I saw it at the pictures and then again . A potentially good film was spoiled by the back and forward editing as well as having a few too many boxoffice ‘ stars’ on the little boat.
Prefered the black and white version which was much deeper ….
Spolier alert- i couldnt find a record of a hospital ship being sunk – but wiki has a sad long list of hospital ships sunk by both sides . ….
The sixteen year old work-experience unpaid intern who came up with the Home Page wording probably doesn’t know what apostrophes are and how to punctuate having spent most of conscious life so far on a smart-phone. adding the letters ‘UK’ in the right place would stop this item from being FakeNews. But then the poor teenager thoroughly indoctrinated by the BBC since June 2016 probably thinks the UK was abolished when we ‘left’ the EU on 31 December at 23.00hrs.
Point taken re Dunkirk. My old man was actually there clutching his tins of condensed milk while being hammered by all sorts of ordnance. I’m sure he told me that it was the Germans. Perhaps, in all the exitement, he made a mistake. Mind you he thought the Frogs were a bigger enemy than the Boche so who knows?
Did anyone else notice in the Dunkirk film that standing on the bow of one of the ‘small boats’ that came to the rescue was a woman in a skirt? Just for the sake of diversity, of course.
No German soldier was ever seen in the film. And the word German was never used. Was it the Norwegians with mental health issues, after all?
Chris Johnson (Facebook) 2/1/2021 Dover. Another exclusive to you. First boat in since brexit. 8 illegal migrants. First boat of the year is a french handover.
This is a test run. And a chance for Priti Useless to put the new policy in motion and be shown to be doing so. Send em back! That would give a clear message at the start of the year.
The Hon Snow doesn’t know his history does he – The iron and steel treaty stopped the krauts building panzers again – and NATO preserved the Peace .
I wonder what the EU will do if one of its statelets becomes threatened by the Russians or Turks or whoever ……
…………………I bet they’d run for help from the Americans again …..
As for the Honourable Snow – another example of someone getting a job through family advantage …. maybe he’ll go get an EU passport …..
That wasn’t all, either, Fed. The IC&SF treaty enabled the French to sneak in ahead of everyone else and take for themselves some German territory including the coal mines and any mineral resources nearby. Thus was the French economic recovery secured before any other nation that had been a victim of the evil Axis. In addition, it put the squeeze on northern French miners and also placated French car workers, both groups of which had been stroppy Union & strike-wise before WW2.
What a prize turkey.
NATO has kept the peace. Not the EU.
The tragedy is that people such as Dan are ignorant of why we voted to leave yet are arrogant enough to think they know better than everyone else.
Every time I read comments like his, I think of the HitchHikers guide to the galaxy where the Golgafrinchans put all the completely useless member of society on a ship and launched them into deep space.
Dan and all the other BBC luvvies would be on that ship.
If sovereign countries were so small that their armies were just about large enough to mount a ceremonial guard outside their parliament buildings and no more then they couldn’t go to war.
If all the countries in a continent joined together and were led by unelected politicians then said continent would have the means and motivation to annex its neighbours.
Probably needs to have an all-female air force though.
I find Dan Snow’s comment completely disingenuous. No civilised country should think it acceptable to attack or invade another, trade deal or political union or not. So what he seems to be defending, therefore, is some kind of potential blackmail, ie you had better all stay in the EU or we start wars up so watch out??
Also, is asserting national sovereignty akin to invasion and war? For me, no, it just moves the democracy closer. (And I wonder what his view is re the SNP?)
And don’t loads of peaceful countries have national sovereignty?
He seems to make statements based on flawed reasoning.
Apologies if I’ve missed something or am naive.
Not BBC but it could be – Talk Sport – currently with the
Spurs v Leeds game – is advertising live commentary of ‘darts ‘ tonight .
I had a day off the booze on Jan 1sr – my one day of the year – but darts ? On the wireless? ….. …
If any of you are thinking of getting a new guitar have a look at the Fender player series. The telecaster is particularly good and, like the strat, comes left or right handed. Good value for money as well. I’m not on commission, honest!
Do my level best not to propagate mis-information – which this from @bbc5live definitely is- but now this tweet has had over 1 million views I think important all in child health make absolutely clear we are not seeing a nationwide wave of #COVID19 induced illness in children.
My brother in law still insists that Donald Trump wanted people to inject with bleach/disinfectant against the covid.
Has anyone any links (Stew?) where I can copy and paste to send to him to prove that DT did not say this and had been misquoted.
I’m sure what DT said has been manipulated and was used to discredit him in the same way as the £350 million on the bus was used to try and discredit Brexit.
Here you are. A link to the video and a transcript.
“I see disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that”
Puke, why don’t you go and do something useful, like ‘fact check’ the scientists, who according to your beloved BBC news are now arguing about the China virus vaccine… One shot or two?
In fact, hold your fact check. I’ll spell it out to all the imbeciles at the AntiBeeb.
maxi, you you may find this site useful please can you tell your chums about . I do recall Piku has already viewed it………….
HE SAID ‘DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT’ meaning inject something which would kill the virus via something like an internal wash. Then he passed it back to the doctors.
someone set out to show me why trump was a complete joke and w**ker
Several days later what they showed me was a photo shopped video with his wig falling off and his teeth falling out intercut with out of context snippets
After they had played it the conversation went
me : you looked for the bleach video didnt you
them: yes
me: you didnt find it did you
them: no but ….
@Emmanual, Basically who is the bad man ?
Trump asking a question
or the media guys cutting and partially quoting to cook a narrative up ?
IMHO The media guys behave like a school bully gang.
Link :here is a full context transcript
Trump begins by saying he is asking a question.
and get to the the question
“Is there a way we can do *something like that* by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. ?”
Piku cut off half the sentence
it continues “ you are going to have to use medical doctors with that.”
Emmanuel asks a question and Piku provides the answer.
Then there seems to be an assumption that Piku has put one over on President Trump, yet hasn’t actually claimed to have done that.
Perhaps there is a bit of Piers Morganism going on? (Piers kept playing this video over and over to Nigel Farage while insisting that Trump said ‘bleach’. After the umpteenth replay it eventually dawns on Piers that ‘bleach’ never appears in the clip at all).
We hear what we want to hear I expect.
For the avoidance of doubt President Trump was speculating in the presence of ‘experts’, any one of whom could have interjected if they thought the public might be mislead.
Toxic substances and hazardous radiation are routinely used by mainstream medicine, both internally and externally, to treat disease so to ask the question isn’t unreasonable – and a damn sight more informative than the usual media questions.
Dr. Ramers says he knows of several other local cases where health care workers became infected around the time they received the vaccine.
He says all the cases illustrate the fact that results aren’t immediate. Even after you start receiving some protection, it won’t be full protection.
“That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50%,”
Stew, if I recall correctly with a coronavirus vaccine (influenza, SARSs, Covid) there is a chance you will contract the virus. I understand that two factors come into play.
One is how carefully the injection is administered, the final swab of the innoculation site needs to be very thorough and the swab needs to go straight into an enclosure via a medical gloved hand and a lid put on the enclosure.
Secondly, we humans are all slightly different and that includes our individual immune response. Some (very few) may respond immediately with the virus, others (more than a few) may experience very faint symptoms of the virus all the way down to nothing at all really except a sore arm, and then the bulk of the population have no problems whatsoever.
If any Doctors or Nurses are reading this, please correct any errors in my post.
@Up2Snuff AFAIK there is no way you can catch the virus from the vaccine.
It doesn’t carry a live virus rather they carry bits of code which resemble parts of the virus so create antibodies that will deal with a live virus.
That doesn’t mean you can’t catch the virus from the room
eg from the nurse or the spittle of the previous person etc.
Stew, its a coronavirus! It mutates. If it gets out onto your skin you and others can catch it. Hopefully Docmarooned will check over my post for any errors.
Influenza is a coronavirus. I have caught influenza from the influenza vaccine. I know others that have caught the virus from the vaccine albeit years ago during an early mass vaccination trial. Why? In that instance a building was also to blame and needle technology was different then to now.
If Covid is also a coronavirus and if it mutates as is now being claimed then it is probably changing faster than the vaccines. But back to your point, one of the UK approved vaccines is a ‘dead’ one but are both?
BBC food program this morning. Saturday Kitchen?
Featured some Female Guardian. Food critic,
However the thing that shows how distance presenters and producers are from ordinary people was this feature on what to do with leftovers….
Apart from the pasta, I am sure everyone has their fridge stuffed with truffles and all of the other expensive ingredients that I have never heard of to whip up a cheap simple supper…
This is a factual claim, so should be easily verifiable by the @BBCNews that retails it. So: is there, or not, a whole ward full of child covid patients in London, but there was not in the first wave?
???? The @bbc5live interview with Adrian Chiles and Laura Duffell this morning has spooked a lot of parents on hearing that significant numbers of kids are coming down with Covid.
This @BBCRadioFive tweet has scared so many people about children at risk, incl me. Wonder if @BBCFactCheck can clarify as now being refuted by some paediatric consultants & as anyone who queried it yesterday was accused of Covidhoax-style misinformation, it'd be helpful to know
The speed at which fake news travels on this place is frightening. Please get your news from reputable sources and don’t retweet things unless you’re sure they’re true and accurate.
R4 Profile this weekend is black/Japanese tennis star Naomi Osaka
Her Japanese mother moved from the far northeast of Japan to the big city Sapporo, met her black Haitian father, and then they both went to mainland city of Osaka. Once they had 3 children their father got obsessed by the way the William’s sisters father coached their tennis so copied it.
Then he moved the family to New York and later to Florida in search of better training conditions. He didn’t think the American Tennis association gave them enough support so he set it so his daughters play for Japan.
Naomi just formally renounced her US citizenship, cos that means she can play for Japan in the Olympics.
Naomi is a big BLM supporter.
Tennis star Naomi Osaka – highest earning sportswoman ever, protesting police violence against black Americans. in 2021, Osaka's set to compete at the Tokyo Olympics. What else lies ahead for Naomi Osaka?
I’m guessing the BBC won’t be reporting the group of kidults having a covid party outside St Thomas Hospital in central London last night ‘ new year ? An A and E doctor filmed it and put it on the London Evening Standard with the report .
If anyone thinks Covid is a hoax they deserve what they get …
Businessman accused of trying to rip off a Muslim woman’s HIJAB on Tube has assault case thrown out after she and her two friends gave conflicting stories, court papers show
Pawel Uczciwek was accused of committing an anti-Islam hate crime on the Tube
Aniso Abulkadir alleged the Polish businessman hit her and tried to remove hijab
She kicked up social media storm, and called for employer to sack him
But assault case was thrown out after witnesses gave conflicting stories
The trio whipped up a social media frenzy by alleging that Mr Uczciwek had tried to rip off Ms Abulkadir’s hijab and had hit her. They also published his home address and called for his employer to sack him.
At the time, Mr Uczciwek, now 31, denied attempting to remove the hijab and said he had been defending his black girlfriend Yolaine Mossimi from a ‘racist attack from three random females’
Defending, Brent Martin argued that the defendant had approached the trio only after he had overheard them making unsubstantiated ‘derogatory’ comments about his black fiancee.
‘My home address, place of work, personal images have also been posted all over social media. A number of people have contacted my place of work in attempts to get me fired. I have been called an Islamophobe.
‘People have shared my family address where my parents and my little sister lived, their lies put them directly in harm’s way.
Cant really be too interested in this one – but if ever there was a ‘hate crime ‘ – publishing name and address and trying to get the chap fired is pretty hateful …
So I spent 1 minute looking up the lady in question – she sure likes her image being on Instagram and it wouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to find her home address and job – if she has one
I think this incident happened in 2019 and was resolved ( not guilty ) in 2019?
.. I wonder if he can pursue a ‘malicious prosecution ‘ against her and the CPS in the civil court ?
“Speaking to MailOnline, Mr Uczciwek has now opened up about how the ‘false accusations’ caused him to suffer”. So an interview on 2 Jan 2021
I would suggest it is of interest to anyone who sees how the msm lead by the bbc is obsessed about racism … with certain caveats
And to observe the consequences of challenging racism directed towards ones fiance when the perpetrators are muslim
Similar to the muslim who made derogatory comments about three trans people on the tube and got a well deserved kicking for it and they ended up in court.
They are desperately trying to get their mates ( the teachers) a extended holiday .
Non stop reports from hard done too teachers !!!!! BBC pulling out all the stops to make sure they get a nice top up on the already overly generous 3 months holidays per year !!!!
Did we ever hear at any point last year that supermarket workers were refusing to go to work because it was ‘not safe’? No. But then Labour doesn’t own and control them.
Teaching & Headteaching Unions have had enough. They’re commencing legal action against this government & advising teachers to stay away from schools until SAGE’s advice is listened too.
You know how the MSM enjoys nothing more than describing third worlders as being ‘covid victims ‘?
Try this report-
“LONDON (Reuters) – Police in London burst in on about 50 people smoking shisha pipes, watching football and playing loud music inside a cafe, a major breach of strict COVID-19 regulations banning any kind of socialising between people from different households.”
I was just checking a wild lefty claim ‘The BBC donates money to the Tory Party’
As ever that is spin
Does BBC money sometimes pass into political party accounts ?
Yes, why ?
Cos the BBC pays to go on battlebuses and party conferences, and usually has a BBC stand at them etc.
Less money is paid to the Tories than for other parties. cos the Tory Conferences are run by external contractors.
On top of that the BBC buys in services and productions from contractors and in the making of such productions the price may have included buying services off political parties.
Sorry Stew but if you take money from a private concern then that can be a private matter .
You take money from a public concern then that should be a public matter .
6:10pm local news opened with the news that the RSPB complaining the new Hornsea windfarm will kill important birds
then straight to interview with the Renewables UK spokesperson smoothing over the issues
She Melanies Onn just happens to be the Ex Grimsby Labour MP that lost her seat one year ago.
#2 news item was of course the teachers union advert that has been running all today
Are teachers in danger ?
How many have died so far ?
Surely vulnerable ones can wait until testing system is in place.
Easily sorted. Where’s Marianna Spring when you need her ????
My bad, it suits the BBC narrative, so no fact checking reqd.
This is blatant lefty lies , BBC not bothered. DISGUSTING
Do my level best not to propagate mis-information – which this from @bbc5live definitely is- but now this tweet has had over 1 million views I think important all in child health make absolutely clear we are not seeing a nationwide wave of #COVID19 induced illness in children.
Context he* says that “we now have a whole ward of children here.”
probably means the region has decided to concentrate all the kids in one ward
rather than that there is a massive upsurge in kids’ cases.
* Damian_Roland
Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant & Honorary Assoc. Prof.
Tweets show he is working on the wards
5 Live have just put up the official statement saying there is NO high Covid pressure on childrens’ wards
The replies are flooding with CCBGB
eg So @bbc5live why are you hunting down political activists to spread fake news and not actually fact checking it first?
You said she’s a matron, yet she’s also a trade union brach chair.
Didn’t bother to mention that either?
In other words, what we have here, yet again, is the old trick of the biased BBC seemingly interviewing a ‘random person’ when all the while they are a known activist with an agenda ( which is fine, even if I disagree with them, it’s still a free country, just) , which the Biased BBC conveniently forget to mention ( which isn’t fine at all).
Sluff – it’s almost as though the BBC should have a ‘fact checker ‘ to research the antecedence of those speaking on the BBC so that the punters can be better informed and judge the content of their claims .
This is repeated periodically on this site but the BBC still knowingly – as part of its own campaign of socialism – puts up apparent ‘clean skins ‘ who are anything but …
Clear evidence of BBC bias …
As for covid in hospitals – I’d be more interested in how many are getting infected in those places – down to which ward they were in .
Do whole wards get infected ? Are hospital staff spreading it ?
I kind of gave up on the covid stats a long time ago – we were having quite heated discussions here about whether death rate was being corrupted by medical practices on death certification ….
… anyway – I’ve had a quick look on the department of health websites and found age related ‘heat’ maps for covid infections by region – down to the borough level upto the penultimate week of 2020 .
Now if I could do that – why can’t the BBC challenge false claims about ‘wards full of children with covid ‘ – something which must be the ultimate nightmare for any parent – and destroy that claim then and there ?
The world’s finest fake news organisation has been running this story as the first item on its webshite.
‘Pressure growing for English schools to stay shut’
But guess where all this so-called pressure is coming from?
The Teacher Trade Unions. And…errrrr…..that’s it.
The teacher unions, whose aim is to ensure their members stay at home, on full pay of course, for as long as possible.
So, as with the ‘children’s wards are full of coronavirus’ story, this is yet another example of the biased BBC promoting the socialist narrative of the day.
Sluff – I reckon the quickest way to get them to do their job would be to tell them 5 years is being added to their service before a full pension and that their pension contributions are going to be raised …..
I see some activists claiming the BBC is nearly 100 years old
That’s only if you measure it from the foundation of The British Broadcasting Company on 18 October 1922.
It was a private enterprise by a group of leading wireless manufacturers including Marconi.
Daily broadcasting by the BBC began in Marconi’s London studio, 2LO, in the Strand, on November 14, 1922.
John Reith, a 33-year-old Scottish engineer, was appointed General Manager of the BBC on 14 Dec.
Then January 1927 the org was refounded as British Broadcasting Corporation.
I saw elsewhere that little Owen Jones is possibly in trouble for tweeting about getting the ba****** that ruined the country, just after we left the EU on Thursday night. Hate speech, encouraging violence etc. Apprently.
Labour twitter army coordinator
“hey no one is talking about Labour
lets have our Twitter army use the hashtag #Starmerquits”
voila it’s trending but it’s meaningless.
As the BBC and its groupies fact check themselves in ever more convoluted knots, I just took our kids out to look at two inches of that stuff we were told they’d never see.
The media, and the bbc especially, have become laughing stocks.
The sad fact is they could have had a valuable societal function if they had stayed professional instead of becoming ideological.
ONS tool for local Covid deaths in England/Wales
period March to November
you can enter postcode
and then zoom to see deaths by Council Ward
size of Green Dot shows death count in that area
In my region, there are clear patterns
Comparatively few deaths
Those that did occurred clustered around April
with a slight blip up in Nov (and probably in December)
deaths are not high in lawless areas of town, where people are pretty slack on Covid rules.
Rather they seem to correlate with where old people live.
“Deaths involving COVID-19 – “
It’s all about terminology?
We get……… “deaths with Covid”, “deaths linked with Covid” , “deaths related to Covid” and “deaths because of Covid”.
Perhaps the true statement should be “deaths caused by Covid?
“Senators in final bid to derail certification of Biden’s victory”
“A group of US senators say they will refuse to certify Joe Biden’s election victory unless a commission is set up to investigate alleged voter fraud.”
What are the chances ?
Wireless Radio4 early morning news reports the death of the terror leader of the ‘real’ IRA.
Hushed tone used.
Cancer mentioned.
Brief synopsis of his life and crimes
Report ends with ‘for which he was never charged’
For any listeners that may of been unawares of this filth who oversaw the Omagh bombing this was a typical AntiBeeb piece just to infer a little bit of ‘mmmm well, perhaps he wasn’t all bad’….
Scum anti British journalists.
Now they are doing ‘on this day’ and Stephen Lawrence is mentioned again, again, again….
Enjoying the lockdown people? Enjoying restrictions on your liberties?
How’s it been over Christmas, unable to get out to see loved ones and family?
A quick look at FlightRadar24 shows up to 10 private biz jets (Falcons, Bombardier Global, Cessna Citations etc) about an hour away from landing either in the UK or Mainland Europe.
All showing to have departed from various locations in the Caribbean or Bahamas, where I’m sure the occupants spent a wonderful Yuletide and New Year.
Wonderful to be told how to live by the ‘great and the good’ isn’t it, whilst they carry on as normal.
Meghan Markle’s sister to expose ‘pushy’ duchess in BOMBSHELL book on ‘hidden truths’
MEGHAN MARKLE’S sister, Samantha Markle, is set to ruffle some feathers with a bombshell tell-all book about the royal.
a friend of the Duchess’ said:
“She and Samantha never had a very good relationship and she feels her sister is using her position for profit.”
That would be the one that looks like James Hewitt ?
Morning to you too
last of the sausages today, wife is relieved, back to tofu for her, and whatever foul smelling biscuits for the cat, and any spiders she can find (the cat that is)
A Royal in name only.They all know ‘who’s the daddy’ That’s why he was allowed to wed an ethnic and leave his royal duties behind.
But then that former butler chirps up ‘but they didn’t meet each other until after Harry was born’ That’s what you think…or that’s what you’ve been paid a lot of money to say!
I saw some Speldhurst snags in Waitrose the other day, D!
They come close to Korkers for flavour and texture, but when you see the factory behind Homebase in Tunbridge Wells, it kinda puts you off a bit, as the hot air outlets sort of stain the cladding, and you wonder why…
I buy 8 x 140g Pedigree Tasty Bites Minis Dog Treats Cheesy Nibbles Cheese & Beef for JRT, as she has fewer teeth these days, but they’re small, and she loves them! Ebay sells them much cheaper than Twongos! I reckon our (late) cats might have gone for them as well!
If it saves me a trip to the village of the damned again, where the family trees do not branch (not a gene pool more of a puddle) I will be more than happy
trying to elicit directions from a mouth breathing local with a caste in one eye and straw in his hair holding what looked like a werewolf on a lead.
Dogs are chasing my car down the road now with it’s fragrant brown garnish, smelling disturbingly organic, after the last trip.
Although I joined Costco this week and they are selling 500g lumps of stilton off for £1.99 got a few of those
Wife was not too happy on the way home, although considering the fermented (stinking) tofu they regard as a delicacy over there I don’t see how she can complain
Or the cat for the same reason with her biscuits that smell like a week old crime scene
I felt rather strange over there after two weeks without sugar of any kind, then I saw a donut shop, rushed over bought six and bit into one waiting for the jam, only to find…bloody black bean sauce inside.
Großbritannien tritt aus der EU aus, doch Schottland gibt Europa zum Abschied ein Versprechen: Schottland steht hier an Deiner Seite ????
— Scottish Government Germany (@ScotGovGermany) January 1, 2021
If SurLenny is ever on the bbc too much, there is always the print MSM.
Lenny Henry says streaming services such as Netflix are better than terrestrial channels at representing Britain’s ethnic diversity
In The Sunday Times tomorrow: Postcode lottery for life-saving jab. And: Head teachers call for GCSEs and A-levels to be scrapped this summer
If this is news it must be a very slow news day. Because there isn’t going to be an election. In other news Tranmere Rivers 1 Queen of the South 2 Rain here and there. Snow on high ground.
Broadcast in the 9pm slot on ITV, the series drew audiences of up to 13.2 million.
how many did the bbc manage on Xmas day remind me….
ah found it:
Christmas Day 2020 viewing figures
1. The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast (BBC One) – 6.3 million
2. Call The Midwife (BBC One) – 5.4 million
3. Blankety Blank Christmas Special (BBC One) – 5.3 million
4. Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Countdown (BBC One) – 4.9 million
5. The Wheel (BBC One) – 4.7 million
6. Coronation Street (ITV) – 4.5 million
7. Mrs Brown’s Boys (BBC One) – 3.8 million
8. Emmerdale (ITV) – 3.6 million
9. EastEnders (BBC One) – 3.5 million
10. The Chase (ITV) – 3 million.
Darcy – the context is as important as the numbers here . Everyone is in doors – imprisoned in front of the TVs – yet only 5 million are watching ‘top programmes ‘?!
What are the rest doing ? If I recall there are about 26 million TV licences ……reducing fastly..
( -a quick check on TVL site says an average of 75000 licences were cancelled each month 2019/2020 ) ….
I’m particulary interested in the figures for the wokefests of Dibley and Dr Who. Any idea what they were ?.
I had an amusing few minutes reading how the BBC justify the massive drop in viewing figures for the Dr – usually citing how well she did for the first episode. Where of course everyone was seeing what the BBC had spent such a massive amount of money advertising. And after they saw it, they turned it off.
I don’t understand why all this is happening and nobody is asking any questions. It’s OUR money they are wasting.
I do sometimes wonder why the msm take any notice of the snowflake generation and their twitterbook ramblings, lazy journalism ? or do they know the reaction they will elicit ?
Grease is ‘racist, rapey, homophobic and slut-shaming’ and should never be shown on TV again, say woke snowflakes
The hit 70’s musical Grease has become the latest target of ‘woke’ critics
Outraged viewers hit out on Twitter after the movie was screened on BBC1
Youngsters took to social media to label it ‘rapey’, ‘overly white’ and misogynist
“Outraged detractors have called for the story of Sandy and Danny’s rollercoaster high-school romance to be cancelled – and never shown on TV again.”
I’d be happy never to see it again but only because my sister bought the bloody LP and played it to death, start to finish, all that summer, over and over and over.
Forget Chinese water torture all they need is a copy of “You’re the One that I Want” and some arm and leg restraints, after a couple of hours I’d give away all our nuclear secrets without hesitation.
Sebastian Gorka and guest spell out in clear terms how the vote was stolen and how it can still be saved providing the Republican leadership grow some, erm, ‘testicular fortitude’.
Happy birthday Greta – 18 is too old for Pakistani Paedo Rape Gangs .
Reports the death again of a ‘senior ‘ IRA terrorist – great fans the BBC
Reports a ‘survey ‘ which says if there’s a general election there d be a hung Parliament – at the end of the report they mention said survey done before the UK ReichEU trade deal
( which to my ears makes it just rubbish )
Maybe they just have kids doing their propaganda news at weekends …. off switch ….
Just as a test I put Brexit into google. The front page of results gave me:
The Guardian
The BBC again
The Financial Times
Politico (This one keeps popping up on my news feed with the most outrageously biased articles)
The Independent.
Then I tried Trump and got:
The Guardian
Al Jazeera
The Independent
It’s ridiculous bias by Google. The Guardian/Independent/FT are all right down at the bottom of the circulation list on Wikipedia. If it were biased the other way round, you can be sure there would be mass twitter outrage.
For an organisation that constantly promotes how transparent it is and open to exchange, it seems… noticeable that what emanates is often via anonymous spokesweasels via one way channels.
And no further engagement save ECU blowing off any concerns, and then OFCOM if gets that far.
The BBC is of course exempted from being held to account via FOI.
“Covid is rife in hospitals, but not among children.” Doctors have sought to reassure parents that there has been no increase in the severity of Covid-19 cases among children because of the new variant.
Golly… how do these rumours start?
Coronavirus: No increase in severe child cases, paediatricians say
Interesting. I wonder what the bbc analysis of this was. Must have missed it.
I have deleted my earlier tweets which were inappropriate and wrong. I regret sharing unsubstantiated claims about the Minister and I apologise to him and his family.
Nearly all small children are “colour blind” in the UK when
it comes to race. Which is of course a great thing. It’s a
shame that those responsible for the pictures of
school children on the BBC website are not .
I mentioned to someone the other day how race was never an issue at school. You just never thought about it.
What happens after that is that you get experience of life and realise it’s culture that matters, not race. And some cultures are downright obnoxious when it comes to tolerance and treatment of others who don’t belong to that culture. Race just happens to usually come along with it.
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atlas_shruggedMar 10, 18:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 How about sending Palestinian Action off to gaza to help the Palestinians: No need to get them back. This…
tomoMar 10, 16:42 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A journey around the sordid underbelly of Canadian politics – that the BBC will not show you or the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:18 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As they say in Leeds Council meetings now in the UK “Allah Akbar!” Leeds: Green Party councillor Mothin Ali apologises…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 16:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “In March 2021, China unexpectedly banned imports of Taiwanese pineapples, citing biosecurity concerns, and Taiwanese farmers were forced to find…
AlthepalerpMar 10, 16:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Trade war going on between Canada and China Why don’t the BBC report this?
Fedup2Mar 10, 15:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 It seems that Rachel from Accounts is to make an ‘announcement ‘ about ‘cuts ‘ in welfare on Tuesday .…
I saw it at the pictures and then again . A potentially good film was spoiled by the back and forward editing as well as having a few too many boxoffice ‘ stars’ on the little boat.
Prefered the black and white version which was much deeper ….
Spolier alert- i couldnt find a record of a hospital ship being sunk – but wiki has a sad long list of hospital ships sunk by both sides . ….
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – a little punctuation might help but, as presented, it is still Fake News On the Home Page it is described thus: “Last Christmas goes to number one for the first time”
The sixteen year old work-experience unpaid intern who came up with the Home Page wording probably doesn’t know what apostrophes are and how to punctuate having spent most of conscious life so far on a smart-phone. adding the letters ‘UK’ in the right place would stop this item from being FakeNews. But then the poor teenager thoroughly indoctrinated by the BBC since June 2016 probably thinks the UK was abolished when we ‘left’ the EU on 31 December at 23.00hrs.
Time for me to exit ‘Ed Reardon-mode’ I think ….
Point taken re Dunkirk. My old man was actually there clutching his tins of condensed milk while being hammered by all sorts of ordnance. I’m sure he told me that it was the Germans. Perhaps, in all the exitement, he made a mistake. Mind you he thought the Frogs were a bigger enemy than the Boche so who knows?
“Frogs”? – still are.
Interesting, Jack. Thanks.
Did anyone else notice in the Dunkirk film that standing on the bow of one of the ‘small boats’ that came to the rescue was a woman in a skirt? Just for the sake of diversity, of course.
No German soldier was ever seen in the film. And the word German was never used. Was it the Norwegians with mental health issues, after all?
Chris Johnson (Facebook)
2/1/2021 Dover. Another exclusive to you. First boat in since brexit. 8 illegal migrants. First boat of the year is a french handover.
I say thanks to the patriotic people monitoring this.
This is a test run. And a chance for Priti Useless to put the new policy in motion and be shown to be doing so. Send em back! That would give a clear message at the start of the year.
The Hon Snow doesn’t know his history does he – The iron and steel treaty stopped the krauts building panzers again – and NATO preserved the Peace .
I wonder what the EU will do if one of its statelets becomes threatened by the Russians or Turks or whoever ……
…………………I bet they’d run for help from the Americans again …..
As for the Honourable Snow – another example of someone getting a job through family advantage …. maybe he’ll go get an EU passport …..
That wasn’t all, either, Fed. The IC&SF treaty enabled the French to sneak in ahead of everyone else and take for themselves some German territory including the coal mines and any mineral resources nearby. Thus was the French economic recovery secured before any other nation that had been a victim of the evil Axis. In addition, it put the squeeze on northern French miners and also placated French car workers, both groups of which had been stroppy Union & strike-wise before WW2.
What a prize turkey.
NATO has kept the peace. Not the EU.
The tragedy is that people such as Dan are ignorant of why we voted to leave yet are arrogant enough to think they know better than everyone else.
Every time I read comments like his, I think of the HitchHikers guide to the galaxy where the Golgafrinchans put all the completely useless member of society on a ship and launched them into deep space.
Dan and all the other BBC luvvies would be on that ship.
If sovereign countries were so small that their armies were just about large enough to mount a ceremonial guard outside their parliament buildings and no more then they couldn’t go to war.
If all the countries in a continent joined together and were led by unelected politicians then said continent would have the means and motivation to annex its neighbours.
Probably needs to have an all-female air force though.
I find Dan Snow’s comment completely disingenuous. No civilised country should think it acceptable to attack or invade another, trade deal or political union or not. So what he seems to be defending, therefore, is some kind of potential blackmail, ie you had better all stay in the EU or we start wars up so watch out??
Also, is asserting national sovereignty akin to invasion and war? For me, no, it just moves the democracy closer. (And I wonder what his view is re the SNP?)
And don’t loads of peaceful countries have national sovereignty?
He seems to make statements based on flawed reasoning.
Apologies if I’ve missed something or am naive.
The number of senile, old, white men at the BBC is going to eventually be a problem for Timmeh!
I’m surprised he had the time to give seasons greetings to us plebs when he’s busy liberating Kabul .
Not BBC but it could be – Talk Sport – currently with the
Spurs v Leeds game – is advertising live commentary of ‘darts ‘ tonight .
I had a day off the booze on Jan 1sr – my one day of the year – but darts ? On the wireless? ….. …
C’mon Fed it’s compulsive viewing……..
Almost as good as snooker in black and white..
If any of you are thinking of getting a new guitar have a look at the Fender player series. The telecaster is particularly good and, like the strat, comes left or right handed. Good value for money as well. I’m not on commission, honest!
discontinued but available used : Fender roadhouse strat with Texas special pick ups ! highly recommended, cheaper than USA strat as made in Mexico
BBC anti-Brexit bias continues apace…
The intent of the Radio 5 Live Tweet was OBVIOUS
Adrian Chiles! Need I say more. I take great delight in seeing West Brom being regularly thumped.
@Tomo see the kind of retraction below
My brother in law still insists that Donald Trump wanted people to inject with bleach/disinfectant against the covid.
Has anyone any links (Stew?) where I can copy and paste to send to him to prove that DT did not say this and had been misquoted.
I’m sure what DT said has been manipulated and was used to discredit him in the same way as the £350 million on the bus was used to try and discredit Brexit.
Here you are. A link to the video and a transcript.
“I see disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that”
Err Puke..
He didn’t say that. (Wanting to inject people)
He questioned it… your transcript misses the Question mark ??????????????
Just like the BBC fact-checks…
Well done davylars You’re the first but you won’t be the last.
Ha ha.. and unlike creepy Joe Biden,
I didn’t need massive voter fraud to be first….
Puke, why don’t you go and do something useful, like ‘fact check’ the scientists, who according to your beloved BBC news are now arguing about the China virus vaccine… One shot or two?
In fact, hold your fact check. I’ll spell it out to all the imbeciles at the AntiBeeb.
The scientists are making it up as they go along.
Back to your hole, little troll. Run along now. The guardian webshite awaits.
If you were dying and the only way to save your life was to take something that is normally poisonous, would you take it ?
Piku, that appears to be UKIP backwards, heres something for you to decode, using the same formula, ffo ckuf.
Northern Voter,
“using the same formula, ffo ckuf.
I fear you may have over estimated your mental abilities, ‘Northern Voter’.
maxi, you you may find this site useful please can you tell your chums about . I do recall Piku has already viewed it………….
Good God – are you completely stupid ?.
HE SAID ‘DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT’ meaning inject something which would kill the virus via something like an internal wash. Then he passed it back to the doctors.
‘Do something like that’
someone set out to show me why trump was a complete joke and w**ker
Several days later what they showed me was a photo shopped video with his wig falling off and his teeth falling out intercut with out of context snippets
After they had played it the conversation went
me : you looked for the bleach video didnt you
them: yes
me: you didnt find it did you
them: no but ….
@Emmanual, Basically who is the bad man ?
Trump asking a question
or the media guys cutting and partially quoting to cook a narrative up ?
IMHO The media guys behave like a school bully gang.
Link :here is a full context transcript
Trump begins by saying he is asking a question.
and get to the the question
“Is there a way we can do *something like that* by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. ?”
Piku cut off half the sentence
it continues “ you are going to have to use medical doctors with that.”
What’s going on here?
Emmanuel asks a question and Piku provides the answer.
Then there seems to be an assumption that Piku has put one over on President Trump, yet hasn’t actually claimed to have done that.
Perhaps there is a bit of Piers Morganism going on? (Piers kept playing this video over and over to Nigel Farage while insisting that Trump said ‘bleach’. After the umpteenth replay it eventually dawns on Piers that ‘bleach’ never appears in the clip at all).
We hear what we want to hear I expect.
For the avoidance of doubt President Trump was speculating in the presence of ‘experts’, any one of whom could have interjected if they thought the public might be mislead.
Toxic substances and hazardous radiation are routinely used by mainstream medicine, both internally and externally, to treat disease so to ask the question isn’t unreasonable – and a damn sight more informative than the usual media questions.
Thanks everyone for the replies.
So not such a dumb idea after all.
Whoops! no text:
“Health worker tests positive for Covid 19 days after taking the vaccine”……….
@G is that big news ?
It’s always known that you don’t get effective antibodies until a couple of weeks after the vaccination.
It was in San Diego
Dr. Ramers says he knows of several other local cases where health care workers became infected around the time they received the vaccine.
He says all the cases illustrate the fact that results aren’t immediate. Even after you start receiving some protection, it won’t be full protection.
“That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50%,”
Oh! Esteemed 2-IC Leader, have you finished the Rule Book yet?
Stew, if I recall correctly with a coronavirus vaccine (influenza, SARSs, Covid) there is a chance you will contract the virus. I understand that two factors come into play.
One is how carefully the injection is administered, the final swab of the innoculation site needs to be very thorough and the swab needs to go straight into an enclosure via a medical gloved hand and a lid put on the enclosure.
Secondly, we humans are all slightly different and that includes our individual immune response. Some (very few) may respond immediately with the virus, others (more than a few) may experience very faint symptoms of the virus all the way down to nothing at all really except a sore arm, and then the bulk of the population have no problems whatsoever.
If any Doctors or Nurses are reading this, please correct any errors in my post.
@Up2Snuff AFAIK there is no way you can catch the virus from the vaccine.
It doesn’t carry a live virus rather they carry bits of code which resemble parts of the virus so create antibodies that will deal with a live virus.
That doesn’t mean you can’t catch the virus from the room
eg from the nurse or the spittle of the previous person etc.
Stew, its a coronavirus! It mutates. If it gets out onto your skin you and others can catch it. Hopefully Docmarooned will check over my post for any errors.
Influenza is a coronavirus. I have caught influenza from the influenza vaccine. I know others that have caught the virus from the vaccine albeit years ago during an early mass vaccination trial. Why? In that instance a building was also to blame and needle technology was different then to now.
If Covid is also a coronavirus and if it mutates as is now being claimed then it is probably changing faster than the vaccines. But back to your point, one of the UK approved vaccines is a ‘dead’ one but are both?
BBC food program this morning. Saturday Kitchen?
Featured some Female Guardian. Food critic,
However the thing that shows how distance presenters and producers are from ordinary people was this feature on what to do with leftovers….
Apart from the pasta, I am sure everyone has their fridge stuffed with truffles and all of the other expensive ingredients that I have never heard of to whip up a cheap simple supper…
God it looks awful. My dog’s dinner looks more appetising.
Theres what is actually in your fridge as leftovers then theres what you’d like people to think is in your fridge as leftovers.
Old -I don’t want to spread alarm but I went into both a Tesco and Sainsbury’s today and Pigs in Blankets were sold out – oh the humanity ….
—- curiously – so was brandy … I blame brexit
and meanwhile Dr. Fauci pores over the opinion polls to see where he’s going next….
BBC’s inside dope merchant on “ward full of Covid kids”
Tweets by DuffellLaura
Is Laura yet another far left plant?
One for Marianna, and Clive?
Maybe Mike and team could log back on?
Interesting how BBC influence, past and present, is panning out for them…
R4 Profile this weekend is black/Japanese tennis star Naomi Osaka
Her Japanese mother moved from the far northeast of Japan to the big city Sapporo, met her black Haitian father, and then they both went to mainland city of Osaka. Once they had 3 children their father got obsessed by the way the William’s sisters father coached their tennis so copied it.
Then he moved the family to New York and later to Florida in search of better training conditions. He didn’t think the American Tennis association gave them enough support so he set it so his daughters play for Japan.
Naomi just formally renounced her US citizenship, cos that means she can play for Japan in the Olympics.
Naomi is a big BLM supporter.
I’m guessing the BBC won’t be reporting the group of kidults having a covid party outside St Thomas Hospital in central London last night ‘ new year ? An A and E doctor filmed it and put it on the London Evening Standard with the report .
If anyone thinks Covid is a hoax they deserve what they get …
Businessman accused of trying to rip off a Muslim woman’s HIJAB on Tube has assault case thrown out after she and her two friends gave conflicting stories, court papers show
Pawel Uczciwek was accused of committing an anti-Islam hate crime on the Tube
Aniso Abulkadir alleged the Polish businessman hit her and tried to remove hijab
She kicked up social media storm, and called for employer to sack him
But assault case was thrown out after witnesses gave conflicting stories
The trio whipped up a social media frenzy by alleging that Mr Uczciwek had tried to rip off Ms Abulkadir’s hijab and had hit her. They also published his home address and called for his employer to sack him.
At the time, Mr Uczciwek, now 31, denied attempting to remove the hijab and said he had been defending his black girlfriend Yolaine Mossimi from a ‘racist attack from three random females’
Defending, Brent Martin argued that the defendant had approached the trio only after he had overheard them making unsubstantiated ‘derogatory’ comments about his black fiancee.
‘My home address, place of work, personal images have also been posted all over social media. A number of people have contacted my place of work in attempts to get me fired. I have been called an Islamophobe.
‘People have shared my family address where my parents and my little sister lived, their lies put them directly in harm’s way.
And it seems the racist muslim sh@t stirrers are allowed to just walk away from this
At the very least, THEIR addresses and workplaces should be shared in public and a clear example of attempting to incite racial hatred.
Cant really be too interested in this one – but if ever there was a ‘hate crime ‘ – publishing name and address and trying to get the chap fired is pretty hateful …
So I spent 1 minute looking up the lady in question – she sure likes her image being on Instagram and it wouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to find her home address and job – if she has one
I think this incident happened in 2019 and was resolved ( not guilty ) in 2019?
.. I wonder if he can pursue a ‘malicious prosecution ‘ against her and the CPS in the civil court ?
“Speaking to MailOnline, Mr Uczciwek has now opened up about how the ‘false accusations’ caused him to suffer”. So an interview on 2 Jan 2021
I would suggest it is of interest to anyone who sees how the msm lead by the bbc is obsessed about racism … with certain caveats
And to observe the consequences of challenging racism directed towards ones fiance when the perpetrators are muslim
Similar to the muslim who made derogatory comments about three trans people on the tube and got a well deserved kicking for it and they ended up in court.
They are desperately trying to get their mates ( the teachers) a extended holiday .
Non stop reports from hard done too teachers !!!!! BBC pulling out all the stops to make sure they get a nice top up on the already overly generous 3 months holidays per year !!!!
Paul Mason liked this to.
Do these children who arent schooled and stay at home with mummy and daddy get to vote at 16 ?
The NHS workers have been saving themselves, 76,200 failed to turn up for work on 30TH October.
Probably exhausted from all that dance practice and 20% off deals …..
“The Labour Party was founded and exists to represent working people ” .
What happened to it then ?
What does he mean by “working people”?
You know how the MSM enjoys nothing more than describing third worlders as being ‘covid victims ‘?
Try this report-
“LONDON (Reuters) – Police in London burst in on about 50 people smoking shisha pipes, watching football and playing loud music inside a cafe, a major breach of strict COVID-19 regulations banning any kind of socialising between people from different households.”
It was in Wemblystan
List of refused BBC FOI requests from 2013
It might be useful for some people.
To be fair quite a few of the requests are dumb cos they are asking for commercially sensitive info like how much guests were paid etc.
I was just checking a wild lefty claim ‘The BBC donates money to the Tory Party’
As ever that is spin
Does BBC money sometimes pass into political party accounts ?
Yes, why ?
Cos the BBC pays to go on battlebuses and party conferences, and usually has a BBC stand at them etc.
Less money is paid to the Tories than for other parties. cos the Tory Conferences are run by external contractors.
On top of that the BBC buys in services and productions from contractors and in the making of such productions the price may have included buying services off political parties.
Sorry Stew but if you take money from a private concern then that can be a private matter .
You take money from a public concern then that should be a public matter .
How much you pay a guest is a commercial matter
cos the next guest will ask for more
Yes its a commercial matter , but whether public or private depends on the outfit .
6:10pm local news opened with the news that the RSPB complaining the new Hornsea windfarm will kill important birds
then straight to interview with the Renewables UK spokesperson smoothing over the issues
She Melanies Onn just happens to be the Ex Grimsby Labour MP that lost her seat one year ago.
#2 news item was of course the teachers union advert that has been running all today
Are teachers in danger ?
How many have died so far ?
Surely vulnerable ones can wait until testing system is in place.
Bit of good new year news –
‘ The former Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt has died following a battle with cancer.’
Easily sorted. Where’s Marianna Spring when you need her ????
My bad, it suits the BBC narrative, so no fact checking reqd.
This is blatant lefty lies , BBC not bothered. DISGUSTING
Context he* says that “we now have a whole ward of children here.”
probably means the region has decided to concentrate all the kids in one ward
rather than that there is a massive upsurge in kids’ cases.
* Damian_Roland
Paediatric Emergency Medicine Consultant & Honorary Assoc. Prof.
Tweets show he is working on the wards
5 Live have just put up the official statement saying there is NO high Covid pressure on childrens’ wards
The replies are flooding with CCBGB
eg So @bbc5live why are you hunting down political activists to spread fake news and not actually fact checking it first?
You said she’s a matron, yet she’s also a trade union brach chair.
Didn’t bother to mention that either?
Nurse Duffel ?
Drat! Beaten to it.
Absolutely bang on, Duffel is quoted as the local RCN nurses union lead, mentioned in the same breath as Unite etc.
And here she is on the Kings College Hospital charity website, explaining how hard she works, what a gal.
In other words, what we have here, yet again, is the old trick of the biased BBC seemingly interviewing a ‘random person’ when all the while they are a known activist with an agenda ( which is fine, even if I disagree with them, it’s still a free country, just) , which the Biased BBC conveniently forget to mention ( which isn’t fine at all).
Sluff – it’s almost as though the BBC should have a ‘fact checker ‘ to research the antecedence of those speaking on the BBC so that the punters can be better informed and judge the content of their claims .
This is repeated periodically on this site but the BBC still knowingly – as part of its own campaign of socialism – puts up apparent ‘clean skins ‘ who are anything but …
Clear evidence of BBC bias …
As for covid in hospitals – I’d be more interested in how many are getting infected in those places – down to which ward they were in .
Do whole wards get infected ? Are hospital staff spreading it ?
I kind of gave up on the covid stats a long time ago – we were having quite heated discussions here about whether death rate was being corrupted by medical practices on death certification ….
… anyway – I’ve had a quick look on the department of health websites and found age related ‘heat’ maps for covid infections by region – down to the borough level upto the penultimate week of 2020 .
Now if I could do that – why can’t the BBC challenge false claims about ‘wards full of children with covid ‘ – something which must be the ultimate nightmare for any parent – and destroy that claim then and there ?
A very big failing so early in 2021….
Sky Arts has a Fleetwood Mac night
A reminder of what this has really been about, and why the global estalishment want rid of Trump. Still confident they won’t succeed.
The world’s finest fake news organisation has been running this story as the first item on its webshite.
‘Pressure growing for English schools to stay shut’
But guess where all this so-called pressure is coming from?
The Teacher Trade Unions. And…errrrr…..that’s it.
The teacher unions, whose aim is to ensure their members stay at home, on full pay of course, for as long as possible.
So, as with the ‘children’s wards are full of coronavirus’ story, this is yet another example of the biased BBC promoting the socialist narrative of the day.
Sluff – I reckon the quickest way to get them to do their job would be to tell them 5 years is being added to their service before a full pension and that their pension contributions are going to be raised …..
I see some activists claiming the BBC is nearly 100 years old
That’s only if you measure it from the foundation of The British Broadcasting Company on 18 October 1922.
It was a private enterprise by a group of leading wireless manufacturers including Marconi.
Daily broadcasting by the BBC began in Marconi’s London studio, 2LO, in the Strand, on November 14, 1922.
John Reith, a 33-year-old Scottish engineer, was appointed General Manager of the BBC on 14 Dec.
Then January 1927 the org was refounded as British Broadcasting Corporation.
And I used to love it until about six years ago. ????
The repulsive mayor and the repulsive BBC waste our money to produce a divisive and political NYE celebration – ‘celebrating’ the EU and BLM!
Outrageous BBC & Khan: £1.5 MILLION On Divisive BLM & EU NYE Display!
We need this fact checked, cos anything quoting Lammy the lunatic as a source is, well, not to be relied upon!
Joe and Lammy… the future of Labour.
All needed now is Mason and Jones.
I saw elsewhere that little Owen Jones is possibly in trouble for tweeting about getting the ba****** that ruined the country, just after we left the EU on Thursday night. Hate speech, encouraging violence etc. Apprently.
Labour twitter army coordinator
“hey no one is talking about Labour
lets have our Twitter army use the hashtag #Starmerquits”
voila it’s trending but it’s meaningless.
Shouldn’t be long before the AntiBeeb run with it as a story then, or at least use it in some fake news piece.
As the BBC and its groupies fact check themselves in ever more convoluted knots, I just took our kids out to look at two inches of that stuff we were told they’d never see.
The media, and the bbc especially, have become laughing stocks.
The sad fact is they could have had a valuable societal function if they had stayed professional instead of becoming ideological.
10pm wireless news and they are still shrilling about the pressure on government to close schools as they are unsafe claim the Beeb.
Good job food suppliers and supermarkets are safe isn’t it. All those shop workers dealing with the great unwashed day in day out.
I’d personally refuse to serve any of these workshy unionised teachers if I worked in retail.
How many teachers have died so far ?
Can’t be many
otherwise we’d have heard about it.
Al put on spot.
Stays on fence.
Ignores a few facts.
As you do.
The MSM.
CCDH is a Labour front group run by Imran Ahmed
Given their mission statement you’d think they’d be coming down hard on the BBC
ONS tool for local Covid deaths in England/Wales
period March to November
you can enter postcode
and then zoom to see deaths by Council Ward
size of Green Dot shows death count in that area
In my region, there are clear patterns
Comparatively few deaths
Those that did occurred clustered around April
with a slight blip up in Nov (and probably in December)
deaths are not high in lawless areas of town, where people are pretty slack on Covid rules.
Rather they seem to correlate with where old people live.
“Deaths involving COVID-19 – “
It’s all about terminology?
We get……… “deaths with Covid”, “deaths linked with Covid” , “deaths related to Covid” and “deaths because of Covid”.
Perhaps the true statement should be “deaths caused by Covid?
“Senators in final bid to derail certification of Biden’s victory”
“A group of US senators say they will refuse to certify Joe Biden’s election victory unless a commission is set up to investigate alleged voter fraud.”
What are the chances ?
Wireless Radio4 early morning news reports the death of the terror leader of the ‘real’ IRA.
Hushed tone used.
Cancer mentioned.
Brief synopsis of his life and crimes
Report ends with ‘for which he was never charged’
For any listeners that may of been unawares of this filth who oversaw the Omagh bombing this was a typical AntiBeeb piece just to infer a little bit of ‘mmmm well, perhaps he wasn’t all bad’….
Scum anti British journalists.
Now they are doing ‘on this day’ and Stephen Lawrence is mentioned again, again, again….
It’s relentless with these arses.
Enjoying the lockdown people? Enjoying restrictions on your liberties?
How’s it been over Christmas, unable to get out to see loved ones and family?
A quick look at FlightRadar24 shows up to 10 private biz jets (Falcons, Bombardier Global, Cessna Citations etc) about an hour away from landing either in the UK or Mainland Europe.
All showing to have departed from various locations in the Caribbean or Bahamas, where I’m sure the occupants spent a wonderful Yuletide and New Year.
Wonderful to be told how to live by the ‘great and the good’ isn’t it, whilst they carry on as normal.
Just preparing themselves for another round at Davos?
Oh how I laughed:
Meghan Markle’s sister to expose ‘pushy’ duchess in BOMBSHELL book on ‘hidden truths’
MEGHAN MARKLE’S sister, Samantha Markle, is set to ruffle some feathers with a bombshell tell-all book about the royal.
a friend of the Duchess’ said:
“She and Samantha never had a very good relationship and she feels her sister is using her position for profit.”
Morning D!
Made my day!
That would be the one that looks like James Hewitt ?
Morning to you too
last of the sausages today, wife is relieved, back to tofu for her, and whatever foul smelling biscuits for the cat, and any spiders she can find (the cat that is)
I’m sorry but I see no resemblance at all.
In ‘Royal’ terms, that’s a sign of the possibility of a definite maybe, Vlad!
No likeness at all …. ‘daddy ‘!
A Royal in name only.They all know ‘who’s the daddy’ That’s why he was allowed to wed an ethnic and leave his royal duties behind.
But then that former butler chirps up ‘but they didn’t meet each other until after Harry was born’ That’s what you think…or that’s what you’ve been paid a lot of money to say!
Twas not me,
I did not do it.
Direct enquiries
to Major Hewitt
I saw some Speldhurst snags in Waitrose the other day, D!
They come close to Korkers for flavour and texture, but when you see the factory behind Homebase in Tunbridge Wells, it kinda puts you off a bit, as the hot air outlets sort of stain the cladding, and you wonder why…
I buy 8 x 140g Pedigree Tasty Bites Minis Dog Treats Cheesy Nibbles Cheese & Beef for JRT, as she has fewer teeth these days, but they’re small, and she loves them! Ebay sells them much cheaper than Twongos! I reckon our (late) cats might have gone for them as well!
If it saves me a trip to the village of the damned again, where the family trees do not branch (not a gene pool more of a puddle) I will be more than happy
trying to elicit directions from a mouth breathing local with a caste in one eye and straw in his hair holding what looked like a werewolf on a lead.
Dogs are chasing my car down the road now with it’s fragrant brown garnish, smelling disturbingly organic, after the last trip.
Although I joined Costco this week and they are selling 500g lumps of stilton off for £1.99 got a few of those
Wife was not too happy on the way home, although considering the fermented (stinking) tofu they regard as a delicacy over there I don’t see how she can complain
Or the cat for the same reason with her biscuits that smell like a week old crime scene
There’s a nice sweety thing which I quite liked from there – bean curd.
It looks a bit odd, but somehow fills a pleasant, unique gap after a huge Number three, fifteen and a steaming great sixty-four…
I usually need a decent brandy with it though!
I felt rather strange over there after two weeks without sugar of any kind, then I saw a donut shop, rushed over bought six and bit into one waiting for the jam, only to find…bloody black bean sauce inside.
Thanks for the tip I will investigate Waitrose.
Sausages and guitars with occasional cheese, does not take much to keep me happy.
Well, that’s novel.
Katya headed for BBC Scottaysee?
Leave a light on, but no one is home.
If SurLenny is ever on the bbc too much, there is always the print MSM.
Plus added no judgement ????
Then, of course, there is the house journal.
Dear Greta,
I don’t give a flying f*ck whether you judge me or not you nutjob.
Speaking of BBC comedy.
Just started to watch the DVD of ‘Travelling Man’, last evening!
Leigh Lawson already beginning a great story!
Granada of course, not the awful BBC.
Broadcast in the 9pm slot on ITV, the series drew audiences of up to 13.2 million.
how many did the bbc manage on Xmas day remind me….
ah found it:
Christmas Day 2020 viewing figures
1. The Queen’s Christmas Broadcast (BBC One) – 6.3 million
2. Call The Midwife (BBC One) – 5.4 million
3. Blankety Blank Christmas Special (BBC One) – 5.3 million
4. Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Countdown (BBC One) – 4.9 million
5. The Wheel (BBC One) – 4.7 million
6. Coronation Street (ITV) – 4.5 million
7. Mrs Brown’s Boys (BBC One) – 3.8 million
8. Emmerdale (ITV) – 3.6 million
9. EastEnders (BBC One) – 3.5 million
10. The Chase (ITV) – 3 million.
Darcy – the context is as important as the numbers here . Everyone is in doors – imprisoned in front of the TVs – yet only 5 million are watching ‘top programmes ‘?!
What are the rest doing ? If I recall there are about 26 million TV licences ……reducing fastly..
( -a quick check on TVL site says an average of 75000 licences were cancelled each month 2019/2020 ) ….
I’m particulary interested in the figures for the wokefests of Dibley and Dr Who. Any idea what they were ?.
I had an amusing few minutes reading how the BBC justify the massive drop in viewing figures for the Dr – usually citing how well she did for the first episode. Where of course everyone was seeing what the BBC had spent such a massive amount of money advertising. And after they saw it, they turned it off.
I don’t understand why all this is happening and nobody is asking any questions. It’s OUR money they are wasting.
I do sometimes wonder why the msm take any notice of the snowflake generation and their twitterbook ramblings, lazy journalism ? or do they know the reaction they will elicit ?
Grease is ‘racist, rapey, homophobic and slut-shaming’ and should never be shown on TV again, say woke snowflakes
The hit 70’s musical Grease has become the latest target of ‘woke’ critics
Outraged viewers hit out on Twitter after the movie was screened on BBC1
Youngsters took to social media to label it ‘rapey’, ‘overly white’ and misogynist
“Outraged detractors have called for the story of Sandy and Danny’s rollercoaster high-school romance to be cancelled – and never shown on TV again.”
I’d be happy never to see it again but only because my sister bought the bloody LP and played it to death, start to finish, all that summer, over and over and over.
Forget Chinese water torture all they need is a copy of “You’re the One that I Want” and some arm and leg restraints, after a couple of hours I’d give away all our nuclear secrets without hesitation.
And my PIN number.
Sebastian Gorka and guest spell out in clear terms how the vote was stolen and how it can still be saved providing the Republican leadership grow some, erm, ‘testicular fortitude’.
BBC radio news –
Happy birthday Greta – 18 is too old for Pakistani Paedo Rape Gangs .
Reports the death again of a ‘senior ‘ IRA terrorist – great fans the BBC
Reports a ‘survey ‘ which says if there’s a general election there d be a hung Parliament – at the end of the report they mention said survey done before the UK ReichEU trade deal
( which to my ears makes it just rubbish )
Maybe they just have kids doing their propaganda news at weekends …. off switch ….
Just as a test I put Brexit into google. The front page of results gave me:
The Guardian
The BBC again
The Financial Times
Politico (This one keeps popping up on my news feed with the most outrageously biased articles)
The Independent.
Then I tried Trump and got:
The Guardian
Al Jazeera
The Independent
It’s ridiculous bias by Google. The Guardian/Independent/FT are all right down at the bottom of the circulation list on Wikipedia. If it were biased the other way round, you can be sure there would be mass twitter outrage.
Was it not the BBC Newsnight editor who went to Google?
BBC spokesmen all sound like the North Korean government.
For an organisation that constantly promotes how transparent it is and open to exchange, it seems… noticeable that what emanates is often via anonymous spokesweasels via one way channels.
And no further engagement save ECU blowing off any concerns, and then OFCOM if gets that far.
The BBC is of course exempted from being held to account via FOI.
That is most interesting. I tried using the Bing search engine and the results were far more balanced.
BBC News
“Covid is rife in hospitals, but not among children.” Doctors have sought to reassure parents that there has been no increase in the severity of Covid-19 cases among children because of the new variant.
Golly… how do these rumours start?
Coronavirus: No increase in severe child cases, paediatricians say
“ It comes after a London hospital matron told BBC Radio 5 Live of having a ward full of children with coronavirus”
Those BBC accessible London hospital matrons, eh… what are they like?
Interesting. I wonder what the bbc analysis of this was. Must have missed it.
Nearly all small children are “colour blind” in the UK when
it comes to race. Which is of course a great thing. It’s a
shame that those responsible for the pictures of
school children on the BBC website are not .
I mentioned to someone the other day how race was never an issue at school. You just never thought about it.
What happens after that is that you get experience of life and realise it’s culture that matters, not race. And some cultures are downright obnoxious when it comes to tolerance and treatment of others who don’t belong to that culture. Race just happens to usually come along with it.