Deep gloom for the Far Left Biased BBC as the government target of 15 million vaccine injections is achieved. The failure narrative has failed. So it will have to find another target to run Britain down . Meanwhile the political show trial in America – which received wall to wall coverage on the BBC – has also ended in failure -in BBC eyes .what next ? Oh – and a new job description for the Head of the dysfunctional OFCOM has been published with a new requirement ….to’ ensure News is delivered with due impartiality ‘. Well that’s the end of the BBC then.
Start the Week Thread 15th February 2021
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I watched barely 5 minutes of the BBC News channel and saw:
1. Labours Jonathan Ashworth given free airtime to say lockdown shouldn’t end
followed by
2. Neil “lockdown doesn’t apply to me” Ferguson given free airtime to say lockdown shouldn’t end
The BBC is like a stuck record.
ITV local news : syndicated report from the specialist Covid hospital
nurses had special ventilated hoods
He said in all 300 patients had died
OK that is one per day
but he never gave any context to how many had recovered.
The ones that recovered are not the BBC idea of news.
I wish I could get ‘unfriended’ from Linkedin…
I retired six years ago, and still get offers of connections, new contacts, people staring at my profile for some odd reason (it says ‘retired’), and an email telling me how many people have seen my profile most weeks!
While a few mates are still there, they’re possibly interesting, but it’s like getting rid of herpes to close the ‘account’!
I suppose it’s the reason the BBC still have all my old numbers, but luckily, so far, I don’t have any contacts with that particular organisation!
(As a confession, I did do a big building contract with them on their Bristol studios, back in 1982, so maybe that’s why…)
The Impossibility of Windmills a short video worth watching as the cost of ‘greening’, means that Windmills are not the answer for us in the UK. Not that the BBC understands the question… but its clearly this video shows.
‘…why why a 100% production of energy using windmills is impossible and unpayable in practice, despite all the positive information coming from green power advocates…
There was a discussion on Paul’s blog back in September
The video addresses Frans Timmermans of the EU’s idea
He believes that by 2050 all of Europe can be almost 100% CO2 free by using only windmills, solarpanels and hydrogen for energy storage.
The calculations are a bit flawed
a good turbine would have about 40% capacity factor not 25%
but over 20 years that would fall.
Also he is a bit tricky dismissing biofuels
Energy from waste is OK, But generally windpower is a rubbish source of energy due to capital costs and surface area of the Earth needed.
One thing is that Germany is building is building the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline from Russia, so Netherlands will probably end up with some of that
The EU knowingly is tying itself to Russia. who can simply cut-off the power to Germany and linked nations at the drop of a ‘we told you so’. Germany is desperate for energy to keep its economy upright, its not allowed to own mined Coal (it has to buy the most filthy stuff from Poland). It cannot even buy the cleanest Coal from the UK, even DRAX (coal fired power station) is to be reliant on wood chips imported from the US (greenies call it bio-fuel) to keep the lights on It used to be called ‘wood-burning’. We have a huge coastline, Germany does not and it has little Gas or Windmill capability. On top of that Merkel has assured that no Atomic Powers stations will ever be built (unlike the UK where we plan to build more with new technology as it arises in the future (see TokaMac Energy). Plus we have lots of Oil and Gas off-shore (too expensive to exploit at the moment) and enough Coal (if we ever choose to open up Coal Mines again for another 200 years. This will only happen when the EU has collapsed into itself and has become a rump satellite state towards Russia energy dependency and satisfaction.
That is why TRUMP was against the NORDstream project, as Europe will become more independent on Russia, not less.
Russia can cut off supplies,and has done so before to other ‘satellites’
I once spent 15 minutes on the internet trying to find out just how much a wind turbine actually costs inlcuding subisides etc and it became very, very apparent nobody wanted me to know.
The only thing I could find was how long they took to generate the energy it took to make them – which seems an absurd thing to know.
From that point on I knew the public were being scammed big time.
7:35pm @BBCOne @BBCPanorama
The Disinformation War
*Marianna Spring* looks at the scare tactics of anti-vaxxers and the effect they’re having
She has ‘top teams’. Apparently.
And fans.
And ambition.
Tonight’s Woke TV
10:45 BBC1 2 hours of drag queens
Channel4 has its paedophile hunting series
Anyone watched ?
I presume they removed all non-white perps
Who jump started Toenails?
The bbc only plugs books of those they believe in.
What’s the difference between such writing , BBC journalism and advertising
.. *It’s all advertising *
That’s what Ezra and team are pointing out with their own books in Canada
.. the government fined him , saying his book is political advertising
.. that’s his point they all are.
My point is about th Nick Robinson book rather then the Bill Gates one.
“Covid-19: First travellers arrive in UK for hotel quarantine stay”
How much do ‘Illegal invaders’ pay? Is Covid an excuse to smuggle more in? Has this government or the previous government, signed the UK up with some international deal to bring more in ?
Men of military age. Have they served this government or the last in some military capacity and now promises are being kept?
Ha. That’s a good point. Previous generations assumed that enjoying the protection and benefits of the state…meant in turn…serving the country militarily.
This doesn’t apply anymore…it’s all take.
If that situation suddenly reappeared (and I wouldn’t like my son being dragged off to war)…..
…..there wouldn’t be illegal immigration.
Are quarantine hotel people virtually actors, rewarded to make the scheme seem an actual large scale thing ?
One degree of separation bs.
“Aunty Brexit Bias”
They have a page purely dedicate to Brexit .
The no biscuits! headline is still up on the site that some of you are paying for.
Poor Prince Charles is ‘saddened’ by the low vaccine uptake in ethnic minorities.
The BBC don’t seem very interested in the story, almost as if they didn’t want us to know.
But no doubt when the ethnic infection and death rates are found to be disproportionately high, the BBC will be quick to blame it on racism.
Fears low BAME vaccine uptake will ’cause deaths’
Guess they covered the general topic there.
Kudos to anyone not taking the vaccine, or disobeying the lockdowns, whatever their reason. .
OK I am wary of taking the Express at face value
so I looked for an actual quote
“It is clear that the virus has affected all parts of the country, and all sections of society – but it is also clear that there are particular challenges faced in particular sections of our society, especially in some ethnic minority communities.
“What saddens me even further is to hear that those challenges are being made even worse by the variable uptake of the vaccines which finally offer us a way out of the suffering of the past year.”
More than 15 million Brits have had their first jab
We all know that the BAME will get preferential treatment because they have a massive lobby in the corridors of power. So because BAMEs have a multiplicity of reasons for not getting vaccinated older or more vulnerable White people wont be vaccinated. I suppose this is another price worth paying for a fractured multiethnic population , at least in the eyes of the dumbo liberals.
I guess it’s racism that ‘forces’ 15 people to visit the Muslim family across the road from my parent’s house in one day?
They all seem to have far more relatives than I have and our bulk family gatherings were notable exceptions not six-monthly, (more like 12 years!).
Covid-19: First travellers arrive in UK for hotel quarantine stay
Best guess for your £1750
Today – 4* Radisson Blu Edwardian hotel..
Tomorrow- – a damp riddled 1* Travelodge.
I’m betting on a ‘crowd funding ‘ for some sob story within the coming 10 days – as well as the ‘I escaped and went back ‘ ‘I shagged a security officer ‘ or ‘hotel locked down because of infection caused by aircon’…
I must admit, I did snort a bit.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…..see…I’m laughing already…..
BBC comedy. A joke.
I say, I say, why did the chicken cross the road?
I don’t know, why did the chicken cross the road?
Because Brexiteers are racist.
studio audience explodes into laughter
I’ve got to admit that the BBC Controller of Comedy (Shane Allen ) is worth his pay – he sure makes sure there ain’t any ..
3 weeks of BBC comedy – so that’s back to back Dads Army with a warning sign that this was made in 1974 and may offend fuzzy wuzzies ………
I might even put up a ‘spot the comedy ‘ thread – but it would be empty …
Ofcom thinks the BBC is not funny enough!
I should CoCo. The death of comedy is the BBC itself.
Ben Pile’s new video
..bottomline models are NOT evidence
So such attribution is NOT evidence
.. Real world data is evidence
eg In a model of a river it keeps the same path for 1000 years
but if you look in the real world that is not what happens.
Same applies for weather systems.
The Capitol event
I do find the 1 hour Alex Jones video of the timeline very useful
In addition he goes into people being conned by QAnon
but he is an entertainer so habitually blends hypotheses with reality
..when he goes into claims like “Yeh man those were the secret army guys hiding in the basement “
I long ago came to the conclusion that everything that they accuse Trump of is true!
Except it isn’t Trump doing it, it is them.
Think about it, Trump, the non-politician, arrives in Washington and somehow is going to turn the USA into a facist state. Arrayed against him are the civil service, the FBI, the CIA, the judiciary, the universities, the media, big tech, ANTIFA, the Democratic Party, half the Republican Party and the Chinese government. For him are the lower ranks of the police, military and the unemployed of middle America.
Trump: “I’m going to make America great again!”
The Swamp: “Yeah, you and whose army, nah, nah, nah!”
it’s projection
projection is a libmob characteristic.
Yes a bit of a tangent but the same sort of crap. I happened on the BBC radio program for teaching kids in the car yesterday.
Run by the ex horrible Histories crew I understand.
“Listen carefully children because at the end we will have a quiz on what you have learned…”
The bloke then went into pretty much an extended ridiculing and slamming of Shakespeare and his life and work such as he had to marry Hathaway very young as he got her up the duff….. on and on it went….
Doesn’t matter that he wrote reams of brilliant stuff that have lived on for centuries, he was a White Middle Englander so deserves no respect and the sooner we can ditch him from our school and university syllabuses the better…….
They really leave no stone unturned in furtherance of their left-wing, diversity clap-trap, it has to be nothing less than a rigid BBC line all the way imposed from the top.
Knowing ‘the’ name of the bird tells you nothing about the bird.
What on earth has happened to “Would I Lie to You”? This is the only BBC “comedy” programme I have watched for many years, mainly on Dave, but because I have enjoyed it so much I gritted my teeth and switched to the dreaded channel to watch the new series. The interaction between Brydon, Mitchell and Lee is still there but the guests! To call them Z-listers would be a compliment. I have not heard of a single one of them in the whole of the series and I can understand why – talentless. Definitely can’t see me watching this lot on Dave in 5 years!
I don’t forget the entire BBC staff is now stuffed with the same type of people. All filling quotas then promoting even weaker people as they rise in the ranks so they don’t get shown up.
Hence the absolutely dire output now.
They have to have a proportion of women, BAMES, or BAME women. It is now policy that there can be no all male panel shows. Ability does not come into it.
And David Mitchell is such a stuck up left wing snob I cannot watch anything he is in.
“Free speech plan to tackle ‘silencing’ views on campus”
\\Unions said there was “no evidence” of a freedom of speech crisis on campus.//
Someone is telling ‘porky pies’ ? There is a need to get to the root of all this wokery , destruction of statues, BLM, extinction rebellion, and the ‘bending’ of our history to completely wipe out pride in our history and culture.
I suspect Marxists at work , all timed to coincide during the lockdown ?
@Taffman that invokes the idea that on the outside of BBC buildings and universities, civil servants offices there should be a red triangle sign with beardy in
“Cultural Marxists at work”
ah @BBCPropaganda mentioned that 2 years ago
Simon Webb yesterday : The fear of expressing our opinions openly
Could churches do more to fight climate change?
“Reports” the bbc
Get a grip!
Could Bo Jo do more to get rid of the telly tax ?
I am afraid that will never happen.
Both wastes of space now need each other.
Boris needs the BBC to falsely lend credence to his covid tyranny and lies
And the BBC need Boris to allow allow them to continue raiding the piggy banks of the public.
Despite the words and the hostility the tories and the BBC are now locked together for the duration.
BBC Credulous 4 goes full Listen with Mother.
Where are people catching Coronavirus?
Is it at the supermarket?
Tim Harford looks at the data.
And then bangs pots outside with magic Gramps?
Guest Who
Perhaps there are hoards of little yellow people walking around with vials containing the Plague which they release into the air at strategic points.
Well, that’s as valid a point of view as anything put out by BBC news.
Or most of the MSM for that matter.
BBC Headroom has space enough to rival Amazon warehousing.
It’s like your drug dealer offering you crack cocaïne if cannabis is starting to give you headaches.
Stop taking the BBC, live long and prosper.
Topic requires BBC narrative.
BBC supplying it directly too obvious.
BBC locates safe pair of lips.
Narrative safely provided, separation provided.
Job done.
Essential service.
Clearly busy.
Where’s Marianna when needed?
So exciting, only one bloke looks remotely interested.
To the… Graun.
Amazing. No, really.
Scientists will remind you that correlation doesn’t equal causation. There’s no such expert caution in the Times headline this morning: ‘Vaccination is reducing admissions and deaths‘
Read on and there’s scant provenance provided to reassure the reader of this apparently sound assertion – it is however: ‘…according to “encouraging” early data‘ – or so the Times: ‘understands‘
Major assumptions from early data causing significant policy decisions to be made on the hoof tends to have been what got us here, right?
Clearly this is now further No10 whaffle gifted to the press lobby (remember when these briefings were supposed to have been brought onto the record and televised? Instead we got ministers in dramatic ego-boosting crisis pressers courting the ego of broadcaster heros and heroines from lecturns emblazoned with slogans).
The Times provides some classic Borisian burble promising: “Interesting staws in the wind” – that’s what an Eton education can do for you. What next we wonder…? A promising bird in the bush?
Or might things take a mistaken turn for the worse? A sad drowning man clutching at staws? A mistaken fish rotting from the head?
These days we’re accumstoned to having to believe a couple difficult things before breakfast – poor kids will starve if they don’t get free school dinners in the holidays… the planet will die if average global temperatures rise by a degree and a half… the people of Wuhan caught their bad flu off bat soup…
And so it is in the spirit of wanting to believe all the soggy news along with our crispy cornflakes that we turn to the free-at-the-point-of-access (but heavily subsidised by State advertising) giveaway Metro: ‘”The final” lockdown’ – we’re unsure as to whether the scare quotes around the final designate a quote or a qualification here – or likely hover somewhere between the two?
One does remark the fact however, that we haven’t really come out of our initial lockdown for getting on for a year now.
The Metro most clearly presents the day’s message once again so naturally the BBC promotes the freebie to top of its own online review pile. We get the now familiar pic of the dear leader, shagged out, dishelved big brother that he is, with an expression akin to a giant polar bear that hasn’t seen a barber in an eleven month arctic winter and has the look of concentration as though he’s trying to quietly pass a large jagged iceberg.
A major criticism of the sense or indead the reality of lockdown policy has been the wilful neglect of border control. With the economy now wrecked for many, yet successfully twisted in ways more acceptable to certain parties: ‘Covid cut cash use by a fifth, says Mint chief‘ (Telegraph) – so much easier to track and trace and tax – well, now the government propaganda machine moves to bash the johnny foreigner arrivee in a late token effort.
From the freebie yet in-the-pocket Metro oncemore: ‘First passengers check in for 10-day hotel quarrantine… and they’re not looking too happy‘ – the olive-skinned thumbs down woman in the red shirt at the window makes frontpage of the Telegraph, Times and our dear Metro.
Where’s the “Hostle Atmosphere” cries from Labour? Where’s “New Windrush” appeals from the LibDems?
Our unimpressed imprisoned: ‘Traveller from Brazil‘ (Telegraph) is, one assumes, only bumped off the Guardian frontpage by photos of no less than eight luvvies (most of them superannuated) demanding something or other about Brexit. Celia Imrie and Miriam Margolyes by the way, appear to have gone to the self same smugface coach to train their expressions. There’s a “towering hurdle facing British talent” and it would seem this lot of ancient hasbeens will clearly have difficulty jumping it.
Our hotel incarcerated latin-looking returnee doesn’t make the FT which has more global fish to fry: ‘World first. WTO’s new head‘ – this is Ms Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and every inch the new big chief she looks. If you’re of a certain age you’ll perhaps recall Sālote Tupou III the Queen of Tonga at the Coronation. That’s one for the teenagers. I jest of course, I don’t personally remember 1953, I simply take note of a little history.
I have to admit the sight of distressed luvvies moaning about having to get work permits to go work in the ReuchEU warmed my heart early today .
Their smug Project Fear contributions should not be forgotten – they will just have to make some ‘life style ‘ changes and adjust their fees …
Never a shortage of luvvies …
I don’t watch television news…..
Has this been featured?…..
Did this appear on U.K. telly news?
Professor Tim Spector Calls Out The Government & Media Fear Mongering, Sky News CUT HIM OFF!
Classic example to censorship – presumably at the governments ‘ request ….
BBC…. ‘news’…
I take it that HMS Boaty – maybe they could use it to tow illegal third worlders home to France .
I assume this boat is vegan and runs on solar panels?
Biased BBC website ‘ access denied, log in required ‘ ( which then does not work) but seems to have just come back thank goodness. Is someone trying to take this site offline ? Is there a backup plan if they succeed ?
Just had the same, password not accepted, access denied.
Hosting company found a problem on the server and decided to close off access (to our dismay) while it was fixed . All OK now.
Thanks 🙂 well done 🙂 .. But re my original comment, I am sure there are many that would like this site closed down. Is there a back up plan if they succeed as to where we can re group ? Or do you hold email lists ?
Rufus I just tried to search the page using Ctrl-F
It’s been disabled and comes up greyed out on the browser options.
Still words on Android
Rufus, It’s working now
Thanks, Rufus.
I encountered a funny situation trying to log in this a.m. and assumed it was a password theft/identity theft attempt. Waiting seven hours plus maybe using a separate browser page and all is back to normal.
brexiteer, I went to the ‘Is the BBC Biased?’ to see if a message had been put up there about problems here.
Fed, maybe a mutual back-up arrangement would be a good thing?
@Up2Snuff re yesterdays login problems
– @JunkkMale started a thread over in ITBB
– And people also tweeted to @BiasedBBCBlog
Hi – the hosting company found some malware on the site with a regular scan. It actually happened over the weekend and our site scanners had already flagged it up immediately and it was cleaned straight away.
It wasn’t malicious, but just the kind of thing that ends up putting links to dodgy sites in posts (which it didn’t manage to do thankfully as they can be a pain to clean out). Unfortunately the hosting company were looking at 1 to 2 day-old scan results and decided to shut off access to the entire server, leaving a popup login box (which none of us know the login details for anyway!). They ran a second scan and realised it was all clear. So it was all a bit of a surprise, sorry about that!
Me too I think it was in this state from around 9.30am until midday….
Often I’ve said go over to the excellent ‘Is the bbc biased ? Site – but will have a think on it – I’m a volunteer moderator so do not have control of the site ….
bBC reviews, (1.1 stars) never seem to get any better
Then I found, and wondered why this is 4stars
Its the bBC staff review lol
PS and dont forget to watch loads of repeats:-
The question of ‘contingency plans’ has often been in my mind regarding the potential for this site to disappear because it doesn’t obey the ‘approved thought ‘ laws .
I have access to the personal contact details you put in when you joined so might go through them to hard copy them. I’m not to sure if doing so breaches and data protection ‘rules ‘ but I think it would accord with the Principles of Data Retention .
As an individual I don’t want to fall foul of the Data Protection Commissioner
Back to business ….
Hi Fedup.
I sort of guess that this site possibly runs on WordPress.
So it would be straightforward and entirely right and proper for your guys to take a snapshot backup of the entire site and it’s back-end database, then download it to a local computer.
This can be done from the WordPress back-end admin.
I do this regularly when switching a WordPress site from one server to another for instance and it works pretty well flawlessly.
Of course if it’s not WordPress at all then I am talking rubbish!
Digg – yes it is WordPress …
BBC NA NA NA BS ever cover these guys?
Glad to see the site’s back online, thought maybe I’d been banned! Hope all’s well.
I linked to Dr Coleman the other week but he’s now released a video specifically targeting the BBC. Charlie Ward did as well but I’d understand if he’s a bit too out there to link to, he has some good information and insights but seems to believe in a lot of crazy stuff as well. I’ll just link to Coleman’s since it’s another reminder of the evil that has infiltrated the BBC and worked to misinform and browbeat the British public into submission.
Here’s X22’s most recent report as well. Don’t worry about whether you believe in the Q drops etc, just focus on how much is coming out about the deep state that the MSM is deliberately suppressing and how much the American people are fighting back. Hope remains.
The census is allowing self identification of race and gender
Maybe we can have a completion – wanna be a Jedi? – hold my beer!
Power cuts?
Snowdrifts ?
Mayor deBlasio has the antidote!
BBC news leads with a non story about some Arab ‘princess’ being locked up by her Dubai daddy – forget anything important like vaccination rates …
.. me thinks someone in the BBC who is a ‘friend ‘ has an interest so we have to suffer it – they spent 9 minutes on this nonsense – which turned out to be an extended advert for a Panorama which is on tonight – I smell injunctions in the air – but who cares ……
If the vaccination programme wasn’t going well I think we d be hearing a bit more about that …
The second news story was about ethnics refusing the vaccine again – maybe they are of the Calibre of the french African story where they think drinking their own pee is a good preventative to COVID – I think these characters live in west London ….
The madness continues:
European Space Agency: Astronaut recruitment seeks disability applicants
Life copies art.
Jim – maybe it’s part of the BBC comedy season – this was preceded by some nonsense about queers who got sacked from the military getting their medals back – perhaps the lawyers will be after ‘compensation ‘…
Very strange that they want to lower physical entry requirements but still maintain high mental requirement (Masters Degree, good knowledge of a second language).
In for a penny, in for a pound I say. Have no recruitment barriers and open this up to everyone. Box ticking is more important than finding the right candidates these days. What could go wrong?
Bear in mind that the agency is funded from public money and it must cost a small fortune to ‘flight qualify’** the essential changes that will be needed just so that they can ‘look good’.
I bet the same money could buy thousands of wheelchairs and hoists that would improve the lives of many disabled people and their families.
** Space engineering is a ‘gold-plated’ business.
I guess that when 100% of disabled candidates get refused there will be compensation all around . I felt disadvantaged because Appollo astronauts had to be under 5’10 and I was 6 foot or more –
Where s my compensation
BBC’s Adam Curtis, the well-funded acolyte by the licence fee taxpayers, is up to his usual tricks with his new 6-part essay currently on iplayer and on youtube.
Ageing Curtis, appears to scraping that barrel again for, on the fringe, film clips and his favourite ‘down with the kids’ muzak to make himself and his views appear relevant within these strange times.
I gave up after five episodes because his usual socialist narrative slant was again turning up everywhere and of course, at the end of one episode, the frightening images of Farage and Trump at rallies illustrating the ‘horrors’ of Nationalism was hammered home.
I have to give it to Curtis, every distorted negative left wing view of history, our children have to suffer at ‘Uni’ was ticked off:-
Colonialism and slavery /Racism, KKK (Clip of the ‘Birth of a Nation’, yawn, Rodney King getting beaten up) Post Colonialism (clip of Hong Kong police officers beating up some fella, without any context, evidence of Empire = Non Democracy) The ‘Guildford Four’ innocent outside the court….evidence of the evils of the ‘Establishment’ ?
Blair, ‘getting it right’ as the wonderful saviour, is seen flying in to Kosovo but hardly touching him on getting it terribly wrong in Iraq/Syria.
We did however get a fascinating insight into the plight of a man in the 80’s wanting to be a woman to illustrate what….?? Individualism does not necessarily work perhaps; I have not the foggiest!
I am sure there are nuggets in all this grave postulating but I am beginning to suspect that Curtis is bleeding us tax payers dry before the plug is pulled!
I wish he would aim his gun at the new Establishment/ Global elite, i.e. Big Tech and the cancel culture it promotes; now that would be interesting. Maybe it is in episode 6..doubt it.
Pelosi is getting desperate and now we are having another investigation into the Capitol riot: ‘she said the commission would be modelled on the inquiry into the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and the Pentagon.’
They are seriously trying to convince the masses that it was a terrorist event. If it was, they were the worst terrorists in history. The only gun involved was used to murder one of their own.
She continues: “We must get to the truth of how this happened”. Note she said ‘how it happened’. Not ‘why it happened’. Very careful choice of words.
They were there because they believed the election was won through fraud. Will this investigation go anywhere near that topic and seriously look at the accusations I have heard but never seen any satisfactory explanation for ?.
Of course it won’t. This has been the biggest, dirtiest farce by the Left I have ever witnessed in politics. They are going to stop Trump running again at any cost to the country. That’s their version of democracy.
The Democrats “we want to call impeachment witnesses”
– Republicans ” oh, goody – so do we! – first up – Mrs Pelosi”
Dems – “no witnesses !!”
meanwhile Joe’s careering around in his Mario cart before tossing another log on the fire for his afternoon nap.
It’s one thing to mock the afflicted but really… Jill Biden’s distress is quite clear to me here…
Sad, very sad ….
Seems edited from this Original on the official People account
Pranksters saying “ah the CBS lady said it’s OK if things are just a little doctored”
Obvious fake news. It says Biden remembered something.
Who knows what is true any more?
Thank heavens for…. Springtime!
Maybe Biden has started ‘sun downing ‘ ( dementia terminology ) – I had to get used to that hell a while ago …
Yet Twitter keeps it up there?
Kassam is already on the naughty step – something like that would absolutely total his Twitter presence?
Snopes (et al) would be all over it?
It certainly does look well doctored.
I’ve seen many fake items by Lefties and their petulent child-like comments full of hate on forums. We don’t help ourselves by stooping to their level. Their shallow, greedy nature makes them naturally nasty and spiteful when they don;t get what they want. Those on the Right are generally people who live in the real world of practicality and common sense and we shouldn’t stoop to their level with videos like this.
Apart from being not well disposed to turning the other cheek, I watched many , not all the Democratic nomination debates – and detected what I thought were (unfortunate) behavioural traits that I’ve absolutely seen twice in my life in people close to me – in Mr. Biden. I was so struck that I went back and watched a younger Joe.
There is a big element of mischief making – but – one has to figure that the piece that the segments were edited from was itself a confection and that the virtual cutting room floor was covered with outtakes.
I’ve been involved in a small way in a couple of (not overtly theatrical) TV productions and both times the amount that had to be edited down was absolutely epic as was the rearrangement of the shooting order in the final edit.
There isn’t much moral high ground in politics….
I was laughing at a video of Biden yesterday – unable to put his pen away, and got rebuked by Mrs Oak (who used to work in care) .
She made the point that whether Biden was/is a corrupt individual or not it is wrong for me to laugh at this and even more wicked for the Democrats to persuade someone who does not possess all of his mental faculties into a job which will increase his stress levels to incredible levels.
It also raises the question does he really possess the power to launch a nuclear strike – or is there someone behind him like Obama pulling his strings?
I think this says so much about the left and the democrats in general. The words wicked/evil/demonic do not do them justice.
I’m really puzzled at this proposed investigation. In keeping with the continuing outrageous lawlessness as practiced by the Dem/communist Government in the US I just don’t know why they cannot just get their commie mates in the DoJ to simply send the FBI around and arrest DJT. In answer to any question posed over the issue of, ‘why would we do that’, the Government can simply say, ‘make a reason up as you please, it really doesn’t matter’. It would be more in keeping at least.
I suspect it’s about real hate. I think Pelosi and her friends (like Hillary) want to absolutely and publicly destroy him.
As when she tore up his ‘State of the Union’ speech in a totally unacceptable display of disrespect for the office, she is oblivious to how obvious she makes it.
Plus they must be a bit scared of what half the country (the patriotic Amercian half) might do if they behave like some African dictatorship.
“The people who are behind the failed effort to register a BLM party is undisclosed, according to the MailOnline, but Sasha Johnson, a prominent BLM activist and self-styled Black Panther, has already launched her own Taking the Initiative Party, which among other things wants the state to create a Race Offenders Register in which people who express views they consider problematic would be officially listed, like sex offenders.”
So, from the image, Angry Lib Dems?
One unlikely to see a Marianna/Harrabin combo:
One likely to get every London gated condo Beeboid moist:
Invoking the Gov in ‘studies’ when at the top is the dick led by Princess Nut Nuts is hardly a guarantee of factual probity.
Guest, I think we should set Bob Flowerdew (from R4’s long running Gardeners Question Time) on those Guardianistas. He’ll tell them a thing or two about the benefits of wood ash. 😉
It gets even dirtier when you recycle the Gruniad as fire starting material.
NV, think I learned from GQT that the Guardian (and, to be fair, other newspapers and cardboard) is directly compostable. I did want to write that the Guardian was manure but I actually like it’s Arts & Culture section and quite like having the propaganda of the Lefties all gathered in one place. Shame the equivalent (visual) Arts & Culture coverage in other papers has not been really produced to date.
I have heard that runner beans composted with copies of the Guardian actually grow in the wrong direction and burrow underground. Take care!
R4 drama the 8 part London black immigration serial continues
written by the black guy who writes half their dramas.
1948 in the pub and Nasty Englishman is beating up the poor black man who dared to say he served in the RAF
It’s apparent that Nasty Englishman is the one is lying having claimed he himself served as ground crew
Now another Nasty Englishman is being beastly to a black nurse in the hospital, now the matron is joining in, but the good old doctor is not racist.
(web says “the RAF welcomed and trained nearly 500 black Caribbean aircrew into its ranks, along with around 6,000 Caribbean ground crew.”)
Just seen this on Facebook copied from Twitter:
Correct me if I’m wrong but of the £1750 it costs to stay in a hotel after flying into the country only £700 goes to the hotel. £1000 goes to Serco? Dear me, who in the cabinet has their finger in that pie?
Is this really true or is it fake.
It’s difficult to know these days.
At least one of the inmates in an undercover journo
.. maybe a few more too.
extra scooritee innit guv?
The chair of serco is a grandson of winston Churchill – brother of Nicky soames – the piggish former Tory MP – went to Elton – member of the bullingdon club – I can’t see any similarity or connection with a couple of Red Tory PMs of course – wicki
Islamic radio stations in the UK
Peterborough MP, Paul Bristow said: “I am thrilled to support Salaam Radio as they embark on this new chapter.
It’s encouraging we have such strong community radio stations in our City serving our diverse communities.
I can’t wait to get back on the air with Amir grilling me on the ‘Ask your MP’ show!”
I always point out that when MSM media talk about having enough non-white workers
but the fact is many non whites are working in specialist foreign culture based stations
So it is not right to say that the BBC is serving the full 15% non-white of the population cos many of them are watching/listening to such stations.
Of course anyone can start an internet radio station
and locals are allowed to start their own community stations whether that is Gaelic, farming, Polish whatever
but what about Ofcom funding ?
I see “Over 50 community radio stations have been awarded with a share of cash to help them continue broadcasting throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.”
How many of these stations are politically Islamic ?
I see as well as Salaam Radio, another 10 Islamic stations
maybe more in the Ofcom list of 100 stations
By the way, it’s Shrove Tuesday, time for a pancake…if you are that way inclined.
No mention on Google search page for some strange reason.
لاک ڈاؤن کب ختم ہوگا؟
To which our diversity-loving MP says what?
Right on cue.
Another new coronavirus variant seen in the UK.
The BBC could have chosen a better photo – ‘the wee hen disnae look happy and hasnae been sleeping well.’
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – bottom of page, third photo from left: American pancakes? They look suspiciously like Scotch pancakes to me.
Second photo from left ‘What does your pancake say about you?’. Good old BBC, they just have to bring Identity Politics into pancake making!
Five times the size of a Scotch pancake, covered in artificial syrup and insipid white butter, definitely American!
I beg to report my pancakes did not stick and flipped very well – didn’t even set the smoke alarms off – maple syrup and fresh lemon juice the weapons of choice….
Any thoughts about what to give up during Lent ? Mine is to stop using the F and C words ( which I find myself using when watching more than 5 minutes BBC news ) 47bdays to Easter Sunday …
Fed, I did toy with giving up the BBC for Lent. Whether just Radio4 would do or I need to go the whole hog, Radio4 & the web-site, but that would mean no posts from me for 40 days.
Maybe chocolate will do again …..
Jim, that’s a tiny plate or dish – looks like a saucer. The American pancakes I ate and saw being eaten in the US were much thinner, much larger, on a vast plate and eaten with ‘sausage’ (often a burger) and syrup and butter or cream put between the layers. Those are definitely the thicker, smaller, proper Scotch pancake.
Great thing about American fast food or ‘diner’ restaurants, they are much more geared to customising dishes to a customer’s preference.
One thing we will never see
” Across to Texas now with A first hand report from Roger Harrabin”
Could not the BBC send Anthony Zurcher – complete with a double beanie for protection – down there to report? IIRC, he comes from Texas.
A beanie at the Mexican border?
Quite how the population of the bbc cubicle gardens and many in senior editorial positions will react is unclear.
I am sure the fence is to keep out the far-right, ‘conservative’ Taliban so that’s OK.
They are OK with the three-mile Washington Wall around First Carer Dr. Jill’s Garden of Unity and the EU’s wall in the Irish Sea too.
Guest, again if I recall correctly, Lurch is a bit short of some global warming thatch on the top of his head. Definitely in need of a double-strength beanie on his head if he is to venture out into -20°C.
Mind you, given the house journal/bbc competence with representation, why not?
Admin issues
I dont know if this site is coming to its end – but ive been locked out for second time today .,
Luckily its not real – its the internet
Anyway – if there is no midweek thread from me im sure someone else will step in . Turning the computer on and off didnt help . Nor cleaning the cache or going n throw google …
So dont be surprised if this site disappears …
Just seen on the BBC News channel. The anchour man was asking some ‘expert’ professor about when the lockdown measures can end, “when can all lockdown measures end? Are we talking about end of 2021 or end of 2022?”
Not really a question but more of a suggestion from a BBC News reader thinking he knows best.
Professional courtesy?
Or just keeping the cubicle gardens as calm as possible?