Then he can posture and whine for more funding just like his northern counterpart Burnham.
Other newspapers seek to divert us from the fact Lockdown Two, the sequal, has failed and instead fuel the north-south divide.
The freebie Metro wants more handouts: ‘The north sees red. Boris Johnson is facing a furious backlash after the governmant said areas forced into the toughest new coronvirus restrictions would receive no extra financial support’ and the giveaway paper pointedly notes: ‘Anger as most of south, including London, escapes the strictest curbs’
The ‘i’ points out: ‘Almost 99% of England’s population placed in tiers 2 and 3, meaning 55 million living with tough restrictions on mixing’
Colour me unsurprised lockdown 2 failed and Boris and his henchmen can’t admit it.
I wonder how well the Metro is doing at present? Their business model relies on the paid advertising they carry being seen by commuters on their way to work. Maybe those people with more disposable cash get a warm feeling when they read arguments for them to be working from home rather than braving the commute?
The Times seems happy that: ‘PM appoints “clean-skin” banker as No 10 chief’ – laughably the Times insists this former banker and former Treasury civil servant who served George Osborne, doesn’t adhere to any ‘faction’ – apart from the swampish realms of the deep State, eh?
Can anyone explain to me why Boris Johnson pictured on the frontpage of the Times is wearing a facemask? He’s already had the China Syndrome and come out the other side. The daft bastard looks like a bankrobber or a shagged out polar bear stuck in a black pillar box. Pat yourself on the back if you’re in on the joke there.
The ‘i’ raises a red flag over: ‘MP pay rises twice as big as those for frontline workers’ – I wouldn’t fetishise so-called frontline workers but I do tend to agree this is a bit rum. So why does the Left put their trust in politicians and seek to award them so much power? Let’s not forget the very first act of the new Scottish Parliament was its members voting themselves a pay rise.
It may be a dull autumn morning and mixing is officially discouraged but our press are keen to have us think about something sexy. There’s hot girl on girl action in the Guardian: ‘The xx’s Romy Madley Croft’ [No, me neither? But tell us more…] ‘I can now write about loving a woman and not feel afraid’. You brazen it out, luv. The ‘i’ is also getting into that same groove with: ‘Kristen Stewart on coming out and her radical Christmas romcom’ – Yeah, baby! as Austim Powers might have exclaimed through his bad teeth.
Then, suddenly into this left-leaning newspaper frontpage lesbian daydream strut a couple of black dudes… where’s this going?
The ‘i’: ‘Barack Obama’s memoirs reviewed by David Lammy’ – damn, there goes the mood. Ruined it.
There seems curious underreporting of the owner of the Evening Standard getting / buying a Peerage … I think he said he is to be Lord Igor of Siberia and Islington or similar ( I’m not making that up much ) … anyway – presumably he knows where the bodies are buried – for obvious reasons comrade .
Solid review Asieeit. Thanks. Keep it up please.
Speaking of BBC PR as news:
BBC #couldfiles
Could wooden sailing ships be the future of marine transport? ⛵
Top comment:
“Well there goes the billions of trees that were going to be planted to help absorb carbon emissions . “
Yet still they still get paid.
The definition of tautology.
Didn’t need the ‘Arabic’.
No surprise there.
Sill amazed that 58 percent think the BBC are not biased. They will be the left-leaning group-thinkers and the don’t-care-about-news Mr 2.4 children more concerned about paying his mortgage.
Ofcom will be preventing the bBC and the rest of the MSM from publishing / discussing this report on PCR testing authored by Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Clare Craig, Jonathan Engler and Christian McNeill.
Click to access MP-briefing-26-Nov-2020.pdf
Their main argument
Across Europe, including UK:
Daily ‘cases’ sky-rocketed as Autumn arrived.
Daily deaths labelled ‘Covid deaths’ rose in line with ‘cases’ – to levels apparently higher than at the Spring peak.
BUT: Total all-cause mortality did not reflect the above.
Webpage version
There is a counterpoint
but you don’t win an argument by calling the other side deniers.
Bottomline the old media would have put the two sides on against each other
Now they don’t
Because they are outliers in the general body of informed opinion. Outliers, not just a significant minority,
Cornwall is there something special about Cornwall that makes it have very low Covid cases ?
Demographics, sea-air, covering up cases ?
BTW Gym owners say their stats prove their business is fairly safe.
I guess they are not 100% concrete but it’s a good stat to the argument.
Or extra aluminium in the water supply, see Camelford. 1980s.
From The Sun. In full. No aplogies.
Dear Deirdre,
I’m starting to suspect that there might be a problem with my relationship. Please tell me I’m not going crazy.
At the start of this year I started going out with a new man, Boris. He was charming and seemed very clever – he’d been to Oxford and could read Latin. He’d “been around the block” a bit, if you know what I mean, and he was a bit overweight. But he was good fun and very decisive. He liked to “get things done”, which was a big appeal.
Anyway, in March he started to change. He went down the pub one evening with his friend, Neil, who’s a bit of a weirdo to be honest, and Neil told him all about this “Chinese bat flu” that was going to wipe out the human race. Neil showed him all this stuff on his phone that he’d got off Wikipedia and he did some calculations on the back of a beer mat showing that the population of the UK would basically be wiped out in six month’s time unless we completely changed our way of life.
When Boris told me about Neil’s predictions I thought he was having a laugh. Sadly not. The next morning he went to the corner shop and bought all the loo roll and Pot Noodles then he insisted that we stay at home completely, no going to work or socialising, and only going out to buy absolute essentials.
He’s a clever guy, so although I had my doubts I assumed he knew what he was talking about, and creepy Neil was good at maths and had once been on Countdown. Anyway, Boris said it only needed to be for three weeks – to “flatten the sombrero” or something (don’t ask me!) so I thought I’d play along, maybe it was a mid-life crisis or something.
Anyway, three weeks came and went, and still Boris wouldn’t let me go out and see anyone or go back to work. I didn’t complain though. It’s hard to explain – he’d spooked me so much I kind of stopped thinking critically about what he was saying. And it wasn’t too bad at first. I was a bit worried about the financial impact of not working, but Boris said he had lots of money in the bank. And it was quite nice to have a bit of time off. We watched Tiger King on Netflix and I bought a lot of stuff off Amazon to take my mind off things.
After several months things got ever so slightly more normal. Boris said that we could go out again and go to the shops and talk to people, but we still had to “stay safe” at all times and stay two metres apart from other people. I could even go back to work for a bit. I kind of played along with it, thinking he was about to lose enthusiasm for the whole bat flu situation. Then, in the middle of summer, out of nowhere he suddenly announced that we had to wear masks whenever we went to the shops! This was when things started to get really weird. He even wanted to wear a mask when we made love, but I drew the line there.
Then he got angry with me one day and said I hadn’t been taking the rules seriously enough. I should say at this point that Neil and these other creepy blokes from the quiz team down the pub, Chris and Pat, were obsessed with this thing called the “R number”. This had something to do with how much bat flu there was going around. Every day they would call Boris up and tell him that the “R number” wasn’t coming down enough and there was too much bat flu, and Boris would go white and say how sorry he was. Then he would take it out on me and give me these long lectures. One day Chris and Pat sent him this really scary chart, showing how we were all going to die again unless we acted straight away. I remember Boris asking if this was a prediction, and for some reason this made them furious, and they kept screaming over and over “it’s a projection!”, which really confused him.
Boris sat me down and said the “R number” was still too high, and it was all my fault for not following “the rules”. I must have been forgetting about the two metres, or not wearing the mask, or not singing Happy Birthday while I washed my hands or something. He said that he had no choice but to introduce a “Three Tier” system. Tier 1 meant things were bad, Tier 2 meant that they were very bad, and Tier 3 meant that they were catastrophic. We were only allowed to do certain things depending on what Tier we were in. This was the only way we could “save Christmas”. I asked if there could ever be anything lower than Tier 1 and he just shook his head and said that was obviously impossible. He called up Chris and Pat and they said that we could start off in Tier 2. This meant I had to wear a mask even when I was driving in my car and no-one else was around.
We went on like this for a while, until one day Chris and Pat called Boris and gave him a stern talking to. Another “projection” – the R number was going to get high again! Boris then started shouting at me, and accused me of having taken my mask off in Lidl. It was back to “lockdown”. This meant no meeting anyone at all, no going to work, nothing. This went on for a month. I started getting very anxious and worried about everything. Plus I had a really nasty shock one day when I happened to see Boris’s credit card statement. He was tens of thousands of pounds in debt! I started crying and shaking and having some very dark thoughts.
I think Boris realised how upset I was and he sat me down and said he knew that it was tough but it was all for my own good. He didn’t like locking me up like this but I had given him no choice. Then his tone changed and he said that there was some good news – the “lockdown” would end in December! I was overjoyed, until he revealed that the “lockdown” would be replaced by the return of the “Tiers”. Only this time it was even more serious. I could forget about Tier 1. It was just Tier 2 or 3 from now on. To be honest, I couldn’t even understand what the difference between these Tiers was. It was something to do with eating a “substantial meal” and “the rule of 6” – total gibberish, really. Boris did say that we could have five days off “the rules” at Christmas so that I could see my mum, but we would have to sit two metres apart with the windows open and not use the same serving spoons.
I asked him if the more serious “Tier system” meant that the bat flu had got worse. And here’s the weird thing – he said that there was actually less bat flu than before. This made no sense, and I tried to get him to explain, but he started muttering “hands face space” over and over again and talking about the toot of the distant bugle. I used to find that stuff quite charming but to be honest it’s got really annoying and I’m not convinced that he’s in his right mind.
I just don’t know when all of this is going to end. It’s unbearable – the bizarre rules that change every second of the day, the uncertainty, the endless control over my every action, the lack of freedom, the fear and anxiety. I think the mask is starting to make me ill. I just can’t see any hope for the future.
And here’s the thing. I’ve got a friend who works in a hospital. She says that the bat flu was actually real, and it was quite nasty, but it wasn’t anything particularly out of the ordinary. They coped with it without much difficulty and it seems to be going away now. They are having a pretty normal winter in her hospital – certainly no busier than usual. So why the Tiers and the masks and the rwo metres and the massive credit card bill? It doesn’t make any sense to me any more.
I’m at the end of my tether. What should I do?
Yous sincerely,
From the UK press gazette- more welcome signs of discontent –
“Millennials have become the generation that trust journalists the most, according to the latest annual Ipsos Mori trust scores.
Some 28% of millennials (currently aged 24 to 39) said they trust journalists to tell the truth – even higher than those in the age 75+ pre-war group (26%).
But three-quarters (77%) of Gen Z (those under 25) participants in the annual survey said they did not trust journalists to tell the truth – followed closely by baby boomers(currently aged 56 to 74) on 73%.
Journalists remain the fourth-least trusted profession in the survey with an overall trust score of 23% down from 26% in 2019. They were only more trusted than Government ministers, politicians generally, and advertising executives.”ENDs
Notice how they twist the words to make it sound positive…no wonder nobody trusts them
Better written…..Millennials only just trust Journalists a tad more than any other group 72% of Millennials distrust them followed by 73% of those aged 56 to 74 and 77% of over 75
So UK press gazette..approximately 3/4 of the population don’t trust Journalists.. funny I thought it would be higher…
What gets me – though- is this zealous woke stuff . There is no doubt – no room for anything else – any other view … is it totalitarianism?
But people really are moving against them now – sooner or later it is inevitable that one of these bBC types is going to be on a physical receiving end and say the wrong thing to the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time
Yep Fedup, it is big brother. Just finished reading 1984 again and so much of it applies to today ….and hate week.. just call it Woke week and Twitter…
But again in 1984 the Proles never really revolt and that is my concern…they are too busy on Amazon, Facebook and the worst of all Google…
Birmingham trial : Tamer Moustafa found guilty of brutal murder of wife and neighbour in Moseley
The 40-year-old admitted killing his wife Nelly Moustafa, 43, and next door neighbour Zahida Bi, 52, in Moseley but a jury had to decide if he should be convicted of murder or manslaughter
.. The jealous husband accused his wife of having affairs with their next door neighbour and even his own father.
Birmingham seems to be car jack central.
Gangs roaming & jumping on you as you get out on your drive
and threatening to kill the dog
unless you hand over the keys .
Wednesday car jacking in Earlswood Common, Solihull
The Metropolitan Borough of Solihull won’t like your description.
You’ll be calling them ‘Yam-Yams’ next and putting them in The Country of Colour.
You’d never believe it, but one of the BBC shower has been very critical of leavers
‘SUE PERKINS has been heavily criticised for branding Brexit voters “headbangers, zealots and quislings” and for suggesting the EU referendum should never have gone ahead.’
I wonder where she obtained her opinions from.
2 bottles of Red ?
I dipped into the Jeremy Vine universe
His topic is why are Chinese Covid numbers so low ?
He had two journo from China on the line
#1 Doh those journos can’t say negative things about China otherwise their visa get cancelled.
.. They said life has been normal in China for months
from the time in June the water park in Wuhan opened with huge crowds.
Typical listener said
“tell you why China has less deaths is bcoz they obeyed the rules the English carried on with there selfishness”
Later on Vine criticised Britain’s beach crowds , forgetting about the Wuhan crowds
And the point is there was no spike after beach crowds and Cornwall has low numbers.
Tweeters poin out Vine is a nutter if he takes Chinese figures at face value.
Whereas our figs with the 28 day rule surely overcount deaths.
A lot of our Covid cases are real that’s how we got the big excess death spike along with the lockdown effect deaths.
But those deaths are over 80s, maybe the Chinese have fair less, and are better at shielding them.
China will have different genetics to us and warm weather in the south probably helps.
Ha TalkRadio presenter @TVKev I nick named KonpiracyKev
cos he is always saying “stop talking about the GreatReset idea you nutters, it’s a crazy conspiracy theory”
… has just been saying there is a Twitter Conspiracy against him
He put out this anti lockdown tweet this morning
and he claims Twitter changed the setting to restricted replies.
I can’t see an algorithm that would do that
so looks like a human triggered the restriction.
Not BBC but Daily Mail
Police now stasi in all but name, enjoying their power over law abiding citizens just a little bit too much.
Please watch video
The cops clearly don’t know what burden of proof means. No surprise there.
Any half-decent lawyer would have great fun with this case.
Lets hope so.
Everything is now “beyond the law” yet still they persist
I now have virtually no respect for coppers – anywhere in this land.
R4 Drama now
i wonder if the actual judge was black ?
Oh it’s a fictional scenario
Lady Radebe, a retired member of the Supreme Court plans to operate the “phased” MO employed by the late Lord Justice Taylor’s Hillsborough disaster earlier that year : make a 6 month interim report and later a full report ..instead of letting things getting kicked into the “long grass”
The play was written by inhouse beeboid Mark Lawson
He’s using it to get in many BBC agendas
Oh Stephen Lawrence just mentioned
now Windrush.
Now just had a dig at Oz PM over the bush fires
now praised Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Windrush is a favourite of the Home Office. Unfortunately having a loose connection to them I can assure you they are still deep in the apology phase. At least once a week an email missive is issued droning on about Wendy Williams and her report and apologising again and again. It really is very boring.
Anyone with a degree of common sense knows this won’t happen again. It was a mistake compounded by history, but like a dog with a bone the Home Office refuse to let go. Maybe next decade, but by then there will be a Windrush history month. I’m sure a space can be found in a diversity calendar to accommodate.
Yes by all means a sincere apology and action, but then move on and do some Home Office type work, although I for one am no longer sure what that is. Perhaps Pritti could help us out, although I wouldn’t want to bully her in any way.
ah Stephen Lawrence the gift that keeps on giving unlike Lee Rigby or should that be Lee who?
Anton Ferdinand and John Terry. Well, no doubt we’ll get the real story on Monday at 9 on BBC 1. The match-long baiting of Terry, the still unknown lip-reading expert, the alleged racist language used about black people ‘s white mothers, the slating Ashley Cole got for telling the truth. In any other circumstance the BBC would be shouting FOUL! At least it gave rise to the mouth-covering conversations we all know and love. A sort of Covid practice session. Amusing, but the whole incident screamed Set Up! to me at the time, but then I would think that wouldn’t I ?
Nothing on TV tonight
just Jo Brand presenting HIGNFY
So an awful lot on tv.
But this time even worse.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly, Channel 5, 9pm.
(with competition for some of the above on BBC1 at the same time).
Not bad from terrestrial TV but still, you could watch the Trinity spaghetti westerners on YouTube instead, almost as good????
Yes but that is nearly 4 hours long
and you’d have the BBC drag show prog on BBC1 at 11:30pm and 11:55pm
Keep going Sir !!
! The integrity of Twitter is even more disputed.
If you try to ‘like’ a tweet like the one above, a little pop-up blocks you from liking with the message:
“This claim about election fraud is disputed… find out more before liking”.
The lying BBC and the rest of the msm would have us believe that the US elections were perfectly fair and honest, and that Smartmatic is perfectly legit.
But here’s a CNN report from a few years ago showing the links between the company and Venezuela, and how it was used to swing the election for crooked socialist Chavez.
(Note to our resident fact-checker/ inquisitor: yes, I KNOW it’s old, that’s the POINT. They’ve forgotten their own allegations – or hope their viewers have.)