Monday sees the start of delivery of the Oxford Vaccine . The BBC could provide a service by pressuring the government to get millions of people vaccinated now . Will it ? Or will undermine any National Effort with tales of ‘reactions ‘ and ‘refusals?’ . This will be make or break for the government . Let’s see how it goes as we all get locked down again .
Start the Week 4 January 2021
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What’s been going on since the start of New Year ? The Tory Government still allows the Telly Tax to rob the pensioners and Al Beeb is more woke than ever. I Boris listening to the people ?
The French are still after our fish and the dinghies are still a coming. Is Priti watching our coast ?
Despite the evidence that lockdowns don’t work we are threatened with even tougher Lockdowns. In the meantime the economy gets trashed. While our kids are getting ‘thicker’.
Apparently Vaccines are being delayed because medics have not had diversity training ?………………
At least we are not controlled by the EU.
Catchup links to last posts on weekend thread
– page 4 stated 9am Sunday
– page 3
Has ‘Banana man’ been smoking dried banana skins again?
“US election: Trump tells Georgia election official to ‘find’ votes to overturn Biden win”
Things are hotting up , Where is ‘Salty Cracker’ on this?
Well done taffman, a Triple Crown win above! 😉 And well deserved, too. 🙂
Thank you sir ! It was a pleasure .
It does appear that Mr Raffensperger is ‘all in’, however he is quoted as saying “We have to stand by our numbers, we believe our numbers are right.”” Which isn’t quite the same as saying our numbers are right, end of. Whatever happens now the only winner will likely be China, the presidency itself appears a poisoned chalice whoever gets it.
Personally, I believe there is an innocent explanation to DJT’s actions. I’m guessing that as head of election management, in Georgia – where most of the overt election fraud has been perpetrated, DJT is giving him an opportunity to ‘come clean’. Otherwise, I can see Mr Raffensperger eventually receiving a visit, along with others in a similar position, from the FBI in relation to Election Fraud. That has been promised when the dust settles on DJT’s second term.
One would think that such allegations by the head of state had to be investigated by the FBI….no matter what?!
Surely such allegations by the head of state had to be investigated by the FBI….no matter what?!
What FBI? Can they be trusted?
I think that should the whole truth be revealed and should Justice be served, Mr Raffensperer, rather than receiving a visit from the FBI, will be joining many of them in Jail.
Hye taffman , no issue with you here, but i listened to this Phone call the Trumper made & he did’nt ask for shit.
oh how the spin continues
And you are going to find that they are — which is totally illegal — it is more illegal for you than it is for them because you know what they did and you’re not reporting it. That’s a criminal, that’s a criminal offense. And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer. And that’s a big risk. But they are shredding ballots, in my opinion, based on what I’ve heard. And they are removing machinery, and they’re moving it as fast as they can, both of which are criminal finds. And you can’t let it happen, and you are letting it happen. You know, I mean, I’m notifying you that you’re letting it happen. So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state.
While the biased BBC have resolutely ignored masses of evidence of corruption against first the Biden criminal syndicate and then the election itself, they’re in full outrage mode over a phone call in which Trump asks a Georgia official to ‘find’ him votes.
vlad, spot on.
But wording is key here and the media know.
They all flood the airwaves with misinformation, basically with the OPINION of what happened which is the LIE
“All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes”
trump is saying HE WANTS TO FIND 11,780 votes, hes not asking anyone to find him votes or make it so he mysteriously has these votes. Just goes to show how pathetic the media is and have become over the years
Quite so. It’s ‘bleach’ all over again.
I maybe too young for that reference lol
yes lol BLEACH.
Media: President Trump has just told people to drink bleach or fish tank cleaner.
Trump: No i was just talking about the affects of bleach and fish tank clear solution on killing the virus ….are you all dumb.
What we now need after this lot is a windfall tax on all the net beneficiaries like the supermarkets and the on-liners such as Amazon (based on UK sales regardless of where they are registered for tax purposes) with the proceeds being distributed to small retailers and SMEs based on their declared taxable income for 2018/19 (this punishes the tax fiddlers lol). There is also the extra bonus that the globalists who own large parts of these organisations and probably created this situation will lose out on dividends. Win, win.
Perhaps the BBC could propose it, after all they are a “non-profit making, non-taxpaying” organisation
A couple of posts on Friday had YouTube videos
Today they came up as “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Terms of Service.”
One of them was Mr Politico’s robust video explaining how the BBC had cooked up a video edit to make a newsdrama saying “Trump said inject bleach”
Now when I went to Politico’s video list it was no longer there
but after a few minutes it re-appeared.
Seems to me probably activists were using complaint-warfare
ie used a few of their accounts to report the video.
Causing the YouTube algorithm to automatically delete the video.
Then Politico would have appealed and if he was lucky an actual YouTube contractor would have checked the video and put it back up.
Could anyone tell me what the BBC has done this year with all the license money apart from purchase some Perspex to use between the contestants on Only Connect? Nearly everything on the tv over the Xmas period has been a repeat. Something like Antiques Roadshow tonight had a few people on, being socially distanced. Surely this is cheaper to produce. What has the BBC used the money on?
Pensions. Because they’re worth it.
Yes certainly Deborah,
the BBC have used the money to purchase Dominion machines in readiness for the next round of Elections in this country
I assume Boris has decided some more severe restrictions. How do I know? Sir Kier is calling for them and the BBC1 on their 10pm news is giving him lots of publicity. I assume someone is leaking and Sir Kier and the BBC are happy to use the information so that it appears that Boris is doing what Sir Kier demands.
TV schedulers meeting “right we’ve got get more women on TV
.. the crime stuff is mostly men and all the global traveller shows as well
.. so we’ll just do it all again with women”
Sunday : even though Portillo and Chris Tarrant have just done Georgia will send Sara Pascoe
and then cos we are really really diverse we’ll use her on our Global Warming food prog on Monday .
Friday we’ll start a 5 part series with Susan Calman in a camper van all around the UK.
Starting Sunday : on BBC Two, everyday this week we’ll run 2 episodes of a drama about a pervy female teacher sleeping with one of her students half her age.
Monday & Tuesday : doco about an Alaskan mother murdering her newborn
Monday Channel 4 : We’ll have a doco about Cambridgeshire woman plotting to kill her husband)
(Followed by a doco about an illegal immigrant who stowed away on plane wheels , whereas his companion died)
10pm EVERYDAY on BBC4 We’ll have a doco about Essex Police murder investigations
Tuesday : We’ll have a doco about Obama’s White House
Wednesday : Immune booster doco “we’ll get a black guy to front it cos that’ll look good in The PR even though he’s actually an A & E doctor)
Then 10:45pm BBC 1 90 minute Greta special
Thursday : “we’ve remade the Australian reality dog grooming show ..and one of the 3 experts is a black vet”
Hi guys
A rather interesting view from the covid special envoy? from WHO…
He jumps in at about 15mins and says something quite surprising – stop locking people down and learn to co-exist with the virus and protect the vulnerable. This is quite a sensible approach, but of course is not going to be listened to by governments of the UK… Mr Dripford in the waste of space Senedd in Cardiff has already said there doesn’t look like there is any room for change.
I presume all the other “leaders” will be the same – keep the oiks controlled and under foot.
I am (and most people I know) extremely weary of all this constant confinement all to save the untouchable anychess from being overrun by us plague-ridden population
Just my opinion obviously 😉
Why don’t we have a law where LEFTIES are compelled to pay just £3 a week
to fund channels and channels of twisted righty propaganda
and a few weather forecasts (that anyone can get free on the internet anyway) ?
Or is it only allowed for RIGHTIES to have to pay for lefty propaganda ?
It would be a kind of jizzya.
Look out, look out , the trolls are about. One is wokeoide and one is a haemorrhoid. To hide, they post on previous pages that are out of view.
“Boy, 13, stabbed to death in Reading”
They are at it again . Lockdown or no Lockdown.
Sigh, this is becoming extremely tiresome now:
“Dad’s BARMY: BBC slaps ‘discriminatory language’ warning on film version of classic sitcom that refers to the French as ‘frogs’
BBC said some viewers may find the 1971 Dad’s Army film ‘offensive’ in a warning
It features references to the Nazis along with a line calling French people ‘frogs’
BBC issued warning before film saying parts of the classic could cause offense
Outraged fans called for BBC to ‘stop making issues when there aren’t any’
“Cinderella gives stepmothers a bad name… and the evil character should be written to be more kind, says Kirstie Allsopp
The presenter says the character of the wicked stepmother is ‘damaging’
She tweeted stories such as Cinderella are ‘profoundly damaging’ to families”
Any mention of the Fuzzy-Wuzzies?
Clive Dunn admitted that he was a dedicated socialist, but it never bothered him to come ut with these lines!
Waiting for Biggles to be cancelled next
Although he did have a sidekick called Ginger, so maybe will get a nod of approval from Prince Harry of Hewitt and NutMeg
(although his other sidekick, Algy, looks like a young Jacob Rees Mogg so no chance with the snowflakes)
And Syd Little’s stuff as well!
(Battledress cape applied for)…
And here’s another one to piss off the BBC…
Lovely Watching all the girls go by.
‘Select my imaginary dish’.
A relentless dripfeed of the opinions of morons who should never be allowed near a place of employment
The ony things that need cancelling are their CVs and broadband connections
Pittsburgh explosion: Police and bomb squad on scene after ‘device thrown from moving car’
PITTSBURGH’S Police Bomb Squad, as well as the Fire Investigation unit, are investigating an incident where an “incendiary device” was thrown from a moving vehicle.
Another explosion was reported just after 10:30pm (3:30am GMT) in the 200 block of Dinwiddie Street in the Hill District, with police scanner traffic indicating shooting was also heard.
‘Seven people shot at park including teens’ in Miami ‘mass casualty incident’
No details have yet been provided about the “active shooter” after the “mass casualty incident,”
The BBC decribe who will get the vaccine first:
Nothing much wrong with this I thought as I read down the list of priority groups.
Then – when the article seemed like it should be finished, I scrolled down a bit and to my absolute amazement it had exactly the same list but each point now had a bubble with two ‘representative’ people in it (clearly just clipart from whatever tool the BBC tool who wrote it was using : they have ). And – yes you guessed it – every one of them has a white person and a black person in it. And they’ve used exactly the same graphic – the author has just replaced the skin colour.
Deliberate overrepresentation of one ethnic group purely on race grounds is of course racist.
They look grey to me which may explain a lot post-Roswell
Further to my comment above:
“A BLOKE has revealed the mortifying autocorrect error on his girlfriend’s CV, which may explain why she couldn’t get a job for three months.
The job-hunting lass asked her boyfriend to save her resume on his computer, but he didn’t spot it had autocorrected her CV name to her username.
And unfortunately for her, that username is the rather embarrassing “Princess Banana Hammock”, in reference to Phoebe’s name change in Friends, which neatly shortened itself to “Princess Banana Hamm”.
Explaining his awkward error on Reddit, the lad said: “This happened three months ago…”
“Princess Banana Hammock”!
Or ‘Nut-Nut’!
(That’s enough sausage stories, Darcy)!
Ahhh… Mr Scroblene, I’ve been expecting you (sorry but the white cat is outside at the moment under a bush)
Sending me on a fruitless, sorry sausageless errand to Waitrose….
where I also, literally, bumped into an ex girlfriend I have managed to avoid for a number of years
Back to bloody tofu
Oooops – sorry, it may be their local issue stuff…
But –
“Back to bloody tofu”
Unusual name for an ex-girlfriend, but it takes all sorts I suppose! Was that a socially distanced bump, or a real humdinger near the cucumbers?
Yes they had “produce” (I will avoid the S word now) from Woburn not too far from here, claimed it was pork, er, “things” but I have been to Woburn and it is crawling with deer, not a pig in sight, so did not risk it
Yes really did bump into her but think I got away with it as my mask is quite big and I immediately high tailed it and hid behind the bakery bit, so ended up with a basket full of scones and stuff, hey ho
Wife asked what I was doing and told her I was just suffering from paranoid schitzophrenia, (it’s easier, believe me with a Chinese wife)
Devonshire cream tea today, with the kind of clotted cream that makes ones left arm go numb and brings on chest pains, lovely
Stew, in your early post, you kindly put on back references to previous pages, which is very helpful.
JohnC posted an sensational comment with a Facebook reference to a speech by President Trump, which is stunning in its intensity and fortitude. Many responses from chums here arrived after that, but I missed it all, as I was finishng lunch, lighting the fire etc etc…
It was posted on Jan 3rd, at 2.11pm, and I’ve just watched the whole piece – thank you JohnC! Is there a way to copy it all to this thread please, or does Fed do this? It really deserves a lot more notice!
Wow! Something’s happening over there at last – but I’ve just scanned the BBC website, and absolutely no mention is made of such an enormously impressive speech!
So no change there!
Think this is it. I’ve just watched it also. Thanks to JohnC.
Thank you, Theisland, I don’t ‘do’ Bookface, so wouldn’t know where to get hold of it!
January could be very uncomfortable for Ol’ Biden from now on!
Trump spells it out loud and clear.
“There’s no evidence” bleats the beeb.
WRONG! There’s now a TON of evidence!
The Telegraph simply refers to Trump’s unfounded allegations. Why are they all singing in unison?
I only found it because an American friend on Facebook posted it.
The fact that such a speech by the President of the USA can go unreported by the BBC is scandalous. Just who do they think they are ?. They are censoring news out completely now if they don’t like it. I’m sure they have it buried somewhere on their website for ‘impartiality factcheckers’ but I sure didn’t see it on the front page.
Any links to this speech I have not seen it ?
Thank you John, and your chum in the US too!
Surely Sopel, Lurch and Kat would know about it, so just as President Trump says, the MSM over there, folowed by the BBC, (they never lead), are indeed a weird bunch!
Where is OfCom?
On the same gravy-train I presume. I fully expect it’s all part of an ‘old boy’ type network which extends through the ultimate taxpayer funded gentleman’s club : The House of Lords.
It is a conspiracy of suppression conducted by almost the entire Global MSM, even the Daily Telegraph supports it and takes part in it. The whole global elite are scared to death of a second Trump term and have used their power to force even Trump appointees to the US Supreme Court to toe the line.
Unless the ordinary American people go out on the streets and make it clear that they refuse to accept Biden as their president unless there is a thorough , transparent and honest country wide investigation of the voting irregularities , the establishment will just plough with Biden’s inauguration. They don’t give a toss what ordinary people think as long as they, the elite, have their paws on the levers of power. The only way to change that is for Americans to make bastards frightened of the consequences of highjacking the election.
Make no mistake if the global elite get away with this election steal they will try using this template everywhere else and democracy will be but a distant memory. Donald Trump isn’t just fighting for democracy in American but for democracy everywhere.
How lucky we were that the Brexit referendum took place when it did if it was to happen now would anyone have faith that a remain result could be trusted?
But Classic FM this morning said Trump’s claims were unsubstantiated.
They always do, or describe them as “false”. I suspect a lot of egg on a lot of faces may be forthcoming very shortly.
But will anyone have the nerve to issue a retraction, an apology, or do any grovelling?
Of course they won’t.
Blimey. I look forward to the British media ‘unpacking’ this…..
You may have to wait a long time.
A bit technical but gives some good background information. Data scientists analyse voting streams in Georgia.
In brief they find some precincts returned 90%+ votes for Biden which would be most unlikely. Rather than the total votes for Trump increasing during the counting period at some points his total decreases and Biden gets a corresponding increase. Vote switching means that the totals for all candidates still matches the votes cast, so the error/fraud is hidden.
I don’t think there’s a way back from this level of progressivness.
They could start an organisation such as Womensa, for example, for those with an IQ equivalent to their shoe size
Velcro shoes were invented for these people, it saves them 30 minutes a day at least
Not intended for women BTW, but those who do not understand the meaning of Amen
Just because Fred believes in one god and Freda believes in one god it doesn’t mean they are the same god.
Old, when I was really very young, I used to think that in church, you either said ‘Aaaahmen’, or ‘Ayeeeelady’.
Made my Mum laugh, anyway!
Looking forward to the next one, ‘Aaarghtran’…
Someone in the comments did raise the issue about the other 33 genders he slighted. Apart from the despairing humour it is deeply disturbing. The gentleman is not “really very young” and appears in some position of authority. Surely he can’t be ignorant of the origin and meaning of the word? More importantly what’s the future of Worlds Strongest Man?
Watch out for January 6 th Washington protest, Trump has asked all to attend could be very big
We will see who reports it and who ignores it
The lying BBC will report it if a) it’s so big they can’t ignore it, and b) they can squeeze some anti-Trump mileage out of it, along the lines of ‘threat to democracy’, ‘refusal to accept the free and fair election result’, ‘far-right militias’ etc.
And if Auntie reports it, how many ‘But …’ or ‘However …’ paragraphs it will have in attempts to discredit anything he says.
TOADY Watch #1 – what has gone wrong with Mishal Husain?
Mishal and Nick presenting TOADY today – Interrogator in Chief and first Assistant together – and Mishal is dealing with the ‘schools crisis’ which is really a teachers’ crisis – they want more time off work. Afetr talking to a Primary Headteacher in Norfolk the BBC suddenly switch attention to Birmingham and its Labour leader of the Council.
The BBC do tell us he is a Labour Party leader of the Council but when he presents a statistic “we have more children testing positive” without at any specifics you would think that the Interrogator and Torturer-in-Chief, Mishal Husain, would be on that in an instant.
You would think that would you not?
Now if it had been a Conservative Party leader of the Council or even better a Conservative Minister, Mishal would have been on it like a shot. “Tested positive for what, exactly?” “Who did the tests and where? ” Which test was used? “Are you sure it is Covid-19 and its new variant or is it just any old coronavirus like ordinary influenza or a heavy but common cold?”
Bias? What bias? 🙂
Up2 in that distant time when i was a habitual toady listener I would often be entertained when ms tick box did an interview because she often demonstrated her struggle listening to her victim as well as having stuff said to her by the ‘gallery ‘ .
If you couple this with a failure to get on top of her brief any interviewee must have looked forward to an easy BBC appearance . .. …
Elsewhere – we should expect a 1700 briefing – without Q and As to tell an increasing worried / frustration population some thing about whats going on
– lies et al…
Which should be done every day. There needs to be a big reassurance job about the vaccine….
Fed, last point first, aaah the Fergus ‘Vaccine’ Walsh – an undeclared personal interest! Yes, I heard that and will post on it. Yes, Mishal only hears what she wants to hear but that’s usually enough to get her putting the hot needles under the fingernails and reaching for the cat’o’nine tails.
But not when it is a Labour leader of Birmingham council …. funny that. I thought funny ….
Now if it had been the Conservative Mayor of Birmingham, he would have been on the rack or in the embrace of the iron maiden before you could say ‘unsubstantiated’.
A cold hard look at what’s really going on in Democrat-run places like Seattle, that the lying Beeb will never, ever show you.
(It’s long but the first few minutes say it all: “Seattle no longer feels the need to stop anyone from doing anything for any reason at any time…”)
1 hour 15 minutes of depression . Personally i have no interests in the problems of ‘ seattle’ and wished i hadnt spent 20 long minutes hearing problems without solutions ….
presumably seatle voted biden . Who cares
Off switch strongly recommended
Not a biggie but mentioning it for the record:
The BBC sowing some seeds of confusion with a little bit of scaremongering.
But the main thing is the two children in the forground. Both girls. One white, one black. As usual.
It’s an unusual picture for such a story. I think they must have sent photographers all over the place as a result of BLM to specifically to get stock pictures of black people (preferably girls as they don’t conjure up images of people jailed for stabbing) for these kind of articles.
Getty Images know their market.
Probably not even taken in a UK primary school as the teacher is male and the children are sitting in front-facing rows.
I bet most ‘news’ website pictures are fake unless one of the news agencies packaged them with the story.
Television isn’t much better with its blurred images and stock film of children’s knees. The ‘live’ images aren’t worth much anyway – “I am standing outside 10 Downing Street, where the PM hosted a meeting five hours ago, now back to the studio where they probably know more about the story than I do.”
I suspect you’re right.
As ex-RAF, I have seen articles on the BBC with pictures of completely different aircraft to the ones in the story.
As a general rule, I have observed that journalist types are very often absolutely clueless about the real world. I bet most of them couldn’t check the oil in their car.
That is literally true.
One Five Dead a few weeks ago, I heard one of the sports presenters say that he did not know how to put oil in his car, and one of his fellow commentators had had to direct him to a service station and did it for him! I’d have been too ashamed to admit that in public, but then I am probably just not “fluid” enough.
Who is running this country BoJo or SAGE?
Are his days numbered?
I think we are about to witness ‘operation do something’ which will be declared a ‘ u turn ‘ and ‘too late ‘ as tier 5? or 6? Is delivered .
As for the PMs career ? Who cares ?…
Also …. entertaining and heart warming piece in the DT explaining why Blair still hasnt got his garter or knighthood or other gong ….
The comments attached were also quite rightly brutal.
Blair and his mad press henchperson might spend their time boasting about saving the Royal Family after Diana Spencer was killed / murdered but it didnt go down well with the buck house mafia
Tier 5, Tier 6 ??
They’re all just the Tiers of a Clown …
Sorry Smokey
Tier 5 anyone?
Loitering within tent.
It’s a long hard road to recovery – for bereaved Brussels-loving Remainers in our media.
The Financial Times this morning can’t help but go all teary-eyed: ‘Erasmus alumni lament loss of UK fellowship’
Give them a moment, the FT’s readership are welling up: ‘Britain’s break with the EU spells a sad day for the popular student exchange programme’ – luckily for us the FT is keen on numbers and we learn that last year less than ten thousand British youngsters benefited from European placements – so it wasn’t that popular. Meanwhile the UK taxpayer played host to nearly eighteen thousand students coming in the opposite direction. So the arrangement had a net cost to the UK exchequer and privileged just a tiny minority of the offspring of middle class families. Something of an EU in microcosm.
Perhaps today is a day for fond farewells, but thank heavens you’re leaving at last, you’ve long outstayed your welcome?
‘Jodie to quit Doctor Who… Calling it Time Lord. Jodie Whittaker is leaving’ (Daily Mirror) – ah, what a shame. The BBC’s first social justice warrior female Doctor was doing so well. The fans will be devastated, I’m sure.
The freebie celeb-obesessed Metro brings us: ‘D(ivorce) Day Zoe Kravitz is this year’s first celebrity break-up’ – the Mail cheerfully informs us of her ‘cryptic’ social media posts about taking out the trash… after filing for divorce from Karl Glusman after 18-months of marriage. Can you imagine for one moment the media reaction to a man using such terms in relation to kicking his former female spouse into touch? “Love Rat”, “inconsiderate”, ‘ill-mannered”…? Whereas, Zoe, you go, girl!
The frontpage of the Mail launches yet another of their “campaigns” – this one claims: ‘Towering injustice’ – coming two-and-a-half years after the original disaster: ‘Millions stuck with fire-trap homes after Grenfell’ – considering millions are apparently involved I’m surprised there hasn’t been another deadly incident by now. Perhaps there were some special circumstances involved at Grenfell other than the cladding which seem to get the blame? The Mail appears to conceed the fear of spontaneous combustion is not the main issue here: ‘Millions stuck with fire-trap homes… They’re hit by £2bn bill for safety work and insurance’ – well, if some bloke’s fridge-freezer inexplicably explodes in a heavily sub-let migrant-packed public housing project, the fire brigade have an inflexible rule about telling people to stay put and green policies demanded cheapo inflammable (in the old British sense of easily set on fire) cladding, but the on-going enquiry still has yet to find a politically correct explanation…
Perhaps Mystic Meg in the Sun should be called as an expert witness? Today she looks at the monetary aspects of your horoscope. Fellow witchy old crone Christine Legarde of the ECB mixes her murky greenish financial potions in the FT and conjures the future for us: ‘European Central Bank a pioneer in battling climate change by slashing its purchases of bonds issued by fossil-fuel companies’ – thanks luv, that’s exactly what I pray for every time I open my gas bill.
We may be out of the EU but we’re far from immune from this stuff: ‘Banks to launch wave of green products’ (FT) – I thought they already had… it’s called money. I jest, of course: ‘Big British lenders are launching a number of climate change products…’ – that’ll cost us.
I’m guessing the clever money is opting out of trust in the right-on Central Banks and their toady high street acolytes: ‘Bitcoin value tops £30,000’ (FT)
Sadly, like Mystic Meg, I’m hardly qualified to give investment advice hereabouts but in terms of Bitcoin, we’ve probably missed the boat. Unlike at least eight thousand illegal migrants that is: ‘More migrants crossed the Channel in September than in the whole of 2019 the Press Association said’ (Times) – despite covid?
It’s not all one-way traffic. News of more potential sad departures today in the ‘i’: ‘We can’t care for the bears. UK may lose giant pandas’ – I’m guessing the closure of our zoos will be the reason (because of covid?)
In case you were wondering: ‘The singer Billy Bragg, who was branded a “capitalist” for offering a poster for £40, has said that selling merchandise on auction sites is helping to keep musicians afloat’ (Times) – it’s known as “merch” in the business. And Billy, whatever you may say, you are in business, son. And it is capitalism.
Roll over Mystic Meg. The Sun now tells us: ‘…Boris warns Tier 5 is likely’ – you heard it here first. By the way, Tier 6 & 7 coming soon.
Asiseeit – how come you write about someone called’zoey ‘ but not ‘little mix / mink ?’
And that BBC staple -william bragg gets an airing . He must be due a gardening cooking or travel up a river show with grifffff by now
On the BBC News website is an article ‘Furlough mums and dads while schools are off’ says TUC and then to the right of that page is a link to An illicit affair with far-reaching consequences on iPlayer about a teacher having sex with a child student of hers.
Just 2 links from the homepage and the BBC are promoting sex with children. They never change.
TOADY Watch #2 – are you not meant to declare an interest, even on the BBC?
The Toady Prog just after 7 a.m. rolled out Fergus Walsh, the BBC’s Medical Editor, yes really, BA Eng. Lit., with a GP wife who forsook the NHS for Big Pharma (according to Wiki – usual disclaimers) has escaped his Tier Restriction to report from Oxford on the new vaccine. He doesn’t mention that tiny, personal, ‘conflict of interest’ and is full of praise for the new vaccine and how it will made available ‘at cost’ by the pharmaceutical company.
He also doesn’t mention that ‘the Oxford Vaccine’ may be absolutely useless against Covid-20, Covid-21 and Covid-21a because it was designed for Covid-19 way back in January 2020. Fergus helpfully gives us the developmental timeline. Fergus instead does a big ‘Rah’rah’rah’ for a British company coming up with a British vaccine. Phew, he’ll get some stick for that when he gets back to Broadcasting House.
Interesting- last week i described the guru murphi rubbishing it as a british achievement because the boss is canadian .
Maybe the BBC group think hadnt settled to ‘ multi national multicultural’ yet .
What thr BBC could usefully do is publish how many peopld have been jabbed every day. And if they dont work weekends -,less than happy …
9am Amol’s Socialist discussion club
Opening line “There are 2 types of wealth
wealth in money
and wealth in love”
Nope you just made that up love is a vague concept.
“What has Covid taught us about wealth and fairness ?”
“Is it not the case that the more valuable your job the less you are paid”
“Perhaps our NHS workers should be paid more”
..a prog full of slogans
Eh, Paul Johnson has just opened up by saying closing schools has been disastrous for children.
“The £170 per week is clearly not a week to live on”
That’s rubbish loads of people life comfortably on less than that
I dont spend that in 2 weeks and In lots of countries I didn’t spend that in a month.
Of course you can get stuck in housing situations in the south of England and running a car .. and end up spending a lot.
To some of them £170 is probably a few taxi fare claims ..
Stew – very brave to listen . True wealth – of course – is land ownership and always will be
Prog burb : Every day this week
“Its focus is fairness, a theme that emerged time and again”
sounds like socialism
“The pandemic brought renewed focus on how we value those who have kept shelves stacked, transport running and the old and sick cared for. “
not much
“So is now the time to bring about a fundamental shift in how our society and economy work?
The first programme looks at wealth in the UK – who has it and how that has changed over the decades, if it is becoming harder to acquire and whether or not that matters.
Paul Johnson IFS
Mohammed El Erian, Allianz and president of Queens’ College, Cambridge
Dame Louise Casey, former homelessness tsar
Karolina Gerlich, ex-care worker and head of the Care Workers Charity
I spot an extreme Welsh nationalist Calvin @WelshEcon
praising Owen Jones and Michael Sheen talk
and mentioning he Calvin was edited out of Amols show today
seems he is too lefty for the Blairite BBC.
I’m now so addled by the lack of objectivity and rationality in all types of media..’official’ or otherwise….I wonder if you lot can help me?…..
After the IoM Chief Ministers Covid update yesterday, questions were invited from the media.
The first question was from a local BBC bloke….who started going on about misinformation out there….distracting the proper facts.
My instant reaction was that it seemed to mirror the constant referral to ‘misinformation ‘ by Marianna Spring and others.
Maybe they’ve been instructed to push this..right across the an attempt to bolster their brand ..and label other sources as charlatans?
If so, it did feel a little bit sinister. Maybe you lot have impressions?
He could, of course, simply have been brainwashed by reading too much Marianna?!
Garry – i think it is desperation as it is slowly being realised that they are seen as a propaganda and not news outfit – hence increased incidents of ‘hostility’ .
You know they lost it with ‘ fact checkers ‘ and things about ‘why you can trust us’ …
Ah. Quite so.
I saw an article on the BBC today written by:
‘The Reality Check team’
Usual trick of trying to convince you something is fact when it might not be.
But still does not beat the number 1 : ‘Every penny you donate goes to children in need’.
Not children who are in need of course. The charity ‘Children In Need’ who are the BBC in all but name and set up as a seperate entity so the BBC can say they don’t take anything. Who then cream off 6 million.
Headed by this guy?
Interesting way of phrasing Charter and professional integrity obligations
Also like their erratic editorial integrity, there is what and when they choose not to check, and what to look into in depth…
BBC Online News. Starts the New Year with more negativity.
“Brexit: First week after New Year poses big test”
“Monday marks the first day ports and the Channel Tunnel will deal with large numbers under the new rules”
Meanwhile, the BBC in the same feature reports a ‘Sprightly’ FTSE increase. If it had been a 0.5% fall, it would have been described as a ‘Plummet’.
The fight goes on…. 🙁
Billions wiped off stock market never has the counter of billions added to stock market…
“Brexit: First week after New Year poses big test”
Funny that, because the BBC were 100% sure it would be carnage at the Ports “INSTANTLY” when we left !!!
Now, as there was none of the said “carnage”, they have moved the goal posts to suit.
Just like House prices would “COLLAPSE” on a Leave vote.
BBC, wrong on just about EVERYHTING.
Norman Brennan tweets
BREAKING NEWS : FIVE CHILDREN four boys & one girl aged bet 13yrs & 14yrs have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder
after a 13yr boy was stabbed to death in Emmer Green, Reading at 4pm yesterday afternoon;
he died at the scene; all 5 remain in custody
TOADY Watch #3 – I want to see the transcript, Jon – give me the transcript, Jon.
Also close to 7 a.m. this morning Sopey is on the programme to have a rant about President Trump. He alleges the President was bullying the Georgia State Governor to give President Trump just one more vote than needed to beat Joe Biden and the Democrats. Sopey is obviously furious with the President but keeps his anger almost in check. However, can I ever believe again what Jon Sopel says?
However, with the BBC’s record of ‘accurately’ reporting on American politics for the last five and a half years in mind, I would want to see and read a word for word transcript of what President Trump actually said before I believe a word of Jon Sopel’s report on the President.
I know that PM Tony Blair was a controversial figure , but as PM of the UK, the British public should have been given the opportunity to hear him when he gave important speeches. . The BBC 9 o clock News at that time announced about the British Prime minister’s , speech in Las Angeles “This is what the Prime Minister MEANT to say”. Finding the transcript of the speech, the BBC had chosen to misrepresent a very small part of his speech. A previous speech in Congress in Washington July 2003 had an 8 minute standing ovation had next to no coverage in the UK media
Subtle global warming activist Tamsin’s new daily R4 show starts at 1:45pm
series ’39 Ways to Save the Planet’
Every day for the next two weeks you’ll be able to listen to @flimsin provide expert comment on how we can relieve the stress that climate change is exerting on the planet.
My friend said even the trailer had a couple of bits of FakeNews
A “Doctor” with blue hair, hope she’s not doing any jabs
An expert on climate modelling,
I’m a dab hand with the papier mache and plasticene myself but don’t get on the bloody bbc even Blue Peter.
Although I may tune in to ask her advice about a tricky problem with my Airfix HMS Victory rigging after the cat got hold of it.
Drama 2pm aren’t we right on ?
“there is a twist: MALE actor Robert Lonsdale plays the woman
and FEMALE actor Racheal Ofori plays the man. ”
we’ll see
“it’s a story about you and me, about ordinary people, *everyday sexism*, and the pain of living in an *unequal world*.
It’s a play for the #metoo and #timesup generation, confronting the spaces between us and the lies we tell ourselves.”
Socialist preaching again.
Just had a mooch to my local shop for a couple of bits.
Having seen the BBC reports over the past week, the hysterical reactions to Covid and Brexit , i was expecting the worst.
However, the shop was fully stocked with loo roll, fruit, veg, meats etc etc .. no issue what so ever.
I walked past the local primary school , it must have been playtime. The playground was full of young kids, running around and enjoying playing with their friends.
Phew, per the BBC i was expecting empty shelves, people fighting for the last loaf due to Brexit delays. I thought the playground would be full of kids struggling for breath, crying due to mental health issues , because thats what the BBC would have you believe.
Looks like that BBC “go to” activist Matron could well have been over egging her pudding aswell.
Now, where is Marianna for all this fact checking business ??? Or, does she only fact check claims that go against the BBC narrative ????
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – up to date, the BBC? When?
Scroll down the HomePage this morning and you can find a trail for a new Claudia (it’s all in your mind) Hammond’s Radio4 programme about how to make the most out of your money. Claudia, I assume, is pictured on the HomePage in a Pharmacy or the Cosmetics section of a department store (Debenhams?!!!) clutching what suspiciously appears to be an old paper ten pound note and possibly a paper five pound note with it.
Oh dear. Can’t buy much with that, Claudia. But you can pay it into your bank account and save it.
I don’t see it as a trailer
It’s an article which features clips from that show that was broadcast in 2016.
Stew, thanks for the correction and warning. That would explain the paper notes. I have been caught out by the BBC on Radio4 before now, with their implying or claiming something is new programming or a new series. When I listen, I find I’m listening to a repeat.
8pm The first African-American to have a face transplant tells his own story
Can we crowd fund Jo Brand for the next one ?
Momentum’s very own Bernard Manning
I have some old ‘Wheeltappers’ episodes and I have to say that Bernard is an absolute gent to every guest (black or white) and a very clever man. His racist jokes were all accepted in everyday life back then and it’s clear from how he behaves that there was no malice or hate towards anybody.
Unlike Brand who has built her career on anti-male, feminist spite. Her remarks about throwing acid on Farage show just what an unpleasant, nasty piece of work she is.
So I think you are being a bit hard on Bernard. He was ten times the man she’ll ever be. But she has put in a good effort appearance wise.
9pm Alan Dein with more socialism
He catches up with Ibrahim who, at the start of the pandemic, was homeless on the streets of Athens.
Nine months on, Ibrahim’s life has changed beyond recognition
He speaks to Alhaji in Sierra Leone who’s building a house for his parents from the money he’s earned working in the United States.
He hears from Tiffany in India who helps visually impaired people become more independent, after her own challenging childhood.
with Al in the United States who aims to inspire young people in a tough area of Chicago..
Margaret in Uganda – who cares for youngsters orphaned by AIDS – shares her hopes for the new year
Ibrahim has found a new home in Guantanemo Bay
Alhaji is still smuggling currency and other “items” out of the USA into Sierra Leone
Tiffany is teaching blind people to hate non muslims too by pointing them out
Al is toughening up kids by teaching them how to form street gangs and arm themselves
And Margaret in Uganda is hoping for the new year that the she can continue Idi Amin’s legacy in ridding Uganda of the last of the remaining asians
Can’t wait, it sounds fascinating
Martin Daubney: ‘The BBC are the kind of Jehovah’s Witnesses of broadcasting’
I transcribed it on the previous thread
BTW Katie Hopkins is now putting up daily shorts on her YouTube channel
Today : Why did celebs talk so much about Mental Health when it was fashionable
but now it’s got bigger due to lockdowns, they are quiet ?
Katie Hopkins is brilliant. She is a part of a cadre of people who should be in government, rather than the current shower.
BBC say “#PurpleWomanBad”
UKIP purple
And – like everyone else who stands up the the Left – widely hated by the media and rarely shown in a good light.
She is another who you hear nothing but bad things about – but when you learn what she actually said, it is perfectly reasonable common sense. And who she is talking about don’t like it so they start screaming ‘racist’.
I think I just heard the air head autocue reader on the 11am bbc news ask a bbc airhead outside a hospital “ should old people get the vaccine first ? ‘
I then wondered what this idiot question was aimed at ? Do they want younger viewers to get it and the nuisance old people to die off ?
Maybe I heard wrong – but I still think – as I wrote earlier – the BBC group think on the vaccine hasn’t settled yet .
Maybe – brutally – they are desperate for someone to die / get covid – after getting the jab – which can get the negative message strong on a ‘rushed out dangerous vaccine ‘….
I think you are right, we had that Keunsberg thing and her Dalek like mantras endlessly over the last few months.
Yet we are currently missing her dulcet tones and twisted mouth, maybe because she has lost the opportunity to score cheap points in Govt briefings which probably got her a few pats on the back at her Islington dinner parties.
1) Testing, testing, testing
2) Clarity, clarity, clarity
3) TBA
Wow – an interview- on BBC news with a non – ego – journo – with the PM on a hospital visit . Sensible questions – answers – must have run for 10 minutes ? …. not seen anything like that for a long time … where’s Peston and Befff?
And didn’t have to get the popcorn out …
Women’s Hour : “Sonia Khan, the political adviser, sacked by Dominic Cummings talks to @Emmabarnett”
“We learnt nothing apart from how she is working class and feels sorry for people. Book deal maybe?”
“I believe that following an employment tribunal any settlement is made with a non-disclosure agreement.”
It was so useless, fact packed it was not….
There must be a book deal otherwise why was she on? I don’t think she gave a direct answer to any of the question put to her. Just what did she advise on? Given she started 5 years ago as a ‘door knocker’ (at 24 years of age) so no real work experience..
How do you get these adviser jobs in your early 20’s?
No wonder our parliamentary system is not fit for purpose
Breaking : Old Bailey court rules US cannot extradite Assange
.. The Democrats probably didn’t want the hassle anyway
“Our hospital has less spare beds than last year”
.. Yeh cos, with Covid regulations, you have put the beds further apart, so can fit less in room.
Latest BBC Fact Checking : Brexit
The daily R4 short drama takes Bernard Cribbins stationmaster character and has him fostering foreign refugee children from WW2
.. a laudable thing at the time ..but sooo BBC
Here’s another happy customer