“It seems to be gathering pace at a alarming rate” You are right there Doobster. It would have happened anyway but the fact that the Orange Man transferred over to it made it No1 target.
Other events are also moving at a fast pace apparently pictures of Hunter Biden allegedly with children are now being downloaded
over the web covered by Salty Cracker https://odysee.com/@SaltyCracker:a/laptop:6
This could well mean the end for Biden before he even started and allow the equally dangerous and unelectable Kamala Harris to move swiftly into his shoes. If this is true and the BBC covers it – it will be for that reason.
I sometimes wonder wtf goes on in the heads of people who work at the BBC.
Yesterday (during my painting), it had a report about the Indonesian plane which crashed into the sea. Jonathan ‘Dick’ Head (the grubby, far-Left SE Asia correspondent who I have many more stories about) told us how it was last detected at only 250 feet and said it dramatically as if that figure was somehow sinister and significant.
If it crashed, of course it went through 250 feet.
Reporting by idiots for other idiots.
For my time living there, I was amazed at how many planes came down – regularly and non reported certainly on World Service which I could only get, then, on my Sony SSB radio for a couple of hours a day.
Some years ago, I joined a new GP Surgery and I had to go through a ‘chat’ with a GP beforehand. I told him about a stone in the kidney I’d developed in KSA and so on. He became very interested in my time in Indonesia as he had, in younger years, been a volunteer there with some sort of international outfit. Conversation strayed to the safety of dom flights. He related the story of he and a colleague being intrigued with a permanent marker line and some writing on one of the wings they could see. They wrote the word down and when with an Indonesian counterpart, asked him what it said. “CRACK” apparently.
I’ll say no more. Certainly about my internal flights on Merpati Airlines.
Apparently some sort of tug of love between ITV and BBC over Bradley Walsh has led to unanimous cries of : For the sake of God don’t do it Bradders! Don’t join the BBC, they’ll ruin you! Oh dear me, it seems this site’s “visceral hatred” has spread to the masses. Looks like old bill is going to have a fine old time arresting us all. I expect the CPS’s printers are working overtime to cope with all the warrants.Still, they should be working ok, after all they are hardly ever used for actual crime like murder, rape, terrorism etc. Better go, I can hear sirens and the clatter of size 16s.
Not the BBC – but I keep an eye on the number of killings in London each year – only one double killing last night – female killed 2 males in ilford – a very diverse area – no details so your prejudices should let you make an educated guess at the rest .
Having studied criminology – a subject highly contaminated by woke victimhood – the changes in reported crime during current mass house arrest could be instructive ….
… fraud relating to covid vaccination and impersonation of NHS staff will get an uptick – as well as ‘queue jumpers ‘ to get the vaccine – with reports already of how people have cheated the system by getting ‘left over ‘ vaccines at the end of the day …
Blowing my own trumpet but weeks ago I wrote that it would be more important for the wokes leading us to throw surplus vaccine down the toilet than to give it out to anyone ‘queue-jumping’ lower down the priority list. And so it is proving.
As I explained, based on experience of handling customer order backlogs, it is much more efficient to take from tiers simultaneously, and prioritise by varying the proportions. Then a problem in one tier (not enough volunteers on a particular day) can be infilled with another.
But the vaccine prioritisation committee only meet on the third Wednesday of the month, and none of the politicians, civil servants, and the all-important doctors and nurses have any experience of anything so mundane as production and logistics.
Fed, I see we were visited by a creature of the night in the wee small hours. Goes by the name of ‘Blackwell’ and seems adept at cut’n’paste. Could be a reincarnation of Maxincontinency, Puke or the nutcase that lives in a forest. Could also be a member of the so called 77 Brigade, a social media disenformation unit operated allegedly by British Army Security and Intellegence service, with operatives providing deliberate and false narratives to that what people actual see, hear and read with their own eyes….. Interesting times.
The calibre of their efforts are so dire it can only help any visiting to see how they are given an opportunity to make their cause(s) look even more lost in association than ever.
He/She did write long posts, which showed they are thinking .
Probably some poor person brainwashed by teachers & Guardianland etc.
… who will come over to our side after the more reading & thinking they do.
Last year I cancelled my TV licence. I had many objections, including paying for propaganda. I used to love radio – I had a delivery job back in my twenties and tried to time drops so that the afternoon play was interrupted as little as possible. Towards the end of last year I found that the only reliably bearable programme was Ken Bruce. Then he went on holiday and for the last week or so I’ve been driving round in silence (yes, all I’ve got in the car is an FM radio). When in my office I used to listen to JHB on talkRadio – I liked the way she challenged the lockdown zealots – but then her TDS kicked in and I switched off. I’ve subscribed to The Sunday Times since forever, making it last right through to the following Saturday. Last Sunday I cancelled that subscription. I had to ring them to do so. The chap on the other end said that the ST had fantastic investigative journalists. I said that I wasn’t interested in Greta’s birthday (on the front page) and that if they had such wonderful investigative journalists, why, on the eve of a third lockdown, was there no mention that since the start of Covid there had only been 388 deaths of people in England aged under 60 with no underlying health conditions. Today the ST has a two-page spread on Neil Fergusson and a piece on how the NHS needs to reshape itself for the next pandemic (nothing about how the unions / doctors make it so hard to increase the staff numbers; nothing about going back to single-storey isolation hospitals; nothing about staffing agencies fleecing the public purse run by consultants). I’ve come to the realisation that my main source of succour and news is this site. Does this mean that I’ve shrunk into an echo chamber, or am I just wanting to know that I am not alone and that there are still sane people in this mad world? As you know, I’m a swabber. One of the questions I have to ask is about physical contact [in the last week]. Yesterday a lady I was seeing broke down in tears, telling me she’d not had physical contact with anyone. How the hell do you console someone who is so low? Telling them they are not alone? (I don’t think so). Driving around in silence I sometimes think of what I would say if I got stopped by the plod. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I’m meeting some friends for a drink and then we’re going to the pictures.” Oh well, I’m off back out there now, but thank you for being there and let’s hope this site doesn’t get shut down. P.S. – any ideas for a replacement Sunday paper?
Yes there is a danger of ‘echo chamber ‘ – but I’d refute that because you had the wisdom to find this site as well as recognise the danger .
As for consoling some one – physically you just can’t . But I take consolation from knowing that nothing stays the same – but time is the challenge . We face maybe 2 months minimum of total control – so it is vital to make the most of it and adapt . The days are getting a bit longer now if only a bit .
As for someone ‘feeling low ‘- I reckon talking helps -me ven if there is a requirement to listed to repeated comments or fixation on certain issues – that’s a bit of an art – I’ve been on both sides of that table ..
As for newspapers – I swore I’d never pay to go behind a pay wall and when my current DT £4 a month offer ends I’m gone as it’s not Right Wing enough for me . So instead I can easily get lost on the net .
I’m quite involved in dementia research so help out in projects such as memory and coordination testing each day to keep the head working . Online gaming helps keep the mind occupied too .
Hope this helps …
By the way – had to laugh – turned on wireless R5 – beeboid I chatting with – Chris ? Packham – switched over R4 – a chap on desert island discs ? No ! Ah – but it turns up he is some coloured chap talking race -What’s new ? Off – back to streaming ….
The DT: the same with me. What I can almost guarantee is that when you cancel your subscription you will be offered an extension on the same terms. It has just happened to me again, although I have already been extended once.
Try the monthly magazine ‘The Critic’ or the website ‘Quilette.
I like the website ‘Conservative Woman’ but unlike the above it is also an echo chamber
7C, The Conservative Woman w-s has more people who are willing to question and debate, disagree and make-up and it also has more trolls who do engage, they don’t just post and run away.
Infoquest – I too like Hartly Brewers style of questioning but like you I find her Trump Derangement syndrome quite ridiculous. I expect this is easier for her because she is a bright woman and Trumps vulgarian “Pusseygate” remarks would not have gone down too well. However I wonder if she changes her view if it is confirmed that big Tech and the MSM suppressed the Hunter Biden story about alleged paedo activities.
I had to listen to a lecture from the bland and vanilla Ian Collins last week that all of us who think Trump was cheated are guilty of “Confirmation Bias” and only listen to our own favoured news sources. I am yet to hear a reasonable explanation as to what was going on with the film where vote counters were sent home and new ballot boxes suddenly appeared and the remaining staff appeared to scan the same votes , multiple times. – The MSM just does not want to talk about it.
I expect Ian Collins has his eye on being the “main man” on Talk Radio certainly he will never get it if he encouraged independant thought and views
This is worth a watch.
Ep. 168 — Thoughts on the Current State of Our Nation by Dennis Prager
For those who are interested in more depth than the media feeding frenzy on events at the US Capitol, this video provides the calmest, most fair-minded, logical and reasonable analysis I have seen so far, by @DennisPrager@prageru. https://t.co/ChmY72Sgby
By Sunday O’Sullivan had toned it down a touch
saying Wednesday’s big story was not the Capitol
but rather the way Trump had screwed up Georgia and thus let the Dems get Senate control
Republicans Overseas guy Greg Swenson played along with this
but still said there were main election irregularities to consider
Both agreed that if Covid hadn’t have come then Trump would have won
Swenson says Trump failed at the first debate
His take was the Capital event means an end to Trump being an opposition voice against Biden and that is good cos now the Republican Party can move on.
Interesting so those Rep politicians who had already given up on recounting the votes were never going to defend Trump after Wednesday morning
and for them portraying Wednesday afternoon’s march as a disaster and chucking Trump under the bus works well.
Both laid into Pelosi
“The 25th amendment isn’t for taking away power from as serving president.
It’s from the JFK situation, when the voted president is incapacitated.”
The bBC ‘educates’ our children. Impartially of course.
Have your kids got questions about what's going on in the #USCapitol? @DGMensah and @ShanequaParis talked about what happened and explained why it was significant on this morning's Newsround. Watch it here: https://t.co/3fZ7PbOs3n
What’s the phase ?
People have mentioned “gaslighting”
where you do things to someone to make them feel that they have lost their own sanity.
But there must be a phrase for what the media is doing now
.. ie giving a false narrative that the Capitol event of a few dozen people walking around the building after they were let in by police
whilst at another entrance some nutters were braking windows and violently pushing against police
all of which was over with in 2.5 hours
..counts as “insurrection” “attempted coup” the biggest riot of the past year
and using it to build this huge outrage bus.
When there have been many many actual riots and actual deaths throughout the year. Particularly in Portland Oregon etc.
I have real trouble with the language now ‘bot ‘ ‘gaslighting ‘ – I can’t remember what that means …. there was a word used a bit as a term of insult adapted from a type of pork meat -which – thankfully has fallen into neglect and been replaced with ‘fascist ‘ which has a much more vicious violent tang to it –
If you’re in DC today in support of @realDonaldTrump remember you are a representation and reflection of all those patriots who couldn’t be there, who couldn’t take off work on a Wednesday. Act accordingly. Leave thuggery and violence for liberals. You’re better than this.
Nobody's playing it down. The scenes were appalling. One of the worst night's in the history of American democracy, for which Mr Trump bears responsibility. But if you think this was an attempted coup I have bridge to sell you. https://t.co/bc4Cw5ZUi2
As a bookmaker I thought of running a book on who
will be the next senior presenter for Match of the Day
when BIG BROTHER at the diversity department decides
that Gary Lineker is not diverse enough.
There are a plethora of lady sports presenters at the BBC
and Gabby Logan would be my favourite . But does she
tick enough boxes? In my opinion Alex Scott the new star
of the BBC’S sports department could well give Gabby a
good run for her money . And of course she does tick
more boxes than the daughter of Terry Yorath the ex Leeds,
Spurs and Welsh international.
The only male candidate I can think of who stand a chance
against the women ,is Jermaine Jenus.. Jenus is climbing the
greasy pole of success at the BBC very rapidly. It seems a longtime now that whilst being a commentator and pundit
on the Ajax- Tottenham Champions League semi final , he
kept on saying , when asked for his opinion ” something’s
happening , something’s happening.
To be honest he was very exited being an ex Spurs player
when Spurs started to recover from their lost cause. By the
end of the game his fellow commentator when asking
for Jemaine’s opinion , Jenas said nothing. And Ian Darke told
us that Jermaine was lost for words. Which isn’t the best
advertisement for a top notch presenter.
But Jenas has improved and sits very comfortably next to ,or
six feet away from Alex Jones on the “One Show ”
BUT wait I am pretty sure that either one or other of Alex
Scott or Jermaine Jenus will get to be the host of ” A Question
of Sport” after Sue Barker, Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell
got the sack. Do any of you know why?
Of course our two stars could be captains of the opposing
teams , with some other box ticker as presenter. Do you
know what I don’t think I will lay odds on it.
I would have thought Dion Dublin was the primary Black Male candidate .He has presented popular non-football tv programmes because has a likable tv presence.He did though disgracely say recently anybody who opposed BLM was a ‘racist’ but that will hardly reduce his chances with the current BBC establishment .
Any of the white female sports presenters would be better than the new generation of white male sports presenters.The females are not only attractive but often very conscientious about doing their homework.Plenty of the white males are as lazy as Boris Johnson about doing detail beforehand.
Sky Sports Racing is an exception and the females on it are terrific .They have real personalities,know their stuff and are full of enthusiasm.
If you are a bookmaker recommend you read a recent book on the gambling industry ‘Vicious Games’ by Rebbeca Cassidy.Like most quite shrewd punters I have had most of my sports betting accounts closed down in recent years despite rarely ever betting to win no more than £200 in a single stake and the book explains why
BBC has a thing about ‘the first this and the first that ‘- so I’d put my money – if I cared – on a coloured girl getting the job – preferably with a disability such as a st st stutter .
Absolutely loathe with a passion reality tv – slebs version or not, BUT I do enjoy those where the public have a skill ie Portrait/landscape artist, Sewing Bee, and Pottery throw down – which begins tonight, and of course there is a new judge………………. well, you know the rest.
I’ve also noticed that aside from white males being non-existent now from advertisements, white children have disappeared, in favour of mixed race kids. When WILL the backlash start.
7Clubs-Ditto-I started my football based bookmaking business at
the same time as Bet 365. The big difference between my
Eurobet business and them was that Denise Coates and
the rest of her team knew not to take bets from the likes
of you and me. And if they did take a few quid it was worth it
for them to know that their odds may be wrong.By the
way 7clubs and that’s a coincidence I was just playing bridge
on line and my robot partner bid 7 clubs after I had gone
too far with my bidding I went two off.
Newport to spring a “surprise” today against a Brighton
side with relegation on their minds and playing Man City
away on Wednesday and at Elland Rd to play Leeds next
Saturday? I reckon Bloom and Potter will play with the
boys than clean the toilets at the Amex stadium. And
Tony Bloom? I could of employed the UK’S number one
football gambler nearly 30 years ago. But that’s another
story. Maybe I should write a book . My true stories are
more strange than any fiction you could make up !
Here’s an extreme peculiarity and one that might be truly notable. Has anyone on here seen inside a copy of today’s Observer? There’s nothing on the front page.
Last night one of the internet news agencies (MSN or Yahoo, or possibly both) were reporting that in a poll done for the Observer today (no surprise what follows) a majority of Brits want Boris Johnson to resign as PM or be deposed by his Party’s 1922 Committee. I listened to the BBC R4 news at 7a.m. and 8a.m. and have just endured 30 minutes of Jonny Dymond at his ‘Dalekian’ worst at 1p.m.. No news of this Poll whatsoever. That is highly unusual. Perhaps the BBC’s TDS has got in the way of some significant UK news?
The BBC have completely ignored that supposed poll result in the Observer. Perhaps it was FakeNews by MSN or YahooNews? Perhaps they were spoofed with some fake facts that they then passed on to others? If the Poll did exist and was genuine what does this say about the BBC?
That they like the Socialist ‘Gulag’ aspects of our current PM but don’t like Brexit? Or that they think there might be more Socialism from a Conservative Prime Minister and that they may get their EU wish to rejoin? Or that they know that the Licence Fee and BBC hegemony is quite safe while Boris Johnson is PM? Or, possibly all three?
pug, with everyone at home under the latest Lockdown, burglars cannot burgle. Plod doesn’t have enough to do right now (not that they investigate burglaries or do so very well, anyway) so they need to do things like this to justify their existence on the payroll. Then, back at base the form filling in and filing can be stretched to justify some overtime maybe.
My apologies if this has already been mentioned. I wonder why Boris Johnson published this new guidance shortly after the announcement he made about the lockdown on Monday and did not bother to announce it at the time.
The following from the Church Times –
PLACES of worship are not required to close under a new national lockdown announced by the Prime Minister on Monday night. The lockdown, which will continue at least until February, temporarily replaces the previous four-tier system.
In a special address to the nation in response to rapidly rising infection rates, hospital admissions, and deaths, Boris Johnson said that no one was to leave their homes except under special circumstances, which include work that cannot be done domestically, exercise, legal matters, and childcare. As before, the vulnerable are advised to shield at home.
Both primary and secondary schools have been instructed to close until after the February half-term, and teachers are required to re-establish remote learning.
The Prime Minister repeated his message from the first lockdown in March last year, saying that people must “stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives”.
Unlike in the first lockdown, however, NEW GUIDANCE PUBLISHED SHORTLY AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENT STATES THAT PUBLIC WORSHIP IS EXEMPT FROM THE NEW RULES, making no change from the tier 4 regulations, previously the most severe. “You can leave home to attend or visit a place of worship for COMMUNAL WORSHIP, a funeral or event related to a death, a burial ground or a remembrance garden, or to attend a wedding ceremony.”
Mouse – I might have mentioned – but my church has decided to close because both priests have caught covid doing Gods work. Masses are streamed again .
The Hygiene arrangements in the church were quite something – every thing cleaned after mass – track and trace details – temperature checked – 4m separation – up from 2 .
As you might see in the press – the NHS is London is never any good – but it is breaking under the volume of cases …it is very worrying .
Thanks Fedup2,
I guess my main point is that the Government are increasing the lockdown rhetoric hour by hour and the police are stopping couples walking in the countryside together carrying a flask of hot tea. Meanwhile we have communal worshipping (in vast numbers) and nought said. I do take your point that some places of worship will be better ‘safety’ organised than others however I bet they are many exceptions.
On a another thread – we still have flights arriving into Heathrow from India, LA, Middle-East, Africa, Italy, etc. Wonder if these arrivals are ‘Covid’ managed effectively – I doubt it.
Being a regular flier – the thing that really got me was that airlines are folding five flights – say – into one – thus filling up a single flight . If ever there was an opportunity to spread the virus that has even beat the London Underground covid line …
…. as for arrivals – chaos at Heathrow – no controls no staff giving a damn – no distancing at passport control . A regular Petri dish .
My flights are now cancelled until March and that is sort of ok by me ….
“The volume of cases” – what are these “cases”? People who “tested” “positive”? No reason for the NHS to “break”, and in any case there is no sign that it is breaking. How many NHS staff are off “sick” at present? 46,000, according to a report I have just read.
Covid-19: Nurse isolating in caravan for nine months moves back home
BBC are excited about their new COOKED STORY
Has the nurse actually just moved back in the house ?
No they did it before Christmas
So did the mother have Covid resistance then ?
No, cos antibodies take 3 weeks to grow
..only weeks after your second jab are you 90% resistant
What made the difference was the fact that both wife/husband had got over Covid in December
so are incredibly unlikely to be now on carry a viral dose to spread.
And she wasn’t at work until now, so wouldn’t have even brought any Covid particles in special ways either.
I’m struggling to find the actual time when Trump told his ‘mob’ to attack the Capitol building. It’s been extremely noticeable by it’s absence in all the bile, hate and rhetoric we are being bombarded with by the MSM.
The closest I can find is:
“I know everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building. To peacefully, patriotically make your voices heard.”
And last I knew, the right to protest is a kingpin of democracy.
Anyone have a link to what I must be missing ?.
Friday @TVKev getting more Ofcom points by cooking the narrative saying it was an “Armed Coup”
rather than unarmed people mostly being let into by police, or sometimes forcing their way past police
He butts in past the guy explaining that.
“not the INSURECTIONISTS , the people who are trying to mount an ARMED coup
… If it’s an ARMED COUP… bullets may well fly”
“A president who has clearly lost his mind”
“Why DEFEND Trump , and lunatics in buffalo outfits ?”
(misrepresentation, “defending” no the guy is speaking truth
the second part is also misrepresenting, only one guy dressed as buffalo)
“We people in the media are not different from ordinary people”
– They live in metroliberal bubbleworld
– They are not free cos of Ofcom/Youtube
Kevin O'Sullivan clashes with Simon from Orpington over his views on the US Capitol riot: "Why are you defending these lunatics?"@TVKevpic.twitter.com/uDQytr5Mgy
Good clip Stew – O sullivans body language very interesting to watch hands to mouth and folded arms or was he “self cuddling”
Talk Radio tries to suggest it is not part of the MSM – I think all of us here know different, Talk Radio must have been getting drunk on the Kool Aid over Christmas, obviously the Gypsies warning from UTube has not been wasted.
lol – if it was an ‘armed coup’ I think there would have been a few more shots fired.
The Left are really showing us what they are. Low-life hypocrite scumbags is the best I can come up with – but even that doesn’t do them justice.
Matt Hancock is surprisingly the only Politician so far to stick his head above the ramparts over the Twitter / Trump ban.
He suggests that if Social Media Companies decide to take political action then they need to be treated like any other News organisation and follow the normal media rules and fall under the normal media penalties for overstepping the mark including scrutiny of their content, presumably by Ofcom or something..
I suspect he will get so much flack that he eventually backs down but it may have sent a shiver through the boardrooms at Twitter and Facebook.
They have some theories why this should be but mine is that anything that presents to the medical profession right now is likely to be immediately tagged as Coronavirus so common Flu has simply been re-labelled and therefore inflating the case count.
This along with the fact that the UK has had the lowest day and night-time temperatures for quite a while, thus the spread of bugs and viruses is much more likely to be suppressed by a sharp cold spell killing it off more quickly in the air and on surfaces.
I’m not a medic just trying to use a bit of common sense.
Just as ‘global warming’ became climate change to suit the conditions, so the cold weather kills off the bug which previously thrived in the winter, only receding as temperatures rose.
(Next slide please….)
It will only be tagged as Coronovirus if they test positive – one of the underreported recent successes is that it is relatively easy to get a test.
Covid appears to be much more infectious – and dangerous – than colds and flu. Recent Australian winter data would support the huge fall in flu numbers (and we also did quite well at vaccination this year).
digg, We now know that the NHS is a super-spreader of Covid in all its various forms.
I tend to steer clear of my GP during late autumn, winter and early spring anyway unless vitally necessary just to help them out but also to steer clear of possible infections for me. However, I’m old enough to recognise the symptoms of the common cold and influenza coronaviruses and treat them myself while, preferably, remaining isolated and not passing them on to anyone else.
In this videoTrump supporters are entering the Capitol through open fire doors right past building police
..some even refusing to enter, saying “it’s a trap we’ll get locked in”
I guess what happened is someone had been in the building and had opened the fire doors for them.
It shows that the Capitol is not a secure building
One person on the inside can open the firedoor and let people in.
Capitol Police opened the doors and invited people in?
If boros is following the science there’s a report in the DE by groups of scientists which says delaying the second vaccination can result in many virus mutations.
Does anyone know if any other Countries are not following the 2-3 weeks between jabs as we are with the 3 month between jabs the politicians say is better for us.
If more mutations result in a ‘baddie mutation’ and this then spreads to other Countries, how popular will GB be by disregarding the correct vaccination procedure (also known as following the science)
Once the few million high risk people have been vaccinated the deaths will plummet. Get them done (properly, with 3 week interval) for a huge change in the daily stats.
Looking at it the other way, vaccinating 10 million teenagers may change the stats by 1 or 2 deaths, vaccinating a similar number of high risk and oldies could save, by recent stats, 1,000 lives a day.
Of course, these are government stats and so they are meaningless. We don’t believe anything the government says now as it’s always spin and lies.
Why can’t we just do it properly instead.
If a cup of tea is now a picnic, surely a pint of beer would also be a picnic, certainly more calories. In fact, a pint of beer could be called a substantial meal meaning no need to buy a scotch egg to be able to get a pint.
When the lefties (like Apple, Google and Amazon) close Parler because they disagree with other peoples views, I hope someone on here can help us to return to Parler by letting us know where to go to sign up again. Apparently it will take a week or so to get going again.
Some of you are clever at this type of thing, maybe stew or pug or a n other who knows their way around computery stuff can help those of us who are less clued up.
I’m now off for a glass of water (or, a picnic, as the boys in blue would call it)
I was thinking of next week when Google/Apple have stopped hosting parler.
I’m on an iPad and Google is the internet browser I use.
I’ve put the one you’ve linked on my other iPad so I’ll see what happens next.
Both iPads are Apple ones.
Why taff? You already know the answer.
For the same reasons ‘we’ sold out the fishing industry (again) and gave up full control of our waters. For the same reasons ‘we’ have just licensed seven supertrawlers to pillage our sea. For the same reasons ‘we’ are still paying into the EU Defence Fund. For the same reasons ‘we’ will be paying £billions towards EU pension & employee benefits until 2064. For the same reasons ‘we’ agreed to split the United Kingdom. For the same reasons ‘we’ will still be putting shipbuilding contracts out to tender.
I could go on.
STUPIDITY, MALPRACTICE and TREASON (not necessarily in that order).
Only Priti would agree to hand the French £28m of U.K. taxpayers cash without insisting on getting anything in return apart from the usual promises on eliminating these crossings. Why didn’t she demand a penalty clause stating that if they cannot stop this happening then we recoup £5,000 for every migrant that gets through towards the cost of us taking the migrant in, hotel accommodation, food, clothing, medical care, benefits etc etc.
Reports always say a number of migrants were stopped by the French but without giving any evidence, the ratio quoted usually seems to be 3 or 4 arriving on our shores for every one that is stopped.
Labour and the migrant support Agencies are always keen to tell us that illegal migrants benefit the U.K. economy. How about HMRC or the Home Office telling us out of all the migrants that arrived here illegally in, say 2018, how many are now paying tax to the Exchequer, how many are still on benefits and how many have disappeared. If they are still registered as unemployed what have been their total benefit costs to date. Two years or so should give them enough time to find their feet, possibly with the help of relatives already in the U.K. No one can have any problem with migrants that eventually find work, respect our laws and institutions and so start to repay the Country that gave them safety and shelter. This would go a long way to help counter the notion that some illegal migrants are not persecuted and in fear of their lives in their home country but are just looking for an indefinite taxpayer funded lifestyle. This could form the subject of a Special Panorama Investigative Report – er, on second thoughts….
Now we are out of the E.U. France has even less incentive to prevent these crossings from continuing unabated and if anything it will only escalate – any further largesse by Priti will just be the same as tipping sacks of money overboard in the middle of the Channel.
Hartley Brewer really sold her soul cheap didn’t she? Does she really think it will prevent her replacement by a more fashionable demographic ?
Never a shortage of journos or lawyers or politicians …
2018 Washington : Capitol Hill “The protesters, including groups of women and survivors of sexual assault, arrived at the building, seemingly blocking off every floor and hallway Thursday afternoon as senators continued to review materials from an FBI investigation into allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh.”
That’s them occupying not the main building but the office building.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium.
Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.”
+ Looks to me that every so often protesters do storm into the Capitol buildings in different states
StewGreen, the “shock” is in the occupation of the House chamber itself.
The Hart SOB which was “occupied” is where Senators have their offices along with the Dirksen SOB. You’re correct in that there were incursions into various state capitol buildings also
It’s much like occupying Portcullis House as opposed to the actual chamber of the Commons
“And what of the woman who was shot? Do White lives not matter? There’s been no shocked commentary from the BBC about that….she was unarmed and posing little to no threat it would seem….she was on one side of a barrier and was shot when she refused to step back…”
She was shot as she tried to climb through a broken window in a fire door. One would have thought that it would have been easy to grab a leg before she could get through. Standing just behind her were armed police(?) who might have been able to pull her down from behind, indeed one of those officers might easily have been shot too.
Robert Reich – one of the slimy Clinton entourage – writes in the Guardian – the drive to impeach President Trump . They really do want his head don’t they . And really don’t want any likelihood of ‘healing or divisions ‘ in America.
Will they get three Trump head ? Well politicians seeing the tide change must be queuing up to pay homage to the false president so i suppose he will be impeached by the week end .
Got to admit – now that we know what has happened in America it’s time to concentrate on the UK.
They are smarter here. No need to cheat to win elections here. Just cancel them blaming the China Virus. If we held an election in May the Emir would win with postal ballots and the lads on duty at the booths. And the media would not complain. So why waste time, just cancel the elections to save lives.
Heard an isolated lonely Lockdown BBC comedy on the Radio today. Six BBC comedians, isolated from an audience due to Lockdown.
1st Comedian: “Nobody is going to Trumps Inauguration. Ha Ha Ha”
2nd Comedian: “The Lorry park in Dover is twice the size of France. Ha Ha Ha”
3rd Comedian: “Nobody in Hollywood will invite Trump to dinner, Ha Ha Ha”
4th Comedian: “Nobody is talking to Trump on Twitter, Ha Ha Ha”
5th Comedian: “Melania thinks Trump is pathetic, Ha Ha Ha”
6th Comedian: “Trump is lonely, we aren’t are we. Ha Ha Ha”
Not the beeb, but the Jock paper the Sunday Post, headline, Can Joe Biden heal America? FFS his party caused the problem! The divvy can’t talk for 5 seconds without making cockups, and they think he can heal something. Get real.
NV … given this TWEET from Obama’s CIA Director, how can reconciliation ever be achieved?
In the past, those who refused to recant were burned at the stake as heretics
Anyone now seeking national redemption by claiming to no longer support Trump must acknowledge how wrong it was to ignore & enable his corrupt, dishonest, & divisive agenda.
Total denunciation of a despot’s legacy is necessary to eradicate any remaining malignancy.
Country file, Tom the doom monger, doing a piece on water being soothing, especially if it is blue. Some clown was banging on about it and that it helped a lot of people with various ailments. Tom managed at the end of the piece to suggest ” a lot of experts are saying that some Ten million people will have mental issues due to the pandemic and lockdowns. I would suggest that some Three million of those will be from the anychess, especially if they can chuck a sicky at the same time.
Countryfile :New Years Resolution edition
Very preachy as usual
You must
– buy local eg £6 jar honey
example given “all the cakes are from Yorkshire” FFS that’s 12,000 sqKm
– Join their tree planting campaign
– buy plastic free
– buy ethical
– Use the Bristol artificial surf centre
If you're middle class you have time and money to go surfing once you've ordered your online home delivered farm shopping #countryfile
…here’s Anita with her send BAME to countryside
with “Black Girls Hike”
So you can only hike with people the same sex and same skin colour ?
A “safe space group”
Would a white only group be ..a “safe space group”
Tune into our latest #podcast episode with guest Oge Ejizu, as she shares her passion for #hiking, how she got involved with Black Girls Hike @UkBgh and the importance of diversifying the #outdoors.
And Rita Arani manages to find some actual black people out in the countryside, on zoom,cynic that I am makes me believe it was set up. She is now talking to some barmy bint walking through the woods talking about green prescriptions, something to do with getting out into the countryside. The loony lady of the lumber, who could have been a troll actually said, “you can always tell when your in woods, you can smell them. FFS.
An antidote to the horror of the BBC? A decent whisky/rum/gin, a spin of an oldie like L.A. Woman by the Doors, a thriller by Raymond Chandler and the (euphemistic) love of a good woman. If you can manage all these at once I very much salute you.
TV schedulers meeting
“Right chaps we’ve made too many travel shows in the past fronted by the boys
so to make up the number we have to fill today’s schedule remakes of almost the same progs , but fronted by girls.
6:15pm Channel4 ..90 mins of Julie Walters doing Scottish coastal railway
9pm BBC2 Sara Pascoe in Finland
10pm BBC2 Miriam Margoyles in Australia
11pm BBC2 Miriam Margoyles in Australia
9pm BBC4 Documentary following solar scientist Dr Lucie Green
as she reveals how some of the UK’s worst and most dramatic weather disasters occurred many years ago, despite the popular belief that the brunt of climate change has been felt in the 21st century.
Considering how many people today are pre-warned about potential catastrophes due to innovations in weather prediction, the presenter learns
how an 18th-century storm surge once led to a the deaths of a thousand workers in Somerset fields,
a hurricane drowned a fifth of Britain’s naval officers,
and several brutal winters threatened to completely shut down most services in the country.
Sky news interviewing ‘people in the street’, – not one white face to be found in Barking or Newham. Oh, and the sunday market appeared to be thriving within our black community ! no worries about contagion there then, where 1 in 5 have Covid !!
I read a comment online today that made me chuckle,.
if someone dies within 28 days of getting the vaccine, did they die of the vaccine.
Even if they fell under a bus.
More on the book TWATBBC .
We’re in chapter nine and a sub title
Right , Left and Brexit Turn .
Which starts ;
‘Although most of the organised attacks on the BBC are from the right …..’
There’s that word again .
The next paragraph will take your breath away . I’ll have to reprint it in full
‘Further, in a recent turn , disagreements about Brexit have also now led to it being criticised [ criticized in the book] -for virtually the first time ever – by people in the centre of the political spectrum who would normally be its natural supporters . They have no problem with its funding , governance , market impact or general impartiality. But , on this specific issue, they believe that — despite endless Brexiteers to the contrary —in reality, the BBC’s coverage has systematically favoured [in italics ] pro-Brexit voices by giving them a disproportionate amount of airtime and by insufficiently challenging their claims , especially false claims . Brexit cuts across traditional left-right party lines and the BBC has , perhaps inevitably, been caught in the crossfire.’
Well firstly the referendum was 52 to 48 , so the people in the centre would be 52 to 48 . If the word they used —spectrum— means that the people of the political spectrum are not the ordinary people then the authors really mean the political bubble they inhabit .
If it’s the ordinary people in the middle then yes some will want the BBC to go harder on the guest Brexiteers but most will not ,and will want the BBC to go hard on the remainers .
As for “endless “ Brexiteer claims , well I’ll have sympathy here , I’m fed up with endless remainer claims , endless remainer attempts to subvert the referendum result , and when I’ve finish reading this book , endless whining the authors make about “attacks “ on the BBC .
How can Brexiteers be given a disproportionate amount of air time when they were in the majority? And who says what are false claims.
Are the authors, who want the BBC to survive, really saying that on the biggest event since WW2 the BBC took the side they were against and swung it for Brexit ?
If I felt like that I wouldn’t support the BBC .
In the days when Radio 4’s Feedback actually aired the views of listeners, rather being used as a promotion and policy slot by the BBC, it was always notable that the criticisms ‘from both sides’ actually came in diferent forms.
Taking Brexit as an example, the ‘Brexiteers’ would say, ‘why is there never a pro-Brexit story’, while the ‘remainers’ would say effectively, ‘look we and you (the BBC) know that only idiots are in favour of Brexit so why on earth are you giving Brexiteers any platform at all?’
The BBC then smuggly says ‘look criticism from both sides, we got it about right!’
Except the argument isn’t about ‘balance’, rather one side is saying the ‘needle’ is way too far off-centre and the other side is saying the ‘needle’ isn’t far enough off-centre.
In other words everyone agrees that the BBC is biased and in the same direction, its just that one side would like less bias and the other side more.
Basically the usual bleat of poor staff having to put up with unreasonable customers
( never the otherway around is it…)
I’m lucky if a shelf stacker doesn’t appear one inch away from me, whilst I’m choosing, and start work.
Half of them seem to be ‘exempt’ too.
Then there’s the unnecessary covid marshal staff standing around the doorways ..
Of course the bbc doesn’t ask was wearing masks simply a waste of time and ineffective, with Covid-19 still widespread.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II. https://twitter.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1898703634730295672
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
Fedup2Mar 10, 08:46 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Asiseeit It’s good of you to point out how previous threads ‘disappear ‘ as the new one goes up .…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 08:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I am not so sure that the Conservatives will win. Thanks to Trump and 51 st state joke the Canadians…
GMar 10, 08:39 Start the Week 10th March 2025 ” Try to think of it in reverse. Would Canada appoint a Briton to be their central bank governor?” More…
So it looks like the Lefties are going to get their wish and shut down Parler .
Reason being, they have found 89 posts inciting violence !!!!!
89 !!!!!!
So, all the virtue signalling big companies won’t touch it.
Have they ever seen the pure bile, the unfettered hatred that the Lefties tweet on Twitter ???????
These are dark, scary times of lefty censorship .
It seems to be gathering pace at a alarming rate ????
“It seems to be gathering pace at a alarming rate” You are right there Doobster. It would have happened anyway but the fact that the Orange Man transferred over to it made it No1 target.
Other events are also moving at a fast pace apparently pictures of Hunter Biden allegedly with children are now being downloaded
over the web covered by Salty Cracker
This could well mean the end for Biden before he even started and allow the equally dangerous and unelectable Kamala Harris to move swiftly into his shoes. If this is true and the BBC covers it – it will be for that reason.
Great… just as I am not getting to grips with it yet.
The ‘by association’ bit is a bbc mainstay, if honoured as you say only in being a selective and thorough as Marianna checking something.
Folk are noticing the dual standards gradually.
But sooo slowly, given platform dominances.
Amazon removing Parler from their servers
I sometimes wonder wtf goes on in the heads of people who work at the BBC.
Yesterday (during my painting), it had a report about the Indonesian plane which crashed into the sea. Jonathan ‘Dick’ Head (the grubby, far-Left SE Asia correspondent who I have many more stories about) told us how it was last detected at only 250 feet and said it dramatically as if that figure was somehow sinister and significant.
If it crashed, of course it went through 250 feet.
Reporting by idiots for other idiots.
The Dambusters raid was at 60 feet.
The phrase ‘up to’ is also very popular with the bbc.
Covering everything from zero to what they feel is impressive.
I must say I may not be opting short haul Boeings in the future.
‘many’ – millions or my mate at the water cooler!
For my time living there, I was amazed at how many planes came down – regularly and non reported certainly on World Service which I could only get, then, on my Sony SSB radio for a couple of hours a day.
Some years ago, I joined a new GP Surgery and I had to go through a ‘chat’ with a GP beforehand. I told him about a stone in the kidney I’d developed in KSA and so on. He became very interested in my time in Indonesia as he had, in younger years, been a volunteer there with some sort of international outfit. Conversation strayed to the safety of dom flights. He related the story of he and a colleague being intrigued with a permanent marker line and some writing on one of the wings they could see. They wrote the word down and when with an Indonesian counterpart, asked him what it said. “CRACK” apparently.
I’ll say no more. Certainly about my internal flights on Merpati Airlines.
Apparently some sort of tug of love between ITV and BBC over Bradley Walsh has led to unanimous cries of : For the sake of God don’t do it Bradders! Don’t join the BBC, they’ll ruin you! Oh dear me, it seems this site’s “visceral hatred” has spread to the masses. Looks like old bill is going to have a fine old time arresting us all. I expect the CPS’s printers are working overtime to cope with all the warrants.Still, they should be working ok, after all they are hardly ever used for actual crime like murder, rape, terrorism etc. Better go, I can hear sirens and the clatter of size 16s.
Not the BBC – but I keep an eye on the number of killings in London each year – only one double killing last night – female killed 2 males in ilford – a very diverse area – no details so your prejudices should let you make an educated guess at the rest .
Having studied criminology – a subject highly contaminated by woke victimhood – the changes in reported crime during current mass house arrest could be instructive ….
… fraud relating to covid vaccination and impersonation of NHS staff will get an uptick – as well as ‘queue jumpers ‘ to get the vaccine – with reports already of how people have cheated the system by getting ‘left over ‘ vaccines at the end of the day …
Blowing my own trumpet but weeks ago I wrote that it would be more important for the wokes leading us to throw surplus vaccine down the toilet than to give it out to anyone ‘queue-jumping’ lower down the priority list. And so it is proving.
As I explained, based on experience of handling customer order backlogs, it is much more efficient to take from tiers simultaneously, and prioritise by varying the proportions. Then a problem in one tier (not enough volunteers on a particular day) can be infilled with another.
But the vaccine prioritisation committee only meet on the third Wednesday of the month, and none of the politicians, civil servants, and the all-important doctors and nurses have any experience of anything so mundane as production and logistics.
Blimey… who was she? That one from Netflix?
Fed, I see we were visited by a creature of the night in the wee small hours. Goes by the name of ‘Blackwell’ and seems adept at cut’n’paste. Could be a reincarnation of Maxincontinency, Puke or the nutcase that lives in a forest. Could also be a member of the so called 77 Brigade, a social media disenformation unit operated allegedly by British Army Security and Intellegence service, with operatives providing deliberate and false narratives to that what people actual see, hear and read with their own eyes….. Interesting times.
Keep them all on the books.
The calibre of their efforts are so dire it can only help any visiting to see how they are given an opportunity to make their cause(s) look even more lost in association than ever.
so Cross & Blackwell, then ?
He/She did write long posts, which showed they are thinking .
Probably some poor person brainwashed by teachers & Guardianland etc.
… who will come over to our side after the more reading & thinking they do.
Last year I cancelled my TV licence. I had many objections, including paying for propaganda. I used to love radio – I had a delivery job back in my twenties and tried to time drops so that the afternoon play was interrupted as little as possible. Towards the end of last year I found that the only reliably bearable programme was Ken Bruce. Then he went on holiday and for the last week or so I’ve been driving round in silence (yes, all I’ve got in the car is an FM radio). When in my office I used to listen to JHB on talkRadio – I liked the way she challenged the lockdown zealots – but then her TDS kicked in and I switched off. I’ve subscribed to The Sunday Times since forever, making it last right through to the following Saturday. Last Sunday I cancelled that subscription. I had to ring them to do so. The chap on the other end said that the ST had fantastic investigative journalists. I said that I wasn’t interested in Greta’s birthday (on the front page) and that if they had such wonderful investigative journalists, why, on the eve of a third lockdown, was there no mention that since the start of Covid there had only been 388 deaths of people in England aged under 60 with no underlying health conditions. Today the ST has a two-page spread on Neil Fergusson and a piece on how the NHS needs to reshape itself for the next pandemic (nothing about how the unions / doctors make it so hard to increase the staff numbers; nothing about going back to single-storey isolation hospitals; nothing about staffing agencies fleecing the public purse run by consultants). I’ve come to the realisation that my main source of succour and news is this site. Does this mean that I’ve shrunk into an echo chamber, or am I just wanting to know that I am not alone and that there are still sane people in this mad world? As you know, I’m a swabber. One of the questions I have to ask is about physical contact [in the last week]. Yesterday a lady I was seeing broke down in tears, telling me she’d not had physical contact with anyone. How the hell do you console someone who is so low? Telling them they are not alone? (I don’t think so). Driving around in silence I sometimes think of what I would say if I got stopped by the plod. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I’m meeting some friends for a drink and then we’re going to the pictures.” Oh well, I’m off back out there now, but thank you for being there and let’s hope this site doesn’t get shut down. P.S. – any ideas for a replacement Sunday paper?
Yes there is a danger of ‘echo chamber ‘ – but I’d refute that because you had the wisdom to find this site as well as recognise the danger .
As for consoling some one – physically you just can’t . But I take consolation from knowing that nothing stays the same – but time is the challenge . We face maybe 2 months minimum of total control – so it is vital to make the most of it and adapt . The days are getting a bit longer now if only a bit .
As for someone ‘feeling low ‘- I reckon talking helps -me ven if there is a requirement to listed to repeated comments or fixation on certain issues – that’s a bit of an art – I’ve been on both sides of that table ..
As for newspapers – I swore I’d never pay to go behind a pay wall and when my current DT £4 a month offer ends I’m gone as it’s not Right Wing enough for me . So instead I can easily get lost on the net .
I’m quite involved in dementia research so help out in projects such as memory and coordination testing each day to keep the head working . Online gaming helps keep the mind occupied too .
Hope this helps …
By the way – had to laugh – turned on wireless R5 – beeboid I chatting with – Chris ? Packham – switched over R4 – a chap on desert island discs ? No ! Ah – but it turns up he is some coloured chap talking race -What’s new ? Off – back to streaming ….
The DT: the same with me. What I can almost guarantee is that when you cancel your subscription you will be offered an extension on the same terms. It has just happened to me again, although I have already been extended once.
Try the monthly magazine ‘The Critic’ or the website ‘Quilette.
I like the website ‘Conservative Woman’ but unlike the above it is also an echo chamber
7C, The Conservative Woman w-s has more people who are willing to question and debate, disagree and make-up and it also has more trolls who do engage, they don’t just post and run away.
Infoquest – I too like Hartly Brewers style of questioning but like you I find her Trump Derangement syndrome quite ridiculous. I expect this is easier for her because she is a bright woman and Trumps vulgarian “Pusseygate” remarks would not have gone down too well. However I wonder if she changes her view if it is confirmed that big Tech and the MSM suppressed the Hunter Biden story about alleged paedo activities.
I had to listen to a lecture from the bland and vanilla Ian Collins last week that all of us who think Trump was cheated are guilty of “Confirmation Bias” and only listen to our own favoured news sources. I am yet to hear a reasonable explanation as to what was going on with the film where vote counters were sent home and new ballot boxes suddenly appeared and the remaining staff appeared to scan the same votes , multiple times. – The MSM just does not want to talk about it.
I expect Ian Collins has his eye on being the “main man” on Talk Radio certainly he will never get it if he encouraged independant thought and views
This is worth a watch.
Ep. 168 — Thoughts on the Current State of Our Nation by Dennis Prager
TalkRadio becoming CuckRadio, CastratedRadio
after last week’s warning from YouTube
Here is Patrick Christy’s new take on Trump
What BS
Where is the photo of all these people” dressed as bears” ?
Looks like Christy has has seen the school bully gang bullying the orange haired kid, and has joined in so he doesn’t get picked on himself.
By Sunday O’Sullivan had toned it down a touch
saying Wednesday’s big story was not the Capitol
but rather the way Trump had screwed up Georgia and thus let the Dems get Senate control
Republicans Overseas guy Greg Swenson played along with this
but still said there were main election irregularities to consider
Both agreed that if Covid hadn’t have come then Trump would have won
Swenson says Trump failed at the first debate
His take was the Capital event means an end to Trump being an opposition voice against Biden and that is good cos now the Republican Party can move on.
Interesting so those Rep politicians who had already given up on recounting the votes were never going to defend Trump after Wednesday morning
and for them portraying Wednesday afternoon’s march as a disaster and chucking Trump under the bus works well.
Both laid into Pelosi
“The 25th amendment isn’t for taking away power from as serving president.
It’s from the JFK situation, when the voted president is incapacitated.”
What an unpleasant little fellow, and so pleased with himself.
The bBC ‘educates’ our children. Impartially of course.
Gosh, I am so pleased to see that wheelchair.
What’s the phase ?
People have mentioned “gaslighting”
where you do things to someone to make them feel that they have lost their own sanity.
But there must be a phrase for what the media is doing now
.. ie giving a false narrative that the Capitol event of a few dozen people walking around the building after they were let in by police
whilst at another entrance some nutters were braking windows and violently pushing against police
all of which was over with in 2.5 hours
..counts as “insurrection” “attempted coup” the biggest riot of the past year
and using it to build this huge outrage bus.
When there have been many many actual riots and actual deaths throughout the year. Particularly in Portland Oregon etc.
I have real trouble with the language now ‘bot ‘ ‘gaslighting ‘ – I can’t remember what that means …. there was a word used a bit as a term of insult adapted from a type of pork meat -which – thankfully has fallen into neglect and been replaced with ‘fascist ‘ which has a much more vicious violent tang to it –
Some media presenters have remained more based
A Fox News presenter BEFORE the Capitol protests
Andrew Neil after
As a bookmaker I thought of running a book on who
will be the next senior presenter for Match of the Day
when BIG BROTHER at the diversity department decides
that Gary Lineker is not diverse enough.
There are a plethora of lady sports presenters at the BBC
and Gabby Logan would be my favourite . But does she
tick enough boxes? In my opinion Alex Scott the new star
of the BBC’S sports department could well give Gabby a
good run for her money . And of course she does tick
more boxes than the daughter of Terry Yorath the ex Leeds,
Spurs and Welsh international.
The only male candidate I can think of who stand a chance
against the women ,is Jermaine Jenus.. Jenus is climbing the
greasy pole of success at the BBC very rapidly. It seems a longtime now that whilst being a commentator and pundit
on the Ajax- Tottenham Champions League semi final , he
kept on saying , when asked for his opinion ” something’s
happening , something’s happening.
To be honest he was very exited being an ex Spurs player
when Spurs started to recover from their lost cause. By the
end of the game his fellow commentator when asking
for Jemaine’s opinion , Jenas said nothing. And Ian Darke told
us that Jermaine was lost for words. Which isn’t the best
advertisement for a top notch presenter.
But Jenas has improved and sits very comfortably next to ,or
six feet away from Alex Jones on the “One Show ”
BUT wait I am pretty sure that either one or other of Alex
Scott or Jermaine Jenus will get to be the host of ” A Question
of Sport” after Sue Barker, Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell
got the sack. Do any of you know why?
Of course our two stars could be captains of the opposing
teams , with some other box ticker as presenter. Do you
know what I don’t think I will lay odds on it.
Word on the street is that Biden’s son will be arrested tomorrow.
We can but hope!
I would have thought Dion Dublin was the primary Black Male candidate .He has presented popular non-football tv programmes because has a likable tv presence.He did though disgracely say recently anybody who opposed BLM was a ‘racist’ but that will hardly reduce his chances with the current BBC establishment .
Any of the white female sports presenters would be better than the new generation of white male sports presenters.The females are not only attractive but often very conscientious about doing their homework.Plenty of the white males are as lazy as Boris Johnson about doing detail beforehand.
Sky Sports Racing is an exception and the females on it are terrific .They have real personalities,know their stuff and are full of enthusiasm.
If you are a bookmaker recommend you read a recent book on the gambling industry ‘Vicious Games’ by Rebbeca Cassidy.Like most quite shrewd punters I have had most of my sports betting accounts closed down in recent years despite rarely ever betting to win no more than £200 in a single stake and the book explains why
BBC has a thing about ‘the first this and the first that ‘- so I’d put my money – if I cared – on a coloured girl getting the job – preferably with a disability such as a st st stutter .
Absolutely loathe with a passion reality tv – slebs version or not, BUT I do enjoy those where the public have a skill ie Portrait/landscape artist, Sewing Bee, and Pottery throw down – which begins tonight, and of course there is a new judge………………. well, you know the rest.
I’ve also noticed that aside from white males being non-existent now from advertisements, white children have disappeared, in favour of mixed race kids. When WILL the backlash start.
7Clubs-Ditto-I started my football based bookmaking business at
the same time as Bet 365. The big difference between my
Eurobet business and them was that Denise Coates and
the rest of her team knew not to take bets from the likes
of you and me. And if they did take a few quid it was worth it
for them to know that their odds may be wrong.By the
way 7clubs and that’s a coincidence I was just playing bridge
on line and my robot partner bid 7 clubs after I had gone
too far with my bidding I went two off.
Newport to spring a “surprise” today against a Brighton
side with relegation on their minds and playing Man City
away on Wednesday and at Elland Rd to play Leeds next
Saturday? I reckon Bloom and Potter will play with the
boys than clean the toilets at the Amex stadium. And
Tony Bloom? I could of employed the UK’S number one
football gambler nearly 30 years ago. But that’s another
story. Maybe I should write a book . My true stories are
more strange than any fiction you could make up !
Foscari, do write that book. Sounds fascinating.
Here’s an extreme peculiarity and one that might be truly notable. Has anyone on here seen inside a copy of today’s Observer? There’s nothing on the front page.
Last night one of the internet news agencies (MSN or Yahoo, or possibly both) were reporting that in a poll done for the Observer today (no surprise what follows) a majority of Brits want Boris Johnson to resign as PM or be deposed by his Party’s 1922 Committee. I listened to the BBC R4 news at 7a.m. and 8a.m. and have just endured 30 minutes of Jonny Dymond at his ‘Dalekian’ worst at 1p.m.. No news of this Poll whatsoever. That is highly unusual. Perhaps the BBC’s TDS has got in the way of some significant UK news?
The BBC have completely ignored that supposed poll result in the Observer. Perhaps it was FakeNews by MSN or YahooNews? Perhaps they were spoofed with some fake facts that they then passed on to others? If the Poll did exist and was genuine what does this say about the BBC?
That they like the Socialist ‘Gulag’ aspects of our current PM but don’t like Brexit? Or that they think there might be more Socialism from a Conservative Prime Minister and that they may get their EU wish to rejoin? Or that they know that the Licence Fee and BBC hegemony is quite safe while Boris Johnson is PM? Or, possibly all three?
pug, did Yahoo or MSN get it wrong – that the Poll would be in tomorrow’s Guardian not the Observer?
As for Aaronovitch he’s being a bit stupid – young people become old and may well eventually come to see that the EU is a waste of time and money.
And others grow older without growing wiser, like Aaronovitch. There’s no fool like an old fool.
pug, with everyone at home under the latest Lockdown, burglars cannot burgle. Plod doesn’t have enough to do right now (not that they investigate burglaries or do so very well, anyway) so they need to do things like this to justify their existence on the payroll. Then, back at base the form filling in and filing can be stretched to justify some overtime maybe.
Cynical? Moi?
I couldn’t possibly comment.
My apologies if this has already been mentioned. I wonder why Boris Johnson published this new guidance shortly after the announcement he made about the lockdown on Monday and did not bother to announce it at the time.
The following from the Church Times –
PLACES of worship are not required to close under a new national lockdown announced by the Prime Minister on Monday night. The lockdown, which will continue at least until February, temporarily replaces the previous four-tier system.
In a special address to the nation in response to rapidly rising infection rates, hospital admissions, and deaths, Boris Johnson said that no one was to leave their homes except under special circumstances, which include work that cannot be done domestically, exercise, legal matters, and childcare. As before, the vulnerable are advised to shield at home.
Both primary and secondary schools have been instructed to close until after the February half-term, and teachers are required to re-establish remote learning.
The Prime Minister repeated his message from the first lockdown in March last year, saying that people must “stay at home, protect the NHS, and save lives”.
Unlike in the first lockdown, however, NEW GUIDANCE PUBLISHED SHORTLY AFTER THE ANNOUNCEMENT STATES THAT PUBLIC WORSHIP IS EXEMPT FROM THE NEW RULES, making no change from the tier 4 regulations, previously the most severe. “You can leave home to attend or visit a place of worship for COMMUNAL WORSHIP, a funeral or event related to a death, a burial ground or a remembrance garden, or to attend a wedding ceremony.”
Mouse – I might have mentioned – but my church has decided to close because both priests have caught covid doing Gods work. Masses are streamed again .
The Hygiene arrangements in the church were quite something – every thing cleaned after mass – track and trace details – temperature checked – 4m separation – up from 2 .
As you might see in the press – the NHS is London is never any good – but it is breaking under the volume of cases …it is very worrying .
Thanks Fedup2,
I guess my main point is that the Government are increasing the lockdown rhetoric hour by hour and the police are stopping couples walking in the countryside together carrying a flask of hot tea. Meanwhile we have communal worshipping (in vast numbers) and nought said. I do take your point that some places of worship will be better ‘safety’ organised than others however I bet they are many exceptions.
On a another thread – we still have flights arriving into Heathrow from India, LA, Middle-East, Africa, Italy, etc. Wonder if these arrivals are ‘Covid’ managed effectively – I doubt it.
Being a regular flier – the thing that really got me was that airlines are folding five flights – say – into one – thus filling up a single flight . If ever there was an opportunity to spread the virus that has even beat the London Underground covid line …
…. as for arrivals – chaos at Heathrow – no controls no staff giving a damn – no distancing at passport control . A regular Petri dish .
My flights are now cancelled until March and that is sort of ok by me ….
“The volume of cases” – what are these “cases”? People who “tested” “positive”? No reason for the NHS to “break”, and in any case there is no sign that it is breaking. How many NHS staff are off “sick” at present? 46,000, according to a report I have just read.
Covid-19: Nurse isolating in caravan for nine months moves back home
BBC are excited about their new COOKED STORY
Has the nurse actually just moved back in the house ?
No they did it before Christmas
So did the mother have Covid resistance then ?
No, cos antibodies take 3 weeks to grow
..only weeks after your second jab are you 90% resistant
What made the difference was the fact that both wife/husband had got over Covid in December
so are incredibly unlikely to be now on carry a viral dose to spread.
And she wasn’t at work until now, so wouldn’t have even brought any Covid particles in special ways either.
The nurse is pretty overweight as well
Size of the house.. !
Could have partioned it down the middle with hardboard.
Good link. Sober and level-headed commentary.
It’s the reporter quoting her own life
..so it might not even have happened at all,
I’m struggling to find the actual time when Trump told his ‘mob’ to attack the Capitol building. It’s been extremely noticeable by it’s absence in all the bile, hate and rhetoric we are being bombarded with by the MSM.
The closest I can find is:
“I know everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building. To peacefully, patriotically make your voices heard.”
And last I knew, the right to protest is a kingpin of democracy.
Anyone have a link to what I must be missing ?.
Donald Trump: “I know everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building. To peacefully, patriotically make your voices heard.”
CNN’s Chris Cuomo: “Who Says Protests Are Supposed To Be Polite And Peaceful?”
Ooops sorry, wrong people, wrong protest.
Friday @TVKev getting more Ofcom points by cooking the narrative saying it was an “Armed Coup”
rather than unarmed people mostly being let into by police, or sometimes forcing their way past police
He butts in past the guy explaining that.
“not the INSURECTIONISTS , the people who are trying to mount an ARMED coup
… If it’s an ARMED COUP… bullets may well fly”
“A president who has clearly lost his mind”
“Why DEFEND Trump , and lunatics in buffalo outfits ?”
(misrepresentation, “defending” no the guy is speaking truth
the second part is also misrepresenting, only one guy dressed as buffalo)
“We people in the media are not different from ordinary people”
– They live in metroliberal bubbleworld
– They are not free cos of Ofcom/Youtube
Good clip Stew – O sullivans body language very interesting to watch hands to mouth and folded arms or was he “self cuddling”
Talk Radio tries to suggest it is not part of the MSM – I think all of us here know different, Talk Radio must have been getting drunk on the Kool Aid over Christmas, obviously the Gypsies warning from UTube has not been wasted.
“self cuddling” is such a good phrase. It is what the opinion-formers and influencers do all the time.
Re-name Talk Radio to Shout down radio.
lol – if it was an ‘armed coup’ I think there would have been a few more shots fired.
The Left are really showing us what they are. Low-life hypocrite scumbags is the best I can come up with – but even that doesn’t do them justice.
Pelosi really looks evil – even with a Covid facemask on you can see the hate-filled eyes.
Matt Hancock is surprisingly the only Politician so far to stick his head above the ramparts over the Twitter / Trump ban.
He suggests that if Social Media Companies decide to take political action then they need to be treated like any other News organisation and follow the normal media rules and fall under the normal media penalties for overstepping the mark including scrutiny of their content, presumably by Ofcom or something..
I suspect he will get so much flack that he eventually backs down but it may have sent a shiver through the boardrooms at Twitter and Facebook.
Hope so!
And if I recall he was DCMS before getting the Health job. Brave of him to say anything at all . He is quite right of course.- but nothing will change
Gosh, that has given me a twinge of un-dislike for Hancock.
GP’s in England are seeing the largest drop in Flu and Common Cold cases in years says the Guardian.
They have some theories why this should be but mine is that anything that presents to the medical profession right now is likely to be immediately tagged as Coronavirus so common Flu has simply been re-labelled and therefore inflating the case count.
This along with the fact that the UK has had the lowest day and night-time temperatures for quite a while, thus the spread of bugs and viruses is much more likely to be suppressed by a sharp cold spell killing it off more quickly in the air and on surfaces.
I’m not a medic just trying to use a bit of common sense.
So what we’ve known all along. Every aspect of COVID 19 has been exaggerated, and global warming is a myth.
Quick, someone tell the bBBC.
Just as ‘global warming’ became climate change to suit the conditions, so the cold weather kills off the bug which previously thrived in the winter, only receding as temperatures rose.
(Next slide please….)
Or it could be because of the mask wearing and we’re not breathing on one another .
It will only be tagged as Coronovirus if they test positive – one of the underreported recent successes is that it is relatively easy to get a test.
Covid appears to be much more infectious – and dangerous – than colds and flu. Recent Australian winter data would support the huge fall in flu numbers (and we also did quite well at vaccination this year).
digg, We now know that the NHS is a super-spreader of Covid in all its various forms.
I tend to steer clear of my GP during late autumn, winter and early spring anyway unless vitally necessary just to help them out but also to steer clear of possible infections for me. However, I’m old enough to recognise the symptoms of the common cold and influenza coronaviruses and treat them myself while, preferably, remaining isolated and not passing them on to anyone else.
In this videoTrump supporters are entering the Capitol through open fire doors right past building police
..some even refusing to enter, saying “it’s a trap we’ll get locked in”
I guess what happened is someone had been in the building and had opened the fire doors for them.
It shows that the Capitol is not a secure building
One person on the inside can open the firedoor and let people in.
If boros is following the science there’s a report in the DE by groups of scientists which says delaying the second vaccination can result in many virus mutations.
Does anyone know if any other Countries are not following the 2-3 weeks between jabs as we are with the 3 month between jabs the politicians say is better for us.
If more mutations result in a ‘baddie mutation’ and this then spreads to other Countries, how popular will GB be by disregarding the correct vaccination procedure (also known as following the science)
Once the few million high risk people have been vaccinated the deaths will plummet. Get them done (properly, with 3 week interval) for a huge change in the daily stats.
Looking at it the other way, vaccinating 10 million teenagers may change the stats by 1 or 2 deaths, vaccinating a similar number of high risk and oldies could save, by recent stats, 1,000 lives a day.
Of course, these are government stats and so they are meaningless. We don’t believe anything the government says now as it’s always spin and lies.
Why can’t we just do it properly instead.
If a cup of tea is now a picnic, surely a pint of beer would also be a picnic, certainly more calories. In fact, a pint of beer could be called a substantial meal meaning no need to buy a scotch egg to be able to get a pint.
When the lefties (like Apple, Google and Amazon) close Parler because they disagree with other peoples views, I hope someone on here can help us to return to Parler by letting us know where to go to sign up again. Apparently it will take a week or so to get going again.
Some of you are clever at this type of thing, maybe stew or pug or a n other who knows their way around computery stuff can help those of us who are less clued up.
I’m now off for a glass of water (or, a picnic, as the boys in blue would call it)
Emmanuel Goldstein, hopefully this link will work on the other side
Join me on Parler Social Media!
Thanks for the reply and link.
I was thinking of next week when Google/Apple have stopped hosting parler.
I’m on an iPad and Google is the internet browser I use.
I’ve put the one you’ve linked on my other iPad so I’ll see what happens next.
Both iPads are Apple ones.
EG, it’s Amazon doing the hosting. Google and Apple are just dropping the apps from their stores. The app will still be available elsewhere
The politicians are not saying it is better for us as individuals, rather that lots more people can be vaccinated and that is worth the trade off.
Why are we still paying the French £ millions ?
What is Priti paying them for ?
Promises , promises, promises,……………
Why taff? You already know the answer.
For the same reasons ‘we’ sold out the fishing industry (again) and gave up full control of our waters. For the same reasons ‘we’ have just licensed seven supertrawlers to pillage our sea. For the same reasons ‘we’ are still paying into the EU Defence Fund. For the same reasons ‘we’ will be paying £billions towards EU pension & employee benefits until 2064. For the same reasons ‘we’ agreed to split the United Kingdom. For the same reasons ‘we’ will still be putting shipbuilding contracts out to tender.
I could go on.
STUPIDITY, MALPRACTICE and TREASON (not necessarily in that order).
Only Priti would agree to hand the French £28m of U.K. taxpayers cash without insisting on getting anything in return apart from the usual promises on eliminating these crossings. Why didn’t she demand a penalty clause stating that if they cannot stop this happening then we recoup £5,000 for every migrant that gets through towards the cost of us taking the migrant in, hotel accommodation, food, clothing, medical care, benefits etc etc.
Reports always say a number of migrants were stopped by the French but without giving any evidence, the ratio quoted usually seems to be 3 or 4 arriving on our shores for every one that is stopped.
Labour and the migrant support Agencies are always keen to tell us that illegal migrants benefit the U.K. economy. How about HMRC or the Home Office telling us out of all the migrants that arrived here illegally in, say 2018, how many are now paying tax to the Exchequer, how many are still on benefits and how many have disappeared. If they are still registered as unemployed what have been their total benefit costs to date. Two years or so should give them enough time to find their feet, possibly with the help of relatives already in the U.K. No one can have any problem with migrants that eventually find work, respect our laws and institutions and so start to repay the Country that gave them safety and shelter. This would go a long way to help counter the notion that some illegal migrants are not persecuted and in fear of their lives in their home country but are just looking for an indefinite taxpayer funded lifestyle. This could form the subject of a Special Panorama Investigative Report – er, on second thoughts….
Now we are out of the E.U. France has even less incentive to prevent these crossings from continuing unabated and if anything it will only escalate – any further largesse by Priti will just be the same as tipping sacks of money overboard in the middle of the Channel.
Not the bbbc but a sobering commentary
Apologies if this has been posted before
Not the bbbc but a sobering commentary
Apologies if this has been posted before
Hugo knows the score !!!!
Doobster, the Left loves nothing quite as much as an opportunity for a fraudulent “victory”
Hartley Brewer really sold her soul cheap didn’t she? Does she really think it will prevent her replacement by a more fashionable demographic ?
Never a shortage of journos or lawyers or politicians …
2018 Washington : Capitol Hill “The protesters, including groups of women and survivors of sexual assault, arrived at the building, seemingly blocking off every floor and hallway Thursday afternoon as senators continued to review materials from an FBI investigation into allegations of sexual assault against Kavanaugh.”
That’s them occupying not the main building but the office building.
“The vast majority of the arrests, 293, were a result of protests in the Hart Senate Office Building, where protesters crowded in the atrium.
Loud chants could be heard throughout the building, which is structured so the hallways of each floor open up and look out onto the first floor.”
+ Looks to me that every so often protesters do storm into the Capitol buildings in different states
StewGreen, the “shock” is in the occupation of the House chamber itself.
The Hart SOB which was “occupied” is where Senators have their offices along with the Dirksen SOB. You’re correct in that there were incursions into various state capitol buildings also
It’s much like occupying Portcullis House as opposed to the actual chamber of the Commons
“And what of the woman who was shot? Do White lives not matter? There’s been no shocked commentary from the BBC about that….she was unarmed and posing little to no threat it would seem….she was on one side of a barrier and was shot when she refused to step back…”
She was shot as she tried to climb through a broken window in a fire door. One would have thought that it would have been easy to grab a leg before she could get through. Standing just behind her were armed police(?) who might have been able to pull her down from behind, indeed one of those officers might easily have been shot too.
List of Capitol arrests
Robert Reich – one of the slimy Clinton entourage – writes in the Guardian – the drive to impeach President Trump . They really do want his head don’t they . And really don’t want any likelihood of ‘healing or divisions ‘ in America.
Will they get three Trump head ? Well politicians seeing the tide change must be queuing up to pay homage to the false president so i suppose he will be impeached by the week end .
Got to admit – now that we know what has happened in America it’s time to concentrate on the UK.
FedUp2, as the DM observed earlier today
What we have here now is the digital equivalent of the medieval mob roaming the streets looking for someone to burn.
I think that was quoted from Rowan Atkinson. Forgive me if I dreamt that.
They are smarter here. No need to cheat to win elections here. Just cancel them blaming the China Virus. If we held an election in May the Emir would win with postal ballots and the lads on duty at the booths. And the media would not complain. So why waste time, just cancel the elections to save lives.
Heard an isolated lonely Lockdown BBC comedy on the Radio today. Six BBC comedians, isolated from an audience due to Lockdown.
1st Comedian: “Nobody is going to Trumps Inauguration. Ha Ha Ha”
2nd Comedian: “The Lorry park in Dover is twice the size of France. Ha Ha Ha”
3rd Comedian: “Nobody in Hollywood will invite Trump to dinner, Ha Ha Ha”
4th Comedian: “Nobody is talking to Trump on Twitter, Ha Ha Ha”
5th Comedian: “Melania thinks Trump is pathetic, Ha Ha Ha”
6th Comedian: “Trump is lonely, we aren’t are we. Ha Ha Ha”
Cadbury’s like Sainsbury are trolling us with their advertising
Next their finger of fudge advert
Not the beeb, but the Jock paper the Sunday Post, headline, Can Joe Biden heal America? FFS his party caused the problem! The divvy can’t talk for 5 seconds without making cockups, and they think he can heal something. Get real.
NV … given this TWEET from Obama’s CIA Director, how can reconciliation ever be achieved?
In the past, those who refused to recant were burned at the stake as heretics
Country file, Tom the doom monger, doing a piece on water being soothing, especially if it is blue. Some clown was banging on about it and that it helped a lot of people with various ailments. Tom managed at the end of the piece to suggest ” a lot of experts are saying that some Ten million people will have mental issues due to the pandemic and lockdowns. I would suggest that some Three million of those will be from the anychess, especially if they can chuck a sicky at the same time.
Countryfile :New Years Resolution edition
Very preachy as usual
You must
– buy local eg £6 jar honey
example given “all the cakes are from Yorkshire” FFS that’s 12,000 sqKm
– Join their tree planting campaign
– buy plastic free
– buy ethical
– Use the Bristol artificial surf centre
…here’s Anita with her send BAME to countryside
with “Black Girls Hike”
So you can only hike with people the same sex and same skin colour ?
A “safe space group”
Would a white only group be ..a “safe space group”
Someone set up a WHITE girls hike group !!!
See how that goes down with the BBC !!!!
Of course, now that would be racist wouldn’t it !!!
DOUBLE STANDARDS of the left make me sick.
Anita said the black girl who walks is “a role model”. That has to be the most patronising thing I’ve for a long time.
I didn’t hear Anita mention she is from Bradford the obligatory 10 times per episode though.
Now segment about making a sustainable home meal
Their example.. sausage casserole
…FFS it cost £15 !
You can go vegan for a £1 at Tesco plus a stock cube of course.
Adding sausages would only be another £1-50. Packet of rice or potatoes – some of which will be left over for more meals – £1 to £2.
Snuffy knows how to live it up, y’know. 😉
As we are now all in the SAGE Gulag, I had better post my recipe for Gulag Soup (h/t Ivan Denisovic) some time in the next next week.
It doesn’t seem that long ago when a jar of local honey cost 3/6, and that was when a jar contained 1lb.
And Rita Arani manages to find some actual black people out in the countryside, on zoom,cynic that I am makes me believe it was set up. She is now talking to some barmy bint walking through the woods talking about green prescriptions, something to do with getting out into the countryside. The loony lady of the lumber, who could have been a troll actually said, “you can always tell when your in woods, you can smell them. FFS.
Ha. Even viewers from the woke end of the spectrum must think it’s a bonkers show surely?!
An antidote to the horror of the BBC? A decent whisky/rum/gin, a spin of an oldie like L.A. Woman by the Doors, a thriller by Raymond Chandler and the (euphemistic) love of a good woman. If you can manage all these at once I very much salute you.
TV schedulers meeting
“Right chaps we’ve made too many travel shows in the past fronted by the boys
so to make up the number we have to fill today’s schedule remakes of almost the same progs , but fronted by girls.
6:15pm Channel4 ..90 mins of Julie Walters doing Scottish coastal railway
9pm BBC2 Sara Pascoe in Finland
10pm BBC2 Miriam Margoyles in Australia
11pm BBC2 Miriam Margoyles in Australia
Did Miriam travel on the first fleet? She should have been locked up long ago.
Lawrence Fox makes valid points about white privilege on question time , then promptly cancelled by the BBC and media industry.
Miriam Margoyles wishes the UK Prime minister dead when he had covid and her career is resurrected and the BBC lap her up !!!!
Bias, what bias ?????
Spiked have always been anti-Trumpers
So try Sargon on his YouTube : Akkad daily channel
and at https://www.lotuseaters.com/
9pm BBC4 Documentary following solar scientist Dr Lucie Green
as she reveals how some of the UK’s worst and most dramatic weather disasters occurred many years ago, despite the popular belief that the brunt of climate change has been felt in the 21st century.
Considering how many people today are pre-warned about potential catastrophes due to innovations in weather prediction, the presenter learns
how an 18th-century storm surge once led to a the deaths of a thousand workers in Somerset fields,
a hurricane drowned a fifth of Britain’s naval officers,
and several brutal winters threatened to completely shut down most services in the country.
Sky news interviewing ‘people in the street’, – not one white face to be found in Barking or Newham. Oh, and the sunday market appeared to be thriving within our black community ! no worries about contagion there then, where 1 in 5 have Covid !!
Brissles – makes me proud that those NELondon boroughs lead the way in covid cases ……
Any – for admin purposes – time for the new thread – thanks for the contributions …..
I read a comment online today that made me chuckle,.
if someone dies within 28 days of getting the vaccine, did they die of the vaccine.
Even if they fell under a bus.
More on the book TWATBBC .
We’re in chapter nine and a sub title
Right , Left and Brexit Turn .
Which starts ;
‘Although most of the organised attacks on the BBC are from the right …..’
There’s that word again .
The next paragraph will take your breath away . I’ll have to reprint it in full
‘Further, in a recent turn , disagreements about Brexit have also now led to it being criticised [ criticized in the book] -for virtually the first time ever – by people in the centre of the political spectrum who would normally be its natural supporters . They have no problem with its funding , governance , market impact or general impartiality. But , on this specific issue, they believe that — despite endless Brexiteers to the contrary —in reality, the BBC’s coverage has systematically favoured [in italics ] pro-Brexit voices by giving them a disproportionate amount of airtime and by insufficiently challenging their claims , especially false claims . Brexit cuts across traditional left-right party lines and the BBC has , perhaps inevitably, been caught in the crossfire.’
Well firstly the referendum was 52 to 48 , so the people in the centre would be 52 to 48 . If the word they used —spectrum— means that the people of the political spectrum are not the ordinary people then the authors really mean the political bubble they inhabit .
If it’s the ordinary people in the middle then yes some will want the BBC to go harder on the guest Brexiteers but most will not ,and will want the BBC to go hard on the remainers .
As for “endless “ Brexiteer claims , well I’ll have sympathy here , I’m fed up with endless remainer claims , endless remainer attempts to subvert the referendum result , and when I’ve finish reading this book , endless whining the authors make about “attacks “ on the BBC .
How can Brexiteers be given a disproportionate amount of air time when they were in the majority? And who says what are false claims.
Are the authors, who want the BBC to survive, really saying that on the biggest event since WW2 the BBC took the side they were against and swung it for Brexit ?
If I felt like that I wouldn’t support the BBC .
In the days when Radio 4’s Feedback actually aired the views of listeners, rather being used as a promotion and policy slot by the BBC, it was always notable that the criticisms ‘from both sides’ actually came in diferent forms.
Taking Brexit as an example, the ‘Brexiteers’ would say, ‘why is there never a pro-Brexit story’, while the ‘remainers’ would say effectively, ‘look we and you (the BBC) know that only idiots are in favour of Brexit so why on earth are you giving Brexiteers any platform at all?’
The BBC then smuggly says ‘look criticism from both sides, we got it about right!’
Except the argument isn’t about ‘balance’, rather one side is saying the ‘needle’ is way too far off-centre and the other side is saying the ‘needle’ isn’t far enough off-centre.
In other words everyone agrees that the BBC is biased and in the same direction, its just that one side would like less bias and the other side more.
“…the Mail … just a sad parody of the Guardian.”
As for the Telegraph…
Supermarket staff: ‘We’re lucky if people wear masks’
Basically the usual bleat of poor staff having to put up with unreasonable customers
( never the otherway around is it…)
I’m lucky if a shelf stacker doesn’t appear one inch away from me, whilst I’m choosing, and start work.
Half of them seem to be ‘exempt’ too.
Then there’s the unnecessary covid marshal staff standing around the doorways ..
Of course the bbc doesn’t ask was wearing masks simply a waste of time and ineffective, with Covid-19 still widespread.