I enjoy it when someone digs up the coloured prison population Line. I think I know what they’d find if they dug down on what colour the criminals’ victims were … there are an awful lot of coloured boys hurting and killing other coloured boys ….
But that’s a bit of uncomfortable research for the wokes to even think of ….
Fed, one of the reasons Kent is in Tier 3, is that the Isle of Sheppey has a huge prison population, and presumably the visitors come and go as they please!
Like anywhere else in the country, the villages just carry on as normal, although who’d have thought that Tunbridge Wells was such a dangerous place to visit! Luckily, we avoid our poll tax HQ, because it’s an awful place nowadays, and apart from getting new glasses, we never go there, like millions of others I assume…
(If you walk into the small arcade opposite the station, there is a remote BBC office with a table and a microphone in full display of us oiks. That’s enough to make you rush off to the nearest boozer…)!
9am Woke Saturday : with Mica Paris etc.
10am Black comedian Desiree Burch and historian Dr Michell Chresfield discuss American spy hero and abolitionist Harriet Tubman
16:15pm WH : Ozlem Cekic, one of the first Muslim women with an immigrant background to enter Danish parliament about confronting racists
17:30pm Nick Robinson talks to Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoc
18:15pm *Mica Paris* second appearance
black saxophonist YolanDa Brown, Black screenwriter : Juliet Gilkes Romero, Radio3 BAME presenter/ biographer Kevin Le Gendre
+ woke comedian Richard Herring +2 white muscians
23:00pm Panel show features : Nikesh Shukla Writer: BROWN BABY: A MEMOIR OF RACE, FAMILY AND HOME
What about a one off BBC 4 radio program called “Men’s Hour”. One hour of bullshit about inspirational weightlifters. Powerlifting accountants of butch male icons with male warrior mentality and incredibly courageous resistance to girl power.
Women’s Hour has 200 episodes a year plus 50 weekend compilation episodes (That’s just the Radio version
not counting the daily Vic Derbyshire TV Show and the daily R5 Emma Barnett show )
I listened to the item about the Danish MP “confronting racists”
and ever the framing embedded in the headline didn’t stand up to reality.
To the BBC presenters dismay the first thing the MP said she suddenly realised it was her that had a lot of prejudices
‘ I realised that immigrants in Denmark have the bus pull up20m past them , they assume the driver is racist and this is not the case.
The guy who was supposed to be racist invited me round for coffee had the same coffee cups as my mother
it was all about coming to understanding’ etc.
7pm Channel4 : Plymouth : Alice Roberts
explores the story of England’s ‘Golden Age’,
from Sir Francis Drake to the Spanish Armada,
allows for an uncompromising look at the wealth he earned through piracy and slave trading.”
paraphrase ‘Plymouth was well situated for undercover stuff
one of the guys exploiting this was Hawkins, and his cousin Drake
Hawkins had worked out that there were better designs of boat shallower and faster
When Spain’s trouble and its Netherlands colony rebelling started that was a vast opportunity
They helped the Dutch rebels and *pirated Spanish ships*’
The thing is the Spanish used slow fat ships.
Hawkins had gone out further to Spain’s transatlantic route captured Portuguese ship with slaves and profited ..the first British slavery. Hawkins cousin Drake also came on the scene
He goes right around the world attacking Spanish colonies
claiming California ..dropping 3 Africans in Indonesia.
‘ The Elizabethans were poor and liked this wealth gain, but the Queen knew the Spanish would hit back with their massive Navy’
‘Drake was acting like a pirate but secretly Queen sponsored
..so 1587 he goes down to Cadiz and does a pre-emptive attack.
(The Queen is kinda keeping her distance, but getting a huge commission of the plundered stuff.
When the Spanish came back up to Plymouth with their attack
bad luck and faster English boats defeated them
.. absolute unexpected catastrophe for them.. They are no longer masters of the sea.
.. Drake and Hawkins do another Caribbean trip but end up dying there.’
@JimS Cos you are the second party
since you have an account there it shows up on your PC but not ours.
Yes I am assuming when it doesn’t work on 2 devices here (Windows 10 and Android), that it isn’t just a fault at my end.
Plus only 1 person liked your post, whereas other posts from the same time have 8 likes.
Previously BBC embedding hasn’t worked from the library computers
So instead I lift the BBC images from Twitter.
BBC embedding lets try it
That doesn’t show up for me
BTW some bbc,co,uk images do work for me , but not those at https://ichef.bbci.co.uk
Someone unsurprising posts in favour of a Trump claim.
Then someone equally unsurprising leaps in to attack it.
Presidential turnout hit a 12-year low in 2012. And the US population has grown by 17 million people since then. And Trump did a very good job motivating people to vote against him. https://t.co/2wUbE2B7uF
Weeks ago, @Facebook censored a post of mine which truthfully stated that @JoeBiden is NOT the President-elect. So I got lawyers involved. Conclusion? @PolitiFact uncensored the post & admitted that they LIED by rating my post false. The fact-checkers are lying for Democrats. pic.twitter.com/l2rrLxzku7
Yep Small Axe didn’t make the top 15 for BBC
13 of the top15 struggle to get to 10% of UK population (5m to 6.7m)
Yet Strictly in the top2 spots is miles ahead, Sunday episode takes about 18% of UK population
Small Axe got 1.5m, 1.1m, 1.2m viwers apparently
So 98% of UK people didn’t watch.
Steve McQueen's Small Axe thrills queer Black viewers with much-needed representation in Lovers Rock https://t.co/ivQ0ZV0kBy
BBC pundit dropped for using the term handbags at dawn. Ah yes, footie, increasingly becoming a live metaphor for the BBC itself. Intertwined like a pair of deluded lovers living on a diet of political correctitude and prawn sarnies. They both love their Maradona eulogies as well. Ah, bless! conjugal bliss!
Must be very tricky for commentators – increasingly lowing quality – deciding what words can’t be used. – a suspicious person might think that the BBC is using this as a vehicle to get rid of white ageing knowledgable chaps to be replaced by you know what …
Yet MSM run with Trump loses appeal in Pennsylvania: “Calling an election unfair does not make it so”
Whoever runs with headlines which don’t acknowledge there are at least 2 lawsuits is deceiving.
Secondly the only win that counts is the final one at the supreme court.
Democrats will be trying to have cases thrown out or defeat them at the Supreme court.
They will have a mountain of Kompromat to influence people. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/pennsylvania-judge-backs-trump-says-election-unlikely-constitutional
I see a Trump route to victory
He let them play the mail in vote game
then afterwards he tries to get mail in votes removed.
If the BBC asked the Democrats if there was any evidence of electoral fraud. The Democrats would say “The DNC/CIA/FBI/GCHQ looked into the computers for Russians voting for Trump, but didn’t find any, so they added lots of phantom dead people who voted for Biden” The dead people where patriotic Americans, not evil Russian Jews, so there is no evidence to show the US election was fraudulent.
Please excuse ze accent, but it appears that ze French are going to double ze number of Gendarmes patrolling beaches to ensure that ze number of migrants crossing to ze UK is reduced to neant. Apparently Pritti ad a virtual meeting to discuss with er French counterpart, who was not taking an extended lunch our at ze time.
Brilliant timing, now ze weather as changed and our friendly invaders ave abandoned that choppy uncomfortable crossing and will now be arriving by ferry, train or aeroplane. We can expect excellent results in zis matter. So dinghy crossings down but other methods up.
So…. no change really.
Never finish a question
Use ‘some say ‘ when really it’s me
If a victim tries to answer – interrupt
If the victim tries to make a point – interrupt
If you are losing say ‘we’re pushed for time ‘
Ask something completely outside the remit of the victim
If you are being put in your place say ‘and now the weather ‘…
And of course – when you are finished with the victim ask Laura for her version of what was just said to distort any non approved BBC views behind the back of the victim – then say – now the sport from sajit …
Hmmm. I’d describe anyone who happily pays the TV tax as having fallen down the rabbit hole. That being so, is Marianna (aged 24 and a bit) going to come to their rescue?
Answers on a stamped addressed selfie to the usual address.
As far as the information I have. The Vaccines are only dangerous if they have aluminium or mercury preservatives in them. Also, the Chinese flue is twice as dangerous as a typical annual flue outbreak, and the same as Asian flue and Hong Kong flue, and 400 times weaker than Spanish flue. The economic and social damage is caused by a heavy political and mainstream media overreaction and propaganda by people who first used computer projections to produce fear about the climate change hoax and now use computer projections to sow fear of death by Covid, to justify taking away freedoms. The daily death rate is 1,600. Most of those people were already in hospital. So if a third of those, died with Covid, then its possible that the death rate for 2020 wont be higher than 2018. Big Pharma also don’t like to talk about the two cheap anti-inflammatory drugs and two cheap anti-viral drugs and the currant cheap flue jab, being effective enough to bring Covid down to as harmless, as the common cold that killed my granny in the 90‘s. We live with coercive laws typical of a fascist state, were those exempt from wearing masks in shops are the Children most likely to spread the Virus and those most likely to die of the Virus.
Now we have Boris Churchill behaving like Stalin or Hitler, using the Police to enforce coercive laws and needing the Labour Party to force through more coeherisive laws. I wonder if Boris is doing this because he needs to deflect the Plebs from being let down over Brexit?
In contrast to Nazi Germany, In Churchill’s Britain, mask wearing and going to the air raid shelter were voluntary. The reaction to Asian Flue and Hong Kong flue was like what was in the Great Barrington Declaration.
Stop controlling us, Boris. We want freedom from the EU, your Covid hysteria, and your loony Green Climate madness. The World is also talking about two Political prisoners in Britain called Julian Assange and Tommy Robinson.
Isn’t it great ? The minister fir strong statements has announced that the French are to double their channel patrols – from one corrupt copper to two –
This means double the number of illegals will be escorted over – better build some more hotels ….
Looks to me that Coop are saying questioning disproportionate OVER-representation in TV adverts is #WrongThink Their thread
#StandAgainstRacism like #BLM is an ambush name
cos of the way it takes an honourable ideas and uses them as a shield whilst pushing lefty dogma and agendas
…. eg smear labelling people who oppose Labour (who the Coop fund and are closely associated with), thus clearing the way for Labour’s own chosen people.
Oh where it started Guardianland ruling over both white & non-white working class
then saying “look over there racism”
Really? …….. the UK is still mostly a ‘white’ country, no matter how many adverts you push down our throats we will continue to be so, …. meanwhile in the real world we still enjoy our BAME neighbours and friends, this shit just alienates …………
BTW beneath the tweet there is a lot of school bully gang behaviour from the #BeKind people ..being snarly and labelling people “gammon” , “racist” etc.
The sad old Grauniad is going to be renamed as ‘The Big Issue’ from now on.
Every little snippett of leftie gossip has a tag at the end wanting ‘a pound’ for their continuing existence, yet they claim to be listened to by millions of people all over the world!
That’s an awful lot of Beeboids, hanging on to their drivel, and reproducing the stuff as their own!
So competing supermarkets adverts back-to-back disproportionately un-white adverts during two primetime slots on Channel 4 on Friday evening,
I wonder if they had much of an audience
Commenters point out that far from been united in goodness
It was a force of badness that intimidated the supermarkets into complying or risk action from wokemob.
ie supermarkets were blackmailed into it.
Indeed their is a tone of tweets “where were you Morrisons ?”
Strange how these outfits try to out woke each other and thereby make the most inattentive notice something not quite right ( white ) is going on – and setting back relations between colours quite a bit – we re just learning to cover up our prejudices better ….
A fictionalised victimhood based on the internal workings of America ..
IF they trick counted it the first time, they’ll trick count it the secondtime
The bigger issue is the fake postal votes etc.
and postal votes that arrived after election day, so should not have been counted.
Agree totally Stew about bad counts before equalling bad counts after.
One point though, it’s not necessarily when the ballots were received but when they were postmarked. A ballot postmarked on or before election day can be counted even if it is received after election day.
Each state sets the cutoff for receiving a postal vote, for example this year Maryland (where I voted) counts ballots received by 13 November if postmarked on or before 8pm November 3 (Election Day).
Stew, I realise that the recount methods might not be very satisfactory, but two points a) Trump paid for this recount, b) Dr Turley had very high high hopes of the result and had expressed them in last few videos.
This could be a huge blow to the morale of the Trump Campaign.
It reminds me a bit of when the Exorcet hit HMS Sheffield during the Falklands war. It was a hard blow to take when all and sundry were saying that Britain couldn’t hope to retake the Falklands and urging surrender all along.
Let’s hope Trump and his supporters can do a’ ‘Maggie’ and see it through to victory.
The Wisconsin recount is not about finding mistakes in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally, and that case will be brought after the recount is over, on Monday or Tuesday. We have found many illegal votes. Stay tuned!
Norman is coming around
as the retired police spokesman he’s always steadfastly defended the police
I will Finally Publicly admit that the @metpoliceuk failed to appropriately confront the BLM Demonstrations & I know why; HOWEVER their ‘Failure’ has caused ‘MILLIONS’ yes ‘MILLIONS’ to accuse MET of two tier policing; I can’t help but think this will all end very very Badly!????♂️
Interesting difference in policing ‘ styles’ when it came to the coloured protesters demanding plod take a knee – ive come to rooting for the one who got away …
I think their senior command only looks as far as the next contract renewal / medal so are not concerned about loss of public consent – which I think is eroding at about the same level as that for the BBC …
“Covid: More than 150 arrests at London anti-lockdown protest”
The Met Police appear to treat the anti-lockdown protesters far more harshly than they did with the Antifa, Extinction Rebellion and BLM protesters . Why ?
“Channel crossings: More officers to patrol French beaches”
What has been surrendered by Great Britain to get the French to do this ? I looks a bit ‘fishy’ to me.
How will Boris go down in the history books, Humpty Dumpty?
An agreement with the French! I’ve never heard such nonsense.
Only disagreements with the French are possible. Priti should learn some British History, REAL British History (and you don’t get that from Al Beeb)
The lying BBC continues to pretend that Sleepy Joe won fair and square, and if you think otherwise you’re a swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist – and probably a fascist to boot.
But what’s this? The reputable Spectator – no friend of Trump’s – agrees that the results are very fishy indeed. And the writer is a pollster!
Some extracts below and links to the article below that.
“Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling”
…I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling. I also think that the Trump campaign is still well within its rights to contest the tabulations. Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed. It’s reasonable for a lot of Americans to want to find out exactly what.
First, consider some facts. President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection. He got 11 million more votes than in 2016…
Trump’s vote increased so much because, according to exit polls, he performed far better with many key demographic groups. Ninety-five percent of Republicans voted for him. He did extraordinarily well with rural male working-class whites…
…Florida, Ohio and Iowa each defied America’s media polls with huge wins for Trump…
Atypical voting patterns married with misses by polling and non-polling metrics should give observers pause for thought. Adding to the mystery is a cascade of information about the bizarre manner in which so many ballots were accumulated and counted.
The following peculiarities also lack compelling explanations:
1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities. Counting generally continued without the observers
2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio
3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions
4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures
5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’
6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing
7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes
8. Serious ‘chain of custody’ breakdowns. Invalid residential addresses. Record numbers of dead people voting. Ballots in pristine condition without creases, that is, they had not been mailed in envelopes as required by law
9. Statistical anomalies. In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened.
If you think that only weirdos have legitimate concerns about these findings and claims, maybe the weirdness lies in you.
Patrick Basham is director of The Democracy Institute
It’s Karen our floor manager’s last day on @BBCBreakfast. She’s been a soothing sea of calm and organisation in the behind the scenes madness of live tv and just lovely to share a studio with. 38 years at the BBC. Respect. We’ll miss you! ❤️ pic.twitter.com/KVb6CQ4BRZ
She will – but it’s part of her gratuity that the BBC will buy it off her for £££££££ and she’ll use it to purchase a well appointed bolthole in The Dordogne
Mr and Mrs C chillin by the open, inefficient fire with the Lab.
Mrs Christmas Campbell has got it all going on. Tree going up. Xmas music. Things being placed on things. Sloe gin. Yes! #Novemberpic.twitter.com/VOgByiS23R
Sopel has a long – long – piece in the free Mailonline today about the ‘isolated’ president trump . There is little fact – plenty of hearsay .
I wondered how the bbc is going to deal with mr trump should he be defrauded of the win . Well we are starting to see the answer – they are running ‘downfall ‘ the film about Hitler in the bunker …
But of course – there is no mention of Biden being kept in a bunker during the election – few interviews – sparce public visits . We can understand why now – the democrats were putting their efforts and money into controlling the vote counting and stealing an election on a national scale .
( there is no evidence for the above comment and the account has been suspended and first born slaughtered )
If you’re someone with legitimate concerns about lockdown – including a politician, campaigner or commentator – and think conspiracy theories have hijacked that, get in touch!
This is a unique situation where we as a company simply cannot take the risk if in … four years the vaccine is showing side effects,” Ruud Dobber, a member of Astra’s senior executive team, told Reuters.https://t.co/80swajbjXe
It’s standard for vaccine manufacturers to be exempt
then government uses its own vaccine compensation fund to pay out £millions each year.
(vaccines are still almost 100% safe)
By the way – for those of a Christian persuasion – happy 1st day of Advent – so that excludes BBC staff ..
And 32 days until we cut away from their EU
It’s Sunday. So instead of Toady we have Toady on Sunday.
It used to be a religious programme. Now ……?
You judge. Here are today’s main features.
1. Interview with Sikhs who are hurt by their turbans or patkas being removed at school by joshing fellow pupils.
2. Interview on an inaudible internet line about the death of…Maradona (FFS x10)
3. Long interview with a transgender pastor from the United Reform Church who was feeling hurt about something. This rather evasive talk was immediately followed by, to be fair, an utterly incomprehensible response from the Bishop of Coventry.
If the BBC have no ideas at all for decent features for the main population of this country and can only dredge up and play the woke snowflake card about hurt feelings of tiny minorities then why not just close the programme down and put it out of its misery.
Sluff, I agree. Sunday is not a religious programme anymore. It as an abomination. That transgender pastor was feeling “unsafe” and demanded protection from the Bishop of Coventry. What he/she was really asking for was the suppression of free speech, that any criticism of her perversions and delusions be banned.
I don’t buy these claims of feeling “unsafe” anyway. We are all protected by the law, the threat of legal punishment deterring others from attacking us. That is sufficient. If we feel some more immediate and specific threat, we should call the police. The kind of people who whine about being “unsafe” are never in danger; they just don’t like being criticised or having their opinion challenged. The Bishop of Coventry ought to have told that transgender pastor to man up.
Sluff – I think there is a charter requirement for 2 religious programmes on Sunday – but when the charter is dumped in 2027 the Newly independent BBC can do a pay to listen ‘ view on these programmes can’t they ?…..
I must have been channelling Sleepy Joe Biden this morning. Glancing at the Observer frontpage sub-headings to their Michael Gove “overwhelmed NHS” story, I thought for a moment I had read: ‘Dinghy hospitals remark fuels row’
“Will you shut up man” I thought. Yes, we all know illegal migrants have been flooding into the country unopposed on rubber boats and the French are taking the piss, but think of the bad press you’ll get. The cries of racist! The BBC will be down on you like a ton of bricks. All that good work Princess Nut Nuts did for Boris in his bring your wife to work week – all gone for a burton. Didn’t you see that memo David Cameron wrote and Theresa May had laminated which they left in the top drawer of the PM’s desk in No10: “Top Tory objective: strive for a good write up from the BBC”
I focus properly on the Observer story and correct myself. The remark was made not by Gove but by Nadine Dorres, it was an off the record statement made privately to a group of MPs, Dorres denies she used the phrase, and anyway the words were “Dark and Dingy” – not Dinghy. And there’s no suggestion – as yet – she was being racist. Even with the dark bit. Phew…!
The point being the angels over there at our sainted NHS reckon those Nightingale hospitals flung up at huge cost, to supposedly relieve pressure on the NHS, don’t provide a good enough backdrop for the staff TikToks – or some such.
The upshot of: ‘Angry Tory MPs turn on Gove after “overwhelmed” NHS claims’ (Observer) is simply that Boris has kicked the end of lockdown madness can a few more weeks down the road: ‘Virus tiers could end in 9 weeks, MPs told’ (Telegraph)
Excuse me while I open this golden envelope…. The AsISeeIt press photo of the year award goes to the Sunday Times for their pic of a gang of burly coppers clapping Santa in handcuffs. Caption reads: ‘An anti-lockdown protester is arrested in central London yesterday…’ Or as I might title it, sticking with the festive theme – “Pigs in blanket clampdown”
This one I didn’t make up: ‘Army spies take on antivax militants’ (Times).
This one I did make up: “Turkey PM stuffs British freedoms – as Brussels look on”
Has Paxo considered coming out of retirement?
‘No-deal Brexit is “underpriced” No10 warns’ (Telegraph) – seriously, Brexit is the only thing now preventing us from burning Boris in effigy – and I hope he knows it.
Here’s another golden envelope. The AsISeeIt special award for most tenuous excuse for putting a picture of an actress on the front page of a national newspaper, goes to… The Sunday Telegraph: ‘Doctor in distress: Whittaker tells of anxiety’ – has Jodie seen the dire viewing figures for her last car crash overly woke Doctor Who series? Has she read the hate… I mean fan… mail? She appears in a coverall dark green frock, looking alarmingly like medical scrubs. In my Sleepy Joe Biden mode, unable to focus properly on the teleprompt, I thought for a moment the Telegraph had done some aren’t they fab, our overworked female docs piece.
But no. The story is about our overwoke Jode, whose: ‘…anxiety has “skyrocketed” in the pandemic. Living in London with her husband and daughter, five, she fears the “worst case scenario” of giving her loved ones Covid-19’ – I attempt to envisage anyone actually using the phrase “Covid-19” in such circumstances and find I simply cannot sufficiently suspend disbelief. However, full marks to Jodie’s agent, really earning his 10% getting her on the frontpage.
Just as well, I forsee a certain “regeneration” in her future.
Sounds like you need to get back in the bunker ! And very brave starting the awards season so early – Princess Jodie must be due for a refit – the first coloured Dr Who – it is inevitable – I favour the Rasta bloke in a wheelchair who gets rolled out the BBC / C4 when they need to get the tick box done …. making the tardis wheelchair accessible will be a challenge – but makes it more even when fighting the darleks
( by the way – before any lost woke types have a go about mocking wheel chairs – I have full combat experience of pushing wheel chairs and the level of fitness and concentration required to do so )….
When wee Wally goes low road, Groper can go lower.
#marr Look who’s on on the Andrew Marr show again, how many times has Nicola Sturgeon been on. Guaranteed be saying Scotland ???????????????????????????? want to stay in the EU. Only said it a MILLION times already. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? pic.twitter.com/0Ixj3Wx2qA
“I’m willing to step into the fire.”
As a young actress, Jane Fonda was winning awards, protesting, and getting arrested.
Now as an 82-year-old, the focus of her activism is the environment. (via 100 Women) bbc.in/3o3QPhv
Priti Useless ties up (another) deal with the French. The French cannot be trusted. But let’s see what happens next year.
Convenient eh?. A so-called, “Deal” arrives conveniently when the winter is, of itself, going to stop channel crossings by flimsy rubber boats……………
That alone will keep news of crossings off the news headlines and it can then be quietly forgotten about
Strains on the asylum system – worsened by significant abuse – are threatening to overwhelm the system. In the midst of ballooning budgets, falling productivity, rising backlogs and disintegrating enforcement, asylum abuse is too often being used as a ‘backdoor’ route into the UK by those whose identities it is extremely difficult to properly verify because those entering clandestinely (e.g. in small boats across the Channel) often destroy documentation prior to arrival. This is not only a huge security risk. It is also unfair to genuine claimants and a grave affront to law-abiding UK people who expect that the system they fund will be set aside to help only those in the most genuine need. Such a system must have adequate safeguards against abuse. Yet, as a Minister stated recently: “[The legal system]… is quite frankly not fit for purpose in this area when it comes to asylum and immigration enforcement matters. We are often frustrated by repeatedly vexatious legal claims, often made at the last minute with the express intention of frustrating the proper application of the law.”
Despite this, government actions do not appear to have significantly deterred such abuse (and may have tacitly encouraged it), including through a failure (despite repeated promises to the contrary) to stem unauthorised arrivals via small boats and lorries (both of which have risen recently – as recently confirmed by ICIBI). The vast majority of those entering in such a way go on to claim asylum after being encountered by officials. A clear promise by the Prime Minister to ‘send back’ those entering in this way appears to have largely fallen flat, with 3% returned since the start of 2019. There has also been a deliberate drawback in enforcement as a matter of policy, for instance through the declining use of detention. Some HO staff believe more use should be made of detention in order to ensure better enforcement of the rules.
One presumes the ‘some’ HO staff who want better controls are few and far between (as a result of recruitment ‘initiatives’ by HR Common Purpose drones), and the ‘policy’ makers all fancy a seat at Davos, or wherever the big boys meet nowadays.
Take the video to about, 14.15 to see what sort of money china has invested in US Press publications and then tell me it is impossible for the chinese to be a part of the current fraudulent election.
Official claims : China reports 11 new COVID-19 cases vs six a day earlier
plus 114 in Hong Kong http://reut.rs/3o6ieiY
Meanwhile official Chinese media makes grand claims about UK and US data
like saying that 4% of Americans have it
(1 in 25 Americans infected with COVID-19)
The actual article says 1 in 25 have had, over all time, not right now.
It's November 2022. Boris tells MPs he is prepared to relax Tier 37 a month earlier than planned if they will just vote in support of his new measures. "The Prussians really are coming this time", he pledges. "Not to do so risks a disastrous 17th wave of the virus", he warns.
In the United States Bill Still is revealing as yet “unverified” reports that American special forces were sent to Frankfurt to seize election servers from CIA operatives. This they accomplished and the computers are now safely back in the US. Some soldiers were killed in carrying out the exercise.
Foreign troops opening fire on German soil? Sounds like a declaration of war on a major European country to me, if it were true. Which it clearly isn’t because Angela Merkel hasn’t expelled any American diplomats.
The co-ordinated persecution of TR continues.
Drip, drip, drip. Chip, chip, chip.
He is back in court tomorrow.
No doubt this is all in the ‘public interest’ (not).
Strange : so TR detained an alleged perv who is been prosecuted for perving by the CPS
police arrested TR for giving the guy a bloody nose whilst detaining him and dropped his charge to ABH, thus avoiding the CPS and a jury trial
An outside judge is being brought in to judge the trial.
TR claims that reporting will criticise him, but with withhold the info about the alleged perv, due to the need to not prejudice the later trial.
Surely press can’t report at all on the TR trial, cos the outcome will prejudice the later trial ?
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9VZN2jTwxKc?feature=share
Van HelsingMar 4, 00:33 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I rather think their ambition is loftier than their reach. Trump holds the cards in this one.
JohnCMar 4, 00:29 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 This sounds like what that talk about Obama and the Logan act was really about. ‘ a United States federal…
JohnCMar 4, 00:22 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 taff, the usual BBC response is to simply not report it. A search with Google shows several UK sites reporting…
JohnCMar 4, 00:00 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I think you overcomplicate it there Zelazek: Trump is outspokenly right-wing. And the Left absolutely hate people like him with…
Some great replies to the race baiting sky news
I enjoy it when someone digs up the coloured prison population Line. I think I know what they’d find if they dug down on what colour the criminals’ victims were … there are an awful lot of coloured boys hurting and killing other coloured boys ….
But that’s a bit of uncomfortable research for the wokes to even think of ….
Fed, one of the reasons Kent is in Tier 3, is that the Isle of Sheppey has a huge prison population, and presumably the visitors come and go as they please!
Like anywhere else in the country, the villages just carry on as normal, although who’d have thought that Tunbridge Wells was such a dangerous place to visit! Luckily, we avoid our poll tax HQ, because it’s an awful place nowadays, and apart from getting new glasses, we never go there, like millions of others I assume…
(If you walk into the small arcade opposite the station, there is a remote BBC office with a table and a microphone in full display of us oiks. That’s enough to make you rush off to the nearest boozer…)!
Radio4 this morning
9am Woke Saturday : with Mica Paris etc.
10am Black comedian Desiree Burch and historian Dr Michell Chresfield discuss American spy hero and abolitionist Harriet Tubman
16:15pm WH : Ozlem Cekic, one of the first Muslim women with an immigrant background to enter Danish parliament about confronting racists
17:30pm Nick Robinson talks to Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoc
18:15pm *Mica Paris* second appearance
black saxophonist YolanDa Brown, Black screenwriter : Juliet Gilkes Romero, Radio3 BAME presenter/ biographer Kevin Le Gendre
+ woke comedian Richard Herring +2 white muscians
23:00pm Panel show features : Nikesh Shukla Writer: BROWN BABY: A MEMOIR OF RACE, FAMILY AND HOME
What about a one off BBC 4 radio program called “Men’s Hour”. One hour of bullshit about inspirational weightlifters. Powerlifting accountants of butch male icons with male warrior mentality and incredibly courageous resistance to girl power.
Men’s Hour had about 50 episodes between 2010-2015
It was pretty woke
Women’s Hour has 200 episodes a year plus 50 weekend compilation episodes (That’s just the Radio version
not counting the daily Vic Derbyshire TV Show and the daily R5 Emma Barnett show )
I listened to the item about the Danish MP “confronting racists”
and ever the framing embedded in the headline didn’t stand up to reality.
To the BBC presenters dismay the first thing the MP said she suddenly realised it was her that had a lot of prejudices
‘ I realised that immigrants in Denmark have the bus pull up20m past them , they assume the driver is racist and this is not the case.
The guy who was supposed to be racist invited me round for coffee had the same coffee cups as my mother
it was all about coming to understanding’ etc.
Dark times indeed at the Black Broadcasting Company
7pm Channel4 : Plymouth : Alice Roberts
explores the story of England’s ‘Golden Age’,
from Sir Francis Drake to the Spanish Armada,
allows for an uncompromising look at the wealth he earned through piracy and slave trading.”
But he was black – wasn’t he?
He was black only when he was doing amazing achievements.
But when he was doing bad things he was white.
This is the new way to think. And the Beeb are happy to embrace it.
Oh it’s on at 8:30pm not 7pm
No, my correction was wrong
It is on at 7pm
cos the Gran Prix has caused the schedule to be changed.
OK they quickly dealt with the points
paraphrase ‘Plymouth was well situated for undercover stuff
one of the guys exploiting this was Hawkins, and his cousin Drake
Hawkins had worked out that there were better designs of boat shallower and faster
When Spain’s trouble and its Netherlands colony rebelling started that was a vast opportunity
They helped the Dutch rebels and *pirated Spanish ships*’
The thing is the Spanish used slow fat ships.
Hawkins had gone out further to Spain’s transatlantic route captured Portuguese ship with slaves and profited ..the first British slavery. Hawkins cousin Drake also came on the scene
He goes right around the world attacking Spanish colonies
claiming California ..dropping 3 Africans in Indonesia.
‘ The Elizabethans were poor and liked this wealth gain, but the Queen knew the Spanish would hit back with their massive Navy’
‘Drake was acting like a pirate but secretly Queen sponsored
..so 1587 he goes down to Cadiz and does a pre-emptive attack.
(The Queen is kinda keeping her distance, but getting a huge commission of the plundered stuff.
When the Spanish came back up to Plymouth with their attack
bad luck and faster English boats defeated them
.. absolute unexpected catastrophe for them.. They are no longer masters of the sea.
.. Drake and Hawkins do another Caribbean trip but end up dying there.’
More good news from Alex Belfield…
A baseless claim…

Bill Gates must have hacked your image coding
(The site it was on doesn’t allow third parties to embed it)
So how come I can see it twice?
You have previously claimed that the BBC website doesn’t allow embedding (after I have done just that).
Could it be that sometimes there is a ‘fault’ at your end but you always assume that if it doesn’t work for you it doesn’t work for anyone else?
@JimS Cos you are the second party
since you have an account there it shows up on your PC but not ours.
Yes I am assuming when it doesn’t work on 2 devices here (Windows 10 and Android), that it isn’t just a fault at my end.
Plus only 1 person liked your post, whereas other posts from the same time have 8 likes.
Previously BBC embedding hasn’t worked from the library computers
So instead I lift the BBC images from Twitter.
BBC embedding lets try it

That doesn’t show up for me
BTW some bbc,co,uk images do work for me , but not those at https://ichef.bbci.co.uk
Self-censorship … Very interesting
As always the question is. “Qui Bono?”
Someone unsurprising posts in favour of a Trump claim.
Then someone equally unsurprising leaps in to attack it.
Who checks the checkers?
Hence the ratings.
Hope John gets another gig soon.
There’s only one Steve McQueen I think of when I hear that name, and he certainly ain’t black !
Isn’t the black one guilty of cultural appropriation?
Yep Small Axe didn’t make the top 15 for BBC
13 of the top15 struggle to get to 10% of UK population (5m to 6.7m)
Yet Strictly in the top2 spots is miles ahead, Sunday episode takes about 18% of UK population
Small Axe got 1.5m, 1.1m, 1.2m viwers apparently
So 98% of UK people didn’t watch.
BBC Newsbeat
Now, we don’t want to take what pleasures there are left in 2020, but your chicken burger could be contributing to deforestation.
A new investigation has linked British chicken to forests being cleared for agriculture in Brazil
The evidence for that opening sentence is baseless.
Especially when promptly followed by ‘could’.
BBC pundit dropped for using the term handbags at dawn. Ah yes, footie, increasingly becoming a live metaphor for the BBC itself. Intertwined like a pair of deluded lovers living on a diet of political correctitude and prawn sarnies. They both love their Maradona eulogies as well. Ah, bless! conjugal bliss!
Must be very tricky for commentators – increasingly lowing quality – deciding what words can’t be used. – a suspicious person might think that the BBC is using this as a vehicle to get rid of white ageing knowledgable chaps to be replaced by you know what …
Is this just Turley being unrealistically optimistic, or has his assessment got merit?
“BREAKING! PA Judge Rules Election UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Effectively Gives State to TRUMP!!!”
Fingers crossed. The BBC saw events VERY differently !!!
As they would . But I have read a awful lot of positive news from the Trump perspective .
This legal stuff way above my head but getting positive vibes ????
Yet MSM run with
Trump loses appeal in Pennsylvania: “Calling an election unfair does not make it so”
Whoever runs with headlines which don’t acknowledge there are at least 2 lawsuits is deceiving.
Secondly the only win that counts is the final one at the supreme court.
Democrats will be trying to have cases thrown out or defeat them at the Supreme court.
They will have a mountain of Kompromat to influence people.
I see a Trump route to victory
He let them play the mail in vote game
then afterwards he tries to get mail in votes removed.
If the BBC asked the Democrats if there was any evidence of electoral fraud. The Democrats would say “The DNC/CIA/FBI/GCHQ looked into the computers for Russians voting for Trump, but didn’t find any, so they added lots of phantom dead people who voted for Biden” The dead people where patriotic Americans, not evil Russian Jews, so there is no evidence to show the US election was fraudulent.
Please excuse ze accent, but it appears that ze French are going to double ze number of Gendarmes patrolling beaches to ensure that ze number of migrants crossing to ze UK is reduced to neant. Apparently Pritti ad a virtual meeting to discuss with er French counterpart, who was not taking an extended lunch our at ze time.
Brilliant timing, now ze weather as changed and our friendly invaders ave abandoned that choppy uncomfortable crossing and will now be arriving by ferry, train or aeroplane. We can expect excellent results in zis matter. So dinghy crossings down but other methods up.
So…. no change really.
Often, now, pretty much the case.
Never finish a question
Use ‘some say ‘ when really it’s me
If a victim tries to answer – interrupt
If the victim tries to make a point – interrupt
If you are losing say ‘we’re pushed for time ‘
Ask something completely outside the remit of the victim
If you are being put in your place say ‘and now the weather ‘…
And of course – when you are finished with the victim ask Laura for her version of what was just said to distort any non approved BBC views behind the back of the victim – then say – now the sport from sajit …
She really is a joke.
Hmmm. I’d describe anyone who happily pays the TV tax as having fallen down the rabbit hole. That being so, is Marianna (aged 24 and a bit) going to come to their rescue?
Answers on a stamped addressed selfie to the usual address.
I’m sure she has learnt a lot in those 24 years ….
As far as the information I have. The Vaccines are only dangerous if they have aluminium or mercury preservatives in them. Also, the Chinese flue is twice as dangerous as a typical annual flue outbreak, and the same as Asian flue and Hong Kong flue, and 400 times weaker than Spanish flue. The economic and social damage is caused by a heavy political and mainstream media overreaction and propaganda by people who first used computer projections to produce fear about the climate change hoax and now use computer projections to sow fear of death by Covid, to justify taking away freedoms. The daily death rate is 1,600. Most of those people were already in hospital. So if a third of those, died with Covid, then its possible that the death rate for 2020 wont be higher than 2018. Big Pharma also don’t like to talk about the two cheap anti-inflammatory drugs and two cheap anti-viral drugs and the currant cheap flue jab, being effective enough to bring Covid down to as harmless, as the common cold that killed my granny in the 90‘s. We live with coercive laws typical of a fascist state, were those exempt from wearing masks in shops are the Children most likely to spread the Virus and those most likely to die of the Virus.
Now we have Boris Churchill behaving like Stalin or Hitler, using the Police to enforce coercive laws and needing the Labour Party to force through more coeherisive laws. I wonder if Boris is doing this because he needs to deflect the Plebs from being let down over Brexit?
In contrast to Nazi Germany, In Churchill’s Britain, mask wearing and going to the air raid shelter were voluntary. The reaction to Asian Flue and Hong Kong flue was like what was in the Great Barrington Declaration.
Stop controlling us, Boris. We want freedom from the EU, your Covid hysteria, and your loony Green Climate madness. The World is also talking about two Political prisoners in Britain called Julian Assange and Tommy Robinson.
The BBC’s “Specialist Disinformation Reporter”…
Um, that’s pretty much all of them at the Beeb, isn’t it?
Isn’t it great ? The minister fir strong statements has announced that the French are to double their channel patrols – from one corrupt copper to two –
This means double the number of illegals will be escorted over – better build some more hotels ….
Travelodge rebranded as Channelodge.
And the Holiday Inn at Cheriton being renamed as ‘The Bollyday Inn’…
Looks to me that Coop are saying questioning disproportionate OVER-representation in TV adverts is #WrongThink
Their thread
#StandAgainstRacism like #BLM is an ambush name
cos of the way it takes an honourable ideas and uses them as a shield whilst pushing lefty dogma and agendas
…. eg smear labelling people who oppose Labour (who the Coop fund and are closely associated with), thus clearing the way for Labour’s own chosen people.
Oh where it started Guardianland ruling over both white & non-white working class
then saying “look over there racism”
Looks like the didn’t succeed in blackmailing Morrisons into the campaign
The Guardian explain, but don’t allow comments
BTW beneath the tweet there is a lot of school bully gang behaviour from the #BeKind people ..being snarly and labelling people “gammon” , “racist” etc.
The Mirror doing its bit.
Well, for project fear.
The sad old Grauniad is going to be renamed as ‘The Big Issue’ from now on.
Every little snippett of leftie gossip has a tag at the end wanting ‘a pound’ for their continuing existence, yet they claim to be listened to by millions of people all over the world!
That’s an awful lot of Beeboids, hanging on to their drivel, and reproducing the stuff as their own!
Expect Bill on the BBC panels for this one.
He’s wild.
So competing supermarkets adverts back-to-back disproportionately un-white adverts during two primetime slots on Channel 4 on Friday evening,
I wonder if they had much of an audience
Commenters point out that far from been united in goodness
It was a force of badness that intimidated the supermarkets into complying or risk action from wokemob.
ie supermarkets were blackmailed into it.
Indeed their is a tone of tweets “where were you Morrisons ?”
Steph and team wokesplain to us
(MO misrepresent/monster-label/sneer)
Strange how these outfits try to out woke each other and thereby make the most inattentive notice something not quite right ( white ) is going on – and setting back relations between colours quite a bit – we re just learning to cover up our prejudices better ….
A fictionalised victimhood based on the internal workings of America ..
Fed, further up the page do you see Jim’s cartoon twice (2:46pm)
or does it fail to show the first time ?
I can’t see it, but maybe it works on Apple or something.
Oh and below that can you see the BBC graphic that I say doesn’t work for me ?
No I can’t see anything at 2.46 pm ….
The Wisconsin recount going Biden’s way. Not looking good folks.
My morning dose of Dr Turley’s optimism wore off quickly today.
IF they trick counted it the first time, they’ll trick count it the secondtime
The bigger issue is the fake postal votes etc.
and postal votes that arrived after election day, so should not have been counted.
Agree totally Stew about bad counts before equalling bad counts after.
One point though, it’s not necessarily when the ballots were received but when they were postmarked. A ballot postmarked on or before election day can be counted even if it is received after election day.
Each state sets the cutoff for receiving a postal vote, for example this year Maryland (where I voted) counts ballots received by 13 November if postmarked on or before 8pm November 3 (Election Day).
Stew, I realise that the recount methods might not be very satisfactory, but two points a) Trump paid for this recount, b) Dr Turley had very high high hopes of the result and had expressed them in last few videos.
This could be a huge blow to the morale of the Trump Campaign.
It reminds me a bit of when the Exorcet hit HMS Sheffield during the Falklands war. It was a hard blow to take when all and sundry were saying that Britain couldn’t hope to retake the Falklands and urging surrender all along.
Let’s hope Trump and his supporters can do a’ ‘Maggie’ and see it through to victory.
Thanks Stew, that was quick and what I wanted to hear.
Shear coincidence, I’d actually already posted it before you pressed send
Interesting the warning comes up in bold red
it’s like Twitter is making Trump where a yellow star on his arm
Norman is coming around
as the retired police spokesman he’s always steadfastly defended the police
The one that got away
Interesting difference in policing ‘ styles’ when it came to the coloured protesters demanding plod take a knee – ive come to rooting for the one who got away …
Never mind the muslims outside the embassy a few weeks ago.
I think their senior command only looks as far as the next contract renewal / medal so are not concerned about loss of public consent – which I think is eroding at about the same level as that for the BBC …
Cadwalladr is continuing her libel defence
but seems to have criticised the judge
Not normally a good legal move.
“Covid: More than 150 arrests at London anti-lockdown protest”
The Met Police appear to treat the anti-lockdown protesters far more harshly than they did with the Antifa, Extinction Rebellion and BLM protesters . Why ?
“Channel crossings: More officers to patrol French beaches”
What has been surrendered by Great Britain to get the French to do this ? I looks a bit ‘fishy’ to me.
How will Boris go down in the history books, Humpty Dumpty?
An agreement with the French! I’ve never heard such nonsense.
Only disagreements with the French are possible. Priti should learn some British History, REAL British History (and you don’t get that from Al Beeb)
How many of you are still paying the Telly Tax ?
The tax that robs from the poor to give to the rich .
What’s the latest on Carole Cadwalladr?
Over to All Beeb for the latest news…………………….
Apparently Dominion voting machines burn remarkably well…
According to this BBC report
The lying BBC continues to pretend that Sleepy Joe won fair and square, and if you think otherwise you’re a swivel-eyed conspiracy theorist – and probably a fascist to boot.
But what’s this? The reputable Spectator – no friend of Trump’s – agrees that the results are very fishy indeed. And the writer is a pollster!
Some extracts below and links to the article below that.
“Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling”
…I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling. I also think that the Trump campaign is still well within its rights to contest the tabulations. Something very strange happened in America’s democracy in the early hours of Wednesday November 4 and the days that followed. It’s reasonable for a lot of Americans to want to find out exactly what.
First, consider some facts. President Trump received more votes than any previous incumbent seeking reelection. He got 11 million more votes than in 2016…
Trump’s vote increased so much because, according to exit polls, he performed far better with many key demographic groups. Ninety-five percent of Republicans voted for him. He did extraordinarily well with rural male working-class whites…
…Florida, Ohio and Iowa each defied America’s media polls with huge wins for Trump…
Atypical voting patterns married with misses by polling and non-polling metrics should give observers pause for thought. Adding to the mystery is a cascade of information about the bizarre manner in which so many ballots were accumulated and counted.
The following peculiarities also lack compelling explanations:
1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities. Counting generally continued without the observers
2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio
3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions
4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures
5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’
6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing
7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes
8. Serious ‘chain of custody’ breakdowns. Invalid residential addresses. Record numbers of dead people voting. Ballots in pristine condition without creases, that is, they had not been mailed in envelopes as required by law
9. Statistical anomalies. In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened.
If you think that only weirdos have legitimate concerns about these findings and claims, maybe the weirdness lies in you.
Patrick Basham is director of The Democracy Institute
““Reasons why the 2020 presidential election is deeply puzzling”
…I am a pollster and I find this election to be deeply puzzling.”
Clearly he’s no good at being a, “pollster” and he’s now trying his luck as a journalist.
“Deeply puzzling” = can’t be bothered to research effectively.
Suggestion? – try looking through the texts of the cases submitted to various courts / judicial bodies……………….
An agreement with the French ??
I have never forgiven them for the way they talked to King Arthur:
Lurch and BS are up and about.
Plus of course their core audience, mommy collapso.
Karen managed floors.
No longer.
Will she go off and write her book about how terrible the BBC is ?
She will – but it’s part of her gratuity that the BBC will buy it off her for £££££££ and she’ll use it to purchase a well appointed bolthole in The Dordogne
Quite a lively discussion on twitter about the treatment people get when they leave a job theyve had for a long time …
BBC News doing its bit to see migrants across the Channel divert immediately for Aberdeen Harbour.
“Hong Kong’s leader has said she keeps “piles of cash” at home as she has no bank account due to sanctions imposed on her by the US.”
Mr and Mrs C chillin by the open, inefficient fire with the Lab.
There’s a knock at the door.
A small, gaunt, Swedish girl stands outside.
She’s not happy (frankly she never is).
She looks up, points, and says…..
Burning logs = air pollution
Nicky thinks of himself as an eco-warrior, and blocks you if you question his green dogma.
Sopel has a long – long – piece in the free Mailonline today about the ‘isolated’ president trump . There is little fact – plenty of hearsay .
I wondered how the bbc is going to deal with mr trump should he be defrauded of the win . Well we are starting to see the answer – they are running ‘downfall ‘ the film about Hitler in the bunker …
But of course – there is no mention of Biden being kept in a bunker during the election – few interviews – sparce public visits . We can understand why now – the democrats were putting their efforts and money into controlling the vote counting and stealing an election on a national scale .
( there is no evidence for the above comment and the account has been suspended and first born slaughtered )
Little fact… plenty of heresay?
Send for….
So, Ms. Spring, what do you make of this?
It’s standard for vaccine manufacturers to be exempt
then government uses its own vaccine compensation fund to pay out £millions each year.
(vaccines are still almost 100% safe)
Testing positive for Covid 19 is almost 100% safe too.
One for that famous JezBo ‘analysis’?
Maybe Marianna could investigate too.
Nice selfie – have they got one with marradona as well ?
Cocaine futures take a dip…
By the way – for those of a Christian persuasion – happy 1st day of Advent – so that excludes BBC staff ..
And 32 days until we cut away from their EU
You’ll be keeping Advent as a fast, I assume?
Inference based on assumption.
BBC editorial gold dust.
It’s Sunday. So instead of Toady we have Toady on Sunday.
It used to be a religious programme. Now ……?
You judge. Here are today’s main features.
1. Interview with Sikhs who are hurt by their turbans or patkas being removed at school by joshing fellow pupils.
2. Interview on an inaudible internet line about the death of…Maradona (FFS x10)
3. Long interview with a transgender pastor from the United Reform Church who was feeling hurt about something. This rather evasive talk was immediately followed by, to be fair, an utterly incomprehensible response from the Bishop of Coventry.
If the BBC have no ideas at all for decent features for the main population of this country and can only dredge up and play the woke snowflake card about hurt feelings of tiny minorities then why not just close the programme down and put it out of its misery.
Sluff, I agree. Sunday is not a religious programme anymore. It as an abomination. That transgender pastor was feeling “unsafe” and demanded protection from the Bishop of Coventry. What he/she was really asking for was the suppression of free speech, that any criticism of her perversions and delusions be banned.
I don’t buy these claims of feeling “unsafe” anyway. We are all protected by the law, the threat of legal punishment deterring others from attacking us. That is sufficient. If we feel some more immediate and specific threat, we should call the police. The kind of people who whine about being “unsafe” are never in danger; they just don’t like being criticised or having their opinion challenged. The Bishop of Coventry ought to have told that transgender pastor to man up.
Sluff – I think there is a charter requirement for 2 religious programmes on Sunday – but when the charter is dumped in 2027 the Newly independent BBC can do a pay to listen ‘ view on these programmes can’t they ?…..
I must have been channelling Sleepy Joe Biden this morning. Glancing at the Observer frontpage sub-headings to their Michael Gove “overwhelmed NHS” story, I thought for a moment I had read: ‘Dinghy hospitals remark fuels row’
“Will you shut up man” I thought. Yes, we all know illegal migrants have been flooding into the country unopposed on rubber boats and the French are taking the piss, but think of the bad press you’ll get. The cries of racist! The BBC will be down on you like a ton of bricks. All that good work Princess Nut Nuts did for Boris in his bring your wife to work week – all gone for a burton. Didn’t you see that memo David Cameron wrote and Theresa May had laminated which they left in the top drawer of the PM’s desk in No10: “Top Tory objective: strive for a good write up from the BBC”
I focus properly on the Observer story and correct myself. The remark was made not by Gove but by Nadine Dorres, it was an off the record statement made privately to a group of MPs, Dorres denies she used the phrase, and anyway the words were “Dark and Dingy” – not Dinghy. And there’s no suggestion – as yet – she was being racist. Even with the dark bit. Phew…!
The point being the angels over there at our sainted NHS reckon those Nightingale hospitals flung up at huge cost, to supposedly relieve pressure on the NHS, don’t provide a good enough backdrop for the staff TikToks – or some such.
The upshot of: ‘Angry Tory MPs turn on Gove after “overwhelmed” NHS claims’ (Observer) is simply that Boris has kicked the end of lockdown madness can a few more weeks down the road: ‘Virus tiers could end in 9 weeks, MPs told’ (Telegraph)
Excuse me while I open this golden envelope…. The AsISeeIt press photo of the year award goes to the Sunday Times for their pic of a gang of burly coppers clapping Santa in handcuffs. Caption reads: ‘An anti-lockdown protester is arrested in central London yesterday…’ Or as I might title it, sticking with the festive theme – “Pigs in blanket clampdown”
This one I didn’t make up: ‘Army spies take on antivax militants’ (Times).
This one I did make up: “Turkey PM stuffs British freedoms – as Brussels look on”
Has Paxo considered coming out of retirement?
‘No-deal Brexit is “underpriced” No10 warns’ (Telegraph) – seriously, Brexit is the only thing now preventing us from burning Boris in effigy – and I hope he knows it.
Here’s another golden envelope. The AsISeeIt special award for most tenuous excuse for putting a picture of an actress on the front page of a national newspaper, goes to… The Sunday Telegraph: ‘Doctor in distress: Whittaker tells of anxiety’ – has Jodie seen the dire viewing figures for her last car crash overly woke Doctor Who series? Has she read the hate… I mean fan… mail? She appears in a coverall dark green frock, looking alarmingly like medical scrubs. In my Sleepy Joe Biden mode, unable to focus properly on the teleprompt, I thought for a moment the Telegraph had done some aren’t they fab, our overworked female docs piece.
But no. The story is about our overwoke Jode, whose: ‘…anxiety has “skyrocketed” in the pandemic. Living in London with her husband and daughter, five, she fears the “worst case scenario” of giving her loved ones Covid-19’ – I attempt to envisage anyone actually using the phrase “Covid-19” in such circumstances and find I simply cannot sufficiently suspend disbelief. However, full marks to Jodie’s agent, really earning his 10% getting her on the frontpage.
Just as well, I forsee a certain “regeneration” in her future.
Sounds like you need to get back in the bunker ! And very brave starting the awards season so early – Princess Jodie must be due for a refit – the first coloured Dr Who – it is inevitable – I favour the Rasta bloke in a wheelchair who gets rolled out the BBC / C4 when they need to get the tick box done …. making the tardis wheelchair accessible will be a challenge – but makes it more even when fighting the darleks
( by the way – before any lost woke types have a go about mocking wheel chairs – I have full combat experience of pushing wheel chairs and the level of fitness and concentration required to do so )….
When wee Wally goes low road, Groper can go lower.
Free deep fried Mars bars for all Scots school children – courtesy of subsidies from the evil English Taxpayer again ….
The Marr Show has a guests list
Sturgeon has been on 26 times in the last 6 years
14 in the last 3
4 this year (including this one)
Too much to ask fir her to be kept on BBC Scotland which I understand is SNP broadcasting channel…and no one watches
BBC News
“I’m willing to step into the fire.”
As a young actress, Jane Fonda was winning awards, protesting, and getting arrested.
Now as an 82-year-old, the focus of her activism is the environment. (via 100 Women) bbc.in/3o3QPhv
Not in areas where BLM is kicking off, obvs.
Priti Useless ties up (another) deal with the French. The French cannot be trusted. But let’s see what happens next year.
Convenient eh?. A so-called, “Deal” arrives conveniently when the winter is, of itself, going to stop channel crossings by flimsy rubber boats……………
That alone will keep news of crossings off the news headlines and it can then be quietly forgotten about
Neither Priti nor any member of this government intend to reduce the number of men of military age coming to this country.
‘Men of military age’
Woke LeftMob translation
‘Vulnerable children fleeing persecution’..
From France.
Can’t really blame the French, as it’s our fault for attracting the immigrants. We’re like a dumb neighbour feeding rats in our garden.
Time and time again Migration Watch spell out the facts and figures in a moderate and reasonable way – but to no avail.
See Population Growth – Main Points and An Asylum System Overwhelmed and Abused.
Strains on the asylum system – worsened by significant abuse – are threatening to overwhelm the system. In the midst of ballooning budgets, falling productivity, rising backlogs and disintegrating enforcement, asylum abuse is too often being used as a ‘backdoor’ route into the UK by those whose identities it is extremely difficult to properly verify because those entering clandestinely (e.g. in small boats across the Channel) often destroy documentation prior to arrival. This is not only a huge security risk. It is also unfair to genuine claimants and a grave affront to law-abiding UK people who expect that the system they fund will be set aside to help only those in the most genuine need. Such a system must have adequate safeguards against abuse. Yet, as a Minister stated recently: “[The legal system]… is quite frankly not fit for purpose in this area when it comes to asylum and immigration enforcement matters. We are often frustrated by repeatedly vexatious legal claims, often made at the last minute with the express intention of frustrating the proper application of the law.”
Despite this, government actions do not appear to have significantly deterred such abuse (and may have tacitly encouraged it), including through a failure (despite repeated promises to the contrary) to stem unauthorised arrivals via small boats and lorries (both of which have risen recently – as recently confirmed by ICIBI). The vast majority of those entering in such a way go on to claim asylum after being encountered by officials. A clear promise by the Prime Minister to ‘send back’ those entering in this way appears to have largely fallen flat, with 3% returned since the start of 2019. There has also been a deliberate drawback in enforcement as a matter of policy, for instance through the declining use of detention. Some HO staff believe more use should be made of detention in order to ensure better enforcement of the rules.
One presumes the ‘some’ HO staff who want better controls are few and far between (as a result of recruitment ‘initiatives’ by HR Common Purpose drones), and the ‘policy’ makers all fancy a seat at Davos, or wherever the big boys meet nowadays.
What’s going on in China?
Take the video to about, 14.15 to see what sort of money china has invested in US Press publications and then tell me it is impossible for the chinese to be a part of the current fraudulent election.
Official claims : China reports 11 new COVID-19 cases vs six a day earlier
plus 114 in Hong Kong
Meanwhile official Chinese media makes grand claims about UK and US data
like saying that 4% of Americans have it
(1 in 25 Americans infected with COVID-19)
The actual article says 1 in 25 have had, over all time, not right now.
Wanting to catch the weather on BBC just before noon.
Caught 30 seconds of Dateline . And wouldn’t you know it, it was only 30 seconds but it was entirely anti Trump !!!!
They just CANNOT help themselves !!!!
Link was missing a backslash
Cheers Stew. Tablet crashed before could amend .
In the United States Bill Still is revealing as yet “unverified” reports that American special forces were sent to Frankfurt to seize election servers from CIA operatives. This they accomplished and the computers are now safely back in the US. Some soldiers were killed in carrying out the exercise.
Foreign troops opening fire on German soil? Sounds like a declaration of war on a major European country to me, if it were true. Which it clearly isn’t because Angela Merkel hasn’t expelled any American diplomats.
Could be Fake News ?
The co-ordinated persecution of TR continues.
Drip, drip, drip. Chip, chip, chip.
He is back in court tomorrow.
No doubt this is all in the ‘public interest’ (not).
Strange : so TR detained an alleged perv who is been prosecuted for perving by the CPS
police arrested TR for giving the guy a bloody nose whilst detaining him and dropped his charge to ABH, thus avoiding the CPS and a jury trial
An outside judge is being brought in to judge the trial.
TR claims that reporting will criticise him, but with withhold the info about the alleged perv, due to the need to not prejudice the later trial.
Surely press can’t report at all on the TR trial, cos the outcome will prejudice the later trial ?