Radio4 today
23 progs have the (r) for repeat next to them.
Those that don’t include the news progs and Desert Island Discs, the Poetry prog and not much else.
As we approach the season when Christians should be especially even more charitable and giving I would like to provide the BBC with an early NEWS present even though I know they don’t really do all NEWS.
The following from Reuters.
ZABARMARI, Nigeria (Reuters) – Villagers in northeast Nigeria’s Borno state on Sunday buried 43 farmers killed in an attack by suspected Islamist militants while security forces searched for dozens of people who are still missing. Roughly 30 of the men killed were also beheaded in the attack, which began on Saturday morning in Zabarmari village in northeast Borno state. Residents said a total of 70 people are feared dead.
While no group claimed responsibility, such massacres have been carried out in the past by Boko Haram or the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP). They are both active in the region, where Islamic militants have killed at least 30,000 people in the past decade.
Merry Christmas BBC. I may be able to find a few more presents to help you.
There was a report on the BBC earlier from a member of SAGE warning us about Christmas, fear mongering about January and stating the rules should not be amended for Xmas.
The BBC lap it up.
Isn’t it odd how every “leading” scientist the BBC get are always the fear promoting ones.
There are of course, many, “leading” scientist who have the differing view but you will not see them on the BBC . Just doesn’t suit the narrative of fear so BBC not interested.
The “leading” scientists are all, like the government, fully paid-up members of the Great Reset clique. The “science” is unimportant. What IS important, is the the plebs being frightened into submission, and doing as they’re told, without demur. Therefore, the MSM are fully on-board, too, and are encouraged to broadcast the message, without there being room for scientific dissenters.
And we, like sheep, lap it up, unquestioningly.
The bulk of the population in the Former UK, and elsewhere, have been turned. Why people are so gullible, defeats me – particularly when they have been warned, all along, what’s happening.
French citizens, however, manifestly have other ideas – those ideas should be rapidly catching on in the Former UK, but alas all people seem able to do, is walk around, and shout. The police should be put under a bitlot more pressure…
You live and learn.
From a Beeb ‘feature’. There are about 10 of these features and at least 6 show a non white face. This one under the title of ‘I didn’t know other LGBT Muslims existed’
Shaz (I’m guessing that’s not an abbreviation of Sharon) who is Muslim says she didn’t know there were other people like her until she joined a social media platform where she now has 30,000 followers one year after joining.
TikTok is now her “safe space”, she says. Personally I prefer the shed or the garage and sometimes under the dining room table, but each to their own
Shaz and other LGBT Muslims have been using it to talk about their identity and connect a community, as BBC LGBT correspondent Ben Hunte reports.
I can’t really say I’m that interested or bothered until it gets shoved in my face. The only real concern is that I last thought it was not LGBT, but LGBTQ. I’m either out of touch (tut tut) or perhaps Q has broken away and the Beeb not only has an LGBT correspondent, but also a Q correspondent. One of life’s mysteries.
There is no BBC section marked “Features”
but I do know what you mean
There is usually a bar on a news page marked “Watch/Listen” wtih a number of these woke videos
I think they use a hidden tag “curated topic” but it doesn’t show up on a search.
The videos are almpst always NOT news but rather magazine type clips.
R4 Book prog
– East German author says how good lefe was in East Germany
… she went onto to talk about a Syrian illegal, who she said was her great inspiration
– Then a discussion about Zamian’s We the Bolshevik era prelude to 1984
.. Margaret Attwood ended by saying Trump is a totalitarian
Why are people still supporting Boros Johnson when his party are now more of a lefty party and no longer Conservative.
Why are people supporting Tier Starmer when his party are extreme left wing and no longer Labour.
Why would anybody support the Liberal Democrat’s who are neither liberals or democrats.
It’s all ready for Nigel.
The whole of the right wing (and the centre) is there for the taking.
I just hope that for the next GE our government/politicians don’t get the dominion voting machines because it would be pointless voting as the machines would be pre-programmed (probably labour’s turn next)
Maybe people are supporting the whole parliament due to generous furlough handouts, plus the printed money inflating housing and stock bubbles ,
Shorter answer– self interest.
“people are still supporting Boris Johnson ”
.. who is ?
apart from a few Tory MP’s who hope to get a kickback party donation from green energy firms who hope to get SUBSIDY £s
In Japan, government statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 has over the entire year to date. The monthly number of Japanese suicides rose to 2,153 in October, according to Japan’s National Police Agency. As of Friday, Japan’s total Covid-19 toll was 2,087, the health ministry said.
“On the day that Joe Biden past the magic number of 270 votes in the electoral college with victory in Pennsylvania, the president had announced to his 80+ million Twitter followers that there would be an important news conference from his legal team at the Four Seasons, Philadelphia. ”
My understanding is that the Electoral College votes are expected to be tabulated in the first week of January in a joint meeting between the two houses of congress.
Is ‘the beauty’ spreading ‘fake news’? Mariella please advise.
Cos #Diversity means airing the same London mates again and again
tonight on Sky Arts
: Melvyn Bragg talks to black author Bernardine Evaristo,
the first black woman to win the Booker Prize
Her book .. interconnected short stories following the lives of 12 characters, mainly black women.
She also talks about her childhood in south London
and “the creative influences that inspired her to become . . . a powerful voice for equality and diversity”.
Tonights countryfile was the hippy tree hugger special
6:15pm BBC One – Countryfile, Plant Britain
The launch of an ambitious project to get us all planting to help combat climate change.
Tweet from the PR agency of the Big Green hedgefund
Prince of Wales throws his support behind Countryfile campaign to plant 750,000 trees in effort to tackle climate change: via @PA
“Countryfile launches Plant Britain, an ambitious two-year challenge to get us all planting to help combat climate change and at the same time, boost our wellbeing and wildlife.”
Nothing original just a rehash of the seventies campaigns:
Plant a tree in 73
Plant one more in 74
At least they could think up slogans in the old day.
BBC 1 Countryfile is having a Climate Crisis special.
They have linked up with the increasingly LeftMob politicised National Trust to go for virtue-signalling gold and plant some woodland. They have signed up lots of little children who are suitably on-message.
It is just total pious wall-to-wall ‘virtue’.
They’ve signed up the Prince of Wales and the …..wait for it……Dalai Lama.
Absolutely disgraceful biased waste of licence fee money.
Pass the razor blades.
I switched on Countryfile in time to see the miniature forest as it was described. It was the size of a tennis court and I would have called it a small copse. I also saw the presenter in a wheelchair, (have I identified him by his disability and is it allowed?) interviewing someone planting trees. He asked how many trees were planted in a day. The answer was 1500. The planter responded, ‘that’s a lot of trees’ but it highlighted the depth of the questioning. Then the programme went to Hackney. I thought the programme was called Countryfile not inner city file.
Just to finish off, one day or two the weather this week will be ‘below par’, referring to temperature. I assume weather is 50% of the time ‘below par’ by definition.
Perhaps you can tell that I really shouldn’t bother watching Countryfile.
No diazepam, Sluff – we keep that for our epileptic dog…but Mrs C watches country file “for the weather” and I’m hitting the vin rouge a bit harder than usual. It is a truly vile programme. Cheers.
BBC Staff activist roles at The Wildlife Trust
BBC censured anti-meat prog presenter Liz Bonnin is President
Gillian Burke presenter of (season) Watch is Vice President.
@BBCStudios tweeted about her NEW job
Natural History Unit reveal Penguins: Meet the Family narrated by @lizbonnin
Meerkat: A Dynasties Special narrated by Sir David Attenborough
Presenter of biased BBC meat farms film wins wildlife campaigning role @BBCtrending Strange that the BBC continues to lose listeners and viewers across the age groups as they lose confidence in its reporting and activism by reporters continues
More than 1,300 people who gave samples between 19 and 23 November received positive results, when the tests were actually void.
That is a lot or errors
occasional errors can be expected, but those 1,300 might have lost salary and business cos they did the right thing and isolated.
If I was the head poobah of Al Beeb and my viewing and listening figures were falling like a dead parrot I would certainly find out why?
It would be embarrassing if that person was running a manufacturing company and its incoming was dropping and he did nothing about it .
What if you were the head poobah of of an organisation like the Al Beeb and you got paid no matter what the viewing figures were and you had a gold-plated pension to boot. You can do what the hell you want when the Government also don’t give a toss.
Mouse – what you say is part of the big problem . They should have been dealt with long ago . But I think Tory politicians of all varieties see it as more trouble than it’s worth ….
She was on The One Show a few days ago and kept mentioning “Bradford” about 20 times. “I’m from Bradford…”, “When I see my family in Bradford…”, “I love Bradford”, “Bradford is a great place…” etc.
I just flicked through the channels and was on BBC1 Countryfile for less than 30 seconds when Anita Rani pops up and says “Bradford” twice in 2 sentences.
During my youth,about 40 years ago, playing Rugby Union up North in Yorkshire, we used to play Bradford and Bingley, the team not the building society, and Bradford Salem. To pass the time driving from the M62 to Bradford we would play spot the white man. It was difficult then, God alone knows what it’s like now.
Cornwall : White imported rapist sentenced to 20 years for 3 rapes.
Clinton Ferreira, to me that name seems Portuguese, but he’s South African
and there is a small ethnic Portuguese population in South Africa.
I wonder how he came to be here since 2011.
Very true. Freight from Scotland full of delicious Scottish shellfish is driven to the South Coast, by ferry to France and then to its final destination, Spain. The lorries return empty bar an illegal or two
However on a positive note Mcdonalds, who heavily advertise the fact that their beef comes from England or Ireland neglect to mention that the fish burger thing they sell comes from the Bering Sea (It is real fish apparently- Alaskan Pollock). So we do import fish as well as terrorists.
Perhaps this mans immigration status is still being processed. It takes time to consider these matters.
In 2011 we didn’t have the Points system for Immigration (coming soon), which in years to come will be Pritti’s greatest achievement. Unfortunately that doesn’t say very much as it will be an abject failure/will not make a jot of difference.
For those wishing to claim asylum the Points System does not apply, which probably covers 90% of the illegal arrivals. Even those from war torn (?) Albania use the A word and they get to stay, at least long enough to abscond into their community. The snowflake brigade then try to stop deportation of any murderers, rapists and molesters on humanitarian grounds.
\\Covid and schools: ‘Children know things aren’t right’//
Al Beeb telling us the bleeding obvious. I am of the opinion that they get kids to write their headlines.
The recounts of Wisconsin’s two most populous counties (Milwaukee and Dane) has cost the Trump campaign $3 million. It has uncovered no evidence of electoral fraud. Instead it discovered some untabulated votes which have (net) broken for Biden.
The Wisconsin recount is not about finding mistakes in the count, it is about finding people who have voted illegally, and that case will be brought after the recount is over, on Monday or Tuesday. We have found many illegal votes. Stay tuned!
Pakistan thread about Catholic girl abducted
and other forced conversions.
Maira Shahbaz, 14, Catholic, was kidnapped at gunpoint, gang-raped and forced to marry a man 30 years her senior has begged Boris Johnson to grant her asylum in Britain after a Pakistani court ruled she be returned to her abductor #stopforcedconversions
Belgium court : Iranian diplomat on trial for huge bomb plot
Almost unbelievable accusation that he planned to kill 5 British MP and Rudy Giuliani
Now know why Iranian scientist assassinated. Poke the bear get bit.
Five British MPs and Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani cheated death when 'Iranian plot to blow up Paris rally with Mother of Satan bomb smuggled into Europe by diplomat was foiled'
O/T, but I was watching Channel 5 this afternoon, all the programmes were sponsored by a Dating Agency called “Match”. Unfortunately the people in the ads would be mismatched in the real world. Three ads, 1, black male, white female, 2, white male, black female, and 3, two females.
I see a future where the ‘community’ will police itself. Our locals are ready to do that and patrol the streets after dark in groups of three wearing hi-viz jackets and on a rota.
We are looking at the purchase of cctv which is now incredibly cheap and easy to install. (No authority is needed if viewing a public place).
What dealings we’ve had with the police amount to nothing of use. Not the fault of the front-line police individually, but their masters call the shots.
We’ve had police arresting anti-lockdown protesters by the score this weekend, the witness of Tommy Robinson in a video on this site to the duplicity of the police and justice system, and there is the recurring problem of Christian gospel preachers wrongly arrested. We also know of certain groups that seem to get a free pass on assembling. Do you think those “calling the shots” are within the Police, the security services or the Government?
I think it’s called the third column and its very very active in the UK media right now. There is a very determined effort to control the police and the media to bring about a revolution in the rights of ordinary UK citizens.
We are entering an age of darkness and duplicity. The average Joe will be needed to rise up against this before it’s too late, It just happened in the USA and it certainly headed our way now.
I managed to get behind The Spectator paywall today to be rewarded by a glorious article on Britain by Neil Oliver. It has been published elsewhere over the last 24 hours but to all those like myself who believe in Britain and that it should stay unified this should be a must read. I cannot recommend it highly enough. At a time when malign forces are trying to tear the UK apart it warms the heart.
I can’t link it from the Spectator and I can’t find where it has been published elsewhere but perhaps Stew or Roland can link it.
The BBC website seems to have morphed into Hello magazine, so many click bait stupid stories about absolutely F all apart from race baiting and celeb crap….
This is our National Broadcaster and it’s a disgrace….
Fedup2Mar 4, 07:15 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ukraine The msm seems surprised that president trump is pulling the plug on Ukraine . I don’t get that -…
Fedup2Mar 4, 06:59 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Tomo – I’ve been watching Cruz and Hawley and Kennedy regularly eviserserating federal judicial candidates put forward by Biden for…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:49 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sadly John, I think that it may be that those two groups have only a single standard, a glazed far-left…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:44 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Perfect example of a single-hammer roof structure, with obloid grunches, nibbled flangelets, perpendicular willy-braces, teeteekay phnarghs, decorated scrabsterites, knotted wanquers, plonkette tenants,…
ScrobleneMar 4, 06:27 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Morning Fed! Back in the eighties, I was working with a construction company and discovered rich pickings, building for the…
JohnCMar 4, 03:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 WTF is Trudeau doing in there ?. That is just a TDS convention. There is a LOT of hate, spite…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The Germans knew this was coming. They just did not know what city would be hit first. Here is Nuremberg…
atlas_shruggedMar 4, 01:04 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The roof looks in good nick. Just like the cathedral at Notre-Dame in Paris.
tomoMar 4, 00:52 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 We absolutely need some British judges subject to this sort of challenge.
Apparently “The Crown “ documentary series now has to have a ‘ health warning ‘ saying that some of this stuff isnt real .
I mean as if theyd make that stuff up
The german woman who impersonates olivia coleman does a good job …
Radio4 today
23 progs have the (r) for repeat next to them.
Those that don’t include the news progs and Desert Island Discs, the Poetry prog and not much else.
It’s all about control.
Yesterday Chris Tarrant came on
and came across as a true-believer in lockdowns.
As we approach the season when Christians should be especially even more charitable and giving I would like to provide the BBC with an early NEWS present even though I know they don’t really do all NEWS.
The following from Reuters.
ZABARMARI, Nigeria (Reuters) – Villagers in northeast Nigeria’s Borno state on Sunday buried 43 farmers killed in an attack by suspected Islamist militants while security forces searched for dozens of people who are still missing. Roughly 30 of the men killed were also beheaded in the attack, which began on Saturday morning in Zabarmari village in northeast Borno state. Residents said a total of 70 people are feared dead.
While no group claimed responsibility, such massacres have been carried out in the past by Boko Haram or the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP). They are both active in the region, where Islamic militants have killed at least 30,000 people in the past decade.
Merry Christmas BBC. I may be able to find a few more presents to help you.
PS: I hope you are interested as you claim BLM.
The Mouse
There was a report on the BBC earlier from a member of SAGE warning us about Christmas, fear mongering about January and stating the rules should not be amended for Xmas.
The BBC lap it up.
Isn’t it odd how every “leading” scientist the BBC get are always the fear promoting ones.
There are of course, many, “leading” scientist who have the differing view but you will not see them on the BBC . Just doesn’t suit the narrative of fear so BBC not interested.
They really are scum.
The “leading” scientists are all, like the government, fully paid-up members of the Great Reset clique. The “science” is unimportant. What IS important, is the the plebs being frightened into submission, and doing as they’re told, without demur. Therefore, the MSM are fully on-board, too, and are encouraged to broadcast the message, without there being room for scientific dissenters.
And we, like sheep, lap it up, unquestioningly.
The bulk of the population in the Former UK, and elsewhere, have been turned. Why people are so gullible, defeats me – particularly when they have been warned, all along, what’s happening.
French citizens, however, manifestly have other ideas – those ideas should be rapidly catching on in the Former UK, but alas all people seem able to do, is walk around, and shout. The police should be put under a
bitlot more pressure…You live and learn.
From a Beeb ‘feature’. There are about 10 of these features and at least 6 show a non white face. This one under the title of ‘I didn’t know other LGBT Muslims existed’
Shaz (I’m guessing that’s not an abbreviation of Sharon) who is Muslim says she didn’t know there were other people like her until she joined a social media platform where she now has 30,000 followers one year after joining.
TikTok is now her “safe space”, she says. Personally I prefer the shed or the garage and sometimes under the dining room table, but each to their own
Shaz and other LGBT Muslims have been using it to talk about their identity and connect a community, as BBC LGBT correspondent Ben Hunte reports.
I can’t really say I’m that interested or bothered until it gets shoved in my face. The only real concern is that I last thought it was not LGBT, but LGBTQ. I’m either out of touch (tut tut) or perhaps Q has broken away and the Beeb not only has an LGBT correspondent, but also a Q correspondent. One of life’s mysteries.
AFAIK Shazia is a common Muslim girls name in Pak/Bangla
There is no BBC section marked “Features”
but I do know what you mean
There is usually a bar on a news page marked “Watch/Listen” wtih a number of these woke videos
I think they use a hidden tag “curated topic” but it doesn’t show up on a search.
The videos are almpst always NOT news but rather magazine type clips.
There’s a News Round page
“Islamophobia Awareness Month: History-making Muslims you need to know about”
Those voting machines burn awfully easily
R4 Book prog
– East German author says how good lefe was in East Germany
… she went onto to talk about a Syrian illegal, who she said was her great inspiration
– Then a discussion about Zamian’s We the Bolshevik era prelude to 1984
.. Margaret Attwood ended by saying Trump is a totalitarian
Why are people still supporting Boros Johnson when his party are now more of a lefty party and no longer Conservative.
Why are people supporting Tier Starmer when his party are extreme left wing and no longer Labour.
Why would anybody support the Liberal Democrat’s who are neither liberals or democrats.
It’s all ready for Nigel.
The whole of the right wing (and the centre) is there for the taking.
I just hope that for the next GE our government/politicians don’t get the dominion voting machines because it would be pointless voting as the machines would be pre-programmed (probably labour’s turn next)
Maybe people are supporting the whole parliament due to generous furlough handouts, plus the printed money inflating housing and stock bubbles ,
Shorter answer– self interest.
“people are still supporting Boris Johnson ”
.. who is ?
apart from a few Tory MP’s who hope to get a
kickbackparty donation from green energy firms who hope to get SUBSIDY £sTruth …
Shouldn’t it be Black Community Chest?
Communities seem to be the exclusive preserve of minorities.
CNN reports…
In Japan, government statistics show suicide claimed more lives in October than Covid-19 has over the entire year to date. The monthly number of Japanese suicides rose to 2,153 in October, according to Japan’s National Police Agency. As of Friday, Japan’s total Covid-19 toll was 2,087, the health ministry said.
Coming to a Country near you soon!
Boris will probably make suicide illegal….
Jon Sopel in The Daily Mail tells us:
“On the day that Joe Biden past the magic number of 270 votes in the electoral college with victory in Pennsylvania, the president had announced to his 80+ million Twitter followers that there would be an important news conference from his legal team at the Four Seasons, Philadelphia. ”
My understanding is that the Electoral College votes are expected to be tabulated in the first week of January in a joint meeting between the two houses of congress.
Is ‘the beauty’ spreading ‘fake news’? Mariella please advise.
Cos #Diversity means airing the same London mates again and again
tonight on Sky Arts
: Melvyn Bragg talks to black author Bernardine Evaristo,
the first black woman to win the Booker Prize
Her book .. interconnected short stories following the lives of 12 characters, mainly black women.
She also talks about her childhood in south London
and “the creative influences that inspired her to become . . . a powerful voice for equality and diversity”.
Tonights countryfile was the hippy tree hugger special
6:15pm BBC One – Countryfile, Plant Britain
The launch of an ambitious project to get us all planting to help combat climate change.
Tweet from the PR agency of the Big Green hedgefund
“Countryfile launches Plant Britain, an ambitious two-year challenge to get us all planting to help combat climate change and at the same time, boost our wellbeing and wildlife.”
Nothing original just a rehash of the seventies campaigns:
Plant a tree in 73
Plant one more in 74
At least they could think up slogans in the old day.
BBC is “impartial”
but acts like a campaigning activist group all the time
“The Crown should carry fiction warning”, says the BBC.
“The BBC news should carry fiction warning”, some people would say.
“We have suppression by the press … you can’t have a scandal if nobody reports about it”
Had your Diazepam this evening?
You’ll need it.
BBC 1 Countryfile is having a Climate Crisis special.
They have linked up with the increasingly LeftMob politicised National Trust to go for virtue-signalling gold and plant some woodland. They have signed up lots of little children who are suitably on-message.
It is just total pious wall-to-wall ‘virtue’.
They’ve signed up the Prince of Wales and the …..wait for it……Dalai Lama.
Absolutely disgraceful biased waste of licence fee money.
Pass the razor blades.
I switched on Countryfile in time to see the miniature forest as it was described. It was the size of a tennis court and I would have called it a small copse. I also saw the presenter in a wheelchair, (have I identified him by his disability and is it allowed?) interviewing someone planting trees. He asked how many trees were planted in a day. The answer was 1500. The planter responded, ‘that’s a lot of trees’ but it highlighted the depth of the questioning. Then the programme went to Hackney. I thought the programme was called Countryfile not inner city file.
Just to finish off, one day or two the weather this week will be ‘below par’, referring to temperature. I assume weather is 50% of the time ‘below par’ by definition.
Perhaps you can tell that I really shouldn’t bother watching Countryfile.
No diazepam, Sluff – we keep that for our epileptic dog…but Mrs C watches country file “for the weather” and I’m hitting the vin rouge a bit harder than usual. It is a truly vile programme. Cheers.
I went to buy a Christmas tree this afternoon. The sale was conducted out of doors in a parking area.
Everybody apart from me was wearing a mask.
Folk are being conditioned to wear a mask even when it is not required.
BBC Staff activist roles at The Wildlife Trust
BBC censured anti-meat prog presenter Liz Bonnin is President
Gillian Burke presenter of (season) Watch is Vice President.
@BBCStudios tweeted about her NEW job
Natural History Unit reveal Penguins: Meet the Family narrated by @lizbonnin
Meerkat: A Dynasties Special narrated by Sir David Attenborough
BBC and it’s funny maths systems
Hundreds get wrong results due to Covid test error
How do you get the headline “Hundreds” when it says in the article…
More than 1,300 people who gave samples between 19 and 23 November received positive results, when the tests were actually void.
That is a lot or errors
occasional errors can be expected, but those 1,300 might have lost salary and business cos they did the right thing and isolated.
Yesterday I received yet another red letter asking me if I will be in on the 5th Dec? Are they coming to burgle my house or are they stalking me ?
Throughout December I am told that they will be dropping off a crate of brown ale in the spirit of Christmas.
Apparently they’re then nipping across the Irish Sea to visit me on the 10th. I’ll ask them for you.
If I was the head poobah of Al Beeb and my viewing and listening figures were falling like a dead parrot I would certainly find out why?
It would be embarrassing if that person was running a manufacturing company and its incoming was dropping and he did nothing about it .
What if you were the head poobah of of an organisation like the Al Beeb and you got paid no matter what the viewing figures were and you had a gold-plated pension to boot. You can do what the hell you want when the Government also don’t give a toss.
Mouse – what you say is part of the big problem . They should have been dealt with long ago . But I think Tory politicians of all varieties see it as more trouble than it’s worth ….
The Mouse
Remedy – We need a new government. A government with MPs that do give a toss not like this lot of sheep.
Is Anita Rani the BBC Bradford promotor?
She was on The One Show a few days ago and kept mentioning “Bradford” about 20 times. “I’m from Bradford…”, “When I see my family in Bradford…”, “I love Bradford”, “Bradford is a great place…” etc.
I just flicked through the channels and was on BBC1 Countryfile for less than 30 seconds when Anita Rani pops up and says “Bradford” twice in 2 sentences.
That’s funny cos last month when she did her London home walk with Clare Balding on Radio4, she failed to mention Bradford.
… I might have just lied.
During my youth,about 40 years ago, playing Rugby Union up North in Yorkshire, we used to play Bradford and Bingley, the team not the building society, and Bradford Salem. To pass the time driving from the M62 to Bradford we would play spot the white man. It was difficult then, God alone knows what it’s like now.
Cornwall : White imported rapist sentenced to 20 years for 3 rapes.
Clinton Ferreira, to me that name seems Portuguese, but he’s South African
and there is a small ethnic Portuguese population in South Africa.
I wonder how he came to be here since 2011.
Here is the rub with the EU, they export their terrorists to us across the Channel and in return we give them all our fish .
Very true. Freight from Scotland full of delicious Scottish shellfish is driven to the South Coast, by ferry to France and then to its final destination, Spain. The lorries return empty bar an illegal or two
However on a positive note Mcdonalds, who heavily advertise the fact that their beef comes from England or Ireland neglect to mention that the fish burger thing they sell comes from the Bering Sea (It is real fish apparently- Alaskan Pollock). So we do import fish as well as terrorists.
Perhaps this mans immigration status is still being processed. It takes time to consider these matters.
In 2011 we didn’t have the Points system for Immigration (coming soon), which in years to come will be Pritti’s greatest achievement. Unfortunately that doesn’t say very much as it will be an abject failure/will not make a jot of difference.
For those wishing to claim asylum the Points System does not apply, which probably covers 90% of the illegal arrivals. Even those from war torn (?) Albania use the A word and they get to stay, at least long enough to abscond into their community. The snowflake brigade then try to stop deportation of any murderers, rapists and molesters on humanitarian grounds.
\\Covid and schools: ‘Children know things aren’t right’//
Al Beeb telling us the bleeding obvious. I am of the opinion that they get kids to write their headlines.
Remember everyone. NO EVIDENCE !!!
But Lewis knows best !!!!
Lewis Goodall is a misnomer, he’s really Lewis Goodforferkall.
Pakistan thread about Catholic girl abducted
and other forced conversions.
More relevant now than ever. There’s no way Trump didn’t foresee this fraud and have a plan to expose it.
Why when I bought the Times did I get a 2 page article from cabinet minister Michael Gove ?
and then why is praised by an editor the iNews paper ?
Belgium court : Iranian diplomat on trial for huge bomb plot
Almost unbelievable accusation that he planned to kill 5 British MP and Rudy Giuliani
O/T, but I was watching Channel 5 this afternoon, all the programmes were sponsored by a Dating Agency called “Match”. Unfortunately the people in the ads would be mismatched in the real world. Three ads, 1, black male, white female, 2, white male, black female, and 3, two females.
I see a future where the ‘community’ will police itself. Our locals are ready to do that and patrol the streets after dark in groups of three wearing hi-viz jackets and on a rota.
We are looking at the purchase of cctv which is now incredibly cheap and easy to install. (No authority is needed if viewing a public place).
What dealings we’ve had with the police amount to nothing of use. Not the fault of the front-line police individually, but their masters call the shots.
We’ve had police arresting anti-lockdown protesters by the score this weekend, the witness of Tommy Robinson in a video on this site to the duplicity of the police and justice system, and there is the recurring problem of Christian gospel preachers wrongly arrested. We also know of certain groups that seem to get a free pass on assembling. Do you think those “calling the shots” are within the Police, the security services or the Government?
My view?
The media call the shots led by the BBC. The government follow the media.
I think it’s called the third column and its very very active in the UK media right now. There is a very determined effort to control the police and the media to bring about a revolution in the rights of ordinary UK citizens.
We are entering an age of darkness and duplicity. The average Joe will be needed to rise up against this before it’s too late, It just happened in the USA and it certainly headed our way now.
An interesting premise …
Labour peer Lord Malloch Brown seems to have his finger in the pie.
Very interesting … Tweet cannot be retrieved at this time
Times Magazine has PR article for the BBC prog Anton Ferdinand “Racism and Me”
When Terry used shocking racist language in a clash with Rio Ferdinand’s brother, Anton, the incident led to an explosive court case. Anton and his family reveal how the devastating repercussions ended his Premier League career.
I managed to get behind The Spectator paywall today to be rewarded by a glorious article on Britain by Neil Oliver. It has been published elsewhere over the last 24 hours but to all those like myself who believe in Britain and that it should stay unified this should be a must read. I cannot recommend it highly enough. At a time when malign forces are trying to tear the UK apart it warms the heart.
I can’t link it from the Spectator and I can’t find where it has been published elsewhere but perhaps Stew or Roland can link it.
The BBC website seems to have morphed into Hello magazine, so many click bait stupid stories about absolutely F all apart from race baiting and celeb crap….
This is our National Broadcaster and it’s a disgrace….
Time to pull the plug methinks.