Morning, cat woke me up, been thinking about a post regarding journalism, I am reading a Jimmy Page biography and the reviews of the first Led Zeppelin album :
The “respected” Rolling Stone Magazine:
“Jimmy Page, around whom the Zeppelin revolves, is, admittedly, an extraordinarily proficient blues guitarist and explorer of his instrument’s electronic capabilities. Unfortunately, he is also a very limited producer and a writer of weak, unimaginative songs, and the Zeppelin album suffers from his having both produced it and written most of it (alone or in combination with his accomplices in the group)
2007: 10 million ticket applications to see a reunion
Despite this they actually knew something of their subject matter…..
What chance the BBC commenting on election statistical analysis, climate change science and race and sociology with their Blair approved education and second and third class meeja degrees ?
I rather liked this interview, Darcy, JP comes across as quite a nice sort of bloke in several places!
This has decided my very next shed project, which is to restore my old Eko 12 string, currently languishing in the roof, with a couple of LPs by ‘Mountain’…
From 2012 a typical piece of BBC rubbish but shows their contempt for any complaints or criticism (from professionals in their field) still prevalent today :
BBC Radio 4 fail in their duty of care to their listeners
April 12, 2012
As everyone now knows, last week the respected and trusted Today programme on BBC Radio 4 ran an absurd nonscience piece on Brian Ford’s wild, ignorant, uninformed speculation that all dinosaurs lived in shallow lakes because that was the only way they could support their weight. Plenty of people have shown what utter, contemptible nonsense this is, and I won’t waste everyone’s time by reiterating it.
Inspired by a comment by Stephen Curry, I put together a request for a formal retraction, and solicited signatories from the VRTPALEO list and Dinosaur Mailing List during a 24-hour window. During that time 20 palaontologists contacted me to sign, and so this is what I submitted at 3pm on Thursday 5th April:
Dear Radio 4,
The Today Programme for Tuesday 3rd April 2012 contained a science piece by Tom Feilden:
regarding Professor Brian J. Ford’s “theory” that dinosaurs did not live on land but in shallow lakes which supported their weight.
Professor Ford’s theory was published in a magazine rather than a peer-reviewed journal, and is wholly unsupported by any evidence whatsoever. It contradicts all evidence from dinosaur anatomy, biomechanics, sedimentology and palaeoenvironments, and does not even qualify as fringe science. It is unsupported and uninformed speculation which Ford could have disproved had he taken just ten minutes to look at the readily available literature representing a century of consensus.
By giving air-time to this speculation, even comparing Ford with Galileo, Radio 4 has unfortunately lent it a credibility that it has not earned, introduced a time-wasting controversy where there is not a controversy, misled the public, and maybe most importantly compromised its own credibility as a trusted source of science reporting. No listener with any knowledge of palaeontology will have been able to take this report seriously; will they believe the next science report you broadcast?
To mitigate this damage, we recommend and request that you broadcast a formal retraction.
Dr. Mike Taylor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK
Dr. David Marjanović, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
Silvio C. Renesto, Associate Professor of Palaeontology, Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy
Dr. Grant Hurlburt, Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Dr. Michael Balsai, Department of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Dr. Bill Sanders, Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Stephen Poropat, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. Oliver Wings, Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
Jon Tennant, Independent Researcher, UK
Prof. John R. Hutchinson, Department of Veterinary Basic Sciences, The Royal Veterinary College, UK.
Prof. Lorin R. King, Dept. of Science, Math and Physical Education, Western Nebraska Community College
Scott Hartman, paleontologist and scientific illustrator,
Neil Kelley, Department of Geology, University of California at Davis, USA
Dr. Matteo Belvedere, Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, Italy
Andrew R. C. Milner, Paleontologist and Curator, St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site, Utah, USA
Dr. James I. Kirkland, State Paleontologist, Utah Geological Survey, USA
Dr. Jerry D. Harris, Director of Paleontology, Dixie State College, Utah, USA
Dr. Andrew A. Farke, Curator, Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, Claremont, California, USA
Dr. Daniel Marty, Editor (Palaeontology) of the Swiss Journal of Geosciences
Dr. Manabu Sakamoto, School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK
(My thanks to all who signed.)
To give it the best chance of being seen by the relevant people, I submitted this three times on the BBC’s rather confusing web-site: on the Today feedback page, on the BBC complaints page, and on the Contact Today page.
Today at 2pm, I got the following reply:
Dear Dr Taylor
Reference CAS-1387310-3W6PSD
Thanks for contacting us regarding ‘Today’ broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 3 April.
I understand that you were unhappy with the inclusion of a report by Tom Feilden on a theory proposed by Professor Brian Ford regarding how dinosaurs’ lived. I note you believe the report gave credibility to this theory, and compared the professor with Galileo.
Your concerns were forwarded to the programme who explained in response that the item in question was a light-hearted feature looking at an outlandish new idea about the dinosaurs and which was clearly signposted as such.
They added that the item even included one of the world’s leading experts on dinosaurs, Paul Barrett, exposing it’s flaws and ridiculing it and that it was very clear where Brian Ford’s article was published since Laboratory News was clearly mentioned.
They also added that the reference to Galileo was simply an aside about the importance of dissent in science, with Brian Ford was unlikely to be put off by the condemnation of the established experts, and not, as you suggest, a comparison between Brian Ford and one of the greatest scientists of all time.
In closing they explained:
“Today does a lot of good, serious science, indeed that same morning we had items on carbon capture and storage and the controversy over the publication of flu research, but that doesn’t mean it all has to be serious and we must be free to include light-hearted items, reported in a more humorous way.”
Nevertheless, we’re guided by the feedback we receive and I can assure you I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to all BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Mark Roberts
BBC Complaints
I guess I don’t need to say that I find this completely unsatisfactory. Trying to pass the segment off as “a light-hearted feature looking at an outlandish new idea about the dinosaurs and which was clearly signposted as such” just won’t fly: its page on the BBC site is entitled “Aquatic dinosaur theory debated”, and there is nothing about it that signposts it as any less serious than, say, the piece they did with me on Brontomerus, or on sauropod neck posture.
Just another example of how the BBC complaints procedure operates.
‘Treat all complainants as lower forms of life, smear-label them as Green-Inkers and palm off their complaint
.. force them to jump through long chains of hoops before you do anything’
However a fast tweet or text to a presenter during a show can get errors corrected before the end of the show.
The best thing would be for presenters/producers not to be in the palm of vested interests like NGO’s charities in the first place.
Beeb website telling us President Trump is inciting violence according to a Georgian Republican. Inciting violence for following the the rule of law!!! No investigation into voter fraud then you overpaid stooges.
I would love this to be true but it seems hyper fantasy to me. Still this chap is right about one thing, time is running out, unless the president can pull a rabbit out of the hat this week or next it will all be over and the Biden steal will be successful. As to the rest of the stuff he claims , if he was speaking the truth he would be dead by now.
TOADY Watch #1 – New nickname need for Laura Kuenssberg
Do we need to call her Labour Laura instead of Part-time? She was brought on before Thought for the Day to comment on last night’s vote in the House. Labour Laura or Part-time pointed out that the Prime Minister cannot rely on his Party’s majority anymore.
Lobby numbers Laura? She was not looking at the Lobby counts as I gather from Ed Miliband’s (who?)(MP Lab) little interrogation by Mishal that some Labour MPs voted instead of abstaining in line with the Labour Whip. No mention of the Labour ‘rebellion’ then, Laura?
I watched a lot of the debate and there were plenty of Tory conservative hitting him – rightly – although the red Tories will back him -mostly – I think there will be points when he can’t take them for granted
The ‘fun’ was watching Tory rebels come back into the fold at the prospect of a government job or a New Years gong . Quite repulsive ….
Taffman – no – he is there until the next one in 4 ? Years time – although John Crace in the guardian – did a good job on Johnson as pm in todays edition . His 80 majority ‘fan club’ may have diminished after the covid crap .
I am contacting SSE to make sure they do not pipe Alton Gas to our street as it clearly does something odd when inflamed.
Especially in W1A gas-fired microwaves.
And here’s hoping Greta doesn’t take an impromptu dump in the corner of the Blue Peter room.
But, more crucially, both xe and dumbo clearly must be played by persons of color in the biopic as be-pigtailed white chicks are so going to trigger Hollywood on Salford Quays.
I suggest Jessica Yaniv in its Oscarrette winning reprise role of Robert Downey Jr’s character from Tropic Thunder as Desiree deVere.
Just have a look at Al Beeb’s Brexit news page – nothing but negativity. Bias , what bias ?
Your telly tax pays for this trash. The government and its MPs must now this but does nothing about it.
My i-phone pips and I glance at it in a reflexive reaction. The on screen news prompt requires me to click on to discover: “What are England’s new rules today?” I really am living through some socially disconnected, media all pervasive, authoritarian dystopia.
Today’s Financial Times displays a form of schizophrenia in terms of our future economic prospects. Their leading economics commentator Martin Wolf is Pollyanna personified: ‘Covid clouds break. A strong and healthy recovery is within our grasp’ – meanwhile the FT’s headline report runs: ‘Debenhams failure sends tremours through bricks and mortar retail’ and tucked away in a corner we read: ‘Germans grow uneasy as pandemic debt pile builds’ – on the basis that lot tend to know what they’re doing this sounds pretty serious to me.
I suppose the weight you will feel from the impending economic fall out from the governmental reaction to covid will very much depend who and what you are. If you’ve just lost your job as a shop assistant at Debenhams you could maybe look for some bar work, or do some waiting in a restaurant, just to tide you over while you retrain as a solar panel fitter? Or maybe not. I sense Furlough Payments and Welfare Benefits may soon be rolled together into a Universal Citizens Wage and there’s always food banks (that’ll keep the Martin Wolf from the door – so to speak) On the positive side you can at last utilise that university degree of yours and concentrate on writing your novel.
Oh, didn’t I explain why the FT’s Martin Wolf is so optimistic about the future?
He’s a Bilderberg guy, regular at Davos and forum fellow at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.
“By 2008, Wolf had become disillusioned with theories promoting what he came to see as excessive reliance on the private sector. While remaining a pragmatist free of binding commitments to any one ideology, Wolf’s views partially shifted away from free market thinking back to the Keynesian ideas he had been taught when young.”
The future is Statist World Government and you’re 99.99% likely to be just one of the Plebs.
‘Be quiet down there! Humans are drowning out birdsong’ – so demands the ‘i’ newspaper. Burnishing their Green credentials and voicing the inevitable corollary – condemning human joie de vivre.
They used to say the show must go on. Well, Broadway thespian Joel Grey may not be treading the boards since all the theatres went dark and he is a little long in the tooth now but he does appear in the Guardian: ‘On Caberet, Björk and coming out at 82’ – seems there’s still life in the old dog yet.
By the way, ‘Owning a dog will make Biden a better president’ (i)
And finally, the freebie Metro does nothing to persuade this reader that it is not a celeb-obsessed, trashy woke advertising rag (but when all is said and done it is more honest than the FT): ‘Ri Ri risqué. Pop queen Rihanna invites you into her winter undie-land’
Asiseeit – im sorry but i dont think you cover celebrity world with enough detail
. I now know that ‘ little mix / mink?’ Is a group of young girls – above the Rotherham age target range – who sing , dance and show their knickers . Why not more about them ?
Seriously keep up the good work . When i was wealthy i used to ‘take ‘ the FT – i thonk a current missing tory mp s dad was in charge – then it went left as went far to the Right ., Never mind
Covid-19 Pandemic versus Global Warming. Global Warming versus Covid-19 Pandemic. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, has gone on record as saying “We are waging a war on nature.” and is leading the broadcast News Bulletins on BBC R4. Funny, I thought the WHO section of the UN said we were waging a war on Covid-19. Certainly, the UK’s Prime Minister is enthusiastically signed up for the latter battle.
We have to cut carbon emissions, i have been told in the 8.30 News Bulletin. Nick is now wringing his hands over the loss of jobs from the collapse of major retailers. That is a direct consequence of cutting CO2 emissions. Will the BBC join the dots? Will the BBC see the light?
Last week, our local democracy radio station was getting wound up about Friday of Color and its impact on Greta’s holiday plans.
This week the same outfit, again on a dash rather than a dot mission, are asking all and sundry if ‘we’ are dashing out to spend, spend, spend on Well Wicked Wednesday to support retailers devastated by evil Boris*.
Boris “I was up in Wrexham at the vaccine factory yesterday”
WTF everyone else is supposed to do essential journeys only
Yet the globalists front man went there just to have his picture taken !!
Guardian : Boris Johnson visited CP Pharma, the Indian owned, pharmaceuticals company in Wrexham today.
It will manufacture the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine as part of a £50m government contract.
Stew, did he drive or was driven by a chauffeur? Diesel car? Tsk, tsk! Petrol Car? Tsk. tsk, tsk!! Train running on air or unicorn farts? Oh, that’s alright then.
I’ve just been told that our old friend Lewis Hamilton is going to be one of the guest editors on the Today programme over Christmas; ah, what a delight…
No doubt the multi millionaire, tax dodger, will lecture us about racism and poverty. I’ll be intrigued to hear how someone with such immense wealth finds himself supporting a bunch of ultra left anarchists.
I’m pretty sure we’ll hear all about his deprived upbringing and how he constantly has to struggle against injustice…driving the best car in the world…
Lewis likes it to be known that he is very concerned about the environment. These worries must sit uncomfortably with his occupation, or the fact that he zips across the globe in private jets and owns numerous sports cars and speed boats.
You know, I feel for the poor lad…
His agent keeps equipping him with the latest poppet to dispel any rumours he might play for the other side ( arsenal ) ….I wonder if he will present the show from down town St Evenage and have a selection of local ‘on bail’ gangsta friends to tell the public how tough life is ….
Or maybe he ll do a programme about having a whitee as a mum —- or a feature on the best kind of chip to wear on your shoulder …
He won’t be staying in the UK he loves so much for tax purposes – 183 days ….a year non domicile if I recall my tax law …
I never understand why some git belting around a race track with his mates, using thousands of gallons of petrol in the process can ever say he is concerned about the environment.
Of course, there are several normal citizens who are good drivers, but this idiot just winds up the mentally challenged morons who try and emulate him (that sort need ‘role models’, and try and do the same in all our country roads! If anyone needs to understand that speed kills, whether you go out in a big car or a Reliant Robin, just don’t encourage them any more, Blingy McBlingface!
Well said Fed ! I have said on more than one occasion that I have a brother serving on Stevenage Council, and Mr H does not garner much support in the Council Chambers.
Stevenage, like a lot of 60’s new towns is still not old enough to be a ‘slum’ town, masses of green areas, well built council houses, yes there are boarded up local shops like every other town, but the town centre is undergoing regeneration. Had Hamilton not been such a sh…t his sporting achievement would have been celebrated and maybe a statue in his honour in the town square; but it’ll never happen now.
I know he has his fans, and when I read letters demanding his knighthood, my first thought was, really ????
I bet that ‘shiner’ chap and the rest of the ambulance chasers are on the long haul already …and employing ex coppers to compose false witness statements like the last time ….
You’ve made me realise that we have been falsely mocking Ms. Spring.
Her selfies are probably the only original photographs put out under the BBC name actually of the subject rather than the Getty Images files, first search term ‘black’..
I guess you looked at it on Facebook cos the actual title on all 5 edit stages since 1pm Tuesday is
“China refuses to apologise to Australia for fake soldier image”
then below the photo there is the deflection line
The way they posted it on Facebook was with the deflection line first.
Then Canadian account Shah Baig Seerat created the anti Australian post that got 400 Likes
I just think it’s such a great idea by the left, liberal, woke, eejits… “I know let’s beat racial discrimination by teaching everyone to see colour. Let’s teach non-white people to see racism everywhere, and let’s teach white people that they don’t see colour of skin because they’re racist”. An ideology that tries to route out discrimination by promoting the idea of inherent discrimination (to such a degree that non-white people must now be given ‘safe spaces’) is disturbing to say the least. Effectively, tackling racism by promoting segregation. Bizarre.
I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s and, from what I can see, there’s virtually no discrimination left. Like our whatever-wave feminists they have to find problems where problems do not exist, in some narcissistic attempt to ‘change the world’; a world that was moving steadily forward until they engaged the reverse gear and slammed the accelerator pedal down.
I am minded of the proverbial bull in a china shop.
The bull is the ‘progressive’ and always heads in the correct direction.
Sometimes the bull’s followers find that the bull is now heading straight towards them.
(Just like the bull the ‘progressives’ don’t actually know what they are progressing to. I was amused some years ago to see a talk in which a hero of ‘the left’, Noam Chomsky, was on the platform. An audience member got up to thank his hero for inciting him to revolt and pull down society. Chomsky smiled and showed himself to be the intellectal bastard that he is by asking his follower what he hoped to be built on the rubble. Chomsky, at least. is smart enough to know that he hasn’t a clue, it is just an exercise in destruction to him).
BBC American BS are doubtless lapping them up (though don’t recall the same enthusiasm in RT from Lurch) but these Biden in Waiting tweets look like someone has connected his account to a Dominion Chinese Cracker quote generator on a loop.
It is Reith Lecture time. Anita Anand is the Compere. Anita Anand likes the sound of her own voice. It is not so much a lecture, more a sort of Anita Anand Show. The lecture starts eventually.
I did learn something interesting despite all that chat. Dr Mark Carney has been sucked into the UN fold. He is now the UN’s Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance. I also learned that he flies a lot, so no restriction on his travel for Global Warming’s and Climate Change’s sake then?
I am reading a book at the moment ” Denial of Justice ” by Mark
Shaw. It is about the murder , yes murder and not suicide or
anything else of Dorothy Kilgallen the esteemed journalist and
top TV personality who was found dead in her bed in November
1965 just before she was going to bust the loan wolf assassination of JFK to pieces.
I have always believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was not just a
loan wolf . But the death of JFK was a conspiracy. As it happens
I had a very minimal contribution to the book with a few
details about Dorothy Kilgallens visits to London. But that’s by
and by. You may ask what has this got to do with the BBC and
I will tell you why.
A President was slain in the USA and the conspiracy concerning
it was covered up. This voter fraud in the USA is small fry to
what happened to JFK and it’s aftermath. There is a conspiracy
going on in the USA over this voter fraud and the BBC with
it’s ” You know you can believe in us” is part of it , over here.
And before anybody says ” yes Foscari just another conspiracy
theory .” Read the book or watch an interview with Mark Shaw
on You Tube from three years ago, when he had written his earlier
version of the events ” The reporter who knew too much.”
We see film after film about the Maffia and the gangster culture
and bent politicians , bent cops etc from Hollywood. What
is going on in the USA right now and what happened in the
sixties and before and since shows that true events can be even
more sensational than fiction or faction .
Some good points, and I agree with you that the murder of Dorothy Kilgallen was one of the first of the “mysterious deaths” of people who were too close to the Kennedy assassination.
I too have seen the parallels with the conspiracy to end the Trump presidency. The president no longer travels in an open car, assassination is not really an option. But that does not mean that the Deep State will not get rid of him another way. And as with the JFK case, the MSM will not contradict the official line. We learnt in the 1970s that the CIA is in cahoots with the MSM, I doubt it is any different now. The likes of Zuckerburg, Dorsey and Bezos know which side their bread is buttered on.
I was one of the people who actually believed for a long time the Kennedy assassination was down to Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone. I read ‘Case Closed’ by Gerald Posner and that convinced me that the Warren Report was more or less an honest appraisal of what had occured. But of course that was before the current covaids scamdemic. I always had doubts about 9/11 but it wasn’t until march of this year I realised just how corrupt our world has become. So I looked up Posner again recently and noticed he had written a book slamming the drug companies, in particular those producing Opiods, but he had nothing but positive things to say about the big Pharmaceuticals. A classic deflection tactic used by all of the Intelligence Services. The real bad guys in all of this are the Pharmaceutical companies, as well as the banksters of course. Any independent and honest journalist can only come to one conclusion about the vaccine industry and it is definitely not a positive one. Clearly when researching things like this you need to be very aware of who is presenting the information to you.
I know for sure now JFK was murdered with the collusion of the CIA. There is absolutely no doubt in mind any longer.
I just thought the way it portrayed the immediate effect of the shootings was pretty worthy – I realise it didn’t touch on theories other than Oswald but as a human drama I thought it better than the ordeal that is JFK – the filim
In other film news – apparently anyone who appreciated Godfather – is to get a new version of Godfather 3 – at least we know it couldn’t be any worse….
Much wringing of the hands from Mishal and Nick and the female head of the TUC, Frances O’Grady, over the closure of two major UK retailers. The BBC are more than fully signed up to promoting Global Warming and Climate Change. I can’t speak for O’Grady and the TUC but I suspect that they would pay full lip-service to Global Warming and Climate Change while experiencing some nagging doubts and suspicions that job losses for their members will be devastating.
But that’s OK. Frances O’Grady is good at rattling the collecting tin for more money from the Government a.k.a. the taxpayer.
As something of an economist, I would point to a direct line between anti-car governance over decades, high transport taxation, Global Warming & Climate Change, the death of the High Street, the birth of Retail Parks and now the demise of major retailers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Totally agree Up. An argument I have been having for years that cutting off the flow of traffic through high street’s will lead to far more social problems than any amount of benefits to be had. North America has many out of town abandoned malls now as they have become unfashionable. I always thought that the clue was in the name in this country, “market town “.
“ BBC Wales director Rhodri Talfan Davies has been appointed BBC director of nations with responsibility for leading all work serving nations and local audiences. The England, Scotland and Northern Ireland directors will report to him and he will also continue his Wales role.”
Reith Lecture. Interesting to hear who was in the audience and invited to ask questions after the lecture.
I have a question for Dr Carney. He stated in his lecture that taking action now on Global Warming and Climate Change costs less than taking action in the future. That seems to conflict with practical economics and the inevitable reduction in the value of money because of inflation and the increasing efficiencies of all sorts of markets, including science and engineering, as time passes.
And a subsidiary question depending on the answer: the beauty of markets and capitalism is that they lead to efficiencies and improvements, do they not?
And yet another question, depending on the answer: do taxes – say, for environment reasons – not lead to changes in behaviour but those changes create a harm, not a good, in bringing job losses in their wake?
‘Stairway to Heaven’ – Led Zeppelin?
A passable cover version of the Rolf Harris classic.
They should have gone for Two Little Boys, but from what I know about them it’s probably the only thing they didn’t do.
Germany had 497 deaths on Monday
So I thought wow that’s worse than UK
yet when I check I find we had a sudden blip to 603
Sweden too
However that strange Monday Dec 1st blip up reflects something two or 3 weeks ago when people caught it , not today.
In all 3 countries there is case decline
UK peaked Nov 12th, Germany & Sweden peaked Nov20 but their decline is way less than ours.
BTW on TalkRadio Mark Parrish is on about recovered people having an additional vaccine
Em than is not an easy point
cos it’s quite different from vaccinating the test base of raw people
IMHO there is a risk that a person’s already primed immune system might over react to a vaccine.
No one has died from SARS-CoV-2. It doesn’t exist. I suggest you do some research. How about starting here.
She uses the CDC death figures so you cannot argue she is making stuff up. Oh yes and she is employed by the Johns Hopkins university, the very same people responsible for the hysteria.
They have forced a retraction. I dare say she has been fired for speaking the truth.
Then you should read this.
Be warned. You have to be able to think rationally to understand it.
Now this.
22 leading microbiologists, geneticists and other internationally renowned medical research doctors who have called for the withdrawal of the so-called Corman-Drosten et al paper published in Eurosurveillance in January 2020. As you SHOULD know this paper forms the basis for all RT-PCR assays that have been developed and approved by Public Health England , which have been rolled out across the UK and used as diagnostic tools to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection.
They are all fraudulent.
This distraction talk about banning people who haven’t had a vaccine
how do you provide proof to establishments that you’ve had the vaccine that can’t be faked or forged?
Even a genuine certificate could come from sending someone to take the vaccination for you.
And doctors could make loads from selling certificates.
Just watched a YouTube video where the Irish government medical adviser for COVID tells kids they may have to get used to wearing “bracelets they can’t take off”.
Vaccine news reaction from the scientist who shouts about T-cell immunity
and is oft quoted by Yeadon.
Shameful. The trial is far from complete and even when complete will give no information as to the risks of death. Shame on the MHRA for throwing aside their usual criteria for approval and shame on the doctors not calling this out.
My late mother was prescribed that – B12 – in pill form. She used to sneeze a lot. We used to find her Vit B pills and other pill meds on the floor across the other side of the room!
I had a gander at the NYTimes which reports a certain bitterness that an American company has been approved in the UK – it says that the excel in London will be a first ‘hub’ for vaccine dustribution ..
Assuming it doesn’t land up killing half the population I wonder how long it is before some woke type says that it should go to the third world before Britons – …..
Your age, ethnicity and wealth could decide whether you get the coronavirus vaccine first as experts consider using Oxford algorithm
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has made 11-tier priority list
Tool developed by Oxford academics takes a range of factors into account
Boris Johnson is hopeful a vaccine will be ready to be rolled out by the spring
Be very careful and keep asking for more transparency on these vaccines-nothing has been said on the subject only a seemingly frantic tearing about by Government and Media to give us some reason to beleive that an end to this subjugation is in sight. However this Government are endeavouring to use a vaccine produced by Pfizer whose whose record over bribary and fraud over some 20 odd years has resulted in over$6 billion dollars worth of fines. In view of their record of lying there is really no chance I shall accept that their latest claim that their vaccine is 90% effective. I have to say from research Astra Zeneca fare no better $520 million in 2010 for bribery and making false claims. The offences were for consumer protection violations, employment discrimination, environmental violations, false claims, kickbacks, bribery, and the unapproved promotion of medical products. I am sure that in all cases it was just a little misunderstanding, and no harm was meant! So which of you is going first?
It’s the best ‘Janet Regers’ tomorrow and no mistake!
I just love it when she says ‘Drop your drawers’, and from then on I could easily start a family or whatever…
God, I love that Gal!
She doesn’t say ‘just a little prick’; it’s ‘small scratch’, and from then on, I’m anybody’s, including hers and also the other fabulous nurse who is called in to help get me off the ceiling, give me a hand onto a chair, and tell me to calm down…:0~
Stew, quite correct, there is always a chance of medical exceptionalities. As I point out in a post below, no mention of that when greeting the approval of a Covid-19 vaccine on BBC R4 so far today.
I think just two people in the UK so far have been confirmed cases of having Covid-19 twice. I may not be up to date on that figure. How many have had Covid-19 so far in the UK? Hundreds …
…. of thousands.
And of course there is not one mention of the man’s ethnicity or religion anywhere in any article I can find.
And of course we have the usual suggestions that it is due to mental health issues. No mention of what social conditioning made him choose this particular way to go crazy.
But what is the most disgusting of all is that the BBC chose not to show the picture of the guy who did it. What right do they have to hide very relevant known facts from articles if it doesn’t suit their agenda ?.
We all know how different it would have been if he had been white.
Nov 24th Universities UK report
: staff/students in all universities should have to undergo “unconscious bias training” & be taught to understand “micro-aggressions” and “white privilege” in order to stamp out “institutional racism”.
Professor David Richardson from Universities UK says more needs to be done to address “white privilege” in the sector.
Just three good reasons to reject the hurried vaccine in my humble opinion.
Matt “I love the BBC NHS” Hancock recommends it.
Starmer says it is “fantastic news”(PMQs).
The bBC (Nick Triggle, Health correspondent) says “This is the news we have all been waiting for.”
By accident rather than design I watched the BBC TV News at 1pm today.
They had a broadcast from a reporter and his crew outside the Pfizer vaccine factory in Belgium. He didn’t go into the factory nor did he speak to anyone. He did bring up Brexit of course and how this might affect the lorries carrying the vaccines at the ports. Drip, drip…
But why spend our money on a pointless ‘here I am outside of…’ broadcast? What did they achieve?
I think their purpose was to ram home how wonderful the EU is coming to our rescue and that we are crazy to leave. Missing the point entirely of course.
Im assuming the SNP scottish government wont be accepting vaccines which havent had EU approval . Apparently the EU is meeting next Tuesday so that they can decide which germans / french get it first …. or maybe they wont certify it – that will put the SNP in a real position .
Lucky it is not about peoples’ lives eh ?
Invidentally some SNP vermin at PMQ suggested england ‘ give ‘ £500 to every one in the English NHS – like the scots give away – meanwhile private sector wealth creators are ‘ surviving’….
Guardian : The British countryside remains a distinctly white and often intimidating place for BAME communities.
We interview three outdoor enthusiasts seeking to address this lack of diversity.
Would they ever run the same headline in reverse about some areas of south London ?
The article doesn’t allow comments
“I wanted the group to be a space in which black women could feel safe and comfortable in the outdoors. It gives black women the confidence to go to places they might not have done before.”
“[black people in cities] experience racism on a daily basis so it feels uncomfortable to them to head out into the countryside – the last bastions of whiteness”
Weird sentence which is probably a typo In June this year, the BBC show Countryfile looked at racial diversity and it was argued that a lack of access to the city for traditional countrysiders
was the reason for the disconnection and perceived hostility to minorities.
I’m thinking about that beach cookout
.. and similar illegal raves.
Also about the way white people go to other countries and go straight into their countryside.
Except if you are a woman, you have to take some precautions say in Muslim dominated countries.
It’s interesting this article doesn’t list any robberies/rapes that happened to BAME people in the English countryside.
And the trick in Africa is to not have your own vehicle, look poor and be friendly
that way you end up having tea with the soldiers/ police
instead of having to pay them a $50 bribe to let your car through.
I was once in a remote part of India on a path between 2 villages
about 300m in front I could see half a dozen people washing clothes near the river.
Suddenly they went absolutely flying
when I got there, the bars of soap were still on the rocks. They’d probably never see a live white person.
I would like to know in what way exactly the outdoors is not inclusive. Do all the squirrels, rabbits and birds take flight when they see a black face or something or do other ramblers hiss at them while passing cos there’s usually nothing else around!
“black people in cities] experience racism on a daily basis so it feels uncomfortable to them to head out into the countryside – the last bastions of whiteness”
Hmmmm, cant remember the last time I heard of a black woman being attacked by a park ranger / shepherd/ tree surgeon /forester / farmer. But what do I know.
Maybe if I tell them the story about how I nearly drowned in a bog alone in Shropshire – no phone signal – and had to use me rifle to get out after 6 hours -they’d be less ‘country ‘?
A tip – wear the buckles on yer wellies tight if using them – I do even in the bath …
Darcy – i was upto my armpits . It took me 6 long hours to work out how to get out …..
I was raising pheasants and used my .223 to counter predators – I was doing this just before the – wandering around the countryside leaving gates open and rubbish behind act -came in – I used to wear a gilly suit and would listen to ‘wanderers trespassing coming closer to my sniping position and then stand up to ‘show myself ‘. It concentrated some minds and behaviour quite well .
Ah yes. the “wandering around the coutryside” post enclosure act, I tend to enjoy country walks, quite responsibly I don’t leave gates open for pheasants to escape
but the amount of poisoned birds of prey next to pheasants places is interesting, as is the amount of rights of way destroyed next to “horse fields” who think they own the countryside last weekend another example
Darcy – I gave up because I was paying quite a few bob for rights over a farm and then it became too Dangerous as people exercised their ‘right to roam ‘. . If it winds you up I used to shoot geese on their way out of RSPB reserves as well – only to eat mind you – …..
The greens would just love me …
As for the ggs – never had the opportunity – the 4×4 lot are the ones who get me though …and I used to have an off road wagon ….
It becomes too dangerous as to ones right to to to roam what you mean in esense is who own this or thinks they own this or can intimmidate, so many times horse bitches trying to tell you it is their land
and they will use electric fences and make the pathway as crarped up as possble and verbally assaut you as to why you are there
“The last bastions of whiteness” sounds sinister, as though the whites are under attack, and losing. That couldn’t have been the intended meaning, could it?
TOADY Watch #4 – No mention of the risk
TWatO Watch #1 – No mention of the risk
Let’s get this straight from the outset – I believe in vaccination.
Vaccination has had tremendous benefits worldwide, firstly in the UK and Europe then especially in the developing world. I celebrate the arrival of a Covid-19 vaccine but would add a note of caution. Not everyone can take it. There was no mention of risk by BBC Presenters which is really negligent and verging on the criminal side of irresponsible.
Especially as the BBC gave great and continual coverage to the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse. “But that was a sandwich!” I hear a BBC Presenter protest. But food is taken into the body, vaccines are taken into the body and medications are taken into the body, usually without harm, by a massive percentage (normally mid to high 90%) but someone, somewhere may be at risk from a vaccine.
A friend of mine of Chinese origin is allergic to certain foods and meds and an epipen are carried in case of the inadvertent consumption of a trigger food. I know of others who are allergic to medications. The humble aspirin, which has been a great modern medicine, saving a lot of people from chewing bits of a tree, can be deadly to a haemophiliac. Other vaccines carry warnings at the bottom of the little sheet from the drug company.
Not to mention risk was a dereliction of a good broadcaster’s duty. Ironically neither the TOADY Presenters nor Sarah Montague managed to sound a note of caution over the arrival of a Covid-19 vaccine. Ironically in the latter’s case, because Sarah hosted a discussion about taking action against ‘anti-vaxxers’. Sarah appeared to be in favour of making spreading anti-vaxxing rumours on-line illegal.
That would not need to be done if broadcasters were more responsible, Sarah!
Fortunately, Dr David Nabarro, of WHO, as former medical practitioner had brought some earlier balance and mentioned the R word – risk.
Im not sure your post is legal . Any vaccine doubters will be fined and imprisoned – while we are at it / anyone who criticises the NHS – ot indeed – any public body – can have the same treatment – public body would – of course – include the BBC .
Curtailments of these so called freedoms are a matter of regret but the need for ‘community safety ‘ is paramount .
Up2 – I did read it and realised that my flippancy would not be recognised . I also write with awareness of the plight of the light of our Halifax and hope that if he reads it he reads it in the way I intended ( hope you are recovering well Halifax )- the same with Van Helsing who wrote at the end of the last thread about his experience of covid …..
Truth be told, I didn’t feel terribly unwell when I (probably) had Covid, nor was I too concerned about my wellbeing (that of my wife was a different matter).
I dare say I’d have been more worried if I’d known about Covid at the time.
As for your post, you needn’t worry about my reaction to it. I am, after all, a huge fan of Catch-22…
Wouldn’t it be best to close the hospital as well if it’s origins lie in slave profits ? Does mr guy have any descendants ? Shouldn’t they be named and prosecuted in accordance with the new ‘fairness for coloured victims with chips ‘ laws ? One the guardian / vine /‘ sunday jibber shows ….
This vaccine is said to be safe and has undergone many trials involving tens of thousands of volunteers.
Everything is ok we are told so we should all get vaccinated.
A bit like the USA election.
The most secure ever, no cheating, no evidence of rigging we are told so we should just accept what they are telling us.
Back to the vaccine then.
What if there were thousands of people (whistleblowers, volunteers, doctors, nurses and others involved in all the trials) and they were telling us that the results were flawed, rigged, fiddled, manipulated and all the things we are hearing about the USA stolen election.
Would you be happy to get the injection with a massive amount of information coming out that it was really dangerous.
Would you just get on with it and get the jab because some people in the government say it’s absolutely fine, no evidence of anything else.
The rigging on the USA election is a huge story which the msm is ignoring.
The evidence is there and increasing every day.
If it was the vaccine that had this much evidence against it, it would be all over every msm but because they all hate Trump they ignore that which they don’t support.
Our msm are truly corrupt. Guilty by their own silence.
EG – I think the MSM have been told – it works – get the proles to take it ….. no negatives – no adverse reactions – no dying because of it …. we’ve seen that truths can be very inconvenient and therefore ignored …
It is not a vaccine. It is gene therapy. I suggest you read this
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us
You would be insane to take this ‘vaccine’.
This presentation analyses the so-called deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in the US. You really need to watch it. She uses the official figures from the CDC and she works for the Johns Hopkins university , so she is no ‘consipiracy theorist’.
Now think about what you have just seen and its implications.
BBC Inside Out cancelled
It used to be one of the BBC’s good bits
cos longform pieces are always better than shallow news.
So what did the BBC do ?
Each week more of the 3 items were GuardianMob agenda pushing items
And guess what the BBC now argue “Its audience has been in decline for ten years, she said.”
“loss of 29 jobs this year as part of plans to save £25m across BBC England by March 2022”
Ofcom said the reach of BBC news sources to audiences in the lowest socio-economic group, DE, had fallen “substantially” from 71% two years ago to 63%.
Ofcom called on broadcasters to broaden the geographic and social make-up of their workforce.
BBC has double the middle class and double the privately educated , as the rest of the population.
“Most broadcasters’ workforces are still mostly based in London even though four-fifths of the UK population lives elsewhere.”
FFS the BBC tinker around at the little things
yet is hugely disproportionate on these big things.
“Videos of a White House Christmas party on Tuesday evening showed Mr Trump addressing a gathering comprised mainly of Republican National Committee members, many of whom appeared to be without face masks.”
First Many is not Largely so this is just another puerile stomping because they hate the guy.
There will come a payback time for all this childish crap!
I hear the head of CIA was shot in Germany while trying to shred the evidence of electoral fraud. She was not killed but has been sacked, but spared prison because she turned “Queen’s evidence”. That is such good news.
” Only 54 per cent of adults believe that the BBC provides impartial news”
(That 54% must work for the BBC)
Ofcom warned, however, that the broadcaster’s declining relevance to specific groups — including working-class viewers, ethnic minorities, and those outside London and the southeast of England — threaten its long-term future.
less than half (48 per cent) of those from working-class
agree BBC is “showing a good range of programmes that include people like me”.
53% The REACH of BBC One news services, down from 65% in 2010
That is incredible if true, cos REACH is the weakest metric
.. to me a VIEWER is a person who actively chooses to watch the whole program
but weekly REACH is counted when once in a week you walk in the house switch on the TV it comes on Channel1 and it’s the Covid Press conference or something, and you watch it for 2 minutes.
On that metric you hit “weekly reach on loads of genres”
So for 47% of people never to dip into any BBC1news is remarkable’s on 7 days 365
Top Comment I’ve always been a solid supported of the Beeb. However, their overwhelming and all-pervasive obsession with woke / diversity / BAME / politically correct / left-leaning / home counties / right-on social-liberals is beyond a joke.
Believe it or not, I’m generally supportive of diversity and reasonable liberalism in most forms (yes, true). However, I really don’t need it rammed down my throat every time I watch or listen to the Beeb.
+ 3 VERY different perspectives on how to report a pandemic, from:
@fgodlee – Editor of the BMJ
@LauraCollinsYPN – Editor of the Yorkshire Evening Post
Felicity Clarke of @dailystar
The name “Hamilton” has some very dubious connections with slavery in the West Indies, but we are about to knight one
( seems a done deal already cos he is black innit)
No one asking questions about this ones ancestors though
or Tupperware Rashford St Lunchbox
As for St Greta of Thunberg, one would not be too surprised to see Eric Bloodaxe, Gunnstein Berserker and Eystein Foul-Fart featuring somewhere in her family tree with some rapes and pillages under their belts
And you just have to look at her to see her family tree does not branch much, not a gene pool more of a puddle maybe.
Cop basically cleaves a youth’s head open.
It’s the 2nd today so where the update from the mighty BBC?
Never mind, we don’t need them, we’ve got YouTuber Marti Blagborough to go down and report.
Video deleted new video the maker says “sorry it was the wrong guy, I screwed up, it was a West Yorkshire officer who looked the same
The police contacted me and I took the video down”
Bottomline the court case was adjourned until Dec 30
Incident video
Some of you might remember this incident from February. It was prior to the Barnsley V Sheffield Wednesday game.
PC William Sampson has been charged with unlawful & malicious wounding after striking a 16 year old male. He will appear in court 2/12
Evidence of US electoral fraud is now pouring out faster than you can say ‘Dominion’, ‘Mail-in ballots’ or ‘George Soros’.
The biased, lying BBC continues to ignore the story.
Now the latest ‘revelation’ is the anti-Trump bias of CNN, as exposed by Project Veritas’ secret recordings. In one private conversation with her boss, a reporter spells out how the Dems want a particular story spun, to facilitate Biden’s transition to power.
How delicious when the tables are turned against the MSM, who have no hesitation in spying on their – usually conservative – political targets and ‘exposing’ them, often on the flimsiest of evidence, if at all.
Wouldn’t it be awful if a whistleblower revealed BBC editorial meetings? Perish the thought.
It’s amazing that CNN had no problem aggressively running with secretly recorded audio tapes of the First Lady non-stop for weeks, but has a serious problem when someone does the exact same thing to them!
If it wasn’t for double standards, they would have no standards at all.
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MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:55 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 ‘The world wants more Britain’: David Lammy on Trump, tariffs, Gaza and the Chagos Islands The foreign secretary’s diplomatic skills…
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Mrs KittyMar 4, 09:46 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I’m begging everyone please stop showing this, every time I see it I start laughing and at my age it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 4, 09:25 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The art of doing something to achieve nothing … Digital advertising launches today in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to…
As I am first I demand a knighthood and everyone kneels down at the start of every thread
Just send the award to my tax haven please, my home town is a dump
and I want free Whiskas and catnip mice for unemployed kittens in school holidays
Top of the morning Darcy, you deserve a well-earned adulation for staying up all night to do this!
It’s a dirty job etc etc…
Morning, cat woke me up, been thinking about a post regarding journalism, I am reading a Jimmy Page biography and the reviews of the first Led Zeppelin album :
The “respected” Rolling Stone Magazine:
“Jimmy Page, around whom the Zeppelin revolves, is, admittedly, an extraordinarily proficient blues guitarist and explorer of his instrument’s electronic capabilities. Unfortunately, he is also a very limited producer and a writer of weak, unimaginative songs, and the Zeppelin album suffers from his having both produced it and written most of it (alone or in combination with his accomplices in the group)
2007: 10 million ticket applications to see a reunion
Despite this they actually knew something of their subject matter…..
What chance the BBC commenting on election statistical analysis, climate change science and race and sociology with their Blair approved education and second and third class meeja degrees ?
I rather liked this interview, Darcy, JP comes across as quite a nice sort of bloke in several places!
This has decided my very next shed project, which is to restore my old Eko 12 string, currently languishing in the roof, with a couple of LPs by ‘Mountain’…
I may be some time…
He does, now, biography reveals something darker but we were all young once…..
and also known as “Led Wallet” by his entourage !
BTW was listening to Nantucket Sleigh Ride only last week
Good one that, Darcy! It used to be a link tune for some prog or other several years ago!
Weekend World theme tune
Aaaaah – thanks so much for that, D! It’s still exciting, and much better than Fleetwood Mac’s similar stuff on some sort of widdley motor show prog!
(Ducks behind desk in anticipation of several brickbats…)!
Catchup links to last posts on previous thread
– page 3 started 1pm Tuesday
– page 2
From 2012 a typical piece of BBC rubbish but shows their contempt for any complaints or criticism (from professionals in their field) still prevalent today :
BBC Radio 4 fail in their duty of care to their listeners
April 12, 2012
As everyone now knows, last week the respected and trusted Today programme on BBC Radio 4 ran an absurd nonscience piece on Brian Ford’s wild, ignorant, uninformed speculation that all dinosaurs lived in shallow lakes because that was the only way they could support their weight. Plenty of people have shown what utter, contemptible nonsense this is, and I won’t waste everyone’s time by reiterating it.
Inspired by a comment by Stephen Curry, I put together a request for a formal retraction, and solicited signatories from the VRTPALEO list and Dinosaur Mailing List during a 24-hour window. During that time 20 palaontologists contacted me to sign, and so this is what I submitted at 3pm on Thursday 5th April:
Dear Radio 4,
The Today Programme for Tuesday 3rd April 2012 contained a science piece by Tom Feilden:
regarding Professor Brian J. Ford’s “theory” that dinosaurs did not live on land but in shallow lakes which supported their weight.
Professor Ford’s theory was published in a magazine rather than a peer-reviewed journal, and is wholly unsupported by any evidence whatsoever. It contradicts all evidence from dinosaur anatomy, biomechanics, sedimentology and palaeoenvironments, and does not even qualify as fringe science. It is unsupported and uninformed speculation which Ford could have disproved had he taken just ten minutes to look at the readily available literature representing a century of consensus.
By giving air-time to this speculation, even comparing Ford with Galileo, Radio 4 has unfortunately lent it a credibility that it has not earned, introduced a time-wasting controversy where there is not a controversy, misled the public, and maybe most importantly compromised its own credibility as a trusted source of science reporting. No listener with any knowledge of palaeontology will have been able to take this report seriously; will they believe the next science report you broadcast?
To mitigate this damage, we recommend and request that you broadcast a formal retraction.
Dr. Mike Taylor, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK
Dr. David Marjanović, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
Silvio C. Renesto, Associate Professor of Palaeontology, Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Italy
Dr. Grant Hurlburt, Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Dr. Michael Balsai, Department of Biology, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA
Dr. Bill Sanders, Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Stephen Poropat, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. Oliver Wings, Curator of Vertebrate Palaeontology, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, Germany
Jon Tennant, Independent Researcher, UK
Prof. John R. Hutchinson, Department of Veterinary Basic Sciences, The Royal Veterinary College, UK.
Prof. Lorin R. King, Dept. of Science, Math and Physical Education, Western Nebraska Community College
Scott Hartman, paleontologist and scientific illustrator,
Neil Kelley, Department of Geology, University of California at Davis, USA
Dr. Matteo Belvedere, Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, Italy
Andrew R. C. Milner, Paleontologist and Curator, St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site, Utah, USA
Dr. James I. Kirkland, State Paleontologist, Utah Geological Survey, USA
Dr. Jerry D. Harris, Director of Paleontology, Dixie State College, Utah, USA
Dr. Andrew A. Farke, Curator, Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, Claremont, California, USA
Dr. Daniel Marty, Editor (Palaeontology) of the Swiss Journal of Geosciences
Dr. Manabu Sakamoto, School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK
(My thanks to all who signed.)
To give it the best chance of being seen by the relevant people, I submitted this three times on the BBC’s rather confusing web-site: on the Today feedback page, on the BBC complaints page, and on the Contact Today page.
Today at 2pm, I got the following reply:
Dear Dr Taylor
Reference CAS-1387310-3W6PSD
Thanks for contacting us regarding ‘Today’ broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 3 April.
I understand that you were unhappy with the inclusion of a report by Tom Feilden on a theory proposed by Professor Brian Ford regarding how dinosaurs’ lived. I note you believe the report gave credibility to this theory, and compared the professor with Galileo.
Your concerns were forwarded to the programme who explained in response that the item in question was a light-hearted feature looking at an outlandish new idea about the dinosaurs and which was clearly signposted as such.
They added that the item even included one of the world’s leading experts on dinosaurs, Paul Barrett, exposing it’s flaws and ridiculing it and that it was very clear where Brian Ford’s article was published since Laboratory News was clearly mentioned.
They also added that the reference to Galileo was simply an aside about the importance of dissent in science, with Brian Ford was unlikely to be put off by the condemnation of the established experts, and not, as you suggest, a comparison between Brian Ford and one of the greatest scientists of all time.
In closing they explained:
“Today does a lot of good, serious science, indeed that same morning we had items on carbon capture and storage and the controversy over the publication of flu research, but that doesn’t mean it all has to be serious and we must be free to include light-hearted items, reported in a more humorous way.”
Nevertheless, we’re guided by the feedback we receive and I can assure you I’ve registered your complaint on our audience log. This is a daily report of audience feedback that’s made available to all BBC staff, including members of the BBC Executive Board, channel controllers and other senior managers.
The audience logs are seen as important documents that can help shape decisions about future programming and content.
Thanks for taking the time to contact us.
Kind Regards
Mark Roberts
BBC Complaints
I guess I don’t need to say that I find this completely unsatisfactory. Trying to pass the segment off as “a light-hearted feature looking at an outlandish new idea about the dinosaurs and which was clearly signposted as such” just won’t fly: its page on the BBC site is entitled “Aquatic dinosaur theory debated”, and there is nothing about it that signposts it as any less serious than, say, the piece they did with me on Brontomerus, or on sauropod neck posture.
Just another example of how the BBC complaints procedure operates.
‘Treat all complainants as lower forms of life, smear-label them as Green-Inkers and palm off their complaint
.. force them to jump through long chains of hoops before you do anything’
However a fast tweet or text to a presenter during a show can get errors corrected before the end of the show.
The best thing would be for presenters/producers not to be in the palm of vested interests like NGO’s charities in the first place.
Even when the evidence is in front of their eyes,
Beeb website telling us President Trump is inciting violence according to a Georgian Republican. Inciting violence for following the the rule of law!!! No investigation into voter fraud then you overpaid stooges.
“Covid Pfizer vaccine approved for use next week in UK”
While the EU have not decided yet. Another good reason for Brexiting.
Another update from this interesting person:
I would love this to be true but it seems hyper fantasy to me. Still this chap is right about one thing, time is running out, unless the president can pull a rabbit out of the hat this week or next it will all be over and the Biden steal will be successful. As to the rest of the stuff he claims , if he was speaking the truth he would be dead by now.
TOADY Watch #1 – New nickname need for Laura Kuenssberg
Do we need to call her Labour Laura instead of Part-time? She was brought on before Thought for the Day to comment on last night’s vote in the House. Labour Laura or Part-time pointed out that the Prime Minister cannot rely on his Party’s majority anymore.
Lobby numbers Laura? She was not looking at the Lobby counts as I gather from Ed Miliband’s (who?)(MP Lab) little interrogation by Mishal that some Labour MPs voted instead of abstaining in line with the Labour Whip. No mention of the Labour ‘rebellion’ then, Laura?
I wonder why?
I watched a lot of the debate and there were plenty of Tory conservative hitting him – rightly – although the red Tories will back him -mostly – I think there will be points when he can’t take them for granted
The ‘fun’ was watching Tory rebels come back into the fold at the prospect of a government job or a New Years gong . Quite repulsive ….
Douglas Carswells missing twin
“Boris Johnson able to call early election under proposed new law”
Interesting ?
Taffman – no – he is there until the next one in 4 ? Years time – although John Crace in the guardian – did a good job on Johnson as pm in todays edition . His 80 majority ‘fan club’ may have diminished after the covid crap .
I am contacting SSE to make sure they do not pipe Alton Gas to our street as it clearly does something odd when inflamed.
Especially in W1A gas-fired microwaves.
And here’s hoping Greta doesn’t take an impromptu dump in the corner of the Blue Peter room.
But, more crucially, both xe and dumbo clearly must be played by persons of color in the biopic as be-pigtailed white chicks are so going to trigger Hollywood on Salford Quays.
I suggest Jessica Yaniv in its Oscarrette winning reprise role of Robert Downey Jr’s character from Tropic Thunder as Desiree deVere.
Now, THAT I would watch on Winterval’s Day.
Just have a look at Al Beeb’s Brexit news page – nothing but negativity. Bias , what bias ?
Your telly tax pays for this trash. The government and its MPs must now this but does nothing about it.
My i-phone pips and I glance at it in a reflexive reaction. The on screen news prompt requires me to click on to discover: “What are England’s new rules today?” I really am living through some socially disconnected, media all pervasive, authoritarian dystopia.
Today’s Financial Times displays a form of schizophrenia in terms of our future economic prospects. Their leading economics commentator Martin Wolf is Pollyanna personified: ‘Covid clouds break. A strong and healthy recovery is within our grasp’ – meanwhile the FT’s headline report runs: ‘Debenhams failure sends tremours through bricks and mortar retail’ and tucked away in a corner we read: ‘Germans grow uneasy as pandemic debt pile builds’ – on the basis that lot tend to know what they’re doing this sounds pretty serious to me.
I suppose the weight you will feel from the impending economic fall out from the governmental reaction to covid will very much depend who and what you are. If you’ve just lost your job as a shop assistant at Debenhams you could maybe look for some bar work, or do some waiting in a restaurant, just to tide you over while you retrain as a solar panel fitter? Or maybe not. I sense Furlough Payments and Welfare Benefits may soon be rolled together into a Universal Citizens Wage and there’s always food banks (that’ll keep the Martin Wolf from the door – so to speak) On the positive side you can at last utilise that university degree of yours and concentrate on writing your novel.
Oh, didn’t I explain why the FT’s Martin Wolf is so optimistic about the future?
He’s a Bilderberg guy, regular at Davos and forum fellow at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.
“By 2008, Wolf had become disillusioned with theories promoting what he came to see as excessive reliance on the private sector. While remaining a pragmatist free of binding commitments to any one ideology, Wolf’s views partially shifted away from free market thinking back to the Keynesian ideas he had been taught when young.”
The future is Statist World Government and you’re 99.99% likely to be just one of the Plebs.
‘Be quiet down there! Humans are drowning out birdsong’ – so demands the ‘i’ newspaper. Burnishing their Green credentials and voicing the inevitable corollary – condemning human joie de vivre.
They used to say the show must go on. Well, Broadway thespian Joel Grey may not be treading the boards since all the theatres went dark and he is a little long in the tooth now but he does appear in the Guardian: ‘On Caberet, Björk and coming out at 82’ – seems there’s still life in the old dog yet.
By the way, ‘Owning a dog will make Biden a better president’ (i)
And finally, the freebie Metro does nothing to persuade this reader that it is not a celeb-obsessed, trashy woke advertising rag (but when all is said and done it is more honest than the FT): ‘Ri Ri risqué. Pop queen Rihanna invites you into her winter undie-land’
Asiseeit – im sorry but i dont think you cover celebrity world with enough detail
. I now know that ‘ little mix / mink?’ Is a group of young girls – above the Rotherham age target range – who sing , dance and show their knickers . Why not more about them ?
Seriously keep up the good work . When i was wealthy i used to ‘take ‘ the FT – i thonk a current missing tory mp s dad was in charge – then it went left as went far to the Right ., Never mind
TOADY Watch #2 – Competing ideaologies
Covid-19 Pandemic versus Global Warming. Global Warming versus Covid-19 Pandemic. Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the UN, has gone on record as saying “We are waging a war on nature.” and is leading the broadcast News Bulletins on BBC R4. Funny, I thought the WHO section of the UN said we were waging a war on Covid-19. Certainly, the UK’s Prime Minister is enthusiastically signed up for the latter battle.
We have to cut carbon emissions, i have been told in the 8.30 News Bulletin. Nick is now wringing his hands over the loss of jobs from the collapse of major retailers. That is a direct consequence of cutting CO2 emissions. Will the BBC join the dots? Will the BBC see the light?
I won’t hold my breath.
Last week, our local democracy radio station was getting wound up about Friday of Color and its impact on Greta’s holiday plans.
This week the same outfit, again on a dash rather than a dot mission, are asking all and sundry if ‘we’ are dashing out to spend, spend, spend on Well Wicked Wednesday to support retailers devastated by evil Boris*.
It is almost they exist solely to stir.
*Just him.
Boris “I was up in Wrexham at the vaccine factory yesterday”
WTF everyone else is supposed to do essential journeys only
Yet the globalists front man went there just to have his picture taken !!
Guardian : Boris Johnson visited CP Pharma, the Indian owned, pharmaceuticals company in Wrexham today.
It will manufacture the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine as part of a £50m government contract.
Stew, did he drive or was driven by a chauffeur? Diesel car? Tsk, tsk! Petrol Car? Tsk. tsk, tsk!! Train running on air or unicorn farts? Oh, that’s alright then.
I’ve just been told that our old friend Lewis Hamilton is going to be one of the guest editors on the Today programme over Christmas; ah, what a delight…
No doubt the multi millionaire, tax dodger, will lecture us about racism and poverty. I’ll be intrigued to hear how someone with such immense wealth finds himself supporting a bunch of ultra left anarchists.
I’m pretty sure we’ll hear all about his deprived upbringing and how he constantly has to struggle against injustice…driving the best car in the world…
Lewis likes it to be known that he is very concerned about the environment. These worries must sit uncomfortably with his occupation, or the fact that he zips across the globe in private jets and owns numerous sports cars and speed boats.
You know, I feel for the poor lad…
Who says Radio 4 no longer do comedy?
Has the deranged media exposure addict self identified as a pigtailed white Swedish miserable goblin yet?
With a Louis Vuitton full body mask.
The selfie for that will be epic.
As the weather here is iffy, maybe Mishal can pop down to Monaco for an OB on the sun terrace?
No awks questions on flying as she has lots on, or to him about tax or plans for soup kitchen duty in Brixton with his folks.
His agent keeps equipping him with the latest poppet to dispel any rumours he might play for the other side ( arsenal ) ….I wonder if he will present the show from down town St Evenage and have a selection of local ‘on bail’ gangsta friends to tell the public how tough life is ….
Or maybe he ll do a programme about having a whitee as a mum —- or a feature on the best kind of chip to wear on your shoulder …
He won’t be staying in the UK he loves so much for tax purposes – 183 days ….a year non domicile if I recall my tax law …
No one listens to the R4Today show
It’s only for Guardian nutters
everyone else listens to local radio mostly, plus the other options.
I never understand why some git belting around a race track with his mates, using thousands of gallons of petrol in the process can ever say he is concerned about the environment.
Of course, there are several normal citizens who are good drivers, but this idiot just winds up the mentally challenged morons who try and emulate him (that sort need ‘role models’, and try and do the same in all our country roads! If anyone needs to understand that speed kills, whether you go out in a big car or a Reliant Robin, just don’t encourage them any more, Blingy McBlingface!
Well said Fed ! I have said on more than one occasion that I have a brother serving on Stevenage Council, and Mr H does not garner much support in the Council Chambers.
Stevenage, like a lot of 60’s new towns is still not old enough to be a ‘slum’ town, masses of green areas, well built council houses, yes there are boarded up local shops like every other town, but the town centre is undergoing regeneration. Had Hamilton not been such a sh…t his sporting achievement would have been celebrated and maybe a statue in his honour in the town square; but it’ll never happen now.
I know he has his fans, and when I read letters demanding his knighthood, my first thought was, really ????
One for Marianna to deep six in her trench.
BBC News
China accused Australia of trying to “deflect public attention” from alleged war crimes by its soldiers in Afghanistan.
Only at the end of the caption does one discover they faked a photo.
I bet that ‘shiner’ chap and the rest of the ambulance chasers are on the long haul already …and employing ex coppers to compose false witness statements like the last time ….
You’ve made me realise that we have been falsely mocking Ms. Spring.
Her selfies are probably the only original photographs put out under the BBC name actually of the subject rather than the Getty Images files, first search term ‘black’..
I guess you looked at it on Facebook cos the actual title on all 5 edit stages since 1pm Tuesday is
“China refuses to apologise to Australia for fake soldier image”
then below the photo there is the deflection line
The way they posted it on
Facebook was with the deflection line first.
Then Canadian account Shah Baig Seerat created the anti Australian post that got 400 Likes
One story to make BBC very, very happy: “Elliot Page: Juno star announces he is transgender” – Another to ensure we don’t forget how racist we all are: “‘Racial abuse on social media takes a toll on my mental health’ The reality of abuse faced by very visible black women online.” –
I just think it’s such a great idea by the left, liberal, woke, eejits… “I know let’s beat racial discrimination by teaching everyone to see colour. Let’s teach non-white people to see racism everywhere, and let’s teach white people that they don’t see colour of skin because they’re racist”. An ideology that tries to route out discrimination by promoting the idea of inherent discrimination (to such a degree that non-white people must now be given ‘safe spaces’) is disturbing to say the least. Effectively, tackling racism by promoting segregation. Bizarre.
I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s and, from what I can see, there’s virtually no discrimination left. Like our whatever-wave feminists they have to find problems where problems do not exist, in some narcissistic attempt to ‘change the world’; a world that was moving steadily forward until they engaged the reverse gear and slammed the accelerator pedal down.
I am minded of the proverbial bull in a china shop.
The bull is the ‘progressive’ and always heads in the correct direction.
Sometimes the bull’s followers find that the bull is now heading straight towards them.
(Just like the bull the ‘progressives’ don’t actually know what they are progressing to. I was amused some years ago to see a talk in which a hero of ‘the left’, Noam Chomsky, was on the platform. An audience member got up to thank his hero for inciting him to revolt and pull down society. Chomsky smiled and showed himself to be the intellectal bastard that he is by asking his follower what he hoped to be built on the rubble. Chomsky, at least. is smart enough to know that he hasn’t a clue, it is just an exercise in destruction to him).
BBC American BS are doubtless lapping them up (though don’t recall the same enthusiasm in RT from Lurch) but these Biden in Waiting tweets look like someone has connected his account to a Dominion Chinese Cracker quote generator on a loop.
It is Reith Lecture time. Anita Anand is the Compere. Anita Anand likes the sound of her own voice. It is not so much a lecture, more a sort of Anita Anand Show. The lecture starts eventually.
I did learn something interesting despite all that chat. Dr Mark Carney has been sucked into the UN fold. He is now the UN’s Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance. I also learned that he flies a lot, so no restriction on his travel for Global Warming’s and Climate Change’s sake then?
Is she still wearing her Bama Beanie?
Guest, Beanies, I know. But Bama not?
I am reading a book at the moment ” Denial of Justice ” by Mark
Shaw. It is about the murder , yes murder and not suicide or
anything else of Dorothy Kilgallen the esteemed journalist and
top TV personality who was found dead in her bed in November
1965 just before she was going to bust the loan wolf assassination of JFK to pieces.
I have always believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was not just a
loan wolf . But the death of JFK was a conspiracy. As it happens
I had a very minimal contribution to the book with a few
details about Dorothy Kilgallens visits to London. But that’s by
and by. You may ask what has this got to do with the BBC and
I will tell you why.
A President was slain in the USA and the conspiracy concerning
it was covered up. This voter fraud in the USA is small fry to
what happened to JFK and it’s aftermath. There is a conspiracy
going on in the USA over this voter fraud and the BBC with
it’s ” You know you can believe in us” is part of it , over here.
And before anybody says ” yes Foscari just another conspiracy
theory .” Read the book or watch an interview with Mark Shaw
on You Tube from three years ago, when he had written his earlier
version of the events ” The reporter who knew too much.”
We see film after film about the Maffia and the gangster culture
and bent politicians , bent cops etc from Hollywood. What
is going on in the USA right now and what happened in the
sixties and before and since shows that true events can be even
more sensational than fiction or faction .
Some good points, and I agree with you that the murder of Dorothy Kilgallen was one of the first of the “mysterious deaths” of people who were too close to the Kennedy assassination.
I too have seen the parallels with the conspiracy to end the Trump presidency. The president no longer travels in an open car, assassination is not really an option. But that does not mean that the Deep State will not get rid of him another way. And as with the JFK case, the MSM will not contradict the official line. We learnt in the 1970s that the CIA is in cahoots with the MSM, I doubt it is any different now. The likes of Zuckerburg, Dorsey and Bezos know which side their bread is buttered on.
I was one of the people who actually believed for a long time the Kennedy assassination was down to Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone. I read ‘Case Closed’ by Gerald Posner and that convinced me that the Warren Report was more or less an honest appraisal of what had occured. But of course that was before the current covaids scamdemic. I always had doubts about 9/11 but it wasn’t until march of this year I realised just how corrupt our world has become. So I looked up Posner again recently and noticed he had written a book slamming the drug companies, in particular those producing Opiods, but he had nothing but positive things to say about the big Pharmaceuticals. A classic deflection tactic used by all of the Intelligence Services. The real bad guys in all of this are the Pharmaceutical companies, as well as the banksters of course. Any independent and honest journalist can only come to one conclusion about the vaccine industry and it is definitely not a positive one. Clearly when researching things like this you need to be very aware of who is presenting the information to you.
I know for sure now JFK was murdered with the collusion of the CIA. There is absolutely no doubt in mind any longer.
“Loan wolf” – I shall use that.
Foscari –
I’m sure you’ll have seen it – but can I recommend the film ‘parkland ‘… ?
“Parkland” is very good if you want a rehash of the Warren Report. Knowledge of the JFK case has advanced since that 1964 whitewash.
I just thought the way it portrayed the immediate effect of the shootings was pretty worthy – I realise it didn’t touch on theories other than Oswald but as a human drama I thought it better than the ordeal that is JFK – the filim
In other film news – apparently anyone who appreciated Godfather – is to get a new version of Godfather 3 – at least we know it couldn’t be any worse….
TOADY Watch #3 – no self-awareness
Much wringing of the hands from Mishal and Nick and the female head of the TUC, Frances O’Grady, over the closure of two major UK retailers. The BBC are more than fully signed up to promoting Global Warming and Climate Change. I can’t speak for O’Grady and the TUC but I suspect that they would pay full lip-service to Global Warming and Climate Change while experiencing some nagging doubts and suspicions that job losses for their members will be devastating.
But that’s OK. Frances O’Grady is good at rattling the collecting tin for more money from the Government a.k.a. the taxpayer.
As something of an economist, I would point to a direct line between anti-car governance over decades, high transport taxation, Global Warming & Climate Change, the death of the High Street, the birth of Retail Parks and now the demise of major retailers during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
It is inescapable.
Totally agree Up. An argument I have been having for years that cutting off the flow of traffic through high street’s will lead to far more social problems than any amount of benefits to be had. North America has many out of town abandoned malls now as they have become unfashionable. I always thought that the clue was in the name in this country, “market town “.
From the lefty UK Press gazette –
“ BBC Wales director Rhodri Talfan Davies has been appointed BBC director of nations with responsibility for leading all work serving nations and local audiences. The England, Scotland and Northern Ireland directors will report to him and he will also continue his Wales role.”
No comment
Reith Lecture. Interesting to hear who was in the audience and invited to ask questions after the lecture.
I have a question for Dr Carney. He stated in his lecture that taking action now on Global Warming and Climate Change costs less than taking action in the future. That seems to conflict with practical economics and the inevitable reduction in the value of money because of inflation and the increasing efficiencies of all sorts of markets, including science and engineering, as time passes.
And a subsidiary question depending on the answer: the beauty of markets and capitalism is that they lead to efficiencies and improvements, do they not?
And yet another question, depending on the answer: do taxes – say, for environment reasons – not lead to changes in behaviour but those changes create a harm, not a good, in bringing job losses in their wake?
‘Stairway to Heaven’ – Led Zeppelin?
A passable cover version of the Rolf Harris classic.
They should have gone for Two Little Boys, but from what I know about them it’s probably the only thing they didn’t do.
Germany had 497 deaths on Monday
So I thought wow that’s worse than UK
yet when I check I find we had a sudden blip to 603
Sweden too
However that strange Monday Dec 1st blip up reflects something two or 3 weeks ago when people caught it , not today.
In all 3 countries there is case decline
UK peaked Nov 12th, Germany & Sweden peaked Nov20 but their decline is way less than ours.
BTW on TalkRadio Mark Parrish is on about recovered people having an additional vaccine
Em than is not an easy point
cos it’s quite different from vaccinating the test base of raw people
IMHO there is a risk that a person’s already primed immune system might over react to a vaccine.
Italy, France, Poland, Spain also high
Italy 700-800 deaths/day
No one has died from SARS-CoV-2. It doesn’t exist. I suggest you do some research. How about starting here.
She uses the CDC death figures so you cannot argue she is making stuff up. Oh yes and she is employed by the Johns Hopkins university, the very same people responsible for the hysteria.
They have forced a retraction. I dare say she has been fired for speaking the truth.
Then you should read this.
Be warned. You have to be able to think rationally to understand it.
Now this.
22 leading microbiologists, geneticists and other internationally renowned medical research doctors who have called for the withdrawal of the so-called Corman-Drosten et al paper published in Eurosurveillance in January 2020. As you SHOULD know this paper forms the basis for all RT-PCR assays that have been developed and approved by Public Health England , which have been rolled out across the UK and used as diagnostic tools to detect SARS-CoV-2 infection.
They are all fraudulent.
This distraction talk about banning people who haven’t had a vaccine
how do you provide proof to establishments that you’ve had the vaccine that can’t be faked or forged?
Even a genuine certificate could come from sending someone to take the vaccination for you.
And doctors could make loads from selling certificates.
“Knowing the way this government has handled this crisis I’m expecting it will be a tattoo on your forehead.”
Just watched a YouTube video where the Irish government medical adviser for COVID tells kids they may have to get used to wearing “bracelets they can’t take off”.
Vaccine news reaction from the scientist who shouts about T-cell immunity
and is oft quoted by Yeadon.
Well, I’ve got a B12 jab in my bum tomorrow, so I won’t have to eat any liver for a while…
Mind you, the nurse is just gorgeous, so I always look forward to that little episode!
My late mother was prescribed that – B12 – in pill form. She used to sneeze a lot. We used to find her Vit B pills and other pill meds on the floor across the other side of the room!
Snap – I still find an occasional tablet secreted some where years after my aged parent passed ‘they’re trying to poison me ‘….
notice anything different about the pictures
Pretty chap is he Scrob ? Do you pay extra ….
I had a gander at the NYTimes which reports a certain bitterness that an American company has been approved in the UK – it says that the excel in London will be a first ‘hub’ for vaccine dustribution ..
Assuming it doesn’t land up killing half the population I wonder how long it is before some woke type says that it should go to the third world before Britons – …..
PMQs has a strange taint to it today ….
@ F2
Ahem, here we go:
Your age, ethnicity and wealth could decide whether you get the coronavirus vaccine first as experts consider using Oxford algorithm
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation has made 11-tier priority list
Tool developed by Oxford academics takes a range of factors into account
Boris Johnson is hopeful a vaccine will be ready to be rolled out by the spring
Be very careful and keep asking for more transparency on these vaccines-nothing has been said on the subject only a seemingly frantic tearing about by Government and Media to give us some reason to beleive that an end to this subjugation is in sight. However this Government are endeavouring to use a vaccine produced by Pfizer whose whose record over bribary and fraud over some 20 odd years has resulted in over$6 billion dollars worth of fines. In view of their record of lying there is really no chance I shall accept that their latest claim that their vaccine is 90% effective. I have to say from research Astra Zeneca fare no better $520 million in 2010 for bribery and making false claims. The offences were for consumer protection violations, employment discrimination, environmental violations, false claims, kickbacks, bribery, and the unapproved promotion of medical products. I am sure that in all cases it was just a little misunderstanding, and no harm was meant! So which of you is going first?
It isn’t 95 percent effective ffs. How can it be? You can’t test a vaccine in 9 months. From the British Medical Journal.
You really do need to read this
and this from the executive editor of the same journal
On top of that I suggest you look at this.
This is an order for an AI system to track the adverse reactions to the gene therapy they are inflicting on you. It is not a vaccine. I suggest you read it carefully.
Ha ha ha, Fed!
It’s the best ‘Janet Regers’ tomorrow and no mistake!
I just love it when she says ‘Drop your drawers’, and from then on I could easily start a family or whatever…
God, I love that Gal!
She doesn’t say ‘just a little prick’; it’s ‘small scratch’, and from then on, I’m anybody’s, including hers and also the other fabulous nurse who is called in to help get me off the ceiling, give me a hand onto a chair, and tell me to calm down…:0~
I’m so glad you said “give me a hand onto a chair” when I got to give me a hand …I thought whats coming next..
been reading too much of Led Zep antics obviously with Plant wearing T shirt “nurses do it better” onstage
????bucket of ice please
Have they been taught to say “scratch” because it sounds less painful? A real scratch would be far worse than a prick.
Astounding that this PR Tory MP doesn’t already know how rare
proven second infection is
Stew, quite correct, there is always a chance of medical exceptionalities. As I point out in a post below, no mention of that when greeting the approval of a Covid-19 vaccine on BBC R4 so far today.
I think just two people in the UK so far have been confirmed cases of having Covid-19 twice. I may not be up to date on that figure. How many have had Covid-19 so far in the UK? Hundreds …
…. of thousands.
BTW the TalkRadio news ticker is shouting “Climate Crisis” at us
BTW no major new source has run that claim as a news story
Rather it’s just a reflex claim from Climate Activist PR people.
Stabbings in Burnley.
Appears to be a 57 yo muslim. No doubt having problems with Christmas looming.
videos after arrest
wideshot with commentary ..
See things are getting back to normal – local man shopping / stabbing locally .
( allegedly ) – there is no evidence for this claim …..
“Stabbed in the neck” often means attempted beheading in BBC talk, which in turn suggests a “religious” motive.
When they dig my grave, I would welcome someone like you diving in before me.
Throw a misquote in and a broadband connection it’s guaranteed 🙂
Burnley is a proper dump, as ‘diverse’ as you like.
I think they call it vibrant ie likely to get mugged or raped whilst the call to prayers is echoing around the streets
does not happen in the hideously white villages around the country for some strange reason
And of course there is not one mention of the man’s ethnicity or religion anywhere in any article I can find.
And of course we have the usual suggestions that it is due to mental health issues. No mention of what social conditioning made him choose this particular way to go crazy.
But what is the most disgusting of all is that the BBC chose not to show the picture of the guy who did it. What right do they have to hide very relevant known facts from articles if it doesn’t suit their agenda ?.
We all know how different it would have been if he had been white.
Apparently 2 victims both female one worker one shopper stabbed but not life threatening….. bloke arrested but looks very old
Nov 24th Universities UK report
: staff/students in all universities should have to undergo “unconscious bias training” & be taught to understand “micro-aggressions” and “white privilege” in order to stamp out “institutional racism”.
I suggest he resigns and gives his job to a bame
Just three good reasons to reject the hurried vaccine in my humble opinion.
Matt “I love the
BBCNHS” Hancock recommends it.Starmer says it is “fantastic news”(PMQs).
The bBC (Nick Triggle, Health correspondent) says “This is the news we have all been waiting for.”
By accident rather than design I watched the BBC TV News at 1pm today.
They had a broadcast from a reporter and his crew outside the Pfizer vaccine factory in Belgium. He didn’t go into the factory nor did he speak to anyone. He did bring up Brexit of course and how this might affect the lorries carrying the vaccines at the ports. Drip, drip…
But why spend our money on a pointless ‘here I am outside of…’ broadcast? What did they achieve?
I think their purpose was to ram home how wonderful the EU is coming to our rescue and that we are crazy to leave. Missing the point entirely of course.
Im assuming the SNP scottish government wont be accepting vaccines which havent had EU approval . Apparently the EU is meeting next Tuesday so that they can decide which germans / french get it first …. or maybe they wont certify it – that will put the SNP in a real position .
Lucky it is not about peoples’ lives eh ?
Invidentally some SNP vermin at PMQ suggested england ‘ give ‘ £500 to every one in the English NHS – like the scots give away – meanwhile private sector wealth creators are ‘ surviving’….
Guardian : The British countryside remains a distinctly white and often intimidating place for BAME communities.
We interview three outdoor enthusiasts seeking to address this lack of diversity.
Would they ever run the same headline in reverse about some areas of south London ?
The article doesn’t allow comments
“I wanted the group to be a space in which black women could feel safe and comfortable in the outdoors. It gives black women the confidence to go to places they might not have done before.”
“[black people in cities] experience racism on a daily basis so it feels uncomfortable to them to head out into the countryside – the last bastions of whiteness”
Weird sentence which is probably a typo
In June this year, the BBC show Countryfile looked at racial diversity and it was argued that
a lack of access to the city for traditional countrysiders
was the reason for the disconnection and perceived hostility to minorities.
I’m thinking about that beach cookout
.. and similar illegal raves.
Also about the way white people go to other countries and go straight into their countryside.
Except if you are a woman, you have to take some precautions say in Muslim dominated countries.
It’s interesting this article doesn’t list any robberies/rapes that happened to BAME people in the English countryside.
And the trick in Africa is to not have your own vehicle, look poor and be friendly
that way you end up having tea with the soldiers/ police
instead of having to pay them a $50 bribe to let your car through.
I was once in a remote part of India on a path between 2 villages
about 300m in front I could see half a dozen people washing clothes near the river.
Suddenly they went absolutely flying
when I got there, the bars of soap were still on the rocks. They’d probably never see a live white person.
I would like to know in what way exactly the outdoors is not inclusive. Do all the squirrels, rabbits and birds take flight when they see a black face or something or do other ramblers hiss at them while passing cos there’s usually nothing else around!
In other words she has taken up modelling !
“black people in cities] experience racism on a daily basis so it feels uncomfortable to them to head out into the countryside – the last bastions of whiteness”
Hmmmm, cant remember the last time I heard of a black woman being attacked by a park ranger / shepherd/ tree surgeon /forester / farmer. But what do I know.
Maybe if I tell them the story about how I nearly drowned in a bog alone in Shropshire – no phone signal – and had to use me rifle to get out after 6 hours -they’d be less ‘country ‘?
A tip – wear the buckles on yer wellies tight if using them – I do even in the bath …
What did you use the rifle for ? to shoot the lock off the bog door ? why wait 6 hours for that ?
I’ve been in some quite passable bogs in my time but that is stretching it, unless you had a good book with you maybe
Darcy – i was upto my armpits . It took me 6 long hours to work out how to get out …..
I was raising pheasants and used my .223 to counter predators – I was doing this just before the – wandering around the countryside leaving gates open and rubbish behind act -came in – I used to wear a gilly suit and would listen to ‘wanderers trespassing coming closer to my sniping position and then stand up to ‘show myself ‘. It concentrated some minds and behaviour quite well .
Ah yes. the “wandering around the coutryside” post enclosure act, I tend to enjoy country walks, quite responsibly I don’t leave gates open for pheasants to escape
but the amount of poisoned birds of prey next to pheasants places is interesting, as is the amount of rights of way destroyed next to “horse fields” who think they own the countryside last weekend another example
Darcy – I gave up because I was paying quite a few bob for rights over a farm and then it became too Dangerous as people exercised their ‘right to roam ‘. . If it winds you up I used to shoot geese on their way out of RSPB reserves as well – only to eat mind you – …..
The greens would just love me …
As for the ggs – never had the opportunity – the 4×4 lot are the ones who get me though …and I used to have an off road wagon ….
Funny how so many of people in posession of firearm and poisons so close to poisoned birds
It becomes too dangerous as to ones right to to to roam what you mean in esense is who own this or thinks they own this or can intimmidate, so many times horse bitches trying to tell you it is their land
and they will use electric fences and make the pathway as crarped up as possble and verbally assaut you as to why you are there
Did you have to shoot the locals trying to push you under? Shropshire is Deliverance country.
Berghaus. Another brand now off my Xmas list!
“The last bastions of whiteness” sounds sinister, as though the whites are under attack, and losing. That couldn’t have been the intended meaning, could it?
TOADY Watch #4 – No mention of the risk
TWatO Watch #1 – No mention of the risk
Let’s get this straight from the outset – I believe in vaccination.
Vaccination has had tremendous benefits worldwide, firstly in the UK and Europe then especially in the developing world. I celebrate the arrival of a Covid-19 vaccine but would add a note of caution. Not everyone can take it. There was no mention of risk by BBC Presenters which is really negligent and verging on the criminal side of irresponsible.
Especially as the BBC gave great and continual coverage to the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse. “But that was a sandwich!” I hear a BBC Presenter protest. But food is taken into the body, vaccines are taken into the body and medications are taken into the body, usually without harm, by a massive percentage (normally mid to high 90%) but someone, somewhere may be at risk from a vaccine.
A friend of mine of Chinese origin is allergic to certain foods and meds and an epipen are carried in case of the inadvertent consumption of a trigger food. I know of others who are allergic to medications. The humble aspirin, which has been a great modern medicine, saving a lot of people from chewing bits of a tree, can be deadly to a haemophiliac. Other vaccines carry warnings at the bottom of the little sheet from the drug company.
Not to mention risk was a dereliction of a good broadcaster’s duty. Ironically neither the TOADY Presenters nor Sarah Montague managed to sound a note of caution over the arrival of a Covid-19 vaccine. Ironically in the latter’s case, because Sarah hosted a discussion about taking action against ‘anti-vaxxers’. Sarah appeared to be in favour of making spreading anti-vaxxing rumours on-line illegal.
That would not need to be done if broadcasters were more responsible, Sarah!
Fortunately, Dr David Nabarro, of WHO, as former medical practitioner had brought some earlier balance and mentioned the R word – risk.
Im not sure your post is legal . Any vaccine doubters will be fined and imprisoned – while we are at it / anyone who criticises the NHS – ot indeed – any public body – can have the same treatment – public body would – of course – include the BBC .
Curtailments of these so called freedoms are a matter of regret but the need for ‘community safety ‘ is paramount .
Fed, you obviously didn’t it read it too carefully or did not understand it (especially the first line) and you, our Moderator and all too!
Anyone know how Halifax is getting on?
Up2 – I did read it and realised that my flippancy would not be recognised . I also write with awareness of the plight of the light of our Halifax and hope that if he reads it he reads it in the way I intended ( hope you are recovering well Halifax )- the same with Van Helsing who wrote at the end of the last thread about his experience of covid …..
Truth be told, I didn’t feel terribly unwell when I (probably) had Covid, nor was I too concerned about my wellbeing (that of my wife was a different matter).
I dare say I’d have been more worried if I’d known about Covid at the time.
As for your post, you needn’t worry about my reaction to it. I am, after all, a huge fan of Catch-22…
Fed, oh yes, I recognised the flippancy – that is why I joined in the fun. 😉
The crime of “misinformation”.
Reach plc local publications are running this junk
“10 baby boy and girl names at risk of becoming extinct”
they run such a story every 6 months
#TheGreatReplacement is not mentioned
In danger of extinction. Let me guess – Mohammed?
You don’t cover statues “pending a decision”
that is a decision itself
Wouldn’t it be best to close the hospital as well if it’s origins lie in slave profits ? Does mr guy have any descendants ? Shouldn’t they be named and prosecuted in accordance with the new ‘fairness for coloured victims with chips ‘ laws ? One the guardian / vine /‘ sunday jibber shows ….
Just imagine.
This vaccine is said to be safe and has undergone many trials involving tens of thousands of volunteers.
Everything is ok we are told so we should all get vaccinated.
A bit like the USA election.
The most secure ever, no cheating, no evidence of rigging we are told so we should just accept what they are telling us.
Back to the vaccine then.
What if there were thousands of people (whistleblowers, volunteers, doctors, nurses and others involved in all the trials) and they were telling us that the results were flawed, rigged, fiddled, manipulated and all the things we are hearing about the USA stolen election.
Would you be happy to get the injection with a massive amount of information coming out that it was really dangerous.
Would you just get on with it and get the jab because some people in the government say it’s absolutely fine, no evidence of anything else.
The rigging on the USA election is a huge story which the msm is ignoring.
The evidence is there and increasing every day.
If it was the vaccine that had this much evidence against it, it would be all over every msm but because they all hate Trump they ignore that which they don’t support.
Our msm are truly corrupt. Guilty by their own silence.
EG – I think the MSM have been told – it works – get the proles to take it ….. no negatives – no adverse reactions – no dying because of it …. we’ve seen that truths can be very inconvenient and therefore ignored …
It is not a vaccine. It is gene therapy. I suggest you read this
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us
You would be insane to take this ‘vaccine’.
This presentation analyses the so-called deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in the US. You really need to watch it. She uses the official figures from the CDC and she works for the Johns Hopkins university , so she is no ‘consipiracy theorist’.
Now think about what you have just seen and its implications.
BBC Inside Out cancelled
It used to be one of the BBC’s good bits
cos longform pieces are always better than shallow news.
So what did the BBC do ?
Each week more of the 3 items were GuardianMob agenda pushing items
And guess what the BBC now argue “Its audience has been in decline for ten years, she said.”
“loss of 29 jobs this year as part of plans to save £25m across BBC England by March 2022”
A replacement is planned with 6 bases not 11
that will provide “documentaries and investigations” designed to resonate more with a working class audience.
One of the most popular items was
“the hidden scandal of sexual grooming of young Sikh girls by Muslim men (2013)”
Ofcom said the reach of BBC news sources to audiences in the lowest socio-economic group, DE, had fallen “substantially” from 71% two years ago to 63%.
Ofcom called on broadcasters to broaden the geographic and social make-up of their workforce.
BBC has double the middle class and double the privately educated , as the rest of the population.
“Most broadcasters’ workforces are still mostly based in London even though four-fifths of the UK population lives elsewhere.”
FFS the BBC tinker around at the little things
yet is hugely disproportionate on these big things.
Where is Brissles ?
We need “I’m Dreaming of a Black Christmas” please ?
“To hear rap and drill shite in the snow” etc.
“With drive by shootings and BLM lootings”
“And county line kids selling blow”
Over to you….
“Where the BAME knives glisten”
“And the BBC don’t listen”
In the absence of Brissles I will fill in
“when Bame knives glisten, and the bbc dont listen,
And the mosque calls to prayers on the radio”
The Independent showing their colours again over another Trump story, the headline reads.
“Trump vows to run again in 2024 at at LARGELY MASKLESS WHITE HOUSE PARTY”
The story itself then goes on to say……
“Videos of a White House Christmas party on Tuesday evening showed Mr Trump addressing a gathering comprised mainly of Republican National Committee members, many of whom appeared to be without face masks.”
First Many is not Largely so this is just another puerile stomping because they hate the guy.
There will come a payback time for all this childish crap!
I hear the head of CIA was shot in Germany while trying to shred the evidence of electoral fraud. She was not killed but has been sacked, but spared prison because she turned “Queen’s evidence”. That is such good news.
The Times last week : Older viewers turning away from BBC
” Only 54 per cent of adults believe that the BBC provides impartial news”
(That 54% must work for the BBC)
Ofcom warned, however, that the broadcaster’s declining relevance to specific groups — including working-class viewers, ethnic minorities, and those outside London and the southeast of England — threaten its long-term future.
less than half (48 per cent) of those from working-class
agree BBC is “showing a good range of programmes that include people like me”.
53% The REACH of BBC One news services, down from 65% in 2010
That is incredible if true, cos REACH is the weakest metric
.. to me a VIEWER is a person who actively chooses to watch the whole program
but weekly REACH is counted when once in a week you walk in the house switch on the TV it comes on Channel1 and it’s the Covid Press conference or something, and you watch it for 2 minutes.
On that metric you hit “weekly reach on loads of genres”
So for 47% of people never to dip into any BBC1news is remarkable’s on 7 days 365
Top Comment
I’ve always been a solid supported of the Beeb. However, their overwhelming and all-pervasive obsession with woke / diversity / BAME / politically correct / left-leaning / home counties / right-on social-liberals is beyond a joke.
Believe it or not, I’m generally supportive of diversity and reasonable liberalism in most forms (yes, true). However, I really don’t need it rammed down my throat every time I watch or listen to the Beeb.
I don’t think the bosses at Al Beeb care?
Without doubt, they read this site.
4:30pm R4 “Big Changes to online news reporting”
+ 3 VERY different perspectives on how to report a pandemic, from:
@fgodlee – Editor of the BMJ
@LauraCollinsYPN – Editor of the Yorkshire Evening Post
Felicity Clarke of @dailystar
4:40pm presenter Amol “the scientific consensus on Covid vaccine is clear
just like the scientific consensus on Climate Change”
The government is intent on forcing competition law on Social Media corps
so they don’t control the market on winner takes all basis.
The name “Hamilton” has some very dubious connections with slavery in the West Indies, but we are about to knight one
( seems a done deal already cos he is black innit)
No one asking questions about this ones ancestors though
or Tupperware Rashford St Lunchbox
As for St Greta of Thunberg, one would not be too surprised to see Eric Bloodaxe, Gunnstein Berserker and Eystein Foul-Fart featuring somewhere in her family tree with some rapes and pillages under their belts
And you just have to look at her to see her family tree does not branch much, not a gene pool more of a puddle maybe.
Luckily I do not live too near a river, Holy Island or a monastery
BTW arthritis of the hand, another sign of holding an axe or an oar too much
or nailing a vicar to a church door and hitting your fingers instead a couple of times (you can see the bruises)
12 November
South Yorkshire PC charged with assaulting teenage football fan
“PC Sampson is due to appear at Leeds Magistrates’ Court on 2 December.”
Cop basically cleaves a youth’s head open.
It’s the 2nd today so where the update from the mighty BBC?
Never mind, we don’t need them, we’ve got YouTuber Marti Blagborough to go down and report.
Video deleted
new video the maker says “sorry it was the wrong guy, I screwed up, it was a West Yorkshire officer who looked the same
The police contacted me and I took the video down”
Bottomline the court case was adjourned until Dec 30
Incident video
Evidence of US electoral fraud is now pouring out faster than you can say ‘Dominion’, ‘Mail-in ballots’ or ‘George Soros’.
The biased, lying BBC continues to ignore the story.
Now the latest ‘revelation’ is the anti-Trump bias of CNN, as exposed by Project Veritas’ secret recordings. In one private conversation with her boss, a reporter spells out how the Dems want a particular story spun, to facilitate Biden’s transition to power.
How delicious when the tables are turned against the MSM, who have no hesitation in spying on their – usually conservative – political targets and ‘exposing’ them, often on the flimsiest of evidence, if at all.
Wouldn’t it be awful if a whistleblower revealed BBC editorial meetings? Perish the thought.
LOL. They don’t like it up em