Google is under examination in many other countries. This includes Big Tech. Many countries are now concerned with what happened in the USA election. France, which means very likely the EU too, is also concerened with the behaviour of Big Tech.
We should look for other sites rather then continue handing even more power to monopolies of Amazon, Google. I get most what I require from ebay uk.
Anyone remember an old sketch of Mike Yarwood impersonating Robin Day?
It went like this.
‘Good evening.
But I’ll soon put a stop to that’.
BBC news have taken this and made it official strategy.
On the 6 pm news to a fanfare, dancing girls, and floodlights, the Asian presenter positively rejoices with the headline ‘news’ that the UK economy fell by a record 9.9% last year.
Who would have predicted that? It’s amazing isn’t it? I mean, just think how much worse it would have been if something serious had happened, like a pandemic.
Maybe the BBC have a secret sponsorship deal with a razor blade manufacturer. Their wilful intent to depress continues unabated.
Local BBC news : “Vaccine myth busting” after the into it’s all specially directed at ethnic minorities
– interview with Scunthorpe woman born in Pakistan, Hull BAME etc.
Now doctor FAQ
“Dors the vaccine contain a tracking device”
WTF that’s fantasyland study.
Oh it was not Hull it was Scunthorpe Dr Faisal
then presenter ended her piece about ethnic vax skepticism
“So more videos are being made in more languages is that Irish Gaelic as well as Welsh ?
Report from docks , a claim was made that DFDSs yard had problems cos it was too full of not yet cleared containers
The example they gave were pallets of wood that had arrived from the EU but some batches on the pallet had not yet cleared customs docs
Hang on In December those pallets came straight in
Yet today UK customs are holding them up
Why are we in the UK being picky about imports ?
The did say that cos they prioritise fresh food, non of that had gone off on the docks.
SAGE have released a report that identified 40% of those infected got COVID after they were admitted to hospital during the first wave of the plandemic.
How will the BBC spin this, given it paints their beloved AnyChess in anything but a positive light… but they’ve been shrilling for almost a year that HMG must always follow the advice from SAGE..?
I suspect like Saville, they’ll turn a blind eye….
To finish, remember. Stay Home, Save your life, Avoid the NHS.
BATON ROUGE, LA—TikToker Tessica Brown thought she had seen the end of her problems after uploading a video in which she made the jaw-dropping revelation that she put the glue product marketed as Gorilla Spray Adhesive in her hair and ponytail to keep the styling in place.
Following multiple unsuccessful attempts to wash out the glue, she had to go to the emergency room where they too were unsuccessful at removing the adhesive.
That’s when President Joe Biden came to town to offer his support to the victim of the racist glue.
Biden was unable to resist the urge to sniff the woman and was instantly and permanently attached to her.
White House medical staff have tried everything they could think of to separate the president from Brown without sawing his face off to no avail.
In a new video Brown repeatedly says, “My hair, it don’t move,” meaning that her hair has remained hard and stuck to her scalp since she sprayed it with Gorilla glue. “Now I got this creepy old white man stuck to my head. This is the worst.”
Brown has some advice for everyone following her story:
“Do NOT use Gorilla Glue for hairspray if you intend to visit the White House!”
I’ll get my coat..
Apologies for lowering the tone of the place..
Goodness me – the BBC have finally opened up a HYS.
The topic ?.
‘UK economy suffered record annual slump in 2020’. A completely pointless article given the current circumstances.
Shame they won’t let us comment on the outrageous impeachment.
Alex Belfield who in my opinion goes well over the
top in his patronising ranting does introduce an
interesting topic in one of his latest You Tube videos.
Who will succeed John Humphrys as presenter of
Mastermind on the BBC. I think Alex is wrong in his
assumption that it has to be a women. Somebody
like Samira Ahmed, Naga Munchetty or Sophie Raworth.
Surely Fiona Bruce wouldn’t be given another top job?
Of course it will BIG BROTHER from the diversity department
at the BBC who will decide. But I am going to shock you. I don’t
think it will be a CIS woman. Or even a transgender woman
or any of the other 100 or so variants.
I have been a bookmaker in my time and still make quotes on
football matches for bookmakers. I believe it will be
another male to take over from Humphrys.
My tip is for Clive Myrie . He is very personable
and could be very good in his presentation on the different
kind of specialist subjects we are likely to see,
Don’t expect any contestant be allowed to answer questions
on the life and times of Winston Churchill. And the classical
compositions not of Beethoven, Brahms ,or Bruckner are
likely to be specialist subjects. Expect a more diverse group of “B’S
are more likely to be on the table if BIG BROTHER has anything
to do with it. And he , she, or it is very likely to have a lot to
do with it. It will also be interesting to see what the make up
of the general questions will be.
Just as an appendage I also expect the works of J.K Rowling
would also be a taboo specialist subject as well. Expect to see an even more woke quiz
show than what is shown now.
Is there any professor, expert, doctor, nurse, carer, victim et al that the Beeb has not interviewed, questioned…oh sorry, delete that last word …or to whom they have grovelled, praised or given screen time?
That`s what`s on the envelope of the latest threatogram sent to me by BBC Licensing . Well as I havent bought a Telly Tax for sixteen years its good to know that that not that many trees have been cut down for this one sided correspondence between me and the BBC . A one sided correspondence the BBC itself doesnt seem to believe in as it threatens but never keeps its word .
The latest is giving me 10 days to get “correctly licensed ” . They might as well give ten years it aint going to happen . Ten years of felling trees for no good reason . Does Greta know ?
Isnt a sign of madness doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results ?
Cant be bothered. Just using it as trash paper.
Its a pity, as its good quality. Should tell the BBC that they are contributing to Global Warming and mounting paper rubbish. But I dont think they really care. They want the money.
I’m fairly certain that the government will not defund the BBC. Its too well known and internationally respected media propaganda organisation. So it will be retained. No government would like to lose such a useful propaganda arm.
1. As it stands
2. Make the funding part of general taxation.
#2 has the disadvantage that it becomes a government propaganda arm. Thats no go.
So #1 it is.
Hopefully, there will be a reaction to wokenism. Fashions change. Technology will continue to re-shape information transfer. Our work here will continue to chip away at the BBC. And if BoJo has been successful in destroying the economy, the BBC will have to change.
Don’t forget, March21st is census day, be sure to tick the right boxes, got to get bame to 50%, lgbtxyz to 50%. Help the beeb with it’s diversity project.
BBC have done a marvellous series that Mr D and I have been watching on BBC4. Fred Dibnah. Wonderful. Made nearly 20 years ago, celebrating British engineering know how. There weren’t any BAMES just men covered in black soot. If there had been BAMES it would have been because they could contribute to the programme not to tick a box. The only lady was Mrs Dibnah and she was quite glamorous.
Actually on Thursday Melvin’s prog about the Rosetta stone was OK
.. The expert pooh poohed the idea that it should go back to Egypt.
“Egypt now has lots of better stones now
but the Rosetta is actually important to European history
cos of the battles to translate it.”
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Trump, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Trump. The noble Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell
Hath told you Trump was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Trump answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Pelosi and the rest–
For Pelosi an honourable speaker;
So are they all, all honourable?–
Come I to speak in Trump’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Pelosi says he was ambitious;
And Pelosi is an honourable speaker.
She hath brought many illegal aliens home to America
Did this in Trump seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Trump hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Pelosi says he was ambitious;
And Pelosi is an honourable speaker.
If Senate Republicans fail to convict Donald Trump, it won't be because the facts were with him or his lawyers mounted a competent defense. It will be because the jury includes his co-conspirators.
She knows, except she bit bleached the drive. Now her helpers in Big Tech are going to do the same of this election they rigged against Donald Trump.
It was not the Dems who won it, it was Big Tech.
Australia and many East European nantions- nations who value freedoms they acquired after fighting hard against communists, are now moving against Big Tech.
Its not that Big Tech is evil like Stalin or Hitler, its just they have control of the information highway.
Its hard to resist the temptation not to tweak a little.
You may not know that Marc Lamont Hill one of the
leading black activists from the BLM organization in the
USA has said at a democratic socialists of America virtual
discussion that one of the BLM’S objectives is the
“dismantling of the Zionist project.” Which he also refers to
Israel as a settler colonial movement.
Perhaps now one can see why the BBC subjugates itself in
every aspect to the BLM .Get ready for the
number one highlight tomorrow night on MOTD so far
as the BBC is concerned . Of the Premiership players going
down on one knee ,also in subjugation to Marc Lamont Hill
and his BLM organization !
Thirty years of marxist anti-Western, anti-semitic anti-Israel brainwashing in the universities, has made the western world into the brain drivel it is now.
John Peterson has been warning us what was in the pipeline. Unfortunately we are stuck with brainwashed drivel in no 10 and 1600 Pennsylvania av, for the next 4 years.
Has anyone noticed the White stuff lying around the garden we were never going to see again.
Covid trends do show steep decline
Positives & deaths
by Report day not actual day
Show an unusual steep decline
compared to first wave
that was steep rise, then gradual fall.
I have a concern
More vax should mean steeper curve
but actually the curve is getting less steeper
Why ?
maybe – Low hanging fruit done
maybe – cold weather
OFCOM has withdrawn the UK broadcasting licence for the Chinese state-owned CGTN network following an investigation into the channel’s operations…. And then some time later some ‘spies’ were asked to leave having been found ‘hacking’ into our UK drug companies. The Chinese are not BBC ‘anarchists’ they are old style soviet state communists. Just a bit richer than your run down Russian state communist. The BBC may claim impartiality but its very partial to a bit of propaganda by encouraging its staff to carry the red flag. The BBC is flexible enough to accept money from influencers from Bill Gates (reported only last week, George Soros and odd ball dictators in a Arabic state attacking Israel (comrades in arms) and the president of Venezuela as a beacon state alongside the EU which is based on Communist ideals based on the old soviet regime.
The UN Agenda is more important than factual reporting. The UN has been a strong supporter of World Communism and is the inspiration behind the CO2 is toxic campaign (a tax on western nations industry), The WHO World Health Organisation is funded in large part by UN and China, (who only this week claimed the COVID virus did not start there – or indeed – anywhere else in China). Against all odds. Nobody believes that is true. But the BBC will oblige, as IF they were fully funded by the communist party of both China and Russia.
I was reading through the comments of the Telegraph online today Friday 12th), on how the BBC and China co-operate on ‘reports’ and I thought I would copy it into this post for us all here:
“This is the awful consequence of China’s propaganda and manipulation of the WHO, under the Leader It put in place i.e. a failed Ethiopian health minister, from the Government China is collaborating with in it’s ‘belt and road’ economic political programme.
This investment/debt dependence has subverted the political power within the UN, most particularly in poor Countries who are now economically and politically tied in with China and can be manipulated by them e.g. Taiwan, an independent democratic state, is refused membership because China’s has vetoed it. The WHO is an adjunct of the UN, and has suffered the same influence. Both have been corrupted by a rogue totalitarian state i.e. China.
When Trust is eroded in an organisation because it allows politics and bias to override it’s function i.e. scientific expertise based on facts and researched evidence, then it is no longer fit for purpose.
NB The BBC has suffered the same corrupting political influence, which has broken Trust in it’s impartiality pledge. It has been moving towards the left for years but it’s bias over Brexit, and it’s anti democratic stance, has turned it’s core audiences against it. They were willing to pay the license fee when it’s news and values could be trusted they were impartial and balanced, but not any more.
China has banned BBC World Service, in retaliation against their State news/propaganda Station having its license revoked, on the grounds it’s reporting is unfair to China, regarding Covid and Uighurs. The fact that the BBC has lost it’s impartiality claim within the U.K. population, because of their Pro EU bias adds credence to China’s claim.
This is another terrible result of political activists being allowed to create a false narrative and manipulate the facts, or, leave them out altogether and replace them with opinions. When Trust is betrayed it rarely ever really recovers.”
But then the BBC shrugs off such criticism, after all, all crises are ALL good for the BBC. Its too big to fail and it has large financial donations from the world’s favourite communist parties and ‘GENEROUS’ donations that ‘top-up’ its coffers (whist it claims its poorly funded). It cannot fail, as long as its Charter remains intact, it can ignore all of us and carry on ‘entertaining’ us with Communism is good messages. The EU can do no wrong, nor can we as a nation do any ‘right’ unless we accept and agree that Karl Marx was a wonderful inspiration versus what China has become today. We see that in the BBC World Service as how it uses its funding to distort or wobble anything it does not like in competition. But its the same thing, one is slightly larger than the other.
Unfortunately for us in the UK. The BBC is very good at Chinese propaganda and its the real reason its able to dodge being ‘modernised’ to being a full subscription service. If it was, (and I agree with the BBC) , it would not exist for long in a commercial world. It exist for political influence, not for entertainment. According to Ofcom, the BBC has no bias, you see, that would blow its cover on what it does in ‘other’ political sensitive areas such as The World Service. If I was Chinese, listening to the BBC, would be like listening to the voice of news ‘enlightenment’. Compared to Chinese state TV, the BBC would look like freedom, its an easy mistake to make.
Civitas “China Report” on Chinese infiltration and influence operations at UK universities. The Americans have thrown out dozens of “students” and arrested a surprising number of US academics (who one must assume wouldn’t become agents)
Birmingham Muslim mother toddles vs labrador Twitter video
I am sure from their point of view it was a terrifying experience with a “dangerous” dog
… but to me it’s something about not being accustomed to dogs
The dog looks like it thought it was playing
Some dogs don’t know how to play with kids, but that was no killer dog.
If I’d been the mother it would have been totally different , I’m pretty sure.
Dimebars, sorry that was not a rottweiler out for the kill
they lock their jaws and you can’t get them off.
You saw the child walk away.
That’s not that the dog couldn’t have given some nasty scarrying.
Yes for some reason some small small medium/dogs dislike children and will go for them, probably picking up on fear or screaming , however that’s not the same league as a killer dog.
I didn’t say it was playing, I said it seems it thought it was playing in a rough game in which it meant to hurt the child but not kill it.
The newspaper talk is hyperbolic about heroes etc.
Those people clearly don’t know dogs.
The one kid is still in hospital and the dog was seized
“Atif Kayani believes his van was targeted by thugs who wrongly thought a dog which attacked two girls belonged to him. He does not own a dog”
all the windows were smashed.
Just imagine if they had to investigate actual newsworthy stuff rather than BBC selected topics?
Much respect to @Shayan86 for this important kind of outreach. Journalists and researchers on this beat look at the worst stuff on the internet so that you don’t have to, and not all of them necessarily have the support for the potential consequences.
I am curious as to why they ‘need’ to look at ‘the worst stuff on the internet’, ‘so you don’t have to’.
I don’t feel the need to look for the worst stuff, it is probably illegal now anyway**.
Reporting on ‘the worst stuff’ must encourage some to go look when they otherwise wouldn’t have, so far from being our moral guardians these reporters are just third-hand purveyors of the ‘worst’.
** It is a criminal offence in the UK to download certain images such as those involving ‘child pornography’. But we don’t know what that constitutes and it is illegal to try and find out. It’s a bit like saying there is a speed limit on a particular road but you won’t find out what it is until you get prosecuted.
I’m sorry Stew but you are wrong here, that dog was not playing , that dog was dangerous. It looks like a rottweiler cross with a smidgin of labrador left to roam the streets .
I know those people hate dogs but that child did very little to encourage that reaction . The mother didn’t help with her behaviour but the dog should never have been left to roam .
Just watched the BBC 2 Stonehenge documentary.
I was already familiar with the developments on the show …and the lining up of Stonehenge at an existing underground rock formation is an old theory.
The bluestone route they came up with was similar to mine.
Their conclusions were the same. But perhaps my 4 tonne stone was too big?!
My 2005 story was that the act of moving the stones was a cooperative effort with all the people along the way…..who farmed and fed the hauliers along the way and were part of an eastwards willing cultural change…..Which formed the basis of settlements along the way.
My stone rolling used technology of the time…easily repairable along the way….but was really to show how easy it could have been.
I’ve suggested this recreation as a show to the BBC countless times since 2005.
I’m obviously invisible.
Let’s get the lie going that Stonehenge was build using mainly black slaves. I’m sure that would catch on very quickly – within certain minorities and the commies…..
Tear it down. Perhaps Khan from Londonistan would take on the role?
Viva Frei talks about the persecution of Greene
What’s going on ?
It’s a kind of warfare
Everyone is supposed to be equal under the law
If you haven’t broken the law you are OK
but like lawfare they have found standardsfare, they say
“you broke Parliamentary standards”
They don’t need to have a judge and a jury.
Often there is just a commissioner and other politicians it’s a kangaroo court.
There is a parallel : Northern Ireland anti-Islam politician Jolene Bunting
She was suspended as a Councillor she claims that hurt her campaigning for re-election and she lost her seat.
Now she claims they are coming to try to ban her from office, she claims for 5 years but that’s dramaqueening.
She also claims it’s for absolutely nothing.
Well if she had done something wrong the law was the way to prosecute her … they could have had a go cos she did say some strong things against Islam. But instead they used the council standards rules saying ‘you hung out with Jayda Fransen and you took photos, with her in the Speaker’s chair, and since JF is a bad person, you’ve hurt the image of the council.
Another parallel is the James Goddard case
Now he like any activist is allowed to be a bit wacky
shouting at politicians or journalists just like lefty activists do
Yet there’s been a clear double standard , when he does it they call it harassment and follow through in the courts.
On top of that the media do incredible misrepresentative monstering As his video shows
This is the tweet he mentions in the video
Of course he’s not a white-supremacist
White supremacists are muscling in on anti-lockdown sentiment to recruit youngsters. One group, Patriotic Alternative, has a dozen accounts on Twitter. It is run by ex-BNP youth leader Mark Collett and 'yellow vest' activist James Goddard
Oh I forgot to mention that of course Trump is the other guy, that is being prosecuted by “standardsfare”.
If he had broken a law … say he’d said “I want you people to beat Pelosi up” then prosecute him under incitement law.
Using standardsfare is wrong cos it is not treating him like the common person, but rather applying a special lower standard of justice.
So here I listed 3 people it’s being done to : Trump, Green and in Northern Ireland, Bunting.
I want some advice please.
In a couple of months my TV License is due for renewal. I cancelled the DD last summer and I am of course not going to pay the forthcoming demand. But I have some questions.
If , eventually , I am fined by the magistrate and then decide to pay rather than go to prison for a few days who gets the money I pay in the fine? Is it the BBC or does it just go to the government. Will the BBC get their costs from my fine or will they have to pay those themselves? If the latter it means that although I pay the fine and eventually the LF , I will have cost the BBC a lot more than the LF that they have extracted from me which would be a good thing to have done.
I realise that the recommended procedure is to ignore them , refuse entry to capita and they will probably just give up, but I just want to understand if they do take me to court how much of their costs they get back.
It seems to work like this ;
If you don`t pay them and ignore them they will send you letters and unlikely but possibly they will pay you a visit .
If you dont pay them and do what they say they will send you letters and they will pay you a visit .
If you tell them to book the day in court they will send you letters but never pay you a visit .
I dont know why you think there is a remote possibility of going to court .
I want some advice please.
In a couple of months my TV License I’d due for renewal. I cancelled the DD last summer and I am of course not going to pay the forthcoming demand. But I have some questions.
If , eventually , I am fined by the magistrate and then decide to pay rather than go to prison for a few days who gets the money I pay in the fine? Is it the BBC or does it just go to the government. Will the BBC get their costs from my fine or will they have to pay those themselves? If the latter it means that although I pay the fine and eventually the LF , I will have cost the BBC a lot more than the LF that they have extracted from me which would be a good thing to have done.
I realise that the recommended procedure is to ignore them , refuse entry to capita and they will probably just give up, but I just want to understand if they do take me to court how much of their costs they get back.
Many thanks Taffy. It seems that most I am likely to be fined is around £500 plus a contribution of £ 200 to the costs incurred by the BBC . Crucially the £500 doesn’t seem to go to the BBC . I guess that sending someone round from Capita and all the threatograms will cost the BBC plenty. I also note what Nibor says about getting a Capita visit being a remote possibility. So on balance I will do as suggested and keep on filing the threatograms without reply.
I want some advice please.
In a couple of months my TV License I’d due for renewal. I cancelled the DD last summer and I am of course not going to pay the forthcoming demand. But I have some questions.
If , eventually , I am fined by the magistrate and then decide to pay rather than go to prison for a few days who gets the money I pay in the fine? Is it the BBC or does it just go to the government. Will the BBC get their costs from my fine or will they have to pay those themselves? If the latter it means that although I pay the fine and eventually the LF , I will have cost the BBC a lot more than the LF that they have extracted from me which would be a good thing to have done.
I realise that the recommended procedure is to ignore them , refuse entry to capita and they will probably just give up, but I just want to understand if they do take me to court how much of their costs they get back.
Just ignore them. If a goon calls, decline to identify yourself or let him in. He will go away. You will have these threatograms, but just throw them away.
Double, visit the website and fill out their form ‘I don’t need a TV licence’.
It was a pain to find when I did mine. You may have to dig around, I think the link was in customer complaints or some such…. Anyhow They sent me one letter saying they had received my declaration and confirmed I did not need a licence.
This was around 4 years ago.
I have the letter somewhere and recall it said they would contact me in the future if the situation changed.
No such correspondence ever received and would be disregarded anyhow.
I don’t watch or fund the scum and sleep so soundly at night.
“I almost just crashed driving!!
“‘The Chinese have just banned the BBC.
“Can’t we do the same thing here?
“It’s the best thing they have done so far.'”
And re “a belated Happy New Year .- the Year of the Ox.”:
“Why is the Year of the Ox the right year to get vaccinated?”
“Because the word “vaccine” is derived from “vacca”, which means “cow” in Latin!”
Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to find it funny, that was just to lay the ground for a (juvenile) jab, I mean jibe, at the EU:
I believe that according to the BBC, Sarah Gilbert invented all vaccines.
She has been given credit for all previous vaccines to compensate for all the discrimination women have suffered by evil white males.
Not including the abuse from Muslim males though – they are exempt due to being members of another group evil white males have discriminated against.
Why are we so keen on acknowledging the Chinese New Year?
Let’s not forget that regardless of its precise origins in lab or abhorrent ‘wet market’, a virus that first started in that Communist country with horrendous human and animal rights records, shark fin soup anyone?, ground up tiger bones for virility?…. has spread across the globe and has been responsible for millions of deaths and the removal of all civil liberties and freedoms in the UK.
I could not give the proverbial… regarding the year of the rat, cat or bloody Ox.
It seems to me, the BBC is the least of their problems in that country.
That is reference to lorry flow rates – which is what Cabinet Office key committees most concerned about post Brexit in terms of knock on social impact for supplies of everything. Government now confident its “reasonable worst case scenario” of 7k lorries in kent won’t happen…
The Left are slowly morphing into modern day Nazis.
I do not say that to insult them : I have been watching it happen with my own eyes.
It’s all part of the socialist psyche. They see everyone else as inferior. They will keep pushing a bit more and a bit more. If they are not stopped, it’s inevitable that history will repeat itself.
“Covid: We could live with virus ‘like we do flu’ by end of year, says Hancock”
He is telling us the bleeding obvious. Many have been shouting this from the rooftops for such a long time.
I suspect HMG and their ‘advisors’ have been ‘reading the rhunes’ this week. They’ve realised, from a number of sources including their own backbenchers, that the populace are getting very very restless and down right angry with the continual mixed messages from scientists and dithering from Secretaries of State and will start getting back to normal of their own accord.
And why not as they are told 15million have been vaccinated, and other factors even as simple as the weather improving and the days lengthen will encourage changing behaviours.
Therefore we may see a change in tack from government this weekend with more positivity, but I still remain sceptical the MSM will do all in their power to spread the fear and disrupt the narrative.
Personally I still await the announcement of the Mars variant being discovered.
Royal Fail, Downing Street promises we’ll have spring sunshine, plus adhesive racism and its perverse incentives
‘Initial Covid shock sent Britain’s economic output to 300-year low‘ – says the FT this morning, and that was an economy entirely powered by windmills.
‘Worst figures since 1709 great frost‘ – but can we trust Queen Anne’s figures, she may have been playing project fear? Oddly enough we’d just welcomed the busted Scots economy into the union in 1707.
One senses that even during this present weather freeze the economic data is beginning to make ministers sweat and that they’re realising they’ve pushed the public’s covid fear about as far as it can go before the nation takes a long-delayed reality check: ‘Huge fall in covid patients. Leaked data shows virus cases plummeting‘ (Times)
The ever-punning tabloid Sun appeals to our animal spirirts: ‘Good booze! April the thirst. Pubs will reopen in 2 months… Pubs and restaurants will be able to serve outdoors in April if covid cases continue to fall the Sun can reveal‘ – out doors is not exactly open, is it? Still, seems No10 has been leaking like a sieve: ‘A government source said: “We will hopefully be sipping pints in the spring sunshine sooner rather than later”‘ – that’s a rather bold weather forecast if nothing else.
The ‘i‘ also receives some of this supposedly exclusively leaked good cheer and amuses with their in-house rastafarian-like phrasing: ‘Johnson and Williamson are also looking at “big bang” return of all England’s schoolchildren simultaneously, i learns…‘
I was once told of a student in a sociology exam who answered the test question “what is Deschooling?” with the flippant “Deschooling is for de west indians”
Being a left of centre paper the ‘i‘ can’t help itself but add to the good news a downer: ‘…despite risk of a sharp hike in infection rates‘ – a cynical reader might assume that’s exactly what the ‘i‘ would rather enjoy reporting, as BBC favourites Emma Barnett and Jo Brand earn a little bit of extra jam to spread on their BBC bread and butter as contributors to today’s edition.
Sir Keir Starmer employs his forensic skills to argue his own brief in the Times: ‘Why I’m still the leader Labour needs‘ – if you have to go to the trouble of telling us why, then you’re likely already a busted flush, chum.
The Telegraph suggests: ‘Regulator “should not ban blackface on TV”‘ – I thought they’d made it practically compulsory.
Yes, I know know blackface is not the same as black faces – I don’t need that explaining to I.
I’ll throw in a couple of social media items you may or may not have noticed recently. I’ll do this despite the fact that when I used to expose myself daily to BBC TV news few things were quite so annoying as to be told what was happening in the parallel world of social media. If I were up to date with social media I would already know the story and if I wasn’t that was a strong hint I wasn’t interested.
Anyway, I did enjoy this notion which may have appeared on your moby or other interweb device: “In the future everyone will be cancelled for 15 minutes”
And in light of some of the gags in this review that could come for I, sooner rather than later.
In for a penny, in for a euro… I must also touch on gorilla glue girl. Having witnessed the BBC’s rather strong interest in African hair styles, I do wonder if they have covered the tale of the black girl who used gorilla glue to set her hair in place and then discovered… it was a glue not a hair setting product.
What was she thinking, poor thing?
The Independent reassures: ‘A fundraiser for the woman who went viral for putting Gorilla Glue in her hair instead of hairspray has reached $21,000 (£15,000)‘
That could set up some perverse incentives.
‘Army to lose 10,000 soldiers over ten years‘ (Telegraph) – this would be the Grand Old Duke of Dork, Boris marching us all up the covid hill. Armchair generals needn’t fret, our army are now all trained as either social workers of social media hackers.
We may soon be living in an economy Queen Anne would recognise but the Daily Star hints at some of the old timey costume drama delights we could be missing on TV: ‘Time for Bridgerton makeover? Corset is!‘
Our papers are forever banging on about our frontline public sector heroes but sadly the Star has a report about an essential worker that shows we all may have our off days: ‘Royal Fail. Postman Prat. Postie “too knacked” to help as gran takes tumble on ice‘
TOADY Watch #1 – move over Boris, you have a rival at the BBC
Yes, you read that correctly. The PM has a rival, Mishal Husain. Mishal wishes to rule the world. In advance of your ‘re-assessment’ of the UK’s Covid position, Mishal has the doom and gloom and harsh conditions all worked out, PM. Never mind the science and SAGE, Mishal will be a harsh mistress: the Snow Queen.
The 8.10 a.m. Interview was occupied by a scientist and what a poor scientific specimen – a mere male – he was, too. He dithered and obviously wasn’t certain about anything. So Mishal asked Prof. Stephen lots of leading questions made up by the Mistress of Lockdown, the Snow Queen of the BBC. Rumpole would have been on his feet to object “Leading, M’Lud?” but Mistress Mishal would have directed a harsh glare at him that would have withered Rumpole down and back into his seat.
Could be, TWW, although I noted that someone – on BBC staff, too – called our harsh Mistress Mishal ‘Michelle’ again. Was it the Beeboid doing the weather? Think it may have been.
WILL everyone please call the BBC and tell them you no longer need a TV license as you now only watch downloads, no live TV.
If the situation changes you will advise accordingly. Only you may forget. DEFUND THE BBC
WILL everyone please call the BBC and tell them you no longer need a TV license as you now only watch downloads, no live TV.
If the situation changes you will advise accordingly. Only you may forget. DEFUND THE BBC
Amsterdam has not eclipsed the City. It has overtaken it in one narrow measure of EU equities trading. The City will remain Europe's financial capital. This is symbolic in the context of Brexit but not meaningful
London’s volume of transactions is 75 times bigger than Amsterdam.
These MSM people sneer at Trump, yet they are everything they accuse him of like this grade 100 of hyperbole
London has lost out to Amsterdam in trading Euro stocks as there hasn’t been an agreement on equivalence yet .
However its daily trading is seventy five times the size of Amsterdam and five times bigger than all the other EU stock markets put together.
So don’t worry. Annual tax revenue lost is about £5m thread
“A relatively tiny portions of London trading has shifted to Amsterdam in an electronic way
London remains magnitudes bigger than all EU markets”
should be the actual headline.
Yet the vast majority of replies to Peston’s tweet at face value
‘Oh it’s Peston quoting the FT, it must be true’
Likewise the rest of Twitter
..not all of those accounts will be fake or PR accounts many will be real people.
How can so many people they be BASED so far from reality ?
JohnCMar 10, 06:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Pro-Palestinian student protester detained by US immigration officials, says lawyer Just look at the length of the article the…
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
Eddy BoothMar 10, 00:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Investor in Alastair Campbell’s son’s football betting syndicate ‘dies before receiving his £160,000 back’ after saying: ‘Are you just hoping…
JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Shabbat shalom.
Shalom shalom
Catchup links to last posts on previous thread
– Most of Friday’s posts were on Page 3 which started on Thursday night.
And Google is under the hammer in Australia. Google actually threatened to block Australia’s access to Google.,Scott%20Morrison%20says%20%22Australia%20doesn%27t%20respond%20to%20threats%22
They picked the wrong country.
Google is under examination in many other countries. This includes Big Tech. Many countries are now concerned with what happened in the USA election. France, which means very likely the EU too, is also concerened with the behaviour of Big Tech.
We should look for other sites rather then continue handing even more power to monopolies of Amazon, Google. I get most what I require from ebay uk.
Shabbat Shalom.
Shabbat Shalom.
Shabbat Shalom.
Three times ? someone’s been at the Palwin.
Wild Western Chestfeeder also manages a trio surprisingly often for one as pleased with their competencies as they are avoiding topics.
Anyone remember an old sketch of Mike Yarwood impersonating Robin Day?
It went like this.
‘Good evening.
But I’ll soon put a stop to that’.
BBC news have taken this and made it official strategy.
On the 6 pm news to a fanfare, dancing girls, and floodlights, the Asian presenter positively rejoices with the headline ‘news’ that the UK economy fell by a record 9.9% last year.
Who would have predicted that? It’s amazing isn’t it? I mean, just think how much worse it would have been if something serious had happened, like a pandemic.
Maybe the BBC have a secret sponsorship deal with a razor blade manufacturer. Their wilful intent to depress continues unabated.
Barnsley Covid sculpture
the article does say the actual cast will be a bit different to the first sketch
This must be a joke surely?!
There’s nothing wrong with British citizens welcoming Mr Biden to these shores!
Like all temporary immigrants, he’ll no doubt get a Covid jab as soon as his Zimmer touches the pavement!
Will he know where he is ?
The writing at the base of the sculpture is of all sorts of working people – drivers. nurses etc.
I suppose it is celebrating the work done by immigrants.
Ah, to be a key worker!
Feel the Force.
Early days, but the bbc has again backed, without thinking, a knackered mouse through shared ideology.
BBC report that the batmanjelly lady and yentob have both got away Scot free. Also Sturgeon/Salmond spat case delayed….
The lefty wheels go round and round…..
Wasn’t there a charge of the overuse of garishly coloured cloth?…..
Local BBC news : “Vaccine myth busting” after the into it’s all specially directed at ethnic minorities
– interview with Scunthorpe woman born in Pakistan, Hull BAME etc.
Now doctor FAQ
“Dors the vaccine contain a tracking device”
WTF that’s fantasyland study.
Oh it was not Hull it was Scunthorpe Dr Faisal
then presenter ended her piece about ethnic vax skepticism
“So more videos are being made in more languages is that Irish Gaelic as well as Welsh ?
Report from docks , a claim was made that DFDSs yard had problems cos it was too full of not yet cleared containers
The example they gave were pallets of wood that had arrived from the EU but some batches on the pallet had not yet cleared customs docs
Hang on In December those pallets came straight in
Yet today UK customs are holding them up
Why are we in the UK being picky about imports ?
The did say that cos they prioritise fresh food, non of that had gone off on the docks.
– because they are a bunch of lazy, larcenous + power drunk assholes.
You can take that to the bank.
I’m still worried about a barium meal I had in 1980!
Oh. Dear.
SAGE have released a report that identified 40% of those infected got COVID after they were admitted to hospital during the first wave of the plandemic.
How will the BBC spin this, given it paints their beloved AnyChess in anything but a positive light… but they’ve been shrilling for almost a year that HMG must always follow the advice from SAGE..?
I suspect like Saville, they’ll turn a blind eye….
To finish, remember. Stay Home, Save your life, Avoid the NHS.
BREAKING: Joe Biden gets stuck sniffing woman who used Gorilla Glue for hairspray
BATON ROUGE, LA—TikToker Tessica Brown thought she had seen the end of her problems after uploading a video in which she made the jaw-dropping revelation that she put the glue product marketed as Gorilla Spray Adhesive in her hair and ponytail to keep the styling in place.
Following multiple unsuccessful attempts to wash out the glue, she had to go to the emergency room where they too were unsuccessful at removing the adhesive.
That’s when President Joe Biden came to town to offer his support to the victim of the racist glue.
Biden was unable to resist the urge to sniff the woman and was instantly and permanently attached to her.
White House medical staff have tried everything they could think of to separate the president from Brown without sawing his face off to no avail.
In a new video Brown repeatedly says, “My hair, it don’t move,” meaning that her hair has remained hard and stuck to her scalp since she sprayed it with Gorilla glue. “Now I got this creepy old white man stuck to my head. This is the worst.”
Brown has some advice for everyone following her story:
“Do NOT use Gorilla Glue for hairspray if you intend to visit the White House!”
I’ll get my coat..
Apologies for lowering the tone of the place..
Goodness me – the BBC have finally opened up a HYS.
The topic ?.
‘UK economy suffered record annual slump in 2020’. A completely pointless article given the current circumstances.
Shame they won’t let us comment on the outrageous impeachment.
Alex Belfield who in my opinion goes well over the
top in his patronising ranting does introduce an
interesting topic in one of his latest You Tube videos.
Who will succeed John Humphrys as presenter of
Mastermind on the BBC. I think Alex is wrong in his
assumption that it has to be a women. Somebody
like Samira Ahmed, Naga Munchetty or Sophie Raworth.
Surely Fiona Bruce wouldn’t be given another top job?
Of course it will BIG BROTHER from the diversity department
at the BBC who will decide. But I am going to shock you. I don’t
think it will be a CIS woman. Or even a transgender woman
or any of the other 100 or so variants.
I have been a bookmaker in my time and still make quotes on
football matches for bookmakers. I believe it will be
another male to take over from Humphrys.
My tip is for Clive Myrie . He is very personable
and could be very good in his presentation on the different
kind of specialist subjects we are likely to see,
Don’t expect any contestant be allowed to answer questions
on the life and times of Winston Churchill. And the classical
compositions not of Beethoven, Brahms ,or Bruckner are
likely to be specialist subjects. Expect a more diverse group of “B’S
are more likely to be on the table if BIG BROTHER has anything
to do with it. And he , she, or it is very likely to have a lot to
do with it. It will also be interesting to see what the make up
of the general questions will be.
Just as an appendage I also expect the works of J.K Rowling
would also be a taboo specialist subject as well. Expect to see an even more woke quiz
show than what is shown now.
Fiver on Amol again
..they use him for everything else
50p on Vine ..his agent will ask for too much
@guardian “Samira Ahmed tipped”
Bruno Tonioli
I’d vote for him !
How about Nikki Fox?
Nikki who?
Ticks two favourite boxes.
Is there any professor, expert, doctor, nurse, carer, victim et al that the Beeb has not interviewed, questioned…oh sorry, delete that last word …or to whom they have grovelled, praised or given screen time?
My local vet.
Sustainably sourced or recycled paper .
That`s what`s on the envelope of the latest threatogram sent to me by BBC Licensing . Well as I havent bought a Telly Tax for sixteen years its good to know that that not that many trees have been cut down for this one sided correspondence between me and the BBC . A one sided correspondence the BBC itself doesnt seem to believe in as it threatens but never keeps its word .
The latest is giving me 10 days to get “correctly licensed ” . They might as well give ten years it aint going to happen . Ten years of felling trees for no good reason . Does Greta know ?
Isnt a sign of madness doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results ?
Defund the BBC to put it out of its misery .
I scrawl abuse on the back of the envelope, put a fresh A4 inside – optionally with more abuse, and address it (in the window) to:
Return to Sender
TV Licensing,
Darlington DL98 1AT.
Cant be bothered. Just using it as trash paper.
Its a pity, as its good quality. Should tell the BBC that they are contributing to Global Warming and mounting paper rubbish. But I dont think they really care. They want the money.
I’m fairly certain that the government will not defund the BBC. Its too well known and internationally respected media propaganda organisation. So it will be retained. No government would like to lose such a useful propaganda arm.
1. As it stands
2. Make the funding part of general taxation.
#2 has the disadvantage that it becomes a government propaganda arm. Thats no go.
So #1 it is.
Hopefully, there will be a reaction to wokenism. Fashions change. Technology will continue to re-shape information transfer. Our work here will continue to chip away at the BBC. And if BoJo has been successful in destroying the economy, the BBC will have to change.
Bing is pushing this Daily Express clickbait
\\ BBC Breakfast fans outraged
at ‘car crash’ Atkins and Naga row: ‘Behaving like kids’//
Don’t forget, March21st is census day, be sure to tick the right boxes, got to get bame to 50%, lgbtxyz to 50%. Help the beeb with it’s diversity project.
Impartial doco on PBS
“Trump’s American Carnage”
… What do reckon will it start with the Antifa carnage in Washington on his inauguration day
and be mainly about the 2020 BLM/Antifa carnage ?
BBC have done a marvellous series that Mr D and I have been watching on BBC4. Fred Dibnah. Wonderful. Made nearly 20 years ago, celebrating British engineering know how. There weren’t any BAMES just men covered in black soot. If there had been BAMES it would have been because they could contribute to the programme not to tick a box. The only lady was Mrs Dibnah and she was quite glamorous.
Actually on Thursday Melvin’s prog about the Rosetta stone was OK
.. The expert pooh poohed the idea that it should go back to Egypt.
“Egypt now has lots of better stones now
but the Rosetta is actually important to European history
cos of the battles to translate it.”
Elf and safety would love this.
The best!
Fred was quite entertaining when he kept his feet on the ground and quite scary when he didn’t!
Fred was married three times.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Trump, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interred with their bones;
So let it be with Trump. The noble Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell
Hath told you Trump was ambitious:
If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
And grievously hath Trump answer’d it.
Here, under leave of Pelosi and the rest–
For Pelosi an honourable speaker;
So are they all, all honourable?–
Come I to speak in Trump’s funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Pelosi says he was ambitious;
And Pelosi is an honourable speaker.
She hath brought many illegal aliens home to America
Did this in Trump seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Trump hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Pelosi says he was ambitious;
And Pelosi is an honourable speaker.
William Faulkner working overtime again?
Great comment, JimS. I needed a good laugh today. I may use that if the opportunity presents.
Wapo trying to incite violence
Hillary speaks
Amazon Reviews….
She knows, except she bit bleached the drive. Now her helpers in Big Tech are going to do the same of this election they rigged against Donald Trump.
It was not the Dems who won it, it was Big Tech.
Australia and many East European nantions- nations who value freedoms they acquired after fighting hard against communists, are now moving against Big Tech.
Its not that Big Tech is evil like Stalin or Hitler, its just they have control of the information highway.
Its hard to resist the temptation not to tweak a little.
Oh BBC use QuoteHeadline in a Trump friendly way (checks calendar)
Trump incitement charge a ‘monstrous lie’
Ironic that Harra : likes to DRIVE government policy
rather then REPORT government policy
Climate Change:
Government may review road-building policy
Has open comments
He’s losing
“Controversial” road programme? Please just report it factually.
Summer with Greta
Campaigner Greta Thunberg describes the remarkable and tumultuous past year of her life and makes a passionate plea for action on climate change.
What I mean is Harra : likes to try to DRIVE public opinion
rather than REPORT the real world
“Well said Priti now get on and sink the dinghies”
“Strong words, as usual. No strong action, as usual.”
You may not know that Marc Lamont Hill one of the
leading black activists from the BLM organization in the
USA has said at a democratic socialists of America virtual
discussion that one of the BLM’S objectives is the
“dismantling of the Zionist project.” Which he also refers to
Israel as a settler colonial movement.
Perhaps now one can see why the BBC subjugates itself in
every aspect to the BLM .Get ready for the
number one highlight tomorrow night on MOTD so far
as the BBC is concerned . Of the Premiership players going
down on one knee ,also in subjugation to Marc Lamont Hill
and his BLM organization !
Thirty years of marxist anti-Western, anti-semitic anti-Israel brainwashing in the universities, has made the western world into the brain drivel it is now.
John Peterson has been warning us what was in the pipeline. Unfortunately we are stuck with brainwashed drivel in no 10 and 1600 Pennsylvania av, for the next 4 years.
Has anyone noticed the White stuff lying around the garden we were never going to see again.
What is it?
“Is a big”?
Shoulnt there be an “old people crossing” some where there.
Will this be echoed by Marcus Rashford, he must use the same management company.
Covid trends do show steep decline
Positives & deaths
by Report day not actual day
Show an unusual steep decline
compared to first wave
that was steep rise, then gradual fall.
I have a concern
More vax should mean steeper curve
but actually the curve is getting less steeper
Why ?
maybe – Low hanging fruit done
maybe – cold weather
This is getting feisty.
OFCOM has withdrawn the UK broadcasting licence for the Chinese state-owned CGTN network following an investigation into the channel’s operations…. And then some time later some ‘spies’ were asked to leave having been found ‘hacking’ into our UK drug companies. The Chinese are not BBC ‘anarchists’ they are old style soviet state communists. Just a bit richer than your run down Russian state communist. The BBC may claim impartiality but its very partial to a bit of propaganda by encouraging its staff to carry the red flag. The BBC is flexible enough to accept money from influencers from Bill Gates (reported only last week, George Soros and odd ball dictators in a Arabic state attacking Israel (comrades in arms) and the president of Venezuela as a beacon state alongside the EU which is based on Communist ideals based on the old soviet regime.
The UN Agenda is more important than factual reporting. The UN has been a strong supporter of World Communism and is the inspiration behind the CO2 is toxic campaign (a tax on western nations industry), The WHO World Health Organisation is funded in large part by UN and China, (who only this week claimed the COVID virus did not start there – or indeed – anywhere else in China). Against all odds. Nobody believes that is true. But the BBC will oblige, as IF they were fully funded by the communist party of both China and Russia.
I was reading through the comments of the Telegraph online today Friday 12th), on how the BBC and China co-operate on ‘reports’ and I thought I would copy it into this post for us all here:
“This is the awful consequence of China’s propaganda and manipulation of the WHO, under the Leader It put in place i.e. a failed Ethiopian health minister, from the Government China is collaborating with in it’s ‘belt and road’ economic political programme.
This investment/debt dependence has subverted the political power within the UN, most particularly in poor Countries who are now economically and politically tied in with China and can be manipulated by them e.g. Taiwan, an independent democratic state, is refused membership because China’s has vetoed it. The WHO is an adjunct of the UN, and has suffered the same influence. Both have been corrupted by a rogue totalitarian state i.e. China.
When Trust is eroded in an organisation because it allows politics and bias to override it’s function i.e. scientific expertise based on facts and researched evidence, then it is no longer fit for purpose.
NB The BBC has suffered the same corrupting political influence, which has broken Trust in it’s impartiality pledge. It has been moving towards the left for years but it’s bias over Brexit, and it’s anti democratic stance, has turned it’s core audiences against it. They were willing to pay the license fee when it’s news and values could be trusted they were impartial and balanced, but not any more.
China has banned BBC World Service, in retaliation against their State news/propaganda Station having its license revoked, on the grounds it’s reporting is unfair to China, regarding Covid and Uighurs. The fact that the BBC has lost it’s impartiality claim within the U.K. population, because of their Pro EU bias adds credence to China’s claim.
This is another terrible result of political activists being allowed to create a false narrative and manipulate the facts, or, leave them out altogether and replace them with opinions. When Trust is betrayed it rarely ever really recovers.”
But then the BBC shrugs off such criticism, after all, all crises are ALL good for the BBC. Its too big to fail and it has large financial donations from the world’s favourite communist parties and ‘GENEROUS’ donations that ‘top-up’ its coffers (whist it claims its poorly funded). It cannot fail, as long as its Charter remains intact, it can ignore all of us and carry on ‘entertaining’ us with Communism is good messages. The EU can do no wrong, nor can we as a nation do any ‘right’ unless we accept and agree that Karl Marx was a wonderful inspiration versus what China has become today. We see that in the BBC World Service as how it uses its funding to distort or wobble anything it does not like in competition. But its the same thing, one is slightly larger than the other.
Unfortunately for us in the UK. The BBC is very good at Chinese propaganda and its the real reason its able to dodge being ‘modernised’ to being a full subscription service. If it was, (and I agree with the BBC) , it would not exist for long in a commercial world. It exist for political influence, not for entertainment. According to Ofcom, the BBC has no bias, you see, that would blow its cover on what it does in ‘other’ political sensitive areas such as The World Service. If I was Chinese, listening to the BBC, would be like listening to the voice of news ‘enlightenment’. Compared to Chinese state TV, the BBC would look like freedom, its an easy mistake to make.
Civitas “China Report” on Chinese infiltration and influence operations at UK universities. The Americans have thrown out dozens of “students” and arrested a surprising number of US academics (who one must assume wouldn’t become agents)
Click to access ChinaReport.pdf
The BBC so not going to forget this latest stunt of theirs.
Birmingham Muslim mother toddles vs labrador
Twitter video
I am sure from their point of view it was a terrifying experience with a “dangerous” dog
… but to me it’s something about not being accustomed to dogs
The dog looks like it thought it was playing
Some dogs don’t know how to play with kids, but that was no killer dog.
If I’d been the mother it would have been totally different , I’m pretty sure.
Dimebars, sorry that was not a rottweiler out for the kill
they lock their jaws and you can’t get them off.
You saw the child walk away.
That’s not that the dog couldn’t have given some nasty scarrying.
Yes for some reason some small small medium/dogs dislike children and will go for them, probably picking up on fear or screaming , however that’s not the same league as a killer dog.
I didn’t say it was playing, I said it seems it thought it was playing in a rough game in which it meant to hurt the child but not kill it.
The newspaper talk is hyperbolic about heroes etc.
Those people clearly don’t know dogs.
The one kid is still in hospital and the dog was seized
“Atif Kayani believes his van was targeted by thugs who wrongly thought a dog which attacked two girls belonged to him. He does not own a dog”
all the windows were smashed.
Britain has had dogs for company for thousands of years. They are part and parcel of our culture.
There are cultures who view dogs with extreme hostility. They have no business to be here.
Just imagine if they had to investigate actual newsworthy stuff rather than BBC selected topics?
I am curious as to why they ‘need’ to look at ‘the worst stuff on the internet’, ‘so you don’t have to’.
I don’t feel the need to look for the worst stuff, it is probably illegal now anyway**.
Reporting on ‘the worst stuff’ must encourage some to go look when they otherwise wouldn’t have, so far from being our moral guardians these reporters are just third-hand purveyors of the ‘worst’.
** It is a criminal offence in the UK to download certain images such as those involving ‘child pornography’. But we don’t know what that constitutes and it is illegal to try and find out. It’s a bit like saying there is a speed limit on a particular road but you won’t find out what it is until you get prosecuted.
Sun about police culture during the years of the Carl Beech botched investigation
I’m sorry Stew but you are wrong here, that dog was not playing , that dog was dangerous. It looks like a rottweiler cross with a smidgin of labrador left to roam the streets .
I know those people hate dogs but that child did very little to encourage that reaction . The mother didn’t help with her behaviour but the dog should never have been left to roam .
Just watched the BBC 2 Stonehenge documentary.
I was already familiar with the developments on the show …and the lining up of Stonehenge at an existing underground rock formation is an old theory.
The bluestone route they came up with was similar to mine.
Their conclusions were the same. But perhaps my 4 tonne stone was too big?!
My 2005 story was that the act of moving the stones was a cooperative effort with all the people along the way…..who farmed and fed the hauliers along the way and were part of an eastwards willing cultural change…..Which formed the basis of settlements along the way.
My stone rolling used technology of the time…easily repairable along the way….but was really to show how easy it could have been.
I’ve suggested this recreation as a show to the BBC countless times since 2005.
I’m obviously invisible.
>> I’ve suggested this recreation as a show to the BBC countless times since 2005.
>> I’m obviously invisible.
Ever considered a sex change? Gotta help.
Quite so. They did say to me wayback….that they had enough middle aged male presenters…and had to have women and minorities.
The pendulum might swing back the other way…just as they’re nailing the lid on…..
Let’s get the lie going that Stonehenge was build using mainly black slaves. I’m sure that would catch on very quickly – within certain minorities and the commies…..
Tear it down. Perhaps Khan from Londonistan would take on the role?
Quite. Somebody must have been abused along the way.
Viva Frei talks about the persecution of Greene
What’s going on ?
It’s a kind of warfare
Everyone is supposed to be equal under the law
If you haven’t broken the law you are OK
but like lawfare they have found standardsfare, they say
“you broke Parliamentary standards”
They don’t need to have a judge and a jury.
Often there is just a commissioner and other politicians it’s a kangaroo court.
There is a parallel : Northern Ireland anti-Islam politician Jolene Bunting
She was suspended as a Councillor she claims that hurt her campaigning for re-election and she lost her seat.
Now she claims they are coming to try to ban her from office, she claims for 5 years but that’s dramaqueening.
She also claims it’s for absolutely nothing.
Well if she had done something wrong the law was the way to prosecute her … they could have had a go cos she did say some strong things against Islam. But instead they used the council standards rules saying ‘you hung out with Jayda Fransen and you took photos, with her in the Speaker’s chair, and since JF is a bad person, you’ve hurt the image of the council.
Another parallel is the James Goddard case
Now he like any activist is allowed to be a bit wacky
shouting at politicians or journalists just like lefty activists do
Yet there’s been a clear double standard , when he does it they call it harassment and follow through in the courts.
On top of that the media do incredible misrepresentative monstering
As his video shows
This is the tweet he mentions in the video
Of course he’s not a white-supremacist
Oh I forgot to mention that of course Trump is the other guy, that is being prosecuted by “standardsfare”.
If he had broken a law … say he’d said “I want you people to beat Pelosi up” then prosecute him under incitement law.
Using standardsfare is wrong cos it is not treating him like the common person, but rather applying a special lower standard of justice.
So here I listed 3 people it’s being done to : Trump, Green and in Northern Ireland, Bunting.
“UK economy suffered record annual slump in 2020”
Record deaths?
Record lockdowns?
Something has gone drastically wrong.
I want some advice please.
In a couple of months my TV License is due for renewal. I cancelled the DD last summer and I am of course not going to pay the forthcoming demand. But I have some questions.
If , eventually , I am fined by the magistrate and then decide to pay rather than go to prison for a few days who gets the money I pay in the fine? Is it the BBC or does it just go to the government. Will the BBC get their costs from my fine or will they have to pay those themselves? If the latter it means that although I pay the fine and eventually the LF , I will have cost the BBC a lot more than the LF that they have extracted from me which would be a good thing to have done.
I realise that the recommended procedure is to ignore them , refuse entry to capita and they will probably just give up, but I just want to understand if they do take me to court how much of their costs they get back.
It seems to work like this ;
If you don`t pay them and ignore them they will send you letters and unlikely but possibly they will pay you a visit .
If you dont pay them and do what they say they will send you letters and they will pay you a visit .
If you tell them to book the day in court they will send you letters but never pay you a visit .
I dont know why you think there is a remote possibility of going to court .
I want some advice please.
In a couple of months my TV License I’d due for renewal. I cancelled the DD last summer and I am of course not going to pay the forthcoming demand. But I have some questions.
If , eventually , I am fined by the magistrate and then decide to pay rather than go to prison for a few days who gets the money I pay in the fine? Is it the BBC or does it just go to the government. Will the BBC get their costs from my fine or will they have to pay those themselves? If the latter it means that although I pay the fine and eventually the LF , I will have cost the BBC a lot more than the LF that they have extracted from me which would be a good thing to have done.
I realise that the recommended procedure is to ignore them , refuse entry to capita and they will probably just give up, but I just want to understand if they do take me to court how much of their costs they get back.
Many thanks Taffy. It seems that most I am likely to be fined is around £500 plus a contribution of £ 200 to the costs incurred by the BBC . Crucially the £500 doesn’t seem to go to the BBC . I guess that sending someone round from Capita and all the threatograms will cost the BBC plenty. I also note what Nibor says about getting a Capita visit being a remote possibility. So on balance I will do as suggested and keep on filing the threatograms without reply.
I want some advice please.
In a couple of months my TV License I’d due for renewal. I cancelled the DD last summer and I am of course not going to pay the forthcoming demand. But I have some questions.
If , eventually , I am fined by the magistrate and then decide to pay rather than go to prison for a few days who gets the money I pay in the fine? Is it the BBC or does it just go to the government. Will the BBC get their costs from my fine or will they have to pay those themselves? If the latter it means that although I pay the fine and eventually the LF , I will have cost the BBC a lot more than the LF that they have extracted from me which would be a good thing to have done.
I realise that the recommended procedure is to ignore them , refuse entry to capita and they will probably just give up, but I just want to understand if they do take me to court how much of their costs they get back.
you call them to tell them you no longer watch live tv. Only downloads.
When the situation changes you will tell them, only maybe you forget?
you call them to tell them you no longer watch live tv. Only downloads.
When the situation changes you will tell them, only maybe you forget?
Just ignore them. If a goon calls, decline to identify yourself or let him in. He will go away. You will have these threatograms, but just throw them away.
Sorry some problems were encountered!
Double, visit the website and fill out their form ‘I don’t need a TV licence’.
It was a pain to find when I did mine. You may have to dig around, I think the link was in customer complaints or some such…. Anyhow They sent me one letter saying they had received my declaration and confirmed I did not need a licence.
This was around 4 years ago.
I have the letter somewhere and recall it said they would contact me in the future if the situation changed.
No such correspondence ever received and would be disregarded anyhow.
I don’t watch or fund the scum and sleep so soundly at night.
“The BBC has been blocked in China . Lucky Chinese – and a belated Happy New Year .- the Year of the Ox.”
The Express was quick on the case!:
“‘Do the same here!’ Brexiteer in stitches and ‘almost crashes’ car as China BANS BBC”
The Brexiteer in question is former London MEP Lance Forman:
What he said on Twitter:
“I almost just crashed driving!!
“‘The Chinese have just banned the BBC.
“Can’t we do the same thing here?
“It’s the best thing they have done so far.'”
And re “a belated Happy New Year .- the Year of the Ox.”:
“Why is the Year of the Ox the right year to get vaccinated?”
“Because the word “vaccine” is derived from “vacca”, which means “cow” in Latin!”
Don’t worry, I don’t expect you to find it funny, that was just to lay the ground for a (juvenile) jab, I mean jibe, at the EU:
Right Angle
And did teams of oxen drag those ancient stones from taffland to Salisbury?
I believe that according to the BBC, Sarah Gilbert invented all vaccines.
She has been given credit for all previous vaccines to compensate for all the discrimination women have suffered by evil white males.
Not including the abuse from Muslim males though – they are exempt due to being members of another group evil white males have discriminated against.
Why are we so keen on acknowledging the Chinese New Year?
Let’s not forget that regardless of its precise origins in lab or abhorrent ‘wet market’, a virus that first started in that Communist country with horrendous human and animal rights records, shark fin soup anyone?, ground up tiger bones for virility?…. has spread across the globe and has been responsible for millions of deaths and the removal of all civil liberties and freedoms in the UK.
I could not give the proverbial… regarding the year of the rat, cat or bloody Ox.
It seems to me, the BBC is the least of their problems in that country.
Gong hey fat choy
BBC : ‘Brexit lorry chaos avoided’
Could also be written as:
‘Another Project Fear lie debunked.’
Faisal doing his BBC bit.
Tell me…..on one of these Thursday nights…will all the remainders open their front doors…and as one shout…SORRY?!
Of course not. The inaccuracies of their memories of doommongering will already have been erased.
The Left are slowly morphing into modern day Nazis.
I do not say that to insult them : I have been watching it happen with my own eyes.
It’s all part of the socialist psyche. They see everyone else as inferior. They will keep pushing a bit more and a bit more. If they are not stopped, it’s inevitable that history will repeat itself.
“Covid: We could live with virus ‘like we do flu’ by end of year, says Hancock”
He is telling us the bleeding obvious. Many have been shouting this from the rooftops for such a long time.
What a plonker – it IS bloody ‘flu!
I suspect HMG and their ‘advisors’ have been ‘reading the rhunes’ this week. They’ve realised, from a number of sources including their own backbenchers, that the populace are getting very very restless and down right angry with the continual mixed messages from scientists and dithering from Secretaries of State and will start getting back to normal of their own accord.
And why not as they are told 15million have been vaccinated, and other factors even as simple as the weather improving and the days lengthen will encourage changing behaviours.
Therefore we may see a change in tack from government this weekend with more positivity, but I still remain sceptical the MSM will do all in their power to spread the fear and disrupt the narrative.
Personally I still await the announcement of the Mars variant being discovered.
Beware! for there is a ‘taff variant’ about but the story is full of ‘leeks’.
Its just like our government at the moment.
Royal Fail, Downing Street promises we’ll have spring sunshine, plus adhesive racism and its perverse incentives
‘Initial Covid shock sent Britain’s economic output to 300-year low‘ – says the FT this morning, and that was an economy entirely powered by windmills.
‘Worst figures since 1709 great frost‘ – but can we trust Queen Anne’s figures, she may have been playing project fear? Oddly enough we’d just welcomed the busted Scots economy into the union in 1707.
One senses that even during this present weather freeze the economic data is beginning to make ministers sweat and that they’re realising they’ve pushed the public’s covid fear about as far as it can go before the nation takes a long-delayed reality check: ‘Huge fall in covid patients. Leaked data shows virus cases plummeting‘ (Times)
The ever-punning tabloid Sun appeals to our animal spirirts: ‘Good booze! April the thirst. Pubs will reopen in 2 months… Pubs and restaurants will be able to serve outdoors in April if covid cases continue to fall the Sun can reveal‘ – out doors is not exactly open, is it? Still, seems No10 has been leaking like a sieve: ‘A government source said: “We will hopefully be sipping pints in the spring sunshine sooner rather than later”‘ – that’s a rather bold weather forecast if nothing else.
The ‘i‘ also receives some of this supposedly exclusively leaked good cheer and amuses with their in-house rastafarian-like phrasing: ‘Johnson and Williamson are also looking at “big bang” return of all England’s schoolchildren simultaneously, i learns…‘
I was once told of a student in a sociology exam who answered the test question “what is Deschooling?” with the flippant “Deschooling is for de west indians”
Being a left of centre paper the ‘i‘ can’t help itself but add to the good news a downer: ‘…despite risk of a sharp hike in infection rates‘ – a cynical reader might assume that’s exactly what the ‘i‘ would rather enjoy reporting, as BBC favourites Emma Barnett and Jo Brand earn a little bit of extra jam to spread on their BBC bread and butter as contributors to today’s edition.
Sir Keir Starmer employs his forensic skills to argue his own brief in the Times: ‘Why I’m still the leader Labour needs‘ – if you have to go to the trouble of telling us why, then you’re likely already a busted flush, chum.
The Telegraph suggests: ‘Regulator “should not ban blackface on TV”‘ – I thought they’d made it practically compulsory.
Yes, I know know blackface is not the same as black faces – I don’t need that explaining to I.
I’ll throw in a couple of social media items you may or may not have noticed recently. I’ll do this despite the fact that when I used to expose myself daily to BBC TV news few things were quite so annoying as to be told what was happening in the parallel world of social media. If I were up to date with social media I would already know the story and if I wasn’t that was a strong hint I wasn’t interested.
Anyway, I did enjoy this notion which may have appeared on your moby or other interweb device: “In the future everyone will be cancelled for 15 minutes”
And in light of some of the gags in this review that could come for I, sooner rather than later.
In for a penny, in for a euro… I must also touch on gorilla glue girl. Having witnessed the BBC’s rather strong interest in African hair styles, I do wonder if they have covered the tale of the black girl who used gorilla glue to set her hair in place and then discovered… it was a glue not a hair setting product.
What was she thinking, poor thing?
The Independent reassures: ‘A fundraiser for the woman who went viral for putting Gorilla Glue in her hair instead of hairspray has reached $21,000 (£15,000)‘
That could set up some perverse incentives.
‘Army to lose 10,000 soldiers over ten years‘ (Telegraph) – this would be the Grand Old Duke of Dork, Boris marching us all up the covid hill. Armchair generals needn’t fret, our army are now all trained as either social workers of social media hackers.
We may soon be living in an economy Queen Anne would recognise but the Daily Star hints at some of the old timey costume drama delights we could be missing on TV: ‘Time for Bridgerton makeover? Corset is!‘
Our papers are forever banging on about our frontline public sector heroes but sadly the Star has a report about an essential worker that shows we all may have our off days: ‘Royal Fail. Postman Prat. Postie “too knacked” to help as gran takes tumble on ice‘
TOADY Watch #1 – move over Boris, you have a rival at the BBC
Yes, you read that correctly. The PM has a rival, Mishal Husain. Mishal wishes to rule the world. In advance of your ‘re-assessment’ of the UK’s Covid position, Mishal has the doom and gloom and harsh conditions all worked out, PM. Never mind the science and SAGE, Mishal will be a harsh mistress: the Snow Queen.
The 8.10 a.m. Interview was occupied by a scientist and what a poor scientific specimen – a mere male – he was, too. He dithered and obviously wasn’t certain about anything. So Mishal asked Prof. Stephen lots of leading questions made up by the Mistress of Lockdown, the Snow Queen of the BBC. Rumpole would have been on his feet to object “Leading, M’Lud?” but Mistress Mishal would have directed a harsh glare at him that would have withered Rumpole down and back into his seat.
Princess Mish Mash?
Could be, TWW, although I noted that someone – on BBC staff, too – called our harsh Mistress Mishal ‘Michelle’ again. Was it the Beeboid doing the weather? Think it may have been.
spelling correction – where is maxi when you need him? – Prof. Steven with a v.
WILL everyone please call the BBC and tell them you no longer need a TV license as you now only watch downloads, no live TV.
If the situation changes you will advise accordingly. Only you may forget. DEFUND THE BBC
WILL everyone please call the BBC and tell them you no longer need a TV license as you now only watch downloads, no live TV.
If the situation changes you will advise accordingly. Only you may forget. DEFUND THE BBC
Ex Beeboid goes hyperbolic. Goes as expected.
London’s volume of transactions is 75 times bigger than Amsterdam.
These MSM people sneer at Trump, yet they are everything they accuse him of like this grade 100 of hyperbole
London has lost out to Amsterdam in trading Euro stocks as there hasn’t been an agreement on equivalence yet .
However its daily trading is seventy five times the size of Amsterdam and five times bigger than all the other EU stock markets put together.
So don’t worry. Annual tax revenue lost is about £5m
“A relatively tiny portions of London trading has shifted to Amsterdam in an electronic way
London remains magnitudes bigger than all EU markets”
should be the actual headline.
Yet the vast majority of replies to Peston’s tweet at face value
‘Oh it’s Peston quoting the FT, it must be true’
Likewise the rest of Twitter
..not all of those accounts will be fake or PR accounts many will be real people.
How can so many people they be BASED so far from reality ?